Jefferson Joint School District #251 FY 2023 Expenditures
 Invoice  Total  Description   Vendor   Vendor City   Vendor State   CheckNumber  CheckDate
330099 $221,950.00 Property and Liability Insurance Moreton & Compangy Boise ID 93101 7/5/2022
82204963 $150.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Wex Bank Carol Stream IL 0 7/5/2022
CP321046 $17,184.97 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 7/5/2022
INV300387 $38,285.76 Software Support PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93102 7/5/2022
INV300387 $26,258.49 Software Support PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93102 7/5/2022
Mileage reimb 7.5.22 $139.20 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Campbell, Greg Rigby ID 93100 7/5/2022
UpperValleyReimb $92.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Campbell, Greg Rigby ID 93100 7/5/2022
V108868 $24.47 Supplies & Materials Culligan Idaho Falls ID 21050 7/7/2022
T.Boyer $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93103 7/11/2022
01179 $3,928.00 Professional Services Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 93123 7/12/2022
025-382032 $1,562.50 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93141 7/12/2022
025-382790 $620.00 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93141 7/12/2022
025-384999 $4,155.00 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93141 7/12/2022
025-385183 $67,595.00 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93141 7/12/2022
025-385452 $390.00 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93141 7/12/2022
10 - 06/16/2022 $2,880.00 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 93135 7/12/2022
1004 $2,957.50 Vendor Services Chad Judy Speech-Language Pathology Idaho Falls ID 93111 7/12/2022
10210 $900.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Pasadena CA 93115 7/12/2022
10269 $242,795.85 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Pasadena CA 93115 7/12/2022
1041719 $85.47 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93110 7/12/2022
1041720 $401.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93110 7/12/2022
1041721 $308.39 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93110 7/12/2022
1041722 $245.63 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93110 7/12/2022
1041723 $405.04 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93110 7/12/2022
1041734 $1,163.75 Elem Curriculum Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93110 7/12/2022
1041734 $751.18 Elem Curriculum Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93110 7/12/2022
1041801 $312.81 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93110 7/12/2022
112547 $14,212.00 State Technology Supplies Securly Inc Pasadena CA 93138 7/12/2022
12536 $1,200.00 Software Support Global Compliance Network, Inc. Lansing MI 93117 7/12/2022
16672 $34,338.00 SPFF Technology Allocation ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 93104 7/12/2022
18219858 $3,378.20 Sec Curriculum Supplies Pearson Online & Blended Learning Columbia MD 93131 7/12/2022
1961 $12,600.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Hope Squad LLC Provo UT 93121 7/12/2022
208129732955 $1,856.79 Emergency Levy Secondary Furniture School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93137 7/12/2022
208129807723 $3,774.54 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93137 7/12/2022
208130021144 $876.20 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93137 7/12/2022
22-544 $1,026.00 SPFF Non Student Occupied Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93133 7/12/2022
22-545 $1,152.00 SPFF Non Student Occupied Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93133 7/12/2022
22-546 $936.00 SPFF Non Student Occupied Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93133 7/12/2022
2297512 $238.46 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93140 7/12/2022
22986 $1,189.83 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93140 7/12/2022
23039 $149.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93140 7/12/2022
31915731 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93120 7/12/2022
31945529 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93120 7/12/2022
31966673 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93120 7/12/2022
31966675 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93120 7/12/2022
44195 $6,003.93 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Majestic Auto Body & Glass LLC Idaho Falls ID 93127 7/12/2022
44355 $5,395.81 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Majestic Auto Body & Glass LLC Idaho Falls ID 93127 7/12/2022
44953 $122.50 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 93109 7/12/2022
44953 $122.50 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 93109 7/12/2022
450 $150.00 Grounds Services Jefferson Elem Golden West Irrigation IDAHO FALLS ID 93118 7/12/2022
450 $150.00 Grounds Services Midway Elem Golden West Irrigation IDAHO FALLS ID 93118 7/12/2022
450 $150.00 Gounds Services Farnsworth Middle Golden West Irrigation IDAHO FALLS ID 93118 7/12/2022
558330 $1,005.00 Jannus Grant-Supplies Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 93144 7/12/2022
566367160 $3,805.07 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 93119 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 1 $34,049.80 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 10 $5,880.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 100 $679.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 101 $655.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 102 $654.24 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 103 $610.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 104 $587.84 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 105 $585.48 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 106 $576.38 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 107 $573.19 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 108 $566.34 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 109 $562.03 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 11 $5,511.46 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 110 $555.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 111 $551.92 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 112 $550.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 113 $543.72 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 114 $530.81 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 115 $522.50 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 116 $500.68 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 117 $495.50 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 118 $489.63 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 119 $480.16 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 12 $5,414.83 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 120 $479.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 121 $459.38 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 122 $457.21 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 123 450 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 124 450 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 125 450 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 126 450 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 127 450 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 128 450 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 129 450 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 13 5132.4 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 130 450 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 131 445.2 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 132 437.78 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 133 427 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 134 419.67 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 135 417.86 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 136 401.92 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 137 401.51 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 138 400.95 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 139 400 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 14 4945.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 140 400 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 141 400 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 142 386.23 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 143 385.66 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 144 385 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 145 384.33 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 146 378 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 147 369.92 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 148 369.85 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 149 368.32 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 15 4569.38 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 150 367.2 CTE Travel Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 151 362.24 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 152 362.22 Title II Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 153 359.88 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 154 358 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 155 340 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 156 339.45 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 157 337.99 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 158 337.01 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 159 331.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 16 3913.8 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 160 330.79 Title II Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 161 325 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 162 324.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 163 313.73 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 164 309.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 165 308 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 166 308 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 167 305.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 168 302.29 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 169 298 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 17 3693.6 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 170 298 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 171 297 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 172 296.4 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 173 295 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 174 294.82 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 175 285.96 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 176 282 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 177 279.53 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 178 278.64 CTE Travel Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 179 277.79 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 18 3291.33 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 180 275.95 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 181 272 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 182 270.2 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 183 $269.28 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 184 $269.16 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 185 $267.03 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 186 $261.67 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 187 $261.67 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 188 $260.50 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 189 $259.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 19 $3,265.63 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 190 $254.91 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 191 $253.51 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 192 $250.00 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 193 $248.87 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 194 $248.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 195 243.93 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 196 $243.04 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 197 $236.00 ESSER SEL Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 198 $234.93 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 199 $233.38 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 2 $29,521.20 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 20 $3,239.80 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 200 $233.28 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 201 $232.19 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 202 $231.56 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 203 $230.84 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 204 $227.29 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 205 $225.92 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 206 $223.00 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 207 $221.15 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 208 $220.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 209 $219.98 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 21 $2,828.32 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 210 $219.90 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 211 $218.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 212 $211.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 213 $209.79 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 214 $209.79 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 215 $209.79 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 216 $209.79 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 217 $209.79 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 218 $209.79 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 219 $209.79 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 22 $2,670.66 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 220 $209.79 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 221 $209.79 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 222 $209.30 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 223 $207.28 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 224 $207.04 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 225 $203.59 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 226 $200.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 227 $199.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 228 $199.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 229 $199.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 23 $2,670.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 230 $199.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 231 $199.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 232 $199.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 233 $199.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 234 $189.88 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 235 $188.90 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 236 $187.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 237 $187.03 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 238 $186.56 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 239 $185.96 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 24 $2,550.00 Technology-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 240 $184.94 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 241 $180.10 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 242 $179.99 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 243 $177.53 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 244 $177.52 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 245 $177.52 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 246 $177.52 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 247 $177.52 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 248 $177.52 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 249 $177.52 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 25 $2,505.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 250 $177.52 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 251 $177.52 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 252 $177.52 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 253 $177.52 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 254 $177.25 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 255 $175.30 Dance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 256 $175.06 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 257 $173.50 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 258 $172.96 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 259 $172.66 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 26 $2,495.00 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 260 $172.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 261 $172.22 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 262 $168.84 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 263 $168.54 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 264 $167.40 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 265 $167.16 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 266 $163.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 267 $162.04 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 268 $156.61 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 269 $154.76 Life Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 27 $2,421.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 270 $152.98 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 271 $151.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 272 $150.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 273 $150.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 274 $150.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 275 $150.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 276 $149.29 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 277 $147.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 278 $146.60 8th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 279 $146.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 28 $2,374.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 280 $145.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 281 $145.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 282 $144.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 283 $143.10 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 284 $143.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 285 $142.65 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 286 $140.47 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 287 $140.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 288 $139.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 289 $138.60 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 29 $2,337.46 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 290 $138.25 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 291 $137.87 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 292 $137.79 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 293 $137.23 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 294 $135.43 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 295 $133.38 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 296 $132.42 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 297 $132.42 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 298 $131.66 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 299 $131.59 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 3 $26,460.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 30 $2,309.08 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 300 $130.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 301 $129.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 302 $129.58 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 303 $129.32 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 304 $129.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 305 $128.93 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 306 $128.52 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 307 $127.77 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 308 $127.18 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 309 $127.16 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 31 2294.97 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 310 126.55 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 311 125.84 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 312 124.44 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 313 123.33 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 314 121.8 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 315 121.66 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 316 $121.36 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 317 $120.79 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 318 $120.31 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 319 $120.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 32 $2,222.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 320 $116.55 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 321 $116.49 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 322 $115.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 323 $115.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 324 $115.86 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 325 $115.38 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 326 $113.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 327 $113.84 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 328 $112.13 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 329 $112.04 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 33 $2,148.29 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 330 $109.75 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 331 $109.73 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 332 $109.00 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 333 $106.61 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 334 $105.36 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 335 $105.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 336 $102.96 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 337 $101.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 338 $101.18 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 339 $101.11 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 34 $1,961.69 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 340 $101.01 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 341 $100.54 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 342 $100.28 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 343 $100.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 344 $100.00 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 345 $100.00 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 346 $99.93 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 347 $99.68 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 348 $99.65 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 349 $99.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 35 $1,889.70 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 350 $98.94 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 351 $98.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 352 $98.70 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 353 $98.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 354 $98.29 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 355 $97.10 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 356 $97.09 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 357 $97.00 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 358 $96.25 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 359 $95.55 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 36 $1,850.60 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 360 $94.92 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 361 $94.42 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 362 $94.04 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 363 $93.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 364 $93.80 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 365 $92.07 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 366 $91.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 367 $90.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 368 $90.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 369 $89.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 37 $1,826.79 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 370 $89.06 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 371 $88.48 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 372 $87.77 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 373 $87.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 374 $86.38 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 375 $86.25 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 376 $85.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 377 $84.96 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 378 $84.80 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 379 $84.76 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 38 $1,770.09 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 380 $84.50 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 381 $84.00 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 382 83.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 383 82.41 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 384 82.4 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 385 $81.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 386 $81.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 387 $80.12 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 388 $79.80 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 389 $79.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 39 $1,759.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 390 $79.22 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 391 $79.11 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 392 $78.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 393 $78.68 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 394 $78.63 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 395 $78.27 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 396 $77.90 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 397 $77.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 398 $76.95 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 399 $76.78 CTE Travel Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 4 $22,575.48 Emergency Levy Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 40 $1,732.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 400 $76.28 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 401 $75.09 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 402 $75.05 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 403 $75.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 404 $75.00 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 405 $74.88 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 406 $73.29 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 407 $72.51 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 408 $72.25 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 409 $71.96 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 41 $1,649.80 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 410 $71.46 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 411 $70.92 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 412 $70.85 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 413 $70.56 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 414 $70.36 Title II Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 415 $70.19 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 416 $69.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 417 $69.90 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 418 $69.46 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 419 $69.15 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 42 $1,574.83 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 420 $69.14 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 421 $68.93 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 422 $68.77 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 423 $68.65 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 424 $68.52 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 425 $68.10 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 426 $67.90 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 427 $67.49 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 428 $67.15 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 429 $67.09 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 43 $1,550.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 430 $67.06 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 431 $66.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 432 $66.21 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 433 $65.80 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 434 $65.77 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 435 $65.70 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 436 $65.16 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 437 $64.55 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 438 $64.27 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 439 $64.20 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 44 $1,491.42 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 440 $63.55 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 441 $62.94 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 442 $62.47 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 443 $62.46 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 444 $62.43 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 445 $61.48 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 446 $61.44 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 447 $61.21 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 448 $60.75 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 449 $60.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 45 $1,425.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 450 $60.42 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 451 $60.39 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 452 $60.37 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 453 $60.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 454 $59.94 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 455 $59.64 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 456 $59.54 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 457 $59.28 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 458 $59.00 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 459 $58.34 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 46 $1,378.30 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 460 $58.13 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 461 $57.65 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 462 $57.62 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 463 $57.50 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 464 $57.35 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 465 $57.33 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 466 $57.11 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 467 $56.91 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 468 $56.76 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 469 $55.65 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 47 $1,366.23 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 470 $55.32 8th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 471 $55.25 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 472 $55.19 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 473 $55.05 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 474 $54.51 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 475 $54.24 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 476 $54.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 477 $53.36 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 478 $53.32 Title II Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 479 $52.96 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 48 $1,280.91 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 480 $52.96 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 481 $52.83 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 482 $52.65 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 483 $52.61 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 484 $52.45 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 485 $52.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 486 $52.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 487 $51.83 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 488 $51.59 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 489 $51.50 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 49 $1,186.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 490 $51.22 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 491 $51.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 492 $51.12 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 493 $50.97 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 494 $50.81 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 495 $50.40 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 496 $50.27 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 497 $50.05 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 498 $50.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 499 $50.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 5 $10,115.45 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 50 $1,156.14 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 500 $50.00 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 501 $49.85 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 502 $49.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 503 $48.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 504 $48.87 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 505 $48.75 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 506 $47.68 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 507 $47.53 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 508 $47.46 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 509 $47.29 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 51 $1,155.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 510 $46.67 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 511 $46.46 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 512 $46.45 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 513 $45.78 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 514 $45.53 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 515 $45.08 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 516 $45.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Mechanics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 517 $45.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 518 $44.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 519 $44.98 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 52 $1,087.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 520 $44.73 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 521 $44.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 522 $43.63 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 523 $43.45 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 524 $43.00 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 525 $43.00 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 526 $42.97 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 527 $42.35 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 528 $41.88 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 529 $41.67 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 53 $1,056.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 530 $41.30 Jill Killpack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 531 $40.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 532 $40.78 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 533 $40.47 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 534 $40.31 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 535 $40.20 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 536 $39.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 537 $39.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 538 $39.70 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 539 $39.46 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 54 $1,053.50 RMS Soccer Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 540 $39.43 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 541 $39.12 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 542 $39.06 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 543 $38.40 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 544 $38.31 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 545 $37.53 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 546 $37.03 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 547 $36.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 548 $36.96 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 549 $36.90 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 55 $1,051.20 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 550 $36.63 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 551 $36.37 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 552 $36.30 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 553 $36.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 554 $36.14 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 555 $36.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 556 $35.98 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 557 $35.78 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 558 $35.75 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 559 $35.56 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 56 $1,031.24 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 560 $35.26 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 561 $34.91 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 562 $34.45 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 563 $34.45 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 564 $34.12 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 565 $33.88 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 566 $33.78 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 567 $33.78 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 568 $33.30 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 569 $33.13 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 57 $1,012.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 570 $33.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 571 $32.25 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 572 $32.25 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 573 $31.79 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 574 $31.79 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 575 $31.15 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 576 $31.12 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 577 $31.08 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 578 $30.56 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 579 $30.22 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 58 $1,000.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 580 $30.05 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 581 $30.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 582 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 583 $29.83 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 584 $29.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 585 $28.96 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 586 $28.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 587 $28.75 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 588 $28.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 589 $27.79 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 59 $1,000.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 590 $27.52 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 591 $27.40 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 592 $27.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 593 $26.96 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 594 $26.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 595 $26.88 Title II Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 596 $26.77 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 597 $26.25 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 598 $25.99 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 599 $25.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 6 $10,000.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 60 $959.70 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 600 $25.42 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 601 $25.35 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 602 $25.34 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 603 $25.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 604 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 605 $24.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 606 $24.61 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 607 $24.55 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 608 $24.51 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 609 $23.69 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 61 $946.29 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 610 $23.48 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 611 $23.36 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 612 $23.32 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 613 $22.86 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 614 $22.77 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 615 $22.24 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 616 $21.72 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 617 $21.40 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 618 $21.40 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 619 $21.07 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 62 $942.34 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 620 $21.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 621 $20.99 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 622 $20.89 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 623 $20.50 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 624 $20.49 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 625 $20.31 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 626 $20.23 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 627 $20.08 Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 628 $20.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 629 $19.88 Jill Killpack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 63 $900.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 630 $19.75 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 631 $19.08 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 632 $18.94 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 633 $18.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 634 $18.55 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 635 $18.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 636 $18.00 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 637 $18.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 638 $17.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 639 $17.62 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 64 $870.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 640 $17.30 Jill Killpack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 641 $17.02 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 642 $16.96 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 643 $16.82 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 644 $16.59 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 645 $16.57 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 646 $16.50 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 647 $16.46 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 648 $16.26 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 649 $16.11 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 65 $849.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 650 $16.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 651 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 652 $15.48 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 653 $15.47 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 654 $15.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 655 $15.00 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 656 $14.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 657 $14.82 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 658 $14.80 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 659 $14.68 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 66 $847.66 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 660 $14.47 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 661 $14.39 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 662 $14.35 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 663 $14.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 664 $13.89 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 665 $13.79 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 666 $13.78 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 667 $13.62 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 668 $13.49 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 669 $13.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 67 $844.19 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 670 $13.27 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 671 $13.25 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 672 $12.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 673 $12.88 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 674 $12.71 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 675 $12.61 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 676 $12.19 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 677 $11.95 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 678 $11.68 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 679 $11.58 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 68 $844.19 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 680 $11.51 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 681 $11.44 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 682 $11.40 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 683 $11.12 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 684 $11.10 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 685 $11.10 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 686 $10.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 687 $10.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 688 $10.75 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 689 $10.48 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 69 $844.19 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 690 $10.01 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 691 $10.00 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 692 $10.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 693 $10.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 694 $10.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 695 $10.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 696 $10.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 697 $10.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 698 $10.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 699 9.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 7 $8,894.00 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 70 $844.19 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 700 $9.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 701 $9.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 702 $9.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 703 $9.96 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 704 $9.53 World Language Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 705 $9.53 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 706 $9.20 Jill Killpack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 707 $9.15 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 708 $8.99 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 709 $8.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 71 $844.19 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 710 $8.98 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 711 $8.95 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 712 $8.89 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 713 $8.78 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 714 $8.75 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 715 $8.67 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 716 $8.54 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 717 $8.29 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 718 $8.28 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 719 $8.09 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 72 $844.19 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 720 $7.94 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 721 $7.89 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 722 $7.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 723 $7.84 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 724 $7.62 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 725 $7.32 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 726 $7.10 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 727 $6.56 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 728 $6.20 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 729 $6.14 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 73 $844.19 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 730 $6.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 731 $6.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 732 $5.86 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 733 $5.30 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 734 $5.30 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 735 $5.15 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 736 $5.15 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 737 $5.10 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 738 $5.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 739 $4.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 74 $836.03 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Culinary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 740 $4.20 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 741 $4.19 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 742 $4.17 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 743 $4.16 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 744 $4.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 745 $4.11 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 746 $3.75 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 747 $3.68 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 748 $3.34 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 749 $3.00 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 75 $835.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 750 $3.00 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 751 $3.00 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 752 $3.00 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 753 $2.96 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 754 $2.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 755 $2.11 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 756 $1.57 Jill Killpack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 757 $1.43 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 758 $1.08 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 759 $1.05 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 76 $835.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 760 $1.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 761 $0.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 762 $0.15 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 763 -($6.02) Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 764 -($6.91) Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 765 -($12.78) PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 766 -($16.26) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 767 -($21.07) Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 768 -($21.40) Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 769 -($22.77) Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 77 $835.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 770 -($30.78) PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 771 -($33.78) Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 772 -($38.50) Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 773 -($50.84) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 774 -($54.03) ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 775 -($96.25) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 776 -($97.16) Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 777 -($130.14) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 778 -($1,500.00) Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 78 $816.58 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 79 $800.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 8 $7,316.41 SPFF Student Occupied Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 80 $793.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 81 $781.44 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 82 $773.70 ESSER I Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 83 $766.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 84 $758.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 85 $749.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 86 $749.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 87 $749.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 88 $749.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 89 $749.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 9 $6,092.40 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 90 $742.98 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 91 $741.77 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 92 $729.62 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 93 $719.60 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 94 $709.86 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 95 $697.20 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 96 $695.00 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 97 $688.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 98 $687.00 Grounds Snow Removal Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
6/30/2022 99 $680.38 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2022
7824376 $194.76 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93129 7/12/2022
7870097 $47.67 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93129 7/12/2022
7913605 $18.39 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93129 7/12/2022
80873747 $92.01 Custodial Supplies Waxie Sanitary Supply Los Angeles CA 93143 7/12/2022
89415290000058 $120.60 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93108 7/12/2022
90684398 $48,028.75 State Technology Supplies Softchoice Chicago IL 93139 7/12/2022
9241 $17,165.50 SPFF Student Occupied United Services Inc. Shelley ID 93142 7/12/2022
9249 $14,382.00 SPFF Student Occupied United Services Inc. Shelley ID 93142 7/12/2022
9249 $13,500.00 SPFF RHS Student Occupied United Services Inc. Shelley ID 93142 7/12/2022
955550971 $795.38 ESSER Learning Loss Services Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Chicago IL 93122 7/12/2022
955595942 $47,025.00 ESSER Learning Loss Services Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Chicago IL 93122 7/12/2022
962256782 442.25 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93125 7/12/2022
962256782 442.26 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93125 7/12/2022
A.Thornton $150.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Northwest Nazarene University Nampa ID 93130 7/12/2022
CI22054324 $12,805.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies AquaPhoenix Scientific, Inc. Hanover PA 93106 7/12/2022
English Dept $334.31 RHS English Dept Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
H000715-2022 $125.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Div. of Occupational & Prof.  Licences Boise ID 93114 7/12/2022
H002485-222 $125.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Div. of Occupational & Prof.  Licences Boise ID 93114 7/12/2022
IN-897149-22 $17,867.08 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Conrad Bischoff Idaho Falls ID 93112 7/12/2022
INV-22479 $5,048.00 General Supplies Marcia Brenner Associates, LLC Madison WI 93128 7/12/2022
INV22805 $1,094.50 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93107 7/12/2022
INV22807 $253.30 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93107 7/12/2022
INV22808 $34,635.60 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93107 7/12/2022
INVUS160734 $12,816.73 Software Support Frontline Technologies Philadelphia PA 93116 7/12/2022
INVUS160734 -($12,816.73) Software Support Frontline Technologies Philadelphia PA 93116 7/12/2022
July 2022 $3,700.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 93113 7/12/2022
LBLA2291701 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
LBLA2291701 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
LBLA2293668 $58.25 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
LBLA2293668 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
LBLA2295695 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
LBLA2295695 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
LBLA2297683 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
LBLA2297683 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
LBLA2299633 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
LBLA2299633 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93105 7/12/2022
M000663-2022 $100.00 Custodial Services Rigby High School Div. of Occupational & Prof.  Licences Boise ID 93114 7/12/2022
M22-162 $1,691.74 Grounds Services Jefferson Elem KV, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93126 7/12/2022
M22-162 $1,691.74 Gounds Services Farnsworth Middle KV, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93126 7/12/2022
M7096166 9 (1) $106.12 Elem Curriculum Supplies Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93136 7/12/2022
May 2022 $13,249.00 Vendor Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 93132 7/12/2022
Perkins business $350.04 Perkins Supplies Business Technology Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
Resource Officer (1) $8,930.69 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 93124 7/12/2022
Resource Officer (1) $35,023.50 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 93124 7/12/2022
Resource Officer (2) $8,930.69 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 93124 7/12/2022
Resource Officer (2) $35,023.50 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 93124 7/12/2022
Resource Officer (3) $43,546.95 Emergency Levy Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 93124 7/12/2022
RHS Athletics $2,000.00 General Athletics EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS BBB $25,308.18 RHS Boys Basketball Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS Cross Country $2,886.77 Cross Country EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS Drama $560.06 Drama Arts EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS Drama $138.74 Troy Players EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS FFA (1) $770.00 Bill To FFA Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS GBB $6,317.59 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS Perkins FACS $1,509.00 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS Robotics $1,890.00 Robotics EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS Sr. Night $334.41 RHS Senior Party Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
RHS Vending $105.87 Perkins Supplies Health Occupations Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
Student Act. Math $250.00 Math Department Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
Student Activities $347.97 Cathy Johnson EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
Water Polo $1,668.00 Water Polo Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
Wrestling $3,251.70 Wrestling EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93134 7/12/2022
V101308 $86.29 Supplies & Materials Ming-Yeh Lee Rigby ID 2104 7/12/2022
AliceTrainingPerDiem $241.00 District Prof Dev Travel Chun, Russell Joseph  Rexburg ID 93145 7/13/2022
AliceTrainingPerDiem $241.00 District Prof Dev Travel Lords, Bryan Douglas Rigby ID 93146 7/13/2022
AliceTrainingPerDiem $241.00 District Prof Dev Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93147 7/13/2022
AliceTrainingPerDiem $241.00 District Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 93148 7/13/2022
AliceTrainingPerDiem $241.00 District Prof Dev Travel Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 93149 7/13/2022
18-0157 June 2022 $441.04 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93151 7/14/2022
18-0160 June 2022 $250.06 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93151 7/14/2022
31915730 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93152 7/14/2022
31933692 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93152 7/14/2022
June 2022 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 93150 7/14/2022
T.Talbot WhiteJersey $150.00 General Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93153 7/14/2022
HEAfterschlTrain PD $75.00 Supplies & Materials Green, Dawn Rigby ID 93154 7/18/2022
HEAfterschlTrain PD $75.00 Supplies & Materials McBride, Nina Celeste  Rexburg ID 93155 7/18/2022
June 2022 $39.89 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $74.44 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $13.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $1,218.74 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $99.33 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $1,949.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $49.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $49.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $13.31 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $956.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $172.02 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $1,448.76 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $981.29 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $13.31 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $78.18 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $3,177.81 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $13.71 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $1,695.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $18.45 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $6,600.93 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $6,688.84 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $17.91 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $35.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $2,086.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $248.79 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $3,544.50 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $49.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $49.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $17,188.73 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $1,600.06 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $309.09 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $22.89 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 $842.12 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
June 2022 (1) $19.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/18/2022
REAfterschlTrain PD $75.00 Supplies & Materials Peterson, TayLee Rexburg ID 93156 7/18/2022
31966674 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93158 7/19/2022
32011268 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93158 7/19/2022
40352411 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93157 7/19/2022
PersonalCCReimb 7.19 $180.00 Travel Expenses Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 93160 7/19/2022
PersonalReimb $114.00 ION Grant Supplies Green, Dawn Rigby ID 93159 7/19/2022
June 2022 $206.54 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $17.87 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $101.31 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $81.32 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $202.34 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $249.59 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $226.64 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $213.87 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $543.57 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $4,728.24 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $18.56 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 $126.07 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
June 2022 (1) $156.04 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $658.54 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $78.21 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $304.43 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $1,017.86 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $750.28 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $690.82 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $937.13 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $601.62 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $821.61 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $4,612.23 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $32.45 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 $324.16 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
May 2022 (1) $535.22 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/20/2022
V130423 -($6.25) Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 7/20/2022
V130792 -($612.35) Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V135286 -($6.25) Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 7/20/2022
V19385 -($7.05) Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V207362 -($761.93) Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V254685 ($7.05) Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V270109 $300.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43892 7/20/2022
V286780 $4.35 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/20/2022
V29939 $60.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 7/20/2022
V344047 -($31.85) Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V440476 $2,175.80 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V459709 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 7/20/2022
V497976 $49,981.77 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 7/20/2022
V511861 ($612.35) Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V527776 $5,973.38 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/20/2022
V532896 -($6.25) Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 7/20/2022
V537857 -($7.05) Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V608896 $554.75 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V649153 $512.82 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 7/20/2022
V735614 ($31.93) Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V785286 $25,541.25 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/20/2022
V826717 -($31.85) Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V828523 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 7/20/2022
V890264 $574.04 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V910018 $1,442.25 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V916676 -($7.75) District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 7/20/2022
V945647 $51,085.98 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93161 7/20/2022
V961452 $18.60 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/20/2022
V997306 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 7/20/2022
V993862 $8,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,693.58 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,672.86 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,014.73 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,669.37 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,035.65 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,731.12 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,744.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2022
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$7,926.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,136.88 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$1,067.23 GROSS PAYROLL Danielson, Adrian Jason  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,108.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,462.38 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,212.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,890.61 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,507.21 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$7,243.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,159.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$7,402.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,167.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,679.58 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,758.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,203.03 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$292.64 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Hailee   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,262.94 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,649.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,838.27 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,606.69 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,063.43 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$7,819.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2022
$6,318.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,577.94 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$5,150.47 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,684.01 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,555.87 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$9,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Easton Randolph  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,339.68 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,697.40 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,563.92 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,552.91 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,104.58 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$5,895.90 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,146.12 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,577.73 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,763.74 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$5,393.53 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,775.37 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,182.00 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 7/20/2022
$1,287.35 GROSS PAYROLL Shreeve, Emily McKenzie  Corvallis OR 0 7/20/2022
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,558.44 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2022
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2022
$10,070.17 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,925.23 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,296.45 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,062.32 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,060.22 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,467.57 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$4,530.42 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,752.30 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,706.43 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 7/20/2022
$6,752.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2022
$3,147.95 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 7/20/2022
$2,601.73 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 62158 7/20/2022
$3,532.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62159 7/20/2022
32003065 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93163 7/25/2022
32011261 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93163 7/25/2022
32011262 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93163 7/25/2022
32011264 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93163 7/25/2022
40368336 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93164 7/25/2022
RHS CatastrophicIns $5,250.00 Bill To Athletics IHSAA BOISE ID 93165 7/25/2022
RHS CatastrophicIns $1,386.00 IHSAA Insurance IHSAA BOISE ID 93165 7/25/2022
2245 $46,536.00 ESSER III Learning Loss Software EdPower Meridian ID 93166 7/26/2022
Audi Conference $250.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 93171 7/26/2022
Audi Conference $250.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 93191 7/26/2022
Audi Conference $250.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ponce, Sergio Rexburg ID 93185 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Abshire, Phillip Idaho Falls ID 93168 7/26/2022
IASA Conference 127 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Codling, Teresa Rigby ID 93169 7/26/2022
IASA Conference 127 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Comstock, Gary Ammon ID 93170 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Crook, Chase Terry Rigby ID 93172 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Cureton, Camille Rexburg ID 93173 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Duffey, Julian Beecher Idaho Falls ID 93174 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Fryberger, Don Rigby ID 93175 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Greenhalgh, Larell IDAHO FALLS ID 93176 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hancock, Dallin Menan ID 93177 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hancock, Matthew Menan ID 93178 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hollis, Jeanette Michelle Idaho Falls ID 93179 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Howard, Richard C Rigby ID 93180 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Lords, Bryan Douglas Rigby ID 93181 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93182 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Meyer, David Idaho Falls ID 93183 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Parkes, Barry Idaho Falls ID 93184 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Shippen, Kaly Idaho Falls ID 93186 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 93187 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 93188 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 93189 7/26/2022
IASA Conference $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 93190 7/26/2022
M.Rodriguez Int Comp $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93167 7/26/2022
RHS Dance Choreog $1,300.00 Dance Townsend, Chantel Roosevelt UT 93192 7/27/2022
FoodServceTraining22 $102.00 Travel Expenses Barber, Alexandra Rigby ID 93193 8/1/2022
FoodServceTraining22 $102.00 Travel Expenses Fillmore, Michelle Rigby ID 93194 8/1/2022
FoodServceTraining22 $102.00 Travel Expenses Moore, Treena Rigby ID 93197 8/1/2022
FoodServceTraining22 $102.00 Travel Expenses Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 93198 8/1/2022
IASA mileage $311.00 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93196 8/1/2022
Med Appt Reimb $180.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Johnson, Willard Craig Rigby ID 93195 8/1/2022
CP323724 $14,042.12 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 8/2/2022
25012 $10,949.00 Emergency Levy Grounds Matkin, Mark Pocatello ID 93200 8/3/2022
32125482 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93199 8/3/2022
V44902 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93199 8/3/2022
22Jul4445047096045 $107.40 Business Services WorldPay Jacksonville FL 0 8/4/2022
22Jul4445047096094 $107.40 Business Services WorldPay Jacksonville FL 0 8/4/2022
22Jul4445047096102 $107.40 Business Services WorldPay Jacksonville FL 0 8/4/2022
PersonalCCReimb8.22 $692.52 Supplies & Materials Perez, Kami Rigby ID 93201 8/4/2022
025-381552 $650.00 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93238 8/8/2022
025-388420 $260.00 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93238 8/8/2022
11826 $4,489.47 SPFF RHS Student Occupied Carpet Direct & Flooring, LLC Rexburg ID 93209 8/8/2022
11827 $43,440.62 SPFF Student Occupied Carpet Direct & Flooring, LLC Rexburg ID 93209 8/8/2022
11843 $6,362.81 SPFF Non Student Occupied Carpet Direct & Flooring, LLC Rexburg ID 93209 8/8/2022
12101 $23,674.56 SPFF Student Occupied Carpet Direct & Flooring, LLC Rexburg ID 93209 8/8/2022
123555108001 $16,998.24 Supplies McGraw Hill Companies Columbus OH 93223 8/8/2022
123563437001 $135.18 Supplies McGraw Hill Companies Columbus OH 93223 8/8/2022
14582 $4,680.28 RHS Athletic Facilities TMC Contractors INC Idaho Falls ID 93237 8/8/2022
14602 $1,058.05 RHS Athletic Facilities TMC Contractors INC Idaho Falls ID 93237 8/8/2022
14654 $5,977.81 RHS Athletic Facilities TMC Contractors INC Idaho Falls ID 93237 8/8/2022
16840 $7,075.00 Emergency Levy-Athletics ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 93204 8/8/2022
18-0157 July 2022 $441.04 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93210 8/8/2022
18-0160 July 2022 $250.06 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93210 8/8/2022
2 - Harwood re roof $81,496.70 Building Construction-Harwood Smith Roofing Rigby ID 93235 8/8/2022
200007669 $260.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
200007670 $260.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
200007674 $260.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
200007675 $260.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
200007676 $260.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
200007677 $260.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
200007679 $260.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
200007681 $260.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
200007815 $260.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
200008031 $300.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
20007673 $260.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
208130260966 $24,443.53 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93233 8/8/2022
208130312890 $458.82 Furnishing/Equipment Cottonwood School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93234 8/8/2022
208130312890 $99.00 Furnishing/Equipment Cottonwood School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93234 8/8/2022
22-1078 $1,050.00 Grounds Services Midway Elem Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93228 8/8/2022
22-1089 $1,608.00 Grounds Services Midway Elem Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93228 8/8/2022
22-1437 $650.00 Grounds Services Midway Elem Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93228 8/8/2022
22-23.783 $50.00 District Office Services Idaho School Dist.Council BOISE ID 93219 8/8/2022
22-568 $858.60 RHS Athletic Facilities Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93228 8/8/2022
22-569 $610.56 RHS Athletic Facilities Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93228 8/8/2022
22-571 $572.40 RHS Athletic Facilities Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93228 8/8/2022
22-927 $190.80 RHS Athletic Facilities Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93228 8/8/2022
220415-0001 $286.03 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93215 8/8/2022
220518-0008 $1,302.10 General Supplies Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93215 8/8/2022
220527-0003 $158.00 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93215 8/8/2022
220610-0058 $112.20 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93215 8/8/2022
22399 $33,842.00 SPFF Student Occupied Elite Roofing Systems Rigby ID 93214 8/8/2022
23020 $2,772.10 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93236 8/8/2022
23075 $1,321.66 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93236 8/8/2022
2364 -($462.50) RHS Athletic Facilities Con Transport Idaho Falls ID 93211 8/8/2022
2364 $462.50 RHS Athletic Facilities Con Transport Idaho Falls ID 93211 8/8/2022
251237-1 $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93218 8/8/2022
251237-2 $225.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93218 8/8/2022
28689 $100.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Boise ID 93227 8/8/2022
300006457 $714.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006458 $714.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006461 $714.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006462 $705.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006464 $705.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006465 $714.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006466 $660.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006468 $714.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006470 $670.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006594 $670.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
300006781 $705.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93217 8/8/2022
308104011568 $1,022.40 General Supplies & Materials School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93234 8/8/2022
308104011568 $763.19 SPFF Non Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93234 8/8/2022
308104019604 $1,121.03 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93234 8/8/2022
308104019604 $1,835.28 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93234 8/8/2022
308104019604 $443.44 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93234 8/8/2022
3309 $8,179.17 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Nelson Electric LLC Menan ID 93226 8/8/2022
3441 $676.09 General Supplies & Materials Nelson Electric LLC Menan ID 93226 8/8/2022
3764 $622.00 Grounds Services Harwood Elem Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 93239 8/8/2022
404060 $288.00 Travel Expenses Riverside Hotel BOISE ID 93230 8/8/2022
41126442 $505.27 RHS Athletic Facilities Depatco Orem UT 93212 8/8/2022
569211425 $3,816.56 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 93216 8/8/2022
658644 $14,360.25 RHS Athletic Facilities Lynx LLC Rigby ID 93222 8/8/2022
689-37921150 $498.35 Supplies and Materials Veritiv Operating Company Los Angeles CA 93240 8/8/2022
720002 $3,225.00 CTE Equipment Business Technology VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93245 8/8/2022
75816 $64.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Mountainland Communications Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93224 8/8/2022
76105 $58.50 Attorney Fees Anderson Julian & Hull Boise ID 93206 8/8/2022
81081061 $21,935.00 Custodial Supplies Waxie Sanitary Supply Los Angeles CA 93241 8/8/2022
864508 $1,479.25 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 93225 8/8/2022
962282637 442.25 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93221 8/8/2022
962282637 442.26 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93221 8/8/2022
AO Counselor Reimb $1,476.00 Advanced Opportunities Training Grant Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93229 8/8/2022
August 2022 $4,071.70 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 93213 8/8/2022
DFS028373 $1,176.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 93203 8/8/2022
DFS028375 $1,316.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 93203 8/8/2022
DFS028377 $1,051.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 93203 8/8/2022
DFS028380 $596.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 93203 8/8/2022
DFS028383 $511.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 93203 8/8/2022
DFS028396 $210.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 93203 8/8/2022
DFS028957 $476.00 Maintenance Services Cottonwood 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 93203 8/8/2022
INV23283 $5,934.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93207 8/8/2022
INV23505 $185.13 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93207 8/8/2022
INV23700 $829.44 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93242 8/8/2022
INV23710 $2,889.38 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93242 8/8/2022
INV309920 $11,068.47 Software Support PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93244 8/8/2022
LBLA2301599 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93205 8/8/2022
LBLA2301599 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93205 8/8/2022
LBLA2303573 $58.25 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93205 8/8/2022
LBLA2303573 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93205 8/8/2022
LBLA2305506 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93205 8/8/2022
LBLA2305506 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93205 8/8/2022
LBLA2307504 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93205 8/8/2022
LBLA2307504 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93205 8/8/2022
M7251237 9 $844.32 Elem Curriculum Supplies Scholastic Book Club Inc JEFFERSON CITY MO 93231 8/8/2022
M7251237 9 $844.32 Elem Curriculum Supplies Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93232 8/8/2022
M7251240 3 $935.95 Elem Curriculum Supplies Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93232 8/8/2022
M7251242 9 $1,256.65 Elem Curriculum Supplies Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93232 8/8/2022
M7251244 5 $1,662.46 Elem Curriculum Supplies Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93232 8/8/2022
M7251249 4 $458.16 Elem Curriculum Supplies Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93232 8/8/2022
Reimbursement 8.22 $7,000.00 SPFF Non Student Occupied Jefferson Education Foundation Rigby ID 93220 8/8/2022
RHS Field D Box $30,647.00 RHS Athletic Facilities Avail Valley Construction - Idaho, LLC Victor ID 93208 8/8/2022
RHS Football Field $50,000.00 RHS Athletic Facilities Avail Valley Construction - Idaho, LLC Victor ID 93208 8/8/2022
Rigby Middle Fund $1,482.00 Cheer Bill To School Texas Roadhouse Idaho Falls ID 93202 8/8/2022
RP04N39E209001 $2,373.24 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Treasurer Rigby ID 93243 8/8/2022
Mileage 4.14-6.21 $64.60 In District Mileage Reimbursement Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 93252 8/9/2022
SafetyTrainingPD $102.00 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93249 8/9/2022
SummitLearningPD $366.00 School Improvement Travel Cureton, Camille Rexburg ID 93246 8/9/2022
SummitLearningPD $366.00 School Improvement Travel Fortune, Kelton John Rexburg ID 93247 8/9/2022
SummitLearningPD $366.00 School Improvement Travel Ottley, Colby McMinnville OR 93251 8/9/2022
SummitLearningPD $366.00 School Improvement Travel Weekes, Nichole Michele Rigby ID 93253 8/9/2022
Tool Reimbursement $600.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 93248 8/9/2022
Tool Reimbursement $600.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Oram, Steve Rigby ID 93250 8/9/2022
32125481 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93254 8/11/2022
32132018 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93254 8/11/2022
32142591 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93254 8/11/2022
32158182 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93254 8/11/2022
32177030 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93254 8/11/2022
32177031 $456.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93254 8/11/2022
32209648 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93254 8/11/2022
Drivers Ed Reimb $170.00 Driver Education Student Revenue Larson, Kristi Rigby ID 93256 8/11/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $53.15 Student Lunch Sales Hall, McKienzie Montview ID 93255 8/11/2022
7/31/2022 1 $36.65 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 10 $451.40 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 100 $242.73 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 101 $16.84 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 102 $9.54 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 103 $35.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 104 $1,056.04 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 105 $29.27 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 106 $269.55 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 107 $24.40 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 108 $318.67 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 109 $18.76 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 11 $1,148.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 110 $209.67 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 111 $58.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 112 $80.38 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 113 $78.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 114 $145.03 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 115 $137.87 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 116 $1,799.90 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 117 $172.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 118 $7.41 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 119 $362.22 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 12 $4.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 120 $5.00 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 121 $15.50 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 122 $60.08 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 123 $125.73 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 124 $119.51 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 125 $61.04 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 126 $90.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 127 $75.16 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 128 $78.64 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 129 $51.67 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 13 $8.00 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 130 $390.13 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 131 $78.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 132 -($215.02) Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 133 $29.68 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 134 $227.92 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 135 $67.13 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 136 $520.03 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 137 $74.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 138 $274.40 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 139 $835.00 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 14 $38.96 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 140 $84.50 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 141 $16.82 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 142 $55.15 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 143 $115.64 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 144 $9.60 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 145 $240.90 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 146 $67.09 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 147 $170.12 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 148 $195.60 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 149 $25.58 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 15 $963.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 150 $48.90 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 151 $306.60 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 152 $104.82 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 153 $3,062.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 154 $34.32 Irene Mitchell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 155 $169.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 156 $96.70 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 157 $105.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 158 $649.77 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 159 $30,462.90 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 16 $1,409.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 160 $41.90 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 161 $473.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 162 $12.79 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 163 $12.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 164 $14.58 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 165 $194.28 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 166 $150.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 167 $55.23 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 168 $23.72 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 169 $315.33 ION Grant-Space Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 17 $8.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 170 $6.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 171 $189.88 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 172 $153.36 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 173 $199.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 174 $73.83 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 175 $569.25 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 176 $97.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 177 $283.36 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 178 $716.19 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 179 $1,851.08 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 18 $13.25 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 180 $1,087.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 181 $20.00 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 182 $112.04 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 183 $67.69 Custodial Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 184 $171.69 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 185 $364.12 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 186 $52.96 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 187 $15.89 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 188 $379.80 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 189 $1,133.89 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 19 $99.01 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 190 $622.80 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 191 $35.32 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 192 $236.95 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 193 $231.56 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 194 $153.91 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 195 $33.77 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 196 $1,056.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 197 $19.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 198 $47.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 199 $14.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 2 $208.26 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 20 $43.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 200 $144.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 201 $514.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 202 $68.45 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 203 $23.82 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 204 $555.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 205 $877.89 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 206 $65.44 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 207 $410.54 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 208 $7.58 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 209 $14.97 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 21 $96.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 210 $36.08 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 211 $145.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 212 $48.40 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 213 $122.18 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 214 $6.65 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 215 $128.77 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 216 $49.90 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 217 $18.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 218 $41.52 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 219 $233.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 22 $80.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 220 $29.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 221 $59.95 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 222 $126.61 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 223 $145.54 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 224 $64.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 225 $594.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 226 $39.54 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 227 $32.91 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 228 2498 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 229 135 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 23 $10.78 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 230 $1,052.89 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 231 $16.07 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 232 $139.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 233 $11,550.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 234 $158.78 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 235 $630.44 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 236 $338.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 237 $24.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 238 $14.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 239 $171.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 24 $64.59 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 240 $39.56 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 241 $53.56 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 242 $146.95 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 243 $330.00 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 244 $75.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 245 $555.26 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 246 $36.10 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 247 $677.20 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 248 $10.06 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 249 $59.29 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 25 $451.40 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 250 $52.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 251 $297.23 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 252 $19.05 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 253 $41.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 254 $405.32 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 255 $134.01 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 256 $4.02 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 257 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 258 $42.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 259 $103.19 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 26 $12.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 260 $329.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 261 $45.05 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 262 $62.29 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 263 $2,204.20 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 264 $12.96 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 265 $156.77 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 266 $2,204.20 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 267 $112.25 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 268 $1,036.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 269 262.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 27 $910.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 270 $8.96 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 271 $72.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 272 $1,036.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 273 $89.59 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 274 $2,044.32 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 275 $632.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 276 $2,056.86 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 277 $400.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 278 $2,204.20 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 279 $1,036.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 28 $19.61 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 280 $2,204.20 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 281 $464.61 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 282 $38.48 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 283 $1,036.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 284 $90.01 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 285 $1,036.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 286 $158.80 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 287 $1,186.15 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 288 $29.56 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 289 $16.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 29 $28.33 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 290 $17.26 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 291 -($35.99) Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 292 $132.41 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 293 $42.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 294 $98.31 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 295 $656.70 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 296 $46.23 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 297 $19.16 Custodial Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 298 $112.50 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 299 $25.58 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 3 $19.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 30 $20.76 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 300 $6.63 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 301 $985.05 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 302 $162.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 303 $62.54 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 304 $180.00 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 305 $420.93 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 306 $41.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 307 $199.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 308 $1,080.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 309 $6.39 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 31 $47.69 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 310 $185.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 311 $741.77 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 312 $49.82 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 313 $59.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 314 $29.38 Misty Dansie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 315 $563.87 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 316 $158.99 South Fork Rosemay Jenkins Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 317 $42.38 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 318 $10,617.60 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 319 $3.28 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 32 $174.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 320 $8.05 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 321 464.61 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 322 $58.73 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 323 $545.12 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 324 $620.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 325 $137.27 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 326 $597.56 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 327 $32.58 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 328 $29.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 329 $6.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 33 $74.00 Katie Davis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 330 $25.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 331 $72.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 332 $398.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 333 $6,813.30 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 334 $156.05 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 335 $75.44 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 336 $90.73 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 337 $120.44 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 338 $52.26 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 339 $97.58 Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 34 $78.04 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 340 $90.01 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 341 $318.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 342 $456.92 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 343 $141.27 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 344 $243.85 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 345 $6,148.93 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 346 $5.49 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 347 $211.99 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 348 $109.23 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 349 $211.99 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 35 $127.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 350 $211.99 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 351 $211.99 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 352 $88.97 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 353 $40.99 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 354 $40.99 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 355 $1,944.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 356 $225.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 357 $51.90 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 358 $1.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 359 $90.11 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 36 $1,583.12 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 360 $5.83 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 361 $293.96 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 362 $1.65 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 363 $16.49 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 364 $614.80 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 365 $55.09 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 366 $46.35 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 367 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 368 $55.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 369 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 37 $77.89 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 370 $450.50 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 371 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 372 $1,865.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 373 $77.50 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 374 $29.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 375 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 376 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 377 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 378 $205.54 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 379 $208.62 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 38 $451.40 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 380 $60.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 381 $22.01 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 382 $33.80 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 383 $93.49 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 384 $48.87 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 385 $8.49 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 386 $323.23 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 387 $324.57 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 388 $2.50 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 389 ($6.30) Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 39 $91.43 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 390 $6.30 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 391 $190.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 392 $70.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 393 $69.57 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 394 $153.09 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 395 $59.94 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 396 $15.90 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 397 $9.11 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 398 $171.31 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 399 $125.95 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 4 $50.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 40 $45.00 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 400 $83.40 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 401 $26.86 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 402 $69.83 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 403 $10.66 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 404 $39.98 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 405 $19.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 406 $76.69 Ashlee Reese Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 407 $6.00 Grounds Services Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 408 $6.00 Gounds Services Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 409 $26.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 41 $15.05 Melanie Wade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 410 $442.98 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 411 $252.42 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 412 $7,900.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 413 $149.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 414 $13.52 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 415 $94.35 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 416 $97.47 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 417 $54.95 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 418 $669.64 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 419 $40.17 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 42 -($112.43) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 420 $12.71 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 421 $5,313.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 422 $17.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 423 $108.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 424 $36.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 425 $69.37 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 426 $35.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 427 $43,000.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 428 $20,614.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 429 42.9 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 43 87.29 Harwood Greenhouse Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 430 133.24 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 431 351 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 432 18.83 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 433 $52.20 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 434 $234.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 435 $193.35 Chinese Summer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 436 $136.92 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 437 $20.77 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 438 $40.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 439 $8.59 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 44 $59.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 440 $44.75 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 441 $40.45 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 442 $2,400.00 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 443 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 444 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 445 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 446 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 447 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 448 $182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 449 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 45 $175.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 450 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 451 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 452 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 453 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 454 $68.06 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 455 $4,425.00 Technology-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 456 $2,875.00 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 457 $1,600.00 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 458 $0.15 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 459 $37.98 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 46 $68.90 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 460 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 461 $327.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 462 $135.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 463 $49.43 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 464 $41.34 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 465 $128.50 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 466 $5.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 467 $571.58 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 468 $571.57 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 469 $1,999.50 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 47 $69.75 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 470 $14.18 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 471 $214.52 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 472 $112.58 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 473 $9.98 ION Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 474 $17.93 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 475 -($498.52) Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 476 -($498.52) Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 477 $140.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 478 $1,647.22 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 479 $3,294.92 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 48 $21.62 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 480 $877.70 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 481 -($498.52) Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 482 $14.18 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 483 $12,330.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 484 $23.61 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 485 $241.43 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 486 $41.45 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 487 $109.54 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 488 $477.83 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 489 $835.33 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 49 $264.38 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 490 -($498.52) Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 491 -($498.52) Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 492 $64.36 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 493 $34.99 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 494 -($571.84) Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 495 $1,269.50 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 496 $1,269.50 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 497 $1,269.50 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 498 -($10.01) Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 499 $5.19 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 5 $542.00 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 50 $99.33 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 500 $58.02 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 501 $115.71 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 502 $25.95 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 503 $109.82 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 504 $13.33 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 505 $470.26 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 506 $48.17 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 507 $102.99 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 508 $342.38 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 509 $288.24 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 51 $49.90 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 510 $462.86 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 511 $41.67 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 512 $22.50 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 513 $235.45 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 514 $6.30 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 515 $77.49 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 516 $1,527.32 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 517 $26.29 Karen Stewart Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 518 $101.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 519 $106.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 52 $99.80 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 520 $48.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 521 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 522 $46.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 523 $1,249.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 524 $132.46 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 525 $247.01 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 526 $135.76 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 527 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 528 $74.65 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 529 $12,600.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 53 $17.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 530 $16.21 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 531 $97.50 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 532 $62.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 533 $158.94 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 534 $330.44 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 535 $71.76 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 536 $81.08 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 537 $57.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 538 $458.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 539 $54.74 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 54 $51.10 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 540 $58.51 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 541 $17,640.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 542 $9,855.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 543 $49.00 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 544 $3.17 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 545 $465.94 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 546 $44.83 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 55 $139.95 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 56 $30.81 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 57 $913.34 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 58 $72.40 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 59 $6,292.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 6 $1,308.58 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 60 $204.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 61 $173.61 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 62 $20.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 63 $150.84 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 64 $5.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 65 $92.85 Harwood Greenhouse Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 66 $247.01 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 67 $65.90 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 68 $81.87 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 69 $6,729.98 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 7 $423.26 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 70 $336.94 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 71 $150.97 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 72 $143.19 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 73 $24.79 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 74 $139.30 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 75 $81.08 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 76 $868.89 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 77 $178.04 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 78 $192.06 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 79 $38.13 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 8 $423.26 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 80 $336.94 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 81 $78.31 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 82 $103.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 83 $201.90 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 84 $697.42 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 85 $59.06 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 86 $201.10 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 87 $66.76 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 88 $18.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 89 $150.84 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 9 $47.92 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 90 $336.94 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 91 $99.66 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 92 $32.03 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 93 $31.64 Harwood Greenhouse Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 94 $75.87 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 95 $117.29 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 96 $86.54 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 97 $290.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 98 $179.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
7/31/2022 99 $14.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2022
1076 $1,023.50 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Hodges, Catelynn Rigby ID 93258 8/15/2022
S-2014-28247 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 93257 8/15/2022
SchrinerElec-PipeBen $750.00 Bill To Vo Agriculture Lee, Jane Idaho Falls ID 93259 8/15/2022
Choreography $1,507.00 Supplies & Materials Dance Team Creative West Jordan UT 1487986 8/15/2022
C.Romney Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93260 8/16/2022
D.Noel Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93261 8/16/2022
D.Thornton Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93262 8/16/2022
J.McElprang Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93263 8/16/2022
32164342 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93265 8/17/2022
32188696 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93265 8/17/2022
32205255 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93265 8/17/2022
32209647 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93265 8/17/2022
3712074 3352 $882,352.94 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/17/2022
3712074 3352 $393,825.86 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/17/2022
3912071 3161 $384,615.38 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/17/2022
3912071 3161 $32,899.79 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/17/2022
3912085 4735 $745,000.00 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/17/2022
3912085 4735 $11,174.89 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/17/2022
40548692 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93264 8/17/2022
July 2022 (1) $19.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/17/2022
K.Smith PupilService $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93267 8/17/2022
S. Curnutt Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93266 8/17/2022
81122 $100.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 8/17/2022
82422 $500.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 8/17/2022
Petty Cash 22/23 $500.00 Purchased Services Westmark Rigby ID 0 8/17/2022
V160071 $450.00 Purchased Services U.S. Bank Rigby ID 0 8/17/2022
1 - Harwood re roof $184,292.40 Building Construction-Harwood Smith Roofing Rigby ID 93270 8/18/2022
Ap Test Reimb $96.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Neander, Wendy Rigby ID 93269 8/18/2022
L.Bowcutt Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93268 8/18/2022
M. Lee Renewal $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93271 8/18/2022
32215333 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93275 8/19/2022
J. Kelland Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93272 8/19/2022
J. Stone Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93273 8/19/2022
K.Lemire Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93274 8/19/2022
M.Alboucq AltAuthApp $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93276 8/19/2022
V109360 $6,147.84 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/19/2022
V183494 $1,624.59 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/19/2022
V186895 $961.50 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93281 8/19/2022
V193696 $26,287.52 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/19/2022
V222634 $540.65 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93281 8/19/2022
V265207 $50,473.63 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93281 8/19/2022
V27614 $379.95 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/19/2022
V301873 $200.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43900 8/19/2022
V33748 $2,143.95 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93281 8/19/2022
V367550 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 8/19/2022
V380060 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 8/19/2022
V41106 $55.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 8/19/2022
V494067 $512.82 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 8/19/2022
V627187 $52,476.36 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 8/19/2022
V640662 $542.11 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93281 8/19/2022
V91231 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 8/19/2022
V934505 $211.25 Fees & Charges BYU-Idaho Rexburg ID 3868 8/19/2022
$8,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$130.13 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$133.88 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Jennifer Robin  Lewsiville ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,811.60 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,673.33 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,035.68 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Shayla Dawn  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$106.38 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,015.76 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,602.73 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,003.75 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,062.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Holly Lova  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$196.98 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$258.45 GROSS PAYROLL Castagna, Gabriela Posadas  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,015.79 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,685.80 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,509.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 8/19/2022
$787.21 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,397.43 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,551.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,143.61 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,033.33 GROSS PAYROLL Danielson, Adrian Jason  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$136.36 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,106.98 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Martha Beatriz  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,588.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$146.86 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,216.94 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,177.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,920.47 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,555.07 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$7,243.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,542.57 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,563.50 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,124.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$7,402.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$803.25 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,935.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,563.41 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,758.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,156.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$771.42 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,707.55 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 8/19/2022
$128.03 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$144.18 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,062.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,516.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,148.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,840.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,602.46 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,066.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$7,819.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 8/19/2022
$6,318.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,594.76 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$5,150.47 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$20.60 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,735.14 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,972.65 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$9,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,311.22 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,689.23 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,396.60 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,090.79 GROSS PAYROLL Murri, Rachel Lyn  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,552.46 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,125.12 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$6,064.96 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$1.93 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$551.99 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Koen Leonard  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,559.88 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,141.36 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$132.24 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,740.76 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$553.20 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,784.19 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$5,393.53 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,775.37 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$141.62 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$267.81 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer Boyle  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,932.01 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,245.47 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$836.78 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$10,070.17 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$197.30 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,944.12 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,329.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,449.51 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,567.48 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,107.14 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,256.40 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,071.86 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,063.60 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,490.22 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$1,279.06 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Allie C  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$4,530.42 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,751.98 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$2,674.49 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,353.46 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 8/19/2022
$6,752.34 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,147.95 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 8/19/2022
$3,110.29 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62166 8/19/2022
$1,051.88 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Jaxson Derek  Rigby ID 62167 8/19/2022
$958.86 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Hal Cecil  Rigby ID 62168 8/19/2022
$1,309.20 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Jennifer Elise  Rigby ID 62169 8/19/2022
$174.50 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62170 8/19/2022
$856.11 GROSS PAYROLL Searle, Brecken Mark  Rigby ID 62171 8/19/2022
$292.80 GROSS PAYROLL Abplanalp, Shelbe Jo  Rexburg ID 62172 8/19/2022
$822.88 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Dalton Xane  Rigby ID 62173 8/19/2022
$267.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62174 8/19/2022
40561913 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93277 8/22/2022
FederalProgramsMtg $102.00 Travel LEP Hancock, Matthew Menan ID 93278 8/22/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $36.50 Student Lunch Sales Nukaya, Anna Blackfoot ID 93279 8/22/2022
V547161 $1,534.40 Supplies & Materials SchoolKidz Chicago IL 1667 8/22/2022
July 2022 $39.63 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $9.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $25.81 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $60.17 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $58.93 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $63.90 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $109.75 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $73.52 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $251.02 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $1,186.84 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $9.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 $10.10 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
July 2022 (1) $51.61 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/23/2022
12th man reimb $4,455.55 Supplies & Materials Boudrero, Andrea Rigby ID 1487989 8/23/2022
30173372 $1,689.54 Supplies & Materials EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 1487990 8/23/2022
340017 $1,023.00 Supplies & Materials Southco Metals LLC Idaho Falls ID 1487996 8/23/2022
43416001 Music Lic. $565.50 Supplies & Materials BMI-Broadcast Music Inc. Cincinnati  OH 1487988 8/23/2022
58601684 $24,009.45 Supplies & Materials VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS Dallas TX 1487998 8/23/2022
6480 $751.20 Supplies & Materials Textile Graphix Rexburg ID 1487997 8/23/2022
Annual Memberships $140.00 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1487994 8/23/2022
M7250637 $131.87 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Inc-Ohio Cincinnati OH 1487995 8/23/2022
Practice Clothing $418.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1487992 8/23/2022
Reim for Jane Lee ck $750.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1487991 8/23/2022
turf rake $5,000.00 Supplies & Materials Turf Equipment & Irrigation Salt Lake City UT 1487987 8/23/2022
turf rake $5,165.67 Supplies & Materials Turf Equipment & Irrigation Salt Lake City UT 1487987 8/23/2022
Vball jerseys $1,272.00 Supplies & Materials Robinson, Sara Rigby ID 1487993 8/23/2022
Waferboards  $440.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1487991 8/23/2022
V23815 $1,000.00 Purchased Services DragonFly Athletics Hartselle AL 0 8/23/2022
32273341 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93282 8/24/2022
504 training PD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 93289 8/24/2022
504 training PD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Duffey, Julian Beecher Idaho Falls ID 93290 8/24/2022
504 training PD -($102.00) IDEA Professional Development Duffey, Julian Beecher Idaho Falls ID 93290 8/24/2022
504 training PD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93291 8/24/2022
504 training PD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 93292 8/24/2022
CASE Conference $153.00 IDEA Professional Development Duffey, Julian Beecher Idaho Falls ID 93294 8/24/2022
CASE Conference $153.00 IDEA Professional Development Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93295 8/24/2022
CASE Conference PD $153.00 IDEA Professional Development Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 93293 8/24/2022
CASE Conference PD $153.00 IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 93296 8/24/2022
J.Walker AltAuth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93287 8/24/2022
PostageRefillDO8.24 $3,000.00 Postage Reserve Account Boston MA 93284 8/24/2022
PostageRefillRHS8.24 $2,000.00 Postage Expenses Reserve Account Boston MA 93288 8/24/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $34.31 Student Lunch Sales Savage, Hailey Rexburg ID 93285 8/24/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd -($34.31) Student Lunch Sales Savage, Hailey Rexburg ID 93285 8/24/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $139.30 Student Lunch Sales Smith, Brian Idaho Falls ID 93286 8/24/2022
SupplyReimb8.23.22 $41.57 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 93283 8/24/2022
V653759 $420.00 Supplies & Materials Briggs, John Newdale ID 385502 8/25/2022
A.Davis Occ Spec $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93299 8/26/2022
I. Bodily revision $25.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93297 8/26/2022
K.Atkin alt auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93300 8/26/2022
Moving Container DO $500.00 District Office Services Stallings Automotive Rigby ID 93298 8/26/2022
XC Race Fees 826 $120.00 Purchased Services Madison High School Rexburg Id 124 8/26/2022
7 on 7 Fball  $350.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488004 8/26/2022
7v7 Fball Tourn $300.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488002 8/26/2022
facility rentals $372.50 Supplies & Materials Grover, Krystal Rigby ID 1488006 8/26/2022
FR Vball Tourn $75.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1488000 8/26/2022
FR Vball Tourn $75.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1488000 8/26/2022
hooded coats $1,450.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488001 8/26/2022
Peg Peterson Invite $175.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1487999 8/26/2022
Peg Peterson Invite $175.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1487999 8/26/2022
Reg pmt refund $35.00 Supplies & Materials Rowe, London Rigby ID 1488007 8/26/2022
Reg pmt refund $60.00 Supplies & Materials Rowe, London Rigby ID 1488007 8/26/2022
Reim QR Coder $119.88 Supplies & Materials NIELSEN, JODIE RIGBY ID 1488003 8/26/2022
Reimb gas/hotel fbal $77.00 Supplies & Materials Lords, Bryan Rigby ID 1488005 8/26/2022
Reimb gas/hotel fbal $298.51 Supplies & Materials Lords, Bryan Rigby ID 1488005 8/26/2022
C. McLaughlinAltAuth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93304 8/29/2022
Drivers Ed Reimb $170.00 Driver Education Student Revenue Rowe, April Rigby ID 93303 8/29/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $50.00 Student Lunch Sales Knudsen, Loni Rigby ID 93302 8/29/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $34.31 Student Lunch Sales Yates, Hailey Rexburg ID 93305 8/29/2022
S. Kelly Alt auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93301 8/29/2022
2022 Lagoon refund $87.00 Supplies & Materials Stucki, Camille Rigby ID 1488011 8/29/2022
58601697 skirts $379.80 Supplies & Materials VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS Dallas TX 1488012 8/29/2022
Blackfoot Golf $100.00 Supplies & Materials BLACKFOOT HIGH SCHOOL BLACKFOOT ID 1488008 8/29/2022
Blackfoot Golf $100.00 Supplies & Materials BLACKFOOT HIGH SCHOOL BLACKFOOT ID 1488008 8/29/2022
Exhibitors $587.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Cty 4H/FFA Market Animal Sale Rigby ID 1488010 8/29/2022
Falls Golf Classic $50.00 Supplies & Materials BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488009 8/29/2022
Falls Golf Classic $50.00 Supplies & Materials BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488009 8/29/2022
32321443 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93306 8/30/2022
CheerReimb 8.30 $881.87 Athletics Staker, Jami Menan ID 93307 8/30/2022
R.Lechuga Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93308 8/30/2022
21306271306 $6,242.25 RHS Athletic Facilities Lynx LLC Rigby ID 93309 8/31/2022
7086 GenObBond2018 $940,000.00 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/31/2022
7086 GenObBond2018 $691,242.89 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/31/2022
7829 GenObBond2019 $1,320,000.00 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/31/2022
7829 GenObBond2019 $242,247.51 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/31/2022
81251 $19.95 Supplies & Materials Ferguson Music Company Rexburg ID 126 8/31/2022
Refund $35.00 Purchased Services Berta Alicia Santos Roberts ID 125 8/31/2022
Reimb83122 $29.17 Supplies & Materials Jordan Nuttall Rexburg ID 127 8/31/2022
Reimb83122 -($29.17) Supplies & Materials Jordan Nuttall Rexburg ID 127 8/31/2022
Stuco Shirts $464.00 Student Council 8th Gr Services Matthew Self Rigby ID 128 8/31/2022
XCRace83022 $50.00 Purchased Services West Jefferson High School Terreton ID 129 8/31/2022
1148 logos $1,168.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488016 9/1/2022
Football Refund $200.00 Supplies & Materials Jara, Jennifer Rgiby ID 1488014 9/1/2022
Oakley Invite 87.5 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488013 9/1/2022
Oakley Invite 87.5 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488013 9/1/2022
X-Ctry Entry $25.00 Supplies & Materials MINICO HIGH SCHOOL RUPERT ID 1488015 9/1/2022
X-Ctry Entry $25.00 Supplies & Materials MINICO HIGH SCHOOL RUPERT ID 1488015 9/1/2022
A. Ohman Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93313 9/2/2022
A. Sayer alt auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93314 9/2/2022
CP326424 $21,459.90 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 9/2/2022
Mileage 8.15-8.30 $38.65 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93311 9/2/2022
Mileage 8.31-9.1 $18.15 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93311 9/2/2022
SupplyReimb 9.2.22 $12.16 Supplies & Materials Davis, Katie Rigby ID 93310 9/2/2022
SupplyReimb 9.2.22 $105.98 Supplies & Materials Norman, Wendy Ann Rigby ID 93312 9/2/2022
V175197 $47.86 General Supplies & Materials Kathryn McLain Rigby ID 2227 9/6/2022
August 2022 $78.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $149.74 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $27.10 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $1,587.91 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $262.56 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $3,604.54 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $285.93 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $285.92 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $26.70 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $1,671.48 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $209.28 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $2,204.30 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $771.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $26.70 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $519.71 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $7,321.96 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $27.50 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $3,585.02 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $36.90 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $14,093.33 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $10,259.78 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $35.82 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $71.12 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $4,389.32 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $509.46 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $4,538.97 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $285.93 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $285.92 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $33,700.47 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $4,633.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $837.14 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $86.62 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
August 2022 $585.16 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/7/2022
1028804 $692.21 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488024 9/7/2022
Cache Valley Vball $250.00 Supplies & Materials Green Canyon High School North Logan UT 1488020 9/7/2022
Cache Valley Vball $250.00 Supplies & Materials Green Canyon High School North Logan UT 1488020 9/7/2022
Cello $500.00 Supplies & Materials GUNDERSON, LAUREN MENAN ID 1488021 9/7/2022
Cheer box vinyl $51.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488022 9/7/2022
duplicate parking $15.00 Supplies & Materials Reese, Teya Rigby ID 1488025 9/7/2022
extention cords $28.82 Supplies & Materials Abshire, Phil Idaho Falls ID 1488017 9/7/2022
FR Volleyball $112.50 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488023 9/7/2022
FR Volleyball $112.50 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488023 9/7/2022
Golf entry $55.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488028 9/7/2022
Golf entry $55.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488028 9/7/2022
INV-26039 $735.05 Supplies & Materials BUCKS BAGS BOISE ID 1488019 9/7/2022
JV Volleyball $125.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488023 9/7/2022
JV Volleyball $125.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488023 9/7/2022
supplies reimb $100.00 Supplies & Materials Bodily, Ileah Rexburg ID 1488018 9/7/2022
Swim apparel $482.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488022 9/7/2022
Tiger/Grizz XCtry $100.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488026 9/7/2022
Tiger/Grizz XCtry $100.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488026 9/7/2022
Triple Threat Vball $150.00 Supplies & Materials Thunder Ridge High School Idaho Falls ID 1488027 9/7/2022
Triple Threat Vball $150.00 Supplies & Materials Thunder Ridge High School Idaho Falls ID 1488027 9/7/2022
32373066 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93320 9/8/2022
32373067 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93320 9/8/2022
CheerReimb 9.7 $189.16 Athletics Staker, Jami Menan ID 93323 9/8/2022
E.CookPupilService $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93324 9/8/2022
J.Wray Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93328 9/8/2022
K.Rohm Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93329 9/8/2022
PrincipalMentorYr2PD $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hancock, Dallin Menan ID 93321 9/8/2022
R.DenningAltAuth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93327 9/8/2022
Supply Reimb 9.2 $26.49 Supplies & Materials Jacobson, Michael Rigby ID 93322 9/8/2022
Supply reimb 9.2 $135.98 Supplies & Materials Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 93326 9/8/2022
Supply Reimb 9.2.22 $55.42 Supplies & Materials Arave, Krista Rigby ID 93316 9/8/2022
Supply Reimb 9.2.22 $7.92 Supplies & Materials Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 93317 9/8/2022
Supply Reimb 9.7.22 $40.88 Fisher, Deon Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 93319 9/8/2022
SupplyReimb 9.02 $78.97 Supplies & Materials Capson, Karla Idaho Falls ID 93318 9/8/2022
SupplyReimb 9.2.22 $112.35 Supplies & Materials Abrams, Jackie Lyn Rigby ID 93315 9/8/2022
SupplyReimb 9.2.22 $120.78 Supplies & Materials Su, Junsong Sterling CO 93325 9/8/2022
279.00 $279.00 Supplies & Materials Vinyl Visions Design Sugar City ID 2.985E+14 9/8/2022
Dance $9,727.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON EDUCATION FOUNDATION RIGBY ID 1488029 9/8/2022
01802254 $292.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93351 9/9/2022
01802264 $1,360.11 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93351 9/9/2022
01810902 $823.25 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93351 9/9/2022
02312 $2,800.00 Auditor Fees Actuaries Northwest Bellevue WA 93336 9/9/2022
025 $261.00 Vendor Services Hearing and Communication Technology Boise ID 93352 9/9/2022
025-389964 $1,240.00 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93385 9/9/2022
04/23/2022 $28.00 Supplies and Materials Accents for All Seasons Rigby ID 93335 9/9/2022
045-387908 $2,025.00 Non Reimb Transportation Services Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93385 9/9/2022
1006 $357.50 Vendor Services Chad Judy Speech-Language Pathology Idaho Falls ID 93346 9/9/2022
112844 $65.00 Medical Supplies Better Hearing & Audiology LLC Idaho Falls ID 93339 9/9/2022
120 $1,045.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 93390 9/9/2022
124446520001 $1,309.89 Sec Curriculum Textbooks McGraw Hill Companies Columbus OH 93365 9/9/2022
15629 $9,775.00 Grounds Services Midway Elem Knife River Idaho Falls ID 93360 9/9/2022
1708542 $527.59 Supplies and Materials BISCO IDAHO FALLS ID 93341 9/9/2022
190929 $24.00 Supplies & Materials Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 93366 9/9/2022
190930 $195.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 93366 9/9/2022
190932 $10.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 93366 9/9/2022
200007309 $100.00 IDEA Professional Development IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007664 $260.00 District Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007665 $260.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007666 $260.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007667 $260.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007668 $260.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007671 $260.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007672 $260.00 District Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007678 $260.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007680 $260.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
200007701 $260.00 District Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
20221019 $17,650.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93374 9/9/2022
20221020 $289.80 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93374 9/9/2022
20221059 $3,892.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93374 9/9/2022
2022Pre-ServiceTrain $420.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 State Dept. Of Education BOISE ID 93380 9/9/2022
20230825 $100.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Idaho Department of Environmental Qlty Boise ID 93355 9/9/2022
20231075 $100.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Idaho Department of Environmental Qlty Boise ID 93355 9/9/2022
208130432014 $941.59 SPFF Non Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93377 9/9/2022
208130432014 $7,114.80 SPFF Non Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93377 9/9/2022
208130544405 $3,827.88 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93376 9/9/2022
208130633993 $1,961.60 SPFF Non Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93377 9/9/2022
208130745638 $2,980.25 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93376 9/9/2022
2138 $5,450.00 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 93358 9/9/2022
22-1375 $362.00 Gounds Services Farnsworth Middle Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93373 9/9/2022
22-1490 $264.00 Grounds Services Midway Elem Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93373 9/9/2022
2208-101 $1,495.76 Supplies and Materials Blue Ribbon Maintenance Supplies Holbrook NY 93342 9/9/2022
220817-0013 $112.20 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93349 9/9/2022
220817-0014 $112.20 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93349 9/9/2022
23073 $1,945.09 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23084 $243.68 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23094 $685.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23103 $417.40 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23110 $114.50 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23110 $114.50 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23112 $625.28 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
231151 $4,250.41 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23119 $149.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23120 $149.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23123 $1,991.92 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
23129 $520.84 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93383 9/9/2022
240118877 $4,991.26 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93382 9/9/2022
240123188 $3,075.21 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93382 9/9/2022
2406-251 21.22 $7,804.00 SDE Assessment Fee Transportation 85 State Dept. Of Education BOISE ID 93380 9/9/2022
251238-1 $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93356 9/9/2022
251238-2 $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93356 9/9/2022
251238-3 225 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93356 9/9/2022
26173792 $228.00 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93378 9/9/2022
26193753 $1,188.52 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93378 9/9/2022
26214276 $5,495.79 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93378 9/9/2022
26235336 $277.60 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93378 9/9/2022
26235337 $666.00 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93378 9/9/2022
26534446 $660,758.00 Workers Comp State Insurance Fund BOISE ID 93381 9/9/2022
267772 $275.00 Purchased Services BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 93344 9/9/2022
267772 $575.00 Purchased Services BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 93344 9/9/2022
267772 $1,646.57 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 93344 9/9/2022
269763 $3,693.89 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 93344 9/9/2022
269763 $1,284.74 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 93344 9/9/2022
271231 $51.08 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93359 9/9/2022
277174 $1,178.95 Math Piano Gallery Idaho Falls ID 93372 9/9/2022
277174 $125.00 Spencer Chiu EF Supplies Piano Gallery Idaho Falls ID 93372 9/9/2022
277174 $741.05 Choir EF Supplies Piano Gallery Idaho Falls ID 93372 9/9/2022
3 - Harwood re roof $19,580.64 Building Construction-Harwood Smith Roofing Rigby ID 93379 9/9/2022
300006453 $925.00 District Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006455 $705.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006456 $705.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006459 $705.00 District Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006460 $714.00 District Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006463 $663.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006467 $705.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006469 $705.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006471 $705.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006472 $705.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
300006486 $660.00 District Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
30006454 $663.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 93354 9/9/2022
32321442 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93330 9/9/2022
32321444 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93330 9/9/2022
32342180 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93330 9/9/2022
338202 $3,830.00 Grounds Services Jefferson Elem Mountain West, LLC MIssoula MT 93367 9/9/2022
338203 $3,830.00 Grounds Services Jefferson Elem Mountain West, LLC MIssoula MT 93367 9/9/2022
338204 $3,830.00 Grounds Services Jefferson Elem Mountain West, LLC MIssoula MT 93367 9/9/2022
4202 $1,125.00 Grounds Services Roberts Elem Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 93386 9/9/2022
44962 $100.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 93345 9/9/2022
44962 $100.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 93345 9/9/2022
46264 $8,030.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Pasadena CA 93362 9/9/2022
46264 $10,000.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Pasadena CA 93362 9/9/2022
49091 $300.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Bobs Kwik Service Rigby ID 93343 9/9/2022
573758225 $4,079.56 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 93350 9/9/2022
689-37968775 $19.50 Supplies and Materials Veritiv Operating Company Los Angeles CA 93388 9/9/2022
6900 $170.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93387 9/9/2022
6900 $170.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93387 9/9/2022
6900 $520.00 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93387 9/9/2022
6900 $170.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93387 9/9/2022
6900 $170.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93387 9/9/2022
6900 $520.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93387 9/9/2022
6900 $170.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93387 9/9/2022
6901 $1,400.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93387 9/9/2022
6901 $1,400.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93387 9/9/2022
8/31/2022 $19.00 Supplies and Materials Accents for All Seasons Rigby ID 93335 9/9/2022
8/4/2022 $28.00 Supplies and Materials Accents for All Seasons Rigby ID 93335 9/9/2022
8061306 $8,548.75 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93370 9/9/2022
8069160 $2,735.23 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93370 9/9/2022
87000 $1,485.35 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 93368 9/9/2022
891624 $750.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Imagine Learning Provo UT 93357 9/9/2022
8941529000041 $530.65 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93340 9/9/2022
955644607 $1,168.96 ESSER Learning Loss Services Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Chicago IL 93353 9/9/2022
955679630 $32,917.50 ESSER Learning Loss Services Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Chicago IL 93353 9/9/2022
962308385 463.01 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93361 9/9/2022
962308385 463.02 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93361 9/9/2022
Bond, Series 2015 $500.00 Bank Fees Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 93391 9/9/2022
CrossCountryMeetRMS $50.00 Athletic Participation West Jefferson High School Terreton ID 93332 9/9/2022
D91VolleyballTourn $300.00 Athletic Participation Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 93331 9/9/2022
DFS030084 $125.00 Maintenance Services Cottonwood 3D Fire & Life Safety Systems LLC Idaho Falls ID 93334 9/9/2022
FMS 8.30.22 $60.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93371 9/9/2022
IN101674 $77,397.09 State Technology Supplies VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93389 9/9/2022
INV24668 $640.00 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24668 $293.36 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24668 $2,046.23 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24668 $99.00 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24668 $2.56 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24668 $171.00 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24669 $357.72 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24669 $1,213.72 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24669 $2,103.68 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24669 $7,573.56 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24669 -($5,408.74) Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24669 $157,615.99 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24669 $19,644.48 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INV24669 $8,093.24 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93338 9/9/2022
INVn55380 $15,005.68 Elem Curriculum Supplies Nearpod Inc Dania Beach FL 93369 9/9/2022
INVn55380 $15,005.68 Sec Curriculum Supplies Nearpod Inc Dania Beach FL 93369 9/9/2022
LBLA2311461 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93337 9/9/2022
LBLA2311461 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93337 9/9/2022
LBLA2313428 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93337 9/9/2022
LBLA2313428 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93337 9/9/2022
LBLA2315411 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93337 9/9/2022
LBLA2315411 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93337 9/9/2022
M7251246 0 $1,485.74 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93375 9/9/2022
Mileage 8.26-9.7 $38.45 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93333 9/9/2022
Mileage 9.8-9.9 $30.60 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93333 9/9/2022
MMInc-2208021 $8,350.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Mandarin Matrix Inc North Salt Lake City  UT 93364 9/9/2022
R24076 $9,690.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Estrellita Greenwood Village CO 93348 9/9/2022
R24076 $1,984.20 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Estrellita Greenwood Village CO 93348 9/9/2022
R24076 $699.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Estrellita Greenwood Village CO 93348 9/9/2022
RHS 8.30.22 $135.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93371 9/9/2022
RMS 8.30.22 $75.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93371 9/9/2022
September 2022 $3,949.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 93347 9/9/2022
Space CampInstructor $500.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green LeDosquet, Cathreen Rigby ID 93363 9/9/2022
Stahl trimmer $85.00 Purchased Services Turner, Ron Menan ID 93384 9/9/2022
StahlBTrimmer $167.50 Purchased Services Turner, Ron Menan ID 93384 9/9/2022
1629479 $200.00 Purchased Services Skyline High School Idaho Falls ID 134 9/9/2022
Payroll Aug22 $71.76 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 131 9/9/2022
Payroll Aug22 $29.90 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 131 9/9/2022
RefundLH $30.00 Purchased Services Angela Harris Rigby Id 135 9/9/2022
RefundLH $10.00 Purchased Services Angela Harris Rigby Id 135 9/9/2022
RefundLH $10.00 Purchased Services Angela Harris Rigby Id 135 9/9/2022
Reimb 83122 $29.17 Purchases Services Jordan Nuttall Rexburg ID 132 9/9/2022
Reimb82922 $464.00 Student Council 8th Gr Services Matthew Self Rigby ID 133 9/9/2022
Reimb82922 -($464.00) Student Council 8th Gr Services Matthew Self Rigby ID 133 9/9/2022
VB Tourn 91022 $300.00 Purchased Services Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 130 9/9/2022
240129049 5 $619.20 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93393 9/12/2022
4682 $8,650.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Lemons House Moving Inc IDAHO FALLS ID 93392 9/12/2022
689-37921152 $669.00 Supplies and Materials Veritiv Operating Company Los Angeles CA 93394 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1 -($2,502.40) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 10 -($127.20) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 100 $7.38 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1000 $113.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1001 $114.45 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1002 $114.72 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1003 $114.90 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1004 $115.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1005 $115.58 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1006 $115.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1007 $116.20 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1008 $116.86 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1009 $117.29 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 101 $7.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1010 $117.30 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1011 $117.85 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1012 $119.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1013 $119.88 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1014 $119.98 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1015 $119.99 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1016 $119.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1017 $120.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1018 $120.01 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1019 $120.82 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 102 $7.45 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1020 $121.72 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1021 $121.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1022 $121.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1023 $122.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1024 $123.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1025 $123.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1026 $123.53 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1027 $123.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1028 $125.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1029 $125.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 103 $7.52 Becky Birch Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1030 $125.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1031 $125.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1032 $125.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1033 $125.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1034 $126.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1035 $126.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1036 $126.52 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1037 $127.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1038 $127.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1039 $127.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 104 $7.55 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1040 $127.58 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1041 $128.93 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1042 $129.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1043 $129.13 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1044 $129.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1045 $130.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1046 $131.88 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1047 $132.76 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1048 $133.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1049 $133.58 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 105 $7.55 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1050 $134.95 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1051 $135.64 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1052 $136.49 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1053 $136.55 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1054 $136.74 RHS Jeremy Green Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1055 $137.05 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1056 $138.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1057 $138.27 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1058 $138.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1059 $139.14 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 106 $7.58 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1060 $139.26 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1061 $139.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1062 $139.70 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1063 $139.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1064 $140.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1065 $140.72 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1066 $142.05 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1067 $142.20 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1068 $142.95 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1069 $143.15 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 107 $7.71 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1070 $143.57 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1071 $143.70 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1072 $143.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1073 $143.94 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1074 $143.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1075 $144.00 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1076 $144.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1077 $145.51 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1078 $145.60 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1079 $148.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 108 $7.74 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1080 $148.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1081 $148.61 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1082 $148.98 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1083 $149.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1084 $150.00 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1085 $150.00 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1086 $150.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1087 $150.34 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1088 $150.73 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1089 $151.47 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 109 $7.77 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1090 $152.09 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1091 $152.09 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1092 $154.66 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1093 $154.95 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1094 $155.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1095 $155.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1096 $155.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1097 $155.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1098 $156.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1099 $156.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 11 -($119.99) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 110 $7.79 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1100 $156.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1101 $156.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1102 $158.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1103 $159.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1104 $161.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1105 $163.96 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1106 $165.36 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1107 $165.42 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1108 $166.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1109 $166.66 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 111 $7.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1110 $167.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1111 $168.67 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1112 $168.86 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1113 $169.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1114 $169.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1115 $170.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1116 $170.78 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1117 $170.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1118 $173.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1119 $173.84 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 112 $7.84 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1120 $173.99 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1121 $174.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1122 $175.92 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1123 $177.18 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1124 $177.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1125 $178.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1126 $179.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1127 $179.70 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1128 $180.00 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1129 $180.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 113 $7.92 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1130 $180.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1131 $180.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1132 $180.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1133 $180.23 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1134 $182.40 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1135 $182.75 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1136 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1137 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1138 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1139 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 114 $7.95 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1140 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1141 $182.84 Custodial Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1142 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1143 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1144 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1145 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1146 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1147 $183.00 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1148 $184.50 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1149 $185.40 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 115 $7.95 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1150 $186.21 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1151 $189.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1152 $189.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1153 $189.88 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1154 $189.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1155 $190.09 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1156 $191.10 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1157 $191.29 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1158 $191.98 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1159 $195.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 116 $7.95 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1160 $196.21 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1161 $196.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1162 $197.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1163 $197.78 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1164 $197.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1165 $199.33 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1166 $199.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1167 $200.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1168 $200.26 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1169 $200.75 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 117 $7.96 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1170 $201.60 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1171 $201.60 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1172 $202.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1173 $202.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1174 $203.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1175 $205.16 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1176 $205.23 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1177 $206.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1178 $208.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1179 $209.70 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 118 $7.98 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1180 $210.91 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1181 $211.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1182 $212.00 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1183 $212.64 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1184 $213.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1185 $214.19 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1186 $216.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1187 $216.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1188 $219.96 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1189 $222.59 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 119 $7.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1190 $224.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1191 $225.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1192 $225.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1193 $225.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1194 $225.62 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1195 $225.78 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1196 $226.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1197 $227.14 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1198 $228.72 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1199 $229.12 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 12 -($74.97) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 120 $7.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1200 $229.72 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1201 $231.56 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1202 $233.10 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1203 $233.19 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1204 $234.17 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1205 $235.95 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1206 $235.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1207 $236.40 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1208 $240.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1209 $240.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 121 $7.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1210 $245.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1211 $245.09 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1212 $245.52 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1213 $246.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1214 $249.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1215 $250.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1216 $252.20 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1217 $252.78 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1218 $255.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1219 $257.99 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 122 $8.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1220 $262.88 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1221 $263.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1222 $264.99 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1223 $267.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1224 $267.16 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1225 $267.39 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1226 $268.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1227 $270.92 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1228 $270.92 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1229 $271.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 123 $8.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1230 $272.25 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1231 $280.90 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1232 $285.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1233 $286.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1234 $286.83 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1235 $287.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1236 $288.75 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1237 $289.54 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1238 $297.24 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1239 $300.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 124 $8.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1240 $300.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1241 $300.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1242 $300.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1243 $300.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1244 $300.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1245 $300.00 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1246 $300.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1247 $300.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1248 $300.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1249 $300.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 125 $8.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1250 $300.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1251 $300.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1252 $300.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1253 $307.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1254 $308.00 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1255 $308.90 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1256 $309.66 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1257 $309.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1258 $314.12 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1259 $314.12 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 126 $8.08 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1260 $315.70 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1261 $318.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1262 $320.02 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1263 $322.27 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1264 $323.73 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1265 $328.58 Travel LEP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1266 $329.60 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1267 $329.65 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1268 $329.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1269 $334.68 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 127 $8.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1270 $346.13 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1271 $348.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1272 $349.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1273 $350.00 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1274 $351.78 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1275 $354.45 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1276 $356.16 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1277 $360.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1278 $360.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1279 $360.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 128 $8.10 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1280 $364.12 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1281 $365.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1282 $365.51 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1283 $369.75 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1284 $371.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1285 $375.99 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1286 $377.54 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1287 $378.31 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1288 $379.76 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1289 $381.59 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 129 $8.12 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1290 $382.59 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1291 $382.79 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1292 $384.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1293 $385.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1294 $386.77 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1295 $392.55 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1296 $394.20 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1297 $399.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1298 $401.94 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1299 $402.50 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 13 -($74.97) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 130 $8.16 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1300 $408.18 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1301 $412.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1302 $413.99 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1303 $426.70 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1304 $427.77 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1305 $432.35 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1306 $438.98 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1307 $439.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1308 $440.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1309 $440.80 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 131 $8.18 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1310 $443.73 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1311 $446.64 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1312 $449.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1313 $450.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1314 $450.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1315 $454.72 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1316 $458.98 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1317 $465.06 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1318 $467.28 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1319 $471.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 132 $8.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1320 $472.59 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1321 $473.09 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1322 $473.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1323 $476.16 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1324 $477.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1325 $483.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1326 $485.43 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1327 $487.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1328 $488.81 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1329 $489.79 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 133 $8.29 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1330 $490.94 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1331 $500.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1332 $500.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1333 $504.40 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1334 $504.40 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1335 $504.40 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1336 $511.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1337 $515.95 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1338 $521.38 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1339 $525.60 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 134 $8.32 Lindsey Thompson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1340 $536.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1341 $539.85 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1342 $541.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1343 $542.39 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1344 $550.92 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1345 $555.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1346 $556.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1347 $558.10 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1348 $568.16 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1349 $581.40 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 135 $8.37 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1350 $581.45 Custodial Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1351 $582.28 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1352 $589.80 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1353 $591.61 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1354 $591.61 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1355 $591.61 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1356 $595.00 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1357 $599.39 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1358 $608.36 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1359 $612.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 136 $8.47 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1360 $633.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1361 $650.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1362 $650.11 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1363 $666.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1364 $676.52 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1365 $677.20 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1366 $686.88 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1367 $686.88 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1368 $694.95 Custodial Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1369 $696.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 137 $8.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1370 $697.76 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1371 $699.30 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1372 $699.58 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1373 $714.45 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1374 $723.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1375 $725.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1376 $726.00 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1377 $726.32 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1378 $736.11 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1379 $741.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 138 $8.50 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1380 $745.19 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1381 $750.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1382 $777.29 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1383 $792.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1384 $795.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1385 $801.13 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1386 $815.11 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1387 $819.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1388 $830.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1389 $831.42 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 139 $8.50 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1390 $831.43 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1391 $831.43 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1392 $831.43 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1393 $831.43 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1394 $831.43 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1395 $831.43 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1396 $842.89 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1397 $843.26 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1398 $857.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1399 $858.27 Golf Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 14 -($58.75) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 140 $8.59 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1400 $860.50 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1401 $875.78 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1402 $877.70 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1403 $897.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1404 $900.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1405 $900.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1406 $900.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1407 $950.60 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1408 $961.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1409 $961.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 141 $8.77 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1410 $991.23 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1411 $1,013.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1412 $1,056.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1413 $1,087.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1414 $1,095.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1415 $1,099.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1416 $1,183.96 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1417 $1,200.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1418 $1,229.44 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1419 $1,254.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 142 $8.78 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1420 $1,299.09 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1421 $1,347.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1422 $1,347.00 LEP Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1423 $1,347.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1424 $1,353.66 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1425 $1,479.94 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1426 $1,500.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1427 $1,500.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1428 $1,600.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1429 $1,600.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 143 $8.95 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1430 $1,638.42 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1431 $1,647.76 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1432 $1,670.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1433 $1,717.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1434 $1,750.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1435 $1,752.01 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1436 $1,843.36 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1437 $1,900.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1438 $1,900.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1439 $1,976.04 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 144 $8.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1440 $1,996.71 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1441 $2,005.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1442 $2,151.67 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1443 $2,196.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1444 $2,240.40 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1445 $2,250.00 SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1446 $2,286.23 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1447 $2,364.37 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1448 $2,364.38 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1449 $2,372.67 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 145 $8.99 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1450 $2,384.60 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1451 $2,417.27 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1452 $2,648.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1453 $2,700.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1454 $2,862.14 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1455 $3,035.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1456 $3,035.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1457 $3,206.40 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1458 $3,248.22 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1459 $3,708.80 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 146 $8.99 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1460 $3,754.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1461 $3,757.38 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1462 $3,803.45 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1463 $3,925.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1464 $4,137.99 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1465 $4,227.51 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1466 $4,284.20 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1467 $5,633.41 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1468 $6,230.62 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1469 $6,230.62 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 147 $8.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1470 $8,733.86 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1471 $13,369.37 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1472 $18,150.94 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 1473 $32,587.20 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 148 $9.00 Karen Stewart Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 149 $9.14 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 15 -($31.79) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 150 $9.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 151 $9.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 152 $9.28 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 153 $9.34 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 154 $9.40 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 155 $9.49 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 156 $9.53 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 157 $9.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 158 $9.53 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 159 $9.62 Irene Mitchell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 16 -($24.31) Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 160 $9.64 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 161 $9.74 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 162 $9.83 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 163 $9.97 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 164 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 165 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 166 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 167 $9.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 168 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 169 $10.00 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 17 -($23.94) Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 170 $10.13 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 171 $10.19 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 172 $10.31 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 173 $10.38 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 174 $10.45 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 175 $10.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 176 $10.57 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 177 $10.59 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 178 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 179 $10.59 Carla Zundel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 18 -($23.52) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 180 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 181 $10.76 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 182 $10.83 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 183 $10.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 184 $10.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 185 $11.01 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 186 $11.01 Jill Killpack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 187 $11.32 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 188 $11.37 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 189 $11.49 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 19 -($21.92) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 190 $11.64 Eleanor Sarmiento Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 191 $11.65 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 192 $11.93 Ashlee MccCormack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 193 $11.93 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 194 $11.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 195 $11.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 196 $12.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 197 $12.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 198 $12.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 199 $12.27 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 2 -($876.19) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 20 -($21.92) Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 200 $12.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 201 $12.40 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 202 $12.47 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 203 $12.50 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 204 $12.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 205 $12.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 206 $12.71 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 207 $12.84 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 208 $12.95 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 209 $13.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 21 -($13.22) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 210 $13.13 Bill to School JHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 211 $13.14 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 212 $13.16 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 213 $13.24 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 214 $13.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 215 $13.24 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 216 $13.25 Amber MacPherson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 217 $13.35 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 218 $13.40 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 219 $13.52 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 22 -($9.83) Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 220 $13.54 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 221 $13.56 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 222 $13.63 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 223 $13.67 Lindsey Thompson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 224 $13.76 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 225 $13.77 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 226 $13.77 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 227 $13.77 6th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 228 $13.78 Health Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 229 $13.84 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 23 -($3.31) Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 230 $13.91 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 231 $13.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 232 $13.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 233 $14.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 234 $14.02 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 235 $14.18 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 236 $14.39 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 237 $14.52 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 238 $14.58 Ashlee MccCormack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 239 $14.58 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 24 $0.51 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 240 $14.83 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 241 $14.83 Karen Stewart Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 242 $14.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 243 $14.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 244 $14.93 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 245 $14.95 Becky Birch Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 246 $14.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 247 $14.99 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 248 $14.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 249 $14.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 25 $0.76 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 250 $15.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 251 $15.14 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 252 $15.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 253 $15.39 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 254 $15.46 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 255 $15.86 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 256 $15.89 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 257 $15.89 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 258 $15.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 259 $15.94 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 26 $0.79 Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 260 $15.96 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 261 $15.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 262 $15.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 263 $15.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 264 $15.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 265 $15.99 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 266 $16.03 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 267 $16.04 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 268 $16.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 269 $16.12 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 27 $0.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 270 $16.20 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 271 $16.24 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 272 $16.39 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 273 $16.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 274 $16.61 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 275 $16.75 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 276 $16.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 277 $16.89 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 278 $16.96 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 279 $16.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 28 $1.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 280 $17.14 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 281 $17.23 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 282 $17.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 283 $17.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 284 $17.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 285 $17.34 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 286 $17.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 287 $17.39 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 288 $17.73 Amber MacPherson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 289 $17.82 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 29 $1.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 290 $17.86 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 291 $17.94 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 292 $17.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 293 $18.01 Davis, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 294 $18.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 295 $18.01 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 296 $18.02 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 297 $18.20 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 298 $18.38 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 299 $18.59 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 3 -($395.00) Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 30 $1.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 300 $18.70 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 301 $18.78 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 302 $18.85 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 303 $18.89 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 304 $18.97 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 305 $18.99 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 306 $18.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 307 $19.06 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 308 $19.07 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 309 $19.14 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 31 $1.92 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 310 $19.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 311 $19.55 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 312 $19.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 313 $19.68 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 314 $19.79 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 315 $19.89 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 316 $19.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 317 $19.96 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 318 $19.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 319 $19.98 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 32 $2.78 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 320 $20.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 321 $20.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 322 $20.10 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 323 $20.10 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 324 $20.12 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 325 $20.12 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 326 $20.59 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 327 $20.62 Becky Birch Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 328 $20.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 329 $20.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 33 $2.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 330 $20.67 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 331 $20.70 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 332 $20.75 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 333 $20.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 334 $20.78 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 335 $20.79 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 336 $20.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 337 $20.98 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 338 $21.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 339 $21.00 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 34 $2.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 340 $21.03 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 341 $21.08 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 342 $21.18 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 343 $21.20 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 344 $21.20 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 345 $21.20 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 346 $21.20 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 347 $21.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 348 $21.31 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 349 $21.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 35 $2.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 350 $21.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 351 $21.53 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 352 $21.57 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 353 $21.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 354 $21.77 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 355 $21.90 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 356 $21.90 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 357 $21.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 358 $21.98 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 359 $21.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 36 $3.00 Irene Mitchell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 360 $21.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 361 $21.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 362 $22.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 363 $22.26 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 364 $22.32 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 365 $22.53 Thayne Andrus Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 366 $22.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 367 $22.78 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 368 $22.83 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 369 $22.93 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 37 $3.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 370 $22.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 371 $23.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 372 $23.39 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 373 $23.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 374 $23.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 375 $23.68 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 376 $23.71 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 377 $23.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 378 $23.83 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 379 $24.29 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 38 $3.00 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 380 $24.31 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 381 $24.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 382 $24.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 383 $24.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 384 $24.78 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 385 $24.87 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 386 $24.98 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 387 $24.99 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 388 $24.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 389 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 39 $3.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 390 $24.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 391 $25.00 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 392 $25.00 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 393 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 394 $25.00 Sherry Curnutt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 395 $25.09 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 396 $25.12 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 397 $25.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 398 $25.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 399 $25.34 Sherry Curnutt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 4 -($314.12) Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 40 $3.58 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 400 $25.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 401 $25.41 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 402 $25.42 Day, Lisa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 403 $25.47 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 404 $25.65 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 405 $25.65 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 406 $25.69 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 407 $25.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 408 $25.75 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 409 $25.76 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 41 $3.60 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 410 $25.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 411 $26.00 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 412 $26.19 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 413 $26.33 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 414 $26.46 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 415 $26.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 416 $26.49 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 417 $26.49 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 418 $26.50 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 419 $26.50 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 42 $3.78 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 420 $26.50 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 421 $26.57 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 422 $26.58 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 423 $26.86 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 424 $26.95 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 425 $26.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 426 $26.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 427 $26.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 428 $26.99 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 429 $27.06 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 43 $4.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 430 $27.24 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 431 $27.35 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 432 $27.39 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 433 $27.40 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 434 $27.43 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 435 $27.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 436 $27.48 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 437 $27.84 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 438 $28.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 439 $28.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 44 $4.00 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 440 $28.01 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 441 $28.07 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 442 $28.14 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 443 $28.16 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 444 $28.26 Becky Birch Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 445 $28.30 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 446 $28.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 447 $28.60 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 448 $28.62 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 449 $28.64 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 45 $4.01 Custodial Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 450 $28.76 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 451 $28.84 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 452 $28.98 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 453 $28.98 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 454 $28.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 455 $29.08 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 456 $29.17 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 457 $29.22 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 458 $29.34 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 459 $29.61 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 46 $4.02 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 460 $29.66 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 461 $29.70 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 462 $29.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 463 $29.83 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 464 $29.84 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 465 $29.95 Bowden, Karlene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 466 $29.98 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 467 $29.99 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 468 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 469 $30.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 47 $4.12 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 470 $30.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 471 $30.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 472 $30.26 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 473 $30.34 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 474 $30.61 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 475 $30.68 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 476 $30.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 477 $30.93 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 478 $30.96 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 479 $30.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 48 $4.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 480 $31.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 481 $31.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 482 $31.02 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 483 $31.13 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 484 $31.32 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 485 $31.33 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 486 $31.35 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 487 $31.47 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 488 $31.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 489 $31.53 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 49 $4.76 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 490 $31.63 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 491 $31.70 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 492 $31.75 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 493 $31.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 494 $31.78 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 495 $31.79 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 496 $31.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 497 $31.99 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 498 $32.08 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 499 $32.14 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 5 -($314.12) Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 50 $4.78 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 500 $32.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 501 $32.36 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 502 $32.46 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 503 $32.56 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 504 $32.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 505 $32.84 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 506 $32.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 507 $32.98 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 508 $33.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 509 $33.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 51 $4.98 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 510 $33.42 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 511 $33.52 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 512 $33.56 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 513 $33.65 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 514 $33.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 515 $33.78 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 516 $33.91 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 517 $34.21 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 518 $34.50 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 519 $34.81 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 52 $5.00 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 520 $34.88 2nd Grade EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 521 $34.92 Christy Bloxham Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 522 $34.95 Carla Zundel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 523 $34.96 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 524 $34.97 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 525 $34.97 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 526 $34.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 527 $35.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 528 $35.24 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 529 $35.24 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 53 $5.15 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 530 $35.28 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 531 $35.45 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 532 $35.59 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 533 $35.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 534 $35.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 535 $35.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 536 $36.02 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 537 $36.18 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 538 $36.21 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 539 $36.32 Ashlee MccCormack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 54 $5.16 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 540 $36.34 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 541 $36.48 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 542 $36.51 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 543 $36.51 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 544 $36.77 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 545 $36.84 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 546 $36.97 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 547 $37.22 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 548 $37.38 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 549 $37.44 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 55 $5.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 550 $37.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 551 $37.47 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 552 $37.54 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 553 $37.64 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 554 $37.68 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 555 $37.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 556 $37.74 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 557 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 558 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 559 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 56 $5.28 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 560 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 561 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 562 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 563 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 564 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 565 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 566 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 567 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 568 $37.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 569 $37.98 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 57 $5.30 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 570 $37.98 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 571 $38.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 572 $38.14 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 573 $38.16 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 574 $38.58 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 575 $38.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 576 $39.07 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 577 $39.28 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 578 $39.29 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 579 $39.76 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 58 $5.30 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 580 $39.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 581 $39.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 582 $40.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 583 $40.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 584 $40.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 585 $40.26 Misty Dansie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 586 $40.55 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 587 $40.78 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 588 $40.78 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 589 $41.05 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 59 $5.30 Lorena Reyes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 590 $41.17 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 591 $41.29 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 592 $41.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 593 $41.51 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 594 $41.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 595 $41.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 596 $41.67 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 597 $41.81 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 598 $42.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 599 $42.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 6 -($201.39) CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 60 $5.31 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 600 $42.19 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 601 $42.23 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 602 $42.26 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 603 $42.36 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 604 $42.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 605 $42.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 606 $42.60 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 607 $42.67 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 608 $42.71 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 609 $42.83 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 61 $5.35 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 610 $42.90 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 611 $43.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 612 $43.71 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 613 $43.73 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 614 $44.03 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 615 $44.07 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 616 $44.10 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 617 $44.17 Davis, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 618 $44.51 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 619 $44.69 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 62 $5.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 620 $44.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 621 $44.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 622 $44.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 623 $45.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 624 $45.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 625 $45.03 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 626 $45.05 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 627 $45.17 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 628 $45.39 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 629 $45.57 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 63 $5.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 630 $45.66 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 631 $45.94 Ronni Balmforth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 632 $45.96 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 633 $45.98 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 634 $46.01 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 635 $46.01 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 636 $46.52 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 637 $46.54 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 638 $46.62 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 639 $46.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 64 $5.44 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 640 $47.00 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 641 $47.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 642 $47.11 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 643 $47.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 644 $47.89 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 645 $47.96 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 646 $48.11 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 647 $48.97 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 648 $49.13 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 649 $49.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 65 $5.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 650 $49.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 651 $49.44 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 652 $49.45 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 653 $49.63 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 654 $49.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 655 $49.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 656 $49.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 657 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 658 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 659 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 66 $5.52 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 660 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 661 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 662 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 663 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 664 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 665 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 666 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 667 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 668 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 669 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 67 $5.56 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 670 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 671 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 672 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 673 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 674 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 675 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 676 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 677 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 678 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 679 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 68 $5.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 680 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 681 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 682 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 683 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 684 $49.99 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 685 $49.99 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 686 $49.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 687 $50.19 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 688 $50.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 689 $50.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 69 $5.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 690 $51.09 Day, Lisa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 691 $51.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 692 $51.46 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 693 $51.60 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 694 $51.76 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 695 $52.14 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 696 $53.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 697 $53.00 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 698 $53.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 699 $53.08 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 7 -($174.75) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 70 $5.70 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 700 $53.11 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 701 $53.24 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 702 $53.43 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 703 $53.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 704 $53.97 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 705 $54.23 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 706 $54.52 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 707 $54.66 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 708 $54.79 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 709 $54.94 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 71 $5.73 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 710 $54.95 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 711 $54.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 712 $55.07 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 713 $55.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 714 $55.84 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 715 $55.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 716 $56.05 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 717 $56.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 718 $56.20 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 719 $56.34 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 72 $5.90 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 720 $56.45 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 721 $56.60 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 722 $56.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 723 $56.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 724 $56.90 6th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 725 $57.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 726 $57.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 727 $57.37 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 728 $57.38 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 729 $57.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 73 $5.99 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 730 $57.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 731 $58.12 Bowden, Karlene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 732 $58.14 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 733 $58.25 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 734 $58.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 735 $58.26 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 736 $58.26 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 737 $58.27 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 738 $58.31 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 739 $58.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 74 $5.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 740 $59.32 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 741 $59.40 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 742 $59.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 743 $59.59 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 744 $59.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 745 $59.88 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 746 $59.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 747 $59.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 748 $59.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 749 $59.97 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 75 $6.00 Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 750 $59.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 751 $60.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 752 $60.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 753 $60.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 754 $60.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 755 $60.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 756 $60.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 757 $60.38 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 758 $60.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 759 $60.44 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 76 $6.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 760 $60.63 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 761 $60.70 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 762 $61.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 763 $61.02 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 764 $61.24 Laura Moreno Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 765 $61.83 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 766 $61.98 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 767 $62.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 768 $62.30 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 769 $62.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 77 $6.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 770 $63.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 771 $63.19 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 772 $63.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 773 $63.54 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 774 $63.54 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 775 $63.58 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 776 $63.65 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 777 $63.79 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 778 $63.98 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 779 $64.01 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 78 $6.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 780 $64.05 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 781 $64.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 782 $64.47 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 783 $64.75 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 784 $65.00 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 785 $65.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 786 $65.49 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 787 $65.76 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 788 $65.88 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 789 $65.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 79 $6.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 790 $65.97 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 791 $66.40 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 792 $66.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 793 $66.48 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 794 $66.70 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 795 $66.84 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 796 $66.96 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 797 $67.07 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 798 $67.11 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 799 $67.12 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 8 -($159.68) Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 80 $6.10 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 800 $67.68 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 801 $67.70 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 802 $67.81 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 803 $67.84 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 804 $68.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 805 $68.89 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 806 $69.36 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 807 $69.45 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 808 $69.45 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 809 $69.45 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 81 $6.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 810 $69.56 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 811 $69.58 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 812 $69.60 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 813 $69.84 Hillary Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 814 $69.86 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 815 $69.94 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 816 $69.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 817 $70.00 Thayne Andrus Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 818 $70.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 819 $70.03 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 82 $6.16 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 820 $70.89 6th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 821 $71.39 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 822 $71.50 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 823 $72.00 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 824 $72.72 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 825 $72.83 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 826 $72.86 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 827 $72.88 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 828 $73.19 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 829 $73.23 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 83 $6.30 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 830 $73.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 831 $73.99 Hill, Carla Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 832 $74.03 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 833 $74.29 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 834 $74.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 835 $75.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 836 $75.12 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 837 $75.29 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 838 $75.52 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 839 $75.84 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 84 $6.34 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 840 $76.01 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 841 $76.28 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 842 $76.32 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 843 $76.39 8th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 844 $76.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 845 $76.51 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 846 $76.87 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 847 $76.89 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 848 $77.24 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 849 $77.30 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 85 $6.34 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 850 $77.33 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 851 $77.45 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 852 $77.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 853 $77.70 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 854 $78.12 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 855 $78.43 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 856 $78.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 857 $78.55 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 858 $78.60 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 859 $78.71 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 86 $6.36 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 860 $79.74 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 861 $79.74 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 862 $79.75 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 863 $79.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 864 $79.94 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 865 $79.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 866 $79.99 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 867 $80.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 868 $80.39 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 869 $80.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 87 $6.36 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 870 $80.64 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 871 $81.11 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 872 $81.24 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 873 $81.46 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 874 $81.98 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 875 $81.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 876 $82.10 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 877 $82.11 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 878 $82.18 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 879 $82.90 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 88 $6.48 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 880 $82.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 881 $83.84 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 882 $83.95 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 883 $83.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 884 $84.40 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 885 $84.55 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 886 $84.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 887 $84.95 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 888 $84.97 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 889 $85.19 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 89 $6.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 890 $85.55 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 891 $85.70 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 892 $85.70 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 893 $85.70 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 894 $85.85 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 895 $86.53 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 896 $86.65 Title I Parent Involvment Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 897 $86.88 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 898 $86.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 899 $87.32 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 9 -($135.15) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 90 $6.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 900 $87.76 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 901 $87.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 902 $88.31 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 903 $88.45 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 904 $88.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 905 $88.99 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 906 $88.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 907 $89.56 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 908 $89.91 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 909 $90.30 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 91 $6.76 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 910 $90.84 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 911 $91.15 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 912 $91.35 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 913 $91.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 914 $91.58 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 915 $91.58 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 916 $92.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 917 $92.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 918 $92.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 919 $92.97 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 92 $6.79 Irene Mitchell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 920 $92.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 921 $93.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 922 $93.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 923 $93.75 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 924 $93.88 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 925 $94.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 926 $94.36 Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 927 $94.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 928 $95.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 929 $95.44 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 93 $6.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 930 $95.51 Harwood Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 931 $96.68 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 932 $97.04 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 933 $97.46 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 934 $97.52 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 935 $98.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 936 $99.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 937 $99.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 938 $99.38 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 939 $99.45 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 94 $6.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 940 $99.60 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 941 $99.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 942 $99.76 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 943 $99.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 944 $100.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 945 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 946 $100.00 Anita Lindstrom Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 947 $100.00 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 948 $100.01 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 949 $100.20 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 95 $6.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 950 $100.23 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 951 $100.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 952 $100.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 953 $100.73 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 954 $100.88 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 955 $102.28 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 956 $102.71 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 957 $103.22 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 958 $103.26 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 959 $103.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 96 $7.00 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 960 $103.47 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 961 $103.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 962 $103.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 963 $104.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 964 $104.15 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 965 $104.36 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 966 $104.43 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 967 $104.47 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 968 $104.95 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 969 $105.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 97 $7.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 970 $105.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 971 $105.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 972 $105.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 973 $105.98 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 974 $106.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 975 $106.62 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 976 $106.62 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 977 $107.18 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 978 $107.28 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 979 $107.34 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 98 $7.17 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 980 $107.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 981 $107.94 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 982 $107.94 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 983 $108.64 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 984 $108.75 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 985 $108.93 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 986 $108.98 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 987 $109.70 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 988 $109.83 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 989 $110.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 99 $7.37 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 990 $110.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 991 $110.81 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 992 $110.92 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 993 $110.97 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 994 $112.04 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 995 $113.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 996 $113.05 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 997 $113.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 998 $113.50 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
8/31/2022 999 $113.66 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2022
V823269 $250.00 Supplies & Materials Sip Sip Hooray Idaho Falls ID 1488030 9/12/2022
V612743 $207.75 Supplies & Materials MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 2106 9/12/2022
17010 upright pad $367.50 Supplies & Materials ADP Lemco, Inc Draper UT 1488031 9/13/2022
17010 upright pad $367.50 Supplies & Materials ADP Lemco, Inc Draper UT 1488031 9/13/2022
740605 $80.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488035 9/13/2022
8-31-22 Statement $155.50 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488034 9/13/2022
CNA Refund $85.00 Supplies & Materials Bagley, Emmalee Rigby ID 1488032 9/13/2022
Costumes $1,614.00 Supplies & Materials CC Dance Design, LLC Orem UT 1488033 9/13/2022
32357296 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93399 9/14/2022
32373065 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93399 9/14/2022
EHansen 975602899 $245.00 Fast Foward BYU-Idaho Rexburg ID 93398 9/14/2022
GasReimb 9.13 $70.01 IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 93400 9/14/2022
GasReimb 9.14 $61.50 IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 93400 9/14/2022
A.Davis Alt auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93402 9/15/2022
J.Poulter Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93401 9/15/2022
91322 $300.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 9/15/2022
92822 $2,000.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 9/15/2022
32400005 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93404 9/16/2022
August 2022 (1) $19.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/16/2022
S-2014-28533 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 93403 9/16/2022
2209-276650 $506.72 Industrial Arts Supplies Intermountain Wood Salt Lake City UT 93405 9/19/2022
1153 Mini tees $1,176.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488046 9/19/2022
1154 Vball Rise logo $306.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488046 9/19/2022
1156 Golf logos $672.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488046 9/19/2022
1160 Vball gear $230.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488046 9/19/2022
38089 Volleyball $372.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488038 9/19/2022
38224 Volleyball $30.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488038 9/19/2022
38254 Volleyball $203.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488038 9/19/2022
Coaches passes (8) $280.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION BOISE ID 1488040 9/19/2022
Golf entry $100.00 Supplies & Materials BLACKFOOT HIGH SCHOOL BLACKFOOT ID 1488036 9/19/2022
Golf entry $100.00 Supplies & Materials BLACKFOOT HIGH SCHOOL BLACKFOOT ID 1488036 9/19/2022
Golf PF Refund $175.00 Supplies & Materials Wells, Porter Rigby ID 1488047 9/19/2022
July/Aug Sales Tax $3.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
July/Aug Sales Tax $8.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
July/Aug Sales Tax $273.80 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
July/Aug Sales Tax $2.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
July/Aug Sales Tax ($0.29) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
July/Aug Sales Tax $68.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
July/Aug Sales Tax 1071.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Locker refund $10.00 Supplies & Materials Gerry, Kingston Rigby ID 1488039 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $67.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $77.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $126.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $67.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $93.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $93.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $93.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $25.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $51.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $99.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $63.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $129.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Payroll 8-20-22 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488041 9/19/2022
Statement 9-8-22 $2,645.33 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488045 9/19/2022
Statement 9-8-22 $22.28 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488045 9/19/2022
Statement 9-8-22 $147.92 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488045 9/19/2022
Summer invoices $72.98 Supplies & Materials NAPA Auto Parts-Twin Falls Twin Falls ID 1488043 9/19/2022
Vball jogger/hoodie $817.25 Supplies & Materials Robinson, Sara Rigby ID 1488044 9/19/2022
X-Ctry Meet entry $170.00 Supplies & Materials Bob Firman XC Boise  ID 1488037 9/19/2022
Yearbook Refund $60.00 Supplies & Materials Karstad, Charlotte Rigby ID 1488042 9/19/2022
1082 $708.75 Athletics Hodges, Catelynn Rigby ID 93413 9/20/2022
18-0157 August 2022 $441.04 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93409 9/20/2022
18-0160 August 2022 $250.06 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93409 9/20/2022
190931 $32.00 General Supplies & Materials Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 93416 9/20/2022
32404272 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93412 9/20/2022
32408668 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93412 9/20/2022
32408669 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93412 9/20/2022
32417480 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93412 9/20/2022
40746166 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93408 9/20/2022
40756045 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93408 9/20/2022
Mileage 8.15-8.23 $36.20 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93421 9/20/2022
Mileage 8.29-9.8 $26.70 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93421 9/20/2022
PD Staff MtgSupplies $168.00 Professional Devlopment Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 93410 9/20/2022
PrePd Lnch Rfnd $25.80 Student Lunch Sales Wood, Heather Kuna ID 93419 9/20/2022
RMS signs $38.00 Vendor Bill To School Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 93415 9/20/2022
RMS Spirit PackVBall $672.00 Athletics The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 93418 9/20/2022
RMS TigerGrizz XC $200.00 Athletic Participation Skyline High School Idaho Falls ID 93417 9/20/2022
RMS Volleyball $266.00 Athletics The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 93418 9/20/2022
Supply Reimb 9.12 $24.48 Band Supplies Germer, Nicholas Derek Rigby ID 93411 9/20/2022
Supply Reimb 9.12 $100.00 Teacher Budget Germer, Nicholas Derek Rigby ID 93411 9/20/2022
Supply Reimb 9.14 $27.79 Chinese Immersion Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 93420 9/20/2022
Supply Reimb 9.15 $107.04 Supplies & Materials Chiu, Chun-Man Rigby ID 93407 9/20/2022
Supply Reimb 9.15 $89.03 Supplies & Materials Jacobson, Meranda Rigby ID 93414 9/20/2022
Supply Reimb 9.16 $30.00 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 93406 9/20/2022
Supply Reimb 9.16 $29.70 Teacher Budget Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 93406 9/20/2022
Supply Reimb 9.20 $1,214.83 Meranda Jacobson Jacobson, Meranda Rigby ID 93414 9/20/2022
V130405 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 9/20/2022
V15713 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 9/20/2022
V160300 $3,700.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2022
V177276 $3,368.47 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93442 9/20/2022
V218299 ($2.75) District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 9/20/2022
V232148 $148,017.41 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2022
V287043 $1,638.00 Business Services American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 9/20/2022
V308812 $7.61 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2022
V342787 $12,744.43 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93442 9/20/2022
V358354 $31,637.87 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93442 9/20/2022
V401333 $755.37 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2022
V432567 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 9/20/2022
V571676 $176.67 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2022
V577870 $296,132.52 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2022
V597896 $865.50 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2022
V647560 $3,800.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43908 9/20/2022
V685970 ($764.16) PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2022
V727219 $4,045.47 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 9/20/2022
V754876 $3,098.97 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93442 9/20/2022
V814874 $327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 9/20/2022
V818605 $34,617.10 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2022
V841661 $391,083.51 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93442 9/20/2022
V843589 $32.55 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2022
V870153 $1,454.69 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2022
V972240 -($0.01) HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93442 9/20/2022
$7,736.32 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,518.36 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,856.90 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$406.19 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Kevin Spencer  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,830.76 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,159.87 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,873.80 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Brandy Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,291.35 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,135.08 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,825.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,681.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,619.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,997.35 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ard, Taylie Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,601.83 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$60.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Carlie J  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,819.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,835.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,166.58 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,520.17 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,371.56 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,263.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$282.24 GROSS PAYROLL Bagley, Lisa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$494.73 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$212.53 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Jennifer Robin  Lewsiville ID 0 9/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Rachel Nichole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,025.00 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,472.55 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,495.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$135.81 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,116.05 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,895.96 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,766.07 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,650.02 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,370.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,549.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,142.30 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Kaitlyn Anna  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,479.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,998.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$288.15 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$879.90 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,308.66 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$723.32 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,117.30 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,037.43 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,266.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$259.14 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$866.91 GROSS PAYROLL Black, Marly Olaso  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,607.42 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Blair, Miranda Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Blatter Sutherland, Carley Jill  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,664.36 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,152.71 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,196.81 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,138.66 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,725.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,480.98 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,681.74 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,601.97 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,583.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,107.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,041.38 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 9/20/2022
$1,081.24 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$201.78 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,107.60 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,825.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$227.02 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,186.31 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,684.94 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$421.95 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,198.75 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$846.80 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,417.60 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,934.48 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,178.44 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$114.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$186.56 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$196.25 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,545.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,683.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,046.59 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,041.79 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,333.05 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,784.76 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,688.38 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$491.61 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Holly Lova  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$608.14 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,857.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cancino Saldana, Cristina Mabel  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$94.85 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,065.64 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Carlen, Hailey Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,347.90 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$247.16 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,608.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,910.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,045.86 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$944.30 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,356.70 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,750.32 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$30.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,283.33 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,958.33 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,793.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,845.88 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Russell Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,308.17 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$948.64 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Megan   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,225.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$253.36 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,200.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,509.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,132.40 GROSS PAYROLL Cook Marthis, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,658.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,083.38 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,497.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,156.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,261.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,074.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 9/20/2022
$920.05 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,919.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,016.37 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$846.47 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,780.85 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$221.98 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,022.64 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$195.12 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,282.51 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crowe, Ryan Michael  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,926.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,695.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$207.91 GROSS PAYROLL Cushatt, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$202.75 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,273.62 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,414.17 GROSS PAYROLL Danielson, Adrian Jason  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL DaRonch, Michael Richard  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,841.30 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,332.13 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$605.44 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,593.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,838.31 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,957.17 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,857.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,527.78 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$156.74 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,225.17 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,311.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Elizabeth Marlow  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dupree, John   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,063.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,336.64 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$210.71 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,685.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Tiffaney Alene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$267.97 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,016.06 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,218.13 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Martha Beatriz  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,581.63 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,584.49 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,869.05 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,224.65 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$249.02 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,262.73 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,042.87 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,082.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,344.60 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$267.50 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,676.78 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,180.30 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$912.03 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$166.28 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,177.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,681.64 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,305.69 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,113.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,881.57 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$340.94 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$321.62 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,085.44 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,665.92 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,207.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,653.23 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,075.04 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,513.40 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,368.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$268.35 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,840.50 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,979.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,267.46 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,120.94 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$753.95 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,159.01 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$220.51 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,665.43 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$271.20 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,823.33 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,556.50 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,124.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$156.70 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,986.83 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,763.21 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$42.88 GROSS PAYROLL Guthrie, Brooke Nichole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,005.15 GROSS PAYROLL Gutierrez, Alexis Olivia  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,527.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,104.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$595.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$252.85 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,467.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,072.05 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,259.81 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,930.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,015.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,684.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,635.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$514.35 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,211.76 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,316.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,763.74 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,153.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$465.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,226.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,950.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$630.03 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$37.05 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,264.04 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$117.59 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$501.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,190.12 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,711.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,487.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$424.69 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,518.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,957.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,121.55 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$118.84 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$219.71 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,825.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,872.55 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,201.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,193.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,940.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,313.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,665.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,976.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$188.58 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$493.80 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,758.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 9/20/2022
$102.95 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,895.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,913.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,390.77 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,410.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,191.93 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,360.22 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$301.30 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,387.79 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,837.69 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,606.82 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,067.84 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,123.66 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,950.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$930.80 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$759.41 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,819.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$480.40 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,031.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,144.98 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,033.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,368.84 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,724.58 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,198.68 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,883.85 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,203.10 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,616.57 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$923.01 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, DeeAnn Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$246.82 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,964.77 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Mariah Darlene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,972.38 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,119.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,783.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,817.20 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,117.38 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,011.64 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,495.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,173.69 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,184.48 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,825.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,495.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,119.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,706.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,495.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$857.36 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,292.30 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,725.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,015.66 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,396.98 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,619.30 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,203.23 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Langford, Angela Renee  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,619.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$280.36 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$218.34 GROSS PAYROLL Laybourn, Stephani Colleen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,657.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,110.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,950.29 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$193.52 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,274.98 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Xiomara   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$109.89 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,623.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,494.60 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,016.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$9,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,382.43 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,549.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,111.92 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$361.87 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,342.78 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$128.64 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy Jean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,688.53 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$71.44 GROSS PAYROLL Marino, Gabriella Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,553.29 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 9/20/2022
$291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Amber Nichole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$375.41 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,532.20 GROSS PAYROLL McBride, Nina Celeste  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$144.00 GROSS PAYROLL McConnell, Lisa M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$148.45 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Anthony Royce  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,200.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$88.33 GROSS PAYROLL McKenzie, Jessica   Fort Wayne IN 0 9/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,202.67 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$35.12 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$883.54 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,813.17 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Canon Joseph  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$867.14 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Emily Autumn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,816.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,474.01 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Torrie L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,383.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,005.56 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,399.28 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,960.75 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,770.30 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,156.80 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,620.20 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,664.70 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$192.28 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,026.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,058.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$135.00 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,578.10 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$743.92 GROSS PAYROLL Murri, Rachel Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,998.73 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,326.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Neibaur, Joseph Alexander  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,251.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,041.62 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,226.08 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,238.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$922.64 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 9/20/2022
$1,011.06 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 9/20/2022
$6,800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,234.81 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,554.31 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,383.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,756.52 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,802.52 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,530.73 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,097.18 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,269.27 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,001.48 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 9/20/2022
$4,843.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$879.62 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,347.55 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,745.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,925.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 9/20/2022
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$176.56 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$189.92 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$7,576.34 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,071.23 GROSS PAYROLL Payne, Kalena Kristine  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,053.37 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$43.82 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Koen Leonard  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,558.84 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,769.71 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,209.95 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$210.19 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,661.48 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$73.81 GROSS PAYROLL Phair, Alyssa Rosanne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$225.97 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,558.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,633.50 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$219.87 GROSS PAYROLL Pisciotta, April Elise  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,292.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,795.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Rachel Deniel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,143.00 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$501.69 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,619.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,770.48 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,665.03 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,224.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$235.31 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,825.44 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,422.27 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,053.54 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Lee Randall  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Reid, Taybree Peebles  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,383.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$254.54 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,600.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,058.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,090.18 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,627.95 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,890.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,192.15 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$83.70 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Sheela Mae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,475.00 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,675.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,733.30 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,086.23 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,619.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$132.74 GROSS PAYROLL Rodrigues, Ernest Cody Charles  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,898.69 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,496.42 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,925.01 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,558.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,137.59 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,797.01 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$112.02 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,618.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,460.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,043.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$13.95 GROSS PAYROLL Sathre, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,816.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$48.36 GROSS PAYROLL Scadden, Sarah Jane  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,937.36 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,088.81 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,746.09 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice Hulet  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$228.72 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,125.20 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$904.72 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,316.91 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,355.93 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$437.91 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,525.00 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,775.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$858.55 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Janessa Kay  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,673.03 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer Boyle  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,495.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Elizabath P  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,955.33 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,451.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,995.39 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$718.22 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 9/20/2022
$281.62 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,229.90 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,700.07 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,441.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$35.88 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,208.26 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,759.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,674.76 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$214.44 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$95.46 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$769.33 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,239.28 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,167.42 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,850.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$10,070.17 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,350.98 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,289.35 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Jamilyn Miller  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,312.24 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$567.24 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stephen, Audrey Jean  Papillion NE 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stibal, Faith Lindsay  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$959.55 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,275.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,850.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,595.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,908.80 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,311.52 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$252.63 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,215.67 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,316.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$256.53 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,360.78 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,890.87 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,048.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,183.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,852.98 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,850.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$118.85 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,245.35 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Nikki Rachelle  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,571.53 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,257.36 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,628.50 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,422.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2022
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,095.01 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,005.77 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$888.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,399.74 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,214.40 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,206.35 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Zachary Michael  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$151.37 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,571.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,531.74 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,115.50 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 9/20/2022
$972.28 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 9/20/2022
$1,029.42 GROSS PAYROLL Tsosie, Amber Christine  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$658.25 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,654.88 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,897.61 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$229.24 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,282.50 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Uminski, Forrest Douglas  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Uminski, Spencer Anthony  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,175.97 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,123.25 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,045.83 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,560.58 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,695.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,099.81 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,106.22 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,125.73 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,187.48 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,699.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,116.55 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,557.71 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$484.39 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Allie C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,717.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,147.03 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$104.75 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$684.27 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,097.03 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,159.18 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,975.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,970.15 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,814.95 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,079.18 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,854.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,912.89 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,751.98 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,557.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$252.39 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$932.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,288.23 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,708.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,075.47 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,224.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,358.76 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$2,691.32 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 9/20/2022
$255.51 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,193.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,895.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$93.12 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,950.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,272.40 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$188.10 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,724.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,141.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,181.10 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Brooklyn Nichole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,213.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wu, Stephanie Alyssa  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,595.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,929.97 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,080.50 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,169.18 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$1,971.66 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,018.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$6,752.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2022
$4,366.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2022
$3,148.86 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2022
$41.70 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Jaxson Derek  Rigby ID 62175 9/20/2022
$969.93 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Hal Cecil  Rigby ID 62176 9/20/2022
$1,390.76 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Jennifer Elise  Rigby ID 62177 9/20/2022
$137.50 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 62178 9/20/2022
$351.33 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 62179 9/20/2022
$416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hoge, Emily Brooke  Rigby ID 62180 9/20/2022
$177.96 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62181 9/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Marci Nield  Menan ID 62182 9/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moikeha, Konae Luanna  Pearl City HI 62183 9/20/2022
$67.89 GROSS PAYROLL Searle, Brecken Mark  Rigby ID 62184 9/20/2022
$258.82 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62185 9/20/2022
$6.94 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 62186 9/20/2022
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cochrane, Nicholas G  Rigby ID 62187 9/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Heather Maiele  Lewisville ID 62188 9/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Landon Von  Rigby ID 62189 9/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL McUne, Ashlee Sage  Benson UT 62190 9/20/2022
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Kamrin Kristina  Rigby ID 62191 9/20/2022
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nisbet, Scott Leslie  Idaho Falls ID 62192 9/20/2022
$1,133.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Emily Mae  Rigby ID 62193 9/20/2022
$459.64 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Dalton Xane  Rigby ID 62194 9/20/2022
$278.27 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62195 9/20/2022
$233.33 GROSS PAYROLL Workman, Emily Kristine  Rigby ID 62196 9/20/2022
$254.55 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62197 9/20/2022
$509.53 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Caleb Richard  Rigby ID 62198 9/20/2022
$251.81 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62199 9/20/2022
$512.03 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62200 9/20/2022
$89.44 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 62201 9/20/2022
$914.14 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 62202 9/20/2022
$1,070.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 62203 9/20/2022
$762.81 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 62204 9/20/2022
$3,724.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 62205 9/20/2022
$1,025.49 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62206 9/20/2022
$2,429.85 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62207 9/20/2022
$5,800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 62208 9/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 62209 9/20/2022
$853.48 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62210 9/20/2022
$3,452.53 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62211 9/20/2022
$2,260.85 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62212 9/20/2022
$2,331.15 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62213 9/20/2022
100 $120.00 District Office Supplies Snake River VFW Post 1004 Rigby ID 93423 9/21/2022
August 2022 $44.88 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $9.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $29.13 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $47.25 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $65.11 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $70.64 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $142.09 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $86.68 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $243.20 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $1,311.03 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $9.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 $32.21 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
August 2022 (1) $62.89 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/21/2022
SupplyRiemb $79.48 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Jackson, Margo Roberts ID 93422 9/21/2022
SupplyRiemb $140.70 Trans Supplies for RSD Jackson, Margo Roberts ID 93422 9/21/2022
090736 $171.56 Athletics Staker, Jami Menan ID 93427 9/22/2022
32473736 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93424 9/22/2022
658644 (1) $1,230.00 RHS Athletic Facilities Lynx LLC Rigby ID 93426 9/22/2022
Supply reimb 9.22 $23.85 Supplies & Materials Kinghorn, Lannon Jo Rigby ID 93425 9/22/2022
Supply reimb 9.22 $2,192.81 Elem Curriculum Supplies Thomson, Laurie Ucon ID 93428 9/22/2022
J. Hovis Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93430 9/23/2022
RMS Float YrBk $10.00 Yearbook Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93429 9/23/2022
1078 $269.51 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID  ID 136 9/23/2022
1081 $288.85 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID  ID 136 9/23/2022
1155 Vball sponsor T $704.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488053 9/23/2022
2265 Rigby CC Invite $277.50 Supplies & Materials Vector Timing & Race Management Rexburg ID 1488054 9/23/2022
84505926 $84.80 Supplies & Materials Sheet Music Plus Winona MN 1488052 9/23/2022
August Buses $344.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488049 9/23/2022
August Buses $325.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488049 9/23/2022
August Buses $222.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488049 9/23/2022
August Buses $150.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488049 9/23/2022
August Buses $98.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488049 9/23/2022
August Buses $208.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488049 9/23/2022
August Buses $226.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488049 9/23/2022
August Buses $188.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488049 9/23/2022
August Buses $202.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488049 9/23/2022
Choreography $420.00 Supplies & Materials Lexie Murphy Choreography Bountiful UT 1488051 9/23/2022
Choreography -($420.00) Supplies & Materials Lexie Murphy Choreography Bountiful UT 1488051 9/23/2022
Registration refund $25.00 Supplies & Materials Hagen, Kaison Rigby ID 1488048 9/23/2022
Registration refund $35.00 Supplies & Materials Hagen, Kaison Rigby ID 1488048 9/23/2022
Registration refund $60.00 Supplies & Materials Hagen, Kaison Rigby ID 1488048 9/23/2022
Shirts/Sweatshirts $957.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488050 9/23/2022
RMS Float NJHS $10.00 Honor Society Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93431 9/26/2022
V452002 $30.00 Supplies & Materials South Fork Elementary Lunch Rigby ID 2107 9/26/2022
2161:00740609 $72.00 General Bill To School Treasure Valley Coffee, Inc Boise ID 93441 9/28/2022
32522938 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93434 9/28/2022
Batch 9.19 $95.00 Medicaid Match Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93439 9/28/2022
Batch Entry 9.19 $250.00 Medicaid Match Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93440 9/28/2022
Batch Entry 9.19 -($250.00) Medicaid Match Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93440 9/28/2022
Batch Entry 9.20 $90.00 Medicaid Match Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93440 9/28/2022
Batch Entry 9.20 -($90.00) Medicaid Match Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93440 9/28/2022
DualLanguageTraining $65.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 93432 9/28/2022
DualLanguageTraining $65.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 93433 9/28/2022
DualLanguageTraining $65.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 93438 9/28/2022
Mileage 9.12-9.19 $50.95 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93436 9/28/2022
Mileage 9.13 $54.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Ohman, Andrea Idaho Falls ID 93437 9/28/2022
Mileage 9.14-9.22 $45.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93435 9/28/2022
Mileage 9.2-9.12 $45.45 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93436 9/28/2022
Mileage 9.20-9.27 $51.35 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93436 9/28/2022
38357 $194.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488055 9/28/2022
Cross Country entry $70.00 Supplies & Materials Snake River High School Blackfoot ID 1488060 9/28/2022
Drama paint reimb $51.93 Supplies & Materials Price, Riley Roberts ID 1488058 9/28/2022
State Range $70.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho FFA State Association Boise ID 1488056 9/28/2022
StuCo royalty sashes $32.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488057 9/28/2022
StuCo spirit gear $1,722.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488057 9/28/2022
Team Photos $120.00 Supplies & Materials Pulsipher, Logan Rigby ID 1488059 9/28/2022
Yearbook fees $892.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488057 9/28/2022
V384708 $1,000.00 Purchased Services DragonFly Athletics Hartselle AL 0 9/28/2022
A.AndersenACTReimb $63.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Andersen, Shannon Rigby ID 93443 9/29/2022
S.Anguiano Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93444 9/29/2022
12th Man reimb 2 $2,746.19 Supplies & Materials Boudrero, Andrea Rigby ID 1488061 9/29/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $56.55 Student Lunch Sales Goodwin, Sandra Rigby ID 93445 9/30/2022
RMS Field Trip $48.00 Field Trip Museum of Idaho Idaho Falls ID 93446 10/3/2022
CASE Conf PD $153.00 IDEA Professional Development Douglass, Kathleen Idaho Falls ID 93452 10/4/2022
D.NordhagenOutofStat $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93465 10/4/2022
DualLanguageTraining $65.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ponce, Sergio Rexburg ID 93462 10/4/2022
IBSA - Driver $630.00 Board Travel Grant, David Rigby ID 93456 10/4/2022
ISBA - Driver $630.00 Board Travel Ellis, Roy Rigby ID 93454 10/4/2022
ISBA - Flyer $153.00 Board Travel Byram, Bruce J Rigby ID 93449 10/4/2022
ISBA - Flyer $153.00 Board Travel Clark, Leon Rigby ID 93450 10/4/2022
ISBA - Flyer $153.00 Board Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93458 10/4/2022
ISBA - Flyer $153.00 Board Travel Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 93460 10/4/2022
ISBA - Flyer $153.00 Board Travel Poole, Leanna Menan Id 93463 10/4/2022
ISBA - Flyer $153.00 Board Travel Robison, Angie Roberts ID 93464 10/4/2022
Mileage 8.31-9.30 $23.25 In District Mileage Reimbursement Boyer, Tanner Idaho Falls ID 93448 10/4/2022
Mileage 8.31-9.30 $54.90 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 93451 10/4/2022
Supply Reimb 10.4 $42.40 Library Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 93461 10/4/2022
Supply Reimb 10.4 $88.96 Teacher Supplies Stoddard, Brenda Menan ID 93466 10/4/2022
SupplyReimb 10.4 $66.74 General Supplies & Materials Warner, Desiray Rigby ID 93468 10/4/2022
Transition Institute $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Abshire, Phillip Idaho Falls ID 93447 10/4/2022
Transition Institute $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Duffey, Julian Beecher Idaho Falls ID 93453 10/4/2022
Transition Institute $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Gerard, Heather Idaho Falls ID 93455 10/4/2022
Transition Institute $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Langford, Angela Rexburg ID 93457 10/4/2022
Transition Institute $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Ohman, Andrea Idaho Falls ID 93459 10/4/2022
Transition institute -($102.00) IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 93467 10/4/2022
Transition institute $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 93467 10/4/2022
100 $509.33 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 144 10/4/2022
1088 $219.00 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID  ID 143 10/4/2022
1152 $182.00 Purchased Services The Burpal Flower Rigby ID 145 10/4/2022
2209-273276 $44.56 Purchased Services Intermountain Wood Idaho Falls ID 138 10/4/2022
2209-273276 -($44.56) Purchased Services Intermountain Wood Idaho Falls ID 138 10/4/2022
2209-273674 $260.78 Purchased Services Intermountain Wood Idaho Falls ID 138 10/4/2022
2209-273674 -($260.78) Purchased Services Intermountain Wood Idaho Falls ID 138 10/4/2022
23708,23775,23916 $1,432.53 Purchased Services Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 140 10/4/2022
831222 $50.00 Purchased Services KYLIE STOCK RIGBY ID 141 10/4/2022
District Dues $210.00 Purchased Services 6th District Board of Control Rigby ID 137 10/4/2022
Reimb 82922 $54.04 Purchased Services Lucy Ofelia Felix Rexburg ID 142 10/4/2022
Sales Tax- August $281.89 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 139 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $66.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $70.49 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $39.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $25.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $48.43 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $6.97 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $13.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $13.76 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
MayBillback2022 $12.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1996 10/4/2022
reemb_10_4_22 $55.97 Supplies & Materials Anita Lindstrom Rigby ID 1997 10/4/2022
84529073 $152.11 Supplies & Materials Sheet Music Plus Winona MN 1488073 10/4/2022
Act Card Refund $35.00 Supplies & Materials Hanni, Jackson Rigby ID 1488066 10/4/2022
CoachTees $42.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488071 10/4/2022
Costco reimb $97.97 Supplies & Materials Egan, Tiffaney Rigby ID 1488064 10/4/2022
Cross Country meet $70.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488067 10/4/2022
Cross Country meet $70.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488067 10/4/2022
Dance Tees $255.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488071 10/4/2022
Drivers Ed refund $70.00 Supplies & Materials Andersen, Jorgen Rigby ID 1488062 10/4/2022
Entry  $25.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Battle of the Books Boise ID 1488068 10/4/2022
FFA Memberships $1,360.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho FFA State Association Boise ID 1488069 10/4/2022
Gem State Band $725.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488067 10/4/2022
Tailgate reimb $398.59 Supplies & Materials Rasmussen, Corbin Idaho Falls ID 1488072 10/4/2022
Track Repair  $652.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON EDUCATION FOUNDATION RIGBY ID 1488070 10/4/2022
Vars vball retreat $800.00 Supplies & Materials Crane Meadows Thompson Cabin Idaho Falls ID 1488063 10/4/2022
Vball tourn profit $461.28 Supplies & Materials Farnsworth Middle School Rigby ID 1488065 10/4/2022
V526867 $24.17 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1668 10/4/2022
V637172 $150.00 Fees & Charges Mendez, Victor Idaho Falls ID 3870 10/6/2022
V181408 $708.32 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1669 10/6/2022
32522937 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93472 10/7/2022
32529651 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93472 10/7/2022
ACTE Natl Conf PD $178.00 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 93471 10/7/2022
ACTE Natl Conf PD $178.00 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Mecham, Lori Rigby ID 93474 10/7/2022
ACTE Natl Conf PD $178.00 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Walker, Jennifer Ann Rigby ID 93475 10/7/2022
ACTE Natl Conf PD $178.00 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Williams, Daniel Rexburg ID 93476 10/7/2022
Building Permit $583.55 Business Services Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Rigby ID 93469 10/7/2022
ID HSMath Badging PD $127.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 93473 10/7/2022
ID HSMathBadging PD $127.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Barrus, Cathy Rigby ID 93470 10/7/2022
01 $468.54 Vendor Services Stanger, Ione Idaho Falls ID 93529 10/10/2022
01 - Project 22001 $162,582.98 New School Prelim Services NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 93514 10/10/2022
01813421 $1,191.40 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93504 10/10/2022
01815975 $1,003.25 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93504 10/10/2022
01819074 1876.22 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93504 10/10/2022
01821060 $1,008.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93504 10/10/2022
045-394033 $700.00 Non Reimb Transportation Services Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93535 10/10/2022
1 - 09/06/2022 $1,398.60 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 93521 10/10/2022
1007 $1,885.00 Vendor Services Chad Judy Speech-Language Pathology Idaho Falls ID 93494 10/10/2022
101 -Student Council $140.00 District Office Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93518 10/10/2022
1043600 $87.77 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93493 10/10/2022
1043709 $34.12 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93493 10/10/2022
1043713 $88.58 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93493 10/10/2022
1044018 $288.90 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93493 10/10/2022
10716 $1,644.76 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Pasadena CA 93498 10/10/2022
121 $180.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 93540 10/10/2022
17514 $1,344.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 93486 10/10/2022
17594 $3,503.50 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 93486 10/10/2022
18-0157 September 22 $441.04 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93478 10/10/2022
18-0160 September 22 $250.06 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93478 10/10/2022
2 - 10/04/2022 $6,426.00 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 93521 10/10/2022
2017 $1,947.81 Athletics Stailey, Wendy S Rigby ID 93527 10/10/2022
220914-0008 $328.42 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93500 10/10/2022
2262 $100.00 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 93508 10/10/2022
23137 $189.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23138 $189.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23142 $3,503.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23147 $109.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23148 $290.90 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23149 $229.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
231491 $149.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23155 $229.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23156 $556.30 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23157 $4,724.24 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23163 $1,439.01 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23164 $504.86 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23166 $364.86 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23167 $2,340.18 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23170 $566.21 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23171 $3,100.88 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
23172 $726.17 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93534 10/10/2022
240133746 0 $184.69 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93530 10/10/2022
240142648 7 $5,225.23 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93530 10/10/2022
24290 $360.40 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 93510 10/10/2022
251243-1 $875.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93506 10/10/2022
251244-2 $840.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93506 10/10/2022
26254201 $257.55 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93524 10/10/2022
26254202  2025.03 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93524 10/10/2022
26274903 $742.99 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93524 10/10/2022
26276902 $1,242.44 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93524 10/10/2022
26314417 $71.05 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93524 10/10/2022
26314418 $1,066.30 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93524 10/10/2022
26314419 $257.13 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93524 10/10/2022
26314420 $36.19 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93524 10/10/2022
27.169 $3,870.70 Supplies and Materials Veritiv Operating Company Los Angeles CA 93538 10/10/2022
280456 $75.20 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93509 10/10/2022
3.18.2020 $1,356.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Denning Well Drilling, Inc. Ucon ID 93496 10/10/2022
308104100646 $501.69 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93522 10/10/2022
308104100646 $1,065.09 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93522 10/10/2022
32574901 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93483 10/10/2022
32574902 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93483 10/10/2022
341870 $182.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey SouthCo Metals LLC Idaho Falls ID 93526 10/10/2022
351936 $4,325.25 General Supplies The Ceramic Shop Norristown PA 93531 10/10/2022
4199350428 $689.85 Vendor Bill To School Old Faithful Beverage Co Idaho Falls ID 93543 10/10/2022
475533 $200.00 Shakespeare Team Utah Shakespeare Festival Cedar City UT 93536 10/10/2022
5147 $2,932.50 RHS Athletic Facilities NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 93514 10/10/2022
5217 $5,379.60 SPFF Non Student Occupied X-treme Electric Rigby ID 93541 10/10/2022
5245 $7,728.00 SPFF Student Occupied X-treme Electric Rigby ID 93541 10/10/2022
575805661 $3,988.35 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 93503 10/10/2022
602475 $18,746.75 Software Support RYCOR Solutions Corp Chandler AZ 93520 10/10/2022
692535 $86,265.70 Emergency Levy-Track FieldTurf USA, Inc. Calhoun GA 93501 10/10/2022
692538 $4,540.30 Emergency Levy-Track FieldTurf USA, Inc. Calhoun GA 93501 10/10/2022
6944 $185.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93537 10/10/2022
710256969 $300.00 GENERAL SUPPLIES Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Chicago IL 93505 10/10/2022
710256969 $300.00 GENERAL SUPPLIES Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Chicago IL 93505 10/10/2022
716498 $350.00 CTE Equipment Business Technology VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93539 10/10/2022
716498 $438.00 CTE Equipment Business Technology VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93539 10/10/2022
716498 $219.00 CTE Equipment Business Technology VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93539 10/10/2022
716498 $438.00 CTE Equipment Business Technology VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93539 10/10/2022
717554 $6,832.60 State Technology Supplies VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93539 10/10/2022
8.30.2022 $4,160.00 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 93488 10/10/2022
8084863 $1,828.22 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93515 10/10/2022
8100456 $3,561.66 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93515 10/10/2022
874364 $1,296.25 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 93513 10/10/2022
89415290000456 $1,435.95 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93492 10/10/2022
89415290000506 $624.96 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93492 10/10/2022
89415290000555 $384.04 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93492 10/10/2022
89415290000590 $251.02 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93492 10/10/2022
9.12-9.16 $1,644.12 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93532 10/10/2022
9.22.2022 $375.00 District Office Supplies Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 93512 10/10/2022
9/30/2022 $9,088.50 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 93488 10/10/2022
90207602 $14.95 Elem Curriculum Supplies Curriculum Associates, Inc. Woburn MA 93495 10/10/2022
90207602 $14.95 Elem Curriculum Supplies Curriculum Associates, Inc. Woburn MA 93495 10/10/2022
90207602 $126.75 Elem Curriculum Supplies Curriculum Associates, Inc. Woburn MA 93495 10/10/2022
90207602 $298.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Curriculum Associates, Inc. Woburn MA 93495 10/10/2022
90207602 $278.55 Supplies Curriculum Associates, Inc. Woburn MA 93495 10/10/2022
90207602 $164.70 Supplies Curriculum Associates, Inc. Woburn MA 93495 10/10/2022
90207602 $164.70 Supplies Curriculum Associates, Inc. Woburn MA 93495 10/10/2022
90605108 $2,554.02 Elem Curriculum Supplies Softchoice Chicago IL 93525 10/10/2022
90734203 $1,497.60 General Supplies Softchoice Chicago IL 93525 10/10/2022
90734203 $9,169.30 Licenses Softchoice Chicago IL 93525 10/10/2022
90734203 $5,990.40 Licenses Softchoice Chicago IL 93525 10/10/2022
933 $22,500.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 93491 10/10/2022
933 $27,610.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 93491 10/10/2022
962334953 463.01 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93511 10/10/2022
962334953 463.02 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93511 10/10/2022
984380 $2,271.89 Food Gossner Foods, Inc Logan UT 93502 10/10/2022
991 ($14,070.00) Sec Curriculum Textbooks Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 93491 10/10/2022
991 $25,320.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 93491 10/10/2022
991 $13,833.50 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 93491 10/10/2022
991 $285.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 93491 10/10/2022
Art 9.30.22 $509.33 Art Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 93499 10/10/2022
Art Dept Inv 100 $509.33 Art Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93517 10/10/2022
B. Mendoza VBall $95.00 FMS Girls Volleyball Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93517 10/10/2022
Bob Conley - RMS $100.00 Athletic Participation Highland High School Pocatello ID 93542 10/10/2022
CheerReimb 9.27 $406.73 Athletics Staker, Jami Menan ID 93528 10/10/2022
CI22083330 $10,000.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies AquaPhoenix Scientific, Inc. Hanover PA 93489 10/10/2022
Client 209 $1,044.00 District Prof Dev Travel The Grove Hotel Boise ID 93533 10/10/2022
Client 209 $3,012.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel The Grove Hotel Boise ID 93533 10/10/2022
Client 209 $3,102.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel The Grove Hotel Boise ID 93533 10/10/2022
Client 209 $1,782.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 The Grove Hotel Boise ID 93533 10/10/2022
CO329042 $8,076.76 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 93513 10/10/2022
FY23 Schl/Wrk Trans $3,519.18 District Office Services Idaho Division of Voc Rehabilitation Boise ID 93507 10/10/2022
Hope Squad Shirts $219.00 FMS Counselors Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 93499 10/10/2022
Immersion 9.30.22 $54.04 Immersion Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 93499 10/10/2022
IN100786 $40,974.93 State Technology Supplies VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93539 10/10/2022
IN103413 $192.16 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93539 10/10/2022
IN103413 $182.50 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93539 10/10/2022
INV25282 $62,144.00 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93490 10/10/2022
INV26174 $500.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93490 10/10/2022
INV26175 $500.00 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93490 10/10/2022
INV26179 $8,123.00 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93490 10/10/2022
INV26180 $5,940.00 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93490 10/10/2022
INV26223 $348.00 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93490 10/10/2022
INV26226 $696.00 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93490 10/10/2022
INV26226 $540.00 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93490 10/10/2022
INV62172 $396.00 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93490 10/10/2022
ISBA Conf PD 2022 $153.00 Board Travel Peterson, Michael Rigby ID 93481 10/10/2022
LBLA2317451 $78.56 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
LBLA2317451 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
LBLA2319477 $73.02 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
LBLA2319477 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
LBLA2321438 $64.78 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
LBLA2321438 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
LBLA2323434 $75.41 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
LBLA2323434 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
LBLA2325430 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
LBLA2325430 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93487 10/10/2022
Meal Reimb $8.47 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 93484 10/10/2022
October 2022 $3,949.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 93497 10/10/2022
PerkinsHotelReimb $616.04 Perkins Travel Ag Science Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 93485 10/10/2022
Preschool TrainingPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Brown, Michelle Idaho Falls ID 93477 10/10/2022
Preschool TrainingPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development DeSalles, Lacey Idaho Falls ID 93479 10/10/2022
Preschool TrainingPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development McMinn, Alissa Rigby ID 93480 10/10/2022
Preschool TrainingPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Ringel, Britney Lyn Rigby ID 93482 10/10/2022
RHS Cheer 8.23.22 $200.00 Cheer EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93517 10/10/2022
RHS Cheer 9.21 $1,251.00 Cheer EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93517 10/10/2022
RMS XC $40.00 Athletic Participation Ririe High School Ririe ID 93544 10/10/2022
September 2022 $212.50 Vendor Services Panorama Green St. George UT 93516 10/10/2022
September 2022 $4,666.94 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 93519 10/10/2022
W 148391 0503 $15,507.48 Vehicles (non bus) Semi Service Reading, PA PA 93523 10/10/2022
W 150150 $9,910.66 Vehicles (non bus) Semi Service Reading, PA PA 93523 10/10/2022
Supple Reimb 10.11 $31.84 Supplies & Materials Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 93545 10/11/2022
1031552 supplies $349.52 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488086 10/11/2022
1169 Vball logos $48.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488089 10/11/2022
220920-0005 printer $178.50 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1488079 10/11/2022
314305 Tuxes $2,196.35 Supplies & Materials FORMAL FASHIONS, INC. Tempe AZ 1488080 10/11/2022
37180 X-Ctry-Boise $1,071.00 Supplies & Materials BEST WESTERN VISTA INN BOISE ID 1488076 10/11/2022
38396 Dance sashes $37.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488077 10/11/2022
58443 X-Ctry Uniform $2,145.00 Supplies & Materials Pacific Coast Sportswear Fountain Valley CA 1488085 10/11/2022
6533 $1,157.70 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1488075 10/11/2022
BPA Tees $544.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488082 10/11/2022
Choreography Dance $250.00 Supplies & Materials Martin, Amber Rigby ID 1488083 10/11/2022
Choreography Dance $150.00 Supplies & Materials Stibal, Faith Rigby ID 1488088 10/11/2022
Hobby Lobby reim $157.94 Supplies & Materials Egan, Tiffaney Rigby ID 1488078 10/11/2022
LMR Decor reimb $50.47 Supplies & Materials Moore, Jennifer Rigby ID 1488084 10/11/2022
Play rights/material $1,176.71 Supplies & Materials Arnold, Jesse Ammon ID 1488074 10/11/2022
Sr Gifts Swim reimb $132.26 Supplies & Materials Jones, Erica Rigby ID 1488081 10/11/2022
Swim warmups $1,080.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488082 10/11/2022
X-Ctry Meet Entry $50.00 Supplies & Materials PRESTON HIGH SCHOOL PRESTON ID 1488087 10/11/2022
9/30/2022 1 $228.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 10 $295.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 100 $1,635.00 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1000 $1,790.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1001 $87.85 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1002 $36.89 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1003 $149.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1004 $3.96 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1005 $5.29 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1006 $24.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1007 $175.55 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1008 $94.30 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1009 $34.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 101 $403.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1010 $56.06 Shakespeare Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1011 $60.05 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1012 $429.62 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1013 $219.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1014 $2,587.50 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1015 $0.57 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1016 $329.67 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1017 $48.23 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1018 $17.91 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1019 $34.99 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 102 $71.68 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1020 $36.93 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1021 $2,000.00 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1022 $15.13 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1023 $1,539.00 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1024 $22.99 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1025 $10.47 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1026 $5.00 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1027 $4.99 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1028 $28.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1029 $9.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 103 $183.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1030 $96.60 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1031 $51.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1032 $45.73 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1033 $164.31 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1034 $39.98 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1035 $187.79 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1036 $187.78 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1037 $31.44 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1038 $165.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1039 $62.54 LEP Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 104 $64.28 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1040 $218.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1041 $137.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1042 $15.94 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1043 $312.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1044 $8.46 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1045 $10.20 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1046 $384.62 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1047 $44.72 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1048 $18.89 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1049 $2,075.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 105 $306.12 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1050 $149.35 Title I Parent Involvment Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1051 $98.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1052 $27.70 Open Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1053 $194.61 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1054 $139.58 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1055 $139.58 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1056 $14.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1057 $7.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1058 $384.62 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1059 $208.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 106 $64.21 Shakespeare Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1060 $1,234.06 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1061 $1,865.80 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1062 $676.51 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1063 $7.72 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1064 $34.94 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1065 $10.63 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1066 $285.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1067 $43.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1068 $76.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1069 $192.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 107 $102.88 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1070 $23.30 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1071 $251.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1072 $1.90 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1073 $326.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1074 $58.55 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1075 $193.64 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1076 $81.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1077 $291.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1078 $6.50 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1079 $168.00 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 108 $252.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1080 $13.28 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1081 $12.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1082 $32.85 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1083 $163.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1084 $118.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1085 $12.33 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1086 $14.55 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1087 $10.62 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1088 $384.62 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1089 $135.44 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 109 $68.69 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1090 $19.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1091 $33.91 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1092 $200.40 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1093 $6.27 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1094 $221.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1095 $23.11 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1096 $338.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1097 $270.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1098 $125.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1099 $34.72 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 11 $135.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 110 $20.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1100 $321.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1101 $51.06 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1102 $189.78 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1103 $13.99 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1104 $158.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1105 $29.98 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1106 $144.50 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1107 $185.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1108 $5.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1109 $58.93 LEP Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 111 $1,455.60 Custodial Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1110 $234.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1111 $9.48 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1112 $78.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1113 $85.21 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1114 $271.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1115 $288.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1116 $18.78 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1117 $212.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1118 $4.88 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1119 $25.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 112 $340.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1120 $157.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1121 $74.89 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1122 $275.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1123 $114.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1124 $7.17 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1125 $253.32 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1126 $99.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1127 $2.97 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1128 $9.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1129 $113.96 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 113 $254.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1130 $1,190.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1131 $10.40 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1132 $287.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1133 $132.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1134 $290.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1135 $110.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1136 $188.64 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1137 $19.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1138 $28.85 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1139 $73.46 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 114 $257.77 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1140 $9.23 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1141 $9.95 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1142 $41.15 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1143 $67.80 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1144 $16.99 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1145 $10.50 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1146 $46.42 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1147 $68.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1148 $34.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1149 $20.00 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 115 $309.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1150 $32.22 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1151 $100.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1152 $19.55 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1153 $10.34 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1154 $443.08 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1155 $41.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1156 $90.01 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1157 $285.68 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1158 $49.90 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1159 $195.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 116 $12.71 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1160 $50.00 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1161 $147.89 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1162 $19.77 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1163 $90.68 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1164 $4.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1165 -($426.70) Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1166 $745.19 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1167 $35.92 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1168 $86.44 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1169 $14.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 117 $75.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1170 $333.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1171 $24.53 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1172 $2,750.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1173 $39.00 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1174 $90.55 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1175 $2,502.40 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1176 $28.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1177 $110.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1178 $113.85 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1179 $6.24 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 118 $79.78 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1180 $145.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1181 $9.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1182 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1183 $170.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1184 $99.96 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1185 $10.03 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1186 $80.56 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1187 $4.44 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1188 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1189 $64.57 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 119 $24.38 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1190 $48.42 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1191 $1,178.66 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1192 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1193 $191.22 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1194 $15.01 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1195 $43.58 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1196 $20.94 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1197 $417.30 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1198 $24.39 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1199 $18.75 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 12 $33.71 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 120 -($51.98) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1200 $128.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1201 $67.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1202 $80.00 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1203 $81.83 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1204 $49.92 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1205 $59.20 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1206 $212.46 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1207 $188.10 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1208 $16.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1209 $121.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 121 $72.10 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1210 $17.68 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1211 $201.09 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1212 $49.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1213 $47.42 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1214 $433.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1215 $30.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1216 $172.97 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1217 $13.98 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1218 $107.08 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1219 $11.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 122 $106.59 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1220 $32.82 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1221 $15.68 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1222 $54.90 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1223 $16.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1224 $18.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1225 $119.27 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1226 $38.24 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1227 $100.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1228 $120.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1229 $177.19 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 123 $372.28 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1230 $6,109.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1231 -($18.13) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1232 $49.24 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1233 $21.89 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1234 $90.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1235 $112.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1236 $59.35 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1237 $95.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1238 $100.74 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1239 $61.52 In District Mileage Reimbursement Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 124 $55.65 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1240 $1.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1241 $168.41 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1242 $15.69 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1243 $1,999.50 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1244 $175.00 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1245 $4,250.00 Technology-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1246 $2,400.00 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1247 $175.00 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1248 $2,700.00 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1249 $291.42 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 125 $25.43 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1250 $1,670.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1251 $0.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1252 $22.47 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1253 $94.96 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1254 $5.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1255 $107.89 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1256 $159.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1257 $11.87 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1258 $242.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1259 $74.42 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 126 $96.13 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1260 $110.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1261 $6.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1262 $228.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1263 $328.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1264 $13.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1265 -($60.00) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1266 $10.66 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1267 $1,406.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1268 $17.96 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1269 $250.23 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 127 $161.13 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1270 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1271 $572.15 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1272 $216.30 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1273 $429.61 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1274 $108.09 LEP Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1275 $507.54 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1276 $4.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1277 $437.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1278 $109.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1279 $449.21 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 128 $176.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1280 $59.63 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1281 $24.42 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1282 $63.60 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1283 $94.96 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1284 $556.40 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1285 $35.00 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1286 $29.21 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1287 $185.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1288 $116.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1289 $8.39 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 129 $21.17 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1290 $74.66 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1291 $94.96 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1292 -($1,670.72) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1293 $19.17 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1294 $50.02 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1295 -($220.21) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1296 $69.39 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1297 $2,250.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1298 $295.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1299 $768.60 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 13 $168.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 130 $290.33 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1300 $1,670.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1301 $43.69 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1302 $11.93 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1303 $0.79 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1304 $5.85 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1305 $29.97 Ronni Balmforth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1306 $248.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1307 $66.30 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1308 $97.83 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1309 $59.75 Perkins Supplies Health Occupations Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 131 -($51.98) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1310 $72.83 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1311 $15.08 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1312 $190.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1313 $2,317.01 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1314 $239.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1315 $35.00 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1316 $429.61 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1317 $285.25 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1318 $50.01 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1319 $104.56 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 132 $188.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1320 $103.71 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1321 $94.96 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1322 $300.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1323 $329.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1324 $4.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1325 $94.96 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1326 $190.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1327 $110.13 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1328 $46.03 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1329 $12.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 133 $38.07 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1330 $1.48 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1331 $16.68 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1332 $429.61 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1333 $90.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1334 $306.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1335 $4.99 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1336 $26.92 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1337 $16.30 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1338 $76.35 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1339 $14.29 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 134 $54.84 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1340 $116.10 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1341 $222.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1342 $209.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1343 $32.51 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1344 $34.79 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1345 $429.61 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1346 $16.53 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1347 $23.17 Bronwyn Ridlley Ed Foundatoin Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1348 $13.08 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1349 $128.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 135 $391.95 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1350 $1,007.35 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1351 $94.96 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1352 $110.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1353 $429.61 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1354 $17.48 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1355 $394.99 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1356 $97.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1357 $48.72 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1358 $44.80 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1359 $257.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 136 $32.84 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1360 $10.59 Open Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1361 $270.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1362 $467.19 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1363 $205.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1364 $429.61 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1365 $14.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1366 $96.63 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1367 $11.47 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1368 $43.59 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1369 $44.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 137 $142.51 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1370 $174.59 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1371 $75.06 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1372 $173.80 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1373 $6.97 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1374 $14.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1375 $199.97 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1376 $170.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1377 $121.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1378 $68.42 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1379 $18.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 138 $29.94 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1380 $29.94 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1381 $2,133.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1382 $27.10 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1383 $260.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1384 $600.00 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1385 $260.61 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1386 $58.29 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1387 $6,412.80 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1388 $104.95 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1389 $89.60 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 139 $149.08 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1390 $105.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1391 $64.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1392 $685.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1393 $333.00 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1394 $135.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1395 $82.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1396 $48.40 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1397 $130.70 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1398 $76.97 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1399 $30.94 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 14 $431.52 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 140 $6.59 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1400 $261.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1401 $626.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1402 $147.27 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1403 $16.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1404 $140.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1405 $708.58 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1406 $14.77 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1407 $214.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1408 $992.76 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1409 $49.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 141 $69.88 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1410 $9.70 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1411 $16.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1412 $89.60 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1413 $134.44 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1414 $22.84 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1415 $42.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1416 $91.55 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1417 $25.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1418 -($31.18) Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1419 $121.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 142 -($51.98) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1420 $153.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1421 $154.95 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1422 $19.70 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1423 $108.96 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1424 $11.49 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1425 $127.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1426 $20.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1427 $31.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1428 $122.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1429 $36.16 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 143 $11.50 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1430 $267.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1431 $45.24 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1432 $59.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1433 $66.90 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1434 $63.91 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1435 $79.50 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1436 $176.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1437 $89.60 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1438 $1,312.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1439 $189.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 144 $8.85 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1440 $233.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1441 $24.03 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1442 $74.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1443 $900.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1444 $147.89 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1445 $72.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1446 $348.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1447 $66.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1448 $16.35 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1449 $81.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 145 $6.24 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1450 $86.80 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1451 $33.16 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1452 $33.60 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1453 $340.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1454 $1,500.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1455 $230.84 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1456 $39.90 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1457 $108.00 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1458 $162.07 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1459 $191.80 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 146 $5.30 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1460 $246.74 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1461 $54.96 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1462 $170.95 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1463 $143.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1464 $23.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1465 $252.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1466 $5.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1467 $7,752.43 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1468 $603.65 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1469 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 147 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1470 $142.25 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1471 $341.90 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1472 $51.48 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1473 $297.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1474 $3.98 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1475 $9,150.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1476 $9.40 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1477 $14.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1478 $245.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1479 $105.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 148 $71.20 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1480 $15.00 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1481 $40.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1482 $24.88 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1483 $105.96 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1484 $26.49 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1485 $14.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1486 $2,360.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1487 $42.38 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1488 $33.13 Shelton, Marjorie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1489 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 149 $21.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1490 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1491 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1492 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1493 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1494 $182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1495 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1496 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1497 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1498 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1499 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 15 $30.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 150 $68.98 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1500 $12.60 Michelle Bradshaw Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1501 $20.71 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1502 $111.20 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1503 $105.30 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1504 $35.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1505 $422.99 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1506 $22.85 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1507 $43.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1508 $33.38 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1509 $56.97 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 151 $141.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1510 $7.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1511 $5.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1512 $52.09 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1513 $196.09 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1514 $13.77 Sherry Curnutt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1515 $5.49 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1516 $42.15 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1517 $569.40 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1518 $5.44 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1519 $15.78 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 152 -($51.98) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1520 $6.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1521 $120.71 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1522 $493.84 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1523 $9.32 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1524 $13.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1525 $2,341.59 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1526 $6.24 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1527 $3.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1528 $20.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1529 $45.96 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 153 $77.32 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1530 $20.12 Emergency Levy Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1531 $219.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1532 $62.13 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1533 $41.15 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1534 $5.37 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1535 $10.46 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1536 $66.72 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1537 $88.92 Michelle Bradshaw Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1538 $5.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1539 $41.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 154 $90.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1540 $2,199.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1541 $73.42 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1542 $33.60 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1543 $14.31 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1544 $130.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1545 $5.25 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1546 $3.18 Open Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1547 $15.90 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1548 $58.99 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1549 $129.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 155 $60.00 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1550 $88.31 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1551 $29.44 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1552 $17.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1553 $756.79 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1554 $106.25 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1555 $23.06 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1556 $803.66 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1557 $87.34 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1558 $21.67 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1559 $367.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 156 $263.84 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1560 $458.16 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1561 $1,062.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1562 $362.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1563 $821.11 Golf Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1564 $87.75 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1565 $15.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1566 $2,321.44 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1567 $19.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1568 $163.85 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1569 $54.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 157 $6.33 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1570 $14.61 Zamarron, Lorenza Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1571 $106.39 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1572 $162.50 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1573 $162.50 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1574 $10.52 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1575 $10.74 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1576 $7.00 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1577 $9.38 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1578 $10.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1579 $26.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 158 $71.22 Life Skills Sips N Snacks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1580 $8.48 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1581 $1.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1582 $5.38 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1583 $10.59 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1584 $14.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1585 $429.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1586 $7.93 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1587 $67.78 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1588 $10.90 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1589 $311.80 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 159 $621.30 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1590 $58.90 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1591 $26.90 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1592 $1,455.65 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1593 $8.66 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1594 $224.31 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1595 $19.20 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1596 $4.92 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1597 $5.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1598 $5.38 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1599 $48.10 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 16 $35,078.07 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 160 $58.18 Melanie Wade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1600 $176.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1601 $16.65 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1602 $20.95 Maria Teresa Rodriguez Madin Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1603 $9.95 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1604 $57.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1605 $18.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1606 $6.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1607 16.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1608 $33.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1609 $25.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 161 $42.35 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1610 $87.72 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1611 $6.64 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1612 $40.25 Carsen Smith Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1613 $149.00 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1614 $149.00 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1615 $115.74 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1616 $278.97 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1617 $62.51 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1618 $57.69 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1619 $29.80 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 162 $56.50 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1620 $33.86 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1621 $107.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1622 $13.55 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1623 $38.62 Sherry Curnutt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1624 $78.00 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1625 $7.38 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1626 $41.13 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1627 $95.61 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1628 $77.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1629 $61.09 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 163 $42.18 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1630 $334.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1631 $35.24 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1632 $55.37 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1633 $76.28 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1634 $10.49 Irene Mitchell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1635 $19.79 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1636 $10.78 Open Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1637 $277.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1638 $204.29 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1639 $119.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 164 $44.54 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1640 $22.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1641 $290.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1642 -($12.00) Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1643 $265.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1644 $11.98 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1645 $304.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1646 $46.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1647 $31.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1648 $11.97 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1649 $2,550.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 165 $241.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1650 $99.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1651 $5.76 College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1652 $5.45 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1653 $38.32 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1654 $106.70 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1655 $185.21 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1656 $37.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1657 $58.22 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1658 $718.15 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1659 $1,457.60 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 166 $83.92 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1660 $9.63 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1661 $29.67 Misty Dansie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1662 $49.78 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1663 $484.87 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1664 $72.77 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1665 $133.22 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1666 $15.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1667 $84.43 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1668 $58.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1669 $218.68 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 167 $124.69 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1670 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1671 $7.98 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1672 $262.23 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1673 $59.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1674 $271.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1675 $1,125.11 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1676 $2.10 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1677 $150.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1678 $279.12 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1679 $4.88 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 168 $33.95 Melanie Wade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1680 $8.37 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1681 $88.65 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1682 $10.88 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1683 $10.78 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1684 $7.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1685 $18.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1686 $23.26 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1687 $160.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1688 $119.94 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1689 $5.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 169 -($51.98) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1690 $43.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1691 $1,050.16 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1692 $98.36 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1693 $33.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1694 -($22.56) Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1695 $73.25 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1696 $191.88 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1697 $40.56 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1698 $38.13 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1699 $79.91 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 17 $55.90 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 170 $48.01 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1700 $475.77 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1701 $100.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1702 $259.32 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1703 $297.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1704 $228.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1705 $33.91 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1706 $10.09 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1707 $141.58 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1708 $23.96 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1709 $17.90 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 171 $556.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1710 $39.22 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1711 $271.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1712 $17.31 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1713 $230.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1714 $1,010.94 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1715 $1,679.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1716 $220.31 Golf Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1717 $172.74 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1718 $24.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1719 $111.33 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 172 $155.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1720 $77.93 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1721 $27.25 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1722 $90.05 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1723 $72.93 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1724 645 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1725 8.44 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1726 $5.56 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1727 $17.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1728 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1729 $3.07 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 173 $309.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1730 $185.90 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1731 $84.51 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1732 $214.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1733 -($200.44) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1734 $4.95 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1735 $153.74 Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1736 $65.59 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1737 $6.71 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1738 $24.95 Eleanor Sarmiento Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1739 $137.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 174 $75.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1740 $7.16 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1741 $19.78 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1742 $1,120.98 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1743 $3,232.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1744 $28.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1745 $1,321.52 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1746 $164.24 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1747 $148.08 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1748 $439.73 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1749 $31.44 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 175 $807.39 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1750 $37.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1751 $16.94 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1752 $231.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1753 $79.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1754 $78.75 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1755 $66.20 Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1756 $50.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1757 $2,847.90 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1758 $101.19 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1759 $12.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 176 $51.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1760 $189.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1761 $224.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1762 $149.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1763 $101.19 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1764 $27.35 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1765 $25.78 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1766 $19.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1767 $24.37 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1768 $77.95 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1769 $97.85 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 177 $100.00 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1770 $235.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1771 $317.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1772 $254.34 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1773 $34.45 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1774 $36.74 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1775 $42.94 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1776 $12.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1777 $183.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1778 $140.11 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1779 $36.02 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 178 $59.32 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1780 $28.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1781 $42.36 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1782 $2,399.94 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1783 $2,399.94 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1784 $119.01 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1785 $11.07 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1786 $228.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1787 $45.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1788 $19.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1789 $139.29 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 179 $13.02 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1790 $41.82 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1791 -($43.83) Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1792 $7.19 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1793 $15.90 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1794 $78.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1795 $84.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1796 $165.79 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1797 $139.29 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1798 $135.35 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1799 $1,262.90 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 18 $38.82 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 180 $45.73 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1800 $62.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1801 $16.04 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1802 $43.83 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1803 $125.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1804 $324.75 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1805 $56.33 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1806 $50.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1807 $5.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1808 $42.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1809 $75.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 181 $78.00 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1810 $2,000.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1811 -($200.00) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1812 $2,036.70 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1813 $36.74 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1814 $215.45 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1815 $142.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1816 $16.82 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1817 $52.65 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1818 $31.98 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1819 $234.96 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 182 $351.62 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1820 $4.60 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1821 $112.35 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1822 $32.59 Jennifer Stone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1823 $44.83 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1824 $43.26 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1825 $2,060.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1826 $316.67 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1827 $14.42 Jennifer Stone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1828 $5.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1829 $76.01 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 183 $104.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1830 $80.22 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1831 $56.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1832 $13.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1833 $15.19 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1834 $825.28 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1835 $3.34 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1836 $24.95 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1837 $8.46 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1838 319.72 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1839 $640.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 184 $22.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1840 $953.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1841 $25.42 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1842 $73.84 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1843 $12.74 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1844 $7.37 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1845 $4,465.62 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1846 $206.12 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1847 $38.05 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1848 $65.00 Social Studies 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1849 $65.92 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 185 $37.00 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1850 $1,351.50 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1851 $24.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1852 $20.70 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1853 $612.40 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1854 $19.91 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1855 $62.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1856 $227.96 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 1857 $195.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 186 -($51.98) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 187 $5.18 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 188 $50.00 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 189 $44.24 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 19 $257.40 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 190 $7.90 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 191 $303.74 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 192 $16.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 193 $49.95 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 194 $39.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 195 $15.87 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 196 $600.00 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 197 $100.00 Anita Lindstrom Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 198 $14.81 Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 199 $48.65 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 2 $255.17 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 20 $7.56 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 200 -($15.53) Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 201 $56.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 202 $235.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 203 $42.73 8th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 204 $437.82 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 205 $27.64 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 206 $15.89 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 207 $248.38 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 208 $36.42 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 209 $379.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 21 $31.24 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 210 $195.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 211 $79.98 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 212 $684.97 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 213 $91.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 214 $920.60 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 215 $31.98 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 216 $13.23 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 217 $105.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 218 ($45.00) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 219 $13.25 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 22 $1,978.38 Keep Students Learning & Adults Earning ARPA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 220 ($13.19) Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 221 $178.59 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 222 ($32.65) Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 223 $167.01 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 224 247.98 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 225 $14.45 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 226 $151.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 227 $4.15 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 228 $20.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 229 $153.40 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 23 $181.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 230 $52.87 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 231 $259.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 232 $2.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 233 $67.51 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 234 $135.96 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 235 $2.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 236 $37.27 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 237 $10.83 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 238 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 239 $9.52 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 24 $20.02 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 240 $528.04 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 241 $43.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 242 $49.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 243 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 244 $240.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 245 $19.06 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 246 $1,445.73 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 247 $18.38 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 248 $24.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 249 $17.96 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 25 $135.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 250 $21.19 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 251 $5,125.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 252 $20.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 253 -($8.95) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 254 $64.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 255 $190.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 256 $50.75 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 257 $110.68 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 258 $10.99 College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 259 $84.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 26 $757.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 260 $134.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 261 $10.99 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 262 $14.78 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 263 $20,233.67 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 264 $87.50 Computers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 265 $31.79 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 266 $34.87 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 267 $102.51 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 268 $10.74 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 269 $49.90 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 27 $101.29 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 270 -($199.98) Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 271 $15.90 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 272 15 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 273 $779.00 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 274 $62.02 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 275 -($80.00) Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 276 $92.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 277 $294.14 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 278 $17.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 279 $50.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 28 $102.08 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 280 $38.14 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 281 $3.99 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 282 $36.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 283 $104.60 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 284 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 285 $61.94 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 286 $331.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 287 $192.91 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 288 $8.42 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 289 $203.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 29 $48.42 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 290 $68.00 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 291 $6.24 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 292 $242.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 293 -($31.98) Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 294 $46.36 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 295 $1,945.69 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 296 $8.34 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 297 $156.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 298 $42.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 299 $36.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 3 $31.64 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 30 $6.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 300 $12.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 301 $1,516.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 302 $1,516.00 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 303 $54.33 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 304 $2.65 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 305 $145.53 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 306 $6.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 307 $39.93 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 308 $8.04 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 309 $778.33 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 31 $286.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 310 $122.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 311 $40.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 312 $39.59 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 313 $21.14 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 314 $101.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 315 $9.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 316 $12.50 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 317 $43.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 318 $11.01 College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 319 $193.38 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 32 -($6.59) 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 320 $454.80 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 321 $47.56 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 322 $22.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 323 $39.90 ASME Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 324 $15.86 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 325 $39.75 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 326 $11.97 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 327 $11.98 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 328 $79.65 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 329 $220.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 33 $24.20 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 330 $60.99 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 331 $5.03 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 332 $77.90 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 333 $38.99 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 334 $10.57 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 335 $93.26 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 336 $128.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 337 $9.90 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 338 $158.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 339 $80.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 34 $499.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 340 $98.76 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 341 $86.91 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 342 $437.20 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 343 $75.48 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 344 $77.80 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 345 $65.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 346 $203.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 347 $20.13 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 348 $5.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 349 $5.81 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 35 $31.27 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 350 $41.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 351 $14.83 Zamarron, Lorenza Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 352 $15.15 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 353 $462.00 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 354 $103.74 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 355 $39.13 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 356 $58.31 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 357 $62.99 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 358 $609.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 359 $7.41 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 36 $112.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 360 $86.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 361 $29.22 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 362 $282.48 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 363 $1,056.55 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 364 $31.70 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 365 $189.74 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 366 $144.85 College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 367 $223.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 368 $55.02 EF Supplies M Hull Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 369 $417.92 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 37 $293.74 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 370 $213.32 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 371 $29.50 Shakespeare Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 372 $109.29 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 373 $5.86 College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 374 $291.55 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 375 $10.59 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 376 $22.23 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 377 $39.68 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 378 $39.68 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 379 $100.05 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 38 $177.60 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 380 $19.99 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 381 $276.00 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 382 $12.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 383 $1.17 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 384 $32.94 ASME Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 385 $277.21 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 386 $8.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 387 $55.83 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 388 $3.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 389 $8.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 39 -($71.52) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 390 $19.58 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 391 $76.41 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 392 $97.05 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 393 $310.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 394 $21.45 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 395 $211.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 396 $12.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 397 $167.52 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 398 $20.67 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 399 $158.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 4 $228.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 40 $311.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 400 $234.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 401 $100.96 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 402 $46.70 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 403 $110.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 404 $15.74 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 405 $55.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 406 $96.16 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 407 $607.08 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 408 $236.64 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 409 $1,600.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 41 $200.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 410 $33.00 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 411 $30.70 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 412 $1,607.36 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 413 $32.86 Shakespeare Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 414 $28.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 415 $199.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 416 $31.25 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 417 $175.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 418 $16.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 419 $213.28 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 42 $15.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 420 $233.19 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 421 $15.58 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 422 $28.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 423 $11.81 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 424 $362.03 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 425 $11.57 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 426 $39.68 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 427 $39.68 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 428 $1,734.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 429 $41.20 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 43 $207.83 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 430 $11.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 431 $59.31 Harwood John Hegstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 432 $31.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 433 $204.00 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 434 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 435 $254.37 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 436 $48.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 437 $301.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 438 $24.37 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 439 $133.84 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 44 $168.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 440 $54.60 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 441 $104.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 442 $114.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 443 $14.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 444 $111.30 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 445 $8.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 446 $55.76 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 447 61.74 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 448 $32.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 449 $15.19 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 45 $183.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 450 93.49 7th GBB Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 451 669.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 452 $135.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 453 $21.18 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 454 $224.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 455 $35.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 456 $71.91 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 457 $9.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 458 $24.44 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 459 $214.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 46 $228.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 460 $263.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 461 $103.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 462 $71.69 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 463 $36.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 464 $314.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 465 $12.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 466 $21.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 467 $79.29 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 468 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 469 $284.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 47 $9.30 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 470 $10.55 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 471 $161.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 472 $87.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 473 $34.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 474 $111.30 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 475 $47.63 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 476 $251.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 477 $5.13 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 478 $111.52 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 479 $6.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 48 $102.53 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 480 $220.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 481 $128.41 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 482 $23.84 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 483 $78.00 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 484 $471.00 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 485 $210.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 486 $147.78 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 487 135.5 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 488 $182.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 489 $14.82 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 49 $11.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 490 $38.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 491 $80.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 492 $13.79 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 493 $27.21 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 494 $1,571.88 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 495 $46.78 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 496 $161.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 497 $159.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 498 $297.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 499 $22.74 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 5 $2,002.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 50 $26.45 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 500 $17.19 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 501 $6.52 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 502 $215.12 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 503 $72.10 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 504 $33.45 Music Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 505 $369.10 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 506 $21.43 Jessica Clyde Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 507 $47.70 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 508 $13.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 509 $2,042.25 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 51 $168.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 510 $7.38 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 511 $52.43 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 512 $400.00 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 513 $400.00 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 514 $437.10 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 515 $29.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 516 $11.13 College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 517 $15.71 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 518 $240.00 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 519 $42.66 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 52 $32.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 520 $54.66 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 521 $128.00 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 522 $32.61 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 523 $23.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 524 $7.46 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 525 $379.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 526 $66.99 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 527 $75.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 528 $40.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 529 $405.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 53 $441.67 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 530 $101.21 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 531 $56.71 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 532 $210.02 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 533 $15.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 534 $640.93 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 535 $2.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 536 $12,500.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 537 $55.43 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 538 $13.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 539 $43.44 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 54 $36.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 540 $18.24 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 541 $179.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 542 $434.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 543 $434.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 544 $7,562.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 545 $15.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 546 $37.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 547 $104.47 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 548 $46,449.90 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 549 $96.70 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 55 $6.63 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 550 $37.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 551 $90.91 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 552 $326.92 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 553 $1,193.79 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 554 $1,665.94 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 555 $53.02 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 556 $2,080.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 557 $64.55 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 558 $127.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 559 $350.72 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 56 $148.35 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 560 $1,425.56 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 561 $126.44 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 562 $211.92 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 563 $287.12 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 564 $304.46 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 565 $319.05 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 566 $30.17 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 567 $19.72 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 568 $5.07 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 569 $59.49 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 57 ($12.18) Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 570 124.18 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 571 94 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 572 $585.22 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 573 $9.15 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 574 $4.86 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 575 $66.18 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 576 $57.10 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 577 $300.76 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 578 $67.87 Zamarron, Lorenza Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 579 $72.83 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 58 $59.69 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 580 $1,699.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 581 $725.00 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 582 $475.25 Industrial Arts Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 583 $166.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 584 $66.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 585 $126.88 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 586 $61.23 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 587 $15.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 588 $237.97 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 589 $99.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 59 $202.48 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 590 $13.99 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 591 $5.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 592 $55.67 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 593 $830.43 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 594 $226.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 595 $29.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 596 $160.89 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 597 $85.55 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 598 $169.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 599 $83.22 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 6 $15.39 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 60 $19.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 600 $15.12 Drowns, Melinda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 601 $667.95 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 602 $68.43 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 603 $20.10 7th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 604 $62.53 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 605 $22.00 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 606 $200.33 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 607 $7.63 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 608 $40.12 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 609 $39.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 61 $228.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 610 233.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 611 657 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 612 33.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 613 $103.84 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 614 $83.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 615 $59.88 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 616 $27.48 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 617 $6.24 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 618 $45.09 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 619 $694.35 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 62 $168.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 620 $192.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 621 $3,332.68 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 622 $229.95 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 623 $5.18 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 624 $339.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 625 $41.44 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 626 $55.30 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 627 $19.05 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 628 $167.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 629 $88.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 63 $187.57 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 630 $100.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 631 $10.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 632 $1,056.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 633 $6.24 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 634 $113.90 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 635 $139.71 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 636 $534.22 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 637 $20.85 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 638 $1,087.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 639 $69.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 64 $229.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 640 $8.95 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 641 $122.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 642 $144.16 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 643 1573.25 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 644 $81.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 645 $20.92 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 646 $797.50 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 647 $555.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 648 $6.00 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 649 $3,235.00 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 65 $304.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 650 $20.68 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 651 $49.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 652 $54.64 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 653 $8.75 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 654 $252.72 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 655 $46.25 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 656 $24.52 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 657 $286.19 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 658 $1,076.55 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 659 $7.50 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 66 $312.46 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 660 $303.63 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 661 $189.88 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 662 $10.18 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 663 $6.24 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 664 $851.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 665 $536.17 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 666 $9.13 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 667 $21.20 Harwood John Hegstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 668 $1,219.62 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 669 $5.18 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 67 $6.07 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 670 $40.26 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 671 $186.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 672 $103.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 673 $112.04 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 674 $330.52 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 675 $231.56 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 676 $21.45 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 677 $5.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 678 $218.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 679 $1,075.96 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 68 $258.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 680 $13.89 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 681 $144.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 682 $22.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 683 $5.30 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 684 $7.50 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 685 $6.24 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 686 $271.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 687 $58.28 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 688 $52.03 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 689 $1,517.95 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 69 $42.37 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 690 $21.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 691 $21.25 ESSER SEL Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 692 $178.59 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 693 $28.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 694 $46.75 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 695 $1,112.47 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 696 $196.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 697 $176.06 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 698 $200.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 699 $149.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 7 $80.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 70 $58.54 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 700 $85.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 701 $5.18 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 702 $19.59 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 703 $19.00 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 704 $4.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 705 $124.72 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 706 $1,920.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 707 $2.79 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 708 $16.15 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 709 $22.39 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 71 $140.56 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 710 $55.46 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 711 $42.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 712 $68.87 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 713 $445.20 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 714 $690.00 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 715 $9.96 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 716 $136.27 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 717 $13,929.27 Choir EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 718 $210.91 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 719 $1,113.00 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 72 $688.00 ESSER SEL Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 720 $258.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 721 $209.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 722 $158.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 723 $8.95 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 724 $160.00 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 725 $8.69 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 726 $37.99 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 727 $2.27 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 728 $99.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 729 $2,606.36 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 73 $10.59 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 730 $9.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 731 $468.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 732 $44.62 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 733 $48.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 734 $12.79 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 735 $550.00 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 736 $550.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 737 $12.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 738 $110.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 739 $1,093.10 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 74 $7.30 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 740 $176.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 741 $80.46 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 742 $150.78 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 743 $73.31 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 744 $217.12 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 745 $156.10 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 746 $193.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 747 $131.41 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 748 $113.53 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 749 $29.95 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 75 $287.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 750 $629.28 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 751 $5.76 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 752 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 753 $75.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 754 $260.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 755 $98.54 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 756 $132.09 Remediation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 757 $344.90 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 758 $16.03 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 759 $239.37 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 76 $30.71 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 760 $46.80 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 761 $74.15 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 762 $158.72 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 763 $5.30 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 764 $369.74 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 765 $13.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 766 $25.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 767 $58.25 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 768 $181.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 769 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 77 $351.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 770 $150.78 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 771 $190.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 772 $20.27 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 773 $79.00 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 774 $120.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 775 $15.00 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 776 $66.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 777 $18.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 778 $62.15 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 779 $27.52 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 78 $239.28 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 780 $13.10 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 781 $1,219.01 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 782 $5.63 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 783 $58.90 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 784 $415.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 785 $33.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 786 $101.74 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 787 $38.98 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 788 $23.31 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 789 $222.60 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 79 $365.70 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 790 $8.99 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 791 $34.98 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 792 $22.25 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 793 $71.65 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 794 $62.58 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 795 $120.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 796 $11.08 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 797 $42.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 798 $82.71 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 799 $26.48 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 8 $14.99 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 80 $9.69 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 800 $24.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 801 $12.32 Amber MacPherson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 802 $2,017.92 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 803 $12.34 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 804 $42.38 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 805 $25.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 806 $4.02 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 807 $44.58 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 808 $762.07 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 809 $260.24 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 81 $222.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 810 $124.47 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 811 $106.59 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 812 $20.10 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 813 $3,148.24 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 814 $46.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 815 $79.77 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 816 $42.40 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 817 $1,399.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 818 $18.00 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 819 $142.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 82 $65.36 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 820 $614.80 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 821 $29.98 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 822 $149.47 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 823 $84.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 824 $412.39 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 825 $12.68 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 826 $369.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 827 $45.51 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 828 $697.20 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 829 $45.44 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 83 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 830 $56.93 Golf Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 831 $15.78 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 832 $48.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 833 $4.50 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 834 $5.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 835 $10.59 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 836 $38.14 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 837 $28.00 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 838 $9.99 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 839 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 84 $110.27 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 840 $85.58 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 841 $48.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 842 $225.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 843 $1,493.61 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 844 $167.35 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 845 $19.01 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 846 $216.50 Shakespeare Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 847 $36.29 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 848 $60.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 849 $145.20 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 85 $470.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 850 $51.08 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 851 $19.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 852 $303.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 853 $252.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 854 $22.97 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 855 $318.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 856 $77.90 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 857 $88.50 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 858 $13.78 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 859 $15.64 Life Skills Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 86 $187.09 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 860 $6.35 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 861 $220.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 862 $109.71 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 863 $125.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 864 $46.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 865 $10.59 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 866 $11.95 Shelton, Marjorie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 867 $35.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 868 $27.02 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 869 $156.70 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 87 $59.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 870 $115.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 871 $20.25 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 872 $0.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 873 $39.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 874 $34.32 Shakespeare Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 875 $1,055.73 Farm to School Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 876 $930.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 877 $82.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 878 $84.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 879 $42.36 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 88 $6.47 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 880 $172.15 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 881 $6.00 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 882 $104.39 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 883 $136.40 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 884 $55.67 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 885 $104.89 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 886 $9.99 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 887 $64.43 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 888 $189.14 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 889 $719.82 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 89 $7.84 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 890 $13.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 891 $104.56 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 892 $31.10 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 893 $1,249.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 894 $224.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 895 $30.53 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 896 $262.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 897 $110.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 898 $17.47 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 899 $313.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 9 $100.10 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 90 $176.09 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 900 $25.47 Shakespeare Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 901 $17.59 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 902 $29.62 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 903 $108.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 904 $623.47 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 905 $143.09 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 906 $53.00 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 907 $10.55 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 908 $31.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 909 $31.72 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 91 -($10.59) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 910 $3.17 Shakespeare Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 911 $999.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 912 $43.12 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 913 $49.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 914 $74.18 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 915 $209.90 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 916 $79.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 917 $19.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 918 $54.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 919 $20.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 92 $10.60 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 920 $293.58 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 921 $183.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 922 $135.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 923 $29.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 924 $202.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 925 $211.48 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 926 $114.20 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 927 $23.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 928 $52.45 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 929 $28.22 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 93 $214.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 930 $251.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 931 $76.09 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 932 $4.00 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 933 $5.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 934 $462.39 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 935 $159.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 936 $130.43 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 937 $58.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 938 $14.22 College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 939 $3.16 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 94 $375.57 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 940 $326.20 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 941 $165.22 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 942 $118.86 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 943 $22.83 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 944 $102.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 945 $10.49 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 946 $1,828.34 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 947 $337.81 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 948 $180.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 949 $752.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 95 $375.57 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 950 $192.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 951 $22.48 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 952 $22.47 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 953 $127.16 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 954 $43.98 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 955 $563.40 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 956 $237.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 957 $211.24 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 958 $288.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 959 $235.94 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 96 $185.61 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 960 $41.64 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 961 $6.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 962 $55.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 963 $25.38 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 964 $30.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 965 $13.30 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 966 $99.04 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 967 $16.52 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 968 $710.07 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 969 $7.99 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 97 $678.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 970 $12.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 971 $32.50 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 972 $384.60 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 973 $6.05 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 974 $11.17 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 975 $92.83 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 976 266.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 977 $298.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 978 $13.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 979 359.88 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 98 40 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 980 105.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 981 116.34 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 982 $11.77 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 983 $4,811.10 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 984 $76.73 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 985 $229.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 986 $212.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 987 $14.25 Jennifer Stone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 988 -($79.80) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 989 $9.36 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 99 -($60.00) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 990 $305.34 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 991 $673.33 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 992 $30.11 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 993 $8.88 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 994 $2,687.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 995 $169.60 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 996 $125.93 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 997 $15.49 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 998 $105.62 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
9/30/2022 999 $4,246.49 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/12/2022
Batch 9.19 (2) $90.00 Medicaid Match Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93546 10/12/2022
Batch 9.19.22 $250.00 Medicaid Match Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93547 10/12/2022
September 2022 $55.38 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $74.87 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $13.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $1,005.10 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $105.15 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $2,677.91 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $114.66 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $114.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $13.35 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $992.70 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $100.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $1,467.69 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $133.56 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $13.35 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $185.44 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $4,074.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $13.75 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $2,060.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $95.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $8,186.83 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $7,745.05 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $17.91 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $35.56 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $2,574.66 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $347.41 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $3,752.09 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $114.66 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $114.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $21,718.52 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $2,343.34 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $592.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $37.22 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
September 2022 $327.68 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/12/2022
SRO Contract $43,546.95 Emergency Levy Resource Officers City of Rigby RIGBY ID 93548 10/12/2022
101222 $500.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 10/12/2022
32541388 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93552 10/13/2022
32554456 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93552 10/13/2022
32554457 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93552 10/13/2022
40939189 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93550 10/13/2022
4199349696 $18.00 Vendor Bill To School Old Faithful Beverage Co Idaho Falls ID 93553 10/13/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $61.35 Student Lunch Sales Zagula, Kelley Rigby ID 93555 10/13/2022
RigbyMiddleSchool $1,200.00 General Bill To School Snyder, Amberly Tremonton UT 93554 10/13/2022
S-2014-28819 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 93551 10/13/2022
SuppleReimb 10.13 $41.60 Supplies & Materials Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 93549 10/13/2022
September 2022 (1) $19.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/17/2022
32602299 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93558 10/18/2022
32602300 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93558 10/18/2022
32602301 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93558 10/18/2022
32602302 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93558 10/18/2022
32614128 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93558 10/18/2022
40952135 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93557 10/18/2022
Air Ticket Reimb $149.00 Travel Expenses Moore, Treena Rigby ID 93560 10/18/2022
Batch 10.14 $330.00 Medicaid Match Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93562 10/18/2022
D.NordhagenEmergency $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93563 10/18/2022
Mileage 10.10-10.14 $22.10 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93559 10/18/2022
Mileage 9.26-10.6 $40.10 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93559 10/18/2022
Reimbursement $11.96 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Nassar, Katryna L Rigby ID 93561 10/18/2022
Reimbursement -($11.96) Non Reim Transportation Supplies Nassar, Katryna L Rigby ID 93561 10/18/2022
Tyler Tech Train PD $51.00 Travel Expenses Bronson, Bryce Jerome Ammon ID 93556 10/18/2022
10-8-22 Statement $767.24 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488106 10/18/2022
10-8-22 Statement $3,365.59 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488106 10/18/2022
6533A Sept-Oct $1,400.78 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1488093 10/18/2022
764724 water $104.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488110 10/18/2022
781 piano tuning $800.00 Supplies & Materials Signature Pianocraft-Will Perkins Idaho Falls ID 1488107 10/18/2022
864 Homecoming $1,100.00 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488090 10/18/2022
864 Homecoming $1,100.00 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488090 10/18/2022
9-16-22-001FT $394.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488097 10/18/2022
9-20-22-001 $127.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488097 10/18/2022
9-30-22 Statement $2,566.00 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488105 10/18/2022
Cheer Choreography $1,000.00 Supplies & Materials Dummar, Josie Rexburg ID 1488094 10/18/2022
Cheer Choreography $1,000.00 Supplies & Materials Kaneko, Jordyn Layton UT 1488100 10/18/2022
Choreography $420.00 Supplies & Materials Murphy, Lexie Bountiful UT 1488103 10/18/2022
Dance deposit $150.00 Fees & Charges Johns, Dustin Wilson Idaho Falls ID 1488099 10/18/2022
Fball water reimb $27.28 Supplies & Materials Lords, Bryan Rigby ID 1488111 10/18/2022
Jr Troyettes  $370.00 Supplies & Materials Skidmore, Daphne Pocatello ID 1488108 10/18/2022
LMR Reimb $165.64 Supplies & Materials Martinez, Misty Rigby ID 1488102 10/18/2022
LMR Reimb $36.03 Supplies & Materials Smith, Katie Rigby ID 1488109 10/18/2022
LMR sound/lights $49.50 Supplies & Materials Alvarez, Rebecca Rigby ID 1488092 10/18/2022
LMR sound/lights $67.50 Supplies & Materials Norman, Cambria Rigby ID 1488104 10/18/2022
LMR Tees $231.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488101 10/18/2022
RX-266459 $381.91 Supplies & Materials Alphagraphics-Rexburg Rexburg ID 1488091 10/18/2022
RX-274099 $178.32 Supplies & Materials Alphagraphics-Rexburg Rexburg ID 1488091 10/18/2022
Senior apparel $3,250.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488101 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $7.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $4.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $0.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $5.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $8.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $2.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $82.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $1,558.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $8.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $1,165.92 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $115.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $47.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept 2022 Sales Tax $2,974.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488098 10/18/2022
Sept Statement SS $241.50 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488105 10/18/2022
State Soils $55.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho FFA State Association Boise ID 1488096 10/18/2022
Team food reimb $122.50 Supplies & Materials Egan, Tiffaney Rigby ID 1488095 10/18/2022
Weighted vest $80.00 Supplies & Materials Stewart, Cameron Rigby ID 1488112 10/18/2022
J.Barber fees $125.00 Business Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 93564 10/20/2022
V176978 $31,637.87 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93566 10/20/2022
V210975 $8,088.39 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/20/2022
V325194 $327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 10/20/2022
V366215 $3,800.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43914 10/20/2022
V368544 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 10/20/2022
V454662 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 10/20/2022
V521138 $293,207.54 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/20/2022
V524337 $12,903.68 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93566 10/20/2022
V560700 $4,132.97 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 10/20/2022
V563070 $398,173.11 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93566 10/20/2022
V568198 -($671.70) Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93566 10/20/2022
V740581 $1,891.62 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/20/2022
V852311 $145,907.27 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/20/2022
V864101 -($31.86) Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93566 10/20/2022
V885365 -($7.06) Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93566 10/20/2022
V885786 $3,418.52 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93566 10/20/2022
V889886 $3,165.93 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93566 10/20/2022
V950939 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 10/20/2022
V981645 $34,189.30 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/20/2022
Inv_W5172010BF $2,225.14 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Book Fairs - 13 Jefferson City MO 2001 10/20/2022
reemburse_10_20_22 $81.63 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 1999 10/20/2022
reemburse_10_20_22 $57.48 Supplies & Materials Lisa Day Rigby ID 2000 10/20/2022
reemburse_10_20_22 $43.44 Supplies & Materials Lisa Yearsley Rigby ID 1998 10/20/2022
V773769 $1,274.90 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Book Club Inc JEFFERSON CITY MO 1670 10/20/2022
$4,880.16 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,166.25 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,419.11 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,189.76 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Kevin Spencer  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,021.88 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,081.58 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,370.32 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,039.44 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,481.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,937.80 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ard, Taylie Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,825.70 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$127.50 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Carlie J  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,976.95 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,935.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,372.98 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$153.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Preston D  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,695.17 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,529.60 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$835.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bagley, Lisa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$951.44 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$465.11 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Jennifer Robin  Lewsiville ID 0 10/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Rachel Nichole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$70.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Ronda Fielding  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,467.43 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$284.14 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Carol Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$143.88 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$819.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,792.72 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,676.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,270.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,609.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,062.29 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Kaitlyn Anna  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,479.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,872.31 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Nicole Lynette  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,998.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$846.85 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$836.84 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,857.58 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$908.05 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,898.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,429.89 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,266.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$97.20 GROSS PAYROLL Billman, Alicia Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$657.40 GROSS PAYROLL Bingham, John Maurice  American Fork UT 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,103.35 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$866.91 GROSS PAYROLL Black, Marly Olaso  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,607.42 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Blair, Miranda Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$184.19 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$101.59 GROSS PAYROLL Blanchard, Sharon A  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Blatter Sutherland, Carley Jill  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,199.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$594.14 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,082.87 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,130.05 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 10/20/2022
$95.39 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Theresa L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,657.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,657.92 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,685.65 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,593.46 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,583.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,101.21 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$970.46 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 10/20/2022
$1,067.10 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,001.44 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,596.18 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,825.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$548.84 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,075.69 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,457.19 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$139.06 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,412.90 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,038.75 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,065.46 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,411.37 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$22.21 GROSS PAYROLL Bunting, Amy Nicole  Pleasant Grive UT 0 10/20/2022
$473.12 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Dona Jeanne  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,052.18 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$998.53 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$592.53 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$799.50 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$477.41 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,695.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,238.85 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,517.60 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$951.02 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,203.27 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,894.78 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,264.20 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cancino Saldana, Cristina Mabel  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$642.29 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$999.56 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,657.17 GROSS PAYROLL Carlen, Hailey Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,031.77 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$874.95 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,011.40 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,083.21 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,570.55 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,779.72 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$198.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,654.48 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,958.33 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$628.33 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,793.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,515.26 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Russell Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,371.32 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$846.38 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Megan   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,594.25 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$849.63 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,047.47 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,509.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$932.12 GROSS PAYROLL Cook Marthis, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$897.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,497.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,465.22 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,011.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 10/20/2022
$871.17 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,395.69 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$731.79 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$846.47 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,167.09 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$881.00 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,022.64 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$973.93 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$45.47 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Hannah Otera  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,419.66 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crowe, Ryan Michael  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,926.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$897.15 GROSS PAYROLL Curtis, Chelsea Anne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$717.36 GROSS PAYROLL Cushatt, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$925.47 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,471.98 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$963.42 GROSS PAYROLL Danielson, Adrian Jason  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Cierra Dawn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL DaRonch, Michael Richard  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,845.48 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,841.30 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,254.12 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,825.28 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$870.45 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,343.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,414.76 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,757.17 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,527.78 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,554.55 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$877.76 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,094.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Elizabeth Marlow  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dupree, John   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,963.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,850.70 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$68.36 GROSS PAYROLL Eastin, Laurie Chree  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$601.87 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$54.59 GROSS PAYROLL Edgell, Michelle Ruth  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,685.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Tiffaney Alene  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$248.23 GROSS PAYROLL Eldridge, Raylene Bartoli  Provo UT 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$75.96 GROSS PAYROLL Emerson, Paige Raeann Valate  Nine Mile Falls WA 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,065.03 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$969.71 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,820.90 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Martha Beatriz  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,381.54 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,741.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,201.97 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$123.14 GROSS PAYROLL Faneus, Rebecca Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,303.47 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,374.77 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$92.35 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Jeanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$926.83 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,089.77 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$918.41 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,757.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,217.63 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$711.22 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,767.58 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,122.83 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,125.74 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$823.46 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,177.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,269.38 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,203.45 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,113.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,307.77 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$180.02 GROSS PAYROLL Fulton, Linda Christine  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$81.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gahn, Amy Lynn  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$948.52 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$602.38 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,558.40 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,508.75 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,057.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,533.28 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$999.03 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,222.10 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,570.44 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$115.61 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Brittany Sue  Riverside CA 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,368.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,021.58 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,090.50 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,045.58 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,979.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$603.42 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,832.61 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$545.82 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,318.12 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,118.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$803.27 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,613.04 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,362.44 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,570.33 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,084.50 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,602.45 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,124.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,049.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,686.83 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,454.85 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$231.33 GROSS PAYROLL Guthrie, Brooke Nichole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$986.48 GROSS PAYROLL Gutierrez, Alexis Olivia  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,527.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,723.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,599.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$207.85 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,843.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,704.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,752.35 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,616.98 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,662.39 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,728.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,658.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,149.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$420.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Rinnie Dora  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,316.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,857.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$354.74 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Stacey Diane  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,173.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$586.59 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$816.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$980.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$90.98 GROSS PAYROLL Harkness, Rebecca Arin  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,128.79 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$500.10 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,075.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$571.95 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$979.70 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,291.54 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,040.30 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,775.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,655.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,390.41 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,599.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$762.81 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,775.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 10/20/2022
$36.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hendrix, Avrey D R  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,066.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,557.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,014.83 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$850.74 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,149.59 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,070.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,795.03 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$818.98 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$349.51 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,759.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,383.92 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,674.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,461.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$799.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$798.84 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$54.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hoppie, Katherine Marie  League City TX 0 10/20/2022
$5,575.00 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$295.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Stacey Bell  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,646.37 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 10/20/2022
$601.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,895.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,080.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,648.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,913.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,160.82 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,934.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$203.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ireland, Connor James  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,152.13 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,191.30 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$723.38 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,846.02 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,176.94 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,704.69 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$956.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,109.29 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$659.96 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$727.33 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,819.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$679.91 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,289.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,173.73 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,033.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,055.57 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,341.61 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,288.35 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,877.83 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,451.45 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$803.62 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, DeeAnn Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$949.20 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,891.66 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Mariah Darlene  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,658.94 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,791.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,799.28 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$959.62 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,018.73 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,132.42 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,311.88 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,706.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,495.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$840.89 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,014.91 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,502.31 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,169.15 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,969.53 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$114.00 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Sierrra Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,203.23 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,631.82 GROSS PAYROLL Langford, Angela Renee  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$182.92 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Rochelle Cardon  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$441.72 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,138.98 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$607.07 GROSS PAYROLL Laybourn, Stephani Colleen  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,152.47 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$692.69 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,034.87 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Xiomara   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$101.49 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Benjamin F  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$727.69 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,623.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,947.69 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$9,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$169.86 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Marlee   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,713.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,074.27 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,155.64 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,029.64 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,094.65 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$115.41 GROSS PAYROLL Mair, Melissa Lin  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$769.16 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$171.32 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy Jean  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,280.18 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,452.42 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 10/20/2022
$291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Amber Nichole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$921.42 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$90.83 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Nathan Joseph  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,149.17 GROSS PAYROLL McBride, Nina Celeste  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$54.00 GROSS PAYROLL McConnell, Lisa M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$63.21 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Anthony Royce  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,705.75 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,495.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,163.03 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$83.58 GROSS PAYROLL Mengel, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$904.19 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$487.13 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$361.42 GROSS PAYROLL Merriman, Alisha Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,341.10 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Canon Joseph  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,019.17 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Emily Autumn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$9,316.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,697.68 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Torrie L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,145.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$42.94 GROSS PAYROLL Moedl, Allyx Oborn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,507.74 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$228.63 GROSS PAYROLL Moody, Jessica Johanna  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,320.38 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,197.08 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,308.26 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,450.95 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,526.80 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$838.31 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,026.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$211.50 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$116.99 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,601.77 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,265.61 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Neibaur, Joseph Alexander  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,622.86 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,082.20 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,368.09 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$913.43 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nisbet, Scott Leslie  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$702.23 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 10/20/2022
$1,194.35 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 10/20/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,946.16 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,213.94 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,695.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,556.02 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,181.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$164.94 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,803.44 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,587.27 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,246.16 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,196.41 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,056.99 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$980.29 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 10/20/2022
$4,418.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$888.90 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,377.77 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,418.75 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 10/20/2022
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$963.35 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$849.64 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,376.75 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,432.60 GROSS PAYROLL Payne, Kalena Kristine  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,782.57 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$49.59 GROSS PAYROLL Pennington, Emma Jolie  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,779.81 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,568.23 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,382.89 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$156.06 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Erin A  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$934.34 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$160.04 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$64.05 GROSS PAYROLL Phair, Alyssa Rosanne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$968.05 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,133.50 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$450.09 GROSS PAYROLL Pisciotta, April Elise  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,292.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,695.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Rachel Deniel  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,147.21 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$756.58 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Whittney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,695.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,398.27 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$50.15 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,798.70 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$482.85 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Traci Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,402.14 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,109.74 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,811.22 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,384.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,029.96 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Lee Randall  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Reid, Taybree Peebles  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$493.69 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,118.63 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,294.14 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$568.63 GROSS PAYROLL Ricter, Korina Noel  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,890.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$51.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,160.84 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$644.63 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Sheela Mae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$73.20 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Cassie Janiel  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,555.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,942.59 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,071.21 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,023.94 GROSS PAYROLL Rodrigues, Ernest Cody Charles  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,382.32 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,790.92 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,975.19 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,774.94 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$762.85 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$411.52 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Brooke Janae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,460.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,793.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$570.49 GROSS PAYROLL Sathre, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$300.34 GROSS PAYROLL Sautter, Macy Michelle  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,864.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$100.89 GROSS PAYROLL Scadden, Sarah Jane  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,775.37 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,090.31 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,399.50 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice Hulet  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$72.00 GROSS PAYROLL Scholz, Analiese   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$895.92 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,100.19 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$809.60 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,288.22 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,297.09 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,427.49 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,025.00 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$940.79 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Janessa Kay  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$438.86 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer Boyle  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,495.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Elizabath P  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,290.74 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily Rose  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$60.74 GROSS PAYROLL Shields, Samuel David  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,868.15 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,249.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,708.76 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$673.41 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$776.06 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,065.29 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,010.82 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$99.36 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aaron Walter  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$953.12 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,765.23 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,441.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$495.38 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,062.61 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,759.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,678.56 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$925.47 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$179.13 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$890.43 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$395.48 GROSS PAYROLL Snyder, Stephanie Nicole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$984.63 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$954.04 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$10,070.17 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,196.50 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,033.54 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Jamilyn Miller  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$857.52 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,491.59 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stephen, Audrey Jean  Papillion NE 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stibal, Faith Lindsay  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$669.96 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,014.32 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,845.69 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$715.76 GROSS PAYROLL Stoltenberg, Tambra Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,237.43 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,072.70 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 10/20/2022
$157.77 GROSS PAYROLL Sudweeks, Loretta Shaver  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$179.02 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,302.01 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$877.05 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$998.22 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,903.16 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,848.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,449.55 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$38.70 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Ariana Ashley  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$352.36 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,208.27 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Nikki Rachelle  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,586.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$876.93 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,928.50 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,890.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 10/20/2022
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,071.89 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$942.27 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$137.90 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,774.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,984.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,195.51 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,335.08 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Zachary Michael  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,421.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,334.99 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,115.50 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 10/20/2022
$818.14 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 10/20/2022
$556.14 GROSS PAYROLL Tsosie, Amber Christine  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,651.59 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,380.54 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$635.89 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,251.52 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Uminski, Forrest Douglas  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Uminski, Spencer Anthony  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,911.30 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,095.34 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,695.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,044.69 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,819.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,745.80 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,020.16 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,128.93 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$131.34 GROSS PAYROLL Venema, Amanda Lynn  St. Anthony ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,041.75 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,225.90 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,589.54 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,090.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,717.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$728.01 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$278.97 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,487.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,242.10 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 10/20/2022
$226.91 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kennadee Jo  Rigby id 0 10/20/2022
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$846.64 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,100.63 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,889.81 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$132.06 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,884.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$886.51 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,354.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,881.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,751.98 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$772.76 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$876.51 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,024.89 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,722.82 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,018.43 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,102.71 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$2,467.02 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 10/20/2022
$1,308.91 GROSS PAYROLL Widdison, Grant Harold  Sallisaw OK 0 10/20/2022
$894.64 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,695.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$696.19 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 10/20/2022
$51.84 GROSS PAYROLL Winchester, Heidi Luke  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$929.54 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$7,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$754.05 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$170.07 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,991.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$40.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Brooklyn Nichole  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,083.51 GROSS PAYROLL Wu, Stephanie Alyssa  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,569.92 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$992.52 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$975.22 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,512.56 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$38.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zarate, Connie Gay  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$1,061.03 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$6,752.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/20/2022
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 10/20/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 10/20/2022
$3,148.40 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 10/20/2022
$464.15 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Jennifer Lynn  Rigby ID 62214 10/20/2022
$797.05 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 62215 10/20/2022
$416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hoge, Emily Brooke  Rigby ID 62216 10/20/2022
$98.42 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62217 10/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Marci Nield  Menan ID 62218 10/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moikeha, Konae Luanna  Pearl City HI 62219 10/20/2022
$1,010.36 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62220 10/20/2022
$75.20 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 62221 10/20/2022
$924.84 GROSS PAYROLL Islas, Dalia Janett  Roberts ID 62222 10/20/2022
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cochrane, Nicholas G  Rigby ID 62223 10/20/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Heather Maiele  Lewisville ID 62224 10/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Landon Von  Rigby ID 62225 10/20/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL McUne, Ashlee Sage  Benson UT 62226 10/20/2022
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Kamrin Kristina  Rigby ID 62227 10/20/2022
$1,133.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Emily Mae  Rigby ID 62228 10/20/2022
$266.07 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62229 10/20/2022
$233.33 GROSS PAYROLL Workman, Emily Kristine  Rigby ID 62230 10/20/2022
$546.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62231 10/20/2022
$917.45 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Caleb Richard  Rigby ID 62232 10/20/2022
$180.00 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Katelyn Irene  Hamilton MO 62233 10/20/2022
$991.41 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62234 10/20/2022
$328.34 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62235 10/20/2022
$305.34 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Anna M  Rigby ID 62236 10/20/2022
$709.02 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 62237 10/20/2022
$964.43 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62238 10/20/2022
$2,136.71 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62239 10/20/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 62240 10/20/2022
$602.36 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62241 10/20/2022
$3,266.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62242 10/20/2022
$2,370.85 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62243 10/20/2022
$2,249.98 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62244 10/20/2022
September 2022 $59.62 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $9.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $86.30 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $62.78 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $111.04 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $207.87 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $273.28 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $102.43 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $453.46 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $2,414.91 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $18.72 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 $44.06 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
September 2022 (1) $126.52 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/21/2022
1147 $196.00 Purchased Services Tenille Byington Rigby ID 158 10/21/2022
21647-000-2023 $2,434.36 Purchased Services Herff Jones Indianapolis IN 148 10/21/2022
38403 $630.00 Purchased Services Country Cottons Rigby ID 146 10/21/2022
8-26-22-002 $161.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 157 10/21/2022
8-31-22-003 $208.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 157 10/21/2022
8-31-22-004 $142.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 157 10/21/2022
82553 $620.00 Purchased Services Ferguson Music Company Rexburg ID 147 10/21/2022
9-12-22-003 $129.67 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 157 10/21/2022
9-15-22-003 $52.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 157 10/21/2022
9-19-22-001 $143.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 157 10/21/2022
9-6-22-002 $150.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 157 10/21/2022
9-9-22-006 $170.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 157 10/21/2022
Payroll September $537.89 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 151 10/21/2022
Payroll September $342.77 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 151 10/21/2022
Payroll September $200.92 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 151 10/21/2022
Refund Parent 102122 $125.00 Purchased Services Michelle Lewis Rigby ID 154 10/21/2022
Refund Parent 102122 $63.00 Purchased Services Sabrina Bowen Rigby ID 156 10/21/2022
REIMB Parent 10/22 $60.18 Supplies & Materials Kimberley Cook Rigby ID 153 10/21/2022
Reimb Parent 102122 $39.18 Supplies & Materials KayCee Summers Rigby ID 152 10/21/2022
Sales Tax Sept 22/23 $97.02 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 151 10/21/2022
Sales Tax Sept 22/23 $5.66 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 151 10/21/2022
Sales Tax Sept 22/23 $236.26 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 151 10/21/2022
Sales Tax Sept 22/23 $391.70 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 151 10/21/2022
Sales Tax Sept 22/23 $1.13 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 151 10/21/2022
Sales Tax Sept 22/23 $15.33 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 151 10/21/2022
Wrestling $250.00 Purchased Services Hobbs Middle School Shelly ID 150 10/21/2022
XC Fees $100.00 Purchased Services Highland High School Pocatello ID 149 10/21/2022
XC Fees 10/22 $40.00 Purchased Services Ririe High School Ririe ID 155 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $141.81 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $108.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $219.76 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $0.58 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $1,269.32 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $48.68 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $24.92 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $1.89 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $2.24 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $0.95 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $0.37 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $2.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
June to Sept ST $2.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166863 10/21/2022
Wrestling $250.00 Purchased Services Hobbs Middle School Shelly ID 57166864 10/21/2022
DriversEdReimb 10.24 $170.00 Driver Education Student Revenue Clark, Wendy Rigby ID 93565 10/24/2022
V122504 $541.36 Fees & Charges Rhodehouse Construction, Inc Rigby ID 3871 10/24/2022
10-10-22 Statement $69.99 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1488126 10/24/2022
18185 Fball/U of M $12,300.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488120 10/24/2022
18186 Fball/Sky View $4,550.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488120 10/24/2022
18444 Fball/Am Fork $5,725.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488120 10/24/2022
2662  Swim Team $927.00 Supplies & Materials City of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls ID 1488114 10/24/2022
315266 Choir $1,834.47 Supplies & Materials FORMAL FASHIONS, INC. Tempe AZ 1488116 10/24/2022
315463 Choir $55.00 Supplies & Materials FORMAL FASHIONS, INC. Tempe AZ 1488116 10/24/2022
315797 Band $2,092.80 Supplies & Materials FORMAL FASHIONS, INC. Tempe AZ 1488116 10/24/2022
5272 Choir Tour 23 10600 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Infinity Tours & Events-Provo Provo  UT 1488122 10/24/2022
Choral Invitational $200.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY POCATELLO ID 1488121 10/24/2022
Costume reimb $275.49 Supplies & Materials Alvarez, Rebecca Rigby ID 1488113 10/24/2022
Duplicate YB refund $60.00 Supplies & Materials Hiatt, Zachary Rigby ID 1488119 10/24/2022
JOB concert tech $27.00 Supplies & Materials Grover, Saige Rigby ID 1488117 10/24/2022
JOB concert tech $36.00 Supplies & Materials NewMyer, Sadie Rigby ID 1488125 10/24/2022
LMR sound/lights $67.50 Supplies & Materials Harmon, Melissa Rigby ID 1488118 10/24/2022
Locker refund $10.00 Supplies & Materials Foreman, Emily Rigby ID 1488115 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $88.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $59.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $91.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $82.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $77.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $67.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $61.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $58.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $32.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $183.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $48.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $48.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $48.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $63.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $67.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $32.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $61.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $32.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $61.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $102.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $84.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $88.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $106.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $93.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $93.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $58.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $32.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $61.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $39.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $58.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $51.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $54.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $113.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $58.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $48.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $84.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $96.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $132.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $96.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $132.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $96.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $183.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
SAF Payroll 10-10-22 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488123 10/24/2022
Swim Warm-ups $819.00 Fees & Charges Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488124 10/24/2022
Science Eco Project $38.10 Supplies & Materials Kelton Fortune Rigby ID 3049 10/25/2022
V422199 $111.30 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166865 10/25/2022
V583780 $12.01 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166865 10/25/2022
V597515 $156.63 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166865 10/25/2022
V856147 $33.13 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166865 10/25/2022
V868048 $28.59 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166865 10/25/2022
V92320 $18.87 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166865 10/25/2022
11385 $125.00 Supplies & Materials Heidi Freeman Rigby ID 57166869 10/26/2022
1181 $1,609.00 Purchased Services The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 57166870 10/26/2022
6081-000-2023 $2,446.89 Purchased Services Herff Jones Chicago IL 57166866 10/26/2022
625981 $148.50 Purchased Services Pioneer Drama Service, Inc Centennial CO 57166868 10/26/2022
992831 $1,787.34 Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166867 10/26/2022
Payroll - Aug 22 $71.76 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166871 10/26/2022
Payroll - Aug 22 $68.18 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166871 10/26/2022
Payroll - Sept 22 $107.64 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166871 10/26/2022
Payroll - Sept 22 $236.80 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166871 10/26/2022
Payroll - Sept 22 $226.73 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166871 10/26/2022
Payroll - Sept 22 $236.13 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166871 10/26/2022
32674199 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93567 10/27/2022
Lunch Refund $30.00 Student Lunch Sales Scrimpsher, Rebecca Rigby ID 93568 10/27/2022
316742 $113.00 Supplies & Materials FORMAL FASHIONS, INC. Tempe AZ 1488134 10/27/2022
BPA Dues $266.00 Supplies & Materials SOUTH FREMONT HIGH SCHOOL ST. ANTHONY ID 1488133 10/27/2022
Gas Reimb $34.03 Supplies & Materials Langford, Angela Rexburg ID 1488131 10/27/2022
Hope Squad reimb $34.38 Hope Squad Supplies KELLER, KIM RIGBY ID 1488130 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $115.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $201.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $95.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $8.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $36.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $201.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $6,813.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $6,729.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $16.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $52.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $47.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $597.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $208.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back 285.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back 80.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $1,298.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $104.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $90.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $604.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $8,816.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $622.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $330.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $77.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $158.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $835.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $153.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back -($3,064.44) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $3,294.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back -($10.01) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $46.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $3,808.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $14.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $54.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $465.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $204.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $1.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $55.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $178.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back -($112.43) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $41.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
July 2022 Bill Back $247.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488129 10/27/2022
Jungle Debate entry $336.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 1488135 10/27/2022
National Dues $1,058.00 Supplies & Materials Business Professionals of Am. National  Westerville OH 1488128 10/27/2022
PD gas reimb $75.78 Supplies & Materials Abshire, Phil Idaho Falls ID 1488127 10/27/2022
Rigby Dance Team $510.00 Supplies & Materials POCATELLO HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488132 10/27/2022
109 $338.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
111 $248.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
114 $165.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
36 $191.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
42 $63.80 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
51 $292.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
53 $169.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
80 $397.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
83 $168.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
99 $160.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
V274147 $440.00 Purchased Services Rocky Mt. Middle School Ammon ID 57166873 10/27/2022
V500332 $228.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166872 10/27/2022
V576370 $250.00 Purchased Services Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 57166874 10/27/2022
V260291 $118.60 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Jefferson City MO 2108 10/27/2022
SafetyConferencePD $153.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 93569 10/28/2022
SafetyConferencePD $153.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 93570 10/28/2022
Wrestling 102922 $380.00 Purchased Services Rocky Mt. Middle School Ammon ID 159 10/28/2022
August Bill Backs $67.07 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
August Bill Backs $183.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
August Bill Backs $670.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
August Bill Backs $87.79 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
August Bill Backs $485.43 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
August Bill Backs $108.93 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
August Bill Backs $70.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
August Bill Backs $76.51 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
July BillBack $669.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
July BillBack $48.17 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
July BillBack $1,158.89 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $824.09 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $624.59 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $162.18 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $70.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $123.11 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $9.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $953.88 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $112.72 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $86.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $15.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $273.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $19.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $462.09 Shakespeare Team Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $72.19 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
September $160.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166875 10/28/2022
V461371 $206.00 Purchased Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166876 10/28/2022
V475184 $69.00 Purchased Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166876 10/28/2022
V654437 $225.00 Purchased Services Jessica Gallup Pocatello ID 57166878 10/28/2022
V902548 $104.96 Purchased Services Emily Hodge Rigby ID 57166877 10/28/2022
V912073 $225.00 Purchased Services Madison High School Rexburg Id 57166879 10/28/2022
Mileage 10.17-10.25 $59.80 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93571 10/31/2022
Mileage 10.26-10.28 $25.15 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93571 10/31/2022
Mileage 10.6-10.17 $53.95 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93571 10/31/2022
Mileage 9.28-10.6 $55.00 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93571 10/31/2022
00761173 $115.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166880 10/31/2022
2161:00677567 $36.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166880 10/31/2022
2161:00764728 $68.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166880 10/31/2022
V410346 $1,090.00 Purchased Services Jamba Juice - Idaho Falls Idaho Falls ID 57166881 10/31/2022
V88528 $220.00 Purchased Services Fisher, Jessica Idaho Falls ID 57166882 10/31/2022
V635189 $516.00 Supplies & Materials Roberts Elementary PTO Roberts ID 1671 10/31/2022
IASA Presentatin PD $51.00 Travel Expenses Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 93572 11/1/2022
Pumpkins $152.50 Supplies & Materials Darin Lords Rigby ID 3050 11/1/2022
39789392 Music $28.97 Supplies & Materials Sheet Music Plus Winona MN 1488141 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $35.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $27.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $382.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $55.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $18.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $75.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $54.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $100.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back -($21.92) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $25.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $9.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $270.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $2,196.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $438.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $20.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $57.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $80.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $50.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $7.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $15.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $150.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $53.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $26.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $64.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $199.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $76.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $7.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $15.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $57.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $5.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $142.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $190.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $21.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $46.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $154.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $27.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $20.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $54.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $858.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $699.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $4,137.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $1,500.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $450.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $129.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $1,500.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $42.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $31.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $62.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $144.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $289.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $801.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $473.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $1,670.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $140.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $950.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $2,589.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $323.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $145.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $375.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $699.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $41.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $148.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $143.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $191.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $97.52 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $26.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $52.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $222.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $182.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $33.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $257.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $79.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $119.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $257.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $79.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $119.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $84.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $386.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $57.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $14.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $38.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $69.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $35.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $33.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $815.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $1,229.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $212.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $736.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $315.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $17.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $36.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $9.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $20.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $107.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $79.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $163.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $91.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $385.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $115.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $30.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $104.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $245.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back -($395.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $65.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $199.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $184.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $138.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $100.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $76.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $17.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $214.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $150.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $16.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $377.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $650.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $28.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $114.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $179.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $83.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $697.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $308.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $288.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $314.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back -($314.12) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $349.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $17.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $896.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $200.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $54.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $249.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $35.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $225.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $225.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $16.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $80.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $9.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $216.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $36.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $472.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $320.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $12.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $60.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $41.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $18.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $314.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back -($314.12) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back -($21.92) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $270.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $2,417.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $900.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
August 22 Bill Back $29.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488138 11/1/2022
DE Refund $170.00 Supplies & Materials Summers, Allison Rigby ID 1488142 11/1/2022
fundraiser reimb $152.83 Supplies & Materials Baxter, Marc Rigby ID 1488136 11/1/2022
Hope Parkinson Solo $65.00 Supplies & Materials POCATELLO HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488140 11/1/2022
Rangeland CDE $100.00 Supplies & Materials Western National Rangeland Ed Assoc. Moscow ID 1488144 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $170.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $295.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $765.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $199.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $340.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $753.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $142.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $145.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $198.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $224.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $107.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $249.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $105.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $427.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $209.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $202.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $472.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $813.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $198.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $465.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $239.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $247.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $206.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $233.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $131.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $177.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $328.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $183.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $179.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $181.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $902.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $480.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $535.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $40.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $463.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $196.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $56.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $574.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $1,795.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $258.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $124.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $768.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
September 2022 Buses $1,195.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488137 11/1/2022
Shake It Up-Dance $500.00 Supplies & Materials Nampa High School Nampa ID 1488139 11/1/2022
State lane practice $50.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Family YMCA-Boise Boise ID 1488143 11/1/2022
V345333 $981.63 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1672 11/1/2022
V63850 $26.73 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1673 11/1/2022
V545982 $20.00 Fines & Penalties Smith, Karlee Rigby ID 2110 11/1/2022
2022 Audit $35,500.00 Auditor Fees Searle Hart & Associates PLLC Rexburg ID 93576 11/2/2022
CO331595 $18,660.19 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 11/2/2022
CPM Natl Conf PD $195.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ashbocker, Amanda Rigby ID 93577 11/2/2022
CPM Natl Conf PD $195.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Banks, Aubrey Rigby ID 93578 11/2/2022
CPM Natl Conf PD $195.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Goff, Logan Rexburg ID 93579 11/2/2022
CPM Natl Conf PD $195.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Hollis, Jeanette Michelle Idaho Falls ID 93580 11/2/2022
CPM Natl Conf PD $195.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 93581 11/2/2022
CPM Natl Conf PD $195.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Romney, Cindy Rigby ID 93582 11/2/2022
Mileage 10.4-10.31 $15.60 In District Mileage Reimbursement Boyer, Tanner Idaho Falls ID 93573 11/2/2022
Mileage 11.1.22 $10.00 Travel Expenses Parkes, Barry Idaho Falls ID 93575 11/2/2022
Mileage 6.22-6.24.22 $299.00 Mileage Reimb Bronson, Bryce Jerome Ammon ID 93574 11/2/2022
4199353049 $110.00 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166883 11/2/2022
4199355851 $18.00 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166883 11/2/2022
Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Ally Parker Rigby ID 57166885 11/2/2022
V259655 $141.99 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166884 11/2/2022
V494838 $28.02 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166884 11/2/2022
V808498 $60.89 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166884 11/2/2022
V996160 $51.16 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166884 11/2/2022
2420  $5,175.00 Supplies & Materials Fit Athletics Smithfield UT 161 11/3/2022
Notary FMS $30.00 Purchased Services Secretary of State Boise ID 163 11/3/2022
Notary FMS ($30.00) Purchased Services Secretary of State Boise ID 163 11/3/2022
Reimb 11322 $14.98 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Matthew Self Rigby ID 162 11/3/2022
Reimb VB $14.00 Purchased Services Amanda Ashbocker Rigby ID 160 11/3/2022
Reimb VB $98.00 Purchased Services Amanda Ashbocker Rigby ID 160 11/3/2022
11-1-22 staff lunche $404.00 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488146 11/3/2022
2022-1 Dist dues $200.00 Supplies & Materials NORTH UPPER SNAKE RIVER DISTRICT FFA Rexburg ID 1488149 11/3/2022
553359 Debate/Speech $491.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488148 11/3/2022
BPA crew/tees $113.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488147 11/3/2022
Sr Hoodie refund $35.00 Supplies & Materials Belnap, Jaxson Rigby ID 1488145 11/3/2022
D91 Wrestling $250.00 Purchased Services Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 164 11/4/2022
Reemb_11_4_22 $1,050.00 Supplies & Materials Paramount Theater Idaho Falls ID 2005 11/4/2022
V368108 $374.51 Purchased Services Carol Schley Idaho ID 2109 11/4/2022
Cheer Fundraiser $209.07 Purchased Services Jorelle McClellan Rigby ID 57166886 11/7/2022
32723629 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93585 11/8/2022
32723630 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93585 11/8/2022
32735217 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93585 11/8/2022
32735218 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93585 11/8/2022
C-22-04057-16731 $2,500.00 District Office Services Christensen Body Shop Rexburg ID 93583 11/8/2022
Meal Reimb $26.82 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Oliverson, Spencer Rigby ID 93588 11/8/2022
Mileage 10.17-11.1 $43.90 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93587 11/8/2022
Mileage 10.3-10.27 $26.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 93584 11/8/2022
Mileage 8.24-10.31 $69.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Webb, Angie Idaho Falls ID 93589 11/8/2022
Textbook reimb $579.26 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Hale, Robert Rigby ID 93586 11/8/2022
AugSept_billback $100.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2004 11/8/2022
AugSept_billback $36.12 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2004 11/8/2022
AugSept_billback $43.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2004 11/8/2022
AugSept_billback $72.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2004 11/8/2022
AugSept_billback $7.84 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2004 11/8/2022
AugSept_billback $225.82 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2004 11/8/2022
FT_9_22_22 $640.32 Purchased Services Transportation Menan ID 2003 11/8/2022
1186 $576.00 Purchased Services The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 57166889 11/9/2022
4199346843 $196.00 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166887 11/9/2022
4199348806 $44.00 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166887 11/9/2022
4199356705 $173.40 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166887 11/9/2022
4199357241 $220.70 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166887 11/9/2022
689341 $272.00 Purchased Services Idaho FFA Association Boise ID 57166890 11/9/2022
8-31-22-005 $134.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
9-14-22-002 $168.33 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
9-15-22-001 $44.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
9-6-22-001 $183.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
AT-00276 $299.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
Oct Payroll $46.64 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166891 11/9/2022
Oct Payroll $41.98 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166891 11/9/2022
Oct Payroll $43.05 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166891 11/9/2022
Oct Payroll $38.75 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166891 11/9/2022
RMS-00270 $192.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
RMS-00272 $178.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
RMS-00273 $198.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
RMS-00277 $325.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
RMS-00296 $93.56 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
RMS-00299 $81.80 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
RMS00269 $40.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166888 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $180.07 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $80.22 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $235.19 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $15.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $5.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $93.18 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $2.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $2.69 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $2.69 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
Sales Tax Oct $2.69 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166892 11/9/2022
18-0157 October 2022 $447.72 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93590 11/10/2022
18-0160 October 2022 $197.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93590 11/10/2022
32757352 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93591 11/10/2022
32783083 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93591 11/10/2022
32783084 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93591 11/10/2022
Grant Fund Return $47.26 ION Grant-Space Camp Idaho Out-Of-School Network Boise ID 93592 11/10/2022
NASP Conf Reimb $109.00 IDEA Professional Development Smith, Kimberly Rigby ID 93594 11/10/2022
Supply Reimb $129.74 Science 8th Harris, Melinda Idaho Falls ID 93593 11/10/2022
11-3-22 $3,000.00 Supplies & Materials Rigby High School RIGBY ID 168 11/10/2022
2211-022793 $388.98 Supplies & Materials Intermountain Wood Idaho Falls ID 166 11/10/2022
2211-023755 CM -($186.99) Supplies & Materials Intermountain Wood Idaho Falls ID 166 11/10/2022
Gem State Band $75.00 Purchased Services Highland High School Pocatello ID 165 11/10/2022
Payroll October $676.04 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 167 11/10/2022
Payroll October $42.83 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 167 11/10/2022
Payroll October $382.22 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 167 11/10/2022
1187 X-Ctry St Tees $408.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488161 11/10/2022
1188 fball stickers $75.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488161 11/10/2022
19823 Sr/team banner $300.00 Supplies & Materials LANDMARK SIGNS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488154 11/10/2022
2-Photo booth $150.00 Supplies & Materials Memory Strips Idaho Falls ID 1488157 11/10/2022
32002/32955 $855.50 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488159 11/10/2022
3372/4422 $156.50 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488158 11/10/2022
3374/4423 $1,556.50 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488158 11/10/2022
4041 Sr Night $243.80 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488161 11/10/2022
Gate City Debate $425.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488152 11/10/2022
Gem State Orchestra $350.00 Supplies & Materials PRESTON HIGH SCHOOL PRESTON ID 1488160 11/10/2022
Sadies Dance DJ $450.00 Supplies & Materials Johns, Dustin Wilson Idaho Falls ID 1488153 11/10/2022
Scottys Reimb $8.29 Supplies & Materials Loesch, Taylor Brook Rexburg ID 1488156 11/10/2022
Utah food reimb $132.14 Supplies & Materials Dean, Melissa Rigby ID 1488151 11/10/2022
V-gifts reimb $120.78 Supplies & Materials Clements, Megan Rigby ID 1488150 11/10/2022
Vball blankets $374.00 Supplies & Materials LANDON, KAYLEIGH Rigby ID 1488155 11/10/2022
0000001 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Rapp, Rodney Idaho Falls ID 93634 11/11/2022
01813212 $1,608.90 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93611 11/11/2022
01822570 $980.25 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93611 11/11/2022
01825479 $66.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93611 11/11/2022
01825635 $821.79 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93611 11/11/2022
01828144 $778.30 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93611 11/11/2022
01830485 $106.95 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93611 11/11/2022
025-399762 $2,118.75 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 93648 11/11/2022
1 $160.00 Supplies & Materials Rapp, Rodney Idaho Falls ID 93634 11/11/2022
10.10-10.14 $1,149.58 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93645 11/11/2022
10.17-10.21 $1,871.97 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93645 11/11/2022
10.24-10.28 $1,836.55 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93645 11/11/2022
10.3-10.7 $1,118.33 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93645 11/11/2022
10/28/2022 $8,991.50 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 93596 11/11/2022
1031824 $950.00 Business Services Arbitrage Compliance Specialists Greenwood Village CO 93597 11/11/2022
1044713 $45.06 Supplies McGraw Hill Companies Columbus OH 93626 11/11/2022
1044713 $45.06 Supplies McGraw Hill Companies Columbus OH 93626 11/11/2022
10749 $10.90 Purchased Services Long Island Irrigation Menan ID 93625 11/11/2022
1089 278 Supplies & Materials Hodges, Catelynn Rigby ID 93616 11/11/2022
10908 $1,575.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Pasadena CA 93605 11/11/2022
11811 $958.50 Supplies UZBL Newport Beach CA 93649 11/11/2022
122 $330.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 93653 11/11/2022
1357 $1,040.00 Supplies Emergent Learning Academy Chapin SC 93606 11/11/2022
1828140 $819.25 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93611 11/11/2022
18579 $2,003.75 Grounds Services Rigby High Burgess Canal & Irrig. RIGBY ID 93601 11/11/2022
190938 $10.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 93627 11/11/2022
20230000528 $129.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Idaho Department of Environmental Qlty Boise ID 93617 11/11/2022
208131105423 $1,896.50 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93642 11/11/2022
208131105423 $150.97 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93642 11/11/2022
208131105423 $1,266.12 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93642 11/11/2022
208131105423 $269.64 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93642 11/11/2022
208131105423 $582.80 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93642 11/11/2022
208131105423 $302.07 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93642 11/11/2022
221011-0007 $292.29 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93609 11/11/2022
2285 $2,700.00 District Office Services ISBA Boise ID 93622 11/11/2022
23182 $149.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93646 11/11/2022
23183 $149.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93646 11/11/2022
23185 $330.63 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93646 11/11/2022
23195 $1,630.71 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93646 11/11/2022
23210 $1,264.70 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93646 11/11/2022
23218 $942.93 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93646 11/11/2022
23219 $482.76 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93646 11/11/2022
23846 $1,594.96 Non Reimb Transportation Services Hall's Fabricating Rigby ID 93613 11/11/2022
240148353 8 $1,073.02 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93644 11/11/2022
240152963 7 $1,618.77 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93644 11/11/2022
240157343 7 $1,901.19 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93644 11/11/2022
240161936 2 $477.16 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93644 11/11/2022
251245-1 $3,225.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93618 11/11/2022
251246-1 $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93618 11/11/2022
26570418 $2,014.49 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93643 11/11/2022
26570419 $100.17 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93643 11/11/2022
26570420 $1,370.90 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93643 11/11/2022
26589243 $152.33 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93643 11/11/2022
26589244 $73.38 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93643 11/11/2022
2672 $707.76 Emergency Levy-Track Twisted Technology Rigby ID 93647 11/11/2022
293479 $77.90 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93623 11/11/2022
295740 $71.15 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93623 11/11/2022
3 - 11/03/2022 $6,829.20 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 93640 11/11/2022
3005 $100.00 District Office Services Rigby Chamber of Commerce Rigby ID 93636 11/11/2022
305646 $12,832.55 Software Support Intrado Interactive Services Corporation Chicago IL 93621 11/11/2022
305646 $1,197.00 Software Support Intrado Interactive Services Corporation Chicago IL 93621 11/11/2022
366.67 $366.67 Vendor Services Independence O&M Services, LLC Idaho Falls ID 93619 11/11/2022
4321 $408.81 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 93607 11/11/2022
49984 (1) $263.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Bobs Kwik Service Rigby ID 93600 11/11/2022
51120 $500.00 District Office Services Michigan Alliance for Student Opportunit Lansing MI 93628 11/11/2022
579779653 $4,063.34 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 93610 11/11/2022
7031 $280.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93650 11/11/2022
7034 $175.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 93650 11/11/2022
8.29-9.30 $3,132.50 Vendor Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93620 11/11/2022
8081285 $4,379.86 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93630 11/11/2022
8108153 $3,441.47 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93630 11/11/2022
8123392 $2,848.35 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93630 11/11/2022
8130889 $609.82 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93630 11/11/2022
858254 $1,476.20 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 93629 11/11/2022
878216 $1,348.10 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 93629 11/11/2022
89415290000620 $416.13 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93599 11/11/2022
89415290000661 $157.89 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93599 11/11/2022
89415290000692 $637.52 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93599 11/11/2022
89415290000733 $801.79 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93599 11/11/2022
9.26-9.30 $1,414.42 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93645 11/11/2022
955717881 12.03 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93602 11/11/2022
955717881 240.79 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93602 11/11/2022
962360366 463.01 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93624 11/11/2022
962360366 463.02 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93624 11/11/2022
Boys BBall uniforms $5,175.00 Emergency Levy-Athletics Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 93608 11/11/2022
BPA AdvisorClubShirt $68.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93637 11/11/2022
Field Trip Reimb $56.70 Transportation Green, Dawn Rigby ID 93612 11/11/2022
FMS 10.11.22 $90.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
FMS 10.18.22 $111.60 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
FMS 10.4.22 $90.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
FMS 11.1.22 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
FMS 11.8.22 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
FMS 9.13.22 $90.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
FMS 9.20.22 $90.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
FMS 9.27.22 $90.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
FMS 9.6.22 $90.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
I220906608 $175.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Roto-Rooter Menan id 93638 11/11/2022
IN104961 $37.50 State Technology Supplies VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93651 11/11/2022
IN105083 $12.50 State Technology Supplies VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93651 11/11/2022
IN105179 $15,269.40 Emergency Levy-Smart Boards VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93651 11/11/2022
IN106576 $4,287.50 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93651 11/11/2022
IN106577 $75.00 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93651 11/11/2022
INV0207 $315.00 Non Reimb Transportation Services Coen, Brad Rigby ID 93603 11/11/2022
INV27262 $35,720.00 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93598 11/11/2022
INV27262 $3,528.00 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93598 11/11/2022
INV27262 -($1,113.46) Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93598 11/11/2022
INV328534 $862.75 Software Support PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93633 11/11/2022
INV329618 $15,179.13 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93633 11/11/2022
INV329618 $15,179.13 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93633 11/11/2022
L.PorterChoirTour $1,250.00 Choir EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93637 11/11/2022
LBLA2327409 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93595 11/11/2022
LBLA2327409 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93595 11/11/2022
LBLA2329435 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93595 11/11/2022
LBLA2329435 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93595 11/11/2022
LBLA2331450 $60.08 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93595 11/11/2022
LBLA2331450 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93595 11/11/2022
LBLA2333464 $71.41 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93595 11/11/2022
LBLA2333464 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93595 11/11/2022
m11386 $75.00 Office & Training Supplies Western Records Destruction Boise ID 93652 11/11/2022
M7251240 $124.88 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93641 11/11/2022
M7251249 4(1) $166.61 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93641 11/11/2022
M7329024 9 $1,175.83 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Scholastic Inc. Cincinnati OH 93641 11/11/2022
Midway PE Equip $2,890.96 Supplies & Materials Hawkins, Kayley Rigby ID 93615 11/11/2022
November 2022 $3,949.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 93604 11/11/2022
October 2022 $675.00 Vendor Services Panorama Green St. George UT 93631 11/11/2022
October 2022 $7,933.80 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 93639 11/11/2022
RHS 10.11.22 $97.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RHS 10.18.22 $120.90 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RHS 10.4.22 $97.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RHS 11.1.22 $115.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RHS 11.8.22 $115.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RHS 9.13.22 $97.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RHS 9.20.22 $97.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RHS 9.27.22 $97.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RHS 9.6.22 $103.35 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RHS BPA $60.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93637 11/11/2022
RMS 10.11.22 $60.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RMS 10.18.22 $93.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RMS 10.4.22 $75.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RMS 11.1.22 $71.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RMS 11.8.22 $89.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RMS 9.13.22 $75.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RMS 9.20.22 $75.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RMS 9.27.22 $75.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
RMS 9.6.22 $79.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93632 11/11/2022
Sept 2022 Correction $7.38 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 93639 11/11/2022
September 2022 $14,343.50 Vendor Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 93635 11/11/2022
SRVCE000000006183 $6,213.78 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Harris Mountain West Blackfoot ID 93614 11/11/2022
Thespian Donations $950.00 RHS Thespian National Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93637 11/11/2022
V199779 $12,518.00 Fees & Charges Platinum Electric Rigby ID 3872 11/11/2022
V945247 $23.40 General Supplies & Materials Trina Wilson St. Anthony ID 2228 11/11/2022
Cheer per diem $105.00 Supplies & Materials Torres, Susan Blackfoot ID 1488163 11/11/2022
Drama Districts $165.00 Supplies & Materials BLACKFOOT HIGH SCHOOL BLACKFOOT ID 1488162 11/11/2022
V845302 $79.95 Purchased Services Schnelly Cooper Rigby ID 57166893 11/11/2022
10/31/2022 1 $65.28 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 10 $1,091.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 100 $14.04 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1000 $129.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1001 $64.06 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1002 $20.29 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1003 $67.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1004 $31.74 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1005 $19.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1006 $119.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1007 $35.88 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1008 $14.11 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1009 $1,900.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 101 $199.52 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1010 $126.36 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1011 $22.65 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1012 $1,046.25 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1013 $218.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1014 $9.98 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1015 $460.95 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1016 $175.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1017 $48.71 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1018 $174.69 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1019 $118.19 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 102 $172.00 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1020 $232.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1021 $99.95 Life Skills Sips N Snacks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1022 $116.58 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1023 $409.41 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1024 $213.42 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1025 $126.05 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1026 $83.94 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1027 $30.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1028 $575.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1029 $17.64 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 103 $224.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1030 $225.00 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1031 $29.83 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1032 $114.78 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1033 $1.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1034 $5.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1035 $12.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1036 $41.45 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1037 $81.19 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1038 $19.50 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1039 $81.14 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 104 $242.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1040 $14.99 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1041 $49.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1042 $86.70 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1043 $29.99 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1044 $387.00 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1045 $116.04 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1046 $612.30 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1047 $162.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1048 $30.23 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1049 $59.16 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 105 $143.74 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1050 $386.03 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1051 $74.81 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1052 $102.04 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1053 $315.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1054 $72.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1055 $94.95 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1056 $12.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1057 $14.99 Miller, Jolynn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1058 $254.45 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1059 $299.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 106 $216.74 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1060 $4.20 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1061 $15.47 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1062 $1.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1063 $44.04 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1064 $40.28 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1065 $219.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1066 $2,086.00 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1067 $102.04 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1068 $307.67 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1069 $42.37 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 107 $108.00 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1070 $206.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1071 $147.80 RE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1072 $54.51 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1073 $419.35 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1074 $304.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1075 $54.72 8th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1076 ($242.50) General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1077 $156.36 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1078 $48.09 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1079 $95.82 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 108 $19.96 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1080 $56.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1081 $5.20 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1082 $459.80 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1083 $256.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1084 $70.39 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1085 $276.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1086 $52.54 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1087 $152.76 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1088 $20.72 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1089 $102.04 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 109 $28.98 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1090 $102.04 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1091 $320.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1092 -($171.25) General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1093 $99.00 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1094 $66.27 Life Skills Sips N Snacks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1095 $209.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1096 $164.68 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1097 $2,196.63 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1098 $250.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1099 $13.58 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 11 $51.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 110 $526.60 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1100 $200.20 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1101 $50.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1102 $18.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1103 $102.04 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1104 $46.95 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1105 $40.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1106 281.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1107 $44.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1108 $37.53 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1109 $206.61 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 111 $200.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1110 -($16.31) Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1111 $81.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1112 $58.29 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1113 $88.90 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1114 $158.96 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1115 $15.32 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1116 $92.46 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1117 $37.15 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1118 $213.80 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1119 $1.05 Library Bill Back Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 112 $28.42 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1120 $89.09 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1121 $88.90 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1122 $9.53 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1123 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1124 $381.48 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1125 $100.18 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1126 $122.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1127 $3.50 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1128 $33.59 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1129 $2,154.21 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 113 $104.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1130 $181.09 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1131 $899.96 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1132 $99.96 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1133 $1,127.64 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1134 $115.69 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1135 $15.39 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1136 $4.85 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1137 $101.62 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1138 $47.70 Ashlee MccCormack Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1139 $37.25 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 114 $61.18 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1140 $11.12 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1141 $578.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1142 $124.50 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1143 $279.79 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1144 $25.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1145 $37.98 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1146 $407.28 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1147 $20.97 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1148 $520.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1149 $173.66 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 115 $7.05 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1150 $10.48 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1151 $72.03 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1152 $71.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1153 $479.31 Keep Students Learning & Adults Earning ARPA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1154 $73.02 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1155 $2.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1156 $14.99 Miller, Jolynn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1157 -($58.29) Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1158 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1159 $7.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 116 $41.94 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1160 $21.58 Miller, Jolynn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1161 $211.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1162 $11.93 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1163 $6.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1164 $205.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1165 $372.55 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1166 $213.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1167 $42.92 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1168 $9.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1169 $213.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 117 $12.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1170 $300.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1171 $333.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1172 $213.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1173 $22.65 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1174 $333.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1175 $32.29 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1176 $373.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1177 $28.32 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1178 $34.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1179 $213.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 118 $28.57 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1180 $8.99 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1181 $21.20 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1182 $92.97 FMS Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1183 $108.33 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1184 $213.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1185 $82.37 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1186 $12.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1187 $421.88 Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1188 $27.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1189 $5.98 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 119 $1,415.20 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1190 $91.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1191 $223.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1192 $23.99 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1193 $213.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1194 $54.98 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1195 $127.16 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1196 $402.84 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1197 $4.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1198 $36.51 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1199 $9.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 12 $484.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 120 $58.62 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1200 $53.27 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1201 $29.96 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1202 $21.00 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1203 $55.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1204 -($10.00) Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1205 $8.42 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1206 $164.59 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1207 $59.94 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1208 $16.60 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1209 $59.91 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 121 $482.93 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1210 $29.65 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1211 -($30.59) Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1212 $24.51 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1213 $27.37 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1214 -($1,219.62) Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1215 $41.66 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1216 $32.03 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1217 $32.61 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1218 $49.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1219 $65.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 122 $252.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1220 $29.64 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1221 $50.36 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1222 $51.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1223 $7.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1224 $13.72 8th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1225 $14.17 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1226 $44.36 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1227 $19.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1228 $204.95 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1229 $33.16 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 123 $4.97 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1230 $115.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1231 $14.26 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1232 $24.29 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1233 -($12.72) General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1234 $115.14 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1235 $121.84 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1236 $103.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1237 $6.87 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1238 $144.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1239 $8,146.56 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 124 $21.42 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1240 $21.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1241 $30.69 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1242 $1,825.96 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1243 $27.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1244 $13.20 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1245 $92.60 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1246 $50.84 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1247 $125.95 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1248 $212.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1249 $85.10 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 125 $229.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1250 $1,798.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1251 $972.08 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1252 $11.64 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1253 $2,441.80 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1254 $51.20 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1255 $333.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1256 $101.38 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1257 $93.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1258 $23.28 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1259 $204.95 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 126 $144.83 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1260 $30.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1261 $332.22 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1262 $43.30 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1263 $1,742.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1264 $9.23 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1265 $1,482.13 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1266 $4.44 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1267 $790.24 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1268 $77.88 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1269 $195.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 127 $17.23 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1270 $123.17 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1271 $70.47 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1272 $75.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1273 $221.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1274 $3.48 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1275 $21.98 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1276 $36.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1277 $131.02 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1278 $109.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1279 $195.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 128 $226.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1280 $195.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1281 8.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1282 $14.99 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1283 $83.41 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1284 $42.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1285 $58.98 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1286 $13.84 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1287 $192.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1288 $15.42 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1289 $43.23 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 129 $305.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1290 $270.83 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1291 $137.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1292 $21.66 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1293 $59.95 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1294 $286.12 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1295 $49.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1296 $69.92 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1297 $195.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1298 $14.99 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1299 $12.68 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 13 62.62 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 130 298.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1300 125 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1301 $301.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1302 $239.80 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1303 $93.81 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1304 $44.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1305 $176.30 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1306 $6.30 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1307 $26.99 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1308 $87.43 Chinese Summer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1309 $233.65 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 131 -($25.43) Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1310 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1311 $254.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1312 $14.96 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1313 $1,967.77 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1314 -($445.20) Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1315 $76.00 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1316 $116.64 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1317 $11.65 Health Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1318 $52.30 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1319 $49.00 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 132 $79.47 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1320 $124.50 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1321 $8.75 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1322 $114.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1323 $6.89 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1324 $239.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1325 $3,124.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1326 $116.55 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1327 $5,760.00 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1328 $39.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1329 $92.46 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 133 $72.82 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1330 -($111.30) Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1331 $9.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1332 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1333 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1334 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1335 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1336 182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1337 182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1338 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1339 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 134 $399.04 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1340 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1341 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1342 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1343 $11.66 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1344 $20.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1345 $25.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1346 $2.01 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1347 $24.91 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1348 $10.26 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1349 $52.54 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 135 $351.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1350 $69.28 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1351 $39.96 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1352 $616.89 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1353 $71.25 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1354 $29.18 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1355 -($3,291.00) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1356 $40.70 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1357 $22.49 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1358 $108.17 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1359 $579.80 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 136 $70.05 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1360 -($111.30) Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1361 $75.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1362 $20.94 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1363 $44.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1364 $71.55 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1365 $202.94 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1366 $569.25 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1367 $26.78 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1368 $173.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1369 $54.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 137 $69.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1370 $234.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1371 $258.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1372 $181.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1373 $10.38 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1374 $23.51 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1375 $13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1376 $525.00 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1377 $213.74 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1378 $43.64 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1379 $24.95 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 138 $125.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1380 $41.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1381 $238.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1382 $123.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1383 $103.85 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1384 $11.06 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1385 $41.32 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1386 $83.92 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1387 $87.76 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1388 $65.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1389 $33.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 139 $84.09 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1390 $71.46 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1391 $8.18 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1392 $180.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1393 $109.41 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1394 -($3,291.00) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1395 $8.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1396 $264.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1397 $166.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1398 $18.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1399 $174.40 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 14 $36.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 140 $318.04 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1400 $29.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1401 $14.07 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1402 $328.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1403 $21.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1404 $16.15 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1405 $16.61 Katie Davis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1406 $700.35 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1407 $21.88 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1408 $90.00 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1409 $168.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 141 $79.02 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1410 $46.14 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1411 $30.88 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1412 $43.36 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1413 $224.97 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1414 $15.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1415 $27.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1416 $9.36 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1417 $13.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1418 $261.28 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1419 $52.15 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 142 $64.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1420 $6.82 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1421 $318.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1422 $281.39 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1423 $90.09 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1424 $336.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1425 $60.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1426 $321.00 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1427 $153.21 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1428 $29.41 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1429 $20.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 143 $16.00 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1430 $40.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1431 $89.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1432 $19.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1433 $16.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1434 $2.92 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1435 $283.64 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1436 $9.48 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1437 $13.73 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1438 $46.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1439 $67.27 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 144 $57.61 LEP Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1440 $49.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1441 $4.54 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1442 $91.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1443 $72.55 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1444 $6.23 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1445 $504.40 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1446 $97.20 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1447 $35.82 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1448 $89.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1449 $13.59 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 145 $40.44 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1450 $195.00 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1451 $29.40 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1452 $1,292.50 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1453 -($509.44) Special Ed EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1454 $6.85 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1455 $61.12 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1456 $46.81 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1457 $3,291.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1458 $28.74 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1459 $20.50 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 146 -($160.00) Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1460 $277.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1461 $308.21 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1462 $710.07 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1463 $23.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1464 $315.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1465 $5.93 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1466 $99.64 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1467 $224.95 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1468 $317.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1469 $83.41 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 147 $135.80 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1470 $38.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1471 $258.42 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1472 $257.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1473 $237.55 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1474 $334.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1475 $299.94 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1476 $153.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1477 $89.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1478 $22.53 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1479 $167.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 148 -($24.37) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1480 $481.79 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1481 $1,596.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1482 $202.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1483 -($63.08) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1484 $323.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1485 $136.58 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1486 $195.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1487 $147.55 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1488 $263.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1489 $288.31 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 149 $137.97 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1490 $97.98 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1491 $45.62 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1492 $58.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1493 $11.87 Jessica Clyde Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1494 $104.09 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1495 $20.53 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1496 $3.50 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1497 $176.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1498 $6.34 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1499 $102.49 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 15 $5.17 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 150 $727.20 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1500 $75.90 Hardman, Michael Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1501 $2,511.51 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1502 $25.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1503 $111.25 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1504 $96.76 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1505 $159.98 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1506 $853.95 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1507 $7,490.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1508 $255.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1509 $182.10 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 151 $246.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1510 $80.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1511 $93.93 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1512 $4.55 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1513 $68.89 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1514 $81.78 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1515 $501.14 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1516 $1.73 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1517 $6.00 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1518 $250.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1519 $524.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 152 $266.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1520 $169.06 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1521 $9.28 Jessica Clyde Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1522 $9.64 Jessica Clyde Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1523 $377.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1524 $23.68 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1525 $156.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1526 $153.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1527 $216.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1528 $694.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1529 $45.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 153 $120.50 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1530 $680.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1531 $25.50 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1532 $21.79 EF Supplies M Hull Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1533 $2,193.96 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1534 $32.15 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1535 $16.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1536 $207.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1537 $14.29 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1538 $9.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1539 $50.00 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 154 $84.74 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1540 $28.02 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1541 $42.40 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1542 $601.42 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1543 $22.27 Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1544 $37.90 Jessica Clyde Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1545 $29.97 Katie Davis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1546 $20.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1547 $88.34 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1548 $15.96 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1549 $23.31 Jessica Clyde Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 155 57.38 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1550 $5.00 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1551 $5.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1552 $36.24 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1553 $249.34 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1554 $459.05 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1555 $35.50 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1556 $18.54 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1557 $3.99 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1558 $117.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1559 $134.81 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 156 $212.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1560 $79.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1561 $2.84 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1562 $10.60 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1563 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1564 $25.58 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1565 $110.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1566 $24.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1567 $166.76 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1568 $53.89 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1569 $9.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 157 $317.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1570 $65.87 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1571 $22.40 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1572 $102.59 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1573 $63.48 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1574 $11.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1575 $29.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1576 $769.68 United Way Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1577 $89.49 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1578 $35.32 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1579 $67.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 158 $76.96 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1580 $21.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1581 $138.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1582 $77.58 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1583 $25.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1584 $293.88 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1585 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1586 $273.06 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1587 $24.96 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1588 $317.83 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1589 $15.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 159 $21.18 Computers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1590 $6.34 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1591 $23.74 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1592 $1.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1593 $493.96 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1594 $32.95 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1595 $109.04 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1596 $10.59 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1597 $16.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1598 $195.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1599 $49.24 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 16 $4.77 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 160 $227.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1600 $60.94 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1601 $150.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1602 $32.55 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1603 $148.39 Grounds Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1604 $26.35 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1605 $9.58 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1606 $218.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1607 $2,576.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1608 $56.98 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1609 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 161 $15.98 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1610 $21.90 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1611 $316.70 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1612 $2,367.46 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1613 $46.14 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1614 $11.12 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1615 $54.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1616 $14.58 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1617 $801.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1618 $120.75 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1619 $100.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 162 $15.87 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1620 $39.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1621 $36.39 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1622 $16.92 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1623 $3.98 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1624 $38.98 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1625 $93.16 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1626 $12.69 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1627 $95.24 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1628 $52.95 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1629 $44.96 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 163 $18.58 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1630 $638.93 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1631 $193.96 Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1632 $35.99 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1633 $3.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1634 $43.78 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1635 $82.11 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1636 $222.52 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1637 $15.89 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1638 $13.25 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1639 $127.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 164 $22.50 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1640 $26.42 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1641 $69.54 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1642 $73.66 Shelly Harrop Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1643 $4.59 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1644 $225.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1645 $128.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1646 $194.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1647 $27.15 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1648 $33.90 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1649 $42.37 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 165 $727.20 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1650 $254.82 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1651 $115.20 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1652 $116.30 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1653 $22.02 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1654 $283.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1655 $18.99 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1656 $324.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1657 $215.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1658 $22.74 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1659 $201.06 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 166 $19.24 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1660 $40.26 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1661 $10.55 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1662 $58.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1663 $63.57 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1664 $314.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1665 $34.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1666 $224.91 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1667 $131.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1668 $264.51 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1669 $228.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 167 $14.31 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 1670 $7.18 Sherry Curnutt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 168 $236.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 169 $222.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 17 $4.66 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 170 $13.93 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 171 $721.44 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 172 $226.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 173 $149.08 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 174 $18.18 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 175 -($35.96) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 176 $238.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 177 $84.48 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 178 $64.95 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 179 $20.10 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 18 $5.30 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 180 $47.68 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 181 $115.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 182 $4,259.52 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 183 $175.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 184 $22.97 Katie Davis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 185 $29.99 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 186 $57.49 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 187 $20.36 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 188 $15.52 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 189 $33.00 Shannon Dahl Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 19 $42.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 190 $72.27 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 191 $133.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 192 $15.89 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 193 $62.88 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 194 $53.94 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 195 44.55 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 196 $80.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 197 $6.02 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 198 $5.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 199 $20.40 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 2 $484.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 20 $31.79 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 200 $328.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 201 $19.85 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 202 $64.43 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 203 $152.38 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 204 $59.97 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 205 $118.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 206 $483.74 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 207 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 208 $149.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 209 $317.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 21 $14.66 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 210 $33.13 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 211 $338.30 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 212 $9.78 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 213 $610.32 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 214 $97.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 215 $807.20 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 216 $11.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 217 $26.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 218 $103.97 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 219 $15.88 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 22 $484.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 220 $20.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 221 $49.87 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 222 $10.99 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 223 $35.28 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 224 $587.76 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 225 $367.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 226 $176.97 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 227 $41.58 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 228 $74.99 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 229 $30.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 23 $4.66 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 230 $290.22 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 231 $5,923.93 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 232 $39.98 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 233 $60.22 Life Skills Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 234 $1,789.49 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 235 $114.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 236 $42.21 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 237 $6.35 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 238 $10.58 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 239 $80.05 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 24 $6.00 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 240 $91.98 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 241 -($29.99) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 242 $26.13 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 243 $89.89 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 244 $807.20 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 245 $21.37 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 246 $20.32 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 247 $404.75 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 248 $208.39 Golf Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 249 $8.67 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 25 $7.46 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 250 $13.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 251 $172.74 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 252 $7.95 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 253 -($48.50) Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 254 $182.16 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 255 $47.69 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 256 $25.95 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 257 $52.15 Spanish Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 258 $1,733.89 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 259 $18.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 26 $40.13 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 260 -($1.90) Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 261 $82.45 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 262 $60.87 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 263 $177.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 264 $73.88 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 265 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 266 $13.26 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 267 $1,543.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 268 $39.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 269 $16.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 27 $19.78 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 270 $1,465.86 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 271 $186.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 272 $47.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 273 $326.07 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 274 $2.65 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 275 $35.92 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 276 $32.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 277 $130.34 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 278 $12.50 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 279 $42.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 28 $52.94 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 280 $78.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 281 $236.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 282 $795.76 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 283 $34.45 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 284 $128.80 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 285 $2,404.77 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 286 $223.68 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 287 $97.47 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 288 $8.34 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 289 $21.99 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 29 $36.23 Social Studies 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 290 $55.80 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 291 $19.88 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 292 $1,801.38 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 293 $90.51 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 294 $269.55 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 295 $164.58 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 296 $128.94 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 297 $3.29 Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 298 $302.73 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 299 $47.88 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 3 $54.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 30 $484.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 300 $37.46 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 301 $17.52 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 302 $55.15 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 303 $233.17 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 304 $1,444.71 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 305 $56.42 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 306 $447.02 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 307 $87.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 308 $278.55 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 309 $91.69 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 31 $65.34 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 310 $52.72 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 311 $363.54 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 312 $57.30 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 313 $3.09 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 314 $230.97 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 315 $313.50 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 316 $175.70 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 317 $3.79 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 318 $20.18 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 319 $580.80 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 32 $4.66 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 320 $230.30 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 321 $92.56 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 322 $1,350.46 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 323 $29.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 324 $58.99 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 325 $234.76 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 326 $59.01 LEP Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 327 -($15.92) Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 328 $15.92 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 329 $239.99 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 33 $484.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 330 $110.24 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 331 $91.40 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 332 $4,500.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 333 $160.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 334 $42.36 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 335 $14.99 Video Gaming Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 336 $728.22 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 337 $90.06 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 338 $206.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 339 $1,865.80 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 34 $19.88 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 340 $238.17 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 341 $138.88 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 342 $8.48 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 343 $15.64 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 344 $40.78 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 345 $64.98 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 346 $161.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 347 $1,085.21 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 348 $7.67 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 349 $4.16 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 35 $2,902.88 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 350 $4,286.66 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 351 $78.18 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 352 $38.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 353 $363.53 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 354 $209.41 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 355 $60.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 356 $82.47 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 357 $33.89 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 358 $386.55 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 359 $124.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 36 $91.63 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 360 $32.12 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 361 $63.09 Life Skills Sips N Snacks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 362 $397.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 363 $175.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 364 $10.81 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 365 $4.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 366 $110.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 367 $133.92 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 368 $27.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 369 $2.65 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 37 $14.88 Social Studies 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 370 $9.53 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 371 $133.92 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 372 $347.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 373 $40.88 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 374 $18.99 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 375 $6.35 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 376 $432.79 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 377 $55.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 378 $231.40 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 379 $3.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 38 $13.77 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 380 $11.65 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 381 $8,820.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 382 $84.49 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 383 $86.30 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 384 $20.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 385 $71.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 386 $11.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 387 $8.68 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 388 $153.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 389 $133.92 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 39 $32.67 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 390 $88.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 391 $119.71 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 392 $132.97 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 393 $26.58 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 394 $110.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 395 $279.38 RHS Sound Booth Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 396 $241.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 397 $65.89 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 398 $65.89 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 399 $142.73 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 4 $484.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 40 $4.66 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 400 $56.56 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 401 $111.58 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 402 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 403 $23.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 404 $133.92 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 405 $138.88 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 406 $34.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 407 $42.27 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 408 $165.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 409 $986.82 Choir EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 41 $13.29 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 410 $15.37 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 411 $53.57 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 412 $198.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 413 $24.57 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 414 $70.84 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 415 $42.86 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 416 $23.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 417 $18.82 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 418 $29.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 419 $20.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 42 $29.32 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 420 $9.37 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 421 $9.99 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 422 $71.80 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 423 $757.75 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 424 $27.18 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 425 $2.86 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 426 $114.10 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 427 $2,061.60 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 428 $21.17 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 429 $27.62 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 43 $360.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 430 $23.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 431 $67.76 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 432 $94.43 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 433 $32.12 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 434 $103.09 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 435 $100.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 436 $82.84 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 437 $75.17 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 438 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 439 $44.88 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 44 $631.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 440 $25,338.30 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 441 $25.25 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 442 $137.48 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 443 $287.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 444 $122.94 RHS Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 445 $12.53 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 446 $455.47 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 447 $6.11 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 448 $650.89 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 449 $19.09 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 45 $173.61 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 450 $9.49 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 451 53 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 452 $1,447.09 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 453 $79.11 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 454 $152.58 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 455 $781.80 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 456 $261.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 457 $359.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 458 $86.21 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 459 $198.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 46 $49.95 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 460 $954.00 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 461 $9.95 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 462 $22.98 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 463 $394.25 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 464 $2,398.57 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 465 $53.62 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 466 $226.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 467 $46.14 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 468 $2,290.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 469 $300.58 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 47 $10.90 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 470 $299.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 471 $11.06 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 472 $137.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 473 $600.00 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 474 $100.00 Anita Lindstrom Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 475 $14.81 Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 476 $194.28 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 477 $21.01 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 478 $240.90 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 479 $126.36 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 48 $12.97 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 480 $320.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 481 $236.47 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 482 -($84.80) Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 483 $1,319.03 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 484 $30.44 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 485 $74.94 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 486 $37.42 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 487 $4,650.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 488 $19.30 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 489 $163.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 49 $72.84 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 490 $355.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 491 $952.65 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 492 $7.95 Open Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 493 $699.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 494 $28.56 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 495 $32.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 496 $77.48 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 497 $3.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 498 $184.09 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 499 $28.36 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 5 $84.37 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 50 $106.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 500 $15.72 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 501 $12.57 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 502 $2.89 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 503 $14.20 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 504 $214.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 505 $24.00 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 506 $14.24 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 507 $24.50 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 508 $24.66 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 509 $6.71 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 51 $18.95 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 510 $20.97 New Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 511 $58.49 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 512 $8.03 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 513 $106.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 514 240.41 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 515 $35.98 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 516 $254.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 517 $1,861.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 518 $724.36 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 519 $89.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 52 $77.94 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 520 $6.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 521 $29.05 Open Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 522 $60.97 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 523 $15.43 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 524 $339.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 525 $25.98 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 526 $12.66 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 527 $38.52 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 528 $58.13 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 529 $25.44 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 53 $73.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 530 $24.19 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 531 $18.63 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 532 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 533 $79.50 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 534 $49.97 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 535 $1,236.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 536 $82.22 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 537 $499.65 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 538 $399.98 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 539 $181.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 54 $157.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 540 $44.51 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 541 $34.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 542 $3.01 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 543 $127.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 544 $48.20 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 545 $17.04 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 546 $283.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 547 $18.65 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 548 $39.75 Hillary Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 549 $55.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 55 $265.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 550 $336.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 551 $299.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 552 $958.00 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 553 $220.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 554 $14.44 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 555 $17.81 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 556 $1,076.48 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 557 $285.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 558 $104.24 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 559 $59.80 Remediation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 56 $175.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 560 $52.51 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 561 $115.75 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 562 $44.88 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 563 $23.98 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 564 $27.53 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 565 $232.11 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 566 $38.09 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 567 $47.50 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 568 $23.98 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 569 $88.61 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 57 $223.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 570 $13.55 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 571 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 572 $14.05 FMS Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 573 $121.16 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 574 $1,535.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 575 $241.18 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 576 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 577 $1,085.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 578 $49.52 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 579 $72.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 58 $144.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 580 $210.07 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 581 $1,088.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 582 $11.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 583 $27.90 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 584 $391.71 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 585 $65.86 Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 586 $11.78 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 587 $47.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 588 $389.94 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 589 $159.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 59 $364.84 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 590 $7.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 591 $4.99 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 592 $258.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 593 $18.76 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 594 $72.71 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 595 $703.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 596 $11.96 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 597 $113.89 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 598 $21.49 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 599 $16.78 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 6 $46.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 60 $39.54 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 600 $12.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 601 $16,812.92 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 602 $8.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 603 -($14.17) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 604 $15.90 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 605 $533.71 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 606 $174.93 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 607 $218.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 608 $24.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 609 $62.94 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 61 $18.07 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 610 $227.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 611 $8.11 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 612 $48.87 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 613 $8.53 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 614 $92.99 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 615 $185.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 616 $14.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 617 $1,208.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 618 $107.17 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 619 -($82.27) Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 62 $295.94 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 620 $67.98 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 621 $108.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 622 $240.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 623 $649.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 624 $439.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 625 $37.92 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 626 $95.17 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 627 $717.49 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 628 $19.06 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 629 $46.68 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 63 $258.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 630 $339.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 631 $154.42 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 632 $8.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 633 $19.06 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 634 $77.80 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 635 $14.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 636 $62.04 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 637 $85.77 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 638 $36.51 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 639 $24.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 64 $203.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 640 $253.81 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 641 $67.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 642 $41.18 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 643 $89.89 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 644 $120.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 645 $31.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 646 $100.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 647 $183.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 648 $289.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 649 $7.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 65 $43.10 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 650 $53.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 651 $15.29 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 652 $5.37 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 653 $55.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 654 $271.36 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 655 $121.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 656 $129.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 657 $33.43 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 658 $98.58 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 659 $276.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 66 $141.32 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 660 $52.04 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 661 $59.42 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 662 $240.12 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 663 $257.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 664 $95.00 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 665 $240.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 666 $61.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 667 $215.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 668 $141.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 669 $300.94 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 67 $76.10 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 670 $401.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 671 $498.97 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 672 $289.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 673 $176.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 674 $269.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 675 $84.80 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 676 $343.96 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 677 $13.52 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 678 $334.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 679 $60.52 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 68 $92.95 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 680 $670.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 681 $59.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 682 $90.07 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 683 $35.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 684 $28.48 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 685 $11.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 686 $10.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 687 $154.53 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 688 $49.60 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 689 $25.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 69 $109.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 690 $94.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 691 $6,196.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 692 $1,211.53 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 693 $160.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 694 $74.13 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 695 $1,848.74 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 696 $249.28 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 697 $272.40 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 698 $9.26 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 699 $11.98 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 7 $484.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 70 $8.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 700 $3,499.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 701 $33.13 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 702 $15.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 703 $99.94 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 704 $114.92 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 705 $150.84 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 706 $14.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 707 $3.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 708 $13.97 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 709 $44.87 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 71 $866.79 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 710 $187.65 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 711 $44.91 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 712 $38.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 713 $11.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 714 $700.00 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 715 $60.36 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 716 $172.56 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 717 -($65.94) Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 718 $166.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 719 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 72 $133.06 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 720 $10.52 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 721 $8.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 722 $11.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 723 $132.21 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 724 $35.88 6th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 725 $65.78 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 726 $32.36 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 727 $25.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 728 $39.99 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 729 $45.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 73 $125.82 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 730 $16.16 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 731 $17.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 732 $46.95 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 733 $23.47 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 734 $49.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 735 $210.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 736 $16.39 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 737 $301.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 738 $20.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 739 $47.70 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 74 $684.06 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 740 $70.00 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 741 $108.70 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 742 $253.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 743 $58.00 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 744 $108.15 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 745 $57.73 Rebecca Dawson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 746 $840.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 747 $57.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 748 $43.61 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 749 $107.34 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 75 $106.55 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 750 -($41.98) Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 751 $124.00 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 752 $13.99 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 753 $171.66 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 754 $18.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 755 $41.37 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 756 $505.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 757 $88.38 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 758 $29.98 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 759 $233.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 76 $47.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 760 $293.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 761 $339.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 762 -($238.27) Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 763 $223.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 764 $3.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 765 $771.98 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 766 $37.98 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 767 $10.17 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 768 $92.17 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 769 $15.90 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 77 $11.88 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 770 $261.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 771 $164.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 772 $23.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 773 $200.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 774 $350.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 775 $37.95 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 776 $349.92 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 777 $250.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 778 $9.54 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 779 -($158.11) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 78 $478.27 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 780 $333.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 781 $1,281.71 Library Bill Back Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 782 $51.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 783 -($238.27) Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 784 $123.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 785 $472.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 786 $747.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 787 $46.46 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 788 $67.63 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 789 $91.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 79 $50.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 790 $46.59 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 791 $112.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 792 $58.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 793 $5.30 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 794 $405.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 795 -($14.81) Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 796 -($100.00) Anita Lindstrom Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 797 -($123.46) Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 798 $250.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 799 $36.38 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 8 $40.56 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 80 $75.34 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 800 $445.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 801 $19.08 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 802 $2.22 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 803 $4.70 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 804 $350.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 805 $2,026.31 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 806 $73.98 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 807 $71.75 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 808 $1,399.87 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 809 $115.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 81 $19.06 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 810 $101.52 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 811 $15.37 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 812 $250.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 813 $34.95 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 814 $33.46 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 815 $24.44 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 816 $350.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 817 $15.98 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 818 $500.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 819 $35.99 Ronni Balmforth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 82 $340.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 820 $55.96 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 821 $0.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 822 $27.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 823 $7.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 824 $84.80 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 825 $418.65 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 826 $15.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 827 $5.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 828 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 829 $11.15 Kylie Walker Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 83 $40.00 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 830 $26.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 831 $14.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 832 $244.54 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 833 $697.20 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 834 $52.57 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 835 $21.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 836 $15.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 837 $27.93 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 838 $3.93 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 839 $9.53 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 84 $50.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 840 $120.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 841 $291.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 842 $148.10 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 843 $93.19 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 844 $38.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 845 $68.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 846 $185.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 847 $105.84 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 848 $29.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 849 $281.58 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 85 $12.33 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 850 $26.48 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 851 $13.25 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 852 $30.29 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 853 $25.04 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 854 $471.76 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 855 $28.43 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 856 $4.99 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 857 $12.29 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 858 $105.84 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 859 -($15.90) CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 86 $44.49 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 860 $31.79 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 861 $86.22 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 862 $146.16 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 863 $91.93 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 864 $90.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 865 $14.18 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 866 $100.80 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 867 $227.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 868 $7.41 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 869 $40.94 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 87 $33.17 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 870 $26.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 871 $379.96 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 872 $76.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 873 $7.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 874 $66.78 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 875 $260.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 876 $3.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 877 $3.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 878 $3.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 879 $3.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 88 $171.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 880 $635.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 881 $59.94 8th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 882 $182.62 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 883 $165.23 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 884 $1,680.84 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 885 $85.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 886 $7.51 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 887 $179.26 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 888 $75.07 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 889 $48.05 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 89 $207.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 890 $5.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 891 $5.00 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 892 $5.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 893 $190.00 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 894 $13.76 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 895 $55.46 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 896 $42.29 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 897 $34.26 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 898 $453.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 899 $102.02 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 9 $5.17 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 90 $70.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 900 $59.73 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 901 $196.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 902 $105.84 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 903 $187.30 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 904 $16.42 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 905 $9.01 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 906 $250.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 907 $15.89 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 908 $631.45 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 909 $23.11 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 91 $316.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 910 $28.62 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 911 $164.66 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 912 $69.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 913 $47.70 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 914 $266.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 915 $39.76 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 916 $53.50 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 917 $129.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 918 $22.62 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 919 $34.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 92 $49.03 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 920 $17,050.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 921 $420.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 922 $125.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 923 $110.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 924 $266.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 925 $22.99 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 926 $17.99 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 927 $996.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 928 $38.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 929 $253.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 93 $68.30 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 930 $12.36 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 931 $16.72 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 932 $47.78 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 933 $200.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 934 $69.00 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 935 $70.61 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 936 $149.71 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 937 $27.30 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 938 $15.89 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 939 $44.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 94 $29.66 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 940 $181.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 941 $472.87 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 942 $308.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 943 $46.96 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 944 $18.55 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 945 $182.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 946 $18.86 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 947 $211.90 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 948 $381.60 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 949 $266.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 95 $22.66 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 950 $448.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 951 $27.99 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 952 $63.52 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 953 -($71.54) Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 954 $180.25 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 955 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 956 $17.55 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 957 $179.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 958 $26.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 959 $50.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 96 $75.45 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 960 $33.29 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 961 $28.57 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 962 $35.88 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 963 $31.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 964 $197.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 965 $152.60 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 966 $525.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 967 $200.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 968 $9.91 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 969 $75.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 97 26 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 970 305.97 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 971 178.99 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 972 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 973 $640.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 974 $1,249.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 975 $50.00 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 976 $124.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 977 $234.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 978 $56.29 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 979 $73.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 98 $364.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 980 $876.78 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 981 $87.35 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 982 $126.81 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 983 $5.67 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 984 $1,300.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 985 $745.19 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 986 $104.34 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 987 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 988 $8.47 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 989 $185.61 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 99 $30.14 1st Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 990 $199.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 991 $565.20 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 992 $8.22 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 993 $140.78 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 994 ($1,734.00) General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 995 $9.89 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 996 $126.32 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 997 $82.55 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 998 $9.99 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
10/31/2022 999 $475.21 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/14/2022
32763389 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93656 11/14/2022
32808713 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93656 11/14/2022
B.Sizemore Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93661 11/14/2022
Mileage 8.28-11.10 $119.90 Elementary Mileage Clements, Tamara Rigby ID 93655 11/14/2022
Reimbursement 11.14 $150.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 93659 11/14/2022
Rigby Middle School $25.00 General Supplies & Materials Idaho Battle of the Books Boise ID 93658 11/14/2022
S-2014-29108 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 93654 11/14/2022
Supply Reimb 11.14 $34.15 Chinese Immersion Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 93660 11/14/2022
Trailer  $6,000.00 SPFF Non Student Occupied Hollis, Jeanette Michelle Idaho Falls ID 93657 11/14/2022
11142022-1 $50.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 11/14/2022
1087 Vball shirts $311.64 Supplies & Materials MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 1488168 11/14/2022
150.00 $150.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488170 11/14/2022
59912 Receipt books $588.30 Supplies & Materials Teton Print & Package Idaho Falls ID 1488169 11/14/2022
6533-B Final $1,060.78 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1488164 11/14/2022
918069100 $15,190.50 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488165 11/14/2022
918069109 jerseys $9,645.75 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488165 11/14/2022
918069115 Jerseys $3,776.00 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488165 11/14/2022
918069121 footballs $2,352.00 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488165 11/14/2022
918069128 trainer $796.50 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488165 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll ($88.60) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $41.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $77.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $88.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $102.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $102.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $88.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $102.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $93.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $46.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $41.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $41.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll 72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll 72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll 96.1 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll 96.1 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll 144.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
November 22 Payroll 90.1 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488167 11/14/2022
Weber State Comp $100.00 Supplies & Materials Department of Automotive Technology Layton UT 1488166 11/14/2022
Football/Cheer State $402.00 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93662 11/15/2022
11042022 $500.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 11/15/2022
11142022 $500.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 11/15/2022
100 Hope Squad $100.00 Purchase Services Bonneville High School Idaho Falls  ID 57166896 11/15/2022
1093 $125.50 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 57166899 11/15/2022
1094 $30.00 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 57166899 11/15/2022
Hope Squad $425.00 Purchase Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166898 11/15/2022
Idaho Classic 2022 $200.00 Purchased Services Pocatello High School Pocatello  ID 57166894 11/15/2022
Kindness Club $100.00 Kindness Club Expense Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166898 11/15/2022
Pocatello Classic Wr 175 Purchased Services Pocatello High School Wrestling Pocatello ID 57166895 11/15/2022
RMS 22 $75.00 Purchased Services Gem State Band Pocatello ID 57166897 11/15/2022
V311072 $15.00 Purchased Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166898 11/15/2022
October 2022 (1) $19.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/16/2022
02 $517.46 Vendor Services Stanger, Ione Idaho Falls ID 93666 11/17/2022
32804262 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93664 11/17/2022
Behavior Training PD $51.00 IDEA Professional Development Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 93663 11/17/2022
Behavior Training PD $51.00 IDEA Professional Development Webb, Angie Idaho Falls ID 93665 11/17/2022
11-8-22 Statement $3,300.00 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488179 11/17/2022
1190 $312.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488180 11/17/2022
12th Man reimburse $3,136.00 Supplies & Materials Boudrero, Andrea Rigby ID 1488173 11/17/2022
Cheer signs reimb $90.00 Supplies & Materials Poole, Rachel Rigby ID 1488177 11/17/2022
Choir Infinity 21-22 $39,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488176 11/17/2022
Dance Border Battle $475.00 Supplies & Materials PRESTON HIGH SCHOOL PRESTON ID 1488178 11/17/2022
Golf supplies reimb $88.72 Supplies & Materials Ball, Rachel Rigby ID 1488171 11/17/2022
Hope Squad Conf $100.00 Hope Squad Supplies BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488172 11/17/2022
Orch Infinity 21-22 $20,570.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488176 11/17/2022
Sr Ad overpmt-Feik $15.00 Supplies & Materials Womack, Jacob Rigby ID 1488181 11/17/2022
State Fball-11-10-22 $10,000.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488175 11/17/2022
WildPride Dance Team $420.00 Supplies & Materials Columbia High School-Nampa Nampa ID 1488174 11/17/2022
V11335 $35.64 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V142660 $19.88 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V168072 $36.53 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V344017 $19.40 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V382224 $163.81 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V595223 $165.79 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V675171 $170.04 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V729610 $10.60 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V803886 $33.13 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V833592 $121.90 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
V880408 $21.20 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166900 11/17/2022
32814328 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93669 11/18/2022
41149738 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93668 11/18/2022
Mileage 10.10-10.26 $75.35 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 93667 11/18/2022
Mileage 10.26-11.3 $51.75 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 93667 11/18/2022
Mileage 11.4-11.14 $52.95 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 93667 11/18/2022
Mileage 8.22-9-1 $47.95 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 93667 11/18/2022
Mileage 9.13-9.23 $65.05 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 93667 11/18/2022
Mileage 9.2-9.12 $65.30 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 93667 11/18/2022
Mileage 9.23-10.7 $61.10 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 93667 11/18/2022
October 2022 $348.56 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $33.90 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $153.02 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $893.56 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $606.36 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $429.22 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $747.52 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $181.05 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $488.46 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $5,019.11 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $39.72 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $254.98 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $49.66 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $74.97 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $13.58 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $815.10 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $93.17 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $2,564.76 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $6.58 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $6.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $13.37 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $1,125.44 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $92.30 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $1,977.33 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $580.12 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $13.37 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $21.25 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $4,003.76 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $13.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $2,075.26 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $18.46 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $7,216.96 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $7,832.66 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $17.93 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $35.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $2,142.97 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $303.52 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $3,771.69 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $6.58 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $6.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $18,962.53 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $1,514.56 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $476.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $20.91 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 $299.01 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
October 2022 (1) $291.10 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/18/2022
Tool Reimbursement22 $600.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 93670 11/18/2022
V101879 $352,238.61 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/18/2022
V253030 $31,637.87 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93673 11/18/2022
V369750 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 11/18/2022
V428918 $12,903.67 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93673 11/18/2022
V45974 $3,418.51 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93673 11/18/2022
V475714 $175,934.57 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/18/2022
V588459 $327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 11/18/2022
V636006 $41,365.79 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/18/2022
V653628 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 11/18/2022
V69047 $4,182.97 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 11/18/2022
V694703 $398,925.28 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93673 11/18/2022
V753532 $13,859.40 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/18/2022
V82227 $3,800.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43920 11/18/2022
V84573 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 11/18/2022
V851676 $14.00 Business Services American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 11/18/2022
V919689 $3,241.41 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/18/2022
V980466 $3,165.85 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93673 11/18/2022
River Rampage Cheer $250.00 Supplies & Materials BURLEY HIGH SCHOOL BURLEY ID 1488182 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $48.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $6.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $207.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $23.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $57.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $18.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $4,180.26 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $45.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $138.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $2.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $62.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $231.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $11.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $13.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
Sales Tax 10-31-22 $63.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488183 11/18/2022
State Fball per diem $105.00 Supplies & Materials Torres, Susan Blackfoot ID 1488184 11/18/2022
$5,630.16 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$11,431.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,761.87 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,187.01 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,513.56 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Kevin Spencer  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,186.60 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,642.48 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$622.81 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Julie Lazenby  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,185.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Tori Jan  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,485.56 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,031.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,688.42 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,918.20 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$99.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Carlie J  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,569.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,685.91 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,836.35 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$36.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Preston D  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$50.00 GROSS PAYROLL Atwood, Danielle   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,202.26 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,763.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$906.47 GROSS PAYROLL Bagley, Lisa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,573.12 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$602.08 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Jennifer Robin  Lewsiville ID 0 11/18/2022
$581.19 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Rachel Nichole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$293.59 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Ronda Fielding  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,216.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,155.91 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,195.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$600.79 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Carol Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$320.36 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,481.20 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,332.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,236.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,558.19 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,427.37 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,520.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$646.16 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Kaitlyn Anna  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,229.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,672.43 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Nicole Lynette  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,828.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,291.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,525.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,480.90 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,639.08 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,676.33 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,111.35 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,624.55 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,633.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,568.69 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,091.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$393.19 GROSS PAYROLL Billman, Alicia Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,199.86 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,366.91 GROSS PAYROLL Black, Marly Olaso  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,560.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,397.42 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$266.66 GROSS PAYROLL Blair, Miranda Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$998.30 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$700.09 GROSS PAYROLL Blanchard, Sharon A  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$666.66 GROSS PAYROLL Blatter Sutherland, Carley Jill  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,325.18 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,642.30 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,844.92 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,676.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,659.50 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 11/18/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Dale R  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$436.23 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Theresa L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,465.22 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,431.50 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,411.24 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,333.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,622.73 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,434.71 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 11/18/2022
$1,517.68 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,463.01 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,436.49 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Macady   Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Rodney R  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,575.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,900.39 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,810.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,525.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,263.23 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$10,942.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,282.38 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$117.94 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Jessica Rudd  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,283.75 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,564.76 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,033.28 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$22.52 GROSS PAYROLL Bunting, Amy Nicole  Pleasant Grive UT 0 11/18/2022
$480.54 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Dona Jeanne  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,761.70 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$435.63 GROSS PAYROLL Burke, Hannah Kimberly  Ashton ID 0 11/18/2022
$50.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burnham, Logan Synclair  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,842.98 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$982.27 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,252.34 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$29.13 GROSS PAYROLL Buxton, Brittany   Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$849.65 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$57.78 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Malcom O  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,624.99 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,841.11 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,211.51 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,034.73 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,078.66 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,759.49 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$143.49 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Louisa   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,774.11 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,691.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cancino Saldana, Cristina Mabel  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$993.59 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,602.66 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,958.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Carlen, Hailey Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,832.06 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$585.89 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Jennifer Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,355.28 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Alli   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,560.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carrillo, Taeli Olivia  Meridian ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,881.35 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,633.87 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,347.25 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,601.49 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$539.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,969.45 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,361.49 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,543.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,009.25 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Russell Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,445.17 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,367.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Megan   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,691.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,444.25 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,410.65 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$164.36 GROSS PAYROLL Coberly, Iayn Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,070.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,492.88 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$9,259.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,748.77 GROSS PAYROLL Cook Marthis, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,252.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,116.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,420.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,676.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,247.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,163.55 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,761.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,234.38 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,181.41 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,676.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,266.06 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,346.47 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,024.14 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,348.98 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$62.40 GROSS PAYROLL Crapo, Connor R  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,937.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$532.17 GROSS PAYROLL Crawford, Megan Elaine  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,772.64 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,532.16 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,893.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$341.60 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Hannah Otera  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,268.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$833.34 GROSS PAYROLL Crowe, Ryan Michael  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,676.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,523.90 GROSS PAYROLL Curtis, Chelsea Anne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$842.21 GROSS PAYROLL Cushatt, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,479.40 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$274.79 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Jordyn   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,093.90 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,784.23 GROSS PAYROLL Danielson, Adrian Jason  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Cierra Dawn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL DaRonch, Michael Richard  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,747.50 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,591.30 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,752.91 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,958.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,809.28 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,559.36 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,093.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,560.92 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,158.47 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,277.78 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,304.55 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,354.57 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,525.17 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,709.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$9,755.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Elizabeth Marlow  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Josephine Marlowe  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dupree, John   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,713.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,734.18 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$710.42 GROSS PAYROLL Earl, Kristy Marie  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Eastin, Laurie Chree  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,264.58 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$298.46 GROSS PAYROLL Edgell, Michelle Ruth  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,435.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$180.00 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Nathan Gordon  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Tiffaney Alene  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$163.79 GROSS PAYROLL Eldridge, Raylene Bartoli  Provo UT 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$763.36 GROSS PAYROLL Emerson, Paige Raeann Valate  Nine Mile Falls WA 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,674.49 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,841.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,528.00 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,656.42 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Martha Beatriz  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,937.86 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,759.32 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$325.30 GROSS PAYROLL Faneus, Rebecca Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,520.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,611.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,025.61 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$302.42 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Jeanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,562.05 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,676.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,801.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$50.00 GROSS PAYROLL Flinders, Peggy Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,588.81 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,296.36 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,041.62 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,110.18 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,006.14 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,876.17 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,988.27 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,466.69 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,927.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,843.85 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,863.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,090.68 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$389.03 GROSS PAYROLL Fulton, Linda Christine  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$458.31 GROSS PAYROLL Gahn, Amy Lynn  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,291.70 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$685.86 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,334.24 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,277.99 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,707.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,326.77 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,824.64 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,106.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,560.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$448.18 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Brittany Sue  Riverside CA 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,118.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,413.15 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,840.51 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,421.74 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,676.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,698.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,514.38 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,047.69 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,763.40 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,868.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,947.99 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,666.82 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,897.58 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,017.38 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,481.78 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,775.50 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,352.45 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,874.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,315.72 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,436.83 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,194.64 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$312.40 GROSS PAYROLL Guthrie, Brooke Nichole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,354.91 GROSS PAYROLL Gutierrez, Alexis Olivia  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,277.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,497.18 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,317.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$905.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,466.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,019.65 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,475.94 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,854.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,665.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,524.48 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,934.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,100.51 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,313.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,649.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$9,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$545.31 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Rinnie Dora  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,066.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,508.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$818.45 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Stacey Diane  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,899.04 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$661.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jamie Jo  Apple Valley MN 0 11/18/2022
$1,262.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,125.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,676.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$277.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$456.54 GROSS PAYROLL Harkness, Rebecca Arin  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,811.48 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$600.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Cara Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,778.07 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$811.95 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,413.45 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,725.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,220.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,378.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,565.42 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,192.40 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Ginnie Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,636.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,371.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,881.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,439.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,309.55 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 11/18/2022
$533.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hendrix, Avrey D R  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,816.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,602.22 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$656.16 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,807.63 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,519.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,445.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,763.96 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$938.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,843.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,553.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,082.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,427.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,211.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,259.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$11,076.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,268.16 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$480.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$563.74 GROSS PAYROLL Hoppie, Katherine Marie  League City TX 0 11/18/2022
$6,125.01 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$9,303.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$181.10 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Stacey Bell  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,505.53 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,509.67 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 11/18/2022
$732.72 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,145.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,380.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,663.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,910.82 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,613.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,254.94 GROSS PAYROLL Ireland, Connor James  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,728.50 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,761.12 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$978.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,495.26 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,503.89 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,886.45 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,404.83 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,659.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,840.78 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,372.90 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,303.11 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,569.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,180.46 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,059.49 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,921.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,686.61 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$158.90 GROSS PAYROLL Jenson, Nikylia K  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,783.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,732.68 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,833.83 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,450.97 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,666.34 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,831.07 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,293.68 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, DeeAnn Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,283.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,601.60 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Hailey Claireese  Rigby Id 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,071.85 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Mariah Darlene  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,168.06 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,969.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,368.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,324.67 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,213.94 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,763.72 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,456.36 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,676.49 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,085.26 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,307.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,969.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,456.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,244.27 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,744.20 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,403.14 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,605.35 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,614.37 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$278.00 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Sierrra Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,953.23 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,627.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,181.82 GROSS PAYROLL Langford, Angela Renee  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$199.77 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Rochelle Cardon  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$807.86 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,570.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$882.99 GROSS PAYROLL Laybourn, Stephani Colleen  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,788.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,563.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,437.65 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,783.24 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,962.18 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,440.41 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,199.40 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Xiomara   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,452.56 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,662.88 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Benjamin F  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,124.45 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,373.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,176.74 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$12,084.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$247.70 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Marlee   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,889.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,807.05 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,551.38 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,406.57 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,405.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mair, Melissa Lin  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,339.77 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy Jean  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,148.30 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,118.97 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,925.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,070.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Amber Nichole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$15,395.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,435.90 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$285.09 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Nathan Joseph  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,010.89 GROSS PAYROLL McBride, Nina Celeste  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$45.00 GROSS PAYROLL McConnell, Lisa M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Anthony Royce  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,229.16 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,849.25 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,763.89 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,855.32 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,236.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,390.72 GROSS PAYROLL Mengel, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,461.83 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$82.84 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Adrianne Johnson  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,375.92 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$240.34 GROSS PAYROLL Merriman, Alisha Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,044.57 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$9,194.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Canon Joseph  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,520.03 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Emily Autumn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,566.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,196.21 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Torrie L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,883.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,968.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$379.04 GROSS PAYROLL Moedl, Allyx Oborn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,295.17 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$333.77 GROSS PAYROLL Moody, Jessica Johanna  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,825.56 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,039.47 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,097.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,246.62 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,105.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,676.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$353.27 GROSS PAYROLL Morgan, Kyrstin Rachel  Santaquin UT 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,215.54 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,182.48 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,776.34 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$72.00 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,354.29 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,169.11 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Neibaur, Joseph Alexander  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,637.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,028.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$933.84 GROSS PAYROLL Newman, Beth Ellen  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,602.81 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,961.75 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,653.36 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$266.66 GROSS PAYROLL Nisbet, Scott Leslie  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,489.73 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 11/18/2022
$1,761.77 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 11/18/2022
$7,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$9,675.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,784.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,691.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,676.33 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,302.91 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,883.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$763.96 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,557.53 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,275.28 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,604.54 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,035.96 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,652.88 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,542.17 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 11/18/2022
$4,968.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,363.50 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,379.50 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,036.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 11/18/2022
$10,029.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,432.30 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,257.42 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,975.69 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$57.77 GROSS PAYROLL Payne, Kalena Kristine  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,556.64 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pennington, Emma Jolie  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,285.37 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,307.36 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,454.42 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,343.80 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$474.20 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Erin A  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,801.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,491.81 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,448.86 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$148.24 GROSS PAYROLL Phair, Alyssa Rosanne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,396.68 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,356.93 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,383.49 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$50.00 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Trisha Beal  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,097.27 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,542.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Rachel Deniel  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,904.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$20.70 GROSS PAYROLL Porras, Martin R  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,464.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,099.47 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Whittney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poulsen, Charlee R  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$50.00 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Richard Payton  Fairview MO 0 11/18/2022
$1,516.95 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,965.98 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$412.24 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Traci Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,157.58 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,074.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,691.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,581.15 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,634.25 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,136.03 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,640.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,248.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,997.51 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,311.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Lee Randall  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Reid, Jonathan Michael  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Reid, Taybree Peebles  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,124.90 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$107.82 GROSS PAYROLL Richins, Stephen Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,365.73 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,190.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$583.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ricter, Korina Noel  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,540.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$252.01 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,685.52 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,426.71 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Sheela Mae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$196.54 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Cassie Janiel  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,305.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,483.37 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,588.06 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$987.07 GROSS PAYROLL Rodrigues, Ernest Cody Charles  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,131.56 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,184.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,608.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,725.80 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,538.89 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,121.18 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$710.23 GROSS PAYROLL Rowland, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,080.27 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Brooke Janae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,968.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,210.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,724.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$590.57 GROSS PAYROLL Sathre, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,155.25 GROSS PAYROLL Sautter, Macy Michelle  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,566.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$492.17 GROSS PAYROLL Scadden, Sarah Jane  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,525.37 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,577.56 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,903.70 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice Hulet  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,843.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Sophia Christine  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,807.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$697.84 GROSS PAYROLL Scholz, Analiese   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,367.38 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,659.49 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,424.06 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,093.64 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,848.96 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,929.57 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,274.99 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,910.97 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Janessa Kay  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$684.79 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer Boyle  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$416.66 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Elizabath P  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,054.43 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily Rose  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$262.70 GROSS PAYROLL Shields, Samuel David  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$11,199.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,370.15 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,951.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,642.64 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,217.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,383.84 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$136.26 GROSS PAYROLL Silva, Jessica De Andrade  Krum TX 0 11/18/2022
$9,249.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,403.75 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,707.51 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,410.89 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aaron Walter  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,522.72 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,812.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,191.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,076.96 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,676.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$10,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,509.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,677.63 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$150.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Miriam Pleasant Fisher  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,380.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,493.31 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$728.94 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,311.35 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$262.20 GROSS PAYROLL Snyder, Stephanie Nicole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,742.65 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,495.31 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,897.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$10,820.17 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,150.05 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,803.83 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Jamilyn Miller  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,527.95 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,067.53 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stephen, Audrey Jean  Papillion NE 0 11/18/2022
$79.85 GROSS PAYROLL Stephenson, Lindsay Don  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stibal, Faith Lindsay  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,023.06 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,525.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,578.42 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,371.49 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,242.50 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$981.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stoltenberg, Tambra Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stout, Emily Jean  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,843.28 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,712.19 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,926.71 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 11/18/2022
$425.95 GROSS PAYROLL Sudweeks, Loretta Shaver  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$451.66 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,816.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,158.05 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,322.86 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,628.30 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,649.65 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,748.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,591.98 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$168.84 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Ariana Ashley  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,700.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$703.84 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,968.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,699.82 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Nikki Rachelle  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,364.27 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,850.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,766.01 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,378.51 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,990.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 11/18/2022
$8,819.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,587.96 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,466.40 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,520.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,859.94 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,824.92 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,737.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,646.40 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Zachary Michael  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,252.45 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,071.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,833.93 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,865.50 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 11/18/2022
$740.56 GROSS PAYROLL Traveller, Claire Elise  Twin Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,598.35 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 11/18/2022
$398.76 GROSS PAYROLL Trost, Bradley W  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$973.36 GROSS PAYROLL Tsosie, Amber Christine  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,398.22 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,097.41 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,032.70 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,954.22 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$266.66 GROSS PAYROLL Uminski, Forrest Douglas  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$416.66 GROSS PAYROLL Uminski, Spencer Anthony  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,918.41 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,626.58 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,416.92 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,469.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,867.68 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$121.30 GROSS PAYROLL Vanderwal, Shirley   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,917.13 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,898.14 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Venema, Amanda Lynn  St. Anthony ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,730.52 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,071.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,714.13 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,333.30 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,540.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,467.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,482.80 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,540.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$787.59 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,525.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,207.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,814.49 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,419.03 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,525.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,791.61 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$741.46 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,558.19 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,224.48 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,631.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,501.98 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,408.84 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,825.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,061.43 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,541.79 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,803.31 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,563.50 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,688.94 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,057.63 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,729.86 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,036.21 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 11/18/2022
$1,360.09 GROSS PAYROLL Widdison, Grant Harold  Sallisaw OK 0 11/18/2022
$1,359.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,115.88 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$10,722.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$598.32 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$58.62 GROSS PAYROLL Williman, Veronica   Ririe ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,311.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,897.58 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 11/18/2022
$584.80 GROSS PAYROLL Winchester, Heidi Luke  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,746.95 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,074.92 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,440.73 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,374.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,641.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,638.07 GROSS PAYROLL Wu, Stephanie Alyssa  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,647.96 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,589.53 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$336.21 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$1,564.45 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,128.31 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zarate, Connie Gay  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$2,097.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 0 11/18/2022
$4,968.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$7,502.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 11/18/2022
$6,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 11/18/2022
$3,901.70 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 11/18/2022
$50.00 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Tevan Russell  Rigby ID 62245 11/18/2022
$1,600.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Todd C  Rigby ID 62246 11/18/2022
$50.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bushman, Kathryn Mercedes  West Richland WA 62247 11/18/2022
$733.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Erica   Rigby ID 62248 11/18/2022
$229.74 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 62249 11/18/2022
$127.60 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Timothy B  Rigby ID 62250 11/18/2022
$1,100.31 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 62251 11/18/2022
$15.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hewitt, Zachary R  Rigby ID 62252 11/18/2022
$416.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hoge, Emily Brooke  Rigby ID 62253 11/18/2022
$110.26 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Hector   Lewisville ID 62254 11/18/2022
$58.74 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Josue   Lewisville ID 62255 11/18/2022
$177.87 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Sublym I  Rigby ID 62256 11/18/2022
$50.00 GROSS PAYROLL Maloney, Holly Jayne  Rigby ID 62257 11/18/2022
$134.34 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62258 11/18/2022
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Marci Nield  Menan ID 62259 11/18/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moikeha, Konae Luanna  Pearl City HI 62260 11/18/2022
$82.34 GROSS PAYROLL Roque, Arturo   Roberts ID 62261 11/18/2022
$60.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 62262 11/18/2022
$1,437.16 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62263 11/18/2022
$433.34 GROSS PAYROLL Cochrane, Nicholas G  Rigby ID 62264 11/18/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Heather Maiele  Lewisville ID 62265 11/18/2022
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Landon Von  Rigby ID 62266 11/18/2022
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL McUne, Ashlee Sage  Benson UT 62267 11/18/2022
$266.66 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Kamrin Kristina  Rigby ID 62268 11/18/2022
$66.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nunez, Naomi Rosalia  Rigby ID 62269 11/18/2022
$1,133.34 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Emily Mae  Rigby ID 62270 11/18/2022
$806.51 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62271 11/18/2022
$233.34 GROSS PAYROLL Workman, Emily Kristine  Rigby ID 62272 11/18/2022
$1,061.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62273 11/18/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Treasure, Hailey   Rigby ID 62274 11/18/2022
$1,168.97 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Caleb Richard  Rigby ID 62275 11/18/2022
$805.84 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Katelyn Irene  Hamilton MO 62276 11/18/2022
$1,555.82 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62277 11/18/2022
$1,211.65 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62278 11/18/2022
$334.38 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Anna M  Rigby ID 62279 11/18/2022
$2,117.89 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 62280 11/18/2022
$1,689.70 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62281 11/18/2022
$2,784.61 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62282 11/18/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 62283 11/18/2022
$1,589.61 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 62284 11/18/2022
$1,332.29 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62285 11/18/2022
$3,806.94 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62286 11/18/2022
$3,486.72 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62287 11/18/2022
$3,247.85 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62288 11/18/2022
11625 $450.00 Emergency Levy-VAPE Detectors Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 93672 11/21/2022
11625 $16,125.00 Emergency Levy-VAPE Detectors Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 93672 11/21/2022
11625 $888.00 Emergency Levy-VAPE Detectors Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 93672 11/21/2022
32783082 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93671 11/21/2022
32808712 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93675 11/22/2022
32873117 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93675 11/22/2022
41137762 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93674 11/22/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $96.00 Student Lunch Sales Ibarra, Thalia Gardena CA 93676 11/28/2022
Supply reimb 11.29.2 $16.20 Supplies & Materials Hawke, Whitney Rigby ID 93677 11/29/2022
32922016 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93679 11/30/2022
Mileage 10.24-11.14 $45.60 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93680 11/30/2022
Mileage 10.6-10.21 $35.55 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93680 11/30/2022
Mileage 8.15-11.9 $157.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 93682 11/30/2022
Mileage 8.30-11.9 $113.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Creed, Zoe Idaho Falls ID 93678 11/30/2022
Mileage 9.26-10.4 $35.05 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93680 11/30/2022
Mileage 9.9-11.17 $54.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Beck, Daralee Ammon ID 93681 11/30/2022
Mileage 9.9-9.26 $48.30 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93680 11/30/2022
CP334128 $24,370.03 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 12/1/2022
Mileage 10.31-11.16 $49.50 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93685 12/1/2022
Mileage 11.16-11.30 $23.95 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93685 12/1/2022
Mileage 11.4-11.22 $15.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93684 12/1/2022
Supply Reimb 12.1.22 $21.55 Supplies Green, Dawn Rigby ID 93683 12/1/2022
Travel PD 12.1-12.4 $204.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Oliverson, Spencer Rigby ID 93686 12/1/2022
1196 Gym/FB banners $1,700.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488193 12/1/2022
1197 Cheer signs $100.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488193 12/1/2022
1198 Fball Sr banner $1,302.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488193 12/1/2022
1199 Sr night roster $270.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488193 12/1/2022
1200 stadium banners $2,742.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488193 12/1/2022
1201 pop-up signs $1,440.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488193 12/1/2022
260 cap/gown photos $2,000.00 Supplies & Materials BELL PHOTO IDAHO FALLS ID 1488185 12/1/2022
2800 Oct/Nov pool $1,354.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls Parks & Recreation Idaho Falls  ID 1488188 12/1/2022
2824 Swim timing $792.00 Supplies & Materials City of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls ID 1488186 12/1/2022
5356 Choir Tour 2nd $10,600.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Infinity Tours & Events-Provo Provo  UT 1488189 12/1/2022
9884 State fball bus $11,389.00 Supplies & Materials Teton Stage Lines-Blackfoot Blackfoot ID 1488192 12/1/2022
9884 State fball bus $3,796.00 Supplies & Materials Teton Stage Lines-Blackfoot Blackfoot ID 1488192 12/1/2022
Choir Dress $50.00 Supplies & Materials Ellsworth,  Mikayla Rexburg ID 1488194 12/1/2022
Choir Dress $50.00 Supplies & Materials Shields, Kaylie Rigby ID 1488196 12/1/2022
Choir Dress $40.00 Supplies & Materials Sorenson, Tiffany Rigby ID 1488197 12/1/2022
Cupids Cheer Reg $250.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488187 12/1/2022
Folio #268706 $1,425.00 Supplies & Materials RED LION HOTEL POCATELLO ID 1488191 12/1/2022
Folio #268706 -($1,425.00) Supplies & Materials RED LION HOTEL POCATELLO ID 1488191 12/1/2022
RHS Debate $1,140.00 Supplies & Materials RED LION HOTEL POCATELLO ID 1488195 12/1/2022
State Fball meal $433.91 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Blake Rigby ID 1488190 12/1/2022
628276 $55.00 Purchased Services Pioneer Drama Service, Inc Centennial CO 57166902 12/1/2022
Wrestling $200.00 Purchased Services West Minico Middle School Paul ID 57166901 12/1/2022
Band/Choir $550.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 171 12/2/2022
Band/Choir $550.00 Purchases Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 171 12/2/2022
FFA- FMS $48.00 Purchased Services Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 173 12/2/2022
FMS Wrestling Fees $175.00 Purchased Services Pocatello High School Wrestling Pocatello ID 172 12/2/2022
Sales Tax October 22 $146.15 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 170 12/2/2022
Sales Tax October 22 $45.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 170 12/2/2022
Sales Tax October 22 $16.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 170 12/2/2022
Sales Tax October 22 $5.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 170 12/2/2022
Sales Tax October 22 $342.27 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 170 12/2/2022
Sales Tax October 22 $5.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 170 12/2/2022
Sales Tax October 22 $26.41 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 170 12/2/2022
Sales Tax October 22 $6.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 170 12/2/2022
Sales Tax October 22 $25.74 Robotics Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 170 12/2/2022
Teacher Reimb Stuco $61.86 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Andrew Roberts Rexburg ID 169 12/2/2022
Wrestling Fees $200.00 Purchased Services West Minico Middle School Paul ID 174 12/2/2022
Wrestling Hoodies $374.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 171 12/2/2022
Wrestling Hoodies1 $506.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 171 12/2/2022
Membership22-23 $210.00 Purchased Services 6th District Board of Control Rigby ID 57166903 12/2/2022
V320624 $254.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1675 12/2/2022
V802456 $20.72 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1674 12/2/2022
120522 $800.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 12/5/2022
100 Fball support $4,363.20 Supplies & Materials Pick PT Rigby ID 1488203 12/5/2022
1202 shooting shirts $540.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488207 12/5/2022
38635 FHLA apparel $305.50 FHLA Supplies Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488201 12/5/2022
776925 $130.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488208 12/5/2022
CR Class refund $90.00 Supplies & Materials Roque, Monique Roberts ID 1488205 12/5/2022
HS Membership dues $1,475.00 Supplies & Materials 6TH DISTRICT BOARD OF CONTROL Rigby ID 1488198 12/5/2022
Spirit gear StuCo $2,276.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488202 12/5/2022
Stampede Showdown $250.00 Supplies & Materials Blackfoot High School Cheer Blackfoot ID 1488199 12/5/2022
Statement 12-1-22 $2,194.27 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488204 12/5/2022
Swim team banquet $264.44 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488200 12/5/2022
Tailgate music $100.00 Supplies & Materials Woodhouse, Barry Rigby  ID 1488209 12/5/2022
Wrestling refund $175.00 Supplies & Materials Summers, Keylie Rigby ID 1488206 12/5/2022
2161:00776929 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166907 12/5/2022
4199358584 $220.70 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166905 12/5/2022
4199359415 $132.70 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166905 12/5/2022
4199361943 $126.35 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166905 12/5/2022
4199363230 $132.70 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166905 12/5/2022
Hope Squad11-29 $59.00 Purchase Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166906 12/5/2022
RMS-00247 $128.64 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166904 12/5/2022
RMS-00259 $304.36 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166904 12/5/2022
RMS-00261 $196.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166904 12/5/2022
RMS-00268 $77.64 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166904 12/5/2022
RMS-00314 $15.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166904 12/5/2022
RMS-00317 $161.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166904 12/5/2022
RMS-00318 $543.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166904 12/5/2022
RMS-00319 $248.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166904 12/5/2022
RMS-00342 $190.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166904 12/5/2022
V208787 $22.00 Kindness Club Expense Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166906 12/5/2022
18-0157 November 22 $447.72 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93687 12/6/2022
18-0160 November 22 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93687 12/6/2022
32967714 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93688 12/6/2022
32967715 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93688 12/6/2022
Mileage 7.14-11.30 $281.25 Custodian Mileage Between Buildings Hayes, Danyel Lewisville ID 93689 12/6/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $51.65 Student Lunch Sales Williams, Amanda Rigby ID 93690 12/6/2022
Psychologist Conf PD $229.00 Supplies Boyer, Tanner Idaho Falls ID 93691 12/6/2022
Psychologist Conf PD $229.00 Supplies Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 93693 12/6/2022
Psychologist Conf PD $229.00 Supplies Douglass, Kathleen Idaho Falls ID 93694 12/6/2022
Psychologist Conf PD $229.00 Supplies Smith, Kimberly Rigby ID 93695 12/6/2022
Psychoogist Conf PD $229.00 Supplies Creed, Zoe Idaho Falls ID 93692 12/6/2022
BB Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Lexie Byrd Rigby ID 57166910 12/6/2022
BB Refund Skylynn $125.00 Purchased Services Jessica Saville Idaho Falls, ID 57166911 12/6/2022
CraftFair $68.79 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166912 12/6/2022
Popcorn Supplies $73.08 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166912 12/6/2022
V118081 $83.86 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166912 12/6/2022
V212597 $25.38 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166912 12/6/2022
V388617 $55.47 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166912 12/6/2022
V550300 $47.70 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166912 12/6/2022
V583353 $16.43 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166912 12/6/2022
V886447 $90.00 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166912 12/6/2022
Wrestling Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Ashley Thompson Rigby ID 57166909 12/6/2022
Wrestling Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Tiffany Bitsoi Rigby ID 57166908 12/6/2022
V58281 $94.50 Supplies & Materials Kayley Perez Rigby ID 2111 12/6/2022
V400474 $1,000.00 Purchased Services DragonFly Athletics Hartselle AL 0 12/7/2022
V474655 $16.50 Supplies & Materials South Fork Elementary Lunch Rigby ID 2112 12/7/2022
Bandbus 12522 $162.62 Purchased Services Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 176 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $119.88 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $32.08 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $10.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $79.20 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $234.17 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $37.74 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $37.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $2,404.42 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $142.19 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks August  $150.00 Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks July $192.06 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks July $697.42 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks July $868.89 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June -($45.41) Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June $132.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June $27.52 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June $775.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June $34.45 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June $15.48 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June $68.10 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June $26.96 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June $75.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks June $8.95 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $11.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $12.69 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $116.30 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $264.51 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $158.96 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $20.97 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $15.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $2,745.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $1,281.71 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $1.05 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $203.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $211.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $42.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $47.70 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $459.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $35.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October -($12.72) Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October -($171.25) Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $164.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $14.26 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $14.18 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $44.88 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $7.51 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $110.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $22.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $39.99 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $46.14 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $90.95 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $74.99 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $23.28 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $93.65 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $15.72 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $15.64 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $52.15 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $52.15 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $150.00 Robotics Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks October $19.24 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $204.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $471.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $267.84 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $93.49 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $41.15 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $39.93 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $143.09 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $2,765.56 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $38.14 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $42.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $100.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $27.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $64.43 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $11.97 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $38.14 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $8.95 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $46.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $46.03 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $85.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $14.82 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $30.70 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $39.22 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $62.58 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Billbacks September $15.90 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 175 12/8/2022
Payroll  November 22 $78.93 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 178 12/8/2022
Payroll  November 22 $78.93 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 178 12/8/2022
Payroll  November 22 $29.90 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 178 12/8/2022
RR Freeze Dried $580.50 Supplies & Materials Trista Ricks Rigby ID 177 12/8/2022
V61443 $119.29 Supplies & Materials Reyes, Lorena Rigby ID 3873 12/8/2022
1203 BBB banners $455.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488216 12/8/2022
565988 $690.00 Supplies & Materials Magic Valley Forensics Association Twin Falls ID 1488214 12/8/2022
7240.8583.9969.2466 $357.50 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488215 12/8/2022
919304159 $1,428.45 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488212 12/8/2022
919304159 $1,428.45 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488212 12/8/2022
919481853 $702.55 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488212 12/8/2022
9970 $53.00 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488215 12/8/2022
Sr Apparel-2nd wave $1,900.00 Fees & Charges Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488213 12/8/2022
State Drama Fuel $376.94 Supplies & Materials Mackowiak, Ben Menan ID 1488210 12/8/2022
V364060 $3,487.22 Supplies & Materials Boudrero, Andrea Rigby ID 1488211 12/8/2022
V125570 $150.55 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166913 12/8/2022
V189188 $91.02 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166913 12/8/2022
V497265 $114.81 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166913 12/8/2022
V580008 $170.31 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166913 12/8/2022
V851842 $131.94 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166913 12/8/2022
01830906 $972.75 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93711 12/9/2022
01833141 $1,338.90 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93711 12/9/2022
01835866 $876.35 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93711 12/9/2022
01839625 $1,920.75 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93711 12/9/2022
03 $636.38 Vendor Services Stanger, Ione Idaho Falls ID 93733 12/9/2022
10.3-11.4 $3,841.25 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93715 12/9/2022
1008 $3,835.00 Vendor Services Chad Judy Speech-Language Pathology Idaho Falls ID 93702 12/9/2022
1032 $875.00 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Designs By Syd Rigby ID 93703 12/9/2022
1044713 $90.12 Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93701 12/9/2022
1044844 $1,618.72 Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93701 12/9/2022
11/30/2022 $7,076.00 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 93697 12/9/2022
123 $915.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 93743 12/9/2022
168 $836.53 Purchased Services Turfco Power Equipment Shelley ID 93738 12/9/2022
190944 $8.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 93721 12/9/2022
20221209 $22,436.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93728 12/9/2022
208131165761 $415.10 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93730 12/9/2022
208131464478 $60.91 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93730 12/9/2022
20813177212 $611.32 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93731 12/9/2022
20813177212 $91.70 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Education Essentials Appleton WI 93731 12/9/2022
22-3011 $4,776.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Parking Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93727 12/9/2022
2247 $650.00 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 93716 12/9/2022
22573 $550.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Elite Roofing Systems Rigby ID 93707 12/9/2022
23188 $263.45 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23251 $149.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23252 $3,631.25 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23254 $269.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23262 $1,564.33 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23267 $269.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23274 $1,204.30 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23278 $844.86 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23279 $787.55 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23285 $531.89 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23297 $619.93 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23303 $340.26 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
23304 $189.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93736 12/9/2022
240167603 2 $1,251.53 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93735 12/9/2022
240176422 6 $1,314.92 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93735 12/9/2022
240184166 9 $1,274.16 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93735 12/9/2022
244423 $315.00 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93718 12/9/2022
25014 $461.30 Purchased Services Tractor Sales & Auto, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93737 12/9/2022
251-120222-0004 $215.42 Vendor Services Independence O&M Services, LLC Idaho Falls ID 93714 12/9/2022
26624738 $468.54 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93732 12/9/2022
26624739 $104.60 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93732 12/9/2022
26842756 $1,898.90 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93732 12/9/2022
26842757 $48.00 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93732 12/9/2022
26842758 $489.37 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93732 12/9/2022
26842759 $2,926.25 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93732 12/9/2022
26876412 $66.94 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93732 12/9/2022
26876413 $2,118.79 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93732 12/9/2022
26876414 $935.76 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93732 12/9/2022
275787 $943.12 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
275787 $943.12 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
275789 $124.68 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
275790 $124.68 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
275792 $374.04 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
275793 $249.36 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
275812 $374.04 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
275815 $124.68 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
275819 $124.68 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
275849 $374.04 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
27837 $249.36 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93717 12/9/2022
300331 $88.70 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93718 12/9/2022
30810498373 $595.66 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93730 12/9/2022
30810498373 $2,089.36 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93730 12/9/2022
30810498373 $197.15 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93730 12/9/2022
30810498373 $1,028.44 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93730 12/9/2022
31413244 $267.39 Board Travel EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 93706 12/9/2022
32922015 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93712 12/9/2022
32922017 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93712 12/9/2022
3684 $678.00 Business Supplies Freemans Forms & Supp. IDAHO FALLS ID 93708 12/9/2022
4 - 12/06/2022 $4,907.70 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 93729 12/9/2022
44973 $40.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 93700 12/9/2022
44973 $40.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 93700 12/9/2022
5025 $765.00 General Supplies Voltstar Productions Idaho Falls ID 93742 12/9/2022
5276 $18,750.00 General Supplies X-treme Electric Rigby ID 93744 12/9/2022
582874307 $4,037.70 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 93710 12/9/2022
619501 $4,998.00 Supplies Vex Robotics, Inc. Greenville TX 93740 12/9/2022
6730 $350.00 Office & Training Supplies NW Information Advantage LLC Medical Lake WA 93723 12/9/2022
689-37005345 $13.50 Supplies and Materials Veritiv Operating Company Los Angeles CA 93739 12/9/2022
8137956 $2,237.84 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93722 12/9/2022
8144985 $2,399.96 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93722 12/9/2022
8165989 $11,569.18 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93722 12/9/2022
89415290000770 $662.17 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93699 12/9/2022
89415290000813 $494.75 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93699 12/9/2022
89415290000842 $645.88 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93699 12/9/2022
89415290000903 $593.43 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93699 12/9/2022
962386342 463.01 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93720 12/9/2022
962386342 463.02 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93720 12/9/2022
ACT Reimb $63.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Koepke, Teresa Rigby ID 93719 12/9/2022
December 2022 $3,949.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 93704 12/9/2022
FMS 11.29.22 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93725 12/9/2022
GIHN-INV-001967 $790.00 Vendor Services Grafton School, Incorporated Winchester VA 93709 12/9/2022
H002486-2022 $125.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Div. of Occupational & Prof.  Licences Boise ID 93705 12/9/2022
IN106527 $164,730.60 Emergency Levy-Smart Boards VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93741 12/9/2022
IN106527 $93,259.70 State Technology Supplies VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93741 12/9/2022
IN107649 $1,991.87 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93741 12/9/2022
INV23549 $40.00 SPFF Student Occupied Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93698 12/9/2022
INV27811 $10,287.00 Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93698 12/9/2022
INV27811 -($291.84) Student Occupied Maintenance Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 93698 12/9/2022
LBLA2335526 $72.46 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93696 12/9/2022
LBLA2335526 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93696 12/9/2022
LBLA2337526 $69.41 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93696 12/9/2022
LBLA2337526 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93696 12/9/2022
LBLA2339542 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93696 12/9/2022
LBLA2339542 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93696 12/9/2022
M000664-2023 $100.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Div. of Occupational & Prof.  Licences Boise ID 93705 12/9/2022
November 2022 $412.50 Vendor Services Panorama Green St. George UT 93724 12/9/2022
October 2022 $14,243.00 Vendor Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 93726 12/9/2022
October 2022 $26.73 Roberts Elem Sales Tax State Board of Education Boise ID 93734 12/9/2022
October 2022 -($26.73) Roberts Elem Sales Tax State Board of Education Boise ID 93734 12/9/2022
October 2022 -($175.19) Adult Lunch Sales State Board of Education Boise ID 93734 12/9/2022
October 2022 $175.19 Adult Lunch Sales State Board of Education Boise ID 93734 12/9/2022
RHS 11.29.22 $115.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93725 12/9/2022
RMS 11.29.22 $71.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93725 12/9/2022
Supply Reimb 12.9.22 $24.30 Supplies Green, Dawn Rigby ID 93713 12/9/2022
Fast Food License-2 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Eastern Idaho Public Health Idaho  Falls ID 1488217 12/9/2022
919276962 $2,856.90 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports Dallas TX 57166914 12/9/2022
919276966 $2,856.90 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports Dallas TX 57166914 12/9/2022
V203075 $1,000.00 Purchased Services DragonFly Athletics Hartselle AL 0 12/9/2022
11/30/2022 1 $18.38 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 10 $1,280.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 100 $63.41 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1000 $60.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1001 $104.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1002 $48.74 Kathy Harmon EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1003 $41.05 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1004 $100.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1005 $31.77 Harwood Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1006 $28.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1007 $15.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1008 $7.24 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1009 $137.63 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 101 $14.97 Jennifer Stone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1010 $24.76 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1011 $14.36 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1012 223.6 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1013 $5,252.60 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1014 $32.41 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1015 $226.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1016 $349.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1017 $143.55 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1018 $267.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1019 $44.29 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 102 $89.02 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1020 $458.32 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1021 $241.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1022 $75.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1023 $58.28 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1024 $13.00 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1025 $100.18 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1026 $4.12 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1027 $24.91 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1028 $11.28 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1029 $11.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 103 $67.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1030 $302.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1031 $69.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1032 $80.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1033 $45.58 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1034 $39.47 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1035 $29.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1036 $36.32 Eleanor Sarmiento Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1037 $166.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1038 $41.67 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1039 $64.39 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 104 $1,234.96 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1040 $74.19 Heidi Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1041 $10.74 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1042 $17.61 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1043 $36.58 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1044 $33.98 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1045 $180.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1046 $36.64 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1047 $49.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1048 $49.00 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1049 $215.93 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 105 $10.48 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1050 $31.80 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1051 $14.58 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1052 $238.82 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1053 $27.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1054 $42.36 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1055 $10.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1056 $366.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1057 $309.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1058 $27.99 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1059 9.52 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 106 9.46 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1060 $167.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1061 $158.40 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1062 ($326.83) Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1063 $29.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1064 $119.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1065 $51.83 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1066 $195.71 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1067 $230.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1068 $1,699.20 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1069 $277.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 107 $43.13 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1070 $62.31 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1071 $64.47 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1072 $56.67 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1073 $139.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1074 $28.51 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1075 $7.34 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1076 $80.18 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1077 $42.90 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1078 $17.48 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1079 $299.84 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 108 $12.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1080 $127.92 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1081 $56.65 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1082 -($75.00) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1083 $390.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1084 $27.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1085 $144.00 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1086 $304.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1087 $86.86 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1088 $230.84 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1089 $18.72 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 109 $153.93 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1090 $128.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1091 $72.76 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1092 $233.29 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1093 $7.49 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1094 $26.27 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1095 $5.30 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1096 $215.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1097 $5.89 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1098 $80.09 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1099 $37.96 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 11 $319.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 110 $31.13 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1100 $21,830.32 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1101 $1,671.80 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1102 $30.79 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1103 $65.03 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1104 $50.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1105 $27.68 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1106 $254.80 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1107 $35.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1108 $26.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1109 $22.55 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 111 $363.39 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1110 $285.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1111 $36.10 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1112 $50.46 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1113 $150.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1114 $22.24 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1115 $8.87 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1116 $90.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1117 $123.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1118 $1,127.18 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1119 $126.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 112 $86.46 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1120 $2.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1121 $14.81 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1122 $355.08 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1123 $80.93 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1124 $115.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1125 $9.07 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1126 $37.77 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1127 $267.41 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1128 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1129 $212.20 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 113 $29.99 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1130 $485.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1131 $349.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1132 $5.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1133 $6.23 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1134 $7.29 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1135 $811.01 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1136 $502.27 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1137 $11.93 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1138 $441.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1139 $58.64 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 114 $361.41 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1140 $72.51 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1141 $15.99 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1142 $9.50 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1143 $54.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1144 $165.65 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1145 $15.66 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1146 $212.55 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1147 $314.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1148 $18.50 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1149 $249.90 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 115 $434.97 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1150 $313.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1151 $10.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1152 $293.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1153 $159.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1154 $27.48 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1155 $31.92 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1156 $63.60 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1157 $18.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1158 $214.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1159 $42.15 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 116 $15.89 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1160 $45.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1161 $1,602.26 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1162 $124.05 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1163 $20.98 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1164 -($807.20) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1165 $54.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1166 $15.77 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1167 $244.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1168 $30.09 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1169 $108.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 117 $135.26 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1170 $61.54 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1171 $54.19 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1172 $334.60 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1173 $111.21 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1174 $176.19 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1175 $203.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1176 $54.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1177 $305.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1178 $16.74 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1179 $158.94 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 118 $149.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1180 $6.45 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1181 $219.21 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1182 $32.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1183 $182.32 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1184 $93.71 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1185 $41.47 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1186 -($807.20) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1187 $299.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1188 $1,188.40 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1189 $12.49 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 119 $149.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1190 $19.72 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1191 $705.16 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1192 $189.97 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1193 $82.83 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1194 $387.36 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1195 $23.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1196 $260.62 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1197 $239.48 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1198 $39.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1199 $2,012.94 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 12 $86.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 120 $10.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1200 $792.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1201 $696.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1202 $50.85 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1203 $741.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1204 377.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1205 $32.87 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1206 $301.41 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1207 $4.17 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1208 $53.98 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1209 $32.41 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 121 $6.16 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1210 $97.44 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1211 $177.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1212 $117.30 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1213 $202.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1214 $60.35 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1215 $126.05 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1216 $89.89 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1217 $257.61 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1218 $8.34 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1219 $131.18 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 122 $11.00 Jennifer Stone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1220 $15.89 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1221 $119.70 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1222 2700 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1223 $13.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1224 $19.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1225 $37.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1226 $21.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1227 $260.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1228 $453.10 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1229 $10.60 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 123 $186.10 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1230 $76.35 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1231 $4,057.50 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1232 $8.00 Davis, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1233 $31.68 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1234 $90.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1235 $1,832.10 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1236 $63.59 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1237 $72.92 Life Skills Sips N Snacks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1238 $199.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1239 $38.96 Brittney Gaughan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 124 $20.68 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1240 $897.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1241 $35.01 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1242 $103.17 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1243 $79.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1244 $10.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1245 $6.50 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1246 $200.00 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1247 $1,638.42 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1248 $9.00 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1249 $69.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 125 $32.94 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1250 $1,254.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1251 $4.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1252 $14.36 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1253 $24.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1254 $487.77 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1255 $11.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1256 $299.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1257 $43.06 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1258 $203.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1259 $435.21 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 126 $519.99 ASME Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1260 $45.32 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1261 $57.50 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1262 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1263 $435.21 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1264 $2,316.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1265 $435.21 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1266 $187.00 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1267 $162.59 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1268 $3.45 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1269 $47.65 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 127 $67.02 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1270 $612.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1271 $24.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1272 156 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1273 $435.21 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1274 $20.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1275 $72.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1276 $666.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1277 $47.59 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1278 $267.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1279 $16.98 Brittney Gaughan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 128 $26.56 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1280 $435.21 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1281 $329.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1282 $41.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1283 $197.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1284 $33.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1285 $29.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1286 $32.41 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1287 $105.34 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1288 $33.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1289 $52.17 7th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 129 $199.66 Keep Students Learning & Adults Earning ARPA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1290 $167.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1291 $13.43 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1292 $435.21 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1293 $1,370.64 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1294 $550.32 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1295 $792.24 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1296 $19.08 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1297 $338.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1298 $542.73 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1299 $122.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 13 $36.16 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 130 $219.94 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1300 $174.89 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1301 $106.53 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1302 $48.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1303 $95.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1304 $1,921.69 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1305 $4.66 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1306 $244.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1307 $18.17 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1308 $10.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1309 $185.93 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 131 $4.25 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1310 $7.20 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1311 $9,456.73 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1312 $7.30 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1313 $24.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1314 $171.77 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1315 $35.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1316 $41.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1317 $84.55 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1318 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1319 $40.05 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 132 $5.11 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1320 $130.50 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1321 $391.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1322 $334.34 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1323 $86.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1324 $115.04 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1325 $235.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1326 $295.68 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1327 $26.50 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1328 $15.40 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1329 $166.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 133 -($226.99) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1330 $43.45 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1331 $201.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1332 $43.90 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1333 $10.90 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1334 $25.41 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1335 $149.99 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1336 $295.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1337 $87.14 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1338 $63.37 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1339 $162.52 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 134 $21.20 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1340 $359.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1341 $210.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1342 $96.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1343 $1.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1344 $10.35 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1345 $6.14 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1346 $97.00 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1347 $72.06 Chui-Man Chiu EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1348 $61.62 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1349 $43.05 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 135 $6,528.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1350 $2,470.56 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1351 $12.19 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1352 $33.39 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1353 $13.89 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1354 $37.98 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1355 $177.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1356 $59.15 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1357 $206.12 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1358 $200.56 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1359 $394.74 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 136 $83.62 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1360 $7.20 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1361 $10.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1362 $61.85 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1363 $12.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1364 $26.50 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1365 $784.05 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1366 $318.70 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1367 $3.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1368 $16.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1369 $53.51 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 137 $6.02 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1370 $582.75 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1371 $183.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1372 $15.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1373 $305.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1374 $21.20 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1375 $134.39 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1376 $2.50 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1377 $170.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1378 $339.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1379 $46.00 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 138 $318.00 ELA Inst Impr Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1380 $42.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1381 $82.68 Drama Classroom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1382 $76.11 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1383 $20.09 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1384 $7.99 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1385 $261.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1386 $143.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1387 $7.12 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1388 $335.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1389 $8.49 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 139 $272.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1390 $26.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1391 $134.39 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1392 $74.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1393 $32.67 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1394 $303.32 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1395 $134.39 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1396 $35.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1397 $15.98 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1398 $14.13 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1399 $54.33 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 14 $234.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 140 -($16.38) English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1400 $24.47 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1401 $50.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1402 $134.39 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1403 $4.25 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1404 $53.67 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1405 $134.39 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1406 $28.94 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1407 $117.54 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1408 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1409 $15.90 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 141 $37.10 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1410 $134.39 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1411 $2.32 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1412 $69.90 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1413 $106.00 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1414 $335.95 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1415 $146.99 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1416 $127.20 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1417 $22.00 ESSER SEL Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1418 $51.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1419 $8.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 142 $18.02 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1420 $50.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1421 $718.45 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1422 $9.79 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1423 $235.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 1424 $186.75 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 143 $153.07 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 144 $9.28 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 145 $20.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 146 $37.31 In District Mileage Reimbursement Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 147 $119.90 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 148 $288.31 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 149 $3.99 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 15 $235.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 150 $3,621.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 151 $30.94 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 152 $647.67 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 153 $6.31 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 154 $369.20 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 155 $10.83 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 156 $51.28 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 157 $3,736.68 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 158 $46.44 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 159 $40.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 16 $259.32 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 160 $21.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 161 $300.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 162 $1,904.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 163 $74.19 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 164 $16.42 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 165 $61.20 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 166 $269.85 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 167 $11.40 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 168 $139.92 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 169 $25.12 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 17 $99.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 170 $14.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 171 $58.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 172 $257.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 173 $149.84 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 174 $115.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 175 $13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 176 $9.58 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 177 $11.98 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 178 $15.36 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 179 $15.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 18 $343.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 180 $143.61 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 181 $31.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 182 $19.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 183 $1.79 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 184 $40.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 185 $211.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 186 $27.83 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 187 $3,222.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 188 $100.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 189 $910.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 19 $29.50 FMS FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 190 $3,875.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 191 $110.89 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 192 $92.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 193 $45.76 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 194 $56.15 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 195 $224.08 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 196 $110.00 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 197 $18.65 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 198 $2,250.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 199 $26,739.90 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 2 $38.07 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 20 -($48.65) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 200 $613.20 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 201 $75.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 202 $940.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 203 $5,165.62 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 204 $7.89 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 205 $29.70 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 206 $16.99 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 207 $35.79 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 208 $379.76 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 209 -($23.49) Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 21 $104.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 210 $119.62 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 211 $203.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 212 $82.29 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 213 $2,175.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 214 $288.10 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 215 $22.67 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 216 $1,395.03 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 217 $1,084.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 218 $522.40 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 219 $169.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 22 $22.23 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 220 $35.98 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 221 $83.87 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 222 $2,154.86 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 223 $2,112.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 224 $5.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 225 $463.12 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 226 $25.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 227 $461.94 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 228 $25.21 In District Mileage Reimbursement Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 229 $3,121.09 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 23 $54.18 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 230 $1,710.02 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 231 $1,949.10 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 232 $50.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 233 -($14.83) Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 234 $4,400.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 235 $1,111.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 236 $149.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 237 -($6.39) Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 238 $2,233.49 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 239 $15.93 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 24 $3,206.40 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 240 $59.40 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 241 $3,510.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 242 $114.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 243 $47.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 244 $54.99 Video Game Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 245 $43.06 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 246 $138.52 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 247 $16.48 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 248 $39.05 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 249 $52.09 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 25 $16.48 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 250 $26.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 251 $2,039.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 252 $8.98 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 253 $314.03 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 254 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 255 $58.37 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 256 $43.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 257 $2,006.40 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 258 $40.76 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 259 $13.18 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 26 $16.49 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 260 $11.89 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 261 $276.54 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 262 $301.87 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 263 -($22.99) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 264 $33.90 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 265 $144.33 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 266 $118.06 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 267 $14.39 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 268 $34.45 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 269 $66.39 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 27 $88.73 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 270 $53.93 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 271 $104.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 272 $12.71 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 273 -($2,017.57) Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 274 $27.83 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 275 $850.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 276 $17.00 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 277 $7.95 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 278 $260.51 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 279 $987.54 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 28 $27.94 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 280 $245.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 281 $6.99 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 282 $245.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 283 $209.58 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 284 $18.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 285 $132.36 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 286 $750.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 287 $681.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 288 $47.69 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 289 $53.25 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 29 $53.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 290 $19.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 291 $270.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 292 $22.53 Maria Teresa Rodriguez Madin Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 293 $10.56 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 294 $59.34 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 295 $196.07 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 296 $71.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 297 $43.59 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 298 $47.25 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 299 $49.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 3 $10.11 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 30 $720.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 300 $12.24 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 301 $327.80 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 302 $12.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 303 $45.98 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 304 $2,256.43 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 305 $229.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 306 $689.05 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 307 $328.15 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 308 $112.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 309 $237.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 31 $948.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 310 $2,017.57 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 311 $262.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 312 -($126.04) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 313 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 314 -($25.99) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 315 $37.57 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 316 $86.08 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 317 $39.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 318 $148.60 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 319 $1,530.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 32 $84.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 320 $1,015.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 321 $226.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 322 $84.75 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 323 $74.19 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 324 $24.86 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 325 $40.37 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 326 $13.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 327 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 328 $50.76 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 329 $1,500.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 33 $900.00 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 330 $565.32 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 331 $203.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 332 $355.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 333 $375.57 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 334 $130.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 335 $10.60 Katie Davis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 336 $15.98 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 337 $192.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 338 $3,964.07 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 339 $59.45 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 34 $98.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 340 $11.61 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 341 $109.57 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 342 $55.96 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 343 $14.51 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 344 $217.88 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 345 $45.64 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 346 $145.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 347 $213.84 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 348 $163.56 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 349 $146.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 35 $5.19 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 350 $82.60 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 351 $38.10 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 352 $3.99 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 353 $51.40 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 354 $150.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 355 $318.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 356 $10,615.31 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 357 $1,702.27 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 358 $340.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 359 $135.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 36 $26.50 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 360 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 361 $193.91 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 362 $41.47 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 363 $39.32 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 364 $173.17 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 365 $12.99 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 366 $23.96 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 367 $56.08 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 368 $14.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 369 $15.96 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 37 $41.41 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 370 $63.28 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 371 $308.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 372 $416.36 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 373 $76.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 374 $241.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 375 $15.99 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 376 $122.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 377 $34.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 378 $176.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 379 $19.90 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 38 $197.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 380 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 381 $64.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 382 $52.01 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 383 $323.97 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 384 $66.01 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 385 $29.55 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 386 -($32.80) Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 387 $68.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 388 $37.56 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 389 $74.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 39 $135.00 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 390 $39.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 391 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 392 $7.73 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 393 $20.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 394 $2,193.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 395 $149.46 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 396 $90.21 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 397 $8.97 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 398 $69.08 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 399 $211.60 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 4 $89.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 40 $27.50 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 400 $23.47 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 401 $37.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 402 $21.67 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 403 $9,561.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 404 $26.48 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 405 $90.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 406 $86.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 407 $17.05 Library Bill Back Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 408 $4.08 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 409 $145.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 41 $14.85 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 410 $106.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 411 $139.37 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 412 $3.99 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 413 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 414 $170.50 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 415 $7.95 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 416 $59.80 Remediation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 417 $17.64 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 418 $449.43 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 419 $131.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 42 $43.49 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 420 $89.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 421 $253.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 422 $3.24 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 423 $65.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 424 $40.24 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 425 $697.20 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 426 $84.45 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 427 $334.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 428 $56.40 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 429 $212.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 43 $213.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 430 $166.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 431 $6.50 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 432 $19.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 433 $31.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 434 $2.65 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 435 $383.75 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 436 $33.49 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 437 $46.40 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 438 $218.21 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 439 $96.20 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 44 $450.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 440 $59.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 441 $76.53 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 442 $10.23 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 443 $175.00 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 444 $27.09 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 445 $170.98 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 446 $29.34 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 447 $320.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 448 $72.84 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 449 $19.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 45 $26.10 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 450 $3.93 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 451 $5.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 452 $6.39 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 453 $125.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 454 $63.66 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 455 $50.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 456 $150.00 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 457 $54.20 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 458 $16.92 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 459 $71.84 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 46 $32.94 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 460 $19.71 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 461 $2,194.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 462 $89.96 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 463 $24.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 464 $232.61 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 465 $160.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 466 $159.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 467 $165.94 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 468 $119.36 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 469 $40.26 Lindsey Thompson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 47 $26.10 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 470 $286.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 471 $57.30 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 472 $192.92 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 473 $43.64 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 474 $77.95 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 475 $77.90 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 476 $80.87 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 477 $963.62 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 478 $12.00 Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 479 $23.49 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 48 $64.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 480 $30.01 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 481 $15.81 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 482 $50.80 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 483 $89.21 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 484 $5.96 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 485 $4,629.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 486 $5.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 487 $54.67 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 488 $135.57 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 489 $136.76 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 49 $19.88 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 490 $2,213.43 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 491 $84.00 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 492 $19.84 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 493 $296.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 494 $255.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 495 $31.95 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 496 $22.77 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 497 $39.57 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 498 $6.20 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 499 $30.68 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 5 $29.98 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 50 $100.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 500 $3,912.63 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 501 $3,912.62 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 502 $97.48 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 503 $193.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 504 $53.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 505 $263.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 506 $58.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 507 $21.16 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 508 $192.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 509 $46.30 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 51 $99.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 510 $119.59 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 511 $29.24 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 512 $18.43 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 513 $8.25 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 514 $63.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 515 $57.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 516 $135.88 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 517 $12.00 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 518 $55.23 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 519 $61.14 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 52 $64.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 520 $67.84 Jessica Clyde Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 521 $55.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 522 $292.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 523 $22.60 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 524 $131.68 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 525 $43.21 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 526 $42.13 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 527 $30.78 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 528 $100.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 529 $268.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 53 $29.99 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 530 $77.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 531 $22.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 532 $91.03 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 533 $6.82 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 534 $20.99 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 535 $44.97 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 536 $4.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 537 $87.50 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 538 $13.21 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 539 $42.92 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 54 $49.61 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 540 $19.27 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 541 $15.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 542 $279.97 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 543 $5.21 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 544 $3.50 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 545 $30.60 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 546 $22.19 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 547 $99.22 Social Studies 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 548 $7.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 549 $11.13 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 55 $38.51 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 550 $9.29 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 551 $973.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 552 $60.74 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 553 $30.36 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 554 $120.01 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 555 $19.74 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 556 $66.25 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 557 $16.95 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 558 $300.00 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 559 $7.14 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 56 $216.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 560 $103.21 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 561 $313.81 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 562 $126.04 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 563 $5.41 Kylie Walker Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 564 $206.27 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 565 $61.80 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 566 $45.24 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 567 $209.70 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 568 $36.74 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 569 $146.79 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 57 $24.77 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 570 $46.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 571 $13.25 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 572 -($100.00) Anita Lindstrom Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 573 -($14.81) Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 574 -($123.46) Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 575 $94.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 576 $96.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 577 $14.83 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 578 $11.95 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 579 $60.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 58 $58.29 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 580 $3.98 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 581 $12.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 582 $32.95 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 583 $207.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 584 $96.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 585 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 586 $22.07 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 587 $205.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 588 $28.44 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 589 $103.88 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 59 $81.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 590 $40.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 591 $16.69 Kylie Walker Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 592 $299.70 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 593 $12.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 594 $27.45 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 595 $10.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 596 $31.95 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 597 $10.99 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 598 $407.96 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 599 $274.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 6 $269.92 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 60 $380.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 600 $159.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 601 $90.79 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 602 $16.38 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 603 $55.68 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 604 $16.84 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 605 $84.24 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 606 $38.05 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 607 $625.36 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 608 $191.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 609 $1.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 61 $9.77 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 610 $79.67 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 611 -($33.33) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 612 $2.65 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 613 $35.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 614 $665.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 615 $63.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 616 $80.16 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 617 $15.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 618 $84.95 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 619 $2,340.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 62 $26.10 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 620 $455.25 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 621 $900.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 622 $57.78 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 623 $23.84 Emergency Levy Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 624 $246.66 ASME Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 625 $49.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 626 $11.99 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 627 $9.85 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 628 $52.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 629 $85.19 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 63 $24.00 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 630 $69.99 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 631 $14.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 632 $32.53 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 633 $3.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 634 $139.99 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 635 $120.00 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 636 $9.99 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 637 $107.36 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 638 $582.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 639 $99.98 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 64 $41.49 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 640 $85.93 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 641 $12.60 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 642 $241.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 643 $879.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 644 $55.72 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 645 $33.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 646 $29.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 647 $1,650.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 648 $33.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 649 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 65 $28.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 650 $290.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 651 $59.08 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 652 $21.18 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 653 $29.76 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 654 $7.95 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 655 $40.99 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 656 $55.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 657 $341.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 658 $3.14 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 659 $89.99 Krystal Fullmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 66 $7.74 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 660 $20.20 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 661 $8.49 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 662 $12.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 663 $758.17 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 664 $60.00 Field Trip Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 665 $559.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 666 $1,085.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 667 $40.24 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 668 $23.18 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 669 $30.00 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 67 $104.09 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 670 $28.09 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 671 $254.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 672 $16.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 673 $218.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 674 $2,264.87 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 675 $183.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 676 $84.24 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 677 $84.24 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 678 $192.04 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 679 $314.82 Emergency Levy-Robert's Parking Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 68 $23.84 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 680 $117.84 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 681 $900.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 682 $19.73 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 683 $17.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 684 $23.99 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 685 $30.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 686 $32.37 Elizabeth Ricks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 687 $256.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 688 $123.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 689 $54.58 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 69 $4.99 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 690 $56.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 691 $47.66 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 692 $74.32 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 693 $298.19 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 694 $106.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 695 $14.99 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 696 $16.28 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 697 $46.28 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 698 $86.55 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 699 $30.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 7 $31.04 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 70 $22.82 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 700 $286.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 701 $622.93 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 702 $83.80 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 703 $21.45 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 704 $23.03 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 705 $6.00 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 706 $49.37 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 707 $57.82 New Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 708 $125.81 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 709 $137.01 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 71 $6.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 710 $108.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 711 $206.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 712 $24.99 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 713 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 714 $14.88 6th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 715 $203.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 716 $9.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 717 $8.49 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 718 $106.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 719 $15.99 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 72 $36.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 720 $180.79 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 721 $81.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 722 $15.43 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 723 $43.54 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 724 $53.99 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 725 $135.24 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 726 $83.13 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 727 $285.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 728 $59.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 729 $164.74 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 73 $11.65 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 730 $304.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 731 $66.26 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 732 $126.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 733 $328.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 734 $23.20 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 735 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 736 $91.21 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 737 $29.27 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 738 $100.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 739 $516.00 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 74 $678.83 ASME Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 740 $319.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 741 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 742 $36.07 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 743 $52.92 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 744 $15.58 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 745 $4.26 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 746 $19.88 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 747 $211.25 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 748 $31.80 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 749 $289.68 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 75 $88.98 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 750 $267.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 751 $70.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 752 $248.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 753 $152.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 754 $237.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 755 $19.90 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 756 $36.06 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 757 $435.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 758 $230.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 759 $225.34 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 76 $126.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 760 $1,475.02 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 761 $257.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 762 $281.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 763 $17.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 764 $44.48 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 765 $223.71 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 766 $306.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 767 $63.02 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 768 $116.15 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 769 $314.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 77 $26.10 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 770 $8.89 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 771 $40.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 772 $157.25 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 773 $340.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 774 $509.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 775 $23.98 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 776 $18.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 777 $1,701.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 778 $431.96 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 779 $100.52 Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 78 $51.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 780 $64.31 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 781 $375.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 782 $279.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 783 $32.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 784 $92.70 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 785 $233.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 786 $272.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 787 $20.14 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 788 $170.85 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 789 $87.33 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 79 $395.00 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 790 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 791 $21.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 792 $211.41 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 793 $11.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 794 $30.00 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 795 $64.11 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 796 $137.16 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 797 $21.23 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 798 $22.62 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 799 $31.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 8 $61.65 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 80 $28.48 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 800 $10.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 801 $9.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 802 $38.90 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 803 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 804 $223.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 805 $1,592.75 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 806 $215.40 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 807 $47.49 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 808 $5.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 809 $27.94 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 81 $4,500.00 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 810 $235.31 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 811 $19.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 812 $56.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 813 $2.65 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 814 $108.74 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 815 $83.74 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 816 $41.98 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 817 $12.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 818 $0.87 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 819 $250.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 82 $2,224.58 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 820 $6.99 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 821 $315.83 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 822 $42.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 823 $9.63 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 824 $53.71 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 825 $287.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 826 $30.10 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 827 $269.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 828 $169.99 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 829 $15.47 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 83 $3,225.05 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 830 $21.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 831 $110.00 Spanish Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 832 $83.63 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 833 $9.53 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 834 $558.00 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 835 $11.93 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 836 $269.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 837 $8.99 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 838 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 839 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 84 $348.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 840 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 841 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 842 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 843 $182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 844 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 845 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 846 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 847 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 848 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 849 $3.17 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 85 $72.45 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 850 $179.40 Remediation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 851 $7.49 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 852 $17.96 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 853 $29.57 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 854 $14.68 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 855 $20.84 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 856 $35.99 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 857 $39.86 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 858 $50.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 859 $28.54 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 86 $870.20 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 860 $83.30 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 861 $21.93 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 862 $46.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 863 $190.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 864 $2,166.96 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 865 $214.81 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 866 $93.29 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 867 $21.08 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 868 $124.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 869 -($104.99) Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 87 $69.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 870 $131.18 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 871 $8.99 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 872 $65.60 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 873 $150.41 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 874 $269.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 875 -($47.44) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 876 $18.30 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 877 $50.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 878 $85.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 879 $16.41 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 88 $233.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 880 $50.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 881 -($149.99) Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 882 $50.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 883 $210.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 884 $148.98 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 885 $620.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 886 $53.94 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 887 $21.19 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 888 $50.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 889 $50.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 89 $1,459.55 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 890 $27.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 891 $60.63 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 892 $24.38 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 893 $482.98 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 894 -($10.31) Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 895 $98.63 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 896 $48.47 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 897 $67.92 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 898 $36.72 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 899 $662.80 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 9 $291.00 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 90 $30.48 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 900 $501.25 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 901 $90.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 902 $50.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 903 $18.88 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 904 $6.34 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 905 $313.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 906 $13.99 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 907 $73.45 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 908 $114.69 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 909 $25.03 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 91 $14.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 910 $63.71 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 911 $46.40 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 912 $7.16 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 913 $0.51 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 914 -($23.99) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 915 $250.60 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 916 $86.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 917 $12.79 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 918 $6.63 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 919 $322.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 92 $128.64 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 920 $311.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 921 $170.65 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 922 $89.99 Krystal Fullmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 923 $15.76 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 924 $105.23 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 925 $1,191.06 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 926 $20.98 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 927 $3.98 Harwood Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 928 $3.59 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 929 $15.90 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 93 $394.01 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 930 -($149.99) Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 931 $84.50 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 932 $324.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 933 $3.68 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 934 $218.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 935 $105.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 936 $15.87 Harwood Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 937 $107.99 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 938 $50.67 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 939 $1,872.34 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 94 $6.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 940 $69.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 941 $45.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 942 $46.62 Kathy Harmon EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 943 $180.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 944 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 945 $6.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 946 $84.57 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 947 $14.88 Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 948 $83.28 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 949 $53.34 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 95 $18.80 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 950 $55.98 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 951 $351.71 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 952 $33.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 953 $150.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 954 -($21.42) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 955 $22.43 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 956 $51.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 957 $14.94 Elizabeth Ricks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 958 $49.82 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 959 $289.62 Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 96 $52.90 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 960 $9.20 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 961 $138.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 962 $42.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 963 $124.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 964 $196.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 965 $20.30 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 966 $8.22 Heidi Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 967 $79.38 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 968 $11.00 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 969 $107.99 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 97 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 970 $25.43 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 971 $52.72 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 972 $103.59 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 973 $118.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 974 $27.52 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 975 $15.89 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 976 $49.12 Hardman, Michael Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 977 $7.41 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 978 $9.72 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 979 $17.98 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 98 $275.59 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 980 -($61.62) Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 981 $155.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 982 $38.64 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 983 $24.99 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 984 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 985 $2.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 986 $42.18 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 987 $25.30 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 988 $379.98 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 989 $60.93 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 99 $25.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 990 $375.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 991 $7.64 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 992 $117.00 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 993 $117.00 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 994 $149.99 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 995 $14.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 996 $13.96 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 997 51.9 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 998 $6.49 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
11/30/2022 999 $51.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/12/2022
32942679 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93747 12/12/2022
Mileage 11.1-11.30 $47.10 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 93746 12/12/2022
Mileage 11.28-12.9 $54.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93748 12/12/2022
S-2014-29402 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 93745 12/12/2022
Supply Reimb 12.12 $11.71 Lawrence, Brianna Lawrence, Brianna Rigby ID 93749 12/12/2022
V382137 $20.00 General Supplies & Materials Kathryn McLain Rigby ID 2229 12/12/2022
June Bill Backs $1,826.79 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
June Bill Backs $4,159.19 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
June Bill Backs $84.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
June Bill Backs $154.76 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
June Bill Backs $1,031.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
June Bill Backs $224.58 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
June Bill Backs $31.12 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
June Bill Backs $136.11 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
June Bill Backs $1,961.69 Flex Fund Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $302.06 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $106.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $75.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $1,700.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $172.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $10.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $2,020.89 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $47.65 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $60.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $46.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov Bill Backs $31.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $78.52 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $57.40 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $297.79 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $107.63 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $268.03 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $96.89 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $207.01 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $85.88 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $50.23 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $193.75 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $25.84 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $45.21 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $28.70 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $85.66 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $107.66 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Nov.-Dec. Payroll $134.55 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166915 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $756.91 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $308.19 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $82.56 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $1,713.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $19.06 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $1,481.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs -($63.08) Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $1,724.89 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $4.99 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $283.92 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $42.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct Bill Backs $14.99 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166917 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $159.70 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $7.19 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $215.52 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $0.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $1.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $0.51 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $39.27 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $1.19 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $0.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $0.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $2.38 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $1.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
Oct-Nov Sales Tax $0.91 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166916 12/12/2022
32957496 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93751 12/13/2022
32967713 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93751 12/13/2022
33014523 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93751 12/13/2022
Drivers Ed Reimb $170.00 Driver Education Student Revenue Escobar, Martha Rigby ID 93750 12/13/2022
Mileage 10.18-10.27 $83.20 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 93756 12/13/2022
Mileage 10.6-10.17 $65.90 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 93756 12/13/2022
Mileage 8.25-9.6 $49.35 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 93756 12/13/2022
Mileage 8.30-12.13 $340.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Smith, Kimberly Rigby ID 93755 12/13/2022
Mileage 9.13-9.22 $64.55 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 93756 12/13/2022
Mileage 9.23-10.6 $88.25 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 93756 12/13/2022
Mileage 9.7-9.13 $58.50 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 93756 12/13/2022
November 2022 $48.19 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $75.06 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $13.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $1,488.02 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $87.30 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $2,775.21 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $8.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $8.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $1,127.93 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $317.74 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $1,883.76 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $2,006.56 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $109.94 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $4,071.56 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $13.79 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $2,213.15 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $103.37 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $7,896.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $6,705.88 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $17.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $35.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $2,658.81 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $290.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $4,202.35 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $8.81 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $8.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $14,495.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $1,595.41 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $350.71 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $33.58 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
November 2022 $1,055.84 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2022
Principal Mentor $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hancock, Dallin Menan ID 93752 12/13/2022
Principal Mentor PD $127.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Parkes, Barry Idaho Falls ID 93754 12/13/2022
School ImprovementPD $127.00 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93753 12/13/2022
Rise VB $100.00 Supplies & Materials Jessica Erhardt Rigby Id 179 12/13/2022
V878872 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Rigby High School RIGBY ID 180 12/13/2022
Conference reimb $329.21 Supplies & Materials Ohman, Brittany Idaho Falls ID 1488223 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $48.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $124.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $79.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $102.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $84.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $129.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $129.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $79.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $215.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $258.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $25.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $48.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $124.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Dec 2022 payroll $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $2.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $7.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $50.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $1.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $28.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $11.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $1.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $65.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $1,132.37 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $61.02 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $178.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax -($61.02) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $16.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $34.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $53.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $37.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $10.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Nov 2022 Sales Tax $25.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $77.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $337.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $36.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $1,920.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $74.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $127.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $120.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $49.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $23.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $30.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $16.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $176.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $103.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $32.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $100.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $56.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $42.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $685.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $454.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $400.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $99.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $120.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $234.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $87.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $79.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $32.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $14.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $62.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $28.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $285.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $11.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $79.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $128.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $220.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $821.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $56.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $420.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $17.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $617.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $59.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $33.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $16.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $379.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $1,351.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $445.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $445.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $614.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $63.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $87.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $462.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $22.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $22.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $145.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $34.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $41.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $1.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $324.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $58.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $3,232.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $71.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $10.99 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $66.90 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $326.20 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $104.95 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $227.96 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $29.62 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $31.72 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $920.60 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $104.39 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $48.01 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $53.00 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $108.00 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $31.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $48.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $7.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $104.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $14.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $167.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $167.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $196.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $23.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $140.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $45.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $27.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $15.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $282.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $29.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $255.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $130.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $49.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $5.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $21.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $351.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $32.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $276.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $404.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $40.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $77.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $77.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $89.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $212.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $109.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $80.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $1,790.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $110.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $144.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $81.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $80.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $213.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $47.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $417.92 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $79.77 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $47.56 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $100.96 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $21.45 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $39.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $136.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $76.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $2.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $38.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $19.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $205.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $394.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $684.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $75.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $321.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $69.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $484.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $191.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $1,075.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $5.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $5,125.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $200.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $239.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $10.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $1,665.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $41.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $102.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $59.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $43.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $24.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $24.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $621.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $147.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $147.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $79.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $21.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $20.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $8.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $17.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $22.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $46.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $4.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $15.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $22.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $41.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $33.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $56.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $33.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $23.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $768.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $135.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $372.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $13.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $19.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $16.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $72.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $659.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $77.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $1,007.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $2,341.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $125.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $19.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $248.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $115.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $14.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $343.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $101.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $128.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $48.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $67.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $1,466.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $83.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $48.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $467.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $31.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back -($60.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $260.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back -($35.52) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $167.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $710.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $41.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $462.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $55.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $42.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $126.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $55.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $1,457.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $90.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $135.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $5.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $167.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $359.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
Sept 22 Bill Back $58.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488219 12/13/2022
State Fball gas reim $470.41 Supplies & Materials Gardener, Lee Rigby ID 1488218 12/13/2022
StuCo  Conf Refund $100.00 Supplies & Materials Kimber, Benjamin Rigby ID 1488221 12/13/2022
StuCo Conf Refund $275.00 Supplies & Materials NewMyer, Alyssa Rigby ID 1488222 12/13/2022
StuCo Conf Refund $175.00 Supplies & Materials Peterson, Sabrina Rigby ID 1488224 12/13/2022
Tim Matthews wrest $275.00 Supplies & Materials Jerome High School Jerome ID 1488220 12/13/2022
Mileage 10.28-11.17 $61.65 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 93758 12/14/2022
Mileage 11.28-12.12 $60.20 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 93758 12/14/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $50.35 Student Lunch Sales Searle, Katie Rigby ID 93757 12/14/2022
FT_ART_12_14_22 $276.00 Purchased Services Artitorium on Broadway Idaho Falls ID 2007 12/14/2022
FT_MOI_12_14_22 $348.00 Purchased Services Museum of Idaho Idaho Falls ID 2006 12/14/2022
Reemb_12_2_22 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Anita Lindstrom Rigby ID 2008 12/14/2022
Polar Express $209.74 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166918 12/14/2022
Supply Reimb 12.15 -($441.76) Supplies & Materials Fife, Cheryl Idaho Falls ID 93759 12/15/2022
Supply Reimb 12.15 $441.76 Supplies & Materials Fife, Cheryl Idaho Falls ID 93759 12/15/2022
Supply Reimb 12.15 $441.76 Supplies & Materials Fife, Deja Charese Rigby ID 93760 12/15/2022
AT -00161 $180.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
AT -00162 $225.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
AT -00163 $193.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
AT -00181 $384.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
AT-00224 $209.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
AT-00225 $213.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $139.37 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $5.30 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $59.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $1,315.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $17.05 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $39.05 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $83.74 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $200.56 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $51.28 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $49.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $233.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $4.12 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $22.55 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $85.93 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $49.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $15.98 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $170.98 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $83.63 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $80.93 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $83.55 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $13.96 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $195.71 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
Billbacks Nov 22/23 $110.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 182 12/15/2022
FM-00245 $322.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00250 $210.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00256 $318.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00257 $208.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00258 $201.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00284 $260.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00287 $114.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00291 $562.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00310 $171.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00311 $180.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00312 $958.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00337 $207.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00338 $373.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00345 $412.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00362 $302.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00363 $185.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FM-00378 $112.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FMS 9-22-22 CC $191.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FMS-00197 $101.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FMS-00226 $378.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FMS-00275 $248.80 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
FMS-00339 $176.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 184 12/15/2022
Honor Choir FMS $875.00 Purchases Services IDACDA  IMEA Middle School Twin Falls ID 181 12/15/2022
Reimb Science 2022 $52.98 Supplies & Materials Kitty Forbush Rigby ID 183 12/15/2022
Mileage 12.1-12.13 $54.95 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93761 12/16/2022
Mileage 12.1-12.16 $30.80 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 93764 12/16/2022
Mileage 12.14-12.15 $14.00 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93761 12/16/2022
PrePdLnchRfnd $145.78 Student Lunch Sales Barton, Heidi Rigby ID 93763 12/16/2022
Supply Reimb 12.16 $129.04 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 93762 12/16/2022
V114437 $1,702.99 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/16/2022
V131455 $4,193.29 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 12/16/2022
V147909 $144,992.53 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/16/2022
V152050 -($955.21) PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/16/2022
V211106 $399,227.33 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93765 12/16/2022
V310180 $3,411.46 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93765 12/16/2022
V345472 $3,133.92 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93765 12/16/2022
V4737 $7,281.80 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/16/2022
V492184 $292,015.03 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/16/2022
V557392 $327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 12/16/2022
V622561 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 12/16/2022
V674329 $3,800.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43933 12/16/2022
V726358 $31,637.87 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93765 12/16/2022
V791213 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 12/16/2022
V819086 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 12/16/2022
V932836 $34,118.46 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/16/2022
V991326 $12,903.67 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93765 12/16/2022
V643439 $725.00 Fees & Charges BYU-Idaho Rexburg ID 3874 12/16/2022
12-8-22 Statement $24.57 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488231 12/16/2022
12-8-22 Statement $2,472.79 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488231 12/16/2022
12-9-22 Statement TF $69.99 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1488232 12/16/2022
126863 sept/oct/nov $57.00 Supplies & Materials Western Recycling-Curbside Idaho Falls ID 1488233 12/16/2022
26432 tees/hoodies $218.36 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1488229 12/16/2022
Battle Royal entry $350.00 Supplies & Materials Mountain Ridge High School Herriman UT 1488230 12/16/2022
Fball Expenses $370.70 Supplies & Materials Flowers, Aaron Rigby ID 1488228 12/16/2022
HCC Duals entry $325.00 Supplies & Materials BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488225 12/16/2022
INV-26833 $325.00 Supplies & Materials BUCKS BAGS BOISE ID 1488226 12/16/2022
JV Wrestling entry $175.00 Supplies & Materials BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488225 12/16/2022
Water Polo Goal $450.00 Supplies & Materials Bundy, Jake Iona ID 1488227 12/16/2022
1097 $126.67 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 57166919 12/16/2022
1100 $3,222.29 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 57166919 12/16/2022
$4,880.16 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,425.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,227.23 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,444.81 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,769.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,336.47 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$828.74 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$453.52 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Rebecca Sue  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,065.10 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,162.78 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$432.59 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Julie Lazenby  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,429.52 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,449.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Tori Jan  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,086.10 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,406.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,841.70 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,078.20 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,819.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,070.07 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$24.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Preston D  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,605.59 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$489.44 GROSS PAYROLL Bagley, Lisa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$415.30 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$262.46 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Jennifer Robin  Lewsiville ID 0 12/16/2022
$77.48 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Ronda Fielding  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,429.80 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,470.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$55.99 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,125.96 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,286.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,789.39 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,673.95 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,729.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,479.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,122.36 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Nicole Lynette  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,078.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$671.74 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$915.96 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,830.19 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$70.05 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,833.96 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,752.45 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,341.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$194.16 GROSS PAYROLL Billman, Alicia Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,018.29 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$860.82 GROSS PAYROLL Black, Marly Olaso  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,935.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,647.42 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$621.07 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,380.10 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$799.55 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,079.19 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,688.75 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,138.66 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 12/16/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Dale R  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, LeGrand R  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,669.41 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,922.80 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,599.34 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,583.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,127.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$965.89 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 12/16/2022
$1,072.44 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$733.45 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,589.29 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Macady   Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Rodney R  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,825.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$905.15 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,084.73 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,465.86 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,153.55 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,245.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$953.40 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,420.86 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$361.04 GROSS PAYROLL Bunting, Amy Nicole  Pleasant Grive UT 0 12/16/2022
$321.06 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Dona Jeanne  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,157.75 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$137.13 GROSS PAYROLL Burke, Hannah Kimberly  Ashton ID 0 12/16/2022
$946.77 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$473.69 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$568.79 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$296.89 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$117.00 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Malcom O  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,232.77 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,531.37 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,388.01 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,296.71 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$813.44 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$925.11 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,741.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cancino Saldana, Cristina Mabel  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$474.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$816.83 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Carlen, Hailey Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,082.12 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$194.93 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Jennifer Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$678.65 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Alli   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carrillo, Taeli Olivia  Meridian ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,012.38 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,258.71 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,546.45 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,796.57 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$839.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$892.12 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,793.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$996.11 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Holly Ann  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,490.88 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Russell Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,274.61 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$848.59 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,669.25 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$727.71 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$114.45 GROSS PAYROLL Coberly, Iayn Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,098.28 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$983.07 GROSS PAYROLL Collier, Samuel Christopher  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,509.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,299.87 GROSS PAYROLL Cook Marthis, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$905.25 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,497.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,392.64 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,011.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 12/16/2022
$796.02 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,692.81 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$953.40 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$846.47 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,351.93 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$605.49 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$43.82 GROSS PAYROLL Crapo, Connor R  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$691.72 GROSS PAYROLL Crawford, Megan Elaine  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,022.64 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$779.78 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$31.93 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Hannah Otera  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,754.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,926.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$682.91 GROSS PAYROLL Curtis, Chelsea Anne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$344.59 GROSS PAYROLL Cushatt, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$747.83 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$193.27 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Jordyn   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,249.22 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,101.82 GROSS PAYROLL Danielson, Adrian Jason  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,737.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,841.30 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Marshall Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,278.51 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,102.57 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,040.23 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,343.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,153.42 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,527.78 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,554.55 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$613.06 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,977.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Elizabeth Marlow  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Josephine Marlowe  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,963.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,908.69 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$395.15 GROSS PAYROLL Earl, Kristy Marie  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$688.45 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,685.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$440.00 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Nathan Gordon  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$180.06 GROSS PAYROLL Eldridge, Raylene Bartoli  Provo UT 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$175.86 GROSS PAYROLL Emerson, Paige Raeann Valate  Nine Mile Falls WA 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$860.29 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,018.85 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,917.91 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Martha Beatriz  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,166.49 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$258.98 GROSS PAYROLL Faneus, Rebecca Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,524.75 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,386.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$783.27 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$223.16 GROSS PAYROLL Flinders, Peggy Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,078.76 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$851.37 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,232.33 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$566.88 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,751.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,211.83 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,108.64 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$725.39 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,177.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$924.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Kelsi Kae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,047.37 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,113.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,329.04 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$110.53 GROSS PAYROLL Fulton, Linda Christine  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$394.34 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$415.56 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,568.81 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,399.82 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,957.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,494.53 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,251.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,516.54 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$49.55 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Brittany Sue  Riverside CA 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,368.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$803.01 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$983.66 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,010.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,006.90 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$622.56 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,311.86 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,118.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,188.23 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,571.08 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,040.39 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,476.94 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,100.50 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,602.45 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,124.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$862.23 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,686.83 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,737.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$351.02 GROSS PAYROLL Gutierrez, Alexis Olivia  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,527.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,673.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$948.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$573.30 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,041.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,416.32 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,279.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,485.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,662.39 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,817.55 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,355.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,189.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$326.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Rinnie Dora  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,760.38 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$373.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Stacey Diane  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,162.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$343.18 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jamie Jo  Apple Valley MN 0 12/16/2022
$597.42 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$473.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$600.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Cara Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,328.41 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$303.60 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$926.75 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$649.70 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,132.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,092.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$675.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Ginnie Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,737.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,796.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,082.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,628.30 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$806.62 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,825.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 12/16/2022
$170.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hendrix, Avrey D R  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,066.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,072.56 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$975.04 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,113.16 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,425.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,633.48 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$845.38 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,839.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,744.71 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,361.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,677.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,461.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$575.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$83.58 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$623.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$677.42 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$173.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hoppie, Katherine Marie  League City TX 0 12/16/2022
$4,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$56.88 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Stacey Bell  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,710.17 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 12/16/2022
$261.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,395.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,630.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,913.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,125.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,623.53 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$469.26 GROSS PAYROLL Ireland, Connor James  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,213.51 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$514.95 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,807.46 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,844.29 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,603.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,126.94 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,138.98 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$892.48 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$815.36 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,819.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$600.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,570.86 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,123.48 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$132.61 GROSS PAYROLL Jenson, Nikylia K  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,033.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,183.97 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,444.42 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,105.29 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,825.12 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,425.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,323.77 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$745.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$696.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,122.19 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Hailey Claireese  Rigby Id 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$218.11 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Mariah Darlene  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,622.77 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,164.72 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,802.27 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$982.83 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,002.83 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,167.81 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,307.57 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,557.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,025.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,506.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$926.83 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,030.18 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,880.48 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,639.81 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,780.73 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,203.23 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,264.29 GROSS PAYROLL Kristensen, Emma   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$9,558.58 GROSS PAYROLL Langford, Angela Renee  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$57.60 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Rochelle Cardon  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$652.47 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,820.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$475.32 GROSS PAYROLL Laybourn, Stephani Colleen  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,145.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,942.79 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$752.03 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$884.88 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Xiomara   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,165.43 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Benjamin F  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$474.52 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,623.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,632.19 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$9,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,037.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,185.40 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,111.10 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$583.01 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$671.02 GROSS PAYROLL Mair, Melissa Lin  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$808.39 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,402.07 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,602.84 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,515.31 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,383.30 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Amber Nichole  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$718.19 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Nathan Joseph  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$257.84 GROSS PAYROLL Mayberry, Christa Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,059.65 GROSS PAYROLL McBride, Nina Celeste  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$54.18 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Anthony Royce  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,976.97 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,470.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,366.21 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$597.56 GROSS PAYROLL Mengel, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$721.44 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$269.98 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Adrianne Johnson  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$617.27 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$85.01 GROSS PAYROLL Merriman, Alisha Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,376.39 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,586.06 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Emily Autumn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,816.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,694.68 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Torrie L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$69.03 GROSS PAYROLL Moedl, Allyx Oborn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,572.38 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$85.41 GROSS PAYROLL Moody, Jessica Johanna  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,181.74 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,387.46 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,340.92 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,369.19 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$676.93 GROSS PAYROLL Morgan, Kyrstin Rachel  Santaquin UT 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,654.45 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$618.82 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,568.60 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,988.99 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$143.08 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Jacqualyn Elise  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,906.80 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,278.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$544.45 GROSS PAYROLL Newman, Beth Ellen  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$803.16 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,214.15 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$994.99 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$575.32 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 12/16/2022
$1,274.29 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,278.60 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,552.91 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$165.29 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,734.94 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,360.19 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,140.57 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,226.61 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,084.51 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,043.62 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 12/16/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$791.99 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,678.51 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,908.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 12/16/2022
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$643.89 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$623.94 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,796.98 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,377.26 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$734.50 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,563.52 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,618.10 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,246.01 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$112.59 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Erin A  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$739.14 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,115.38 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$780.41 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$305.12 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Trisha Beal  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,292.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$860.16 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Kuniko Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Rachel Deniel  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,152.71 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$158.22 GROSS PAYROLL Porras, Martin R  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$507.20 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Whittney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poulsen, Charlee R  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,180.25 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,213.09 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$238.76 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Traci Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,388.55 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$654.03 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,655.93 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,675.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,387.69 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,890.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,255.38 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Reid, Jonathan Michael  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$358.90 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$53.49 GROSS PAYROLL Richins, Stephen Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,752.18 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,299.49 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$525.72 GROSS PAYROLL Ricter, Korina Noel  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$42.14 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,127.66 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$491.11 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Sheela Mae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$48.76 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Cassie Janiel  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,555.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,127.50 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$617.14 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Elizabeth Ida  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,069.77 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,319.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,388.20 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,662.66 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,083.94 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,770.89 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$726.54 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$531.83 GROSS PAYROLL Rowland, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$327.81 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Brooke Janae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,460.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,393.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$207.76 GROSS PAYROLL Sathre, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$937.78 GROSS PAYROLL Sautter, Macy Michelle  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,816.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$241.36 GROSS PAYROLL Scadden, Sarah Jane  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,775.37 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,031.56 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,267.52 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice Hulet  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$309.24 GROSS PAYROLL Scholz, Analiese   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$710.66 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,100.57 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$972.91 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,302.12 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,341.01 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,000.30 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,548.33 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,397.54 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Janessa Kay  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$185.79 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer Boyle  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,193.97 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily Rose  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$46.79 GROSS PAYROLL Shields, Samuel David  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$7,865.15 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,201.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,102.26 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$778.04 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$685.14 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,843.70 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$882.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$810.38 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$979.14 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,008.09 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$211.88 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,085.63 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,759.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,016.95 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$150.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Miriam Pleasant Fisher  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,063.34 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,466.75 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$282.19 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,006.32 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$112.15 GROSS PAYROLL Snyder, Stephanie Nicole  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$985.47 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,508.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,013.09 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$10,070.17 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,401.86 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,044.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Jamilyn Miller  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,192.03 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,103.30 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,066.72 GROSS PAYROLL Stephen, Audrey Jean  Papillion NE 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stibal, Faith Lindsay  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$910.16 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,034.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,602.50 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$439.40 GROSS PAYROLL Stoltenberg, Tambra Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stout, Emily Jean  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,269.79 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$841.55 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 12/16/2022
$163.52 GROSS PAYROLL Sudweeks, Loretta Shaver  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$237.69 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,363.83 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$629.62 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,069.05 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,889.53 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,944.73 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$320.36 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,242.09 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,547.37 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,018.04 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,324.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 12/16/2022
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,042.90 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$887.16 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$280.43 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,890.05 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,131.16 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,719.03 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Zachary Michael  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$638.27 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,133.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,328.19 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,115.50 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 12/16/2022
$155.88 GROSS PAYROLL Traveller, Claire Elise  Twin Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,017.97 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 12/16/2022
$585.90 GROSS PAYROLL Trost, Bradley W  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$274.99 GROSS PAYROLL Tsosie, Amber Christine  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,658.47 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,491.69 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$599.19 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,435.39 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,004.69 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,091.21 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$972.80 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,411.59 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,099.69 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,195.53 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,170.84 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,141.38 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,571.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,717.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$999.90 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$248.02 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,088.70 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,103.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,158.47 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,850.09 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$407.20 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,373.67 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$995.98 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,854.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,681.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,751.98 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,075.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$525.65 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,079.90 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,033.81 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,670.68 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,105.02 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$91.82 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,575.75 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$2,373.20 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 12/16/2022
$1,257.37 GROSS PAYROLL Widdison, Grant Harold  Sallisaw OK 0 12/16/2022
$603.07 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,893.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, McKenzie Taylor  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$563.73 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 12/16/2022
$200.34 GROSS PAYROLL Winchester, Heidi Luke  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,009.15 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$456.14 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$436.26 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,424.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,891.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,045.45 GROSS PAYROLL Wu, Stephanie Alyssa  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$269.51 GROSS PAYROLL Yeaman, Mindi Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,663.86 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,065.64 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$42.06 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,103.53 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,500.24 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$799.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$6,752.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/16/2022
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 12/16/2022
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 12/16/2022
$3,150.05 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 12/16/2022
$1,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Edward Buck  Idaho Falls ID 62289 12/16/2022
$1,600.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Todd C  Rigby ID 62290 12/16/2022
$733.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Erica   Rigby ID 62291 12/16/2022
$51.52 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Timothy B  Rigby ID 62292 12/16/2022
$381.43 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 62293 12/16/2022
$84.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hewitt, Zachary R  Rigby ID 62294 12/16/2022
$87.44 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Hector   Lewisville ID 62295 12/16/2022
$63.37 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Josue   Lewisville ID 62296 12/16/2022
$109.78 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Sublym I  Rigby ID 62297 12/16/2022
$100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Dylan J  Idaho Falls ID 62298 12/16/2022
$684.81 GROSS PAYROLL Maloney, Holly Jayne  Rigby ID 62299 12/16/2022
$83.33 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Easton Randolph  Rigby ID 62300 12/16/2022
$13.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62301 12/16/2022
$60.86 GROSS PAYROLL Roque, Arturo   Roberts ID 62302 12/16/2022
$120.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 62303 12/16/2022
$83.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Justin Robert  Rigby ID 62304 12/16/2022
$823.73 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62305 12/16/2022
$325.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dunn, Daphny   Rexburg ID 62306 12/16/2022
$91.14 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Maggy Marie  Rigby ID 62307 12/16/2022
$274.53 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Presley Marie  Ammon ID 62308 12/16/2022
$54.60 GROSS PAYROLL Carrillo, Sayexi   Rigby ID 62309 12/16/2022
$66.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nunez, Naomi Rosalia  Rigby ID 62310 12/16/2022
$295.25 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62311 12/16/2022
$401.09 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62312 12/16/2022
$222.22 GROSS PAYROLL McClellan, Jorelle Susanne  Rigby ID 62313 12/16/2022
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Treasure, Hailey   Rigby ID 62314 12/16/2022
$522.90 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Caleb Richard  Rigby ID 62315 12/16/2022
$483.84 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Katelyn Irene  Hamilton MO 62316 12/16/2022
$782.53 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62317 12/16/2022
$512.18 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62318 12/16/2022
$1,066.66 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 62319 12/16/2022
$1,094.42 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62320 12/16/2022
$1,799.60 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62321 12/16/2022
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 62322 12/16/2022
$1,095.91 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 62323 12/16/2022
$764.52 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62324 12/16/2022
$2,776.91 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62325 12/16/2022
$2,484.37 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62326 12/16/2022
$2,244.28 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62327 12/16/2022
December 2022 (1) $19.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/19/2022
November 2022 (1) $19.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/19/2022
33001721 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93766 12/20/2022
33006008 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93766 12/20/2022
33014522 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93766 12/20/2022
33014524 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93766 12/20/2022
V951394 $112.00 Purchased Services Culligan Idaho Falls ID 2113 12/20/2022
B.Gho 218377612 $70.00 Fast Foward BYU-Idaho Rexburg ID 93767 12/21/2022
November 2022 $1,877.68 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $524.28 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $1,297.62 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $2,931.01 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $2,548.78 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $2,054.93 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $4,007.11 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $1,480.92 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $2,044.66 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $12,178.25 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $97.75 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 $1,435.03 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
November 2022 (1) $2,195.90 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/22/2022
33127182 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93769 1/2/2023
41334088 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93768 1/2/2023
V459968 $533.81 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1677 1/2/2023
V791820 $11.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1676 1/2/2023
AmericanBoardReimb $195.00 IDEA Professional Development Noel, Danielle Rigby ID 93774 1/3/2023
BlueJeansConfPD2023 $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 93770 1/3/2023
BlueJeansConfPD2023 -($102.00) IDEA Professional Development Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 93770 1/3/2023
BlueJeansConfPD2023 $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Douglass, Kathleen Idaho Falls ID 93771 1/3/2023
BlueJeansConfPD2023 $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Duffey, Julian Beecher Idaho Falls ID 93772 1/3/2023
BlueJeansConfPD2023 $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93773 1/3/2023
BlueJeansConfPD2023 $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 93778 1/3/2023
Fingerprints 1.3.23 $10,000.00 Business Services State Dept. of Education... BOISE ID 93779 1/3/2023
IABE PD $102.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 93777 1/3/2023
ISBA Hotel Reimb $789.85 Board Travel Peterson, Michael Rigby ID 93776 1/3/2023
MembershipReimb $35.00 District Office Services Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 93775 1/3/2023
1215, gym banners $294.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488242 1/3/2023
1216 Christmas tees $826.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488242 1/3/2023
38311 $476.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488236 1/3/2023
4356 Team Camp $500.00 Supplies & Materials JORGENSEN, MATHUE Ogden UT 1488238 1/3/2023
7003692 Athletics $4,875.00 Supplies & Materials Daktronics Minneapolis MN 1488237 1/3/2023
Fball playoffs 5A $5,906.27 Supplies & Materials West Ada School District Meridian ID 1488243 1/3/2023
Girls Ririe Rumble $150.00 Supplies & Materials RIRIE HIGH SCHOOL RIRIE ID 1488241 1/3/2023
JV Wrestling entry $165.00 Supplies & Materials MOUNTAIN VIEW HIGH SCHOOL MERIDAN ID 1488239 1/3/2023
Rollie Lane entry $290.00 Supplies & Materials Columbia High School-Nampa Nampa ID 1488235 1/3/2023
Rollie Lane entry $290.00 Supplies & Materials Columbia High School-Nampa Nampa ID 1488235 1/3/2023
RX-290045 Cheer $26.62 Supplies & Materials Alphagraphics-Rexburg Rexburg ID 1488234 1/3/2023
TX Roadhouse reimb $1,953.50 Supplies & Materials Murdock, Cassi Rigby ID 1488240 1/3/2023
2020 $420.00 Purchased Services Hope Creek Embroidery Rigby ID 57166921 1/3/2023
349682 $495.73 Supplies & Materials Carron Net Co, Inc Two Rivers WI 57166920 1/3/2023
CM85103 -($285.97) Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166922 1/3/2023
CM85104 -($148.39) Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166922 1/3/2023
CM863011 -($185.97) Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166922 1/3/2023
INV1027362 $864.38 Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166922 1/3/2023
INV1049966 $129.99 Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166922 1/3/2023
CP336724 $22,013.86 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 1/4/2023
Amb Reimbursement Su $36.55 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
Ambassador Reimburse $182.86 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
AmbassReimburse $34.45 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
AmbassReimbursement $44.77 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
AmbReim $117.21 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
Broulims $33.54 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
CM82266 -($7.80) Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166924 1/4/2023
CM87199 -($16.80) Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166924 1/4/2023
CPS $38.10 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
Dress Rehearsal $72.76 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
HalloweenDanceReim $194.64 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
HalloweenDanceRemb $170.20 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
INV1002948 $139.99 Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166924 1/4/2023
INV992912 $137.79 Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166924 1/4/2023
INV996912 $296.78 Purchased Services Klim Rigby ID 57166924 1/4/2023
PlrExprs $84.86 Ambassador Purchased Services Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
PlrExprs1 $74.73 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
Polar Express1-3 $28.38 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
PolarExpress Picnic $50.23 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
PolarExpressReimb $5.30 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
SantasWorkshop $85.32 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
SantasWorkshp $152.43 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
SantasWrKshop $9.50 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
SantasWrkshp $23.37 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
SantaWorkshop $50.51 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
TchrLunch $148.24 Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
Teacher Lunch $113.82 Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
TeacherLuncheon $83.62 Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57166923 1/4/2023
0000003 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Rapp, Rodney Idaho Falls ID 93816 1/5/2023
01353 $169.00 Purchased Services Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 93806 1/5/2023
01841793 $1,791.85 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93801 1/5/2023
01844400 $171.15 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93801 1/5/2023
04 $489.48 Vendor Services Stanger, Ione Idaho Falls ID 93829 1/5/2023
1009 $975.00 Vendor Services Chad Judy Speech-Language Pathology Idaho Falls ID 93795 1/5/2023
1033 $175.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Designs By Syd Rigby ID 93797 1/5/2023
1045346 $60.32 Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93794 1/5/2023
1045347 $699.45 Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93794 1/5/2023
1045350 $79.69 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93794 1/5/2023
1045360 $258.17 Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93794 1/5/2023
11.7-12.2 $2,791.25 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93805 1/5/2023
12/30/2022 $4,884.19 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 93791 1/5/2023
124 $185.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 93835 1/5/2023
1301172 $8,035.91 Grounds Supplies SiteOne Landscape Supply Holding LLC Roswell GA 93827 1/5/2023
1477600 $2,162.77 Elem Curriculum Supplies Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
1477600 $2,162.76 Sec Curriculum Supplies Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
1497076 $4,882.35 Elem Curriculum Supplies Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
1497076 $4,882.35 Sec Curriculum Supplies Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
1497076 $10,759.70 Software Support Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
1497076 $213.93 Software Support Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
1497076 $1,500.00 Software Support Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
1497458 $642.45 Elem Curriculum Supplies Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
1497458 $642.44 Sec Curriculum Supplies Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
16983 $6,004.00 Grounds Snow Removal Services Smitty's LLC Rigby ID 93828 1/5/2023
18-0157 December2022 $447.72 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93796 1/5/2023
18-0160 December2022 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93796 1/5/2023
18334 $33,300.00 Maintenance Supplies ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 93788 1/5/2023
2022121 $2,200.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $275.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $9,500.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $4,600.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $1,925.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $3,500.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $1,150.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $2,200.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $8,695.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $825.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
2022121 $1,650.00 Emergency Levy School Camera Upgrades Peak Alarm Salt Lake City UT 93814 1/5/2023
208131445373 $2,980.25 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93825 1/5/2023
21stCentGrantConfPD $255.00 Travel/PD Andrews, Tera Rigby ID 93780 1/5/2023
21stCentGrantConfPD $255.00 Travel/PD Green, Dawn Rigby ID 93784 1/5/2023
22-3049 $444.00 Grounds Supplies Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93818 1/5/2023
230103-0010 $346.72 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93799 1/5/2023
23281 $981.53 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23282 $457.28 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23284 $1,100.71 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23306 $524.98 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23309 $700.36 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23312 $698.75 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23313 $357.31 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23315 $309.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23325A $149.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23363 $229.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23364 $484.98 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
23365 $734.01 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93831 1/5/2023
240194077 6 $497.08 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93830 1/5/2023
251-121922-0005 $146.67 Vendor Services Independence O&M Services, LLC Idaho Falls ID 93804 1/5/2023
251249-1 $2,025.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93802 1/5/2023
251250-1 $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93802 1/5/2023
2577578A $320.60 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
2655325A $1,087.20 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 93800 1/5/2023
26894665 $783.64 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93826 1/5/2023
26894666 $77.98 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93826 1/5/2023
26894667 $125.74 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93826 1/5/2023
26913703 $130.15 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93826 1/5/2023
26913704 $374.06 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93826 1/5/2023
26913705 $543.70 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93826 1/5/2023
27L043252 $209.19 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Anixter Glenview IL 93792 1/5/2023
27L043252 $576.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Anixter Glenview IL 93792 1/5/2023
27L043252 $4,440.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Anixter Glenview IL 93792 1/5/2023
27L043273 $1,137.28 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Anixter Glenview IL 93792 1/5/2023
310886 $295.00 District Office Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93808 1/5/2023
33076762 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93783 1/5/2023
41348110 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93782 1/5/2023
5 - 1/2/2023 $2,709.00 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 93824 1/5/2023
5024 $5,000.00 General Supplies Voltstar Productions Idaho Falls ID 93834 1/5/2023
5024 $4,649.00 Auditorium Upgrades Voltstar Productions Idaho Falls ID 93834 1/5/2023
5024 $8,000.00 R3 Theater Voltstar Productions Idaho Falls ID 93834 1/5/2023
689-37012970 $1,098.20 Supplies and Materials Veritiv Operating Company Los Angeles CA 93832 1/5/2023
79091 $58.50 Attorney Fees Anderson Julian & Hull Boise ID 93790 1/5/2023
8115865 -($248.85) Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93812 1/5/2023
8115865 (1) $472.97 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93812 1/5/2023
8173461 $810.04 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93812 1/5/2023
8181367 $3,194.65 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93812 1/5/2023
881243 $1,375.55 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 93811 1/5/2023
885176 $1,381.65 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 93811 1/5/2023
89415290000985 $661.10 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93793 1/5/2023
894512 $380.93 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93793 1/5/2023
914856 $750.00 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Imagine Learning Provo UT 93803 1/5/2023
962413570 463.02 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93809 1/5/2023
962413570 463.01 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93809 1/5/2023
A. Gundry ($300.00) Autumn Gundry Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
A. Gundry $300.00 Autumn Gundry Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Art Supplies -($25.00) Art EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Art Supplies $25.00 Art EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
August 2022 $1,260.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 93817 1/5/2023
Band -($7,589.41) Band EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Band $7,589.41 Band EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Bond, Series 2018 $500.00 Bank Fees Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 93836 1/5/2023
Bond, Series 2019 $500.00 Bank Fees Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 93836 1/5/2023
Choir -($1,079.95) Choir EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Choir $1,079.95 Choir EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
FMS 12.6.22 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93813 1/5/2023
Funds transfers -($25.00) Art EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Funds transfers $25.00 Art EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Funds transfers -($7,589.41) Band EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Funds transfers $7,589.41 Band EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Funds transfers -($1,079.95) Choir EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Funds transfers $1,079.95 Choir EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Funds transfers -($300.00) Autumn Gundry Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Funds transfers $300.00 Autumn Gundry Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Funds transfers $40.00 RMS Pre Engineering Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Funds transfers -($40.00) RMS Pre Engineering Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
I230102425 $310.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Roto-Rooter Menan id 93822 1/5/2023
IN109203 $800.00 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93833 1/5/2023
IN109203 $71.99 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93833 1/5/2023
INV328605 $11,230.97 Elem Curriculum Supplies PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93815 1/5/2023
INV328605 $11,230.97 Sec Curriculum Supplies PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93815 1/5/2023
INV328605 $46,000.00 Software Support PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93815 1/5/2023
INV328605 $30,000.00 District Services PowerSchool Group LLC Los Angeles CA 93815 1/5/2023
J.Hurley B Bball $175.00 RHS Boys Basketball Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93820 1/5/2023
January 2023 $3,949.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 93798 1/5/2023
LBLA2343604 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93789 1/5/2023
LBLA2343604 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93789 1/5/2023
LBLA2345612 $61.27 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93789 1/5/2023
LBLA2345612 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93789 1/5/2023
LBLA2347594  $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93789 1/5/2023
LBLA2347594  $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93789 1/5/2023
LBLA2351600 $103.17 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93789 1/5/2023
LBLA2351600 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93789 1/5/2023
November 2022 $13,698.50 Medicaid Purchased Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 93817 1/5/2023
November 2022 $8,720.85 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 93823 1/5/2023
October 2022 (1) $2,038.75 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 93823 1/5/2023
Pre-Engineering $40.00 RMS Pre Engineering Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
Pre-Engineering -($40.00) RMS Pre Engineering Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93821 1/5/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $27.05 Student Lunch Sales Cardenas, Rosa Rigby ID 93781 1/5/2023
RHS 12.6.22 $115.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93813 1/5/2023
RM11108 $4,702.50 Software Support MCCI St. Louis MO 93810 1/5/2023
RMS 12.6.22 $89.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93813 1/5/2023
RPA00050070040 $143.23 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 93807 1/5/2023
Shareholder Fees $197.00 Purchased Services Rigby Canal Company Rigby ID 93819 1/5/2023
Summer School 2022 $840.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 93817 1/5/2023
SupplyReimb1.5.23 $271.55 Supplies & Materials Phillips, Karey Brooke Rigby ID 93786 1/5/2023
SupplyReimb1.5.23 $320.00 ESSER SEL Supplies Phillips, Karey Brooke Rigby ID 93786 1/5/2023
TPT Reimb 1.4.23 $46.89 Teacher Budget Mabey, Marlene Idaho Falls ID 93785 1/5/2023
Travel PD 1.5-1.7 $204.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Oliverson, Spencer Rigby ID 93787 1/5/2023
574050 Blacksnake $393.00 Supplies & Materials POCATELLO HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488244 1/5/2023
586346862 $4,020.00 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 93839 1/6/2023
Mileage 11.29-12.9 $17.60 In District Mileage Reimbursement Boyer, Tanner Idaho Falls ID 93837 1/6/2023
Mileage 8.22-12-16 $717.75 In District Mileage Reimbursement Cook, Erin Rigby ID 93838 1/6/2023
111100052038 $4,416.00 Supplies & Materials DocuSign Inc Lockbox Dallas TX 1488251 1/6/2023
558336 3XL Hoodie $28.00 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE CLOTHING RIGBY ID 1488248 1/6/2023
Additional YB Tees $85.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488246 1/6/2023
Ardis Nash GW entry $175.00 Supplies & Materials Homedale High School Homedale ID 1488245 1/6/2023
Cheer Comp Entry $250.00 Supplies & Materials Upper Valley Classic Dance & Cheer Rexburg ID 1488253 1/6/2023
Cheer Comp Entry -($250.00) Supplies & Materials Upper Valley Classic Dance & Cheer Rexburg ID 1488253 1/6/2023
DE overpmt $70.00 Supplies & Materials Wilson, Cannon Rigby ID 1488254 1/6/2023
FFA Day on the Hill $120.00 Supplies & Materials NW Agricultural Cooperative Council Turnwater WA 1488252 1/6/2023
Handbell Conference $1,345.00 Supplies & Materials Area 10 Handbell Musicians of America Nampa ID 1488249 1/6/2023
Handbell Conference -($1,345.00) Supplies & Materials Area 10 Handbell Musicians of America Nampa ID 1488249 1/6/2023
Late fee $10.00 Supplies & Materials WASHINGTON MUSIC EDUCATORS ASSOC. LYNNWOOD WA 1488247 1/6/2023
Renaissance crews $4,178.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488246 1/6/2023
SR Handbell Conf reg $1,290.00 Supplies & Materials Area 10 Handbell Musicians of America Nampa ID 1488250 1/6/2023
GBB MS Tournament $520.86 Purchased Services Upper Snake River Valley Conference Idaho Falls ID 57166925 1/6/2023
11382 $875.24 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Pasadena CA 93840 1/9/2023
33179868 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93841 1/9/2023
33179869 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93841 1/9/2023
ID1022-1569 $9,322.00 Grounds Services Jefferson Elem Picture Perfect Playgrounds Ashton ID 93844 1/9/2023
Travel PD 1.6-1.7 $102.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 93842 1/9/2023
TravelPD 1.6-1.7 $102.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 93843 1/9/2023
2017HopeCreek $1,947.81 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
2161:00740609TV $72.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
277174 $1,178.95 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
4199349696 $18.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
4199350428Pepsi $689.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
475533 $200.00 Shakespeare Team Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
AmberlySnyder $1,200.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
B.Flower $672.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
BurlapFlower $266.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
HHS CC $100.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
Holly Larsen $38.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
IFHS VB Tourney $300.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
Jami Staker Reimburs $406.73 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
jamistaker1 $189.16 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
jamistaker2 $881.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
JamiStaker3 $171.56 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
MC Hometown $708.75 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
MuseumofIdaho $48.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
Pre-Engineering FT $140.00 Purchased Services Museum of Idaho Idaho Falls ID 57166927 1/10/2023
RHS Homecoming YB $10.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
RHSCC $40.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
RHSNJHS $10.00 Purchase Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
Skyline HS $200.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
Texas Roadhouse $1,482.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
W. Jeff Cross Countr $50.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166926 1/10/2023
13892 $18.00 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Speedy CPS, LLC Rigby ID 57166929 1/11/2023
13929 $132.06 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Speedy CPS, LLC Rigby ID 57166929 1/11/2023
2161:00783064 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166930 1/11/2023
Nov.Dec. Sales Tax $149.37 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166928 1/11/2023
Nov.Dec. Sales Tax $1.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166928 1/11/2023
Nov.Dec. Sales Tax $121.74 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166928 1/11/2023
Nov.Dec. Sales Tax $6.51 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166928 1/11/2023
Nov.Dec. Sales Tax $144.97 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166928 1/11/2023
Nov.Dec. Sales Tax $0.79 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166928 1/11/2023
Nov.Dec. Sales Tax $0.79 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166928 1/11/2023
12/31/2022 1 $79.72 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 10 $14.80 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 100 -($15.26) Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1000 $13.95 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1001 30.41 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1002 9.55 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1003 $8.18 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1004 $173.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1005 $18.10 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1006 $199.50 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1007 $18.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1008 $7.95 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1009 $506.22 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 101 $2,197.93 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1010 $17.20 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1011 $28.00 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1012 $31.79 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1013 $440.52 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1014 $24.74 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1015 $17.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1016 $289.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1017 $503.28 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1018 $309.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1019 $590.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 102 $49.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1020 $51.96 ELA Inst Impr Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1021 $10.76 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1022 $12.87 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1023 $518.40 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1024 $518.40 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1025 $18.50 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1026 $196.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1027 $33.00 Life Skills Sips N Snacks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1028 $67.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1029 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 103 $16.96 Zou, Lingpei Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1030 $71.96 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1031 $518.40 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1032 $8.47 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1033 $15.90 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1034 $425.90 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1035 $56.76 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1036 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1037 $70.10 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1038 $55.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1039 $35.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 104 $1,056.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1040 -($14.68) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1041 $763.68 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1042 $266.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1043 $161.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1044 $518.40 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1045 $178.00 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1046 $503.28 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1047 $37.30 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1048 $17.71 8th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1049 $589.03 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 105 $112.04 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1050 $12.25 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1051 $10.45 Lawrence, Brianna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1052 $57.51 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1053 $19.99 Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1054 $3.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1055 $509.98 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1056 $98.84 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1057 $98.84 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1058 $284.61 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1059 $12.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 106 $118.12 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1060 $5.49 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1061 $312.72 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1062 $18.89 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1063 $105.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1064 $9.54 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1065 $58.18 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1066 $969.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1067 $14.96 Miller, Jolynn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1068 $98.84 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1069 $1,203.07 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 107 $11.22 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1070 $126.61 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1071 $12.62 Karen Stewart Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1072 $15.08 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1073 $7.41 Katie Davis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1074 $29.97 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1075 $6.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1076 $104.72 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1077 $68.10 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1078 $447.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1079 $98.84 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 108 $1,913.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1080 $43.44 Sherry Curnutt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1081 $28.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1082 $29.91 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1083 $19.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1084 $10.59 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1085 $13.71 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1086 $40.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1087 $98.84 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1088 $98.84 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1089 $75.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 109 $21.08 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1090 $73.28 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1091 $175.95 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1092 $54.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1093 $332.28 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1094 $25.60 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1095 $38.14 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1096 $27.03 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1097 $45.58 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1098 $15.46 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1099 $130.97 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 11 $61.78 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 110 $28.90 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1100 $72.56 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1101 $30.11 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1102 $39.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1103 $34.97 Sherry Curnutt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1104 $34.97 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1105 $50.01 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1106 $293.08 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1107 $9.95 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1108 $120.84 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1109 $249.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 111 $1,939.30 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1110 $27.50 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1111 $17.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1112 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1113 $8.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1114 $2,316.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1115 $72.56 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1116 $15.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1117 $83.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1118 $55.29 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1119 $10.37 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 112 $21.82 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1120 $95.22 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1121 $234.19 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1122 $7.94 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1123 $29.64 4th Grade EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1124 $198.28 New Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1125 $27.61 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1126 $23.60 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1127 $499.85 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1128 $9.56 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1129 $438.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 113 $42.96 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1130 $93.18 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1131 $5.81 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1132 $31.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1133 $44.42 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1134 $482.84 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1135 $69.85 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1136 $10.05 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1137 $23.29 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1138 $8.97 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1139 $482.84 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 114 $208.84 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1140 $482.84 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1141 $10.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1142 $330.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1143 $112.50 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1144 $304.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1145 $20.61 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1146 $207.65 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1147 $20.80 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1148 $235.44 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1149 $14.55 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 115 $235.43 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1150 $20.95 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1151 $320.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1152 $35.99 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1153 $966.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1154 $77.17 Life Skills Sips N Snacks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1155 $78.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1156 $164.67 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1157 $209.73 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1158 $310.65 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1159 $14.82 Katie Davis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 116 -($900.00) Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1160 $14.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1161 $282.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1162 $182.12 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1163 $560.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1164 $19.06 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1165 $12.96 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1166 $82.17 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1167 $58.19 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1168 $92.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1169 $28.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 117 $6.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1170 $226.74 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1171 $77.83 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1172 $372.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1173 $105.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1174 $15.99 Davis, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1175 -($86.68) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1176 $582.00 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1177 $277.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1178 $374.27 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1179 $74.33 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 118 $5.53 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1180 $155.53 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1181 $6.74 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1182 $254.38 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1183 $115.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1184 $14.68 8th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1185 $17.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1186 $100.45 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1187 $234.84 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1188 $18.61 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1189 $11.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 119 $80.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1190 $45.48 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1191 $138.45 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1192 $274.76 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1193 $112.67 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1194 $82.08 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1195 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1196 $25.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1197 $276.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1198 $267.72 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1199 $38.27 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 12 $863.52 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 120 $11.24 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1200 $133.50 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1201 $76.57 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1202 $356.56 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1203 $356.56 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1204 $356.56 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1205 $356.56 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1206 $356.57 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1207 $356.57 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1208 $356.57 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1209 $28.60 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 121 $34.97 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1210 $400.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1211 $362.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1212 $1,275.00 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1213 $135.92 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1214 $249.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1215 $7,076.88 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1216 $130.11 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1217 $57.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1218 $253.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1219 $238.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 122 $14.10 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1220 $26.00 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1221 ($10.00) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1222 $900.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1223 $210.24 WLIP EF budget only Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1224 $17.52 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1225 $212.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1226 $165.66 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1227 $330.76 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1228 $34.74 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1229 $240.78 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 123 $82.35 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1230 $390.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1231 $121.17 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1232 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1233 $762.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1234 -($987.54) Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1235 $13.92 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1236 $202.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1237 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1238 $56.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1239 $17.99 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 124 $31.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1240 $16.94 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1241 $56.16 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1242 ($170.50) Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1243 $326.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1244 $2,571.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1245 $16.94 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1246 $62.51 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1247 $57.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1248 $819.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1249 $56.85 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 125 $116.87 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1250 $24.33 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1251 $100.00 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1252 $783.68 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1253 $783.68 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1254 $783.68 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1255 $783.68 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1256 $783.68 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1257 $783.68 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1258 $783.68 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1259 $783.68 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 126 $40.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1260 $783.68 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1261 $783.68 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1262 $783.70 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1263 $479.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1264 $73.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1265 $203.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1266 $4.16 WLIP Supplies EF HES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1267 $270.62 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1268 $8.78 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1269 $53.25 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 127 $24.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1270 $77.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1271 $23.60 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1272 $325.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1273 $246.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1274 $20.27 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1275 $14.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1276 $484.10 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1277 $233.47 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1278 $19.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1279 $97.78 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 128 $16.99 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1280 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1281 $54.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1282 $343.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1283 $53.98 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1284 $540.92 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1285 $603.58 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1286 $62.22 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1287 $48.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1288 $925.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1289 $2,096.17 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 129 $13.71 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1290 $11.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1291 $1,444.32 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1292 $148.07 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1293 $92.96 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1294 $527.56 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1295 $2.69 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1296 $1,147.62 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1297 $43.56 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1298 $223.87 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1299 $72.09 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 13 $117.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 130 $149.45 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1300 $9.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1301 $1,147.62 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1302 $36.69 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1303 $191.97 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1304 $38.94 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1305 $918.60 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1306 $441.65 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1307 $94.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1308 $44.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1309 $116.18 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 131 $99.02 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1310 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1311 $5.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1312 $225.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1313 $381.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1314 $30.92 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1315 $243.31 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1316 $144.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1317 $41.05 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1318 $466.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1319 $25.15 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 132 $21.24 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1320 $47.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1321 $239.97 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1322 $9.68 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1323 $83.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1324 $128.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1325 $166.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1326 $69.53 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1327 $124.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1328 $1,045.56 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1329 $9.50 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 133 $19.80 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1330 $195.25 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1331 $6.74 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1332 $15.90 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1333 $239.76 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1334 $41.15 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1335 $219.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1336 $199.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1337 $9.28 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1338 $5.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1339 $374.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 134 $18.87 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1340 $128.40 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1341 $1,102.56 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1342 $260.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1343 $2,518.53 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1344 $200.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1345 $16.31 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1346 $10,000.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1347 $311.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1348 $301.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1349 $73.30 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 135 $475.27 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1350 $219.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1351 $1,102.56 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1352 $23.48 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1353 $6.17 Business Technology - RHS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1354 $11.20 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1355 $19.05 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1356 1204.62 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 1357 197 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 136 15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 137 6 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 138 $2,017.92 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 139 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 14 $40.71 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 140 $995.76 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 141 $41.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 142 $77.88 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 143 $439.90 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 144 $24.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 145 $5.00 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 146 $458.00 Drama Afterschool Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 147 $12.89 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 148 $42.33 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 149 $22.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 15 $468.44 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 150 $823.50 Emergency Levy-Smart Boards Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 151 $312.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 152 -($317.04) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 153 $29.97 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 154 $70.62 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 155 $5.98 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 156 $125.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 157 $25.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 158 $451.26 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 159 $85.01 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 16 52.98 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 160 $98.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 161 $19.99 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 162 $1,317.88 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 163 $228.58 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 164 $66.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 165 $6.99 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 166 $192.74 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 167 $58.24 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 168 $253.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 169 $110.29 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 17 $54.04 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 170 $29.11 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 171 $320.81 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 172 $3.93 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 173 $57.23 Pepsi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 174 $842.86 Pepsi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 175 $225.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 176 $7.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 177 $81.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 178 $23.96 Emergency Levy-VAPE Detectors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 179 165.83 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 18 $181.54 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 180 $225.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 181 $210.94 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 182 $190.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 183 $697.20 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 184 $921.57 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 185 $53.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 186 $56.38 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 187 $277.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 188 $42.92 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 189 $481.37 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 19 $52.39 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 190 $32.99 Walmart Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 191 $285.76 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 192 $27.26 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 193 $39.99 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 194 $2,908.04 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 195 $349.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 196 $210.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 197 $25.00 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 198 $229.47 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 199 $11.97 Pepsi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 2 $407.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 20 80.9 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 200 $55.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 201 $256.97 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 202 $3.99 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 203 $6.14 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 204 $343.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 205 82.29 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 206 32.94 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 207 90 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 208 1068.86 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 209 171.62 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 21 25.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 210 80 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 211 15.85 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 212 349 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 213 2.32 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 214 $66.73 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 215 $353.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 216 $105.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 217 $52.54 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 218 243.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 219 $4.00 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 22 $197.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 220 $253.94 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 221 36.79 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 222 $8.78 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 223 $333.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 224 $77.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 225 $340.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 226 $316.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 227 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 228 $35.33 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 229 $125.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 23 $205.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 230 -($35.90) Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 231 $73.46 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 232 $78.05 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 233 $76.97 Emergency Levy-Smart Boards Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 234 $51.85 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 235 $19.86 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 236 $6.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 237 $34.79 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 238 $20.09 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 239 $6.99 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 24 $5.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 240 $464.35 Walmart Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 241 $15.58 Laura Moreno Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 242 $16.97 Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 243 $22.77 Zamarron, Lorenza Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 244 $85.16 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 245 $1,066.78 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 246 $24.00 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 247 $344.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 248 $44.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 249 $77.95 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 25 $55.48 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 250 $180.65 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 251 $139.95 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 252 $382.49 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 253 $23.00 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 254 $9.28 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 255 $214.25 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 256 $35.99 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 257 $91.81 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 258 $146.87 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 259 -($16.58) Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 26 $265.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 260 $300.97 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 261 $229.98 Walmart Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 262 $38.77 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 263 $29.64 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 264 $201.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 265 $84.48 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 266 $14.82 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 267 $65.64 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 268 $38.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 269 $533.07 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 27 $278.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 270 $31.13 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 271 $3.60 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 272 $16.50 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 273 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 274 $80.29 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 275 $15.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 276 $23.04 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 277 $495.95 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 278 $287.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 279 $88.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 28 $54.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 280 $358.09 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 281 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 282 $93.62 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 283 $264.29 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 284 $5.84 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 285 $132.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 286 $6.63 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 287 $338.72 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 288 $221.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 289 $296.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 29 $299.98 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 290 $180.41 Walmart Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 291 $43.76 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 292 $570.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 293 $46.19 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 294 $849.15 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 295 $160.35 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 296 $560.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 297 $216.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 298 $21.87 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 299 $12.49 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 3 $277.70 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 30 -($15.99) Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 300 $139.49 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 301 $72.00 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 302 $35.67 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 303 $9.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 304 $338.14 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 305 $26.65 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 306 $67.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 307 $369.14 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 308 $95.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 309 $8.46 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 31 $12.79 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 310 $23.30 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 311 $175.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 312 $225.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 313 $39.99 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 314 $278.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 315 $9.75 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 316 $112.57 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 317 $101.59 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 318 $95.51 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 319 $233.28 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 32 $7.42 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 320 $278.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 321 $89.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 322 $21.20 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 323 $3.17 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 324 $251.44 Pepsi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 325 $16.96 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 326 $19.99 AG Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 327 $10.99 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 328 $1,917.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 329 $348.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 33 $7.62 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 330 $1,830.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 331 $265.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 332 $286.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 333 $57.72 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 334 $56.70 Transportation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 335 $5.30 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 336 $69.75 AG Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 337 $32.29 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 338 $137.66 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 339 $331.99 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 34 $254.15 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 340 $21.15 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 341 $32.30 6th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 342 $10.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 343 $12.35 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 344 $11,173.43 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 345 $21.24 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 346 $179.82 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 347 $42.84 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 348 $699.28 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 349 $5.98 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 35 $40.27 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 350 $202.41 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 351 $4.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 352 $15.89 RHS Jeremy Green Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 353 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 354 $35.59 EF Supplies M Hull Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 355 $3,050.90 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 356 $103.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 357 $2.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 358 $8.46 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 359 $50.04 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 36 $20.79 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 360 $458.64 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 361 $910.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 362 $275.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 363 $493.77 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 364 $19.98 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 365 $1,253.34 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 366 $2,506.66 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 367 $21.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 368 $39.98 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 369 $8.99 Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 37 $39.91 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 370 $9.94 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 371 $3,206.40 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 372 $30.10 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 373 $2,894.12 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 374 $57.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 375 $328.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 376 $139.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 377 $40.00 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 378 $103.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 379 $45.20 Eleanor Sarmiento Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 38 $329.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 380 $6.63 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 381 $57.71 Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 382 $9.54 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 383 $5.49 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 384 $277.88 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 385 $400.00 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 386 -($55.00) Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 387 $22.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 388 $33.88 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 389 $88.24 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 39 78.3 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 390 292.86 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 391 $233.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 392 $74.19 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 393 $1,271.71 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 394 $498.10 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 395 $23.85 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 396 $14.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 397 -($328.39) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 398 $3.95 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 399 $479.36 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 4 $77.41 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 40 $156.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 400 $8.99 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 401 $11.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 402 $310.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 403 $1,221.98 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 404 $31.26 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 405 $2,123.63 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 406 $17.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 407 $7.98 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 408 $46.20 Pepsi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 409 $8.58 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 41 $39.90 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 410 $84.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 411 $11.48 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 412 $519.88 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 413 $44.52 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 414 $3.98 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 415 $40.78 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 416 $139.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 417 $153.46 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 418 $123.33 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 419 $15.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 42 $79.92 Walmart Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 420 $39.65 Pepsi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 421 -($17.43) GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 422 $610.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 423 $140.95 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 424 $49.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 425 $317.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 426 $199.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 427 -($260.00) Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 428 $31.08 Social Studies 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 429 $149.98 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 43 $66.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 430 $305.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 431 $1.00 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 432 $743.48 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 433 $6.63 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 434 $531.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 435 $116.18 Catrina Marley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 436 $120.11 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 437 $19.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 438 $21.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 439 $127.16 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 44 $2,438.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 440 $29.74 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 441 $176.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 442 $200.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 443 $14.40 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 444 $34.58 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 445 $39.16 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 446 $302.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 447 $121.75 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 448 $715.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 449 $12.69 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 45 $19.99 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 450 $9.78 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 451 $48.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 452 $228.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 453 $160.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 454 $15.99 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 455 $95.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 456 $456.05 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 457 $55.88 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 458 $16.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 459 $20.27 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 46 $26.49 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 460 $31.13 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 461 $250.47 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 462 24.87 FMS FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 463 149.38 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 464 $157.20 Kelley, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 465 $15.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 466 $35.11 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 467 $13.46 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 468 $25.19 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 469 $135.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 47 $15,680.40 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 470 $22.62 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 471 $18.55 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 472 $74.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 473 $10.60 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 474 $50.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 475 $14.99 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 476 $524.48 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 477 $32.76 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 478 $41.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 479 $23.41 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 48 $60.87 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 480 $362.40 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 481 $25.42 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 482 $9.95 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 483 $15.59 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 484 $17.87 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 485 $60.93 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 486 $42.55 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 487 $12.53 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 488 $142.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 489 $685.50 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 49 $7.48 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 490 $34.77 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 491 $34.45 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 492 $9.28 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 493 $456.69 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 494 $127.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 495 $195.93 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 496 $412.77 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 497 $412.76 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 498 $154.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 499 $46.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 5 $66.68 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 50 $268.04 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 500 $20.97 Zamarron, Lorenza Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 501 $113.46 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 502 $870.00 Wrestling EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 503 $26.10 Wrestling EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 504 $85.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 505 $10.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 506 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 507 $15.60 Carsen Smith Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 508 $106.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 509 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 51 $239.21 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 510 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 511 $88.29 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 512 $455.06 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 513 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 514 $76.26 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 515 $100.57 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 516 $37.40 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 517 $89.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 518 $89.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 519 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 52 $49.04 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 520 $102.01 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 521 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 522 $76.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 523 $25.99 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 524 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 525 $27.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 526 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 527 $89.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 528 $17.99 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 529 $107.16 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 53 $273.75 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 530 $147.34 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 531 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 532 $11.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 533 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 534 $7.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 535 $89.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 536 $37.60 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 537 $38.10 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 538 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 539 $12.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 54 $624.15 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 540 $1.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 541 $24.33 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 542 $16.81 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 543 $1,547.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 544 $26.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 545 $124.98 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 546 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 547 $96.99 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 548 $216.50 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 549 $28.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 55 $876.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 550 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 551 $9.15 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 552 $19.04 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 553 $32.70 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 554 $146.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 555 $30.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 556 $89.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 557 $11.45 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 558 $141.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 559 $95.13 Hanna Rahberger Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 56 $32.68 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 560 $89.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 561 $365.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 562 $408.08 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 563 $14.53 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 564 $2,953.69 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 565 $136.18 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 566 $13.25 Lawrence, Brianna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 567 $13.99 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 568 $4.00 Computers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 569 $75.00 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 57 $22.99 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 570 $45.95 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 571 $15.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 572 $125.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 573 $71.25 Hanna Rahberger Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 574 $268.33 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 575 $52.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 576 $521.13 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 577 $349.14 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 578 $9.08 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 579 $160.07 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 58 $10.95 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 580 $7.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 581 $19.16 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 582 $34.97 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 583 $47.85 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 584 $9.95 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 585 $13.75 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 586 $86.48 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 587 -($35.28) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 588 $33.40 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 589 $42.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 59 $61.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 590 $42.35 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 591 $250.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 592 $61.06 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 593 $38.89 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 594 $13.00 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 595 $17.16 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 596 $97.13 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 597 $248.50 AG Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 598 $1,629.28 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 599 -($71.43) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 6 $64.60 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 60 $5.44 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 600 $78.07 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 601 $51.68 John Hegstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 602 $7.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 603 $5.30 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 604 $281.94 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 605 $51.76 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 606 $14.58 8th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 607 $89.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 608 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 609 $21.86 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 61 $77.52 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 610 $14.01 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 611 $131.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 612 $23.20 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 613 $600.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 614 $180.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 615 $23.85 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 616 $12.40 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 617 $140.43 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 618 $12.44 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 619 $90.19 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 62 $150.38 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 620 $14.81 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 621 $9.51 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 622 $20.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 623 $33.81 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 624 $334.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 625 $35.00 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 626 $50.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 627 $26.40 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 628 $297.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 629 $44.90 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 63 $37.98 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 630 $75.11 CE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 631 $799.07 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 632 $24.38 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 633 $9.00 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 634 $149.98 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 635 $58.25 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 636 $17.85 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 637 $186.45 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 638 $83.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 639 $23.28 Katie Davis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 64 $22.44 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 640 $46.94 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 641 $34.74 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 642 $114.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 643 $317.94 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 644 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 645 $61.27 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 646 $27.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 647 $125.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 648 $396.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 649 $46.57 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 65 $9.49 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 650 $46.56 New Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 651 $193.42 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 652 $35.51 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 653 $16.94 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 654 $19.45 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 655 $37.22 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 656 $51.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 657 $566.59 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 658 $38.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 659 $249.90 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 66 $2,564.30 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 660 $14.72 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 661 $13.39 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 662 $647.50 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 663 $191.18 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 664 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 665 $25.96 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 666 $47.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 667 $5.86 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 668 $179.04 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 669 $21.23 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 67 $72.28 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 670 $1,882.46 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 671 $22.38 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 672 $13.99 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 673 $46.37 National Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 674 $12.71 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 675 $88.79 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 676 $61.25 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 677 $55.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 678 $375.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 679 $25.13 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 68 $65.56 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 680 $25.00 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 681 $10.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 682 $35.90 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 683 $452.89 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 684 $631.10 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 685 $73.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 686 $203.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 687 $257.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 688 $26.50 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 689 $199.65 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 69 $43.04 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 690 $2,126.80 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 691 $365.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 692 $110.13 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 693 $109.15 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 694 $22.00 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 695 $500.00 Arica Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 696 $451.24 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 697 $212.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 698 $21.60 Wrestling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 699 $40.24 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 7 $118.49 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 70 $80.31 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 700 $65.19 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 701 $189.68 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 702 $10.60 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 703 $31.97 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 704 $10.98 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 705 $33.90 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 706 $88.88 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 707 $39.50 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 708 $964.60 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 709 $16.52 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 71 $48.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 710 $100.79 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 711 $496.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 712 $113.84 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 713 -($980.87) After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 714 $128.21 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 715 $16.92 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 716 $139.96 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 717 $36.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 718 $3.78 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 719 $60.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 72 $111.80 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 720 $21.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 721 $21.18 Life Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 722 $16,159.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 723 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 724 $25.41 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 725 $27.90 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 726 $52.22 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 727 $123.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 728 $21.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 729 $12.14 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 73 $169.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 730 $13.99 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 731 $88.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 732 $7.95 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 733 $2,046.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 734 $383.83 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 735 $149.99 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 736 $29.94 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 737 $423.00 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 738 $129.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 739 $7.04 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 74 $144.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 740 $99.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 741 $175.00 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 742 $129.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 743 $37.03 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 744 $50.01 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 745 $597.65 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 746 $175.00 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 747 $339.88 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 748 $55.86 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 749 $44.46 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 75 $60.46 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 750 $1,856.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 751 $265.99 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 752 $278.95 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 753 $447.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 754 $283.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 755 $278.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 756 $9.48 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 757 $25.95 Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 758 $35.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 759 $13.78 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 76 $555.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 760 $22.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 761 $54.93 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 762 $8.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 763 $29.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 764 $10.59 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 765 $72.00 Bill to School SFE Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 766 $87.95 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 767 $19.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 768 $37.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 769 -($84.75) Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 77 $95.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 770 $206.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 771 $197.76 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 772 $246.94 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 773 $39.75 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 774 $50.14 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 775 $10.85 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 776 $447.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 777 $40.93 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 778 $83.62 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 779 $1,841.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 78 $10.17 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 780 $110.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 781 $447.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 782 $357.58 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 783 $447.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 784 $49.18 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 785 $15.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 786 $35.69 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 787 $8.98 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 788 $6.63 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 789 $23.84 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 79 $11.88 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 790 $300.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 791 $115.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 792 $22.88 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 793 $182.66 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 794 $184.39 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 795 $183.50 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 796 $912.51 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 797 $700.68 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 798 $211.60 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 799 $64.71 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 8 $2,999.25 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 80 $443.14 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 800 $248.66 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 801 $44.21 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 802 $12.46 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 803 $212.66 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 804 $2,599.64 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 805 $3.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 806 $9,777.61 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 807 $603.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 808 $468.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 809 $109.15 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 81 $110.89 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 810 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 811 $280.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 812 $38.43 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 813 $145.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 814 $23.76 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 815 $58.15 Custodial Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 816 $208.88 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 817 $57.23 Computers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 818 $260.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 819 $340.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 82 $74.71 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 820 $5.30 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 821 $10.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 822 $18.94 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 823 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 824 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 825 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 826 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 827 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 828 $182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 829 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 83 $189.88 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 830 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 831 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 832 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 833 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 834 $447.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 835 $33.88 Karlee Wilmot Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 836 $94.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 837 $50.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 838 $281.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 839 $17.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 84 $867.33 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 840 $349.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 841 $219.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 842 $17.98 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 843 $432.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 844 $479.06 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 845 $6.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 846 $62.28 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 847 $128.28 AG Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 848 $77.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 849 $379.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 85 $200.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 850 $43.88 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 851 $41.50 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 852 $76.24 Drama Classroom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 853 $7.37 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 854 $272.84 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 855 -($223.04) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 856 $46.63 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 857 $26.00 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 858 $35.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 859 $997.60 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 86 $621.96 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 860 $31.92 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 861 $15.54 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 862 $259.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 863 $34.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 864 $15.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 865 $36.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 866 $1,137.08 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 867 $24.88 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 868 $19.66 Miller, Jolynn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 869 $62.59 FMS Free Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 87 $707.55 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 870 $980.87 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 871 $337.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 872 $987.54 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 873 $16.14 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 874 $26.46 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 875 $70.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 876 -($113.94) Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 877 $636.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 878 $4.23 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 879 $48.93 Eleanor Sarmiento Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 88 $82.80 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 880 $74.15 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 881 $299.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 882 $19.07 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 883 $86.57 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 884 $306.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 885 $99.99 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 886 $195.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 887 $90.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 888 $6.87 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 889 $8.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 89 $94.68 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 890 $8.45 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 891 $29.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 892 $66.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 893 $104.60 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 894 $8.24 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 895 $22.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 896 $40.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 897 $32.60 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 898 $276.48 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 899 $531.26 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 9 $29.66 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 90 $159.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 900 $185.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 901 $269.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 902 $25.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 903 $142.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 904 $52.07 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 905 $98.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 906 -($49.49) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 907 $28.02 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 908 $32.80 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 909 $472.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 91 $1,087.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 910 $54.43 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 911 $329.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 912 $54.13 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 913 $302.94 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 914 $859.92 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 915 $254.29 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 916 -($987.54) Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 917 $216.00 Drug Testing Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 918 $22.98 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 919 $159.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 92 $6,630.21 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 920 $244.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 921 $14.66 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 922 $6.95 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 923 $308.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 924 $756.65 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 925 $5.66 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 926 $46.62 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 927 $29.99 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 928 $21.61 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 929 $57.51 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 93 $252.01 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 930 $987.54 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 931 $5.95 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 932 $71.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 933 $56.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 934 $23.99 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 935 $25.50 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 936 $3,854.60 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 937 $17.20 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 938 $77.88 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 939 $193.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 94 $16.88 EF Supplies M Hull Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 940 $921.03 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 941 $12.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 942 $40.78 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 943 $22.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 944 $10.45 Lawrence, Brianna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 945 $0.60 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 946 $37.94 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 947 $28.29 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 948 -($15.89) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 949 -($17.20) Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 95 $1,363.02 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 950 -($10.45) Lawrence, Brianna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 951 -($57.51) Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 952 -($6.87) Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 953 -($5.66) Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 954 $10.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 955 $12.71 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 956 $19.88 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 957 $40.49 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 958 $76.94 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 959 $80.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 96 $53.73 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 960 $3.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 961 $576.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 962 $43.72 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 963 $80.77 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 964 $13.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 965 $5.91 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 966 $271.08 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 967 $8.90 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 968 $129.60 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 969 $508.58 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 97 $231.56 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 970 $108.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 971 $34.46 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 972 $2.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 973 $8.00 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 974 $63.47 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 975 $100.67 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 976 $3.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 977 $129.60 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 978 $59.85 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 979 $6.35 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 98 $338.89 RHS Jeremy Green Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 980 $6.87 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 981 $67.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 982 $64.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 983 -($29.57) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 984 $5.66 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 985 $125.00 LEP Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 986 $350.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 987 $28.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 988 $14.00 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 989 $22.99 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 99 $32.52 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 990 $24.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 991 $106.58 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 992 $9.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 993 $51.52 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 994 $3.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 995 $54.54 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 996 $14.88 6th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 997 $78.56 Accounts Receivable Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 998 $271.08 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
12/31/2022 999 $16.95 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/12/2023
33127181 $131.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93845 1/12/2023
33133935 $228.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93845 1/12/2023
33149622 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93845 1/12/2023
33149623 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93845 1/12/2023
33213467 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93845 1/12/2023
A.Webb Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93846 1/12/2023
K. Brown ACT Reimb $63.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Brown, Melanie Rigby ID 93850 1/12/2023
LRP Conference PD $204.00 Professional Development Abshire, Phillip Idaho Falls ID 93849 1/12/2023
LRP Conference PD $204.00 Professional Development Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 93851 1/12/2023
LRP Conference PD $204.00 Professional Development Douglass, Kathleen Idaho Falls ID 93852 1/12/2023
LRP Conference PD $204.00 Professional Development Duffey, Julian Beecher Idaho Falls ID 93853 1/12/2023
LRP Conference PD $204.00 Professional Development Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 93854 1/12/2023
LRP Conference PD $204.00 Professional Development Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93855 1/12/2023
LRP Conference PD $204.00 Professional Development Meyer, David Idaho Falls ID 93857 1/12/2023
LRP Conference PD $204.00 Professional Development Parkes, Barry Idaho Falls ID 93858 1/12/2023
LRP Conference PD $204.00 Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 93859 1/12/2023
Mileage 12.7-12.30 $75.00 Custodian Mileage Between Buildings Messick, Sheena Idaho Falls ID 93856 1/12/2023
R. Blaylock Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 93848 1/12/2023
RE Ornaments $200.00 Art Supplies Taylor, Candace Roberts ID 93847 1/12/2023
2057 Champ Ring $267.95 Supplies & Materials Southern Recognition, Inc Raleigh NC 1488271 1/12/2023
23022 helmet covers $1,476.40 Supplies & Materials Guardian Innovations, LLC Peachtree Corners GA 1488259 1/12/2023
36 Project Metal $1,644.45 Supplies & Materials Pacific Steel IDAHO FALLS ID 1488265 1/12/2023
578641 Thunderville $793.00 Supplies & Materials BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488256 1/12/2023
60454274 Helmets $9,655.43 Supplies & Materials Ridell All American Sports Corp Dallas TX 1488269 1/12/2023
60460976 Helmets $2,139.83 Supplies & Materials Ridell All American Sports Corp Dallas TX 1488269 1/12/2023
60461989  Helmets $2,276.20 Supplies & Materials Ridell All American Sports Corp Dallas TX 1488269 1/12/2023
6340/6777 $511.82 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488266 1/12/2023
783060 $105.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488272 1/12/2023
951450445 Helmets $131.37 Supplies & Materials RIDDELL/ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP. CHICAGO IL 1488268 1/12/2023
951567389 Helmets $5,502.95 Supplies & Materials Ridell All American Sports Corp Dallas TX 1488269 1/12/2023
951604274  Sh pads $2,621.95 Supplies & Materials Ridell All American Sports Corp Dallas TX 1488269 1/12/2023
951618420 Sh pads $1,939.95 Supplies & Materials Ridell All American Sports Corp Dallas TX 1488269 1/12/2023
Cheer Competition  $250.00 Supplies & Materials PRESTON HIGH SCHOOL PRESTON ID 1488267 1/12/2023
Cheer PF refund $175.00 Supplies & Materials MIller, Torrie Rigby ID 1488264 1/12/2023
Dance Districts $450.00 Supplies & Materials 6TH DISTRICT BOARD OF CONTROL Rigby ID 1488255 1/12/2023
Fball banquet reimb $123.79 Supplies & Materials Flowers, Aaron Rigby ID 1488258 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $52.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $113.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $137.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $145.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $113.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $124.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $113.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $134.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $163.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $172.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $345.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $249.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $120.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $111.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $111.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $117.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $68.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $103.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll 72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $144.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $168.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $168.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $117.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $61.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $115.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $21.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $115.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $115.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $61.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $115.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $115.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $138.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $124.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $129.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $102.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $192.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $192.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $192.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $61.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $115.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $115.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $100.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $115.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $38.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $38.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $38.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $38.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $38.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $126.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $117.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $135.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $86.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $86.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $25.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $19.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $432.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $113.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $124.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $113.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll 163.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll 172.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $77.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $77.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $77.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $77.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $129.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $150.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
January 2023 Payroll $150.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488261 1/12/2023
Jaybird Memorial $150.00 Supplies & Materials Columbia High School-Nampa Nampa ID 1488257 1/12/2023
Jr. Troyettes $225.00 Supplies & Materials Skidmore, Daphne Pocatello ID 1488270 1/12/2023
Madison Invite $257.50 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488263 1/12/2023
Madison Invite $257.50 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488263 1/12/2023
Ochre Yellow Hoodies 486 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488262 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $150.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $453.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $426.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $188.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $184.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $424.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $254.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $199.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $362.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $360.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $476.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $450.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $422.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $131.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $285.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $171.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $182.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $190.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $199.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $517.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $449.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $486.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $1,102.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $178.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $219.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $288.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $399.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $344.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
Oct 2022 Transport $759.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488260 1/12/2023
AT-00377 $176.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166933 1/12/2023
BattleattheBorder $250.00 Purchased Services Preston High School Preston ID 57166931 1/12/2023
RMA Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  ID 57166932 1/12/2023
RMS-00293 $966.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166933 1/12/2023
RMS-00333 $80.24 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166933 1/12/2023
RMS-00343 $536.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166933 1/12/2023
RMS-00350 $79.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166933 1/12/2023
RMS-00353 $316.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166933 1/12/2023
RMS-00383 $167.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166933 1/12/2023
RMS-00411 $221.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166933 1/12/2023
33166686 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93863 1/13/2023
559 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 93861 1/13/2023
A.Gonzalez V00767241 $100.00 RHS FHLA U of I Student Financial Aide Office Moscow ID 93866 1/13/2023
G.Moreno V00809685 $100.00 RHS FHLA U of I Student Financial Aide Office Moscow ID 93867 1/13/2023
RHernandez 559535788 $100.00 RHS FHLA BYU-Idaho Cashier's Office Rexburg ID 93860 1/13/2023
RHS & FMS Transport $116.00 In Lieu of Transportation 50 Escobar, Eda Roberts ID 93862 1/13/2023
Supply Reimb 1.13.23 $978.58 United Way Grant Thomson, Laurie Ucon ID 93865 1/13/2023
SupplyReimb 1.13.23 $175.19 WLIP Supplies SFE Kimber, Cheryl Rigby ID 93864 1/13/2023
1-3-23 Statement St $140.50 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488276 1/13/2023
4199365066 FB $132.50 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488276 1/13/2023
Choir Dress $50.00 Supplies & Materials Phair, Amelia Rigby ID 1488277 1/13/2023
Mileage Tri 1  reimb $126.50 Supplies & Materials Klein, Letitia Idaho Falls ID 1488275 1/13/2023
Temp License $25.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Department of Agriculture Boise ID 1488274 1/13/2023
Toner -Cooley $19.99 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1488273 1/13/2023
Orchestra Refund $50.00 Supplies & Materials Stanley Small Rigby ID 57166934 1/13/2023
33195719 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93871 1/17/2023
33195720 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93871 1/17/2023
33213466 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93871 1/17/2023
41535237 $180.83 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93870 1/17/2023
K.Gomez 0156551 $100.00 RHS FHLA College of Eastern Idaho Idaho Falls ID 93868 1/17/2023
Supply Reimb 1.17.22 $88.75 District Office Supplies Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 93869 1/17/2023
8thBBB $630.00 Purchased Services Matthew Self Rigby ID 186 1/17/2023
Cheer Competition $250.00 Purchased Services Preston High School Preston ID 188 1/17/2023
Choir-Orchestra $614.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 187 1/17/2023
FMS-00352 $42.44 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 190 1/17/2023
Orchestra Gem State $100.00 Purchased Services Preston High School Preston ID 192 1/17/2023
Payroll December $43.05 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 185 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $46.53 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $3.68 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $212.22 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $6.79 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $6.78 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $8.04 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $18.68 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $47.11 Student Council 8th Gr Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $1.13 Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax Dec 22-23 $3.79 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 191 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $76.58 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $21.51 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $11.32 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $147.68 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $2.26 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $9.52 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $11.94 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $10.82 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $1.78 Student Council 8th Gr Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $61.36 Student Council 8th Gr Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Sales Tax November $17.60 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 193 1/17/2023
Wrestling Hoodies $207.00 Purchased Services Sara Robinson Rigby ID 189 1/17/2023
1-8-23 Statement $316.16 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488282 1/17/2023
1-8-23 Statement $2,926.01 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1488282 1/17/2023
246603/247691 $41.24 Supplies & Materials Malmark Bell Craftsmen Plumsteadville PA 1488281 1/17/2023
83775 Bass/Cello $3,100.00 Supplies & Materials Ferguson Violins Rexburg ID 1488279 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back 50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back 1236 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back 575 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back 212.4 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back 9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back 232.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $116.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $3,394.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $24.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $57.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $19.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $49.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $1,350.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $103.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $1,283.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $22.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $141.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $49.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $55.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $62.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $18.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $3,124.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $176.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $64.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $42.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $367.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $290.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $54.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $364.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $19.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $25.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $182.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $216.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $478.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $108.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $22.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $133.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $11.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $208.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $110.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $28.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $204.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $104.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $525.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $65.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $363.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $254.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $91.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back -($667.80) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $72.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $21.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $29.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $10.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $790.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $129.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $99.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $954.00 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $9.49 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $52.04 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $41.58 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $95.17 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $37.92 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $80.05 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $65.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $53.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $21.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $37.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $31.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $12.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $30.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $26.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $33.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $15.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $15.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $53.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $81.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $44.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $580.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $91.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $16.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $93.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $10.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $177.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $28.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $717.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $19.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $114.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $240.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $133.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $267.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $133.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $211.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $306.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $471.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $183.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $108.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $55.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $83.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $55.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $109.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $28.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $152.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $215.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $616.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $70.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $6.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $115.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $42.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $307.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $3.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $3.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $35.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $120.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $1,596.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $11.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $124.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $19.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $213.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $71.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $386.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $148.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $38.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $201.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $126.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $72.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $199.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $153.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $28.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $281.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $128.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $90.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $40.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $18.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $62.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $18.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $44.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $6.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $36.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $18.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $58.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $169.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $20.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $69.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $419.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $180.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $579.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $258.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $60.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $3.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $11.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $168.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $240.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $129.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $175.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back -($60.33) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $676.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $115.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $2.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $65.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $167.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $41.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $110.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $49.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $666.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $333.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $10.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $587.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $204.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $37.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $104.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $8.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back -($158.11) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $710.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $41.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $239.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $28.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $249.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $16,812.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $680.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Oct 2022 Bill Back $35.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488280 1/17/2023
Water Polo goals $450.00 Supplies & Materials Bundy, Jake Iona ID 1488278 1/17/2023
B.Taylor ACT Reimb $63.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Taylor, Juliet Rigby ID 93873 1/18/2023
L.Braunns ACT Reimb $88.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Braunns, Stephanie Rigby ID 93872 1/18/2023
105 $400.00 Auditorium Services Golden Fulcher Rexburg ID 57166935 1/18/2023
CPR Cert Reimb $2,340.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Young, Jodie Rigby ID 93875 1/19/2023
January 2023 (1) $19.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/19/2023
Kiln $400.00 General Supplies & Materials Trumblee, Michael Idaho Falls ID 93876 1/19/2023
Travel PD 1.13-1.14 $102.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Oliverson, Spencer Rigby ID 93874 1/19/2023
V659261 $125.00 Purchased Services Carl Walker Lewisville ID 194 1/19/2023
14843 Wrestling gear $2,269.84 Supplies & Materials SCREEN GRAPHICS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488287 1/19/2023
19049 State Swim $3,950.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488284 1/19/2023
19050 State Fball $6,500.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488284 1/19/2023
19051 State XC $6,150.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488284 1/19/2023
19054 State Swim $300.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488284 1/19/2023
19445 FB State $10,275.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488284 1/19/2023
19446 GBB-Owyhee $3,425.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488284 1/19/2023
889700 Clay $1,048.00 Supplies & Materials Sunstone Pottery & Supply North Salt Lake UT 1488289 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $42.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $90.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $1.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $18.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $1.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $66.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $3.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $1,697.71 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $49.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $18.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax -($0.04) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $189.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $39.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $49.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Dec 2022 Sales Tax $202.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488285 1/19/2023
Grizzly Growl Debate $248.00 Supplies & Materials ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL MERIDIAN ID 1488286 1/19/2023
Grizzly Growl Debate -($248.00) Supplies & Materials ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL MERIDIAN ID 1488286 1/19/2023
StuCo gear refund $8.00 Supplies & Materials Cardenas Hernandez, Kevin Jesus Rigby ID 1488283 1/19/2023
Tiger/Grizz Wrestlin $350.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488288 1/19/2023
Tiger/Grizz Wrestlin $130.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488288 1/19/2023
December 2022 $1,854.33 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $569.45 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $1,554.57 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $2,954.35 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $2,843.47 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $2,403.61 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $4,410.78 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $2,004.29 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $2,195.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $12,705.31 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $99.26 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 $1,874.69 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
December 2022 (1) $2,470.23 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2023
V247710 $3,373.97 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93877 1/20/2023
V306352 $3,800.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43939 1/20/2023
V329191 $5,562.23 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/20/2023
V362405 $1,300.86 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/20/2023
V409276 $287,514.33 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 1/20/2023
V428255 $33,598.69 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/20/2023
V571091 $4,165.79 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 1/20/2023
V591119 $12,710.56 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93877 1/20/2023
V601417 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 1/20/2023
V605998 $3,133.92 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93877 1/20/2023
V618482 $395,315.71 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93877 1/20/2023
V678681 $143,663.37 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/20/2023
V714443 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 1/20/2023
V747938 $31,637.87 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 93877 1/20/2023
V901357 $327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 1/20/2023
V939000 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 1/20/2023
1202023 $400.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 1/20/2023
Bucks Bags Tourn $325.00 Supplies & Materials Borah High School Boise ID 1488290 1/20/2023
Bucks Bags Tourn $325.00 Supplies & Materials Borah High School Boise ID 1488290 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $54.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $16.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $15.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $130.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $80.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $34.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $33.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $89.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $44.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $14.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $58.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $58.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $329.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $90.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $74.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $52.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $6,528.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $9,881.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $900.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $900.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $59.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $66.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $30.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $1,904.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $2,193.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $85.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $53.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $64.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $9.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $69.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $196.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $38.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $80.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $57.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $71.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $74.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $61.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $47.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $218.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $53.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $7.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $58.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $18.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $56.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back -($149.99) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $149.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back -($149.99) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $149.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $135.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $144.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $223.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $200.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $27.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $107.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $481.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $2,975.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $1,699.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $38.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $72.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $1,459.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $30.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $501.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $8.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $157.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $61.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $301.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $7.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $72.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $76.53 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $58.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $275.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $138.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $55.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $72.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $260.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $47.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $35.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $6.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $55.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $40.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $192.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $42.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $23.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $12.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $31.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $88.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $30.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $128.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $10.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $134.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $403.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $11.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $12.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $168.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $186.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $139.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $104.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $8.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $45.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $84.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $1,015.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $1,872.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $86.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $17.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $24.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $77.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $7.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $137.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $327.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $66.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $3.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $11.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $850.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $106.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $24.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $210.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $21.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $21.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $38.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $50.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $18.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $29.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $3.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back ($14.83) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $7.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $84.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $7.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $33.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $54.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $110.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $50.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $28.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $50.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $26.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $45.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $12.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $3,912.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $149.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $56.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $30.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $150.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $63.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $83.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $1,234.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back 468.2 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back 146.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back 1530 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back 32.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back -75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back 394.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $4,500.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $8.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $90.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $323.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $84.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $335.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $77.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $29.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $4,057.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $3,912.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Nov 2022 Bill Back $149.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488291 1/20/2023
Robotics Referee $100.00 Supplies & Materials Bond, Jaden Hyde Park UT 1488293 1/20/2023
Robotics referee $150.00 Supplies & Materials Martin, Garret Rexburg ID 1488294 1/20/2023
Water Polo match $300.00 Supplies & Materials Magic Valley Water Polo Twin Falls ID 1488292 1/20/2023
$4,880.16 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,259.11 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,769.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,373.95 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$625.18 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$315.47 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Rebecca Sue  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,951.33 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,069.50 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$938.89 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Julie Lazenby  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,390.26 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$666.66 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Tori Jan  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,203.54 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,281.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,823.35 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,366.20 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$232.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Carlie J  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,819.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,370.71 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$42.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Preston D  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$49.19 GROSS PAYROLL Atwood, Danielle   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,520.18 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$356.52 GROSS PAYROLL Bagley, Lisa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$69.22 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$380.80 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Jennifer Robin  Lewsiville ID 0 1/20/2023
$81.55 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Rachel Nichole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$149.27 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Ronda Fielding  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,365.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$82.90 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Carol Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$96.56 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,129.12 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,789.15 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,674.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,644.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,479.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,528.34 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Nicole Lynette  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,078.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$468.38 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$851.56 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,813.42 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,879.09 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,500.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,341.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$97.20 GROSS PAYROLL Billman, Alicia Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$660.11 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,647.42 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$464.32 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,331.29 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,099.19 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,085.72 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,061.35 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Dale R  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, LeGrand R  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$49.31 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Theresa L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,651.64 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,015.19 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,650.47 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,583.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,067.32 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$996.72 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 1/20/2023
$573.88 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$540.42 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,675.09 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Macady   Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Rodney R  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,825.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$403.37 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,048.82 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,430.08 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$73.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$861.46 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$74.17 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Jessica Rudd  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,038.75 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,134.71 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,004.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bryner, Marie Sue  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,294.07 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$8.99 GROSS PAYROLL Bunting, Amy Nicole  Pleasant Grive UT 0 1/20/2023
$640.25 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Dona Jeanne  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,057.12 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$204.90 GROSS PAYROLL Burke, Hannah Kimberly  Ashton ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,190.52 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$221.11 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$283.02 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$258.14 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$987.52 GROSS PAYROLL Cain, Ashley Anne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$13.19 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Malcom O  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,139.93 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,574.18 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,235.20 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,333.91 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,197.88 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$684.41 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cancino Saldana, Cristina Mabel  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$363.01 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,083.55 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,840.01 GROSS PAYROLL Carlen, Hailey Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,054.38 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$461.39 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Alli   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Carrillo, Taeli Olivia  Meridian ID 0 1/20/2023
$219.05 GROSS PAYROLL Castro, Carmen Navarro  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,059.79 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,179.50 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,590.32 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,943.43 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$793.43 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,793.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$910.11 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Holly Ann  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,259.15 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$806.04 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$324.74 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,061.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,028.21 GROSS PAYROLL Collier, Samuel Christopher  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,509.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$732.43 GROSS PAYROLL Cook Marthis, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,043.87 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,497.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,351.43 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,011.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 1/20/2023
$768.65 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,586.87 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$984.65 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$846.47 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$960.20 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$485.09 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$12.23 GROSS PAYROLL Crapo, Connor R  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$450.13 GROSS PAYROLL Crawford, Megan Elaine  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,022.64 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$526.73 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$10.79 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Hannah Otera  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,832.25 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,926.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$454.36 GROSS PAYROLL Curtis, Chelsea Anne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$486.49 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dabell, Jeffrey W  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$124.79 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Jordyn   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,257.40 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,433.83 GROSS PAYROLL Danielson, Adrian Jason  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,893.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,841.30 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Marshall Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,233.48 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$759.33 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$962.24 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,343.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,090.11 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,527.78 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,554.55 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$419.03 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,163.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Elizabeth Marlow  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Josephine Marlowe  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,963.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,878.71 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$287.37 GROSS PAYROLL Earl, Kristy Marie  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$393.82 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,685.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$430.00 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Nathan Gordon  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$89.10 GROSS PAYROLL Emerson, Paige Raeann Valate  Nine Mile Falls WA 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$467.63 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,005.27 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,922.85 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Martha Beatriz  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,420.05 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,239.17 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$423.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faneus, Rebecca Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,652.27 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,586.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$458.57 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$101.54 GROSS PAYROLL Flinders, Peggy Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,129.40 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$755.11 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,183.35 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$406.38 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,499.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Rodney Tyler  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,103.42 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,107.08 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$415.83 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,177.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,974.42 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,113.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,431.79 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$80.45 GROSS PAYROLL Gahn, Amy Lynn  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$323.59 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$215.71 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,570.49 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,305.51 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,957.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,370.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,233.44 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,515.91 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$33.03 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Brittany Sue  Riverside CA 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,368.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$548.27 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,014.62 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$974.18 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,891.37 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$672.60 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,213.62 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,118.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$382.55 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,648.97 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$769.02 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,212.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,583.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,602.45 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,124.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$502.31 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,686.83 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,675.94 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,527.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,608.84 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,280.69 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$72.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,147.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,300.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,407.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,532.30 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,951.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,735.44 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$819.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,133.21 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$342.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Rinnie Dora  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,757.42 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$704.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Stacey Diane  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,149.96 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$212.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jamie Jo  Apple Valley MN 0 1/20/2023
$487.38 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$313.47 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$600.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Cara Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$709.37 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$234.24 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$825.47 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$417.19 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,812.36 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,047.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$455.94 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Ginnie Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,702.81 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,644.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$826.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,299.81 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$762.81 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 1/20/2023
$355.25 GROSS PAYROLL Hendrix, Avrey D R  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,066.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,021.47 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$702.27 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,100.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,476.95 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,067.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$129.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,722.97 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,475.45 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,671.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,461.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$384.74 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$159.76 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$462.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$136.44 GROSS PAYROLL Hoppie, Katherine Marie  League City TX 0 1/20/2023
$4,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$167.50 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Stacey Bell  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 1/20/2023
$231.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,395.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,630.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,913.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,160.82 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,880.36 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$419.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ireland, Connor James  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,173.53 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,131.69 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,850.53 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,837.03 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,617.80 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$902.30 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,070.98 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$906.83 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$763.96 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,819.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$670.11 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,446.12 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$887.60 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$17.14 GROSS PAYROLL Jenson, Nikylia K  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,033.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,111.35 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,441.96 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,130.15 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$636.44 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Jessica Blair  Mapleton UT 0 1/20/2023
$1,899.64 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,554.75 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$709.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$494.71 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$909.78 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Hailey Claireese  Rigby Id 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$889.20 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Mariah Darlene  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,417.87 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,534.72 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,759.61 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$879.70 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,015.79 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,138.71 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,256.33 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,557.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,025.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,706.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,024.42 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,015.52 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,088.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,683.94 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,559.95 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,203.23 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,221.49 GROSS PAYROLL Kristensen, Emma   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$403.22 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,820.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$268.84 GROSS PAYROLL Laybourn, Stephani Colleen  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,079.55 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,207.35 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$473.14 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$965.66 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Xiomara   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$721.44 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Benjamin F  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$374.53 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,623.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,582.69 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$9,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,024.65 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,129.07 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,046.97 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$423.53 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$470.72 GROSS PAYROLL Mair, Melissa Lin  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$943.12 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,303.66 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,602.84 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,833.89 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,354.90 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Amber Nichole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$478.59 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Nathan Joseph  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,021.29 GROSS PAYROLL Mayberry, Christa Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,329.75 GROSS PAYROLL McBride, Nina Celeste  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$60.00 GROSS PAYROLL McConnell, Lisa M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,416.64 GROSS PAYROLL McCoppin, Zachriel Matthias  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,087.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,351.40 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$325.02 GROSS PAYROLL Mengel, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$484.82 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$120.01 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Adrianne Johnson  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$810.59 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,373.97 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,816.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,692.77 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Torrie L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$44.59 GROSS PAYROLL Moedl, Allyx Oborn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,580.78 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$214.91 GROSS PAYROLL Moody, Jessica Johanna  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moon, Robert Anthony  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,410.98 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,320.28 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,418.21 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,492.97 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$108.23 GROSS PAYROLL Morgan, Kyrstin Rachel  Santaquin UT 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,505.15 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$439.10 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$320.00 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,561.62 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,900.75 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,988.45 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,278.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$663.83 GROSS PAYROLL Newman, Beth Ellen  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$735.26 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,213.35 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$848.65 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$873.59 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 1/20/2023
$1,731.59 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,246.91 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,553.50 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$195.78 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,609.13 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,367.76 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,387.71 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,534.30 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,196.51 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,006.69 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 1/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$799.74 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,353.50 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,889.74 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 1/20/2023
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$471.68 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$440.07 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,531.63 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$514.60 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$835.80 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,546.08 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,583.06 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,228.25 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$128.95 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Erin A  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$553.34 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,856.86 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$21.07 GROSS PAYROLL Phair, Alyssa Rosanne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$494.61 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,292.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Rachel Deniel  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,137.05 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$210.70 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Whittney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Poulsen, Charlee R  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$949.80 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,208.38 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$294.40 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Traci Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,393.99 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$469.08 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,461.36 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,384.97 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,890.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,987.99 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,261.68 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Kathryn Rose  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Reid, Jonathan Michael  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$251.37 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,145.57 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,579.05 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$158.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricter, Korina Noel  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$48.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,808.34 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$222.69 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Sheela Mae  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,555.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,004.03 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Andrew Cannon  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,844.84 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$61.08 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Elizabeth Ida  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,081.92 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,356.70 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,984.40 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,787.12 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$288.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$379.94 GROSS PAYROLL Rowland, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$94.41 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Brooke Janae  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,460.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,393.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$653.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sautter, Macy Michelle  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,816.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,043.16 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$964.30 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$50.04 GROSS PAYROLL Scholz, Analiese   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$478.61 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,058.53 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$891.19 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,282.18 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,852.58 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$816.60 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,933.33 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,332.20 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Janessa Kay  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$69.36 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer Boyle  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,203.76 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily Rose  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$7,865.15 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,201.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,962.87 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$817.52 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$479.39 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,687.84 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$589.15 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$915.61 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$943.34 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,651.72 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$419.02 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,142.89 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,759.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$959.01 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$150.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Miriam Pleasant Fisher  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$509.19 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$933.97 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$176.93 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,110.23 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$108.92 GROSS PAYROLL Snyder, Stephanie Nicole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,029.06 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,508.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,015.21 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$10,070.16 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,329.38 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,105.46 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Jamilyn Miller  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,168.58 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$782.29 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stibal, Faith Lindsay  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,074.97 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$501.34 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,981.32 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$588.34 GROSS PAYROLL Stoltenberg, Tambra Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stout, Emily Jean  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,198.64 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$572.04 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 1/20/2023
$58.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sudweeks, Loretta Shaver  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$191.13 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,264.83 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$449.37 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,120.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,943.95 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,748.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,229.23 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$176.05 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,221.32 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,476.10 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,030.81 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,156.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 1/20/2023
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,067.32 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$911.16 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$130.97 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,879.87 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,182.78 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,081.39 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Zachary Michael  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$419.42 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,293.46 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,115.50 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,027.88 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 1/20/2023
$297.30 GROSS PAYROLL Trost, Bradley W  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$249.31 GROSS PAYROLL Tsosie, Amber Christine  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,652.17 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,435.22 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$316.87 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,326.04 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,977.37 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,365.62 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,049.00 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,826.99 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$41.79 GROSS PAYROLL Vanderwal, Shirley   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,060.22 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,082.81 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,150.71 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,721.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$875.18 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,645.94 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,717.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$924.14 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$111.13 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$741.56 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,039.24 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,125.79 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,841.26 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$152.64 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,344.34 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$806.58 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,854.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,881.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,751.98 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,916.68 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$293.25 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,044.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,105.54 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,553.98 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,019.64 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,614.59 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,126.81 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$2,353.11 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 1/20/2023
$1,118.03 GROSS PAYROLL Widdison, Grant Harold  Sallisaw OK 0 1/20/2023
$449.43 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, McKenzie Taylor  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,613.32 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 1/20/2023
$380.84 GROSS PAYROLL Winchester, Heidi Luke  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,045.98 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$313.31 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$481.32 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,891.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$875.11 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Aerin Elizabeth  Roberts ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,058.64 GROSS PAYROLL Wu, Stephanie Alyssa  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,660.63 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,068.29 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,844.34 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$31.71 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,085.63 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,521.30 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$31.02 GROSS PAYROLL Zarate, Connie Gay  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$396.29 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$6,752.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 1/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 1/20/2023
$3,509.50 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 1/20/2023
$1,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Edward Buck  Idaho Falls ID 62328 1/20/2023
$1,600.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Todd C  Rigby ID 62329 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Kurtis Blake  Lewisville ID 62330 1/20/2023
$733.34 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Erica   Rigby ID 62331 1/20/2023
$9.63 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Timothy B  Rigby ID 62332 1/20/2023
$160.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Jason S  Menan ID 62333 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Geisler, Joshua Kirk  Rigby ID 62334 1/20/2023
$266.93 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 62335 1/20/2023
$13.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hewitt, Zachary R  Rigby ID 62336 1/20/2023
$9.82 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Hector   Lewisville ID 62337 1/20/2023
$10.11 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Josue   Lewisville ID 62338 1/20/2023
$100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Dylan J  Idaho Falls ID 62339 1/20/2023
$1,266.25 GROSS PAYROLL Maloney, Holly Jayne  Rigby ID 62340 1/20/2023
$83.33 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Easton Randolph  Rigby ID 62341 1/20/2023
$30.82 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62342 1/20/2023
$13.77 GROSS PAYROLL Roque, Arturo   Roberts ID 62343 1/20/2023
$83.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Justin Robert  Rigby ID 62344 1/20/2023
$529.52 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62345 1/20/2023
$84.63 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Maggy Marie  Rigby ID 62346 1/20/2023
$362.94 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Presley Marie  Ammon ID 62347 1/20/2023
$66.66 GROSS PAYROLL Nunez, Naomi Rosalia  Rigby ID 62348 1/20/2023
$220.15 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62349 1/20/2023
$410.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62350 1/20/2023
$222.22 GROSS PAYROLL McClellan, Jorelle Susanne  Rigby ID 62351 1/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Treasure, Hailey   Rigby ID 62352 1/20/2023
$474.01 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Caleb Richard  Rigby ID 62353 1/20/2023
$437.76 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Katelyn Irene  Hamilton MO 62354 1/20/2023
$501.69 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62355 1/20/2023
$330.26 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62356 1/20/2023
$1,013.61 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 62357 1/20/2023
$1,044.44 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62358 1/20/2023
$1,837.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62359 1/20/2023
$1,015.74 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 62360 1/20/2023
$770.02 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62361 1/20/2023
$2,700.21 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62362 1/20/2023
$2,455.13 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62363 1/20/2023
$2,172.66 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62364 1/20/2023
33219779 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93878 1/23/2023
December 2022 $46.31 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $75.06 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $13.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $2,289.54 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $67.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $3,131.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $1,162.87 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $883.62 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $1,808.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $3,412.82 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $5,274.81 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $13.79 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $2,348.26 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $18.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $8,129.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $7,178.91 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $17.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $35.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $3,260.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $416.66 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $4,586.14 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $4.48 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $14,707.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $1,773.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $373.99 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $186.64 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
December 2022 $1,707.41 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/24/2023
IABE PD 1.26-1.27.23 $102.00 Family Liaison Travel Grant, Silvina Rigby ID 93887 1/24/2023
IABE PD 1.26-27.23 $51.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zollinger, Todd Idaho Falls ID 93888 1/24/2023
IASBO PD 3.1-3.2.23 $127.00 Travel Expenses Bronson, Bryce Jerome Ammon ID 93879 1/24/2023
Supply Reimb $68.10 Supplies & Materials Johnson, Darcy Rexburg ID 93880 1/24/2023
Supply Reimb 1.24.23 $121.08 Testing Supplies - Elementary Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 93886 1/24/2023
Supply Reimb 1.24.23 $206.16 General Supplies & Materials Faler, Keyra Garden City ID 93883 1/24/2023
Supply Reimb 1.24.23 $51.96 Supplies & Materials Hancock, Dallin Menan ID 93885 1/24/2023
Supply reimb 1.24.23 $31.79 Supplies & Materials Kotter, Leanna Idaho Falls ID 93881 1/24/2023
Supply Reimb 1.24.23 $107.07 Chinese Immersion Tao, Jiahui Idaho Falls ID 93884 1/24/2023
Supply Reimb 1.24.23 $175.89 Supplies & Materials Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 93882 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $77.88 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $40.22 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $44.46 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $569.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $35.78 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $1,025.89 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $21.18 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $1,390.43 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs -($113.94) Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $589.65 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $1,249.35 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $15.43 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
Dec Bill Backs $35.00 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166936 1/24/2023
FredMeyers $45.00 Video Game Club Services Jiahui Tao Idaho Falls ID 57166939 1/24/2023
HobbyLobby $196.78 Supplies & Materials Sonya Fulcher Rexburg ID 57166940 1/24/2023
HomeDepot $212.30 Supplies & Materials Sonya Fulcher Rexburg ID 57166940 1/24/2023
HS1/18 $26.00 Purchase Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166938 1/24/2023
Lochlynn Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Tiffany Bitsoi Rigby ID 57166941 1/24/2023
V627448 $250.00 Supplies & Materials Heidi Freeman Rigby ID 57166937 1/24/2023
41553577 $416.23 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93889 1/25/2023
Immersion TrainingPD $153.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Navarro, Jennifer Maria Rexburg ID 93892 1/25/2023
ImmersionTrain1.31PD $102.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 93890 1/25/2023
ImmersionTrain1.31PD $102.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 93891 1/25/2023
ImmersionTrain1.31PD $102.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ponce, Sergio Rexburg ID 93894 1/25/2023
ImmersionTrainPD $102.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 93893 1/25/2023
Payment_1_25_23 $241.89 Supplies & Materials Teton Bagel Rigby ID 2009 1/25/2023
EdLawInstitute 4.22 $127.00 Travel Expenses Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 93897 1/26/2023
EdLawInstitute4.22 $127.00 Travel Expenses Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93896 1/26/2023
EdLawInstitute4.22 -($127.00) Travel Expenses Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93896 1/26/2023
EdLawInstitute4.22 $127.00 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 93898 1/26/2023
EdLawInstitutePD4.22 $127.00 Travel Expenses Hancock, Matthew Menan ID 93895 1/26/2023
EdLawInstitutePD4.22 -($127.00) Travel Expenses Hancock, Matthew Menan ID 93895 1/26/2023
V465526 $25.42 General Supplies & Materials Whitney Hawke Rigby ID 2230 1/26/2023
Big Mountain Girls $60.00 Supplies & Materials BURLEY HIGH SCHOOL BURLEY ID 1488296 1/26/2023
Big Mountain Girls $60.00 Supplies & Materials BURLEY HIGH SCHOOL BURLEY ID 1488296 1/26/2023
BPA Competition $1,485.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO BPA Boise ID 1488297 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $29.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $54.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back -($49.49) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $116.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back -($15.89) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $141.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $1,839.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $969.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $64.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $181.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $39.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $42.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $73.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $390.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $179.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $456.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $50.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $93.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $82.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $98.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $18.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $17.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $1,830.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $863.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $14.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $150.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $108.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $56.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $9.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $964.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $99.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $149.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $155.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $475.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $524.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $4.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $33.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $77.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $85.16 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $37.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $23.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $40.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $109.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $12.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $6.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $39.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $1,547.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back -($260.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $112.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $61.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $127.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $270.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $16.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $40.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $18.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $23.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $199.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $37.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $41.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $451.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $25.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $349.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $80.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $37.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $35.51 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $58.25 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $25.00 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $339.88 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $1,271.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $46.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back -($84.75) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $99.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $14.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $47.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back -($35.90) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $17.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $37.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $139.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $55.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $12.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $5.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $1,068.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $10,000.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $918.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $362.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $1,856.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $147.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $195.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $73.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $110.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $61.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $45.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $315.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $340.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $2,571.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $61.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $11.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $26.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $9.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $13.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $8.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $12.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $40.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $104.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $19.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $40.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $13.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $28.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $715.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $3.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $4,390.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $9.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $3.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $33.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $634.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $494.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $19.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $252.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $197.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $25.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $254.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back -($55.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $199.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $451.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $310.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $180.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $192.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $210.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $69.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back -($86.68) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $17.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $91.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $46.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $66.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $107.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $130.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
Dec 2022 Bill Back $209.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488298 1/26/2023
GBB Sr Gifts $181.26 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488300 1/26/2023
Red Halverson  V $105.00 Supplies & Materials MINICO HIGH SCHOOL RUPERT ID 1488299 1/26/2023
Red Halverson  V $105.00 Supplies & Materials MINICO HIGH SCHOOL RUPERT ID 1488299 1/26/2023
Red Halverson JV $125.00 Supplies & Materials MINICO HIGH SCHOOL RUPERT ID 1488299 1/26/2023
Red Halverson JV $125.00 Supplies & Materials MINICO HIGH SCHOOL RUPERT ID 1488299 1/26/2023
Winter Formal DJ $1,200.00 Hope Squad Supplies A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488295 1/26/2023
Kasyn BB Refund $125.00 Dues & Collections Danielle Smith Rigby ID 57166943 1/26/2023
Kyler BB Refund $125.00 Dues & Collections Candice Perry Rigby ID 57166942 1/26/2023
Reimbursement $276.66 Supplies & Materials Sydney Alexandra Harper Idaho Falls ID 57166944 1/26/2023
RestoreCircleTrainPD $255.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Codling, Teresa Rigby ID 93899 1/30/2023
RestoreCircleTrainPD $255.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hanson, Shelley Sugar City ID 93900 1/30/2023
RestoreCircleTrainPD $255.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Kinghorn, Lannon Jo Rigby ID 93901 1/30/2023
RestoreCircleTrainPD $255.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Phillips, Karey Brooke Rigby ID 93902 1/30/2023
RestoreCircleTrainPD $255.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Woods, Emily Rigby ID 93903 1/30/2023
33283740 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93905 1/31/2023
33334522 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93905 1/31/2023
Mileage 2.9-8.29 $81.65 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 93907 1/31/2023
Mileage 9.15-11.9 $71.50 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 93904 1/31/2023
Supply Reimb 1.31.22 $11.79 ESSER SEL Supplies Hanson, LaRae Ammon ID 93906 1/31/2023
Mileage 1.24-1.26 $16.90 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93909 2/1/2023
Mileage 1.3-1.24 $58.50 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 93909 2/1/2023
Supply Reimb 2.1.23 $16.68 WLIP Supplies SFE Fonnesbeck, Shelly Rigby ID 93908 2/1/2023
Supply Reimb 2.1.23 $95.67 WLIP Supplies SFE Kimber, Cheryl Rigby ID 93910 2/1/2023
Supply Reimb 2.1.23 $31.78 Supplies & Materials Kinghorn, Lannon Jo Rigby ID 93911 2/1/2023
Supply Reimb 2.1.23 $34.95 Supplies & Materials Su, Junsong Sterling CO 93913 2/1/2023
Travel PD 1.27-1.28 $102.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Oliverson, Spencer Rigby ID 93912 2/1/2023
V468090 $350.00 Purchased Services RIZE Volleyball Rigby ID 195 2/1/2023
CP339295 $27,612.57 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 2/2/2023
Mileage 1.2-1.31 $48.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 93916 2/2/2023
Mileage 11.15-12.6 $39.60 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93917 2/2/2023
Mileage 12.12-1.2 $39.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93917 2/2/2023
Mileage1.2-1.31 $54.40 In District Mileage Reimbursement Boyer, Tanner Idaho Falls ID 93915 2/2/2023
Milege 1.3-1.10 $27.95 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93917 2/2/2023
Phsical Reimb 2.2.23 $92.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Allen, Gordon Rigby ID 93914 2/2/2023
V549450 $158.36 Supplies & Materials Winco Foods Idaho Falls ID 3875 2/2/2023
V738853 $16.48 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1678 2/2/2023
V781215 $396.30 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1679 2/2/2023
BYUIConcurrentEnroll $350.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Potter, Bonnie Rigby ID 93923 2/3/2023
Gas Reimb 2.3.23 $108.39 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 93920 2/3/2023
Mileage 1.10-1.24 $35.60 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 93918 2/3/2023
Mileage 10.07-1.20 $93.80 Title II Travel Rahberger, Hanna Idaho Falls ID 93921 2/3/2023
S. Butler ACT Reimb $63.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Butler, Stephanie Rigby ID 93922 2/3/2023
Supply Reimb 2.3.23 $84.75 Zamarron, Lorenza Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 93919 2/3/2023
billback_Nov_Dec_22 $51.52 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2010 2/3/2023
billback_Nov_Dec_22 $24.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2010 2/3/2023
billback_Nov_Dec_22 $27.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2010 2/3/2023
billback_Nov_Dec_22 $28.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2010 2/3/2023
billback_Nov_Dec_22 $39.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2010 2/3/2023
billback_Nov_Dec_22 $18.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2010 2/3/2023
billback_Nov_Dec_22 $354.69 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2010 2/3/2023
382321300A testing $342.00 Supplies & Materials PSAT/NMSQT CHICAGO IL 1488305 2/3/2023
5426 Choir Tour 23 $14,550.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Infinity Tours & Events-Provo Provo  UT 1488303 2/3/2023
60464447 Fball $414.75 Supplies & Materials Ridell All American Sports Corp Dallas TX 1488306 2/3/2023
8261414 project meta $2,076.11 Supplies & Materials Pacific Steel IDAHO FALLS ID 1488304 2/3/2023
951697381 Fball $1,373.95 Supplies & Materials Ridell All American Sports Corp Dallas TX 1488306 2/3/2023
AR1108241 $153.14 Supplies & Materials VALLEY OFFICE SYSTEMS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488309 2/3/2023
AR1126231 $57.76 Supplies & Materials VALLEY OFFICE SYSTEMS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488309 2/3/2023
BBB Sr Night reimb $270.99 Supplies & Materials Taylor, Christy Rigby ID 1488308 2/3/2023
IF-295519 Cheer $123.17 Supplies & Materials Alphagraphics-Idaho Falls Idaho Falls ID 1488301 2/3/2023
Robotics Referee $100.00 Supplies & Materials Sutton, Lea Centerton AZ 1488307 2/3/2023
Staff Sept-Jan $159.50 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488302 2/3/2023
Staff Sept-Jan $22.50 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488302 2/3/2023
Staff Sept-Jan $83.50 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488302 2/3/2023
2161:00789404 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166948 2/3/2023
4199368896 $18.00 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166947 2/3/2023
4199369508 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166947 2/3/2023
4199370011 $147.20 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166947 2/3/2023
920223917 $7,679.70 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports Dallas TX 57166945 2/3/2023
Feb. 3 $1,000.00 Purchased Services DragonFly Athletics Hartselle AL 0 2/3/2023
SignGypsies $65.00 Supplies & Materials Jami Staker Menan ID 57166946 2/3/2023
V462366 100 Purchased Services School District #251 RIGBY ID 2115 2/3/2023
V743215 $72.00 Purchased Services School District #251 RIGBY ID 2114 2/3/2023
0000004 $320.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Rapp, Rodney Idaho Falls ID 93958 2/6/2023
0169429 -($250.74) Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
01847635 $2,577.07 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93944 2/6/2023
01851895 $303.20 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93944 2/6/2023
01853309 $3,182.23 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93944 2/6/2023
01854290 $131.05 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93944 2/6/2023
01854491 $1,742.92 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93944 2/6/2023
01856720 $1,104.25 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93944 2/6/2023
01859203 $2,045.62 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 93944 2/6/2023
02032023 $1,000.00 General Supplies & Materials Bytheway, John Salt Lake City UT 93933 2/6/2023
044979 $80.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 93934 2/6/2023
044979 $80.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 93934 2/6/2023
05 $416.10 Vendor Services Stanger, Ione Idaho Falls ID 93973 2/6/2023
1.1-1.6 $1,013.78 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93977 2/6/2023
1.11.23-1.13.23 $473.11 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 93963 2/6/2023
1.16-1.20 $1,277.45 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93977 2/6/2023
1.23-1.27 $1,545.03 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93977 2/6/2023
1.9.23-1.13-23 $1,799.84 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 93963 2/6/2023
10.31-12.2;1.9-1.13 $8,362.23 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93977 2/6/2023
1010 $2,145.00 Vendor Services Chad Judy Speech-Language Pathology Idaho Falls ID 93936 2/6/2023
1045841 $666.13 Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 93935 2/6/2023
11595 $315.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Pasadena CA 93939 2/6/2023
12.5-12.30 $805.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 93947 2/6/2023
12.5-12.9 $3,464.60 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 93977 2/6/2023
123(1) $520.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 93981 2/6/2023
14015102P 2 -($384.21) Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
1589 $376.00 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem South Rigby Canal & Irrigation Co. Rigby ID 93970 2/6/2023
1620 $212.00 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem South Rigby Canal & Irrigation Co. Rigby ID 93970 2/6/2023
17748 $3,453.50 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 93929 2/6/2023
18-0157 January 2023 $447.72 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93925 2/6/2023
18-0160 January 2023 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 93925 2/6/2023
2023068 $1,300.00 Travel Anderson Julian & Hull Boise ID 93931 2/6/2023
2029 $10,864.10 General Supplies Southern Recognition, Inc. Raleigh NC 93971 2/6/2023
208131484277 $1,895.06 Furniture/Equipment School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
208131484277 $1,737.63 Furniture/Equipment School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
208131660316 $370.54 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
208131660316 $400.01 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
208131660316 $522.89 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
208131721269 $460.68 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
22-23-08 HEAS $2,667.00 After School Programs U of I 4H Youth Development Moscow ID 93979 2/6/2023
23-2979 $444.00 Purchased Services Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93960 2/6/2023
23-2984 $444.00 Purchased Services Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93960 2/6/2023
23-3567 $444.00 Purchased Services Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 93960 2/6/2023
230117-0006 $130.81 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 93940 2/6/2023
23338 $423.80 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93978 2/6/2023
23344 $657.95 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93978 2/6/2023
23345 $1,139.76 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93978 2/6/2023
23346 $459.01 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93978 2/6/2023
23377 $4,287.24 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93978 2/6/2023
23378 $1,232.55 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93978 2/6/2023
23388 $149.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93978 2/6/2023
23389 $189.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93978 2/6/2023
23397 $743.42 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 93978 2/6/2023
240155929 5 $75.04 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240158567 0 -($53.55) Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240189766 1 $831.01 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240201416 7 -($21.69) Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240201417 5 -($11.40) Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240202988 4 ($30.44) Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240210967 8 $2,362.87 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240214483 $201.94 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240215276 9 $712.49 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240218289 $212.60 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240219778 0 $3,824.18 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
240225559 6 $1,001.20 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
24026881 7 $1,012.18 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 93976 2/6/2023
2414 $695.00 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 93948 2/6/2023
251-020123-0006 $275.00 Vendor Services Independence O&M Services, LLC Idaho Falls ID 93946 2/6/2023
251240-1 150 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93945 2/6/2023
251240-2 $525.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93945 2/6/2023
251241-1 $1,080.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93945 2/6/2023
251252-1 $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93945 2/6/2023
251254-1 450 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 93945 2/6/2023
27204317 $144.60 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93969 2/6/2023
27204318 $202.80 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93969 2/6/2023
27204319 $3,020.48 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93969 2/6/2023
27204320 $346.60 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93969 2/6/2023
27223762 $2,809.28 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93969 2/6/2023
27223763 $765.05 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93969 2/6/2023
27443488 $278.65 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93969 2/6/2023
27443489 $96.20 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93969 2/6/2023
27443490 $931.86 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 93969 2/6/2023
30627 $1,000.00 District Office Supplies Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93949 2/6/2023
30657 $391.20 District Office Supplies Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93949 2/6/2023
308104219131 $1,267.58 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
308104219131 $496.15 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
308104219131 $2,819.18 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
308104219131 $5,493.88 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 93968 2/6/2023
315187 $90.05 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 93949 2/6/2023
33376028 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93926 2/6/2023
33376029 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93926 2/6/2023
3754 $2,247.18 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Nelson Electric LLC Menan ID 93953 2/6/2023
3762 $9,489.42 Business Services Nelson Electric LLC Menan ID 93953 2/6/2023
590642676 $4,232.78 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 93943 2/6/2023
6 - 2/1/2023 $5,178.60 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 93967 2/6/2023
6782 $140.00 Office & Training Supplies NW Information Advantage LLC Medical Lake WA 93956 2/6/2023
79427 $39.00 Attorney Fees Anderson Julian & Hull Boise ID 93931 2/6/2023
8203614 $5,425.33 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93955 2/6/2023
8211316 $2,076.37 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93955 2/6/2023
8219423 $2,941.63 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93955 2/6/2023
8227039 $2,409.94 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93955 2/6/2023
8234746 $8,620.53 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 93955 2/6/2023
894152900001127 $425.60 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93932 2/6/2023
89415290001099 $821.39 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93932 2/6/2023
89415290001167 $376.29 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93932 2/6/2023
89415290001197 $590.97 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93932 2/6/2023
89415290001240 $704.57 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 93932 2/6/2023
894574 $1,366.40 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 93952 2/6/2023
942702 $380.69 General Supplies & Materials Rocknaks Hardware IDAHO FALLS ID 93964 2/6/2023
943724 $20.72 General Supplies & Materials Rocknaks Hardware IDAHO FALLS ID 93964 2/6/2023
962440527 463.01 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93950 2/6/2023
962440527 463.02 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 93950 2/6/2023
A. Gundry JEF $300.00 Autumn Gundry Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93962 2/6/2023
A.Christiansen BYUI $245.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Christiansen, Christie Rigby ID 93937 2/6/2023
A.Stowell BYUI Reimb $245.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Stowell, Kristin Rigby ID 93975 2/6/2023
AG Licesnses Reimb $25.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93961 2/6/2023
Art Supplies JEF $25.00 Art EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93962 2/6/2023
Band JEF $7,589.41 Band EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93962 2/6/2023
Choir JEF $1,079.95 Choir EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93962 2/6/2023
December 2022 $9,142.50 Medicaid Purchased Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 93959 2/6/2023
December 2022 $940.87 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 93963 2/6/2023
E.Martin BYUI Reimb $140.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Martin, Holly Rigby ID 93951 2/6/2023
February 2023 $5,758.20 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 93938 2/6/2023
FMS 1.17.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93957 2/6/2023
FMS 1.24.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93957 2/6/2023
FMS 1.3.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93957 2/6/2023
I221220364 $175.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Roto-Rooter Menan id 93965 2/6/2023
IN110538 $281.25 State Technology Supplies VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93980 2/6/2023
IN110569 $12.32 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 93980 2/6/2023
INV-000924 $6,200.00 Supplies Specially Designed Education Services Bothell WA 93972 2/6/2023
INV-000925 $19,154.31 Supplies Specially Designed Education Services Bothell WA 93972 2/6/2023
INVUS173691 $4,902.56 Software Support Frontline Technologies Philadelphia PA 93942 2/6/2023
January 2023 $1,185.56 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 93963 2/6/2023
January 2023 $848.75 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 93966 2/6/2023
January 2023(1) $775.19 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 93963 2/6/2023
January 9, 2023 $726.00 Attorney Fees Nelson Hall Parry Tucker Idaho Falls ID 93954 2/6/2023
LBLA2353644 $93.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93930 2/6/2023
LBLA2353644 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93930 2/6/2023
LBLA235673 $59.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93930 2/6/2023
LBLA235673 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93930 2/6/2023
LBLA2357713 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93930 2/6/2023
LBLA2357713 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93930 2/6/2023
LBLA2359714 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93930 2/6/2023
LBLA2359714 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 93930 2/6/2023
Miller Cheer $770.00 Cheer EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93961 2/6/2023
Miller Cheer $330.00 Cheer EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93961 2/6/2023
November 2022 $320.74 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 93963 2/6/2023
November 2022 (1) $620.13 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 93963 2/6/2023
OrchestraInstruments $2,023.00 Orchestra EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 93961 2/6/2023
P.Stegelmeier BYUI $105.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Stegelmeier, Desiree Rigby ID 93974 2/6/2023
Pre-Engineering JEF $40.00 RMS Pre Engineering Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 93962 2/6/2023
RHS 1.17.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93957 2/6/2023
RHS 1.24.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93957 2/6/2023
RHS 1.3.23 $178.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93957 2/6/2023
RMS 1.17.23 $89.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93957 2/6/2023
RMS 1.24.23 $89.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93957 2/6/2023
RMS 1.3.23 $89.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 93957 2/6/2023
StaffDinner $75.00 Supplies & Materials Fife, Derek Rigby ID 93941 2/6/2023
Supply Reimb 1.31.23 $45.33 WLIP Supplies SFE Barker, Pam Rigby ID 93924 2/6/2023
Supply reimb 2.3.202 $217.78 WLIP Supplies SFE Kimber, Cheryl Rigby ID 93927 2/6/2023
Supt Mtg, GBB PD $455.55 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 93928 2/6/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $47.40 Student Lunch Sales Adam, Christy Rigby ID 93982 2/7/2023
C.Jara ACT Reimb $63.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Jara, Jennifer Rigby ID 93983 2/8/2023
V150626 $15.00 General Purchased Services Sara Quigley Rigby ID 2232 2/8/2023
V547558 $15.88 General Supplies & Materials Kathryn McLain Rigby ID 2231 2/8/2023
Danica Refund $35.00 Supplies & Materials Katie Welker Idaho Falls, ID 57166951 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $96.87 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $196.99 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $218.85 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $85.66 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $189.17 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $65.77 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $65.77 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $53.54 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $49.97 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $45.21 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $75.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Feb 23 Payroll $150.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166949 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $1,510.30 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $273.26 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $18.91 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $921.19 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $4,145.41 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $15.87 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $9.45 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $562.54 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $329.54 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $84.11 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $20.14 SOAR Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $81.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $55.00 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $22.45 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
Jan. 23 Bill Backs $11.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166950 2/8/2023
33416337 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93988 2/9/2023
33416337 -($175.00) Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93988 2/9/2023
33416337(1) $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93989 2/9/2023
Mileage 2.6 $39.85 Family Liaison Travel Grant, Silvina Rigby ID 93985 2/9/2023
Mileage 2.9 $43.30 Family Liaison Travel Grant, Silvina Rigby ID 93985 2/9/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $33.05 Student Lunch Sales Welker, Katie Idaho Falls ID 93987 2/9/2023
Supply Reimb 2.9 $256.04 Custodial Supplies Fryberger, Kelsi Rigby ID 93984 2/9/2023
Supply Reimb 2.9.23 $52.39 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Thomson, Laurie Ucon ID 93986 2/9/2023
Hope Squad $250.16 Counseling Supplies & Materials Eric Ballestero Gooding ID 196 2/9/2023
V44094 $500.00 General Purchased Services Vivid Interiors LLC Rigby ID 2233 2/9/2023
RMS-00418 $184.00 Cash in Checking School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166952 2/9/2023
RMS-00433 $321.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166952 2/9/2023
RMS-00443 $169.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166952 2/9/2023
RMS-00444 $183.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166952 2/9/2023
RMS-00452 $821.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166952 2/9/2023
RMS-00459 $87.16 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166952 2/9/2023
RMS-00472 $28.64 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166952 2/9/2023
RMS-0422 $260.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166952 2/9/2023
V233059 $2,500.00 Supplies & Materials School District #251 District Office Rigby ID 2116 2/9/2023
add handbell $130.00 Supplies & Materials Tincher, Phyllis Nampa ID 1488310 2/10/2023
13979 $39.92 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Speedy CPS, LLC Rigby ID 57166955 2/10/2023
6081-000-20231 $2,584.86 Purchased Services Herff Jones Chicago IL 57166954 2/10/2023
Jan.23 Sales Tax $43.28 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166953 2/10/2023
Jan.23 Sales Tax $47.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166953 2/10/2023
Jan.23 Sales Tax $159.21 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166953 2/10/2023
Jan.23 Sales Tax $5.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166953 2/10/2023
Jan.23 Sales Tax $1.31 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166953 2/10/2023
Jan.23 Sales Tax $0.97 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166953 2/10/2023
Jan.23 Sales Tax $2.05 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166953 2/10/2023
Jan.23 Sales Tax $1.31 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166953 2/10/2023
Jan.23 Sales Tax $3.45 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166953 2/10/2023
1/31/2023 1 $73.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 10 $16.48 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 100 $461.46 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1000 $667.79 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1001 $277.94 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1002 $31.00 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1003 $10.63 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1004 $450.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1005 $223.93 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1006 $17.98 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1007 $47.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1008 $43.46 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1009 $42.35 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 101 $752.33 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1010 $31.23 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1011 $5.99 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1012 $19.55 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1013 $32.72 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1014 $49.98 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1015 $185.90 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1016 $9.89 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1017 $574.14 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1018 $457.54 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1019 $15.18 Zamarron, Lorenza Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 102 $76.19 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1020 $8.00 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1021 $617.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1022 $28.73 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1023 $400.12 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1024 $127.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1025 $9.97 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1026 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1027 $659.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1028 $34.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1029 $255.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 103 $347.04 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1030 $415.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1031 $762.50 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1032 $21.38 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1033 $44.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1034 $38.31 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1035 $256.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1036 $108.61 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1037 -($252.01) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1038 $220.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1039 $107.45 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 104 $592.54 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1040 $8.77 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1041 $187.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1042 $24.84 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1043 $331.80 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1044 $15.87 Life Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1045 $659.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1047 $659.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1048 $659.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1049 -($79.80) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 105 $46.89 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1050 $288.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1051 $220.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1052 $52.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1053 $3.99 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1054 $26.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1055 $659.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1056 $10.75 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1057 $14.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1058 $23.64 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1059 $1.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 106 $8.48 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1060 $534.00 STEM Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1061 $311.74 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1062 $69.00 Transportation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1063 $44.24 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1064 $20.14 SOAR Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1065 $521.94 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1066 $659.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1067 $72.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1068 $8.54 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1069 $28.65 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 107 $124.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1070 $33.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1071 $2,618.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1072 $3.62 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1073 $1,075.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1074 $24.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1075 $8.54 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1076 $96.24 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1077 $359.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1078 $11.26 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1079 $2,010.25 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 108 $50.28 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1080 $31.75 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1081 $48.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1082 $244.34 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1083 $32.85 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1084 $105.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1085 $659.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1086 $96.80 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1087 $32.12 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1088 $377.20 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1089 $14.59 STEM Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 109 $17.81 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1090 $386.49 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1091 $12.00 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1092 $124.37 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1093 $42.29 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1094 $8.78 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1095 $659.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1096 $31.83 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1097 $659.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1098 $124.37 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1099 $2,290.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 11 $69.50 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 110 $68.83 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1100 $96.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1101 $42.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1102 $8.54 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1103 $28.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1104 $22.78 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1105 $72.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1106 $35.18 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1107 $16.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1108 $124.37 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1109 $45.59 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 111 $5.25 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1110 $124.37 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1111 $77.61 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1112 $168.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1113 $20.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1114 $165.77 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1115 $338.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1116 $39.90 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1117 $17.56 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1118 $169.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1119 $28.64 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 112 $25.42 Oliveira, Mariana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1120 $12.69 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1121 $19.98 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1122 $5.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1123 $53.82 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1124 -($16.99) Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1125 $243.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1126 -($40.05) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1127 $96.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1128 $2.65 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1129 $297.63 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 113 $105.84 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1130 $77.98 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1131 $1,900.00 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1132 -($47.70) Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1133 $5.00 Kathy Harmon EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1134 $1,900.00 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1135 $144.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1136 $249.81 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1137 -($131.70) Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1138 $1,079.76 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1139 $19.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 114 $79.54 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1140 -($2,501.64) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1141 $32.50 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1142 $1,900.00 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1143 $49.47 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1144 $13.77 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1145 $37.94 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1146 $185.06 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1147 $117.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1148 $82.38 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1149 $1,900.00 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 115 $405.86 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1150 -($23.88) Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1151 $12.18 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1152 $9.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1153 $30.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1154 $28.89 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1155 $9.99 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1156 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1157 $240.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1158 $21.49 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1159 $220.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 116 -($8.37) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1160 $40.43 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1161 $114.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1162 $34.43 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1163 $20.78 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1164 $76.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1165 $87.68 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1166 $34.85 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1167 $8,638.08 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1168 $1,365.60 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1169 $40.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 117 $1,498.78 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1170 $450.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1171 $1,900.00 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1172 $65.10 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1173 $22.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1174 $9.29 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1175 $6.00 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1176 $70.88 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1177 $50.97 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1178 $720.00 8th BB Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1179 $299.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 118 $291.14 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1180 $52.74 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1181 $21.99 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1182 $200.15 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1183 $14.99 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1184 $3.29 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1185 $27.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1186 $10.60 Science 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1187 $5.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1188 $13.98 STEM Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1189 $175.86 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 119 $130.91 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1190 $30.30 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1191 $18.58 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1192 $8.49 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1193 $13,250.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1194 -($9.69) Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1195 $17.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1196 $663.27 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1197 $190.70 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1198 $20.00 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1199 $2.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 12 $102.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 120 -($15.56) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1200 $22.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1201 $15.24 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1202 $35.40 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1203 $36.00 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1204 -($47.46) Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1205 $17.59 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1206 $17.23 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1207 $30.90 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1208 $22.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1209 $11.94 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 121 $6.57 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1210 $10.04 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1211 $20.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1212 $76.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1213 $369.00 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1214 $19.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1215 $13.98 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1216 $86.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1217 $63.19 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1218 $22.01 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1219 $150.12 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 122 $27.60 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1220 $10.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1221 $165.45 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1222 $47.29 Catrina Marley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1223 $4.85 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1224 $7.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1225 $267.60 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1226 $20.79 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1227 $18.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1228 $37.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1229 $49.77 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 123 $16.32 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1230 $76.88 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1231 $198.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1232 $21.02 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1233 $14.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1234 $59.00 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1235 $59.00 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1236 $38.73 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1237 $72.89 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1238 $6.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1239 $19.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 124 $181.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1240 $30.67 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1241 $16.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1242 $585.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1243 $19.96 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1244 $69.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1245 $219.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1246 $5.49 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1247 $34.96 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1248 $66.80 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1249 $23.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 125 $16.95 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1250 $327.77 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1251 $189.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1252 $95.44 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1253 $15.89 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1254 $17.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1255 $277.57 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1256 $3,702.83 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1257 $43.82 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1258 $22.97 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1259 $71.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 126 $34.45 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1260 $14.99 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1261 $14.58 Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1262 $12.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1263 $9.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1264 $204.00 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1265 $5.99 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1266 $38.51 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1267 $53.32 Anyanwu, Jade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1268 $16.46 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1269 $200.35 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 127 $325.00 Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1270 $13.27 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1271 $29.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1272 $36.74 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1273 $13.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1274 $10.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1275 $99.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1276 $209.50 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1277 $150.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1278 $2,922.48 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1279 $29.98 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 128 $23.99 Orchestra Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1280 $67.50 Science 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1281 $23.95 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1282 $2,120.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1283 $99.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1284 $8.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1285 $118.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1286 $500.96 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1287 $112.10 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1288 $23.50 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1289 $176.31 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 129 $229.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1290 $22.63 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1291 $299.99 Emergency Levy-Cell Boosters Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1292 $15.98 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1293 $11.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1294 $93.34 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1295 $99.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1296 $102.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1297 $45.38 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1298 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1299 $25.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 13 $83.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 130 $279.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1300 $37.69 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1301 $19.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1302 $13.99 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1303 $21.47 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1304 $99.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1305 $69.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1306 $25.42 Shelly Harrop Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1307 $14.88 8th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1308 $99.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1309 $157.34 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 131 $68.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1310 $136.85 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1311 $10.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1312 $71.24 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1313 $35.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1314 $35.85 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1315 $100.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1316 $231.00 Program Quality Grant-Technical Assistance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1317 $17.40 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1318 $42.40 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1319 $14.56 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 132 $18.18 Orchestra Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1320 $99.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1321 $29.97 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1322 $58.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1323 $17.59 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1324 $358.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1325 $32.43 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1326 $3,089.83 Program Quality Grant-Technical Assistance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1327 $157.09 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1328 $69.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1329 $33.49 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 133 $55.94 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1330 $190.41 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1331 $41.09 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1332 $214.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1333 $3.50 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1334 $5.97 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1335 $22.85 RHS College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1336 $9.99 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1337 $629.59 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1338 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1339 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 134 $173.61 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1340 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1341 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1342 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1343 $182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1344 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1345 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1346 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1347 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1348 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1349 $62.50 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 135 $754.72 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1350 $29.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1351 $112.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1352 $140.53 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1353 $17.39 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1354 $18.15 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1355 $90.52 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1356 $142.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1357 $36.23 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1358 $23.19 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1359 $88.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 136 $208.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1360 $2,887.15 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1361 $569.25 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1362 $27.02 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1363 $42.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1364 $22.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1365 $71.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1366 $38.47 Perkins Supplies Health Occupations Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1367 $28.09 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1368 $54.59 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1369 $63.39 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 137 $318.38 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1370 $262.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1371 $9.45 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1372 $14.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1373 $200.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1374 $20.67 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1375 $7.95 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1376 $2,530.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1377 $68.02 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1378 $27.74 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1379 $79.50 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 138 $110.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1380 $107.07 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1381 $14.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1382 $528.48 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1383 $11,528.60 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1384 $202.20 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1385 $27.13 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1386 $198.24 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1387 $22.90 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1388 $812.16 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1389 $19.15 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 139 $205.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1390 $239.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1391 $3,197.96 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1392 $103.64 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1393 $19.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1394 $199.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1395 $17.91 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1396 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1397 $29.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1398 $21.37 RHS College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1399 $39.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 14 $83.12 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 140 $90.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1400 $9.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1401 $22.96 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1402 $40.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1403 $151.07 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1404 $234.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1405 $141.85 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1406 $54.99 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1407 $202.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1408 $53.24 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1409 $33.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 141 $18.98 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1410 $547.80 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1411 $5.98 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1412 -($144.81) Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1413 $211.79 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1414 $238.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1415 $195.40 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1416 $45.34 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1417 $74.61 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1418 $17.31 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1419 $110.50 Custodial Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 142 $35.98 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1420 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1421 $54.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1422 $175.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1423 $14.25 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1424 $3,707.86 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1425 $79.63 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1426 $66.90 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1427 $43.86 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1428 $13.36 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1429 $547.80 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 143 $10.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1430 $31.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1431 $65.99 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1432 $854.40 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1433 $54.99 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1434 $4.55 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1435 $17.65 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1436 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1437 $199.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1438 $25.94 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1439 $65.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 144 $67.78 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1440 $196.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1441 $232.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1442 $131.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1443 $9.48 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1444 $43.81 RHS College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1445 $39.65 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1446 $17.88 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1447 $36.64 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1448 $59.82 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1449 $275.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 145 $59.43 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1450 $238.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1451 $47.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1452 $64.64 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1453 $6.75 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1454 $547.80 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1455 $273.00 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1456 $37.00 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1457 $94.75 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1458 $30.12 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1459 $26.14 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 146 $149.94 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1460 $50.86 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1461 $12.39 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1462 $34.88 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1463 $1,973.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1464 $849.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1465 $1,228.48 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1466 $30.73 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1467 $44.56 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1468 $3,262.29 STEM Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1469 $492.82 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 147 $57.23 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1470 $14,700.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1471 $100.30 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1472 $43.43 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1473 $400.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1474 $182.58 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1475 $14.69 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1476 $664.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1477 $120.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1478 $32.81 Perkins Supplies Health Occupations Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1479 $469.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 148 $34.03 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1480 $479.88 STEM Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1481 $189.52 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1482 $34.80 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1483 $1,660.62 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1484 $16.94 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1485 $127.20 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1486 $38.85 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1487 $198.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1488 $2,316.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1489 $34.84 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 149 $452.50 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1490 $102.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1491 $115.00 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1492 $74.19 Shelly Harrop Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1493 $50.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1494 $34.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1495 $58.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1496 $64.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1497 $785.40 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1498 $245.92 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1499 $35.25 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 15 $29.98 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 150 $5.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1500 $12.47 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1501 $1,145.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1502 -($111.80) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1503 $410.86 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1504 $550.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1505 $6.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1506 $180.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1507 -($77.52) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1508 $180.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1509 $180.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 151 $17.99 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1510 $180.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1511 $65.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1512 $353.40 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1513 -($65.56) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1514 $168.20 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1515 $3,391.29 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1516 $22.23 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1517 $462.50 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1518 $53.41 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1519 -($5.44) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 152 $249.07 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1520 $5.98 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1521 $99.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1522 $55.32 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1523 -($49.04) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1524 $10,258.95 FMS Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1525 $280.00 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1526 $36.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1527 $26.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1528 $21.19 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1529 $102.94 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 153 $61.87 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1530 $125.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1531 $117.60 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1532 $104.95 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1533 -($60.46) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1534 $24.43 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1535 $160.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1536 -($53.73) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1537 $532.16 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1538 $111.60 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1539 $572.40 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 154 $300.36 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1540 -($118.12) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1541 -($74.71) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1542 $3,634.00 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1543 $109.89 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1544 -($81.51) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1545 $1,275.52 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1546 $1,218.00 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1547 $39.62 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1548 $11.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1549 $63.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 155 $59.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1550 $70.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1551 -($42.96) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1552 $44.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1553 $643.50 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1554 $27.34 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1555 $0.10 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1556 $40.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1557 $49.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1558 $650.00 Professional Development Salaries Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1559 $2,659.11 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 156 $262.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1560 $59.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1561 $15.99 Davis, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1562 $1,872.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1563 $73.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1564 $117.81 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1565 $22.45 Video Gaming Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1566 $79.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1567 $481.82 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1568 $29.57 Life Skills Sips N Snacks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1569 $40.11 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 157 $30.06 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1570 $164.91 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1571 $195.00 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1572 $86.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1573 $54.31 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1574 $73.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1575 $26.50 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1576 $2,014.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1577 $49.23 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1578 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1579 $45.00 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 158 $435.75 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1580 $34.87 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1581 $321.22 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1582 $329.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1583 $12.29 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1584 $1,975.00 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1585 $36.90 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1586 $239.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1587 $235.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1588 $66.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1589 $86.86 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 159 $136.95 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1590 $255.09 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1591 $39.72 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1592 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1593 $19.29 Zamarron, Lorenza Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1594 $128.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1595 $14.60 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1596 $5,244.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1597 $204.82 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1598 $63.60 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 1599 $48.23 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 16 $46.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 160 $18.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 161 $273.90 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 162 $89.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 163 $89.34 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 164 $194.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 165 $19.99 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 166 $39.99 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 167 $2,992.60 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 168 $249.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 169 $80.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 17 $21.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 170 $49.69 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 171 $78.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 172 $22.86 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 173 $4.29 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 174 $236.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 175 $185.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 176 $493.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 177 $318.00 Emergency Levy-Smart Boards Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 178 $17.79 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 179 $12.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 18 $50.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 180 $13.49 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 181 $179.82 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 182 $17.99 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 183 $17.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 184 $299.38 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 185 $26.50 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 186 $13.36 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 187 $246.02 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 188 $50.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 189 $416.75 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 19 $2,244.01 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 190 $41.56 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 191 $6.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 192 $8.61 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 193 $1,048.34 FMS Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 194 $76.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 195 $22.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 196 $1.21 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 197 -($318.38) Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 198 $344.24 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 199 $890.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 2 $73.70 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 20 $57.33 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 200 $69.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 201 $33.27 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 202 $8.23 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 203 $200.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 204 $89.40 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 205 $216.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 206 $350.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 207 $22.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 208 $139.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 209 $16.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 21 $190.03 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 210 $86.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 211 $48.66 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 212 $95.39 Chui-Man Chiu EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 213 $63.57 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 214 $20.99 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 215 $21.17 AG Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 216 $1,099.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 217 $253.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 218 $5.16 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 219 $5.29 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 22 $92.90 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 220 $118.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 221 $69.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 222 $38.31 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 223 $38.30 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 224 $61.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 225 $124.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 226 $32.09 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 227 $50.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 228 $210.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 229 $36.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 23 $17.36 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 230 $31.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 231 $35.64 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 232 $15.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 233 $88.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 234 $70.61 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 235 $1.90 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 236 $346.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 237 $7.99 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 238 $151.66 FMS Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 239 $64.27 FMS Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 24 $5,586.35 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 240 $15.89 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 241 $356.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 242 $84.85 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 243 $566.68 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 244 $1,094.50 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 245 $55.47 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 246 $8.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 247 $15.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 248 $182.92 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 249 $174.41 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 25 $75.96 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 250 $14.16 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 251 $63.54 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 252 $18.53 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 253 $151.98 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 254 $126.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 255 $7.29 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 256 $14.78 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 257 $5.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 258 $274.02 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 259 $1,619.12 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 26 $114.46 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 260 $37.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 261 $157.96 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 262 $57.42 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 263 $146.00 8th BB Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 264 $5.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 265 $41.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 266 $9.99 Orchestra Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 267 $62.46 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 268 $22.97 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 269 $432.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 27 $12.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 270 $239.80 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 271 $40.00 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 272 $64.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 273 $137.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 274 $214.23 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 275 $22.12 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 276 $344.25 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 277 $28.97 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 278 $28.97 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 279 $376.41 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 28 $13.79 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 280 $19.01 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 281 $5.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 282 $14.53 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 283 $63.92 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 284 $112.50 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 285 $31.95 Orchestra Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 286 $45.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 287 $219.30 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 288 $203.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 289 $384.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 29 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 290 $1,173.37 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 291 $179.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 292 $1,540.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 293 $20.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 294 $33.50 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 295 $50.88 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 296 $26.49 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 297 $35.78 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 298 $3,576.62 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 299 -($158.99) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 3 $18.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 30 $16.46 ESSER SEL Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 300 $58.56 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 301 $202.88 Brittany Bailey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 302 $14.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 303 $283.34 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 304 $231.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 305 $28.12 8th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 306 $106.71 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 307 $45.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 308 $42.85 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 309 $92.96 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 31 $40.28 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 310 $91.98 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 311 $13.95 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 312 $120.04 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 313 $289.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 314 $158.21 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 315 $207.76 FMS Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 316 $14.84 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 317 $65.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 318 $29.25 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 319 $173.85 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 32 $35.65 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 320 $49.98 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 321 $213.15 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 322 $213.15 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 323 $95.24 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 324 $89.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 325 $31.92 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 326 $30.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 327 $33.98 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 328 $255.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 329 $280.34 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 33 $36.38 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 330 $9.49 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 331 $64.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 332 $28.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 333 $28.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 334 $5.15 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 335 $2.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 336 $48.93 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 337 $322.87 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 338 $51.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 339 $60.65 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 34 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 340 $405.69 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 341 $405.69 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 342 $166.21 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 343 $8.03 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 344 $329.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 345 $2,997.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 346 $70.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 347 $74.38 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 348 $7.97 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 349 $20.79 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 35 $40.13 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 350 $4.40 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 351 $76.22 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 352 $19.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 353 $86.06 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 354 $2,739.55 Emergency Levy-Smart Boards Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 355 $42.88 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 356 $97.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 357 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 358 $122.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 359 $14.99 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 36 $99.71 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 360 $1,431.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 361 $841.96 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 362 $53.58 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 363 $26.57 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 364 $63.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 365 $65.50 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 366 $56.50 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 367 $351.63 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 368 $151.15 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 369 $17.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 37 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 370 $455.45 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 371 $31.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 372 $121.93 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 373 $39.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 374 $8.58 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 375 $76.62 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 376 $57.94 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 377 $22.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 378 $81.03 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 379 $152.10 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 38 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 380 $73.76 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 381 $12.72 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 382 $5,397.00 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 383 $160.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 384 $3,341.60 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 385 $261.74 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 386 $30.44 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 387 $146.33 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 388 $21.50 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 389 $16.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 39 $11.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 390 $63.02 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 391 $3,327.15 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 392 $190.60 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 393 $13.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 394 $37.50 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 395 $652.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 396 $98.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 397 $75.10 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 398 $714.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 399 $6.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 4 $24.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 40 $85.35 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 400 $34.85 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 401 $213.90 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 402 $19.98 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 403 $18.17 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 404 $975.19 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 405 $277.41 Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 406 $32.24 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 407 $25.71 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 408 $336.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 409 $54.81 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 41 $10.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 410 $22.58 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 411 $192.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 412 $550.55 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 413 $21.20 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 414 $36.03 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 415 $29.12 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 416 $22.12 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 417 $68.79 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 418 $45.61 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 419 $238.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 42 $55.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 420 $238.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 421 $94.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 422 $40.80 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 423 $10.60 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 424 $64.41 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 425 $8.77 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 426 $18.26 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 427 $17.31 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 428 $9.99 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 429 $30.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 43 $5.67 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 430 $110.94 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 431 $1,631.29 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 432 $26.25 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 433 $103.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 434 $9.51 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 435 $10.49 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 436 $211.96 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 437 $5.67 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 438 $122.22 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 439 $253.47 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 44 $28.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 440 $103.53 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 441 $339.48 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 442 $432.39 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 443 $41.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 444 $29.42 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 445 $67.27 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 446 $58.68 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 447 $43.39 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 448 $44.70 Christensen, Troy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 449 $23.95 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 45 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 450 $15.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 451 $238.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 452 $25.98 Life Skills Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 453 $238.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 454 $134.47 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 455 $26.80 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 456 $9.54 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 457 $238.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 458 $23.36 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 459 $238.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 46 $213.98 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 460 $30.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 461 $11.65 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 462 $21.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 463 $26.36 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 464 $63.73 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 465 $389.85 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 466 $20.12 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 467 $43.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 468 $51.17 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 469 $1,390.63 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 47 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 470 $58.66 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 471 $134.47 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 472 $98.58 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 473 $102.28 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 474 $67.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 475 $555.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 476 $120.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 477 $112.04 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 478 $14.99 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 479 $375.07 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 48 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 480 $318.54 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 481 $45.96 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 482 $27.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 483 $472.28 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 484 $34.03 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 485 $18.80 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 486 $179.75 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 487 $230.51 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 488 $607.33 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 489 $33.88 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 49 $16.96 Zou, Lingpei Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 490 $125.44 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 491 $197.31 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 492 $7.95 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 493 $14,957.70 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 494 $169.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 495 $134.47 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 496 $56.72 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 497 $7.48 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 498 $35.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 499 $84.80 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 5 $167.60 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 50 $38.85 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 500 $700.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 501 $24.20 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 502 -($15.99) Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 503 $239.33 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 504 $329.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 505 $16.11 Carsen Smith Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 506 $271.52 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 507 $6.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 508 $24.52 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 509 $31.24 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 51 $56.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 510 $1,454.92 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 511 $43.41 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 512 $481.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 513 $55.05 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 514 $219.42 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 515 $219.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 516 $50.12 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 517 $16.35 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 518 $231.56 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 519 $5.89 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 52 $26.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 520 $1,056.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 521 $24.25 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 522 $29.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 523 $1,087.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 524 $46.78 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 525 $267.42 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 526 $221.64 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 527 $205.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 528 $49.75 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 529 $11.92 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 53 $5.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 530 $16.97 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 531 $86.53 Catrina Marley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 532 $11.24 Concessions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 533 $453.12 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 534 $309.83 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 535 $621.43 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 536 $18.91 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 537 $853.25 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 538 $50.00 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 539 $23.26 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 54 $12.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 540 $237.74 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 541 $108.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 542 $696.09 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 543 $91.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 544 $39.41 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 545 $2.00 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 546 $144.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 547 $181.52 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 548 $53.25 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 549 $95.39 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 55 $259.98 Family Liaison Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 550 $41.01 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 551 $45.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 552 $364.12 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 553 $57.73 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 554 $10.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 555 $560.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 556 $96.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 557 $218.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 558 $112.79 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 559 $610.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 56 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 560 $52.39 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 561 $175.73 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 562 $16.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 563 $14.77 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 564 $189.88 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 565 $390.44 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 566 $180.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 567 $170.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 568 $72.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 569 $46.47 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 57 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 570 $105.96 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 571 $745.00 8th BB Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 572 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 573 $59.99 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 574 $13.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 575 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 576 $30.70 New Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 577 $576.62 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 578 $85.61 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 579 $8.23 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 58 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 580 $132.65 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 581 $1,047.30 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 582 $37.44 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 583 $16.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 584 $55.00 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 585 $193.20 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 586 $8.69 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 587 $139.62 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 588 $756.89 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 589 $74.25 EF Supplies Hsu Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 59 $9.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 590 $22.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 591 $2,054.41 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 592 $275.38 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 593 $196.82 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 594 $24.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 595 $26.13 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 596 $21.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 597 $11.57 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 598 $54.89 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 599 $180.00 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 6 $6.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 60 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 600 $16.70 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 601 $50.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 602 $37.74 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 603 $200.00 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 604 $324.68 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 605 $27.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 606 $27.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 607 $19.71 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 608 $513.68 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 609 $40.12 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 61 $81.48 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 610 $313.84 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 611 $27.59 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 612 $1,797.63 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 613 $565.18 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 614 $15.49 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 615 $252.59 FMS Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 616 $639.96 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 617 $21.24 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 618 $74.05 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 619 $143.87 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 62 $95.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 620 $137.16 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 621 $82.58 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 622 $44.90 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 623 $108.26 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 624 $4.00 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 625 $21.05 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 626 $128.00 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 627 $123.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 628 $41.79 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 629 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 63 $27.33 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 630 $49.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 631 $20.64 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 632 $52.36 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 633 $30.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 634 $100.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 635 $32.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 636 $14.90 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 637 $35.86 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 638 $18.13 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 639 $20.99 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 64 $74.11 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 640 $15.64 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 641 $59.97 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 642 $41.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 643 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 644 $100.67 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 645 $8.47 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 646 $40.80 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 647 $199.00 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 648 $236.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 649 $327.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 65 $33.92 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 650 $7.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 651 $33.99 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 652 $8.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 653 $303.48 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 654 $9.41 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 655 $27.07 Zamarron, Lorenza Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 656 $7.93 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 657 $25.47 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 658 $12.68 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 659 $16.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 66 $45.54 Hardman, Michael Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 660 $25.99 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 661 $63.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 662 $83.23 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 663 $247.42 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 664 $91.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 665 $304.04 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 666 $62.22 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 667 $194.16 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 668 $20.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 669 $115.78 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 67 $12.97 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 670 $69.54 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 671 $338.90 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 672 $2,665.92 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 673 $42.50 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 674 $72.07 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 675 $12.21 Social Studies 6th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 676 $6.34 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 677 $9.08 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 678 $107.75 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 679 $52.98 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 68 $214.14 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 680 $497.39 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 681 $21.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 682 $507.45 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 683 $12.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 684 $39.18 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 685 $24.57 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 686 $48.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 687 $104.94 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 688 $16.95 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 689 $39.53 CTE Equipment Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 69 $61.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 690 $44.75 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 691 $83.52 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 692 $2,260.76 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 693 $219.26 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 694 $332.27 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 695 $163.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 696 $65.49 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 697 $271.11 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 698 $42.04 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 699 $63.68 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 7 $50.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 70 $74.51 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 700 $94.70 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 701 $323.78 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 702 $13.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 703 $110.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 704 $34.73 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 705 $97.86 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 706 $71.72 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 707 $106.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 708 $34.99 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 709 $18.95 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 71 $24.43 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 710 $16.94 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 711 $6.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 712 $63.60 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 713 $8.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 714 $20.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 715 $10.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 716 $142.17 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 717 $8.99 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 718 $73.72 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 719 $69.85 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 72 $256.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 720 $161.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 721 $38.88 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 722 $40.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 723 $97.58 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 724 $81.42 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 725 $90.00 8th BB Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 726 $17.26 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 727 $1,000.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 728 $48.04 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 729 $8.04 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 73 $51.68 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 730 $8.68 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 731 $63.47 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 732 $8.64 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 733 $72.48 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 734 $180.00 8th BB Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 735 $7.91 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 736 $78.14 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 737 $185.37 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 738 $34.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 739 -($37.25) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 74 $432.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 740 $395.41 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 741 $96.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 742 $284.20 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 743 $9.90 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 744 $53.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 745 $1,160.00 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 746 $17.51 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 747 $64.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 748 $33.98 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 749 $7.49 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 75 $293.08 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 750 $2,295.00 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 751 $550.56 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 752 $16.94 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 753 $484.91 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 754 $133.90 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 755 $27.43 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 756 $12.48 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 757 $4.02 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 758 $7.59 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 759 $70.75 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 76 $94.70 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 760 $46.95 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 761 $24.75 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 762 $230.13 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 763 $5.59 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 764 $45.46 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 765 $630.00 8th BB Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 766 $31.99 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 767 $51.94 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 768 $17.99 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 769 $3.79 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 77 $77.84 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 770 $29.85 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 771 $29.68 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 772 $19.99 RE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 773 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 774 $66.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 775 $25.44 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 776 $13.93 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 777 $111.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 778 $17.52 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 779 $8.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 78 $7.49 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 780 $5.59 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 781 $3,848.90 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 782 $12.71 Science 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 783 $103.98 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 784 $36.71 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 785 $91.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 786 $57.88 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 787 $690.90 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 788 $151.16 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 789 $36.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 79 $48.76 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 790 $2.40 Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 791 $34.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 792 $17.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 793 $82.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 794 $18.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 795 $846.49 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 796 $150.00 8th BB Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 797 $9.29 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 798 $74.58 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 799 $20.52 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 8 $43.99 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 80 $105.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 800 $29.68 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 801 $9.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 802 $17.99 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 803 $24.55 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 804 $8.99 RE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 805 $73.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 806 $43.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 807 $23.68 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 808 $72.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 809 $25.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 81 $93.23 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 810 $6.00 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 811 $23.99 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 812 $59.69 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 813 $25.98 RE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 814 $120.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 815 $25.63 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 816 $19.31 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 817 $12.09 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 818 $37.33 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 819 $29.99 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 82 $14.83 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 820 $29.99 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 821 $28.59 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 822 $325.95 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 823 $28.07 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 824 $27.16 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 825 $755.95 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 826 $37.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 827 $70.23 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 828 $12.36 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 829 $64.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 83 $252.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 830 $18.33 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 831 $70.50 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 832 $70.50 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 833 $38.70 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 834 $35.48 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 835 $9.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 836 $11.99 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 837 $26.50 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 838 $63.52 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 839 $405.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 84 $13.64 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 840 $49.28 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 841 $6.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 842 $101.91 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 843 $19.23 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 844 $31.80 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 845 $13.25 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 846 $39.70 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 847 $14.88 Social Studies 6th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 848 $10.16 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 849 $63.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 85 $6.36 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 850 $10.39 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 851 $480.00 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 852 $11.99 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 853 $55.94 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 854 $330.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 855 $330.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 856 $199.61 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 857 $85.96 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 858 $31.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 859 $400.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 86 $20.10 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 860 $19.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 861 $39.25 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 862 $23.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 863 $0.10 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 864 $186.24 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 865 $271.98 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 866 $135.04 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 867 $167.60 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 868 $161.99 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 869 $143.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 87 $54.76 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 870 $330.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 871 $110.07 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 872 $31.56 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 873 $16.88 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 874 $307.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 875 $188.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 876 $268.16 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 877 $30.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 878 $18.05 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 879 $675.75 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 88 $227.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 880 $436.78 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 881 $66.88 Pepsi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 882 $107.38 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 883 $330.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 884 ($15.77) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 885 25.4 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 886 $330.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 887 $43.49 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 888 $63.53 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 889 $19.07 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 89 $27.55 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 890 $79.50 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 891 $1,650.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 892 $104.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 893 $30.88 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 894 $158.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 895 $20.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 896 $18.70 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 897 $270.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 898 $260.74 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 899 $32.98 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 9 $51.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 90 $19.95 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 900 -($457.54) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 901 $19.14 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 902 $42.35 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 903 $13,963.36 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 904 $20.39 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 905 $76.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 906 $42.35 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 907 -($16.99) Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 908 $80.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 909 $398.17 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 91 $48.30 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 910 $330.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 911 $359.40 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 912 $256.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 913 $71.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 914 $337.43 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 915 $131.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 916 -($1,118.41) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 917 $23.40 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 918 $28.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 919 $222.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 92 $15.49 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 920 $18.70 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 921 $50.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 922 $60.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 923 $310.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 924 $27.95 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 925 $793.48 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 926 $68.24 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 927 $179.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 928 $33.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 929 $68.79 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 93 $4.50 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 930 $32.71 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 931 $665.03 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 932 $54.99 Emerg Levy Technology-Laptops Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 933 $14.99 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 934 $6,002.84 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 935 $299.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 936 $62.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 937 $238.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 938 $24.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 939 $99.92 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 94 $80.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 940 $81.13 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 941 $9.28 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 942 $1,118.41 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 943 $170.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 944 $55.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 945 $29.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 946 $201.48 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 947 $30.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 948 $163.98 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 949 $88.00 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 95 $64.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 950 $15.90 Eleanor Sarmiento Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 951 $709.67 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 952 $205.49 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 953 $1.50 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 954 $58.11 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 955 $262.66 Pepsi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 956 $96.08 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 957 $330.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 958 $64.04 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 959 $27.44 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 96 $38.92 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 960 $330.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 961 $657.60 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 962 $94.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 963 $27.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 964 $9.53 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 965 $6.45 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 966 $255.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 967 $140.53 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 968 $210.98 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 969 $34.30 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 97 -($2,953.69) RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 970 $25.51 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 971 $566.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 972 $28.61 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 973 $760.90 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 974 $92.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 975 $17.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 976 $22.59 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 977 $27.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 978 $42.94 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 979 $43.08 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 98 $2,445.82 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 980 $65.60 After School Grant Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 981 $52.00 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 982 $15.99 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 983 $24.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 984 $168.18 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 985 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 986 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 987 $48.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 988 $21.26 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 989 $23.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 99 $196.33 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 990 $207.68 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 991 $119.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 992 $13.01 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 993 $38.34 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 994 $62.23 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 995 $22.53 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 996 $29.53 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 997 $271.98 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 998 $6.34 Zou, Lingpei Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
1/31/2023 999 $19.97 AG Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2023
33334521 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93990 2/13/2023
33334523 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93990 2/13/2023
3161 2.14.23 $38,694.40 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Boise ID 0 2/14/2023
33350729 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93992 2/14/2023
33365225 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93992 2/14/2023
33376027 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93992 2/14/2023
33398427 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 93992 2/14/2023
3352 2.14.23 $406,918.06 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Boise ID 0 2/14/2023
41734246 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 93994 2/14/2023
847 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 93991 2/14/2023
Travel Reimb 2.14.23 $812.15 Travel Expenses Baxter, Marc Rigby ID 93993 2/14/2023
21323 $310.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 2/14/2023
22223 $110.00 Purchased Services Dragon Fly MAX Hartselle AL 0 2/14/2023
CPM Conf PD $220.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Crook, Chase Terry Rigby ID 93995 2/15/2023
GenObBondSeries2010C $600.00 Bank Fees Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 93997 2/15/2023
Supply Reimb 2.10 $25.39 General Supplies & Materials Warner, Desiray Rigby ID 93996 2/15/2023
ReEmb_CC_2_1_23 $56.94 Supplies & Materials Lisa Day Rigby ID 2011 2/15/2023
0154 Show/pom $840.00 Supplies & Materials FUSION SOUND SANDY UT 1488314 2/15/2023
0184 Pom/Cheer $60.00 Supplies & Materials FUSION SOUND SANDY UT 1488314 2/15/2023
0272 $330.00 Supplies & Materials FUSION SOUND SANDY UT 1488314 2/15/2023
1-9-23 Statement $333.02 Supplies & Materials Sam's Club/Synchrony Bank Dallas TX 1488328 2/15/2023
1-9-23 Statement $3,296.60 Supplies & Materials Sam's Club/Synchrony Bank Dallas TX 1488328 2/15/2023
10 FFA Dutton $150.00 Supplies & Materials SUGAR SALEM HIGH SCHOOL SUGAR CITY ID 1488330 2/15/2023
1151 track repair $1,100.00 Supplies & Materials THE TRACK DOCTOR MERIDIAN ID 1488331 2/15/2023
15972 helmet covers $853.00 Supplies & Materials Guardian Innovations, LLC Peachtree Corners GA 1488315 2/15/2023
2-1-23 Statement $2,030.00 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488325 2/15/2023
2-1-23 Statement $2,222.53 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488326 2/15/2023
7086-000-2023 $1,107.15 Supplies & Materials HERFF JONES YEARBOOK CHICAGO IL 1488317 2/15/2023
8267155 $511.24 Supplies & Materials Pacific Steel IDAHO FALLS ID 1488324 2/15/2023
8267534 $365.15 Supplies & Materials Pacific Steel IDAHO FALLS ID 1488324 2/15/2023
8267908 $51.58 Supplies & Materials Pacific Steel IDAHO FALLS ID 1488324 2/15/2023
8270398 $436.63 Supplies & Materials Pacific Steel IDAHO FALLS ID 1488324 2/15/2023
902 Sweethearts $900.00 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488311 2/15/2023
902 Sweethearts $900.00 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488311 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $593.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $248.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $294.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $257.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $246.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $283.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $395.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $1,624.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $442.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $193.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $824.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $189.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $1,840.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $2,026.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $687.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $193.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $491.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $658.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $180.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $322.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $180.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $292.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $253.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $174.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $221.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $285.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $326.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $2,236.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $444.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $263.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $486.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $1,522.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $382.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $1,275.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $321.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $271.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $1,253.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $1,959.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $214.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $272.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $370.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Athletic buses  $211.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488320 2/15/2023
Bows for State $310.36 Supplies & Materials Torres, Susan Blackfoot ID 1488332 2/15/2023
Cheer state reimb $487.48 Supplies & Materials Merrill, Adrianne Rigby ID 1488322 2/15/2023
Choir dress $50.00 Supplies & Materials Harris, Ellie Roberts ID 1488316 2/15/2023
Competition profits $2,422.40 Supplies & Materials Dance Unlimited Rigby ID 1488313 2/15/2023
Conc reimb $101.14 Supplies & Materials Atkin, Kaiah Rigby ID 1488312 2/15/2023
Concession reimb $9.31 Supplies & Materials Holmes, Kathryn Rexburg ID 1488318 2/15/2023
DE partial reimb $70.00 Supplies & Materials Miller, McKinlee Rigby ID 1488323 2/15/2023
Fabric reimb $58.10 Supplies & Materials Sudweeks, Loretta Rigby ID 1488329 2/15/2023
Jazz Fest reg $200.00 Supplies & Materials ISU MUSIC DEPARTMENT POCATELLO ID 1488319 2/15/2023
RNK 1-02419508 $436.64 Supplies & Materials Redneck, Inc Dallas TX 1488327 2/15/2023
RNK1-02428087 $61.60 Supplies & Materials Redneck, Inc Dallas TX 1488327 2/15/2023
Spanish fieldtrip $290.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488321 2/15/2023
71046 $6,200.00 Business Services Horrocks Engineers, Inc Pleasant Grove UT 93998 2/16/2023
GirlsStateBBall PD $127.00 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 94000 2/16/2023
GirlsStateBBall PD -($127.00) Supt/Asst Supt Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 94000 2/16/2023
Supply Reimb 2.16.23 $17.17 After School Grant Supplies Ireland, Connor Rexburg ID 93999 2/16/2023
30240504 Covers $3,788.70 Supplies & Materials Jostens Chicago  IL 1488336 2/16/2023
585019 $360.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Mountain River Chapter American Falls ID 1488334 2/16/2023
789379 $75.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488338 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $113.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $134.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $96.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $113.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $134.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $120.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $240.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $93.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $79.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $124.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $138.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $48.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $88.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $84.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $129.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $79.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $93.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $93.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $38.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $83.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $134.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $79.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $93.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $68.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $120.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $106.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $60.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $322.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $161.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $322.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $161.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Feb 2023 payroll  $145.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488335 2/16/2023
Judges Bond 100 Supplies & Materials Idaho Mountain River Chapter American Falls ID 1488339 2/16/2023
Skyline Growl $430.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1488337 2/16/2023
Wrestling reimb $70.00 Supplies & Materials Davis, Marshall Rigby ID 1488333 2/16/2023
33398426 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94004 2/17/2023
41753822 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 94001 2/17/2023
BPA State PD $204.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Mecham, Lori Rigby ID 94006 2/17/2023
BPA State PD $204.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Walker, Jennifer Ann Rigby ID 94007 2/17/2023
January 2023(1) $19.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/17/2023
Mileage 1.2-2.17 $60.75 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 94002 2/17/2023
Mileage 11.10-2.16 $163.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 94003 2/17/2023
Supply Reimb 2.17.23 $16.72 Math 6th Mabey, Marlene Idaho Falls ID 94005 2/17/2023
V142129 $12,777.44 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94008 2/17/2023
V169492 $398,671.96 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94008 2/17/2023
V215674 $110.06 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/17/2023
V21696 $9,190.84 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/17/2023
V266003 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 2/17/2023
V297255 $3,395.82 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94008 2/17/2023
V303060 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 2/17/2023
V307108 $2,149.47 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/17/2023
V343959 $3,165.77 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94008 2/17/2023
V368520 $73.35 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/17/2023
V41582 $33,145.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/17/2023
V452367 $327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 2/17/2023
V511532 $17.15 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/17/2023
V604957 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 2/17/2023
V643474 ($3,835.45) PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 2/17/2023
V681133 $906.24 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 2/17/2023
V688130 $284,272.48 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 2/17/2023
V774083 $470.58 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/17/2023
V857362 $3,800.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43951 2/17/2023
V921036 $141,726.91 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/17/2023
V977509 $4,233.29 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 2/17/2023
V987364 $31,637.87 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94008 2/17/2023
Feb. 17 $450.00 Purchased Services DragonFly Athletics Hartselle AL 0 2/17/2023
$4,880.16 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,058.52 GROSS PAYROLL Abplanalp, Shelbe Jo  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,062.12 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,203.70 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,293.31 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$786.79 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Rebecca Sue  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,926.69 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,036.85 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$498.29 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Julie Lazenby  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,179.61 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,414.21 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 2/17/2023
$584.84 GROSS PAYROLL Angell, Kathryn Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,281.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,894.88 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,190.20 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,819.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,148.18 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$114.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Preston D  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$294.08 GROSS PAYROLL Atwood, Danielle   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,438.00 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$771.13 GROSS PAYROLL Bagley, Lisa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$103.53 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$569.18 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Jennifer Robin  Lewsiville ID 0 2/17/2023
$194.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Rachel Nichole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$254.84 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Ronda Fielding  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,410.03 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,495.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$274.38 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Carol Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$154.47 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$834.66 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,802.91 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,679.70 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,479.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,078.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$959.08 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$750.84 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,918.61 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$18.29 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,113.83 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,679.53 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,341.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,010.75 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,647.42 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$698.35 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,095.90 GROSS PAYROLL Blakely, Erin K  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$236.67 GROSS PAYROLL Blanchard, Sharon A  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,985.16 GROSS PAYROLL Blaylock, Rachel Marie  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,266.06 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$312.44 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,096.01 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,117.52 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 2/17/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, LeGrand R  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,575.04 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,014.38 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,272.52 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,583.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$921.65 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$937.91 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 2/17/2023
$1,208.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,131.39 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,521.46 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,825.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,207.04 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$929.65 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,835.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,392.05 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$152.43 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,759.86 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$138.65 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Jessica Rudd  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,203.75 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$751.66 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$867.86 GROSS PAYROLL Bryner, Marie Sue  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$878.53 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,304.74 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Dona Jeanne  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,211.29 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,054.18 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$676.77 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$820.84 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$81.53 GROSS PAYROLL Buxton, Brittany   Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$324.31 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$778.09 GROSS PAYROLL Cain, Ashley Anne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$170.64 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Malcom O  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,178.64 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,404.60 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,060.34 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,078.74 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,333.42 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,302.61 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cancino Saldana, Cristina Mabel  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$541.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$900.96 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,048.39 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$240.89 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Jennifer Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$946.16 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,280.36 GROSS PAYROLL Castro, Carmen Navarro  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,148.48 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$93.13 GROSS PAYROLL Challburg, Ashley Nicole  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$463.72 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,370.69 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,980.54 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$183.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,381.09 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$86.20 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Ashlee   Oak City UT 0 2/17/2023
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$643.51 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,793.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,558.54 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Holly Ann  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$912.20 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$718.12 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,819.25 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$952.75 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$927.19 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$970.27 GROSS PAYROLL Collier, Samuel Christopher  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$213.38 GROSS PAYROLL Collins, Megan Lee Anne  Rigby Id 0 2/17/2023
$8,794.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$618.37 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,497.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,127.31 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,011.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 2/17/2023
$703.88 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,698.60 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$776.35 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$846.47 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,269.39 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,019.30 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$112.96 GROSS PAYROLL Crapo, Connor R  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$702.38 GROSS PAYROLL Crawford, Megan Elaine  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,022.64 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,075.07 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,013.41 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$11,706.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$987.00 GROSS PAYROLL Curtis, Chelsea Anne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,103.57 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dabell, Jeffrey W  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,247.78 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$385.70 GROSS PAYROLL Danielson, Adrian Jason  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,955.48 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,841.30 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Marshall Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,099.75 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,795.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,499.02 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$955.59 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,343.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,999.56 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$371.46 GROSS PAYROLL Doman, Shacie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,527.78 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,554.55 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$714.23 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,133.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Elizabeth Marlow  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dummar, Josephine Marlowe  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,963.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,478.05 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$769.59 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,685.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Nathan Gordon  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$169.30 GROSS PAYROLL Elder, Monica Selina  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,221.20 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$727.64 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,105.30 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Martha Beatriz  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,147.05 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,093.65 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$69.93 GROSS PAYROLL Faneus, Rebecca Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,894.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,343.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,349.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,057.29 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,346.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$94.33 GROSS PAYROLL Flinders, Peggy Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$926.44 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$778.66 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$67.38 GROSS PAYROLL Forero, Mazie Jill  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,061.02 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$849.06 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,617.26 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Rodney Tyler  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,219.02 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$623.07 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$964.24 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,177.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$811.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Kelsi Kae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,983.24 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$63.31 GROSS PAYROLL Fuerst, Abbey Gail  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,113.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,073.97 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$838.29 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$467.44 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,431.97 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,366.20 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$109.97 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Draydon Luis  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,957.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Laurinda Ann  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,391.74 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$884.84 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,022.36 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$584.45 GROSS PAYROLL Gessel, Savannah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,368.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$806.96 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$782.08 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$593.65 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,549.12 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$508.26 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,182.46 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,118.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,671.80 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,137.77 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,315.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$974.65 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,408.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,293.50 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,455.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$206.64 GROSS PAYROLL Greener, Larisa Faye White  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,602.45 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,124.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,135.78 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,686.83 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$237.75 GROSS PAYROLL Griffeth, Laura Dustin  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,321.60 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,527.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,417.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,818.09 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$458.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,928.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,031.32 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,127.51 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,040.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,724.96 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,480.94 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,837.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$982.54 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,786.54 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$804.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Stacey Diane  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,150.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$834.84 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$676.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,991.77 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,133.36 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,763.27 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$401.43 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$807.43 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$924.84 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,252.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,018.39 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,005.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Ginnie Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,766.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,640.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$102.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Hanna Lee  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,605.31 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,148.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$762.81 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 2/17/2023
$212.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hendrix, Avrey D R  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,066.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$917.45 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,461.65 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$799.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$146.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Ashlyn   Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,680.48 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$885.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$91.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,584.04 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,014.99 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,676.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,461.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$753.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$190.96 GROSS PAYROLL Hokanson, Teyah Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$84.54 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$917.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$320.73 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$667.42 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Mary Ellen Smith  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$96.16 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Stacey Bell  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,718.38 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 2/17/2023
$445.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,503.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,895.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,130.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,913.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,160.82 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,803.51 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$430.11 GROSS PAYROLL Huskinson, Sarah Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$660.96 GROSS PAYROLL Ireland, Connor James  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$873.17 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$594.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,174.83 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,778.23 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,855.34 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,640.81 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$817.53 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,087.24 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$694.79 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$613.28 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,874.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$557.10 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,418.39 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$133.32 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Daniel Christian  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,044.36 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$111.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jenson, Nikylia K  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,033.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,098.17 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,241.87 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$902.95 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$993.51 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Jessica Blair  Mapleton UT 0 2/17/2023
$1,873.01 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,655.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$143.49 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Shelby R  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,566.65 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$752.91 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,023.78 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,354.82 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Hailey Claireese  Rigby Id 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,202.54 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Mariah Darlene  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,568.79 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,403.71 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,491.92 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$787.44 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,764.71 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,007.15 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, Sydni Marie  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$903.68 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,128.29 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,557.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.16 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,284.62 GROSS PAYROLL Kelly, Raen O  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,706.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$562.02 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$801.18 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$719.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,508.46 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,158.21 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$208.03 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Genie Renae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,203.23 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$997.86 GROSS PAYROLL Kristensen, Emma   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$407.71 GROSS PAYROLL Kushmaul Hess, Mary Pamela  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$628.62 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,820.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$592.78 GROSS PAYROLL Laybourn, Stephani Colleen  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,079.55 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,694.85 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,033.24 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,917.16 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,028.14 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$661.15 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Xiomara   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,753.89 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$993.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Benjamin F  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,280.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$752.86 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,623.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,874.74 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$9,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,970.79 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,046.03 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$885.85 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$906.78 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,005.37 GROSS PAYROLL Mair, Melissa Lin  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$604.64 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$148.35 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy Jean  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,967.15 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,602.84 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$583.20 GROSS PAYROLL Marcusen, Jayde Isabelle Lucy  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,327.34 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,673.40 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$291.65 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Amber Nichole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,086.61 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$711.76 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Nathan Joseph  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$547.02 GROSS PAYROLL Matson, Seth Abram  Leadore ID 0 2/17/2023
$688.75 GROSS PAYROLL Mayberry, Christa Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,513.95 GROSS PAYROLL McCoppin, Zachriel Matthias  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,743.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,248.93 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$400.47 GROSS PAYROLL Menchaca-Riddle, Deanna Nicole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$884.20 GROSS PAYROLL Mengel, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,146.57 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$191.99 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Adrianne Johnson  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$882.08 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$221.29 GROSS PAYROLL Merriman, Alisha Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$69.43 GROSS PAYROLL Messerli, Chelsie   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,215.16 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,816.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,425.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,561.92 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$113.95 GROSS PAYROLL Moedl, Allyx Oborn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,151.29 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$722.82 GROSS PAYROLL Moody, Jessica Johanna  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moon, Robert Anthony  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$594.73 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$895.15 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,209.46 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,140.59 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,460.69 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$780.82 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$112.00 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,566.23 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,099.94 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$90.21 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Jacqualyn Elise  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,517.43 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,278.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,192.39 GROSS PAYROLL Newman, Beth Ellen  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,288.64 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,336.55 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$969.11 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$611.29 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 2/17/2023
$1,352.36 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,107.65 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,991.77 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,554.24 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$607.89 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,708.82 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,530.18 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$773.46 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,232.82 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$979.39 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$851.31 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 2/17/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$830.22 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$349.10 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Joshua Michael  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,717.03 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,924.50 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 2/17/2023
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,414.35 GROSS PAYROLL Parrott, Jalen Marie  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,135.31 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$938.93 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,432.99 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,210.87 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$655.12 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,005.01 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,625.91 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,453.75 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$349.24 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Erin A  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$993.39 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,759.11 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,003.34 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,783.39 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$157.83 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Trisha Beal  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,292.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,588.09 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Kuniko Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Rachel Deniel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,560.70 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$58.26 GROSS PAYROLL Porras, Martin R  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$271.15 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Whittney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$158.97 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Kyris Lee  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,993.24 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$189.79 GROSS PAYROLL Prestwich, Marilyn W  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,114.01 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$628.37 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Traci Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,198.74 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$947.82 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,950.15 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,224.15 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,890.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,887.46 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,356.38 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Kathryn Rose  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,579.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$510.55 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$86.74 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Brian Matthew  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,689.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,389.65 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$288.26 GROSS PAYROLL Ricter, Korina Noel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$398.95 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Sheela Mae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$186.26 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Cassie Janiel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,555.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$803.23 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Andrew Cannon  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,977.77 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$83.08 GROSS PAYROLL Robinson, Karla M  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$956.54 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,700.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,266.18 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,458.34 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,732.70 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,835.55 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$679.27 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$664.42 GROSS PAYROLL Rowland, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$449.91 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Brooke Janae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,460.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,893.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$102.55 GROSS PAYROLL Sathre, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$601.24 GROSS PAYROLL Sautter, Macy Michelle  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,816.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,779.32 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$664.93 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$954.52 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$960.23 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$786.78 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,168.18 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,072.41 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,852.58 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,386.59 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,490.33 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,028.74 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Janessa Kay  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$130.03 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer Boyle  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,470.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,340.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily Rose  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,100.15 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,201.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,641.75 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$561.40 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,055.56 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,609.10 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,184.02 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$738.20 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$835.80 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$805.24 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$519.56 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$888.82 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,759.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,957.80 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$681.48 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$150.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Miriam Pleasant Fisher  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$373.93 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$809.08 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$475.96 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$539.60 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$248.40 GROSS PAYROLL Snyder, Stephanie Nicole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$805.72 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,508.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$746.76 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$10,070.16 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$887.71 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$51.75 GROSS PAYROLL Spencer, Kristie Lyn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$898.38 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$333.35 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Jamilyn Miller  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$722.38 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,078.38 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stibal, Faith Lindsay  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$709.69 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,310.50 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,352.69 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,628.56 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,466.32 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$879.45 GROSS PAYROLL Stoltenberg, Tambra Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,440.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,220.60 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,331.26 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,203.79 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 2/17/2023
$507.12 GROSS PAYROLL Sudweeks, Loretta Shaver  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$68.33 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,376.81 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$670.51 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$922.49 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,008.32 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,898.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,267.32 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$358.24 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,051.37 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,421.20 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$492.03 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,352.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 2/17/2023
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$798.68 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$801.44 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$443.27 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,984.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,965.16 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,062.61 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,222.86 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,335.18 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,115.48 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,044.52 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 2/17/2023
$550.91 GROSS PAYROLL Trost, Bradley W  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,648.66 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,967.28 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$526.67 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,039.90 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,792.06 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$902.95 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,486.47 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,047.58 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,053.23 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$87.50 GROSS PAYROLL Wach, Jonathan Ray  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,013.58 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$612.43 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,468.22 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,717.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$806.71 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$282.10 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,493.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,465.84 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$547.89 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$961.38 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,908.88 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,750.97 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$258.90 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,914.19 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$783.21 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,854.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,881.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,921.90 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,694.85 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,905.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$849.19 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$843.68 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$744.81 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,752.58 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$885.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,124.98 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,754.12 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,110.33 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 2/17/2023
$999.80 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,331.77 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, McKenzie Taylor  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$636.91 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$42.23 GROSS PAYROLL Williman, Veronica   Ririe ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,223.07 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 2/17/2023
$7,310.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,941.68 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 2/17/2023
$274.50 GROSS PAYROLL Winchester, Heidi Luke  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$841.75 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$702.04 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$2,028.62 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,891.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$718.53 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Aerin Elizabeth  Roberts ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,667.77 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$743.71 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,844.34 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$50.87 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$779.12 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,385.39 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,893.76 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,677.48 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$6,752.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/17/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 2/17/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 2/17/2023
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 2/17/2023
$1,333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Edward Buck  Idaho Falls ID 62365 2/17/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Kurtis Blake  Lewisville ID 62366 2/17/2023
$148.59 GROSS PAYROLL Burns, Macy Elizabeth  Rigby ID 62367 2/17/2023
$13.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Billieann   Roberts Id 62368 2/17/2023
$60.19 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Timothy B  Rigby ID 62369 2/17/2023
$39.46 GROSS PAYROLL Gallacher, Kallie Colleen  Shelley ID 62370 2/17/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Geisler, Joshua Kirk  Rigby ID 62371 2/17/2023
$41.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hewitt, Zachary R  Rigby ID 62372 2/17/2023
$134.82 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Hector   Lewisville ID 62373 2/17/2023
$64.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Josue   Lewisville ID 62374 2/17/2023
$100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Dylan J  Idaho Falls ID 62375 2/17/2023
$33.90 GROSS PAYROLL Maloney, Holly Jayne  Rigby ID 62376 2/17/2023
$683.34 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Easton Randolph  Rigby ID 62377 2/17/2023
$187.59 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62378 2/17/2023
$1,308.25 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Cory Durant  West Valley City UT 62379 2/17/2023
$117.29 GROSS PAYROLL Roque, Arturo   Roberts ID 62380 2/17/2023
$360.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 62381 2/17/2023
$83.34 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Justin Robert  Rigby ID 62382 2/17/2023
$1,136.97 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62383 2/17/2023
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dunn, Daphny   Rexburg ID 62384 2/17/2023
$627.95 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Kamri Suzan  Rigby ID 62385 2/17/2023
$538.52 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Presley Marie  Ammon ID 62386 2/17/2023
$51.81 GROSS PAYROLL Carrillo, Sayexi   Rigby ID 62387 2/17/2023
$125.19 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Shon Jerick  Rigby ID 62388 2/17/2023
$391.87 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62389 2/17/2023
$656.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62390 2/17/2023
$222.22 GROSS PAYROLL McClellan, Jorelle Susanne  Rigby ID 62391 2/17/2023
$1,019.19 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Caleb Richard  Rigby ID 62392 2/17/2023
$886.86 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Katelyn Irene  Hamilton MO 62393 2/17/2023
$1,125.02 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62394 2/17/2023
$636.41 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62395 2/17/2023
$2,199.60 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 62396 2/17/2023
$969.47 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62397 2/17/2023
$1,608.57 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62398 2/17/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 62399 2/17/2023
$973.96 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 62400 2/17/2023
$737.88 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62401 2/17/2023
$2,648.82 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62402 2/17/2023
$2,792.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62403 2/17/2023
$2,376.41 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62404 2/17/2023
33421921 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94009 2/21/2023
January 2023 $1,758.78 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $516.74 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $1,420.42 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $2,581.60 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $2,443.73 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $2,137.36 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $4,706.82 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $1,742.25 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $2,077.24 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $11,359.49 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $84.94 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 $1,646.64 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
January 2023 (1) $2,250.12 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/21/2023
BPA State Admin $115.00 Supplies & Materials Abshire, Phil Idaho Falls ID 1488340 2/21/2023
EI HS Tennis $100.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1488341 2/21/2023
EI HS Tennis $100.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1488341 2/21/2023
33486170 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94011 2/22/2023
Travel PD 2.22-2.25 $204.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Oliverson, Spencer Rigby ID 94010 2/22/2023
2002 $858.31 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 57166956 2/22/2023
33416336 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94014 2/23/2023
488171 $15,116.80 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Huntington Technology Finance Columbus OH 94013 2/23/2023
747622 $15,116.80 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Huntington Technology Finance Columbus OH 94013 2/23/2023
M.Robison Emergency $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 94012 2/23/2023
12523 $576.00 Supplies & Materials Amber Hall Photo & Design Rigby ID 1488342 2/23/2023
39235 $1,717.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488344 2/23/2023
8264010 $213.19 Supplies & Materials Pacific Steel IDAHO FALLS ID 1488347 2/23/2023
E-Sports League $230.00 Supplies & Materials BURLEY HIGH SCHOOL BURLEY ID 1488343 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $0.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $36.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $10.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $5.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $7.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $2,064.68 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $5.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $19.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $0.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $134.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax -($53.77) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $12.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $16.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
Jan 2023 Sales Tax $80.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488345 2/23/2023
NHS Crews $416.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488346 2/23/2023
S98004 Conference $385.00 Supplies & Materials SkillsUSA Idaho Boise ID 1488348 2/23/2023
Sr apparel #3 $1,000.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488346 2/23/2023
Track refund $175.00 Supplies & Materials Wells, Grayson Rigby ID 1488349 2/23/2023
Track refund $10.00 Supplies & Materials Wells, Grayson Rigby ID 1488349 2/23/2023
10 $90.00 Purchased Services Sugar Salem FFA Sugar City, ID 57166960 2/23/2023
101 $750.00 Purchased Services Belgard, Michael Robert Rexburg ID 57166957 2/23/2023
1072022 $40.00 Purchased Services Idaho FFA Association Boise ID 57166958 2/23/2023
123823 $34.00 Purchased Services North Upper Snake River District Rexburg ID 57166959 2/23/2023
V651678 $20.75 Purchased Services Culligan Idaho Falls ID 2117 2/23/2023
January 20, 2023 580 Supt/Asst Supt Rigby Rotary Club RIGBY ID 94015 2/24/2023
Band Shirts $732.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 199 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $46.63 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $21.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $42.84 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $53.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $12.71 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $178.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $23.99 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $22.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $1,326.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $55.29 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $39.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $52.22 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $458.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $57.51 Student Council 8th Gr Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 $185.72 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Dec 23 ($57.51) Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 202 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $745.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $720.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $236.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $330.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $630.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $211.79 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $2,322.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $24.55 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $55.47 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $10.04 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $53.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $9.48 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $11.99 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $11.99 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $68.79 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $14.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $6.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $128.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $7.99 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $94.70 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $63.52 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $66.34 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $15.98 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $19.15 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Billbacks Jan 23 $36.65 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 201 2/24/2023
Cheer Sponsor Shirts $480.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 199 2/24/2023
Choir Shirts $53.00 Purchases Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 199 2/24/2023
Math Counts $15.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 199 2/24/2023
Payroll January 23 $408.75 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 198 2/24/2023
Payroll January 23 $223.14 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 198 2/24/2023
Sales Tax January 23 $71.04 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 203 2/24/2023
Sales Tax January 23 $6.79 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 203 2/24/2023
Sales Tax January 23 $13.58 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 203 2/24/2023
Sales Tax January 23 $202.75 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 203 2/24/2023
Sales Tax January 23 $1.70 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 203 2/24/2023
Sales Tax January 23 $4.14 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 203 2/24/2023
Sales Tax January 23 $2.26 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 203 2/24/2023
Sales Tax January 23 $24.51 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 203 2/24/2023
Wrestling YE $217.79 Supplies & Materials Tiffany Huml Rexburg ID 200 2/24/2023
Yearbook Dep 22/23 $3,042.95 Purchased Services Herff Jones Indianapolis IN 197 2/24/2023
21CentGrantMtgPD $204.00 Travel/PD Green, Dawn Rigby ID 94016 2/27/2023
53648 $1,358.09 Business Services Stallings Automotive Rigby ID 94017 2/27/2023
33536873 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94018 2/28/2023
7086GenObBond $666,312.51 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Boise ID 0 2/28/2023
7829GenObBond2019 $207,214.47 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Boise ID 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $41.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $75.06 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $13.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $1,499.42 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $65.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $2,614.96 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $4.48 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $1,044.18 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $862.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $1,578.25 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $3,431.76 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $5,061.87 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $13.79 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $2,283.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $18.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $8,093.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $7,162.94 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $17.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $35.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $2,991.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $394.32 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $4,060.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $14,272.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $1,689.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $262.28 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $235.76 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Janurary 2023 $1,571.26 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/28/2023
Mileage 2.1-2.13 $54.95 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 94019 2/28/2023
Mileage 2.15-2.24 $68.80 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 94019 2/28/2023
CP341790 $15,932.91 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 3/1/2023
Legislative PD $51.00 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 94020 3/1/2023
Mileage 2.1-2.28 $51.65 In District Mileage Reimbursement Boyer, Tanner Idaho Falls ID 94021 3/1/2023
V133571 $13.13 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1680 3/1/2023
V423316 $157.35 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1681 3/1/2023
BlueJeansConfPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Smith, Kimberly Rigby ID 94022 3/2/2023
Mileage 2.1-2.28 $36.60 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 94023 3/2/2023
2161:00794710 $65.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166961 3/2/2023
4008019276 $18.00 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166962 3/2/2023
4008019281 $112.35 Purchased Services Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166962 3/2/2023
Mileage 1.17-1.25 $69.85 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 94026 3/3/2023
Mileage 1.2-1.12 $51.40 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 94026 3/3/2023
Mileage 11.11-2.24 $136.60 Title II Travel Clements, Tamara Rigby ID 94024 3/3/2023
Mileage 2.24-3.3 $34.85 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 94026 3/3/2023
Milege 2.1-2.23 $69.40 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 94026 3/3/2023
Supply Reimb 2.21 $41.86 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Wilde, Marianne Rigby ID 94027 3/3/2023
Supply Reimb 2.24 $27.54 Counselor Supplies Jacobson, Meranda Rigby ID 94025 3/3/2023
1226 Sr Night Gifts $235.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488357 3/3/2023
1227 $1,440.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488357 3/3/2023
38363 $144.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488350 3/3/2023
All NW Orch reimb $500.00 Supplies & Materials Law, Veronica Rigby ID 1488354 3/3/2023
Cheer overpmt $50.00 Supplies & Materials Kearsley, Keisha Rigby ID 1488353 3/3/2023
IN256899 bladders $167.83 Supplies & Materials GOPHER MINNEAPOLIS MN 1488351 3/3/2023
Reimb Lab Supplies $66.28 Supplies & Materials Staker, Robin Idaho Falls ID 1488356 3/3/2023
RNK1-02433326 $83.62 Supplies & Materials Redneck, Inc Dallas TX 1488355 3/3/2023
RNK1-02447844 $102.58 Supplies & Materials Redneck, Inc Dallas TX 1488355 3/3/2023
RNK1-02447845 $3,404.25 Supplies & Materials Redneck, Inc Dallas TX 1488355 3/3/2023
RNK1-02447847 $324.64 Supplies & Materials Redneck, Inc Dallas TX 1488355 3/3/2023
Spring Regional Conf $930.00 Supplies & Materials IASA BOISE ID 1488352 3/3/2023
00003 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Rapp, Rodney Idaho Falls ID 94061 3/6/2023
00998940 -($95.40) Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94045 3/6/2023
01862568 $817.80 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94045 3/6/2023
01863340 $95.40 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94045 3/6/2023
01864132 $2,795.20 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94045 3/6/2023
01865664 $1,941.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94045 3/6/2023
01867778 $1,348.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94045 3/6/2023
06 $471.27 Vendor Services Stanger, Ione Idaho Falls ID 94073 3/6/2023
1.2-1.27 $2,677.50 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94048 3/6/2023
1.30-2.3 $805.25 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94076 3/6/2023
1/31/2023 $8,421.00 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 94032 3/6/2023
1011 $1,690.00 Vendor Services Chad Judy Speech-Language Pathology Idaho Falls ID 94037 3/6/2023
1045988 $46.14 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94036 3/6/2023
1046108 $666.13 Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94036 3/6/2023
1046256 $1,398.91 Supplies Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94036 3/6/2023
11355 $2,076.75 State Technology Supplies UZBL Newport Beach CA 94083 3/6/2023
12000 $313.50 Supplies and Materials UZBL Newport Beach CA 94078 3/6/2023
12000 $1,710.00 Supplies and Materials UZBL Newport Beach CA 94078 3/6/2023
126 $825.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 94082 3/6/2023
1264 $10,000.00 Supplies Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 94033 3/6/2023
1264 $10,000.00 Supplies Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 94033 3/6/2023
1264 $4,860.00 Supplies Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 94033 3/6/2023
16990 $24,016.00 Grounds Snow Removal Services Smitty's LLC Rigby ID 94072 3/6/2023
17166 $18,020.00 Grounds Snow Removal Services Smitty's LLC Rigby ID 94072 3/6/2023
19113 $615.00 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 94030 3/6/2023
2.13-2.17 $1,856.62 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94076 3/6/2023
2.16.2023 $2,283.58 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 94066 3/6/2023
2.20-2.24 $1,600.22 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94076 3/6/2023
2.6-2.10 $2,164.98 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94076 3/6/2023
2.7.2023 $4,870.76 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 94066 3/6/2023
208131748365 $834.42 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
208131847388 $88.79 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
208131847388 $1,341.60 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
208131847388 $313.52 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
208131847388 $490.56 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
21-1895 $9,636.20 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Cutting Edge Electric Idaho Falls ID 94040 3/6/2023
21-1904 $3,533.15 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Cutting Edge Electric Idaho Falls ID 94040 3/6/2023
23-3639 $444.00 Grounds Supplies Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 94063 3/6/2023
23-3667 $444.00 Maintenance Supplies Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 94063 3/6/2023
230210-0001 $251.79 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 94043 3/6/2023
230223-0004 $112.20 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 94043 3/6/2023
23412 $462.44 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94077 3/6/2023
23416 $149.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94077 3/6/2023
23420 $580.41 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94077 3/6/2023
23424 $149.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94077 3/6/2023
23430 $966.25 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94077 3/6/2023
23433 $370.89 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94077 3/6/2023
23443 $189.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94077 3/6/2023
240239067 4 $851.07 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94074 3/6/2023
240245032 0 $417.39 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94074 3/6/2023
251-022323-0007 $220.00 Vendor Services Independence O&M Services, LLC Idaho Falls ID 94047 3/6/2023
251257-1 $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 94046 3/6/2023
251257-2 $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 94046 3/6/2023
251258-2 $855.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 94046 3/6/2023
26334247 $868.78 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
26550488 $614.00 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
26550489 $1,821.54 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
26550490 $887.64 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
26606867 $1,207.50 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
26606868 $231.56 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
26606869 $1,979.72 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
27166525 $1,012.06 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
27166526 $799.00 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
27185040 $630.97 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.76 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
272726 $474.77 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High MSDSOnline, Inc. Chicago IL 94052 3/6/2023
27462264 $220.85 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
27462265 $30.09 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
27462266 $375.17 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
27501680 $1,074.11 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
27520677 $273.59 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
27520678 $385.29 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
27520679 $1,308.82 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94071 3/6/2023
3 Webinars $1,800.00 District Prof Dev Services Wade, Ofelia Bountiful UT 94081 3/6/2023
3.6.2023 $11,061.50 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 94032 3/6/2023
308104227438 $683.48 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
308104227438 $1,443.55 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
308104227438 $491.92 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
308104238785 $2,551.52 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
308104238785 $1,539.32 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
308104238785 $488.32 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94070 3/6/2023
324273 $3,735.87 Supplies and Materials OETC Salem OR 94058 3/6/2023
332078-2 $1,800.00 Grounds Supplies A-1 Rental - Rexburg Rexburg ID 94029 3/6/2023
584751 $484.00 General Supplies & Materials Cook, Rick Idaho Falls ID 94039 3/6/2023
593182279 $4,118.71 Business Services Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 94044 3/6/2023
628769 $95.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Jackson Group Lockbox Phoenix AZ 94049 3/6/2023
628769x1 $95.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Jackson Group Lockbox Phoenix AZ 94049 3/6/2023
628770 $101.59 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Jackson Group Lockbox Phoenix AZ 94049 3/6/2023
6811 $70.00 Vendor Services NW Information Advantage LLC Medical Lake WA 94057 3/6/2023
7 - 3/1/2023 $5,573.09 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 94069 3/6/2023
7085 $390.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 94079 3/6/2023
7090 $250.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 94079 3/6/2023
787 $500.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Neurodiversity Alliance O'fallon MO 94055 3/6/2023
794 $500.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Neurodiversity Alliance O'fallon MO 94055 3/6/2023
798112 $10.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 94051 3/6/2023
8.29-9.19 $2,017.95 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94076 3/6/2023
8242742 $846.49 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94056 3/6/2023
8250717 $2,815.68 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94056 3/6/2023
8263078 $2,890.40 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94056 3/6/2023
8266925 $2,094.69 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94056 3/6/2023
89415290001265 $349.07 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94034 3/6/2023
89415290001291 $560.52 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94034 3/6/2023
89415290001324 $473.74 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94034 3/6/2023
89415290001350 $720.32 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94034 3/6/2023
909257 $1,378.60 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 94053 3/6/2023
945759 $157.68 General Supplies & Materials Rocknaks Hardware IDAHO FALLS ID 94067 3/6/2023
96266044 $463.01 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 94050 3/6/2023
96266044 $463.02 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 94050 3/6/2023
Art Dept 2.10 $500.00 General Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94065 3/6/2023
Backflow testing2.23 $148.38 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Double-Check Plumbing LLC Rigby ID 94042 3/6/2023
Backflow testing2.23 $148.39 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Double-Check Plumbing LLC Rigby ID 94042 3/6/2023
Backflow testing2.23 $148.38 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Double-Check Plumbing LLC Rigby ID 94042 3/6/2023
Backflow testing2.23 $890.34 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Double-Check Plumbing LLC Rigby ID 94042 3/6/2023
Batch Entry 2.10.23 $382.05 Medicaid Match Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94065 3/6/2023
DFS037127 $750.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 94028 3/6/2023
Eng6thSnackShack $17.00 English 6th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94065 3/6/2023
February 3, 2023 $1,476.17 Attorney Fees Nelson Hall Parry Tucker Idaho Falls ID 94054 3/6/2023
FMS 2.20.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94060 3/6/2023
FMS 2.28.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94060 3/6/2023
FMS 2.7.23 $106.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94060 3/6/2023
IN110343 $192.99 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94080 3/6/2023
IN110343 $292.00 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94080 3/6/2023
IN111319 $350.95 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94080 3/6/2023
IN112219 $200.00 State Technology Supplies VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94080 3/6/2023
Jan-Feb 2023 $150.00 Vendor Services Panorama Green St. George UT 94059 3/6/2023
January 2023 $13,318.00 Vendor Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 94062 3/6/2023
JefQPR22 $495.00 General Supplies Bonneville School District #93 Idaho Falls ID 94035 3/6/2023
K.Perez SouthFork $95.40 WLIP Supplies SFE The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 94075 3/6/2023
LBLA2361730 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94031 3/6/2023
LBLA2361730 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94031 3/6/2023
LBLA2363711 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94031 3/6/2023
LBLA2363711 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94031 3/6/2023
LBLA2365741 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94031 3/6/2023
LBLA2365741 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94031 3/6/2023
LBLA2367698 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94031 3/6/2023
LBLA2367698 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94031 3/6/2023
M.M 23-002 $777.23 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 94068 3/6/2023
M.M Feb 2023 $930.86 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 94068 3/6/2023
March 2023 $4,924.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 94041 3/6/2023
Pre-Engineering 2.10 $350.00 General Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94065 3/6/2023
RHS 2.20.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94060 3/6/2023
RHS 2.28.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94060 3/6/2023
RHS 2.7.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94060 3/6/2023
RHSStudentActivities $34.03 Special Ed EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94064 3/6/2023
RMS 2.20.23 $89.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94060 3/6/2023
RMS 2.28.23 $89.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94060 3/6/2023
RMS 2.7.23 $71.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94060 3/6/2023
TrojanExemplarCards $155.50 General Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94065 3/6/2023
W1511347 $1,015.00 State Technology Supplies Convergint Technologies LLC Seattle WA 94038 3/6/2023
632249 $67.85 Purchased Services Pioneer Drama Service, Inc Centennial CO 57166966 3/6/2023
Cheer Banquet $183.60 Supplies & Materials Jami Staker Menan ID 57166964 3/6/2023
Cheer Reimburse $77.34 Supplies & Materials Jami Staker Menan ID 57166964 3/6/2023
Cheer Reimburse $25.59 Supplies & Materials Jami Staker Menan ID 57166964 3/6/2023
Cheer Reimburse $25.00 Supplies & Materials Jami Staker Menan ID 57166964 3/6/2023
Spring Play 23 $100.00 Purchased Services Justine Kohn Rigby ID 57166965 3/6/2023
Wrestling Mat 10596.67 Supplies & Materials Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  ID 57166963 3/6/2023
33583777 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94084 3/7/2023
33583778 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94084 3/7/2023
ChineseImmersTrainPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Tao, Jiahui Idaho Falls ID 94086 3/7/2023
ChineseImmersTrainPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 94088 3/7/2023
ChineseImmesTrainPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Zhang, Zhiyuan Idaho Falls ID 94087 3/7/2023
SupplyReimb3.7 $11.26 Supplies Peterson, TayLee Rexburg ID 94085 3/7/2023
Resillite Sports Mat $19,921.12 Supplies & Materials JCEF Rigby ID 204 3/7/2023
BBB Tournament $720.42 Purchased Services Upper Snake River Valley Conference Idaho Falls ID 57166968 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $148.56 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $165.05 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $89.23 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $89.23 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $192.74 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $114.81 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $60.90 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $111.47 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $50.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
March 23 Payroll $896.93 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166967 3/7/2023
33536872 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94089 3/8/2023
33536874 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94089 3/8/2023
Mileage 12.1-3.2 $244.70 Custodian Mileage Between Buildings Hayes, Danyel Lewisville ID 94091 3/8/2023
Supply Reimb 3.8.23 $12.35 Walmart Grant-L. Thomson Thomson, Laurie Ucon ID 94092 3/8/2023
Supply Reimb 3.8.23 $94.38 STEM Grant-L. Thomson Thomson, Laurie Ucon ID 94092 3/8/2023
Supply Reimb 3.8.23 $79.69 United Way II Supplies Thomson, Laurie Ucon ID 94092 3/8/2023
Travel Reimb 3.8 $769.64 Travel/PD Green, Dawn Rigby ID 94090 3/8/2023
18-0157 February2023 $419.72 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 94093 3/9/2023
18-0160 February2023 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 94093 3/9/2023
33552135 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94094 3/9/2023
Mileage 2.1-3.8 $38.20 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 94095 3/9/2023
V909038 $13.86 General Supplies & Materials Tiffiny Jenkins Rigby ID 2235 3/9/2023
3-1-23 Statement $1,371.21 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488366 3/9/2023
39070 Debate $889.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488359 3/9/2023
4199375321 $569.25 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488365 3/9/2023
BBB Photo shoot $1,300.00 Supplies & Materials Jones, Katy Idaho Falls ID 1488363 3/9/2023
Damaged wood proj $95.17 Supplies & Materials Wasylow, Cutter Rigby ID 1488368 3/9/2023
Dup track fees $175.00 Supplies & Materials VanSteenkiste, Avery Menan ID 1488367 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $32.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $84.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $79.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $25.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $29.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $32.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $32.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23 $60.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
SAF Payroll 3-7-23-2 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488362 3/9/2023
Staff lunches $220.00 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488358 3/9/2023
StuCo refund $115.00 Supplies & Materials Groom, Samantha Rigby ID 1488360 3/9/2023
StuCo refund $95.00 Supplies & Materials Groom, Zander Rigby ID 1488361 3/9/2023
StuCo refund $115.00 Supplies & Materials Parr, Nicholas Rigby ID 1488364 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $331.14 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $44.72 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $291.84 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $5.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $93.01 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $15.77 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $0.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $3.06 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $2.66 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $1.74 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
Feb. 23 Sales Tax $2.35 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166969 3/9/2023
RMS-00486 $165.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166970 3/9/2023
RMS-00585 $174.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166970 3/9/2023
605334 $776.57 CRSSA-Drug Grant-Prevention Supplies Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 94096 3/10/2023
605334A $555.46 CRSSA-Drug Grant-Prevention Supplies Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 94096 3/10/2023
Supply Reimb 3.10.23 $174.48 CRSSA-Drug Grant-Prevention Supplies Fonnesbeck, Shelly Rigby ID 94097 3/10/2023
2/28/2023 1 $144.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 10 $69.96 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 100 $9,717.36 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1000 $154.10 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1001 $11.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1002 $370.01 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1003 $64.95 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1004 $39.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1005 $8.50 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1006 $589.38 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1007 $60.20 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1008 $13.47 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1009 $7.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 101 $26.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1010 $272.35 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1011 $8.99 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1012 $16.49 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1013 $34.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1014 $1,476.30 CTE Travel Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1015 $13.84 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1016 $44.46 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1017 $189.42 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1018 $30.42 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1019 $457.41 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 102 $260.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1020 $36.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1021 $382.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1022 $144.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1023 $275.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1024 $33.91 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1025 $3.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1026 $17.55 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1027 $57.22 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1028 $53.14 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1029 $369.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 103 $176.38 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1030 $2,006.40 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1031 $27.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1032 $21.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1033 $38.15 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1034 $15.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1035 $44.97 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1036 $337.98 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1037 -($241.24) IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1038 $799.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1039 $18.04 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 104 $108.07 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1040 $20.49 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1041 $25.06 EF Supplies Hsu Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1042 $7.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1043 $10.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1044 $2.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1045 $379.69 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1046 $68.38 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1047 $336.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1048 $32.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1049 $87.96 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 105 $616.79 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1050 $1,062.83 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1051 $66.16 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1052 $23.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1053 $6.63 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1054 $5.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1055 $577.52 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1056 $6.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1057 $104.78 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1058 $1,865.35 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1059 $39.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 106 $6.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1060 $55.12 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1061 $72.36 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1062 $3.99 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1063 $28.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1064 $44.97 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1065 $34.71 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1066 $7.56 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1067 $35.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1068 $54.65 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1069 $65.97 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 107 $9.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1070 $17.95 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1071 $48.90 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1072 $29.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1073 $18.18 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1074 $80.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1075 $2.65 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1076 $96.78 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1077 $80.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1078 $90.77 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1079 $48.29 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 108 $37.98 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1080 $93.11 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1081 $55.99 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1082 $19.95 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1083 $51.27 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1084 $40.00 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1085 $12.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1086 $804.98 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1087 $49.16 FMS Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1088 $58.47 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1089 $52.98 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 109 $69.82 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1090 -($1,099.99) Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1091 $6.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1092 $65.98 Michelle Bradshaw Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1093 $120.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1094 $132.99 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1095 $412.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1096 $528.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1097 $25.02 Video Gaming Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1098 $70.20 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1099 $97.84 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 11 $249.79 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 110 $22.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1100 $147.80 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1101 $167.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1102 $58.26 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1103 -($98.34) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1104 $233.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1105 $62.79 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1106 $127.65 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1107 $70.30 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1108 $412.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1109 $33.58 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 111 $18.00 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1110 $320.22 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1111 $8.23 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1112 $412.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1113 $29.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1114 $105.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1115 $228.96 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1116 $45.13 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1117 $412.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1118 $42.28 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1119 $11.85 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 112 $211.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1120 $60.86 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1121 $241.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1122 $412.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1123 $87.89 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1124 $70.20 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1125 $15.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1126 $4,000.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1127 $2,500.00 Bill to School SFE Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1128 $23.76 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1129 $7.01 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 113 $53.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1130 $7.01 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1131 $39.74 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1132 $32.72 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1133 $7.40 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1134 $412.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1135 $127.65 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1136 $117.86 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1137 $255.74 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1138 $58.76 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1139 $215.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 114 $41.37 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1140 $767.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1141 $21.72 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1142 $198.75 RE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1143 $189.95 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1144 -($18.01) CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1145 $264.99 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1146 $55.39 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1147 $25.00 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1148 $57.98 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1149 $23.89 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 115 $126.75 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1150 $572.70 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1151 $1,281.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1152 $94.80 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1153 $18.04 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1154 $39.26 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1155 $325.72 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1156 $8.85 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1157 $18.65 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1158 $152.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1159 $140.20 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 116 $46.15 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1160 $315.88 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1161 $115.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1162 $61.95 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1163 $13.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1164 $41.31 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1165 $2.60 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1166 $42.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1167 $28.75 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1168 $17.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1169 $10.38 Audrey Stephen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 117 $46.15 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1170 $4.48 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1171 $31.80 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1172 $31.44 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1173 $10.38 Video Gaming Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1174 $102.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1175 $320.00 4th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1176 $4.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1177 $3.95 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1178 $70.33 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1179 $69.60 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 118 $12.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1180 $158.01 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1181 $66.66 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1182 $20.52 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1183 $3,361.29 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1184 $10.60 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1185 $45.63 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1186 $93.46 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1187 $365.30 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1188 $48.01 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1189 $28.16 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 119 $19.34 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1190 $1,629.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1191 $180.23 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1192 $735.33 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1193 $29.90 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1194 $93.01 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1195 $324.33 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1196 $31.98 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1197 $217.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1198 $55.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1199 $609.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 12 $14.98 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 120 $70.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1200 $25.00 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1201 $10.60 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1202 $17.89 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1203 $20.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1204 $38.99 Custodial Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1205 $4.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1206 $120.26 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1207 $133.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1208 $63.96 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1209 $197.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 121 $430.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1210 $15.43 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1211 $2,227.17 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1212 $5,454.75 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1213 $34.83 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1214 $11.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1215 $14.50 ESSER SEL Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1216 $897.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1217 $76.14 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1218 $612.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1219 $28.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 122 $125.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1220 $696.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1221 $25.00 AG Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1222 $26.68 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1223 $3,893.11 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1224 $35.29 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1225 $86.23 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1226 $267.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1227 $23.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1228 $45.69 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1229 $271.05 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 123 $238.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1230 $70.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1231 $35.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1232 $3.34 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1233 $33.36 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1234 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1235 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1236 $73.84 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1237 $2,467.06 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1238 $9.75 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1239 $278.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 124 $131.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1240 $193.96 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1241 $6,552.43 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1242 $431.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1243 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1244 $233.33 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1245 $65.75 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1246 $8.03 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1247 $896.09 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1248 $244.30 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1249 $229.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 125 $37.08 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1250 $4.12 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1251 $23.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1252 $14.09 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1253 $94.71 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1254 $1,638.42 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1255 $117.30 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1256 $37.05 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1257 $7.41 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1258 $137.24 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1259 $563.05 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 126 $5.42 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1260 $246.15 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1261 $126.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1262 $686.60 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1263 $9.99 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1264 $90.05 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1265 $741.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1266 $90.33 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1267 $465.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1268 $42.28 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1269 $21.20 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 127 $11.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1270 $38.15 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1271 $15.59 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1272 $15.99 Davis, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1273 $199.80 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1274 $21.08 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1275 $168.19 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1276 $163.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1277 $174.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1278 $24.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1279 $71.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 128 $209.28 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1280 $220.56 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1281 $196.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1282 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1283 $156.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1284 $61.39 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1285 $19.62 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1286 $132.05 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1287 $3.49 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1288 $10.87 AG Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1289 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 129 $389.50 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1290 $2,700.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1291 $11.94 Michelle Bradshaw Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1292 $51.29 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1293 $86.16 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1294 $1,254.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1295 $182.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1296 $666.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1297 $17.76 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1298 $77.20 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1299 $176.58 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 13 $26.50 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 130 $62.93 EF Supplies Hsu Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1300 $144.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1301 $136.87 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1302 $487.40 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1303 $43.50 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1304 $5.06 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1305 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1306 $792.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1307 $546.96 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1308 $72.03 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1309 $123.75 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 131 $180.71 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1310 $65.43 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1311 $30.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1312 $104.18 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1313 $62.89 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1314 $79.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1315 $35.32 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1316 $31.66 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1317 $77.16 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1318 $463.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1319 $42.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 132 $24.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1320 $49.54 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1321 $320.95 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1322 $58.28 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1323 $23.09 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1324 $159.84 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1325 $42.27 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1326 $127.06 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1327 $11.00 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1328 $4.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1329 $24.40 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 133 $73.94 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1330 $180.17 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1331 $103.35 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1332 $20.78 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1333 $61.75 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1334 62.4 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1335 $66.44 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1336 $32.27 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1337 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1338 $146.11 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1339 $116.17 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 134 $128.48 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1340 $34.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1341 $4.83 Audrey Stephen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1342 $46.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1343 $31.80 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1344 $34.12 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1345 $2,894.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1346 $6.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1347 $115.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1348 $57.00 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1349 $110.44 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 135 $20.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1350 $180.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1351 $134.70 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1352 $22.21 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1353 $342.20 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1354 $107.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1355 $110.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1356 $14.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1357 $900.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1358 $60.88 ESSER SEL Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1359 $12.71 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 136 $155.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1360 $52.72 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1361 $45.46 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1362 $32.71 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1363 $80.85 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1364 $45.83 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1365 $754.60 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1366 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1367 $570.51 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1368 $3.68 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1369 $56.21 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 137 $62.50 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1370 $570.51 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1371 $570.51 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1372 $5.69 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1373 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1374 $193.21 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1375 $186.78 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1376 $18.99 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1377 $19.99 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1378 $267.41 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1379 $99.73 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 138 $14.50 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1380 $44.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1381 $86.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1382 $11.97 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1383 $22.21 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1384 $33.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1385 $12.73 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1386 $42.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1387 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1388 $14.34 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1389 $93.58 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 139 $72.60 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 1390 $570.51 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 14 $29.75 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 140 $35.98 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 141 $917.36 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 142 $265.93 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 143 $544.18 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 144 -($127.20) GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 145 $49.13 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 146 $80.16 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 147 $33.03 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 148 $3,222.36 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 149 $44.84 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 15 $87.26 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 150 $95.38 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 151 -($8.96) CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 152 $24.91 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 153 $13.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 154 $28.62 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 155 $325.00 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 156 $68.72 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 157 $15.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 158 $319.01 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 159 $121.26 Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 16 $10.24 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 160 $46.84 Kerry Thomas EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 161 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 162 $1,019.88 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 163 $31.61 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 164 -($40.00) Kindergarten-Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 165 $34.95 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 166 $40.04 Cameron Price Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 167 $475.20 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 168 $136.70 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 169 $674.61 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 17 $20.12 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 170 $4,698.39 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 171 $211.15 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 172 $37.99 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 173 $55.92 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 174 $89.97 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 175 $294.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 176 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 177 $87.75 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 178 $1,992.00 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 179 $16.39 Chui-Man Chiu EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 18 $9.84 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 180 $57.01 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 181 $1,185.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 182 $144.00 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 183 $42.74 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 184 $40.00 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 185 $11.33 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 186 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 187 $288.57 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 188 $178.37 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 189 $36.25 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 19 $69.08 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 190 $3.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 191 $49.62 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 192 $9.26 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 193 $86.01 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 194 $233.19 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 195 $255.00 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 196 $62.16 Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 197 $11.11 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 198 $247.20 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 199 $33.90 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 2 $16.68 Spanish Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 20 $32.98 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 200 $250.81 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 201 $37.83 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 202 $66.57 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 203 $49.50 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 204 $47.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 205 $270.87 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 206 $15.80 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 207 $2.06 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 208 $27.08 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 209 $35.39 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 21 $13.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 210 $83.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 211 $11.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 212 $101.10 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 213 $420.77 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 214 $94.37 Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 215 $68.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 216 $15.29 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 217 $8.48 6th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 218 $150.00 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 219 $89.85 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 22 $5.65 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 220 $11.65 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 221 $37.87 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 222 $29.64 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 223 $70.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 224 $35.75 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 225 $321.55 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 226 $75.24 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 227 $33.58 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 228 $27.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 229 $24.37 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 23 $197.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 230 $219.78 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 231 $1,418.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 232 $50.03 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 233 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 234 $12.87 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 235 $186.01 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 236 $13.98 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 237 $2.11 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 238 $187.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 239 $65.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 24 $8.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 240 $13,763.52 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 241 $73.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 242 $82.78 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 243 $14.58 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 244 $39.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 245 $31.42 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 246 $10.77 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 247 $6.63 Lorena Reyes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 248 $65.27 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 249 $2.83 Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 25 $234.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 250 $96.39 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 251 $469.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 252 $116.02 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 253 $13.57 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 254 $6.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 255 $69.94 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 256 $8.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 257 $355.12 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 258 $2.07 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 259 $1,084.59 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 26 $65.96 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 260 $16.61 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 261 $250.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 262 $17.41 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 263 $506.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 264 $253.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 265 $205.83 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 266 $16.58 Spanish Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 267 $17,204.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 268 $7,661.75 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 269 $5,115.84 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 27 $22.15 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 270 $280.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 271 $33.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 272 $19.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 273 $94.23 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 274 $9.38 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 275 $16.42 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 276 $168.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 277 $5.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 278 $89.71 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 279 $268.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 28 $223.38 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 280 $300.00 Fine Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 281 $248.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 282 $223.84 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 283 $14.98 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 284 $94.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 285 $33.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 286 $9.85 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 287 $10.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 288 $268.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 289 $25.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 29 $39.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 290 $73.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 291 $34.14 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 292 $429.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 293 $17.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 294 $175.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 295 $736.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 296 -($75.71) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 297 $14.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 298 $71.71 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 299 $8.97 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 3 $107.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 30 $15.25 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 300 $140.00 Kindergarten-Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 301 $52.99 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 302 $46.62 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 303 $104.58 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 304 $638.75 Emergency Levy-Smart Boards Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 305 $74.54 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 306 $43.56 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 307 $21.76 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 308 $391.88 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 309 $28.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 31 -5.18 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 310 52.96 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 311 148.11 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 312 162.54 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 313 $17.98 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 314 $19.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 315 $60.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 316 $2,485.75 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 317 $16.47 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 318 $458.79 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 319 $59.75 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 32 $19.99 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 320 $6.50 Kylie Walker Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 321 $14.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 322 $17.90 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 323 $17.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 324 $16.16 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 325 $207.93 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 326 $31.45 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 327 $24.50 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 328 $98.82 Karlee Wilmot Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 329 $159.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 33 $55.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 330 $49.98 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 331 $1,399.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 332 $260.68 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 333 $15.96 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 334 $217.32 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 335 $137.35 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 336 $38.50 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 337 $6.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 338 $31.19 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 339 $7.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 34 $46.76 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 340 $294.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 341 $174.18 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 342 $8.43 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 343 $10.60 Abby Reeser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 344 $11.66 4th Grade EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 345 $8.50 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 346 $46.59 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 347 $20.52 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 348 $22.77 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 349 $34.67 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 35 $74.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 350 $284.05 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 351 $144.93 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 352 $6.50 Kylie Walker Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 353 $21.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 354 $35.99 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 355 $181.55 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 356 $26.02 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 357 $45.04 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 358 $316.68 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 359 -($17.24) IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 36 $5.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 360 $11.18 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 361 $1,108.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 362 $57.88 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 363 $128.85 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 364 $208.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 365 $199.37 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 366 $49.78 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 367 $57.98 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 368 $57.05 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 369 $153.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 37 $706.74 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 370 $650.00 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 371 $130.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 372 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 373 $69.93 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 374 $279.05 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 375 $243.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 376 $730.86 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 377 $224.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 378 $1,142.07 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 379 $119.90 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 38 $10.42 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 380 $4.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 381 $16.79 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 382 $163.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 383 $58.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 384 $83.94 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 385 $50.00 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 386 $43.50 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 387 $3.17 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 388 $210.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 389 $62.50 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 39 $2,021.60 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 390 $1,734.72 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 391 $209.96 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 392 $40.05 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 393 $17.20 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 394 $788.16 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 395 $55.81 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 396 $254.63 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 397 $197.92 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 398 $85.46 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 399 $152.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 4 $155.10 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 40 $112.57 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 400 $278.18 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 401 $18.70 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 402 2435.54 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 403 $98.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 404 $1,805.37 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 405 $115.44 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 406 $31.08 Chui-Man Chiu EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 407 $19.06 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 408 $31.99 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 409 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 41 $30.13 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 410 $132.57 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 411 $33.13 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 412 $895.91 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 413 $123.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 414 $172.71 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 415 $102.70 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 416 $142.88 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 417 $235.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 418 $583.46 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 419 $46.27 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 42 $47.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 420 $41.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 421 $291.50 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 422 $3.86 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 423 $30.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 424 $49.53 Yearsley, Clarynn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 425 $64.99 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 426 $64.99 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 427 $310.14 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 428 $69.99 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 429 $5.59 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 43 $20.45 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 430 $3.20 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 431 $5.59 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 432 $92.40 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 433 $211.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 434 $47.66 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 435 $126.74 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 436 $38.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 437 $27.06 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 438 $200.00 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 439 $242.03 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 44 $200.00 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 440 $35.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 441 $159.18 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 442 $69.32 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 443 $442.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 444 $1,142.40 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 445 $13.75 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 446 $122.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 447 $16.39 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 448 $275.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 449 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 45 $12,420.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 450 $70.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 451 $597.00 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 452 $34.85 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 453 $130.46 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 454 $9.89 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 455 $20.07 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 456 $148.40 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 457 $405.22 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 458 $27.02 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 459 $4.02 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 46 $201.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 460 $13.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 461 $133.67 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 462 $240.78 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 463 $139.98 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 464 $180.80 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 465 $14.83 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 466 $41.94 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 467 $13.00 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 468 $70.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 469 $70.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 47 $24.34 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 470 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 471 $6.49 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 472 $120.40 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 473 $76.40 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 474 $12.27 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 475 $12.27 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 476 $7.96 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 477 -($435.21) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 478 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 479 $138.00 RHS College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 48 $59.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 480 $38.32 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 481 $278.15 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 482 $460.66 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 483 $83.17 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 484 $432.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 485 $11.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 486 $2.10 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 487 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 488 $6.50 Kylie Walker Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 489 $31.66 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 49 $45.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 490 $19.95 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 491 $12.00 Hillary Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 492 $123.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 493 $181.77 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 494 $155.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 495 $70.18 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 496 $243.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 497 $220.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 498 $12.75 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 499 $25.92 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 5 $15.00 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 50 $11.99 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 500 $539.20 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 501 $458.60 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 502 $51.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 503 $97.38 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 504 $1.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 505 $33.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 506 $142.86 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 507 $481.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 508 $62.70 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 509 $127.80 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 51 $1,770.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 510 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 511 $201.10 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 512 $1,042.64 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 513 $103.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 514 $99.38 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 515 -($74.05) Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 516 $90.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 517 $9.99 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 518 $21.18 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 519 $34.17 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 52 $14.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 520 $295.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 521 $350.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 522 $2,444.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 523 $6,809.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 524 $640.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 525 $17.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 526 $20.28 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 527 $321.55 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 528 $720.00 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 529 $42.41 Kathy Harmon EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 53 $63.40 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 530 $30.73 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 531 $7.56 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 532 $9.99 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 533 $81.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 534 $119.39 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 535 $116.47 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 536 $104.98 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 537 $1.64 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 538 $131.37 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 539 $161.73 Perkins Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 54 $4,714.20 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 540 $19.06 Perkins Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 541 $11.50 Social Studies 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 542 $165.39 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 543 $9.99 Yearsley, Clarynn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 544 $11.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 545 $300.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 546 $13.00 Kylie Walker Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 547 $102.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 548 $83.54 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 549 $1,419.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 55 $77.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 550 $4.22 Lorena Reyes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 551 $1,648.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 552 $37.23 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 553 $1,636.96 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 554 $5,217.80 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 555 $434.71 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 556 $12.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 557 $1,639.79 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 558 $371.70 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 559 $135.86 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 56 $1,667.30 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 560 -($33.14) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 561 $114.60 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 562 $74.41 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 563 $87.13 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 564 $26.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 565 $743.40 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 566 $11.22 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 567 $195.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 568 $35.91 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 569 $20.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 57 $12.99 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 570 $423.27 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 571 $569.25 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 572 $89.43 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 573 $10.59 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 574 $23.63 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 575 $88.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 576 $405.86 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 577 $16.97 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 578 $1,442.69 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 579 $264.05 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 58 $52.80 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 580 $5.57 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 581 $7.81 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 582 $30.27 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 583 $104.72 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 584 $492.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 585 $18.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 586 $93.10 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 587 $34.95 Abby Reeser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 588 $291.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 589 $744.56 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 59 $33.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 590 $28.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 591 $39.83 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 592 $85.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 593 $131.14 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 594 $2,014.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 595 $15.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 596 $246.43 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 597 $7.95 Lorena Reyes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 598 $211.25 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 599 $34.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 6 $14.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 60 $791.32 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 600 $49.61 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 601 $310.85 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 602 $17.78 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 603 $30.91 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 604 $28.56 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 605 $11.94 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 606 $14.73 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 607 $299.88 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 608 $1,917.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 609 $6.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 61 $51.36 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 610 $422.48 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 611 $35.91 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 612 $8.01 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 613 $26.48 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 614 $27.28 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 615 $43.07 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 616 $35.09 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 617 $303.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 618 $48.29 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 619 $170.45 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 62 $273.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 620 $142.56 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 621 $50.09 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 622 $28.79 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 623 $26.98 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 624 $33.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 625 $75.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 626 $34.94 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 627 $9.53 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 628 $7.41 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 629 $16.04 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 63 $116.58 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 630 $44.00 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 631 $57.87 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 632 $52.97 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 633 $43.24 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 634 $107.67 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 635 $36.43 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 636 $18.89 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 637 $4.30 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 638 $8.99 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 639 $56.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 64 $210.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 640 $16.37 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 641 $44.33 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 642 $8.78 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 643 $84.87 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 644 $400.33 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 645 $29.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 646 $14.84 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 647 $29.67 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 648 $98.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 649 $2,702.96 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 65 $39.17 EF Supplies Hsu Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 650 $50.43 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 651 $52.32 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 652 $631.47 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 653 $25.80 Sara Stoker EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 654 $216.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 655 $64.96 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 656 $17.23 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 657 $8.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 658 $265.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 659 $55.62 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 66 $210.71 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 660 $14.28 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 661 $18.89 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 662 $17.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 663 $25.42 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 664 $28.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 665 $49.65 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 666 $61.47 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 667 $754.72 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 668 $24.99 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 669 $16.96 Lawrence, Brianna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 67 $14.58 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 670 $39.31 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 671 $37.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 672 $22.25 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 673 $18.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 674 $251.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 675 $229.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 676 $379.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 677 $37.09 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 678 $890.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 679 $83.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 68 $70.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 680 $50.00 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 681 $14.99 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 682 $99.50 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 683 $423.99 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 684 $19.45 Audrey Stephen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 685 $189.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 686 $29.98 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 687 $249.69 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 688 $2,795.23 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 689 $30.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 69 $2,185.63 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 690 $108.31 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 691 $7.15 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 692 $99.50 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 693 $69.94 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 694 $23.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 695 $449.75 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 696 $13.77 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 697 $10.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 698 $111.30 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 699 $33.19 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 7 $6.98 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 70 $29.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 700 $404.54 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 701 $76.25 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 702 $100.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 703 $62.95 STEM Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 704 $13.19 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 705 $221.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 706 $61.52 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 707 $981.56 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 708 $1.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 709 $11.03 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 71 $2.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 710 $576.68 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 711 $75.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 712 $752.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 713 $170.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 714 $56.99 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 715 $18.00 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 716 $65.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 717 $100.00 Roger Ellis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 718 $11.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 719 $109.69 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 72 $55.65 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 720 $53.11 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 721 $43.09 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 722 $292.55 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 723 $19.23 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 724 $24.07 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 725 $13.24 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 726 $121.59 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 727 $35.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 728 $109.69 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 729 $167.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 73 $23.85 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 730 $1,324.83 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 731 $37.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 732 $22.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 733 $45.25 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 734 $17.97 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 735 $20.60 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 736 $10.97 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 737 $175.94 Szu-Hui Lee EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 738 $137.01 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 739 $91.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 74 $207.76 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 740 $48.73 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 741 $227.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 742 $72.89 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 743 $241.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 744 $110.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 745 $362.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 746 $38.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 747 $14.69 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 748 $40.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 749 $14.45 Eleanor Sarmiento Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 75 $126.08 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 750 $74.18 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 751 $3.98 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 752 $109.69 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 753 $207.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 754 $124.50 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 755 $23.18 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 756 $10.63 Lawrence, Brianna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 757 $72.76 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 758 $7.64 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 759 $109.69 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 76 $71.46 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 760 $75.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 761 $262.33 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 762 $44.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 763 $28.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 764 $424.46 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 765 $22,865.18 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 766 $16.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 767 $37.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 768 $7.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 769 $6.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 77 $23.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 770 $21.50 EF Supplies Hsu Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 771 $109.60 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 772 $240.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 773 $109.69 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 774 $11.26 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 775 $77.46 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 776 $24.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 777 $104.23 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 778 $13.23 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 779 $12.50 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 78 $130.31 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 780 $94.17 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 781 $56.48 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 782 $24.36 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 783 $36.27 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 784 $8.96 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 785 $89.78 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 786 $109.69 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 787 $1,442.50 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 788 $12.00 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 789 $2.63 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 79 $175.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 790 $31.76 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 791 $271.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 792 $4.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 793 $23.88 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 794 $23.02 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 795 $11.99 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 796 $39.99 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 797 $13.76 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 798 $103.99 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 799 $109.69 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 8 $7.94 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 80 $12.50 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 800 $217.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 801 $131.28 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 802 $165.12 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 803 $251.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 804 $7.95 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 805 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 806 $281.59 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 807 -($39.99) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 808 $46.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 809 $553.38 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 81 $7.20 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 810 $35.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 811 $50.88 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 812 $242.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 813 $6.12 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 814 $19.93 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 815 $234.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 816 $110.00 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 817 $109.69 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 818 $81.46 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 819 $109.69 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 82 $27.52 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 820 $15.94 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 821 $36.77 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 822 $44.24 CTE Travel Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 823 $63.60 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 824 $57.01 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 825 -($49.19) Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 826 $74.97 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 827 $151.54 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 828 $23.94 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 829 $148.56 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 83 $48.40 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 830 $39.42 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 831 $300.00 Fine Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 832 $63.98 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 833 $15.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 834 $119.10 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 835 $42.67 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 836 $12.60 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 837 $12.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 838 $64.03 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 839 $22.92 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 84 $33.46 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 840 $22.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 841 $386.25 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 842 $15.81 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 843 $27.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 844 $86.21 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 845 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 846 -($12.99) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 847 $178.07 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 848 $167.99 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 849 $38.12 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 85 $62.96 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 850 $251.41 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 851 $21.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 852 $564.81 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 853 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 854 -($7.42) Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 855 $74.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 856 $38.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 857 $94.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 858 $62.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 859 $156.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 86 $71.97 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 860 $53.01 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 861 $20.40 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 862 $3.86 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 863 $19.88 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 864 $1,060.94 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 865 $6.99 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 866 $20.57 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 867 $190.08 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 868 $134.50 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 869 $106.33 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 87 $38.31 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 870 $1,199.96 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 871 $317.32 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 872 $54.60 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 873 $247.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 874 $47.70 Video Gaming Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 875 $23.30 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 876 $54.18 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 877 $144.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 878 $16.89 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 879 $77.31 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 88 $40.28 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 880 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 881 $58.99 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 882 $15.13 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 883 $40.16 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 884 $21.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 885 $31.90 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 886 $69.60 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 887 $3,708.94 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 888 $497.10 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 889 $15.47 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 89 $47.64 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 890 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 891 $21.92 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 892 $4.02 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 893 $335.31 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 894 $47.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 895 $57.95 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 896 $19.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 897 $49.32 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 898 $55.10 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 899 $48.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 9 $40.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 90 $24.99 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 900 $57.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 901 $40.73 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 902 $28.44 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 903 $136.69 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 904 $13.76 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 905 $2.71 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 906 $30.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 907 $15.98 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 908 $5.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 909 $30.04 Catrina Marley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 91 $103.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 910 $93.62 Arica Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 911 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 912 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 913 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 914 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 915 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 916 $182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 917 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 918 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 919 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 92 $43.13 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 920 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 921 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 922 $224.67 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 923 $18.00 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 924 $44.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 925 $12.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 926 $33.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 927 $45.48 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 928 $60.00 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 929 $18.87 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 93 $18.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 930 $273.57 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 931 $80.48 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 932 $580.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 933 $234.75 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 934 $124.52 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 935 $18.63 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 936 $229.84 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 937 $238.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 938 $207.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 939 $14.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 94 $2.11 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 940 $48.68 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 941 $579.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 942 $1,166.50 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 943 $1,570.00 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 944 $30.60 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 945 $75.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 946 $172.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 947 $1,049.99 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 948 $30.03 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 949 $10.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 95 $18.79 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 950 $153.49 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 951 $237.93 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 952 $24.25 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 953 $1,543.81 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 954 $24.96 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 955 $221.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 956 $569.97 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 957 $19.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 958 $1.44 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 959 $51.96 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 96 $23.96 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 960 $11.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 961 $47.89 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 962 $140.89 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 963 $3.20 RE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 964 $25.00 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 965 $34.33 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 966 $124.50 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 967 $88.18 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 968 $59.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 969 $225.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 97 $72.74 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 970 $21.59 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 971 $20.37 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 972 $18.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 973 $148.62 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 974 $503.59 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 975 $36.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 976 $16.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 977 $6.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 978 $2.22 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 979 $107.92 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 98 $55.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 980 $244.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 981 $299.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 982 $46.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 983 $194.68 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 984 $42.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 985 $13.66 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 986 $13.22 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 987 $774.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 988 $8.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 989 $26.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 99 $49.24 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 990 $176.61 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 991 $86.53 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 992 $188.24 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 993 $7.19 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 994 $264.67 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 995 $66.68 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 996 $40.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 997 $657.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 998 $54.48 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
2/28/2023 999 $69.67 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/13/2023
33620530 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94098 3/13/2023
15187 Wrestling  $133.68 Supplies & Materials SCREEN GRAPHICS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488372 3/13/2023
24615 Fball banquet $973.00 Supplies & Materials CROWN TROPHY Idaho Falls ID 1488370 3/13/2023
AR1149801 staples $147.38 Supplies & Materials VALLEY OFFICE SYSTEMS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488373 3/13/2023
Choir dress sold bac $50.00 Supplies & Materials Abel, Robin Rigby ID 1488369 3/13/2023
Dance logo on sweats $51.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488371 3/13/2023
Jr Troyettes tees $98.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488371 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $197.92 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $280.62 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $53.01 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $207.76 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $2,014.03 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $86.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $28.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $81.51 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $606.74 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
Feb. Bill Backs $83.10 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166971 3/13/2023
33567133 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94099 3/14/2023
33573501 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94099 3/14/2023
I.Morales OutOfState $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 94101 3/14/2023
Mileage 1.2-3.10 $124.75 In District Mileage Reimbursement Creed, Zoe Idaho Falls ID 94102 3/14/2023
SupplyReimb 3.13.23 $36.79 Immersion Program Supplies Navarro, Jennifer Maria Rexburg ID 94100 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $200.15 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $25.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $1,166.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $31.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb 45.54 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb 63.47 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $320.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $120.58 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $83.12 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $77.78 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $384.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
BillBack_Jan_Feb $564.81 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2015 3/14/2023
Invoice_3_14_23 $700.00 Purchased Services Gary Hogg Huntsville UT 2014 3/14/2023
ReemburseSpe_3_14_23 $93.00 Supplies & Materials Mitzi Hull Rigby ID 2013 3/14/2023
RemburseLowe_3_14_23 $17.81 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 2012 3/14/2023
2073091/2076172 $10,553.89 Supplies & Materials Tumbl Trak Mount Pleasant MI 1488378 3/14/2023
21-1975 $262.50 Supplies & Materials Cutting Edge Electric Inc Idaho Falls ID 1488374 3/14/2023
220923-0006 $118.50 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1488375 3/14/2023
230313-0025 $39.99 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1488375 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $450.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $69.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $49.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $95.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $1,045.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $95.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $610.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $76.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $27.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $29.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $121.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back ($37.25) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $63.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $594.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $198.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $1,454.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $755.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $247.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $239.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $450.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $2,530.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $754.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $405.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $2,618.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $83.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $457.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back -($457.54) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $20.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $32.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $39.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back -($252.01) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $23.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $621.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $223.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $760.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $3,634.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $280.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $480.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $99.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $643.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $79.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $49.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $7.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $29.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $29.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $86.86 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $24.43 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $4.50 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $8.99 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $65.72 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $33.88 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $25.99 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $175.73 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $284.20 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $64.41 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $32.12 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $72.89 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $63.54 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $115.78 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $592.54 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $26.25 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $277.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $38.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $70.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $28.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $213.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $59.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $38.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $70.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $28.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $213.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $59.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $150.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $63.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $185.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $24.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $104.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $46.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $9.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $17.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $33.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $179.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $76.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $300.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $318.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back -($318.38) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $268.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $1,919.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $1,173.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $17.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $432.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $2,120.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $27.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $48.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $273.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $32.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $35.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $17.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $18.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $44.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $219.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $91.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $1,660.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $854.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $62.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $263.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $43.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $21.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $33.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $150.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $96.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $34.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $19.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $46.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $13.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $84.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $49.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $13.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $54.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $709.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $17.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $376.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $318.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $7.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $23.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $170.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $400.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $30.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $13.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $16.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $17.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $77.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $344.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $17.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $7.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $6.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $26.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $122.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $740.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $42.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $14.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $3.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $7.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $5.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $7.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $369.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $14.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $35.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $35.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $74.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $167.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $16.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $99.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $157.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $1,099.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $2,010.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $85.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $639.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $3,197.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $10.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $23.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $5.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $87.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $63.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $8.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back -($81.51) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $389.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $344.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $192.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $6.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $21.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $12.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $63.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $39.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $617.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $667.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $2,887.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $432.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $271.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $7.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $53.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $59.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $303.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $41.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Jan 2023 bill back $18.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488377 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $135.36 Hope Squad Supplies Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $108.96 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $192.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $312.16 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $1,465.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $637.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $106.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $41.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $236.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
Non sports buses-1 $386.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488376 3/14/2023
FMS-00446 $128.00 Purchased Services Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  ID 57166972 3/14/2023
Mileage 2.1-2.27 $83.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 94104 3/15/2023
Mileage 9.23 $13.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 94105 3/15/2023
SupplyReimb 3.15.23 $357.05 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 94103 3/15/2023
33611617 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94106 3/16/2023
41942735 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 94109 3/16/2023
Mileage 2.20-3.14 $25.95 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 94107 3/16/2023
Mileage 9.12-9.28 $52.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Rahberger, Hanna Idaho Falls ID 94108 3/16/2023
30560880 diplomas $1,523.00 Supplies & Materials Jostens Chicago  IL 1488380 3/16/2023
794692 $85.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488381 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $20.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $1.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax -($1.90) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $3.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $12.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $0.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $19.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $9.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $3.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $1.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $4.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $2,786.97 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $4.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax -($0.01) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $7.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $17.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $99.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
Feb 2023 Sales Tax $154.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488379 3/16/2023
V754004 $343.82 Supplies & Materials PTO  Rigby ID 2120 3/16/2023
11954 $78.00 Athletics Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $23.00 Athletics Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $2,200.00 Athletics Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $118.00 Athletics Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $78.00 General Supplies & Materials Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $23.00 General Supplies & Materials Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $2,200.00 General Supplies & Materials Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $118.00 General Supplies & Materials Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $156.00 General Supplies & Materials Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $46.00 General Supplies & Materials Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $4,400.00 General Supplies & Materials Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
11954 $236.00 General Supplies & Materials Zeptive, Inc Burlington MA 94117 3/17/2023
33616029 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94116 3/17/2023
41951616 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 94114 3/17/2023
J.Gebarowski Exams $136.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Gebarowski, Jodi Idaho Falls ID 94115 3/17/2023
S.WescottSpaCLEP $90.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Wescott, Samantha Rigby ID 94112 3/17/2023
Supply Reimb 3.17 $61.69 Supplies & Materials Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 94110 3/17/2023
Supply Reimb 3.17.23 $56.90 Supplies & Materials Harrop, Shelly Ann Rigby ID 94111 3/17/2023
111100042069 $238.19 Supplies & Materials DocuSign Inc Lockbox Dallas TX 1488383 3/17/2023
16593 National Reg. $1,250.00 Supplies & Materials Business Professionals of Am. National  Westerville OH 1488382 3/17/2023
3-8-23 Statement $618.08 Supplies & Materials Sam's Club/Synchrony Bank Dallas TX 1488385 3/17/2023
3-8-23 Statement $2,516.49 Supplies & Materials Sam's Club/Synchrony Bank Dallas TX 1488385 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $426.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $247.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $399.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $158.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 -($329.00) Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $166.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $217.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $169.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $336.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $248.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
Athletics to 2-18-23 $102.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488384 3/17/2023
2005 $734.00 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 57166974 3/17/2023
MB706370 $160.00 Purchased Services Idaho FFA Association Boise ID 57166973 3/17/2023
V638088 $51.73 Supplies & Materials Samantha Jeppesen Rexburg ID 205 3/18/2023
February 2023(1) $19.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/20/2023
V107538 $30,580.37 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94113 3/20/2023
V119152 $295,729.65 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 3/20/2023
V147618 $130.91 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 3/20/2023
V405272 $3,381.72 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94113 3/20/2023
V414358 $147,988.05 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2023
V440902 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 3/20/2023
V457597 $398,328.33 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94113 3/20/2023
V496770 $34,610.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2023
V544163 $327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 3/20/2023
V618844 $12,745.59 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94113 3/20/2023
V662366 $3,700.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43957 3/20/2023
V727454 $7,937.98 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2023
V790262 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 3/20/2023
V796282 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 3/20/2023
V859620 $4,220.79 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 3/20/2023
V864667 $3,133.84 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94113 3/20/2023
V899471 $1,856.46 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2023
V900600 -($787.18) PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,880.16 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,286.71 GROSS PAYROLL Abplanalp, Shelbe Jo  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$941.85 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,454.61 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,065.58 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$572.80 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Rebecca Sue  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$240.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alvarez-Garcia, Julia Marie  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,075.49 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,114.88 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$629.69 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Julie Lazenby  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,349.79 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,634.35 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 3/20/2023
$775.01 GROSS PAYROLL Angell, Kathryn Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,281.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,802.05 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,988.20 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,819.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,124.65 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,728.50 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$714.37 GROSS PAYROLL Atwood, Danielle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,720.39 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$369.66 GROSS PAYROLL Bagley, Lisa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$71.73 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$386.51 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Jennifer Robin  Lewsiville ID 0 3/20/2023
$304.83 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Rachel Nichole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$185.22 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Ronda Fielding  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,958.33 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,543.69 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,570.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$190.59 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,109.04 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,918.68 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,677.14 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,800.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barton, Sierra R  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$446.56 GROSS PAYROLL Bates Orgill, Tracie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,479.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,078.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$796.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$846.88 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,824.40 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,091.32 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,584.05 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,108.10 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,980.75 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$517.78 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,177.81 GROSS PAYROLL Blakely, Erin K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,985.16 GROSS PAYROLL Blaylock, Rachel Marie  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,453.16 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$257.90 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,217.80 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,323.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,192.27 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 3/20/2023
$355.86 GROSS PAYROLL Bolleurs, Michele Brook  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$167.30 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Theresa L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,594.35 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,865.13 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,086.15 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,583.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,107.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$932.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 3/20/2023
$926.84 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$896.96 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,711.02 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,825.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$706.34 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,134.38 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,865.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,421.86 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$195.73 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,467.22 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$194.68 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Jessica Rudd  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,492.50 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,013.56 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,033.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bryner, Marie Sue  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,395.65 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,049.88 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Dona Jeanne  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,078.44 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$47.28 GROSS PAYROLL Burke, Hannah Kimberly  Ashton ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,057.12 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$853.16 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Rachel Elizabeth  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$446.26 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$963.70 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$668.63 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6.55 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Malcom O  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,020.71 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,588.46 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,302.85 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,257.51 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,475.14 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,143.49 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,222.88 GROSS PAYROLL Cancino Saldana, Cristina Mabel  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$625.55 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$968.64 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,231.72 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$865.98 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,348.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,012.89 GROSS PAYROLL Castro, Carmen Navarro  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,186.45 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$112.00 GROSS PAYROLL Challburg, Ashley Nicole  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,080.49 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,455.40 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,012.64 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$138.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$231.20 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Ashlee   Oak City UT 0 3/20/2023
$5,458.34 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,019.52 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,293.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$620.69 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Holly Ann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,130.06 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$845.10 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,027.58 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$852.81 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,164.88 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,026.83 GROSS PAYROLL Collier, Samuel Christopher  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$380.50 GROSS PAYROLL Collins, Megan Lee Anne  Rigby Id 0 3/20/2023
$8,989.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$985.25 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,497.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,493.82 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,011.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 3/20/2023
$552.96 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,857.34 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$843.81 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$805.35 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,317.24 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$871.07 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$78.20 GROSS PAYROLL Crapo, Connor R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$793.21 GROSS PAYROLL Crawford, Megan Elaine  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,022.64 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$949.44 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,652.88 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,926.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$501.28 GROSS PAYROLL Curtis, Chelsea Anne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$830.93 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dabell, Jeffrey W  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,522.93 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$995.38 GROSS PAYROLL Danielson, Adrian Jason  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davids, Kim Russell  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,841.30 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Marshall Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 3/20/2023
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Shaun David  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,209.69 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,236.78 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,048.58 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,343.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,201.93 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$107.35 GROSS PAYROLL Diaz, Alayna Mae  Chandler AZ 0 3/20/2023
$593.89 GROSS PAYROLL Doman, Shacie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,527.78 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,054.55 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$363.61 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,902.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$51.04 GROSS PAYROLL Dunn, Bryan John  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$668.51 GROSS PAYROLL Durgin, Elizabeth Haven  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,963.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,977.23 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$842.25 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,685.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$60.00 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Nathan Gordon  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$101.40 GROSS PAYROLL Elder, Monica Selina  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,054.73 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$952.56 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,390.15 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,246.23 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$27.06 GROSS PAYROLL Faneus, Rebecca Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,894.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,544.59 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,465.64 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$958.93 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$83.58 GROSS PAYROLL Flinders, Peggy Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,122.93 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$783.30 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$162.62 GROSS PAYROLL Forero, Mazie Jill  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,114.77 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$754.86 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,901.90 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Rodney Tyler  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,115.30 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,163.06 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$838.92 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,177.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,481.72 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Kelsi Kae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,370.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,911.20 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$29.73 GROSS PAYROLL Fuerst, Abbey Gail  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$173.92 GROSS PAYROLL Fuhriman, Avery Jacob  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,863.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,281.91 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$779.03 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$474.03 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,665.69 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,510.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$70.78 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Draydon Luis  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,957.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$970.79 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Laurinda Ann  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,502.37 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,259.84 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,514.55 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gerry, Juliet   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$471.22 GROSS PAYROLL Gessel, Savannah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$95.28 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Cassidy Marie  St. Anthony ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,368.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$914.12 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$957.24 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$889.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,887.76 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$625.97 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,094.01 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,118.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,226.75 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,681.30 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,972.91 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,101.61 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,731.90 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,025.50 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,485.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,602.45 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,124.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$803.40 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,686.83 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$485.57 GROSS PAYROLL Griffeth, Laura Dustin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,592.18 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,527.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,622.65 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$746.61 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$199.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,471.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,563.72 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,855.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,351.44 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,825.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,883.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,069.47 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,150.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,849.58 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$587.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Stacey Diane  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,317.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$918.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$521.05 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$179.14 GROSS PAYROLL Harkness, Rebecca Arin  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,239.28 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$404.49 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$914.97 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$787.51 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,909.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,112.32 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$796.48 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Ginnie Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,259.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,595.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$373.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Hanna Lee  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,433.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,398.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$762.81 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,850.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 3/20/2023
$256.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hendrix, Avrey D R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,066.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,023.19 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,218.04 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$938.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$152.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Ashlyn   Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,616.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,036.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$389.04 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,734.47 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$179.03 GROSS PAYROLL Hirschi-Keister, Rachel Garcia  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,529.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,777.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,461.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$793.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$130.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hokanson, Teyah Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$42.75 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$765.12 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$653.53 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,025.41 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Mary Ellen Smith  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$41.93 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Stacey Bell  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,655.17 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 3/20/2023
$401.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,533.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,895.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,130.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,913.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,660.82 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,018.55 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$538.32 GROSS PAYROLL Huskinson, Sarah Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$719.46 GROSS PAYROLL Ireland, Connor James  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,139.94 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$652.93 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,898.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,970.52 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,849.11 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,081.77 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,105.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$909.75 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$684.27 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,819.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$749.17 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,551.52 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$651.65 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Daniel Christian  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,086.36 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$59.99 GROSS PAYROLL Jenson, Nikylia K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,033.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,294.26 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,411.24 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$827.89 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,818.08 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,685.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$129.04 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Shelby R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,457.79 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,066.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Adriana   Iona ID 0 3/20/2023
$738.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$860.56 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,064.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Hailey Claireese  Rigby Id 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,498.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Mariah Darlene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,678.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,393.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,808.88 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$970.98 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,100.81 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,007.15 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, Sydni Marie  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,110.03 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,937.78 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,890.50 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,900.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.16 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,845.47 GROSS PAYROLL Kelly, Raen O  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,706.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$968.06 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$973.72 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$80.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,728.60 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,371.82 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$317.18 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Genie Renae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,203.23 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,236.75 GROSS PAYROLL Kristensen, Emma   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$260.63 GROSS PAYROLL Kushmaul Hess, Mary Pamela  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$901.01 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,284.61 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,820.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$448.68 GROSS PAYROLL Laybourn, Stephani Colleen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,079.55 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$53.49 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Laura K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.02 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$396.35 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$796.68 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Xiomara   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$976.45 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Benjamin F  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,325.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$388.77 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,623.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,160.79 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,316.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$10,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lowder, Makiah J  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,176.99 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,169.76 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,039.41 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,290.27 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$775.88 GROSS PAYROLL Mair, Melissa Lin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$733.35 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,398.51 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,602.84 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$591.68 GROSS PAYROLL Marcusen, Jayde Isabelle Lucy  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Kyle C  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Porter G  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,269.54 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,679.20 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$995.47 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$295.45 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Nathan Joseph  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$666.22 GROSS PAYROLL Matson, Seth Abram  Leadore ID 0 3/20/2023
$948.82 GROSS PAYROLL Mayberry, Christa Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$51.00 GROSS PAYROLL McConnell, Lisa M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,784.25 GROSS PAYROLL McCoppin, Zachriel Matthias  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,074.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$357.30 GROSS PAYROLL McLendon, Crystal Jamie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,318.62 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,976.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$624.39 GROSS PAYROLL Menchaca-Riddle, Deanna Nicole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$237.53 GROSS PAYROLL Mengel, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$897.67 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$185.02 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Adrianne Johnson  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$951.12 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$141.46 GROSS PAYROLL Merriman, Alisha Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,460.63 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$11,366.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,440.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,968.77 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$93.36 GROSS PAYROLL Moedl, Allyx Oborn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,325.40 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,020.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$719.35 GROSS PAYROLL Moody, Jessica Johanna  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Moon, Robert Anthony  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,163.47 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,571.59 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,210.08 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,431.82 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,376.07 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$663.76 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,373.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$111.37 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,561.62 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,991.92 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,847.16 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,278.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$694.18 GROSS PAYROLL Newman, Beth Ellen  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,123.32 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,221.20 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$955.12 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$741.47 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 3/20/2023
$1,631.14 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,235.97 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,673.63 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$443.72 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,705.17 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,584.51 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,270.42 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,226.14 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,324.61 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$861.73 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 3/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$781.96 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$176.38 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Joshua Michael  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,812.59 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,073.26 GROSS PAYROLL Parrott, Jalen Marie  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$934.53 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$801.31 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,314.08 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$649.55 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$899.10 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,757.92 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,577.88 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,413.75 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$861.70 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,901.48 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$860.65 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,406.83 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$29.57 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Trisha Beal  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$633.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pincock, Tyler R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,371.47 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,292.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,006.88 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Kuniko Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,583.39 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$121.99 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Whittney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,603.12 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,496.69 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$284.27 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Traci Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,452.88 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$807.50 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,868.39 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,388.44 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,890.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,065.72 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,581.53 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Kathryn Rose  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,609.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reid, Jonathan Michael  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$529.49 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$48.12 GROSS PAYROLL Richins, Stephen Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,490.69 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,581.37 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$303.84 GROSS PAYROLL Ricter, Korina Noel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$108.36 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$401.22 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Sheela Mae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$603.20 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Cassie Janiel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,555.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$601.12 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Andrew Cannon  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,724.30 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,338.89 GROSS PAYROLL Robinson, Madison Kay  Rexburg Id 0 3/20/2023
$1,090.15 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,650.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$999.30 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,863.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,069.40 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$584.54 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$708.69 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$440.07 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Brooke Janae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Saathoff, Gordon Lee Jr Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,460.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,893.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$747.46 GROSS PAYROLL Sautter, Macy Michelle  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,696.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,970.07 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$749.43 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$760.51 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,085.20 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$820.94 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Jared Stephen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,281.28 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,592.13 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,852.59 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,365.55 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,818.33 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,617.18 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Janessa Kay  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,485.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,366.81 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily Rose  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$9,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,363.48 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,201.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,004.51 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$754.91 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$962.08 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,422.44 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,076.64 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$742.80 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$945.54 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$721.58 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$689.31 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$940.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,759.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$56.46 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$631.56 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$995.44 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$407.59 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$759.04 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$409.11 GROSS PAYROLL Snyder, Stephanie Nicole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,075.77 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,628.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,013.35 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$10,070.16 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,053.96 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$79.82 GROSS PAYROLL Spencer, Kristie Lyn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,022.01 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,003.17 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,024.01 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$825.80 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,543.50 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$924.70 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,324.32 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,011.09 GROSS PAYROLL Stoltenberg, Tambra Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,440.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,449.71 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,146.82 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 3/20/2023
$633.34 GROSS PAYROLL Sudweeks, Loretta Shaver  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,396.83 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$167.49 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$968.28 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,031.73 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,373.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$233.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tapp, Luke William  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,911.71 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$346.35 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,078.07 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Sadie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,635.52 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$516.71 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,352.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2023
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$830.16 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$816.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Ronald Alexander  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$361.32 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,038.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,072.78 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,252.73 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$941.17 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,301.16 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,748.83 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,079.67 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 3/20/2023
$296.24 GROSS PAYROLL Trost, Bradley W  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,777.64 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,361.86 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$616.20 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,267.92 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,837.82 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$711.56 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,857.08 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$24.92 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,256.09 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,126.98 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$7,821.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,028.58 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,726.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,717.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$946.38 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$293.41 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,265.66 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,058.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,118.96 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,953.84 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$364.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,914.19 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$880.09 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,344.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,881.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,154.46 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$353.19 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$974.90 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$955.36 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,832.30 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,028.48 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,950.98 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,956.63 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,765.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$2,516.64 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 3/20/2023
$856.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$937.38 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,410.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 3/20/2023
$329.50 GROSS PAYROLL Winchester, Heidi Luke  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,035.19 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,945.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$441.28 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$835.63 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,891.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$656.28 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Aerin Elizabeth  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2023
$417.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kamilyn Noelle  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,767.11 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,030.74 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,844.34 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$46.79 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$945.66 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,530.70 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$1,374.62 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$6,752.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2023
$3,383.98 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2023
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bare, Jessica M  Idaho Falls ID 62405 3/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Kurtis Blake  Lewisville ID 62406 3/20/2023
$86.09 GROSS PAYROLL Burns, Macy Elizabeth  Rigby ID 62407 3/20/2023
$416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Daugherty, Sciarra   Rigby ID 62408 3/20/2023
$198.03 GROSS PAYROLL Deardeuff, Weston Shane  Sugar City ID 62409 3/20/2023
$123.05 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 62410 3/20/2023
$7.03 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Timothy B  Rigby ID 62411 3/20/2023
$108.05 GROSS PAYROLL Gallacher, Kallie Colleen  Shelley ID 62412 3/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Geisler, Joshua Kirk  Rigby ID 62413 3/20/2023
$5.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hewitt, Zachary R  Rigby ID 62414 3/20/2023
$28.60 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Hector   Lewisville ID 62415 3/20/2023
$2.12 GROSS PAYROLL Ibarra, Josue   Lewisville ID 62416 3/20/2023
$163.23 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62417 3/20/2023
$368.85 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Cory Durant  West Valley City UT 62418 3/20/2023
$36.59 GROSS PAYROLL Roque, Arturo   Roberts ID 62419 3/20/2023
$60.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 62420 3/20/2023
$856.19 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62421 3/20/2023
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dunn, Daphny   Rexburg ID 62422 3/20/2023
$900.93 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Kamri Suzan  Rigby ID 62423 3/20/2023
$7.51 GROSS PAYROLL Carrillo, Sayexi   Rigby ID 62424 3/20/2023
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Kristopher James  Rigby ID 62425 3/20/2023
$219.76 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Shon Jerick  Rigby ID 62426 3/20/2023
$342.18 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62427 3/20/2023
$609.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62428 3/20/2023
$689.89 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Caleb Richard  Rigby ID 62429 3/20/2023
$639.36 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Katelyn Irene  Hamilton MO 62430 3/20/2023
$927.02 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62431 3/20/2023
$515.14 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62432 3/20/2023
$1,065.49 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62433 3/20/2023
$1,789.21 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62434 3/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 62435 3/20/2023
$1,049.53 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 62436 3/20/2023
$865.95 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62437 3/20/2023
$2,413.16 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62438 3/20/2023
$2,596.94 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62439 3/20/2023
$2,425.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62440 3/20/2023
$1,259.82 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 62441 3/20/2023
2023 $324.00 District Office Supplies Rigby Chamber of Commerce Rigby ID 94119 3/21/2023
33620529 $122.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94118 3/21/2023
33629232 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94118 3/21/2023
V720616 $135.00 Purchased Services Country Cottons Rigby ID 2118 3/22/2023
February 2023 (1) $3,609.04 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/23/2023
February 2023 $2,556.82 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $820.87 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $2,197.49 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $4,145.55 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $3,846.20 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $3,337.26 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $7,607.20 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $2,955.89 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $3,616.12 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $18,036.38 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $132.92 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
February 2023 $2,946.05 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/24/2023
V115154 $37.50 Purchased Services Culligan Idaho Falls ID 2119 3/24/2023
33686353 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94121 3/27/2023
InstCoachTrainPD -($76.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94120 3/27/2023
InstCoachTrainPD $76.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94120 3/27/2023
InstCoachTrainPD -($76.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 94122 3/27/2023
InstCoachTrainPD $76.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 94122 3/27/2023
InstCoachTrainPD -($76.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 94123 3/27/2023
InstCoachTrainPD $76.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 94123 3/27/2023
InstCoachTrainPD -($76.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 94124 3/27/2023
InstCoachTrainPD $76.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 94124 3/27/2023
15002 $51.50 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Speedy CPS, LLC Rigby ID 57166975 3/27/2023
2161:00800745 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166976 3/27/2023
CNA Exam Reimb 3.28 $136.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Lenz, Natalie Rigby ID 94129 3/28/2023
K.Bottles ACT Reimb $91.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Bottles, Jason Rigby ID 94125 3/28/2023
M.Harju ACT Reimb $66.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Harju, Kristen Rigby ID 94127 3/28/2023
Mileage Reimb $319.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 94126 3/28/2023
Supply Reimb 3.27.23 $123.52 Science 8th Harris, Melinda Idaho Falls ID 94128 3/28/2023
Supply Reimb 3.27.23 $284.96 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Wahlen, Jessica Rigby ID 94130 3/28/2023
1040 $3,450.00 Supplies & Materials PRINT ON IT/STITCH ON IT RIGBY ID 1488393 3/28/2023
130103 $57.00 Supplies & Materials Western Recycling-Curbside Idaho Falls ID 1488394 3/28/2023
2006 Orch Sweats $953.00 Supplies & Materials MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 1488391 3/28/2023
918143296 Jerseys $349.74 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488387 3/28/2023
919749269 Sweats $5,028.34 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488387 3/28/2023
920013402 Hoodies $842.83 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488387 3/28/2023
920020986 Shorts $993.19 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488387 3/28/2023
920036109 Jerseys 835.39 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488387 3/28/2023
920205871 $993.19 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488387 3/28/2023
920340634 Jerseys $835.39 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488387 3/28/2023
920895892 Jerseys $428.92 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1488387 3/28/2023
Classroom supplies $81.54 Supplies & Materials Harris, Amber Rigby ID 1488389 3/28/2023
FFA Retreat Cabin $300.00 Supplies & Materials Boone, Legrand Rigby ID 1488386 3/28/2023
NTL Land/Soil  250 Supplies & Materials OACD Temple OK 1488392 3/28/2023
Officer retreat food $288.09 Supplies & Materials Godfrey, Lex Rigby ID 1488388 3/28/2023
State Leadership Reg $1,660.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho FFA State Association Boise ID 1488390 3/28/2023
33736251 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94133 3/29/2023
FoodSrvcTrainMileage $66.81 Travel Expenses Campbell, Ericka Rigby ID 94131 3/29/2023
ImmersionPD $102.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 94134 3/29/2023
Overpayment refund $10.00 Business Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94135 3/29/2023
Supply Reimbursement $43.74 Supplies Galbraith, Katelyn Rexburg ID 94132 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $631.47 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $1,964.01 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $75.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $29.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $9.85 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $137.01 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $48.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $20.28 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $26.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $104.92 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $73.71 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $18.04 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $72.89 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $32.98 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $99.38 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $21.08 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $16.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $16.58 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $28.99 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $8.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Febuary Billbacks 23 $73.57 Robotics Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 206 3/29/2023
Payroll Febuary 23 $433.03 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 207 3/29/2023
Payroll Febuary 23 $121.98 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 207 3/29/2023
Sales Tax Febuary $128.37 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 208 3/29/2023
Sales Tax Febuary $246.25 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 208 3/29/2023
Sales Tax Febuary $8.66 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 208 3/29/2023
Sales Tax Febuary $1.13 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 208 3/29/2023
Sales Tax Febuary $28.38 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 208 3/29/2023
Sales Tax Febuary $9.49 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 208 3/29/2023
Sales Tax Febuary $47.83 Student Council 8th Gr Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 208 3/29/2023
FT_3_30_23 $267.00 Purchased Services Artitorium on Broadway Idaho Falls ID 2017 3/30/2023
FT_3_30_23 $356.00 Purchased Services Museum of Idaho Idaho Falls ID 2016 3/30/2023
DollarTree21.20 $21.20 Supplies & Materials Addison Kelley Pocatello ID 57166977 3/30/2023
DollarTree44.63 $44.63 Supplies & Materials Addison Kelley Pocatello ID 57166977 3/30/2023
Door Stickers $48.00 Purchased Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166978 3/30/2023
Car Raffle Tickets $3,100.00 PTO EF Supplies Harwood Elementary PTO Rigby ID 94136 3/31/2023
K.Brown ACT Reimb $66.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Brown, Alyson Rigby ID 94137 3/31/2023
P.Whetten CNA Exams $136.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Whetten, Anna Rigby ID 94139 3/31/2023
Supply Reimb $67.80 Counselor Supplies Close, Robert RIGBY ID 94138 3/31/2023
20074 $775.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488398 3/31/2023
20075 $775.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488398 3/31/2023
20076 $1,450.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488398 3/31/2023
20077 $3,600.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488398 3/31/2023
20078 $3,350.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488398 3/31/2023
20258 $4,600.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488398 3/31/2023
20261 $3,700.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488398 3/31/2023
20357 $4,000.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488398 3/31/2023
Boise meals reimb $385.41 Supplies & Materials Boudrero, Andrea Rigby ID 1488395 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $29.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $168.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $4,714.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $424.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $115.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $52.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $37.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $1,648.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $1,419.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $430.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $7,661.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $56.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $6.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $11.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $110.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $752.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $44.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $49.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $754.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $405.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $69.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $38.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $544.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $58.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $28.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $24.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $154.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $93.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $855.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $103.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $44.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $57.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $133.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $69.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $131.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $96.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $379.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $264.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $405.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $33.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $386.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $23.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $553.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $96.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $28.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $51.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back -($12.99) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $11.85 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $45.83 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $735.33 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $193.21 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $45.13 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $62.40 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $33.36 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $44.97 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $25.00 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $93.46 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $97.84 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $264.99 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $17.89 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $315.88 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $32.72 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $13.66 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $110.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $278.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $7.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $7.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $284.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $236.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $57.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $37.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $15.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $12.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $176.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $62.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $52.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $609.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $720.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $25.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $11.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $29.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $6.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $10.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $7.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $569.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $69.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $23.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $72.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $38.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $199.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $158.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $32.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $127.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $159.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $319.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $137.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $410.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $579.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $16.39 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $49.65 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $317.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $576.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $458.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back -($7.42) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back -($49.19) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $1,060.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $133.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $449.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $167.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $23.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $201.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $15.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $121.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $211.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $61.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $616.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $260.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $981.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $63.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $130.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $108.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $22.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $43.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $22.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $6.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $9.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $40.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $71.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $44.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $53.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $99.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back -($74.05) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $70.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back -($1,099.99) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $674.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $45.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $65.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $77.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $22.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $3.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $20.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $429.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $568.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $99.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $126.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $36.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $144.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $108.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $320.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $300.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $300.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $45.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $22.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $50.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $26.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $104.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $11.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $16.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $253.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $135.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $3.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $35.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $111.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $36.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $1,096.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $94.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $39.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back -($39.99) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $75.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $4.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $31.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $20.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $28.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $56.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $6.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $69.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $74.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $34.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $5.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $57.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $45.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $180.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Feb. 2023 Bill Back $65.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488400 3/31/2023
Gas reimb 145.86 Supplies & Materials Phillips, Sam Rigby ID 1488401 3/31/2023
Musical expenses $2,568.04 Supplies & Materials Davis, Erin Rigby ID 1488396 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $2,160.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $822.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $448.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $300.04 FHLA Supplies Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $341.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $923.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $262.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $651.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $29.56 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $125.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $90.04 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $378.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Non sport tran-Feb $218.52 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488399 3/31/2023
Sr All Night deposit $800.00 Supplies & Materials FAT CATS Rexburg ID 1488397 3/31/2023
4199380515 $699.48 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166981 3/31/2023
Library Book Refund $12.00 Purchased Services Chad Henderson Rigby ID 57166979 3/31/2023
William Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Kristin Peterson Rexburg ID 57166980 3/31/2023
18-0157 March 2023 $475.02 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 94144 4/3/2023
18-0160 March 2023 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 94144 4/3/2023
Mileage 2.27-3.14 $43.38 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 94141 4/3/2023
Mileage 3.1-3.31.23 $46.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 94140 4/3/2023
Mileage 3.14-3.30 $31.18 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 94141 4/3/2023
Supply Reimb 4.3.23 $81.51 Counselor Supplies Peterson, Kristin Rigby ID 94142 4/3/2023
Supply Reimb 4.3.23 $34.20 Juo Fang Lian EF Supplies Su, Junsong Sterling CO 94143 4/3/2023
V558178 $14.59 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1682 4/3/2023
V806708 $535.13 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1683 4/3/2023
February 2023 $41.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $75.06 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $13.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $1,499.42 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $65.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $2,614.96 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $4.48 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $1,044.18 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $862.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $1,578.25 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $3,431.76 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $5,061.87 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $13.79 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $2,283.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $18.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $8,093.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $7,162.94 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $17.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $35.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $2,991.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $394.32 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $4,060.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $14,272.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $1,689.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $262.28 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $235.76 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
February 2023 $1,571.26 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $84.86 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $150.12 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $27.20 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $79.20 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $148.30 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $5,397.48 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $8.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $8.97 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $26.78 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $2,004.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $2,102.33 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $3,638.22 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $6,395.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $26.78 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $10,078.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $27.58 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $4,923.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $36.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $15,137.35 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $13,586.75 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $35.90 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $71.30 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $5,715.12 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $838.22 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $8,720.14 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $8.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $8.97 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $29,069.90 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $3,561.42 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $622.33 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $426.75 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
March 2023 $3,400.85 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/4/2023
10412065 $525.00 Purchased Services Idaho FFA Association Boise ID 57166983 4/4/2023
Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Kristina Broers Rigby ID 57166982 4/4/2023
Refund $0.95 Purchased Services Kristina Broers Rigby ID 57166982 4/4/2023
V805874 $50.00 Supplies & Materials BYU-Idaho Rexburg ID 1684 4/4/2023
CP344441 $9,997.67 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 4/5/2023
English Conf PD $102.00 General Supplies Bice, Shanelle Rigby ID 94148 4/5/2023
English Conf PD $102.00 General Supplies Cook, Christopher Ammon ID 94149 4/5/2023
English Conf PD $102.00 General Supplies Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 94150 4/5/2023
English Conf PD $102.00 General Supplies Robbins, Heidi Rigby ID 94151 4/5/2023
IDSPRA Dues/Conf $300.00 District Office Services IDSPRA c/o Margaret Wimborne Idaho Falls ID 94146 4/5/2023
ISBG Application Fee $250.00 Bank Fees Idaho State Treasurer's Office Boise ID 94145 4/5/2023
PublicRelationsConf $102.00 Travel Expenses Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 94147 4/5/2023
2007 $1,278.50 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 57166984 4/5/2023
33736250 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94154 4/6/2023
33790002 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94152 4/6/2023
33790003 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94152 4/6/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $40.25 Student Lunch Sales Brown, Amber Rigby ID 94153 4/6/2023
01870539 $2,276.30 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94175 4/7/2023
01871888 $181.25 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94175 4/7/2023
01873157 $3,233.45 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94175 4/7/2023
01875192 $1,660.10 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94175 4/7/2023
032323 $1,550.00 Purchased Services BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $125.00 Purchased Services BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $125.00 Purchased Services BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $1,139.93 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $180.68 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $28.32 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $551.01 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $242.01 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $870.74 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $1,264.96 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $2,280.16 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $136.39 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $31,469.62 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $585.75 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $1,096.14 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $146.78 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
032323 $17,553.86 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94163 4/7/2023
07 $520.05 Vendor Services Stanger, Ione Idaho Falls ID 94198 4/7/2023
1.30-3.3 $3,053.75 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94178 4/7/2023
12003 $315.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Pasadena CA 94169 4/7/2023
127 $465.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 94208 4/7/2023
1504613 $2,748.90 District Prof Dev Services Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 94173 4/7/2023
17332 $15,760.00 Grounds Snow Removal Services Smitty's LLC Rigby ID 94197 4/7/2023
17809 $622.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 94157 4/7/2023
188 $193.50 Vendor Services Nguyen, Lyndon Garden City ID 94185 4/7/2023
2.27-3.3 $2,035.98 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94201 4/7/2023
2020329 $670.50 Travel Expenses Bonneville Child Nutrition Idaho Falls ID 94162 4/7/2023
2023-216 $130.88 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Water District 120 Idaho Falls ID 94207 4/7/2023
2023927 $17.50 Grounds Supplies Parks & Lewisville Irr. LEWISVILLE ID 94188 4/7/2023
208131913730 $1,152.54 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94195 4/7/2023
208131954531 $9,081.20 SPFF Student Occupied School Specialty Philadelphia PA 94195 4/7/2023
21-1983 $1,533.84 CTE Supplies Business Technology Cutting Edge Electric Idaho Falls ID 94165 4/7/2023
221118-0001 $397.95 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 94172 4/7/2023
23452 $109.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94203 4/7/2023
23452A $527.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94203 4/7/2023
23461 $457.20 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94203 4/7/2023
23477 $4,858.09 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94203 4/7/2023
23485 $1,174.86 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94203 4/7/2023
23493 $357.06 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94203 4/7/2023
23494 $1,333.95 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94203 4/7/2023
23495 $269.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94203 4/7/2023
23564 $900.00 Emergency Levy-Radios Teton Communications, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94200 4/7/2023
23564 -($2,250.00) Emergency Levy-Radios Teton Communications, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94200 4/7/2023
23564 $29,120.00 Emergency Levy-Radios Teton Communications, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94200 4/7/2023
240249523 4 $832.71 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94199 4/7/2023
240253849 6 $628.40 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94199 4/7/2023
240262189 6 $494.93 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94199 4/7/2023
251-032923-0008 $169.58 Vendor Services Independence O&M Services, LLC Idaho Falls ID 94177 4/7/2023
27641403 $268.65 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94196 4/7/2023
27660096 $24.68 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94196 4/7/2023
27660097 $486.50 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94196 4/7/2023
27698356 $24.68 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94196 4/7/2023
27698357 $781.60 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94196 4/7/2023
3.13-3.17 $1,605.50 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94201 4/7/2023
3.27-3.31 $1,610.88 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94201 4/7/2023
3.29.2023 $4,320.70 Vendor Services Riverside Service Group Idaho Falls ID 94192 4/7/2023
3.6-3.10 $2,916.50 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94201 4/7/2023
32385953 $430.39 Elementary Prof Dev Travel EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 94168 4/7/2023
332078A-2 $2,700.00 Grounds Supplies A-1 Rental - Rexburg Rexburg ID 94156 4/7/2023
332078B-2 $1,422.80 Grounds Supplies A-1 Rental - Rexburg Rexburg ID 94156 4/7/2023
3939 $11,901.23 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Nelson Electric LLC Menan ID 94183 4/7/2023
44990 $80.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 94164 4/7/2023
484245 $1,140.00 Supplies Benchmark Education Company New Rochelle NY 94160 4/7/2023
596446775 $4,295.51 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 94174 4/7/2023
643619 $2,782.16 Supplies Vex Robotics, Inc. Greenville TX 94205 4/7/2023
7093 $160.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 94204 4/7/2023
798116 $10.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 94181 4/7/2023
798120 $5.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 94181 4/7/2023
8 - 04/03/2023 $4,460.40 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 94194 4/7/2023
80980 $214.50 Attorney Fees Anderson Julian & Hull Boise ID 94159 4/7/2023
8275120 $2,285.07 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94186 4/7/2023
8283079 $3,004.21 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94186 4/7/2023
8299152 $2,792.27 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94186 4/7/2023
871008963 $463.01 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 94180 4/7/2023
871008963 $463.02 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 94180 4/7/2023
89415290001 $528.21 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94161 4/7/2023
89415290001399 $806.52 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94161 4/7/2023
89415290001442 $998.09 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94161 4/7/2023
916419 $1,396.90 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 94182 4/7/2023
A. Maiers Track $175.00 Track EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94190 4/7/2023
April 2023 $4,924.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 94166 4/7/2023
BPA Natl Reg $250.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94190 4/7/2023
CNY Window Painting $50.00 WLIP Supplies SFE Williams, Shanelle Blackfoot ID 94209 4/7/2023
DudeBeNiceSweatshrts $194.00 District Office Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94191 4/7/2023
February 2023 $13,559.00 Vendor Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 94189 4/7/2023
FMS 3.14.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94187 4/7/2023
FMS 3.28.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94187 4/7/2023
FMS 3.7.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94187 4/7/2023
G.Charles Choir Fees $310.00 Choir EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94190 4/7/2023
H000714-2023 $125.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Div. of Occupational & Prof.  Licences Boise ID 94167 4/7/2023
Hope Squad - FMS $1,050.00 RMS Hope Squad Curriculum Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94191 4/7/2023
IFCS2023-BURT $135.00 General Supplies & Materials IFCS C/O Toni Elorrieta Hazelton ID 94176 4/7/2023
IN112445 $7,094.26 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94206 4/7/2023
IN113311 $5,208.68 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94206 4/7/2023
IN113455 $28,750.50 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94206 4/7/2023
IN113898 $1,991.87 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94206 4/7/2023
IN114144 $700.00 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94206 4/7/2023
INV0065388 $927.50 III Materials & Supplies Thinking Maps, Inc Cary NC 94202 4/7/2023
J.HurleyBaseball $175.00 RHS Boys Baseball Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94190 4/7/2023
J.Madsen Baseball $175.00 RHS Boys Baseball Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94190 4/7/2023
JEF Softball 3.31.23 $2,975.00 Girls Softball EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94190 4/7/2023
L36835 $1,102.50 Business Services ETC Lite LLC San Antonio TX 94170 4/7/2023
LBLA2369668 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
LBLA2369668 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
LBLA2371627 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
LBLA2371627 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
LBLA2373614 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
LBLA2373614 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
LBLA2375609 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
LBLA2375609 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
LBLA2377658 $65.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
LBLA2377658 $4.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94158 4/7/2023
M.M 23-003 $596.48 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 94193 4/7/2023
M.M 23-004 $641.66 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 94193 4/7/2023
M.M 23.005 $632.63 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 94193 4/7/2023
March 2023 $6,141.00 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 94211 4/7/2023
March 9, 2023 $1,476.17 Attorney Fees Nelson Hall Parry Tucker Idaho Falls ID 94184 4/7/2023
Mileage 3.1-3.31 $36.05 In District Mileage Reimbursement Boyer, Tanner Idaho Falls ID 94210 4/7/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $46.00 Student Lunch Sales Briggs, Julie Rigby ID 94155 4/7/2023
Renewal TJS-2075258 $61.95 District Office Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 94179 4/7/2023
RHS 3.14.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94187 4/7/2023
RHS 3.28.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94187 4/7/2023
RHS 3.7.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94187 4/7/2023
RMS 3.14.23 $97.90 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94187 4/7/2023
RMS 3.28.23 $71.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94187 4/7/2023
RMS 3.7.23 $97.90 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94187 4/7/2023
RMS Robotics $630.05 General Supplies & Materials Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94171 4/7/2023
TrackFeesJErhardt $125.00 Track EF Supplies Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94191 4/7/2023
Cheer Crews $275.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 212 4/7/2023
Math Counts FMC- 1 $455.00 Supplies NRD ENT. AMmon ID 212 4/7/2023
Reimb $26.97 Supplies & Materials Carlee Valentine Rigby ID 210 4/7/2023
Reimb Science $45.11 Supplies & Materials Erin Lounsbury Rigny ID 211 4/7/2023
Reimb Social Studies $86.35 Supplies & Materials Carla Corbridge Rigby ID 209 4/7/2023
Track PO FT1 $2,231.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 212 4/7/2023
33743091 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94212 4/10/2023
33755190 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94214 4/11/2023
33768171 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94214 4/11/2023
33768172 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94214 4/11/2023
33822005 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94215 4/11/2023
Supply Reimb 4.11.23 $78.63 Science 6th Bateman, Angel Rigby ID 94213 4/11/2023
100 Testing $911.40 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488405 4/11/2023
1041705/1042516 $1,359.08 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488409 4/11/2023
16839 nets $955.00 Supplies & Materials ADP Lemco, Inc Draper UT 1488402 4/11/2023
789400 $95.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488411 4/11/2023
BBB Team Pic reimb $116.60 Supplies & Materials Taylor, Christy Rigby ID 1488410 4/11/2023
Choir Polo Shirts $486.00 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE CLOTHING RIGBY ID 1488412 4/11/2023
DYW sound booth $292.50 Supplies & Materials Anderson, Jacob Rigby ID 1488403 4/11/2023
Gary Fisher lunches $49.50 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488405 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $69.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $1.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $3.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $4.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $676.60 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $2.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $16.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax ($0.01) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $19.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $3.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $9.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
March 2023 Sales Tax $99.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488406 4/11/2023
Renaissance Crews2 $588.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488407 4/11/2023
Track Entry $230.00 Supplies & Materials Boise High School Boise ID 1488404 4/11/2023
Wrestling Reimb $645.13 Supplies & Materials Moore, Shelly Idaho Falls ID 1488408 4/11/2023
032311761 $100.88 Ambassador Purchased Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 57166986 4/11/2023
4.5 Hats $160.00 Purchased Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166985 4/11/2023
April Payroll $45.21 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166987 4/11/2023
April Payroll $50.23 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166987 4/11/2023
April Payroll $17.32 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166987 4/11/2023
3/31/2023 1 $7.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 10 $5.90 Audrey Stephen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 100 $42.19 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1000 $47.01 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1001 $19.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1002 $69.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1003 $7.99 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1004 $8.04 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1005 $195.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1006 $115.43 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1007 $12.97 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1008 $3,291.30 FMS Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1009 $3,187.66 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 101 $29.02 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1010 $15.48 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1011 $68.84 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1012 $106.81 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1013 $8.03 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1014 -($202.30) Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1015 -($100.00) Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1016 $14.83 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1017 $58.05 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1018 $24.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1019 $493.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 102 $156.91 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1020 -($400.00) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1021 $300.00 Fine Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1022 $9.00 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1023 $164.99 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1024 $11.51 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1025 $22.24 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1026 $48.98 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1027 $72.60 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1028 $15.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1029 $83.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 103 $141.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1030 $21.18 Cheer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1031 $71.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1032 $4.44 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1033 $67.30 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1034 $23.95 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1035 $16.24 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1036 $17.99 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1037 $42.38 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1038 $32.49 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1039 $5.93 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 104 $14.80 Ming Lee EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1040 $3.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1041 $18.38 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1042 $25.00 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1043 $10.00 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1044 $328.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1045 $24.38 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1046 $100.00 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1047 $35.59 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1048 $44.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1049 $200.12 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 105 $27.54 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1050 $197.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1051 $35.71 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1052 $18.24 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1053 $29.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1054 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1055 $15.98 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1056 $85.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1057 $145.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1058 $25.42 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1059 $26.69 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 106 $10.24 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1060 $30.00 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1061 $115.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1062 $49.75 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1063 $190.55 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1064 $3.64 RHS Ryan Hancock Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1065 $27.86 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1066 $37.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1067 $6.00 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1068 $18.02 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1069 $202.30 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 107 $49.58 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1070 $204.75 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1071 $19.98 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1072 $20.29 6th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1073 $701.20 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1074 $68.90 Cheer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1075 $27.12 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1076 $18.55 Cheer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1077 $7.95 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1078 $16.99 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1079 $69.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 108 $130.54 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1080 $204.96 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1081 $157.89 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1082 $84.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1083 $334.95 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1084 $8.75 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1085 $7.96 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1086 $248.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1087 $42.60 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1088 $14.17 RHS Ryan Hancock Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1089 $35.09 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 109 $91.33 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1090 $23.49 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1091 $27.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1092 $49.99 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1093 $268.20 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1094 $89.91 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1095 $24.36 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1096 $22.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1097 $27.55 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1098 $5.42 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1099 $20.33 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 11 $2,400.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 110 $200.00 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1100 $498.06 Program Quality Grant-Technical Assistance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1101 $176.06 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1102 17.97 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1103 $119.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1104 $68.67 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1105 $128.06 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1106 $1.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1107 $46.98 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1108 $49.94 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1109 $80.26 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 111 $93.80 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1110 $17.19 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1111 $57.48 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1112 $60.30 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1113 -($1.90) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1114 $105.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1115 $8.45 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1116 $31.98 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1117 $6.20 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1118 $7.84 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1119 $805.18 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 112 $14.99 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1120 $11.92 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1121 $91.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1122 $259.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1123 $42.94 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1124 $2,661.60 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1125 $53.14 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1126 $47.00 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1127 ($35.99) Michelle Bradshaw Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1128 $510.00 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1129 $399.45 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 113 $6.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1130 $250.00 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1131 $47.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1132 $14.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1133 $217.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1134 $295.99 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1135 $4,223.59 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1136 $190.29 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1137 $21.51 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1138 $394.38 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1139 $134.84 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 114 $248.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1140 $11.65 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1141 $9.88 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1142 $254.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1143 $195.08 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1144 $12.91 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1145 $143.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1146 $155.76 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1147 $60.91 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1148 $87.96 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1149 $320.05 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 115 $33.92 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1150 $59.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1151 $115.49 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1152 $736.51 E Sports Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1153 $2.12 Jin Chang EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1154 $52.93 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1155 $614.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1156 $85.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1157 $177.18 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1158 $21.26 7th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1159 $136.68 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 116 $178.76 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1160 $192.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1161 $2,213.45 FMS Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1162 $5.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1163 $60.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1164 $49.94 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1165 $490.00 1st Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1166 $14.32 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1167 $34.39 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1168 $15.99 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1169 $11.64 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 117 $154.45 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1170 $40.00 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1171 $44.29 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1172 $34.98 STEM Grant-L. Thomson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1173 $185.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1174 $7.90 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1175 $383.25 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1176 $5.97 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1177 $73.53 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1178 $67.63 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1179 $8.26 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 118 $13.87 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1180 $23.27 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1181 $140.00 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1182 $238.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1183 $85.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1184 $525.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1185 $370.95 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1186 $25.42 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1187 $22.79 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1188 $35.72 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1189 $183.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 119 $35.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1190 $52.81 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1191 $304.65 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1192 $459.42 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1193 $225.68 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1194 $23.93 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1195 $76.30 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1196 $21.08 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1197 $24.84 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1198 6.17 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1199 $16.89 EF Supplies Hsu Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 12 $77.19 8th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 120 $55.29 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1200 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1201 $31.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1202 $13.00 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1203 $9.59 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1204 $8.77 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1205 $5,992.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1206 $3,745.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1207 $749.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1208 $139.99 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1209 $331.85 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 121 $705.00 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1210 $267.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1211 $39.49 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1212 $44.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1213 11.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1214 $130.19 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1215 $41.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1216 $113.26 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1217 $148.40 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1218 $530.20 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1219 $32.41 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 122 $387.59 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1220 $475.00 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1221 $253.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1222 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1223 $78.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1224 $240.00 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1225 $9.99 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1226 $19.99 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1227 $37.97 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1228 $43.78 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1229 $64.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 123 $181.82 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1230 $21.98 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1231 $35.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1232 $85.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1233 $80.91 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1234 $20.13 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1235 $40.26 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1236 $117.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1237 $6.00 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1238 $98.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1239 $15.99 RHS Ryan Hancock Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 124 $65.29 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1240 $199.42 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1241 $30.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1242 $114.09 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1243 $69.30 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1244 $85.19 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1245 $98.50 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1246 $18.77 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1247 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1248 $51.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1249 -($155.10) CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 125 $1,721.15 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1250 $532.56 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1251 $51.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1252 $104.18 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1253 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1254 $16.19 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1255 $26.35 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1256 $26.48 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1257 $132.30 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1258 $115.78 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1259 $269.64 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 126 $16.91 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1260 $15.92 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1261 $36.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1262 $297.98 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1263 $9.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1264 $100.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1265 -($12.21) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1266 -($12.21) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1267 $14.58 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1268 -($79.80) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1269 $180.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 127 $91.99 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1270 $9.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1271 $45.72 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1272 $353.15 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1273 $27.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1274 $43.99 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1275 $204.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1276 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1277 $5.60 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1278 $139.99 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1279 $15.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 128 $138.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1280 $357.21 Supt/Asst Supt Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1281 $95.93 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1282 $263.65 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1283 $106.84 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1284 $764.73 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1285 $764.73 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1286 $37.07 RHS College & Career Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1287 $113.72 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1288 -($812.16) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1289 $6.62 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 129 $12.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1290 $82.70 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1291 $1.15 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1292 $1.69 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1293 $43.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1294 $155.97 Concessions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1295 $16.81 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1296 $344.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1297 $279.59 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1298 $19.55 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1299 $11.55 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 13 $120.72 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 130 $541.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1300 $138.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1301 $192.83 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1302 $123.05 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1303 $101.10 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1304 $415.96 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1305 $12.99 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1306 $189.75 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1307 $11.99 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1308 $172.33 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1309 $44.84 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 131 $760.21 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1310 -($79.80) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1311 $7.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1312 $128.00 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1313 $289.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1314 $29.94 EF Supplies Hsu Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1315 $4,134.76 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1316 $2,196.38 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1317 $89.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1318 $657.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1319 $375.00 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 132 $175.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1320 $816.57 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1321 $64.58 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1322 $168.22 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1323 $135.92 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1324 $27.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1325 $1,847.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1326 $159.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1327 $45.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1328 $25.50 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1329 -($11.46) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 133 $67.23 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1330 $123.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1331 $52.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1332 $9.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1333 $189.75 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1334 $75.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1335 $218.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1336 $271.47 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1337 $6.63 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1338 $79.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1339 $280.00 Driver's Ed Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 134 $139.14 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1340 $47.08 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1341 $66.63 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1342 $82.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1343 $35.40 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1344 $9.28 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1345 $13.64 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1346 $267.68 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1347 $20.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1348 $16.82 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1349 $324.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 135 $22.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1350 $3,283.98 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1351 $60.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1352 $76.82 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1353 $469.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1354 $28.38 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1355 $3.96 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1356 $81.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1357 $105.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1358 $2,030.62 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1359 $270.31 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 136 $59.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1360 $122.97 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1361 $537.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1362 $18.45 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1363 $32.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1364 $49.74 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1365 $200.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1366 $26.82 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1367 $8.43 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1368 $2,393.67 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1369 $93.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 137 $218.54 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1370 $161.76 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1371 $24.99 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1372 $1,799.60 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1373 $2,925.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1374 $90.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1375 $6.54 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1376 $32.98 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1377 $10.60 Roger Ellis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1378 $249.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1379 $151.08 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 138 $973.01 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1380 $280.00 Driver's Ed Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1381 $5.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1382 $195.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1383 $5.30 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1384 $35.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1385 $16.00 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1386 $20.48 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1387 $198.62 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1388 $68.59 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1389 $51.08 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 139 $15.21 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 1390 $20.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 14 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 140 $50.61 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 141 $48.77 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 142 $25.79 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 143 $70.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 144 $362.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 145 $137.79 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 146 $87.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 147 $242.74 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 148 $340.13 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 149 $10.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 15 $70.00 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 150 $79.95 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 151 $466.69 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 152 160.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 153 $101.36 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 154 $9.95 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 155 $20.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 156 $26.96 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 157 $3.18 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 158 $6.34 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 159 $39.90 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 16 $244.35 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 160 $4.32 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 161 $274.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 162 $103.56 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 163 $199.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 164 $19.35 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 165 $2.65 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 166 $5.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 167 $627.34 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 168 $35.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 169 $35.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 17 $56.25 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 170 $316.96 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 171 $3.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 172 $221.00 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 173 $41.04 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 174 $569.99 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 175 $757.90 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 176 $13.25 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 177 $88.94 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 178 $2.92 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 179 $41.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 18 -($190.17) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 180 $735.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 181 $317.84 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 182 $166.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 183 $46.62 FMS Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 184 $1,680.00 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 185 $12.34 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 186 $32.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 187 $38.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 188 $18.00 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 189 $180.30 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 19 $272.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 190 $63.04 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 191 $97.20 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 192 $33.18 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 193 $4.14 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 194 $128.75 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 195 $115.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 196 $76.20 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 197 $194.62 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 198 $78.18 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 199 $39.53 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 2 $19.98 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 20 $62.53 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 200 $17.98 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 201 $11.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 202 $8.78 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 203 $18.58 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 204 $134.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 205 -($76.20) CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 206 $76.20 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 207 $10.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 208 $41.44 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 209 $15.00 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 21 $45.16 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 210 $102.90 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 211 $99.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 212 $20,000.00 Program Quality Grant-Apparel & Textiles Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 213 $2,858.75 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 214 $199.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 215 $199.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 216 $698.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 217 $96.00 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 218 $199.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 219 $330.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 22 $27.94 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 220 $1,362.42 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 221 $96.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 222 7.14 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 223 $6.35 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 224 $250.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 225 $122.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 226 $51.79 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 227 $16.92 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 228 $14.57 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 229 $330.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 23 $511.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 230 $330.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 231 $27.83 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 232 $15.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 233 $15.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 234 $199.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 235 $1.00 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 236 $183.27 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 237 $23.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 238 $5,156.19 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 239 $60.74 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 24 $69.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 240 -($62.93) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 241 $2,107.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 242 $104.55 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 243 $26.12 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 244 $67.07 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 245 $32.25 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 246 $70.44 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 247 $54.75 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 248 -($4.23) Audrey Stephen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 249 $110.89 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 25 $16.85 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 250 $309.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 251 -($159.00) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 252 $17.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 253 $300.00 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 254 $12.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 255 $7.42 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 256 $69.01 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 257 $647.52 Perkins Supplies Health Occupations Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 258 $5,044.01 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 259 $126.00 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 26 $8.99 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 260 $2,017.92 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 261 $99.00 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 262 $14.75 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 263 $156.21 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 264 $26.37 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 265 $93.24 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 266 $49.28 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 267 $66.32 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 268 $71.04 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 269 $10.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 27 $35.97 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 270 $193.23 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 271 $47.99 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 272 -($1.90) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 273 $339.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 274 $268.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 275 $120.00 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 276 $550.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 277 $7.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 278 $78.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 279 $296.07 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 28 $50.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 280 $41.78 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 281 $15.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 282 $684.86 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 283 $76.30 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 284 1.9 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 285 $760.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 286 $344.46 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 287 $32.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 288 $200.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 289 $6.88 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 29 $22.60 6th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 290 $331.87 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 291 $52.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 292 $207.36 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 293 $4.23 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 294 $253.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 295 $79.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 296 $14,168.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 297 $1,266.00 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 298 $422.00 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 299 $471.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 3 $19.45 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 30 $319.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 300 $673.90 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 301 $4,298.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 302 $115.52 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 303 $51.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 304 $20.52 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 305 $197.61 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 306 $713.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 307 $574.54 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 308 $149.88 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 309 $175.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 31 $15.85 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 310 $181.31 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 311 $130.54 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 312 $5.98 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 313 $1,183.52 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 314 $274.55 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 315 $9.25 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 316 $75.00 Transportation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 317 $1,304.52 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 318 $283.66 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 319 $283.66 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 32 $178.46 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 320 $283.66 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 321 $29.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 322 $65.99 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 323 $66.78 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 324 $1,569.00 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 325 $287.40 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 326 $616.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 327 $20.99 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 328 $4.00 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 329 $81.14 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 33 $8.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 330 $125.24 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 331 $30.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 332 $54.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 333 $110.00 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 334 $13.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 335 $7.24 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 336 $16.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 337 $169.99 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 338 $193.30 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 339 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 34 $83.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 340 $45.44 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 341 $231.03 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 342 $82.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 343 $11.31 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 344 $100.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 345 $237.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 346 $17.97 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 347 $9.28 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 348 $24.85 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 349 $13.98 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 35 $149.94 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 350 $56.79 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 351 $583.46 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 352 $1,278.03 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 353 $180.70 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 354 $408.80 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 355 $24.82 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 356 $163.20 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 357 $50.10 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 358 $395.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 359 $58.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 36 $155.37 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 360 $2,017.92 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 361 $238.35 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 362 $29.24 Karen Stewart Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 363 $69.67 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 364 $159.18 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 365 $48.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 366 $98.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 367 $1,108.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 368 $21.69 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 369 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 37 $7.35 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 370 $43.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 371 $1,769.57 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 372 $78.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 373 $1,336.66 Idaho Commssion for Libraries Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 374 $408.80 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 375 $19.33 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 376 $89.94 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 377 $13.33 Video Gaming Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 378 $5.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 379 $199.37 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 38 -($69.47) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 380 $8.42 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 381 $408.80 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 382 $30.75 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 383 $743.65 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 384 $408.80 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 385 $25.44 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 386 $408.80 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 387 $408.80 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 388 $110.89 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 389 $59.81 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 39 $22.47 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 390 $231.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 391 $3.50 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 392 $94.05 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 393 $881.87 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 394 $64.41 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 395 $20.70 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 396 $21.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 397 $77.02 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 398 $450.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 399 $266.46 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 4 $328.98 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 40 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 400 $370.93 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 401 $1,276.78 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 402 $22.94 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 403 $1,976.48 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 404 $2,363.14 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 405 $408.80 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 406 $408.80 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 407 $4.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 408 $40.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 409 $1,142.07 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 41 $80.00 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 410 $37.63 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 411 $38.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 412 $3,605.18 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 413 $408.80 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 414 $719.40 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 415 $38.04 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 416 $63.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 417 $8.38 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 418 $243.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 419 $595.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 42 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 420 $111.84 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 421 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 422 $7.46 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 423 $8.59 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 424 $72.80 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 425 $83.04 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 426 $11.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 427 $184.33 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 428 $128.85 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 429 $53.65 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 43 $24.40 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 430 $345.25 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 431 $19.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 432 $280.00 Driver's Ed Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 433 $64.76 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 434 $3.98 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 435 $20.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 436 $256.83 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 437 $62.17 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 438 $79.98 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 439 $27.87 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 44 -($44.90) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 440 $29.95 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 441 $73.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 442 $68.77 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 443 $66.95 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 444 $253.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 445 -($625.43) Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 446 $138.08 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 447 $976.63 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 448 -($77.00) Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 449 $697.20 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 45 $29.99 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 450 $153.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 451 $108.15 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 452 $7.10 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 453 $62.41 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 454 $58.48 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 455 $1.79 Custodial Supplies Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 456 $256.41 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 457 $360.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 458 $2,996.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 459 $420.33 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 46 $26.99 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 460 $109.43 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 461 $170.03 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 462 $707.58 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 463 $52.93 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 464 $280.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 465 $340.00 Kindergarten-Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 466 $24.90 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 467 $4.02 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 468 $211.00 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 469 $351.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 47 $15.22 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 470 $301.06 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 471 $73.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 472 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 473 $19.88 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 474 $202.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 475 $10.29 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 476 $394.92 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 477 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 478 $470.12 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 479 $1,250.86 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 48 $89.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 480 $212.87 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 481 $242.98 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 482 $481.86 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 483 $52.47 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 484 $3.27 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 485 $2.07 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 486 $713.40 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 487 $21.98 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 488 $8.77 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 489 $126.89 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 49 $13.88 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 490 $193.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 491 $19.06 Concessions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 492 $2,196.24 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 493 $193.43 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 494 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 495 $92.75 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 496 $11.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 497 $8,315.00 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 498 $41.32 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 499 $333.01 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 5 $73.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 50 $1,756.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 500 $123.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 501 $19.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 502 $99.95 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 503 -($2.00) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 504 $8.47 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 505 $50.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 506 $85.32 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 507 $61.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 508 $73.87 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 509 $35.79 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 51 $15,600.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 510 -($4.00) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 511 $545.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 512 $320.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 513 $154.80 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 514 $37.65 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 515 $16.58 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 516 $54.86 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 517 $545.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 518 $18.95 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 519 $12.88 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 52 $179.31 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 520 $12.21 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 521 $25.56 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 522 $297.05 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 523 $138.47 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 524 $69.32 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 525 $50.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 526 $65.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 527 $15.89 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 528 $56.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 529 $50.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 53 $15.34 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 530 $19.99 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 531 $418.27 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 532 $80.14 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 533 $40.10 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 534 $217.80 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 535 $113.34 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 536 $28.64 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 537 $42.95 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 538 $47.77 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 539 -($169.95) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 54 $44.50 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 540 $30.00 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 541 $21.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 542 $14.70 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 543 $12.71 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 544 $35.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 545 $563.92 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 546 $8.50 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 547 $6.01 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 548 -($10.00) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 549 $27.43 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 55 -($69.47) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 550 $165.34 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 551 $283.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 552 $65.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 553 $14.36 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 554 $62.01 Perkins Supplies Health Occupations Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 555 $14.29 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 556 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 557 $1,995.62 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 558 $89.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 559 $80.14 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 56 $24.86 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 560 $18.59 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 561 $14.46 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 562 $900.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 563 $82.98 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 564 $595.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 565 $148.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 566 $255.23 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 567 $403.47 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 568 $59.88 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 569 $2,679.26 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 57 $29.15 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 570 $16.92 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 571 -($29.97) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 572 $98.28 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 573 $56.70 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 574 $17.45 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 575 $214.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 576 $32.11 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 577 $15.58 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 578 $23.74 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 579 $8.92 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 58 $151.80 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 580 $10.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 581 -($19.98) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 582 -($19.98) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 583 $16.74 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 584 $225.63 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 585 $66.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 586 $27.20 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 587 $82.49 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 588 $111.82 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 589 $24.70 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 59 $821.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 590 -($59.91) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 591 $57.75 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 592 $294.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 593 $10.59 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 594 $5.29 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 595 $1.00 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 596 $39.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 597 $2.23 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 598 $20.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 599 $937.21 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 6 $6.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 60 $67.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 600 $24.17 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 601 $191.97 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 602 $13.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 603 $16.95 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 604 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 605 $143.10 FMS Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 606 $343.11 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 607 $685.61 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 608 $250.70 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 609 $79.73 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 61 $15.59 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 610 $5.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 611 $296.38 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 612 $154.20 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 613 $23.30 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 614 $55.23 Drama Afterschool Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 615 $54.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 616 $5.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 617 $343.20 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 618 $61.51 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 619 $78.23 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 62 $1.50 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 620 $150.57 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 621 $13.74 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 622 $343.20 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 623 $32.86 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 624 $30.74 Jessica Clyde Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 625 -($19.98) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 626 $19.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 627 $63.59 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 628 -($22.25) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 629 $58.65 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 63 $233.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 630 $81.95 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 631 $23.18 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 632 $129.46 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 633 $2.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 634 $23.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 635 $9.43 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 636 $0.87 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 637 $7.41 Laura Moreno Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 638 $101.94 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 639 $55.00 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 64 $13.99 Kylie Walker Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 640 $15.69 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 641 $9.19 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 642 $56.12 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 643 $12.77 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 644 $51.45 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 645 $1,332.03 CRRSA-Drug Grant Information Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 646 $7.95 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 647 $12.17 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 648 $20.88 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 649 $82.57 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 65 $28.99 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 650 $147.86 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 651 $125.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 652 $67.72 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 653 $27.98 8th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 654 $7.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 655 $140.61 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 656 $89.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 657 $15.64 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 658 $12.35 Hanna Rahberger Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 659 $24.63 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 66 $740.27 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 660 $21.12 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 661 $256.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 662 $237.30 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 663 $117.66 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 664 $7.41 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 665 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 666 $12.95 Lorena Reyes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 667 $60.29 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 668 $94.68 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 669 $120.54 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 67 $125.72 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 670 $1,868.93 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 671 $271.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 672 $15.22 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 673 $744.56 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 674 $30.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 675 $69.37 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 676 $127.71 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 677 $31.78 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 678 $237.20 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 679 $24.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 68 $69.99 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 680 $208.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 681 $39.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 682 $49.99 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 683 $10.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 684 $21.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 685 $55.60 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 686 $149.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 687 $55.51 Hanna Rahberger Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 688 $5.29 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 689 $6.91 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 69 $4.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 690 $60.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 691 $27.56 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 692 $39.98 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 693 $949.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 694 $10.99 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 695 $10.41 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 696 $956.31 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 697 $134.47 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 698 $22.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 699 $42.23 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 7 $22.94 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 70 $11.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 700 $82.62 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 701 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 702 $32.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 703 -($149.90) Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 704 $20.78 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 705 $13.25 Sydni Kelland Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 706 $82.62 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 707 $82.62 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 708 $352.90 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 709 $1.33 Sydni Kelland Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 71 $6.04 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 710 $13.89 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 711 $114.22 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 712 $29.65 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 713 $41.68 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 714 $16.60 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 715 $82.62 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 716 $13.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 717 $23.60 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 718 $176.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 719 $55.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 72 $259.98 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 720 $137.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 721 $158.31 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 722 $18.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 723 $914.55 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 724 $167.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 725 $386.28 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 726 $4,569.52 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 727 $106.27 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 728 $134.47 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 729 $173.07 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 73 $111.64 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 730 $38.77 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 731 $12.46 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 732 $12.53 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 733 $156.00 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 734 $43.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 735 $212.97 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 736 $12.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 737 $29.64 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 738 $11.73 Bill To Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 739 $60.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 74 $35.98 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 740 $43.18 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 741 $16.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 742 $10,054.57 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 743 $8.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 744 $78.08 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 745 $130.38 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 746 $13.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 747 $798.96 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 748 $16.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 749 $16.92 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 75 $6.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 750 $467.32 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 751 $25.89 8th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 752 $85.82 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 753 $174.85 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 754 $203.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 755 $25.93 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 756 $9.40 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 757 $62.08 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 758 $15.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 759 $150.81 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 76 $78.69 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 760 $143.10 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 761 $36.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 762 $31.84 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 763 $27.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 764 $385.80 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 765 $61.10 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 766 $3,610.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 767 -($5.67) Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 768 -($98.00) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 769 $125.13 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 77 $17.37 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 770 $20.44 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 771 $44.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 772 $11.99 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 773 $21.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 774 $21.98 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 775 $90.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 776 $85.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 777 $150.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 778 $500.96 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 779 $6.22 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 78 $2,728.20 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 780 $385.00 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 781 $193.33 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 782 $7.00 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 783 $306.60 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 784 $597.78 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 785 $197.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 786 $72.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 787 $690.22 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 788 $16.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 789 $588.93 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 79 $70.69 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 790 $29.93 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 791 $39.99 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 792 $87.44 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 793 $35.00 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 794 $136.62 FMS Free Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 795 $238.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 796 $471.70 FMS Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 797 $108.35 Restorative Circle Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 798 $51.29 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 799 $8.93 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 8 $44.49 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 80 $182.18 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 800 $2,380.00 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 801 $1.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 802 $46.08 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 803 $63.54 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 804 $8.75 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 805 $16.43 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 806 $27.49 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 807 $14.97 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 808 $17.26 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 809 $6.35 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 81 $29.98 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 810 $149.96 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 811 $10.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 812 $3.17 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 813 $23.26 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 814 $69.97 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 815 $2.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 816 $57.79 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 817 $204.25 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 818 -($79.80) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 819 $62.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 82 $19.15 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 820 $295.07 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 821 $40.02 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 822 $93.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 823 $452.68 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 824 $189.21 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 825 $32.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 826 $239.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 827 $46.31 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 828 $317.65 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 829 $85.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 83 $964.34 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 830 $42.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 831 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 832 $1,890.95 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 833 $7.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 834 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 835 $250.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 836 $204.25 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 837 $36.99 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 838 $15.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 839 $250.25 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 84 $76.22 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 840 $263.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 841 $204.25 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 842 $70.03 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 843 $340.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 844 $204.25 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 845 $79.89 Bill To Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 846 $240.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 847 $320.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 848 $214.83 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 849 $147.16 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 85 $50.00 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 850 $28.24 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 851 $43.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 852 $43.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 853 $204.25 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 854 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 855 $525.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 856 $23.26 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 857 $109.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 858 $85.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 859 $204.25 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 86 $137.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 860 $78.12 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 861 $53.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 862 $320.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 863 $74.14 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 864 $39.21 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 865 $66.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 866 $44.64 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 867 $597.51 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 868 $83.29 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 869 $204.25 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 87 $527.91 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 870 $26.63 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 871 $204.25 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 872 $1,452.00 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 873 $10.02 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 874 $99.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 875 $7.32 Susanna Oberhansley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 876 $3.42 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 877 $9.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 878 $48.97 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 879 -($294.08) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 88 $13.47 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 880 $262.50 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 881 $129.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 882 $36.25 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 883 $24.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 884 $30.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 885 $195.86 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 886 $24.03 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 887 $1,836.56 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 888 $58.44 Perkins Supplies Health Occupations Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 889 $393.42 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 89 $94.09 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 890 $9.98 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 891 $735.75 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 892 $55.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 893 $15.90 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 894 $6.28 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 895 $34.97 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 896 $10.53 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 897 $27.61 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 898 $31.34 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 899 $93.07 Stephanie Baldwin Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 9 $32.88 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 90 $31.44 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 900 $11.59 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 901 $163.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 902 $29.94 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 903 $204.25 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 904 $51.49 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 905 $13.49 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 906 $74.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 907 $105.06 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 908 $22.53 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 909 $110.99 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 91 -($11.99) Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 910 $60.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 911 $7.70 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 912 $172.31 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 913 $27.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 914 $35.97 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 915 $36.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 916 $31.77 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 917 $14.67 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 918 $200.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 919 $42.88 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 92 $28.75 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 920 $8.09 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 921 $50.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 922 $671.10 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 923 $13.39 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 924 $461.94 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 925 $72.30 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 926 $6.18 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 927 $117.00 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 928 $73.81 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 929 $68.00 Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 93 $636.65 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 930 $120.04 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 931 $410.68 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 932 $190.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 933 $206.58 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 934 $47.96 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 935 $769.00 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 936 $307.83 CRRSA-Drug Grant Information Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 937 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 938 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 939 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 94 $5.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 940 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 941 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 942 $182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 943 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 944 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 945 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 946 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 947 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 948 $6.47 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 949 $149.90 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 95 $93.05 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 950 $76.10 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 951 $12.60 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 952 $559.60 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 953 $18.38 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 954 $2,887.50 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 955 $41.22 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 956 $47.82 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 957 $70.39 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 958 $17.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 959 $38.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 96 $42.19 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 960 $360.10 E Sports Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 961 $67.90 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 962 $10.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 963 $7.94 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 964 $62.39 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 965 $9.53 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 966 $92.52 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 967 $8.57 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 968 $128.64 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 969 $115.70 8th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 97 $62.42 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 970 $143.09 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 971 $270.61 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 972 $14.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 973 $24.99 Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 974 $10.60 Cheer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 975 $17.96 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 976 $4.25 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 977 $390.00 FMS Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 978 $164.00 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 979 $65.00 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 98 $15.76 Szu-Hui Lee EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 980 $70.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 981 $202.30 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 982 $921.36 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 983 $19.80 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 984 $79.50 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 985 $6.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 986 $0.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 987 $49.01 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 988 $30.98 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 989 $555.50 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 99 $244.23 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 990 $47.70 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 991 $76.79 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 992 $100.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 993 $79.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 994 $4.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 995 $1,347.70 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 996 $28.59 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 997 $8.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 998 $387.57 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
3/31/2023 999 $769.52 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/12/2023
T.Mathews ACT Reimb $66.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Mathews, Colette Rigby ID 94216 4/12/2023
A 3744 $145.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION BOISE ID 1488414 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $144.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $126.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $144.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $61.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $50.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $57.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $113.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
SAF Payroll 4-11-23 $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488415 4/12/2023
Track Starter  $150.00 Supplies & Materials Goodrich, Clyde Burley ID 1488413 4/12/2023
Track Starter  $150.00 Supplies & Materials Goodrich, Clyde Burley ID 1488413 4/12/2023
Tri 2 mileage reim $149.50 Supplies & Materials Klein, Letitia Idaho Falls ID 1488416 4/12/2023
V372535 $17.99 General Supplies & Materials Emily Cook Rigby Id 2236 4/13/2023
Inv_598 218.5 Supplies & Materials Gary Hogg Huntsville UT 2020 4/13/2023
reeemb_2019 $48.71 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 2019 4/13/2023
Reembur_2018 $9.06 Supplies & Materials Lisa Yearsley Rigby ID 2018 4/13/2023
1421 $1,247.20 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 94217 4/14/2023
Mileage 12.9-3.17 $55.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Beck, Daralee Ammon ID 94218 4/14/2023
42140721 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 94219 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $4.51 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $2.15 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $168.79 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $7.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $48.61 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $0.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $1.28 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $0.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $2.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $0.53 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $0.67 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
March 23 Sales Tax $0.53 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166988 4/17/2023
33813818 $1,228.50 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94222 4/18/2023
33822003 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94222 4/18/2023
33822004 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94222 4/18/2023
33822006 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94222 4/18/2023
ABCTE Reimb 4.18.23 $195.00 IDEA Professional Development Noel, Danielle Rigby ID 94225 4/18/2023
IAPT Conf PD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Campbell, Greg Rigby ID 94221 4/18/2023
IAPT Conf PD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Jackson, Margo Roberts ID 94223 4/18/2023
IAPT Conf PD -($204.00) Transportation Travel & Training 85 Jackson, Margo Roberts ID 94223 4/18/2023
IAPT Conf PD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Southwick, Clyde Rexburg ID 94224 4/18/2023
IAPT Conf PD -($204.00) Transportation Travel & Training 85 Southwick, Clyde Rexburg ID 94224 4/18/2023
March 2023(1) $19.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/18/2023
Supply Reimb 4.17.23 $646.65 Emergency Levy Baseball Facilities Boudrero, Andrea Rigby ID 94220 4/18/2023
Supply Reimb 4.18.23 $208.72 Jessica Webster EF Supplies Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 94226 4/18/2023
36 School BBQ $212.23 Supplies & Materials Pacific Steel IDAHO FALLS ID 1488422 4/18/2023
4-8-23 Statement $1,734.40 Supplies & Materials Sam's Club/Synchrony Bank Dallas TX 1488426 4/18/2023
9287/0521/4341 $275.75 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488423 4/18/2023
Choir room tuning $200.00 Supplies & Materials Cragun, David Swan Valley ID 1488418 4/18/2023
DYW Stagehand $94.50 Supplies & Materials Alvarez, Rebecca Rigby ID 1488417 4/18/2023
DYW Stagehand $94.50 Supplies & Materials Kimber, Benjamin Rigby ID 1488421 4/18/2023
DYW Stagehand $94.50 Supplies & Materials Plass, Adelaide Rigby ID 1488425 4/18/2023
DYW stagehand $94.50 Supplies & Materials Watson, Sydney Rigby ID 1488428 4/18/2023
Pizza/Water reimb $131.24 Supplies & Materials Jones, Adriana Iona ID 1488420 4/18/2023
S103117 Nationals $1,575.00 Supplies & Materials SkillsUSA Idaho Boise ID 1488427 4/18/2023
State FCCLA refund $75.00 Fees & Charges Hulse, Audrey Rigby ID 1488419 4/18/2023
Tennis food reimb $99.48 Supplies & Materials Pincock, Tyler Rigby ID 1488424 4/18/2023
V685062 $15.93 Fines & Penalties LaTresha Moore Rigby ID 2123 4/18/2023
V253124 $53.81 General Supplies & Materials Kathryn McLain Rigby ID 2237 4/19/2023
Pre-Engineering Reim $14.83 Supplies & Materials Blackburn, Tyson Idaho Falls ID 57166989 4/19/2023
42152984 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 94229 4/20/2023
FCCLA Nationals PD $306.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 94230 4/20/2023
FCCLA Nationals PD $306.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Mecham, Lori Rigby ID 94233 4/20/2023
GOSeries 2009 $500.00 Bank Fees Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 94236 4/20/2023
IAPT Conf PD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 94231 4/20/2023
INV001 $538.60 District Prof Dev Services Bauer, Joni Spanish Fork UT 94228 4/20/2023
March 2023 $1,863.70 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $526.20 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $1,422.75 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $3,000.08 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $2,416.68 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $2,298.42 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $5,056.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $1,679.32 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $2,659.46 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $12,258.47 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $89.63 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 $1,648.11 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
March 2023 (1) $2,451.37 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2023
PublicRelationsConPD $177.48 Travel Expenses Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 94235 4/20/2023
Tool Reimb 4.20.23 $200.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 94237 4/20/2023
Tools 4.20.23 $200.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 94232 4/20/2023
Tools 4.20.23 $200.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Oram, Steve Rigby ID 94234 4/20/2023
V251657 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 4/20/2023
V333814 $399,413.48 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94227 4/20/2023
V334319 $3,133.84 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94227 4/20/2023
V359647 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 4/20/2023
V391508 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 4/20/2023
V42263 $286,694.79 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 4/20/2023
V538629 $3,388.77 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94227 4/20/2023
V549551 $12,777.44 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94227 4/20/2023
V584876 $7,057.16 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2023
V640436 $3,700.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43961 4/20/2023
V680474 $4,219.54 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 4/20/2023
V701758 33492.87 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2023
V702140 327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 4/20/2023
V778397 $31,110.67 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94227 4/20/2023
V819210 $1,650.47 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2023
V982403 143210.52 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2023
Reimb $57.14 Supplies & Materials Mikailei Kershaw St. Anthony ID 213 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $38.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $385.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $183.27 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $24.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $146.49 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $300.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $244.47 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $65.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $384.02 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $64.58 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $10.02 Flex Fund Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $4.32 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $81.67 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $13.33 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
March 23 Bill Backs $175.03 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166990 4/20/2023
$4,880.16 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,181.82 GROSS PAYROLL Abplanalp, Shelbe Jo  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,173.05 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,356.26 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,396.39 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$997.73 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$427.12 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Rebecca Sue  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alvarez-Garcia, Julia Marie  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,086.16 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,117.00 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,387.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,659.91 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 4/20/2023
$586.01 GROSS PAYROLL Angell, Kathryn Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,281.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,912.84 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,078.20 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,819.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,927.61 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,728.51 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,071.62 GROSS PAYROLL Atwood, Danielle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,564.10 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$151.60 GROSS PAYROLL Bagley, Lisa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$137.84 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$149.98 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Jennifer Robin  Lewsiville ID 0 4/20/2023
$171.70 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Rachel Nichole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$212.77 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Ronda Fielding  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,958.33 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,472.37 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,520.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$43.62 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Carol Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$111.01 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,127.06 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,790.55 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,674.96 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barton, Sierra R  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$371.22 GROSS PAYROLL Bates Orgill, Tracie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,694.22 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,078.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$693.86 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$860.23 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,822.21 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$629.07 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,179.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$101.72 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Rachel Louise  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,293.84 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$97.56 GROSS PAYROLL Billman, Alicia Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$268.00 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$33.90 GROSS PAYROLL Black, Marly Olaso  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,980.75 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$635.34 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,015.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blakely, Erin K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$162.85 GROSS PAYROLL Blanchard, Sharon A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,985.16 GROSS PAYROLL Blaylock, Rachel Marie  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,249.94 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$256.45 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,079.61 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,063.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 4/20/2023
$658.69 GROSS PAYROLL Bolleurs, Michele Brook  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,590.82 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,683.81 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,765.24 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,798.08 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,116.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$964.41 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 4/20/2023
$988.46 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$762.70 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,744.60 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,039.44 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$630.40 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,113.89 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,064.46 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,425.04 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$50.23 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$936.09 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$233.26 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Jessica Rudd  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,964.29 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,327.50 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$904.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,004.78 GROSS PAYROLL Bryner, Marie Sue  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,446.82 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$684.19 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Dona Jeanne  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,846.21 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,152.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,090.87 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Rachel Elizabeth  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$325.59 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$813.96 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$330.48 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,005.52 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,434.16 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,282.01 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,241.61 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,236.55 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$921.82 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,156.12 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$452.83 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$790.55 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,113.52 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$74.93 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Jennifer Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$676.95 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.73 GROSS PAYROLL Castro, Carmen Navarro  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,120.60 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$92.18 GROSS PAYROLL Challburg, Ashley Nicole  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,080.48 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,678.34 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,899.16 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$42.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$517.02 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Charlee Anne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$753.83 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,008.27 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,025.39 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Holly Ann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,289.77 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$804.40 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,002.58 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$731.14 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,002.02 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,028.75 GROSS PAYROLL Collier, Samuel Christopher  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$488.64 GROSS PAYROLL Collins, Megan Lee Anne  Rigby Id 0 4/20/2023
$8,509.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$936.12 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,497.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,426.59 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,011.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 4/20/2023
$623.11 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,947.88 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$957.28 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$818.19 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,364.38 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$698.38 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,687.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$658.18 GROSS PAYROLL Crawford, Megan Elaine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,236.92 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$777.16 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,607.31 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,926.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$735.52 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,453.96 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$433.34 GROSS PAYROLL Davids, Kim Russell  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,904.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,841.31 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Marshall Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 4/20/2023
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Shaun David  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,240.86 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,272.24 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$147.50 GROSS PAYROLL Deinhard, Rebecca Katherine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,013.71 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,343.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,025.21 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,118.27 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$610.10 GROSS PAYROLL Diaz, Alayna Mae  Chandler AZ 0 4/20/2023
$15.58 GROSS PAYROLL Doman, Shacie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,742.06 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,768.83 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$569.27 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$210.55 GROSS PAYROLL Durgin, Elizabeth Haven  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,963.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,907.21 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$467.45 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,685.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$285.00 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Nathan Gordon  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$84.07 GROSS PAYROLL Elder, Monica Selina  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$859.86 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$773.74 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,136.81 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,108.43 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,894.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,508.16 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,925.97 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$767.69 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,140.61 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$497.52 GROSS PAYROLL Flinders, Peggy Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,135.87 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,005.57 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$723.25 GROSS PAYROLL Forero, Mazie Jill  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,226.53 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$582.82 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,743.18 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,103.01 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,169.93 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$671.87 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,177.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,534.43 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Kelsi Kae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,033.11 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$255.23 GROSS PAYROLL Fuhriman, Avery Jacob  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,113.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,354.19 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$596.34 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$309.39 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,591.98 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,360.68 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$81.08 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Draydon Luis  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,957.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$866.88 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Laurinda Ann  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,498.54 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Salvador   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,372.81 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$980.62 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$832.64 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,520.62 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gerry, Juliet   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$681.93 GROSS PAYROLL Gessel, Savannah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$334.56 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Cassidy Marie  St. Anthony ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,368.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$495.86 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$971.28 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$889.98 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,117.37 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$664.73 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,052.65 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,118.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,491.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,545.23 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,148.13 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,119.07 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,158.62 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,996.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,485.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,816.73 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,124.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$773.19 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,686.83 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$349.28 GROSS PAYROLL Griffeth, Laura Dustin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,704.77 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$44.10 GROSS PAYROLL Guthrie, Brooke Nichole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,527.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,591.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,296.40 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$416.48 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,431.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,178.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,576.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,507.54 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,723.53 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,480.84 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,143.73 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,974.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$514.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Stacey Diane  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,163.41 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$884.80 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$456.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$829.39 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$288.90 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$855.46 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$592.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,796.77 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,096.93 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$681.19 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Ginnie Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,850.61 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,713.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Hanna Lee  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,260.73 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,353.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$854.89 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,825.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 4/20/2023
$108.38 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Marcie McBride  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$241.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hendrix, Avrey D R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,066.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,022.33 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,092.89 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$986.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,596.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,071.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$84.81 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,195.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,727.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$203.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hirschi-Keister, Rachel Garcia  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,380.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,690.26 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,461.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$547.24 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$144.74 GROSS PAYROLL Hokanson, Teyah Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$218.14 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$587.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,701.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,195.69 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Mary Ellen Smith  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$83.36 GROSS PAYROLL Houx, Kaitllyn Morgan  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,464.29 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$235.47 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Stacey Bell  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,567.17 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 4/20/2023
$409.51 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,488.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,895.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,130.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,913.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$445.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hunting, Kamryn Payge  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,375.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,634.31 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$15.69 GROSS PAYROLL Huskinson, Sarah Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$599.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ireland, Connor James  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,207.54 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,064.81 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,869.97 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,839.10 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,639.89 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$729.73 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,156.19 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,164.07 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$859.32 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,819.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$584.96 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,350.93 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$730.98 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Daniel Christian  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,061.86 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,247.71 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,172.95 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$816.71 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,143.36 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,873.77 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,685.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$72.03 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Shelby R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,539.01 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,066.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Adriana   Iona ID 0 4/20/2023
$728.35 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$647.97 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,071.09 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Hailey Claireese  Rigby Id 0 4/20/2023
$5,915.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,260.87 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Mariah Darlene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,874.24 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,663.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,782.22 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$866.50 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,046.03 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,609.46 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,007.15 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, Sydni Marie  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,155.92 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,274.52 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,890.50 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,484.84 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,845.47 GROSS PAYROLL Kelly, Raen O  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,706.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,001.72 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$941.10 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$374.15 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,537.62 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,331.70 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$15.10 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Genie Renae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,203.23 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,286.22 GROSS PAYROLL Kristensen, Emma   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$221.89 GROSS PAYROLL Kushmaul Hess, Mary Pamela  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$755.94 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,820.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$412.95 GROSS PAYROLL Laybourn, Stephani Colleen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,079.55 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$47.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Laura K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,450.37 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$699.11 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$739.99 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Xiomara   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$845.73 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Benjamin F  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,310.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,623.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,806.19 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$9,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lowder, Makiah J  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,901.24 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,187.75 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,069.27 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,293.85 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$738.95 GROSS PAYROLL Mair, Melissa Lin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$755.52 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,917.73 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,602.84 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$667.85 GROSS PAYROLL Marcusen, Jayde Isabelle Lucy  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Kyle C  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Porter G  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,230.03 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,394.50 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$717.82 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,176.61 GROSS PAYROLL Martinez, Beatriz Adriana  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$308.38 GROSS PAYROLL Matson, Seth Abram  Leadore ID 0 4/20/2023
$598.36 GROSS PAYROLL Mayberry, Christa Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,874.01 GROSS PAYROLL McCoppin, Zachriel Matthias  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,609.46 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,693.44 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$144.79 GROSS PAYROLL McLendon, Crystal Jamie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,228.18 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,516.41 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$420.21 GROSS PAYROLL Menchaca-Riddle, Deanna Nicole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$130.98 GROSS PAYROLL Mengel, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$723.38 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$282.02 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Adrianne Johnson  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$784.56 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$266.47 GROSS PAYROLL Merriman, Alisha Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,034.87 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,816.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,440.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,615.62 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,796.20 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$27.86 GROSS PAYROLL Moedl, Allyx Oborn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,367.04 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$553.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moody, Jessica Johanna  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,192.78 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,384.48 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,263.84 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,441.43 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,520.32 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$435.40 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$48.80 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,154.45 GROSS PAYROLL Murillo Arreola, Noemi   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,975.36 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$828.71 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Jacqualyn Elise  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,021.75 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,278.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$96.06 GROSS PAYROLL Newman, Beth Ellen  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$824.55 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,274.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$807.38 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$686.73 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,609.46 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 4/20/2023
$1,668.16 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$779.54 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,553.57 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$448.72 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,580.58 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$636.10 GROSS PAYROLL Oliva, Adelay Hope  Charlottesville VA 0 4/20/2023
$851.22 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,388.25 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,338.25 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,189.48 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$961.27 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 4/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$872.39 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,747.47 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 4/20/2023
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$7,283.33 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,405.78 GROSS PAYROLL Parrott, Jalen Marie  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$723.57 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$668.09 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,415.76 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$463.88 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,039.63 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$673.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, John Timothy  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,577.01 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,152.82 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$344.27 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Erin A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$760.10 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,316.17 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$741.11 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$38.59 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Trisha Beal  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$633.34 GROSS PAYROLL Pincock, Tyler R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,292.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$773.96 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Kuniko Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,154.44 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$745.60 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Whittney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,272.62 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,323.38 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$485.53 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Traci Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,419.51 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$738.25 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,664.47 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,384.52 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,890.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,360.31 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,611.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,263.48 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Kathryn Rose  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,609.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$833.34 GROSS PAYROLL Reid, Jonathan Michael  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$455.20 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$47.76 GROSS PAYROLL Richins, Stephen Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,445.87 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,283.24 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,893.91 GROSS PAYROLL Ricter, Korina Noel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$105.35 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,672.62 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$636.31 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Cassie Janiel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,555.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$972.24 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Andrew Cannon  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,776.68 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,338.89 GROSS PAYROLL Robinson, Madison Kay  Rexburg Id 0 4/20/2023
$1,085.05 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,550.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,350.08 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,075.54 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$454.70 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$535.74 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$524.12 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Brooke Janae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Saathoff, Gordon Lee Jr Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,460.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,893.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$496.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sautter, Macy Michelle  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,816.84 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,775.37 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,058.68 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$665.85 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,051.54 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$917.23 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Jared Stephen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,295.77 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,349.50 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,176.20 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,158.33 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$86.37 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer Boyle  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,470.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,202.06 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily Rose  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,753.48 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,201.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,963.23 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$834.72 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$607.94 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,847.86 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$589.90 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$848.40 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$934.79 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$950.07 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$462.25 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,050.95 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,973.99 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$904.15 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$590.27 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$986.10 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$321.49 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$609.42 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Caitlyn Danielle  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$729.12 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$141.47 GROSS PAYROLL Snyder, Stephanie Nicole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$911.67 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,508.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,025.70 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$10,070.16 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,011.68 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$586.76 GROSS PAYROLL Spencer, Kristie Lyn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,058.96 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,111.17 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,029.93 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$991.73 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,450.75 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$930.51 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,368.81 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$917.04 GROSS PAYROLL Stoltenberg, Tambra Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,909.45 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,202.73 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$857.13 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 4/20/2023
$409.12 GROSS PAYROLL Sudweeks, Loretta Shaver  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,499.58 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$42.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$274.62 GROSS PAYROLL Swapp, Khulan   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$991.56 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,979.40 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,923.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$233.34 GROSS PAYROLL Tapp, Luke William  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,191.21 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,073.59 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$172.78 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,219.69 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Sadie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,520.34 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$678.53 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,674.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2023
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$642.48 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$884.62 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Ronald Alexander  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$424.68 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,966.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,917.42 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,046.52 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,671.45 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$839.65 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,325.63 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,748.83 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 4/20/2023
$897.63 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 4/20/2023
$404.28 GROSS PAYROLL Trost, Bradley W  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,682.92 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,284.06 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$475.62 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,202.51 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,814.88 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$957.56 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,961.55 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$262.68 GROSS PAYROLL Vanderwal, Shirley   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$39.59 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,081.18 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$43.48 GROSS PAYROLL Wach, Jonathan Ray  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,200.68 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,536.04 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,316.99 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,601.80 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,004.95 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,717.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$935.63 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$325.08 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,203.96 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,026.27 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,154.49 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,966.51 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$372.66 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,128.47 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$541.37 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,854.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,881.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,751.98 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,433.36 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$584.95 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,019.47 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,018.54 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,697.57 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$947.10 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,929.38 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,853.89 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$2,442.01 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 4/20/2023
$700.84 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$504.59 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,993.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 4/20/2023
$293.75 GROSS PAYROLL Winchester, Heidi Luke  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$957.44 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$450.64 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$311.92 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,891.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,365.10 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Aerin Elizabeth  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2023
$311.03 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kamilyn Noelle  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,753.44 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$985.49 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,844.34 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$46.79 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$928.32 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,572.50 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$1,059.93 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$6,752.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2023
$3,147.95 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2023
$433.34 GROSS PAYROLL Bare, Jessica M  Idaho Falls ID 62442 4/20/2023
$154.08 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Jackson W  Rigby ID 62443 4/20/2023
$2,259.75 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Jennifer Elise  Rigby ID 62444 4/20/2023
$416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Daugherty, Sciarra   Rigby ID 62445 4/20/2023
$79.75 GROSS PAYROLL Deardeuff, Weston Shane  Sugar City ID 62446 4/20/2023
$110.41 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 62447 4/20/2023
$93.70 GROSS PAYROLL Gallacher, Kallie Colleen  Shelley ID 62448 4/20/2023
$113.35 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62449 4/20/2023
$161.20 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Emily Lee  Roberts ID 62450 4/20/2023
$777.56 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62451 4/20/2023
$175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dunn, Daphny   Rexburg ID 62452 4/20/2023
$860.83 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Kamri Suzan  Rigby ID 62453 4/20/2023
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Kristopher James  Rigby ID 62454 4/20/2023
$170.16 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Shon Jerick  Rigby ID 62455 4/20/2023
$301.67 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62456 4/20/2023
$447.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62457 4/20/2023
$63.21 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Caleb Richard  Rigby ID 62458 4/20/2023
$171.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blodgett, Cassidy   Highland UT 62459 4/20/2023
$1,144.53 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Katelyn Irene  Hamilton MO 62460 4/20/2023
$736.85 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62461 4/20/2023
$526.23 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62462 4/20/2023
$1,007.02 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62463 4/20/2023
$1,856.30 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62464 4/20/2023
$3,282.01 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 62465 4/20/2023
$634.38 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62466 4/20/2023
$3,177.16 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62467 4/20/2023
$2,401.38 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62468 4/20/2023
$2,222.60 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62469 4/20/2023
$1,036.42 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 62470 4/20/2023
33889371 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94238 4/24/2023
C. Cook Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 94240 4/24/2023
M.Carreira Visa $3,460.00 WLIP EF budget only Law Office of Janice Radler Olson PLLC Midvale UT 94239 4/24/2023
V279033 $275.00 Purchased Services House of Bounce, LLC Rigby ID 3876 4/24/2023
6661 Services  $1,708.86 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1488430 4/24/2023
6663 Services $1,164.24 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1488430 4/24/2023
BPA Ntnls overpmt $150.00 Supplies & Materials Alboucq, Anna Rigby ID 1488429 4/24/2023
BPA Ntnls overpmt $250.00 Supplies & Materials Taylor, Dallin Lewisville ID 1488432 4/24/2023
Inauguration rental $225.00 Supplies & Materials City of Lewisville Lewisville ID 1488431 4/24/2023
L.Bowcutt AltAuth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 94241 4/25/2023
V227199 $1,221.03 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Book Fairs Jefferson City MO 1685 4/25/2023
Supply reimb 4.26.23 $148.40 Juo Fang Lian EF Supplies Jacobson, Meranda Rigby ID 94243 4/26/2023
Supply reimb 4.26.23 $263.60 Meranda Jacobson Jacobson, Meranda Rigby ID 94243 4/26/2023
Supply Reimb 4.26.23 $33.37 Quigley, Sara Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 94242 4/26/2023
Supply Reimb 4.26.23 $26.00 Szu-Hui Lee EF Supplies Webster, Shatzi Rigby ID 94244 4/26/2023
2023 Math Counts $240.00 Services Hope Creek Embroidery Rigby ID 215 4/26/2023
39394 Girls BB $1,098.00 Purchased Services Country Cottons Rigby ID 214 4/26/2023
39394 Girls BB $1,098.00 Purchased Services Country Cottons Rigby ID 214 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $1,799.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $20.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $1,251.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $2.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $49.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $71.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $16.92 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $98.28 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $14.67 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $5.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $13.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $55.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $489.46 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $68.59 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $164.00 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $204.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $269.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $168.22 Robotics Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $117.66 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
Billbacks March 23 $7.70 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 222 4/26/2023
FB1 Band $250.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 218 4/26/2023
FFA State Conference $500.00 Purchased Services Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 219 4/26/2023
FMC2-Track $384.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 218 4/26/2023
Payroll March 23 597.95 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 223 4/26/2023
PO Q9629-Lagoon $1,688.00 Purchased Services Teton Stage Lines Idaho Falls ID 221 4/26/2023
PO Q9629-Lagoon $3,360.00 Purchases Services Teton Stage Lines Idaho Falls ID 221 4/26/2023
Reimb PD $44.88 Purchased Services Stephanie Sargent Rigby ID 220 4/26/2023
Sales Tax March 23 $6.79 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 217 4/26/2023
Sales Tax March 23 $82.28 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 217 4/26/2023
Sales Tax March 23 $3.56 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 217 4/26/2023
Sales Tax March 23 $0.85 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 217 4/26/2023
Sales Tax March 23 $2.27 Student Council 8th Gr Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 217 4/26/2023
Stewart/Soccer Green $500.00 Supplies & Materials JCEF Rigby ID 216 4/26/2023
Mileage 4.25 $43.85 Family Liaison Travel Grant, Silvina Rigby ID 94245 4/27/2023
PostageRefillRMS4.27 $900.00 Telephone Charges Reserve Account Boston MA 94246 4/27/2023
101 $50.00 Purchased Services Jessica Garner Rexburg ID 224 4/27/2023
Handbell Festival $468.00 Supplies & Materials Big Sky Handbell Musicians Missoula MT 1488433 4/27/2023
33940031 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94247 4/28/2023
Mileage 3.6-3.31 $67.90 Custodian Mileage Between Buildings Hayes, Danyel Lewisville ID 94248 4/28/2023
Supply Reimb 4.27.23 $36.41 Juo Fang Lian EF Supplies Peterson, Kristin Rigby ID 94249 4/28/2023
SupplyReimb 4.27.23 -($28.99) Juo Fang Lian EF Supplies Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 94250 4/28/2023
SupplyReimb 4.27.23 $28.99 Juo Fang Lian EF Supplies Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 94250 4/28/2023
1813 Vball Camp $750.00 Supplies & Materials Gold Medal Squared West, Inc. Cave Creek AZ 1488440 4/28/2023
426257 Track $1,869.83 Supplies & Materials BEST WESTERN VISTA INN BOISE ID 1488436 4/28/2023
4380144  $119.99 Supplies & Materials ANDERSON'S SCHOOL EVENTS MINNEAPOLIS MN 1488434 4/28/2023
4380144  -($119.99) Supplies & Materials ANDERSON'S SCHOOL EVENTS MINNEAPOLIS MN 1488434 4/28/2023
C04 Team $125.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Science Olympiad, Inc Boise ID 1488441 4/28/2023
Dup X-Ctry refund $175.00 Supplies & Materials Coates, Matthew Rigby ID 1488438 4/28/2023
Dup yearbook refund $70.00 Supplies & Materials Barrow, Kelli Rigby ID 1488435 4/28/2023
Dup yearbook refund $70.00 Supplies & Materials Dickhaut, Siera Rigby ID 1488439 4/28/2023
Dup Yearbook refund $60.00 Supplies & Materials Sullivan, Olivia Idaho Falls  ID 1488442 4/28/2023
Track entry 3-31-23 $250.00 Supplies & Materials CENTURY HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488437 4/28/2023
2161:00806705 $65.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166992 4/28/2023
4199385146 $74.50 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166991 4/28/2023
4199388371 $140.80 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57166991 4/28/2023
PlaygrndSafetyTrain $229.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 94251 5/1/2023
PlaygrndSafetyTrain $229.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Jensen, Eric Lewisville ID 94253 5/1/2023
PlaygrndSafetyTrain $229.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Messick, Sheena Idaho Falls ID 94254 5/1/2023
PlaygrndSafetyTrain $229.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Wadsworth, Zachary Idaho Falls ID 94255 5/1/2023
SupplyReimb 5.1.23 $34.86 Elem Curriculum Supplies Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 94252 5/1/2023
Choir/Orchestra  $179.50 Supplies & Materials NRD ENT. AMmon ID 225 5/1/2023
2009 $78.75 Purchased Services MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 57166993 5/1/2023
RMS-00659 $7.44 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166994 5/1/2023
RMS-00710 $94.16 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166994 5/1/2023
RMS-00740 $21.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166994 5/1/2023
CP346849 $26,369.89 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 5/2/2023
L.WoelfelCourseReimb $1,025.00 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Woelfel, Justin Rigby ID 94262 5/2/2023
Mileage 12.14-4.20 $426.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Smith, Kimberly Rigby ID 94261 5/2/2023
Mileage 3.15-4.27 $79.20 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 94258 5/2/2023
Mileage 4.3-4.28 $56.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 94260 5/2/2023
Mileage 4.6-4.27 $39.90 In District Mileage Reimbursement Boyer, Tanner Idaho Falls ID 94259 5/2/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $11.55 Student Lunch Sales Boyce, April Rigby ID 94257 5/2/2023
Supply Reimb 4.24.23 $22.77 Supplies & Materials Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 94256 5/2/2023
V979534 $51.44 Purchased Services Jefferson Transportation Lewisville ID 2124 5/2/2023
33413 $1,040.00 District Office Services Ritchie Auto Glass Rigby ID 94265 5/3/2023
Supply Reimb 5.2.23 $5.87 Science 8th Harris, Melinda Idaho Falls ID 94263 5/3/2023
Supply Reimb 5.2.23 $100.00 Teacher Budget Harris, Melinda Idaho Falls ID 94263 5/3/2023
Supply Reimb 5.3.23 $352.66 Zamarron, Lorenza Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 94264 5/3/2023
Basket raffle reimb $120.27 Supplies & Materials Pappas, Jaeda Idaho Falls ID 1488445 5/3/2023
Buses to April $822.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $494.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $276.16 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $75.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $172.44 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $111.04 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $278.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $268.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $45.56 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $61.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Buses to April $2,788.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488444 5/3/2023
Dance Fundraiser $500.00 Supplies & Materials Fizz Bizz Rigby ID 1488443 5/3/2023
Secretary Day $189.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488446 5/3/2023
NJHS Refund $20.00 Purchase Services Jared Griffith Rigby ID 57166995 5/3/2023
NJHS Refund $20.00 Purchase Services Kelsi Fryberger Rigby ID 57166996 5/3/2023
V568641 $20.67 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1687 5/3/2023
V893886 $137.52 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1686 5/3/2023
Supply Reimb 5.3.23 $49.53 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Harris, Amber Rigby ID 94266 5/4/2023
V950924 $50.00 Resale Daughters of the Utah Pioneers Rigby ID 2238 5/5/2023
Billback_Mar23 $1,680.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2022 5/5/2023
Billback_Mar23 $22.53 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2022 5/5/2023
Billback_Mar23 $31.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2022 5/5/2023
Billback_Mar23 $490.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2022 5/5/2023
Billback_Mar23 $28.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2022 5/5/2023
Billback_Mar23 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2022 5/5/2023
Billback_Mar23 $193.72 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2022 5/5/2023
W5281602BF $3,432.64 In & Out Money Scholastic Jefferson City MO 2021 5/5/2023
0000006 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Rapp, Rodney Idaho Falls ID 94303 5/8/2023
0000007 $320.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Rapp, Rodney Idaho Falls ID 94303 5/8/2023
01878082 $1,482.52 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94287 5/8/2023
01879817 $107.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94287 5/8/2023
01880208 $1,111.30 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94287 5/8/2023
01882520 $1,024.10 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94287 5/8/2023
01884430 $1,416.80 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94287 5/8/2023
025-417042 $900.00 Business Services Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 94318 5/8/2023
045-412812 $8,466.49 Routing Software 50 Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 94318 5/8/2023
045-412812 $2,700.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 94318 5/8/2023
08 $489.60 Vendor Services Stanger, Ione Idaho Falls ID 94312 5/8/2023
100 $250.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders North Fremont High School Ashton ID 94300 5/8/2023
1012 $3,185.00 Vendor Services Chad Judy Speech-Language Pathology Idaho Falls ID 94278 5/8/2023
104* $6,259.00 Grounds Snow Removal Services Smitty's LLC Rigby ID 94311 5/8/2023
1046849 $50,081.50 ESSER Curriculum Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94277 5/8/2023
12289 $795.00 Literacy Supplies UZBL Newport Beach CA 94319 5/8/2023
128 $660.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 94322 5/8/2023
1707 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 94324 5/8/2023
18-0157 April 2023 $447.72 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 94281 5/8/2023
18-0160 April 2023 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 94281 5/8/2023
1881789 $787.69 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Automotive Equipment Shelley ID 94274 5/8/2023
19521 $3,535.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 94268 5/8/2023
20081 $900.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 94268 5/8/2023
2277 $100.00 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 94293 5/8/2023
23-0087 $1,260.11 Supplies & Materials Champion Discs Ontario CA 94279 5/8/2023
23-0087 $3,000.00 Cindy Schmidt Champion Discs Ontario CA 94279 5/8/2023
230424-0009 $252.59 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 94284 5/8/2023
230424-0010 $252.59 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 94284 5/8/2023
230424-0011 $252.60 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 94284 5/8/2023
23497 $1,784.35 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94317 5/8/2023
23498 $8,900.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94317 5/8/2023
23501 $407.93 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94317 5/8/2023
23502 $257.85 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94317 5/8/2023
23533 $149.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94317 5/8/2023
23534 $1,022.72 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94317 5/8/2023
23544 $109.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94317 5/8/2023
23565 $270.00 Emergency Levy-Radios Teton Communications, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94315 5/8/2023
23565  $1,135.81 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94317 5/8/2023
23566 $120.00 Emergency Levy-Radios Teton Communications, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94315 5/8/2023
2363 $100.00 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 94293 5/8/2023
23771 $6,833.93 Emergency Levy-Radios Teton Communications, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94315 5/8/2023
240267950 6 $1,306.49 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94314 5/8/2023
240272229 8 $630.47 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94314 5/8/2023
240276486 0 $702.35 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94314 5/8/2023
240280684 4 $1,501.01 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94314 5/8/2023
251-042823-0009 $279.58 Vendor Services Independence O&M Services, LLC Idaho Falls ID 94291 5/8/2023
251265-1 $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 94289 5/8/2023
27716918 $336.68 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94310 5/8/2023
27716919 $110.01 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94310 5/8/2023
27736055 $870.00 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94310 5/8/2023
27736056 $292.16 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94310 5/8/2023
278494 $131.58 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94276 5/8/2023
278494 $2,157.57 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94276 5/8/2023
27854266 $174.71 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94310 5/8/2023
27872396 $130.58 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94310 5/8/2023
27872397 $306.81 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94310 5/8/2023
279563 $800.59 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94276 5/8/2023
279563 $895.63 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94276 5/8/2023
3.29-3.31 $82.50 Custodial Services Rigby High School Anderson, Jacob Lazenby Rigbt ID 94271 5/8/2023
3.6-3.31 $2,528.75 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94292 5/8/2023
3291 $2,000.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Pro-Line Enterprises, LLC Idaho Falls ID 94302 5/8/2023
33940030 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94288 5/8/2023
33947085 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94325 5/8/2023
33957491 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94325 5/8/2023
33992868 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94325 5/8/2023
33992869 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94325 5/8/2023
4-12-23-RMS Clay  $263.00 General Supplies & Materials Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94305 5/8/2023
4.24-4.28 $2,308.18 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
4.3-4.28 $3,421.25 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94292 5/8/2023
4.3-4.7 $1,572.88 Purchased Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
4/17-4/21/23 $1,412.02 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
4/21/2023 $800.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Wells, Benjamin Kurt Idaho Falls ID 94320 5/8/2023
47503 $1,527.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Cherry Glass and Aluminum Idaho Falls ID 94280 5/8/2023
47701 $1,063.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Cherry Glass and Aluminum Idaho Falls ID 94280 5/8/2023
599961234 $4,342.05 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 94286 5/8/2023
798122 $45.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 94297 5/8/2023
81291 $39.00 Attorney Fees Anderson Julian & Hull Boise ID 94270 5/8/2023
8306621 $4,645.79 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94299 5/8/2023
8314262 $2,251.27 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94299 5/8/2023
8321878 $979.34 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94299 5/8/2023
8329093 $2,081.86 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94299 5/8/2023
871034135 $463.01 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 94295 5/8/2023
871034135 $463.02 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 94295 5/8/2023
89415290001592 $745.84 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94275 5/8/2023
89415290001635 $173.86 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94275 5/8/2023
89415290001675 $227.34 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94275 5/8/2023
89415290001725 $583.80 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94275 5/8/2023
9 - 5/02/2023 $6,407.10 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 94309 5/8/2023
926109 $1,409.10 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 94298 5/8/2023
959412 17.88 General Supplies & Materials Rocknaks Hardware IDAHO FALLS ID 94306 5/8/2023
A.Colledge Fees $2,845.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94305 5/8/2023
April 2023 $10,005.00 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 94272 5/8/2023
April 2023 TrustAcct $100,000.00 Medicaid Match Receivable IDHW Boise ID 94290 5/8/2023
Dance 22-23 Expenses $6,800.00 Dance Team EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94305 5/8/2023
DARE 2022-2023 $4,200.00 Elementary Purchased Services Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 94294 5/8/2023
Disc4.19 $345.53 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
FMS 4.11.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
FMS 4.18.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
FMS 4.25.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
FMS 4.4.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
FV4.19 $277.29 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
G.Merrill Cheer23-24 $500.00 Cheer EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94305 5/8/2023
Hill 4.19 $382.88 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
ID Instructor Conf $700.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale West Ada School District Meridian ID 94321 5/8/2023
IN-411676-23 $32,277.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Conrad Bischoff Idaho Falls ID 94282 5/8/2023
INV-230689 $1,038.96 General Supplies Marcia Brenner Associates, LLC Madison WI 94296 5/8/2023
INV126819 $6,450.00 Literacy Supplies 95 Percent Group LLC Lincolnshire IL 94267 5/8/2023
INV126819 $645.00 Literacy Supplies 95 Percent Group LLC Lincolnshire IL 94267 5/8/2023
INV31258 $79.86 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $105.41 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $48.98 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $293.88 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $61.76 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $2,561.09 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $731.74 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $717.75 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $1,660.34 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $1,024.45 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $6,325.26 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $1,384.23 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $4,791.57 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $1,728.50 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $167.06 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $1,893.39 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $72.88 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $941.22 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $605.35 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $13,969.13 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $3,786.41 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $899.75 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $1,340.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $105.41 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $409.99 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31258 $3,457.07 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31342 $2,243.70 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INV31342 $500.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94273 5/8/2023
INY-0430664 $2,198.14 Building Construction-Harwood YESCO Tacoma WA 94323 5/8/2023
J.Godfrey ACT Reimb $66.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Godfrey, Suzanna Rigby ID 94285 5/8/2023
L.Navarro Gutierrez $75.00 Business Services State Department of Education Boise ID 94326 5/8/2023
LBLA2379661 $66.24 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94269 5/8/2023
LBLA2379661 $5.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94269 5/8/2023
LBLA2381669 $65.23 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94269 5/8/2023
LBLA2381669 $5.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94269 5/8/2023
LBLA2383633 $65.23 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94269 5/8/2023
LBLA2383633 $5.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94269 5/8/2023
LBLA2385618 $65.23 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94269 5/8/2023
LBLA2385618 $5.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94269 5/8/2023
M.M. 23-006 $3,181.21 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 94308 5/8/2023
March 2023 $12,546.00 Vendor Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 94304 5/8/2023
May 2023 $4,924.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 94283 5/8/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $51.53 Student Lunch Sales Rodriguez, Maria Alondra Rigby ID 94307 5/8/2023
RHS 4.11.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
RHS 4.18.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
RHS 4.25.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
RHS 4.4.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
RMM4.19 $502.13 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
RMS 4.11.23 $97.90 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
RMS 4.18.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
RMS 4.25.23 $97.90 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
RMS 4.4.23 $97.90 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94301 5/8/2023
Science Olympiad $125.00 RHS Science Olympiad Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94305 5/8/2023
SH4.19 $388.21 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
Shuttle to Harwood  $425.00 Purchased Services Stutz, Doug Rexburg ID 94313 5/8/2023
TR4.19 $1,400.92 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
WH4.19 $543.95 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94316 5/8/2023
042311761 $49.12 Ambassador Purchased Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 57167000 5/8/2023
921376089 $1,845.75 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports Dallas TX 57166997 5/8/2023
May Payroll $53.83 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166999 5/8/2023
May Payroll $134.55 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166999 5/8/2023
May Payroll $53.83 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166999 5/8/2023
Nurse Apprec. Gift $22.00 Purchased Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57166998 5/8/2023
12731 $315.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Pasadena CA 94327 5/9/2023
20231710 $10,550.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94330 5/9/2023
33973501 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94331 5/9/2023
33979885 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94331 5/9/2023
April 2023 $40.81 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $75.06 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $13.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $6,628.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $98.66 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $2,363.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $4.48 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $974.38 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $1,023.24 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $1,599.19 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $2,426.47 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $3,972.82 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $13.79 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $2,218.84 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $18.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $6,849.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $6,394.04 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $17.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $35.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $2,241.47 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $303.22 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $4,206.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $4.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $15,666.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $1,452.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $276.26 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $204.43 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
April 2023 $1,522.41 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/9/2023
CE 4thGradeFieldTrip $383.50 Supplies & Materials Fort Henry Buckskinners Rigby ID 94328 5/9/2023
Dyslexia Training $180.00 Dyslexia PD Services Phillips, Karey Brooke Rigby ID 94332 5/9/2023
Dyslexia Training $180.00 Dyslexia PD Services Poehler, Michelle Rigby ID 94333 5/9/2023
Dyslexia Training $180.00 Dyslexia PD Services Smith, Kimberli Idaho Falls ID 94334 5/9/2023
MMInc-2305001 $29,250.00 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Mandarin Matrix Inc North Salt Lake City  UT 94329 5/9/2023
V417797 $84.51 Supplies & Materials Kelsie Sterzer Rigby ID 38811 5/9/2023
V486991 $237.00 Fees & Charges Artitorium on Broadway Idaho Falls ID 3878 5/9/2023
V510189 $563.91 Supplies & Materials Kelsie Sterzer Rigby ID 38810 5/9/2023
V57851 $351.00 Purchased Services Yellowstone Bear World Rexburg ID 3877 5/9/2023
V713292 $54.98 Supplies & Materials Katie Ellsworth Rigby ID 3880 5/9/2023
V881847 $39.17 Supplies & Materials Jennifer Navarro Rexburg ID 3879 5/9/2023
V223934 $53.00 General Supplies & Materials J7 Ranch Boutique Roberts ID 2239 5/9/2023
V614036 $96.00 Supplies & Materials Bear World Rexburg ID 1689 5/9/2023
V887386 $147.00 Supplies & Materials Bear World Rexburg ID 1688 5/9/2023
V478965 $55.00 Purchased Services Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 2125 5/9/2023
B.Wiseman Lagoon $55.00 Medicaid Match Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94336 5/10/2023
P.Sheppard Cheer $387.55 Medicaid Match Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94336 5/10/2023
Supply Reimb 5.10.23 $342.93 Science 8th Harris, Melinda Idaho Falls ID 94335 5/10/2023
Supply Reimb 5.10.23 $73.36 Zamarron, Lorenza Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 94337 5/10/2023
V590003 $30.00 Fees & Charges Jefferson Daughters of Utah Pioneers Rigby ID 3882 5/10/2023
V382198 $341.25 General Purchased Services Fort Henry Buckskinners Rigby ID 2240 5/10/2023
Inv_1 $250.25 Purchased Services Ft. Henry Buckskinners Rigby ID 2023 5/10/2023
Winco Reimbursement $295.10 Supplies & Materials Desiray Warner Rigby ID 57167001 5/10/2023
V659337 $74.75 Supplies & Materials Fort Henry Buck Skinners Rigby ID 1690 5/10/2023
V729438 $130.00 Purchased Services SignPro Idaho Falls ID 2130 5/10/2023
V75435 $68.65 Supplies & Materials Valley Office Idaho Falls ID 2129 5/10/2023
V933873 $432.25 Purchased Services Henry Buckskinners Menan ID 2127 5/10/2023
B.Raymond ACT Reimb $66.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Raymond, Cara Rigby ID 94340 5/11/2023
CrucialConversations $204.00 Travel LEP Jones, Terrell Justin Rigby ID 94338 5/11/2023
Dyslexia training $180.00 Dyslexia PD Services Kinghorn, Lannon Jo Rigby ID 94339 5/11/2023
Dyslexia training $180.00 Dyslexia PD Services Wilde, Marianne Rigby ID 94343 5/11/2023
M.Scott ACT Reimb $66.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Scott, Shaundel Menan ID 94341 5/11/2023
PersonalCCReimb 5.11 $33.29 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies FMS Raber, Shane Rigby ID 94344 5/11/2023
S.Collier Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 94342 5/11/2023
V580591 $408.50 Fees & Charges Tautphaus Park Zoo Idaho Falls ID 3884 5/11/2023
V621600 $171.00 Fees & Charges The Art Museum of Eastern Idaho Idaho Falls ID 3883 5/11/2023
V754858 $198.25 Fees & Charges Fort Henry Buckskinners Ashton ID 3885 5/11/2023
10083 Drama $2,851.25 Supplies & Materials Teton Stage Lines-Blackfoot Blackfoot ID 1488462 5/11/2023
15323 $764.00 Supplies & Materials SCREEN GRAPHICS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488460 5/11/2023
43695/44134/45352 $2,402.33 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488458 5/11/2023
5-1-23 Statement 156.75 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488454 5/11/2023
5787baseball banners $520.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488463 5/11/2023
806701 $110.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488464 5/11/2023
867-5082307 cords $2,256.69 Supplies & Materials Jostens-Travis Belcher Helena MT 1488452 5/11/2023
Cheer refund $1,170.00 Supplies & Materials Griffith, Tina Rigby ID 1488449 5/11/2023
Choreography Musical $800.00 Supplies & Materials Summers, Michelle Rigby ID 1488466 5/11/2023
DE refund $70.00 Supplies & Materials Porter, Jackson Rigby ID 1488456 5/11/2023
Handbell Food reimb $39.80 Supplies & Materials Gravatt, Amanda Rigby ID 1488448 5/11/2023
Handbell Food reimb $168.34 Supplies & Materials Potter, Bonnie Rigby ID 1488457 5/11/2023
Lagoon Band refund $130.00 Supplies & Materials Schofield, Emma Rigby ID 1488459 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $29.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $237.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $357.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $32.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $72.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $760.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $55.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $563.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $22.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $64.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $68.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $59.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $11.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $35.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $89.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $66.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $59.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $66.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $5,156.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $58.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $98.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $58.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $2,887.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $60.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $420.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $1,452.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $39.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $182.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $29.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $450.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $525.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $32.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $24.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $130.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $80.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $49.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $3,610.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $33.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $1,278.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $387.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $55.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $147.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $360.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $736.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $36.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $28.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $250.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $30.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $1,429.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $1,688.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $240.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $270.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $125.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $151.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $15.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $27.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $14.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $56.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $109.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $240.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $377.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $95.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $4.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $61.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $7.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $10.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $126.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $64.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $52.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $1,836.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $73.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $189.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $87.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $147.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $616.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $555.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $48.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $93.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $247.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $18.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $16.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $21.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $108.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $190.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $500.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $93.05 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $45.16 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $14.36 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $96.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $70.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $91.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $39.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $217.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $57.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $72.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $180.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $106.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $62.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $262.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $206.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $111.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $80.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $459.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $157.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $14.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $79.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $11.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $8.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $15.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $24.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $39.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $28.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $12.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $24.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $73.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $13.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $79.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $17.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $35.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $4.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $37.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $43.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $28.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $143.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $11.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $20.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $211.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $76.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $25.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $46.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $54.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $20.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $88.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $900.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $14.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back ($77.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $81.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $24.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $14.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $250.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $569.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $63.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $200.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $177.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $300.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back -($22.25) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $51.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $75.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $11.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $530.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $31.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $69.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $560.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $27.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $125.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $18.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back ($294.08) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $115.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $10.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back ($10.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $13.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $1.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back ($11.46) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $207.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $22.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $176.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $164.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $588.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $105.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $129.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $325.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $85.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
March 2023 Bill Back $27.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
Musical Choreography $800.00 Supplies & Materials Summers, Michelle Rigby ID 1488461 5/11/2023
Musical Choreography -800 Supplies & Materials Summers, Michelle Rigby ID 1488461 5/11/2023
Pepsi Scholarship 23 $950.00 Supplies & Materials Peterson, Larry Rexburg ID 1488455 5/11/2023
Pepsi Scholarship 23 $950.00 Supplies & Materials Whetten, Pyper Rigby ID 1488465 5/11/2023
Prom DJ $3,000.00 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488447 5/11/2023
Prom sashes $10.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488453 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $72.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $72.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $93.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $84.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $84.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $28.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
SAF Payroll 5-9-23 $80.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488451 5/11/2023
Sports tournaments $175.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488450 5/11/2023
Sports tournaments $175.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488450 5/11/2023
Sports tournaments $150.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488450 5/11/2023
Sports tournaments $175.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488450 5/11/2023
Sports tournaments $175.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488450 5/11/2023
Sports tournaments $150.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1488450 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $14.89 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $196.97 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $12.74 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $7.81 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $3.53 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $11.94 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $2.08 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $1.13 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $0.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $2.14 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $1.81 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
April 23 Sales Tax $1.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167002 5/11/2023
NJHS Reimbursement $146.65 Supplies & Materials Linda Holt Ammon ID 57167003 5/11/2023
34027207 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94345 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1 $920.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 10 $20.00 Bill To Trojanier Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 100 $165.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1000 $250.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1001 $1,245.80 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1002 $145.86 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1003 $29.41 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1004 $1.18 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1005 $1,204.45 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1006 $53.82 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1007 $699.90 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1008 $257.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1009 $17.72 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 101 $4.23 Cameron Price Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1010 50.97 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1011 $60.97 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1012 $13.93 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1013 $21.40 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1014 $42.98 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1015 $23.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1016 $1.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1017 $9.71 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1018 $1,245.80 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1019 $8.89 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 102 $67.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1020 $117.22 RMS Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1021 $100.00 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1022 $337.21 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1023 $385.65 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1024 $41.49 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1025 $59.33 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1026 $190.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1027 $29.96 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1028 $81.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1029 $2,478.58 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 103 $174.20 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1030 $300.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1031 ($11.99) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1032 $111.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1033 $73.31 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1034 $263.12 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1035 $8.16 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1036 $9.47 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1037 ($11.05) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1038 $56.96 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1039 $56.96 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 104 $48.59 Bill To Trojanier Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1040 $151.18 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1041 $22.26 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1042 ($19.99) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1043 $10.98 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1044 $1.83 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1045 ($17.96) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1046 ($9.99) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1047 $123.16 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1048 $106.00 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1049 $9.09 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 105 $20.12 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1050 $900.00 Softball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1051 $1.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1052 -($10.99) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1053 -($32.95) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1054 1557.25 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1055 -($10.99) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1056 $6.10 Cheer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1057 $201.00 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1058 $94.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1059 $17.79 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 106 $35.97 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1060 $15.98 EF Supplies M Hull Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1061 $1.74 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1062 $140.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1063 -($12.99) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1064 $5.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1065 $98.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1066 $14.23 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1067 $156.95 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1068 $19.89 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1069 $16.39 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 107 $279.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1070 $58.29 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1071 $14.30 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1072 $220.56 Jefferson Library Damange Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1073 -($87.26) Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1074 $208.35 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1075 $73.14 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1076 $17.32 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1077 $250.00 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1078 $281.66 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1079 $11.51 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 108 $13.49 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1080 $266.84 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1081 $19.15 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1082 $26.95 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1083 $517.70 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1084 $31.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1085 $68.90 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1086 $43.98 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1087 $59.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1088 $627.35 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1089 $104.08 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 109 $846.82 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1090 $78.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1091 $76.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1092 $21.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1093 $14.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1094 $112.02 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1095 $52.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1096 $23.95 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1097 $11.99 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1098 $69.24 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1099 $125.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 11 $145.58 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 110 $71.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1100 $68.89 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1101 $604.24 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1102 $91.96 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1103 $14.92 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1104 $133.20 FMS Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1105 $11.99 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1106 $37.09 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1107 $90.76 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1108 $21.99 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1109 $88.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 111 $160.04 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1110 $55.63 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1111 $4.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1112 $17.98 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1113 $178.55 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1114 $57.38 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1115 $476.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1116 $560.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1117 $19.95 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1118 $286.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1119 $286.95 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 112 $1,085.80 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1120 $5.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1121 $29.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1122 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1123 $30.48 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1124 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1125 $9.76 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1126 $9.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1127 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1128 $23.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1129 $669.64 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 113 $20.94 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1130 $286.95 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1131 $28.05 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1132 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1133 $51.65 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1134 $5.94 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1135 $155.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1136 $32.31 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1137 $153.91 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1138 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1139 $52.97 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 114 $165.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1140 $286.95 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1141 $20.74 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1142 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1143 $117.96 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1144 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1145 $14.13 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1146 $11.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1147 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1148 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1149 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 115 $118.69 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1150 -($200.00) Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1151 $89.92 Tonks, Melissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1152 $22.72 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1153 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1154 ($373.73) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1155 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1156 59.94 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1157 $93.10 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1158 $226.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1159 $31.44 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 116 $31.96 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1160 $6,254.30 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1161 $30.38 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1162 $17.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1163 $191.58 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1164 $35.31 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1165 $7.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1166 $11.49 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1167 $113.94 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1168 $12.34 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1169 $40.59 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 117 $8.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1170 $63.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1171 -($5.96) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1172 $203.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1173 -($58.48) Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1174 $146.20 WLIP Supplies SFE Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1175 $22.24 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1176 $2,017.92 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1177 $139.83 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1178 $21.20 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1179 $190.73 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 118 $144.42 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1180 $64.39 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1181 $34.37 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1182 $48.87 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1183 $25.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1184 $85.99 Kelland, James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1185 $259.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1186 $64.95 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1187 $137.80 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1188 $44.71 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1189 $12,420.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 119 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1190 $106.22 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1191 $34.99 SPED Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1192 $197.28 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1193 $180.15 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1194 $104.17 WLIP Supplies RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1195 $137.52 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1196 $243.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1197 $175.40 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1198 $34.01 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1199 $14.99 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 12 $56.95 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 120 $52.13 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1200 $19.49 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1201 $51.58 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1202 $61.55 Holocaust Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1203 $9.96 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1204 $425.15 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1205 $116.80 Szu-Hui Lee EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1206 $360.95 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1207 $169.58 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1208 $74.80 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1209 $260.45 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 121 1286.2 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1210 $73.05 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1211 $6.36 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1212 $12.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1213 $4,155.84 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1214 $13.04 Audrey Stephen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1215 $35.96 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1216 $9.96 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1217 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1218 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1219 182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 122 43.94 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1220 182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1221 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1222 $182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1223 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1224 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1225 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1226 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1227 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1228 $715.97 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1229 $1,320.09 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 123 $173.31 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1230 $10.69 WLIP Supplies RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1231 $37.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1232 $361.73 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1233 $12.66 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1234 $60.39 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1235 $189.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1236 $11.34 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1237 $16.56 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1238 $71.97 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1239 $75.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 124 $15.41 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1240 $29.50 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1241 $4.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1242 ($97.28) IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1243 $4.99 Jessica Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1244 $40.99 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1245 $32.54 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1246 $175.40 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1247 $51.89 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1248 $9.52 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1249 $33.46 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 125 $215.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1250 $10.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1251 $39.88 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1252 $30.94 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1253 $296.80 Holocaust Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1254 $206.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1255 $13.98 Eleanor Sarmiento Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1256 $323.92 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1257 $7.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1258 $45.98 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1259 $69.80 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 126 $38.87 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1260 $111.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1261 $175.40 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1262 $44.97 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1263 $75.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1264 $20.08 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1265 $39.99 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1266 $175.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1267 $10.89 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1268 $7.41 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1269 $6.63 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 127 $2.63 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1270 ($11.45) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1271 $31.75 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1272 $34.66 Holocaust Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1273 $19.49 Concessions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1274 $123.90 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1275 $11.95 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1276 $350.00 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1277 $3,656.04 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1278 $63.55 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1279 $18.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 128 $59.13 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1280 $60.34 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1281 $33.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1282 $21.82 Danielle Bogard Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1283 $18.55 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1284 $1,238.54 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1285 $105.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1286 $47.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1287 $106.44 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1288 $10.60 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1289 $13.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 129 $73.52 Jessica Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1290 $16.95 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1291 $72.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1292 $27.98 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1293 $63.17 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1294 $393.94 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1295 $49.98 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1296 ($2,505.71) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1297 $31.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1298 $64.46 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1299 $5.99 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 13 $239.42 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 130 $25.61 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1300 $73.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1301 $976.00 Perkins Travel Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1302 $501.90 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1303 $29.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1304 $14.90 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1305 $141.76 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1306 $21.98 WLIP Supplies RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1307 $284.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1308 ($50.00) Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1309 $28.88 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 131 $21.19 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1310 $46.87 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1311 $3.12 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1312 $20.00 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1313 $282.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1314 $26.69 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1315 ($37.28) Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1316 $458.00 Perkins Travel Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1317 $251.40 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1318 $6.36 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1319 $177.13 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 132 $47.58 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1320 $28.20 FMS Free Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1321 $7.29 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1322 $257.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1323 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1324 $3.99 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1325 $37.28 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1326 $136.24 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1327 $7.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1328 $14.81 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1329 $13.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 133 $192.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1330 $24.95 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1331 $60.70 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1332 $458.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1333 $9.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1334 $444.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1335 $263.79 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1336 $10.10 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1337 $43.36 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1338 $7.89 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1339 $172.85 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 134 $16.05 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1340 $295.66 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1341 $499.90 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1342 $81.81 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1343 $292.40 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1344 $59.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1345 $65.89 Danielle Bogard Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1346 $199.26 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1347 $464.31 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1348 $126.49 WLIP Supplies RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1349 $20.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 135 $20.48 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1350 $142.54 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1351 $45.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1352 $175.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1353 $228.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1354 $84.00 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1355 $287.38 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1356 $86.52 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1357 $104.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1358 $9.65 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1359 $337.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 136 $4.00 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1360 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1361 $8.87 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1362 $23.97 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1363 $105.93 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1364 $264.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1365 $72.25 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1366 $35.88 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1367 $3.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1368 $259.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1369 $80.88 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 137 $32.98 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1370 $239.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1371 $10.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1372 $31.99 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1373 $33.34 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1374 ($6.01) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1375 $520.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1376 $98.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1377 $63.50 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1378 $31.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1379 $94.99 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 138 $144.42 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1380 $11.99 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1381 $5.99 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1382 $108.88 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1383 $35.00 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1384 $39.96 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1385 $65.33 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1386 $9.28 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1387 $112.05 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1388 $67.84 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1389 $16.99 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 139 $11.76 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1390 $30.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1391 $65.54 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1392 $5.65 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1393 $99.60 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1394 $42.10 Cheer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1395 $144.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1396 $70.14 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1397 $13.77 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1398 $24.50 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1399 $34.44 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 14 $18.28 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 140 $111.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1400 $640.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1401 $20.98 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1402 $22.99 Michelle Bradshaw Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1403 $833.24 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1404 $71.56 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1405 $23.31 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1406 $237.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1407 $41.98 Krystal Fullmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1408 $75.94 Floral Arrangement Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1409 $181.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 141 $36.13 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1410 $148.80 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1411 $46.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1412 $78.20 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1413 $27.99 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1414 $3.18 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1415 $28.03 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1416 $14.81 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1417 $96.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1418 $88.70 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1419 $373.50 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 142 $17.95 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1420 $11.44 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1421 $62.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1422 $192.00 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1423 $21.98 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1424 $99.60 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1425 $41.24 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1426 $58.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1427 $44.83 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1428 $17.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1429 $52.90 Zamarron, Lorenza Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 143 $54.09 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1430 ($106.40) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1431 $42.35 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1432 $70.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1433 $33.90 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1434 $1,185.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1435 $42.36 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1436 $34.95 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1437 $17.51 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1438 $353.53 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1439 ($20.58) Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 144 $140.94 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1440 $4.99 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1441 $20.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1442 $263.98 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1443 $1,056.56 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1444 $15.82 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1445 $324.78 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1446 $20.86 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1447 ($24.78) Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1448 $24.36 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1449 $98.50 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 145 $26.50 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1450 $23.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1451 $71.21 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1452 $11.34 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1453 $29.46 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1454 $9.83 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1455 $59.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1456 $13.01 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1457 $261.98 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1458 $4.08 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1459 $72.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 146 $56.11 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1460 $13.34 Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1461 $5.79 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1462 $187.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1463 $93.09 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1464 $6.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1465 ($18.06) Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1466 $193.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1467 $53.94 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1468 $21.18 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1469 $21.50 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 147 $240.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1470 $41.26 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1471 $156.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1472 $1,125.21 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1473 $48.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1474 $21.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1475 $151.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1476 $47.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1477 $185.78 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1478 $9.37 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1479 $68.91 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 148 $54.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1480 $76.11 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1481 $190.98 Krystal Fullmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1482 $15.49 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1483 $234.34 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1484 $1,469.20 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1485 $1,469.20 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1486 $20.53 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1487 $30.24 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1488 $241.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1489 $14.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 149 $66.25 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1490 $75.45 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1491 $6.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1492 $2,505.71 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1493 $98.46 Holocaust Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1494 $180.51 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1495 $16.57 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1496 $4.61 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1497 $36.98 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1498 $225.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1499 $2,721.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 15 $223.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 150 $214.14 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1500 $305.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1501 $5.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1502 $2.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1503 $50.07 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1504 $14.09 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1505 $81.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1506 $240.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1507 $225.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1508 $83.59 Video Gaming Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1509 $254.80 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 151 $202.56 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1510 $25.00 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1511 $28.85 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1512 $1,870.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1513 $56.09 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1514 $35.39 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1515 $72.59 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1516 $88.87 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1517 $55.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1518 $499.80 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1519 $80.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 152 $19.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1520 $1,200.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1521 $35.99 Sydni Kelland Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1522 $24.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1523 $1.74 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1524 $225.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1525 $84.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1526 $48.52 Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1527 $225.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1528 $168.00 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1529 $422.00 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 153 $5.49 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1530 $30.00 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1531 $13.64 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1532 $10.58 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1533 $19.38 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1534 $225.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1535 $225.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1536 $134.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1537 $225.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1538 $98.80 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1539 $4.35 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 154 $28.23 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1540 $60.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1541 $44.00 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1542 $9,766.22 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1543 $168.52 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1544 $2,000.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1545 $85.76 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1546 $225.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1547 $197.60 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1548 $29.90 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1549 $4.29 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 155 $15.33 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1550 $827.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1551 $679.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1552 $28.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1553 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1554 $43.73 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1555 $9.72 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1556 $63.57 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1557 $14.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1558 $41.33 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1559 $70.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 156 $35.88 Emerg Levy Technology-Laptops Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1560 $10.58 Jessica Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1561 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1562 $3.44 Fei-Ya Su EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1563 -($559.60) Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1564 $142.85 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1565 -($24.00) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1566 $695.00 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1567 $36.93 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1568 $356.34 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1569 $9.99 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 157 $80.40 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1570 $47.64 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1571 $467.71 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1572 $4.42 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1573 $289.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1574 $6.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1575 $13.50 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1576 $12.19 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1577 $14.73 Rebecca Dawson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1578 $398.12 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1579 $98.38 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 158 $17.58 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1580 $47.17 Concessions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1581 $135.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1582 $395.11 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1583 -($24.37) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1584 $192.17 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1585 $1,353.50 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1586 $220.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1587 $10.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1588 $47.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1589 $10.53 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 159 $54.09 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1590 $1.42 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1591 $32.77 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1592 $63.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1593 $54.01 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1594 $69.68 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1595 $15.24 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1596 $271.24 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1597 $173.71 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1598 $52.37 3rd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1599 $49.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 16 $11.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 160 $26.91 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1600 $213.14 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1601 $27.08 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1602 $135.98 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1603 $792.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1604 $66.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1605 -($43.92) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1606 $545.60 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1607 $117.37 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1608 $359.31 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1609 $385.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 161 $170.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1610 $208.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1611 $15.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1612 $14.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1613 $74.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1614 $44.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1615 $12.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1616 $28.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1617 $20.13 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1618 $7.76 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1619 $389.93 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 162 $12.95 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1620 $134.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1621 $160.89 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1622 $125.23 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1623 $5.29 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1624 $33.99 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1625 $3.61 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1626 $31.50 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1627 $257.30 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1628 $70.74 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1629 $105.58 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 163 $29.46 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1630 $140.00 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1631 $55.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1632 $56.80 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1633 $21.14 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1634 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 1635 $195.19 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 164 $100.70 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 165 $4.60 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 166 16.29 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 167 $150.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 168 $88.75 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 169 $244.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 17 $5.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 170 $615.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 171 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 172 $3.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 173 $144.42 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 174 $11.68 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 175 $75.10 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 176 $63.00 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 177 $113.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 178 $31.48 Jessica Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 179 $207.11 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 18 $2.65 Cameron Price Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 180 $19.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 181 $144.42 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 182 $25.08 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 183 $220.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 184 $13.25 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 185 $170.20 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 186 $200.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 187 $79.31 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 188 $10.31 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 189 $399.98 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 19 $46.65 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 190 $90.99 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 191 $8.06 Laura Moreno Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 192 $183.65 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 193 $70.59 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 194 $402.72 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 195 $88.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 196 $109.31 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 197 $296.71 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 198 $41.98 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 199 -($314.99) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 2 $10.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 20 $88.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 200 $69.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 201 $10.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 202 $597.87 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 203 $12.85 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 204 $1,970.06 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 205 $34.13 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 206 $360.10 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 207 $26.97 1st Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 208 $246.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 209 $143.50 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 21 $165.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 210 $123.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 211 $360.10 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 212 $14.82 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 213 $171.38 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 214 $4.18 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 215 $77.97 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 216 $12.25 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 217 $39.08 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 218 $6.35 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 219 $16.98 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 22 $5.98 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 220 $21.94 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 221 $106.36 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 222 $32.99 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 223 $16.72 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 224 $281.04 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 225 $11.07 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 226 $30.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 227 $75.94 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 228 $71.88 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 229 $225.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 23 $59.35 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 230 $39.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 231 $12.95 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 232 $252.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 233 $24.99 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 234 $106.00 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 235 $74.17 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 236 $256.18 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 237 $49.98 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 238 $32.46 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 239 $86.07 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 24 $1,880.76 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 240 $40.90 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 241 $8.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 242 $8.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 243 $121.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 244 $3.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 245 $499.13 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 246 $39.29 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 247 $5.74 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 248 $10.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 249 $213.33 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 25 $218.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 250 -($14.95) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 251 $74.37 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 252 $57.97 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 253 $57.56 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 254 -($31.79) Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 255 $5.35 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 256 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 257 $117.61 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 258 $152.65 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 259 $149.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 26 $148.50 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 260 $7.86 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 261 $107.36 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 262 137.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 263 $82.43 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 264 $1.80 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 265 $17.11 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 266 $6.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 267 $185.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 268 $1,539.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 269 $86.20 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 27 $239.22 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 270 $9.65 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 271 $31.95 Juo Fang Lian EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 272 $7.86 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 273 $13.04 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 274 $228.02 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 275 $24.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 276 $40.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 277 $87.25 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 278 $26.59 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 279 $52.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 28 $53.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 280 $194.92 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 281 $7.00 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 282 $1,238.79 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 283 $398.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 284 $64.46 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 285 $201.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 286 $538.78 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 287 $90.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 288 $260.83 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 289 $66.32 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 29 $156.71 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 290 $64.30 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 291 $62.59 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 292 $130.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 293 $11.96 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 294 $60.39 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 295 $107.36 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 296 $73.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 297 $47.85 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 298 $43.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 299 $17.11 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 3 $2.75 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 30 $165.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 300 $142.19 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 301 $17.79 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 302 $31.96 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 303 $92.22 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 304 $2.06 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 305 $158.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 306 $698.73 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 307 $88.25 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 308 $67.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 309 $13.77 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 31 $91.86 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 310 $146.98 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 311 $15.83 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 312 $49.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 313 $6.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 314 $18.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 315 $4,993.53 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 316 $1.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 317 $88.18 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 318 $47.78 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 319 $7.50 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 32 $171.30 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 320 $3.99 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 321 $1,194.00 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 322 $120.31 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 323 $5.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 324 $24.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 325 $112.99 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 326 $65.06 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 327 $12.59 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 328 $21.77 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 329 $773.95 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 33 $270.52 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 330 $8.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 331 $1.99 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 332 $68.27 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 333 $78.47 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 334 $40.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 335 $68.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 336 $22.23 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 337 $1,324.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 338 -($163.99) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 339 $128.64 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 34 $5.82 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 340 $36.10 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 341 $73.07 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 342 $152.35 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 343 $16.64 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 344 $170.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 345 $39.75 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 346 $53.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 347 $163.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 348 $71.29 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 349 $3.98 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 35 $130.38 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 350 $171.51 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 351 $33.06 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 352 $229.85 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 353 $42.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 354 $8.99 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 355 $76.78 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 356 $161.06 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 357 $25.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 358 $28.96 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 359 $171.51 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 36 $10.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 360 $25.53 Hardman, Michael Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 361 $59.00 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 362 $171.51 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 363 $18.87 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 364 $16.78 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 365 $16.77 Melissa Romney Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 366 $32.43 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 367 $35.99 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 368 $25.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 369 -($36.24) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 37 $1,340.41 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 370 $36.76 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 371 $17.49 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 372 $169.97 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 373 $5.30 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 374 $208.57 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 375 $42.20 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 376 $134.23 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 377 $44.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 378 $5,483.18 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 379 $1,127.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 38 $17.89 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 380 $233.91 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 381 $71.32 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 382 -($8.98) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 383 $10.70 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 384 $554.48 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 385 $136.83 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 386 $200.85 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 387 $63.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 388 $146.66 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 389 $23.51 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 39 $85.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 390 $19.95 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 391 $31.80 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 392 $159.56 Idaho Office of Drug Policy-COVID 19 Reimb. Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 393 $3,198.11 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 394 $16.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 395 $7,391.63 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 396 $52.13 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 397 $23.98 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 398 $20.21 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 399 $10.99 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 4 $12.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 40 $299.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 400 -($31.96) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 401 $36.39 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 402 $183.30 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 403 $29.24 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 404 $10.59 Szu-Hui Lee EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 405 $78.29 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 406 $17.37 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 407 $76.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 408 $26.50 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 409 $397.57 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 41 $267.74 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 410 -($404.78) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 411 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 412 $356.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 413 $14.84 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 414 $68.15 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 415 $24.34 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 416 $14.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 417 $11.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 418 $162.94 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 419 $91.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 42 $35.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 420 $281.10 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 421 $26.61 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 422 $3.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 423 $14.76 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 424 $127.31 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 425 $11.89 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 426 $37.10 Sara Stoker EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 427 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 428 $1,080.03 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 429 $736.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 43 $105.74 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 430 $38.32 WLIP Supplies RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 431 $119.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 432 $103.50 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 433 $40.81 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 434 $86.90 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 435 $49.91 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 436 $20,562.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 437 $91.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 438 $1,950.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 439 -($404.78) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 44 $112.36 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 440 $51.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 441 $18.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 442 $15.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 443 $46.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 444 $23.85 Sara Stoker EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 445 $49.11 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 446 $92.07 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 447 $42.37 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 448 $8.00 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 449 $2,032.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 45 $100.91 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 450 $12.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 451 $59.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 452 $12.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 453 $74.86 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 454 $221.56 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 455 $5.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 456 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 457 $265.81 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 458 $313.67 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 459 $255.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 46 $62,100.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 460 $53.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 461 $1,608.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 462 $280.02 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 463 $135.62 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 464 $326.79 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 465 $24.23 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 466 $51.74 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 467 $22.95 Misty Dansie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 468 $449.77 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 469 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 47 $120.39 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 470 $222.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 471 $8.20 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 472 $47.91 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 473 -($340.39) Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 474 $193.40 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 475 $11.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 476 $135.14 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 477 $103.73 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 478 $128.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 479 $69.00 Field Trip Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 48 $23.35 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 480 $128.53 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 481 $42.20 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 482 $36.93 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 483 $471.96 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 484 $83.96 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 485 $15.90 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 486 $34.45 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 487 $171.21 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 488 $3,897.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 489 $37.48 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 49 $10.12 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 490 $190.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 491 $13.77 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 492 $277.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 493 $30.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 494 $40.65 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 495 $18.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 496 $32.57 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 497 $10.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 498 $27.88 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 499 $68.20 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 5 $166.75 Idaho Office of Drug Policy-COVID 19 Reimb. Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 50 $25.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 500 $19.06 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 501 $170.74 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 502 $114.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 503 $189.19 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 504 $61.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 505 -($63.98) Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 506 $34.57 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 507 $7.70 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 508 $9.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 509 $127.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 51 $181.02 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 510 $375.00 Travel/PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 511 $64.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 512 $37.04 Kindergarten-Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 513 $229.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 514 $19.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 515 $27.83 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 516 $3,983.00 Band EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 517 $254.54 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 518 $2.74 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 519 $31.80 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 52 $1,539.14 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 520 $111.63 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 521 $632.07 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 522 $633.20 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 523 $24.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 524 $77.37 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 525 $1,225.91 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 526 $48.75 Ming Lee EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 527 $86.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 528 $851.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 529 $10.59 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 53 $31.13 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 530 $94.90 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 531 $19.57 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 532 $5.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 533 $192.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 534 $9.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 535 $17.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 536 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 537 $39.20 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 538 $407.03 Brittany Bailey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 539 $115.96 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 54 $158.50 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 540 $9.99 Jessica Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 541 $8.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 542 $143.75 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 543 $7.48 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 544 -($66.50) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 545 $42.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 546 $54.92 Lawrence, Brianna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 547 $4.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 548 $518.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 549 $27.87 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 55 $68.13 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 550 $53.94 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 551 $28.99 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 552 $2,380.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 553 $29.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 554 $23.00 ICF Comm Schools Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 555 $236.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 556 $27.44 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 557 $126.67 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 558 $99.75 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 559 $206.69 SF Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 56 $24.87 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 560 $393.19 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 561 $30.70 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 562 $13.99 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 563 $221.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 564 $9.79 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 565 $15.68 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 566 $483.56 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 567 $90.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 568 $16.24 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 569 $22.44 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 57 $8,850.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 570 $72.94 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 571 -($166.25) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 572 -($133.00) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 573 $462.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 574 $4.76 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 575 $120.43 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 576 $147.62 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 577 $50.87 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 578 $3.52 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 579 $28.09 Davidson, Lacey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 58 $135.00 1st Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 580 $15.36 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 581 $45.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 582 $1,221.44 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 583 $49.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 584 $62.50 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 585 $63.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 586 $77.16 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 587 $4.95 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 588 $174.40 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 589 $220.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 59 $32.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 590 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 591 $371.78 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 592 -($1,221.44) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 593 $36.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 594 $88.78 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 595 $703.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 596 $29.24 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 597 $822.42 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 598 $742.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 599 $16.94 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 6 $64.48 1st Grade-Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 60 $19.44 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 600 $4.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 601 $6.75 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 602 $21.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 603 $52.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 604 $703.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 605 $5.98 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 606 $310.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 607 $67.58 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 608 $6.11 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 609 $16.78 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 61 $165.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 610 $9.51 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 611 $87.51 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 612 $703.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 613 $33.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 614 $6.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 615 $703.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 616 $742.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 617 $51.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 618 $1,118.73 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 619 $703.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 62 $2,033.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 620 $22.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 621 $145.87 Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 622 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 623 $37.08 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 624 $30.00 Drama Classroom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 625 $75.94 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 626 $20.03 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 627 $412.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 628 $703.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 629 $102.01 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 63 $8.43 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 630 $39.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 631 $1,600.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 632 $37.72 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 633 $8.98 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 634 $88.60 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 635 $14.34 8th Gr Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 636 $29.64 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 637 $703.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 638 $340.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 639 $319.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 64 $21.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 640 $209.33 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 641 $759.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 642 $243.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 643 $39.99 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 644 $27.96 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 645 $19.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 646 $5.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 647 $703.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 648 $196.37 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 649 $83.98 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 65 $49.42 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 650 $3.75 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 651 $3,199.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 652 $25.99 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 653 $20.92 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 654 $54.99 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 655 $58.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 656 $29.95 Hardman, Michael Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 657 $742.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 658 $9.53 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 659 $33.56 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 66 $165.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 660 $79.47 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 661 $20.96 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 662 $4.19 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 663 $59.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 664 $703.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 665 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 666 $2,880.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 667 $742.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 668 $20.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 669 $20.93 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 67 $47.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 670 $10.05 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 671 $372.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 672 $235.45 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 673 $180.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 674 $21.10 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 675 $13.99 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 676 $28.52 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 677 $6.94 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 678 $1,266.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 679 $134.23 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 68 $15.24 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 680 $6.63 WLIP Supplies RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 681 $5.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 682 $128.85 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 683 $159.18 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 684 $50.03 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 685 $31.77 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 686 -($21.21) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 687 $195.93 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 688 $31.79 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 689 $224.19 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 69 $42.32 3rd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 690 $6.66 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 691 $112.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 692 $90.28 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 693 $1,717.13 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 694 $22.97 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 695 $13.77 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 696 $5.29 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 697 $29.13 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 698 $1,142.07 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 699 $27.59 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 7 $10.52 1st Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 70 $420.80 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 700 $5.49 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 701 $53.28 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 702 $710.37 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 703 $12.97 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 704 $12.97 Sherry Curnutt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 705 $8.24 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 706 $495.28 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 707 $331.20 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 708 $11.93 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 709 $17.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 71 $141.48 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 710 $98.97 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 711 $6.35 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 712 $110.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 713 $13.77 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 714 $748.14 South Fork Library Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 715 $157.05 Juo Fang Lian EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 716 $2,039.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 717 $26.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 718 $154.14 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 719 $1,108.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 72 $145.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 720 $9.99 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 721 $63.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 722 $26.24 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 723 $46.87 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 724 $541.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 725 $28.99 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 726 $9.93 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 727 $65.49 Drama Classroom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 728 $27.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 729 $1,769.14 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 73 $66.66 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 730 $7.95 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 731 $1,431.34 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 732 $613.51 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 733 $89.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 734 $199.37 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 735 $243.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 736 $20.17 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 737 $8.37 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 738 $64.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 739 $10.35 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 74 $165.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 740 $15.89 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 741 $535.14 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 742 $47.16 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 743 -($21.12) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 744 $870.78 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 745 $48.57 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 746 $115.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 747 $140.11 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 748 $161.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 749 $161.47 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 75 $34.92 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 750 $76.82 WLIP Supplies RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 751 $22.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 752 $116.95 RHS Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 753 $43.88 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 754 $116.95 RHS Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 755 $28.57 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 756 $19.38 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 757 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 758 $33.99 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 759 $15.20 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 76 $33.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 760 $104.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 761 $11.75 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 762 $13.89 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 763 $18.57 WLIP Supplies RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 764 $33.90 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 765 $116.95 RHS Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 766 $3.93 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 767 $21.97 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 768 $105.90 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 769 $48.32 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 77 $8.54 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 770 $152.18 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 771 $116.95 RHS Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 772 $697.20 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 773 $198.75 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 774 $654.11 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 775 $25.41 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 776 $6.92 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 777 $17.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 778 $23.44 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 779 $7.93 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 78 $22.23 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 780 $39.73 Audrey Stephen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 781 $11.11 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 782 $26.61 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 783 $12.68 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 784 $13.12 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 785 $19.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 786 $5.54 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 787 $40.56 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 788 $228.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 789 $30.83 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 79 $12.50 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 790 $3,111.62 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 791 $62.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 792 $142.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 793 $240.00 IDSEF Grant Pam Fox Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 794 $16.34 Eileen Nestman EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 795 $80.00 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 796 $30.18 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 797 $63.00 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 798 $200.00 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 799 $64.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 8 $44.46 Math Counts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 80 $422.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 800 $19.95 Outdoor Survival Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 801 $39.19 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 802 $30.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 803 $98.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 804 $62.26 Gibson, Gabrielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 805 $56.15 Abby Reeser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 806 $4.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 807 $8.78 Ming Lee EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 808 $212.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 809 $24.29 Szu-Hui Lee EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 81 $102.93 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 810 $345.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 811 $5.50 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 812 $1,118.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 813 $60.01 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 814 $23.80 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 815 $79.57 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 816 $26.44 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 817 $71.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 818 $73.60 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 819 $73.51 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 82 $124.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 820 $170.07 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 821 $181.38 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 822 $458.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 823 $13.98 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 824 $258.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 825 $11.76 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 826 $84.42 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 827 $139.28 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 828 $17.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 829 $227.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 83 $90.72 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 830 $10.38 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 831 $6.02 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 832 $4.99 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 833 $181.10 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 834 $5.40 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 835 $21.18 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 836 $464.97 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 837 $29.85 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 838 $12.50 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 839 $24.20 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 84 $50.32 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 840 $84.74 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 841 $1.25 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 842 $29.52 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 843 $14.68 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 844 $29.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 845 $169.60 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 846 $608.37 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 847 $46.27 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 848 $3.00 Monica Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 849 $109.39 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 85 $33.88 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 850 $21.98 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 851 $10.59 Abby Reeser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 852 $950.37 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 853 $68.73 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 854 $126.48 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 855 $1,526.75 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 856 $155.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 857 $29.68 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 858 $381.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 859 $44.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 86 $759.60 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 860 $6.57 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 861 $1.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 862 $1,394.29 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 863 $43.42 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 864 $8.42 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 865 $922.59 RHS Sound Booth Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 866 $36.49 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 867 $37.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 868 $27.99 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 869 $12.99 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 87 $49.22 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 870 $21.65 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 871 $6.58 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 872 $77.92 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 873 $124.98 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 874 $17.06 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 875 $5.57 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 876 $29.00 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 877 $252.61 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 878 $144.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 879 $24.44 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 88 $37.36 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 880 $95.71 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 881 $22.22 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 882 $385.35 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 883 $47.68 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 884 $197.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 885 $414.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 886 $51.04 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 887 $59.80 Counselors Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 888 $21.21 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 889 $15.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 89 $427.69 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 890 $448.20 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 891 $727.00 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 892 $76.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 893 $60.48 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 894 $18.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 895 $433.21 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 896 $4.11 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 897 $359.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 898 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 899 $11.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 9 $7.78 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 90 $710.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 900 $144.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 901 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 902 $124.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 903 $60.42 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 904 $34.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 905 $35.51 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 906 $232.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 907 $65.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 908 $744.56 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 909 $2,025.40 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 91 $97.48 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 910 $100.63 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 911 $41.19 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 912 $145.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 913 $5.30 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 914 $55.36 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 915 $16.16 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 916 $66.99 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 917 $396.79 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 918 $317.92 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 919 $60.87 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 92 $205.94 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 920 $73.64 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 921 $7.77 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 922 $89.49 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 923 $122.49 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 924 $45.58 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 925 $75.95 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 926 -($84.23) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 927 -($17.45) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 928 -($82.12) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 929 $82.12 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 93 $6.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 930 $5.29 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 931 $8.24 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 932 $127.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 933 $8.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 934 $10.89 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 935 $200.00 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 936 $14.68 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 937 $196.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 938 -($507.44) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 939 $24.82 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 94 $47.92 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 940 $178.29 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 941 $31.96 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 942 $45.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 943 $244.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 944 $252.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 945 $92.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 946 $29.98 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 947 $36.14 Juo Fang Lian EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 948 $60.75 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 949 $65.50 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 95 $147.71 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 950 $237.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 951 $47.65 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 952 $26.50 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 953 $22.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 954 $0.75 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 955 $546.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 956 $108.03 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 957 $67.32 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 958 $60.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 959 $6.21 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 96 $32.19 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 960 $19.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 961 $7.75 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 962 $219.87 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 963 $93.87 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 964 $28.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 965 $135.61 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 966 $31.98 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 967 $124.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 968 $62.21 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 969 $126.26 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 97 $170.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 970 $132.80 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 971 $370.60 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 972 $34.18 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 973 $6.36 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 974 $12.86 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 975 $106.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 976 $14.83 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 977 $24.36 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 978 $55.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 979 $13.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 98 $173.61 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 980 $31.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 981 $26.76 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 982 $106.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 983 $17.99 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 984 $25.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 985 $22.76 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 986 $7.69 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 987 $219.00 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 988 $120.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 989 $152.75 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 99 $43.58 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 990 $13,501.82 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 991 $17.79 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 992 $11.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 993 $97.72 Stephanie Baldwin Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 994 $84.19 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 995 $19.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 996 $1,557.25 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 997 $19.98 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 998 $156.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
4/30/2023 999 $21.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/12/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $50.00 Student Lunch Sales Selman, Emily Lewisville ID 94346 5/12/2023
Band Clinic $300.00 Purchased Services Spencer Frohm Rigby ID 228 5/12/2023
Band Shirts $60.00 Purchased Services Melissa Hunting Rigby ID 227 5/12/2023
Orchestra Clinic 23 $300.00 Purchases Services Gabriel Gordon Ogden UT 226 5/12/2023
Orchestra Clinic 23 ($300.00) Purchases Services Gabriel Gordon Ogden UT 226 5/12/2023
15041 $82.00 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Speedy CPS, LLC Rigby ID 57167005 5/12/2023
15088 $49.09 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Speedy CPS, LLC Rigby ID 57167005 5/12/2023
amb3.9 $205.78 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167004 5/12/2023
Amb4/3 $386.44 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167004 5/12/2023
Reimbursement $29.31 Supplies & Materials Krista Gneiting Rigby ID 57167006 5/12/2023
RMS-00562 $181.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57167007 5/12/2023
RMS-00614 $218.64 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57167007 5/12/2023
RMS-00708 $92.96 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57167007 5/12/2023
RMS-00764 $349.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57167007 5/12/2023
RMS-00801 $221.80 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57167007 5/12/2023
RMS-00820 $140.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57167007 5/12/2023
RMS-00821 $116.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57167007 5/12/2023
296675- Band  $105.00 Purchased Services Piano Gallery Idaho Falls ID 233 5/13/2023
296677 Band $202.00 Supplies & Materials Piano Gallery Idaho Falls ID 233 5/13/2023
85120  Orchestra $360.00 Supplies & Materials Ferguson Music Company Rexburg ID 230 5/13/2023
85121 Orchestra $36.90 Supplies & Materials Ferguson Music Company Rexburg ID 230 5/13/2023
FMS 00352 $42.44 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS 00368 $97.20 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS 00446 $256.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS 00531 $511.00 Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS 00549 $260.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS 00559 $37.64 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS 00583 $44.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS-00395 $155.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS-00445 $174.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS-00461 $117.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS-00520 $168.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS-00548 $74.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS-00576 $90.80 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
Fms-00591 $70.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS-00593 $141.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS-00597 $101.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
FMS-00598 $37.84 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 235 5/13/2023
REIMB 51323 $9.28 Purchased Services Carlee Valentine Rigby ID 229 5/13/2023
Reimb Fizz $43.41 Supplies & Materials Laura Walker Rigby ID 232 5/13/2023
Sales Tax April 23 $38.94 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 231 5/13/2023
Sales Tax April 23 $267.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 231 5/13/2023
Sales Tax April 23 $41.96 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 231 5/13/2023
Sales Tax April 23 $6.40 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 231 5/13/2023
Sales Tax April 23 $36.71 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 231 5/13/2023
Sales Tax April 23 $0.85 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 231 5/13/2023
Sales Tax April 23 $46.90 Student Council 8th Gr Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 231 5/13/2023
Sales Tax April 23 $5.89 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 231 5/13/2023
Sales Tax April 23 $2.99 Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 231 5/13/2023
Track 4-12-23 $300.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 234 5/13/2023
Track 4-19.23 $300.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 234 5/13/2023
Track 4-6-23 $300.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 234 5/13/2023
Dyslexia Training $180.00 Dyslexia PD Services Webster, Shatzi Rigby ID 94347 5/15/2023
V431057 $75.00 Supplies & Materials Cammie Harris Roberts ID 1691 5/15/2023
34004794 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94348 5/16/2023
S.Curnutt Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 94349 5/16/2023
Supply Reimb 5.16.23 $383.57 Supplies & Materials Abrams, Jackie Lyn Rigby ID 94350 5/16/2023
Supply Reimb 5.16.23 $38.86 Supplies & Materials Perez, Kami Rigby ID 94351 5/16/2023
SupplyReimb 5.16.23 $28.99 Juo Fang Lian EF Supplies Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 94352 5/16/2023
V430065 $284.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls Zoo Idaho Falls ID 1692 5/16/2023
42341198 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 94353 5/17/2023
April 2023 (1) $19.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/17/2023
ToolReimb 5.17.23 $800.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Jagielski, David Brian Rigby ID 94354 5/17/2023
V852779 $664.00 Fees & Charges Yellowstone Bear World Rexburg ID 3886 5/17/2023
070863 14 $3,292.00 Supplies & Materials HERFF JONES YEARBOOK CHICAGO IL 1488467 5/17/2023
31381908 Diploma $30.65 Supplies & Materials Jostens Chicago  IL 1488470 5/17/2023
4-9-23 Statement $1,223.64 Supplies & Materials Sam's Club/Synchrony Bank Dallas TX 1488474 5/17/2023
4-9-23 Statement $1,608.22 Supplies & Materials Sam's Club/Synchrony Bank Dallas TX 1488474 5/17/2023
5645 $30,983.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Infinity Tours & Events-Provo Provo  UT 1488468 5/17/2023
578381-2 re-issue $248.00 Supplies & Materials ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL MERIDIAN ID 1488473 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $9.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $2.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $20.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $44.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $24.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $32.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $2.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $580.41 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $50.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $2.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $26.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $30.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $77.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
April 2023 Sales Tax $28.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
Custodial payroll  $400.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488469 5/17/2023
Q5862 Screens $3,000.00 Supplies & Materials Putterman Athletics Deland FL 1488472 5/17/2023
Q5862 Screens $3,865.94 Supplies & Materials Putterman Athletics Deland FL 1488472 5/17/2023
ROW Sweatshirts $478.00 Supplies Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1488471 5/17/2023
4-12-23 $300.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57167008 5/17/2023
4-19-23 $300.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57167008 5/17/2023
4-6-23 $300.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57167008 5/17/2023
34022663 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94355 5/18/2023
6750 $995.00 Auditor Fees Searle Hart & Associates PLLC Rexburg ID 94357 5/18/2023
Supply Reimb 5.17.23 $101.32 Supplies & Materials Lindsey, Susan Rigby ID 94356 5/18/2023
Supply reimb 5.17.23 $126.13 Supplies & Materials Smith, Kimberli Idaho Falls ID 94358 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $48.52 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $215.17 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $52.58 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $64.30 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $739.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $2,939.96 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $277.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $148.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $259.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $134.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $69.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $80.72 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $83.59 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $66.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
April 23 BB $78.47 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167010 5/18/2023
Refund $9.00 Purchased Services Castle, Shelese Rigby ID 57167009 5/18/2023
34027206 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94363 5/19/2023
34032705 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94363 5/19/2023
42354066 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 94362 5/19/2023
Mileage 12.9-3.14 RT $54.80 In District Mileage Reimbursement Beck, Daralee Ammon ID 94361 5/19/2023
Mileage 4.7-5.19 $67.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Beck, Daralee Ammon ID 94361 5/19/2023
Supply Reimb 5.19 $228.70 Tonks, Melissa Tonks, Melissa Idaho Falls ID 94360 5/19/2023
Supply Reimb 5.19.23 $247.60 Smith, Megan Smith, Megan Rigby ID 94359 5/19/2023
V153959 $403,648.81 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94364 5/19/2023
V245062 $12,901.66 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94364 5/19/2023
V251230 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 5/19/2023
V251351 $4,229.86 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 5/19/2023
V317560 $88.61 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/19/2023
V345391 $3,416.27 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94364 5/19/2023
V410857 $3,162.51 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94364 5/19/2023
V43549 $32,029.52 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94364 5/19/2023
V490963 $161,845.71 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/19/2023
V494366 $322,967.03 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 5/19/2023
V528144 $327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 5/19/2023
V594344 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 5/19/2023
V868207 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 5/19/2023
V890693 $10,613.48 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/19/2023
V895061 $7.05 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94364 5/19/2023
V91544 $37,851.01 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/19/2023
V920236 $3,800.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43967 5/19/2023
V960563 -($94.49) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/19/2023
V960964 $2,482.19 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/19/2023
V96258 $20.72 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/19/2023
V967397 -($22.10) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/19/2023
ProDev_5_19_23 $200.00 Purchased Services Cherry Glass Idaho Falls ID 2024 5/19/2023
$4,880.16 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$934.86 GROSS PAYROLL Abplanalp, Shelbe Jo  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,275.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,681.33 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,173.68 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,440.13 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,472.33 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$815.00 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Rebecca Sue  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$240.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alvarez-Garcia, Julia Marie  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,851.12 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,206.32 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$142.46 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Julie Lazenby  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,397.35 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,941.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,317.05 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 5/19/2023
$187.93 GROSS PAYROLL Angell, Kathryn Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,556.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,887.65 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,128.20 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$36.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Carlie J  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,819.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,044.25 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,045.58 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,728.50 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$369.38 GROSS PAYROLL Atwood, Danielle   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,532.29 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$783.08 GROSS PAYROLL Bagley, Lisa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,388.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,150.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$932.81 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$418.01 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Rachel Nichole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$396.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Ronda Fielding  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,658.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,330.47 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,045.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$48.52 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,128.44 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,986.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,797.31 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,677.52 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,920.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barton, Sierra R  Sugar City ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,144.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$968.82 GROSS PAYROLL Bates Orgill, Tracie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,829.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,078.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,136.23 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,441.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$843.30 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,828.51 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,812.34 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,097.87 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,144.61 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Rachel Louise  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,533.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,596.61 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,866.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$147.02 GROSS PAYROLL Billman, Alicia Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,508.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$117.55 GROSS PAYROLL Black, Marly Olaso  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,085.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,525.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,980.76 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$852.07 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,189.56 GROSS PAYROLL Blakely, Erin K  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,485.16 GROSS PAYROLL Blaylock, Rachel Marie  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$207.90 GROSS PAYROLL Blodgett, Cassidy   Highland UT 0 5/19/2023
$1,497.53 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,550.51 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,078.69 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$9,080.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,183.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,138.66 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,020.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bolleurs, Michele Brook  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,673.09 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,683.11 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,583.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,058.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,184.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$881.61 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 5/19/2023
$1,324.24 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,183.24 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,628.75 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,825.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,193.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,114.01 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,258.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,527.47 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$10,192.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$29.30 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,031.56 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$139.25 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Jessica Rudd  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,270.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,262.50 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,145.76 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,049.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bryner, Marie Sue  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,399.81 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,001.48 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Dona Jeanne  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,073.17 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,169.63 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,530.88 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Rachel Elizabeth  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$400.03 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,011.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$946.81 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$588.74 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,316.67 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,670.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,085.70 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,250.98 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,349.51 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,233.52 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,066.57 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,786.02 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$860.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$867.26 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,794.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,233.40 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,321.95 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Jennifer Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,078.51 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,071.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,594.28 GROSS PAYROLL Castro, Carmen Navarro  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,970.68 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,167.03 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,526.25 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,825.36 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,150.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,649.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,094.00 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,293.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$854.95 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Holly Ann  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,114.60 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$810.12 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,091.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,388.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,577.59 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,190.88 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,038.59 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,361.05 GROSS PAYROLL Collier, Samuel Christopher  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$920.36 GROSS PAYROLL Collins, Megan Lee Anne  Rigby Id 0 5/19/2023
$8,509.08 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,895.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$938.25 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$10,547.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,563.19 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,361.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,149.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 5/19/2023
$613.09 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,624.67 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,201.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,944.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$843.56 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$585.84 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,512.93 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,236.79 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,022.32 GROSS PAYROLL Crawford, Megan Elaine  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,022.64 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,287.66 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,143.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,128.24 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,926.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,420.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$85.61 GROSS PAYROLL Curtis, Chelsea Anne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,025.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,232.60 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,011.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,294.16 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davids, Kim Russell  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,646.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,930.46 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,116.31 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,949.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Marshall Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 5/19/2023
$666.66 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Shaun David  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,332.73 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,138.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,118.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,962.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,904.65 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$366.15 GROSS PAYROLL Deinhard, Rebecca Katherine  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,085.64 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,743.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,230.92 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,115.55 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$666.94 GROSS PAYROLL Doman, Shacie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,607.17 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,527.78 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,054.55 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$930.61 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,525.17 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$156.29 GROSS PAYROLL Dunn, Bryan John  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,184.74 GROSS PAYROLL Durgin, Elizabeth Haven  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,963.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,999.15 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$872.89 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,915.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$255.00 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Nathan Gordon  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$293.72 GROSS PAYROLL Elder, Monica Selina  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,525.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,078.08 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$931.86 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,323.79 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,707.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,982.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,114.96 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$36.75 GROSS PAYROLL Faneus, Rebecca Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$10,320.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,144.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,313.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,119.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,351.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,371.60 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$129.55 GROSS PAYROLL Flinders, Peggy Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,131.05 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$790.69 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$866.74 GROSS PAYROLL Forero, Mazie Jill  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,107.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,273.58 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$930.04 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,707.98 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,165.41 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,240.48 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,255.57 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,177.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,724.48 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Kelsi Kae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,935.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,163.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,302.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,738.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,005.34 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$710.25 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Katelyn Irene  Hamilton MO 0 5/19/2023
$440.56 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,546.48 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,368.12 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$241.23 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Draydon Luis  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,582.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$694.11 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Laurinda Ann  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,226.09 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Salvador   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,543.05 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,086.46 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,002.14 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,536.12 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,085.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Gerry, Juliet   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$469.04 GROSS PAYROLL Gessel, Savannah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,718.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,783.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,368.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,408.95 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$861.61 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,976.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$610.14 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,990.30 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$627.18 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,111.13 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,038.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,996.02 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,901.41 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,267.38 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,644.38 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$9,000.50 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,050.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,302.45 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,124.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,279.77 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,172.43 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$689.36 GROSS PAYROLL Griffeth, Laura Dustin  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,550.30 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,527.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,611.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,537.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$335.45 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,404.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,233.45 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,576.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,043.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,315.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,784.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,184.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,297.69 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,164.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,776.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,073.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Stacey Diane  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,021.42 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,159.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$951.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$853.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,187.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$950.15 GROSS PAYROLL Harkness, Rebecca Arin  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,721.42 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,978.77 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$710.56 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$854.42 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$917.70 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,642.61 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,048.55 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$993.99 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Ginnie Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,754.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,982.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,417.01 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Hanna Lee  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,598.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,036.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$762.81 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,850.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 5/19/2023
$385.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hendrix, Avrey D R  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,317.73 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$930.25 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,740.49 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,011.18 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$162.39 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Ashlyn   Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,936.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,389.72 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$918.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$129.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,664.48 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$161.01 GROSS PAYROLL Hirschi-Keister, Rachel Garcia  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,368.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,672.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,386.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$965.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,111.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hogan, Amy Kathleen  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$326.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hokanson, Teyah Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,326.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,044.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$825.85 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,400.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,837.05 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Mary Ellen Smith  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$76.65 GROSS PAYROLL Houx, Kaitllyn Morgan  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,700.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,553.92 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,479.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,831.17 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 5/19/2023
$692.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,976.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,895.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,130.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 5/19/2023
$10,913.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$685.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hunting, Kamryn Payge  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,760.82 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,802.16 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,379.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$854.64 GROSS PAYROLL Ireland, Connor James  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,280.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$36.48 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,713.31 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,490.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,838.52 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,626.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$825.04 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,072.52 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,780.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,238.27 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,171.91 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,819.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$722.77 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,804.29 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,111.51 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Daniel Christian  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,171.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$979.73 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,033.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,072.95 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,441.96 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,092.01 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,888.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,925.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,978.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,724.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$316.06 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Shelby R  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,148.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,066.66 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Adriana   Iona ID 0 5/19/2023
$771.85 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,237.16 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,937.90 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Hailey Claireese  Rigby Id 0 5/19/2023
$7,301.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,324.02 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,019.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,573.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,870.53 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$918.07 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,100.81 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$383.87 GROSS PAYROLL Keetch, Lucy Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,958.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,007.15 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, Sydni Marie  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,231.75 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,461.69 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,165.51 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,825.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,895.16 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,895.47 GROSS PAYROLL Kelly, Raen O  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,206.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,895.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$979.19 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$955.64 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,187.46 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,518.44 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,682.90 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$849.95 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Genie Renae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,203.23 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,287.27 GROSS PAYROLL Kristensen, Emma   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$655.96 GROSS PAYROLL Kushmaul Hess, Mary Pamela  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,407.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$942.12 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,032.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,320.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,179.55 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,895.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$236.56 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Laura K  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,244.77 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,140.76 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,598.40 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Xiomara   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,025.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,900.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,268.59 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Benjamin F  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,671.42 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,410.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,673.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,845.64 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$9,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,257.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,895.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lowder, Makiah J  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,991.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,090.59 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,616.64 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,024.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,113.30 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,598.49 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,139.07 GROSS PAYROLL Mair, Melissa Lin  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$857.28 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,370.66 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,227.84 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$707.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marcusen, Jayde Isabelle Lucy  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,275.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Kyle C  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Porter G  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,232.25 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,621.60 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$14,645.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,189.55 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,637.20 GROSS PAYROLL Martinez, Beatriz Adriana  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$244.22 GROSS PAYROLL Matson, Seth Abram  Leadore ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,030.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mayberry, Christa Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,782.21 GROSS PAYROLL McCoppin, Zachriel Matthias  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,815.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,629.16 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,011.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,945.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$290.63 GROSS PAYROLL McLendon, Crystal Jamie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,433.89 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,328.16 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$670.90 GROSS PAYROLL Menchaca-Riddle, Deanna Nicole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,255.30 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,391.46 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Adrianne Johnson  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$320.20 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$43.14 GROSS PAYROLL Merriman, Alisha Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,263.69 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,316.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,030.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,672.05 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,533.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,148.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$114.50 GROSS PAYROLL Moedl, Allyx Oborn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$805.42 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,184.28 GROSS PAYROLL Moody, Jessica Johanna  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$991.39 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,444.70 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,100.76 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,414.88 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,076.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,011.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,486.70 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,008.80 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,683.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$49.87 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,366.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,726.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,193.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Shiloh Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$391.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Jacqualyn Elise  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,834.75 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,028.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,487.23 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,385.62 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$463.65 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$674.38 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,045.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 5/19/2023
$1,701.32 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 5/19/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$11,025.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,201.44 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,241.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,670.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,087.33 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,515.27 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,233.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$486.78 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,852.26 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$657.43 GROSS PAYROLL Oliva, Adelay Hope  Charlottesville VA 0 5/19/2023
$1,539.76 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,110.53 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,045.48 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$966.66 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,040.96 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 5/19/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$341.52 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$112.18 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Geoffrey Paul  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,180.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,808.76 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,111.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 5/19/2023
$9,279.08 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,433.34 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,311.33 GROSS PAYROLL Parrott, Jalen Marie  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,254.60 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,016.55 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,344.77 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,467.43 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$527.19 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,563.19 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,381.24 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,780.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$735.82 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Erin A  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,051.18 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,985.43 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,163.24 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,379.75 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$633.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pincock, Tyler R  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,991.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,792.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,420.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,700.69 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Kuniko Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,149.87 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,724.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$521.10 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Whittney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,670.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,176.51 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$144.36 GROSS PAYROLL Prestwich, Marilyn W  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,644.00 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$721.85 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Traci Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,376.47 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,324.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,202.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,119.90 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,758.70 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,438.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,381.50 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,590.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,635.09 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,486.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,330.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Kathryn Rose  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,947.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reid, Jonathan Michael  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,183.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$600.86 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$54.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richins, Stephen Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$507.85 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Brian Matthew  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,630.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,549.06 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,584.60 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$953.09 GROSS PAYROLL Ricter, Korina Noel  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,040.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$102.34 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,878.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$206.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Sheela Mae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$978.85 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Cassie Janiel  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,055.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,361.50 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,338.89 GROSS PAYROLL Robinson, Madison Kay  Rexburg Id 0 5/19/2023
$1,088.58 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,269.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,950.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,392.62 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,963.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,993.21 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,187.81 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,056.20 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$399.68 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Brooke Janae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Saathoff, Gordon Lee Jr Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,143.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,460.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 5/19/2023
$10,043.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,150.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$590.54 GROSS PAYROLL Sautter, Macy Michelle  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,366.84 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$114.72 GROSS PAYROLL Scadden, Sarah Jane  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,786.56 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$716.93 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,354.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,057.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,282.83 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,126.86 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$975.88 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Jared Stephen  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,353.91 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,620.43 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,219.25 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,836.96 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,158.33 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$73.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer Boyle  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,015.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,387.32 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily Rose  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,449.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,288.49 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,201.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,937.49 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$797.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,246.82 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,499.67 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,646.02 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,460.06 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$804.19 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$949.57 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$300.55 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$452.27 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jordan Taylor  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,268.42 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,054.79 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,721.42 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,134.72 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,762.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$608.28 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$176.85 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$781.47 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$422.01 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$304.49 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Caitlyn Danielle  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$152.93 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$569.95 GROSS PAYROLL Snyder, Stephanie Nicole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$976.08 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,508.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$909.19 GROSS PAYROLL Sonerholm, Tiffany   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,105.72 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,147.58 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$10,070.16 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,316.55 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,053.38 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,076.21 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$949.04 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,900.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$867.07 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,475.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,197.23 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,353.98 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,895.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,383.69 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,221.02 GROSS PAYROLL Stoltenberg, Tambra Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,627.66 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,319.85 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,807.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,404.65 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,965.67 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 5/19/2023
$546.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sudweeks, Loretta Shaver  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,994.33 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$644.36 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$996.34 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,010.75 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,048.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$233.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tapp, Luke William  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,646.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,025.57 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$502.81 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,781.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,316.83 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,671.42 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Sadie   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,650.20 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$406.35 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,670.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,314.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,671.42 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,008.16 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,005.14 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,820.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Ronald Alexander  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$156.29 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$10,529.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,919.95 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,106.54 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,987.58 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,224.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,557.17 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,414.39 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$9,171.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,594.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,372.74 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,748.83 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 5/19/2023
$980.76 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 5/19/2023
$293.66 GROSS PAYROLL Trost, Bradley W  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,206.30 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,491.24 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$806.45 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,320.37 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,724.81 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,670.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$966.20 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,971.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$221.49 GROSS PAYROLL Vanderwal, Shirley   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,595.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,043.22 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,238.71 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,850.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,821.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,117.49 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,251.32 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,065.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,717.92 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$9,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$732.90 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$403.58 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,545.33 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$923.13 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$854.37 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,009.68 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Jacob Gregory  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,338.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,959.16 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,558.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$817.28 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,914.19 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$676.64 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,854.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$475.96 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Ivie Mae  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$7,381.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,751.98 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,428.59 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,316.72 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$974.88 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,055.53 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,038.94 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,068.28 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$768.72 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,724.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,988.38 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$2,320.91 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,370.69 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 5/19/2023
$1,138.21 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,314.42 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,670.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$144.22 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,611.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,950.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 5/19/2023
$8,711.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 5/19/2023
$415.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winchester, Heidi Luke  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$966.00 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$918.35 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,424.97 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,545.42 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$75.55 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Aerin Elizabeth  Roberts ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,027.51 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kamilyn Noelle  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$290.04 GROSS PAYROLL Yates, Julie   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,757.23 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,057.28 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,844.34 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$51.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,061.19 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,533.94 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,011.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,525.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$1,563.49 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 0 5/19/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,752.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,516.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 5/19/2023
$6,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 5/19/2023
$3,852.77 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 5/19/2023
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bare, Jessica M  Idaho Falls ID 62471 5/19/2023
$155.33 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Jackson W  Rigby ID 62472 5/19/2023
$416.66 GROSS PAYROLL Daugherty, Sciarra   Rigby ID 62473 5/19/2023
$123.75 GROSS PAYROLL Deardeuff, Weston Shane  Sugar City ID 62474 5/19/2023
$70.67 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 62475 5/19/2023
$44.02 GROSS PAYROLL Gallacher, Kallie Colleen  Shelley ID 62476 5/19/2023
$169.78 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62477 5/19/2023
$268.69 GROSS PAYROLL Meza-Solorio, Cynthia Lizeth  Roberts ID 62478 5/19/2023
$1,347.94 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62479 5/19/2023
$1,260.76 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Kamri Suzan  Rigby ID 62480 5/19/2023
$166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Kristopher James  Rigby ID 62481 5/19/2023
$339.94 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Shon Jerick  Rigby ID 62482 5/19/2023
$400.67 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62483 5/19/2023
$823.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62484 5/19/2023
$1,019.48 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62485 5/19/2023
$876.01 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62486 5/19/2023
$3,085.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 62487 5/19/2023
$1,077.19 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62488 5/19/2023
$1,794.97 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62489 5/19/2023
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 62490 5/19/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 62491 5/19/2023
$762.32 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62492 5/19/2023
$3,228.34 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62493 5/19/2023
$3,215.30 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62494 5/19/2023
$2,395.85 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62495 5/19/2023
$936.41 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 62496 5/19/2023
$1,429.13 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 62497 5/19/2023
April 2023 $1,444.00 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $412.81 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $1,011.88 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $2,643.61 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $1,907.18 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $1,356.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $4,423.69 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $1,148.84 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $2,134.41 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $10,493.28 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $75.38 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 $1,047.42 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
April 2023 (1) $1,975.21 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/22/2023
Supply Reimb 5.22 $79.13 Supplies Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 94365 5/22/2023
Invoice_122 $350.00 Purchased Services J H Transport LLC Jerome ID 2026 5/22/2023
ServReemb_5_22_23 $180.00 Purchased Services Steven Shropshire Pocatello ID 2025 5/22/2023
CNA reimb $10.00 Supplies & Materials Robirds, Michael Rigby ID 1488476 5/22/2023
Gatorade reimb $61.51 Supplies & Materials Poole, Rachel Rigby ID 1488475 5/22/2023
Science reim $90.10 Supplies & Materials Webster, Heidi Rigby ID 1488478 5/22/2023
State Gas Reimb $82.80 Supplies & Materials ROMNEY, HAYDEN Rigby ID 1488477 5/22/2023
FoodHandlingTrainPD $76.00 Travel Expenses Barber, Alexandra Rigby ID 94366 5/23/2023
FoodHandlingTrainPD $76.00 Travel Expenses Fuller, Kira Rigby ID 94367 5/23/2023
FMS-00606 $38.20 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 236 5/23/2023
FMS-00689 $26.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 236 5/23/2023
FMS-00772 $61.44 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 236 5/23/2023
FMS-00776 $248.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 236 5/23/2023
FMS-00800 $195.40 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 236 5/23/2023
FMS-00822 $226.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 236 5/23/2023
FMS-00823 $265.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 236 5/23/2023
V999212 $372.50 Fees & Charges Tautphaus Park Zoo Idaho Falls ID 3887 5/23/2023
06081313 $9,607.00 Supplies & Materials Herff Jones Chicago IL 57167013 5/23/2023
107 $600.00 Auditorium Services Golden Fulcher Rexburg ID 57167012 5/23/2023
AfterSchool Program $58.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167016 5/23/2023
Albertsons Reimburse $28.56 Supplies & Materials Sarah Droegemueller Idaho Falls ID 57167018 5/23/2023
BYUI Reimbursement $5.00 Supplies & Materials Sarah Droegemueller Idaho Falls ID 57167018 5/23/2023
Reimburse3 $59.04 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167014 5/23/2023
Reimbursement $34.72 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167014 5/23/2023
Reimbursement 4 $62.17 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167014 5/23/2023
Reimbursement 5 $66.33 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167014 5/23/2023
Reimbursement 6 $42.40 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167014 5/23/2023
Reimbursement 7 $63.54 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167014 5/23/2023
Reimbursement 8 $71.67 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167014 5/23/2023
Reimbursement 9 $58.51 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167014 5/23/2023
Reimbursement2 $44.17 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Hess, Mary P. Rigby ID 57167014 5/23/2023
Yearbook 23 $2,028.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57167017 5/23/2023
Yearbook Hoodies $430.00 Purchased Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57167015 5/23/2023
Yearbook S. Clayton $35.00 Supplies & Materials Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  ID 57167011 5/23/2023
23-0331RCA $3,000.00 Supplies & Materials Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94375 5/24/2023
34091879 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94368 5/24/2023
Mileage 9.2-5.15 $27.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Juenke, Martyann Rigby ID 94371 5/24/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $224.30 Student Lunch Sales Gerry, Juliet Rigby ID 94374 5/24/2023
TransportTechWkshpPD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 94369 5/24/2023
TransportTechWkshpPD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Jagielski, David Brian Rigby ID 94370 5/24/2023
TransportTechWkshpPD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 94372 5/24/2023
TransportTechWkshpPD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Oram, Steve Rigby ID 94373 5/24/2023
ACT+ Writing Reimb $91.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Stucki, Andrea Rigby ID 94376 5/25/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $980.00 Student Lunch Sales Clifford, Tiffany Rigby ID 94377 5/25/2023
T.Kite Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 94378 5/26/2023
April_billback $200.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2029 5/26/2023
April_billback $26.97 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2029 5/26/2023
April_billback $21.14 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2029 5/26/2023
April_billback $13.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2029 5/26/2023
April_billback $13.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2029 5/26/2023
April_billback $88.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2029 5/26/2023
April_billback $32.77 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2029 5/26/2023
April_billback $118.69 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2029 5/26/2023
FieldTrips_5_26_23 $90.24 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2030 5/26/2023
FieldTrips_5_26_23 $187.56 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2030 5/26/2023
Inv_PINV137788 $549.41 Supplies & Materials Gumdrop Books Inc. BETHANY MO 2028 5/26/2023
SupRem_5_26_23 $64.26 Supplies & Materials Ashlee Reese Idaho Falls ID 2027 5/26/2023
2023 Summer Tourn $500.00 Supplies & Materials RIRIE HIGH SCHOOL RIRIE ID 1488481 5/26/2023
2270 Dance Camp 2023 $730.00 Supplies & Materials EPIC Productions Heber City UT 1488479 5/26/2023
BBB Tourn Entry $700.00 Supplies & Materials SUGAR SALEM HIGH SCHOOL SUGAR CITY ID 1488482 5/26/2023
Idaho State CDEs $1,260.00 Supplies & Materials University of Idaho-Sarah Swenson Moscow ID 1488483 5/26/2023
Madison Tourn BBB $350.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1488480 5/26/2023
10664116847 $14,175.00 State Technology Supplies Dell Inc Pittsburgh PA 94385 5/30/2023
10664116847 $24,591.40 State Technology Supplies Dell Inc Pittsburgh PA 94385 5/30/2023
34143603 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94381 5/30/2023
IDCTE Connect PD $535.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Wahlen, Jessica Rigby ID 94383 5/30/2023
Mileage 3.13-5.30 $132.25 In District Mileage Reimbursement Creed, Zoe Idaho Falls ID 94380 5/30/2023
Supply Reimb 5.30.23 $21.54 Supplies & Materials Liao, Juo Fang Rexburg ID 94382 5/30/2023
Supply Reimb 5.30.23 $48.20 Supplies & Materials Walters, Robyn Rigby ID 94384 5/30/2023
SupplyReimb 5.30.23 $239.77 Supplies & Materials Chiu, Chun-Man Rigby ID 94379 5/30/2023
176153 Saw repair $643.59 Supplies & Materials Jorgensen Enterprises Rigby ID 1488492 5/30/2023
2086  E-Sports Car  $480.00 Supplies & Materials A Plus Rent a Car Rexburg ID 1488485 5/30/2023
464 Cheer Mix $550.00 Supplies & Materials Boom Competitive Mixing & Editing Waconia MN 1488487 5/30/2023
874349 Saw Repair $795.10 Supplies & Materials Jorgensen Enterprises Rigby ID 1488492 5/30/2023
8870 $6,136.83 Supplies & Materials Phoenix Learning Systems Springville UT 1488497 5/30/2023
949 BBQ DJ/Pic booth $800.00 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1488484 5/30/2023
Additional Diploma $13.40 Supplies & Materials Jostens Chicago  IL 1488493 5/30/2023
Annual repairs/clean $626.00 Supplies & Materials SNAKE RIVER MICROSCOPES MERIDIAN ID 1488498 5/30/2023
Boys Soccer Tourn $700.00 Supplies & Materials MHS Girls Soccer Booster Club Meridian ID 1488496 5/30/2023
BPA Travel-students $3,349.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488491 5/30/2023
Cheer Bows 2023-24 $840.00 Supplies & Materials Fisher, Jessica Idaho Falls ID 1488490 5/30/2023
Dance Fusion Event $120.00 Supplies & Materials Anderson, Jacob Rigby ID 1488486 5/30/2023
Dance Fusion Event $72.00 Supplies & Materials Watson, Sydney Rigby ID 1488500 5/30/2023
Dance Unlimited Time $187.50 Supplies & Materials Anderson, Jacob Rigby ID 1488486 5/30/2023
Dance Unlimited Time $112.50 Supplies & Materials Watson, Sydney Rigby ID 1488500 5/30/2023
Drama Showcase $234.00 Supplies & Materials Kimber, Benjamin Rigby ID 1488494 5/30/2023
Girls Soccer Tourn $350.00 Supplies & Materials MHS Girls Soccer Booster Club Meridian ID 1488496 5/30/2023
Graduation Tickets $7,958.00 Graduation Tickets BYU IDAHO REXBURG ID 1488489 5/30/2023
Lab Supplies reimb $166.50 Supplies & Materials Staker, Robin Idaho Falls ID 1488499 5/30/2023
Senior Lagoon Trip $8,478.06 Supplies & Materials LAGOON CORPORATION FARMINGTON UT 1488495 5/30/2023
Track Entry-BYU $40.00 Supplies & Materials Brigham Young University Provo UT 1488488 5/30/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $36.10 Student Lunch Sales Radford, Carol Rigby ID 94391 5/31/2023
Supply Reimb 5.30.23 $47.25 Counselor Supplies Close, Robert RIGBY ID 94387 5/31/2023
Supply Reimb 5.30.23 $50.30 Lawrence, Brianna Lawrence, Brianna Rigby ID 94390 5/31/2023
Supply Reimb 5.30.23 $29.00 1st Grade General Needs Lawrence, Brianna Rigby ID 94390 5/31/2023
Supply Reimb 5.31 $28.06 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 94386 5/31/2023
Supply Reimb 5.31.23 $104.77 Brittney Gaughan Gaughan, Brittney Rexburg ID 94389 5/31/2023
Supply Reimb 5.31.23 $19.05 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Ward, Keri Rigby ID 94392 5/31/2023
SupplyReimb 5.31.23 $791.04 Supplies Davie, Lisa Rigby ID 94388 5/31/2023
Sr Lock-in Bal $5,694.72 Supplies & Materials FAT CATS Rexburg ID 1488501 5/31/2023
V94228 $32.00 Supplies & Materials Juan Lopez Rigby ID 1694 5/31/2023
V995292 $18.99 Supplies & Materials Alexas Ricks Rigby ID 104908 5/31/2023
V733144 $840.00 Purchased Services Gravity Factory Rexburg ID 2131 5/31/2023
V803463 $258.75 Purchased Services Holly Larsen Rigby ID 21051 5/31/2023
CP349517 $18,022.46 Buy-Down Insurance National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 0 6/1/2023
Mileage 4.21-5.30 $206.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Smith, Kimberly Rigby ID 94398 6/1/2023
Mileage 4.24-5.5 $36.80 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 94395 6/1/2023
Mileage 4.28-5.31 $97.15 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hurley, Megan Rigby ID 94394 6/1/2023
Mileage 5.1-5.31 $50.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 94393 6/1/2023
Mileage 5.24-5.31 $17.10 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 94395 6/1/2023
Mileage 5.8-5.24 $48.30 Title II Travel Killian, McKell Rigby ID 94395 6/1/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $39.10 Student Lunch Sales Bell, Hannah Roberts ID 94396 6/1/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $53.80 Student Lunch Sales Clark, Emily Menan ID 94397 6/1/2023
1237 camp tees BBB $860.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488511 6/1/2023
2133 Tennis State $210.00 Supplies & Materials A Plus Rent a Car Rexburg ID 1488502 6/1/2023
21544 State Track $3,900.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1488505 6/1/2023
30923RN $300.00 Supplies & Materials Russ Newbury Publications Pasco WA 1488508 6/1/2023
7 on 7 fball camp $575.00 Supplies & Materials Utah Football Camp Salt Lake City  UT 1488512 6/1/2023
End of Year Drinks $64.93 Supplies & Materials Pincock, Tyler Rigby ID 1488506 6/1/2023
IF-319179 Cheer  $90.98 Supplies & Materials Alphagraphics-Idaho Falls Idaho Falls ID 1488503 6/1/2023
Jamboree GBB $950.00 Supplies & Materials Dan Neilson Hoops LLC Orem UT 1488504 6/1/2023
Nationals per diem $200.00 Supplies & Materials SONDRUP, BROCK Ammon ID 1488509 6/1/2023
Nationals Per Diem $200.00 Supplies & Materials Vance, Branden Logan UT 1488513 6/1/2023
Season reimb $71.47 Supplies & Materials Taylor, Sadie Rigby ID 1488510 6/1/2023
Summer Shootout BBB $1,000.00 Supplies & Materials Preston Basketball Preston ID 1488507 6/1/2023
Trailer-flatbed $1,200.00 Supplies & Materials Walker, Matt Menan ID 1488514 6/1/2023
V701654 $211.00 Purchased Services ProForm Airborne Ammon ID 2132 6/1/2023
Per Diem ELL 6.6-9 $102.00 Title III Travel Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 94399 6/2/2023
Per Diem ELL 6.6-9 $102.00 Title III Travel Hancock, Matthew Menan ID 94400 6/2/2023
Per Diem ELL 6.6-9 $153.00 Title III Travel Kelley, Raen O Rexburg ID 94401 6/2/2023
Per Diem ELL 6.6-9 $102.00 Title III Travel Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 94402 6/2/2023
Ord_232275787 $88.00 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 2032 6/2/2023
Reemb_6_2_23 $8.64 Supplies & Materials Shelby Rigby ID 2031 6/2/2023
2161:00812673 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57167025 6/2/2023
4199393308 $72.40 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57167023 6/2/2023
798125 $13.50 Purchased Services Memories Custom Engraving Rigby Id 57167022 6/2/2023
CDE Invitational $50.00 Purchased Services University of Idaho Moscow, ID 57167027 6/2/2023
Idaho State CDEs $525.00 Purchased Services University of Idaho Moscow, ID 57167026 6/2/2023
Reimbursement $49.00 Supplies & Materials Addison Kelley Pocatello ID 57167019 6/2/2023
Reimbursement $46.09 Supplies & Materials Addison Kelley Pocatello ID 57167019 6/2/2023
Reimbursement $50.17 Supplies & Materials Angilee Peck Rigby ID 57167020 6/2/2023
Reimbursement $21.50 Supplies & Materials Blackburn, Tyson Idaho Falls ID 57167021 6/2/2023
Reimbursement $69.61 Supplies & Materials Blackburn, Tyson Idaho Falls ID 57167021 6/2/2023
RMS-00550 $727.60 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57167024 6/2/2023
B Strong PE Endorse $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 94403 6/5/2023
D Noel ABCTE Rev End $25.00 District Office Services State Department of Education Boise ID 94404 6/5/2023
V572826 $626.90 Fees & Charges Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 2241 6/5/2023
V853801 $18.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1695 6/5/2023
V896278 $167.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1696 6/5/2023
V621487 $1,765.08 Purchased Services Jefferson Transportation Lewisville ID 2133 6/5/2023
A Reese-Interm Cert $75.00 District Office Services State Department of Education Boise ID 94405 6/6/2023
6-5-23 $50.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57167028 6/6/2023
Orchestra Field Trip $2,612.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57167028 6/6/2023
V413276 $120.00 Supplies & Materials Paramount 5 Idaho Falls ID 104909 6/6/2023
V467636 $250.00 Purchases Services Heidi Robbins Rigby  ID 237 6/7/2023
1010 May Statement $29.86 Supplies & Materials NAPA Auto Parts-Twin Falls Twin Falls ID 1488526 6/7/2023
1046267/1046717 $405.34 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1488528 6/7/2023
39557 $37.50 FHLA Supplies Country Cottons Rigby ID 1488519 6/7/2023
812669 $110.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1488530 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $81.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $19.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $14.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $42.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $133.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $29.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $476.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $30.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $237.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $17.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $20.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $197.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $98.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $22.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $38.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $44.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $51.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $23.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $444.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $58.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back 88.7 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $84.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $36.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $60.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $37.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $143.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $152.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $20.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $263.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $1,194.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $256.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $56.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $66.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $120.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $425.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $4.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $52.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $29.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $669.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $75.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $16.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $350.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $175.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $67.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back 68.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back 263.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back 900 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $40.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $5.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $135.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $56.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $21.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $7.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $2,380.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $21.94 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $254.54 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $201.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $19.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $36.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $161.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $32.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $76.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $59.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $19.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $71.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $20.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $156.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $29.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $98.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($63.98) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $111.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($250.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $250.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $55.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $2.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $2,491.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $4.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $2,880.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $517.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $14.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $18.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $538.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $42.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $120.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $60.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $230.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $86.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $276.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $28.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $70.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $100.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $239.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $126.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $74.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $135.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $146.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $52.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $1,032.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $160.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $40.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $66.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $3,010.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $25.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $0.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $47.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $9.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $462.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $9.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $93.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $313.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $30.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $78.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $458.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $99.75 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $112.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $35.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $64.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $53.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $21.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $604.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $326.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $103.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $31.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $846.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $31.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $554.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $74.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $173.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $207.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $11.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $73.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $36.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $19.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $27.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $68.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $3,897.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $60.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $137.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $227.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $55.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $105.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $26.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $169.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $15.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $678.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($340.39) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $10.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $29.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $1.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $29.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $12.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $7.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $26.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $68.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $63.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $13.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $43.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $52.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $22.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($31.79) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $31.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $22.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $105.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $27.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $10.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $6.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $60.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $71.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $68.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $10.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $23.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $1,080.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $331.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $6.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $146.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $784.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $23.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $66.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $25.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $40.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $33.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $75.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $20.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back 48.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $60.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $229.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $161.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $514.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $91.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $32.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $71.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $74.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $4.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $142.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $11.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $467.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $98.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $6.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $1,118.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $33.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $185.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($24.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($166.35) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($43.92) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $82.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $4.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $6.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $33.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($36.24) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $50.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $235.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($14.95) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $19.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back -($31.96) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $28.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $98.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $202.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $228.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $260.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $106.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $39.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $19.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $168.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $27.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $55.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $1,056.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $60.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $181.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $171.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
April 2023 Bill Back $39.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488524 6/7/2023
Choir dress buyback $40.00 Supplies & Materials Braunns, Lillian Rigby ID 1488516 6/7/2023
Choir dress buyback $50.00 Supplies & Materials Brown, Melanie Rigby ID 1488517 6/7/2023
Choir dress buyback $40.00 Supplies & Materials Clayton, Autumn Roberts ID 1488518 6/7/2023
Choir dress buyback $50.00 Supplies & Materials Hill, Eden Rigby ID 1488522 6/7/2023
Choir dress buyback $50.00 Supplies & Materials Neville, Ashlyn Rigby ID 1488527 6/7/2023
Choir dress buyback $50.00 Supplies & Materials Price, Rylie Idaho Falls ID 1488529 6/7/2023
Choir dress buyback $50.00 Supplies & Materials Yates, Savannah Rigby ID 1488531 6/7/2023
Handbell mallet bags $30.00 Supplies & Materials Davis, Erin Rigby ID 1488520 6/7/2023
Mileage reimb 3rd tr $91.00 Supplies & Materials Klein, Letitia Idaho Falls ID 1488525 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $447.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $1,261.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $48.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $456.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $97.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $238.44 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $527.20 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $236.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $515.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $36.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $18.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $80.04 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $4,483.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Non Ath buses EOY $168.88 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488523 6/7/2023
Sr All Night reim $2,666.01 Supplies & Materials Boone, Jessica Rigby ID 1488515 6/7/2023
Sr All Night reim -($2,666.01) Supplies & Materials Boone, Jessica Rigby ID 1488515 6/7/2023
Yearbook refund $60.00 Supplies & Materials DeBry, Peter Rigby ID 1488521 6/7/2023
June Payroll $26.91 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167039 6/7/2023
June Payroll $26.91 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167039 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Allyson Abarca Idaho Falls ID 57167029 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Alvarez, David Rigby ID 57167030 6/7/2023
Refund $85.00 Purchased Services Ashely R Purdie Rigby ID 57167049 6/7/2023
Refund $45.00 Supplies & Materials Byram, Lindsay Rigby ID 57167032 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Carlson, Tara Rigby ID 57167033 6/7/2023
Refund $40.00 Supplies & Materials Greg Thompson Rigby ID 57167034 6/7/2023
Refund $25.00 Supplies & Materials Harris, Tenill Rigby ID 57167035 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Hegsted, McKenzie Rigby ID 57167036 6/7/2023
Refund $25.00 Supplies & Materials Holly Larsen Rigby ID 57167037 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Hyde, Rochelle Rigby ID 57167038 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Jensen, Ashley Rigby ID 57167040 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Long, Abby Rigby ID 57167041 6/7/2023
Refund $45.00 Supplies & Materials Nebeker, Kiersten Rigby ID 57167042 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Peterson, Danielle Rigby ID 57167043 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Phillips, Amy Rigby ID 57167044 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Phillips, Amy Rigby ID 57167044 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Smith, Erin Rigby ID 57167045 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Smith, Kayla Rigby ID 57167046 6/7/2023
Refund $15.00 Supplies & Materials Tollefson, Chera Rigby ID 57167047 6/7/2023
Refund $45.00 Supplies & Materials Womack, Lisa Rigby ID 57167048 6/7/2023
Yearbook Camp Refund $118.65 Supplies & Materials Angela Youngstrom Rigby ID 57167031 6/7/2023
V429709 $35.00 Supplies & Materials Culligan Idaho Falls ID 2134 6/7/2023
18-0157 May 2023 $447.72 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 94410 6/8/2023
18-0160 May 2023 $250.06 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 94410 6/8/2023
34143602 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94416 6/8/2023
34143604 $202.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94416 6/8/2023
34190255 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94416 6/8/2023
34190256 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94416 6/8/2023
M.Rogel CNA Exam  $115.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Rogel, Yoanna Rigby ID 94421 6/8/2023
Mileage 1.2-6.5 $807.35 In District Mileage Reimbursement Cook, Erin Rigby ID 94412 6/8/2023
Mileage 1.26-6.5 $126.45 In District Mileage Reimbursement Fryberger, Kelsi Rigby ID 94415 6/8/2023
Mileage 1.9-5.30 $232.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hancock, Jenna Idaho Falls ID 94417 6/8/2023
Mileage 2.17-5.31 $313.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 94407 6/8/2023
Mileage 2.8-5.31 $62.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 94414 6/8/2023
Mileage 3.6-5.30 $146.85 Title II Travel Clements, Tamara Rigby ID 94411 6/8/2023
Mileage 3.6-6.2 $218.35 In District Mileage Reimbursement Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 94419 6/8/2023
Mileage 5.1-6.1 $56.85 In District Mileage Reimbursement Boyer, Tanner Idaho Falls ID 94409 6/8/2023
PrePdLnchRfnd $579.35 Student Lunch Sales Bell, Josh Rigby ID 94408 6/8/2023
Supply Reimb 6.1.23 $314.90 4th Grade General Needs Davidson, Lacey Rexburg ID 94413 6/8/2023
Supply Reimb 6.2.23 $6.33 Teacher Budget Kelley, Addison Pocatello IS 94418 6/8/2023
Supply Reimb 6.5 $527.80 Spanish Immersion Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 94420 6/8/2023
Supply Reimb 6.5 $0.44 Teacher Budget Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 94420 6/8/2023
Supply Reimb 6.7.23 $33.49 Supplies & Materials Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 94423 6/8/2023
TechnicianWorkshop $320.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 State Dept. Of Education BOISE ID 94406 6/8/2023
X. Yin Out of State $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 94422 6/8/2023
21647311 $2,235.68 Purchased Services Herff Jones Indianapolis IN 240 6/8/2023
57358 $2,417.59 Purchased Services Lagoon Corporation Inc. Farmington UT 243 6/8/2023
57358 $3,576.45 Purchases Services Lagoon Corporation Inc. Farmington UT 243 6/8/2023
Billback April $135.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April -($87.26) Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $462.41 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $80.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $7.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $3,374.54 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $29.64 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $26.76 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $9.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $37.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $32.46 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $24.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $42.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $111.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $208.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $33.88 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $19.89 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $42.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $8.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $75.94 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $21.97 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $19.95 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $75.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Billback April $44.46 Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 241 6/8/2023
Cheer Bows FMS $520.00 Purchased Services Jessica Fisher Idaho Falls ID 242 6/8/2023
Choir Clinician $135.00 Purchases Services Alicia McQuay Rexburg Id 238 6/8/2023
Double R Feeze Goods $337.50 Supplies & Materials Trista Ricks Rigby ID 248 6/8/2023
FMCO4-Choir $803.00 Purchased Services NRD ENT. AMmon ID 244 6/8/2023
FMS-00503 -($42.44) Registration Donation Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 247 6/8/2023
FMS-00503 $866.04 Registration Donation Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 247 6/8/2023
FMS-00504 $36.00 Registration Donation Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 247 6/8/2023
FMS-005202 $840.60 Registration Donation Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 247 6/8/2023
Refund Track Fee $125.00 Purchased Services Ryan Farnsworth Rigby  ID 246 6/8/2023
REIMB Track $57.97 Supplies & Materials Audrey Maiers Rigby ID 239 6/8/2023
Staff lunch/Yearbook $35.00 Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 245 6/8/2023
Staff lunch/Yearbook $150.00 Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 245 6/8/2023
100 June 7-23 $50.00 Hope Squad Supplies CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488535 6/8/2023
100 June 7-23 $184.41 Hope Squad Supplies CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488535 6/8/2023
100 June 7-23 $238.50 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488535 6/8/2023
100 June 7-23 $93.28 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488535 6/8/2023
1241 $1,485.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488543 6/8/2023
3rd Grade Ag Days $439.32 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488545 6/8/2023
4 rolls of turf $1,200.00 Supplies & Materials Middleton High School Middleton ID 1488539 6/8/2023
6661-A May $1,527.32 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1488533 6/8/2023
9th-JV-V BBB $900.00 Supplies & Materials Preston Basketball Preston ID 1488546 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $207.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $202.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $528.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $457.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $469.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $249.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $215.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $245.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $250.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $244.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $440.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $128.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $489.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $483.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $456.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $837.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $202.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $403.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $408.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $189.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $198.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $116.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $131.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $188.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $450.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $348.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $1,016.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $457.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY 730.4 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $163.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $228.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $276.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $204.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $299.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $336.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $457.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $403.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $606.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $354.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $463.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $193.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $198.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $209.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $1,061.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $1,072.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $1,048.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $218.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $191.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $102.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $1,047.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $416.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $431.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $729.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $973.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $1,018.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
Athletic buses EOY $1,009.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
BBB Summer Camp $250.00 Supplies & Materials Snake River Valley Summer Basketball Blackfoot ID 1488541 6/8/2023
BBB Team Camp $1,350.00 Supplies & Materials College of Idaho Caldwell ID 1488544 6/8/2023
Cheer day camp food  $127.07 Supplies & Materials Belnap, Haley Rigby ID 1488534 6/8/2023
FFA to Jefferson Ele $85.32 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488536 6/8/2023
GBB tourn entry $575.00 Supplies & Materials American Falls High School American Falls ID 1488532 6/8/2023
Hope Squad ads $100.00 Hope Squad Supplies Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 1488538 6/8/2023
June 2023 Payroll 120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488537 6/8/2023
June 2023 Payroll 120.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488537 6/8/2023
June 2023 Payroll $150.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488537 6/8/2023
June 2023 Payroll $150.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488537 6/8/2023
Staff lunches EOY $132.00 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1488535 6/8/2023
Summer Shootout GBB $550.00 Supplies & Materials SUGAR SALEM HIGH SCHOOL SUGAR CITY ID 1488542 6/8/2023
Summer Showdown $500.00 Supplies & Materials PRESTON HIGH SCHOOL PRESTON ID 1488540 6/8/2023
01000732 -($411.00) Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94444 6/12/2023
01886736 $1,815.30 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94444 6/12/2023
01888924 $1,701.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94444 6/12/2023
01891293 $950.00 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94444 6/12/2023
01892189 $3,656.80 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94444 6/12/2023
01893424 $1,007.20 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94444 6/12/2023
01894281 $1,051.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 94444 6/12/2023
09 $538.52 Vendor Services Stanger, Ione Idaho Falls ID 94466 6/12/2023
10 - 06/07/2023 $6,264.76 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 94464 6/12/2023
1013 $2,275.00 Vendor Services Chad Judy Speech-Language Pathology Idaho Falls ID 94434 6/12/2023
1047411 $2,212.40 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94433 6/12/2023
1047766 $50.45 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94433 6/12/2023
10670232083 $170,000.00 Emerg Levy Technology-Laptops Dell Inc Pittsburgh PA 94437 6/12/2023
10670232083 $140,000.00 Emergency Connectivity Fund Dell Inc Pittsburgh PA 94437 6/12/2023
10670232083 $129,375.00 State Technology Supplies Dell Inc Pittsburgh PA 94437 6/12/2023
12330 $5,565.00 Literacy Supplies UZBL Newport Beach CA 94471 6/12/2023
12341 $530.00 Literacy Supplies UZBL Newport Beach CA 94471 6/12/2023
129 $750.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 94475 6/12/2023
1992 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 94479 6/12/2023
20231749 $69,960.00 Emergency Levy-RMS Cooling Tower Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94478 6/12/2023
205380 $1,598.00 Supplies and Materials Impero Portland OR 94447 6/12/2023
23555 $6,716.91 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94470 6/12/2023
23572 $2,619.12 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94470 6/12/2023
23573 $2,609.23 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94470 6/12/2023
23576 $659.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94470 6/12/2023
23863 $318.00 Emergency Levy-Radios Teton Communications, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94468 6/12/2023
240286413 2 $348.98 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94467 6/12/2023
240287122 $141.65 Supplies and Materials Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94467 6/12/2023
240290908 5 $370.67 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94467 6/12/2023
240300188 2 $1,929.97 Food Sysco Intmn. Food Service BOISE ID 94467 6/12/2023
251-051123-0010 $178.75 Vendor Services Independence O&M Services, LLC Idaho Falls ID 94448 6/12/2023
2743 $13,134.78 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 94450 6/12/2023
27890898 $802.52 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94465 6/12/2023
27910025 $76.74 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94465 6/12/2023
27910026 $436.98 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94465 6/12/2023
27910027 $1,186.64 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94465 6/12/2023
27910028 $173.30 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94465 6/12/2023
27929544 $383.79 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94465 6/12/2023
27929545 $505.32 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94465 6/12/2023
27L044834 $340.98 Supplies and Materials Anixter Glenview IL 94429 6/12/2023
28149130 $530.07 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94465 6/12/2023
28149131 $522.16 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 94465 6/12/2023
34163747 $153.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94445 6/12/2023
34178970 $90.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94480 6/12/2023
34190254 $127.05 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94480 6/12/2023
3531 $945.00 Vendor Services Ambitions of Idaho Coeur d'Alene ID 94425 6/12/2023
47082 $5,000.00 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Pasadena CA 94455 6/12/2023
47082 $5,000.00 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Pasadena CA 94455 6/12/2023
47082 $8,270.00 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Pasadena CA 94455 6/12/2023
4991 $385.00 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 94440 6/12/2023
4991 $385.00 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 94440 6/12/2023
4991 $25.22 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 94440 6/12/2023
5.1-5.5 $1,989.93 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94469 6/12/2023
5.1-6.2 $3,683.75 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 94449 6/12/2023
5.15-5.19 $2,249.60 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94469 6/12/2023
5.22-5.26 $2,382.92 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94469 6/12/2023
5.30-6.2 $1,515.88 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94469 6/12/2023
5.8-5.12 $231.42 Vendor Services The Children's Adventure Center Idaho Falls ID 94469 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1 $66.32 Hillary Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 10 $976.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 100 $38.81 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1000 $30.62 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1001 $971.51 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1002 $252.96 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1003 $170.82 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1004 $3.98 Cameron Price Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1005 $265.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1006 $36.25 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1007 $29.00 Tonks, Melissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1008 $50.75 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1009 $36.25 Kelley, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 101 $238.36 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1010 $31.00 Lawrence, Brianna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1011 $31.00 Hill, Carla Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1012 $46.50 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1013 $46.50 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1014 $29.62 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1015 $8.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1016 $34.45 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1017 -($6.03) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1018 $19.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1019 -($5.29) Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 102 $24.77 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1020 -($15.89) Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1021 $1,795.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1022 $29.78 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1023 $30.06 Life Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1024 $300.00 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1025 $83.20 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1026 $12.90 Melanie Wade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1027 $530.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1028 $8.46 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1029 $42.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 103 $1,116.34 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1030 $23.74 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1031 $110.00 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1032 $5.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1033 $325.00 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1034 $325.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1035 $34.76 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1036 $64.98 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1037 $930.10 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1038 $288.96 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1039 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 104 $57.18 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1040 $9.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1041 $32.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1042 $65.70 Concessions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1043 $30.13 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1044 $178.75 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1045 $30.81 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1046 $65.59 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1047 $413.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1048 $82.86 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1049 $18.98 Becky Birch Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 105 $40.52 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1050 $75.97 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1051 $250.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1052 $65.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1053 $139.00 Bill To Rigby Organization for Women Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1054 $55.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1055 $317.25 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1056 $0.80 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1057 $80.28 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1058 $166.44 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1059 $276.96 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 106 $135.19 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1060 $118.64 Bill to School SFE Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1061 $28.11 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1062 $170.70 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1063 $78.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1064 $935.82 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1065 $5,351.15 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1066 $198.00 Fine Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1067 $25.42 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1068 $36.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1069 $158.90 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 107 $95.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1070 $84.90 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1071 $21.01 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1072 $26.24 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1073 $118.56 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1074 $3.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1075 $1,117.07 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1076 $42.72 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1077 $58.60 Building Counseling Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1078 $30.12 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1079 $37.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 108 $678.40 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1080 $6,630.00 Fine Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1081 $47.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1082 $254.70 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1083 $364.17 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1084 $159.95 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1085 $27.83 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1086 $7.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1087 $21.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1088 $1,095.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1089 $33.89 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 109 $59.20 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1090 -($110.00) Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1091 $96.04 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1092 $411.28 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1093 $1,149.14 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1094 $255.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1095 $701.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1096 $679.70 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1097 $175.00 Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1098 $147.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1099 $191.85 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 11 $93.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 110 $103.33 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1100 $17.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1101 $159.40 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1102 $15.90 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1103 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1104 $40.27 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1105 $165.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1106 $182.84 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1107 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1108 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1109 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 111 $7.34 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1110 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1111 $182.84 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1112 $182.84 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1113 $182.84 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1114 $182.84 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1115 $182.84 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1116 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1117 $120.00 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1118 $31.66 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1119 $227.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 112 $58.29 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1120 $68.85 Melanie Wade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1121 $280.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1122 $19.38 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1123 $9.20 Sherry Curnutt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1124 $20.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1125 $20.30 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1126 $3,507.10 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1127 $18.01 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1128 $54.59 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1129 $15.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 113 $32.60 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1130 $116.91 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1131 $116.90 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1132 $1,198.55 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1133 $128.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1134 $57.78 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1135 $2.11 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1136 $29.15 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1137 $116.79 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1138 $37.10 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1139 $71.95 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 114 $71.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1140 41.99 Custodial Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1141 $66.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1142 $23.12 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1143 $29.49 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1144 $30.55 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1145 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1146 $52.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1147 $13.20 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1148 -($800.00) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1149 $195.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 115 $133.55 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1150 $88.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1151 $82.28 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1152 $69.90 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1153 $1,203.00 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1154 $1,203.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1155 $9.70 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1156 $124.91 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1157 $48.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1158 $18.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1159 $50.82 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 116 $178.54 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1160 $129.04 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1161 $58.18 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1162 $29.99 Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1163 $10.99 Melanie Wade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1164 $10.40 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1165 $10.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1166 $53.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1167 $25.51 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1168 $9.98 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1169 $25.92 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 117 $43.04 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1170 $102.22 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1171 $35.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1172 $11.49 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1173 -($14.77) Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies FMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1174 $29.10 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1175 $15.99 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1176 $15.99 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1177 $8.09 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1178 $7.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1179 $46.72 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 118 $51.87 HE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1180 $10.99 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1181 $494.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1182 $56.96 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1183 $56.96 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1184 $141.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1185 $44.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1186 $18.98 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1187 $9.78 Custodial Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1188 $23.31 Science 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1189 $24.92 Melanie Wade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 119 -($46.50) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1190 $165.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1191 $16.40 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1192 $32.97 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1193 $458.12 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1194 $33.84 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1195 $147.34 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1196 $870.00 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1197 $19.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1198 $11.87 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1199 $170.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 12 $42.98 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 120 $17.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1200 $41.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1201 $828.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1202 $18.98 Science 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1203 $314.22 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1204 $43.88 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1205 $94.62 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1206 $48.45 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1207 $33.91 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1208 $482.47 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1209 $42.80 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 121 $32.10 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1210 $63.62 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1211 $496.75 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1212 $38.07 Shari Summers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1213 $12.68 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1214 $288.82 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1215 $210.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1216 $17.49 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1217 $20.90 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1218 $20.89 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1219 $207.50 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 122 $80.47 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1220 $15.92 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1221 $9.86 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1222 $9.85 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1223 $24.37 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1224 $118.17 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1225 $16.68 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1226 $16.24 AG Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1227 $60.10 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1228 $16.60 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1229 $27.81 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 123 $123.27 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1230 $17.16 Teacher Lunch Concession Ponce Vera Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1231 $43.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1232 $6.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1233 $34.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1234 $34.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1235 $50.99 Becky Birch Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1236 $2.80 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1237 $2.80 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1238 $94.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1239 $103.27 Johnson, MaryAnn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 124 $40.32 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1240 $53.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1241 $155.04 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1242 $85.88 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1243 $29.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1244 -($53.18) Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1245 $85.88 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1246 $24,840.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1247 $14.17 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1248 $18.01 IQPS CTE Supplies Sanders Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1249 $10.46 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 125 $17.72 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1250 $25.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1251 -($7.42) Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1252 $43.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1253 $28.58 New Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1254 $33.34 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1255 $36.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1256 $31.92 Cheer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1257 $65.30 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1258 $113.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1259 $31.17 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 126 $224.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1260 $22.79 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1261 $46.50 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1262 $25.55 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1263 $38.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1264 $347.15 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1265 $483.64 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1266 $2,784.78 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1267 $9.28 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1268 $118.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1269 $172.55 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 127 $10.58 4th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1270 $40.94 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1271 $335.50 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1272 $19.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1273 $44.89 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1274 $109.51 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1275 $523.72 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1276 $24.25 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1277 $544.74 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1278 $62.22 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1279 $110.00 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 128 $414.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1280 $130.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1281 $121.44 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1282 $152.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1283 $38.12 Science 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1284 $45.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1285 $195.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1286 $41.34 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1287 $185.20 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1288 -($15.77) Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1289 $37.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 129 $345.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1290 $29.15 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1291 $14.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1292 $77.72 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1293 $23.79 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1294 $82.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1295 $14.54 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1296 $192.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1297 $27.93 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1298 $85.88 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1299 $49.85 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 13 $111.52 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 130 13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1300 $6.97 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1301 $523.72 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1302 $30.06 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1303 $2,498.52 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1304 $35.59 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1305 -($41.62) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1306 $139.88 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1307 $19.51 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1308 $27.48 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1309 $523.72 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 131 $185.33 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1310 $53.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1311 $264.96 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1312 $25.48 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1313 $43.73 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1314 $162.75 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1315 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1316 $3.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1317 $46.24 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1318 $35.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1319 $34.86 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 132 $68.78 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1320 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1321 $98.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1322 $48.04 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1323 $1,561.32 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1324 $39.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1325 $16.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1326 $123.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1327 $118.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1328 $378.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1329 $216.50 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 133 -($1.99) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1330 $21.20 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1331 $17.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1332 $167.60 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1333 $36.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1334 $47.40 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1335 $137.81 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1336 $37.58 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1337 $314.71 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1338 $47.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1339 $240.64 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 134 $90.62 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1340 $56.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1341 $148.50 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1342 $52.97 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1343 $115.87 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1344 $138.64 RHS Online Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1345 $1,076.84 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1346 $37.10 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1347 $14.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1348 $190.62 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1349 $159.00 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 135 $299.70 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1350 $19.98 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1351 $35.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1352 $391.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1353 $51.05 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1354 $99.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1355 $288.55 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1356 $56.98 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1357 $19.52 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1358 $136.07 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1359 ($10.00) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 136 $129.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1360 $35.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1361 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1362 $51.88 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1363 $7.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1364 $10.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1365 $11,281.20 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1366 $703.56 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1367 $11.27 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1368 $10.60 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1369 $58.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 137 $520.00 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1370 $109.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1371 $17.76 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1372 $5.30 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1373 $11.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1374 $107.49 National Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1375 $29.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1376 $50.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Mechanics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1377 $12.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1378 $35.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1379 $8.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 138 $108.46 Brittney Gaughan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1380 $190.28 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1381 $71.88 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1382 $35.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1383 $2.65 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1384 $35.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1385 $23.85 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1386 $7.99 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1387 $31.32 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1388 $45.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1389 $19.06 Quigley, Sara Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 139 $14.80 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1390 $12.78 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1391 -($29.46) 7th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1392 $38.18 Laura Moreno Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1393 $68.40 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1394 $52.83 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1395 $237.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1396 $25.84 Emily Peterson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1397 $38.90 STEM Grant-Vex Robotics World Champ Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1398 $4.78 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1399 $427.30 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 14 $19.04 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 140 $11.84 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1400 $20.01 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1401 $335.06 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1402 $78.78 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1403 $357.00 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1404 $43.89 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1405 $3.18 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1406 $291.80 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1407 $55.41 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1408 291.8 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1409 $9.92 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 141 $67.95 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1410 $138.93 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1411 $82.42 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1412 37.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1413 16.49 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1414 1865.36 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1415 36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1416 291.8 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1417 291.8 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1418 20.24 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1419 25.99 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 142 16.9 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1420 $31.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1421 $206.47 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1422 ($10.00) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1423 $39.41 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1424 $212.84 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1425 $216.75 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1426 $484.10 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1427 $42.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1428 $13.24 STEM Grant-Vex Robotics World Champ Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1429 $6.63 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 143 $177.68 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1430 $19.24 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1431 $40.32 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1432 $49.24 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1433 $291.80 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1434 $973.27 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1435 $98.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1436 $291.80 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1437 $94.75 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1438 $352.79 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1439 $16.55 STEM Grant-Vex Robotics World Champ Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 144 $138.66 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1440 $375.63 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1441 $85.80 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1442 $62.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1443 $45.69 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1444 $291.80 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1445 $16.95 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1446 $63.91 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1447 $19.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1448 $172.85 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1449 $30.20 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 145 $99.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1450 $291.80 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1451 $15.44 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1452 $11.88 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1453 $169.14 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1454 $16.56 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1455 $100.00 Arica Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1456 $75.00 Cristina Saldana Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1457 $44.80 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1458 $19.87 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1459 $46.04 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 146 $77.38 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1460 $80.13 Playground Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1461 $47.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1462 $24.02 STEM Grant-Vex Robotics World Champ Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1463 $528.23 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1464 $1,858.93 Faculty/Staff Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1465 $53.38 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1466 $291.80 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1467 $33.86 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1468 $56.77 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1469 $2,895.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 147 $259.97 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1470 $68.67 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1471 $17.19 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1472 $38.88 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1473 $66.41 Karlee Wilmot Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1474 $96.39 Melanie Wade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1475 $82.15 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1476 $65.81 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1477 $66.17 Krystal Fullmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1478 $172.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1479 $16.58 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 148 $129.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1480 $486.49 RMS Ponce Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1481 $4,483.60 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1482 $291.80 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1483 $5,555.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1484 $22.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1485 $1.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1486 $267.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1487 $612.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1488 $53.18 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1489 $7.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 149 $242.40 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1490 $525.00 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1491 $696.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1492 $7.28 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1493 $12.98 Outdoor Skills - Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1494 $22.74 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1495 $7.57 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1496 $749.69 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1497 $42.01 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1498 $56.54 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1499 $143.94 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 15 $309.06 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 150 $43.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1500 $110.94 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1501 $37.02 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1502 $15.99 Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1503 $24.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1504 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1505 $56.37 Jessica Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1506 $2,700.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1507 $10.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1508 $176.70 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1509 $15.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 151 $130.90 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1510 $49.78 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1511 $45.57 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1512 $32.36 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1513 $14.58 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1514 $47.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1515 $156.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1516 $40.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1517 $100.63 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1518 $3,413.03 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1519 $309.00 3rd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 152 $515.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1520 $20.29 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1521 $792.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1522 $12.72 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1523 $1,997.98 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1524 $399.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1525 $7.65 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1526 $15.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1527 $14.91 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1528 $741.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1529 $712.58 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 153 $7.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1530 $2,665.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1531 $59.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1532 $263.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1533 $4.49 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1534 $23.41 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1535 $203.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1536 $82.41 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1537 $19.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1538 $1,649.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1539 $2.12 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 154 $5,300.00 WRI-Culinary Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1540 $637.50 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1541 $33.39 Softball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1542 $666.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1543 $50.11 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1544 $68.08 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1545 $5.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1546 $119.71 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1547 $193.39 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1548 $220.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1549 $1,638.42 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 155 $113.01 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1550 $47.53 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1551 $56.58 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1552 $5.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1553 $1,254.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1554 $22.26 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1555 $6,000.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1556 $29.15 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1557 $897.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1558 $596.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1559 $13.49 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 156 $31.31 Jessica Warner Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1560 $85.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1561 $5.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1562 $48.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1563 $5.25 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1564 $184.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1565 $319.20 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1566 $68.94 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1567 $15.87 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1568 $29.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1569 $52.43 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 157 $58.25 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1570 $15.77 Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1571 $239.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1572 $39.36 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1573 $812.25 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1574 $12.05 Vending Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1575 $6.44 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1576 $239.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1577 $1,009.18 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1578 $621.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1579 $27.51 Concessions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 158 $71.86 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1580 $71.15 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1581 $66.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1582 $239.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1583 $10.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1584 $239.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1585 $34.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1586 $33.27 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1587 $47.96 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1588 $15.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1589 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 159 $175.24 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1590 $27.53 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1591 $239.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1592 $50.82 FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1593 $3.92 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1594 $13.20 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1595 $34.52 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1596 $24.29 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1597 $7.42 Wendy Norman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1598 $38.12 Friday Enrichment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1599 $15.67 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 16 $14.59 Hillary Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 160 $243.79 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1600 $239.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1601 $9.85 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1602 $29.71 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1603 $79.45 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1604 $43.07 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1605 $239.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1606 $239.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1607 $1,200.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1608 $2,855.79 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1609 $169.43 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 161 $210.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1610 $26.49 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1611 $30.29 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1612 $41.20 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1613 $44.16 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1614 $187.65 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1615 $28.62 Teacher Lunch Concession Lords Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1616 $6.36 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1617 $10.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1618 $50.33 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1619 $48.02 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 162 $419.16 WRI-Culinary Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1620 $35.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1621 $51.97 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1622 $101.10 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1623 $104.02 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1624 $17.99 Teacher Lunch Concession Lords Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1625 $210.72 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1626 $75.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1627 $14.82 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1628 $59.95 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1629 $30.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 163 $17.15 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1630 $377.13 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1631 $101.10 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1632 $145.47 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1633 $50.56 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1634 $11.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1635 $49.09 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1636 $52.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1637 $253.03 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1638 $9.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1639 $26.25 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 164 $529.93 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1640 $11.64 Laura Moreno Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1641 $46.23 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1642 $39.95 Hardman, Michael Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1643 $52.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1644 $78.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1645 $16.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1646 $7.41 Teacher Lunch Concession Lords Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1647 $323.39 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1648 $35.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1649 $35.00 World Robotic Competition Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 165 $261.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1650 $80.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1651 $98.82 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1652 $20.24 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1653 $185.05 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1654 $49.95 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1655 $15.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1656 $20.80 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1657 $81.23 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1658 $88.54 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1659 $271.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 166 $21.18 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1660 $53.18 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1661 $14.82 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1662 $20.30 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1663 $243.91 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 1664 $101.10 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 167 $104.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 168 $737.24 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 169 $12.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 17 $12.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 170 $35.28 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 171 $144.47 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 172 $288.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 173 $7.99 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 174 $1,080.71 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 175 $54.04 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 176 $28.74 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 177 $12.99 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 178 $152.61 Private Schools Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 179 $107.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 18 $30.01 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 180 $55.93 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 181 $137.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 182 $19.70 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 183 $45.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 184 $246.90 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 185 $108.61 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 186 $85.37 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 187 $20.00 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 188 $254.08 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 189 $54.87 HE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 19 $23.50 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 190 $296.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 191 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 192 $21.19 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 193 $3,495.00 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 194 $15.88 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 195 $62.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 196 $67.23 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 197 $225.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 198 $76.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 199 $53.94 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 2 $167.45 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 20 $204.25 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 200 $20.09 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 201 $100.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 202 $25.38 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 203 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 204 $89.71 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 205 $17.98 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 206 $13.25 HE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 207 $169.47 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 208 $12.98 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 209 $214.30 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 21 $28.36 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 210 $25.41 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 211 $5.28 HE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 212 $110.00 1st Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 213 $1,200.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 214 $9.53 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 215 $2,052.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 216 $368.00 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 217 $20.73 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 218 $67.50 1st Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 219 $31.02 Hardman, Michael Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 22 $54.91 Zou, Lingpei Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 220 $29.13 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 221 $31.09 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 222 $33.28 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 223 $47.52 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 224 $313.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 225 $64.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 226 $25.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 227 $70.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 228 $255.38 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 229 $391.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 23 $42.83 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 230 $26.92 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 231 $148.31 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 232 $217.86 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 233 $5,747.50 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 234 $12.74 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 235 $165.13 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 236 $48.06 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 237 $135.94 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 238 $40.06 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 239 $248.76 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 24 $75.30 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 240 $10.60 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 241 $63.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 242 $227.77 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 243 $18.51 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 244 $10.89 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 245 $72.77 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 246 $44.73 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 247 $22.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 248 $150.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 249 $1,295.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 25 $603.25 Library Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 250 $29.19 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 251 $4.49 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 252 $108.23 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 253 $76.10 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 254 $11.10 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 255 $230.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 256 $59.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 257 -($49.00) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 258 $47.61 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 259 $149.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 26 $96.05 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 260 $131.22 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 261 $17.12 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 262 $38.72 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 263 $69.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 264 $1,940.00 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Ag Welding Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 265 $119.18 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 266 $89.41 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 267 $50.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 268 $20.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 269 -($55.39) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 27 $14.49 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 270 $43.68 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 271 $385.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 272 $4.89 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 273 $174.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 274 $54.87 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 275 -($150.00) Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 276 $169.70 Social Studies 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 277 $110.28 Social Studies 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 278 $352.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 279 $85.82 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 28 $1,048.41 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 280 $32.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 281 $37.47 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 282 $126.57 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 283 $89.68 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 284 $30.03 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 285 $87.40 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 286 $2.76 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 287 $229.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 288 $38.86 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 289 $52.42 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 29 $22.93 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 290 $4,424.05 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 291 $219.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 292 $38.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 293 $265.49 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 294 $31.80 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 295 $48.61 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 296 $5.29 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 297 $242.89 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 298 $26.50 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 299 $410.36 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 3 $117.49 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 30 $20.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 300 $102.97 PE Clements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 301 $270.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 302 $15.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 303 $8.38 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 304 $30.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 305 $6.18 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 306 $14.31 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 307 $43.40 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 308 $30.56 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 309 $9.99 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 31 $131.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 310 $512.40 Library Commission Acccess Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 311 $155.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 312 $10.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 313 $49.29 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 314 $31.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 315 $84.50 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 316 $71.54 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 317 $11.93 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 318 $54.33 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 319 $207.61 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 32 $154.62 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 320 $77.88 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 321 $589.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 322 $93.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 323 $64.82 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 324 $484.50 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 325 $299.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 326 $197.21 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 327 $90.84 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 328 $21.34 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 329 $48.59 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 33 $51.73 Carsen Smith Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 330 $1.70 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 331 $3.54 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 332 $9.28 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 333 $208.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 334 $36.00 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 335 $3,574.73 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 336 $7.88 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 337 $20.69 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 338 $210.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 339 $219.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 34 $658.17 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 340 $100.17 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 341 $97.50 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 342 $23.85 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 343 -($118.00) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 344 $198.90 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 345 $69.49 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 346 $73.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 347 $10.04 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 348 $24.37 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 349 $13.25 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 35 $5.71 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 350 $23.85 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 351 $161.90 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 352 $8.48 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 353 $23.77 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 354 $116.96 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 355 $508.80 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 356 $29.98 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 357 $22.20 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 358 $157.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 359 -($20.00) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 36 $200.67 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 360 $29.00 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 361 $40.78 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 362 -($299.20) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 363 $22.25 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 364 $70.74 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 365 $249.82 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 366 $113.50 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 367 $28.62 Danielle Bogard Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 368 $15.33 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 369 $57.23 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 37 $135.66 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 370 $25.55 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 371 $43.45 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 372 $2,680.44 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 373 $64.25 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 374 $18.14 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 375 $15.92 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 376 $55.39 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 377 $18.10 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 378 -($199.00) Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 379 $44.48 Danielle Noel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 38 $7.41 Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 380 $7.93 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 381 $16.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 382 $177.76 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 383 $41.18 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 384 $28.74 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 385 $363.04 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 386 $6.90 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 387 $193.92 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 388 -($199.00) Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 389 $661.68 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 39 $19.57 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 390 $27.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 391 $10.60 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 392 $572.38 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 393 $89.93 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 394 $20.66 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 395 $21.46 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 396 $963.50 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 397 $43.23 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 398 $13.25 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 399 -($199.00) Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 4 $24.68 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 40 $15.13 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 400 $1,068.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 401 $21.15 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 402 $225.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 403 -($828.00) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 404 $74.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 405 $44.77 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 406 $12.30 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 407 $258.61 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 408 $20.00 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 409 $243.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 41 $40.02 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 410 $329.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 411 -($199.00) Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 412 $69.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 413 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 414 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 415 $227.11 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 416 $100.62 McLain, Kathryn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 417 $16.99 1st Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 418 $18.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 419 $34.71 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 42 $37.06 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 420 $99.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 421 $127.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 422 $28.59 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 423 $44.79 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 424 $13.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 425 $6.00 Debate Squad EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 426 $28.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 427 $82.70 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 428 $20.11 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 429 $119.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 43 $454.05 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 430 $6.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 431 $180.76 2nd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 432 -($199.00) Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 433 $15.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 434 $438.80 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 435 $127.85 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 436 $39.58 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 437 $23.95 McLain, Kathryn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 438 $20.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 439 $169.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 44 $28.88 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 440 $157.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 441 $7.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 442 $828.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 443 $19.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 444 $157.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 445 $533.00 Fine Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 446 $628.72 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 447 $22.67 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 448 $5.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 449 $157.95 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 45 $265.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 450 -($496.75) FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 451 $732.14 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 452 $513.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 453 $586.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 454 $15.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 455 $49.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 456 $62.85 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 457 $513.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 458 $242.10 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 459 $409.40 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 46 $98.05 Christy Bloxham Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 460 $42.32 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 461 $17.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 462 $19.99 Kylie Walker Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 463 $17,733.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 464 $49.56 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 465 $287.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 466 $33.10 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 467 $50.49 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 468 $52.72 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 469 $283.13 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 47 $16.35 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 470 $29.56 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 471 $9.27 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 472 $101.00 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 473 -($31.74) Idaho Community Foundation Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 474 $25.30 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 475 $126.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 476 $114.25 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 477 $13.77 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 478 $110.86 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 479 $154.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 48 $4,650.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 480 $72.00 Softball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 481 $119.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 482 $18.38 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 483 $115.43 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 484 $179.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 485 $855.00 RHS Creative Writing Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 486 $372.97 Bill To Trojanier Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 487 $364.52 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 488 $59.68 1st Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 489 $72.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 49 $2,526.68 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 490 $207.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 491 $158.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 492 $157.94 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 493 $58.57 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 494 $235.72 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 495 $40.51 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 496 $673.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 497 $15.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 498 $293.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 499 $17.37 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 5 $10.60 Michelle Edmonds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 50 $2,129.48 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 500 $150.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 501 $22.18 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 502 $149.85 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 503 $21.05 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 504 $401.72 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 505 $24.61 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 506 $55.08 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 507 $27.34 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 508 $110.86 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 509 $21.50 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 51 -($232.67) Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 510 $41.76 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 511 $25.52 2nd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 512 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 513 $20.77 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 514 $135.32 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 515 $34.78 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 516 $35.35 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 517 $222.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 518 $83.33 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 519 $76.00 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 52 $7.67 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 520 $11.93 Idaho Community Foundation Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 521 $69.96 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 522 $19.98 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 523 $99.62 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 524 $53.27 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 525 $18.94 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 526 $11.18 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 527 $230.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 528 $199.52 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 529 $3.98 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 53 $103.54 Harwood Makenzi Johnson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 530 $170.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 531 $42.53 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 532 $23.86 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 533 $60.42 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 534 $239.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 535 $5.99 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 536 $798.72 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 537 $4.25 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 538 -($23.05) General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 539 $18.30 FMS Free Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 54 $9.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 540 $102.57 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 541 $10.69 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 542 $77.41 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 543 $598.89 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 544 $699.53 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 545 $2,495.03 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 546 $6.90 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 547 $63.62 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 548 $23.93 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 549 $205.41 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 55 $66.76 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 550 $224.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 551 $39.56 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 552 $118.65 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 553 $190.18 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 554 $38.10 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 555 $71.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 556 $62.96 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 557 $44.46 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 558 $5,838.00 Fine Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 559 $31.76 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 56 $119.04 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 560 $75.65 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 561 $21.82 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 562 -($12.99) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 563 $20.99 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 564 $13.58 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 565 $22.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 566 $237.73 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 567 $86.30 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 568 $110.66 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 569 $16.99 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 57 $40.15 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 570 $49.60 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 571 $33.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 572 $11.19 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 573 $3.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 574 $185.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 575 $60.02 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 576 $2.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 577 $52.39 Maintenance Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 578 $13.19 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 579 $99.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 58 $104.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 580 $58.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 581 $39.82 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 582 $316.91 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 583 $519.40 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 584 $13.91 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 585 $56.15 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 586 $7.92 Eleanor Sarmiento Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 587 $63.60 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 588 $72.08 RHS Ping Pong Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 589 $66.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 59 $37.08 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 590 $192.85 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 591 $57.75 RE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 592 $168.47 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 593 $31.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 594 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 595 $5.28 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 596 $11.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 597 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 598 $82.60 RHS Immersion Trip Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 599 $9.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 6 $15.25 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 60 $21.16 4th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 600 $44.57 Katie Lemire Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 601 $1,008.39 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 602 $86.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 603 $67.49 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 604 $513.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 605 $112.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 606 $30.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 607 $16.99 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 608 $8,280.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 609 $1,583.17 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 61 $68.11 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 610 $5.30 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 611 $179.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 612 $7.45 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 613 $740.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 614 $336.00 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 615 $53.20 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 616 $103.60 District Rocket Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 617 $7.98 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 618 $17.64 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 619 $1,447.54 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 62 $12.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 620 $84.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 621 $8.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 622 $24.98 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 623 $13.34 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 624 $17.35 Hillary Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 625 $359.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 626 $50.44 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 627 $6.74 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 628 $82.22 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 629 $48.45 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 63 $71.75 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 630 $299.12 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 631 $566.29 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 632 $54.34 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 633 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 634 $14.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 635 $66.81 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 636 $7.80 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 637 $597.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 638 $7.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 639 $123.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 64 $29.60 5th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 640 $156.06 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 641 $7.58 RHS Ping Pong Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 642 $120.55 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 643 $61.19 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 644 $959.60 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 645 $451.48 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 646 $42.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 647 $231.78 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 648 $174.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 649 $7.95 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 65 $14.58 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 650 $51.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 651 $47.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 652 $856.73 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 653 $21.86 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 654 -($52.68) Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 655 $123.62 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 656 $242.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 657 $5.88 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 658 $285.11 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 659 $243.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 66 $379.29 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 660 $338.14 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 661 $44.99 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 662 $15.90 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 663 $17.09 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 664 $348.84 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 665 $149.85 Remediation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 666 $63.80 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 667 $35.81 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 668 $84.17 Health Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 669 $215.73 3rd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 67 $42.87 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 670 $161.92 Health Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 671 $75.94 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 672 $7.49 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 673 $49.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 674 $1,408.34 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 675 $14.69 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 676 $64.74 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 677 $698.91 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 678 $583.46 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 679 $23.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 68 $608.56 WRI-Culinary Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 680 $1,108.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 681 $296.45 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 682 $3,746.53 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 683 $23.56 RE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 684 $1,863.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 685 $11.65 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 686 -($6.96) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 687 $128.85 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 688 $124.22 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 689 $105.71 WLIP EF budget only Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 69 $75.77 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 690 $76.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 691 $61.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 692 $7.95 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 693 $8.88 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 694 $19.99 Amber MacPherson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 695 $97.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 696 -($63.84) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 697 $199.37 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 698 $16.03 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 699 $393.61 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 7 $25.98 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 70 $128.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 700 $1,142.07 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 701 $561.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 702 $31.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 703 $13.25 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 704 $31.96 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 705 -($76.64) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 706 $299.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 707 $140.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 708 $97.68 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 709 $22.26 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 71 $1.33 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 710 $72.08 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 711 -($52.98) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 712 $34.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 713 $22.06 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 714 $38.81 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 715 $109.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 716 $1,838.57 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 717 $13.81 FMS Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 718 $202.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 719 $707.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 72 $65.72 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 720 $159.18 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 721 $19.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 722 $2,737.36 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 723 $59.76 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 724 $693.00 Fine Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 725 $48.00 Idaho Community Foundation Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 726 $37.86 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 727 $29.69 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 728 $410.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 729 $8.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 73 $82.66 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 730 $38.62 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 731 $714.69 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 732 $35.35 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 733 $3,034.56 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 734 $17.23 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 735 $34.95 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 736 $690.01 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 737 $8.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 738 $39.80 Idaho Community Foundation Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 739 $258.75 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 74 $88.34 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 740 $3.93 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 741 $295.19 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 742 $65.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 743 $378.37 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 744 $14.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 745 $250.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 746 $39.58 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 747 $69.87 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 748 $339.15 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 749 $19.05 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 75 $35.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 750 $813.55 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 751 $11.79 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 752 $36.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 753 $697.20 Connectivity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 754 $179.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 755 $18.41 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 756 $5.50 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 757 $19.09 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 758 $59.16 Bill to School SFE Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 759 $12.83 Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 76 $144.83 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 760 $95.40 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 761 $26.66 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 762 $26.66 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 763 $26.66 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 764 $74.20 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 765 $42.82 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 766 $241.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 767 $21.45 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 768 $122.20 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 769 $324.47 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 77 $20.81 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 770 $29.60 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 771 $8.25 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 772 $12.14 Maintenance Copier Cost Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 773 $412.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 774 $17.54 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 775 $113.42 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 776 $24.62 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 777 $36.89 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 778 $83.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 779 $27.61 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 78 $57.07 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 780 $682.00 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 781 $19.15 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 782 $24.87 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 783 $156.26 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 784 $2,559.68 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 785 $44.37 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 786 $6.49 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 787 $99.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 788 $40.90 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 789 $5.00 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 79 -($221.38) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 790 $126.01 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 791 $95.10 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 792 $22.60 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 793 $15.87 Idaho Community Foundation Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 794 $1.33 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 795 $29.98 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 796 $19.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 797 $200.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 798 $22.76 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 799 $89.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 8 $70.22 1st Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 80 $107.01 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 800 $9.03 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 801 $88.89 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 802 $63.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 803 $266.43 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 804 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 805 $37.70 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 806 $3,464.72 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 807 $21.20 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 808 $19.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 809 $5.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 81 $23.37 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 810 $30.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 811 $105.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 812 $16.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 813 $5.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 814 $184.62 1st Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 815 $914.99 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 816 $55.00 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 817 -($29.10) CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 818 $167.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 819 $155.35 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 82 $976.11 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 820 $57.23 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 821 $4,567.81 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 822 $155.04 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 823 $2,188.01 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 824 $27.54 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 825 $191.86 ME Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 826 $25.41 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 827 $237.93 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 828 $7.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 829 $32.89 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 83 $32.79 WRI-Culinary Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 830 $39.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 831 $31.80 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 832 $32.08 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 833 $34.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 834 $32.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 835 $20.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 836 $258.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 837 $2,223.72 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 838 $2,000.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 839 -($27.00) Bill To Rigby Organization for Women Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 84 $2,689.78 WRI-Culinary Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 840 $3,900.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 841 $64.58 RMS Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 842 $28.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 843 $44.89 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 844 $76.82 E Sports Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 845 $19.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 846 $58.07 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 847 $756.00 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 848 $193.87 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 849 $89.90 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 85 $11.98 1st Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 850 $233.99 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 851 $80.18 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 852 $71.65 E Sports Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 853 $46.58 3rd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 854 $16.95 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 855 $66.66 Bill to School SFE Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 856 $26.02 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 857 $2.65 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 858 $301.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 859 $46.60 Physics Day Funds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 86 $51.38 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 860 $17.77 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 861 $72.28 E Sports Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 862 $6.72 Melanie Wade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 863 $31.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 864 $15.90 Lorena Reyes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 865 $6.99 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 866 $24.68 Zou, Lingpei Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 867 $1,080.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 868 $173.21 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 869 $50.86 1st Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 87 $270.00 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 870 $10.45 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 871 $45.92 Industrial Arts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 872 $190.99 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 873 $170.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 874 $375.54 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 875 $84.72 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 876 $248.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 877 $187.91 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 878 $72.07 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 879 $15.85 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 88 $600.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 880 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 881 $279.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 882 $95.12 After School Programs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 883 $209.36 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 884 $165.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 885 $140.00 CTE Travel Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 886 $8.32 Cultral Art Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 887 $146.61 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 888 $68.35 Physics Day Funds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 889 $7.41 Brenda James Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 89 $1,695.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 890 $81.55 1st Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 891 $5.74 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 892 $5.73 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 893 $41.49 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 894 $10.57 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 895 $344.43 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 896 $162.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 897 $16.90 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 898 $1,716.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 899 $186.54 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 9 $44.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 90 $38.84 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 900 $73.23 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 901 $812.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 902 $13.77 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 903 $105.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 904 $149.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 905 -($199.98) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 906 $22.53 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 907 $43.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 908 $25.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 909 $39.68 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 91 -($24.37) Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 910 $8.47 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 911 $743.72 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 912 $23.88 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 913 $653.65 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 914 $1.01 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 915 $108.49 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 916 $119.40 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 917 $91.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 918 $16.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 919 $126.85 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 92 $38.99 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 920 $39.20 Meranda Jacobson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 921 $203.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 922 $197.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 923 $268.14 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 924 $108.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 925 $573.50 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 926 $37.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 927 $18.34 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 928 $456.40 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 929 $520.74 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 93 $31.80 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 930 $26.98 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 931 $24.95 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 932 $58.49 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 933 $169.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 934 $15.98 Pre Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 935 $239.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 936 $12.90 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 937 $7.56 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 938 $265.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 939 $59.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 94 $10.86 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 940 $175.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 941 $318.18 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 942 $49.00 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 943 $111.72 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 944 $217.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 945 $255.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 946 $19.08 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 947 $20.94 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 948 $130.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 949 $54.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 95 $350.61 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 950 $91.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 951 $101.63 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 952 $666.40 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 953 $33.99 National Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 954 $239.70 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 955 $65.45 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 956 $31.76 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 957 $229.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 958 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 959 -($74.55) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 96 -($5.88) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 960 $64.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 961 $193.75 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 962 $610.20 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 963 $30.73 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 964 $12.74 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 965 $53.00 SOAR Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 966 $15.32 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 967 $50.84 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 968 $14.14 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 969 $165.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 97 $148.36 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 970 $755.89 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 971 $117.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 972 $6.75 Life Skills Sips N Snacks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 973 $23.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 974 $18.76 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 975 $31.72 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 976 $149.60 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 977 $18.95 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 978 $27.91 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 979 $68.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 98 $200.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 980 $51.34 United Way Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 981 $8.42 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 982 $9.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 983 $147.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 984 $320.00 Physics Day Funds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 985 $94.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 986 $31.22 Physics Day Funds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 987 $409.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 988 $225.94 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 989 $47.74 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 99 $155.19 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 990 $1.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 991 $70.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 992 $55.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 993 $40.95 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 994 $13.79 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 995 $172.98 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 996 $150.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 997 $23.05 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 998 $202.18 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
5/31/2023 999 $68.71 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2023
57365 $594.00 Physics Day Funds Lagoon Corporation Inc Farmington UT 94454 6/12/2023
604107896 $4,546.85 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 94443 6/12/2023
82228 $214.50 Attorney Fees Anderson Julian & Hull Boise ID 94426 6/12/2023
8336349 $2,068.07 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94458 6/12/2023
8343885 $4,093.67 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94458 6/12/2023
8351575 $1,039.68 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94458 6/12/2023
8359191 $5,112.66 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94458 6/12/2023
871059827 $463.02 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 94453 6/12/2023
871059827 $463.01 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Kone Inc. Chicago IL 94453 6/12/2023
89415290001766 $772.66 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94431 6/12/2023
89415290001815 $698.06 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94431 6/12/2023
89415290001864 $671.17 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94431 6/12/2023
89415290001911 $671.07 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94431 6/12/2023
928145 $1,424.35 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 94456 6/12/2023
Ad#377505 $205.48 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 94452 6/12/2023
All Night Sr Party $200.00 RHS Senior Party Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94461 6/12/2023
April 2023 $14,259.00 Vendor Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 94460 6/12/2023
C. KnickrehmConfReg $350.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm West Ada School District Meridian ID 94474 6/12/2023
CC Adjustment $1,286.85 Orchestra Bill To School Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94462 6/12/2023
CC Adjustment $16.59 Video Gaming Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94462 6/12/2023
CC Adjustment $87.79 English 8th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94462 6/12/2023
CC Adjustment $97.67 Social Studies 6th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94462 6/12/2023
EdFd Counselors $250.16 FMS Counselors Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
ExemplarTrojanCards $134.00 General Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94462 6/12/2023
FieldTrips $50.00 4th Grade General Needs Jefferson Elementary Rigby ID 94451 6/12/2023
FieldTrips $341.25 4th Grade General Needs Jefferson Elementary Rigby ID 94451 6/12/2023
FMS 5.16.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
FMS 5.2.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
FMS 5.23.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
FMS 5.9.23 $106.80 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
FMS Title Supplies $26.97 General Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
Girls VB $350.00 FMS Girls Volleyball Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
H002485-2023 $125.00 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Div. of Occupational & Prof.  Licences Boise ID 94439 6/12/2023
HopeSquadSupplies $65.00 RMS Hope Squad Curriculum Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94462 6/12/2023
IDRONERE202305 $2,216.17 Supplies & Materials iDrone Boise ID 94446 6/12/2023
IN-474121-23 $30,025.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Conrad Bischoff Idaho Falls ID 94435 6/12/2023
IN117381 $11,600.00 State Technology Supplies VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94472 6/12/2023
JCEF 7th BBB $1,845.00 FMS Boys Basketball 7th Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JCEF 7th VB $2,025.00 FMS Volleyball 7th Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JCEF 8th BBB $740.00 FMS Boys Basketball 8th Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JCEF 8th VB $1,350.00 FMS Volleyball 8th Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JCEF FMS Band $600.00 FMS Band Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JCEF FMS Cheer $1,295.00 Cheer Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JCEF FMS Choir $1,226.00 FMS Choir Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JCEF FMS Girls BB $2,660.00 FMS Girls Basketball Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JCEF FMS Track $5,012.00 FMS Track Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JCEF Wrestling $2,050.00 FMS Wrestling Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
JeffSDID-XiaohuaYin $1,400.00 WLIP EF budget only Cordell Hull Foundation New York NY 94436 6/12/2023
JHS Graduation $37.50 Custodial Services Rigby High School Anderson, Jacob Lazenby Rigbt ID 94427 6/12/2023
June 2023 $4,924.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 94438 6/12/2023
June 6, 2023 $56.00 District Office Services Nelson Hall Parry Tucker Idaho Falls ID 94457 6/12/2023
LBLA2387594 $65.23 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
LBLA2387594 $5.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
LBLA2389551 $61.16 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
LBLA2389551 $5.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
LBLA2391550 $61.16 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
LBLA2391550 $5.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
LBLA2393574 $61.16 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
LBLA2393574 $5.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
LBLA2395538 $63.64 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
LBLA2395538 $5.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94424 6/12/2023
M.M. 23-006 5.6-6.2 $3,886.13 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 94463 6/12/2023
Math Counts $1,000.00 Math Counts Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94442 6/12/2023
May 2023 $11,048.50 Vendor Services Anderson, Michelle M. Idaho Falls ID 94428 6/12/2023
Meal Reimb $289.97 Girls Softball EF Supplies Bishop, April Rigby ID 94432 6/12/2023
Mileage 1.19-2.6 $39.90 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94430 6/12/2023
Mileage 1.3-1.18 $61.00 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94430 6/12/2023
Mileage 11.17-12.5 $55.35 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94430 6/12/2023
Mileage 12.6-1.2 $71.15 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94430 6/12/2023
Mileage 2.23-3.2 $62.45 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94430 6/12/2023
Mileage 2.7-2.22 $65.25 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94430 6/12/2023
Mileage 3.2-3.28 $70.45 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94476 6/12/2023
Mileage 3.2-3.28 -($70.45) Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94476 6/12/2023
Mileage 3.6-3.30 $67.70 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 94473 6/12/2023
Mileage 4.12-4.28 $58.10 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94430 6/12/2023
Mileage 4.26-5.24 $50.95 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 94473 6/12/2023
Mileage 4.28-5.17 $48.55 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94430 6/12/2023
Mileage 4.3-4.25 $72.50 Title II Travel Webster, Jessica H Rigby ID 94473 6/12/2023
Mileage 5.17-6.5 $46.05 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94430 6/12/2023
Milege 3.2-3.28 $70.45 Title II Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 94477 6/12/2023
P. Pereira Choir $130.00 Choir EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94461 6/12/2023
RHS 5.16.23 $115.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
RHS 5.2.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
RHS 5.23.23 $115.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
RHS 5.9.23 $160.20 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
RMS 5.16.23 $97.90 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
RMS 5.2.23 $89.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
RMS 5.23.23 $97.90 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
RMS 5.9.23 $97.90 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 94459 6/12/2023
Senior Awards Night $45.00 Custodial Services Rigby High School Anderson, Jacob Lazenby Rigbt ID 94427 6/12/2023
Senior Showcase $390.00 Custodial Services Rigby High School Anderson, Jacob Lazenby Rigbt ID 94427 6/12/2023
Softball Jerseys $428.92 Girls Softball EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94461 6/12/2023
Supply Reimb 6.6.23 $124.02 General Supplies & Materials Erikson, Ryan Joseph Rexburg ID 94441 6/12/2023
202216 $5,910.00 Purchased Services Yearbook University Kaysville UT 57167051 6/12/2023
4199395358 $210.81 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57167050 6/12/2023
4199396238 $29.75 Supplies & Materials Old Faithful Beverage Idaho Falls ID 57167050 6/12/2023
CTE Construction $10,872.65 CTE Supplies Building Construction Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94482 6/13/2023
I. Morales Visa 3460 WLIP EF budget only Law Office of Janice Radler Olson PLLC Midvale UT 94481 6/13/2023
32265 Grill $425.00 Supplies & Materials Premier Powder Coating & Custom  Fab. Rexburg ID 1488547 6/13/2023
Per Diem AP Conf $80.00 Supplies & Materials Rains, Camille Rexburg ID 1488548 6/13/2023
Per Diem AP Conf $80.00 Supplies & Materials Stoddard, Benjamin Rexburg ID 1488549 6/13/2023
CC Adjustments $1,286.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
CC Adjustments $16.59 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
June Payroll 2 $460.42 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167054 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $472.63 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $155.35 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $431.14 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $64.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $7.49 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $755.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $30.06 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $1,857.71 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $39.72 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $668.86 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $105.99 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $71.86 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $19.14 Flex Fund Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $53.00 SOAR Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $30.13 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $54.02 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $93.21 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Bill Backs $17.16 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167052 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $15.79 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $220.30 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $155.46 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $3.31 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $150.58 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $0.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $32.71 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $2.81 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $1.50 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $1.19 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $1.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $1.09 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $2.77 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
May 23 Sales Tax $8.15 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167053 6/13/2023
34231965 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94483 6/14/2023
MathBadgingConfPD $102.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 94486 6/14/2023
MathBadgingConfPD $102.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 94487 6/14/2023
MathBadgingConfPD $102.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Vance, Branden Rigby ID 94488 6/14/2023
May 2023 $46.05 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $75.06 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $13.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $1,707.29 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $2,293.83 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $5.86 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $5.86 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $1,051.18 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $485.70 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $1,557.31 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $1,400.24 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $13.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $6.94 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $3,546.96 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $13.79 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $1,970.75 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $18.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $5,569.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $6,111.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $17.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $35.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $1,976.19 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $285.50 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $4,429.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $5.86 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $5.86 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $17,093.44 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $1,257.13 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $96.75 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $360.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $216.30 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
May 2023 $1,047.67 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/14/2023
PrincipalMentorPDJun $63.50 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hancock, Dallin Menan ID 94484 6/14/2023
PrincipalMentorPDJun $63.50 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Hancock, Dallin Menan ID 94484 6/14/2023
PrincipalMentorPDJun $63.50 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Parkes, Barry Idaho Falls ID 94485 6/14/2023
PrincipalMentorPDJun $63.50 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Parkes, Barry Idaho Falls ID 94485 6/14/2023
0099 partial $2,250.00 Purchased Services Coach Rod Consulting, LLC Idaho Falls ID 57167055 6/14/2023
23721 $151.00 Purchased Services Servco Inc Rigby ID 57167056 6/14/2023
Fencing Downpayment $12,500.00 SPFF RHS Track Performance Fencing Rigby ID 94490 6/15/2023
Mileage 4.2-6.4 $149.10 Custodial Services Hayes, Danyel Lewisville ID 94489 6/15/2023
133053 Recycling $57.00 Supplies & Materials Western Recycling-Curbside Idaho Falls ID 1488553 6/15/2023
134306 $9.50 Supplies & Materials Western Recycling-Curbside Idaho Falls ID 1488554 6/15/2023
Dance bottle engrave $138.00 Supplies & Materials Progressive Laser Engraving Ammon ID 1488552 6/15/2023
JJ-2384 $440.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488550 6/15/2023
JJ-2394 $129.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1488550 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $29.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $31.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $31.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $29.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $58.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $21.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $25.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $22.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $5.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $49.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $39.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $18.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $115.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $53.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $108.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $63.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $393.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $58.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $22.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $60.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $53.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $13.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $8.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $9.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $100.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $508.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $23.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $275.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $64.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $55.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $158.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $127.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $17.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $598.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $84.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $135.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $76.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $235.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $168.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $85.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $77.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $89.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $959.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $243.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $530.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $1,200.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $157.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $178.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $41.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $737.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $33.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $72.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $5.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $8.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $12.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $6.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $6.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $124.91 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $65.45 Hope Squad Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $95.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $661.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $74.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($27.00) Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $139.00 Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $72.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $76.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $71.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $52.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $37.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $15.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $21.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $7.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $13.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $25.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $25.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $119.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 78.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 82.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $115.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $31.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $15.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $31.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $2,918.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $38.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $2,000.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $22.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $18.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $38.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $29.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $288.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $27.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $88.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $8.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $193.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $411.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $456.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $27.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $7.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $58.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $9.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $15.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $77.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $85.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $85.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $1,047.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $335.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $3,464.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $202.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $314.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $110.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $187.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $185.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $29.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $64.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $47.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $32.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $50.82 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $12.72 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $14.91 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $48.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $11.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $141.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $159.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $29.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $261.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $80.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $128.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $265.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $22.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $23.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $378.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $19.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $169.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $43.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $19.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $528.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $172.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $87.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $50.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $190.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $57.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $165.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $204.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $31.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $88.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $7.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $283.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 29.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 7.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 62.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 15.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $133.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $67.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $89.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $4.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $189.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($24.37) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $97.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $658.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $37.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $119.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $32.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 4.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $48.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $976.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $72.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $47.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $14.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $199.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $566.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $525.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 19.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 335.5 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $749.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $85.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $1,649.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $68.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $19.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $57.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $144.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $19.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $458.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $158.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $68.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $372.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $610.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $347.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $454.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $108.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $6,828.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $5,838.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $693.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $533.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $755.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $33.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. ($74.55) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $120.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $31.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $75.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $1,915.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $58.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $98.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $98.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $265.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $17.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $16.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $13.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $703.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $24.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $210.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $207.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $75.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $401.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($10.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $8.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $294.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $16.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($10.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($20.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($299.20) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $55.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $11.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $25.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $71.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $14.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $137.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $3.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($12.99) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($55.39) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($6.96) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $10.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $18.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $18.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $71.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 238.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $48.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $20.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $30.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $29.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $84.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $2,188.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $4,567.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $1,008.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. -($232.67) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $219.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. 409 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $1,863.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Bill Back. $40.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $5.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $6.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $10.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $24.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $31.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $8.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $6.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $47.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $32.38 Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $23.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $5.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $3.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $548.83 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $19.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $17.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $4.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $37.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
May 2023 Sales Tax $284.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488551 6/15/2023
2014 $530.00 Supplies & Materials MC Hometown Printing Rigby ID 57167057 6/15/2023
May 2023 (1) $19.73 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/16/2023
4199391980 $123.00 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1488556 6/19/2023
June 2023 Statement $189.84 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1488557 6/19/2023
State Tennis hotel $1,190.00 Supplies & Materials BEST WESTERN VISTA INN BOISE ID 1488555 6/19/2023
34222979 $585.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94491 6/20/2023
34227463 $83.00 Maintenance Copier Cost Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94491 6/20/2023
V146622 $4,237.07 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 6/20/2023
V154787 $100.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 6/20/2023
V214131 $35,578.35 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/20/2023
V259459 $3,162.51 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94492 6/20/2023
V270303 $32,029.52 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94492 6/20/2023
V362324 $327.25 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 6/20/2023
V394532 $403,648.81 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94492 6/20/2023
V481887 $3,422.62 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94492 6/20/2023
V483854 $3,800.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43973 6/20/2023
V490973 $152,128.49 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/20/2023
V508508 $12,901.66 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94492 6/20/2023
V59597 ($1,395.92) PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 6/20/2023
V647475 $137.20 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Texas Life Waco TX 0 6/20/2023
V701545 8664.95 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/20/2023
V834133 2026.52 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/20/2023
V859081 $301,332.51 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 6/20/2023
V921156 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $16.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $6.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $520.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $678.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $376.91 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $173.78 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $19.76 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $59.26 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 -($23.05) Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $362.99 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $69.49 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $30.29 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $191.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $83.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $175.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $49.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $70.86 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $12.05 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $28.59 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $14.14 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $270.00 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $117.49 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $75.94 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $325.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $54.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $8.46 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Billbacks May 23 $15.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 249 6/20/2023
Sales Tax May 23 $129.76 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 250 6/20/2023
Sales Tax May 23 $7.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 250 6/20/2023
Sales Tax May 23 $5.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 250 6/20/2023
Sales Tax May 23 $4.40 Student Council 8th Gr Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 250 6/20/2023
$12,194.71 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,092.37 GROSS PAYROLL Abplanalp, Shelbe Jo  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,770.92 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,314.79 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,608.80 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,407.47 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,315.24 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Gordon Jay  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$588.91 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Rebecca Sue  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$240.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alvarez-Garcia, Julia Marie  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,179.02 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,043.09 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$206.42 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Julie Lazenby  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,383.46 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,454.71 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,893.65 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 6/20/2023
$765.34 GROSS PAYROLL Angell, Kathryn Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,281.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,787.90 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,851.50 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,903.80 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,819.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,698.35 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,102.64 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$693.02 GROSS PAYROLL Atwood, Danielle   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,574.92 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$394.60 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee Taylor  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,929.10 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$130.50 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Rachel Nichole  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$297.44 GROSS PAYROLL Ball, Ronda Fielding  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,547.88 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,406.18 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,619.06 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,018.65 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,042.99 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,805.45 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos Dias, Manuel   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,684.66 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,730.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,787.90 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$826.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bates Orgill, Tracie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,479.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,257.12 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$833.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,043.82 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,051.01 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$694.83 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,842.13 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,397.11 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$28.35 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,247.88 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$603.04 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Rachel Louise  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,543.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,906.62 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,213.88 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,459.05 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,980.71 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,647.42 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$693.50 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,985.16 GROSS PAYROLL Blaylock, Rachel Marie  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$150.66 GROSS PAYROLL Blodgett, Cassidy   Highland UT 0 6/20/2023
$1,493.98 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,015.94 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,079.78 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,597.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,194.98 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,102.12 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 6/20/2023
$846.10 GROSS PAYROLL Bolleurs, Michele Brook  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,628.05 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,015.52 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,583.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,839.55 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,087.76 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$635.28 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 6/20/2023
$951.66 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,018.60 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,574.69 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,869.94 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,652.69 GROSS PAYROLL Bozung, Jodi Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,120.88 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,865.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,464.80 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$10,192.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$80.45 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,118.80 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$173.77 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Jessica Rudd  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,417.05 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$872.68 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$993.08 GROSS PAYROLL Bryner, Marie Sue  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,386.01 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,374.16 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Dona Jeanne  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,882.49 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,204.19 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$567.10 GROSS PAYROLL Burris, Joshua D  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,144.54 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Rachel Elizabeth  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$136.09 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,929.10 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,047.45 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Stephanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$478.92 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$55.16 GROSS PAYROLL Bybee, Chelsey Jackson  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$972.37 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,128.91 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,163.47 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,248.99 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,301.88 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,986.66 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Nicole Virginia  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,336.03 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$557.16 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,032.07 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,193.07 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$78.71 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Jennifer Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$867.32 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Kirstyn Ann  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,503.12 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,710.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,546.61 GROSS PAYROLL Castro, Carmen Navarro  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,103.35 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,139.90 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,580.22 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,810.87 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,351.98 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$762.91 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,793.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$795.74 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Holly Ann  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,239.57 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$772.34 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,098.89 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$647.57 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,320.50 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,071.63 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,050.21 GROSS PAYROLL Collier, Samuel Christopher  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$655.15 GROSS PAYROLL Collins, Megan Lee Anne  Rigby Id 0 6/20/2023
$8,598.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,384.34 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$714.62 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,497.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,852.03 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,011.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,668.79 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 6/20/2023
$809.83 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,559.94 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,194.98 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,019.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,054.10 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$828.31 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$783.36 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,335.21 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$838.25 GROSS PAYROLL Craner, Christine Rae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$864.65 GROSS PAYROLL Crawford, Megan Elaine  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,201.74 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$895.09 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Jenni Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,322.60 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,352.58 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$11,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$372.89 GROSS PAYROLL Curtis, Chelsea Anne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$877.09 GROSS PAYROLL Daarud, Traci   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,328.52 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda Kiersten  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,713.55 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,272.88 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,627.96 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,886.10 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,839.55 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,185.59 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,387.43 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,795.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,108.20 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,236.03 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$925.91 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,343.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,140.66 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$22.18 GROSS PAYROLL Doman, Shacie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,609.57 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,591.51 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$9,059.55 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,796.43 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,946.22 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$743.22 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,954.27 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$9,005.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duffey, Julian Beecher  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$181.04 GROSS PAYROLL Dunn, Bryan John  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,119.39 GROSS PAYROLL Durgin, Elizabeth Haven  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,963.17 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,909.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$552.94 GROSS PAYROLL Eastmond, Angela Dawn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,685.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$176.42 GROSS PAYROLL Elder, Monica Selina  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,726.98 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,076.92 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,091.75 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$790.00 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,487.43 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 6/20/2023
$993.64 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$80.07 GROSS PAYROLL Faneus, Rebecca Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,369.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,814.71 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,344.29 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$774.52 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,195.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$36.25 GROSS PAYROLL Flinders, Peggy Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,019.79 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$972.95 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,849.65 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$239.04 GROSS PAYROLL Forero, Mazie Jill  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,319.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,223.43 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$760.53 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee Verl  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,143.65 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,715.24 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,539.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,158.13 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,216.40 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$706.01 GROSS PAYROLL Frickey, Amanda Desiree  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$13,405.74 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,556.52 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Kelsi Kae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,090.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,936.98 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,113.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,310.36 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,503.12 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$778.05 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Boyd J  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$400.24 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,570.99 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,377.72 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$154.27 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Draydon Luis  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,957.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$746.72 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Laurinda Ann  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,499.93 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Salvador   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,409.20 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$975.66 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,044.89 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,517.80 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$542.55 GROSS PAYROLL Gessel, Savannah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,725.82 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$539.09 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Cassidy Marie  St. Anthony ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,547.16 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$610.48 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$919.26 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,914.48 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,105.43 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$655.36 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,574.92 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$639.05 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$970.92 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,207.73 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,758.94 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,122.88 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,147.53 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,334.34 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,937.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,470.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,627.45 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,258.95 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$822.25 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,335.15 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,839.55 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,696.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$43.54 GROSS PAYROLL Guthrie, Brooke Nichole  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,662.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert Allen  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,047.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,055.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$180.77 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile Hansen  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,571.58 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,052.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,592.20 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,385.04 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,770.03 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,184.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,165.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,139.63 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,307.63 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,905.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$578.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Stacey Diane  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,151.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$722.26 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$762.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Lacy Marie Jasper  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,355.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$393.75 GROSS PAYROLL Harkness, Rebecca Arin  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,929.10 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,760.62 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$637.19 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,919.79 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$716.76 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$717.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hartwell, Kaylee Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,543.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,039.93 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$833.41 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Ginnie Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,719.63 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Danyel   Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,163.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Hanna Lee  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$689.53 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,555.99 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$762.81 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,929.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 6/20/2023
$87.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hendrix, Avrey D R  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,066.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$793.49 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,037.81 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$925.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$82.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Ashlyn   Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,993.65 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,470.54 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$760.94 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$409.04 GROSS PAYROLL Hirschi-Keister, Rachel Garcia  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,411.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk Daniel  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,662.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,461.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$880.16 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$903.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hogan, Amy Kathleen  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$200.98 GROSS PAYROLL Hokanson, Teyah Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,326.12 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$44.18 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,698.35 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$756.21 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$213.41 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,225.57 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,383.61 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Mary Ellen Smith  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$38.01 GROSS PAYROLL Houx, Kaitllyn Morgan  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,553.88 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard Carloss  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$135.23 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Stacey Bell  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,308.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,769.13 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 6/20/2023
$823.20 GROSS PAYROLL Hughes, Julie Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,503.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,895.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,130.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,361.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$82.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hunting, Kamryn Payge  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,734.12 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,817.03 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Stephen Miles  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$464.94 GROSS PAYROLL Ireland, Connor James  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,100.80 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$119.20 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,957.91 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,838.40 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,623.96 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$782.65 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,264.35 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,973.89 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,149.35 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$972.99 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,819.12 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$602.27 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,634.85 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$490.77 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Daniel Christian  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,171.62 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric Allen  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,044.73 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,033.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,155.32 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,261.74 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,194.21 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,887.29 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,018.65 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,655.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,758.34 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$186.15 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Shelby R  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,468.35 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$779.43 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$983.31 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,255.65 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,786.62 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,755.34 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$842.92 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,088.02 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$554.14 GROSS PAYROLL Keetch, Lucy Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,007.15 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, Sydni Marie  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,122.34 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,685.27 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,591.20 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,557.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.16 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,845.47 GROSS PAYROLL Kelly, Raen O  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,706.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,439.96 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,115.47 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$991.44 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,498.35 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,518.44 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,303.65 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,053.24 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,471.84 GROSS PAYROLL Knickrehm, Courtney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,725.82 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$984.18 GROSS PAYROLL Kristensen, Emma   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$330.11 GROSS PAYROLL Kushmaul Hess, Mary Pamela  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$148.58 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Rochelle Cardon  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$405.06 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,820.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,079.52 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,591.51 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,710.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$621.03 GROSS PAYROLL Lengle, Ernest Stuart  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,222.71 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$827.36 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Lacey Danell  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,698.35 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$555.47 GROSS PAYROLL Liddicoet, Brennen T  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,884.34 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,669.79 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$953.13 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Benjamin F  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,295.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,623.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,802.87 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber Candice  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$9,334.88 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,198.07 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,080.21 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,847.89 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$854.48 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$632.68 GROSS PAYROLL Maiers, Audrey Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$811.74 GROSS PAYROLL Mair, Melissa Lin  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$579.40 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,263.24 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,602.84 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$416.57 GROSS PAYROLL Marcusen, Jayde Isabelle Lucy  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,187.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,494.60 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$27,787.65 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$953.93 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,546.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martinez, Beatriz Adriana  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,091.24 GROSS PAYROLL Mayberry, Christa Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,618.40 GROSS PAYROLL McCoppin, Zachriel Matthias  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,068.71 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,282.54 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,261.71 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,676.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$957.43 GROSS PAYROLL Menk, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$845.78 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,318.34 GROSS PAYROLL Messick, Sheena Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,444.50 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$9,826.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,440.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,671.00 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$103.16 GROSS PAYROLL Moedl, Allyx Oborn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$989.77 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,081.49 GROSS PAYROLL Moody, Jessica Johanna  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,237.82 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,200.34 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,750.26 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,004.89 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,436.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,276.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,118.65 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,324.01 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$803.23 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Mary Melinda  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,397.80 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,666.60 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$422.09 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,184.18 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,881.65 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Shiloh Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$845.49 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Jacqualyn Elise  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,123.41 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,278.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,100.27 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,349.20 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$984.78 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$600.39 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,574.27 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 6/20/2023
$1,037.48 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 6/20/2023
$6,800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,157.53 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,439.96 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,194.98 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,836.75 GROSS PAYROLL Ocampo De Juarez, Maria Anabel  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$603.23 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,813.01 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$199.43 GROSS PAYROLL Oliva, Adelay Hope  Charlottesville VA 0 6/20/2023
$1,395.99 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,075.99 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,269.10 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,179.23 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$913.68 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 6/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$816.12 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,734.22 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,307.19 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,929.10 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 6/20/2023
$9,279.02 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry Grant  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,964.55 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,119.98 GROSS PAYROLL Parrott, Jalen Marie  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$949.06 GROSS PAYROLL Patch, Keira Leigh  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$823.22 GROSS PAYROLL Paterson, Stephanie Joanne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,937.83 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,116.70 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$199.86 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,691.85 GROSS PAYROLL Pereira, Michelle Rene  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,741.50 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$522.09 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Erin A  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$908.94 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,703.60 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$930.82 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Camille Corinne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,547.88 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$10,378.81 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$42.94 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Trisha Beal  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,589.07 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,292.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,895.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$803.57 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Kuniko Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,152.20 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa Gay  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$286.59 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Whittney Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,754.29 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,564.04 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,764.72 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$415.30 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Traci Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,397.31 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,220.93 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$741.19 GROSS PAYROLL Quirl, Shaunee   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,463.72 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,378.48 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,653.59 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,890.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,327.41 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,826.63 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Kathryn Rose  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,698.80 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$567.62 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$405.78 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Brian Matthew  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,437.12 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,349.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$315.79 GROSS PAYROLL Ricter, Korina Noel  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,059.32 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$27.09 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$171.61 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Sheela Mae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$820.89 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Cassie Janiel  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,555.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,992.29 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,338.89 GROSS PAYROLL Robinson, Madison Kay  Rexburg Id 0 6/20/2023
$1,031.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,372.75 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,484.72 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$10,506.65 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,997.92 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,742.40 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,106.55 GROSS PAYROLL Rowe, April Renee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$284.67 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Brooke Janae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,657.55 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,728.86 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Sugar City ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,983.54 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,759.04 GROSS PAYROLL Sautter, Macy Michelle  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$11,844.34 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$205.21 GROSS PAYROLL Scadden, Sarah Jane  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,794.81 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,011.18 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,057.63 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$824.47 GROSS PAYROLL Schultz, Heather Elise  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,053.45 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$587.24 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,292.75 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,492.18 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,725.34 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$9,027.88 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,813.37 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,196.61 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily Rose  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,449.62 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,245.15 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,290.94 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$34.00 GROSS PAYROLL Shumway, Bonny Jo  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,941.43 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$673.05 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$836.19 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,499.63 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,721.50 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,024.59 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$833.63 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$911.93 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$24.14 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$439.03 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jordan Taylor  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,243.50 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,020.25 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,134.72 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,028.31 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$524.76 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$913.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$450.64 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$577.09 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Caitlyn Danielle  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$631.64 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$649.56 GROSS PAYROLL Snyder, Stephanie Nicole  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$828.35 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,386.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,075.73 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,147.62 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$10,070.18 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,172.79 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,066.77 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,241.47 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,185.21 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,794.79 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$912.54 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,830.28 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,018.65 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$952.05 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,294.55 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,674.91 GROSS PAYROLL Stoltenberg, Tambra Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,440.16 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,552.21 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,018.65 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,194.97 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,134.80 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 6/20/2023
$558.46 GROSS PAYROLL Sudweeks, Loretta Shaver  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,245.93 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,733.89 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$838.41 GROSS PAYROLL Sutton, McKenzie Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$947.27 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,915.50 GROSS PAYROLL Talavera, Beatriz Escobar  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,013.38 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,183.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,577.83 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$395.07 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,318.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,199.82 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,839.55 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,573.04 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$373.24 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,438.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,884.34 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,069.75 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn W  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$749.05 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$569.66 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,860.38 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$224.38 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,166.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 6/20/2023
$9,628.09 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,252.60 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,081.35 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,116.82 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,546.72 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$991.61 GROSS PAYROLL Tollefson, Chera Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,422.88 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,310.22 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,748.83 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 6/20/2023
$875.61 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 6/20/2023
$265.10 GROSS PAYROLL Trost, Bradley W  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,741.19 GROSS PAYROLL Tullis, Colten George  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,688.98 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$607.44 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,793.84 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Ronald Raymond  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,757.96 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$914.13 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,186.59 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,645.91 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,093.98 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose Carlos Jr  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,135.31 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$749.84 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,397.21 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,815.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,717.88 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$812.20 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$295.58 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kathy Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,636.27 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,389.05 GROSS PAYROLL Walker-Dixon, LuAnn Patricia  Lewisville ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$702.53 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$957.40 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 6/20/2023
$989.57 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Jacob Gregory  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,675.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,207.69 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Dakila Ashley  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,967.14 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,944.43 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$152.63 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,914.19 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$706.07 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$7,114.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,128.30 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Ivie Mae  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,881.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,751.96 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,632.50 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$711.53 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$301.55 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$987.38 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,708.59 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$650.65 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,844.17 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$776.57 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,854.55 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 6/20/2023
$2,134.93 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 6/20/2023
$897.57 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,182.55 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$131.18 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$98.73 GROSS PAYROLL Williman, Veronica   Ririe ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$8,307.50 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 6/20/2023
$74.50 GROSS PAYROLL Winchester, Heidi Luke  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$980.01 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$435.78 GROSS PAYROLL Womack, Lisa Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,165.32 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,891.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$649.61 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kamilyn Noelle  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$10.62 GROSS PAYROLL Yates, Julie   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,674.71 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,034.72 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,844.34 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$45.47 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Markus Landon  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$975.50 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,544.15 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$17,294.79 GROSS PAYROLL Zamarron, Lorenza   Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$1,276.42 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Ying H  Rigby ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,897.10 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$6,752.37 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,870.93 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 6/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 6/20/2023
$3,147.53 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 6/20/2023
$207.53 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Jackson W  Rigby ID 62498 6/20/2023
$41.30 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 62499 6/20/2023
$134.24 GROSS PAYROLL Gallacher, Kallie Colleen  Shelley ID 62500 6/20/2023
$112.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62501 6/20/2023
$452.13 GROSS PAYROLL Patching, Nicholas   Rexburg ID 62502 6/20/2023
$979.02 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Maurette Bateman  Rigby ID 62503 6/20/2023
$912.46 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Kamri Suzan  Rigby ID 62504 6/20/2023
$185.09 GROSS PAYROLL Reay, Ryeker James  Rigby ID 62505 6/20/2023
$164.48 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Shon Jerick  Rigby ID 62506 6/20/2023
$346.20 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica Rae  Rigby ID 62507 6/20/2023
$674.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Hailey Joan  Rigby ID 62508 6/20/2023
$883.39 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Blyss Janae  Rigby ID 62509 6/20/2023
$655.20 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 62510 6/20/2023
$2,943.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 62511 6/20/2023
$1,036.44 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62512 6/20/2023
$1,852.89 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62513 6/20/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 62514 6/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 62515 6/20/2023
$864.97 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62516 6/20/2023
$3,235.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 62517 6/20/2023
$3,407.09 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62518 6/20/2023
$2,984.01 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62519 6/20/2023
34231964 $96.00 Transportation Copier Costs Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94494 6/21/2023
34240488 $181.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94494 6/21/2023
42544894 $169.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 94493 6/21/2023
42555512 $389.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 94493 6/21/2023
IAPT Conf PD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Oler, Nichole Menan ID 94496 6/21/2023
IAPT Conference PD $51.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Southwick, Clyde Rexburg ID 94497 6/21/2023
Personal CC Reimb $104.01 Grounds Supplies Southwick, Clyde Rexburg ID 94495 6/21/2023
CTE Overage $308.44 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167058 6/22/2023
May 2023 $772.61 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $79.46 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $308.03 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $1,074.37 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $907.43 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $377.10 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $1,043.08 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $337.51 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $456.26 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $5,868.00 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $32.64 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
May 2023 $221.36 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/23/2023
34298645 $195.00 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94499 6/26/2023
IASBO 6.28-6.30.23 $153.00 Travel Expenses Bronson, Bryce Jerome Ammon ID 94498 6/26/2023
May 2023 (1) $360.01 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/26/2023
Supply Reimb 6.26 $33.00 Purchased Services Green, Dawn Rigby ID 94500 6/26/2023
1242 Kid camp shirts $110.00 Supplies & Materials The Burlap Flower Rigby ID 1488560 6/26/2023
6-28-23 Statement $1,116.60 Supplies & Materials Sam's Club/Synchrony Bank Dallas TX 1488559 6/26/2023
6720 $381.16 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1488558 6/26/2023
0099 2nd half $2,250.00 Purchased Services Coach Rod Consulting, LLC Idaho Falls ID 57167059 6/26/2023
IAPT 2023 $950.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 IAPT Boise ID 94501 6/27/2023
34350141 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 94502 6/28/2023
BBB Regional profit $3,012.67 Supplies & Materials Thunder Ridge High School Idaho Falls ID 1488565 6/28/2023
GBB Trip reimb $6,198.92 Supplies & Materials BARKER, TODD Rigby ID 1488563 6/28/2023
Gold/White Bows 840 Supplies & Materials Fisher, Jessica Idaho Falls ID 1488564 6/28/2023
Perkins CNA balance $105.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488562 6/28/2023
Sr party reimb $650.00 Supplies & Materials Boone, Jessica Rigby ID 1488561 6/28/2023
921780583 $66.60 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports Dallas TX 57167060 6/28/2023
Perkins Ag $1,513.35 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94503 6/30/2023
Perkins Auto $118.34 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94503 6/30/2023
Perkins BusinessTech $180.79 Perkins Supplies Business Technology Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94503 6/30/2023
Perkins FCS $340.94 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Rigby High School RIGBY ID 94503 6/30/2023
17333 snow removal $4,770.00 Supplies & Materials Smitty's Lawn and Snow Rigby ID 1488568 6/30/2023
Camp expenses reimb $273.01 Supplies & Materials FEIK, MICHAEL Rigby ID 1488569 6/30/2023
CTE Tech Ed overage $4,495.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1488567 6/30/2023
Pom Choreography $1,631.50 Supplies & Materials Stout, Jerra Saratoga Springs UT 1488566 6/30/2023
00023 $210.28 Purchased Services Jorelle McClellan Rigby ID 57167062 6/30/2023
00024 $2,000.00 Supplies & Materials Rob or Sara Robinson Rigby ID 57167063 6/30/2023
15216 $93.02 Ambassador Supplies & Materials Speedy CPS, LLC Rigby ID 57167064 6/30/2023
Camp Gear $4,070.00 Purchased Services Fisher, Jessica Idaho Falls ID 57167061 6/30/2023
Cheer Reimbursement $1,149.83 Supplies & Materials Jorelle McClellan Rigby ID 57167062 6/30/2023
Cheer Reimbursement $406.53 Supplies & Materials Jorelle McClellan Rigby ID 57167062 6/30/2023
INV27982 $750.00 Supplies & Materials Buck's Bags Boise ID 57167065 6/30/2023
June 23 Bill Backs $1,450.03 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167066 6/30/2023
June 23 Bill Backs $3,890.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167066 6/30/2023
June 23 Bill Backs $890.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167066 6/30/2023
June 23 Bill Backs $171.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167066 6/30/2023
June 23 Bill Backs $102.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167066 6/30/2023
June 23 Bill Backs $7,008.02 Registration Donations Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167066 6/30/2023
June 23 Bill Backs $300.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167066 6/30/2023
June 23 Bill Backs $18.45 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167066 6/30/2023
June 23 Sales Tax $10.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167068 6/30/2023
June 23 Sales Tax $44.49 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167068 6/30/2023
June 23 Sales Tax $73.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167068 6/30/2023
June 23 Sales Tax $121.86 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167068 6/30/2023
June 23 Sales Tax $0.68 Video Game Club Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167068 6/30/2023
June 23 Sales Tax $0.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167068 6/30/2023
June 23 Sales Tax $0.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57167068 6/30/2023
Rigby Middle $305.00 Supplies & Materials Paramount 5 Rexburg ID 57167067 6/30/2023
V585994 $244.46 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School District #251 Rigby ID 2135 6/30/2023
0357364-02 $121.96 Supplies and Materials D & S Electrical Supply Idaho Falls ID 94531 7/10/2023
0359314-01 $324.65 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary D & S Electrical Supply Idaho Falls ID 94531 7/10/2023
1 $2,500.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Glenn, Kristen Rigby ID 94538 7/10/2023
100 $2,500.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Poole, John Arlend Idaho Falls ID 94547 7/10/2023
1047902 $92,988.97 ESSER Curriculum Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94528 7/10/2023
1047903 $138,514.60 ESSER Curriculum Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94528 7/10/2023
1047904 $52,482.65 ESSER Curriculum Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94528 7/10/2023
1047909 $1,427.58 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94528 7/10/2023
1047911 $907.72 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94528 7/10/2023
1047944 $121,806.09 ESSER Curriculum Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94528 7/10/2023
1047945 $157,190.51 ESSER Curriculum Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94528 7/10/2023
1048077 $107,404.29 ESSER Curriculum Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 94528 7/10/2023
130 $315.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 94553 7/10/2023
1543 $200.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1543 $514.00 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1543 $128.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1543 $110.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1543 $12.00 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1544 $118.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1544 $90.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1544 $120.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1544 $102.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1544 $104.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1544 $60.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1545 $162.00 RHS Sound Booth Monitoring Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1545 $703.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
1545 $434.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Jason's Fire Extinguishers Idaho Falls ID 94541 7/10/2023
230613-0005 $180.41 Copier Lease/Copier charges Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 94535 7/10/2023
2325 $47,700.00 SPFF FMS Student Occupied Gate City Engineering Services, PLLC Pocatello ID 94537 7/10/2023
23587 $1,949.32 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94550 7/10/2023
23604 $449.81 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94550 7/10/2023
23610 $542.39 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94550 7/10/2023
23612 $546.50 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94550 7/10/2023
23623 $892.39 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 94550 7/10/2023
27L044959 $215.42 Supplies and Materials Anixter Glenview IL 94523 7/10/2023
27L045048 $193.94 Supplies and Materials Anixter Glenview IL 94523 7/10/2023
27L045143 -($174.00) Supplies and Materials Anixter Glenview IL 94523 7/10/2023
282096 $222.14 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
282096 $979.00 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
282096 $500.00 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
282096 $250.00 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
282286 $135.00 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
282286 $4,036.99 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
282286 $75.00 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
37262 $11,750.40 Supplies and Materials GoSecure, Inc San Diego CA 94539 7/10/2023
558345 $791.75 Jannus Grant-Supplies Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 94554 7/10/2023
693983F $4,310.00 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 94536 7/10/2023
693983F $756.25 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 94536 7/10/2023
693983F $7,024.40 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 94536 7/10/2023
693983F $4,994.15 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 94536 7/10/2023
7171 $245.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 94551 7/10/2023
81019 $200.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 94527 7/10/2023
8374198 $2,322.96 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 94546 7/10/2023
89415290002023 $71.40 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94525 7/10/2023
89415290002063 $238.00 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94525 7/10/2023
89415290002108 $69.50 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Boston MA 94525 7/10/2023
935824 $1,427.40 Professional Services National Benefit Service, LLC Kansas City MO 94545 7/10/2023
A241109731 $15,256.00 Advanced Opportunities Services College Board New York NY 94530 7/10/2023
Ad #381655 $95.45 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 94543 7/10/2023
Ad #381668 $84.65 Business Services Jefferson Star Pocatello ID 94543 7/10/2023
AM27996 $1,645.00 Supplies and Materials Airtame US Inc. New York NY 94521 7/10/2023
AM27996 $604.00 Supplies and Materials Airtame US Inc. New York NY 94521 7/10/2023
AM27996 $600.00 Supplies and Materials Airtame US Inc. New York NY 94521 7/10/2023
C-116723 $4,950.00 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 94533 7/10/2023
C-116723 $895.00 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 94533 7/10/2023
C-116723 $2,860.00 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 94533 7/10/2023
C-116723 $1,950.00 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 94533 7/10/2023
C-116723 $795.00 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 94533 7/10/2023
C-116723 $4,950.00 Supplies and Materials EMS LINQ Inc Atlanta GA 94533 7/10/2023
C. Marley Class $50.00 Catrina Marley Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 94548 7/10/2023
CON3090 $180.68 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $2,280.16 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $128.88 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $405.56 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $7,525.55 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $377.66 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $585.75 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $2,388.03 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $158.64 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $8,529.29 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $10,462.78 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $9,495.95 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $217.08 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $157.08 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $169.26 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $696.12 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $17,553.86 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $3,356.04 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $201.37 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $654.04 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
CON3090 $217.08 Supplies and Materials BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 94526 7/10/2023
Drivers Ed refund $70.00 Driver Education Student Revenue Hulse, Crystal Rigby ID 94540 7/10/2023
DualImmersionSummer $3,000.00 Services Jerome School District 261 Jerome ID 94544 7/10/2023
Folio # 945984 $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 The Grove Hotel Boise ID 94549 7/10/2023
Greenhouse $12,500.00 FMS Campus/Security Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94534 7/10/2023
Greenhouse Funds $3,500.00 FMS Greenhouse Farnsworth Middle School Rigby  Id 94534 7/10/2023
H002486-2023 $125.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Div. of Occupational & Prof.  Licences Boise ID 94532 7/10/2023
IN118775 $2,271.48 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 94552 7/10/2023
INV130531 $168.00 Remediation Supplies 95 Percent Group LLC Lincolnshire IL 94520 7/10/2023
INV130531 $3,150.00 Remediation Supplies 95 Percent Group LLC Lincolnshire IL 94520 7/10/2023
INV130531 $4,200.00 Remediation Supplies 95 Percent Group LLC Lincolnshire IL 94520 7/10/2023
INV130531 $975.00 Remediation Supplies 95 Percent Group LLC Lincolnshire IL 94520 7/10/2023
INV130531 $849.30 Remediation Supplies 95 Percent Group LLC Lincolnshire IL 94520 7/10/2023
INV33731 $1,095.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94524 7/10/2023
INV33731 $1,782.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94524 7/10/2023
INV33731 $5,018.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94524 7/10/2023
INV33731 $138.60 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94524 7/10/2023
INV33731 $612.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94524 7/10/2023
INV33731 $1,650.00 Emergency Levy-Robert's Bell/Paging Audio Enhancement West Jordan UT 94524 7/10/2023
LBLA2397535 $67.64 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94522 7/10/2023
LBLA2397535 $1.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94522 7/10/2023
LBLA2399473 $67.64 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94522 7/10/2023
LBLA2399473 $1.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94522 7/10/2023
LBLA2401428 $67.64 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94522 7/10/2023
LBLA2401428 $1.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94522 7/10/2023
LBLA2403344 $69.28 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94522 7/10/2023
LBLA2403344 $1.44 Non Reimb Transportation Services ALSCO BLACKFOOT ID 94522 7/10/2023
M000663-2023 $100.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Div. of Occupational & Prof.  Licences Boise ID 94532 7/10/2023
SRO Contract 1 $9,892.38 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 94542 7/10/2023
SRO Contract 1 $34,061.81 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 94542 7/10/2023
SRO Contract 2 $43,954.19 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 94542 7/10/2023
SRO Contract FY23 $39,466.90 School Resource Officers City of Rigby RIGBY ID 94529 7/10/2023
SRO Contract FY23 $12,906.10 Emergency Levy Resource Officers City of Rigby RIGBY ID 94529 7/10/2023
6/30/2023 1 $449.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 10 $7.98 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 100 $13.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 101 $1,679.96 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 102 $9.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 103 $99.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 104 $19.51 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 105 $115.67 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 106 $1,155.13 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 107 -($27.02) Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 108 $588.31 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 109 $95.95 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 11 $340.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 110 $20.96 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 111 -($27.02) Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 112 -($27.02) Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 113 $1.85 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 114 $47.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 115 $857.32 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 116 $50.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 117 $117.72 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 118 $117.72 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 119 -($27.02) Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 12 $15.30 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 120 $20.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 121 $391.66 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 122 -($1.85) Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 123 $98.76 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 124 $38.37 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 125 $235.44 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 126 $13.76 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 127 $117.72 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 128 $52.01 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 129 $159.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 13 $390.00 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 130 $38.49 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 131 $86.29 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 132 $38.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 133 $31.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 134 $52.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 135 $40.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 136 $159.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 137 $214.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 138 $64.51 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 139 $783.92 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 14 $82.15 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 140 $2,889.46 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 141 $4.20 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 142 -($27.02) Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 143 $743.61 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 144 $2,217.46 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 145 $1,036.39 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 146 $117.72 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 147 $50.80 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 148 $205.56 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 149 $68.07 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 15 $21.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 150 $339.19 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 151 $27.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 152 $81.00 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 153 $103.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 154 $14.68 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 155 $18.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 156 $66.10 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 157 $48.78 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 158 $3,000.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 159 $13.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 16 $300.24 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 160 $706.80 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 161 $43.17 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 162 -($108.00) Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 163 $50.38 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 164 $14.18 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 165 $825.63 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 166 $292.22 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 167 $2,188.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 168 $379.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 169 $898.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 17 $47.27 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 170 $33.84 Misty Dansie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 171 $339.19 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 172 -($1.00) Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 173 $262.49 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 174 $1,081.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 175 $14.21 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 176 $3,438.98 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 177 $24.19 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 178 $105.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 179 $52.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 18 $18.04 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 180 $93.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 181 $140.80 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 182 $49.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 183 $49.79 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 184 $40,112.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 185 $151.15 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 186 $448.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 187 $50.02 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 188 $93.38 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 189 $7.09 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 19 $3,779.35 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 190 $248.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 191 $209.74 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 192 $4.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 193 $240.00 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 194 $83.75 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 195 $63.49 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 196 $281.77 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 197 $87.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 198 $90.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 199 $39.21 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 2 $449.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 20 $31.80 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 200 $548.10 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 201 $112.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 202 $726.20 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 203 $81.25 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 204 $183.30 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 205 $1,725.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 206 $28.97 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 207 $1.30 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 208 $289.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 209 $1,803.33 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 21 $129.48 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 210 $792.89 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 211 $1.00 Bill To Student Improvements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 212 $425.37 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 213 $14.99 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 214 $83.38 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 215 $57.29 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 216 $130.63 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 217 $612.14 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 218 -($10.00) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 219 $56.59 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 22 $17.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 220 $50.52 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 221 $5.40 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 222 $29.31 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 223 $16.13 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 224 $515.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 225 $639.72 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 226 $20.73 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 227 $42.34 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 228 $43.72 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 229 $86.40 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 23 $69.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 230 $5,043.20 SPFF RMS Furniture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 231 $1,844.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 232 $117.55 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 233 $133.95 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 234 $71.57 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 235 $28.32 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 236 $179.99 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 237 $250.34 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 238 $99.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 239 $1,942.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 24 $38.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 240 $415.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 241 $30.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 242 $27.83 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 243 $1,017.60 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 244 $38.99 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 245 $1,769.14 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 246 $28.78 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 247 $1,017.60 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 248 $243.14 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 249 $104.68 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 25 $21.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 250 $698.91 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 251 $32.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 252 $16.63 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 253 $101.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 254 $337.10 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 255 $98.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 256 $22.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 257 $15.74 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 258 $21.68 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 259 $1,017.60 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 26 $53.11 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 260 $840.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 261 $2,021.04 RHS Sound Booth Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 262 $1,017.60 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 263 $1,142.07 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 264 $623.16 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 265 $199.37 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 266 $30.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 267 $72.55 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 268 $2,293.48 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 269 $45.40 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 27 $50.00 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 270 $231.78 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 271 $51.41 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 272 $14.57 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 273 $1,017.60 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 274 $767.71 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 275 $233.47 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 276 $159.18 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 277 $583.46 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 278 $242.95 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 279 $1,108.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 28 $8.29 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 280 $321.55 RHS Sound Booth Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 281 $57.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 282 $128.85 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 283 $47.83 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 284 $42.36 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 285 $856.73 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 286 $250.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 287 $125.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 288 $1,357.74 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 289 $27.09 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 29 $37.36 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 290 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 291 $58.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 292 $537.38 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 293 $21.71 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 294 $254.49 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 295 $124.96 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 296 $21.71 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 297 $63.59 Virtual School Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 298 $4.32 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 299 $54.78 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 3 $449.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 30 $314.48 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 300 $2.40 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 301 $32.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 302 $371.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 303 $34.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 304 $249.78 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 305 $66.75 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 306 $46.61 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 307 $2,082.05 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 308 $9.28 IQPS CTE Supplies Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 309 $31.32 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 31 $30.01 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 310 $49.98 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 311 $18.01 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 312 $362.22 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 313 $69.85 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 314 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 315 $4,045.90 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 316 $79.95 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 317 $224.75 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 318 $19.99 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 319 $62.40 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 32 $48.60 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 320 $210.94 Jannus Grant-Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 321 $713.06 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 322 $2,124.75 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 323 $162.24 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 324 $15.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 325 $48.28 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 326 $159.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 327 $5,820.78 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 328 $629.90 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 329 $700.98 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 33 $50.00 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 330 $159.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 331 $56.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 332 $239.89 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 333 $3.68 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 334 $49.67 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 335 $159.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 336 $130.31 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 337 -($263.79) Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 338 $0.80 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 339 $252.47 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 34 $17.60 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 340 $282.67 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 341 $4.48 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 342 $74.16 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 343 $756.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 344 $13.48 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 345 $159.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 346 $19.97 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 347 $17.79 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 348 $373.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 349 $417.97 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 35 $95.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 350 $16.21 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 351 $79.47 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 352 $3,204.09 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 353 $614.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 354 $178.50 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 355 $10.56 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 356 $28.47 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 357 $21.73 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 358 $31.62 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 359 $170.94 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 36 $50.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 360 $29.65 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 361 $8.86 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 362 $39.67 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 363 -($18.66) Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 364 $78.02 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 365 $324.87 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Ag Welding Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 366 $64.39 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 367 $341.82 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 368 $110.42 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 369 $37.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 37 $46.47 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 370 $41.09 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 371 $47.16 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 372 $313.04 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 373 $53.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 374 $5,825.62 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 375 $14.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 376 $684.72 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 377 $48.18 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 378 $53.55 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 379 $73.69 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 38 $48.31 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 380 $787.80 Custodial Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 381 $62.35 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 382 $49.99 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 383 $271.13 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 384 $55.99 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 385 $51.25 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 386 $9.47 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 387 $42.90 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 388 $30.30 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 389 $20.59 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 39 $50.00 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 390 $204.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 391 $10.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 392 $51.59 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 393 $45.54 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 394 $8.70 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 395 $27.97 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 396 $522.22 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 397 $1,450.03 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 398 $530.00 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 399 $123.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 4 $31.64 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 40 $122.04 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 400 $11.05 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 401 $1,323.74 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 402 $6.56 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 403 $27.98 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 404 $67.76 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 405 $12.69 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 406 $15.66 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 407 $17.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 408 $75.12 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 409 $40.98 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 41 $9.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 410 $37.97 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 411 $800.00 RMS Reserve Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 412 $1,182.40 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 413 $95.36 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 414 $743.72 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 415 -($341.82) Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 416 $52,235.70 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 417 $1,100.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 418 $942.28 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 419 $305.65 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 42 $51.70 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 420 $106.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 421 $927.49 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 422 $114.51 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 423 $28.75 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 424 $356.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 425 $979.40 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 426 -($16.49) Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 427 $59.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 428 $20.35 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 429 $113.34 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 43 $152.60 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 430 $21.52 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 431 $378.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 432 $179.47 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 433 $99.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 434 $61.98 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 435 -($111.06) Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 436 $16.49 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 437 $21.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 438 $14.58 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 439 $668.93 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 44 $77.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 440 $15.56 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 441 $12.98 Maintanance Supplies Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 442 $131.33 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 443 $207.75 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 444 $105.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 445 $53.84 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 446 $72.07 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 447 $25.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 448 $37.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 449 $94.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 45 $78.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 450 $278.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 451 $72.81 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 452 $10.59 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 453 $12.28 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 454 $401.42 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 455 $95.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 456 $32.23 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 457 $19.15 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 458 $152.01 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 459 $21.75 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 46 $50.07 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 460 $30.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 461 $34.98 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 462 $33.61 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 463 $44.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 464 $146.51 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 465 $107.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 466 $122.57 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 467 $444.60 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 468 $1.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 469 $19.69 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 47 $680.11 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 470 $55.14 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 471 $54.55 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 472 $269.07 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 473 $88.36 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 474 $742.92 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 475 $742.92 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 476 $83.12 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 477 $742.92 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 478 $66.52 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 479 $64.95 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 48 $147.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 480 $19.15 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 481 $742.92 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 482 $25.15 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 483 -($50.00) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 484 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 485 $14.82 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 486 $21.41 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 487 $25.96 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 488 $742.92 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 489 $39.19 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 49 $3.18 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 490 $742.92 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 491 $89.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 492 $377.47 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 493 $122.84 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 494 $439.74 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 495 $10.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 496 $175.72 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 497 $1,941.52 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 498 $27.00 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 499 $28.31 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 5 $133.06 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 50 $101.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 500 $36.99 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 501 $578.21 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 502 $24.37 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 503 $1,511.02 Parking Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 504 $49.72 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 505 $47.98 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 506 $1,389.86 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 507 $203.96 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 508 $81.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 509 $3,927.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 51 $385.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 510 $2,636.00 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 511 $970.60 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 512 $9.51 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 513 $35.98 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 514 $55.92 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 515 $40.07 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 516 $109.69 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 517 $459.86 PE/Health Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 518 $31.80 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 519 $17.48 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 52 $163.35 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 520 $1,118.33 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 521 $158.58 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 522 $61.57 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 523 $23.31 Jannus Grant-Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 524 $83.31 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 525 $9.53 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 526 $112.79 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 527 $647.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 528 $95.47 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 529 -($48.18) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 53 $50.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 530 $21.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 531 -($390.33) Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 532 $10.46 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 533 $430.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 534 $8.40 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 535 $171.01 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 536 $537.62 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 537 $97.48 Grounds Supplies Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 538 $61.88 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 539 $6.15 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 54 $148.44 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 540 $25.77 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 541 $30.02 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 542 $56.62 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 543 $87.35 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 544 $15.98 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 545 $158.11 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 546 $51.64 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 547 $12.08 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 548 $28.61 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 549 $90.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 55 $205.06 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 550 $43.05 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 551 $113.01 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 552 $240.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 553 $99.26 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 554 $608.89 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 555 $201.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 556 $157.60 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 557 $64.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 558 $279.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 559 $90.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 56 $398.76 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 560 $409.32 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 561 $176.68 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 562 $1,968.72 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 563 $469.32 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 564 $55.48 Jannus Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 565 $10.00 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 566 $44.55 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 567 $170.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 568 $54.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 569 $325.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 57 $47.87 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 570 $27.53 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 571 $1,244.18 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 572 $401.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 573 $17.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 574 $3,797.53 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 575 $159.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 576 $86.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 577 $182.84 Custodial Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 578 $182.84 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 579 $182.84 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 58 $13.85 Copier Lease/Copier Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 580 $182.84 Maintenance Services Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 581 $182.84 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 582 $182.85 Custodial Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 583 $182.85 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 584 $182.85 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 585 $182.85 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 586 $182.86 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 587 $182.85 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 588 $412.84 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 589 $449.50 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 59 $6.60 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 590 $198.49 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 591 -($409.32) FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 592 $35.83 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 593 $39.98 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 594 $20.40 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 595 $808.30 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 596 $537.10 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 597 $815.07 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 598 $21.20 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 599 $202.55 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 6 $8.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 60 $178.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 600 $309.58 Jannus Grant-Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 601 $22.80 Immersion Program Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 602 $20.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 603 $77.94 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 604 $32.74 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 605 $49.40 Parker, April Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 606 $29.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 607 $5,943.79 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 608 $33.88 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 609 $2.58 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 61 $159.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 610 $314.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 611 $66.85 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 612 $73.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 613 $19.49 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 614 $52.62 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 615 $118.68 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 616 $103.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 617 $93.19 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 618 $18.58 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 619 $11.99 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 62 $400.61 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 620 $20.72 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 621 $1,113.35 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 622 $240.42 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 623 $128.43 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 624 $90.82 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 625 $54.35 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 626 $301.27 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 627 $439.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 628 $105.99 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 629 $72.78 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 63 $1,369.71 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 630 $131.06 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 631 $26.70 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 632 $14.06 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 633 $4.76 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 634 $17.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 635 $49.73 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 636 $148.63 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 637 $7.34 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 638 $640.30 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 639 $132.76 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 64 $326.46 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 640 $50.01 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 641 $55.00 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 642 $9.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 643 $264.91 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 644 $300.00 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 645 $37.73 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 646 $190.00 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 647 $1,575.04 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 648 $35.48 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies FMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 649 $2.89 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 65 $20.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 650 $107.85 Professional Devlopment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 651 $41.74 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 652 $7.54 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 653 $57.26 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 654 $351.18 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 655 $1,012.03 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 656 $38.85 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 657 $17.34 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 658 $100.81 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 659 $18.35 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 66 $107.57 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 660 $11.22 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 661 $93.38 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 662 $48.75 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 663 $26.99 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 664 $27.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 665 $21.35 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 666 $70.15 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 667 $48.74 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 668 $650.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 669 $25,492.43 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 67 $46.04 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 670 $523.72 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 671 $92.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 672 $232.62 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 673 $79.38 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 674 $29.24 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 675 $72.84 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 676 $111.06 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 677 $58.49 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 678 $423.98 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 679 $10.39 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 68 $99.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 680 $8.48 IQPS CTE Travel Knickrehm Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 681 $5.91 Postage Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 682 $12.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 683 $52.36 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 684 $204.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 685 $2,173.82 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 686 $48.11 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 687 $509.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 688 -($15.85) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 689 $211.99 United Way II Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 69 $265.48 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 690 $76.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 691 $961.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 692 $169.41 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 693 $828.90 Jannus Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 694 $258.85 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 695 $37.49 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 696 $129.21 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 697 $329.00 School Improvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 698 $149.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 699 $7.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 7 $159.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 70 $205.01 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 700 $278.29 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 701 $217.14 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 702 $95.85 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 703 $39.28 Arica Cook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 704 $131.46 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 705 $32.11 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 706 -($1.85) Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 707 $471.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 708 $58.88 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 709 $89.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 71 $268.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 710 $353.97 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 711 $4.00 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 712 -($89.99) Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 713 $566.05 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 714 $44.93 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 715 -($1,649.00) Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 716 $95.47 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 717 $12,420.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 718 $95.28 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 719 $280.00 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 72 $159.99 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 720 $325.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 721 $122.64 School Store Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 722 $16.98 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 723 $1,613.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 724 $130.34 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 725 $4,000.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 726 $98.96 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 727 $109.90 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 728 $412.85 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 729 $13,580.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 73 $177.24 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 730 $268.83 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 731 $989.83 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 732 $146.19 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 733 $23.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 734 $6.75 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 735 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 736 $30.25 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 737 $11,312.45 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 738 $3,590.40 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 739 $1,440.33 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 74 $20.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 740 $240.24 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 741 $11.25 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 742 $299.70 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 743 $89.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 744 $763.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 745 $252.89 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 746 $7,668.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 747 $11.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 748 $21.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 749 $46.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 75 $80.38 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 750 $80.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 751 $71.82 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 752 $165.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 753 $6.04 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 754 $644.50 FMS Free Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 755 $127.80 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 756 $106.31 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 757 $763.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 758 $200.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 759 $52.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 76 $84.96 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 760 $27.88 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 761 $11.59 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 762 $38.40 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 763 $99.52 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 764 $209.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 765 $1,470.88 Orchestra Grants Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 766 $65.02 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 767 $52.97 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 768 $60.28 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 769 $315.88 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 77 $26.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 770 $96.50 FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 771 $392.00 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 772 $49.94 Library Commission Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 773 $12.36 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 774 $82.66 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 775 $157.94 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 776 $88.62 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 777 $4,855.43 Supply Chain Assistance Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 778 $111.29 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 779 $28.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 78 $295.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 780 $118.97 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 781 $444.91 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 782 $96.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 783 $21.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 784 $3.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 785 $359.88 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 786 $1.85 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 787 $312.06 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 788 $313.65 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 789 $146.84 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 79 $65.48 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 790 $329.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 791 $740.63 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 792 $75.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 793 -($353.97) Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 794 $23.32 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 795 $16.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 796 $2,316.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 797 $44.93 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 798 $8.31 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 799 $104.51 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 8 $158.99 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 80 $767.44 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 800 $28.65 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 801 $2,015.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 802 $16.04 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 803 $79.00 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 804 $211.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 805 $5.17 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 806 $29.58 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 807 -($5.00) Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 808 $20.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 809 $52.89 Harwood Shelly Harrop Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 81 $44.18 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 810 $85.04 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 811 $167.66 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 812 $5.22 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 813 $171.00 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 814 $110.27 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 815 $30.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 816 $45.00 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 817 $26.87 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 818 $47.36 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 819 $22.33 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 82 $215.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 820 $158.95 Workforce Readiness Incentive-Auto Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 821 $1,561.32 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 822 $84.30 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 823 $476.06 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 824 $154.57 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 825 $399.87 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 826 $24.45 Carsen Smith Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 827 $24.45 Elizabeth Ricks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 828 $499.40 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 829 $10.36 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 83 $30.52 FMS Non Program Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 830 -($737.24) Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 831 -($92.92) Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 832 $353.97 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 833 $83.98 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 834 $27.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 835 $3.51 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 836 $18.45 Teacher Lunch Concession Ponce Vera Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 837 $267.50 4th Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 838 $52.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 839 $52.84 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 84 $172.32 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 840 $650.00 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 841 $149.34 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 842 $57.48 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 843 $226.09 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 844 $37.88 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 845 $52.39 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 846 $108.01 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 847 $49.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 848 $19.05 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 849 $70.11 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 85 $146.16 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 850 $624.75 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 851 $41.67 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 852 $50.00 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 853 $408.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 854 $15.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 855 $841.88 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 856 $89.40 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 857 $173.84 General Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 858 $219.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 859 $85.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 86 $46.51 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 860 $53.51 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 861 $49.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 862 $13.63 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 863 $35.83 Dana Alboucq Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 864 $454.92 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 865 $211.92 Cindy Schmidt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 866 $238.39 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 867 $790.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 868 $100.83 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 869 -($225.00) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 87 $97.68 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 870 $16.92 Student Council 8th Gr Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 871 -($390.33) Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 872 $900.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 873 $484.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 874 $24.96 Sydni Kelland Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 875 $50.35 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 876 $179.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 877 $34.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 878 $15.00 FMS FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 879 $5.29 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 88 $528.08 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 880 $292.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 881 $12.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 882 $65.11 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 883 $256.00 JE Hope Squad Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 884 $6.10 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 885 $53.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 886 $99.44 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 887 $2,073.97 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 888 $120.66 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 889 $23.23 Teacher Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 89 $391.29 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 890 -($390.33) Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 891 $880.72 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 892 $39.70 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 893 $87.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 894 -($390.33) Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 895 $291.27 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 896 $85.31 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 897 $20.10 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 898 $258.37 Cheer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 899 $29.76 FMS FHLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 9 $466.31 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 90 $4.99 Maint Non Student Occupied Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 900 $255.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 901 $12.68 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 902 $525.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 903 $81.06 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 904 $38.46 Linda Palmer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 905 -($390.33) Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 906 $79.50 White, Glenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 907 $27.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 908 $13.20 Zou, Lingpei Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 909 $729.74 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 91 $20.97 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 910 95 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 911 $906.37 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 912 $33.13 3rd Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 913 $30.99 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 914 $233.54 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 915 $172.41 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 916 $11.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 917 $32.99 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 918 $63.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 92 $305.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 93 $69.53 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 94 $12.24 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 95 $599.50 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 96 $21.49 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 97 $88.92 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 98 $9.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
6/30/2023 99 $59.30 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2023
V12694 $3,500.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43981 7/20/2023
V232008 $269.50 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 7/20/2023
V235238 $119,479.11 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/20/2023
V2496 $29,032.62 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94569 7/20/2023
V350584 $334,092.54 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94569 7/20/2023
V460005 $435.33 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/20/2023
V476827 $2,625.76 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94569 7/20/2023
V723882 $250,376.10 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 7/20/2023
V758530 $2,846.72 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94569 7/20/2023
V791095 $3,704.22 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 7/20/2023
V863808 $27,942.80 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/20/2023
V955880 $10,593.26 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94569 7/20/2023
V98197 $1,861.30 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,780.16 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,611.90 GROSS PAYROLL Abplanalp, Shelbe Jo  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,271.86 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,299.83 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,781.51 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,111.43 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,381.95 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,602.21 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 7/20/2023
$894.18 GROSS PAYROLL Angell, Kathryn Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,281.99 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,835.79 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,433.80 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,819.45 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,831.84 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$750.12 GROSS PAYROLL Atwood, Danielle   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,560.13 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,249.36 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,143.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,582.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,479.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$7,078.02 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$852.66 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,924.76 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,218.01 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,767.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$589.36 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Rachel Louise  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,504.58 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,647.42 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,985.16 GROSS PAYROLL Blaylock, Rachel Marie  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,249.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$252.24 GROSS PAYROLL Bloomquist, Sara Joe Ward  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,088.48 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,063.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 7/20/2023
$668.04 GROSS PAYROLL Bolleurs, Michele Brook  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,668.95 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,583.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,098.52 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$948.76 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 7/20/2023
$1,536.91 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,825.16 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,318.86 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,445.98 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$848.66 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$7,042.50 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,162.27 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,004.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bryner, Marie Sue  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,268.56 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burch, Justin H  Filer ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,802.73 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,142.63 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,008.51 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,536.91 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,328.82 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,299.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,478.05 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$919.30 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Holly Lova  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,336.03 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,083.82 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,032.38 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,172.04 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,472.86 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,032.60 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,793.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,063.01 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Holly Ann  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,259.15 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$820.96 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,066.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$983.07 GROSS PAYROLL Collier, Samuel Christopher  Roberts ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,366.18 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,091.13 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,497.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,220.88 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,511.32 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 7/20/2023
$967.71 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,584.85 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,043.38 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$846.47 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,530.72 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jordyn M  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,022.64 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,058.78 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Crowe, Ryan Michael  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,845.17 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,841.31 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,424.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,230.02 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$946.17 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,006.08 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,343.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,079.57 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,124.15 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,609.57 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,527.78 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,946.22 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,043.82 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,277.30 GROSS PAYROLL Duffin, Andrew Joseph  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,097.50 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,876.90 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,685.92 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,037.27 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,441.96 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,120.23 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,166.44 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,426.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$959.80 GROSS PAYROLL Flinders, Emma Kay  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$9,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,143.16 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,232.99 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,161.82 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,680.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,070.89 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,017.38 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,093.88 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,549.39 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Kelsi Kae  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,113.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,315.39 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,536.91 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,957.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$517.72 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Laurinda Ann  Roberts ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,249.76 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$996.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,235.39 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,512.77 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$867.46 GROSS PAYROLL Gessel, Savannah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,079.98 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$7,645.83 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,032.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,735.63 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$821.55 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,005.63 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,118.18 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,765.21 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$958.89 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,686.97 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$7,202.50 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,602.45 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,335.15 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,577.18 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,623.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,813.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,168.80 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,757.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,915.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,684.41 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,090.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,134.85 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$766.21 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$297.71 GROSS PAYROLL Harper, Sydney Alexandra  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$774.44 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,678.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,022.70 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$603.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,480.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$762.81 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,066.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,022.70 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,162.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,311.74 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,032.59 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,924.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,461.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$978.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hogan, Amy Kathleen  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$8,252.79 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,895.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,130.58 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,913.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,346.38 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,153.13 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,382.03 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,598.82 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,254.12 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$889.25 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$741.54 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,830.96 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,038.48 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,033.42 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,113.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,441.96 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,754.05 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,808.70 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,419.39 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$688.39 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,417.87 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,742.12 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$860.39 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,010.26 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,007.15 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, Sydni Marie  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,142.63 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,551.07 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,164.50 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,557.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.16 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,845.47 GROSS PAYROLL Kelly, Raen O  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,706.01 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,046.96 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,032.38 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,035.32 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$39.02 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,287.62 GROSS PAYROLL Kristensen, Emma   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,820.39 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,813.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,357.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,810.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,035.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lengle, Ernest Stuart  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,623.83 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,904.64 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,169.48 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,143.16 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$944.60 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,211.52 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,602.84 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$647.02 GROSS PAYROLL Marcusen, Jayde Isabelle Lucy  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,177.14 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,390.40 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$578.52 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,021.28 GROSS PAYROLL Mayberry, Christa Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,534.35 GROSS PAYROLL McCoppin, Zachriel Matthias  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,763.80 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,013.89 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,248.33 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,486.11 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$688.39 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,816.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,536.62 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,373.82 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,198.31 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,666.50 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,734.81 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,549.91 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,326.33 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,100.22 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$7,284.44 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,666.80 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,020.30 GROSS PAYROLL Murri, Rachel Lyn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,401.70 GROSS PAYROLL Murri, Tyler James  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,920.23 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,991.65 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,278.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$184.64 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey Adair  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,123.05 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$827.39 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$852.64 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 7/20/2023
$1,143.16 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 7/20/2023
$6,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,180.55 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,926.33 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,199.16 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,153.71 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,602.41 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,216.27 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,006.08 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 7/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$751.10 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,280.91 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$7,083.30 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,581.63 GROSS PAYROLL Parrott, Jalen Marie  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$785.37 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,551.98 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,051.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,774.90 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,566.83 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,347.27 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,292.76 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$463.35 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,382.21 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,381.95 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,890.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,498.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,915.44 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,261.68 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Kathryn Rose  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$197.60 GROSS PAYROLL Reynolds, Barbara W  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,435.61 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,422.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,555.55 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,250.01 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,719.02 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,338.89 GROSS PAYROLL Robinson, Madison Kay  Rexburg Id 0 7/20/2023
$1,066.90 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,347.43 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,858.32 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,489.24 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,893.99 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,949.40 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,020.93 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,055.10 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$907.56 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,275.69 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,342.37 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$7,965.15 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,201.39 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,962.87 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$852.64 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,679.07 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$928.69 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,658.21 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$556.78 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jordan Taylor  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,941.83 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,180.54 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,134.72 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,177.63 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$830.07 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$919.82 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$674.21 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Caitlyn Danielle  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,006.08 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,398.45 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,508.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,083.82 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,329.08 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,868.68 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,360.84 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$958.31 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,019.71 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,270.54 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.16 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,073.37 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,195.71 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,815.67 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,063.01 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,748.83 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,395.99 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,211.24 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,382.48 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,047.80 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,898.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,856.51 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,037.27 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,770.83 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,449.50 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Colton T  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 7/20/2023
$9,391.64 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,270.12 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,142.63 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,291.65 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,748.83 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 7/20/2023
$914.70 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 7/20/2023
$2,504.58 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,608.19 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,055.10 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,803.45 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,133.64 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,321.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,190.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,790.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$946.38 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,790.48 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,116.15 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,160.60 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 7/20/2023
$920.65 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Jacob Gregory  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,775.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,752.16 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,944.43 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,914.19 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$989.08 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,854.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,881.94 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,457.17 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,073.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,032.59 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,006.08 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,907.38 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,778.23 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 7/20/2023
$2,687.41 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 7/20/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,972.92 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,561.83 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,047.59 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,891.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,479.97 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,083.82 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,844.34 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,180.55 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$1,482.91 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/20/2023
$4,066.83 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 7/20/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 7/20/2023
$3,492.66 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Georgiann Lafaye  Idaho Falls ID 62520 7/20/2023
$1,005.42 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62521 7/20/2023
$1,787.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62522 7/20/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 62523 7/20/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 62524 7/20/2023
$688.39 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62525 7/20/2023
$1,826.72 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62526 7/20/2023
$2,153.07 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62527 7/20/2023
$1,162.63 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Jackson W  Rigby ID 62528 7/20/2023
$1,191.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Hal Cecil  Rigby ID 62529 7/20/2023
$565.57 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Shalese Hope  Rigby ID 62530 7/20/2023
$510.70 GROSS PAYROLL Searle, Brecken Mark  Rigby ID 62531 7/20/2023
$912.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Kamri Suzan  Rigby ID 62532 7/20/2023
V16045 $116,018.35 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/18/2023
V216077 $269.50 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 8/18/2023
V25228 $2,625.68 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94657 8/18/2023
V259271 $29,032.62 HSA ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94657 8/18/2023
V309253 $3,679.22 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 8/18/2023
V382985 $243,531.60 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 8/18/2023
V402535 $10,529.57 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94657 8/18/2023
V498790 $74.44 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 8/18/2023
V509644 $2,832.63 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94657 8/18/2023
V592354 $27,133.40 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/18/2023
V606551 $3,500.00 HSA Contribution ER American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 43992 8/18/2023
V763646 $41.28 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/18/2023
V9688 $332,781.96 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 94657 8/18/2023
V986609 $9.65 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,780.24 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,162.52 GROSS PAYROLL Abplanalp, Shelbe Jo  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,341.50 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Michael Louis  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,299.83 GROSS PAYROLL Alexander, Virginia Gail  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,841.47 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,111.36 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,381.97 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,416.63 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,590.09 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 8/18/2023
$894.19 GROSS PAYROLL Angell, Kathryn Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,282.04 GROSS PAYROLL Anguiano, Stacy Lynn  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,807.50 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,078.17 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,819.38 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Ashbocker, Amanda Jo  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,811.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ashworth, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Atkin, Kaiah Michelle  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$750.10 GROSS PAYROLL Atwood, Danielle   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,560.11 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,013.91 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,466.63 GROSS PAYROLL Ballestero, Eric Anthony  Idaho falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Banks, Aubrey Joy  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,416.78 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton Ruth  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,143.19 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Camille Diane  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,582.23 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,486.09 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,770.87 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Angel Noel  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,479.87 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$7,078.11 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,775.13 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Daralee   Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,916.63 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee Hanock  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$852.68 GROSS PAYROLL Beeson, Jessica Lauren  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,859.85 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,897.90 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$589.37 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Rachel Louise  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,883.37 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,618.40 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,066.87 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,810.88 GROSS PAYROLL Blackburn, Tyson Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Billie Jo  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,647.38 GROSS PAYROLL Blackson, Caleb Mark  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,985.13 GROSS PAYROLL Blaylock, Rachel Marie  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,249.48 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,103.42 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane Kay  Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,083.37 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,926.37 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,063.17 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Irwin ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Bosco, Makenzie Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,662.02 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,583.71 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Laurie Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,098.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$948.74 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Heather Ford  Rigby Id 0 8/18/2023
$1,536.93 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,825.14 GROSS PAYROLL Boyer, Tanner Benson  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,128.05 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,775.13 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,446.03 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$912.66 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Gregory Paul  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Michelle Cathryn  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,162.28 GROSS PAYROLL Bryans, Rebekah Hannah  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,004.46 GROSS PAYROLL Bryner, Marie Sue  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,268.54 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky Huffaker  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burch, Justin H  Filer ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,764.33 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,142.61 GROSS PAYROLL Burnside, Rebecca Nichole  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Caldwell, Cindy Kae  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Carson Roderick  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,083.37 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,008.48 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Meleden Dasig  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,536.93 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer M  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,328.82 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,299.83 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Ericka Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,696.23 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,941.87 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,083.85 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,208.37 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla Parker  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,032.36 GROSS PAYROLL Carlson, Janet   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,708.37 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,810.88 GROSS PAYROLL Carreira Oliveira, Mariana   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,171.94 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,565.51 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,083.37 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer Hok Man  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,032.60 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Emma Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,793.91 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,063.02 GROSS PAYROLL Chun, Holly Ann  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,259.14 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$820.93 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Mary Mikkae  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,941.87 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,066.68 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$983.11 GROSS PAYROLL Collier, Samuel Christopher  Roberts ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Christopher Lee  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,366.22 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Erin Racheal  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Hilary Joan  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,069.25 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Kimberly Anne  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,926.37 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$6,497.90 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,151.36 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,011.28 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, Heather Marie  Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cooper, SchenllyAnne Dennis  RIgby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,009.25 GROSS PAYROLL Copeland, Melissa Marie  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,514.70 GROSS PAYROLL Corbett, Melissa Nicole  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,926.37 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Corona, Pedro   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,083.37 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,006.11 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$846.41 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$7,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David Allen  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,022.56 GROSS PAYROLL Creed, Zoe Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,127.81 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Roberts ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon Jean  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty Dawn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,083.37 GROSS PAYROLL Davidson, Lacey Dianne  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,841.26 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Austin Lenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Ririe ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,230.03 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,208.37 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca Ann  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$946.18 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,006.11 GROSS PAYROLL Demitropoulos, Jessica Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,343.75 GROSS PAYROLL Denning, Rebecca Lynn  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,810.88 GROSS PAYROLL DeSalles, Lacey Cherie  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,152.68 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Donkin, Reg Edward  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,357.13 GROSS PAYROLL Dorcheus, Caleb Dewayne  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy Spencer  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$6,527.82 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,946.16 GROSS PAYROLL Douglass, Kathleen A  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,775.13 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda Jo  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,963.13 GROSS PAYROLL Duvall, Angee Davis  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,863.27 GROSS PAYROLL Dye, Kristine Johnson  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,685.88 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica Joy  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,037.25 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,513.59 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fackrell, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Faler, Keyra Karen  Garden City ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,452.22 GROSS PAYROLL Falevai, Jessica Rae  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,770.87 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael Scott  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,060.56 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,926.37 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,051.32 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,152.13 GROSS PAYROLL Floyd, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$997.02 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty Michele  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fortune, Kelton John  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,161.80 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 8/18/2023
$6,775.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,074.57 GROSS PAYROLL Franck, Nickey J  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,017.38 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Lori Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,113.87 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,833.74 GROSS PAYROLL Fuller, Kira Rochelle  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,536.93 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,957.10 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Julia Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,008.35 GROSS PAYROLL Garcia, Laurinda Ann  Roberts ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,249.70 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$995.97 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Nichole Monique  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,235.39 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gaughan, Brittney Jo  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,512.79 GROSS PAYROLL Gerard, Heather Anne  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,810.00 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$867.45 GROSS PAYROLL Gessel, Savannah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Gibson, Gabrielle Iris  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Goff, Logan Alexander  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,079.97 GROSS PAYROLL Golding, Jaqui Denice  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$7,645.84 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,926.37 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,032.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gooding, Jennifer Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,800.70 GROSS PAYROLL Goodson, Dusty Glenn  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$821.54 GROSS PAYROLL Goodwin, LaNelle   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,005.61 GROSS PAYROLL Goody-Orgill, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,118.20 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$958.86 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dana Paul  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,267.15 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Savanna Sydney  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,602.50 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,458.07 GROSS PAYROLL Gregson, Ashley Taylor  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,746.54 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,623.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,895.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn Rick  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,168.65 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,824.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,915.63 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Jalayna Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,675.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Jenna Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,090.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,134.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson Tau'a, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$766.19 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Jessica Lyn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,083.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,926.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Amber Rose  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Melinda Kunz  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$774.47 GROSS PAYROLL Harrison, Rebecca Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Harrop, Shelly Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,022.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Whitney Webster  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Emily Deann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$667.59 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kirt R  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,573.70 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$762.81 GROSS PAYROLL Heath, Beth Bateman  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,066.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Daniel Benjamin  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,022.68 GROSS PAYROLL Heppler, Marie Jensine  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,162.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Alisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,401.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,032.59 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jackie Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,698.18 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,461.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$978.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hogan, Amy Kathleen  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Holt, Linda Kaye  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,541.63 GROSS PAYROLL Horrocks, Logan Mark  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,358.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Huckabay, Cristina Marie  St Anthony ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,895.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,130.53 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, James Louis  Teton ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany Kaye  Teton ID 0 8/18/2023
$6,913.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,352.35 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,153.15 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,356.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,006.11 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Victoria Leigh  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,185.00 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$934.38 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$741.51 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Donna Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,523.26 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,038.52 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,033.38 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline Sessions  Sugar City ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,113.23 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Sheena Dianne  Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,513.59 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,308.56 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,943.69 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Katie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron Royce  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Monica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,486.61 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$688.43 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Christina Maria  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme L  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,487.86 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha Jelena  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,742.13 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$860.34 GROSS PAYROLL Judy, ShaNiel Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,008.89 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, James Thomas Gregory  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,007.13 GROSS PAYROLL Kelland, Sydni Marie  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,142.61 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Andrea Raymond  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,151.22 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,557.13 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Addison Rae  Sugar City ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,775.13 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.19 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Sarah Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,845.49 GROSS PAYROLL Kelly, Raen O  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Kershaw, Mikailei Mayann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,706.09 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$860.11 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,032.36 GROSS PAYROLL King, Tanya H  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,009.26 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Kotter, Leanna Gina  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,287.66 GROSS PAYROLL Kristensen, Emma   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,877.74 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell Bud  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lawrence, Brianna   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,954.73 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Lechuga, Roxanne   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,813.87 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Ming Yeh  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,810.88 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Szu-Hui   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Liao, Juo Fang   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer Duane  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan Rose  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,623.87 GROSS PAYROLL Loesch, Taylor Brook  Sugar City ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,416.63 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Barbara D  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Erin Rebecca  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Lovejoy, Alandria   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,929.23 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,169.48 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mabey, Marlene Dian  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,143.19 GROSS PAYROLL Maddux, Sara Jean  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$944.65 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Elizabeth Marie  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,211.46 GROSS PAYROLL Manship, Robbin Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,602.82 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$647.02 GROSS PAYROLL Marcusen, Jayde Isabelle Lucy  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,177.16 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$7,175.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Aaron Edward  Arimo ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,320.00 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,021.29 GROSS PAYROLL Mayberry, Christa Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,534.35 GROSS PAYROLL McCoppin, Zachriel Matthias  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL McElprang, Jason William  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,479.24 GROSS PAYROLL McHenry, Jill   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin Claude  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,495.15 GROSS PAYROLL McLaughlin, Cassidy Stucki  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,013.91 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,269.74 GROSS PAYROLL Meadows, Claudia Follett  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,486.09 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$688.43 GROSS PAYROLL Merrill, Delma Louise  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$6,816.63 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly Autumn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Jolynn Annene  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,596.23 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela Diane  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,373.78 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,201.53 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,649.43 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,214.09 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena Hanson  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,826.37 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,539.02 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,991.97 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,926.37 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,038.61 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,278.37 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger Owen  Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,163.61 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$827.36 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Stephanie Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$852.65 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Alisa A  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Dana Lynn  Florence SC 0 8/18/2023
$1,143.19 GROSS PAYROLL Nordhagen, Ronald Ole  Florence sc 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,180.52 GROSS PAYROLL Norton, Troy Thomas  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,941.87 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL O'Neal, Maria Brooke  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,926.37 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,133.20 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,995.57 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,153.67 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,574.97 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,216.29 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,006.11 GROSS PAYROLL Oswald, Elise Urutahi  Rigby Id 0 8/18/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ottley, Colby Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$751.04 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,150.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,280.89 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, Diane   St. Anthony ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,581.61 GROSS PAYROLL Parrott, Jalen Marie  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$785.38 GROSS PAYROLL Pepcorn, Christina Suzanne  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,289.26 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,051.37 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,774.90 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, TayLee Ann  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,066.87 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,347.23 GROSS PAYROLL Plass, Miriam Elon  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,916.63 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,292.84 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Sergio Eduardo  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Jessica Curtis  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$532.84 GROSS PAYROLL Powers, Jeffrey Houston  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,083.37 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,382.26 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,941.87 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rahberger, Hanna Kathleen  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,381.97 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn M  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,753.87 GROSS PAYROLL Rains, Camille Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,890.88 GROSS PAYROLL Ralston, Stephanie Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$6,498.74 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,915.44 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Steven Clay  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,561.87 GROSS PAYROLL Reaser, Abby Jean  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,261.64 GROSS PAYROLL Reed, Kathryn Rose  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Reese, Ashlee Nicole  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,983.37 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth Marie  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,435.58 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,422.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,790.63 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn Geneva  Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,805.42 GROSS PAYROLL Robbins, Heidi Maxine  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Roberts, Staisha Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,698.04 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,338.91 GROSS PAYROLL Robinson, Madison Kay  Rexburg Id 0 8/18/2023
$1,066.87 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara Colleen  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,347.43 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Rohm, Kamirah Diane  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Cindy Frost  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,090.48 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,118.00 GROSS PAYROLL Salazar, Maria Elena  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,893.91 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,816.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,020.97 GROSS PAYROLL Schein, Allison Cynthia  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy Lynne  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,055.09 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$907.55 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,275.67 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,342.42 GROSS PAYROLL Sedig, Britta ELise  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,519.25 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew Scott  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$7,365.17 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy Jay  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$6,201.41 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Ty Ben  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,962.81 GROSS PAYROLL Sidwell, Kelsi Lynne  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$852.65 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Amy Nichole  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,679.04 GROSS PAYROLL Sizemore, Brittany Joelle  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$928.71 GROSS PAYROLL Sloop, Molly Sue  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,583.11 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Chancey Cristina  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$556.79 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jordan Taylor  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,941.87 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,180.54 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Katie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,134.76 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,177.60 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$830.04 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$919.85 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Sandra Jean  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$674.23 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Caitlyn Danielle  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,006.11 GROSS PAYROLL Snow, Jordan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,017.38 GROSS PAYROLL Soliai, Sarah   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,508.37 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,083.85 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,329.10 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,160.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stacey, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,360.89 GROSS PAYROLL Starr, Emily Charlene  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$958.34 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen Jean  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$984.99 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheryl Porter  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,775.13 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Benjamin J  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda Kay  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Stoker, Sara Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,270.52 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,073.36 GROSS PAYROLL Stowell, Todd Bartley  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stricklan, Julie Dawn  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,195.80 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Strong, Brooks Michael  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,915.63 GROSS PAYROLL Su, Junsong   Shelley ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,066.87 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,083.37 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,063.01 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,748.87 GROSS PAYROLL Tao, Jiahui   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,083.37 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,993.39 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,211.18 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,382.42 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 8/18/2023
$6,100.00 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,047.80 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Amy Lyn  Roberts ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Jessica Rene  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,066.68 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,037.25 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,770.87 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,971.29 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,142.61 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Anneliese Rose  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tippett, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Titus, Amber R  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,321.74 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Jared Andrew  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,333.37 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa April  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,439.68 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,748.87 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan Clisty  Blackfoot ID 0 8/18/2023
$914.65 GROSS PAYROLL Triana, Mylesse Sue  Centralia WA 0 8/18/2023
$2,582.39 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,722.01 GROSS PAYROLL Vail, Jennifer Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Valente, Kennedy Leeann  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,055.09 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,719.25 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, Branden Vail  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,873.91 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana Cristina  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,133.69 GROSS PAYROLL Waddell, Susanne Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,321.74 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,190.69 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Patricia Baker  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,790.63 GROSS PAYROLL Wageman, Carrie Hinck  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Wagoner, Whitney Rachael  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,041.63 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$946.40 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Chalise Nikole  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,790.56 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,775.13 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Kylie Christine  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,812.50 GROSS PAYROLL Walters, Robyn Elyse  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,116.14 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,160.56 GROSS PAYROLL Wangsgard, Nicole Elizabeth  Ammon ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,775.13 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,737.08 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Desiray Dawn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Jessica Karen  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,914.15 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Angie Mae  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$989.08 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Brenda Lu  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,854.13 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,881.96 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica M.  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,457.13 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Shatzi L  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,031.13 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Amanda Kaye  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,032.59 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Jessica Jo  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,006.11 GROSS PAYROLL Wertenbaker, Nohreen Cea  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles Jeffrey  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,907.38 GROSS PAYROLL Wheeler, Sidney Elizabeth  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,778.29 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda Kay  Menan ID 0 8/18/2023
$2,547.82 GROSS PAYROLL Whitehead, Kaylen Marie  Spanish Fork UT 0 8/18/2023
$4,093.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Ashley Marie  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,972.89 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,561.87 GROSS PAYROLL Wilmot, Karlee Shimp  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina Anne  St Anthony ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,047.53 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,624.00 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,891.64 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Jilinda Rose  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Clarynn Nikelle  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,520.16 GROSS PAYROLL Yearsley, Lisa   Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,083.85 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,844.34 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,180.52 GROSS PAYROLL Youngstrom, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,482.85 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley Sue  Rigby ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zander, Chelsey Cattelain  Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,218.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/18/2023
$4,066.87 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 8/18/2023
$5,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 8/18/2023
$1,005.36 GROSS PAYROLL Covington, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 62533 8/18/2023
$1,764.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 62534 8/18/2023
$3,395.13 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Andrea Michaela  Idaho Falls ID 62535 8/18/2023
$688.43 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Meghann   Rigby ID 62536 8/18/2023
$2,002.14 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 62537 8/18/2023
$2,160.51 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 62538 8/18/2023