Jefferson Joint School District #251 FY 2020 Expenditures
 Invoice  Total  Description   Vendor   Vendor City   Vendor State   CheckNumber  CheckDate
V159130 $20.00 General Supplies & Materials Jefferson Parent Rigby ID 2161 7/1/2019
23 July Pymt $2,922.50 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 7/2/2019
MedExpReimb7.2.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Bice, Shanelle Rigby ID 89284 7/2/2019
MedExpReimb7.2.19 $127.53 Buy-Down Insurance Comstock, Gary Idaho Falls ID 89285 7/2/2019
MedExpReimb7.2.19 $3,916.58 Buy-Down Insurance Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 89286 7/2/2019
MedExpReimb7.2.19 $60.66 Buy-Down Insurance Hall, Shawn Rigby ID 89287 7/2/2019
MedExpReimb7.2.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89288 7/2/2019
MedExpReimb7.2.19 $46.15 Buy-Down Insurance Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 89289 7/2/2019
Permit HE ($15,327.00) Building Construction-Harwood Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Rigby ID 89283 7/2/2019
Permit HE $15,327.00 Building Construction-Harwood Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Rigby ID 89283 7/2/2019
AUDII Train PD $280.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hsu, Er Fang Rexburg ID 89293 7/3/2019
AUDII Train PD $280.00 District Prof Dev Travel Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 89294 7/3/2019
AUDII Train PD $280.00 District Prof Dev Travel Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 89295 7/3/2019
July Caution Light $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/3/2019
June 25042093 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89292 7/3/2019
JUNE PIC PD Reimb $140.61 District Prof Dev Travel Fryberger, Don Rigby ID 89290 7/3/2019
00881-01 $222,104.84 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89318 7/8/2019
1416165 $160.00 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 89329 7/8/2019
1627 $61,730.00 State IMS System Silverback Learning Solutions Meridian ID 89342 7/8/2019
165378 $3,784.80 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89333 7/8/2019
165383 $1,222.00 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89333 7/8/2019
165399 $418.30 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89333 7/8/2019
181771 FY 20 Pymnt $53,267.97 Software Support PowerSchool Group LLC Folsom CA 89338 7/8/2019
20108112 $7,980.00 Software Purchases and Licensing ISB Educational Solultions Boise ID 89331 7/8/2019
21203 $9,963.55 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 89332 7/8/2019
21593626 $125.98 Secondary Prof Dev Travel EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 89326 7/8/2019
21636 June $1,071.54 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89345 7/8/2019
21662 June $399.01 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89345 7/8/2019
21693 June $246.71 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89345 7/8/2019
21699 June $274.38 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89345 7/8/2019
2754 $190.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Career & Technical Education Decatur GA 89321 7/8/2019
2767 $60.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Career & Technical Education Decatur GA 89321 7/8/2019
2827 $32.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Career & Technical Education Decatur GA 89321 7/8/2019
2837 $30.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Career & Technical Education Decatur GA 89321 7/8/2019
288754 $167,000.00 Property and Liability Insurance Moreton & Compangy Boise ID 89335 7/8/2019
547534 596 Transportation Travel & Training 85 The Grove Hotel Boise ID 89344 7/8/2019
547534 Parking 60 Transportation Travel & Training 85 The Grove Hotel Boise ID 89344 7/8/2019
547535 447 Transportation Travel & Training 85 The Grove Hotel Boise ID 89344 7/8/2019
547535 Parking $45.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 The Grove Hotel Boise ID 89344 7/8/2019
547536 $447.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 The Grove Hotel Boise ID 89344 7/8/2019
547536 Parking $45.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 The Grove Hotel Boise ID 89344 7/8/2019
547537 $447.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 The Grove Hotel Boise ID 89344 7/8/2019
6 $10,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 89336 7/8/2019
6464.003 Jul 2 19 $1,276.00 Attorney Fees Nelson Hall Parry Tucker Idaho Falls ID 89337 7/8/2019
67637 $93,382.00 Bus Purchases Western Mtn. Bus Sales NAMPA ID 89347 7/8/2019
67637 $279,987.00 Bus Purchases Western Mtn. Bus Sales NAMPA ID 89347 7/8/2019
7 $5,625.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89334 7/8/2019
8172 $4,800.00 Emergency Levy Grounds Supprt Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 89324 7/8/2019
869-03 $520,020.50 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89318 7/8/2019
881-02 $470,880.33 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89318 7/8/2019
882-01 $264,144.25 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89318 7/8/2019
89415305793 $45.12 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89319 7/8/2019
89415305814 $86.20 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89319 7/8/2019
979846 $413.25 Startalk Grant-Supplies Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 89348 7/8/2019
98912 $11,050.65 Software Support Frontline Technologies Group LLC Philadelphia PA 89327 7/8/2019
AR686001 $4,000.00 Supplies & Materials Valley Office Systems IDAHO FALLS ID 89346 7/8/2019
B002691470 $487.50 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Carrier Corporation Chicago IL 89322 7/8/2019
CSI PD $84.00 General Supplies Muir, Cindy Idaho Falls ID 89298 7/8/2019
FCCLA Reimb $666.58 FCCLA Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 89339 7/8/2019
FY 2018-19 AuditFee $7,458.00 SDE Assessment Fee Transportation 85 State Dept. Of Education BOISE ID 89343 7/8/2019
H002486-2019 $125.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Division of Building Safety Meridian ID 89325 7/8/2019
IASA Conf PD $294.30 Supt/Asst Supt Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89299 7/8/2019
June 18-0157 $414.06 Water Sewer Gabage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89323 7/8/2019
June 18-0160 $190.56 Water Sewer Gabage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89323 7/8/2019
June 2019 2951 $1,396.50 Professional Services GBS of Idaho Boise ID 89328 7/8/2019
June 251144-1 $75.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 89330 7/8/2019
June 251161-1 $225.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 89330 7/8/2019
June 275612 $236.00 Travel Expenses Riverside Hotel BOISE ID 89341 7/8/2019
June 275613 $236.00 Travel Expenses Riverside Hotel BOISE ID 89341 7/8/2019
M000663-2019 $100.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Division of Building Safety Meridian ID 89325 7/8/2019
May 01 $424.96 Vendor Services Caitlin Clare Quiroz Ammon ID 89320 7/8/2019
MedExpReimb7.5.19 $699.37 Buy-Down Insurance Tomkinson, Hallie Rigby ID 89296 7/8/2019
MedExpReimb7.5.19 $470.69 Buy-Down Insurance Troyer, Lori Idaho Falls ID 89297 7/8/2019
SS190503 $16,603.00 Software Support Right Reponse LLC Rochester Hills MI 89340 7/8/2019
DistTrans-MechanicPD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 89353 7/10/2019
DistTrans-MechanicPD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Jagielski, David Brian Rigby ID 89354 7/10/2019
DistTrans-MechanicPD $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 89355 7/10/2019
Mech Conference PD 204 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Oram, Steve Rigby ID 89356 7/10/2019
MedExpReimb7.8.19 $93.00 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 89351 7/10/2019
MedExpReimb7.9.19 $936.80 Buy-Down Insurance Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89349 7/10/2019
MedExpReimb7.9.19 $994.74 Buy-Down Insurance Crook, Chase Terry Menan ID 89350 7/10/2019
MedExpReimb7.9.19 $189.80 Buy-Down Insurance Hall, Shawn Rigby ID 89352 7/10/2019
ToolReimb 7.10.19 $600.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 89357 7/10/2019
ToolReimb 7.10.19 $252.19 Mechanic Tools 85 Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 89358 7/10/2019
ToolReimb 7.10.19 $600.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Oram, Steve Rigby ID 89359 7/10/2019
June 2019 $59.99 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $157.71 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $28.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $1,229.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $28.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $3,349.96 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $152.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $152.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $27.79 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $86.87 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $1,192.56 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $3,504.56 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $152.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $152.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $1,395.02 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $27.79 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $20.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $28.62 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $955.48 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $16.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $7,766.07 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $6,822.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $25.41 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $38.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $2,356.90 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $441.92 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $15,723.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $1,753.26 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $320.13 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $997.54 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $17.43 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
June 2019 $658.96 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 7/11/2019
6/30/2019 $8.00 Bill to School JES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $178.00 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 13.2 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 7.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $32.95 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $128.82 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $21.20 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $140.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $16.03 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $2,464.40 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $43.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $455.54 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $95.39 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,800.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $30.34 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $17.08 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $952.00 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $185.27 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $97.28 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $38.90 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $47.76 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $50.00 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $10.57 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $153.41 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 40 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 53.78 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 2280 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 34.95 Boys Basketball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $25.36 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 188.89 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 150.54 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,500.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $228.82 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $195.50 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $84.79 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $47.69 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $288.45 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,240.00 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $5.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $0.99 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $37.27 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $300.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $80.56 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $449.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $142.18 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $22.24 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $83.36 Teacher Appreciation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $156.00 Teacher Appreciation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $38.92 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 ($436.20) FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $169.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $60.14 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $31.83 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $490.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $56.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $69.65 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,680.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $613.50 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $22.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $13.97 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 328.74 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $62.31 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $17.73 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $105.99 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $15.85 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $84.99 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35.00 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $551.20 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $9.85 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $56.46 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35.00 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $217.23 PE Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $256.46 PE Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $291.94 PE Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $102.00 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $70.00 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $31.60 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $15.12 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $39.61 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $110.57 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $19.90 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $49.78 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $2,415.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $100.08 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $73.57 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $360.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $385.20 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $69.10 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $93.19 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $605.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $170.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,995.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $74.35 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $348.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $348.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $89.87 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $93.02 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $22.33 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $130.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $10.77 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $140.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $6.60 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $155.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $62.48 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $31.78 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $6.11 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $199.00 Parking Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $17.35 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 ($3,495.17) Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $82.59 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 ($14.59) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 ($34.60) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $88.98 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $137.70 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $19.98 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1.78 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $449.69 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $16.92 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 63.6 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $84.02 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $116.09 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $106.31 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $216.02 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $203.40 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $199.96 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $177.12 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $16.31 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $12.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $66.95 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $40.01 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $582.38 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $289.40 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,364.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $771.64 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $44.80 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $831.23 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $98.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $162.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $683.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $27.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $20.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $182.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,460.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $64.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $123.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $254.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $28.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $19.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $46.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $25.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $112.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $65.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $12.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $110.42 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $18.71 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $24.97 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $76.97 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $28.39 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $66.06 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $47.58 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $10.88 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $31.77 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $88.36 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $905.13 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $130.56 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $50.94 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $15.16 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $19.45 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $27.90 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $135.95 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $37.77 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $25.43 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $21.03 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $14.83 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 -($5.00) Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $5.00 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $9.54 Shumway, Hannah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $9.00 Ricks, Elizabeth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $30.74 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $17.20 Romney, Melissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $58.25 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 463.98 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $597.70 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,724.80 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $25,454.40 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $105.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,042.30 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $113.90 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,762.32 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $32.33 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $31.32 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $213.57 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $77.00 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $12.99 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $31.89 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $36.64 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $16.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $32.14 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $504.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $42.34 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $471.79 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $858.50 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $23.98 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $23.93 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $22.69 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $5.97 Health Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $52.90 Health Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $126.14 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $116.95 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $8.88 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $17.05 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $101.10 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $28.59 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $21.26 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $68.58 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $21.33 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $17.49 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $9.11 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $55.29 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $34.77 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $56.07 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $37.15 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $34.54 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $48.54 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $36.10 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $11.64 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $21.61 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $75.71 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $240.75 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,200.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $83.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $29.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $76.30 IAEYC-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $393.32 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $4,415.74 Emergency Levy Spec Ed Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $52.19 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 ($247.41) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $30.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $60.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $34.49 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,191.49 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $31.60 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $6,690.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $61.03 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $37.24 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $64.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $26.36 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $34.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $90.14 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $86.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,805.36 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $147.65 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $75.36 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,388.40 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $8.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $460.46 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $525.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $241.54 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $617.80 Equipment Rental Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $50.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $225.67 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $101.34 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $199.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $3,169.20 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $85.00 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,175.85 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $44.97 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $270.91 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $12.34 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $46.12 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $30.26 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $113.65 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $457.13 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $2.88 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $300.59 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $575.44 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $528.33 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $40.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $53.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $242.49 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $75.07 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35.03 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $15,070.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $373.13 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,157.55 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $739.57 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $354.72 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $984.04 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $432.58 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $2,089.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $539.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $739.57 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,510.48 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,986.86 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $184.89 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $3.18 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $159.96 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $23.75 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35.18 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $9.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $107.28 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $227.80 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $360.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $492.77 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $29.46 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,144.16 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $72.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $269.48 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $30.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $4.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $10.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $115.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $8.35 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $74.38 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $15.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $37.54 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $48.34 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $7.04 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $66.97 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $125.40 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $2.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $65.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $33.54 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $876.04 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $9.44 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $28.66 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $12.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $4.49 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $115.08 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $42.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $100.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $520.14 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $616.40 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $272.80 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $17.22 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $81.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $8.38 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $22.52 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $29.23 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $129.72 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $196.90 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $151.66 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $137.91 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $36.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $104.83 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $271.13 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $125.22 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $820.07 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $54.72 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $625.53 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $442.02 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $780.00 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $13.58 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $294.64 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $19.56 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $220.00 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $218.86 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $9.61 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $94.77 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $53.78 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $88.35 Ground Supplies Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $13.97 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $16.98 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 ($23.33) Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $17.93 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $114.50 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $173.90 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $545.10 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $69.16 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $25.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $115.26 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $143.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $295.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $865.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $88.55 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $114.40 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $39.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $32.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $227.49 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $142.59 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $40.32 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $55.08 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,279.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $398.79 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $57.68 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 1029.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 732 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 127.2 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 306.52 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 99.93 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 2116.45 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 197.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 59.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 869.6 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 2180 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 1190.81 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 11.66 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 138.29 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 71.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 229.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 3147.12 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 8.14 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 34.75 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 54.25 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 14 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 12 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 199 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 118.73 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 4187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 230 Licenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 1720 Licenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 17.65 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 18.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 798.7 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 499.5 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 66.79 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 10.79 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 48.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 211.39 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 184.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 535.8 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 14314 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 139.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 139.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 923.9 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 86.85 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 108.05 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 81 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 8000 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 4400 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 39.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 14.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 13760.9 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 115.42 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 25.3 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 13.04 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 19.08 Quigley, Sara Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 25.44 JES Library Books Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 20.13 Peterson, Emily Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 14.84 Peterson, Emily Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 48.5 Palmer, Linda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 70 Romney, Melissa Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 1018.92 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 1371.84 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 156.36 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 927 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 84.75 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 135.9 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 304.76 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 383.33 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 88.99 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 204 Kerry Thomas EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 124.27 Track EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 2408.8 Track EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 85.04 RHS Jeremy Green Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 210.64 RHS Jeremy Green Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 3891.6 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 12 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 33.3 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 99.49 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $53.23 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $63.06 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $22.08 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35.22 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $135.83 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $39.10 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $690.00 IQPS CTE Travel Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35.00 IQPS CTE Travel Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $348.00 IQPS CTE Travel Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $334.93 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $638.52 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $246.24 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $40.27 CTE Equipment Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $185.08 CTE Equipment Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $84.64 CTE Equipment Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $309.64 CTE Equipment Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $211.74 CTE Equipment Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $126,080.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35,147.88 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $27.58 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $35.23 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $13.67 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $22.83 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $17.90 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $415.34 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $142.47 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $65.38 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $1,609.91 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $3,679.98 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $2,058.40 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $343.85 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $548.63 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $260.50 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $128.50 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $599.29 Perkins Supplies Health Occupations Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $53.00 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $96.07 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $105.20 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $93.26 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $93.26 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $623.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $31.79 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $272.85 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $36.12 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $84.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $31.08 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $95.33 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $55.74 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $94.89 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $4,411.98 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $3,324.52 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $5.58 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $79.96 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
6/30/2019 $524.72 SPFF Non Student Occupied Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2019
2014-17806 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 89365 7/15/2019
2859 $8,800.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Mike Rutledge Excavating LLC Rigby ID 89360 7/15/2019
6294354 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 89364 7/15/2019
HE Permit Fee $3,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood Jefferson County Planning & Zoning Rigby ID 89361 7/15/2019
MedExpReimb 7.11.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 89363 7/15/2019
MedExpReimb7.11.19 $141.81 Buy-Down Insurance Baisch, Sonya Rigby ID 89362 7/15/2019
PLC Conf PD 45 District Prof Dev Travel Bailey, Brittany Naomi Idaho Falls ID 89366 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD 45 District Prof Dev Travel Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 89367 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD 45 District Prof Dev Travel Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 89368 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD 45 District Prof Dev Travel Codling, Teresa St. Anthony ID 89369 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD 45 District Prof Dev Travel Comstock, Gary Idaho Falls ID 89370 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD 45 District Prof Dev Travel Corbridge, Carla Rigby ID 89371 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD 45 District Prof Dev Travel Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89372 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD 45 District Prof Dev Travel Day, Lisa Rigby ID 89373 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD 45 District Prof Dev Travel Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 89374 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 89375 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Fryberger, Don Rigby ID 89376 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Fullmer, Krystal Rigby ID 89377 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Giles, Hannah Idaho Falls ID 89378 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hancock, Matthew Menan ID 89380 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Harmon, Kathy Idaho Falls ID 89381 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hollis, Jeanette Michelle Rigby ID 89382 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hovis, Janessa Rigby ID 89383 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 89384 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Meyer, David Idaho Falls ID 89385 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 89386 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Phillips, Karey Brooke Rigby ID 89387 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89388 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Tomkinson, Hallie Rigby ID 89389 7/16/2019
PLC Conf PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 89390 7/16/2019
PLC Training PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Gunderson, Lora Lee  Menan ID 89379 7/16/2019
SpanishImmTrain PD 65 District Prof Dev Travel Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 89391 7/16/2019
SpanishImmTrain PD $65.00 District Prof Dev Travel Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 89392 7/16/2019
AppFee RWilson $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89393 7/17/2019
June 2019 $105.88 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 $9.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 $90.49 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 $40.77 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 $122.95 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 $42.52 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 349.66 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 437.8 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 108.95 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 $2,367.22 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 $9.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
June 2019 $37.70 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 7/17/2019
MedExpReimb 7.17.19 $1,999.00 Buy-Down Insurance Christensen, Stephanie Rigby ID 89394 7/17/2019
MedExpReimb 7.17.19 $748.45 Buy-Down Insurance Spear, Amanda Mangum  Rexburg ID 89395 7/17/2019
MedExpReimb7.18.19 $33.74 Buy-Down Insurance Comstock, Gary Idaho Falls ID 89396 7/18/2019
V217370 $483.25 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89437 7/18/2019
V279282 $20,428.75 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/18/2019
V477605 $41,025.40 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 7/18/2019
V485605 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 7/18/2019
V509461 $4,777.70 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 7/18/2019
V513780 $54.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 7/18/2019
V547486 $1,804.45 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89437 7/18/2019
V558112 $526.81 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89437 7/18/2019
V698183 $3,985.68 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 7/18/2019
V724246 $440.00 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 7/18/2019
V990340 $40,444.74 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89437 7/18/2019
V982352 $2,684.33 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,337.88 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,367.65 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 7/18/2019
$4,628.62 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,277.79 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,638.31 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 7/18/2019
$6,687.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$8,011.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/18/2019
$6,393.83 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$4,201.86 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,779.41 GROSS PAYROLL Ferguson, Kelly Ray  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,735.21 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,362.27 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,497.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,145.30 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,766.55 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$6,527.80 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,748.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,456.33 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/18/2019
$6,680.55 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,395.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,271.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,407.47 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,921.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,818.58 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 7/18/2019
$6,751.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,837.83 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,487.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$4,162.35 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,289.01 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,470.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,452.04 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 7/18/2019
$5,268.27 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$11,192.80 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,248.71 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$4,167.31 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$6,329.71 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$8,614.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,729.42 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/18/2019
$1,892.25 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,437.87 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,933.16 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 7/18/2019
$12,580.79 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,752.74 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,655.61 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,318.01 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,308.44 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,448.66 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 7/18/2019
$240.84 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 7/18/2019
$3,729.33 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,182.00 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 7/18/2019
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 7/18/2019
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 7/18/2019
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 7/18/2019
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,339.04 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 7/18/2019
$2,879.71 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 7/18/2019
$4,263.00 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Brent   Idaho Falls ID 60920 7/18/2019
$2,337.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 60921 7/18/2019
$7,625.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 60922 7/18/2019
$2,334.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 60923 7/18/2019
$3,175.77 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 60924 7/18/2019
PaintReimb 44.47 Supplies & Materials Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 89397 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD -($45.00) District Prof Dev Travel Arnold, Ashlee Rigby ID 89401 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Arnold, Ashlee Rigby ID 89401 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Billeter, Sara Jane Rexburg ID 89402 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 89403 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD -($45.00) District Prof Dev Travel Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 89404 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 89404 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 89405 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 89406 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Erikson, Ryan Joseph Sugar City ID 89407 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD -($45.00) District Prof Dev Travel Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 89408 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 89408 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 89409 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hodges, Michael Rigby ID 89410 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 89411 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 89412 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Lilly, Ryan Rigby ID 89413 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Marble, Isaac D Idaho Falls ID 89414 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Noa, Jeffrey Kaina  N. Las Vegas NV 89415 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Parkes, Barry Idaho Falls ID 89416 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 89417 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 89418 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 89419 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 89420 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Staker, Robin Judy Idaho Falls ID 89421 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 89422 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Weekes, Nichole Michele Rigby ID 89423 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 89424 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 89425 7/22/2019
PLC Workshop PD $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Winters, Sara Idaho Falls ID 89426 7/22/2019
Reach Conf PD $127.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Christensen, Stephanie Rigby ID 89398 7/22/2019
Reach Conf PD $127.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 89399 7/22/2019
Reach Conf PD $127.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 89400 7/22/2019
25105909 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89428 7/23/2019
25129375 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89428 7/23/2019
25129376 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89428 7/23/2019
33738033 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 89427 7/23/2019
RSO 2018-19Contract $14,162.38 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 89429 7/23/2019
RSO 2018-19Contract $73,746.00 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 89429 7/23/2019
MedExpReimb 7.24.19 $160.00 Buy-Down Insurance Arneson, Angela Marie Rigby ID 89430 7/25/2019
MedExpReimb 7.24.19 $1,858.19 Buy-Down Insurance Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 89431 7/25/2019
MedExpReimb 7.29.19 140.49 Buy-Down Insurance Hall, Shawn Rigby ID 89434 7/29/2019
MedExpReimb 7.29.19 $33.03 Buy-Down Insurance Norman, Wendy Ann Rigby ID 89435 7/29/2019
MedExpReimb 7.29.19 $1,337.00 Buy-Down Insurance Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 89436 7/29/2019
MedExpReimb7.26.19 $110.44 Buy-Down Insurance Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 89432 7/29/2019
MedExpReimb7.26.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Dial, Jan Rigby ID 89433 7/29/2019
25207664 $100.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89440 7/30/2019
25207664 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89440 7/30/2019
25207664 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89440 7/30/2019
25207664 $60.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89440 7/30/2019
25221593 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89440 7/30/2019
6375985 $113.02 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 89441 7/30/2019
MedExpReimb 7.30.19 $373.92 Buy-Down Insurance Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 89439 7/30/2019
CTE Auto Reimb $3,449.88 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89443 7/31/2019
CTE ECP Reimb $22.92 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89443 7/31/2019
June  ECP CTE Reimb $142.15 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89443 7/31/2019
June CTE Reimb $795.70 CTE Supplies Nursing Assistant Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89443 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb $27.00 Business Services School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb 38 Business Services School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb 10 Postage School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb ($61.98) Business Supplies School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb ($0.50) Business Supplies School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb ($1.00) Business Supplies School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb ($1.63) Business Supplies School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb -6.97 Maintenance Supplies School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb 6 Trans Supplies for RSD School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
PettyCashReimb 6 Vendor Services School District #251 RIGBY ID 89442 7/31/2019
24 Aug Pymt $2,922.50 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 8/1/2019
FingerprintEscrow 3000 Business Services State Dept. of Education... BOISE ID 89445 8/6/2019
Tool Reimb 47.81 $47.81 Mechanic Tools 85 Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 89444 8/6/2019
WireFeeReimb $15.00 Business Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 89446 8/6/2019
FedPrograms PD $127.00 Title II Travel Hancock, Matthew Menan ID 89450 8/7/2019
IGORBondSeries15 $500.00 Bank Fees Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 89452 8/7/2019
MedExpReimb8.7.19 $93.04 Buy-Down Insurance Hall, Shawn Rigby ID 89448 8/7/2019
MedExpReimb8.7.19 $442.21 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89449 8/7/2019
ProjectLeadPD $127.00 IDEA Professional Development Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89451 8/7/2019
TravelReimb $210.45 District Prof Dev Travel Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 89447 8/7/2019
ProjectLeadPD $127.00 Supplies & Materials Codling, Teresa St. Anthony ID 89454 8/8/2019
ProjectLeadPD $127.00 Supplies & Materials Hollis, Jeanette Michelle Rigby ID 89455 8/8/2019
SupplyReimb $15.23 Parker, April Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 89453 8/8/2019
00869-03 $737,055.30 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89459 8/9/2019
00881-03 $626,863.92 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89459 8/9/2019
00882-02 $436,044.95 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89459 8/9/2019
01422796 $589.20 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 89471 8/9/2019
014331 $1,800.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Istation Dallas TX 89478 8/9/2019
014331 $2,800.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Istation Dallas TX 89478 8/9/2019
0255186-01 $1,734.00 Technology Maint Supplies D & S Electrical Supply Idaho Falls ID 89464 8/9/2019
0255186-01 ($1,734.00) Technology Maint Supplies D & S Electrical Supply Idaho Falls ID 89464 8/9/2019
1017787 $12.22 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 89462 8/9/2019
1018143 $1,589.32 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 89462 8/9/2019
1018442 $796.10 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 89462 8/9/2019
13690 $1,197.95 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Tetonpest Rigby ID 89487 8/9/2019
13691 $85.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Tetonpest Rigby ID 89487 8/9/2019
13692 $375.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Tetonpest Rigby ID 89487 8/9/2019
13693 $205.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Tetonpest Rigby ID 89487 8/9/2019
13696 $125.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Tetonpest Rigby ID 89487 8/9/2019
13697 $75.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Tetonpest Rigby ID 89487 8/9/2019
13698 $260.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Tetonpest Rigby ID 89487 8/9/2019
13717 $110.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Tetonpest Rigby ID 89487 8/9/2019
14328 $3,123.75 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Istation Dallas TX 89478 8/9/2019
165502 $2,599.95 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89479 8/9/2019
165507 $1,517.40 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89479 8/9/2019
165514 $1,145.90 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89479 8/9/2019
166258 $4,428.15 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89479 8/9/2019
166263 $2,776.95 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89479 8/9/2019
166269 $2,814.40 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89479 8/9/2019
19 7.31.19 $9,500.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89480 8/9/2019
19-822 $187.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 89484 8/9/2019
19-883 $374.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 89484 8/9/2019
20.D.064 $50.00 Business Services Idaho School Dist.Council BOISE ID 89477 8/9/2019
200 $459.00 Grounds Supplies Turfco Power Equipment Shelley ID 89489 8/9/2019
200 $13,339.00 Grounds Supplies Turfco Power Equipment Shelley ID 89489 8/9/2019
200005793 ($400.00) IDEA Professional Development IASA BOISE ID 89475 8/9/2019
200005793 $400.00 IDEA Professional Development IASA BOISE ID 89475 8/9/2019
2089 $4,073.00 Supplies and Materials EdTech RX Tustin CA 89466 8/9/2019
2116 $825.00 Supplies and Materials EdTech RX Tustin CA 89466 8/9/2019
21708 $257.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89488 8/9/2019
21713 $327.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89488 8/9/2019
21727 $1,021.86 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89488 8/9/2019
22365 $311.08 SPFF Non Student Occupied Hall's Fabricating Rigby ID 89472 8/9/2019
251164-1 $150.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 89476 8/9/2019
251165-1 $225.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 89476 8/9/2019
26136 100 Insurance Fuel Tank Petroleum Storage Tank Fund Boise ID 89483 8/9/2019
27L025726 $4,350.00 Building Construction-Midway Anixter Glenview IL 89457 8/9/2019
27L025726 $4,690.44 Building Construction-Harwood Anixter Glenview IL 89457 8/9/2019
2958 $1,396.50 Professional Services GBS of Idaho Boise ID 89469 8/9/2019
3202 $15,945.30 Sec Curriculum Textbooks NCS Pearson Chicago IL 89481 8/9/2019
3943 $3,990.00 Purchased Services Arbor Tech Rigby  ID 89458 8/9/2019
4960 $22,000.30 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Lehi UT 89467 8/9/2019
4960 $124,668.36 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Lehi UT 89467 8/9/2019
6030 $2,125.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89465 8/9/2019
6037 $2,205.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89465 8/9/2019
6067 $2,709.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89465 8/9/2019
6094 $175.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89465 8/9/2019
6103 $375.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89465 8/9/2019
6908408 $455.38 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89482 8/9/2019
7.29.19 2-RC $519.75 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 89485 8/9/2019
7.29.19 7-HB $787.50 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 89485 8/9/2019
7.3.19 1-RC $488.25 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 89485 8/9/2019
7.3.19 6-HB $645.75 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 89485 8/9/2019
710154815 $1,213.29 Curriculum HM Receivables Co. LLC Chicago IL 89474 8/9/2019
710156019 $2,250.00 Curriculum HM Receivables Co. LLC Chicago IL 89474 8/9/2019
7744 $10,224.00 Supplies and Materials UZBL Irvine CA 89491 8/9/2019
775620 $120.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 89461 8/9/2019
775620 $180.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 89461 8/9/2019
8.1.19 $5,500.00 Board Services Victor Four Labor Relations Tacoma WA 89493 8/9/2019
8175 $1,092.17 Grounds Services Midway Elem Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 89463 8/9/2019
8176 JUNE $375.00 Professional Services Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 89463 8/9/2019
819073-01 $19,269.88 Playground HK Contractors, Inc Idaho Falls ID 89473 8/9/2019
8855 $2,499.84 Custodial Services Jefferson Elementary United Services Inc. Shelley ID 89490 8/9/2019
8855 $3,790.08 Custodial Services Farnsworth Elementary United Services Inc. Shelley ID 89490 8/9/2019
8855 $2,459.52 Custodial Services South Fork Elementary United Services Inc. Shelley ID 89490 8/9/2019
8855 $6,858.60 Custodial Services Rigby Middle School United Services Inc. Shelley ID 89490 8/9/2019
89415305845 $126.00 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89460 8/9/2019
9255 $1,200.00 Software Support Global Compliance Network, Inc. Lansing MI 89470 8/9/2019
92671767-001 $3,055.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies SiteOne Landscape Supply Holding LLC Roswell  GA 89486 8/9/2019
92671767-0012 $3,055.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies SiteOne Landscape Supply Holding LLC Roswell  GA 89486 8/9/2019
92671767-0013 $3,055.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies SiteOne Landscape Supply Holding LLC Roswell  GA 89486 8/9/2019
92671767-0014 $3,073.34 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies SiteOne Landscape Supply Holding LLC Roswell  GA 89486 8/9/2019
9679 $961.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89492 8/9/2019
9721 $300.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89492 8/9/2019
979850 $752.00 Custodial Supplies Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 89494 8/9/2019
9838 $468.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89492 8/9/2019
98912 $11,050.65 Software Support Frontline Technologies Philadelphia PA 89468 8/9/2019
9982 $936.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89492 8/9/2019
July 2019 $53.35 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $731.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $30.09 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $2,881.91 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $154.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $154.62 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $39.35 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $872.92 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $3,183.34 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $154.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $154.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $612.06 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $96.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $546.19 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $16.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $6,754.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $5,164.52 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $27.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $2,114.91 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $297.17 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $14,869.17 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $1,674.96 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $358.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $387.42 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 17.42 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
July 2019 $467.99 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/9/2019
ProjectLeadPerDiem $127.00 IDEA Professional Development Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 89456 8/9/2019
StaceyDenLangSchool $100.00 Startalk Grant-Services Yu Chun Chen Lafayette CO 89495 8/9/2019
2131 $66.00 Property and Liability Insurance Falls Insurance Center, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89496 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $312.10 Accounts Receivable Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,355.65 Accounts Receivable Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,225.00 Accounts Receivable Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $25.43 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $14.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $7.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $8.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $77.72 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $27.30 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $28.70 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $15.41 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $88.54 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $14.42 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $12.68 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $16.79 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $91.10 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $523.02 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $34.99 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $63.50 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $406.72 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $23.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $795.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $28.09 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $400.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $191.89 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $125.20 Boys Soccer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $95.35 Boys Soccer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $31.57 Boys Soccer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $140.00 Boys Soccer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $17.97 Boys Soccer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $261.66 Boys Soccer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $500.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $14.48 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $10.59 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $18.22 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $25.00 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,962.00 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $19.98 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $53.28 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $13.46 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $33.52 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $42.79 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $76.00 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $45.05 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $76.00 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $45.05 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $9.14 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $350.00 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $25.41 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $180.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $35.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,512.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $306.60 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $78.50 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $200.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $6.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $41.29 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $37.44 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $62.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $110.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $41.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($69.60) Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $5.28 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $60.64 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $41.30 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $215.82 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $450.05 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $44.29 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $16.49 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $255.94 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $59.22 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $108.39 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $214.44 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $15.79 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $25.20 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $500.00 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $300.00 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $182.34 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $22.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $8.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $38.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,560.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $828.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $369.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $298.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $32.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $69.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $34.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $174.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $207.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $85.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $7.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $816.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $48.81 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $62.54 LEP Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($3.18) Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $59.36 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $19.36 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $37.11 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $61.46 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3.18 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3.79 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $235.86 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $26.78 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $52.90 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $12.52 Sonya Baisch Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $20.15 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $19.08 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $26.49 Krista Hill Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $93.09 Killian, McKell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $45.49 Cook, Arica Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $7.67 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $9.01 Ricks, Elizabeth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $65.72 Ricks, Elizabeth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($3.18) Ricks, Elizabeth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $15.84 Norman, Wendy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $71.19 Norman, Wendy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $24.35 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $21.03 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $18.02 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $36.15 Hill, Carla Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $15.79 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $52.72 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $21.78 Balmforth, Ronni Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $47.70 Romney, Melissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $8.75 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $14.72 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $16.94 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $963.20 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $361.76 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,996.47 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $69.90 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $148.38 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $269.55 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $242.16 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $14.81 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $10.59 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $106.92 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $154.55 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $175.70 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,847.59 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $147.61 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $213.84 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $704.63 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $563.50 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $163.60 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $204.76 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $106.00 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $52.98 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $90.03 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $127.18 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $10.53 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $20.22 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $44.95 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $13.63 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $10,182.95 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $5,465.75 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $243.99 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3,036.75 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $17,895.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,097.17 Emergency Levy Spec Ed PD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $32,372.37 Emergency Levy Spec Ed Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,209.98 Athletic Supplies. Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($816.90) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($768.03) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($28.21) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3.50 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $30.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $962.94 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,834.05 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $53.26 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $234.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $61.77 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $45.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1.79 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $41.88 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $287.72 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $7.07 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $27.55 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $150.48 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $6.85 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $507.16 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $180.00 Postage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $15.06 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $32.84 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $153.30 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $24.02 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $168.27 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $331.05 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $36.89 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $129.42 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $97.44 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $6.85 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $23.39 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $7,501.60 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $191.22 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,220.15 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $379.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $505.19 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,268.40 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $204.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $379.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $430.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $465.85 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $13,416.45 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $283.07 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $29.98 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,768.55 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,756.00 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $4.49 Custodial Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $736.45 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,416.56 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $692.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $100.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $126.91 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $330.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $549.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $102.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $38.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2.34 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $187.94 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $17.12 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3,200.00 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $523.77 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,416.60 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $54.00 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $700.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $700.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $222.48 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $222.48 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $395.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,567.10 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $355.10 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($14.64) Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $581.94 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $58.60 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $17.91 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $458.91 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3,050.10 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $113.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,549.14 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $45.93 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $279.69 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $50.63 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $17.72 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $102.39 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $67.83 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $325.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,386.59 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $28.63 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $119.88 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $13.49 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $14.25 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $22.69 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($45.00) Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $166.40 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $495.00 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $199.84 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $54.08 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $21.57 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $4.58 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $34.20 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $72.29 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $55.95 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $10.42 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,286.60 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $105.24 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $566.66 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $32.85 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $42.75 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $330.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $151.66 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $48.47 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $844.66 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($29.64) Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($70.93) Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,102.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $999.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $24.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,038.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $67.61 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $19.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $116.73 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $17.15 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $88.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $297.12 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $77.94 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $41.24 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,161.97 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $376.54 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $24.31 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $43.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $89.86 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $22.68 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $329.95 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $11.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $303.70 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3,664.02 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $350.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $74.36 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $608.89 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $327.49 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $26.33 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $9.84 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,442.60 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $80.64 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $292.93 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $8.79 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $59.98 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,353.09 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $25.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $60.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $107.33 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $271.96 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $235.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,087.49 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $330.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $268.94 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $58.73 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $15.62 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $31.60 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $51.33 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $385.56 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,071.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $73.12 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $116.96 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $183.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $47.94 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $27.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $345.06 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $277.02 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $237.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,094.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $270.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $107.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $62.22 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $183.10 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3,311.05 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $483.23 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $901.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $287.11 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $67.78 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,518.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $73.06 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $28.72 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $11.06 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $152.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $497.69 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $16.29 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $61.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($83.02) Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $7.57 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $83.02 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $8.14 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $8.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $128.52 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $37.11 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $18,000.00 Licenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $13.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $79.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $79.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $31.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $59.18 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $24.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $14.97 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $505.73 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $30.88 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $12.82 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $14.59 Fish Tank EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $5.00 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $11.84 James, Brenda Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $29.95 Peterson, Emily Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $57.99 Peterson, Emily Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $13.78 Ricks, Elizabeth Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $94.84 Palmer, Linda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $18.32 Heidi Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $53.32 RHS Jeremy Green Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3.16 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $131.84 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $65.19 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $81.34 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $151.24 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($9.00) CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,623.45 CTE Equipment Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $4.49 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $393.60 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $30.62 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $36.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $170.00 Vendor Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3,887.81 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,611.50 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $76.12 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $715.38 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,700.00 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $61.83 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $6,377.11 Medicaid Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $203.89 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $71.02 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,000.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,918.94 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $83.02 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,560.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 -($198.79) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $60.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $198.79 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $855.16 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $795.16 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $596.37 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $57.09 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $38.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $40.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $32.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $420.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $795.16 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $41.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $43.08 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $596.37 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,141.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $7.92 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $49.63 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $1,037.39 Building Construction-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $2,492.00 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $7,737.60 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $3,868.80 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
7/31/2019 $346.91 SPFF Non Student Occupied Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 8/12/2019
July 2019 18-0157 $404.96 Water Sewer Gabage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89497 8/12/2019
July 2019 18-0160 $199.66 Water Sewer Gabage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89497 8/12/2019
TechWorkshop $400.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Idaho Dept of Education BOISE ID 89498 8/12/2019
25295334 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89501 8/13/2019
25307453 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89514 8/13/2019
33870625 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 89513 8/13/2019
ISBA Conv Per Diem $116.00 Board Travel Peterson, Michael Rigby ID 89511 8/13/2019
ISBAConv PerDiem ($116.00) Board Travel Byram, Bruce J Rigby ID 89503 8/13/2019
ISBAConv PerDiem $116.00 Board Travel Byram, Bruce J Rigby ID 89503 8/13/2019
ISBAConv PerDiem $116.00 Board Travel Clark, Leon Rigby ID 89504 8/13/2019
ISBAConv PerDiem $116.00 Board Travel Ellis, Roy Rigby ID 89505 8/13/2019
ISBAConv PerDiem $116.00 Board Travel Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 89507 8/13/2019
ISBAConv PerDiem -($116.00) Board Travel Peterson, Michael Rigby ID 89508 8/13/2019
ISBAConv PerDiem $116.00 Board Travel Peterson, Michael Rigby ID 89508 8/13/2019
ISBAConv PerDiem $116.00 Board Travel Poole, Leanna Menan Id 89509 8/13/2019
ISBAConv PerDiem $116.00 Board Travel Robison, Angie Roberts ID 89510 8/13/2019
ISBAConv.PD $116.00 Board Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89506 8/13/2019
MedExpReimb 8.12.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Bowden, Karlene RIGBY ID 89499 8/13/2019
MedExpReimb 8.12.19 $1,289.66 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89500 8/13/2019
MedExpReimb8.13.19 $928.17 Buy-Down Insurance Hall, Shawn Rigby ID 89515 8/13/2019
MedExpReimb8.9.19 $1,921.16 Buy-Down Insurance Thomas, Sandra C  Payson UT 89512 8/13/2019
S-2014-18090 $623.60 Water Sewer Gabage City of Menan MENAN ID 89502 8/13/2019
1469606544 $192.55 Telephone CenturyLink Phoenix AZ 89516 8/14/2019
1471631007 $132.24 Telephone CenturyLink Phoenix AZ 89516 8/14/2019
1473729294 $108.93 Telephone CenturyLink Phoenix AZ 89516 8/14/2019
60536268 $54.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Wex Bank Carol Stream IL 0 8/15/2019
MedExpReimb 8.14.19 $2,000.01 Buy-Down Insurance Baldwin, Stephanie Idaho Falls ID 89519 8/15/2019
MedExpReimb 8.14.19 $119.94 Buy-Down Insurance Harmon, Kathy Idaho Falls ID 89520 8/15/2019
NAEA Conf PD $244.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 89517 8/15/2019
NAEA Conf PD $244.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 89518 8/15/2019
00001295 $2,250.00 Supplies & Materials The Core Project Rathdrum ID 1486078 8/15/2019
3018 $7,390.00 Supplies & Materials Richey & Son, Inc Michigantown IN 1486075 8/15/2019
358418 $518.93 Supplies & Materials RYDIN DECAL ELK GROVE VILLAGE IL 1486077 8/15/2019
4750-B $464.24 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486068 8/15/2019
4750-C $464.24 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486068 8/15/2019
4750-D $396.16 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486068 8/15/2019
7-1-19 $5,656.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION BOISE ID 1486072 8/15/2019
7-15-19 $300.00 Supplies & Materials Barber, Erin Rigby ID 1486069 8/15/2019
8-15-19 $1,800.00 Supplies & Materials Chavez-Alarcon Rodrigo Idaho Falls ID 1486070 8/15/2019
8-2-19 $1,200.00 Supplies & Materials 6TH DISTRICT BOARD OF CONTROL RIRIE ID 1486067 8/15/2019
8-7-19 $212.77 Supplies & Materials Kite, Tyler Rigby ID 1486074 8/15/2019
8-8-19 $1,000.00 Supplies & Materials College of Southern Idaho. Twin Falls ID 1486071 8/15/2019
950942244 $395.70 Supplies & Materials RIDDELL/ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP. CHICAGO IL 1486076 8/15/2019
950945601 $751.45 Supplies & Materials RIDDELL/ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP. CHICAGO IL 1486076 8/15/2019
99235 $11,281.48 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486073 8/15/2019
V437526 $50.00 Fees & Charges Andrew Scholes Rigby ID 1940 8/15/2019
V872807 $148.76 Supplies & Materials Andrew Scholes Rigby ID 1941 8/15/2019
V914586 $27.56 Supplies & Materials Mike Jacobson  Rigby ID 1939 8/15/2019
V961141 $63.07 Supplies & Materials Gear Up Sports Idaho Falls ID 1942 8/15/2019
3912071 Series2009 $338,540.51 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/16/2019
3912071 Series2009 $38,713.20 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/16/2019
3912072 Series2010A $1,210,000.00 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/16/2019
3912072 Series2010A $308,351.87 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/16/2019
3912074 Series 2010C $777,534.51 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/16/2019
3912074 Series 2010C $24,649.86 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/16/2019
3912085 Series2015 $930,000.00 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/16/2019
3912085 Series2015 $54,171.46 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/16/2019
Aug Caution Light $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 8/16/2019
BondApplicationFee $250.00 Bank Fees Idaho State Treasurer's Office Boise ID 89523 8/16/2019
ISBA Per Diem $474.00 Board Travel Ellis, Roy Rigby ID 89522 8/16/2019
MedExpReimb 8.15.19 $1,084.63 Buy-Down Insurance Jensen, Eric Lewisville ID 89521 8/16/2019
25323611 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89524 8/19/2019
Audii Fuel Reimb $93.90 District Prof Dev Travel Hsu, Er Fang Rexburg ID 89540 8/19/2019
ChinSummCamp $100.00 Startalk Grant-Services Belinda Yiman Liu Broomfield CO 89525 8/19/2019
ChinSummCamp $100.00 Startalk Grant-Services Yu-Hsin Lien Denver CO 89526 8/19/2019
ExcelTrain PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 89527 8/19/2019
ExcelTrain PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Juenke, Martyann Rigby ID 89531 8/19/2019
ExcelTrain PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Klassen, Alisa K Idaho Falls ID 89532 8/19/2019
ExcelTrain PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 89533 8/19/2019
ExcelTrain PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 89534 8/19/2019
ExcelTrain PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 89535 8/19/2019
ExcelTrain PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 89536 8/19/2019
MedExpReimb8.16.19 $62.29 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 89537 8/19/2019
MedExpReimb8.16.19 $464.00 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 89538 8/19/2019
MedExpReimb8.16.19 $1,580.89 Buy-Down Insurance Jephson, Gary Roberts ID 89539 8/19/2019
PLC Per Diem 2019 $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 89528 8/19/2019
PLC Per Diem 2019 $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hansen, Viola Ann Idaho Falls ID 89529 8/19/2019
PLC Per Diem 2019 $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 89530 8/19/2019
Immunization Conf PD $76.00 District Prof Dev Travel Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 89543 8/20/2019
Immunization Conf PD ($76.00) District Prof Dev Travel Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 89544 8/20/2019
Immunization Conf PD $76.00 District Prof Dev Travel Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 89544 8/20/2019
MedExpReimb8.20.19 $344.49 Buy-Down Insurance Flowers, Aaron Rexburg ID 89545 8/20/2019
MedExpReimb8.20.19 $1,632.63 Buy-Down Insurance Hunter, Keegan Idaho Falls ID 89546 8/20/2019
StarTalkConfPerDiem $137.50 Startalk Grant-Travel Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89541 8/20/2019
StarTalkConfPerDiem $137.50 Startalk Grant-Travel Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 89542 8/20/2019
V250359 $1,836.30 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89554 8/20/2019
V2808 $497.35 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89554 8/20/2019
V298386 $20,012.60 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/20/2019
V307472 $3,916.29 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 8/20/2019
V348524 $41,660.88 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89554 8/20/2019
V352733 $233.69 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89554 8/20/2019
V389701 $56.79 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 8/20/2019
V522628 $54.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 8/20/2019
V555376 $584.60 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 8/20/2019
V6000 $452.50 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 8/20/2019
V702112 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 8/20/2019
V741179 $1,442.82 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/20/2019
V741506 $6.25 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 8/20/2019
V75395 $337.42 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/20/2019
V839253 $40,311.04 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 8/20/2019
V847672 $4,680.38 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 8/20/2019
V935232 $556.36 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89554 8/20/2019
8-20-19 $1,000.00 Supplies & Materials CMD Productions Rexburg ID 1486079 8/20/2019
8-20-19 $500.00 Supplies & Materials Perez, Marciano Rigby ID 1486080 8/20/2019
8-20-19 $500.00 Supplies & Materials Perez, Marciano Rigby ID 1486080 8/20/2019
INV729840 $1,915.75 Supplies & Materials PIONEER MANUFACTURING CO. CLEVELAND OH 1486081 8/20/2019
$7,370.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,687.90 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,339.11 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$1,903.64 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 8/20/2019
$902.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$207.57 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$4,014.67 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,316.64 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,291.10 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 8/20/2019
$6,687.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,811.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$6,393.83 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$4,194.56 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$340.92 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$352.32 GROSS PAYROLL Disney, Morgan Jeanne  Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,797.31 GROSS PAYROLL Ferguson, Kelly Ray  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,995.01 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,146.23 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,497.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,124.51 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,889.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$6,527.80 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,323.72 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,748.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$1,430.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,456.33 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,299.97 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 8/20/2019
$6,680.55 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$1,584.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,377.36 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,337.04 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,407.47 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,885.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,851.99 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 8/20/2019
$6,751.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,837.83 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$345.72 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$294.23 GROSS PAYROLL Isom, Brittany Marissa  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,495.79 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$4,160.54 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,267.73 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$317.27 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,470.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 8/20/2019
$1,352.96 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Sierra Dawn  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$966.25 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,502.04 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 8/20/2019
$5,268.27 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$651.59 GROSS PAYROLL King, Sherrolyn Joy  Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$421.31 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,252.22 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$4,170.58 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$8,614.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$538.08 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,729.42 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$57.56 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$1,689.50 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$23.21 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,581.88 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,933.16 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$4,766.42 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,749.46 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,644.52 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$1,332.44 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Calyse   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$1,287.11 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Carter   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,110.65 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$479.64 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,202.93 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,457.32 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$258.36 GROSS PAYROLL Rubalcava, Ana Sofia  Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$4,638.54 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,452.04 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,752.63 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$359.03 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Emma C  Menan ID 0 8/20/2019
$3,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 8/20/2019
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 8/20/2019
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 8/20/2019
$216.72 GROSS PAYROLL Sukhee, Sydney Wingate  Las Vegas NV 0 8/20/2019
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 8/20/2019
$293.88 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 8/20/2019
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$1,188.62 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$351.84 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, JoHanna Marie  Lewisville ID 0 8/20/2019
$564.48 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,343.85 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 8/20/2019
$223.82 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,878.28 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 8/20/2019
$2,881.04 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 8/20/2019
$4,260.53 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Brent   Idaho Falls ID 60943 8/20/2019
$2,334.92 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 60944 8/20/2019
$7,625.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 60945 8/20/2019
$2,335.94 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 60946 8/20/2019
$3,197.37 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 60947 8/20/2019
$305.28 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 60948 8/20/2019
$163.28 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Shayla Dawn  Rigby ID 60949 8/20/2019
$1,684.76 GROSS PAYROLL Berrett, Britton Jeremie  Roberts ID 60950 8/20/2019
$1,336.52 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Kaden Dallas  Menan ID 60951 8/20/2019
$1,188.32 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Carson Roger  Rigby ID 60952 8/20/2019
$1,303.77 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Malachi R  Rigby ID 60953 8/20/2019
$623.39 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kayley J'Lyse  Rigby ID 60954 8/20/2019
$1,109.66 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 60955 8/20/2019
$136.80 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 60956 8/20/2019
July 2019 $40.41 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $9.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $45.39 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $33.60 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $24.57 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $46.75 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $64.17 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $271.49 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $11.03 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $1,542.01 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $9.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
July 2019 $15.66 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 8/21/2019
ClassroomSuppReimb $124.80 Arneson, Angela Arneson, Angela Marie Rigby ID 89547 8/22/2019
MedExpReimb8.21.19 $830.65 Buy-Down Insurance Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 89548 8/22/2019
MedExpReimb8.21.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Shumway, Hannah E  Rexburg ID 89549 8/22/2019
MedExpReimb8.21.19 $361.81 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89550 8/22/2019
252252 $1,160.00 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 57165991 8/22/2019
82439 $60.00 Purchased Services Western Recycling Idaho Falls ID 57165990 8/22/2019
Reimb. R3 Play $122.94 Supplies & Materials David Crasper Idaho Falls ID 57165989 8/22/2019
6459469 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 89552 8/26/2019
ESL Mileage Reimb $228.40 In Lieu of Transportation 50 Ana Acuna Roberts ID 89557 8/26/2019
ESL Mileage Reimb $212.40 In Lieu of Transportation 50 Isabel Chavez Idaho Falls ID 89558 8/26/2019
JMilnerAltAuth2019 $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89560 8/26/2019
KApeluAltAuth2019 $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89562 8/26/2019
KSantosAltAuth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89561 8/26/2019
MedExpReimb8.23.19 $127.65 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 89555 8/26/2019
MedExpReimb8.26.19 $1,874.84 Buy-Down Insurance Norman, Wendy Ann Rigby ID 89563 8/26/2019
MedExpReimb8.26.19 $291.38 Buy-Down Insurance Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 89564 8/26/2019
Reg for Law Conf $300.00 Supt/Asst Supt Anderson Julian & Hull Boise ID 89551 8/26/2019
RMS 19-20 Postage $700.00 Postage Expenses Reserve Account Pittsburgh PA 89556 8/26/2019
Supply Reimb $733.00 Supplies & Materials Comstock, Gary Idaho Falls ID 89559 8/26/2019
AMunozTeacherCert $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89565 8/27/2019
V59684 $19.04 General Supplies & Materials Davie Meyer Idaho Falls ID 2175 8/27/2019
MedExpReimb8.27.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 89566 8/28/2019
MedExpReimb8.27.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Noa, Jeffrey Kaina  N. Las Vegas NV 89567 8/28/2019
1203 $180.00 Supplies & Materials Clark, Jerry F. Idaho Falls ID 1486084 8/28/2019
8-22-19 $150.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1486085 8/28/2019
8-22-19 $150.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1486085 8/28/2019
8-27-19 $10.00 Supplies & Materials Lemmon, Warren Rigby ID 1486087 8/28/2019
8-27-19 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Lemmon, Warren Rigby ID 1486087 8/28/2019
8-27-19 $15.00 Supplies & Materials Lemmon, Warren Rigby ID 1486087 8/28/2019
8-27-19 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Lemmon, Warren Rigby ID 1486087 8/28/2019
8-27-19 $10.00 Supplies & Materials Shaffer, Cooper Rigby ID 1486089 8/28/2019
8-28-19 $98.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1486088 8/28/2019
905333385 $262.45 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486082 8/28/2019
905424186 $192.57 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486082 8/28/2019
905478991 $3,136.89 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486082 8/28/2019
905494126 $524.90 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486082 8/28/2019
905586275 $749.85 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486082 8/28/2019
905619214 $1,287.16 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486082 8/28/2019
905757282 $197.99 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486082 8/28/2019
99430 $335.00 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486086 8/28/2019
D-17256 $90.00 Supplies & Materials BUCKS BAGS BOISE ID 1486083 8/28/2019
D-17257 $69.29 Supplies & Materials BUCKS BAGS BOISE ID 1486083 8/28/2019
CC FEE $70.00 Purchased Services Madison High School Rexburg Id 57165995 8/28/2019
Reimb. Classroom $5.29 Supplies & Materials Greg Barrett Idaho Falls ID 57165992 8/28/2019
Reimb. FFA $72.11 Supplies & Materials Laura Griffeth Rigby ID 57165994 8/28/2019
Reimbursement $74.20 Supplies & Materials Keiver Hawke Rigby ID 57165993 8/28/2019
VB Official $87.00 Purchased Services Nate Williams Rexburg ID 57165996 8/28/2019
MedExpReimb8.28.19 $549.09 Buy-Down Insurance Hall, Shawn Rigby ID 89568 8/29/2019
MedExpReimb8.28.19 $258.52 Buy-Down Insurance Jensen, Rebecca Marie  Rigby ID 89569 8/29/2019
MedExpReimb8.28.19 $66.23 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89570 8/29/2019
MedExpReimb8.29.19 $305.97 Buy-Down Insurance Hill, Carla Rexburg ID 89571 8/29/2019
MedExpReimb8.29.19 $419.11 Buy-Down Insurance Jephson, Gary Roberts ID 89572 8/29/2019
MedExpReimb8.29.19 $1,226.20 Buy-Down Insurance Stewart, Madison Sugar City ID 89573 8/29/2019
PrepaidLunchRefund $100.15 Student Lunch Sales Winn, Andrea Rigby ID 89574 8/29/2019
25 $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 8/30/2019
25402208 $100.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89578 8/30/2019
25402208 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89578 8/30/2019
25402208 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89578 8/30/2019
25402208 $60.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89578 8/30/2019
3912107 Series2018 $210,000.00 Debt Service Principal Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/30/2019
3912107 Series2018 $791,179.54 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 8/30/2019
Cert&TestReimb $235.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 89577 8/30/2019
MedExpReimb8.30.19 $78.84 Buy-Down Insurance Thomas, Sandra C  Payson UT 89576 8/30/2019
Supply Reimb $89.88 Bowden, Karlene Bowden, Karlene RIGBY ID 89575 8/30/2019
V29491 $30.00 Supplies & Materials Memories Custom Engravings Rjigby ID 3835 8/30/2019
48 $446.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486090 8/30/2019
8-29-19 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Miller, Savanna Rigby ID 1486091 8/30/2019
8-8-19 $140.00 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486092 8/30/2019
R3 Director $500.00 Purchased Services Ashley Reed Idaho Falls ID 57165997 9/3/2019
Reimb R3 Play $77.85 Supplies & Materials Jina Lenz Rigby ID 57165998 9/3/2019
Reimb R3 Play $132.71 Supplies & Materials Layne Kinghorn Rigby ID 57166000 9/3/2019
VB Referee $87.00 Purchased Services Kassi Burtenshaw Albion ID 57165999 9/3/2019
25406708 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89580 9/4/2019
ChinaImmTravelPD $153.00 District Prof Dev Travel Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89582 9/4/2019
ChinaImmTravelPD $153.00 District Prof Dev Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89583 9/4/2019
LEP MileageReimb $31.51 LEP Travel Sukhee, Sydney Wingate  Las Vegas NV 89579 9/4/2019
MentorTrainPerDiem $76.00 District Prof Dev Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 89581 9/4/2019
Library Supply Reimb $122.92 Library Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 89584 9/5/2019
Supply Reimb $61.80 Burton, Cindy Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 89585 9/5/2019
V444297 $17.99 Supplies & Materials Kristi Conover Rigby ID 1901 9/5/2019
V67906 $74.18 Supplies & Materials Nancy Hancock Menan ID 1561 9/5/2019
NewHSProperty $379,200.00 Land Aquisition Denton M Bramwell Layton UT 0 9/6/2019
V343592 $16.00 General Fund Balance Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 2984 9/6/2019
V743666 $434.80 Supplies & Materials Oak Hall Industries, L.P. Salem VA 2.983E+14 9/6/2019
V969524 $361.31 Resale/School Uniforms Kettle Embroidery Rexburg ID 2982 9/6/2019
V265340 $27.08 General Supplies & Materials Ellie Sarmiento Rigby ID 2176 9/6/2019
V81859 $29.95 General Supplies & Materials Kathryn McLain Rigby ID 2177 9/6/2019
0919-RHS-A $418.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls Parks & Recreation Idaho Falls  ID 1486099 9/6/2019
24410-27114 $7,318.75 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486098 9/6/2019
4750-E $351.16 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486096 9/6/2019
8-31-2019 $7.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486100 9/6/2019
8-31-2019 $39.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486100 9/6/2019
8-31-2019 $9.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486100 9/6/2019
8-31-2019 $20.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486100 9/6/2019
8-31-2019 $387.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486100 9/6/2019
8-31-2019 $100.08 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486100 9/6/2019
8-31-2019 $8.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486100 9/6/2019
8-31-2019 $0.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486100 9/6/2019
8-31-2019 $313.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486100 9/6/2019
9-4-19 $150.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1486093 9/6/2019
9-4-19 $150.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1486093 9/6/2019
9-4-19 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 1486094 9/6/2019
9-6-19 -($84.00) Supplies & Materials Thunder Ridge High School Idaho Falls ID 1486104 9/6/2019
9-6-19 $84.00 Supplies & Materials Thunder Ridge High School Idaho Falls ID 1486104 9/6/2019
905985233 $3,966.50 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486097 9/6/2019
934 $719.00 Supplies & Materials SIGN DESIGNS REXBURG ID 1486103 9/6/2019
99685 $741.00 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486101 9/6/2019
IF-145806 $359.76 Supplies & Materials SPEEDY CPS RIGBY ID 1486095 9/6/2019
IN91760814 $1,879.50 Supplies & Materials Medco Supply Company Chicago IL 1486102 9/6/2019
IN91784025 $89.04 Supplies & Materials Medco Supply Company Chicago IL 1486102 9/6/2019
IN91797026 $10.71 Supplies & Materials Medco Supply Company Chicago IL 1486102 9/6/2019
8th English Supplies $148.36 Supplies & Materials Oaklie Harris Rexburg ID 57166004 9/6/2019
Parade Entry $10.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57166005 9/6/2019
R3 Play Supplies $1,169.35 Supplies & Materials Debbi Butterfield Rigby ID 57166001 9/6/2019
R3 Play Supplies $60.69 Supplies & Materials Lotte Klingler Rigby ID 57166003 9/6/2019
Reimb Supplies $58.25 Supplies & Materials Krista Gneiting Rigby ID 57166002 9/6/2019
V228801 $83.32 Supplies & Materials Hannah Giles Idaho Falls ID 1562 9/6/2019
V318828 $8.00 Supplies & Materials Audrey Taylor Rigby ID 1563 9/6/2019
MedExpReimb9.6.19 $55.74 Buy-Down Insurance Andrus, Jennifer Rexburg ID 89586 9/7/2019
MedExpReimb9.6.19 $122.11 Buy-Down Insurance Apelu, Kaesha Allison  Rexburg ID 89587 9/7/2019
MedExpReimb9.6.19 $63.38 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 89588 9/7/2019
MedExpReimb9.6.19 $579.11 Buy-Down Insurance Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89589 9/7/2019
MedExpReimb9.6.19 $380.83 Buy-Down Insurance Ringel, Britney Lyn Rigby ID 89590 9/7/2019
01444583 $375.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 89604 9/9/2019
06 $6,000.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 89611 9/9/2019
07 8/28/2019 $10,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 89611 9/9/2019
1019062 $10.37 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 89599 9/9/2019
166505 $4,126.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89608 9/9/2019
166510 2423.6 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89608 9/9/2019
166514 $5,270.60 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89608 9/9/2019
167170 $2,590.25 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89608 9/9/2019
167174 $1,635.30 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89608 9/9/2019
167176 $4,066.10 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89608 9/9/2019
167335 $20.00 Business Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 89610 9/9/2019
187913 $9,561.36 Software Support PowerSchool Group LLC Folsom CA 89614 9/9/2019
187913 ($9,561.36) Software Support PowerSchool Group LLC Folsom CA 89614 9/9/2019
19-1304 $1,005.00 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 89616 9/9/2019
19-875 $170.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 89616 9/9/2019
20198651 $8,736.15 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89618 9/9/2019
20198653 $6,385.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89618 9/9/2019
21354421 $286,062.00 Work Comp Insurance State Insurance Fund BOISE ID 89620 9/9/2019
21798 $848.84 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89621 9/9/2019
21799 $1,352.60 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89621 9/9/2019
21821 $174.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89621 9/9/2019
21840 $148.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89621 9/9/2019
21841 $348.02 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89621 9/9/2019
21842 $204.24 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89621 9/9/2019
21855 $267.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89621 9/9/2019
21864 $127.50 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89621 9/9/2019
2980 $1,403.50 Professional Services GBS of Idaho Boise ID 89602 9/9/2019
3004421 $3,774.38 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89601 9/9/2019
3008002 $3,542.58 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89601 9/9/2019
4745 $5,000.00 Emergency Levy-RHS Tennis Courts NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 89611 9/9/2019
4757 $8,500.00 RHS Parking Lot Expansion NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 89611 9/9/2019
517 $15,704.15 Emergency Levy South Fork Gem Pro Audio Idaho Falls ID 89603 9/9/2019
6   8/29/2019 $8,500.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 89611 9/9/2019
606183 $47,208.00 Supplies and Materials Bintz Inc Salt Lake City UT 89597 9/9/2019
6190 $7,503.20 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Carpet Direct & Flooring, LLC Rexburg ID 89598 9/9/2019
6276 $320.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89600 9/9/2019
6277 $1,400.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89600 9/9/2019
6339 $650.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89600 9/9/2019
6340 $875.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89600 9/9/2019
6341 $875.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89600 9/9/2019
6934611 $2,521.95 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89612 9/9/2019
6943804 $4,744.23 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89612 9/9/2019
6956888 $439.60 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89612 9/9/2019
710161207 $499.00 Curriculum Houghton Mifflin Harcourt St. Charles IL 89605 9/9/2019
7985880 $130.00 Maintenance Supplies Archit. Bldg. Supply Dallas TX 89594 9/9/2019
7995522 $629.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Archit. Bldg. Supply Dallas TX 89594 9/9/2019
8.5.19 $19.25 Supplies and Materials Accents for All Seasons Rigby ID 89592 9/9/2019
8491 $1,050.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 89593 9/9/2019
8491 $1,050.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 89593 9/9/2019
8491 $1,050.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 89593 9/9/2019
8491 $1,400.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 89593 9/9/2019
8491 $3,150.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 89593 9/9/2019
8491 $1,000.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 89593 9/9/2019
869-05 $1,006,023.65 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89595 9/9/2019
881-04 $568,980.54 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89595 9/9/2019
882-03 $671,119.08 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89595 9/9/2019
89415306008 $415.06 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89596 9/9/2019
9/3/2019 $9,500.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89609 9/9/2019
920327 $1,770.15 Supplies and Materials Resco Salt Lake City UT 89615 9/9/2019
920327 $439.68 Supplies and Materials Resco Salt Lake City UT 89615 9/9/2019
99636 $398.58 PBIS Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 89606 9/9/2019
AthleticstReimb $1,386.00 IHSAA Insurance Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89617 9/9/2019
Aug 30 $3,977.03 Purchased Services Margo Elaine Healy Boise ID 89607 9/9/2019
MedicaidTrustAcct $150,000.00 Medicaid Match Receivable IDHW Boise ID 89622 9/9/2019
PrepaidLunchRefund $134.90 Student Lunch Sales Halley, Miriam Rigby ID 89591 9/9/2019
Ref# 2042-251 $410.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 State Dept. Of Education BOISE ID 89619 9/9/2019
RMS 8.8.19 232.65 $232.65 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89613 9/9/2019
StudentAcctReimb $2,250.00 General Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89617 9/9/2019
StudentActivityReimb $11,281.48 General Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89617 9/9/2019
StudentIMPReimb $1,000.00 General Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89617 9/9/2019
SupplyReimb $198.00 Business Supplies Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 89624 9/9/2019
TravelDocReimb $247.30 District Prof Dev Travel Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89623 9/9/2019
PerDiem 9.10.19 $124.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Wahlen, Jessica Rigby ID 89625 9/10/2019
22390 $41.25 Supplies & Materials Halls Machine and Fabrication Rigby ID 1486107 9/10/2019
32041 $132.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486106 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $495.00 Supplies & Materials Bingham Volleyball South Jordan UT 1486105 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $60.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $113.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $51.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $51.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $29.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $59.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $33.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $113.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $63.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $63.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $25.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $51.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $10.00 Supplies & Materials Jenkins, Jared Von Rigby ID 1486110 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $32.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1486111 9/10/2019
9-10-19 $132.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486113 9/10/2019
9-10-19-2 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486109 9/10/2019
9-9-19 $175.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1486108 9/10/2019
9-9-19 $175.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1486108 9/10/2019
V650476 $100.00 Supplies & Materials MINICO HIGH SCHOOL RUPERT ID 1486112 9/10/2019
Aug 19 Sales Tax $15.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166006 9/10/2019
Aug 19 Sales Tax $0.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166006 9/10/2019
Aug 19 Sales Tax $1.02 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166006 9/10/2019
Aug 19 Sales Tax $1.61 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166006 9/10/2019
Aug 19 Sales Tax $431.32 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166006 9/10/2019
Aug 19 Sales Tax $176.94 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166006 9/10/2019
Aug 19 Sales Tax $51.08 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166006 9/10/2019
Aug 19 Sales Tax $30.34 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166006 9/10/2019
Reimb R3 Play $27.56 Supplies & Materials Kendra Stowel Rigby ID 57166007 9/10/2019
Reimb Supplies $103.19 Supplies & Materials Rebekah Pulsipher Rigby ID 57166008 9/10/2019
Reimb Title 1 Math $29.57 Supplies & Materials Sara Winters Rexburg ID 57166009 9/10/2019
Sept 19 Payroll $230.65 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166010 9/10/2019
Sept 19 Payroll $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166010 9/10/2019
Sept 19 Payroll $144.15 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166010 9/10/2019
Cert Eval Reimb $84.30 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 89637 9/11/2019
ChineseIM Per Diem $76.00 District Prof Dev Travel Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 89636 9/11/2019
ChineseIM Per Diem $76.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 89638 9/11/2019
IAEA ConfPer Diem $70.00 General Supplies Feik, Michael Ririe ID 89626 9/11/2019
NCTMConfPerDiem $127.00 District Prof Dev Travel Baldwin, Stephanie Idaho Falls ID 89627 9/11/2019
NCTMConfPerDiem $127.00 District Prof Dev Travel Barrett, Joanna Rigby ID 89628 9/11/2019
NCTMConfPerDiem $127.00 District Prof Dev Travel Barrus, Cathy Rigby ID 89629 9/11/2019
NCTMConfPerDiem $127.00 District Prof Dev Travel Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 89630 9/11/2019
NCTMConfPerDiem $163.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 89631 9/11/2019
NCTMConfPerDiem $127.00 District Prof Dev Travel Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 89632 9/11/2019
NCTMConfPerDiem $163.00 District Prof Dev Travel Hovis, Janessa Rigby ID 89633 9/11/2019
NCTMConfPerDiem $163.00 District Prof Dev Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 89634 9/11/2019
NCTMConfPerDiem $163.00 District Prof Dev Travel Morris, Clarissa Lewisville ID 89635 9/11/2019
V576804 $16.99 General Supplies & Materials Jefferson Parent Rigby ID 2178 9/11/2019
V517879 $10.94 Supplies & Materials Mitzi Hull Rigby ID 1902 9/11/2019
V702140 $30.40 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 1903 9/11/2019
Fee for Parade $10.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57166011 9/11/2019
18-0157 9.5.19 $455.36 Water Sewer Gabage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89644 9/12/2019
18-0160 9.5.19 $292.06 Water Sewer Gabage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89644 9/12/2019
25463546 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89645 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1 -($1,748.68) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 10 -($39.99) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 100 $8.39 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1000 $300.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1001 $300.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1002 $300.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1003 $302.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1004 $302.38 Title II Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1005 $304.60 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1006 $307.80 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1007 $310.80 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1008 $312.30 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1009 $315.34 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 101 $8.39 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1010 $318.66 CTE Travel Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1011 $319.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1012 $321.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1013 $324.39 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1014 $325.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1015 $330.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1016 $330.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1017 $330.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1018 $334.04 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1019 $335.02 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 102 $8.40 Birch, Becky Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1020 $339.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1021 $341.84 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1022 $342.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1023 $350.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1024 $350.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1025 $350.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1026 $351.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1027 $354.44 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1028 $355.60 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1029 $357.69 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 103 $8.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1030 $358.25 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1031 $365.70 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1032 $375.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1033 $375.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1034 $379.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1035 $379.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1036 $381.89 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1037 $382.05 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1038 $382.93 R3 Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1039 $383.88 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 104 $8.43 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1040 $384.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1041 $384.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1042 $386.53 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1043 $399.48 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1044 $400.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1045 $400.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1046 $400.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1047 $400.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1048 $400.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1049 $401.75 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 105 $8.47 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1050 $413.55 Grounds Services Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1051 $419.40 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1052 $422.55 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1053 $425.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1054 $427.06 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1055 $428.50 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1056 $432.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1057 $434.65 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1058 $436.00 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1059 $437.15 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 106 $8.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1060 $440.75 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1061 $443.44 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1062 $443.77 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1063 $450.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1064 $450.95 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1065 $451.90 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1066 $455.59 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1067 $456.56 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1068 $456.59 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1069 $463.08 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 107 $8.47 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1070 $464.83 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1071 $475.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1072 $475.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1073 $477.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1074 $487.54 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1075 $489.32 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1076 $495.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1077 $495.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1078 $495.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1079 $496.56 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 108 $8.48 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1080 $499.50 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1081 $503.88 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1082 $505.19 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1083 $511.10 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1084 $523.12 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1085 $524.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1086 $524.27 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1087 $528.03 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1088 $534.72 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1089 $535.22 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 109 $8.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1090 $535.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1091 $544.01 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1092 $550.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1093 $559.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1094 $575.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1095 $575.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1096 $576.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1097 $581.20 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1098 $582.91 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1099 $587.19 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 11 -($36.63) Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 110 $8.50 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1100 $595.61 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1101 $598.25 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1102 $599.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1103 $607.96 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1104 $608.40 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1105 $609.50 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1106 $612.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1107 $613.04 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1108 $635.90 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1109 $635.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 111 $8.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1110 $648.00 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1111 $650.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1112 $664.84 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1113 $665.25 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1114 $666.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1115 $679.30 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1116 $684.25 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1117 $686.70 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1118 $696.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1119 $700.75 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 112 $8.56 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1120 $722.52 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1121 $741.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1122 $745.05 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1123 $746.00 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1124 $746.00 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1125 $746.00 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1126 $746.00 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1127 $746.00 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1128 $756.58 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1129 $775.08 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 113 $8.56 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1130 $782.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1131 $783.55 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1132 $784.40 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1133 $784.40 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1134 $792.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1135 $800.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1136 $806.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1137 $808.70 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1138 $818.20 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1139 $850.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 114 $8.75 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1140 $878.94 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1141 $897.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1142 $900.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1143 $908.14 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1144 $909.86 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1145 $916.60 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1146 $961.79 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1147 $963.76 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1148 $968.10 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1149 979.4 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 115 8.8 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1150 986.1 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1151 994 In Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1152 1000.5 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1153 1017.6 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1154 1032.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1155 1044.01 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1156 1090.14 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1157 1094.97 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1158 1103.59 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1159 1146.73 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 116 8.94 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1160 1181.84 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1161 1207.14 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1162 1225 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1163 1234 Custodial Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1164 1234 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1165 1238.96 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1166 1249.82 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1167 1252 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1168 1254 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1169 1258.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 117 8.98 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1170 1262.28 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1171 1323 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1172 1356.2 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1173 1416.56 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1174 1440 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1175 1500 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1176 1537 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1177 1632.1 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1178 1638.42 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1179 1748.68 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 118 8.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1180 1749 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1181 1784.14 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1182 1810 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1183 1878.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1184 1884.3 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1185 2076.2 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1186 2090.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1187 2103.84 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1188 2110 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1189 2110.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 119 8.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1190 2131.8 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1191 2199.45 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1192 2244.7 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1193 2279.55 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1194 2346.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1195 2380 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1196 2446.4 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1197 2467.74 Technology Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1198 2500 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1199 2566.36 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 12 -36.1 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 120 9.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1200 2700 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1201 2747.14 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1202 2879.92 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1203 2918.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1204 2999.8 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1205 3169.2 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1206 3548.36 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1207 3921.55 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1208 4187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1209 4269.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 121 9.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1210 4452 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1211 4968.42 Technology-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1212 4973.75 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1213 5000 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1214 5150 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1215 5652.9 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1216 5749.97 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1217 5758.9 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1218 6313 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1219 6714.16 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 122 9.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1220 7106 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 1221 9561.36 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 123 9.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 124 9.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 125 9.73 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 126 9.86 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 127 9.88 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 128 9.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 129 9.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 13 -18.05 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 130 9.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 131 9.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 132 10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 133 10 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 134 10.15 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 135 10.36 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 136 10.51 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 137 10.59 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 138 10.6 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 139 10.6 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 14 -15 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 140 10.62 Parker, April Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 141 10.64 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 142 10.7 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 143 10.73 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 144 10.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 145 10.74 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 146 $10.75 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 147 $10.77 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 148 $10.78 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 149 $10.79 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 15 ($12.98) Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 150 $10.86 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 151 $10.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 152 $10.98 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 153 $10.99 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 154 $11.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 155 $11.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 156 $11.17 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 157 $11.20 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 158 $11.23 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 159 $11.29 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 16 ($10.09) General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 160 $11.42 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 161 $11.50 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 162 $11.50 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 163 $11.57 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 164 $11.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 165 $11.65 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 166 $11.65 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 167 $11.69 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 168 $11.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 169 $11.85 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 17 ($10.00) Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 170 $11.89 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 171 $11.98 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 172 $11.99 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 173 $12.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 174 $12.09 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 175 $12.09 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 176 $12.32 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 177 $12.50 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 178 $12.56 Valerie Fowler Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 179 $12.62 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 18 ($2.00) Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 180 $12.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 181 $12.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 182 $12.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 183 $12.72 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 184 $12.72 Wade, Melanie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 185 $12.82 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 186 $13.30 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 187 $13.39 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 188 $13.52 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 189 $13.61 R3 Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 19 ($1.00) Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 190 13.7 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 191 $13.73 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 192 $13.75 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 193 $13.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 194 $13.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 195 $13.77 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 196 $13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 197 $13.78 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 198 $13.84 James, Brenda Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 199 $13.95 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 2 -($1,090.14) Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 20 -($0.66) Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 200 $13.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 201 $13.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 202 $13.98 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 203 $13.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 204 $14.23 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 205 $14.39 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 206 $14.41 Grounds Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 207 $14.45 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 208 $14.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 209 $14.55 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 21 ($0.61) Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 210 14.68 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 211 $14.73 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 212 $14.73 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 213 $14.84 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 214 $14.86 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 215 $14.95 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 216 $14.98 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 217 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 218 $14.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 219 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 22 -($0.30) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 220 $15.01 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 221 $15.13 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 222 $15.16 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 223 $15.18 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 224 $15.36 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 225 $15.36 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 226 $15.40 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 227 $15.55 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 228 $15.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 229 $15.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 23 $0.32 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 230 $15.68 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 231 $15.69 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 232 $15.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 233 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 234 $15.87 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 235 $15.90 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 236 $15.92 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 237 $15.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 238 $15.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 239 $16.01 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 24 $0.94 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 240 $16.20 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 241 $16.29 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 242 $16.37 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 243 $16.49 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 244 $16.69 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 245 $16.77 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 246 $16.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 247 $16.79 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 248 $16.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 249 $16.94 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 25 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 250 $16.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 251 $16.95 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 252 $16.96 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 253 $16.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 254 $16.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 255 $16.99 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 256 $17.12 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 257 $17.18 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 258 $17.41 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 259 $17.46 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 26 $1.18 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 260 $17.49 Birch, Becky Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 261 $17.49 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 262 $17.57 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 263 $17.58 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 264 $17.75 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 265 $17.78 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 266 $17.79 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 267 $17.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 268 $18.01 Lindsey Thompson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 269 $18.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 27 $1.78 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 270 $18.02 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 271 $18.02 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 272 $18.40 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 273 $18.40 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 274 $18.46 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 275 $18.85 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 276 $18.87 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 277 $19.07 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 278 $19.08 Michelle Bradshaw Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 279 $19.08 Carla Zundel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 28 $2.11 Norman, Wendy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 280 $19.32 CTE Travel Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 281 $19.35 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 282 $19.41 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 283 $19.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 284 $19.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 285 $19.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 286 $19.58 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 287 $19.73 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 288 $19.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 289 $19.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 29 $2.12 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 290 $19.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 291 $19.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 292 $19.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 293 $20.11 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 294 $20.19 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 295 $20.24 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 296 $20.34 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 297 $20.41 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 298 $20.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 299 $20.51 Wade, Melanie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 3 -($816.90) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 30 $2.43 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 300 $20.57 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 301 $20.62 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 302 $20.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 303 $21.06 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 304 $21.10 James, Brenda Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 305 $21.15 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 306 $21.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 307 $21.18 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 308 $21.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 309 $21.20 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 31 $2.88 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 310 $21.20 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 311 $21.24 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 312 $21.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 313 $21.36 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 314 $21.59 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 315 $21.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 316 $21.87 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 317 $21.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 318 $22.11 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 319 $22.17 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 32 $2.89 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 320 $22.24 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 321 22.25 Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 322 22.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 323 $22.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 324 $22.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 325 $22.67 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 326 $22.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 327 $22.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 328 $22.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 329 $22.99 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 33 $2.97 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 330 23.32 Cotrina, Krystina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 331 $23.32 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 332 $23.53 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 333 $23.70 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 334 $23.83 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 335 $23.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 336 $23.95 Birch, Becky Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 337 $23.96 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 338 $23.97 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 339 $23.99 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 34 $3.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 340 $24.19 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 341 $24.30 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 342 $24.55 Dawson, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 343 $24.65 Andrus, Thayne Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 344 $24.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 345 $24.69 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 346 $24.80 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 347 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 348 $25.04 Carla Zundel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 349 $25.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 35 $3.17 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 350 $25.25 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 351 $25.33 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 352 $25.40 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 353 $25.44 Balmforth, Ronni Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 354 $25.44 Krista Hill Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 355 $25.44 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 356 $25.53 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 357 $25.75 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 358 $25.76 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 359 $25.81 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 36 $3.17 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 360 $25.96 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 361 $25.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 362 $26.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 363 $26.15 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 364 $26.16 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 365 $26.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 366 $26.42 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 367 $26.44 Krista Hill Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 368 $26.46 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 369 $26.50 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 37 $3.18 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 370 $26.57 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 371 $26.90 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 372 $26.90 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 373 $26.91 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 374 $27.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 375 $27.13 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 376 $27.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 377 $27.70 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 378 $27.77 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 379 $27.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 38 $3.65 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 380 $27.98 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 381 $28.08 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 382 $28.26 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 383 $28.30 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 384 $28.40 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 385 $28.50 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 386 $28.50 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 387 $28.59 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 388 $28.80 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 389 $29.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 39 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 390 $29.09 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 391 $29.10 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 392 $29.10 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 393 $29.15 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 394 $29.45 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 395 $29.56 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 396 $29.60 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 397 $29.76 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 398 $29.84 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 399 $29.85 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 4 ($235.00) Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 40 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 400 $29.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 401 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 402 $30.33 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 403 $30.59 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 404 $30.67 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 405 $30.71 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 406 $30.76 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 407 $30.87 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 408 $30.92 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 409 $30.98 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 41 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 410 $31.05 Peterson, Emily Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 411 $31.14 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 412 $31.23 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 413 $31.45 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 414 $31.50 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 415 $31.72 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 416 $31.80 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 417 $31.80 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 418 $31.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 419 $31.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 42 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 420 $32.07 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 421 $32.17 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 422 $32.52 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 423 $32.82 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 424 $32.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 425 $33.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 426 $33.12 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 427 $33.19 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 428 $33.51 Norman, Wendy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 429 $33.74 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 43 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 430 $33.80 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 431 $33.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 432 $33.94 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 433 $33.99 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 434 $34.02 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 435 $34.10 Day, Lisa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 436 $34.15 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 437 $34.30 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 438 $34.34 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 439 $34.64 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 44 $4.29 Ricks, Elizabeth Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 440 $34.81 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 441 $34.95 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 442 $34.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 443 $34.96 Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 444 $34.97 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 445 $34.97 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 446 $34.97 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 447 $35.00 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 448 $35.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 449 $35.09 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 45 $4.34 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 450 $35.31 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 451 $35.32 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 452 $35.36 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 453 $35.76 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 454 $35.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 455 $35.97 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 456 $35.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 457 $36.03 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 458 $36.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 459 $37.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 46 $4.43 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 460 $37.02 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 461 $37.06 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 462 $37.10 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 463 $37.23 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 464 $37.48 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 465 $37.52 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 466 $37.63 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 467 $37.65 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 468 $37.65 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 469 $37.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 47 $4.50 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 470 $38.03 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 471 $38.03 Krista Hill Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 472 $38.13 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 473 $38.37 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 474 $38.42 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 475 $38.69 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 476 $38.98 Quigley, Sara Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 477 $39.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 478 $39.46 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 479 $39.57 Birch, Becky Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 48 $4.53 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 480 $39.69 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 481 $39.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 482 $39.90 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 483 $39.92 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 484 $39.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 485 $39.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 486 $39.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 487 $39.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 488 $40.00 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 489 $40.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 49 $4.65 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 490 $40.02 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 491 $40.03 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 492 $40.08 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 493 $40.26 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 494 $40.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 495 $40.28 Valerie Fowler Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 496 $40.29 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 497 $40.30 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 498 $40.43 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 499 $40.74 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 5 -($225.67) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 50 $4.80 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 500 $40.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 501 $40.95 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 502 $41.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 503 $41.15 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 504 $41.31 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 505 $41.37 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 506 $41.58 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 507 $41.60 Auditorium Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 508 $41.60 Auditorium Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 509 $41.85 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 51 $4.85 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 510 $41.94 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 511 $41.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 512 $41.94 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 513 $42.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 514 $42.35 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 515 $42.48 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 516 $42.51 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 517 $42.62 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 518 $42.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 519 $43.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 52 $5.06 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 520 $43.45 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 521 $43.56 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 522 $43.60 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 523 $43.65 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 524 $43.78 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 525 $44.19 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 526 $44.51 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 527 $44.52 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 528 $44.69 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 529 $44.72 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 53 $5.25 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 530 $44.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 531 $45.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 532 $45.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 533 $45.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 534 $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 535 $45.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 536 $45.08 Hegstrom, John Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 537 $45.28 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 538 $45.32 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 539 $45.71 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 54 $5.28 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 540 $45.74 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 541 $45.82 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 542 $45.84 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 543 $45.99 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 544 $46.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 545 $46.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 546 $46.58 CTE Travel Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 547 $46.64 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 548 $46.65 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 549 $46.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 55 $5.29 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 550 $46.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 551 $47.41 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 552 $47.69 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 553 $47.70 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 554 $47.70 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 555 $47.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 556 $47.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 557 $47.97 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 558 $48.00 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 559 $48.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 56 $5.30 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 560 $48.16 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 561 $48.21 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 562 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 563 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 564 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 565 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 566 $48.67 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 567 $48.91 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 568 $49.04 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 569 $49.14 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 57 $5.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 570 $49.16 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 571 $49.21 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 572 $49.28 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 573 $49.39 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 574 $49.70 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 575 $50.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 576 $50.01 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 577 $50.44 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 578 $50.52 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 579 $50.57 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 58 $5.30 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 580 $50.95 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 581 $51.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 582 $51.41 Palmer, Linda Lee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 583 $52.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 584 $52.37 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 585 $52.74 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 586 $52.79 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 587 $53.02 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 588 $53.11 Birch, Becky Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 589 $53.23 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 59 $5.35 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 590 $53.40 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 591 $53.65 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 592 $53.84 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 593 $53.89 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 594 $53.91 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 595 $54.44 Laura Moreno Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 596 $54.50 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 597 $54.66 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 598 $54.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 599 $55.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 6 -($140.60) Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 60 $5.49 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 600 $55.44 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 601 $55.49 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 602 $55.90 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 603 $55.92 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 604 $56.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 605 $56.17 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 606 $56.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 607 $56.45 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 608 $56.53 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 609 $56.65 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 61 $5.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 610 $56.66 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 611 $56.90 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 612 $57.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 613 $57.65 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 614 $57.73 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 615 $58.05 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 616 $58.11 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 617 $58.17 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 618 $58.20 Wood, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 619 $58.23 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 62 $5.86 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 620 $58.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 621 $58.73 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 622 $59.33 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 623 $59.40 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 624 $59.51 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 625 $59.80 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 626 $59.88 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 627 $59.95 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 628 $59.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 629 $59.99 Auditorium Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 63 $6.02 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 630 $60.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 631 $60.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 632 $60.11 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 633 $60.11 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 634 $61.44 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 635 $61.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 636 $61.69 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 637 $61.81 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 638 $62.16 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 639 $62.62 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 64 $6.14 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 640 $62.76 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 641 $63.19 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 642 $63.39 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 643 $63.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 644 $63.57 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 645 $63.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 646 $64.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 647 $64.21 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 648 $64.53 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 649 $65.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 65 $6.15 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 650 $65.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 651 $65.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 652 $65.63 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 653 $65.67 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 654 $65.70 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 655 $65.81 Wade, Melanie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 656 $65.82 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 657 $66.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 658 $66.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 659 $66.34 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 66 $6.25 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 660 $66.63 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 661 $66.66 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 662 $66.73 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 663 $66.91 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 664 $67.24 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 665 $67.43 Michelle Bradshaw Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 666 $67.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 667 $68.03 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 668 $68.58 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 669 $68.66 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 67 $6.34 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 670 $68.89 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 671 $69.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 672 $69.08 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 673 $69.34 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 674 $69.68 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 675 $69.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 676 $69.90 In Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 677 $69.90 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 678 $69.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 679 $70.71 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 68 $6.34 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 680 $70.80 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 681 $71.35 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 682 $71.55 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 683 $71.55 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 684 $71.77 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 685 $71.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 686 $72.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 687 $72.44 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 688 $72.53 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 689 $72.89 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 69 $6.35 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 690 $72.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 691 $73.10 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 692 $73.17 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 693 $74.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 694 $74.20 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 695 $74.46 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 696 $74.55 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 697 $74.72 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 698 $74.94 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 699 $75.78 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 7 -($116.15) Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 70 $6.36 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 700 $76.04 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 701 $76.28 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 702 $76.32 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 703 $76.35 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 704 $76.40 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 705 $76.70 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 706 $77.51 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 707 $77.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 708 $78.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 709 $78.15 Bill To Clothing Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 71 $6.36 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 710 $78.69 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 711 $78.75 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 712 $78.80 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 713 $78.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 714 $79.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 715 $79.25 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 716 $79.38 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 717 $79.49 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 718 $79.49 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 719 $79.49 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 72 $6.36 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 720 $79.98 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 721 $80.09 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 722 $80.86 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 723 $81.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 724 $81.25 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 725 $81.56 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 726 $81.86 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 727 $81.87 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 728 $82.20 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 729 $82.30 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 73 $6.36 Krista Hill Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 730 $82.32 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 731 $82.32 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 732 $82.33 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 733 $82.52 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 734 $82.67 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 735 $82.73 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 736 $84.28 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 737 $84.40 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 738 $84.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 739 $84.80 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 74 $6.42 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 740 $84.80 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 741 $84.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 742 $85.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 743 $85.75 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 744 $86.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 745 $86.40 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 746 $86.69 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 747 $86.70 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 748 $87.02 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 749 $88.96 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 75 $6.62 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 750 $89.17 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 751 $89.28 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 752 $89.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 753 $89.95 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 754 $89.95 In Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 755 $90.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 756 $90.05 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 757 $92.21 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 758 $92.34 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 759 $92.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 76 $6.77 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 760 $92.94 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 761 $92.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 762 $93.97 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 763 $94.55 Keller, Jeff Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 764 $94.70 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 765 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 766 $94.95 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 767 $94.95 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 768 $95.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 769 $95.01 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 77 $6.87 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 770 $95.34 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 771 $95.57 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 772 $95.66 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 773 $95.88 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 774 $95.93 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 775 $96.10 Romney, Melissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 776 $96.64 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 777 $98.20 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 778 $98.23 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 779 $98.55 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 78 $6.97 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 780 $99.00 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 781 $99.43 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 782 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 783 $100.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 784 $102.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 785 $102.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 786 $102.50 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 787 $102.93 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 788 $103.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 789 $103.52 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 79 $6.97 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 790 $104.11 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 791 $104.50 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 792 $104.94 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 793 $105.92 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 794 $105.96 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 795 $105.98 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 796 $105.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 797 $106.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 798 $107.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 799 $107.52 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 8 -($87.99) General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 80 $7.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 800 $107.89 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 801 $108.19 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 802 $109.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 803 $109.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 804 $109.87 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 805 $110.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 806 $110.22 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 807 $111.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 808 $111.10 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 809 $111.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 81 $7.14 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 810 $111.29 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 811 $111.56 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 812 $111.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 813 $112.02 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 814 $112.23 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 815 $113.75 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 816 $113.93 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 817 $114.48 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 818 $114.61 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 819 $114.75 Custodial Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 82 $7.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 820 $114.98 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 821 $115.68 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 822 $115.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 823 $116.06 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 824 $116.69 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 825 $117.30 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 826 $117.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 827 $118.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 828 $118.77 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 829 $119.48 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 83 $7.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 830 $119.58 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 831 $119.70 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 832 $119.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 833 $120.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 834 $120.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 835 $120.70 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 836 $120.92 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 837 $121.03 Volleyball Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 838 $121.32 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 839 $121.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 84 $7.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 840 $121.66 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 841 $123.16 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 842 $126.14 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 843 $126.70 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 844 $129.06 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 845 $129.43 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 846 $130.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 847 $132.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 848 $133.10 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 849 $135.75 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 85 $7.41 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 850 $137.01 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 851 $137.40 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 852 $137.62 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 853 $137.75 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 854 $139.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 855 $140.70 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 856 $142.00 Ground Supplies Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 857 $143.98 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 858 $143.98 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 859 $147.32 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 86 $7.42 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 860 $148.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 861 $148.30 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 862 $148.40 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 863 $148.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 864 $148.61 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 865 $148.71 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 866 $148.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 867 $149.85 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 868 $149.96 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 869 $150.42 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 87 $7.42 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 870 $150.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 871 $152.05 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 872 $153.57 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 873 $154.28 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 874 $154.50 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 875 $155.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 876 $155.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 877 $156.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 878 $160.14 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 879 $160.27 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 88 $7.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 880 $160.27 Unassigned Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 881 $160.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 882 $160.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 883 $163.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 884 $163.98 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 885 $164.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 886 $165.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 887 $165.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 888 $165.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 889 $167.76 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 89 $7.69 Birch, Becky Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 890 $168.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 891 $169.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 892 $169.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 893 $170.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 894 $170.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 895 $170.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 896 $170.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 897 $173.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 898 $173.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 899 $173.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 9 -($78.05) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 90 $7.73 Lindsey Thompson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 900 $174.04 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 901 $175.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 902 $176.95 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 903 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 904 $178.51 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 905 $179.85 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 906 $180.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 907 $180.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 908 $180.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 909 $180.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 91 $7.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 910 $180.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 911 $180.19 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 912 $180.28 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 913 $180.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 914 $181.85 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 915 $182.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 916 $184.90 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 917 $185.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 918 $185.50 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 919 $186.68 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 92 $7.84 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 920 $190.68 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 921 $191.22 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 922 $191.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 923 $192.33 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 924 $193.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 925 $194.60 Grounds Supplies Roberts Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 926 $196.23 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 927 $198.56 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 928 $198.72 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 929 $198.72 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 93 $7.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 930 $199.75 Technology-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 931 $200.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 932 $202.37 Girls Soccer Camp Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 933 $203.14 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 934 $204.21 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 935 $204.55 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 936 $208.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 937 $211.32 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 938 $211.95 2nd Grade General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 939 $212.61 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 94 $7.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 940 $215.66 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 941 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 942 $217.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 943 $218.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 944 $218.00 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 945 $218.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 946 $219.61 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 947 $220.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 948 $220.79 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 949 $223.20 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 95 $7.98 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 950 $225.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 951 $225.30 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 952 $227.85 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 953 $230.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 954 $230.60 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 955 $231.35 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 956 $232.95 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 957 $233.15 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 958 $233.25 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 959 $233.76 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 96 $7.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 960 $234.72 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 961 $234.75 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 962 $236.86 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 963 $239.91 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 964 $241.03 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 965 $242.00 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 966 $244.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 967 $248.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 968 $249.00 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 969 $250.38 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 97 $8.01 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 970 $250.41 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 971 $255.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 972 $255.34 Space Camp-Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 973 $260.59 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 974 $261.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 975 $266.60 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 976 $267.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 977 $269.07 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 978 $270.90 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 979 $272.24 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 98 $8.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 980 $275.94 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 981 $278.64 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 982 $279.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 983 $282.32 In Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 984 $285.81 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 985 $287.70 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 986 $293.78 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 987 $294.22 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 988 $294.89 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 989 $295.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 99 $8.22 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 990 $297.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 991 $299.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 992 $299.86 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 993 $300.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 994 $300.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 995 $300.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 996 $300.00 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 997 $300.00 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 998 $300.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
8/31/2019 999 $300.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $103.67 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $731.10 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $33.59 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $3,333.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $189.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $189.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $39.35 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $880.69 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $2,193.88 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $189.39 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $189.40 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $588.69 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $189.99 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $1,051.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $16.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $7,427.73 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $6,048.93 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $26.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $2,547.08 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $403.07 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $14,212.92 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $2,231.71 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $358.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $86.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $17.24 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
Aug 2019 $495.25 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/12/2019
MedExpReimb9.11.19 $388.75 Buy-Down Insurance Hill, Carla Rexburg ID 89640 9/12/2019
MedExpReimb9.11.19 $1,952.89 Buy-Down Insurance Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 89641 9/12/2019
MedExpReimb9.11.19 $137.47 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89642 9/12/2019
MembershipDues2020 $100.00 Business Services Rigby Chamber of Commerce Rigby ID 89639 9/12/2019
S-2014-18366 $623.60 Water Sewer Gabage City of Menan MENAN ID 89643 9/12/2019
SupplyReimb $177.94 Supplies & Materials Bills, Nancy Vernal UT 89646 9/12/2019
14474 $1,420.00 Purchased Services Idaho FCCLA Boise ID 57166012 9/12/2019
CC Meet Fee $88.00 Purchased Services Skyline High School Idaho Falls ID 57166017 9/12/2019
Official VB $87.00 Purchased Services Nate Williams Rexburg ID 57166016 9/12/2019
Official Volleyball $87.00 Purchased Services Nate Williams Rexburg ID 57166016 9/12/2019
Reimb Chinese Imers $34.44 Supplies & Materials Lingpei Zou Rexburg ID 57166015 9/12/2019
Reimb Student Counci $40.03 Supplies & Materials Jenn Straatman Rexburg ID 57166014 9/12/2019
Reimb VB Fundraiser $678.56 Supplies & Materials Timalee Geisler Rigby ID 57166018 9/12/2019
Tournament Fee $320.00 Purchased Services Irving Middle School Pocatello ID 57166013 9/12/2019
V449316 $9.84 Supplies & Materials Erica Jones Rigby ID 1944 9/12/2019
V517483 $165.00 Purchased Services South Fork Elementary Lunch Rigby ID 1943 9/12/2019
MedExpReimb9.12.19 $1,719.52 Buy-Down Insurance Shumway, Hannah E  Rexburg ID 89647 9/13/2019
Reimb Chair $183.12 Supplies & Materials Stephanie Sargent Rigby ID 57166020 9/13/2019
Student Lunch $20.00 Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Lunch Program Rigby ID 57166019 9/13/2019
V242287 $17.09 School Uniforms & Sweatshirts Supplies School District #251 Rigby ID 2.985E+14 9/16/2019
V491492 $46.00 Purchased Services Vinyl Visions Design Sugar City ID 2986 9/16/2019
100006 $61.12 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486119 9/16/2019
100011 $710.45 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486119 9/16/2019
19-04 $250.00 Supplies & Materials HIGH COUNTRY CONFERENCE Idaho Falls ID 1486117 9/16/2019
190910-0014 $23.50 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1486116 9/16/2019
1920 $50.00 Supplies & Materials MINICO HIGH SCHOOL RUPERT ID 1486121 9/16/2019
1920 ($50.00) Supplies & Materials MINICO HIGH SCHOOL RUPERT ID 1486121 9/16/2019
2161:00492064 $20.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1486125 9/16/2019
5887-2176-2177 $1,373.90 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1486122 9/16/2019
9-11-19 $399.62 Supplies & Materials Martinez, Vic Rigby  ID 1486120 9/16/2019
9-12-19 $192.17 Supplies & Materials TROYER, LORI Rigby ID 1486126 9/16/2019
9-13-19 $106.04 Supplies & Materials DAKU, LORI RIGBY ID 1486115 9/16/2019
9-13-19 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Steffen, Raymond Idaho Falls ID 1486124 9/16/2019
9-13-19 $35.00 Supplies & Materials Wacaser, Sophie Idaho Falls ID 1486127 9/16/2019
9-13-19 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Wacaser, Sophie Idaho Falls ID 1486127 9/16/2019
9-9-2019 $74.97 Supplies & Materials BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486114 9/16/2019
936539 $149.35 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1486123 9/16/2019
V312094 $350.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1486118 9/16/2019
1223329 $487.50 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Carrier Corporation Chicago IL 89653 9/17/2019
1903237 $44,379.30 Sec Curriculum Textbooks CPM Educational Program Elk Grove CA 89655 9/17/2019
25489476 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89649 9/17/2019
25512332 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89656 9/17/2019
34000501 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 89648 9/17/2019
AmyJeppesenAlt Auth $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89658 9/17/2019
CameronPriceAltAuth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89657 9/17/2019
EmeryClaysonAltAuth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89659 9/17/2019
Grant Refund $1,978.27 IAEYC-Grant-Zollinger Idaho AEYC Boise ID 89652 9/17/2019
KrystalGermerAltAuth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89660 9/17/2019
LibraryRefund $6.95 Library Corbett, Farrah Rigby ID 89654 9/17/2019
MedExpReimb 9.16.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Daku, Scott Rigby ID 89668 9/17/2019
MedExpReimb 9.16.19 $1,599.80 Buy-Down Insurance Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 89669 9/17/2019
MedExpReimb 9.16.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 89670 9/17/2019
PrePaidLunchRefund $37.05 Student Lunch Sales Dixon, Destiny Rigby  ID 89667 9/17/2019
PrePaidLunchRefund $194.35 Student Lunch Sales Dyer, Crystal Rigby ID 89651 9/17/2019
Sept Caution Light $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 9/17/2019
Supply Reimb $99.75 Jill Killpack Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 89671 9/17/2019
Supply Reimb $54.68 Supplies & Materials Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 89664 9/17/2019
Supply Reimb $42.39 Supplies & Materials Tomkinson, Hallie Rigby ID 89665 9/17/2019
Supply Reimb $25.22 Supplies & Materials Wilde, Marianne Rigby ID 89666 9/17/2019
SupplyReimb $77.22 Supplies & Materials Capson, Karla Idaho Falls ID 89661 9/17/2019
SupplyReimb $16.98 Business Supplies Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 89650 9/17/2019
SupplyReimb $27.05 Supplies & Materials Phillips, Karey Brooke Rigby ID 89662 9/17/2019
SupplyReimb $60.65 Supplies & Materials Radford, Angela Rockland ID 89663 9/17/2019
4750-F $351.16 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486128 9/17/2019
89415306029 $72.08 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1486130 9/17/2019
9-10-19 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 1486135 9/17/2019
9-16-19 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Bob Firman XC Boise  ID 1486129 9/17/2019
9-16-19 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Snake River High School Blackfoot ID 1486136 9/17/2019
9-17-19 $382.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486131 9/17/2019
9-17-19 $12.47 Supplies & Materials JOHNSON, PAULA RIGBY ID 1486132 9/17/2019
9-17-19 $106.17 Supplies & Materials Rasmussen, Corbin Idaho Falls ID 1486134 9/17/2019
IN91826441 $10.06 Supplies & Materials Medco Supply Company Chicago IL 1486133 9/17/2019
110990520 $170.60 Supplies & Materials National Pen Co. LLC Dallas TX 57166024 9/17/2019
2161:00492068 $88.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Coffee Boise ID 57166025 9/17/2019
252254 $70.00 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 57166027 9/17/2019
Refund Athletic Fee $62.50 Purchased Services Jeannette Denning Rigby ID 57166022 9/17/2019
Refund Athletics $50.00 Purchased Services Katie McGary Rigby ID 57166023 9/17/2019
Reimb Chinese Im $70.88 Supplies & Materials Xue Yang Rigby ID 57166026 9/17/2019
VB Official $87.00 Purchased Services Amberlee Call Rexburg ID 57166021 9/17/2019
Aug 2019 $33.01 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $9.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $41.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $27.44 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $9.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $36.18 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $63.63 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $183.44 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $9.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $890.75 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $9.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
Aug 2019 $13.60 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 9/18/2019
71093 $280.80 Supplies & Materials Western's Smokehouse, LLC Greentop MO 57166031 9/18/2019
Athletics Dues $330.00 Purchased Services Upper Snake River Valley Conference ????? ?? 57166030 9/18/2019
Reimb English $14.62 Supplies & Materials Shauna Parkes Idaho Falls ID 57166029 9/18/2019
X Country Meet $50.00 Purchased Services Ririe High School Ririe ID 57166028 9/18/2019
Supply Reimb $77.34 Fullmer, Krystal Fullmer, Krystal Rigby ID 89672 9/19/2019
Lanyards $20.00 Math Club Supplies Richard Brown Rexburg ID 57166033 9/19/2019
VB Official $87.00 Purchased Services Heather Hathaway Shelley ID 57166032 9/19/2019
MedExpReimb9.19.19 $38.33 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 89673 9/20/2019
MedExpReimb9.19.19 $262.02 Buy-Down Insurance Lister, Kim RIGBY ID 89674 9/20/2019
Mileage Reimb $208.45 LEP Travel Zollinger, Todd Idaho Falls ID 89677 9/20/2019
Mileage Reimb 9.1.19 $22.31 Family Liaison Travel Grant, Silvina Rigby ID 89675 9/20/2019
MileageReimb8.1.19 $417.60 LEP Travel McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 89676 9/20/2019
Supply Reimb $9.99 Supplies & Materials Stewart, Karen RIGBY ID 89678 9/20/2019
V167710 $113,347.85 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V20009 $229,512.48 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V212169 $277.41 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V213706 -($6.25) Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 9/20/2019
V241472 $16.03 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V255764 -($37.70) PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V274700 -($47.13) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V278851 $0.70 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89730 9/20/2019
V298397 $6,753.50 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V307605 $41.79 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V311988 -($45.53) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V329218 3.18 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89730 9/20/2019
V333164 ($10.65) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V348614 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 9/20/2019
V385721 $164.99 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V392650 $367.48 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V426673 $35.71 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V433767 $1,579.52 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V443272 ($201.50) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V458182 $57.92 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V476009 -($14.11) PERSI Sick ER Clearing PERSI Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V478440 $2,634.58 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89730 9/20/2019
V549504 $13.55 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V566297 $6.25 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 9/20/2019
V574407 $2,981.13 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89730 9/20/2019
V579579 -($966.65) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V611559 $26,508.72 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V619056 $6.25 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 9/20/2019
V63717 $22,309.96 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V689148 $3,532.01 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 9/20/2019
V695446 $10.84 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V70833 $11,202.16 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89730 9/20/2019
V715627 $194.94 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V740455 -($4,133.24) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V742424 $58.76 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89730 9/20/2019
V764748 $20.04 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V795349 $9.77 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V807596 -($388.05) PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V848427 $85.67 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V861568 $45.58 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 9/20/2019
V956771 $256,339.87 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89730 9/20/2019
V962612 $111.54 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V967646 $25.59 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 9/20/2019
V973335 $354.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 9/20/2019
1788 $511.77 Supplies & Materials Freemans Forms & Supp. IDAHO FALLS ID 1486137 9/20/2019
29 $321.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Cty 4H/FFA Market Animal Sale Rigby ID 1486139 9/20/2019
9-19-19 $140.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION BOISE ID 1486138 9/20/2019
9-19-19 $105.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486143 9/20/2019
9-19-19 $1,179.48 Supplies & Materials University of Montana Housing Missoula MT 1486144 9/20/2019
9-20-19 $39.52 Supplies & Materials Praeder, Lourene Rigby ID 1486140 9/20/2019
9-8-19 $505.97 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486141 9/20/2019
9-8-19 $1,483.90 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486141 9/20/2019
M6852322 $260.98 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Magazines JEFFERSON CITY MO 1486142 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,071.78 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Anthony D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,426.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,246.01 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,070.11 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,170.10 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alverson, Elise   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ames, Mary Kaye   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$290.56 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$923.75 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,521.07 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$856.92 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$113.63 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,797.76 GROSS PAYROLL Apelu, Kaesha Allison  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,442.91 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,249.80 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$72.44 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,298.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,236.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$834.98 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$70.57 GROSS PAYROLL Baguley, Gayla   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,965.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,272.21 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,708.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,600.25 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,775.64 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,943.48 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,811.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,336.53 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,964.56 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,782.17 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$246.60 GROSS PAYROLL Bateman, Forrest William Avery  Willows CA 0 9/20/2019
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,442.13 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,796.19 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$123.91 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,882.71 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,086.34 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,613.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,439.23 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$23.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$171.68 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,766.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,314.98 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,814.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,283.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,421.37 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$971.09 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$885.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$26.49 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,229.81 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$858.18 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Brooks, Payton Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$22.84 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,194.78 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$26.83 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$888.63 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$366.67 GROSS PAYROLL Buttars, Jayda Caprice  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,255.31 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$42.57 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$74.39 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,350.19 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,049.48 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Chayce Greg  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,241.46 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,356.04 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$24.95 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$30.25 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$888.81 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 9/20/2019
$862.71 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$826.90 GROSS PAYROLL Carrillo, Maria SanJuana  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,076.41 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$118.40 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$911.11 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$235.44 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,837.76 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$25.58 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$38.17 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,471.92 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,229.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,047.43 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,694.52 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$27.93 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$905.15 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,422.22 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,275.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,867.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,281.73 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,408.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,286.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,566.85 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,449.83 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$765.20 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$25.16 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Colleen Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,192.86 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,697.86 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$17,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,149.13 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$246.60 GROSS PAYROLL Curtis, Maria E  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cysewski, Joshua Christopher  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$63.86 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Mary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL DaRonch, Michael Richard  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,547.29 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,067.61 GROSS PAYROLL Dayley, Marissa Lynn  Washougal WA 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,879.64 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$733.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dupree, John   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$309.23 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,045.23 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$28.50 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Elaine R  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ellsworth, Shelby   Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$26.65 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,078.13 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,090.25 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2019
$616.62 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,477.03 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,080.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 9/20/2019
$22.16 GROSS PAYROLL Fellman, Karen Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,042.59 GROSS PAYROLL Ferguson, Kelly Ray  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,843.26 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$864.19 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$22.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Amanda Marjean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,321.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,340.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,958.34 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,128.25 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,033.31 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,386.25 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,553.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,241.21 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,719.91 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$120.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette   Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,571.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$76.02 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,860.77 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,034.28 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,238.34 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$720.53 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzales, Hesper Sickinger  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,491.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,375.01 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,341.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$924.66 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,382.73 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,748.18 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Ashlie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,218.21 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,578.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,696.67 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,512.33 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,030.30 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 9/20/2019
$4,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,633.93 GROSS PAYROLL Gribble, Carolyn Lynette  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,282.64 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lora Lee  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,660.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$128.05 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Jason Michael  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$208.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,864.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$99.70 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,442.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hallbert, Heather Bray  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,435.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$305.95 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,054.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,150.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$63.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,126.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$63.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Madison Dawn Gabriel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,225.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,408.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,962.40 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,906.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,468.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,601.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$355.70 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$27.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Keiver J.  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,018.21 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$22.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$359.36 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,030.00 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$68.59 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Cassie Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.66 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 9/20/2019
$3,411.67 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 9/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,034.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,083.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$910.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,798.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,694.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,829.99 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$28.39 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$905.15 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,893.83 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,280.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$23.96 GROSS PAYROLL Isaksen, Aubrey Lee  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$943.37 GROSS PAYROLL Isom, Brittany Marissa  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jackman, Hailee Jo  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,052.85 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$21.73 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,215.46 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,381.85 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 9/20/2019
$1,453.28 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$338.57 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$26.22 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,488.37 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,278.30 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,271.61 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,366.67 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$199.90 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$8,031.66 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,374.71 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,247.39 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,637.34 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$152.64 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$448.49 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Sierra Dawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,515.09 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,678.81 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,294.72 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,689.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,925.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,358.74 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Vickie   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,063.63 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$24.96 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,465.35 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,384.09 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kathryn Elizabeth  Nampa ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,805.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,027.47 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Hayley Drew  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,923.79 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$753.39 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$21.71 GROSS PAYROLL King, Michelle Lynne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,370.76 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,770.81 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.01 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,534.44 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 9/20/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Blake Dale  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$72.04 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lawson, Kristen Adams  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$992.63 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,906.80 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,219.66 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,244.05 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$75.53 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,230.06 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$8,614.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$393.30 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,745.52 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$953.51 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$278.70 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,257.93 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,049.31 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,253.72 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$940.97 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,417.17 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,212.57 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,110.76 GROSS PAYROLL Melgaard, Janette   Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,785.42 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,256.96 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$73.31 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$863.59 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,124.32 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,268.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,967.17 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,281.09 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,080.32 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,257.50 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,225.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mower, Bart J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,435.67 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,113.35 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Stephanie M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$612.15 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,376.75 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,491.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Juan   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,400.84 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,045.23 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$22.16 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,887.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,049.07 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Noa, Jeffrey Kaina  N. Las Vegas NV 0 9/20/2019
$5,513.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,738.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,341.67 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,215.46 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$63.86 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,146.64 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,374.99 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,518.57 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$918.84 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,581.96 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$804.28 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,989.16 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,766.42 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,128.90 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,708.31 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,351.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,208.34 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$235.45 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Lynn Max  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,954.16 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$30.00 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Lacy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,893.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$46.20 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Kyris Lee  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,622.50 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,408.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,635.35 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,578.55 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$246.60 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Kelly Kathryn  Carlsbad CA 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,139.22 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Calyse   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,168.35 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Carter   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,246.22 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,537.43 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,154.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$72.23 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,216.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,990.06 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,491.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,464.10 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$954.05 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,720.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$63.86 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,006.68 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,161.21 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,096.88 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,720.61 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$59.88 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Stephanie Ila Jean  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,247.29 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$948.10 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,316.97 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,778.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,334.15 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$22.50 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,352.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,458.10 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$391.92 GROSS PAYROLL Rubalcava, Ana Sofia  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,181.52 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,300.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,164.26 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,458.06 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,410.81 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,772.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$822.46 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$718.17 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,197.70 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$734.54 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$22.16 GROSS PAYROLL Selensky, Jeri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$209.93 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$694.69 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Kayla Lee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$224.92 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$27.94 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$81.04 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Emma C  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$9,384.92 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$24.50 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$27.94 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$26.51 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,145.80 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$22.50 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,050.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$40.38 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$24.61 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,207.99 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$221.99 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,276.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,257.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$844.57 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,888.04 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 9/20/2019
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,018.58 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$824.44 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$933.33 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Brook Dee  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,518.25 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$55.04 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 9/20/2019
$84.92 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,159.59 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,264.29 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,207.05 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2019
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$731.32 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$929.89 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,604.16 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,181.31 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$972.82 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$398.10 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,387.91 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,685.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$993.56 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$110.25 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, JoHanna Marie  Lewisville ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,174.66 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,661.34 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,584.29 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,176.26 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,758.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,401.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,062.64 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$997.66 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,046.30 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,408.52 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$223.65 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Mark James  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$937.20 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$32.06 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,338.02 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,081.61 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$182.84 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,504.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,456.24 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,758.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 9/20/2019
$366.67 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Mark Andrew  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,134.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,014.19 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$772.20 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,074.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,936.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 9/20/2019
$4,101.00 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 9/20/2019
$5,276.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2019
$2,878.45 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 9/20/2019
$63.86 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 60957 9/20/2019
$1,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Ashlee Jo  Rigby ID 60958 9/20/2019
$344.53 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Shayla Dawn  Rigby ID 60959 9/20/2019
$1,595.67 GROSS PAYROLL Berrett, Britton Jeremie  Roberts ID 60960 9/20/2019
$1,170.70 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Kaden Dallas  Menan ID 60961 9/20/2019
$60.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dabell, Summer Lynn  Rigby ID 60962 9/20/2019
$120.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annalise M  Menan ID 60963 9/20/2019
$90.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Jason S  Menan ID 60964 9/20/2019
$96.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Siena Maree  Rigby ID 60965 9/20/2019
$510.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hawkins, Carson Roger  Rigby ID 60966 9/20/2019
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Andrea   Rigby ID 60967 9/20/2019
$366.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martinez, Victor   Rigby ID 60968 9/20/2019
$1,217.05 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Malachi R  Rigby ID 60969 9/20/2019
$172.50 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 60970 9/20/2019
$154.50 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Rayana Janet  Rigby ID 60971 9/20/2019
$25.16 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Sophia Christine  Las Vegas NV 60972 9/20/2019
$993.89 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 60973 9/20/2019
$81.90 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 60974 9/20/2019
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Alyssa Michele  Rexburg ID 60975 9/20/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 60976 9/20/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bradley, Chelsea   Bozeman MT 60977 9/20/2019
$131.77 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 60978 9/20/2019
$104.85 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 60979 9/20/2019
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL McLean, Dallyn Wade  Rexburg ID 60980 9/20/2019
$466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Daisy May  Ammon ID 60981 9/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Emily Mae  Rigby ID 60982 9/20/2019
$73.31 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 60983 9/20/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Whitney Nakelle  Rigby ID 60984 9/20/2019
$148.70 GROSS PAYROLL Sager, Shirley M  Menan ID 60985 9/20/2019
$70.20 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 60986 9/20/2019
$137.86 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee V  Rigby ID 60987 9/20/2019
$93.87 GROSS PAYROLL Wahnschaffe, Sterling Drake  Rigby ID 60988 9/20/2019
$4,310.25 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Brent   Idaho Falls ID 60989 9/20/2019
$85.09 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 60990 9/20/2019
$719.43 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 60991 9/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 60992 9/20/2019
$3,908.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 60993 9/20/2019
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 60994 9/20/2019
$1,386.09 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 60995 9/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 60996 9/20/2019
$839.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiappini-Jarvis, Rebecca   Rigby ID 60997 9/20/2019
$865.16 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 60998 9/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 60999 9/20/2019
$941.34 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 61000 9/20/2019
$937.82 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 61001 9/20/2019
$2,339.81 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 61002 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 61003 9/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 61004 9/20/2019
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61005 9/20/2019
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 61006 9/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 61007 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 61008 9/20/2019
$1,470.61 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 61009 9/20/2019
$734.36 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Lacey Madison  Saint Anthony ID 61010 9/20/2019
$2,334.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 61011 9/20/2019
$806.23 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61012 9/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 61013 9/20/2019
$3,489.08 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61015 9/20/2019
$1,463.84 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 61016 9/20/2019
$1,952.56 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61017 9/20/2019
$1,720.01 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61018 9/20/2019
$22.06 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 61019 9/20/2019
Art Conf PerDiem $70.00 General Supplies Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 89679 9/23/2019
V535405 $43.85 2nd Grade Spanish Supplies Megan Smith Rexburg ID 2179 9/23/2019
1327 $339.43 Supplies & Materials The Core Project Rathdrum ID 1486149 9/23/2019
32165 $978.50 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486145 9/23/2019
9-23-19 $70.00 Supplies & Materials SHELLEY HIGH SCHOOL SHELLEY ID 1486146 9/23/2019
9-23-19 $260.60 Supplies & Materials Stephens, Larry Rigby ID 1486147 9/23/2019
9-23-19 $10.00 Supplies & Materials Taylor, Breanne Rigby ID 1486148 9/23/2019
V973625 $35.00 Supplies & Materials South Fork PTO Rigby ID 1946 9/23/2019
EmCrisisCommPD $15.00 Travel Expenses Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 89685 9/24/2019
ImmersionProgVisitPD $15.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 89684 9/24/2019
ImmProgVisitPD $15.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89680 9/24/2019
ImmProgVisitPD $15.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Lords, Bryan Douglas Rigby ID 89681 9/24/2019
ImmProgVisitPD $15.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 89682 9/24/2019
ImmProgVisitPD $15.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 89683 9/24/2019
MedExpReimb9.23.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Capson, Karla Idaho Falls ID 89686 9/24/2019
MedExpReimb9.23.19 $259.74 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 89687 9/24/2019
MedExpReimb9.23.19 $967.33 Buy-Down Insurance Hillman, Wanda Stocks St. Anthony ID 89688 9/24/2019
MedExpReimb9.23.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Marley, Catrina Rigby ID 89689 9/24/2019
MedExpReimb9.23.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Praeder, Lourene Rigby ID 89690 9/24/2019
SupplyReimb $19.75 2nd Grade Spanish Immersion General Needs Smith, Megan Rigby ID 89691 9/24/2019
7813 $2,350.00 Supplies & Materials Phoenix Learning Systems Springville UT 1486152 9/24/2019
9-24-19 $65.00 Supplies & Materials ISATA Caldwell ID 1486150 9/24/2019
9-24-19 $55.00 Supplies & Materials McKinlay, Kade Rigby ID 1486151 9/24/2019
M6850222 $922.86 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Magazines JEFFERSON CITY MO 1486153 9/24/2019
Chinese Im Reimb ($26.95) Supplies & Materials Lingpei Zou Rexburg ID 57166038 9/24/2019
Chinese Im Reimb $26.95 Supplies & Materials Lingpei Zou Rexburg ID 57166038 9/24/2019
Cross Country Fee $40.00 Purchased Services Shelley High School Shelley ID 57166039 9/24/2019
Cross Country Fee ($40.00) Purchased Services Shelley High School Shelley ID 57166039 9/24/2019
Reimb Life Skills $49.04 Supplies & Materials Ginger Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166037 9/24/2019
Reimb Life Skills -($49.04) Supplies & Materials Ginger Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166037 9/24/2019
Reimb R3 Play -($22.01) Supplies & Materials Carol Barber Rigby ID 57166034 9/24/2019
Reimb R3 Play $22.01 Supplies & Materials Carol Barber Rigby ID 57166034 9/24/2019
Riemb Play -($615.73) Supplies & Materials Erin Davis Rigby ID 57166036 9/24/2019
Riemb Play $615.73 Supplies & Materials Erin Davis Rigby ID 57166036 9/24/2019
Volleyball Official $87.00 Purchased Services Cheri Smith Idaho Falls ID 57166035 9/24/2019
Volleyball Official -($87.00) Purchased Services Cheri Smith Idaho Falls ID 57166035 9/24/2019
V631171 $13.77 Supplies & Materials Allison Thomason  Sugar City ID 1945 9/24/2019
ANavarro Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89692 9/25/2019
MRodriquez-Madin AA $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89693 9/25/2019
Fee CC Meet $40.00 Purchased Services Shelley High School Shelley ID 57166046 9/25/2019
Life Skills Supplies $49.04 Supplies & Materials Ginger Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166043 9/25/2019
R3 Play Supplies $22.01 Supplies & Materials Carol Barber Rigby ID 57166040 9/25/2019
R3 Play Supplies $615.73 Supplies & Materials Erin Davis Rigby ID 57166042 9/25/2019
Reimb Book Shelf $15.00 Supplies & Materials Samuel Whitcomb-Paulson Rexburg ID 57166045 9/25/2019
Reimb Supplies $42.90 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Ginger Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166043 9/25/2019
Supplies Chinese Im $26.95 Supplies & Materials Lingpei Zou Rexburg ID 57166044 9/25/2019
VB Official $87.00 Purchased Services Cheri Smith Idaho Falls ID 57166041 9/25/2019
6540991 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 89704 9/26/2019
MedExpReimb9.26.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Bloxham, Christy Rigby ID 89703 9/26/2019
MembershipFee $500.00 District Office Services SAM'S CLUB Idaho Falls ID 89694 9/26/2019
Mileage Reimb $77.90 Mileage Reimb Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 89695 9/26/2019
Mileage Reimb $2.35 In District Mileage Reimbursement Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 89695 9/26/2019
OFelixAltAuth 100 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89698 9/26/2019
PrepaidLunchRefund $31.51 Student Lunch Sales Larson, Bryce Rigby ID 89697 9/26/2019
Title1SupplyReimb $39.91 Title I Materials & Supplies Baisch, Sonya Rigby ID 89696 9/26/2019
Transition Inst PD ($127.00) OT/PT Services Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 89699 9/26/2019
Transition Inst PD $127.00 OT/PT Services Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 89699 9/26/2019
Transition Inst PD ($127.00) OT/PT Services Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 89700 9/26/2019
Transition Inst PD $127.00 OT/PT Services Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 89700 9/26/2019
Transition Inst PD ($127.00) OT/PT Services Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89701 9/26/2019
Transition Inst PD $127.00 OT/PT Services Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89701 9/26/2019
Transition Inst PD ($127.00) OT/PT Services Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 89702 9/26/2019
Transition Inst PD $127.00 OT/PT Services Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 89702 9/26/2019
JKohn Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89707 9/27/2019
KGermer Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89706 9/27/2019
KGermer Alt Auth -($100.00) HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89706 9/27/2019
PD Reimb $127.73 Business Supplies Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 89705 9/27/2019
Tran Ins Per Diem $77.00 OT/PT Services Abshire, Phillip Idaho Falls ID 89708 9/27/2019
Tran Ins Per Diem $77.00 OT/PT Services Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 89709 9/27/2019
Tran Ins Per Diem $77.00 OT/PT Services Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 89710 9/27/2019
Tran Ins Per Diem $77.00 OT/PT Services Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89711 9/27/2019
Tran Ins Per Diem $77.00 OT/PT Services Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 89712 9/27/2019
25057 $1,650.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486157 9/27/2019
9-19-2019 $482.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486155 9/27/2019
9-23-19 $145.40 Supplies & Materials Statewide Interiors and Foam Rubber Idaho Falls ID 1486159 9/27/2019
9-25-19 $105.00 Supplies & Materials BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486154 9/27/2019
9-25-19 $250.00 Supplies & Materials Timberline High School Boise ID 1486160 9/27/2019
9-25-2019 $28.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486155 9/27/2019
9-26-19 $99.48 Supplies & Materials Godding, Charlene Idaho Falls ID 1486156 9/27/2019
9-26-19 $14.82 Supplies & Materials Morgan, Cortney Rigby ID 1486158 9/27/2019
MileageReimb $40.38 In District Mileage Reimbursement Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 89713 9/30/2019
MileageReimb $29.82 LEP Travel Rubalcava, Ana Sofia  Rexburg ID 89714 9/30/2019
MileageReimbSept19 $119.45 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 89715 9/30/2019
NJones Alt Auth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89716 9/30/2019
V696422 $190.69 Supplies & Materials Sue Torres Menan ID 1904 9/30/2019
Fee Cross Country $100.00 Purchased Services Highland High School Pocatello ID 57166047 9/30/2019
Reimb 6th Math $31.50 Supplies & Materials Ryan Erickson Sugar City ID 57166049 9/30/2019
Shakespeare Fundrais $144.69 Shakespeare Team Supplies Sonya Fulcher Rexburg ID 57166050 9/30/2019
Splash & Dash Fee $48.00 Purchased Services Madison High School Rexburg Id 57166048 9/30/2019
V694885 $11.64 Supplies & Materials Laurel Boyce Idaho Falls ID 1948 9/30/2019
V786853 $39.21 Supplies & Materials Mike Jacobson  Rigby ID 1947 9/30/2019
26 $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 10/1/2019
Conf&MembFee $130.00 General Supplies ISATA Fall Conference Jerome Id 89727 10/1/2019
CTEI Summit PD $50.00 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Tavoian, Shantel Idaho Falls ID 89721 10/1/2019
Imm Prog Visit PD $11.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89717 10/1/2019
Imm Prog Visit PD $11.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Lords, Bryan Douglas Rigby ID 89718 10/1/2019
Imm Prog Visit PD $11.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 89719 10/1/2019
Imm Prog Visit PD $11.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 89720 10/1/2019
Imm Prog Visit PD $11.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 89722 10/1/2019
ISATA Conf PD $91.00 General Supplies Arnold, Jesse Edward Ammon ID 89726 10/1/2019
ISATA Conf PD $91.00 General Supplies Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 89728 10/1/2019
Med ExpRiemb10.1.19 1012.91 Buy-Down Insurance Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 89723 10/1/2019
Med ExpRiemb10.1.19 367.37 Buy-Down Insurance Hunter, Keegan Idaho Falls ID 89724 10/1/2019
Med ExpRiemb10.1.19 730.88 Buy-Down Insurance Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 89725 10/1/2019
Official Volleyball $87.00 Purchased Services Heather Hathaway Shelley ID 57166052 10/1/2019
Reimb Supplies $10.00 Supplies & Materials Elmer Lilly Menan ID 57166051 10/1/2019
V150367 $750.78 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1567 10/1/2019
V192390 $1,651.96 Supplies & Materials Roberts Elementary PTO Roberts ID 1565 10/1/2019
V54287 $49.82 Supplies & Materials Candace Taylor Roberts ID 1564 10/1/2019
V757213 $16.55 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1566 10/1/2019
Oct 2019 $3,000.00 Postage Reserve Account Pittsburgh PA 89729 10/2/2019
PBIS Train PD 102 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 89731 10/2/2019
PBIS Train PD 102 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Fryberger, Don Rigby ID 89732 10/2/2019
PBIS Train PD 102 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Nukaya, Jessica Dawn Iona ID 89733 10/2/2019
PBIS Train PD 102 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Stewart, Karen RIGBY ID 89734 10/2/2019
PBIS Train PD 102 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 89735 10/2/2019
10-1-19 $150.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1486163 10/2/2019
10-1-19 $13.00 Breaking Down The Walls KELLER, KIM RIGBY ID 1486165 10/2/2019
10-2-19 $27.60 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1486166 10/2/2019
10-2-19 $81.60 Supplies & Materials Mickelsen, Holly-RHS Rigby ID 1486167 10/2/2019
559 $1,166.66 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486161 10/2/2019
559 $1,166.66 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486161 10/2/2019
559 $1,166.67 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486161 10/2/2019
559 $1,166.67 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486161 10/2/2019
559 $2,333.34 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486161 10/2/2019
62111485-00 $28.51 Supplies & Materials NORCO, INC Idaho Falls ID 1486168 10/2/2019
9-30-19 $11.83 Supplies & Materials Baca, Ella Rigby ID 1486162 10/2/2019
Soils1901 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho FFA Association, Boise ID 1486164 10/2/2019
Sept 2019MileageReim $83.70 In District Mileage Reimbursement Hallbert, Heather Ruth Idaho Falls ID 89736 10/3/2019
V500744 $304.50 Expense/School Uniforms Tenille Byington Rigby ID 2987 10/3/2019
10-30-19 $84.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 1486169 10/3/2019
Cinnamon Rolls $202.00 Supplies & Materials Sally Geisler Rigby ID 57166053 10/3/2019
Med Exp Reimb10.4.19 73.27 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 89740 10/4/2019
Med Exp Reimb10.4.19 451.16 Buy-Down Insurance Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 89741 10/4/2019
Med Exp Reimb10.4.19 1999.99 Buy-Down Insurance Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 89742 10/4/2019
Med Exp Reimb10.4.19 351.78 Buy-Down Insurance Hsu, Er Fang Rexburg ID 89743 10/4/2019
Med Exp Reimb10.4.19 282.91 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89744 10/4/2019
Supplies Reimb $500.00 Norman, Wendy Ed Foundation Norman, Wendy Ann Rigby ID 89739 10/4/2019
Supply Reimb $162.46 Business Supplies Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89737 10/4/2019
XYangCert -($75.00) HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89738 10/4/2019
XYangCert $75.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89738 10/4/2019
V75374 $23.80 Supplies & Materials Diane Jacobson Menan ID 1905 10/4/2019
00869-06 $1,268,630.15 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89748 10/7/2019
00881-05 $422,903.18 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89748 10/7/2019
00882*04 $791,673.24 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89748 10/7/2019
00902-01 $161,304.98 RHS Parking Lot Expansion Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89748 10/7/2019
1 $9,131.14 Medicaid Purchased Services Bright Futeres Service Coordination Shelley ID 89752 10/7/2019
10.3.19 CC-1  $3,008.25 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 89781 10/7/2019
10.3.19 EW-1  $1,583.09 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 89781 10/7/2019
10.3.19 SR-1  $3,551.63 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 89781 10/7/2019
1019966 $725.10 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 89754 10/7/2019
1019966 $642.39 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 89754 10/7/2019
1020065 $517.81 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 89754 10/7/2019
1062 $7,500.00 Building Construction-Midway JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 89765 10/7/2019
1063 $7,500.00 Building Construction-Harwood JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 89765 10/7/2019
1126 $10,000.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 89765 10/7/2019
1130 $29,886.25 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 89765 10/7/2019
1403 $230.00 Business Services South Rigby Canal & Irrigation Co. Rigby ID 89784 10/7/2019
16621 -($996.91) General Supplies Servpro of Idaho Falls/Rexburg/Rigby Idaho Falls ID 89783 10/7/2019
16621 $996.91 General Supplies Servpro of Idaho Falls/Rexburg/Rigby Idaho Falls ID 89783 10/7/2019
166434 9.11.19 $290.00 Business Services Jefferson Star RIGBY ID 89766 10/7/2019
167159 9.18.19 $79.25 Business Services Jefferson Star RIGBY ID 89766 10/7/2019
167159EmLevyProp $79.25 Business Services Post Register Idaho Falls ID 89777 10/7/2019
167336 $32.00 Supplies & Materials Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 89769 10/7/2019
167597 $5,813.50 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89767 10/7/2019
167601 $2,155.25 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89767 10/7/2019
167603 $2,432.80 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89767 10/7/2019
20200837 $100.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Idaho Department of Environmental Qlty Boise ID 89762 10/7/2019
21 $1,085.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 89789 10/7/2019
21840 adj $200.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89785 10/7/2019
21867 $207.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89785 10/7/2019
21871 $1,872.77 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89785 10/7/2019
21873 $172.50 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89785 10/7/2019
21878 $286.50 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89785 10/7/2019
21879 $253.52 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89785 10/7/2019
21897 $378.42 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89785 10/7/2019
22390 $1,160.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Russ's Overhead Doors & Awning, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89782 10/7/2019
230816 $1,200.00 General Supplies Advance Education, Inc Atlanta GA 89747 10/7/2019
251167-1 $75.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 89763 10/7/2019
25591730 $100.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89761 10/7/2019
25591730 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89761 10/7/2019
25591730 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89761 10/7/2019
25591730 $60.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89761 10/7/2019
25591731 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89761 10/7/2019
3014885 $630.80 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89759 10/7/2019
3016487 ($50.49) Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89759 10/7/2019
3018347 $4,298.76 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89759 10/7/2019
3021817 $2,220.13 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89759 10/7/2019
3025207 $3,387.30 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89759 10/7/2019
3025210 $99.10 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89759 10/7/2019
3034 $1,459.50 Professional Services GBS of Idaho Boise ID 89760 10/7/2019
488 $5,000.00 General Supplies PlayOn! Sports Atlanta GA 89776 10/7/2019
525902 $3,000.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Boise State University Boise ID 89751 10/7/2019
526203 $3,000.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Boise State University Boise ID 89751 10/7/2019
5345 $195.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 89788 10/7/2019
6416 $300.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 89756 10/7/2019
6464.003 10.1.19 $76.00 Attorney Fees Nelson Hall Parry Tucker Idaho Falls ID 89771 10/7/2019
69465715 $333.14 Purchased Services Farmer Brothers Co. City of Industry CA 89757 10/7/2019
6948524 $2,790.00 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89772 10/7/2019
6961079 $3,348.42 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89772 10/7/2019
6965696 $400.17 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89772 10/7/2019
6969932 $2,976.55 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89772 10/7/2019
6978634 $4,463.10 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89772 10/7/2019
6987193 $4,920.15 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89772 10/7/2019
7 10.3.19 $8,500.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 89770 10/7/2019
7 10.3.19 ME $6,000.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 89770 10/7/2019
775627 $150.00 Professional Services Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 89753 10/7/2019
7811 $639.00 Supplies and Materials UZBL Irvine CA 89787 10/7/2019
8 10.3.19 CE $10,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 89770 10/7/2019
8444 -6992.07 Purchased Services First Street Plumbing & Heating Center Idaho Falls ID 89758 10/7/2019
8444 6992.07 Purchased Services First Street Plumbing & Heating Center Idaho Falls ID 89758 10/7/2019
8868 $13,020.00 Professional Services United Services Inc. Shelley ID 89786 10/7/2019
8906 $5,289.50 General Supplies ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 89746 10/7/2019
8906 $5,289.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 89746 10/7/2019
89415306029 $72.08 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89749 10/7/2019
89415306059 $308.30 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89749 10/7/2019
89415306077 $228.32 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89749 10/7/2019
89415306091 $289.40 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89749 10/7/2019
9.30.19 19 $9,500.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89768 10/7/2019
9918221 $50.94 Business Supplies Quill Corporation..... Philadelphia  PA 89778 10/7/2019
9951503 $74.95 Business Supplies Quill Corporation..... Philadelphia  PA 89778 10/7/2019
CareerDayfor RHS $30.00 Near Peer Supplies City of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls  ID 89755 10/7/2019
CareerDayfor RHS -($30.00) Near Peer Supplies City of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls  ID 89755 10/7/2019
MileageReimbSept19 $56.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 89745 10/7/2019
Oct 1 $390.00 Advanced Opportunities Services Northwest Nazarene University Nampa ID 89773 10/7/2019
Oct 4 2019 $7,219.97 Elementary Prof Dev Services Margo Elaine Healy Boise ID 89790 10/7/2019
Reimb4Wristbands $181.00 Supplies & Materials Perez, Marciano Rigby  Id 89775 10/7/2019
RHS 9.10.19 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89774 10/7/2019
RHS 9.17.19 87.60 $87.60 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89774 10/7/2019
RHS BB Reimb $9,023.47 RHS Boys Basketball Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89780 10/7/2019
RHS FB UniformReimb $2,569.21 RHS Football Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89780 10/7/2019
RHS FB Weightroom $9,373.07 New Weightroom Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89780 10/7/2019
RMS 10.1.19 197.40 $197.40 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89774 10/7/2019
RMS 9.10.19 211.50 $211.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89774 10/7/2019
RMS 9.17.19 197.40 $197.40 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89774 10/7/2019
RMS 9.24.19 197.40 $197.40 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89774 10/7/2019
Sept 2019 $15,076.19 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89764 10/7/2019
Shed Invoice Pymt $1,500.00 ECC Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 89780 10/7/2019
Staff Training $1,000.00 Purchased Services Blanchard, Sharon Rigby ID 89750 10/7/2019
Summer2019 $1,650.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 89779 10/7/2019
111470 $13,395.00 Software Support West Interactive Services Corporation Chicago IL 89792 10/8/2019
18-0157 Sept 19 $451.16 Water Sewer Gabage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89791 10/8/2019
18-0160 Sept 19 $252.16 Water Sewer Gabage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89791 10/8/2019
G6510 $6,750.00 Business Services Arbitrage Compliance Specialists Greenwood Village CO 89793 10/8/2019
OctMileage Reimb 21.3 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89794 10/8/2019
V850754 $3.51 General Fund Balance School District #251 Rigby ID 2988 10/8/2019
V347728 $368.00 Kindergarten Supplies Treehouse Nursery Rexburg ID 2180 10/8/2019
2758180 $552.00 Purchased Services SWANK Movie Licencing USA Chicago IL 57166059 10/8/2019
Competition Dinner $209.76 Shakespeare Team Supplies Andrea Stoddard Rexburg ID 57166054 10/8/2019
Meet Fee $30.00 Purchased Services Rexburg Track Club Rexburg ID 57166057 10/8/2019
Reimb Supply $35.47 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Ginger Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166055 10/8/2019
Scholastic Order $33.00 Supplies & Materials Samuel Whitcomb-Paulson Rexburg ID 57166058 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $116.58 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $121.08 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $29.15 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $7.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $6.79 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $40.41 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $1.02 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $21.55 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $6.69 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $3.31 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $170.72 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $18.61 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $245.09 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $9.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $72.62 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $31.81 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $38.21 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $12.79 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $2.26 Shakespeare Team Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Sept 19 Sales Tax $71.25 Shakespeare Team Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166056 10/8/2019
Teacher Supply $132.62 Supplies & Materials Tiffany Huml Rexburg ID 57166060 10/8/2019
167987 $2,441.10 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89801 10/9/2019
22299 $900.00 Auditor Fees Searle Hart & Associates PLLC Rexburg ID 89796 10/9/2019
22642 $25,500.00 Auditor Fees Searle Hart & Associates PLLC Rexburg ID 89796 10/9/2019
AccredMtgPerDiem $65.00 Travel Expenses Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 89797 10/9/2019
AccredMtgPerDiem $65.00 Travel Expenses Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 89798 10/9/2019
MedExpReimb10.9.19 $406.40 Buy-Down Insurance Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 89802 10/9/2019
Oct 3 $2,700.00 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 89800 10/9/2019
ScienceFTReimb $20.88 RHS Jeremy Green Science Johnson, Laron Rigby ID 89799 10/9/2019
Sept 19 MileageReimb $27.30 In District Mileage Reimbursement Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 89795 10/9/2019
10-1-19 Statement $1,827.97 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1486176 10/9/2019
10-9-19 $93.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1486172 10/9/2019
10-9-19 $792.00 Supplies & Materials HUNTER, KEEGAN Idaho Falls ID 1486173 10/9/2019
32288 $104.50 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486171 10/9/2019
4750-G $482.70 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486170 10/9/2019
5066 $321.16 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486170 10/9/2019
508216 $8.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1486177 10/9/2019
58601053 $1,735.10 Supplies & Materials VARSITY SPIRIT FASHIONS MEMPHIS TN 1486178 10/9/2019
IN91847589 $35.09 Supplies & Materials Medco Supply Company Chicago IL 1486175 10/9/2019
RANGE1903 $40.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho FFA Association-Stephany Garcia Boise ID 1486174 10/9/2019
V205820 $150.00 Supplies & Materials South Fork Elementary Lunch Rigby ID 1949 10/9/2019
1 $3,608.00 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 0 10/10/2019
1 $3,608.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $113.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $883.90 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $29.99 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $3,411.41 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $140.58 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $140.59 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $31.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $958.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $3,583.09 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $140.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $140.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $869.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $144.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $257.46 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $77.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $7,908.97 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $7,285.82 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $28.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $2,344.62 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $393.73 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $16,145.31 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $1,912.46 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $538.09 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $86.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $21.13 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
Sept 2019 $510.82 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/10/2019
ToolReimb 10.10.19 $600.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Jagielski, David Brian Rigby ID 89803 10/10/2019
V260204 $3.99 Supplies & Materials Justeine Baker Rigby ID 1907 10/10/2019
V611854 -($21.16) Supplies & Materials Mikelle Bronson Menan ID 156702 10/10/2019
V611854 $21.16 Supplies & Materials Mikelle Bronson Menan ID 156702 10/10/2019
V874462 $21.16 Supplies & Materials Mikelle Bronson Menan ID 1906 10/10/2019
10-10-19 $5,000.00 Supplies & Materials Civic Center/City of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls ID 1486179 10/10/2019
1418 $4,630.20 Supplies & Materials Specialty Mining & Infield Supplies Bliss ID 1486180 10/10/2019
V810146 $105.83 Supplies & Materials Candace Taylor Roberts ID 1568 10/10/2019
9/30/2019 1 $69,940.00 Emerg Levy Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 10 $5,344.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 100 $663.88 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1000 $25.49 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1001 $25.44 Jennifer Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1002 $25.43 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1003 $25.34 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1004 $25.33 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1005 $25.33 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1006 $25.31 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1007 $25.16 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1008 $25.15 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1009 $25.15 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 101 $660.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1010 25.13 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1011 $24.95 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1012 $24.89 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1013 $24.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1014 $24.84 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1015 $24.75 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1016 $24.70 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1017 $24.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1018 $24.64 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1019 $24.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 102 $654.95 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1020 24.4 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1021 $24.38 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1022 $24.37 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1023 $24.37 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1024 $24.36 Gonzalez, Andy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1025 $24.32 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1026 $24.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1027 $24.13 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1028 $24.07 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1029 $23.96 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 103 $650.00 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1030 $23.94 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1031 $23.94 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1032 $23.92 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1033 $23.88 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1034 $23.48 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1035 $23.37 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1036 $23.32 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1037 $23.32 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1038 $23.31 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1039 $23.30 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 104 $636.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1040 $23.22 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1041 $23.13 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1042 23.12 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1043 $23.07 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1044 $23.02 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1045 $23.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1046 $22.99 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1047 $22.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1048 $22.90 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1049 $22.89 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 105 $633.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1050 $22.70 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1051 $22.62 Laura Moreno Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1052 $22.58 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1053 $22.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1054 $22.57 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1055 $22.56 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1056 $22.52 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1057 $22.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1058 $22.26 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1059 $22.20 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 106 $631.47 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1060 $22.14 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1061 $21.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1062 $21.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1063 $21.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1064 $21.85 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1065 $21.73 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1066 $21.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1067 $21.47 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1068 $21.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1069 $21.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 107 $615.08 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1070 $21.19 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1071 $21.18 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1072 $21.18 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1073 $21.09 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1074 $20.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1075 $20.81 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1076 $20.76 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1077 $20.67 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1078 $20.65 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1079 $20.47 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 108 $608.33 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1080 $20.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1081 $20.35 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1082 $20.29 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1083 $20.13 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1084 $20.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1085 $20.00 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1086 $20.00 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1087 $19.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1088 $19.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1089 $19.98 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 109 $583.20 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1090 $19.88 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1091 $19.78 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1092 $19.74 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1093 $19.68 Athletic Participation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1094 $19.68 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1095 $19.61 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1096 $19.60 Bailey, Hollie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1097 $19.47 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1098 $19.35 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1099 $19.33 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 11 $4,311.21 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 110 $573.90 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1100 $19.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1101 $19.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1102 $19.11 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1103 $19.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1104 18.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1105 18.96 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1106 18.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1107 18.91 Jessica Nukaya Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1108 18.9 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1109 18.89 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 111 555.59 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1110 18.8 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1111 18.73 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1112 18.56 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1113 18.55 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1114 18.47 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1115 18.33 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1116 18.31 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1117 18.18 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1118 18 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1119 17.99 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 112 550 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1120 17.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1121 17.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1122 17.84 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1123 17.76 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1124 17.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1125 17.65 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1126 17.64 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1127 17.56 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1128 $17.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1129 $17.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 113 $550.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1130 $17.17 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1131 $17.00 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1132 $17.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1133 $16.99 Gonzalez, Andy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1134 $16.98 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1135 $16.96 Day, Lisa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1136 $16.95 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1137 $16.94 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1138 $16.92 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1139 $16.84 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 114 $544.01 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1140 $16.76 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1141 $16.75 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1142 $16.70 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1143 $16.57 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1144 $16.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1145 $16.48 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1146 $16.44 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1147 $16.19 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1148 $16.13 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1149 $16.02 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 115 $540.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1150 $15.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1151 $15.94 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1152 $15.92 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1153 $15.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1154 $15.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1155 $15.87 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1156 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1157 $15.52 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1158 $15.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1159 $15.24 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 116 $539.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1160 $15.00 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1161 $15.00 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1162 $15.00 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1163 $14.99 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1164 $14.99 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1165 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1166 $14.98 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1167 $14.97 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1168 $14.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1169 $14.83 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 117 $537.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1170 $14.82 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1171 $14.82 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1172 $14.81 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1173 $14.79 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1174 $14.79 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1175 $14.76 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1176 $14.69 Troy Players EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1177 $14.68 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1178 $14.63 Bill to School HES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1179 $14.60 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 118 $529.74 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1180 $14.48 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1181 $14.36 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1182 $14.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1183 $14.15 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1184 $14.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1185 $13.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1186 $13.96 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1187 $13.95 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1188 $13.95 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1189 $13.80 Laura Moreno Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 119 $529.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1190 $13.77 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1191 $13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1192 $13.77 Shayla Webb Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1193 $13.77 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1194 $13.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1195 $13.76 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1196 $13.68 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1197 $13.55 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1198 $13.50 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1199 $13.48 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 12 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 120 $525.00 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1200 $13.41 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1201 $13.35 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1202 $13.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1203 $13.30 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1204 $13.26 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1205 $13.25 Ricks, Elizabeth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1206 $13.19 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1207 $12.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1208 $12.97 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1209 $12.86 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 121 $506.00 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1210 $12.85 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1211 $12.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1212 $12.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1213 $12.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1214 $12.68 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1215 $12.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1216 $12.60 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1217 $12.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1218 $12.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1219 $12.56 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 122 $505.19 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1220 $12.55 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1221 $12.43 6th Grade Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1222 $12.29 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1223 $12.24 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1224 $12.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1225 $11.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1226 $11.98 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1227 $11.93 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1228 $11.89 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1229 $11.75 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 123 $501.65 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1230 $11.68 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1231 $11.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1232 $11.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1233 $11.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1234 $11.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1235 $11.54 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1236 $11.49 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1237 $11.49 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1238 $11.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1239 $11.38 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 124 $500.68 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1240 $11.13 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1241 $11.10 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1242 $11.00 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1243 $10.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1244 $10.87 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1245 $10.78 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1246 $10.63 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1247 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1248 $10.60 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1249 $10.60 Krista Hill Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 125 $497.40 CTE Equipment Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1250 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1251 $10.57 Pillow, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1252 $10.45 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1253 $10.39 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1254 $10.32 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1255 $10.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1256 $10.14 Lindsey Thompson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1257 $10.06 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1258 $9.99 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1259 $9.99 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 126 $485.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1260 $9.95 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1261 $9.95 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1262 $9.94 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1263 9.87 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1264 $9.85 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1265 $9.79 Day, Lisa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1266 $9.79 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1267 $9.73 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1268 $9.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1269 $9.69 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 127 $484.23 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1270 $9.66 Gonzalez, Andy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1271 $9.54 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1272 $9.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1273 $9.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1274 $9.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1275 $9.44 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1276 $9.34 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1277 $9.21 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1278 $8.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1279 $8.97 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 128 $480.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1280 $8.96 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1281 $8.95 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1282 $8.80 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1283 $8.79 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1284 8.7 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1285 8.64 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1286 8.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1287 $8.46 7th Reading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1288 $8.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1289 $8.46 Bowden, Karlene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 129 $476.84 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1290 $8.42 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1291 $8.40 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1292 $8.30 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1293 $8.27 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1294 $8.26 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1295 $8.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1296 $8.23 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1297 $8.23 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1298 $8.18 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1299 $8.03 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 13 $4,000.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 130 $476.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1300 $7.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1301 $7.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1302 $7.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1303 $7.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1304 7.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1305 $7.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1306 7.92 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1307 7.78 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1308 $7.76 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1309 $7.65 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 131 $475.99 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1310 $7.59 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1311 $7.58 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1312 $7.58 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1313 $7.57 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1314 $7.56 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1315 $7.44 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1316 $7.41 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1317 $7.39 Misty Dansie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1318 $7.38 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1319 $7.37 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 132 $471.82 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1320 $7.36 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1321 $7.35 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1322 $7.22 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1323 $7.18 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1324 $7.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1325 $6.99 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1326 $6.95 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1327 $6.88 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1328 $6.87 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1329 $6.67 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 133 $470.58 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1330 $6.56 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1331 $6.55 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1332 $6.44 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1333 $6.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1334 $6.38 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1335 $6.36 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1336 $6.35 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1337 $6.24 Jessica Nukaya Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1338 $6.02 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1339 $5.99 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 134 $468.99 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1340 $5.98 Davis, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1341 $5.91 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1342 $5.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1343 $5.82 Norman, Wendy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1344 $5.81 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1345 $5.75 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1346 $5.72 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1347 $5.60 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1348 $5.51 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1349 $5.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 135 $465.63 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1350 $5.32 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1351 $5.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1352 $5.30 Krista Hill Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1353 $5.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1354 $5.29 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1355 $5.29 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1356 $5.28 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1357 $5.28 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1358 $5.28 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1359 $5.20 Gonzalez, Andy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 136 $457.14 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1360 $5.20 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1361 $5.18 Sarmiento, Eleanor Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1362 $5.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1363 $4.82 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1364 $4.82 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1365 $4.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1366 $4.80 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1367 $4.79 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1368 $4.79 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1369 $4.77 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 137 $456.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1370 $4.75 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1371 $4.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1372 $4.45 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1373 $4.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1374 $4.38 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1375 $4.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1376 $4.24 Shayla Webb Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1377 $4.24 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1378 $4.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1379 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 138 $455.60 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1380 $4.00 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1381 $3.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1382 $3.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1383 $3.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1384 $3.82 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1385 $3.79 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1386 $3.76 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1387 $3.71 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1388 $3.67 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1389 $3.39 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 139 $455.42 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1390 $3.30 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1391 $3.24 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1392 $3.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1393 $3.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1394 $3.18 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1395 $3.02 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1396 $3.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1397 $2.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1398 $2.95 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1399 $2.90 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 14 $3,957.60 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 140 $452.49 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1400 $2.64 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1401 $2.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1402 $1.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1403 $1.96 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1404 $1.80 Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1405 $1.59 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1406 $1.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1407 $1.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1408 $1.02 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1409 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 141 $450.55 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1410 $0.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1411 $0.88 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1412 $0.85 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1413 $0.29 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1414 -($2.11) Norman, Wendy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1415 -($3.99) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1416 -($3.99) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1417 -($5.22) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1418 -($11.89) Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1419 -($12.50) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 142 $450.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1420 -($14.22) Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1421 -($17.64) ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1422 -($18.46) Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1423 -($21.63) Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1424 -($26.31) Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1425 -($37.91) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1426 -($42.35) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1427 -($43.15) Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1428 -($44.00) Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1429 -($49.80) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 143 $447.70 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1430 -($58.29) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1431 -($61.19) Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1432 -($93.10) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1433 -($112.68) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1434 -($112.68) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1435 -($138.34) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1436 -($139.32) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1437 -($180.97) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1438 -($180.97) District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 1439 -($193.46) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 144 $445.04 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 145 $438.66 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 146 $434.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 147 $430.47 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 148 $424.38 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 149 $424.21 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 15 $3,799.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 150 $419.97 Custodial Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 151 $419.18 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 152 $416.20 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 153 $416.00 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 154 $409.18 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 155 $403.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 156 $395.00 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 157 $389.66 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 158 $385.90 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 159 $383.90 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 16 $3,700.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 160 $383.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 161 $383.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 162 $379.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 163 $379.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 164 $374.00 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 165 $372.11 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 166 $370.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 167 $369.02 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 168 $368.66 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 169 $366.26 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 17 $3,651.55 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 170 $365.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 171 $361.94 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 172 $361.94 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 173 $360.00 Building Construction-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 174 $359.88 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 175 $359.31 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 176 $357.81 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 177 $356.79 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 178 $354.64 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 179 $350.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 18 $3,600.72 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 180 $343.58 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 181 $333.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 182 $329.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 183 $328.88 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 184 $328.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 185 $315.31 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 186 $315.14 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 187 $312.73 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 188 $311.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 189 $310.70 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 19 $3,593.07 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 190 $309.21 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 191 $309.06 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 192 $306.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 193 $305.92 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 194 $303.14 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 195 $299.46 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 196 $299.42 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 197 $298.68 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 198 $297.65 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 199 $296.72 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 2 $11,632.32 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 20 $3,572.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 200 $295.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 201 $294.75 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 202 $285.15 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 203 $283.00 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 204 $280.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 205 $279.73 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 206 $276.34 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 207 $275.84 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 208 $272.33 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 209 $271.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 21 $3,415.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 210 $271.29 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 211 $270.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 212 $270.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 213 $263.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 214 $262.91 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 215 $261.61 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 216 $261.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 217 $256.70 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 218 $255.99 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 219 $255.99 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 22 $3,200.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 220 $253.43 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 221 $250.04 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 222 $250.04 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 223 $250.04 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 224 $250.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 225 $250.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 226 $249.84 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 227 $249.41 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 228 $248.95 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 229 $248.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 23 $3,168.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 230 $247.28 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 231 $246.78 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 232 $245.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 233 $242.52 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 234 $242.04 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 235 $241.42 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 236 $240.90 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 237 $240.48 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 238 $240.35 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 239 $240.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 24 $3,113.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 240 $238.00 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 241 $237.96 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 242 $236.88 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 243 $235.41 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 244 $232.99 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 245 $232.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 246 $230.99 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 247 $229.32 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 248 $228.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 249 $226.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 25 $3,000.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 250 $225.36 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 251 $225.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 252 $225.00 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 253 $223.07 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 254 $223.07 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 255 $223.02 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 256 $222.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 257 $220.09 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 258 $219.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 259 $218.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 26 $3,000.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 260 $217.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 261 $217.41 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 262 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 263 $216.21 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 264 $216.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 265 $215.12 Custodial Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 266 $214.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 267 $214.09 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 268 $213.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 269 $212.00 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 27 $2,789.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 270 $211.20 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 271 $211.14 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 272 $210.26 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 273 $210.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 274 $208.86 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 275 $207.96 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 276 $206.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 277 $204.84 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 278 $203.52 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 279 $203.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 28 $2,719.10 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 280 $202.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 281 $201.95 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 282 $200.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 283 $200.57 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 284 $200.48 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 285 $200.00 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 286 $199.98 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 287 $199.48 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 288 $198.29 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 289 $197.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 29 $2,643.17 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 290 $197.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 291 $194.13 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 292 $193.92 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 293 $191.10 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 294 $190.47 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 295 $189.70 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 296 $189.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 297 $187.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 298 $184.73 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 299 $184.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 3 $11,047.30 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 30 $2,610.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 300 $183.92 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 301 $183.48 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 302 $182.96 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 303 $180.80 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 304 $180.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 305 $180.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 306 $178.90 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 307 $178.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 308 $178.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 309 $177.40 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 31 $2,605.45 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 310 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 311 $175.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 312 $174.92 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 313 $174.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 314 $174.60 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 315 $173.83 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 316 $173.79 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 317 $173.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 318 $171.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 319 $171.50 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 32 $2,337.50 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 320 $170.92 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 321 $170.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 322 $170.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 323 $170.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 324 $169.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 325 $169.00 CTE Equipment Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 326 $168.65 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 327 $168.58 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 328 $166.80 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 329 $166.50 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 33 $2,170.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 330 $166.32 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 331 $165.49 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 332 $164.81 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 333 $163.26 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 334 $162.65 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 335 $162.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 336 $161.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 337 $161.70 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 338 $160.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 339 $160.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 34 $2,069.98 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 340 $159.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 341 $159.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 342 $158.49 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 343 $156.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 344 $156.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 345 $155.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 346 $155.57 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 347 $154.50 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 348 $154.48 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 349 $154.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 35 $1,945.68 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 350 $153.77 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 351 $153.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 352 $153.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 353 $152.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 354 $152.42 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 355 $152.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 356 $150.61 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 357 $150.26 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 358 $150.00 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 359 $149.08 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 36 $1,900.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 360 $148.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 361 $148.70 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 362 $148.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 363 $146.17 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 364 $146.00 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 365 $145.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 366 $145.69 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 367 $144.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 368 $144.32 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 369 $144.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 37 $1,875.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 370 $143.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 371 $142.94 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 372 $142.89 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 373 $142.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 374 $141.13 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 375 $139.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 376 $139.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 377 $139.32 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 378 $139.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 379 $138.81 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 38 $1,739.42 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 380 $138.28 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 381 $138.25 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 382 $137.80 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 383 $137.80 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 384 $137.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 385 $137.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 386 $136.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 387 $136.60 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 388 $135.95 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 389 $135.69 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 39 $1,668.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 390 $135.00 Inservice Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 391 $135.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 392 $134.84 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 393 $134.61 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 394 $133.45 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 395 $133.34 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 396 $132.21 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 397 $131.68 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 398 $131.60 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 399 $131.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 4 $9,096.04 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 40 $1,653.13 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 400 $130.38 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 401 $130.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 402 $129.95 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 403 $129.63 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 404 $129.38 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 405 $128.78 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 406 $128.78 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 407 $128.60 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 408 $128.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 409 $127.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 41 $1,625.00 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 410 $127.50 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 411 $127.18 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 412 $126.55 Perkins Travel Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 413 $126.25 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 414 $126.14 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 415 $126.14 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 416 $126.06 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 417 $125.34 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 418 $125.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 419 $125.00 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 42 $1,621.22 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 420 $124.50 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 421 $124.48 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 422 $124.07 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 423 $123.96 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 424 $123.57 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 425 $122.62 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 426 $122.47 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 427 $121.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 428 $121.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 429 $121.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 43 $1,596.00 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 430 $119.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 431 $119.96 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 432 $119.59 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 433 $119.53 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 434 $119.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 435 $119.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 436 $117.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 437 $117.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 438 $116.22 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 439 $115.20 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 44 $1,584.60 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 440 $115.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 441 $114.55 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 442 $114.47 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 443 $114.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 444 $114.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 445 $114.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 446 $113.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 447 $113.98 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 448 $113.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 449 $113.13 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 45 $1,544.84 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 450 $112.68 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 451 $112.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 452 $112.32 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 453 $112.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 454 $111.68 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 455 $111.38 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 456 $110.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 457 $109.45 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 458 $109.39 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 459 $109.00 Startalk Grant-Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 46 $1,528.39 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 460 $108.81 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 461 $108.24 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 462 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 463 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 464 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 465 $107.55 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 466 $106.55 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 467 $106.33 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 468 $106.12 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 469 $106.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 47 $1,480.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 470 $105.99 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 471 $105.84 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 472 $105.78 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 473 $105.47 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 474 $105.02 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 475 $104.68 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 476 $104.60 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 477 $104.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 478 $103.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 479 $102.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 48 $1,428.90 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 480 $101.44 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 481 $100.68 Clayton, Sheri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 482 $100.21 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 483 $100.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 484 $100.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 485 $99.75 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 486 $99.75 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 487 $99.51 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 488 $99.33 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 489 $97.96 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 49 $1,424.69 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 490 $97.72 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 491 $97.50 Industrial Arts Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 492 $96.68 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 493 $95.26 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 494 $95.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 495 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 496 $94.70 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 497 $94.68 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 498 $94.61 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 499 $94.58 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 5 $8,819.43 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 50 $1,416.56 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 500 $94.47 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 501 $94.04 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 502 $93.57 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 503 $93.49 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 504 $93.48 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 505 $93.44 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 506 $93.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 507 $93.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 508 $92.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 509 $92.60 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 51 $1,339.69 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 510 $92.42 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 511 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 512 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 513 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 514 $91.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 515 $91.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 516 $91.31 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 517 $90.96 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 518 $90.81 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 519 $90.53 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 52 $1,338.50 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 520 $90.36 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 521 $89.93 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 522 $89.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 523 $89.10 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 524 $89.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 525 $89.08 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 526 $88.30 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 527 $88.29 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 528 $87.96 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 529 $87.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 53 $1,315.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 530 $87.50 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 531 $87.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 532 $87.13 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 533 $86.95 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 534 $86.87 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 535 $86.69 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 536 $86.57 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 537 $85.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 538 $85.58 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 539 $85.45 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 54 $1,288.44 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 540 $85.44 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 541 $85.37 Troy Players EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 542 $85.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 543 $84.76 2nd Grade Spanish Immersion General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 544 $84.39 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 545 $84.26 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 546 $84.15 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 547 $83.74 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 548 $83.71 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 549 $83.32 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 55 $1,278.73 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 550 $82.33 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 551 $82.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 552 $82.06 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 553 $81.97 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 554 $81.77 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 555 $81.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 556 $81.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 557 $81.43 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 558 $81.16 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 559 $79.90 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 56 $1,275.93 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 560 $79.90 Guitar Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 561 $79.48 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 562 $79.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 563 $79.10 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 564 $79.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 565 $79.00 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 566 $78.83 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 567 $78.83 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 568 $78.71 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 569 $78.45 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 57 $1,260.00 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 570 $78.45 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 571 $78.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 572 $77.82 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 573 $77.73 Hegstrom, John Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 574 $77.36 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 575 $76.92 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 576 $76.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 577 $76.17 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 578 $75.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 579 $75.96 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 58 $1,249.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 580 $75.49 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 581 $75.33 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 582 $75.14 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 583 $75.09 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 584 $75.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 585 $75.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 586 $75.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 587 $74.99 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 588 $74.85 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 589 $74.55 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 59 $1,212.75 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 590 $74.36 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 591 $74.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 592 $74.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 593 $74.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 594 $73.50 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 595 $73.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 596 $72.11 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 597 $72.08 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 598 $71.96 Custodial Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 599 $71.90 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 6 $7,063.15 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 60 $1,204.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 600 $71.90 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 601 $71.83 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 602 $71.11 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 603 $71.10 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 604 $70.64 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 605 $70.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 606 $69.98 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 607 $69.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 608 $69.91 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 609 $69.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 61 $1,120.24 Non Reimb Transportation Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 610 $69.43 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 611 $69.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 612 $68.86 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 613 $68.86 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 614 $68.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 615 $68.61 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 616 $68.38 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 617 $68.04 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 618 $68.03 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 619 $68.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 62 $1,099.00 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 620 $68.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 621 $67.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 622 $67.92 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 623 $67.26 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 624 $67.24 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 625 $66.60 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 626 $66.47 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 627 $66.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 628 $66.32 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 629 $66.29 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 63 $1,067.82 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 630 $66.24 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 631 $66.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 632 $65.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 633 $65.78 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 634 $65.75 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 635 $65.69 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 636 $65.56 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 637 $65.26 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 638 $65.11 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 639 $65.11 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 64 $1,047.98 CTE Equipment Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 640 $65.02 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 641 $65.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 642 $65.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 643 $64.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 644 $64.94 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 645 $64.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 646 $64.75 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 647 $64.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 648 $64.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 649 $64.06 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 65 $1,041.40 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 650 $63.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 651 $63.96 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 652 $63.93 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 653 $63.60 2nd Grade Spanish Immersion General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 654 $63.60 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 655 $63.22 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 656 $63.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 657 $62.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 658 $62.84 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 659 $62.72 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 66 $1,019.23 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 660 $62.37 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 661 $62.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 662 $61.78 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 663 $61.19 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 664 $61.03 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 665 $60.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 666 $60.02 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 667 $59.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 668 $59.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 669 $59.46 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 67 $1,019.23 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 670 $59.25 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 671 $59.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 672 $58.89 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 673 $58.80 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 674 $58.73 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 675 $58.65 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 676 $58.57 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 677 $58.29 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 678 $57.57 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 679 $57.48 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 68 $1,008.45 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 680 $57.48 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 681 $57.28 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 682 $57.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 683 $56.73 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 684 $56.56 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 685 $56.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 686 $56.18 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 687 $56.13 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 688 $56.00 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 689 $55.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 69 $1,000.00 Building Construction-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 690 $55.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 691 $55.96 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 692 $55.91 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 693 $55.91 Sophomore Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 694 $55.85 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 695 $55.78 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 696 $55.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 697 $55.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 698 $55.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 699 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 7 $6,409.60 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 70 $994.50 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 700 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 701 $55.00 Emergency Levy-Grounds Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 702 $54.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 703 $54.88 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 704 $54.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 705 $54.06 Jessica Nukaya Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 706 $54.04 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 707 $53.91 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 708 $53.90 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 709 $53.89 Baldwin, Stephanie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 71 $991.06 Custodial Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 710 $53.47 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 711 $52.98 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 712 $52.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 713 $52.60 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 714 $52.47 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 715 $52.38 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 716 $52.32 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 717 $52.21 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 718 $52.14 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 719 $52.09 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 72 $973.50 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 720 $52.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 721 $51.94 Gunderson, Lora Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 722 $51.71 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 723 $51.27 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 724 $51.11 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 725 $51.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 726 $50.92 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 727 $50.65 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 728 $50.61 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 729 $50.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 73 $968.16 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 730 $49.98 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 731 $49.96 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 732 $49.95 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 733 $49.90 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 734 $49.76 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 735 $49.60 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 736 $49.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 737 $49.04 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 738 $48.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 739 $48.18 Fullmer, Krystal Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 74 $923.42 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 740 $48.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 741 $48.00 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 742 $47.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 743 $47.92 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 744 $47.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 745 $47.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 746 $47.06 CTE Equipment Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 747 $47.05 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 748 $47.00 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 749 $46.98 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 75 $903.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 750 $46.98 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 751 $46.71 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 752 $46.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 753 $46.44 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 754 $46.23 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 755 $46.18 Senior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 756 $45.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 757 $45.54 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 758 $45.49 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 759 $45.28 Baldwin, Stephanie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 76 $899.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 760 $45.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 761 $45.24 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 762 $45.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 763 $44.88 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 764 $44.78 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 765 $44.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 766 $44.49 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 767 $44.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 768 $44.23 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 769 $44.10 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 77 $893.20 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 770 $44.06 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 771 $44.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 772 $43.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 773 $43.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 774 $43.26 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 775 $43.22 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 776 $42.90 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 777 $42.88 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 778 $42.87 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 779 $42.86 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 78 $870.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 780 $42.80 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 781 $42.71 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 782 $42.60 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 783 $42.52 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 784 $42.38 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 785 $42.36 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 786 $42.30 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 787 $42.24 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 788 $41.94 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 789 $41.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 79 $868.70 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 790 $41.69 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 791 $41.41 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 792 $41.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 793 $40.98 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 794 $40.88 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 795 $40.84 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 796 $40.53 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 797 $40.42 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 798 $40.28 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 799 $40.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 8 $6,184.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 80 $854.00 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 800 $40.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 801 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 802 $39.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 803 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 804 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 805 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 806 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 807 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 808 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 809 $39.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 81 $848.32 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 810 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 811 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 812 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 813 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 814 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 815 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 816 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 817 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 818 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 819 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 82 $833.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 820 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 821 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 822 $39.99 Testing Supplies - Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 823 $39.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 824 $39.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 825 $39.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 826 $39.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 827 $39.75 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 828 $39.30 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 829 $39.21 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 83 $828.50 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 830 $39.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 831 $39.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 832 $38.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 833 $38.97 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 834 $38.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 835 $38.66 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 836 $38.50 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 837 $38.24 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 838 $38.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 839 $37.98 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 84 $821.86 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 840 $37.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 841 $37.92 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 842 $37.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 843 $37.90 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 844 $37.89 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 845 $37.89 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 846 $37.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 847 $37.79 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 848 $37.61 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 849 $37.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 85 $817.34 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 850 $37.44 Troy Players EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 851 $37.43 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 852 $37.41 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 853 $37.22 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 854 $37.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 855 $37.21 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 856 $37.11 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 857 $37.09 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 858 $37.09 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 859 $37.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 86 $815.28 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 860 $37.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 861 $36.85 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 862 $36.57 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 863 $36.46 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 864 $36.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 865 $36.43 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 866 $36.21 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 867 $36.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 868 $36.09 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 869 $36.04 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 87 $791.83 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 870 $36.02 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 871 $35.90 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 872 $35.72 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 873 $35.65 Norman, Wendy Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 874 $35.59 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 875 $35.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 876 $35.16 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 877 $35.04 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 878 $35.02 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 879 $34.95 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 88 $790.10 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 880 $34.92 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 881 $34.84 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 882 $34.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 883 $34.58 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 884 $34.49 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 885 $34.46 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 886 $34.41 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 887 $34.38 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 888 $34.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 889 $34.36 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 89 $762.35 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 890 $34.26 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 891 $33.99 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 892 $33.58 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 893 $33.57 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 894 $33.48 Wood, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 895 $33.44 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 896 $33.40 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 897 $33.22 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 898 $33.18 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 899 $33.15 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 9 $5,937.20 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 90 $757.69 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 900 $33.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 901 $32.96 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 902 $32.92 Balmforth, Ronni Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 903 $32.61 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 904 $32.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 905 $32.37 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 906 $32.28 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 907 $32.26 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 908 $31.95 Bill to School HES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 909 $31.90 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 91 $757.68 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 910 $31.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 911 $31.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 912 $31.79 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 913 $31.68 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 914 $31.61 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 915 $31.56 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 916 $31.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 917 $31.21 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 918 $31.08 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 919 $31.04 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 92 $748.22 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 920 $30.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 921 $30.60 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 922 $30.56 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 923 $30.34 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 924 $30.31 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 925 $30.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 926 $30.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 927 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 928 $30.00 Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 929 $29.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 93 $745.52 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 930 $29.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 931 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 932 $29.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 933 $29.96 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 934 $29.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 935 $29.93 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 936 $29.86 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 937 $29.79 Valerie Fowler Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 938 $29.70 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 939 $29.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 94 $740.95 Copier Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 940 $29.65 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 941 $29.64 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 942 $29.60 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 943 $29.52 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 944 $29.46 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 945 $29.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 946 $29.27 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 947 $29.15 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 948 $29.10 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 949 $29.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 95 $719.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 950 $29.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 951 $28.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 952 $28.76 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 953 $28.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 954 $28.61 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 955 $28.56 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 956 $28.48 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 957 $28.21 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 958 $28.20 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 959 $28.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 96 $717.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 960 $27.98 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 961 $27.95 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 962 $27.93 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 963 $27.90 Life Skills Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 964 $27.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 965 $27.86 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 966 $27.85 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 967 $27.82 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 968 $27.59 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 969 $27.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 97 $681.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 970 $27.55 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 971 $27.54 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 972 $27.54 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 973 $27.49 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 974 $27.27 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 975 $27.15 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 976 $27.07 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 977 $26.73 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 978 $26.64 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 979 $26.58 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 98 $676.28 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 980 $26.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 981 $26.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 982 $26.42 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 983 $26.42 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 984 $26.32 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 985 $26.09 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 986 $26.06 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 987 $25.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 988 $25.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 989 $25.98 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 99 $675.00 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 990 $25.98 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 991 $25.93 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 992 $25.93 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 993 $25.91 Troy Players EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 994 $25.89 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 995 $25.88 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 996 $25.86 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 997 $25.72 Karen Stewart Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 998 $25.60 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
9/30/2019 999 $25.59 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 10/11/2019
CertificationWkSp PD $51.00 OT/PT Services Stotts, Grayson Taylor San Marcos CA 89804 10/11/2019
Mileage Aug-Oct11,19 $26.04 In District Mileage Reimbursement Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 89805 10/14/2019
V165325 $273.12 Supplies & Materials South Fork Veterinary Clinic Rigby ID 1908 10/14/2019
025-260207 $34,346.94 Software Support Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 89809 10/15/2019
AJeppesenABCTECert $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89813 10/15/2019
CTE Pilot Per Diem $70.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 89810 10/15/2019
CTE Pilot Per Diem $70.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Sargent, Stephanie Rigby ID 89811 10/15/2019
CTE Pilot Per Diem $70.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 89812 10/15/2019
IstationConfPerDiem $26.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 89806 10/15/2019
IstationConfPerDiem $26.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Bourne, Cheri Rupert ID 89807 10/15/2019
IstationConfPerDiem $26.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 89808 10/15/2019
Oct 2019 $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 10/16/2019
10-10-19 $256.26 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486181 10/16/2019
10-10-19 $55.00 Supplies & Materials High, Jackson Rigby ID 1486183 10/16/2019
10-8-19 $609.40 Supplies & Materials University of Montana-AR Office Missoula MT 1486187 10/16/2019
2019-258 $1,760.00 Supplies & Materials VINYL VISIONS DESIGN SUGAR CITY ID 1486188 10/16/2019
234211 $18.72 Supplies & Materials Malmark Bell Craftsmen Plumsteadville PA 1486185 10/16/2019
285995 $406.08 Supplies & Materials FORMAL FASHIONS, INC. Tempe AZ 1486182 10/16/2019
52 $319.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486181 10/16/2019
60-2019 $360.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486181 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $18.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $12.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $2.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $30.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $27.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $91.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $24.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $1,965.33 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $5.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $16.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $1.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $22.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $83.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $16.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $2,506.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486184 10/16/2019
9-30-19 $3,607.10 Supplies & Materials Sheet Music Plus Winona MN 1486186 10/16/2019
10-10-19 $60.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $53.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $69.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $44.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $34.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $67.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $91.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $91.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $27.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $27.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $27.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $48.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $48.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $34.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $34.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $44.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $53.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $59.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $21.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $34.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $60.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $69.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $49.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $66.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $69.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $78.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $66.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $69.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $108.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $60.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $69.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $49.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $34.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $34.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $91.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $51.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $58.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $57.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $100.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $100.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-10-19 $97.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486195 10/17/2019
10-15-19 $10.00 Supplies & Materials HALL, SHAWN Rigby ID 1486194 10/17/2019
10-16-19 $99.00 Supplies & Materials BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486191 10/17/2019
1004 $2,000.00 Supplies & Materials BELL PHOTO IDAHO FALLS ID 1486190 10/17/2019
207838 $1,464.78 Supplies & Materials FenceScreen, Inc Rancho Santa Margarita CA 1486193 10/17/2019
237485 $70.00 Supplies & Materials Baxter, Bill Ashton ID 1486189 10/17/2019
401 $178.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Youth Soccer Association Rigby ID 1486196 10/17/2019
62-2019 $320.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486192 10/17/2019
9-26-19 $41.34 Supplies & Materials Kennedy, Angelica Rigby ID 1486197 10/17/2019
9-30-19 $546.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1486198 10/17/2019
9-30-19 $246.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1486198 10/17/2019
8444 6992.07 Purchased Services First Street Welding, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89818 10/18/2019
FullPymnt4Accident $1,074.21 Non Reimb Transportation Services Baldwin, Amanda Rigby ID 89817 10/18/2019
MedExpReimb 10.16.19 $291.67 Buy-Down Insurance Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89815 10/18/2019
MedExpReimb 10.16.19 $281.68 Buy-Down Insurance Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 89816 10/18/2019
MedExpReimb10.15.19 $62.29 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 89814 10/18/2019
MedExpReimb10.18.19 $1,869.43 Buy-Down Insurance Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 89819 10/18/2019
MedExpReimb10.18.19 $58.52 Buy-Down Insurance Hall, Shawn Rigby ID 89820 10/18/2019
MedExpReimb10.18.19 $13.43 Buy-Down Insurance Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 89821 10/18/2019
V120918 $31.42 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89833 10/18/2019
V142466 $19.84 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V182090 0.23 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V202480 -($3.75) Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 10/18/2019
V206687 $81.61 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V21080 -($5.28) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V220055 $11.99 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V240288 $3,544.51 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 10/18/2019
V246373 $348.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V310676 $5.68 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V331218 10.93 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V357525 -($34.24) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V369502 $267,132.19 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89833 10/18/2019
V407088 $21,977.44 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V409078 $26,262.38 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V417197 $46.18 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V420376 $1.06 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V433193 $470.03 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V456020 $22.58 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V472316 $2,480.00 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V479141 $3.68 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V483793 $112,294.63 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V492554 $6.22 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V493983 $3,010.03 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89833 10/18/2019
V501007 $7.05 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89833 10/18/2019
V518494 $226,212.90 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V52912 $12.79 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V536611 $54.72 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V553487 -($75.85) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V556813 -($0.36) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V570836 $10.80 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V603506 $37.85 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V613899 $19.65 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V616447 -($324.32) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V617496 $4.60 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V64024 $581.30 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89833 10/18/2019
V654152 $1.46 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V670003 $580.00 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V688482 $84.81 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V707768 -($75.85) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V713582 $1.33 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V71489 $1.16 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V726879 $9,144.12 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V754223 -($1.78) PERSI Sick ER Clearing PERSI Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V791179 $354.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 10/18/2019
V799932 $2,138.55 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V817698 $27.04 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V835517 -($8.01) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V842199 $4.60 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V861080 $47.34 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 10/18/2019
V874601 $23,095.98 FICA/Medicare Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V879798 -($324.32) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V922232 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 10/18/2019
V931152 $11,297.71 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89833 10/18/2019
V936529 $0.97 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V937948 $5.28 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V966956 -($1.55) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V973502 $6.25 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 10/18/2019
V988046 $2,763.82 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89833 10/18/2019
V994350 -($22.58) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 10/18/2019
V610754 $54.50 School Uniforms & Sweatshirts Supplies Tenille Byington Rigby ID 2991 10/18/2019
V695150 $201.55 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery Rexburg ID 2989 10/18/2019
V226925 $1,536.51 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Jefferson City MO 1909 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $23.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $795.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $28.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $400.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $21.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $191.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $125.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $95.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $31.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $17.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $140.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $261.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $500.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $14.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $10.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $18.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $25.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $2,962.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $19.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $76.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $76.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $25.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $180.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $1,818.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $35.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $78.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $200.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $6.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $41.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $62.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $37.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $41.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $110.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $60.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $5.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $450.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $41.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $215.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $16.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $44.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $255.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $59.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
7-31-2019 $108.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486199 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,125.27 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Anthony D  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,426.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,187.26 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,072.75 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,148.11 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alverson, Elise   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$186.48 GROSS PAYROLL Ames, Mary Kaye   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,555.30 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,168.84 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,262.15 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,012.54 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,007.89 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,442.91 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,151.96 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$30.21 GROSS PAYROLL Argyle, Talia Guymon  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$818.73 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,366.25 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,236.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$821.67 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$226.60 GROSS PAYROLL Baguley, Gayla   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$140.10 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,217.95 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,317.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,615.89 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$9,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,987.50 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,118.98 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,811.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,339.37 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,498.36 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,323.31 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,442.13 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,868.92 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$988.85 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$292.25 GROSS PAYROLL Beazer, Ruth Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,599.05 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,027.24 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,613.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,104.21 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,294.13 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$606.39 GROSS PAYROLL Bingham, John Maurice  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,187.15 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,766.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,123.60 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,814.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,112.72 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$66.40 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Theresa L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,421.37 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$575.19 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$9,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$902.41 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,088.86 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$937.24 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,047.24 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,313.92 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$233.27 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Brooks, Payton Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$931.39 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$752.64 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,265.67 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$257.27 GROSS PAYROLL Bruce, James E  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,091.13 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$836.27 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$382.34 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$771.20 GROSS PAYROLL Butikofer, Kristen Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$893.64 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$366.67 GROSS PAYROLL Buttars, Jayda Caprice  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,303.24 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$472.31 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$418.74 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,482.69 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,203.20 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,660.12 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Chayce Greg  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$930.73 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,439.78 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,039.70 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$745.55 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$823.86 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$694.26 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$745.82 GROSS PAYROLL Carrillo, Maria SanJuana  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,148.90 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,721.60 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,123.96 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,309.18 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,728.38 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,064.92 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,927.90 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,484.21 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,229.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,822.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 10/18/2019
$190.30 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Kylie R  Rupert ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,413.99 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,463.83 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$783.49 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,422.22 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,452.27 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$852.64 GROSS PAYROLL Clipp, Krysta Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$584.70 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 10/18/2019
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$843.14 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,867.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$6,281.73 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,260.06 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,873.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$6,449.83 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$805.56 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,994.04 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$866.89 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Colleen Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,155.02 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,673.42 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,330.37 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cysewski, Joshua Christopher  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$364.20 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$667.37 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Mary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL DaRonch, Michael Richard  Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$8,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,546.38 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$8,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,413.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dayley, Marissa Lynn  Washougal WA 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,319.86 GROSS PAYROLL Dillon, Tiffany Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,169.55 GROSS PAYROLL Disney, Morgan Jeanne  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,879.64 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$837.02 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$733.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dupree, John   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$804.99 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$982.31 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,198.54 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Elaine R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ellsworth, Shelby   Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,022.18 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,377.58 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,465.25 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 10/18/2019
$233.76 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$526.31 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,111.99 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Nathan E  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,153.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fellman, Karen Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,914.96 GROSS PAYROLL Ferguson, Kelly Ray  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,758.48 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$961.17 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$905.40 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Amanda Marjean  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,340.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$6,458.34 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$828.98 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,073.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,105.88 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$60.98 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Lynda G  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,310.41 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,553.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,733.70 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,496.73 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$180.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette   Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$661.07 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,376.56 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,059.28 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.34 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$11,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$569.28 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$738.53 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzales, Hesper Sickinger  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,375.01 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$906.86 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,718.06 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,811.90 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,748.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Ashlie   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$977.30 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,907.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,512.33 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$537.37 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,023.74 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$289.07 GROSS PAYROLL Grossman, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,434.09 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lora Lee  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$11,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,389.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,066.84 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Jason Michael  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,315.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile H  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,448.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,223.77 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,442.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hallbert, Heather Bray  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,006.29 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$999.30 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$37.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Michelle R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,079.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,233.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$282.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,028.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$68.80 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Madison Dawn Gabriel  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,225.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,409.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,354.31 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,889.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,468.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,757.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$428.91 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,144.29 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$207.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hathcock, Holly Carol  Mesa AZ 0 10/18/2019
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Keiver J.  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,028.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$9,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$962.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,063.65 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$220.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Cassie Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$848.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Garen Joseph  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.66 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 10/18/2019
$3,411.67 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 10/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,076.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$725.38 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$539.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,513.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,879.44 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,489.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$925.36 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$903.82 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,893.83 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$925.09 GROSS PAYROLL Isaksen, Aubrey Lee  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$901.40 GROSS PAYROLL Isom, Brittany Marissa  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jackman, Hailee Jo  Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$929.19 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$25.15 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,139.81 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,104.84 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 10/18/2019
$934.38 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,118.45 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,198.81 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,477.86 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,218.09 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,383.65 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$756.08 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,111.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,040.85 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,426.71 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,637.34 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,344.64 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,599.15 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,357.86 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,273.12 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,839.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$116.21 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$9,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,414.74 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Vickie   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,405.98 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$861.23 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,918.19 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,586.59 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,108.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$401.06 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, Anna Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,805.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,426.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,014.64 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Hayley Drew  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,198.74 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$634.79 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$907.54 GROSS PAYROLL King, Michelle Lynne  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,593.47 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,378.31 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$538.49 GROSS PAYROLL Lam, Wai   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$492.55 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,371.52 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Blake Dale  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$76.53 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$719.49 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,151.54 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,899.30 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,381.04 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,013.04 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Lacee Ann  Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,171.02 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$646.83 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,264.02 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Renae B  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,236.10 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$879.99 GROSS PAYROLL Loertscher, Janet Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$8,614.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,529.97 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,154.76 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,106.41 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,111.11 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,468.35 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,109.43 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,095.91 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,448.99 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$74.92 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Nathan Joseph  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$912.84 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,774.17 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$994.07 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,779.26 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,785.42 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,256.83 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$787.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$6,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$581.09 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,107.26 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$319.22 GROSS PAYROLL Monson, Tiffany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$691.69 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,252.83 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,967.17 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,068.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,147.25 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$334.21 GROSS PAYROLL Morgan, Tammy Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$924.28 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,220.96 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$551.03 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Kristy Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,225.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mower, Bart J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,512.17 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$240.85 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,105.24 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Stephanie M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,408.85 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,329.20 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Juan   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,385.11 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$692.48 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$829.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,887.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,360.69 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Noa, Jeffrey Kaina  N. Las Vegas NV 0 10/18/2019
$6,013.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$155.53 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Jason W  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,245.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,376.62 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$409.62 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$991.72 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$959.07 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,214.28 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,866.60 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,052.15 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$124.43 GROSS PAYROLL Ortega, Humberto Aron  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,478.80 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$76.72 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Bryce M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$919.84 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,989.16 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,766.42 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$345.08 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,958.17 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,748.31 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$73.43 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, MaKia J'Lene  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$703.39 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,748.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,208.34 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,294.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$631.60 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Lynn Max  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,752.98 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,013.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$816.61 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$744.80 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Brooklyn Dakota  Avondale AZ 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,648.42 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,313.77 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,029.20 GROSS PAYROLL Quinn, Karin   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$134.50 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Calyse   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$96.17 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Carter   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,246.31 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 10/18/2019
$615.58 GROSS PAYROLL Ragland, Wendy Worlton  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,267.26 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,154.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$485.85 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$117.68 GROSS PAYROLL Reilley, Tara Donn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,616.59 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$908.83 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,830.40 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$359.73 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,246.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$928.04 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,341.33 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,814.31 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$25.00 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Stephanie Ila Jean  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$948.94 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,048.87 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,392.18 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,904.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,228.98 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$531.45 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,784.83 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,470.90 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$67.20 GROSS PAYROLL Rubalcava, Ana Sofia  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,886.26 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,300.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$202.61 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Hilary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,314.26 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,522.71 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,333.94 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,762.10 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,221.77 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Bonnie   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$949.35 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$732.34 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,198.39 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$754.57 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$813.72 GROSS PAYROLL Selensky, Jeri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,332.62 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$483.21 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Kayla Lee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,154.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,159.12 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,437.41 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$377.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,272.92 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$409.17 GROSS PAYROLL Short, Dacia Jo-D  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$965.25 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$933.80 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,011.08 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 0 10/18/2019
$558.34 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,150.84 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,143.02 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,038.34 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$742.22 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,213.10 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,467.33 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,447.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$647.57 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,459.96 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$882.40 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,557.70 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 10/18/2019
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,232.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$514.92 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$536.27 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$81.95 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$933.33 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Brook Dee  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,367.98 GROSS PAYROLL Tamayo, Rosa Alba  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,892.74 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$373.66 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$619.41 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$9,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,262.21 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$550.12 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Matthew Paul  Rexburg, ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,350.60 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,980.89 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 10/18/2019
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$758.84 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$739.87 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$6,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,437.52 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$398.52 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Torrey J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Torgesen, Corinne   Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,248.01 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,028.32 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,071.25 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,158.57 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$568.07 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,215.85 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$925.96 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$611.69 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, JoHanna Marie  Lewisville ID 0 10/18/2019
$898.99 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,512.94 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,744.64 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,157.11 GROSS PAYROLL Vega, Cindy   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,260.63 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$539.92 GROSS PAYROLL Virgin, Crystal   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,401.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$66.36 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,403.52 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,190.88 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$909.42 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,046.30 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$523.79 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Mark James  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$907.45 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$912.60 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,229.73 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,309.03 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,036.41 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$324.45 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$658.99 GROSS PAYROLL Willford, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,379.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,347.84 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,375.63 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$71.17 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Diane Lynn  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,881.21 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 10/18/2019
$366.67 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Mark Andrew  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$58.10 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Emily Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$159.28 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$4,134.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$762.60 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$932.11 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 10/18/2019
$3,092.33 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 0 10/18/2019
$6,733.06 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,982.34 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 10/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 10/18/2019
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 10/18/2019
$642.67 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 61020 10/18/2019
$1,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Ashlee Jo  Rigby ID 61021 10/18/2019
$769.75 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Shayla Dawn  Rigby ID 61022 10/18/2019
$301.71 GROSS PAYROLL Dayley, Ethan Daniel  Washougal WA 61023 10/18/2019
$144.02 GROSS PAYROLL Dickhaut, Heidi   Rigby ID 61024 10/18/2019
$365.91 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 61025 10/18/2019
$180.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annalise M  Menan ID 61026 10/18/2019
$120.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Jason S  Menan ID 61027 10/18/2019
$609.26 GROSS PAYROLL Golder, Barbara Boyd  Menan ID 61028 10/18/2019
$153.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Siena Maree  Rigby ID 61029 10/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 61030 10/18/2019
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Andrea   Rigby ID 61031 10/18/2019
$67.27 GROSS PAYROLL Leal, Fleeta J  Roberts ID 61032 10/18/2019
$877.15 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy   Rigby ID 61033 10/18/2019
$366.67 GROSS PAYROLL Martinez, Victor   Rigby ID 61034 10/18/2019
$73.00 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Sydney Felice  Rexburg ID 61035 10/18/2019
$319.02 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristy Anne  St. Anthony ID 61036 10/18/2019
$240.74 GROSS PAYROLL Ross, Gunnar Quinn  Green Bay WI 61037 10/18/2019
$202.10 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica   Rigby ID 61038 10/18/2019
$259.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 61039 10/18/2019
$155.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Rayana Janet  Rigby ID 61040 10/18/2019
$1,144.78 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Sophia Christine  Las Vegas NV 61041 10/18/2019
$156.49 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 61042 10/18/2019
$337.50 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton R  Rexburg ID 61043 10/18/2019
$1,150.73 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 61044 10/18/2019
$664.56 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 61045 10/18/2019
$598.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 61046 10/18/2019
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Alyssa Michele  Rexburg ID 61047 10/18/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 61048 10/18/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bradley, Chelsea   Bozeman MT 61049 10/18/2019
$948.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 61050 10/18/2019
$864.54 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 61051 10/18/2019
$466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Daisy May  Ammon ID 61052 10/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Emily Mae  Rigby ID 61053 10/18/2019
$846.10 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 61054 10/18/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Gregory S  Idaho Falls ID 61055 10/18/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Whitney Nakelle  Rigby ID 61056 10/18/2019
$1,145.28 GROSS PAYROLL Sager, Shirley M  Menan ID 61057 10/18/2019
$751.44 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 61058 10/18/2019
$236.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 61059 10/18/2019
$27.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hickman, Amanda K  Rigby ID 61060 10/18/2019
$195.87 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Ronald J  Menan ID 61061 10/18/2019
$56.57 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Natalie A  Lehi UT 61062 10/18/2019
$57.42 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Anna M  Rigby ID 61063 10/18/2019
$730.06 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee V  Rigby ID 61064 10/18/2019
$1,474.50 GROSS PAYROLL Kreimann, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 61065 10/18/2019
$768.31 GROSS PAYROLL Wahnschaffe, Sterling Drake  Rigby ID 61066 10/18/2019
$25.00 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 61067 10/18/2019
$25.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Shayla Dawn  Rigby ID 61068 10/18/2019
$3,994.57 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Brent   Idaho Falls ID 61069 10/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 61070 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 61071 10/18/2019
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 61073 10/18/2019
$1,309.81 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 61074 10/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 61075 10/18/2019
$653.27 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 61076 10/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 61077 10/18/2019
$941.34 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 61078 10/18/2019
$25.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 61079 10/18/2019
$25.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 61080 10/18/2019
$767.38 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 61081 10/18/2019
$2,244.21 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 61082 10/18/2019
$25.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 61083 10/18/2019
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61084 10/18/2019
$25.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sager, Shirley M  Menan ID 61085 10/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 61086 10/18/2019
$1,341.41 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 61087 10/18/2019
$675.39 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Lacey Madison  Saint Anthony ID 61088 10/18/2019
$2,335.81 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 61089 10/18/2019
$531.82 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61090 10/18/2019
$3,023.20 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61091 10/18/2019
$1,526.69 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 61092 10/18/2019
$1,821.02 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61093 10/18/2019
$1,907.95 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61094 10/18/2019
$83.86 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 61095 10/18/2019
$100.40 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 61096 10/18/2019
$15.72 GROSS PAYROLL Dayley, Ethan Daniel  Washougal WA 61097 10/18/2019
AdvanceOp PD $76.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 89826 10/21/2019
AdvanceOpPD $76.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 89827 10/21/2019
H/R Seminar PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Klassen, Alisa K Idaho Falls ID 89825 10/21/2019
LawConf PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89822 10/21/2019
LawConf PD -($15.00) Travel Expenses Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89822 10/21/2019
LawConf PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 89823 10/21/2019
Sept19MileageReimb $68.10 In District Mileage Reimbursement Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89828 10/21/2019
SupplyReimb $60.00 Supplies & Materials Weekes, Nichole Michele Rigby ID 89824 10/21/2019
10-21-19 $279.50 Supplies & Materials Byram, Natalie Rigby ID 1486200 10/21/2019
10-21-19 $160.00 Supplies & Materials Hendricks, Kenzington Rigby ID 1486203 10/21/2019
10-21-19 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Poole, Brynlee Rigby ID 1486204 10/21/2019
10-8-19 $27.52 Supplies & Materials SAMS CLUB OF IDAHO FALLS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486207 10/21/2019
10-8-19 $3,258.29 Supplies & Materials SAMS CLUB OF IDAHO FALLS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486207 10/21/2019
1926 $1,085.00 Supplies & Materials FIT ATHLETICS Smithfield UT 1486201 10/21/2019
1926 $2,170.00 Supplies & Materials FIT ATHLETICS Smithfield UT 1486201 10/21/2019
236106 $1,625.00 Breaking Down The Walls Richie Contartesi Int. Henderson  NV 1486206 10/21/2019
286938 $1,717.20 Supplies & Materials FORMAL FASHIONS, INC. Tempe AZ 1486202 10/21/2019
9-27-19 $99.98 Supplies & Materials Porter, Jason Rigby ID 1486205 10/21/2019
AR784700 $178.71 Supplies & Materials VALLEY OFFICE SYSTEMS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486208 10/21/2019
0168 $987.39 Supplies & Materials Hope Creek Embroidery Rigby ID 57166064 10/21/2019
0169 $307.67 Guitar-Supplies & Materials Hope Creek Embroidery Rigby ID 57166064 10/21/2019
51426 $310.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Star RIGBY ID 57166065 10/21/2019
Admissions $100.00 Purchased Services W A Corn Maze Shelley ID 57166067 10/21/2019
Athletic Supplies $137.00 Supplies & Materials LaRell Greenhalgh Idaho Falls ID 57166066 10/21/2019
Library Refund $16.99 Supplies & Materials Ashley Purdie Rigby ID 57166061 10/21/2019
Reimb Volleyball $204.04 Supplies & Materials Brittany Graham Rigby ID 57166062 10/21/2019
Swim Scholarship $145.00 Purchased Services City of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls ID 57166063 10/21/2019
091903 $200.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166071 10/22/2019
091904 $50.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166071 10/22/2019
091904-2 $60.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166071 10/22/2019
101903 $126.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166071 10/22/2019
6th Science Supply $81.02 Supplies & Materials Kitty Forbush Rigby ID 57166069 10/22/2019
8-27-19-001 $131.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
8-29-19-002 $128.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
8-29-19-003 $182.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-11-19-001 $122.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-13-19-001 $113.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-13-19-002 $65.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-14-19-001 $441.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-18-19-001 $137.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-18-19-002 $126.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-24-19-001 $122.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-27-19-005 $147.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-30-19-001 $134.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-4-19-001 $137.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
9-5-19-004 $175.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166072 10/22/2019
Reimb Cheer $44.44 Supplies & Materials Lindsey Geisler Rigby ID 57166070 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $2,480.46 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $710.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $31.80 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $116.22 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $2,817.05 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $133.99 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $27.15 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $533.27 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $715.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $150.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $269.36 Flex Fund Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $506.89 Shakespeare Team Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $79.90 Guitar-Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $8.27 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Sept 19 Visa Pmt $95.78 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166068 10/22/2019
Classroom Reimb $1,000.00 RHS Cinde Wolfe Wolfe, Cinde Rigby ID 89830 10/23/2019
ClassroomSupplyReimb $16.89 Supplies Pre-School Ringel, Britney Lyn Rigby ID 89832 10/23/2019
Electric Car RHSPerk $2,900.00 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Norton, Hayden Rexburg ID 0 10/23/2019
Exam Reimb $120.00 IDEA Professional Development Stotts, Grayson Taylor San Marcos CA 89829 10/23/2019
LibraryBookRefund $8.95 Library Birch, Tara Rigby ID 89831 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $99.55 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $9.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $162.90 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $113.49 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $63.12 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $57.31 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $413.65 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $329.70 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $92.03 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $2,262.73 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $9.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
Sept 2019 $66.41 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $8.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $129.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $350.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $3.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 -($1,748.68) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $1,748.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $35.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $39.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 -($39.99) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $330.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $129.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $190.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $109.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $18.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $65.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $203.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $10.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $16.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $961.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $198.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $92.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $34.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $233.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $1,146.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $21.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $95.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $20.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $28.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $204.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $105.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $443.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $48.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $0.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $114.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $25.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $1,238.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $10.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $198.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $110.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $63.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $1,632.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $50.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $121.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $11.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $202.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $148.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $8.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $350.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $67.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $477.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $523.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $34.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $40.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $293.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $294.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $149.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $358.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $294.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $107.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $87.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $8.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $8.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $12.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $75.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $8.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $8.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $78.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $86.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $25.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $11.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $45.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $137.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $24.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $33.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $35.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $59.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $88.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $92.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $115.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $81.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $576.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $39.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $105.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $30.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $4.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $29.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $102.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $40.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $49.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $18.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $365.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $65.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $227.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $47.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $41.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $79.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $609.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $126.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $56.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $22.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $13.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $670.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $1,067.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $6,714.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $11.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $450.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 -($235.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $986.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $78.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $16.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $192.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $800.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $95.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $382.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $31.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $164.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $2.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $443.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $47.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $84.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $31.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $17.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $275.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $299.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $79.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $307.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $79.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $23.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $149.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $66.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $82.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $111.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $196.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $44.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $587.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $535.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $154.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $38.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $745.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $95.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $76.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $6.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $163.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $82.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
08-31-219 $69.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486209 10/23/2019
10-10-19 $313.23 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486213 10/23/2019
10-10-19 $20.13 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486213 10/23/2019
10-21-19 $63.59 Supplies & Materials Praeder, Lourene Rigby ID 1486210 10/23/2019
10-22-19 $75.00 Supplies & Materials Thompson, Maverick Rigby ID 1486211 10/23/2019
24119 $917.80 Supplies & Materials TJ SPORTS Idaho Falls ID 1486212 10/23/2019
MileageReimbAug-Oct $193.20 Travel Expenses Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 89834 10/24/2019
PrepaidLunchRefund $25.45 Student Lunch Sales Rufflin, Jeff Blackfoot Id 89835 10/24/2019
RANGE1905 $30.00 Purchased Services Idaho FFA Association Boise ID 57166074 10/24/2019
Reimb Cheer $59.90 Supplies & Materials Josh Geisler Rigby ID 57166075 10/24/2019
Wrestling Invitation $175.00 Purchased Services Hobbs Middle School Shelly ID 57166073 10/24/2019
25661960 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89844 10/25/2019
25680313 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89844 10/25/2019
25695451 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89844 10/25/2019
34130774 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 89842 10/25/2019
6625674 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 89845 10/25/2019
MedExpReimb10.24.19 $20.58 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 89836 10/25/2019
MedExpReimb10.24.19 $306.45 Buy-Down Insurance Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 89837 10/25/2019
MedExpReimb10.24.19 -($33.74) Buy-Down Insurance Comstock, Gary Idaho Falls ID 89838 10/25/2019
MedExpReimb10.24.19 $33.74 Buy-Down Insurance Comstock, Gary Idaho Falls ID 89838 10/25/2019
MedExpReimb10.24.19 $1,245.78 Buy-Down Insurance Harmon, Kathy Idaho Falls ID 89839 10/25/2019
MedExpReimb10.24.19 $404.96 Buy-Down Insurance Hill, Carla Rexburg ID 89840 10/25/2019
MedExpReimb10.24.19 $137.47 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89841 10/25/2019
S-2014-18643 $623.60 Water Sewer Gabage City of Menan MENAN ID 89843 10/25/2019
10-24-19 $80.98 Supplies & Materials Anderson, Amber Rigby ID 1486214 10/25/2019
10-24-19 565 Supplies & Materials BYDC-Believe in Yourself Dance Challenge Island Park ID 1486215 10/25/2019
10-24-19 72.08 Supplies & Materials Kennedy, Angelica Rigby ID 1486216 10/25/2019
10-25-19 $192.00 Supplies & Materials Rigby Chamber of Commerce. Rigby ID 1486217 10/25/2019
V264250 $10.00 Supplies & Materials South Fork Elementary Lunch Rigby ID 1950 10/25/2019
V972245 $47.83 Supplies & Materials Kara Avery Rigby ID 1951 10/25/2019
Aug Mileage Reimb $7.35 Mileage Reimb Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 89848 10/29/2019
National Art Conf PD $220.00 General Supplies Feik, Michael Ririe ID 89846 10/29/2019
Sep-OctMileageReimb $67.61 Mileage Reimb Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 89847 10/29/2019
Sep-OctMileageReimb $0.75 In District Mileage Reimbursement Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 89847 10/29/2019
10-25-19 99.57 Supplies & Materials Flowers, Aaron Rigby ID 1486222 10/29/2019
10-28-19 $317.09 Supplies & Materials HUNTER, KEEGAN Idaho Falls ID 1486224 10/29/2019
10-28-19 $35.00 Supplies & Materials TM Square Idaho Falls ID 1486228 10/29/2019
10-29-19 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Dickhout, Siera Rigby ID 1486221 10/29/2019
10-29-19 $5.00 Supplies & Materials Rubottom, Cole Rigby ID 1486226 10/29/2019
17266 $110.00 Supplies & Materials Snake River Printing Company Idaho Falls ID 1486227 10/29/2019
56 $2,136.00 Supplies & Materials CIRCLE OF LOVE REXBURG ID 1486220 10/29/2019
57 $1,429.00 Supplies & Materials CIRCLE OF LOVE REXBURG ID 1486220 10/29/2019
59 $99.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486219 10/29/2019
7086-000-2020 $14,465.53 Supplies & Materials HERFF JONES YEARBOOK CHICAGO IL 1486223 10/29/2019
9-19-19-004 $105.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
9-25-19-001 $321.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
9-6-19 $630.00 Supplies & Materials TM Square Idaho Falls ID 1486228 10/29/2019
August Sports 2019 $272.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
August Sports 2019 $312.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
August Sports 2019 $181.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
August Sports 2019 $339.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
August Sports 2019 $143.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
August Sports 2019 $212.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
IN1-2503 $916.16 Supplies & Materials VICIS Football, LLC Seattle WA 1486229 10/29/2019
S202605 $550.00 Supplies & Materials Business Professionals of Am. National  Westerville OH 1486218 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $174.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $142.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $213.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $153.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $142.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $159.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $345.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $158.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $156.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $142.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $138.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $146.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $262.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $368.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $354.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $205.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $148.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $284.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $418.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $1,223.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
Sept Sports 2019 $276.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486225 10/29/2019
10.28.19 $9,070.00 Vehicles (non bus) Action Motor Sports Idaho Falls ID 89855 10/30/2019
10.28.19 $649.00 Vehicles (non bus) Action Motor Sports Idaho Falls ID 89855 10/30/2019
16621 $996.91 General Supplies Servco Rigby ID 89849 10/30/2019
Hotel Reimb $279.16 Startalk Grant-Travel Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 89857 10/30/2019
MedExpReimb10.30.19 $717.60 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89858 10/30/2019
MedExpReimb10.30.19 $1,621.29 Buy-Down Insurance White, Glenda K  Menan ID 89859 10/30/2019
MedExpReimb10.30.19 $1,999.97 Buy-Down Insurance Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 89860 10/30/2019
OctMileageReimb 67.3 In District Mileage Reimbursement Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 89856 10/30/2019
PBISTrainPD 76 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 89850 10/30/2019
PBISTrainPD 76 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Fryberger, Don Rigby ID 89851 10/30/2019
PBISTrainPD 76 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Nukaya, Jessica Dawn Iona ID 89852 10/30/2019
PBISTrainPD 76 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Stewart, Karen RIGBY ID 89853 10/30/2019
PBISTrainPD 76 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 89854 10/30/2019
Testing Reimb $195.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 89857 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $31.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $791.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $175.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $19.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $119.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $18.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $5.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $180.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $56.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $235.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $40.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $56.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $5.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $833.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $47.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $90.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 22.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $81.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $15.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $35.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $18.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $16.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $6.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $3,651.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $66.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $70.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $24.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $81.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $47.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $608.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $261.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $115.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $762.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 -($43.15) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $3,799.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $81.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $23.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $78.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $167.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $383.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $67.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $75.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $8.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $23.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $61.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $48.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $475.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $90.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $500.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $49.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $3.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $9.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $95.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $1,625.00 Breaking Down The Walls JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $470.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $79.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $128.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $137.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $55.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $46.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $128.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $137.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $24.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $55.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $50.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 8.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 123.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 52.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 42.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $6.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $56.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $23.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $71.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $106.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $1,260.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $19.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $37.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $312.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $119.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $182.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $33.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $19.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $34.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $33.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $29.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $1,204.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $275.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $35.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $31.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $27.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $240.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $154.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 ($40.09) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $24.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $149.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $162.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $92.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $174.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $114.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $319.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $82.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $139.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $34.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $107.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $58.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $313.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $275.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $134.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $45.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $74.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $7.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $3.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $23.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $166.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $128.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $180.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $113.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $68.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $105.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $38.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $109.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $108.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $73.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $74.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $94.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $78.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $125.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $114.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $12.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $25.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $44.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $28.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $38.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $126.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $79.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $7.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $20.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $104.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $89.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $23.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $183.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $16.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $65.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $366.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $31.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $14.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $110.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $370.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $12.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 12.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $25.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $262.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $32.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $14.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $37.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $7.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $35.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $6.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $8.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $48.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $24.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $923.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $44.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $973.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $138.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $34.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $43.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $3.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $544.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $18.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $15.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $29.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $16.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $70.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $480.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $136.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $21.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $42.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $369.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $476.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 ($49.80) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 211.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 -193.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 231.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 88.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 13.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 1.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 135.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 636 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 115 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $133.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $127.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $104.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $255.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $35.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $27.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 -($58.29) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $315.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $134.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 63.6 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $248.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $16.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $821.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $207.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $31.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $142.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $111.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $13.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $359.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
09-30-2019 $14.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486230 10/30/2019
25680311 $89.50 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89861 10/31/2019
25680311 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89861 10/31/2019
25680312 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89861 10/31/2019
25680312 $89.50 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89861 10/31/2019
25718755 $89.50 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89861 10/31/2019
25718755 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89861 10/31/2019
25774446 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89861 10/31/2019
25774446 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89861 10/31/2019
Oct2019MileageReimb $139.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 89862 10/31/2019
85835 $60.00 Purchased Services Western Recycling Idaho Falls ID 57166083 10/31/2019
Competition Fees $90.00 Purchased Services District 6 FCCLA Idaho Falls ID 57166077 10/31/2019
Hall Signs $26.36 Supplies & Materials Teri Smith Rigby ID 57166082 10/31/2019
Official GBBall $84.00 Purchased Services Dick Stowers Idaho Falls ID 57166076 10/31/2019
Official GBball $84.00 Purchased Services Melissa Faw Idaho Falls ID 57166079 10/31/2019
Teacher Supply $27.41 Supplies & Materials Krista Gneiting Rigby ID 57166078 10/31/2019
Teacher Supply $8.00 Supplies & Materials Ryan Erickson Sugar City ID 57166081 10/31/2019
Wrestling Fee $280.00 Purchased Services Rocky Mt. Middle School Ammon ID 57166080 10/31/2019
27 $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 11/1/2019
MedExpReimb10.31.19 $1,600.00 Buy-Down Insurance Jacobson, Randall Rigby ID 89863 11/1/2019
OPonce Cert 100 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89864 11/1/2019
XYang Cert $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 89865 11/1/2019
V351680 $814.50 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 3836 11/1/2019
V105644 $90.00 Supplies & Materials School District #251 Rigby ID 2992 11/1/2019
10-8-19-001 $285.00 Kindergarten Supplies Jefferson JSD #251 Transportation Rigby ID 2181 11/1/2019
10-30-19 $102.00 Supplies & Materials Thunder Ridge High School Idaho Falls ID 1486234 11/1/2019
10-31-19 $136.51 Supplies & Materials Higgins, Kelly Idaho Falls ID 1486231 11/1/2019
100081 $220.00 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486232 11/1/2019
16252-2 $6,250.00 Supplies & Materials Learning for Living Chapel Hill NC 1486233 11/1/2019
968 $250.00 Supplies & Materials Vector Timing & Race Management Rexburg ID 1486235 11/1/2019
98315 $8,294.81 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486232 11/1/2019
99885 $220.00 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486232 11/1/2019
25779031 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89866 11/4/2019
ClassroomSupplyReimb $30.00 Jennifer Navarro Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 89867 11/4/2019
V559810 $136.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1569 11/4/2019
V582404 $24.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1570 11/4/2019
V622319 $208.00 Supplies & Materials Roberts Elementary PTO Roberts ID 1571 11/4/2019
10.4.19 $45.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Wex Bank Carol Stream IL 0 11/5/2019
11-4-19 $530.00 Supplies & Materials BELL PHOTO IDAHO FALLS ID 1486237 11/5/2019
11-4-19 $530.00 Supplies & Materials BELL PHOTO IDAHO FALLS ID 1486237 11/5/2019
11-5-19 $460.60 Supplies & Materials Dominos Pizza-Rigby Rigby ID 1486243 11/5/2019
11-5-19 $500.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 1486240 11/5/2019
11-5-19 ($500.00) Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 1486240 11/5/2019
191031-0004 $54.40 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1486239 11/5/2019
3916 $980.96 Supplies & Materials C & A Athletics Ladera Ranch CA 1486238 11/5/2019
3918 $345.49 Supplies & Materials C & A Athletics Ladera Ranch CA 1486238 11/5/2019
4459 $2,541.14 Supplies & Materials Xtreme Electric Rigby ID 1486242 11/5/2019
592 $325.00 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486236 11/5/2019
592 $325.00 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486236 11/5/2019
951071320 $153.55 Supplies & Materials RIDDELL/ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP. CHICAGO IL 1486241 11/5/2019
00003 $100.00 Purchased Services Western National Rangeland Ed Assoc. Boise \ ID 57166088 11/5/2019
Official Girls Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Marcus Steinfield Idaho Falls ID 57166085 11/5/2019
Official Girls Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Ryan Hawks Sugar City ID 57166087 11/5/2019
Reimb Life Skills $7.42 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jennifer Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166084 11/5/2019
Reimb Math/Bball $255.40 Supplies & Materials Nichole Nordstrom Rigby ID 57166086 11/5/2019
Reimb Math/Bball $94.99 Supplies & Materials Nichole Nordstrom Rigby ID 57166086 11/5/2019
MedExpReimb $485.79 Buy-Down Insurance Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine Ammon ID 89869 11/6/2019
MedExpReimb $167.62 Buy-Down Insurance Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 89870 11/6/2019
MedExpReimb $1,600.00 Buy-Down Insurance Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 89872 11/6/2019
MedExpReimb $280.48 Buy-Down Insurance Shumway, Hannah E  Rexburg ID 89873 11/6/2019
MedExpReimb11.6.19 $820.03 Buy-Down Insurance Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 89871 11/6/2019
Oct 2019 MileageReim $57.20 In District Mileage Reimbursement Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 89868 11/6/2019
10-25-19 $44.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1486251 11/6/2019
11-1-19 $1,445.94 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1486249 11/6/2019
11-5-19 $552.00 Supplies & Materials HIGHLAND HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1486245 11/6/2019
11-5-19 $610.00 Supplies & Materials HILLCREST HIGH SCHOOL Ammon ID 1486246 11/6/2019
11-6-19 $460.60 Supplies & Materials Dominos Pizza-Rigby Rigby ID 1486244 11/6/2019
11-6-19 $102.00 Supplies & Materials PARKES, BARRY Idaho Falls ID 1486248 11/6/2019
11-6-19 $16.65 Supplies & Materials SHIPPEN, HAILEY RIGBY ID 1486250 11/6/2019
11-7-19 $460.60 Supplies & Materials Dominos Pizza-Rigby Rigby ID 1486247 11/6/2019
00869-7 $1,146,751.04 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89875 11/7/2019
00881-6 $367,865.92 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89875 11/7/2019
00882-5 $640,016.75 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89875 11/7/2019
00902-2 $270,707.81 RHS Parking Lot Expansion Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89875 11/7/2019
01470981 $398.00 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 89884 11/7/2019
10-21-19 $2.00 Supplies and Materials Searle Hart & Associates PLLC Rexburg ID 89905 11/7/2019
1017 $300.00 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89912 11/7/2019
1020604 $1,026.53 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 89880 11/7/2019
1020604 $423.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 89880 11/7/2019
11.06.19 $10,954.46 Medicaid Purchased Services Bright Futeres Service Coordination Shelley ID 89877 11/7/2019
1132 $7,750.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 89889 11/7/2019
141748 $550.00 General Supplies Phase 4 Stereo Idaho Falls ID 89899 11/7/2019
15554 $1,210.00 Grounds Services Rigby High Burgess Canal & Irrig. RIGBY ID 89878 11/7/2019
167339 $15.00 Business Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 89894 11/7/2019
167344 $10.00 Business Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 89894 11/7/2019
168037 $5,384.35 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89892 11/7/2019
168532 $9,774.60 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89892 11/7/2019
168535 $1,799.05 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89892 11/7/2019
168537 $3,836.90 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89892 11/7/2019
168564 $640.80 RHS Parking Lot Expansion Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89892 11/7/2019
16890 $206.90 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Servco Rigby ID 89906 11/7/2019
171341 10.16.19 $71.00 Business Services Jefferson Star RIGBY ID 89890 11/7/2019
1749 $7,000.00 Auditor Fees Actuaries Northwest Bellevue WA 89874 11/7/2019
19-1871 $374.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 89901 11/7/2019
2 $3,283.50 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 89904 11/7/2019
2 $3,283.50 Medicaid Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 89904 11/7/2019
21902 $103.50 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89911 11/7/2019
21918 $466.61 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89911 11/7/2019
21924 $2,506.16 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89911 11/7/2019
21925 $310.50 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 89911 11/7/2019
22 $245.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 89913 11/7/2019
22606935 $130.41 District Prof Dev Travel EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 89881 11/7/2019
22637212 $136.70 General Supplies EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 89881 11/7/2019
22772 $1,205.00 Auditor Fees Searle Hart & Associates PLLC Rexburg ID 89905 11/7/2019
251168-1 $75.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 89886 11/7/2019
251175-2 $300.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 89886 11/7/2019
26366 $230.00 Business Services Ritchie Auto Glass Rigby ID 89902 11/7/2019
3028540 $2,168.31 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89907 11/7/2019
3031842 $1,819.38 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89907 11/7/2019
3035077 $1,532.92 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89907 11/7/2019
3038212 $3,897.66 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 89907 11/7/2019
3046 $1,463.00 Professional Services GBS of Idaho Boise ID 89883 11/7/2019
326  $702.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89912 11/7/2019
352 $702.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89912 11/7/2019
5153 $2,000.00 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank-Public Finance Salt Lake City UT 89914 11/7/2019
5338 $300.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Lehi UT 89882 11/7/2019
558 $702.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89912 11/7/2019
5874 $1,360.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Smith Roofing Rigby ID 89908 11/7/2019
63825 $187.00 Vendor Services MSBT Law Boise ID 89895 11/7/2019
6806565 - credit -($141.61) Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
6987193 - credit -($121.68) Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
6991585 $1,178.75 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
6995543 $2,379.78 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
6995543 - credit -($393.72) Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
6997502 $281.58 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
7004179 $2,176.30 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
7008739 $1,129.80 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
7012530 $2,258.56 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
7016746 $744.24 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
7020411 $4,312.00 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 89896 11/7/2019
710174702 $330.40 Curriculum Houghton Mifflin Harcourt St. Charles IL 89885 11/7/2019
775632 $30.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 89879 11/7/2019
775632 $30.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 89879 11/7/2019
8 $206.25 Vendor Services Smith, Kayla Rigby ID 89909 11/7/2019
880 $643.50 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89912 11/7/2019
89415306107 $285.60 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89876 11/7/2019
89415306129 $329.80 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89876 11/7/2019
89415306148 $237.36 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89876 11/7/2019
89415306171 $120.50 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 89876 11/7/2019
9 $212.50 Vendor Services Smith, Kayla Rigby ID 89909 11/7/2019
949 $384.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 89912 11/7/2019
9760 $10.90 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Long Island Irrigation Menan ID 89891 11/7/2019
Apples $200.00 Food Stringham, Ken Rigby ID 89910 11/7/2019
FC 3136 $13.27 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Servco Rigby ID 89906 11/7/2019
K19021 $3,762.33 CTE Supplies Technology Education NORTHWEST TECH, INC Port Orchard WA 89897 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 1 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 10 $401.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 11 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 12 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 13 $189.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 14 $18.12 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 15 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 16 $3,867.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 17 $3,691.74 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 18 $1,556.73 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 19 $1,067.74 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 2 $7,943.05 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 20 $1,488.07 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 21 $857.33 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 22 $98.62 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 23 $8,558.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 24 $14,965.73 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 25 $1,219.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 26 $1,176.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 27 $51.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 28 $51.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 29 $51.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 3 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 30 $51.62 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 31 $29.99 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 32 $28.81 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 33 $2,301.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 34 $529.90 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 4 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 5 $119.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 6 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 7 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 8 $1,352.25 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
Oct 2019 9 $16.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/7/2019
October 2019 9164.48 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 89903 11/7/2019
October 21, 2019 4.5 Supplies and Materials Searle Hart & Associates PLLC Rexburg ID 89905 11/7/2019
October 24 3148.74 OT/PT Services Idaho Division of Voc Rehabilitation Boise ID 89887 11/7/2019
October 30, 2019 9500 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89893 11/7/2019
RHS 10.15.19 91.65 $91.65 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89898 11/7/2019
RHS 10.22.19 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89898 11/7/2019
RHS 10.29.19 $91.65 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89898 11/7/2019
RHS 10.8.19 84.60 $84.60 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89898 11/7/2019
RMS 10.15.19 176.25 $176.25 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89898 11/7/2019
RMS 10.22.19 141.00 $141.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89898 11/7/2019
RMS 10.29.19 $197.40 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89898 11/7/2019
RMS 10.8.19 176.25 $176.25 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 89898 11/7/2019
Sept - Oct 2019 $20,670.59 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89888 11/7/2019
Sept 17 2019 135 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Smith Roofing Rigby ID 89908 11/7/2019
Sept 2019 $14,660.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 89900 11/7/2019
Sept 25 2019 $79.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Smith Roofing Rigby ID 89908 11/7/2019
Sept 25 2019 FE $233.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Smith Roofing Rigby ID 89908 11/7/2019
V299541 $15.80 Supplies & Materials Roberts Elementary Lunch Program Roberts ID 1572 11/7/2019
V316704 $29.54 Supplies & Materials Lannon Kinghorn Rigby ID 1952 11/7/2019
V855266 $65.48 Supplies & Materials Marianne Wilde Rigby ID 1953 11/7/2019
11-8-19 $300.00 Supplies & Materials IMEA All-State Groups-2020 Twin Falls ID 1486252 11/8/2019
11-8-19 $220.00 Supplies & Materials SUGAR SALEM HIGH SCHOOL SUGAR CITY ID 1486254 11/8/2019
196295435 $296.99 Supplies & Materials J.W. Pepper Exton PA 1486253 11/8/2019
174686730 $88.00 Supplies & Materials J.W. Pepper Exton PA 57166089 11/8/2019
174686730 -($88.00) Supplies & Materials J.W. Pepper Exton PA 57166089 11/8/2019
Cheer Fundraiser $785.00 Supplies & Materials Jamba Juice Rexburg ID 57166090 11/8/2019
Club Soccer Donation $375.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166092 11/8/2019
Outdoor Class Supply $39.98 Supplies & Materials Michelle Anderson Rigby ID 57166091 11/8/2019
Poinsetta Fundraiser $499.50 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Town & Country Gardens Idaho Falls ID 57166094 11/8/2019
Wrestling Toun Fee $255.00 Purchased Services Skyline High School Idaho Falls ID 57166093 11/8/2019
V931601 $32.00 Purchased Services Culligan Idaho Falls ID 1955 11/8/2019
18-0157 Oct 2019 $434.76 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89916 11/11/2019
18-0160 Oct 2019 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 89916 11/11/2019
AdvanceOpReimb $245.00 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Alboucq, Dana Rigby ID 89921 11/11/2019
AdvanceOpReimb $265.00 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Fackrell, Michelle Rigby ID 89922 11/11/2019
FamReadNightReimb $37.75 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 89919 11/11/2019
Oct MileageReimb $107.65 In District Mileage Reimbursement Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 89918 11/11/2019
S-2014-18921 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 89915 11/11/2019
StateFB Per Diem $66.00 Supt/Asst Supt Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89920 11/11/2019
Supply Reimb 11.11.1 $156.27 Office & Training Supplies Sarah Dean Rigby ID 89917 11/11/2019
V296051 $3.06 Supplies & Materials School District #251 Rigby ID 2994 11/11/2019
V830982 $76.45 School Uniforms & Sweatshirts Supplies Kettle Embroidery Rexburg ID 2993 11/11/2019
V175182 $93.36 Supplies & Materials Lora Gunderson Menan ID 1910 11/11/2019
V454963 $48.22 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 1911 11/11/2019
V938374 $800.00 Supplies & Materials Paramount Theater Idaho Falls ID 1912 11/11/2019
10/31/2019 1 $276.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 10 $10.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 100 $47.90 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1000 $6.83 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1001 $59.74 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1002 $12.95 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1003 $404.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1004 $22.00 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1005 $468.71 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1006 $77.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1007 $7.48 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1008 $23.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1009 $2.96 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 101 -($3.68) English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1010 $45.13 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1011 $389.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1012 $6.50 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1013 $463.44 Emergency Levy-RHS Tennis Courts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1014 $248.41 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1015 $2,899.19 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1016 $11.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1017 $19.33 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1018 $155.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1019 $213.91 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 102 $122.10 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1020 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1021 $83.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1022 $10.59 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1023 $5.18 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1024 $129.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1025 $9.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1026 $18.75 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1027 $42.97 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1028 $83.69 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1029 $79.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 103 $27.96 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1030 $5.39 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1031 $166.08 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1032 $65.10 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1033 $10.94 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1034 $43.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1035 $39.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1036 $915.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1037 $2,987.13 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1038 $9.99 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1039 $17.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 104 $30.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1040 $111.30 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1041 $29.44 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1042 $8.63 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1043 $39.53 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1044 $74.95 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1045 $10.95 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1046 $1,797.22 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1047 $66.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1048 $427.83 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1049 $46.79 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 105 $30.10 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1050 $460.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1051 $137.04 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1052 $22.79 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1053 $2,906.05 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1054 $24.36 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1055 $160.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1056 $189.90 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1057 $40.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1058 $74.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1059 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 106 $156.00 Band EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1060 $30.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1061 $66.09 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1062 -($48.75) English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1063 $306.25 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1064 $29.67 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1065 $83.91 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1066 $142.47 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1067 $18.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1068 $5.77 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1069 $258.40 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 107 $7.95 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1070 $56.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1071 $21.95 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1072 $1,842.28 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1073 $225.00 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1074 $7,773.41 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1075 $132.75 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1076 $124.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1077 $146.02 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1078 $25.86 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1079 $15.77 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 108 $65.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1080 $56.17 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1081 $41.72 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1082 $195.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1083 $1,794.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1084 $17.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1085 $614.10 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1086 $54.03 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1087 $37.74 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1088 $80.98 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1089 $7.49 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 109 $54.66 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1090 $50.68 Kindergarten-Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1091 $17.48 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1092 $7.42 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1093 $29.00 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1094 $29.01 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1095 $17.40 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1096 $4.24 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1097 $53.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1098 $8.63 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1099 $1.57 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 11 $11.77 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 110 $17.43 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1100 $13.80 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1101 $69.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1102 $815.28 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1103 $110.00 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1104 $320.44 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1105 $53.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1106 -($128.54) Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1107 $101.70 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1108 $3.18 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1109 $51.90 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 111 $388.83 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1110 -($128.54) Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1111 $45.57 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1112 $24.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1113 $4,959.40 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1114 $519.60 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1115 $233.61 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1116 $4.24 Cowley, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1117 $14.01 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1118 $23.04 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1119 -($128.54) Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 112 $4.24 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1120 $87.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1121 $146.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1122 $82.84 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1123 $2.29 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1124 $19.49 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1125 $322.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1126 $193.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1127 $8.43 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1128 $110.48 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1129 $105.00 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 113 $122.10 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1130 $2.12 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1131 $17.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1132 $308.19 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1133 $29.96 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1134 -($128.54) Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1135 $8.79 Jennifer Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1136 $117.56 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1137 $7.06 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1138 $46.73 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1139 $13.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 114 $593.97 Custodial Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1140 $39.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1141 $6.99 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1142 $125.41 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1143 ($128.54) Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1144 $182.19 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1145 $52.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1146 $149.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1147 $36.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1148 $1,584.60 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1149 $79.96 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 115 $122.10 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1150 $72.94 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1151 ($128.54) Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1152 $6.98 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1153 $67.24 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1154 $22.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1155 59.55 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1156 $37.99 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1157 $10.76 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1158 $224.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1159 $578.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 116 $24.00 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1160 $13.25 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1161 $2,643.16 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1162 $23.01 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1163 $47.29 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1164 $1.06 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1165 $135.92 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1166 $22.83 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1167 $8.46 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1168 $10.60 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1169 $111.92 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 117 $29.62 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1170 $3,470.58 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1171 $36.91 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1172 $580.44 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1173 $79.20 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1174 $60.62 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1175 $34.57 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1176 $29.77 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1177 $12.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1178 $24.29 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1179 $10.57 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 118 $96.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1180 $13.22 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1181 $200.00 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1182 -($10.00) Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1183 $61.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1184 $100.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1185 $34.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1186 $342.00 In Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1187 $39.34 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1188 $25.44 Dawson, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1189 $1,064.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 119 $122.10 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1190 $15.00 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1191 $210.94 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1192 $50.69 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1193 $153.00 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1194 $1,353.66 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1195 $1,353.67 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1196 $24.44 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1197 $39.92 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1198 $15.12 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1199 $70.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 12 $59.32 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 120 $30.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1200 $354.49 Emergency Levy-RHS Tennis Courts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1201 $90.76 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1202 $25.44 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1203 $15,760.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1204 $33.31 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1205 -($7.56) ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1206 $13.49 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1207 $195.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1208 $7.06 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1209 $13.62 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 121 $3,497.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1210 $30.13 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1211 $60.37 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1212 $27.50 Pillow, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1213 $1,805.10 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1214 $2.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1215 $10.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1216 $30.77 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1217 $41.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1218 $6.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1219 $50.31 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 122 $72.51 BDTW Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1220 $165.90 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1221 $10.00 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1222 $640.00 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1223 $640.00 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1224 $50.14 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1225 $105.51 Dahl, Shannon Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1226 $37.97 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1227 $131.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1228 $100.39 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1229 $88.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 123 $3.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1230 $61.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1231 $86.40 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1232 $55.18 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1233 $63.36 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1234 $636.15 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1235 $177.83 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1236 $81.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1237 $390.84 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1238 $128.54 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1239 $128.54 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 124 $122.10 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1240 $80.24 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1241 $80.97 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1242 $128.54 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1243 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1244 $74.47 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1245 $29.64 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1246 $187.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1247 $160.25 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1248 $187.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1249 $48.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 125 $9.79 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1250 $460.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1251 $19.67 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1252 $1,150.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1253 $683.94 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1254 $2.76 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1255 $0.79 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1256 $437.22 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1257 $1,100.38 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1258 $38.12 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1259 $84.25 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 126 $116.34 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1260 $1.02 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1261 $97.25 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1262 $2.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1263 $13.55 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1264 $22.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1265 $143.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1266 $22.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1267 $142.90 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1268 $94.81 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1269 $128.54 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 127 $358.43 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1270 $12.90 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1271 $66.23 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1272 $39.99 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1273 $30.81 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1274 $17.34 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1275 $15.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1276 $339.19 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1277 $93.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1278 $21.22 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1279 $198.75 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 128 $495.00 Grounds Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1280 ($422.50) Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1281 $202.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1282 $6.19 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1283 $12.90 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1284 $44.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1285 $33.94 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1286 $102.55 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1287 $289.92 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1288 $106.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1289 $392.34 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 129 $3.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1290 $15.01 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1291 ($126.14) Bill To Student Improvements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1292 $68.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1293 $130.60 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1294 $3.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1295 $128.54 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1296 $270.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1297 $569.54 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1298 $9.54 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1299 $128.54 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 13 $11.99 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 130 $62.35 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1300 $13.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1301 $11.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1302 $30.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1303 $22.99 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1304 $167.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1305 $128.54 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1306 $44.99 Grounds Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1307 $16.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1308 $17.47 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1309 $26.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 131 $69.44 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1310 -($37.05) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1311 $160.75 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1312 $50.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1313 $5.26 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1314 $9.99 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1315 -($9.99) Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1316 $1,128.93 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1317 $14.10 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1318 $3.17 Eileen Nestman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1319 $125.00 Inservice Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 132 $6.56 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1320 $189.84 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1321 $185.89 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1322 $45.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1323 $3.18 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1324 $4.47 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1325 $189.84 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1326 $131.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1327 $170.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1328 $1,200.00 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1329 21.19 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 133 73.09 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1330 $438.87 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1331 $105.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1332 $189.84 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1333 $4.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1334 $69.99 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1335 $46.50 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1336 $675.98 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1337 $16.53 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1338 $10.60 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1339 $280.50 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 134 $4.22 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1340 $10.38 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1341 $49.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1342 $730.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1343 $271.56 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1344 $268.92 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1345 $407.34 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1346 $16.94 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1347 $295.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1348 $230.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1349 $293.32 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 135 $89.99 Custodial Supplies Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1350 $156.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1351 $15.53 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1352 $1,008.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1353 $195.03 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1354 $7.35 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1355 $14.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1356 51.75 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1357 $45.81 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1358 $375.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1359 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 136 $26.87 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1360 $189.84 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1361 $10.55 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1362 $3,930.52 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1363 $23.64 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1364 $95.50 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1365 $21.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1366 $50.61 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1367 $133.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1368 $55.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1369 $431.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 137 $376.90 Custodial Supplies Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1370 $36.50 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1371 $165.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1372 $19.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1373 $26.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1374 $10.29 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1375 $169.04 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1376 $205.25 Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1377 $2,783.08 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1378 $31.08 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1379 $70.53 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 138 $11.26 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1380 $15.03 Wade, Melanie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1381 $97.27 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1382 $38.24 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1383 $50.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1384 $50.63 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1385 $21.97 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1386 $17.16 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1387 $189.84 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1388 $39.99 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1389 $16.96 RHS Ping Pong Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 139 $22.65 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1390 $159.90 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1391 $112.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1392 $1,485.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1393 $109.33 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1394 $753.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1395 $25.68 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1396 $39.90 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1397 $12.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1398 $6.35 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1399 -($35.88) Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 14 $4,022.57 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 140 $23.69 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1400 $41.88 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1401 $43.46 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1402 $325.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1403 $78.99 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1404 $42.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1405 $168.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1406 $16.53 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1407 $125.00 Inservice Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1408 $107.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1409 $133.72 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 141 $84.94 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1410 $21.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1411 $9.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1412 $14.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1413 $27.57 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1414 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1415 $35.08 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1416 $1,822.80 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1417 -($2.16) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1418 $14.44 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1419 $95.57 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 142 $144.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1420 $133.50 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1421 $723.32 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1422 $4.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1423 $135.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1424 $21.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1425 $111.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1426 $11.57 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1427 $172.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1428 $38.80 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1429 $3,723.36 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 143 $53.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1430 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1431 $151.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1432 $8.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1433 $1,290.00 Advanced Ops Testing Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1434 $6.93 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1435 $7.30 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1436 $47.80 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1437 $42.32 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1438 $57.28 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1439 $13.77 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 144 $104.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1440 $155.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1441 $128.08 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1442 $259.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1443 $75.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1444 $5.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1445 $27.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1446 $103.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1447 $9.49 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1448 $7,297.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1449 -($448.98) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 145 $119.00 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1450 $295.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1451 $5.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1452 $50.28 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1453 $61.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1454 $40.26 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1455 $19.99 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1456 $6.92 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1457 $153.72 Emergency Levy-RHS Tennis Courts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1458 $23.11 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1459 $17.66 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 146 $23.89 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1460 $1,947.30 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1461 $25.65 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1462 $58.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1463 $16.85 Balmforth, Ronni Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1464 $696.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1465 $20,185.20 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1466 $9.57 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1467 $713.96 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1468 $47.23 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1469 $40.26 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 147 $11.00 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1470 $30.07 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1471 $10.99 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1472 $152.48 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1473 $8.55 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1474 $273.35 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1475 $6.10 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1476 $28.06 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1477 $131.88 Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1478 $9.76 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1479 $15.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 148 $843.69 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1480 $64.94 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1481 $795.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1482 $43.04 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1483 $64.86 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1484 $318.10 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1485 $51.19 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1486 $2.93 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1487 $43.68 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1488 $59.61 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1489 $4.71 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 149 -($159.60) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1490 $10.60 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1491 $89.95 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 1492 $1,700.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 15 $58.48 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 150 -($166.25) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 151 $129.36 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 152 $85.05 Bill To Clothing Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 153 $17.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 154 $99.99 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 155 $5.30 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 156 $523.08 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 157 $83.79 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 158 $58.95 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 159 $33.95 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 16 $244.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 160 $106.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 161 $26.50 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 162 $1.45 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 163 $32.86 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 164 $296.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 165 $85.78 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 166 $79.50 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 167 $27.84 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 168 $110.45 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 169 $30.28 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 17 $36.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 170 $78.73 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 171 $52.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 172 $58.30 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 173 -($359.99) Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 174 $91.05 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 175 $86.95 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 176 $78.73 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 177 $25.95 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 178 $3.18 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 179 $29.90 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 18 $20.42 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 180 $85.78 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 181 $55.37 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 182 $594.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 183 $66.96 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 184 $3,096.54 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 185 $7.68 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 186 $55.06 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 187 $11.40 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 188 $259.98 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 189 $190.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 19 $23.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 190 $6.36 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 191 $30.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 192 $15.73 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 193 $15.87 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 194 $3.49 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 195 $49.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 196 $35.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 197 $65.04 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 198 $28.68 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 199 $35.06 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 2 36.32 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 20 13.94 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 200 $3.15 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 201 $12.70 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 202 $72.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 203 $111.18 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 204 ($225.67) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 205 $609.54 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 206 $265.00 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 207 $24.54 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 208 $13.76 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 209 $13.78 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 21 $26.27 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 210 $11.04 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 211 $1,055.95 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 212 $518.50 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 213 $25.95 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 214 $5.56 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 215 $142.89 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 216 $42.03 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 217 $21.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 218 $68.80 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 219 $58.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 22 $284.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 220 $6.30 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 221 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 222 $30.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 223 $27.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 224 $146.19 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 225 $44.25 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 226 $140.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 227 $41.88 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 228 $29.00 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 229 $28.50 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 23 $17.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 230 $149.11 Emergency Levy-RHS Tennis Courts Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 231 $184.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 232 $14.57 Bishop, Kim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 233 $17.16 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 234 $5.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 235 $15.61 Mitchell, Irene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 236 $19.78 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 237 $135.00 Wade, Melanie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 238 $148.38 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 239 $8.26 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 24 $19.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 240 $26.19 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 241 $40.40 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 242 $93.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 243 $2.09 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 244 $269.55 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 245 $660.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 246 $9.47 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 247 $126.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 248 $255.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 249 $545.58 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 25 $25.42 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 250 $24.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 251 $75.87 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 252 $19.83 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 253 $12.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 254 $30.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 255 $31.97 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 256 $70.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 257 $281.82 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 258 $63.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 259 $18.39 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 26 $18.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 260 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 261 $3.93 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 262 $9.01 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 263 $21.60 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 264 $24.25 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 265 $96.54 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 266 $24.38 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 267 ($42.40) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 268 $700.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 269 $48.64 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 27 $25.42 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 270 $26.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 271 35.52 Pillow, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 272 $79.34 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 273 $7.42 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 274 $30.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 275 $27.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 276 $74.11 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 277 $189.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 278 23.31 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 279 $66.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 28 $14.07 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 280 $45.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 281 $18.31 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 282 ($42.40) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 283 $20.09 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 284 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 285 $148.61 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 286 $36.52 Bishop, Kim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 287 $6.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 288 $8.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 289 $82.10 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 29 $23.26 7th Reading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 290 57.98 Palmer, Linda Lee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 291 $1.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 292 $4.49 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 293 $53.57 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 294 $124.79 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 295 $8.84 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 296 $47.92 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 297 $63.59 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 298 $47.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 299 $38.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 3 $111.91 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 30 $53.74 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 300 $110.17 Bishop, Kim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 301 $21.88 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 302 $10.58 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 303 $95.00 Johnson, MaryAnn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 304 $14.26 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 305 $50.88 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 306 $35.79 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 307 $35.02 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 308 $22.58 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 309 $359.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 31 $42.15 Baldwin, Stephanie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 310 $499.95 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 311 $4.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 312 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 313 $15.98 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 314 $353.80 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 315 $6.08 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 316 $65.66 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 317 ($53.00) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 318 $47.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 319 $13.64 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 32 $720.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 320 $9.25 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 321 $46.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 322 $308.52 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 323 27.6 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 324 $22.77 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 325 $164.72 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 326 $1,151.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 327 $26.07 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 328 $16.95 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 329 $41.87 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 33 $7.39 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 330 $27.77 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 331 $13.29 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 332 $240.83 Technology-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 333 $398.20 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 334 $1,025.68 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 335 $4.21 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 336 $4,135.61 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 337 $47.69 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 338 $545.00 STEM Grant-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 339 $42.39 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 34 $67.65 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 340 $1,238.05 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 341 $83.77 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 342 $583.44 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 343 $175.21 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 344 $4.00 Bowden, Karlene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 345 $46.58 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 346 $94.38 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 347 $3.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 348 $156.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 349 $35.68 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 35 $139.99 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 350 $72.45 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 351 $112.76 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 352 $336.24 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 353 $72.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 354 -($53.00) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 355 $24.65 Keller, Jeff Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 356 $1,177.96 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 357 $26.58 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 358 $108.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 359 $66.07 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 36 $23.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 360 $162.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 361 $18.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 362 $143.18 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 363 $1.50 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 364 $33.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 365 $73.99 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 366 $13.77 Birch, Becky Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 367 $113.12 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 368 $269.73 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 369 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 37 $50.46 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 370 $73.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 371 -($5.39) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 372 -($26.98) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 373 $13.42 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 374 $29.45 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 375 $97.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 376 $1,435.68 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 377 $17.87 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 378 $1,756.42 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 379 $14.43 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 38 $25.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 380 $0.05 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 381 $13.44 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 382 $48.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 383 $4.24 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 384 $6.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 385 $8.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 386 $209.74 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 387 $61.02 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 388 $47.59 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 389 $40.00 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 39 $26.85 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 390 $18.89 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 391 $28.56 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 392 $17.38 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 393 $1,026.48 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 394 $23.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 395 $564.85 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 396 $70.00 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 397 $121.25 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 398 $26.49 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 399 $43.58 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 4 $110.43 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 40 $24.71 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 400 $3.94 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 401 $69.85 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 402 $16.96 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 403 $74.07 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 404 $24.59 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 405 $20.92 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 406 $52.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 407 $12.71 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 408 $65.58 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 409 $150.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 41 $49.39 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 410 $153.33 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 411 $75.98 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 412 $89.89 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 413 $95.54 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 414 $377.30 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 415 $21.72 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 416 $52.44 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 417 $49.53 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 418 $12.99 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 419 $1,686.95 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 42 $78.60 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 420 $15.36 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 421 $70.80 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 422 $293.54 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 423 $13.16 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 424 $148.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 425 $42.51 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 426 $387.20 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 427 $73.13 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 428 13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 429 165 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 43 $132.62 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 430 $1,016.93 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 431 $19.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 432 $36.49 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 433 $660.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 434 $2,287.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 435 $20.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 436 $34.34 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 437 $379.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 438 $11.12 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 439 $28.76 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 44 $195.94 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 440 $83.79 Norman, Wendy Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 441 $165.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 442 $78.90 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 443 $505.19 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 444 $27.24 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 445 $15.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 446 $201.36 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 447 -($242.04) OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 448 71.01 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 449 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 45 $12.25 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 450 -($242.04) OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 451 $71.43 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 452 $43.44 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 453 $47.43 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 454 ($242.04) OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 455 $6.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 456 $58.73 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 457 $17.84 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 458 $4.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 459 $201.36 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 46 $41.24 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 460 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 461 306 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 462 23.47 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 463 -($242.04) OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 464 $4.17 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 465 $17.06 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 466 $52.26 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 467 $1,117.20 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 468 $43.44 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 469 $125.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 47 $21.39 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 470 $1,031.25 Crasper, David Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 471 $58.11 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 472 $565.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 473 $44.93 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 474 $158.13 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 475 $7.28 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 476 $50.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 477 $201.36 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 478 $24,768.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 479 $31.94 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 48 $34.76 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 480 $670.79 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 481 $3,832.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 482 $201.36 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 483 $39.55 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 484 $55.68 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 485 $189.70 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 486 $201.36 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 487 $2.11 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 488 $859.04 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 489 $1,564.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 49 $45.92 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 490 $21.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 491 $583.08 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 492 32.75 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 493 46 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 494 177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 495 $228.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 496 $19.05 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 497 $13.07 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 498 ($242.04) OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 499 $21.33 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 5 $8.48 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 50 $77.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 500 $52.17 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 501 $379.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 502 $119.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 503 $11.05 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 504 $42.35 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 505 $10.60 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 506 $69.90 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 507 $262.68 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 508 $58.49 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 509 $11.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 51 $33.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 510 $20.00 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 511 $15,840.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 512 $185.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 513 -($210.94) Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 514 $2.65 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 515 $41.55 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 516 $119.25 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 517 $2.12 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 518 -($172.24) Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 519 $18.53 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 52 $8.74 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 520 $10.60 Jennifer Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 521 $21.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 522 $71.88 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 523 -($172.24) Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 524 $8.75 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 525 $13.44 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 526 -($104.99) Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 527 $17.58 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 528 $7.49 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 529 $34.49 Field Trip Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 53 $6.36 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 530 $224.96 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 531 $70.47 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 532 $50.26 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 533 $15.00 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 534 $164.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 535 $7.36 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 536 $45.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 537 $10.78 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 538 $41.76 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 539 $108.03 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 54 $3.62 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 540 $1,250.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 541 $86.89 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 542 $93.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 543 $7,551.09 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 544 $44.90 Misty Dansie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 545 $31.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 546 $59.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 547 $20.00 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 548 $607.23 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 549 $18.60 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 55 $95.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 550 $46.15 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 551 $20.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 552 $73.14 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 553 $29.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 554 $408.59 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 555 $104.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 556 $9.55 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 557 $444.13 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 558 $161.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 559 $4.94 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 56 $13.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 560 $33.83 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 561 $27.72 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 562 $11.85 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 563 $136.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 564 $8.47 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 565 $31.90 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 566 $33.55 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 567 $20.92 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 568 $197.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 569 $501.13 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 57 $18.85 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 570 $9.29 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 571 $4.84 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 572 $12.00 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 573 $5.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 574 $11.85 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 575 $31.80 Shayla Webb Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 576 $5.83 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 577 $206.71 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 578 $271.15 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 579 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 58 $13.42 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 580 -($284.56) Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 581 $64.31 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 582 $42.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 583 $113.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 584 $35.18 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 585 $201.08 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 586 $40.26 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 587 $1,462.50 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 588 $153.29 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 589 $10.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 59 $425.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 590 $434.90 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 591 $295.24 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 592 $120.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 593 $4.43 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 594 $1,502.08 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 595 $1,043.65 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 596 $12.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 597 $286.19 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 598 $8.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 599 $220.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 6 $63.68 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 60 $3.15 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 600 $27.54 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 601 $42.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 602 $29.47 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 603 $34.94 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 604 $254.80 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 605 $73.65 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 606 $141.29 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 607 $25.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 608 $0.22 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 609 $169.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 61 $20.94 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 610 $6.99 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 611 $19.99 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 612 $9.54 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 613 $20.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 614 $37.68 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 615 $63.56 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 616 $6.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 617 $9.42 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 618 $8.18 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 619 $142.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 62 $8.83 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 620 $21.51 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 621 $750.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 622 $102.36 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 623 $75.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 624 $23.10 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 625 $12.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 626 $202.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 627 $5.65 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 628 $21.85 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 629 $7.27 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 63 $12.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 630 $1,416.56 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 631 $9.20 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 632 $55.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 633 $18.53 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 634 $13.19 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 635 $122.33 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 636 $198.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 637 $442.32 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 638 $1,850.00 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 639 $22.97 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 64 $33.93 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 640 $155.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 641 $36.38 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 642 $3.18 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 643 $210.94 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 644 $20.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 645 $67.96 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 646 $172.24 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 647 $172.24 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 648 $129.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 649 $45.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 65 $61.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 650 $55.51 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 651 $64.75 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 652 $720.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 653 $7.61 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 654 $33.25 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 655 $28.77 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 656 $7.80 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 657 $4.30 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 658 $20.97 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 659 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 66 $2,142.83 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 660 $0.13 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 661 $5.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 662 $59.01 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 663 $3.07 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 664 $1.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 665 $977.97 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 666 $120.30 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 667 $16.31 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 668 $13.78 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 669 $10.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 67 $39.68 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 670 $15.89 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 671 $122.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 672 $15.00 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 673 $7.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 674 $37.43 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 675 $284.56 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 676 $30.53 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 677 $82.28 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 678 $750.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 679 $66.01 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 68 $279.96 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 680 $108.52 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 681 $269.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 682 $14.15 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 683 $3.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 684 $24.55 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 685 $35.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 686 $50.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 687 $60.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 688 $76.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 689 $22.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 69 ($3.68) English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 690 $30.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 691 $21.19 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 692 $88.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 693 $35.63 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 694 $18.50 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 695 $300.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 696 $7.46 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 697 $230.46 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 698 $7.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 699 $2,225.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 7 $23.83 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 70 $59.52 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 700 $36.20 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 701 $64.59 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 702 $105.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 703 $148.96 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 704 $10.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 705 $384.75 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 706 $1,749.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 707 $77.37 Life Skills Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 708 $96.14 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 709 $11.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 71 $62.61 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 710 $300.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 711 $5.48 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 712 $4.77 Ricks, Elizabeth Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 713 $14.02 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 714 $22.90 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 715 $35.03 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 716 $31.79 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 717 $28.26 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 718 $28.26 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 719 $3,179.64 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 72 $40.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 720 $76.22 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 721 $45.68 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 722 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 723 $1.11 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 724 $46.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 725 $637.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 726 $51.24 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 727 $68.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 728 $133.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 729 $148.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 73 $30.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 730 $609.60 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 731 $171.67 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 732 $69.98 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 733 $16.90 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 734 $159.00 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 735 $42.70 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 736 $62.97 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 737 $55.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 738 $42.07 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 739 $20.28 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 74 $36.84 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 740 $30.83 GT Identification and Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 741 $8.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 742 $65.57 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 743 $120.00 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 744 $30.71 Peterson, Emily Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 745 $1,173.50 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 746 $95.88 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 747 $90.47 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 748 $15.09 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 749 $52.04 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 75 $16.21 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 750 $787.80 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 751 $13.84 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 752 $38.99 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 753 $38.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 754 $79.84 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 755 $46.59 Fullmer, Krystal Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 756 24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 757 33.35 Troy Players EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 758 $27.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 759 $10.75 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 76 $54.99 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 760 $2.70 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 761 $2,618.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 762 $92.70 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 763 $90.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 764 $73.25 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 765 $107.52 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 766 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 767 $275.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 768 $78.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 769 $33.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 77 $13.89 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 770 $16.45 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 771 $50.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 772 $67.99 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 773 $60.39 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 774 $28.49 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 775 ($50.00) Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 776 $73.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 777 $29.71 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 778 $62.50 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Mechanics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 779 $662.50 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 78 $15.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 780 $397.02 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 781 $60.28 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 782 $40.35 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 783 $14.70 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 784 $22.26 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 785 $79.90 Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 786 $20.08 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 787 $67.68 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 788 $101.60 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 789 $520.95 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 79 $187.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 790 $31.79 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 791 $10.82 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 792 $51.46 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 793 $78.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 794 $40.47 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 795 $275.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 796 $12.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 797 $7.93 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 798 $22.50 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 799 $13.48 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 8 $174.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 80 $63.28 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 800 $30.94 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 801 $94.44 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 802 $47.81 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 803 $33.96 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 804 $26.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 805 $7.99 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 806 $19.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 807 ($25.64) Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 808 $40.88 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 809 $20.89 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 81 $82.66 Bailey, Hollie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 810 $21.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 811 $2.78 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 812 $33.00 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 813 $177.96 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 814 $19.37 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 815 $6.59 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 816 $66.48 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 817 $34.68 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 818 $186.12 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 819 $48.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 82 $142.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 820 $487.50 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 821 40.8 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 822 14.29 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 823 128 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 824 14.84 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 825 $279.16 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 826 $22.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 827 $0.12 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 828 $49.26 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 829 $513.88 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 83 $30.05 Counselor Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 830 $33.00 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 831 $9.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 832 $85.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 833 $57.20 Valerie Fowler Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 834 $21.75 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 835 22.22 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 836 $18.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 837 $15.33 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 838 $16.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 839 $350.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 84 ($3,497.94) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 840 $355.62 In Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 841 $19.70 Larsen, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 842 $30.32 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 843 5.3 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 844 23.98 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 845 $34.85 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 846 $32.35 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 847 $18.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 848 $27.52 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 849 $111.42 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 85 $21.96 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 850 $75.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 851 $9.86 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 852 $113.04 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 853 $13.69 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 854 $9.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 855 $58.20 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 856 $133.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 857 $4.31 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 858 $23.13 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 859 $25.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 86 $72.20 Corbridge, Carla Dee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 860 $26.54 In Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 861 $139.36 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 862 $129.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 863 $62.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 864 $863.66 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 865 $26.20 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 866 $40.89 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 867 $1,719.35 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 868 $100.46 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 869 $304.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 87 $31.80 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 870 $33.60 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 871 $19.22 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 872 $62.48 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 873 $34.64 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 874 $454.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 875 $126.13 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 876 $32.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 877 $19.03 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 878 $76.42 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 879 $94.82 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 88 $206.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 880 $43.82 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 881 $974.85 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 882 $56.15 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 883 $153.00 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 884 $17.16 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 885 $156.78 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 886 $70.26 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 887 $120.81 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 888 $16.61 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 889 $1.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 89 $60.87 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 890 $230.45 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 891 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 892 $304.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 893 $37.09 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 894 $60.64 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 895 $22.06 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 896 $69.11 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 897 $2.48 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 898 $8.72 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 899 $19.59 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 9 $621.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 90 $8,659.04 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 900 $76.32 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 901 $159.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 902 $86.63 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 903 $11.19 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 904 $11.97 Close, Robert Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 905 $2.97 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 906 $25.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 907 $277.56 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 908 $70.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 909 $47.97 In Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 91 $83.83 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 910 $17.47 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 911 $3.00 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 912 $241.29 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 913 $165.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 914 $331.01 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 915 $1,319.50 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 916 $12.86 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 917 $26.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 918 $171.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 919 $36.68 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 92 $7.29 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 920 $1,480.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 921 $3.00 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 922 $24.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 923 $80.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 924 $24.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 925 $16.46 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 926 $118.60 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 927 $29.75 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 928 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 929 $71.03 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 93 $63.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 930 $129.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 931 $14.47 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 932 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 933 $12.69 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 934 $180.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 935 $124.00 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 936 112.4 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 937 17.2 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 938 34.89 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 939 $30.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 94 $7.74 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 940 $11.71 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 941 $6.82 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 942 $13.32 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 943 $118.07 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 944 $5.00 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 945 $230.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 946 $13.85 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 947 $170.64 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 948 $255.96 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 949 $146.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 95 $51.00 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 950 $28.30 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 951 $6.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 952 $41.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 953 $7.40 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 954 $25.50 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 955 $139.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 956 $55.33 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 957 $313.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 958 $229.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 959 $275.11 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 96 $27.48 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 960 $10.37 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 961 $8.01 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 962 $180.00 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 963 $94.12 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 964 $176.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 965 $103.68 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 966 $13.59 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 967 $15.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 968 $85.14 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 969 $103.68 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 97 $3,299.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 970 $33.03 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 971 $79.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 972 $14.57 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 973 $8.46 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 974 $20.94 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 975 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 976 $31.89 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 977 $127.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 978 $104.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 979 $445.00 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 98 $16.37 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 980 $47.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 981 $6.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 982 $10.00 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 983 $13.57 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 984 $6.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 985 $41.23 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 986 $20.05 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 987 $146.34 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 988 $18.11 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 989 $599.80 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 99 $6.24 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 990 $8.36 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 991 $144.31 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 992 $6.34 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 993 $265.41 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 994 $70.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 995 $40.05 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 996 $79.50 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 997 $103.02 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 998 $180.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
10/31/2019 999 $28.09 Davis, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 11/12/2019
LawConf PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89924 11/12/2019
LawConf PD -($15.00) Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 89924 11/12/2019
LawConf PD $15.00 Travel Expenses Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 89925 11/12/2019
MedExpReimb11.11.19 $77.37 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 89923 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $16.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $46.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 5.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $46.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $124.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $14.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $12.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $21.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $198.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $2,142.20 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $25.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $60.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $0.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $163.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $205.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $120.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-19 $77.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $59.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $91.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $53.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $34.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $27.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $24.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $53.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $63.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $78.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $63.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $53.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $118.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $91.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $51.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $51.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $162.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $144.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $78.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $51.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $90.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $77.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
10-31-2019 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486256 11/12/2019
11-1-19 $2,462.25 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1486258 11/12/2019
191111-0023 $110.60 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1486255 11/12/2019
235470 $295.22 Supplies & Materials Malmark Bell Craftsmen Plumsteadville PA 1486257 11/12/2019
36112205 $38.16 Supplies & Materials Sheet Music Plus Winona MN 1486260 11/12/2019
51930 $1,331.10 Supplies & Materials SALT LAKE EXPRESS REXBURG ID 1486259 11/12/2019
Girls Bball Official $84.00 Purchased Services Hyrum Bonnell ??????? ?? 57166096 11/12/2019
Girls Bball Official $84.00 Purchased Services Jacob Dawson Idaho Falls ID 57166097 11/12/2019
Nov 19 Payroll $209.02 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166100 11/12/2019
Nov 19 Payroll $136.95 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166100 11/12/2019
Nov 19 Payroll $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166100 11/12/2019
Nov 19 Payroll $144.15 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166100 11/12/2019
Nov 19 Payroll $360.39 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166100 11/12/2019
Nov 19 Payroll $1,922.08 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166100 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $22.30 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $0.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $0.51 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $0.55 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $48.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $55.84 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $1.30 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $1.02 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $249.43 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $12.82 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $6.79 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $57.74 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $112.42 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $1.98 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $0.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $73.11 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $6.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $0.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $4.25 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $2.72 SUPPLIES & MATERIALS Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $66.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $29.90 Shakespeare Team Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Oct 19 Sales Tax $14.43 Guitar-Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166098 11/12/2019
Reimb Social St 8th $37.84 Supplies & Materials Kayla Call Idaho Falls ID 57166099 11/12/2019
Reimb Supplies $20.77 Supplies & Materials Hailey Howard Rexburg ID 57166095 11/12/2019
Reimb Supplies $100.00 Supplies & Materials Hailey Howard Rexburg ID 57166095 11/12/2019
Reimb. Volleyball $8.00 Supplies & Materials Timalee Geisler Rigby ID 57166101 11/12/2019
164449 $3,411.38 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89927 11/13/2019
2019 Bond Contribut $1,998,269.14 Debt Service Refunded Debt Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 11/13/2019
MedExpReimb 11.13.19 $220.87 Buy-Down Insurance Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 89930 11/13/2019
MedExpReimb 11.13.19 $119.63 Buy-Down Insurance Raber, Shane Rigby ID 89931 11/13/2019
MedExpReimb11.12.19 $25.09 Buy-Down Insurance Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 89928 11/13/2019
MedExpReimb11.12.19 $1,861.85 Buy-Down Insurance Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 89929 11/13/2019
Oct2019MileageReimb $28.35 In District Mileage Reimbursement Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 89926 11/13/2019
167981 $5,459.15 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89932 11/14/2019
StateFB PD $302.00 Supt/Asst Supt Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89933 11/14/2019
11-13-19 $59.27 Supplies & Materials Ricks, Lori Rigby ID 1486265 11/14/2019
11-13-19 $514.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486266 11/14/2019
11-14-19 $175.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1486263 11/14/2019
11-14-19 $51.00 Supplies & Materials PARKES, BARRY Idaho Falls ID 1486264 11/14/2019
25099 $1,818.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486262 11/14/2019
26336 $1,995.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486262 11/14/2019
2897 $500.00 Supplies & Materials Sources of Strength, Inc Lakewood CO 1486267 11/14/2019
S203409 $75.00 Supplies & Materials Business Professionals of Am. National  Westerville OH 1486261 11/14/2019
Fundraiser RMS Cheer $40.00 Supplies & Materials Jamba Juice Rexburg ID 57166104 11/14/2019
Official Girls Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Cameron Capps Rexburg ID 57166102 11/14/2019
Official Girls Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Michael Olson Rexburg ID 57166107 11/14/2019
Refund Wrestling $125.00 Purchased Services Devaree Dallenmore Rigby ID 57166103 11/14/2019
Refund Wrestling $50.00 Purchased Services Krishele Duffin Rigby ID 57166105 11/14/2019
Wrestling Official $47.00 Purchased Services Mat Clark Ashton ID 57166106 11/14/2019
Wrestling Official $33.00 Purchased Services Sam Dalton Rexburg ID 57166108 11/14/2019
25847955 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89934 11/15/2019
25862460 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89934 11/15/2019
25862461 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89934 11/15/2019
25862462 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89934 11/15/2019
November 2019 1 $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 11/15/2019
V191472 $22.14 Supplies & Materials Diane Jacobson Menan ID 1915 11/15/2019
V784862 $31.96 Supplies & Materials Kari Scott Rigby ID 1913 11/15/2019
V994407 $47.09 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 1914 11/15/2019
168972 $2,861.45 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89942 11/18/2019
168973 $2,073.20 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89942 11/18/2019
168977 $1,676.55 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89942 11/18/2019
168990 $925.46 RHS Parking Lot Expansion Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89942 11/18/2019
169384 $2,607.40 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89942 11/18/2019
169385 $641.20 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89942 11/18/2019
169387 $1,398.25 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89942 11/18/2019
169397 $227.90 RHS Parking Lot Expansion Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 89942 11/18/2019
25882500 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89937 11/18/2019
25895103 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89939 11/18/2019
MedExpReimb11.15.19 $1,454.54 Buy-Down Insurance Giles, Hannah Idaho Falls ID 89935 11/18/2019
MedExpReimb11.18.19 $55.32 Buy-Down Insurance Thompson, Lyle RIGBY ID 89941 11/18/2019
PD Reimb $11.13 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Oliverson, Spencer Rigby ID 89938 11/18/2019
StateFB PD11.22 102 Supt/Asst Supt Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89940 11/18/2019
SupplyReimb 11.18.19 $193.14 Office & Training Supplies Sarah Dean Rigby ID 89936 11/18/2019
11-18-19 $600.00 Supplies & Materials IMEA All-State Groups-2020 Twin Falls ID 1486268 11/18/2019
0460849 $35.00 Purchased Services Western Records Destruction, Inc. Boise  I 57166115 11/18/2019
252259 $599.25 Supplies & Materials Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 57166116 11/18/2019
M6756713 $2,768.95 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Jefferson City MO 57166113 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $1,373.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $102.09 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $211.78 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $120.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $88.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $304.09 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $21.39 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $2,842.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $14.99 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $62.44 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $448.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $10.59 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $164.94 Flex Fund Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $6,095.72 Shakespeare Team Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Oct 19 Visa Payment $10.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166109 11/18/2019
Reimb Math 6 $20.88 Supplies & Materials Ryan Erickson Sugar City ID 57166111 11/18/2019
Supplies Life Skills $48.75 Supplies & Materials Jennifer Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166110 11/18/2019
Wrestling Tourn Fee $204.00 Purchased Services West Minico Middle School Paul ID 57166114 11/18/2019
Yoga Instruction $276.00 Purchases Services Sayla Maughan Rigby ID 57166112 11/18/2019
2018-101906 $1,000.00 Licenses Securly Inc Pasadena CA 89944 11/19/2019
FamReadNightReimb2 $31.31 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 89943 11/19/2019
IdSupNetworkMeetPD $66.00 Supt/Asst Supt Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89945 11/19/2019
MedExpReimb11.19.19 $320.00 Buy-Down Insurance Arneson, Angela Marie Rigby ID 89946 11/19/2019
MedExpReimb11.19.19 11.39 Buy-Down Insurance Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 89947 11/19/2019
MedExpReimb11.19.19 $339.47 Buy-Down Insurance Jensen, Eric Lewisville ID 89948 11/19/2019
MedExpReimb11.19.19 $2,047.71 Buy-Down Insurance Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 89949 11/19/2019
MedExpReimb11.19.19 $178.01 Buy-Down Insurance Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 89950 11/19/2019
MedExpReimb11.19.19 $1,517.36 Buy-Down Insurance Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 89951 11/19/2019
V774009 $4.53 General Purchased Services Jefferson JSD #251 Transportation Rigby ID 2182 11/19/2019
10-15-19-001 $155.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-18-19-001 $532.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-25-19-001 $104.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $364.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $177.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $161.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $147.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $350.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $548.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $536.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $771.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $41.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $210.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $271.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $302.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $170.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $136.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $327.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $151.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $136.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $324.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $161.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $502.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 134.5 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $84.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-31-19 $128.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486271 11/19/2019
10-4-19-19-001 $463.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486282 11/19/2019
1019-RHS-S $1,273.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls Parks & Recreation Idaho Falls  ID 1486281 11/19/2019
11-08-2019 $268.49 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486288 11/19/2019
11-15-19 $107.92 Supplies & Materials Higgins, Kelly Idaho Falls ID 1486270 11/19/2019
11-15-19 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 1486273 11/19/2019
11-18-19 $66.30 Supplies & Materials Arnold, Jesse Ammon ID 1486278 11/19/2019
11-18-19 $62.50 Supplies & Materials Arnold, Jesse Ammon ID 1486278 11/19/2019
11-18-19 60.64 Supplies & Materials Kennedy, Angelica Rigby ID 1486283 11/19/2019
11-18-19 18.55 Supplies & Materials Morgan, Cortney Rigby ID 1486284 11/19/2019
11-18-19 $15.00 Supplies & Materials Sheppard, Evan Rigby ID 1486274 11/19/2019
11-18-19 $478.00 Supplies & Materials Talbot, Tori Rigby ID 1486287 11/19/2019
11-19-19 $127.00 Supplies & Materials Abshire, Phil Ammon ID 1486277 11/19/2019
11-19-19 $163.00 Supplies & Materials Flint, Hallie Rigby ID 1486279 11/19/2019
11-19-19 $176.25 Supplies & Materials Flint, Remington Rigby ID 1486280 11/19/2019
11-19-19 $127.00 Supplies & Materials PARKES, BARRY Idaho Falls ID 1486286 11/19/2019
11-19-19 $5,683.51 Supplies & Materials West Ada School District Meridian ID 1486289 11/19/2019
11-8-19 $67.93 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486275 11/19/2019
1119-RHS-O $1,314.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls Parks & Recreation Idaho Falls  ID 1486281 11/19/2019
1119-RHS-TS $205.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls Parks & Recreation Idaho Falls  ID 1486281 11/19/2019
1250 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Clark, Jerry F. Idaho Falls ID 1486291 11/19/2019
142062 $175.00 Supplies & Materials PHASE 4 STEREO IDAHO FALLS ID 1486272 11/19/2019
1910-092010, 092923 $373.92 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE LUMBER, LLC RIGBY ID 1486290 11/19/2019
2034 $200.00 Supplies & Materials NORTH UPPER SNAKE RIVER DISTRICT FFA Rexburg ID 1486285 11/19/2019
31541 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486269 11/19/2019
32097 $30.50 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486269 11/19/2019
32252 $135.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486269 11/19/2019
32337 $12.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486269 11/19/2019
32338 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486269 11/19/2019
32443 $202.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486269 11/19/2019
32576 $161.50 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486269 11/19/2019
85766 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Western Recycling-Curbside Idaho Falls ID 1486276 11/19/2019
Girls Basketball Ref $84.00 Purchased Services Dick Stowers Idaho Falls ID 57166118 11/19/2019
Girls Bball Official $84.00 Purchased Services Jared Dalebout Idaho Falls ID 57166120 11/19/2019
Official Girls Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Nicholas Pead Rexburg ID 57166121 11/19/2019
Official Girls Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Tyrone Horne Idaho Falls ID 57166122 11/19/2019
R3 Play Shirts $544.10 Supplies & Materials Hansen Productions LLC Idaho Falls ID 57166119 11/19/2019
Refund Custodial Fee $50.00 Purchased Services Club IMUA Rigby ID 57166117 11/19/2019
JacksonHSVisitPD $26.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Arnold, Ashlee Rigby ID 89952 11/20/2019
JacksonHSVisitPD $26.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Barrus, Cathy Rigby ID 89953 11/20/2019
JacksonHSVisitPD $26.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 89954 11/20/2019
JacksonHSVisitPD $26.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 89955 11/20/2019
JacksonHSVisitPD $26.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Nordstrom, Nichole Rigby ID 89956 11/20/2019
JacksonHSVisitPD $26.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Perry, Mike Rigby ID 89957 11/20/2019
JacksonHSVisitPD $26.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 89958 11/20/2019
JacksonHSVisitPD $26.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 89959 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $770.16 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $149.89 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $721.26 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $389.04 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $880.68 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $871.09 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $1,464.46 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $1,004.02 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $378.27 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $5,204.19 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $9.50 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
Oct 2019 $365.03 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 11/20/2019
V108538 $267,141.94 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89975 11/20/2019
V123987 $464.00 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V146358 $22.84 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V147651 $6.34 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V171305 $9.53 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V228756 $4.78 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V241902 $1.48 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V289641 $26,219.82 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V330705 2790.6 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89975 11/20/2019
V353893 $7.63 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V369198 $449.43 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V395164 $1.12 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V402182 $78.49 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V42991 $11.86 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V458355 $9,144.34 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V463813 $4,776.00 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V466161 $2,153.14 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V581386 $2.22 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V630823 $37.12 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V670877 $22.90 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V679908 -($43.10) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V707941 $3,007.23 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89975 11/20/2019
V717321 $40.76 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V719538 $351.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 11/20/2019
V721268 $11,256.32 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 89975 11/20/2019
V735405 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 11/20/2019
V770355 $112,112.07 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V809346 $2.77 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V82541 $3,568.90 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 11/20/2019
V833546 -($10.08) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V844260 $7.82 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 11/20/2019
V875421 $226,908.06 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V886379 $1.19 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V928348 $158.74 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 11/20/2019
V948560 $22,035.29 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V981243 $12.22 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 11/20/2019
V10341 $28.11 Supplies & Materials Candace Taylor Roberts ID 1573 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$690.11 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Anthony D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,429.13 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,023.04 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,453.21 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$871.26 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Alverson, Elise   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,419.27 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$981.00 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,213.68 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$988.16 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$733.73 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,442.91 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$985.30 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$125.07 GROSS PAYROLL Argyle, Talia Guymon  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$681.16 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,340.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$78.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Carlie J  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,236.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$891.26 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$219.93 GROSS PAYROLL Baguley, Gayla   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$553.64 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,144.65 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,288.49 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,375.03 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,627.38 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,257.73 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,761.97 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,388.74 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,811.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,299.40 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,342.02 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,972.51 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,287.71 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,453.36 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,868.92 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$636.45 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$445.58 GROSS PAYROLL Beazer, Ruth Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,188.01 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,924.40 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$886.16 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,613.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,210.91 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$966.38 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$807.78 GROSS PAYROLL Bingham, John Maurice  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$802.61 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,766.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$137.70 GROSS PAYROLL Blanchard, Sharon A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,223.52 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,814.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,877.23 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,045.05 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,877.23 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$207.63 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Theresa L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,423.75 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$611.45 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$829.14 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,014.52 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$758.74 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,083.26 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,071.38 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$369.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$583.34 GROSS PAYROLL Brooks, Payton Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$329.85 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,193.57 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,430.67 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$158.47 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky H  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$869.98 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$849.82 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$488.09 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$598.59 GROSS PAYROLL Butikofer, Kristen Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$396.66 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Lynae Daniel  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$740.67 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$366.67 GROSS PAYROLL Buttars, Jayda Caprice  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$800.43 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$319.82 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$381.84 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,544.05 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,482.69 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,131.57 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$939.65 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Chayce Greg  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,152.38 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,430.92 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$844.24 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$634.97 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$888.05 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$994.88 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$721.03 GROSS PAYROLL Carrillo, Maria SanJuana  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,087.88 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,609.20 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$951.16 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,165.30 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,949.77 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$916.65 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,540.16 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,320.64 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,229.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,822.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 11/20/2019
$140.83 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Kylie R  Rupert ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,769.76 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,697.50 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,255.21 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$736.96 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,422.22 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,168.90 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,452.27 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$683.89 GROSS PAYROLL Clipp, Krysta Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$807.18 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$584.02 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,867.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,289.46 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,960.77 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,265.29 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,873.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,293.90 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,452.21 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$809.98 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,994.04 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$997.19 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Colleen Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,187.75 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,835.71 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,390.46 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,296.22 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Cysewski, Joshua Christopher  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,422.58 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$618.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Mary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL DaRonch, Michael Richard  Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,453.56 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,683.18 GROSS PAYROLL Dayley, Marissa Lynn  Washougal WA 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$81.47 GROSS PAYROLL Dickhaut, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$440.22 GROSS PAYROLL Dillon, Tiffany Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,100.93 GROSS PAYROLL Disney, Morgan Jeanne  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,881.87 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$733.86 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,257.73 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$733.34 GROSS PAYROLL Dupree, John   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,171.69 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,006.22 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$120.00 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Nathan Gordon  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$936.91 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Elaine R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$723.93 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$466.66 GROSS PAYROLL Ellsworth, Shelby   Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$948.07 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,303.13 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,465.25 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 11/20/2019
$901.13 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$460.38 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Nathan E  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,022.49 GROSS PAYROLL Fellman, Karen Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,690.65 GROSS PAYROLL Ferguson, Kelly Ray  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,347.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$801.36 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$733.73 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Amanda Marjean  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,340.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$761.89 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,119.23 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,095.46 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,375.12 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$77.36 GROSS PAYROLL Freeman, Heidi Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL French, Emily Susan  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,553.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,415.40 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,329.72 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,491.24 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$853.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette   Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,710.56 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$269.74 GROSS PAYROLL Gahn, Amy Lynn  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$673.86 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,055.38 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,034.28 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.34 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$913.59 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$441.19 GROSS PAYROLL Golder, Barbara Boyd  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$946.79 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzales, Hesper Sickinger  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$802.47 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,630.13 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,298.49 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,748.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Ashlie   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$774.59 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,424.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,512.33 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$774.24 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,347.81 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 11/20/2019
$4,007.73 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,065.45 GROSS PAYROLL Grossman, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,233.28 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lora Lee  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,448.61 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$686.44 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Jason Michael  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$714.12 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile H  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,084.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$74.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Tammie B  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,016.54 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$8,510.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hallbert, Heather Bray  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$754.44 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Lacey Madison  Saint Anthony ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,664.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,066.47 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$123.70 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Michelle R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$949.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,133.45 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$176.63 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$936.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,724.99 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,850.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,882.73 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,896.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,468.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,496.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,174.40 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$176.89 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$943.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,011.32 GROSS PAYROLL Hathcock, Holly Carol  Mesa AZ 0 11/20/2019
$433.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hawke, Keiver J.  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,034.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Scarlett   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$733.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$993.25 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$10.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Cassie Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$716.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Garen Joseph  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,557.21 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 11/20/2019
$3,641.67 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 11/20/2019
$3,877.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,075.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$600.03 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,466.24 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,909.71 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,555.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$803.72 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$985.70 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$504.49 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,893.83 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$77.01 GROSS PAYROLL Huey, Barbara Yearke  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,719.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$711.45 GROSS PAYROLL Isaksen, Aubrey Lee  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$593.71 GROSS PAYROLL Isom, Brittany Marissa  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jackman, Hailee Jo  Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,012.59 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$880.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,133.29 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,234.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 11/20/2019
$768.75 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,560.61 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$897.73 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,515.52 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,154.01 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,335.53 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$823.41 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,111.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,902.02 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,244.17 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,645.06 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$201.46 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$891.68 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,452.04 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,979.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,091.56 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,044.59 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,729.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$114.29 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$34.50 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Todd D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,528.74 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Vickie   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,363.79 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$671.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,493.88 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,706.59 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$937.21 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$646.20 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, Anna Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,805.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,536.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,065.21 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Hayley Drew  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,040.75 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$634.27 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$672.07 GROSS PAYROLL King, Michelle Lynne  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,272.35 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,078.19 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,211.48 GROSS PAYROLL Kreimann, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kruckeberg, Aleisha Tori  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$742.15 GROSS PAYROLL Lam, Wai   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lamb, Alexis Zoe  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$46.62 GROSS PAYROLL Lambert, Heidi Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,254.93 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,327.37 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Blake Dale  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,772.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$80.71 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$952.12 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,053.07 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,890.53 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,646.04 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$871.35 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Lacee Ann  Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,016.21 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$373.97 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,355.88 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Renae B  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,176.38 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$800.30 GROSS PAYROLL Loertscher, Janet Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$8,614.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,450.76 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,580.85 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$882.56 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,111.11 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,646.37 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,125.15 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,122.93 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,098.30 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$376.80 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,320.60 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$750.00 GROSS PAYROLL McCarty, Preston Earl  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$946.25 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,658.67 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,229.96 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$995.53 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL McNeil, Kenlee   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,040.36 GROSS PAYROLL Melgaard, Janette   Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,779.26 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,785.42 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,245.29 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$656.60 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$863.59 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$930.31 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$658.93 GROSS PAYROLL Monson, Tiffany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$445.97 GROSS PAYROLL Montgomery, Kazley Shalese  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$522.24 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,966.41 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,967.17 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$961.22 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,095.72 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$749.47 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,009.52 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$623.90 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Kristy Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,673.01 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,266.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mower, Bart J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,423.67 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$34.53 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$868.56 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Stephanie M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,134.11 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,271.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Juan   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,465.37 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$761.55 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$802.42 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,210.56 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$15.24 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey   Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,248.90 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,887.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,406.53 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Noa, Jeffrey Kaina  N. Las Vegas NV 0 11/20/2019
$6,013.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,299.40 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$230.36 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Joshua Robert  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$458.37 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Jason W  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,245.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,353.97 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$694.19 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,830.48 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,125.53 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,335.48 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,526.89 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$775.96 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$138.79 GROSS PAYROLL Ortega, Humberto Aron  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,385.69 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$589.69 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,882.73 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,989.16 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,302.90 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,766.42 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$196.08 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,963.58 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$85.12 GROSS PAYROLL Pereyra, Angela Robbins  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,738.31 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$823.91 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,749.56 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,552.90 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$483.65 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Lynn Max  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,751.22 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,893.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$800.00 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$745.75 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Brooklyn Dakota  Avondale AZ 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,642.68 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,373.84 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$730.48 GROSS PAYROLL Quinn, Karin   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$14.00 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Calyse   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,183.93 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,293.90 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 11/20/2019
$806.32 GROSS PAYROLL Ragland, Wendy Worlton  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,259.94 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,154.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$353.64 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,168.90 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,547.66 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$997.90 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,925.57 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$216.51 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,061.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,710.71 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$895.38 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,411.88 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,652.40 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$933.29 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,035.18 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,660.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,213.91 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,819.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,266.37 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$816.41 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,813.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,443.68 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$151.04 GROSS PAYROLL Ross, Gunnar Quinn  Green Bay WI 0 11/20/2019
$2,531.18 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$642.01 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Cody Grant  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,300.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$822.87 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Hilary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,204.26 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$176.40 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,165.17 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$917.72 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Sophia Christine  Las Vegas NV 0 11/20/2019
$3,761.25 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,023.32 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Bonnie   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$918.54 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$649.32 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,171.19 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,065.92 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$836.58 GROSS PAYROLL Selensky, Jeri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$43.41 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew S  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,212.62 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$796.50 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Kayla Lee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,479.16 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,293.73 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,864.64 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,173.49 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$351.44 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$9,377.59 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$572.84 GROSS PAYROLL Short, Dacia Jo-D  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$758.40 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$946.52 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$894.31 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 0 11/20/2019
$915.07 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$357.14 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jethro Jacob  Chubbuck ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,343.59 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$909.03 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,065.90 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$950.51 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,193.60 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$80.86 GROSS PAYROLL Spear, Amanda Mangum  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,157.47 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,168.90 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,447.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,225.23 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,320.59 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$982.57 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,427.10 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 11/20/2019
$3,765.66 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,121.92 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$718.28 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$463.14 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$443.13 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, KayCee Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$933.34 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Brook Dee  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$531.46 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Tori   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,314.95 GROSS PAYROLL Tamayo, Rosa Alba  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,931.92 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$279.68 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$388.09 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,055.32 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$732.46 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Matthew Paul  Rexburg, ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,002.23 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,323.95 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,627.93 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,408.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 11/20/2019
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$527.59 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$851.44 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$6,250.01 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,302.90 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,439.90 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$167.62 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Torrey J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,595.73 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Torgesen, Corinne   Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,198.99 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$833.15 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$820.57 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,942.02 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$636.77 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,012.13 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$860.47 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$615.38 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, JoHanna Marie  Lewisville ID 0 11/20/2019
$774.48 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,292.55 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,606.69 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,456.78 GROSS PAYROLL Vega, Cindy   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,227.02 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$550.69 GROSS PAYROLL Virgin, Crystal   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,408.82 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$223.88 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,341.87 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,055.32 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$836.83 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,484.07 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$408.68 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Mark James  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$553.72 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$779.52 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,338.36 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,217.63 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$921.54 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$288.92 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$893.18 GROSS PAYROLL Willford, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,379.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,154.35 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$994.42 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$31.17 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Diane Lynn  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,881.43 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,176.18 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 11/20/2019
$366.66 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Mark Andrew  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$334.35 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Emily Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$591.49 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,134.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$886.02 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$895.34 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 11/20/2019
$4,811.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 11/20/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 11/20/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 11/20/2019
$2,880.46 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 11/20/2019
$317.31 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 61098 11/20/2019
$1,083.34 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Ashlee Jo  Rigby ID 61099 11/20/2019
$705.71 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Shayla Dawn  Rigby ID 61100 11/20/2019
$423.47 GROSS PAYROLL Dayley, Ethan Daniel  Washougal WA 61101 11/20/2019
$180.78 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 61102 11/20/2019
$60.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annalise M  Menan ID 61103 11/20/2019
$96.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Siena Maree  Rigby ID 61104 11/20/2019
$271.24 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Marcie McBride  Rigby ID 61105 11/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 61106 11/20/2019
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Andrea   Rigby ID 61107 11/20/2019
$366.66 GROSS PAYROLL Martinez, Victor   Rigby ID 61108 11/20/2019
$237.96 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristy Anne  St. Anthony ID 61110 11/20/2019
$386.79 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica   Rigby ID 61111 11/20/2019
$733.33 GROSS PAYROLL Treasure, Hailey   Rigby ID 61112 11/20/2019
$292.50 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 61113 11/20/2019
$125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Rayana Janet  Rigby ID 61114 11/20/2019
$727.62 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 61115 11/20/2019
$512.78 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton R  Rexburg ID 61116 11/20/2019
$911.18 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 61117 11/20/2019
$863.48 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 61119 11/20/2019
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Alyssa Michele  Rexburg ID 61120 11/20/2019
$166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 61121 11/20/2019
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Bradley, Chelsea   Bozeman MT 61122 11/20/2019
$842.40 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 61123 11/20/2019
$817.32 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 61124 11/20/2019
$466.66 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Daisy May  Ammon ID 61125 11/20/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Emily Mae  Rigby ID 61126 11/20/2019
$168.40 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 61127 11/20/2019
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Gregory S  Idaho Falls ID 61128 11/20/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Whitney Nakelle  Rigby ID 61129 11/20/2019
$861.23 GROSS PAYROLL Sager, Shirley M  Menan ID 61130 11/20/2019
$654.68 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 61131 11/20/2019
$116.55 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 61132 11/20/2019
$52.12 GROSS PAYROLL Hickman, Amanda K  Rigby ID 61133 11/20/2019
$385.71 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Ronald J  Menan ID 61134 11/20/2019
$123.55 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Anna M  Rigby ID 61135 11/20/2019
$589.19 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee V  Rigby ID 61136 11/20/2019
$254.13 GROSS PAYROLL Wahnschaffe, Sterling Drake  Rigby ID 61137 11/20/2019
$505.35 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 61139 11/20/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 61140 11/20/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 61141 11/20/2019
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 61142 11/20/2019
$1,301.01 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 61143 11/20/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 61144 11/20/2019
$592.45 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 61145 11/20/2019
$5,299.40 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 61146 11/20/2019
$1,001.34 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 61147 11/20/2019
$979.44 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 61148 11/20/2019
$2,355.24 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 61149 11/20/2019
$2,780.60 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Cameron Chase  Rexburg ID 61150 11/20/2019
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61151 11/20/2019
$3,716.06 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 61152 11/20/2019
$1,327.21 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 61153 11/20/2019
$2,340.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 61154 11/20/2019
$750.62 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61155 11/20/2019
$2,818.89 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 61156 11/20/2019
$2,668.84 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61157 11/20/2019
$1,568.91 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 61158 11/20/2019
$1,675.18 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61159 11/20/2019
$1,784.91 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61160 11/20/2019
$720.21 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 61161 11/20/2019
$1,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Emily Mae  Rigby ID 61162 11/20/2019
$77.04 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Sydney Felice  Rexburg ID 61163 11/20/2019
$900.00 GROSS PAYROLL Han, Xuebing   Rigby ID 61164 11/20/2019
MedExpReimb 11.21.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Allen, Valerie Rigby ID 89961 11/21/2019
MedExpReimb 11.21.19 $115.69 Buy-Down Insurance Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 89962 11/21/2019
MedExpReimb 11.21.19 $161.81 Buy-Down Insurance Comstock, Gary Idaho Falls ID 89963 11/21/2019
MedExpReimb 11.21.19 $40.33 Buy-Down Insurance Raber, Shane Rigby ID 89964 11/21/2019
MedExpReimb 11.21.19 $2,290.88 Buy-Down Insurance Ricks, Elizabeth Rexburg ID 89965 11/21/2019
Reg Fee RMS Choir 1350 Bill To Choir All-State IMEA Twin Falls ID 89960 11/21/2019
34307086 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 89966 11/22/2019
6708870 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 89967 11/22/2019
MedExpReimb11.22.19 $1,862.38 Buy-Down Insurance Pillow, Sarah Maria Rigby ID 89968 11/22/2019
V227642 $39.12 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 1916 11/22/2019
V288444 $135.76 Supplies & Materials Sue Torres Menan ID 1917 11/22/2019
MedExpReimb11.25.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Abrams, Jackie Lyn Rigby ID 89973 11/25/2019
MileageReimb Nov2019 $107.25 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 89969 11/25/2019
MileageReimb Oct-Nov $33.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 89970 11/25/2019
MileageReimb Oct-Nov $80.70 In District Mileage Reimbursement Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 89971 11/25/2019
Nov2019MileageReimb $40.38 In District Mileage Reimbursement Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 89972 11/25/2019
Fuel Reimb $11.06 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Oram, Steve Rigby ID 89974 11/26/2019
Nov2019MileageReimb $14.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89978 11/26/2019
NovMileageReimb ($40.38) In District Mileage Reimbursement Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89976 11/26/2019
NovMileageReimb $40.38 In District Mileage Reimbursement Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89976 11/26/2019
OctMileageReimb2019 82.2 In District Mileage Reimbursement Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89977 11/26/2019
28 $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 11/29/2019
V473791 $14.00 Purchased Services Culligan Idaho Falls ID 1956 11/30/2019
V975107 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Cody Arave Rigby ID 1957 11/30/2019
25962028 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89988 12/3/2019
25962028 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89988 12/3/2019
25966577 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 89988 12/3/2019
Aug-Nov14 Mileage $69.00 Title II Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 89980 12/3/2019
MedExpReimb12.3.19 $80.66 Buy-Down Insurance Norman, Wendy Ann Rigby ID 89982 12/3/2019
MedExpReimb12.3.19 $31.61 Buy-Down Insurance Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 89983 12/3/2019
MedExpReimb12.3.19 $302.10 Buy-Down Insurance Raber, Shane Rigby ID 89984 12/3/2019
MedExpReimb12.3.19 $714.53 Buy-Down Insurance Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 89985 12/3/2019
MedExpReimb12.3.19 $16.21 Buy-Down Insurance Thompson, Lyle RIGBY ID 89986 12/3/2019
MedExpReimb12.3.19 $1,434.24 Buy-Down Insurance Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89987 12/3/2019
Oct23-Dec 2 Mileage 168.65 Travel Expenses Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 89979 12/3/2019
Sept-Nov11 Mileage $208.07 LEP Travel Zollinger, Todd Idaho Falls ID 89981 12/3/2019
0002104 $114.00 Supplies & Materials TETON HIGH SCHOOL DRIGGS ID 1486295 12/3/2019
10-25-19-003 $70.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486292 12/3/2019
11-8-19 $67.88 Breaking Down The Walls Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486293 12/3/2019
11-8-19 $23.86 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486293 12/3/2019
11-8-19 $3,052.07 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486293 12/3/2019
12-2-19 $341.00 Supplies & Materials Talbot, Tori Rigby ID 1486294 12/3/2019
V236095 $11.93 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1574 12/3/2019
V782493 $190.18 Contributions and Donations Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1575 12/3/2019
BlueJeanConfPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 89990 12/4/2019
BlueJeanConfPD -($102.00) IDEA Professional Development Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 89990 12/4/2019
BlueJeanConfPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 89992 12/4/2019
BlueJeanConfPD -($102.00) IDEA Professional Development Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 89992 12/4/2019
BlueJeanConfPD $102.00 IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89993 12/4/2019
BlueJeanConfPD -($102.00) IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 89993 12/4/2019
Nov19 MileageReimb $44.20 In District Mileage Reimbursement Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 89989 12/4/2019
SuperintendentSummPD $76.00 Supt/Asst Supt Martin, Chad Rigby ID 89991 12/4/2019
Contribution $250.00 Purchases Services South Fork Elementary Rigby ID 57166128 12/4/2019
Girls Bball Offical $84.00 Purchased Services Michael Olson Rexburg ID 57166127 12/4/2019
Hypnotist Fee $1,500.00 Purchases Services Green Light Booking Pleasant Grove UT 57166124 12/4/2019
Jerky  $187.20 Supplies & Materials Western's Smokehouse, LLC Greentop MO 57166130 12/4/2019
Life Skills Supplies $27.92 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jennifer Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166125 12/4/2019
Official Girls Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Devan Berry Rexburg ID 57166123 12/4/2019
RMS Girls Bball $657.00 Supplies & Materials Tenille Byington Rigby ID 57166129 12/4/2019
Shirts for Staff $374.50 Supplies & Materials Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 57166131 12/4/2019
Supplies for Cooking $16.44 Supplies & Materials Lingpei Zou Rexburg ID 57166126 12/4/2019
V741787 $1,146.60 Fees & Charges Teton House Menan ID 3837 12/5/2019
V527058 $1,098.15 General Purchased Services BYU-I Catering Rexburg ID 2183 12/5/2019
102006 $304.30 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486302 12/5/2019
12-4-19 $455.00 Supplies & Materials Columbia High School-Nampa Nampa ID 1486296 12/5/2019
12-4-19 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Corgatelli, Alyson Rigby ID 1486297 12/5/2019
12-5-19 $150.00 Supplies & Materials All-State IMEA Twin Falls ID 1486298 12/5/2019
4750-H $537.70 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486300 12/5/2019
5121 $321.16 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486300 12/5/2019
5122 $406.16 Supplies & Materials B'S PORTABLE TOILETS REXBURG ID 1486300 12/5/2019
66 $240.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486301 12/5/2019
67 $210.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486301 12/5/2019
76 $210.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486301 12/5/2019
IF-134648 $255.46 Supplies & Materials SPEEDY CPS RIGBY ID 1486299 12/5/2019
V173931 $125.00 Supplies & Materials Roger Baker Idaho Falls ID 1576 12/5/2019
12-6-19 $2,611.98 Supplies & Materials FRENCH, EMILY Rigby ID 1486303 12/6/2019
00869-9 $1,670,778.29 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89999 12/9/2019
00881-7 $343,026.61 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89999 12/9/2019
00882-6 $430,969.62 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89999 12/9/2019
00902-3 $68,992.68 RHS Parking Lot Expansion Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 89999 12/9/2019
01474137 $313.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 90009 12/9/2019
02059 $726.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 90034 12/9/2019
02300 $308.00 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 90034 12/9/2019
0761109 $23,597.76 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Conrad Bischoff Idaho Falls ID 90004 12/9/2019
08 $9,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90023 12/9/2019
09 $14,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90023 12/9/2019
10 $87.50 Vendor Services Smith, Kayla Rigby ID 90031 12/9/2019
11.29.19 $6,509.80 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90028 12/9/2019
111951429 11.30.19 $24.85 Business Services Jefferson Star RIGBY ID 90017 12/9/2019
12/2/2019 $9,500.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90021 12/9/2019
165069 $100.00 Food Stringham, Ken Rigby ID 90032 12/9/2019
169816 2702.7 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90020 12/9/2019
169817 $1,049.10 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90020 12/9/2019
169818 $754.10 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90020 12/9/2019
18-0157 Nov2019 $434.76 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90002 12/9/2019
18-0160 Nov 2019 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90002 12/9/2019
19-2115 $399.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 90027 12/9/2019
1908076-IN $959.47 Sec Curriculum Textbooks CPM Educational Program Elk Grove CA 90005 12/9/2019
1908076-IN ($959.47) Sec Curriculum Textbooks CPM Educational Program Elk Grove CA 90005 12/9/2019
200005831 $400.00 Supplies & Materials IASA BOISE ID 90012 12/9/2019
200005952 $30.00 District Prof Dev Services IASA BOISE ID 90012 12/9/2019
2019-2020 $4,200.00 Elementary Purchased Services Jefferson County D.A.R.E Program Rigyb ID 90015 12/9/2019
20200000561 $171.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Idaho Department of Environmental Qlty Boise ID 90013 12/9/2019
21771 $1,050.73 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90033 12/9/2019
21941 $172.50 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90033 12/9/2019
222787 $943.12 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222787 $943.12 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222789 $124.68 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222790 124.68 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222792 $374.04 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222793 $249.36 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222811 $374.04 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222814 $124.68 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222818 $124.68 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222836 $249.36 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
222848 $374.04 Water Sewer Garbage Jefferson County Tax Collector Rigby ID 90016 12/9/2019
22521 $40.62 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Hall's Fabricating Rigby ID 90010 12/9/2019
22985637 $153.02 Board Travel EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 90006 12/9/2019
23 $265.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 90036 12/9/2019
23002465 $323.05 Board Travel EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 90006 12/9/2019
23171777 102.51 Travel Expenses EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 90006 12/9/2019
3 $6,349.57 Medicaid Purchased Services Bright Futeres Service Coordination Shelley ID 90001 12/9/2019
3041376 $1,803.61 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90029 12/9/2019
3044633 $3,317.74 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90029 12/9/2019
3047879 $2,101.45 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90029 12/9/2019
3058 $1,470.00 Professional Services GBS of Idaho Boise ID 90008 12/9/2019
636373 $112,732.77 SPFF Technology Allocation VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90035 12/9/2019
7028088 $4,526.95 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90024 12/9/2019
7036091 $5,590.02 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90024 12/9/2019
7044206 $3,573.68 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90024 12/9/2019
7059388 $5,014.88 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90024 12/9/2019
7060946 $67.75 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90024 12/9/2019
7063813 $330.08 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90024 12/9/2019
710174547 $325.00 Curriculum Houghton Mifflin Harcourt St. Charles IL 90011 12/9/2019
710174547 $5,000.00 Curriculum Houghton Mifflin Harcourt St. Charles IL 90011 12/9/2019
75211 $4,360.00 Owner Contingency-Harwood Sign Pro Idaho Falls ID 90030 12/9/2019
8 $4,500.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90023 12/9/2019
823000779 $34.38 Food Farmer Brothers Co. City of Industry CA 90007 12/9/2019
869104 $8.00 Business Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 90022 12/9/2019
89415305711 $48.40 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90000 12/9/2019
89415305914 $17.10 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90000 12/9/2019
89415306031 $215.70 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90000 12/9/2019
89415306189 $156.60 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90000 12/9/2019
89415306214 $423.76 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90000 12/9/2019
89415306235 $265.40 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90000 12/9/2019
89415306271 $313.56 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90000 12/9/2019
Dec 3 2019 $90.00 Supplies and Materials Kitchen Corner, Inc. Rigby ID 90018 12/9/2019
EA91265095 -($6,252.00) Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) College Board Chicago IL 90003 12/9/2019
EA91265095 $6,252.00 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) College Board Chicago IL 90003 12/9/2019
MedExpReimb 12.6.19 $791.08 Buy-Down Insurance Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 89996 12/9/2019
MedExpReimb12.6.19 $189.61 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 89995 12/9/2019
MedExpReimb12.6.19 $60.67 Buy-Down Insurance Hall, Shawn Rigby ID 89997 12/9/2019
MedExpReimb12.9.19 $1,179.97 Buy-Down Insurance Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 90040 12/9/2019
MedExpReimb12.9.19 $366.12 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90041 12/9/2019
Nov15 2019 $5,445.55 Elementary Prof Dev Services Margo Elaine Healy Boise ID 90019 12/9/2019
Nov15 2019 $1,815.18 Secondary Prof Dev Services Margo Elaine Healy Boise ID 90019 12/9/2019
November 1 $500.00 Bank Fees Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 90037 12/9/2019
Oct 2019 $20,325.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 90026 12/9/2019
Oct-Nov 2019 $25,290.03 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90014 12/9/2019
RHS 11.05.19 $91.65 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90025 12/9/2019
RHS 11.12.19 $91.65 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90025 12/9/2019
RHS 12.3.19 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90025 12/9/2019
RHSA 11.19.19 91.65 $91.65 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90025 12/9/2019
RMS 11.05.19 $141.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90025 12/9/2019
RMS 11.12.19 $183.30 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90025 12/9/2019
RMS 11.19.19 141.00 $141.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90025 12/9/2019
RMS 12.3.19 246.75 $246.75 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90025 12/9/2019
Sept 19 MileageReimb $84.64 Mileage Reimb Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 89998 12/9/2019
Sept 19 MileageReimb $5.20 In District Mileage Reimbursement Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 89998 12/9/2019
Series2009GO $500.00 Bank Fees Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 90037 12/9/2019
Series2010C $600.00 Bank Fees Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 90037 12/9/2019
Supply Reimb $16.73 Supplies & Materials Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 89994 12/9/2019
Supply4PrinMeeting $17.88 District Office Supplies Klassen, Alisa K Idaho Falls ID 90039 12/9/2019
Test Reimb $225.00 IDEA Professional Development Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 90038 12/9/2019
26007015 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90043 12/10/2019
26007015 $89.50 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90043 12/10/2019
MedExpReimb 12.10.19 $1,469.10 Buy-Down Insurance Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 90044 12/10/2019
S-2014-19200 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 90042 12/10/2019
V311354 $207.00 Supplies & Materials Vinyl Visions Design Sugar City ID 2996 12/10/2019
V756936 $6.23 Supplies & Materials School District #251 Rigby ID 2995 12/10/2019
7th S.S. Reimb -($5.29) Supplies & Materials Greg Barrett Idaho Falls ID 57166132 12/10/2019
7th S.S. Reimb $5.29 Supplies & Materials Greg Barrett Idaho Falls ID 57166132 12/10/2019
8th Science Supply $141.61 Supplies & Materials Kelly Higgins Idaho Falls ID 57166135 12/10/2019
Bldg Supply $18.01 Supplies & Materials Jim Wilson Menan ID 57166134 12/10/2019
Dec Payroll $173.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166136 12/10/2019
Dec Payroll $1,276.95 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166136 12/10/2019
Dec Payroll $343.22 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166136 12/10/2019
Dec Payroll $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166136 12/10/2019
Dec Payroll $72.08 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166136 12/10/2019
Dec Payroll $360.39 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166136 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $174.96 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $81.74 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $76.02 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $43.80 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $6.79 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $46.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $139.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $224.95 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $22.92 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $6.81 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $25.47 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $13.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $87.78 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $1.13 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $31.13 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
Nov 19 Sales Tax $2.26 Guitar-Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166133 12/10/2019
26036651 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90045 12/11/2019
7051 $1,586.00 Medical Supplies Better Hearing & Audiology LLC Idaho Falls ID 90046 12/11/2019
AltAuthC.Moore $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 90050 12/11/2019
AltAuthL.Zou $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 90049 12/11/2019
AltAuthS.Larson $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 90048 12/11/2019
V53260 $150.00 2nd Grade Traditional Donation JSD #251 Rigby ID 2184 12/11/2019
11-15-19-001 $1,496.67 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
11-30-19 $243.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
11-30-19 $283.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
11-30-19 $238.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
11-30-19 $120.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
11-30-19 $232.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
11-30-19 $175.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
11-30-19 $312.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
11-30-19 $326.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
11-7-19-001 $227.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486308 12/11/2019
12-10-19 $1,377.74 Supplies & Materials SHIPPEN, TROY MENAN ID 1486315 12/11/2019
12-11-19 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Eckersell, Joie Rigby ID 1486304 12/11/2019
12-11-19 $259.19 Supplies & Materials Johnson, Andrea Rigby ID 1486309 12/11/2019
12-11-19 $630.00 Supplies & Materials Magic Valley Forensics Association Twin Falls ID 1486310 12/11/2019
12-11-19 ($630.00) Supplies & Materials Magic Valley Forensics Association Twin Falls ID 1486310 12/11/2019
12-11-19 $254.28 Supplies & Materials Nield, Kacey Lewisville ID 1486311 12/11/2019
12-11-19 $550.00 Supplies & Materials Pizza Pie Cafe- West Jordon West Jordon UT 1486316 12/11/2019
12-9-19 $2,400.00 Supplies & Materials Royal Theaters Idaho Falls ID 1486313 12/11/2019
191009-0014 $97.52 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1486305 12/11/2019
26563 $4,124.25 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486306 12/11/2019
26756 $2,031.25 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486306 12/11/2019
26800 $7,800.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486306 12/11/2019
26849 $3,720.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486306 12/11/2019
400801737911 $27.50 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1486312 12/11/2019
52021 $3,220.00 Supplies & Materials SALT LAKE EXPRESS REXBURG ID 1486314 12/11/2019
818931 $481.57 Supplies & Materials Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc. Irmo SC 1486307 12/11/2019
821178 $46.50 Supplies & Materials Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc. Irmo SC 1486307 12/11/2019
FFA Dues $50.00 Purchased Services North Upper Snake River District Rexburg ID 57166139 12/11/2019
Girls Bball Official $84.00 Purchased Services Nicholas Pead Rexburg ID 57166137 12/11/2019
Girls Bball Official $84.00 Purchased Services Skyler La Rochelle Rexburg ID 57166141 12/11/2019
Idaho Classic $200.00 Purchased Services Pocatello High School Pocatello  ID 57166140 12/11/2019
Staff Dinner $1,750.00 Purchased Services North Hi-Way Cafe Idaho Falls ID 57166138 12/11/2019
3 $1,925.00 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 0 12/12/2019
3 $1,925.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 0 12/12/2019
8596 $15,220.33 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 90051 12/12/2019
8596 $10,952.34 Building Construction-Midway ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 90051 12/12/2019
8596 $5,132.33 Building Construction-Harwood ADPLemco, Inc. Draper UT 90051 12/12/2019
FieldTrip JE $683.33 2nd Grade Spanish Immersion General Needs LaBelle Lake Rigby ID 90052 12/12/2019
FieldTrip JE $666.67 2nd Grade General Needs LaBelle Lake Rigby ID 90052 12/12/2019
Map Supply Reimb $162.83 Supplies & Materials Wilde, Marianne Rigby ID 90057 12/12/2019
MedExpReimb12.11.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 90054 12/12/2019
MedExpReimb12.11.19 $411.29 Buy-Down Insurance Troyer, Lori Idaho Falls ID 90055 12/12/2019
MedExpReimb12.12.19 $2,609.50 Buy-Down Insurance Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 90053 12/12/2019
MedExpReimb12.12.19 $176.34 Buy-Down Insurance Troyer, Lori Idaho Falls ID 90055 12/12/2019
Supply Reimb12.12.19 $11.99 Supplies & Materials Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 90056 12/12/2019
11/30/2019 1 -($424.97) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 10 ($46.62) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 100 $6.33 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1000 $181.68 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1001 $183.31 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1002 $183.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1003 $184.30 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1004 $184.48 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1005 $184.88 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1006 $185.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1007 $187.00 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1008 $187.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1009 $188.14 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 101 $6.35 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1010 $189.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1011 $189.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1012 $190.71 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1013 $190.71 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1014 $194.71 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1015 $194.81 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1016 $195.00 Auditorium Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1017 $195.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1018 $196.70 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1019 $196.83 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 102 $6.36 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1020 $197.26 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1021 $197.26 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1022 $197.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1023 $199.44 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1024 $199.47 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1025 $199.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1026 $200.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1027 $200.61 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1028 $200.89 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1029 $202.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 103 $6.36 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1030 $203.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1031 $205.56 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1032 $207.05 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1033 $210.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1034 $210.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1035 $210.97 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1036 $210.99 RHS Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1037 $212.00 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1038 $212.84 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1039 $213.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 104 $6.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1040 $213.89 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1041 $214.94 Perkins Travel Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1042 $215.07 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1043 $215.24 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1044 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1045 $216.88 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1046 $217.80 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1047 $218.60 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1048 $219.26 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1049 $220.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 105 $6.45 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1050 $220.36 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1051 $220.36 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1052 $220.36 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1053 $220.36 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1054 $220.36 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1055 $220.36 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1056 $220.36 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1057 $221.92 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1058 $224.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1059 $224.56 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 106 $6.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1060 $224.97 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1061 $225.71 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1062 $226.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1063 $226.91 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1064 $229.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1065 $230.00 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1066 $230.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1067 $230.62 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1068 $230.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1069 $231.91 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 107 $6.54 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1070 $231.91 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1071 $234.53 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1072 $237.51 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1073 $239.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1074 $239.76 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1075 $240.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1076 $243.06 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1077 $246.11 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1078 $246.14 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1079 $247.35 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 108 $6.64 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1080 $249.98 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1081 $250.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1082 $252.45 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1083 $253.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1084 $253.90 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1085 $254.03 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1086 $254.37 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1087 $255.24 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1088 $255.65 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1089 $261.22 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 109 $6.85 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1090 $262.50 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1091 $264.19 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1092 $267.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1093 $268.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1094 $269.03 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1095 $269.03 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1096 $272.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1097 $273.81 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1098 $277.55 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1099 $277.98 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 11 ($46.62) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 110 $6.99 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1100 $279.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1101 $280.00 LEP Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1102 $283.48 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1103 $285.08 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1104 $285.08 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1105 $287.24 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1106 $287.50 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1107 $290.42 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1108 $292.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1109 $294.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 111 $6.99 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1110 $294.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1111 $295.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1112 $297.80 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1113 $309.74 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1114 $310.11 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1115 $317.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1116 $318.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1117 $320.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1118 $321.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1119 $323.33 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 112 $7.08 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1120 $325.50 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1121 $330.54 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1122 $343.25 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1123 $348.99 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1124 $351.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1125 $357.47 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1126 $361.27 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1127 $362.20 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1128 $363.72 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1129 $365.66 Bill to School JES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 113 $7.19 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1130 $366.05 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1131 $367.18 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1132 $368.64 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1133 $372.28 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1134 $374.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1135 $378.00 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1136 $378.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1137 $380.30 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1138 $381.94 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1139 $384.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 114 $7.30 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1140 $385.00 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1141 $385.00 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1142 $385.08 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1143 $391.37 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1144 $393.05 Board Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1145 $393.36 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1146 $398.90 Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1147 $401.23 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1148 $401.25 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1149 $402.69 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 115 $7.35 Balmforth, Ronni Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1150 $403.70 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1151 $403.70 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1152 $405.52 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1153 $411.90 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1154 $419.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1155 $420.00 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1156 $424.97 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1157 $436.73 Bill To Clothing Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1158 $440.00 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1159 $443.42 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 116 $7.38 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1160 $447.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1161 $449.96 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1162 $450.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1163 $450.85 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1164 $451.34 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1165 $460.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1166 $460.70 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1167 $460.70 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1168 $464.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1169 $477.00 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 117 $7.41 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1170 $480.18 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1171 $488.30 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1172 $495.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1173 $497.20 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1174 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1175 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1176 $500.00 Orchestra Tour Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1177 $500.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1178 $502.64 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1179 $502.64 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 118 $7.41 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1180 $502.64 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1181 $502.64 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1182 $502.64 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1183 $503.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1184 $511.65 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1185 $515.06 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1186 $548.97 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1187 $560.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1188 $569.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1189 $583.00 Attorney Fees Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 119 $7.41 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1190 $593.60 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1191 $612.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1192 $612.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1193 $617.42 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1194 $624.75 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1195 $640.00 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1196 $640.09 CTE Travel Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1197 $646.19 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1198 $660.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1199 $664.12 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 12 ($46.62) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 120 $7.42 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1200 $664.64 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1201 $666.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1202 $673.09 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1203 $680.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1204 $687.51 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1205 $687.57 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1206 $688.08 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1207 $696.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1208 $699.93 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1209 $701.22 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 121 $7.42 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1210 $715.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1211 $736.00 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1212 $740.10 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1213 $741.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1214 $750.00 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1215 $761.68 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1216 $767.97 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1217 $773.94 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1218 $781.32 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1219 $792.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 122 $7.44 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1220 $798.00 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1221 $802.28 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1222 $804.67 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1223 $815.28 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1224 $818.89 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1225 $833.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1226 $850.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1227 $860.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1228 $872.20 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1229 $876.56 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 123 $7.49 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1230 $897.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1231 $900.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1232 $911.34 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1233 $934.85 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1234 $949.36 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1235 $953.30 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1236 $968.02 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1237 $990.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1238 $993.95 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1239 $1,000.00 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 124 $7.50 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1240 $1,009.61 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1241 $1,010.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1242 $1,019.36 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1243 $1,032.46 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1244 $1,036.80 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1245 $1,149.60 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1246 $1,150.87 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1247 $1,161.92 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1248 $1,168.83 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1249 $1,215.00 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 125 $7.59 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1250 $1,254.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1251 $1,304.74 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1252 $1,310.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1253 $1,319.50 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1254 $1,347.18 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1255 $1,362.74 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1256 $1,393.79 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1257 $1,408.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1258 $1,409.97 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1259 $1,416.56 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 126 $7.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1260 $1,444.00 Volleyball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1261 $1,484.13 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1262 $1,494.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1263 $1,499.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1264 $1,508.37 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1265 $1,514.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1266 $1,523.96 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1267 $1,539.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1268 $1,545.06 Equipment Rental Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1269 $1,584.60 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 127 $7.70 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1270 $1,598.73 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1271 $1,599.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1272 $1,605.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1273 $1,634.52 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1274 $1,638.42 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1275 $1,685.07 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1276 $1,697.79 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1277 $1,700.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1278 $1,759.44 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1279 $1,800.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 128 $7.71 1st Grade PBIS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1280 $2,023.00 Technology-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1281 $2,025.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1282 $2,168.73 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1283 $2,253.30 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1284 $2,368.17 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1285 $2,398.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1286 $2,444.00 STEM-Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1287 $2,541.22 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1288 $2,599.95 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1289 $2,608.37 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 129 $7.78 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1290 $2,654.54 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1291 $2,695.30 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1292 $2,700.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1293 $2,701.37 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1294 $2,756.66 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1295 $2,900.00 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1296 $2,939.05 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1297 $2,942.01 Grounds Services Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1298 $3,010.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1299 $3,114.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 13 -($37.94) Hegstrom, John Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 130 $7.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1300 $3,197.70 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1301 $3,200.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1302 $3,478.84 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1303 $3,574.00 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1304 $3,911.44 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1305 $4,037.00 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1306 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1307 $5,370.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1308 $6,048.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1309 $6,071.53 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 131 $7.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1310 $6,605.00 WLIP EF budget only Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1311 $6,780.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1312 $6,851.68 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1313 $9,223.46 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1314 $11,431.73 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1315 $18,702.72 Building Construction-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1316 $19,778.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 1317 $23,850.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 132 $7.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 133 $7.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 134 $8.27 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 135 $8.44 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 136 $8.45 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 137 $8.46 7th Reading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 138 $8.46 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 139 $8.47 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 14 -($34.99) Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 140 $8.47 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 141 $8.47 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 142 $8.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 143 $8.48 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 144 $8.48 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 145 $8.48 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 146 $8.50 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 147 $8.54 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 148 $8.64 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 149 $8.65 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 15 -($31.08) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 150 $8.72 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 151 $8.75 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 152 $8.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 153 $8.88 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 154 $8.99 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 155 $8.99 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 156 $8.99 Barrett, Joanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 157 $9.10 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 158 $9.29 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 159 $9.29 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 16 -($31.08) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 160 $9.32 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 161 $9.47 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 162 $9.54 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 163 $9.54 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 164 $9.54 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 165 $9.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 166 $9.73 Hegstrom, John Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 167 $9.85 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 168 $9.85 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 169 $9.89 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 17 -($30.56) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 170 $9.99 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 171 $9.99 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 172 $9.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 173 $9.99 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 174 $10.04 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 175 $10.07 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 176 $10.38 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 177 $10.40 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 178 $10.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 179 $10.43 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 18 -($23.43) Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 180 $10.46 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 181 $10.58 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 182 $10.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 183 $10.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 184 $10.58 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 185 $10.58 7th Reading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 186 $10.60 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 187 $10.60 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 188 $10.60 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 189 $10.65 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 19 -($21.43) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 190 $10.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 191 $10.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 192 $10.79 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 193 $10.95 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 194 $10.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 195 $10.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 196 $10.99 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 197 $11.01 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 198 $11.01 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 199 $11.13 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 2 -($202.23) Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 20 -($20.65) Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 200 $11.14 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 201 $11.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 202 $11.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 203 $11.42 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 204 $11.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 205 $11.54 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 206 $11.64 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 207 $11.66 Carla Zundel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 208 $11.68 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 209 $11.90 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 21 -($16.86) Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 210 $11.94 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 211 $11.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 212 $12.00 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 213 $12.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 214 $12.21 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 215 $12.55 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 216 $12.56 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 217 $12.60 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 218 $12.67 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 219 $12.67 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 22 -($13.77) District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 220 $12.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 221 $12.71 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 222 $12.72 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 223 $12.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 224 $12.72 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 225 $12.85 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 226 $12.94 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 227 $12.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 228 $12.96 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 229 $13.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 23 -($12.96) English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 230 $13.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 231 $13.28 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 232 $13.62 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 233 $13.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 234 $13.76 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 235 $13.77 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 236 $13.77 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 237 $13.77 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 238 $13.78 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 239 $13.78 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 24 -($12.64) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 240 $13.88 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 241 $13.96 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 242 $14.04 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 243 $14.39 Eileen Nestman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 244 $14.41 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 245 $14.64 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 246 $14.66 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 247 $14.76 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 248 $14.81 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 249 $14.83 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 25 -($10.04) Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 250 $14.85 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 251 $14.89 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 252 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 253 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 254 $15.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 255 $15.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 256 $15.18 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 257 $15.20 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 258 $15.31 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 259 $15.50 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 26 -($8.39) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 260 $15.78 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 261 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 262 $15.87 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 263 $15.90 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 264 $15.90 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 265 $15.90 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 266 $15.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 267 $15.96 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 268 $15.97 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 269 $15.97 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 27 -($4.20) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 270 $16.04 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 271 $16.22 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 272 $16.38 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 273 $16.40 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 274 $16.45 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 275 $16.50 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 276 $16.57 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 277 $16.71 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 278 $16.76 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 279 $16.94 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 28 $0.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 280 $16.95 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 281 $16.95 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 282 $16.95 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 283 $16.96 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 284 $16.97 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 285 $17.04 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 286 $17.09 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 287 $17.13 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 288 $17.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 289 $17.16 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 29 $0.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 290 $17.16 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 291 $17.21 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 292 $17.23 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 293 $17.38 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 294 $17.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 295 $17.60 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 296 $17.71 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 297 $17.75 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 298 $17.91 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 299 $17.93 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 3 -($144.08) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 30 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 300 $17.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 301 $17.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 302 $18.10 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 303 $18.14 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 304 $18.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 305 $18.54 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 306 $18.54 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 307 $18.71 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 308 $18.96 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 309 $18.99 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 31 $1.08 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 310 $19.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 311 $19.03 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 312 $19.04 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 313 $19.05 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 314 $19.06 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 315 $19.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 316 $19.07 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 317 $19.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 318 $19.12 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 319 $19.18 Ricks, Elizabeth Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 32 $1.37 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 320 $19.28 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 321 $19.30 Social Studies 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 322 $19.41 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 323 $19.88 1st Grade Spanish Immersion PBIS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 324 $19.99 Social Studies 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 325 $19.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 326 $19.99 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 327 $19.99 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 328 $20.00 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 329 $20.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 33 $1.57 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 330 $20.00 Near Peer Mileage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 331 $20.10 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 332 $20.10 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 333 $20.11 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 334 $20.13 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 335 $20.14 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 336 $20.26 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 337 $20.58 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 338 $20.63 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 339 $20.65 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 34 $1.60 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 340 $20.68 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 341 $20.89 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 342 $20.97 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 343 $20.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 344 $20.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 345 $21.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 346 $21.00 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 347 $21.01 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 348 $21.07 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 349 $21.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 35 $1.79 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 350 $21.08 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 351 $21.13 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 352 $21.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 353 $21.16 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 354 $21.20 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 355 $21.20 Jessica Nukaya Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 356 $21.21 McLain, Kathryn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 357 $21.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 358 $21.51 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 359 $21.58 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 36 $1.99 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 360 $21.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 361 $21.87 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 362 $21.97 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 363 $22.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 364 $22.10 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 365 $22.18 Bailey, Hollie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 366 $22.20 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 367 $22.25 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 368 $22.26 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 369 $22.26 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 37 $2.10 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 370 $22.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 371 $22.28 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 372 $22.35 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 373 $22.37 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 374 $22.48 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 375 $22.55 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 376 $22.57 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 377 $22.93 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 378 $22.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 379 $23.00 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 38 $2.12 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 380 $23.11 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 381 $23.13 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 382 $23.26 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 383 $23.28 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 384 $23.36 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 385 $23.36 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 386 $23.56 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 387 $23.98 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 388 $24.12 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 389 $24.31 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 39 $2.25 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 390 $24.36 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 391 $24.38 Eileen Nestman Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 392 $24.54 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 393 $24.63 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 394 $24.75 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 395 $24.75 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 396 $24.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 397 $24.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 398 $24.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 399 $25.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 4 -($139.32) Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 40 $2.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 400 $25.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 401 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 402 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 403 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 404 $25.04 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 405 $25.05 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 406 $25.19 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 407 $25.31 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 408 $25.32 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 409 $25.38 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 41 $2.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 410 $25.44 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 411 $25.71 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 412 $25.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 413 $25.97 Balmforth, Ronni Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 414 $25.99 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 415 $26.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 416 $26.22 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 417 $26.24 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 418 $26.39 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 419 $26.50 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 42 $2.75 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 420 $26.64 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 421 $26.74 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 422 $26.85 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 423 $26.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 424 $26.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 425 $26.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 426 $27.06 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 427 $27.10 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 428 $27.22 Barrett, Joanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 429 $27.51 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 43 $2.78 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 430 $27.51 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 431 $27.56 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 432 $27.56 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 433 $27.67 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 434 $27.71 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 435 $27.79 Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 436 $27.92 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 437 $27.96 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 438 $27.98 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 439 $27.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 44 $2.91 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 440 $28.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 441 $28.00 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 442 $28.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 443 $28.13 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 444 $28.22 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 445 $28.56 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 446 $28.68 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 447 $28.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 448 $28.99 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 449 $29.42 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 45 $2.93 1st Grade Spanish Immersion PBIS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 450 $29.45 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 451 $29.46 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 452 $29.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 453 $29.62 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 454 $29.68 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 455 $29.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 456 $29.78 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 457 $29.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 458 $29.94 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 459 $29.95 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 46 $3.00 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 460 $29.95 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 461 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 462 $30.00 Auditorium Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 463 $30.00 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 464 $30.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 465 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 466 $30.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 467 $30.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 468 $30.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 469 $30.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 47 $3.00 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 470 $30.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 471 $30.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 472 $30.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 473 $30.00 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 474 $30.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 475 $30.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 476 $30.09 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 477 $30.27 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 478 $30.34 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 479 $30.37 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 48 $3.15 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 480 $30.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 481 $30.59 Ricks, Elizabeth Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 482 $30.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 483 $31.03 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 484 $31.14 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 485 $31.15 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 486 $31.20 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 487 $31.24 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 488 $31.27 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 489 $31.45 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 49 $3.17 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 490 $31.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 491 $31.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 492 $31.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 493 $31.78 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 494 $31.80 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 495 $31.80 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 496 $31.83 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 497 $31.88 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 498 $31.92 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 499 $31.99 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 5 ($69.99) CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 50 $3.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 500 $32.03 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 501 $32.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 502 $32.25 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 503 $32.30 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 504 $32.87 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 505 $32.99 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 506 $33.01 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 507 $33.22 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 508 $33.26 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 509 $33.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 51 $3.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 510 $33.40 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 511 $33.61 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 512 $33.65 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 513 $33.91 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 514 $33.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 515 $33.98 Kerry Thomas EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 516 $33.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 517 $34.30 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 518 $34.40 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 519 $34.50 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 52 $3.71 Sonya Baisch Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 520 $34.62 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 521 $34.74 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 522 $34.78 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 523 $34.93 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 524 $34.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 525 $34.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 526 $35.00 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 527 $35.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 528 $35.18 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 529 $35.18 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 53 3.87 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 530 35.34 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 531 35.49 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 532 $35.51 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 533 $35.52 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 534 $35.80 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 535 $35.94 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 536 $35.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 537 $36.16 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 538 $36.52 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 539 $36.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 54 $4.02 RHS Ping Pong Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 540 $36.77 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 541 $36.78 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 542 $36.81 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 543 $36.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 544 $36.85 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 545 $36.89 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 546 $36.91 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 547 $36.92 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 548 $37.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 549 $37.28 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 55 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 550 $37.63 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 551 $37.85 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 552 $37.88 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 553 $37.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 554 $38.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 555 $38.37 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 556 $38.53 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 557 $38.72 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 558 $38.88 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 559 $38.91 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 56 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 560 $38.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 561 $39.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 562 $39.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 563 $39.20 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 564 $39.22 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 565 $39.24 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 566 $39.47 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 567 $39.48 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 568 $39.49 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 569 $39.55 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 57 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 570 $40.00 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 571 $40.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 572 $40.01 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 573 $40.07 Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 574 $40.28 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 575 $40.52 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 576 $40.60 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 577 $40.73 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 578 $41.15 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 579 $41.28 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 58 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 580 $41.48 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 581 $41.61 Fullmer, Krystal Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 582 $41.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 583 $42.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 584 $42.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 585 $42.17 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 586 $42.26 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 587 $42.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 588 $42.31 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 589 $42.35 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 59 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 590 $42.39 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 591 $43.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 592 $43.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 593 $43.13 1st Grade PBIS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 594 $43.62 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 595 $43.93 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 596 $43.99 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 597 $44.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 598 $44.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 599 $44.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 6 -($66.96) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 60 $4.11 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 600 $44.42 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 601 $44.68 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 602 $44.69 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 603 $44.88 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 604 $44.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 605 $44.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 606 $44.99 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 607 $44.99 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 608 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 609 $45.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 61 $4.20 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 610 $45.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 611 $45.07 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 612 $45.08 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 613 $45.30 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 614 $45.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 615 $45.94 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 616 45.98 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 617 $46.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 618 $46.23 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 619 $46.48 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 62 $4.21 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 620 $46.58 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 621 $47.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 622 $47.48 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 623 $47.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 624 $48.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 625 $48.10 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 626 $48.51 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 627 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 628 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 629 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 63 $4.21 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 630 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 631 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 632 $48.60 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 633 $48.65 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 634 48.65 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 635 $48.66 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 636 $48.74 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 637 $48.76 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 638 $48.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 639 $48.97 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 64 $4.22 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 640 $49.30 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 641 $49.50 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 642 $49.52 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 643 $49.61 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 644 $49.66 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 645 $49.71 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 646 $49.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 647 $49.85 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 648 $49.98 National Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 649 $49.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 65 $4.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 650 $50.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 651 $50.01 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 652 $50.66 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 653 $50.87 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 654 $51.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 655 $51.28 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 656 $51.80 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 657 $51.80 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 658 $51.90 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 659 $52.00 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 66 $4.24 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 660 $52.10 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 661 $52.12 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 662 $52.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 663 $52.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 664 $52.94 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 665 $52.94 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 666 $52.94 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 667 $53.12 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 668 $53.13 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 669 $53.30 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 67 $4.24 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 670 $53.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 671 $53.46 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 672 $53.52 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 673 $53.84 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 674 $54.72 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 675 $54.99 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 676 $55.00 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 677 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 678 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 679 $55.96 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 68 $4.38 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 680 55.98 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 681 56 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 682 $56.12 Custodial Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 683 $56.16 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 684 $56.18 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 685 $56.50 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 686 $56.53 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 687 $56.86 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 688 $57.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 689 $57.08 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 69 $4.45 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 690 $57.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 691 $57.45 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 692 $57.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 693 $57.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 694 $57.52 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 695 $57.54 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 696 $57.77 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 697 $58.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 698 $58.50 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 699 $58.73 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 7 -($51.51) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 70 $4.55 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 700 $58.77 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 701 $59.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 702 $59.11 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 703 $59.54 RHS Jeremy Green Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 704 $59.73 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 705 $59.82 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 706 $59.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 707 $60.00 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 708 $60.00 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 709 $60.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 71 $4.66 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 710 $60.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 711 $60.00 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 712 $60.02 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 713 $60.89 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 714 $61.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 715 $61.12 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 716 $61.44 RHS Jeremy Green Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 717 $61.64 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 718 $61.83 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 719 $62.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 72 $4.73 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 720 $62.37 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 721 $62.53 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 722 $62.77 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 723 $63.29 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 724 $63.56 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 725 $63.58 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 726 $63.63 Palmer, Linda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 727 $63.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 728 $64.47 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 729 64.79 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 73 $4.77 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 730 $64.82 Lane, Shari Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 731 $65.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 732 $65.66 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 733 $65.69 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 734 $65.97 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 735 $66.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 736 $66.97 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 737 $67.07 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 738 $67.41 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 739 $67.55 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 74 $4.85 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 740 $68.20 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 741 $68.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 742 $68.70 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 743 $68.81 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 744 $68.97 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 745 $68.98 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 746 $69.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 747 $69.19 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 748 $69.47 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 749 $69.54 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 75 $5.00 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 750 $69.73 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 751 $69.83 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 752 $69.99 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 753 $70.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 754 $70.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 755 $70.75 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 756 $70.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 757 $71.17 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 758 $71.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 759 $71.73 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 76 $5.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 760 $71.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 761 $71.88 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 762 $72.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 763 $72.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 764 $72.07 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 765 $72.99 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 766 $73.01 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 767 $73.52 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 768 $73.73 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 769 $73.75 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 77 $5.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 770 73.92 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 771 74.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 772 74.16 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 773 $74.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 774 $74.94 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 775 $75.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 776 $75.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 777 $75.52 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 778 $75.52 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 779 $75.97 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 78 $5.07 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 780 $75.99 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 781 $76.24 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 782 $76.25 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 783 $76.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 784 $76.55 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 785 $76.59 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 786 $76.61 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 787 $77.10 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 788 $77.22 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 789 $77.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 79 $5.16 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 790 $77.97 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 791 $78.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 792 $79.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 793 $79.49 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 794 $79.54 Hegstrom, John Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 795 $79.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 796 $79.97 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 797 $79.98 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 798 $80.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 799 $80.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 8 ($50.16) Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 80 $5.25 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 800 $80.50 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 801 $80.77 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 802 $81.31 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 803 $81.36 Industrial Arts Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 804 $82.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 805 $82.57 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 806 $82.62 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 807 $84.25 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 808 $84.42 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 809 $84.81 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 81 $5.29 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 810 $85.00 District Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 811 $85.30 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 812 $86.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 813 $86.16 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 814 $86.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 815 $87.44 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 816 $87.46 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 817 $87.77 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 818 $87.78 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 819 $87.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 82 $5.29 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 820 $89.17 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 821 $89.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 822 $89.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 823 90 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 824 90.17 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 825 90.26 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 826 90.55 Boys Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 827 $91.31 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 828 $91.31 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 829 $91.58 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 83 $5.30 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 830 $92.09 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 831 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 832 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 833 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 834 $92.23 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 835 $92.27 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 836 $92.75 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 837 $93.69 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 838 $94.06 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 839 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 84 $5.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 840 $95.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 841 $95.59 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 842 $96.12 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 843 $96.85 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 844 $97.20 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 845 $97.40 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 846 $97.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 847 $98.15 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 848 $98.74 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 849 $99.04 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 85 $5.34 Gonzalez, Andy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 850 $99.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 851 $99.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 852 $100.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 853 $100.42 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 854 $100.74 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 855 $101.08 Corbridge, Carla Dee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 856 $101.72 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 857 $101.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 858 $102.20 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 859 $102.27 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 86 $5.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 860 $102.75 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 861 $103.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 862 $103.20 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 863 $103.50 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 864 $103.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 865 $103.92 Corbridge, Carla Dee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 866 $104.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 867 $104.35 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 868 $104.72 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 869 $104.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 87 $5.68 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 870 $106.40 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 871 $106.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 872 $107.28 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 873 $107.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 874 $107.53 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 875 $107.85 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 876 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 877 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 878 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 879 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 88 $5.80 Cowley, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 880 $108.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 881 $109.18 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 882 $110.91 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 883 $112.30 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 884 $112.84 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 885 $113.60 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 886 $113.97 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 887 $114.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 888 $114.33 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 889 $115.37 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 89 $5.88 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 890 $115.75 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 891 $115.78 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 892 $116.07 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 893 $116.60 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 894 $117.30 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 895 $118.56 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 896 $118.60 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 897 $119.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 898 $119.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 899 $120.47 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 9 -($49.53) Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 90 $5.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 900 $120.95 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 901 $121.92 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 902 $123.16 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 903 $123.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 904 $123.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 905 $124.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 906 $125.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 907 $125.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 908 $126.14 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 909 $126.31 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 91 $5.98 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 910 $126.78 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 911 $128.26 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 912 $128.52 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 913 $129.45 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 914 $131.38 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 915 $131.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 916 $133.50 Family & Cons Science - RMS (PERK) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 917 $134.47 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 918 $134.47 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 919 $134.47 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 92 $5.99 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 920 $134.47 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 921 $134.47 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 922 $134.47 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 923 $134.47 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 924 $134.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 925 $135.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 926 $135.65 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 927 $137.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 928 $138.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 929 $139.32 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 93 $6.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 930 $139.95 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 931 $140.35 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 932 $140.50 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 933 $140.62 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 934 $140.77 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 935 $141.17 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 936 $142.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 937 $142.45 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 938 $142.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 939 $146.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 94 $6.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 940 $148.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 941 $148.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 942 $149.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 943 $149.90 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 944 $149.92 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 945 $150.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 946 $150.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 947 $150.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 948 $150.12 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 949 $150.64 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 95 $6.10 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 950 $151.65 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 951 $152.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 952 $152.52 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 953 $152.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 954 $153.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 955 $156.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 956 $156.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 957 $157.28 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 958 $158.00 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 959 $158.22 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 96 $6.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 960 $158.87 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 961 159.57 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 962 $160.53 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 963 $160.72 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 964 $160.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 965 $160.90 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 966 $161.04 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 967 $161.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 968 $161.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 969 $163.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 97 $6.14 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 970 $164.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 971 $164.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 972 164.5 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 973 $164.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 974 $164.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 975 $164.96 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 976 $165.15 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 977 $166.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 978 $166.87 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 979 $167.64 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 98 $6.19 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 980 $167.94 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 981 $168.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 982 $168.13 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 983 $169.57 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 984 $169.73 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 985 $169.77 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 986 $172.20 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 987 $173.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 988 $174.80 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 989 $175.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 99 $6.28 Swim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 990 $175.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 991 $176.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 992 $177.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 993 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 994 $178.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 995 $178.46 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 996 $179.20 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 997 $179.57 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 998 $179.82 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
11/30/2019 999 $180.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
FraudAdjustment $66.96 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $63.62 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $1,932.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $30.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $4,057.69 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $8.86 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $8.86 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $553.25 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $1,350.25 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $3,900.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $8.86 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $8.86 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $1,895.87 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $18.90 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $1,245.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $121.20 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $9,412.91 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $7,621.08 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $25.82 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $3,155.93 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $711.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $13,043.16 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $1,164.14 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $393.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $2,455.08 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $100.29 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
Nov 2019 $1,773.23 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/13/2019
V452901 $26.50 Supplies & Materials City of Lewisville Lewisville ID 1919 12/13/2019
V479015 $323.46 Supplies & Materials Broulims - Rigby RIGBY ID 1918 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $9.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $3.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $1.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $15.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $494.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $139.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $2.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $19.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $913.73 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $25.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $44.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $41.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $83.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-30-19 $23.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
11-9-19-002 $175.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486317 12/13/2019
1191-096742 $500.31 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE LUMBER, LLC RIGBY ID 1486322 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
12-10-19 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486318 12/13/2019
1911-097517 $112.97 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE LUMBER, LLC RIGBY ID 1486322 12/13/2019
1911-098478 $85.56 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE LUMBER, LLC RIGBY ID 1486322 12/13/2019
23061/26446 $66.25 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1486321 12/13/2019
2929 $3,200.00 Supplies & Materials Sugar City Sauce Company Sugar City ID 1486320 12/13/2019
4104/4874/5067/5482 $559.36 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1486319 12/13/2019
26048731 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90058 12/16/2019
26048732 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90058 12/16/2019
ImagineTrain PD $145.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 90059 12/16/2019
ImagineTrain PD $145.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 90060 12/16/2019
ImagineTrain PD $145.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Winters, Sara Idaho Falls ID 90061 12/16/2019
ImagineTrain PD $145.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zollinger, Todd Idaho Falls ID 90062 12/16/2019
12-10-19 $210.26 Supplies & Materials Dominos Pizza-Rigby Rigby ID 1486323 12/16/2019
12-13-19 $31.16 Supplies & Materials Lenz, Jina Rigby ID 1486325 12/16/2019
2013 $345.00 Supplies & Materials FIT ATHLETICS Smithfield UT 1486324 12/16/2019
2025 $1,980.00 Supplies & Materials FIT ATHLETICS Smithfield UT 1486324 12/16/2019
1381481 $8,639.70 Software Support Follett School Solutions Chicago IL 90064 12/17/2019
26054241 214 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90065 12/17/2019
34500271 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 90063 12/17/2019
EDPlanTrainPD $370.00 Travel Expenses Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 90067 12/17/2019
LunchRefund $43.00 Student Lunch Sales Abrams, Megan Post Falls  ID 90068 12/17/2019
ReimbFieldTrip $55.30 Norman, Wendy Norman, Wendy Ann Rigby ID 90069 12/17/2019
SuperTraining PD $355.00 Supt/Asst Supt Martin, Chad Rigby ID 90066 12/17/2019
11-8-19-001 $430.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486327 12/17/2019
12-16-19 $400.00 Supplies & Materials Upper Valley Classic Dance & Cheer Rexburg ID 1486328 12/17/2019
60498 $8,277.00 Supplies & Materials ACTION MOTOR SPORTS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486326 12/17/2019
818396 $8,276.00 Supplies & Materials Xtreme Pro Apparel Broomfield CO 1486329 12/17/2019
Dec19MileageReimb $40.38 In District Mileage Reimbursement Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 90070 12/18/2019
MedExpReimb12.18.19 $198.88 Buy-Down Insurance Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 90072 12/18/2019
MedExpReimb12.18.19 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Tea, Denice MENAN ID 90073 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $862.02 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $182.18 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $1,032.06 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $636.49 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $1,418.73 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $1,057.24 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $2,000.69 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $2,145.70 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $538.99 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $6,424.03 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $36.72 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 $554.67 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 12/18/2019
Nov 2019 1 $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 12/18/2019
Nov19MileageReimb $39.55 In District Mileage Reimbursement Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 90071 12/18/2019
V121826 $1,686.43 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V156795 $145.21 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/18/2019
V183473 $11,388.92 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90087 12/18/2019
V193046 $54,218.22 FICA/Medicare Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V209057 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 12/18/2019
V240486 $1.25 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V247012 $0.29 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V282604 -($6.84) PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/18/2019
V283280 $112,012.55 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V288596 -($62.00) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V302410 $17.64 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V316670 $226,637.82 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/18/2019
V420343 $13.00 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V42080 $3.04 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V604865 $14.10 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/18/2019
V608419 $3,039.08 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90087 12/18/2019
V723827 $22,005.96 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/18/2019
V736642 $203.66 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/18/2019
V776470 -($36.57) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V808435 $2,826.66 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90087 12/18/2019
V845903 $26,196.46 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V867464 $7,210.75 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V882460 $270,102.43 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90087 12/18/2019
V882713 $351.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 12/18/2019
V890889 $75.40 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V906880 -($14.50) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V945808 -($8.55) FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 12/18/2019
V966023 -($70.43) PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/18/2019
V975357 $3,600.15 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 12/18/2019
V979929 $19.79 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 12/18/2019
12-18-19 $85.00 Supplies & Materials City of Twin Falls Twin Falls ID 1486330 12/18/2019
12-8-19 $433.35 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486331 12/18/2019
12-8-19 $4,438.72 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486331 12/18/2019
0172 ($391.00) Guitar-Supplies & Materials Hope Creek Embroidery Rigby ID 57166145 12/18/2019
0172 $391.00 Guitar-Supplies & Materials Hope Creek Embroidery Rigby ID 57166145 12/18/2019
0175 $425.00 Supplies & Materials Hope Creek Embroidery Rigby ID 57166145 12/18/2019
0175 ($425.00) Supplies & Materials Hope Creek Embroidery Rigby ID 57166145 12/18/2019
252263 $121.75 Flex Fund Supplies Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 57166153 12/18/2019
Cheer Team Fee $225.00 Purchased Services Madison High School Rexburg Id 57166149 12/18/2019
Cupids Challenge $225.00 Purchased Services Jessica Gallup Pocatello ID 57166146 12/18/2019
FCCLA Registration $110.00 Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57166152 12/18/2019
FCCLA Registration -($110.00) Purchased Services Rigby High School RIGBY ID 57166152 12/18/2019
Official Wrestling $67.00 Purchased Services Mat Clark Ashton ID 57166150 12/18/2019
Refund Cheer $195.00 Purchased Services Kim Bell Rigby Id 57166147 12/18/2019
Refund VB Spirit  $130.00 Supplies & Materials Richelle Peterson Rigby ID 57166151 12/18/2019
Reimb 8th English $44.72 Supplies & Materials Haley Howard Rexburg ID 57166143 12/18/2019
Reimb. Pep Dance $51.06 Supplies & Materials Lisa Davie Rigby  ID 57166148 12/18/2019
SI- 2297 $57.60 Supplies & Materials Hansen Productions LLC Idaho Falls ID 57166144 12/18/2019
Wrestling Tounament $220.00 Purchased Services Eagle Rock Middle School Idaho Falls ID 57166142 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,052.23 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Anthony D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,426.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$540.87 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,279.68 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$203.51 GROSS PAYROLL Alfaro, Iris Haydee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,089.97 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,875.16 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$949.29 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,274.58 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$883.28 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$588.26 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,442.91 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,210.15 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$171.49 GROSS PAYROLL Argyle, Talia Guymon  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$480.43 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,236.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$814.98 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$165.15 GROSS PAYROLL Baguley, Gayla   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$563.11 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,077.22 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,357.89 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,413.48 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,817.17 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,335.78 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,611.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,337.68 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,036.09 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,296.98 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,442.13 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,868.92 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$462.52 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$471.89 GROSS PAYROLL Beazer, Ruth Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,662.11 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$844.60 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,613.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,095.40 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$823.89 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,145.89 GROSS PAYROLL Bingham, John Maurice  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$934.48 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,766.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$68.50 GROSS PAYROLL Blanchard, Sharon A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,193.96 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,814.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 12/18/2019
$973.37 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Dale R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,421.37 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$445.19 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$894.29 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,047.35 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$636.09 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,106.15 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$77.44 GROSS PAYROLL Bracamonte, Brianna   Clinton UT 0 12/18/2019
$921.46 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$209.69 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$416.03 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,225.08 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,661.67 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$99.22 GROSS PAYROLL Bruce, James E  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$73.32 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky H  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$741.56 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$869.85 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$375.95 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$438.64 GROSS PAYROLL Butikofer, Kristen Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$422.42 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$183.34 GROSS PAYROLL Buttars, Jayda Caprice  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,032.31 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$285.48 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$319.14 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,482.69 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,116.41 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$543.04 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Chayce Greg  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,183.04 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,802.01 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$811.06 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$561.38 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$860.85 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$883.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,086.69 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,080.40 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$975.91 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$878.19 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,986.28 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$740.56 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,305.71 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,485.05 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chavez, Ernesto Manuel  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,822.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 12/18/2019
$650.59 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Kylie R  Rupert ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,253.14 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,697.50 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,104.12 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$833.13 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,422.22 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,452.27 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$531.68 GROSS PAYROLL Clipp, Krysta Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$651.28 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$639.29 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,867.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,281.73 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,242.16 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,873.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,449.83 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$739.29 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,994.04 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$755.34 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Colleen Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,185.80 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,362.57 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,273.38 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,433.74 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$81.04 GROSS PAYROLL Daniel, Katie Dawn  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$325.26 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Mary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,546.38 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$209.63 GROSS PAYROLL Dayley, Ethan Daniel  Washougal WA 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$104.73 GROSS PAYROLL Dickhaut, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$961.88 GROSS PAYROLL Dillon, Tiffany Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$848.25 GROSS PAYROLL Disney, Morgan Jeanne  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,879.64 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$600.46 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,338.00 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,290.50 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,023.87 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$750.05 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Elaine R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$539.63 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$752.14 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,260.72 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,215.25 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 12/18/2019
$813.75 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$451.29 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Nathan E  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$833.85 GROSS PAYROLL Fellman, Karen Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,649.41 GROSS PAYROLL Ferguson, Kelly Ray  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,771.35 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$864.26 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$594.23 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Amanda Marjean  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,340.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$905.96 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,029.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,057.27 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,338.65 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL French, Emily Susan  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,553.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,613.57 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,464.40 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$733.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette   Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$170.41 GROSS PAYROLL Gahn, Amy Lynn  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$323.52 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,977.12 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,075.28 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.34 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$608.55 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$554.28 GROSS PAYROLL Golder, Barbara Boyd  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$933.51 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzales, Hesper Sickinger  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$869.88 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,164.85 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,762.66 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,748.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Ashlie   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$833.08 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,182.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,512.33 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$601.58 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,339.91 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 12/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$493.41 GROSS PAYROLL Grossman, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,539.77 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,042.54 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lora Lee  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,477.09 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$927.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$725.93 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile H  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,764.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$902.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$843.94 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Lacey Madison  Saint Anthony ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,682.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,028.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$133.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Michelle R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,102.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,130.51 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$138.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$957.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,409.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,948.51 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,890.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,468.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,021.55 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$441.06 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$754.20 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$899.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hathcock, Holly Carol  Mesa AZ 0 12/18/2019
$1,922.96 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Scarlett   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$641.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,005.73 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$15.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Cassie Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$449.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Garen Joseph  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,973.87 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 12/18/2019
$3,641.67 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 12/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,051.31 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$543.74 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$750.69 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,522.70 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,867.95 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,489.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$617.12 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$983.49 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$487.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,893.83 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$565.20 GROSS PAYROLL Isaksen, Aubrey Lee  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$922.44 GROSS PAYROLL Isom, Brittany Marissa  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jackman, Hailee Jo  Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$855.34 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$830.89 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,166.02 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,180.82 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 12/18/2019
$876.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,196.97 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$710.36 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,487.87 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,163.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,290.61 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$113.19 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,239.95 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,361.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,904.30 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,192.95 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,470.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$168.43 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$584.48 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,452.04 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,979.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,087.98 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,103.98 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,971.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$93.75 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$487.83 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Todd D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,538.74 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Vickie   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,621.80 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$564.48 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,622.97 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,005.76 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$736.68 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$468.34 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, Anna Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,305.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,426.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$599.12 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Hayley Drew  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,158.28 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$731.31 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$468.88 GROSS PAYROLL King, Michelle Lynne  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,260.96 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,858.31 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,059.93 GROSS PAYROLL Kreimann, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$266.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kruckeberg, Aleisha Tori  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$575.18 GROSS PAYROLL Lam, Wai   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$764.80 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,364.95 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$76.53 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Caleb Matthew  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,028.03 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$916.18 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,786.80 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,320.04 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$684.40 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Lacee Ann  Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,099.24 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$395.23 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,020.41 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Renae B  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,162.96 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$651.90 GROSS PAYROLL Loertscher, Janet Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$8,614.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,220.26 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,808.31 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$883.01 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,111.11 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$767.87 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$855.90 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,304.58 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,364.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,108.80 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$764.83 GROSS PAYROLL Marshall, Lisa Jean  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,370.71 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$67.88 GROSS PAYROLL Martineau, Nicole C  Gilbert AZ 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL McCarty, Preston Earl  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,884.82 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,382.67 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$877.96 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$493.85 GROSS PAYROLL McRae, Tanya Lin  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$944.90 GROSS PAYROLL Melgaard, Janette   Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,779.26 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,785.42 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,225.00 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$454.60 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$863.59 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$996.10 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$531.73 GROSS PAYROLL Monson, Tiffany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,937.50 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$391.57 GROSS PAYROLL Montgomery, Kazley Shalese  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,780.60 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Cameron Chase  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$475.84 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,299.12 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,967.17 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$912.69 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,172.78 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$564.52 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$933.51 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$285.91 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Kristy Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,399.67 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$59.13 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$959.55 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Stephanie M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$960.84 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,496.34 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$368.07 GROSS PAYROLL Nebeker, James Allan  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,464.64 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$857.47 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$646.52 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$576.10 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey   Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,246.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,387.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,135.37 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,013.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$799.60 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Joshua Robert  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$512.85 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Jason W  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,245.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,308.26 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$289.16 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,045.15 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,334.94 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,377.69 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,581.98 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$940.22 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$86.59 GROSS PAYROLL Ortega, Humberto Aron  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,399.51 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$778.69 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,989.16 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,766.42 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$738.89 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,963.58 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,708.31 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,048.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$614.50 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$235.51 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Joshua Aaron  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$418.48 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Lynn Max  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,748.98 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,004.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$747.75 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$568.10 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Brooklyn Dakota  Avondale AZ 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,763.71 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,277.17 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$754.24 GROSS PAYROLL Quinn, Karin   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,090.73 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 12/18/2019
$656.21 GROSS PAYROLL Ragland, Wendy Worlton  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,300.95 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,154.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$96.09 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,435.03 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$997.90 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,005.44 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$352.45 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,046.85 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$928.04 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,138.48 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,278.07 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$933.29 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$965.28 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,221.13 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,814.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,404.72 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$580.28 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,916.66 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,452.28 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$164.06 GROSS PAYROLL Ross, Gunnar Quinn  Green Bay WI 0 12/18/2019
$2,157.10 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$687.11 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Cody Grant  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,300.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$388.86 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Hilary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,446.26 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$240.84 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,167.85 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$730.78 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Sophia Christine  Las Vegas NV 0 12/18/2019
$3,713.37 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$771.15 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Bonnie   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$942.14 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$705.91 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,170.08 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$769.32 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$649.31 GROSS PAYROLL Selensky, Jeri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$166.62 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew S  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$896.97 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$645.12 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Kayla Lee  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,176.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,374.25 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$956.35 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$360.15 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$8,687.59 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$812.36 GROSS PAYROLL Short, Dacia Jo-D  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$639.18 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$694.32 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$639.51 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 0 12/18/2019
$1,047.08 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$357.14 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jethro Jacob  Chubbuck ID 0 12/18/2019
$122.43 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,082.76 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$746.50 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,123.53 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$924.27 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,174.10 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$68.28 GROSS PAYROLL Spear, Amanda Mangum  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$910.10 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,447.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$838.40 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,233.47 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$812.28 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,523.81 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 12/18/2019
$3,766.66 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,037.38 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$749.11 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$262.04 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$70.74 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, KayCee Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$681.70 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Tori   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,068.90 GROSS PAYROLL Tamayo, Rosa Alba  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,813.37 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$437.73 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$428.73 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$6,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,094.82 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$495.37 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Matthew Paul  Rexburg, ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,337.21 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,222.73 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,540.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 12/18/2019
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$593.48 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$840.36 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,437.52 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$73.10 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Torrey J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Torgesen, Corinne   Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,181.59 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$713.57 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$883.43 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,894.38 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$519.43 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$858.37 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$864.12 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$454.60 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, JoHanna Marie  Lewisville ID 0 12/18/2019
$761.64 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,211.16 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,596.01 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,234.49 GROSS PAYROLL Vega, Cindy   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,240.25 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$449.66 GROSS PAYROLL Virgin, Crystal   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,401.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,023.03 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$161.11 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,175.73 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,307.40 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$989.30 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$482.22 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Curtis Dean  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,966.80 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$341.89 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Mark James  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$838.06 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$606.60 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,360.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,803.06 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$727.66 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$169.65 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$900.57 GROSS PAYROLL Willford, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,504.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,314.95 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$177.11 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,879.96 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$563.32 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Emily Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$576.12 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$218.30 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Sue   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,134.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$811.94 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$776.24 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,978.15 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 0 12/18/2019
$4,811.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 12/18/2019
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 12/18/2019
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 12/18/2019
$2,878.70 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 12/18/2019
$495.48 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 61165 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 61166 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 61167 12/18/2019
$864.41 GROSS PAYROLL West, Tayler Nicole  Rexburg ID 61168 12/18/2019
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 61169 12/18/2019
$1,459.27 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 61170 12/18/2019
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 61171 12/18/2019
$780.55 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 61172 12/18/2019
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 61173 12/18/2019
$881.34 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 61174 12/18/2019
$1,009.85 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 61175 12/18/2019
$2,087.07 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 61176 12/18/2019
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61177 12/18/2019
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 61178 12/18/2019
$1,382.65 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 61179 12/18/2019
$2,346.93 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 61180 12/18/2019
$723.58 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61181 12/18/2019
$2,562.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61182 12/18/2019
$1,491.29 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 61183 12/18/2019
$1,628.58 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61184 12/18/2019
$1,822.69 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61185 12/18/2019
$282.77 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 61186 12/18/2019
$733.33 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Todd C  Rigby ID 61187 12/18/2019
$578.62 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Shayla Dawn  Rigby ID 61188 12/18/2019
$85.48 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 61189 12/18/2019
$129.52 GROSS PAYROLL Cramer, Debbie Jayne  Rigby ID 61190 12/18/2019
$527.49 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 61191 12/18/2019
$108.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Jason S  Menan ID 61192 12/18/2019
$86.38 GROSS PAYROLL Hamblin, Katheryn Louise  Salmon ID 61193 12/18/2019
$418.38 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Marcie McBride  Rigby ID 61194 12/18/2019
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hulse, Jill Cannon  Rigby ID 61195 12/18/2019
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Andrea   Rigby ID 61196 12/18/2019
$27.69 GROSS PAYROLL Leal, Fleeta J  Roberts ID 61197 12/18/2019
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moon, Tanner Ashley  Rigby ID 61198 12/18/2019
$233.51 GROSS PAYROLL Stegelmeier, Brenda Parker  Idaho Falls ID 61199 12/18/2019
$347.62 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica   Rigby ID 61200 12/18/2019
$733.33 GROSS PAYROLL Treasure, Hailey   Rigby ID 61201 12/18/2019
$120.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 61202 12/18/2019
$35.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Rayana Janet  Rigby ID 61203 12/18/2019
$584.36 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 61204 12/18/2019
$454.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton R  Rexburg ID 61205 12/18/2019
$1,008.76 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 61206 12/18/2019
$614.25 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 61207 12/18/2019
$674.72 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 61208 12/18/2019
$100.80 GROSS PAYROLL Welker, Amber Marie  Rigby ID 61209 12/18/2019
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Alyssa Michele  Rexburg ID 61210 12/18/2019
$501.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 61211 12/18/2019
$610.75 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 61212 12/18/2019
$40.28 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 61213 12/18/2019
$102.73 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 61214 12/18/2019
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Gregory S  Idaho Falls ID 61215 12/18/2019
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Whitney Nakelle  Rigby ID 61216 12/18/2019
$686.36 GROSS PAYROLL Sager, Shirley M  Menan ID 61217 12/18/2019
$473.62 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 61218 12/18/2019
$358.34 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 61219 12/18/2019
$289.38 GROSS PAYROLL Hickman, Amanda K  Rigby ID 61220 12/18/2019
$422.80 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Ronald J  Menan ID 61221 12/18/2019
$100.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wells, Anna M  Rigby ID 61222 12/18/2019
$430.62 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee V  Rigby ID 61223 12/18/2019
$265.22 GROSS PAYROLL Wahnschaffe, Sterling Drake  Rigby ID 61224 12/18/2019
$390.02 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Ryan Lance  Rigby ID 61225 12/18/2019
$72.95 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 61226 12/18/2019
$20.10 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 61227 12/18/2019
26064568 620.1 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90074 12/19/2019
V957882 $23.32 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 1920 12/19/2019
11-13-19-004 $133.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166160 12/19/2019
11-18-19-001 $174.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166160 12/19/2019
11-2-19-002 $381.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166160 12/19/2019
11-6-19-001 $130.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166160 12/19/2019
11-6-19-002 $128.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166160 12/19/2019
11-9-19-001 $264.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166160 12/19/2019
Lights and Sound $30.00 Auditorium Services Jo Joyce Hartwell Rigby ID 57166155 12/19/2019
Lights and Sound $60.00 Auditorium Services Jo Joyce Hartwell Rigby ID 57166155 12/19/2019
Lights and Sound $30.00 Auditorium Services Jo Joyce Hartwell Rigby ID 57166155 12/19/2019
Oct 19 Payroll $941.81 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166159 12/19/2019
Oct 19 Payroll $343.22 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166159 12/19/2019
Oct 19 Payroll $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166159 12/19/2019
Oct 19 Payroll $48.05 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166159 12/19/2019
Oct 19 Payroll $360.39 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166159 12/19/2019
Refund Cheer $94.57 Purchased Services Jodi Bozung Rigby ID 57166156 12/19/2019
Reimb Cheer Gifts $100.91 Supplies & Materials Kylee Clark Menan ID 57166157 12/19/2019
Reimb Stu Council $72.31 Supplies & Materials Jill Mugelston Rigby ID 57166154 12/19/2019
Sound and Lights $30.00 Auditorium Services Meranda Jacobson Rigby ID 57166158 12/19/2019
Sound and Lights $60.00 Auditorium Services Meranda Jacobson Rigby ID 57166158 12/19/2019
Sound and Lights $30.00 Auditorium Services Meranda Jacobson Rigby ID 57166158 12/19/2019
12.20.19 $3,000.00 Business Services State Dept. of Education... BOISE ID 90086 12/20/2019
170149 $1,415.30 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90075 12/20/2019
170150 $1,122.00 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90075 12/20/2019
Blckft School Visit $15.00 IDEA Professional Development Abshire, Phillip Idaho Falls ID 90079 12/20/2019
Blckft School Visit $15.00 IDEA Professional Development Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 90080 12/20/2019
Blckft School Visit $15.00 IDEA Professional Development Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 90081 12/20/2019
Blckft School Visit $15.00 IDEA Professional Development Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 90082 12/20/2019
Blckft School Visit -($15.00) IDEA Professional Development Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 90082 12/20/2019
Blckft School Visit $15.00 IDEA Professional Development Wadsworth, Angel Idaho Falls ID 90083 12/20/2019
Dec19MileageReimb $81.65 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 90084 12/20/2019
Dec19MileageReimb $57.35 In District Mileage Reimbursement Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 90085 12/20/2019
MileageReimbOct-Nov1 $38.20 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90076 12/20/2019
MilReimbDec2019 $22.65 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90078 12/20/2019
MilReimbNov-Nov26 $60.10 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90078 12/20/2019
PrepaidLunchRefund $7.05 Student Lunch Sales Padilla, Lisa Rigby ID 90077 12/20/2019
V21935 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Paramount Theatre Idaho Falls ID 2997 12/20/2019
V965664 $59.70 Supplies & Materials Diane Jacobson Menan ID 1921 12/20/2019
12-10-19 $641.25 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486344 12/20/2019
12-10-19 $42.96 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486344 12/20/2019
12-10-19 $129.19 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486344 12/20/2019
12-10-19 $69.99 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486344 12/20/2019
12-18-19 $425.00 Supplies & Materials BONNEVILLE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486332 12/20/2019
12-18-19 $300.00 Supplies & Materials BURLEY HIGH SCHOOL BURLEY ID 1486333 12/20/2019
12-18-19 $140.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION BOISE ID 1486338 12/20/2019
12-18-19 $300.00 Supplies & Materials Jerome High School Jerome ID 1486339 12/20/2019
12-18-19 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Josh Idaho Falls ID 1486341 12/20/2019
12-18-19 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Siow, Tristin Idaho Falls ID 1486342 12/20/2019
12-18-19 $250.00 Supplies & Materials Timberline High School Boise ID 1486343 12/20/2019
12-18-19 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Williams, Christian Chubbuck ID 1486345 12/20/2019
144-899243 $576.00 Supplies & Materials LaQuinta by Wyndham Boise Airport Boise ID 1486340 12/20/2019
191220-0011 $44.20 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1486335 12/20/2019
292145 $567.00 Supplies & Materials FORMAL FASHIONS, INC. Tempe AZ 1486336 12/20/2019
292366 $538.92 Supplies & Materials FORMAL FASHIONS, INC. Tempe AZ 1486336 12/20/2019
32818 $57.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486334 12/20/2019
594768 $2,096.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho FFA State Association Boise ID 1486337 12/20/2019
29 $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 12/31/2019
19630 $4,702.50 Software Support MCCI St. Louis MO 90095 1/2/2020
26078601 175 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90088 1/2/2020
INV203620 $8,867.44 Software Support PowerSchool Group LLC Folsom CA 90096 1/2/2020
MedExpReimb 12.23.19 $259.74 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 90090 1/2/2020
MedExpReimb 12.27.19 $466.52 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 90091 1/2/2020
MedExpReimb 12.30.19 $685.20 Buy-Down Insurance Wood, Cindy Rigby ID 90092 1/2/2020
MedExpReimb12.19.19 $218.08 Buy-Down Insurance Thompson, Lyle RIGBY ID 90089 1/2/2020
PrepaidLunchRefund $69.90 Student Lunch Sales Taylor, Travis Rigby ID 90094 1/2/2020
Supply Reimb  $668.65 Laron Johnson EF Supplies Johnson, Laron Rigby ID 90093 1/2/2020
01.02.2020 9500.00 $9,500.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90113 1/6/2020
07454033 $19,876.40 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Conrad Bischoff Idaho Falls ID 90105 1/6/2020
0757468 $20,316.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Conrad Bischoff Idaho Falls ID 90105 1/6/2020
1.17.2020 $11,341.25 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90110 1/6/2020
10 $14,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90114 1/6/2020
1010 $1,017.00 Supplies & Materials Print On It / Stitch On It Rigby ID 90119 1/6/2020
1022403 $20,696.36 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 90104 1/6/2020
1022404 $329.31 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 90104 1/6/2020
111 $3,100.00 Purchased Services Thomas Humpherys Idaho Falls ID 90127 1/6/2020
1113 $4,975.00 Professional Development Supplies Totem PD Heber City UT 90130 1/6/2020
170486 $300.40 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90112 1/6/2020
170504 $2,056.50 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90112 1/6/2020
1818 $405.60 Business Supplies Freemans Forms & Supp. IDAHO FALLS ID 90107 1/6/2020
19-2331 $399.00 Grounds Supplies Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 90121 1/6/2020
2019-265 $162.00 Supplies & Materials Vinyl Visions Design Sugar City ID 90132 1/6/2020
2019-267 $13.00 Supplies & Materials Vinyl Visions Design Sugar City ID 90132 1/6/2020
21994 $334.68 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22003 $502.98 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22004 $1,267.90 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22015 $207.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22016 $138.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22021 $103.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22026 $69.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22031 $3,810.44 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22047 281.21 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22052 $281.21 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90128 1/6/2020
22577 $8.65 Maintenance Supplies Hall's Fabricating Rigby ID 90108 1/6/2020
229644 $484.10 Maintenance Supplies BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 90103 1/6/2020
24 $720.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 90133 1/6/2020
252262 $187.00 Maintenance Supplies Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 90135 1/6/2020
26145253 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90097 1/6/2020
26145253 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90097 1/6/2020
26145254 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90097 1/6/2020
3053204 $2,243.65 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90124 1/6/2020
3056442 $1,745.22 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90124 1/6/2020
3059645 $2,851.03 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90124 1/6/2020
337614-00 ($364.80) Elem Curriculum Textbooks Palos Sports Alsip IL 90117 1/6/2020
337614-00 $364.80 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Palos Sports Alsip IL 90117 1/6/2020
4 $7,074.04 Medicaid Purchased Services Bright Futeres Service Coordination Shelley ID 90102 1/6/2020
4 $1,551.00 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90123 1/6/2020
4 $1,551.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90123 1/6/2020
400972390 $1,622.00 Purchased Services Xylem Dewatering Solutions Inc Chicago IL 90134 1/6/2020
5472 1620.02 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Lehi UT 90106 1/6/2020
587926 $149.00 Supt/Asst Supt The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90126 1/6/2020
6464.003 12.5.19 $152.00 Attorney Fees Nelson Hall Parry Tucker Idaho Falls ID 90115 1/6/2020
6792585 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 90129 1/6/2020
7067933 $4,473.52 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90116 1/6/2020
7076906 $3,406.69 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90116 1/6/2020
7078440 $237.90 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90116 1/6/2020
8114 $8,338.95 Supplies and Materials UZBL Irvine CA 90136 1/6/2020
8142 $99.00 Supplies and Materials UZBL Irvine CA 90131 1/6/2020
869-9 $958,953.54 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90100 1/6/2020
881-8 $262,000.87 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90100 1/6/2020
882-7 $391,024.39 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90100 1/6/2020
89415306293 $231.52 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90101 1/6/2020
9 $9,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90114 1/6/2020
9 12.30.19 $6,000.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90114 1/6/2020
9013 $6,697.86 Grounds Snow Removal Services Smitty's LLC Rigby ID 90125 1/6/2020
A 2643 $44.62 District Office Supplies IHSAA BOISE ID 90109 1/6/2020
BSKT Reimb $11.37 Supplies & Materials Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 90098 1/6/2020
InfiniteVisionTrain $72.00 Travel Expenses Bronson, Bryce Jerome Ammon ID 90099 1/6/2020
Nov 2019 $14,384.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 90120 1/6/2020
ReimbforSpedActivity $100.00 Cathy Johnson EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90122 1/6/2020
ReimbVBforTickets $130.00 Volleyball EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90122 1/6/2020
RHS 12.10.19 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90118 1/6/2020
RHS 12.17.19 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90118 1/6/2020
RMS 12.10.19 155.10 $155.10 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90118 1/6/2020
RMS 12.17.19 211.50 $211.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90118 1/6/2020
SidebySideReimb $8,277.00 General Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90122 1/6/2020
SIN015996 $28,115.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Istation Dallas TX 90111 1/6/2020
SIN15990 $1,708.18 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Istation Dallas TX 90111 1/6/2020
V549633 $900.00 Purchased Services Gary Hogg Huntsville UT 1922 1/6/2020
1987 240 Supplies & Materials Fit Athletics Smithfield UT 57166161 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $2,276.39 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $38.53 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $385.00 Purchase Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $287.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $3,726.02 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $667.55 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $22.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $457.32 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $384.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $4,196.92 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $14.99 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $225.00 Auditorium Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $1,162.77 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $217.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $334.56 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $276.14 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $203.10 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $110.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $183.91 Flex Fund Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $53.88 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $102.03 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Nov 19 Visa Bill $67.86 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166162 1/6/2020
Reimb Creativity $25.92 Supplies & Materials Lingpei Zou Rexburg ID 57166163 1/6/2020
Student Council $100.00 Supplies & Materials Martha Mugleston Rigby ID 57166164 1/6/2020
ArtsCouncilReimb $26.95 McLain, Kathryn McLain, Kathryn Rigby ID 90140 1/7/2020
ArtsCouncilReimb $26.95 Holschuh, Dawn McLain, Kathryn Rigby ID 90140 1/7/2020
CounselorSuppReimb $149.59 Elem Curriculum Supplies Close, Robert RIGBY ID 90142 1/7/2020
Dec-Jan6MileageReimb $132.45 Travel Expenses Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 90137 1/7/2020
E.Kozhevnikova $28.25 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) State Department of Education Boise ID 90138 1/7/2020
E.Kozhevnikova -($28.25) Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) State Department of Education Boise ID 90138 1/7/2020
E.Kozhevnikova $28.25 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) State Dept. of Education... BOISE ID 90139 1/7/2020
Fuel Reimb $16.00 Grounds Supplies Shippen, Troy Menan ID 90141 1/7/2020
V123612 $27.80 School Uniforms & Sweatshirts Supplies Kettle Embroidery Rexburg ID 2998 1/7/2020
32660 $605.50 Supplies and Materials Teacher Dues Country Cottons Rigby ID 2185 1/7/2020
Jan2020Training $1,280.50 Startalk Grant-Travel Chen, Marty Ogden UT 90144 1/8/2020
MedExpReimb1.8.2020 $542.87 Buy-Down Insurance Giles, Hannah Idaho Falls ID 90145 1/8/2020
MedExpReimb1.8.2020 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 90146 1/8/2020
MedExpReimb1.8.2020 $9.31 Buy-Down Insurance Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 90147 1/8/2020
MedExpReimb1.8.2020 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Johannesen, Jean Ammon ID 90148 1/8/2020
MedExpReimb1.8.2020 $10.38 Buy-Down Insurance Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 90149 1/8/2020
MedExpReimb1.8.2020 $225.57 Buy-Down Insurance Thompson, Lyle RIGBY ID 90150 1/8/2020
MedExpReimb1.8.2020 $1,600.00 Buy-Down Insurance Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 90151 1/8/2020
PrepaidLunchRefund $15.00 Student Lunch Sales Hedges, Rebecca Pocatello ID 90143 1/8/2020
V459782 $715.25 Purchased Services Country Cottons Rigby ID 3838 1/8/2020
V447745 $31.75 General Supplies & Materials Suzanne Woods Rigby ID 2186 1/8/2020
1-8-20 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Eagle High School Eagle ID 1486347 1/8/2020
1-8-20 $225.00 Supplies & Materials Upper Valley Classic Dance & Cheer Rexburg ID 1486352 1/8/2020
1-8-2020 $525.00 Supplies & Materials POCATELLO HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1486351 1/8/2020
191230-0001 $39.50 Supplies & Materials Fenton's Office Solutions Idaho Falls ID 1486348 1/8/2020
23825242 $12.10 Supplies & Materials Jostens Chicago  IL 1486350 1/8/2020
26889 $3,575.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486349 1/8/2020
S204155 $25.00 Supplies & Materials Business Professionals of Am. National  Westerville OH 1486346 1/8/2020
2 $100.00 Purchased Services Sayla Maughan Rigby ID 57166169 1/8/2020
2 $120.00 Flex Fund Services Sayla Maughan Rigby ID 57166169 1/8/2020
804 $750.00 Purchases Services Dr. Henry Smith Mapleton  UT 57166165 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $44.72 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $33.11 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $26.42 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax 7.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax 15.28 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $13.16 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $65.26 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $89.95 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $14.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $146.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $0.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $54.93 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $5.66 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $65.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $23.49 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $1.13 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $3.11 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $9.62 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $14.15 Guitar-Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Dec 19 Sales Tax $2.26 Guitar-Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166171 1/8/2020
Jan 20 Payroll $216.23 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166170 1/8/2020
Jan 20 Payroll $343.22 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166170 1/8/2020
Jan 20 Payroll $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166170 1/8/2020
Jan 20 Payroll $36.04 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166170 1/8/2020
Jan 20 Payroll $360.39 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166170 1/8/2020
Purchase 2 Cello $715.90 Supplies & Materials Piano Gallery Idaho Falls ID 57166168 1/8/2020
Purchase 2 Cello $624.85 Supplies & Materials Piano Gallery Idaho Falls ID 57166168 1/8/2020
Refund Athletics $125.00 Purchased Services Jonnie Willsey Rigby ID 57166166 1/8/2020
Reimb Cheer Music $148.00 Supplies & Materials Kylee Clark Menan ID 57166167 1/8/2020
Reimb Supply $13.64 Supplies & Materials John Avila Rigby ID 57166172 1/8/2020
V241139 $505.31 Supplies & Materials Rick Bennett Lweisville ID 1579 1/8/2020
V728873 $155.95 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1578 1/8/2020
V939098 $7.13 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1577 1/8/2020
18-0157 Dec 2019 $429.16 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90152 1/9/2020
18-0160 Dec 2019 $606.36 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90152 1/9/2020
3069 $1,484.00 Professional Services GBS of Idaho Boise ID 90153 1/9/2020
801 Jan 2020 $500.00 Supplies & Materials Henry Ryan Smith Mapleton UT 90155 1/9/2020
Dec 2019 2 $900.94 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 90154 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $40.00 Supplies & Materials Andersen, Shaylie Rigby ID 1486353 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Callister, Morgan Rigby ID 1486355 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Do, Teresa Rigby ID 1486356 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Edwards, Abigail Rigby ID 1486357 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Erickson, Emma Orlando FL 1486358 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials French, Macey Rigby ID 1486359 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Hurst, Grace Rigby ID 1486361 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Juarez, Alorah Thompson Falls MT 1486363 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials LaFever, Chelsea Rigby ID 1486364 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Lott, Mandy Rigby ID 1486365 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials McDonald, Madisen Rigby ID 1486366 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Mortensen, Kyilee Rigby ID 1486367 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Phillips, Hailey Rigby ID 1486368 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Raymond, Kiersten Rigby ID 1486372 1/9/2020
1-9-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Spencer, Cami Rigby ID 1486373 1/9/2020
1-9-2020 $256.50 Supplies & Materials Higgins, Kelly Idaho Falls ID 1486360 1/9/2020
1011 $462.00 Supplies & Materials PRINT ON IT/STITCH ON IT RIGBY ID 1486371 1/9/2020
12-27-19 $32.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1486374 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $14.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $11.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $4.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $0.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $1.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $3.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $9.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $1.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $7.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $4.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $1,405.96 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $14.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $1.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $68.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $1.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $62.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $39.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $93.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $152.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486362 1/9/2020
12-31-19 $250.00 Supplies & Materials POCATELLO HIGH SCHOOL POCATELLO ID 1486369 1/9/2020
35731 $6,745.00 Supplies & Materials Baron Championship Rings Ferndale MI 1486354 1/9/2020
946524/947295/947912 $829.56 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1486370 1/9/2020
I VisionTrainPD $72.00 Travel Expenses Klassen, Alisa K Idaho Falls ID 90158 1/10/2020
I VisionTrainPD $36.00 Travel Expenses Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 90159 1/10/2020
MedExpReimb1.10.2020 $363.07 Buy-Down Insurance Andrus, C. Thayne Iona ID 90164 1/10/2020
MedExpReimb1.10.2020 $426.94 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 90165 1/10/2020
MedExpReimb1.10.2020 $1,691.97 Buy-Down Insurance Christensen, Danny Sugar City ID 90166 1/10/2020
MedExpReimb1.10.2020 $2,062.40 Buy-Down Insurance Green, Jeremy Rigby ID 90167 1/10/2020
MedExpReimb1.10.2020 $156.66 Buy-Down Insurance Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 90169 1/10/2020
NGPF Conf $50.00 Bill to School RHS Barrus, Cathy Rigby ID 90156 1/10/2020
NGPF Conf $50.00 Bill to School RHS Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 90157 1/10/2020
NGPF Conf $50.00 Bill to School RHS Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 90168 1/10/2020
NGPF Conf $50.00 Bill to School RHS Parkes, Barry Idaho Falls ID 90160 1/10/2020
NGPF Conf $50.00 Bill to School RHS Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 90161 1/10/2020
NGPF Conf $50.00 Bill to School RHS Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 90163 1/10/2020
NGPF Conf PerDiem $50.00 Bill to School RHS Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 90162 1/10/2020
1219-RHS-N $137.50 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls Parks & Recreation Idaho Falls  ID 1486375 1/10/2020
12/31/2019 1 $9.37 Karen Stewart Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 10 $51.00 Guitar Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 100 $7.96 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1000 $50.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1001 $71.70 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1002 $5.30 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1003 $18.02 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1004 $38.41 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1005 $11.94 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1006 $29.24 Romney, Melissa Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1007 $26.66 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1008 $24.75 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1009 $124.30 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 101 $272.07 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 1010 $85.11 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 102 $50.95 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 103 $60.86 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 104 $56.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 105 $5.30 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 106 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 107 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 108 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 109 $5.30 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 11 $6.36 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 110 $34.68 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 111 $88.38 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 112 $84.75 National Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 113 $14.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 114 $37.24 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 115 $9.54 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 116 $21.18 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 117 $15.39 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 118 $1,143.84 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 119 $126.58 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 12 $51.22 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 120 $2,742.04 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 121 $27.15 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 122 $24.83 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 123 $2,176.45 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 124 $71.11 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 125 $20.17 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 126 $5.30 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 127 $1,118.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 128 $230.00 Homeless Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 129 $12.56 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 13 $43.20 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 130 $996.77 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 131 $202.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 132 $11.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 133 $14.02 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 134 $167.97 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 135 $75.34 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 136 $31.80 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 137 $57.21 Homeless Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 138 $5.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 139 $56.44 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 14 $16.45 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 140 $8.89 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 141 $37.80 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 142 $434.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 143 $96.23 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 144 $5.30 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 145 $180.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 146 $47.42 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 147 $6.34 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 148 $95.37 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 149 $83.23 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 15 $391.00 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 150 $20.29 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 151 $17.54 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 152 $32.54 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 153 $15.47 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 154 $3.79 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 155 $46.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 156 $800.46 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 157 $23.02 Barrett, Joanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 158 $23.32 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 159 $58.58 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 16 $90.09 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 160 $461.90 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 161 $10.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 162 $7.76 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 163 $23.98 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 164 $321.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 165 $35.87 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 166 $170.92 Life Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 167 $4.86 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 168 $12.94 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 169 $425.99 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 17 $138.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 170 $32.95 Johnson, MaryAnn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 171 $750.00 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 172 $14.41 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 173 $19.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 174 $15.89 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 175 $36.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 176 $14.74 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 177 $46.74 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 178 $63.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 179 $531.96 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 18 ($158.95) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 180 $3.96 Ranzenberger, Tori Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 181 $53.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 182 $71.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 183 $35.19 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 184 $23.69 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 185 $23.94 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 186 $1,416.56 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 187 $8.50 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 188 $62.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 189 $69.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 19 $13.77 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 190 $27.56 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 191 $55.90 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 192 $10.17 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 193 $374.70 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 194 $275.00 WLIP EF budget only Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 195 $7.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 196 $363.52 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 197 $143.11 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 198 $52.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 199 $23.98 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 2 $59.94 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 20 $48.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 200 $17.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 201 $40.50 Hegstrom, John Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 202 $1,032.03 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 203 $17.49 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 204 $28.79 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 205 $41.80 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 206 $945.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 207 $108.09 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 208 200 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 209 $42.39 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 21 $90.00 Grounds Services Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 210 $544.57 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 211 $77.50 Ricks, Elizabeth Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 212 $354.41 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 213 $19.36 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 214 $59.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 215 ($141.12) Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 216 $193.04 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 217 $65.28 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 218 $49.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 219 $42.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 22 $46.68 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 220 $119.59 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 221 $1,392.64 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 222 $31.80 Birch, Becky Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 223 $65.46 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 224 $120.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 225 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 226 $4.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 227 $349.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 228 $66.10 Romney, Melissa Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 229 $2.79 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 23 $134.45 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 230 $26.63 Bloxham, Christy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 231 $23.94 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 232 $43.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 233 $7.42 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 234 $2,311.05 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 235 $959.47 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 236 $77.50 Tonks, Melissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 237 $2.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 238 $54.00 Arneson, Angela Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 239 $448.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 24 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 240 $48.60 Fullmer, Krystal Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 241 $222.73 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 242 $60.00 Balmforth, Ronni Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 243 $126.50 Arneson, Angela Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 244 $329.60 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 245 $28.87 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 246 $1,199.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 247 $87.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 248 $59.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 249 $28.98 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 25 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 250 $27.36 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 251 $479.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 252 $11.68 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 253 $179.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 254 $155.35 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 255 $65.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 256 $84.36 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 257 $2,230.21 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 258 $51.38 Kindergarten PBIS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 259 $23.14 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 26 -($46.27) GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 260 $71.50 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 261 $50.83 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 262 $20.78 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 263 $105.00 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 264 $30.74 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 265 $44.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 266 $4.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 267 $20.99 Misty Dansie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 268 $1,632.35 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 269 $815.28 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 27 $129.04 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 270 $224.71 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 271 $191.84 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 272 $77.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 273 $25.44 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 274 $3.80 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 275 $38.83 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 276 $34.30 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 277 $284.88 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 278 $39.28 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 279 $28.78 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 28 $19.32 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 280 $66.95 Bloxham, Christy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 281 $470.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 282 $22.00 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 283 $68.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 284 $150.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 285 $604.79 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 286 $979.55 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 287 $596.01 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 288 $33.88 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 289 $15.96 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 29 $40.92 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 290 $15.14 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 291 $55.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 292 $435.45 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 293 $175.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 294 $435.45 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 295 $435.45 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 296 $19.28 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 297 $6.00 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 298 $939.92 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 299 $5.68 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 3 $10.89 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 30 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 300 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 301 $97.44 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 302 $25.05 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 303 $60.02 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 304 $50.97 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 305 $340.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 306 $75.00 Bill To Student Improvements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 307 $67.47 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 308 $11,497.28 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 309 $1,242.66 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 31 $1,760.47 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 310 $269.00 Grounds Services Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 311 $361.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 312 $134.95 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 313 $39.98 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 314 $14.18 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 315 $78.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 316 25 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 317 $10.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 318 $190.56 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 319 $22.99 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 32 $84.99 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 320 $109.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 321 $9.25 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 322 $19.61 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 323 $354.18 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 324 $16.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 325 $92.21 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 326 $92.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 327 $869.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 328 $41.25 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 329 $18.02 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 33 $89.81 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 330 $21.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 331 $59.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 332 $27.54 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 333 $159.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 334 $189.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 335 $23.30 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 336 $10.17 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 337 $19.89 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 338 $9.54 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 339 $26.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 34 $21.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 340 $105.72 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 341 $380.95 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 342 $16.95 Ranzenberger, Tori Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 343 $38.26 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 344 $102.17 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 345 $203.09 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 346 $23.86 Teacher Appreciation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 347 $34.98 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 348 $15.88 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 349 $83.71 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 35 -($74.90) Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 350 $249.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 351 $32.72 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 352 $19.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 353 $23.31 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 354 -($150.00) Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 355 $3.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 356 $3.93 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 357 $112.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 358 $164.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 359 9.2 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 36 $6.35 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 360 $23.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 361 $12.07 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 362 $13.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 363 $515.85 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 364 $9.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 365 $23.82 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 366 $199.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 367 $25.69 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 368 $82.81 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 369 $18.38 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 37 $22.45 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 370 $11.69 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 371 35.03 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 372 $108.00 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 373 $292.68 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 374 $4.23 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 375 11.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 376 $5.65 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 377 $15.92 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 378 $35.59 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 379 $31.78 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 38 $25.44 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 380 $711.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 381 $549.93 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 382 $15.90 Social Studies 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 383 $399.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 384 $23.86 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 385 $270.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 386 $23.29 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 387 $252.50 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 388 $64.87 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 389 $744.12 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 39 $144.88 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 390 $56.38 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 391 $496.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 392 $58.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 393 $14.70 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 394 ($0.12) Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 395 $4.07 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 396 $24.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 397 $6.30 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 398 $2,961.03 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 399 $7.07 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 4 $12.63 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 40 $50.50 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 400 $60.73 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 401 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 402 $206.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 403 $10.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 404 $20.47 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 405 $12.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 406 $76.37 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 407 $6.34 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 408 $36.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 409 $658.98 Business Equipment under 10k Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 41 $12.95 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 410 $16.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 411 $59.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 412 $41.34 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 413 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 414 $44.99 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 415 $163.34 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 416 $7.08 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 417 $6.23 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 418 $131.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 419 $63.59 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 42 $2.50 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 420 $36.32 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 421 $7.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 422 $988.42 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 423 $52.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 424 $101.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 425 $61.29 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 426 $17.35 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 427 $71.86 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 428 $71.81 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 429 $256.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 43 $350.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 430 $8.48 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 431 $28.57 Misty Dansie Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 432 $38.52 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 433 $10.85 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 434 $16.77 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 435 $168.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 436 $21.84 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 437 $34.80 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 438 $2.96 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 439 $6.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 44 $12.71 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 440 $5.89 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 441 $31.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 442 $246.30 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 443 $4,023.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 444 $100.62 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 445 $108.61 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 446 $91.45 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 447 $64.19 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 448 $1,889.56 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 449 $391.26 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 45 $24.14 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 450 $16.93 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 451 $9.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 452 $30.34 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 453 $29.82 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 454 $25.22 Swim Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 455 $49.36 Sarmiento, Eleanor Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 456 $25.19 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 457 $13.99 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 458 $63.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 459 $36.08 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 46 $50.46 Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 460 $465.55 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 461 $629.10 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 462 $4.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 463 $23.30 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 464 $402.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 465 $22.68 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 466 $7.41 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 467 $10.60 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 468 $31.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 469 $15.89 Social Studies 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 47 $73.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 470 $793.45 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 471 $1,041.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 472 $2.00 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 473 $109.21 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 474 $13.78 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 475 $13.73 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 476 $8.30 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 477 $10.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 478 $15.89 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 479 $24.58 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 48 $664.64 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 480 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 481 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 482 $28.56 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 483 $248.56 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 484 $18.97 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 485 $10.58 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 486 $2,180.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 487 $852.19 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 488 $225.96 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 489 $7.23 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 49 $2.09 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 490 $16.99 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 491 $153.21 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 492 $60.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 493 $51.02 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 494 $4.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 495 $59.45 Cook, Arica Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 496 $5,978.35 Perkins Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 497 $199.68 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 498 $8.17 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 499 $351.67 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 5 $137.79 Gaming Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 50 $61.56 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 500 $15.50 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 501 $28.34 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 502 $11.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 503 $18.01 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 504 $12.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 505 $42.40 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 506 $257.85 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 507 $73.20 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 508 $11.43 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 509 $21.41 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 51 $14.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 510 $125.74 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 511 $13.44 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 512 $25.69 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 513 $21.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 514 $35.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 515 $51.68 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 516 $13.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 517 $410.00 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 518 $1,000.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 519 $39.98 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 52 $66.76 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 520 $27.54 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 521 $11.90 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 522 $741.15 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 523 $29.66 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 524 $21.20 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 525 $2,467.40 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 526 $47.67 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 527 $127.10 Bill to School SFE Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 528 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 529 $324.19 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 53 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 530 $16.87 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 531 $60.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 532 $139.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 533 $149.93 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 534 $845.22 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 535 $51.23 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 536 $31.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 537 $55.80 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 538 $72.64 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 539 $102.47 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 54 $110.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 540 $66.10 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 541 $155.95 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 542 $37.97 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 543 $72.64 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 544 $39.98 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 545 $1,836.84 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 546 $6.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 547 $103.01 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 548 $22.95 Custodial Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 549 $8.99 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 55 $47.70 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 550 $139.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 551 $830.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 552 $13.78 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 553 $7.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 554 $1,600.60 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 555 $9.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 556 $17.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 557 $22.90 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 558 $61.28 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 559 $73.50 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 56 $188.58 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 560 $94.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 561 $70.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 562 $110.02 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 563 $1.69 Ranzenberger, Tori Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 564 $1,434.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 565 $95.34 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 566 $102.98 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 567 $8.49 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 568 $19.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 569 $111.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 57 $10.59 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 570 $14.00 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 571 $19.80 Fullmer, Krystal Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 572 $67.21 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 573 $84.76 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 574 $720.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 575 $100.78 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 576 $205.88 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 577 $19.89 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 578 -($81.18) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 579 $40.50 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 58 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 580 $138.96 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 581 $20.60 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 582 $18.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 583 $19.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 584 $120.88 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 585 $54.79 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 586 $225.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 587 $5.39 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 588 $146.84 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 589 $154.48 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 59 $560.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 590 $94.92 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 591 $8.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 592 $144.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 593 $70.20 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 594 $209.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 595 $10.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 596 $89.79 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 597 $964.68 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 598 $127.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 599 $332.43 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 6 $50.75 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 60 $90.00 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 600 $688.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 601 $194.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 602 $13.48 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 603 $294.82 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 604 $82.23 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 605 $19.96 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 606 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 607 $78.30 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 608 -($42.00) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 609 $36.99 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 61 $6.52 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 610 $40.38 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 611 $1,293.92 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 612 -($5,370.00) Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 613 $14,317.04 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 614 $27.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 615 $127.60 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 616 $95.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 617 $30.03 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 618 $45.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 619 $61.50 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 62 $321.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 620 $42.91 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 621 $1,862.00 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 622 $35.98 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 623 $173.06 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 624 $57.49 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 625 $339.00 Grounds Services Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 626 $37.71 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 627 $186.40 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 628 $21.06 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 629 $15.92 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 63 $197.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 630 $270.15 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 631 $188.36 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 632 $323.62 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 633 $711.92 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 634 $217.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 635 $17.39 Sarmiento, Eleanor Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 636 $40.37 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 637 $23.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 638 $364.80 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 639 $10.76 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 64 $67.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 640 $1.90 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 641 $245.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 642 $29.79 Custodial Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 643 $9.52 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 644 $84.51 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 645 $5.81 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 646 $16.95 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 647 $0.90 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 648 $6.25 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 649 $27.48 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 65 $495.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 650 $13.68 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 651 $33.83 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 652 $11.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 653 $5.54 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 654 $9.99 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 655 $114.47 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 656 $495.00 School Resource Officers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 657 $60.87 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 658 $16.93 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 659 $23.47 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 66 $169.39 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 660 $212.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 661 $329.80 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 662 $24.98 Keller, Jeff Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 663 $107.60 RHS Ping Pong Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 664 $16.88 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 665 $8.00 Bronwyn Ridley Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 666 $61.76 Birch, Becky Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 667 $19.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 668 $42.35 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 669 $12.46 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 67 $742.28 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 670 $13.77 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 671 $16.54 Fullmer, Krystal Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 672 $128.96 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 673 $2,656.61 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 674 $69.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 675 $240.45 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 676 $156.38 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 677 $8.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 678 $220.94 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 679 $22.85 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 68 $58.73 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 680 $83.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 681 $4,770.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 682 $24.90 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 683 $114.13 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 684 $52.65 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 685 $13.05 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 686 $25.00 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 687 $109.17 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 688 $32.34 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 689 $196.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 69 $47.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 690 $15.88 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 691 $26.38 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 692 $28.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 693 $16.54 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 694 $15.90 Day, Lisa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 695 $22.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 696 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 697 $7.58 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 698 $27.95 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 699 $195.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 7 $5,258.52 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 70 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 700 $60.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 701 $17.83 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 702 $37.34 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 703 $20.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 704 $10.76 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 705 $13.51 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 706 $23.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 707 $57.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 708 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 709 $40.23 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 71 $18,932.90 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 710 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 711 $303.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 712 $31.25 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 713 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 714 $37.08 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 715 $36.76 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 716 $172.66 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 717 $145.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 718 $65.80 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 719 -($145.00) GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 72 $4,197.60 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 720 $64.66 Arneson, Angela Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 721 $35.62 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 722 $31.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 723 $11.31 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 724 $271.25 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 725 $26.49 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 726 $201.91 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 727 $16.92 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 728 $3.26 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 729 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 73 $54.90 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 730 $8.16 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 731 $27.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 732 $1,460.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 733 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 734 $17.05 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 735 $25.53 Muthusek, Taylor Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 736 $12.53 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 737 $115.67 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 738 $30.74 Megan Smith Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 739 $261.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 74 $890.95 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 740 $47.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 741 $26.25 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 742 $1,973.08 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 743 -($9.53) Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 744 $9.53 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 745 $159.75 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 746 $9.76 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 747 $240.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 748 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 749 $211.40 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 75 $24.77 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 750 $338.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 751 $191.32 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 752 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 753 $24.36 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 754 $12.17 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 755 $8.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 756 $31.37 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 757 $1,632.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 758 $49.00 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 759 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 76 $9.85 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 760 $28.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 761 $23.92 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 762 $6.19 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 763 $57.23 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 764 $197.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 765 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 766 $28.38 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 767 $45.72 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 768 $38.90 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 769 $63.97 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 77 $77.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 770 $7.35 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 771 $30.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 772 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 773 $179.59 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 774 $38.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 775 $311.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 776 -($6.98) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 777 $162.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 778 $84.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 779 $17.80 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 78 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 780 $29.96 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 781 $99.61 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 782 $11.82 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 783 $74.08 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 784 $360.77 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 785 $163.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 786 $253.00 SLP-Fees and Licenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 787 $35.18 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 788 $304.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 789 $57.00 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 79 $83.74 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 790 $194.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 791 $14.29 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 792 $141.35 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 793 $23.73 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 794 $43.52 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 795 $12.72 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 796 $192.09 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 797 $216.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 798 $61.72 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 799 $21.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 8 $425.00 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 80 $1,174.83 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 800 $3.71 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 801 $120.18 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 802 $166.83 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 803 $75.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 804 $470.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 805 $21.94 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 806 $29.78 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 807 $41.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 808 $34.80 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 809 $115.71 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 81 $220.54 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 810 $7.76 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 811 $100.00 SLP-Fees and Licenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 812 $16.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 813 $23.32 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 814 $260.93 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 815 $58.50 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 816 $281.49 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 817 $4.08 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 818 $2.16 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 819 $397.20 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 82 $192.40 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 820 $1,361.62 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 821 $5.08 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 822 $34.08 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 823 $7.17 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 824 $50.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 825 $121.10 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 826 $72.39 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 827 $193.86 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 828 $70.92 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 829 $16.96 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 83 $26.45 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 830 $15.81 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 831 $468.00 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 832 $25.51 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 833 $14.84 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 834 -($11.94) Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 835 $339.00 Grounds Services Farnsworth Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 836 $41.31 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 837 $16.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 838 $220.00 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 839 $7.97 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 84 $442.38 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 840 $250.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 841 $90.63 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 842 $6.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 843 $2,338.65 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 844 $41.05 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 845 $17.75 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 846 $13.10 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 847 $1,938.00 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 848 $14.92 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 849 $7.59 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 85 $17.66 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 850 $28.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 851 $47.56 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 852 $11.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 853 $0.87 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 854 -($92.70) Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 855 $65.69 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 856 $73.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 857 $40.98 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 858 $29.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 859 $333.74 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 86 $7.19 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 860 $4,665.00 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 861 $60.46 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 862 -($16.44) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 863 $12.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 864 $224.97 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 865 $85.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 866 $304.15 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 867 $333.74 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 868 $460.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 869 $17.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 87 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 870 $169.60 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 871 $26.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 872 $1,683.73 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 873 $28.60 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 874 $150.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 875 $264.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 876 $18.84 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 877 $16.90 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 878 $12.72 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 879 $23.04 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 88 $34.90 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 880 $1,350.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 881 $460.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 882 $333.78 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 883 $333.74 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 884 $213.95 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 885 $55.98 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 886 $146.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 887 $139.30 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 888 $54.56 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 889 $11.56 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 89 $16.84 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 890 $73.44 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 891 $22.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 892 $155.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 893 $1,547.35 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 894 $9.78 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 895 $167.79 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 896 $13.75 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 897 $39.76 Transportation Travel & Training 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 898 $24.37 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 899 $77.88 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 9 $2,710.31 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 90 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 900 $58.08 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 901 $52.96 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 902 $46.27 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 903 $24.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 904 $171.93 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 905 $72.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 906 $37.09 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 907 $10.64 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 908 $24.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 909 $302.10 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 91 $200.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 910 $55.73 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 911 $87.78 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 912 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 913 $1,165.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 914 $69.58 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 915 $12.70 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 916 $32.00 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 917 $167.63 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 918 $82.03 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 919 $214.17 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 92 $684.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 920 $11.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 921 $62.63 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 922 $71.90 Sarmiento, Eleanor Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 923 $19.61 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 924 $71.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 925 $23.96 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 926 $265.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 927 $5.79 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 928 $84.32 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 929 $100.00 Dawson, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 93 $2,480.32 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 930 $226.09 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 931 $2,397.00 Licenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 932 $820.10 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 933 $23.92 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 934 $1,165.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 935 $4.37 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 936 $77.69 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 937 $1,272.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 938 $18.01 Corbridge, Carla Dee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 939 $4,082.46 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 94 $23.13 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 940 $33.92 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 941 $690.65 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 942 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 943 $349.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 944 $17.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 945 $228.84 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 946 $272.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 947 $1,137.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 948 $192.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 949 $68.00 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 95 $153.34 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 950 $41.34 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 951 $335.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 952 $320.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 953 $515.77 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 954 $35.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 955 $0.69 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 956 $93.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 957 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 958 $213.79 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 959 $31.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 96 $545.33 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 960 $12.18 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 961 $16.96 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 962 $2.06 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 963 $1,000.00 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 964 $21.20 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 965 $48.99 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 966 $1,142.40 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 967 $75.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 968 $16.81 Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 969 $13.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 97 $1,480.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 970 $60.28 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 971 $19.08 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 972 $349.00 Grounds Services Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 973 $35.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 974 $307.42 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 975 $99.00 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 976 $40.08 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 977 $3.18 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 978 $27.01 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 979 $86.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 98 $222.03 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 980 $15.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 981 $106.50 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 982 $57.28 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 983 $7.42 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 984 $124.50 OT/PT Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 985 $53.00 Romney, Melissa Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 986 $27.56 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 987 $521.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 988 $338.35 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 989 $68.91 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 99 $32.43 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 990 $15.57 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 991 $77.75 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 992 $39.79 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 993 $16.49 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 994 $316.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 995 $5.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 996 $74.23 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 997 $25.06 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 998 $99.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
12/31/2019 999 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/13/2020
DecMileageReimb $57.75 In District Mileage Reimbursement Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 90170 1/13/2020
200005823 JHollis $400.00 Supplies & Materials IASA BOISE ID 90171 1/14/2020
300003940 CMartin $915.00 District Prof Dev Travel IASA BOISE ID 90171 1/14/2020
IABE Conf PerDiem $66.00 Travel Expenses Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 90172 1/14/2020
1-10-20 Wrestling $300.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1486378 1/14/2020
1-14-20 Gem State  $500.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls High School Idaho Falls ID 1486376 1/14/2020
1-2-20 $1,415.75 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1486379 1/14/2020
1-8-20 $1,940.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1486377 1/14/2020
26225529 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90174 1/15/2020
26235956 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90174 1/15/2020
26235957 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90174 1/15/2020
26235958 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90174 1/15/2020
MedExpReimb 1.15.20 $95.46 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 90175 1/15/2020
MedExpReimb 1.15.20 $93.00 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 90176 1/15/2020
S-2014-19480 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 90173 1/15/2020
0121902 $136.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166178 1/15/2020
101905 $128.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166178 1/15/2020
11-21-19-004 $210.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
111901 $140.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166178 1/15/2020
111902 $110.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166178 1/15/2020
111903 $120.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166178 1/15/2020
111905 $140.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166178 1/15/2020
12-10-19-001 $137.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-12-19-001 $262.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-12-19-002 $114.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-14-19-001 $229.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-17-19--003 $109.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-17-19-002 $108.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-18-19-001 $101.33 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-18-19-002 $108.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-18-19-003 $113.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-19-19-002 $152.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
12-3-19-001 $123.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166177 1/15/2020
121901 $100.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166178 1/15/2020
2- 111902 $110.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166178 1/15/2020
252265-252263 $121.75 Supplies & Materials Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 57166180 1/15/2020
252265-252263 $208.50 Supplies & Materials Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 57166180 1/15/2020
Donation Club Soccer $300.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166176 1/15/2020
Life Skills Supplly $24.86 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jennifer Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166174 1/15/2020
Refund Athletic Fees $25.00 Purchased Services Celeste Porter Rigby ID 57166173 1/15/2020
Refund Athletic Fees $25.00 Purchased Services Celeste Porter Rigby ID 57166173 1/15/2020
Refund Athletic Fees $25.00 Purchased Services Michelle Gibbs Rigby ID 57166175 1/15/2020
Refund Athletic Fees $25.00 Purchased Services Michelle Gibbs Rigby ID 57166175 1/15/2020
Refund Yearbook $20.00 Supplies & Materials Theresa Flannery Rigby ID 57166179 1/15/2020
Dec 2019 $58.46 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $2,026.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $29.94 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $3,651.19 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $9.22 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $9.22 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $532.70 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $1,335.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $4,048.37 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $9.21 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $9.21 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $2,086.58 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $2,180.84 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $16.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $10,192.87 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $7,083.19 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $19.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $2,848.38 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $657.15 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $11,999.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $1,013.90 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $388.74 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $2,528.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $245.41 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
Dec 2019 $1,830.36 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/16/2020
V621009 $17.99 Supplies & Materials Kristi Conover Rigby ID 1924 1/16/2020
V646984 $42.00 In & Out Money Gary Hogg Huntsville UT 1923 1/16/2020
V756694 $154.78 Supplies & Materials Nichole Thueson Menan ID 1580 1/16/2020
ClassroomSuppReimb $399.33 Supplies & Materials Hsu, Er Fang Rexburg ID 90179 1/17/2020
DayOnTheHill PD $146.50 Board Travel Clark, Leon Rigby ID 90180 1/17/2020
DayOnTheHill PD $146.50 Board Travel Ellis, Roy Rigby ID 90182 1/17/2020
DayOnTheHill PD $153.00 Board Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 90183 1/17/2020
PrepaidLunchRefund $36.20 Student Lunch Sales Eaton, Scott Meridian ID 90181 1/17/2020
V220621 $15.75 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/17/2020
V273990 $3,625.15 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 1/17/2020
V33196 $2,822.92 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90177 1/17/2020
V3562 $50.04 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 1/17/2020
V362206 $110,867.54 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/17/2020
V397389 $6,828.08 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/17/2020
V427968 $4.75 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/17/2020
V432294 $3,032.73 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90177 1/17/2020
V445745 $69.60 PERSI Sick ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 1/17/2020
V448918 $224,817.08 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 1/17/2020
V511510 $67.32 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/17/2020
V585914 $20.31 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/17/2020
V628928 $6.25 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 1/17/2020
V698103 $348.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 1/17/2020
V729964 $11,360.25 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90177 1/17/2020
V81751 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 1/17/2020
V845663 $269,916.40 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90177 1/17/2020
V872814 $716.39 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 1/17/2020
V907164 $1,641.00 Business Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 1/17/2020
V91576 $25,928.69 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/17/2020
V921485 $1,596.87 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 1/17/2020
V195252 $27.00 Supplies & Materials Tammy Finn Rigby ID 1960 1/17/2020
V784176 $4.49 Supplies & Materials Kara Avery Rigby Id 1958 1/17/2020
V867424 $14.00 Purchased Services Culligan Idaho Falls ID 1961 1/17/2020
V944021 $11.85 Fees & Charges South Fork Elementary Lunch Rigby ID 1959 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,034.91 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Anthony D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,426.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,030.66 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,141.67 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$384.17 GROSS PAYROLL Alfaro, Iris Haydee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,070.45 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,477.48 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$950.46 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,248.34 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$888.82 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,222.19 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,442.91 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$986.58 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$48.03 GROSS PAYROLL Argyle, Talia Guymon  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$504.29 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,404.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$901.44 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$143.80 GROSS PAYROLL Baguley, Gayla   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$692.28 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,091.06 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,381.12 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,416.07 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,879.64 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,168.26 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,811.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,281.77 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,050.14 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,213.36 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$889.21 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Cal Roy  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,442.14 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,868.92 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$510.42 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$299.13 GROSS PAYROLL Beazer, Ruth Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,637.33 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$969.04 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,613.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$112.24 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Paul Andrew  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,107.91 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$686.81 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$747.86 GROSS PAYROLL Bingham, John Maurice  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,032.43 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,766.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$662.46 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$754.03 GROSS PAYROLL Blanchard, Sharon A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,015.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,814.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 1/17/2020
$974.34 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Dale R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,421.37 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$438.04 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$945.38 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,019.55 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$668.64 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,064.01 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$800.04 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$928.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$104.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$377.78 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,126.54 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,331.67 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$84.98 GROSS PAYROLL Bruce, James E  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$83.37 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky H  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$724.71 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$864.63 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$234.91 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$472.88 GROSS PAYROLL Butikofer, Kristen Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$27.62 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Lynae Daniel  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$420.04 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,271.18 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$334.63 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$268.12 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,095.84 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,482.69 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,032.32 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$645.27 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Chayce Greg  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,176.97 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$132.78 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$846.27 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$386.11 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,031.17 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$933.74 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,065.87 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$939.76 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,232.56 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$940.06 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,541.22 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$122.05 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,106.90 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,323.25 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,062.49 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,822.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,105.36 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,697.50 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,887.30 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$773.30 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,422.22 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,452.27 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$469.91 GROSS PAYROLL Clipp, Krysta Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$570.40 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 1/17/2020
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$899.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,867.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$6,281.73 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,265.84 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,873.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$6,449.83 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$74.44 GROSS PAYROLL Cramer, Debbie Jayne  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$667.89 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,994.04 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$567.96 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Colleen Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,189.70 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,429.56 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,201.89 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,423.84 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$247.42 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Mary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,429.54 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$33.72 GROSS PAYROLL Dickhaut, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,180.01 GROSS PAYROLL Dillon, Tiffany Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$856.69 GROSS PAYROLL Disney, Morgan Jeanne  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,879.64 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$503.37 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$604.15 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,083.98 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$280.00 GROSS PAYROLL Egan, Nathan Gordon  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$801.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Elaine R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$542.78 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$738.94 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,245.64 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,465.25 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 1/17/2020
$891.71 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$96.64 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Nathan E  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$705.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fellman, Karen Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,636.95 GROSS PAYROLL Ferguson, Kelly Ray  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,875.86 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$766.16 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$579.15 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Amanda Marjean  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,340.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$830.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,073.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,140.75 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,373.70 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$666.66 GROSS PAYROLL French, Emily Susan  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,553.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,382.78 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,301.77 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$733.34 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette   Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$161.60 GROSS PAYROLL Gahn, Amy Lynn  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$596.54 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,149.79 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,018.98 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$184.78 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Whitney Anne  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.34 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$712.02 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$486.14 GROSS PAYROLL Golder, Barbara Boyd  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$723.64 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzales, Hesper Sickinger  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$820.12 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$939.22 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,355.21 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,750.26 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Ashlie   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$937.47 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$6,105.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,512.33 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$744.99 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,636.26 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$431.03 GROSS PAYROLL Grossman, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,246.15 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,480.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,028.09 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$865.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile H  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,983.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$556.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$780.73 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Lacey Madison  Saint Anthony ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,712.87 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,124.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$79.07 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Michelle R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$988.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,220.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$132.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$932.71 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$220.84 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Madison Dawn Gabriel  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$801.12 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,437.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,065.31 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,902.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,468.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,174.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$325.83 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$746.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$401.31 GROSS PAYROLL Hathcock, Holly Carol  Mesa AZ 0 1/17/2020
$1,938.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 1/17/2020
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Scarlett   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$494.30 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,046.05 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$678.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hess, Robyn J  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$21.85 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Cassie Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$482.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Garen Joseph  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,973.87 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 1/17/2020
$3,641.67 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 1/17/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,054.35 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$640.53 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$950.21 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,401.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,922.45 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$636.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$925.09 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,148.04 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,893.83 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$491.06 GROSS PAYROLL Isaksen, Aubrey Lee  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$870.69 GROSS PAYROLL Isom, Brittany Marissa  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jackman, Hailee Jo  Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,028.32 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$872.10 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,151.24 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,190.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 1/17/2020
$857.76 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$970.35 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$587.96 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,482.11 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,331.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,324.47 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$300.29 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$688.16 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,111.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,876.03 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,224.02 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,470.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$32.55 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$346.72 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,452.04 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,979.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,116.89 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,118.76 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,699.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$76.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$143.74 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Todd D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,308.74 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Vickie   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,448.18 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$633.09 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,394.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,005.76 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$735.93 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$398.81 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, Anna Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,805.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,426.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$961.68 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Hayley Drew  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,586.81 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$757.55 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$516.97 GROSS PAYROLL King, Michelle Lynne  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,603.71 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,258.31 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,101.65 GROSS PAYROLL Kreimann, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$266.66 GROSS PAYROLL Kruckeberg, Aleisha Tori  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,301.91 GROSS PAYROLL Lam, Wai   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$460.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,389.43 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$76.53 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Caleb Matthew  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,024.99 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,007.36 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,786.80 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,292.84 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$561.29 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Lacee Ann  Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,099.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$272.81 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$577.41 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsay, Renae B  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,162.96 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$605.66 GROSS PAYROLL Loertscher, Janet Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$8,614.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,095.57 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,087.58 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$866.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,111.11 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$547.73 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$780.75 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,224.93 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,238.27 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,408.44 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$66.64 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Nathan Joseph  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL McCarty, Preston Earl  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,760.67 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$923.19 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$338.58 GROSS PAYROLL McRae, Tanya Lin  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$952.52 GROSS PAYROLL Melgaard, Janette   Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,779.26 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,785.42 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,181.64 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$449.93 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$6,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$959.96 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,030.45 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$483.42 GROSS PAYROLL Monson, Tiffany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$540.93 GROSS PAYROLL Montgomery, Kazley Shalese  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,780.60 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Cameron Chase  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$441.50 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,433.47 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,967.17 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$926.39 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,237.91 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$735.50 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,080.16 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$537.96 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Kristy Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,579.67 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$40.49 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,118.02 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Stephanie M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,033.09 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,464.75 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$425.35 GROSS PAYROLL Nebeker, James Allan  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,140.74 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$748.50 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$609.06 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$194.81 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Kacey   Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,246.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,887.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$990.44 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,513.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$524.88 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Joshua Robert  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$397.22 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Jason W  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,127.09 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,245.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,291.83 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$434.80 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,300.20 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,434.74 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,304.12 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,699.96 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$874.63 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$787.32 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,340.76 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$785.80 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,989.16 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,766.42 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$164.34 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,963.58 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,708.31 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$592.56 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$86.03 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Joshua Aaron  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$445.52 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Lynn Max  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,750.18 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,869.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$738.47 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$621.30 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Brooklyn Dakota  Avondale AZ 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,718.37 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,271.37 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$956.09 GROSS PAYROLL Quinn, Karin   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,270.62 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 1/17/2020
$462.51 GROSS PAYROLL Ragland, Wendy Worlton  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,262.43 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,154.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$309.02 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,629.37 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$913.96 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,918.22 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$85.29 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$869.40 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,011.89 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$262.07 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,710.05 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$196.87 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Stephanie Ila Jean  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$933.29 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$991.41 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,194.17 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,754.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,272.07 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$631.69 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,541.66 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,418.18 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$59.32 GROSS PAYROLL Ross, Gunnar Quinn  Green Bay WI 0 1/17/2020
$2,175.04 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$584.29 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Cody Grant  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,300.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$398.74 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Hilary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,174.26 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$80.28 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,302.70 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$672.15 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Sophia Christine  Las Vegas NV 0 1/17/2020
$3,930.53 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$554.75 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Bonnie   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$931.06 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$655.28 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,169.12 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$650.85 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$544.59 GROSS PAYROLL Selensky, Jeri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$45.86 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew S  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$921.27 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$494.17 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Kayla Lee  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,044.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,152.61 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,736.98 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$277.18 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$8,687.58 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$736.08 GROSS PAYROLL Short, Dacia Jo-D  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$582.29 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$661.90 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$658.49 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 0 1/17/2020
$1,100.46 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$357.14 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jethro Jacob  Chubbuck ID 0 1/17/2020
$952.48 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$710.52 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,660.53 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$779.03 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,189.83 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$178.00 GROSS PAYROLL Spear, Amanda Mangum  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$920.16 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,447.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$890.64 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,436.62 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$841.05 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,225.83 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 1/17/2020
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,047.61 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$746.17 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$491.69 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$462.01 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, KayCee Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$669.21 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Tori   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$941.15 GROSS PAYROLL Tamayo, Rosa Alba  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,794.68 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$216.64 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$312.36 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,049.35 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,094.38 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Matthew Paul  Rexburg, ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,326.16 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,283.53 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,639.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 1/17/2020
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$725.04 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$803.91 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,437.52 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$313.59 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Torrey J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,182.41 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$837.56 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$492.65 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,008.40 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$670.12 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$940.36 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$795.98 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$539.11 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, JoHanna Marie  Lewisville ID 0 1/17/2020
$772.13 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,068.71 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,750.06 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,044.90 GROSS PAYROLL Vega, Cindy   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,291.91 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$331.88 GROSS PAYROLL Virgin, Crystal   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,401.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,057.61 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$222.29 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,305.41 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,191.30 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$960.65 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$743.01 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Curtis Dean  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,966.80 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,407.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$742.19 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$674.66 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,343.86 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$622.87 GROSS PAYROLL West, Tayler Nicole  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,143.23 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$596.13 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$140.73 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$680.83 GROSS PAYROLL Willford, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,379.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,132.25 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$589.08 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,903.30 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$286.96 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Emily Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$496.85 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$71.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Sue   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,134.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,042.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$796.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,037.87 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 0 1/17/2020
$4,811.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 1/17/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 1/17/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 1/17/2020
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 1/17/2020
$733.33 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Todd C  Rigby ID 61228 1/17/2020
$575.80 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Shayla Dawn  Rigby ID 61229 1/17/2020
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Kurtis Blake  Lewisville ID 61230 1/17/2020
$450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Kylee K  Menan ID 61231 1/17/2020
$81.54 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 61232 1/17/2020
$288.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Jason S  Menan ID 61233 1/17/2020
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Geisler, Joshua Kirk  Rigby ID 61234 1/17/2020
$216.81 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 61235 1/17/2020
$353.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hamblin, Katheryn Louise  Salmon ID 61236 1/17/2020
$697.44 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Marcie McBride  Rigby ID 61237 1/17/2020
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Christopher G  Rexburg ID 61238 1/17/2020
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Andrea   Rigby ID 61239 1/17/2020
$72.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Tylie Jayde  Rigby ID 61240 1/17/2020
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moon, Tanner Ashley  Rigby ID 61241 1/17/2020
$215.01 GROSS PAYROLL Sanchez, Diana Rebecca  Rigby ID 61242 1/17/2020
$317.00 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica   Rigby ID 61243 1/17/2020
$733.34 GROSS PAYROLL Treasure, Hailey   Rigby ID 61244 1/17/2020
$232.50 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 61245 1/17/2020
$132.50 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Rayana Janet  Rigby ID 61246 1/17/2020
$644.63 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 61247 1/17/2020
$397.69 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton R  Rexburg ID 61248 1/17/2020
$267.93 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 61249 1/17/2020
$643.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 61250 1/17/2020
$85.80 GROSS PAYROLL Welker, Amber Marie  Rigby ID 61251 1/17/2020
$74.60 GROSS PAYROLL Couch, Mandy Darline  Rexburg ID 61252 1/17/2020
$208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Alyssa Michele  Rexburg ID 61253 1/17/2020
$558.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 61254 1/17/2020
$592.29 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 61255 1/17/2020
$585.07 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 61256 1/17/2020
$483.04 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 61257 1/17/2020
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Whitney Nakelle  Rigby ID 61258 1/17/2020
$474.90 GROSS PAYROLL Sager, Shirley M  Menan ID 61259 1/17/2020
$516.05 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 61260 1/17/2020
$57.99 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 61261 1/17/2020
$241.01 GROSS PAYROLL Hickman, Amanda K  Rigby ID 61262 1/17/2020
$387.19 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Ronald J  Menan ID 61263 1/17/2020
$481.25 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee V  Rigby ID 61264 1/17/2020
$601.98 GROSS PAYROLL Wahnschaffe, Sterling Drake  Rigby ID 61265 1/17/2020
$459.45 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 61266 1/17/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 61267 1/17/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 61268 1/17/2020
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 61269 1/17/2020
$1,231.85 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 61270 1/17/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 61271 1/17/2020
$677.03 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 61272 1/17/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 61273 1/17/2020
$981.78 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 61274 1/17/2020
$1,040.57 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 61275 1/17/2020
$2,339.74 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 61276 1/17/2020
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61277 1/17/2020
$1,395.90 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 61278 1/17/2020
$2,337.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 61279 1/17/2020
$713.13 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61280 1/17/2020
$2,751.06 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61281 1/17/2020
$1,424.38 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 61282 1/17/2020
$1,696.13 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61283 1/17/2020
$1,572.53 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61284 1/17/2020
26259620 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90185 1/20/2020
26267696 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90186 1/20/2020
34700824 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 90184 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 $1,298.88 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $1,313.32 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $277.57 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $1,722.77 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $1,045.61 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $2,016.09 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $1,572.28 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $3,045.22 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $3,280.85 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $1,028.78 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $9,211.43 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $69.57 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $908.44 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 1 $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/20/2020
Dec 2019 2 -($1,298.88) Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 1/20/2020
DayOnTheHill $615.00 Board Travel ISBA Boise ID 90187 1/21/2020
V122905 $117.08 Supplies & Materials Sue Torres Menan ID 1925 1/21/2020
Assembly Speaker $775.00 Purchases Services Overcoming Adversity, LLC Idaho Falls ID 57166183 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $581.49 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $68.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $25.22 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $50.46 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $51.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $769.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $75.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $486.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $23.86 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $23.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $5,130.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $170.92 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $39.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $1,991.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $271.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $181.97 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $23.73 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $4,986.49 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $117.06 Flex Fund Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $108.00 Shakespeare Team Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $51.00 Guitar-Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
Dec 19 Visa $113.95 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166182 1/21/2020
IDLA Refund $150.00 Purchased Services Debby Piquet Idaho Falls 83 57166181 1/21/2020
V938236 $30.00 Purchased Services South Fork Elementary Lunch Rigby ID 1962 1/21/2020
Dec 20 2019 $3,000.00 Business Services State Department of Education Boise ID 90189 1/22/2020
Dec 2019 Credit -($14.60) Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 1/22/2020
EKozhevnikovaCert $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 90188 1/22/2020
Jan 2020 $896.11 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 90192 1/22/2020
LibraryBkRefund $7.99 Library Dupree, Shani Rigby ID 90190 1/22/2020
Nov2019MileageReimb $53.76 Custodian Mileage Between Buildings Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90191 1/22/2020
Nov2019MileageReimb $12.65 In District Mileage Reimbursement Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90191 1/22/2020
Oct2019MileageReimb $47.80 Mileage Reimb Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90191 1/22/2020
Oct2019MileageReimb 10.54 Vendor Services Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90191 1/22/2020
1-10-20 $341.25 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486384 1/22/2020
1-17-20 $187.50 Supplies & Materials Morton, Lisa Idaho Falls ID 1486383 1/22/2020
1-22-2020 $347.00 Supplies & Materials HUNTER, KEEGAN Idaho Falls ID 1486381 1/22/2020
2001-106598/106606 $245.11 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE LUMBER, LLC RIGBY ID 1486386 1/22/2020
252269  $586.50 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE CLOTHING RIGBY ID 1486385 1/22/2020
32802 $617.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486380 1/22/2020
32925 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486380 1/22/2020
A 2624 $80.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION BOISE ID 1486382 1/22/2020
A 2637 $100.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION BOISE ID 1486382 1/22/2020
Boys Bball Official $84.00 Purchased Services Mike Ricks Rexburg ID 57166185 1/22/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Douglas Barfuss Iona ID 57166184 1/22/2020
Reimb Creativity $115.54 Supplies & Materials Xue Yang Rigby ID 57166186 1/22/2020
DayOnTheHillPD $586.00 Supt/Asst Supt Martin, Chad Rigby ID 90193 1/23/2020
6879763 $101.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 90194 1/24/2020
EA91265095 Invoice $6,252.00 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) College Board Chicago IL 90200 1/24/2020
EducationLawConfPD -($127.00) Board Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 90195 1/24/2020
EducationLawConfPD $127.00 Board Travel Martin, Chad Rigby ID 90195 1/24/2020
EducationLawConfPD -($127.00) Board Travel Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 90196 1/24/2020
EducationLawConfPD $127.00 Board Travel Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 90196 1/24/2020
EducationLawConfPD -($127.00) Board Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 90197 1/24/2020
EducationLawConfPD $127.00 Board Travel Simmons, Sherry Ririe ID 90197 1/24/2020
EducationLawConfPD -($127.00) Board Travel Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90198 1/24/2020
EducationLawConfPD $127.00 Board Travel Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90198 1/24/2020
LawSeminarReg $900.00 Travel Expenses Anderson, Julian & Hull, LLP Boise ID 90199 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 91.9 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $45.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $66.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $78.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $78.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $91.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-20-2020 $301.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486390 1/24/2020
1-24-2020 $650.00 Supplies & Materials Area 10 Handbell Musicians of America Nampa ID 1486393 1/24/2020
1-24-2020 $300.00 Supplies & Materials Ball, Rachel Rigby ID 1486387 1/24/2020
1-24-2020 $135.00 Supplies & Materials NWACC Boise ID 1486392 1/24/2020
1081055 $765.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO BPA Boise ID 1486388 1/24/2020
12-16-19-001 $34.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486389 1/24/2020
12-19-19-003 $90.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486389 1/24/2020
12-6-19-002 $114.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486389 1/24/2020
23897440 $1,200.71 Supplies & Materials Jostens Chicago  IL 1486391 1/24/2020
0177 $432.00 Supplies & Materials Hope Creek Embroidery Rigby ID 57166188 1/24/2020
73636 $561.60 Supplies & Materials Western's Smokehouse, LLC Greentop MO 57166191 1/24/2020
Cheer Comp Fee $200.00 Purchased Services TecCo LLC Boise Id 57166190 1/24/2020
Reimb Fundraiser $104.40 Supplies & Materials Alexander Greenfield Rexburg ID 57166187 1/24/2020
Reimbursement $38.05 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jennifer Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166189 1/24/2020
63101583 $803.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Wex Bank Carol Stream IL 0 1/27/2020
Classroom101PerDiem $76.00 Supplies & Materials Bailey, Hollie Albion ID 90203 1/27/2020
Classroom101PerDiem $76.00 Supplies & Materials MacPherson, Amber Louise Rexburg ID 90204 1/27/2020
Classroom101PerDiem $76.00 Supplies & Materials Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 90205 1/27/2020
Classroom101PerDiem $76.00 Supplies & Materials White, Glenda Menan ID 90206 1/27/2020
HealingDisciplinePD $102.00 Supplies & Materials Davis, Rebecca Rigby ID 90207 1/27/2020
HealingDisciplinePD ($102.00) Supplies & Materials Davis, Rebecca Rigby ID 90207 1/27/2020
IETAConfPerDiem $472.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 90201 1/27/2020
IETAConfPerDiem $178.00 Library Troyer, Lori Idaho Falls ID 90202 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD $275.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Billeter, Sara Jane Rexburg ID 90208 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD ($275.00) Travel Expenses-SWIP Billeter, Sara Jane Rexburg ID 90208 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD $275.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 90209 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD ($275.00) Travel Expenses-SWIP Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 90209 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD $275.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Hanson, LaRae Ammon ID 90210 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD ($275.00) Travel Expenses-SWIP Hanson, LaRae Ammon ID 90210 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD $275.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 90211 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD -($275.00) Travel Expenses-SWIP Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 90211 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD $275.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Weekes, Nichole Michele Rigby ID 90212 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD -($275.00) Travel Expenses-SWIP Weekes, Nichole Michele Rigby ID 90212 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD $275.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 90213 1/27/2020
InnovativeSummitPD -($275.00) Travel Expenses-SWIP Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 90213 1/27/2020
V488588 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Floral Classics RIGBY ID 3000 1/27/2020
V718193 $48.65 School Uniforms & Sweatshirts Supplies Kettle Embroidery Rexburg ID 2999 1/27/2020
V737859 $165.50 School Uniforms & Sweatshirts Supplies Tenille Byington Rigby ID 3001 1/27/2020
012002 $108.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166194 1/27/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Alec Holman Rexburg ID 57166192 1/27/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Skyler La Rochelle Rexburg ID 57166193 1/27/2020
StateChoirPerDiem $204.00 Bill To Choir Baxter, Marc Rigby ID 90214 1/28/2020
1-28-20 $20.00 Supplies & Materials Abel, Bradley Rigby ID 1486394 1/28/2020
32549 $2,567.50 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486395 1/28/2020
521518 $145.74 Supplies & Materials Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc. Irmo SC 1486396 1/28/2020
826042 $190.68 Supplies & Materials Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc. Irmo SC 1486396 1/28/2020
INV0002 $1,440.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486397 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $501.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $269.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $977.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $76.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $22.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $63.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $42.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $25.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $45.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $13.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $580.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $750.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $750.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $58.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $17.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $17.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $300.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $1,250.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $70.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $82.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $308.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $97.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $159.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $569.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $7.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $31.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $30.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $7.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $20.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $10.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 -($422.50) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $7.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $2.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $15.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $25.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $159.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $23.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $15.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $404.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $265.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $5.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $9.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $10.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $148.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $18.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $25.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $72.51 Breaking Down The Walls JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $119.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $21.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $86.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $26.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $6.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $85.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $121.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $19.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $7.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $21.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $10.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $52.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $79.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 86.4 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $25.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $56.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $45.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $94.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $86.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $78.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $339.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $518.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $103.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $129.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $425.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $361.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $255.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $17.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $383.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 -($383.18) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 -($25.64) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $34.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $45.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $67.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $37.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $88.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $27.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $35.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $14.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $258.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $65.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $175.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $974.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $73.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $9.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $244.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $49.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $24.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $17.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $9.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $54.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $36.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $406.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $17.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $15.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $8.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $66.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $7.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $80.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $20.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $320.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $300.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $678.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $35.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $70.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $38.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $28.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $27.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $13.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $7.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $262.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $10.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $30.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $24.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $139.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $13.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $101.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $224.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $34.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $16.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $50.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $7.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $259.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $23.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $6.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $27.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $17.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $4.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $3.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 9.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $14.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $6.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $18.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $10.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $24.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $13.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $4.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $90.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $26.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $15.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $4.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 ($126.14) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $23.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $75.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $42.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $4.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $29.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $63.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $137.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $281.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $2.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $17.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 -($190.80) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $271.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $128.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $160.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $350.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $21.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $343.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $63.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $41.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $276.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $52.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $83.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $1,756.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $1,016.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $7.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $9.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $21.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $31.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $164.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $293.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $9.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
Oct 31-2019 $46.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486398 1/28/2020
V331844 $59.40 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls Arts Council Idaho Falls ID 1581 1/28/2020
26339942 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90219 1/29/2020
26339942 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90219 1/29/2020
IAPTConfPerDiem $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 90215 1/29/2020
IAPTConfPerDiem ($204.00) Transportation Travel & Training 85 Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 90215 1/29/2020
IAPTConfPerDiem $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Christensen, Mallari Claire Menan ID 90216 1/29/2020
IAPTConfPerDiem ($204.00) Transportation Travel & Training 85 Christensen, Mallari Claire Menan ID 90216 1/29/2020
IAPTConfPerDiem $204.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Jackson, Margo Roberts ID 90217 1/29/2020
IAPTConfPerDiem ($204.00) Transportation Travel & Training 85 Jackson, Margo Roberts ID 90217 1/29/2020
IAPTConfPerDiem $255.00 Transportation Travel & Training 85 Southwick, Clyde Rexburg ID 90218 1/29/2020
IAPTConfPerDiem ($255.00) Transportation Travel & Training 85 Southwick, Clyde Rexburg ID 90218 1/29/2020
MedExpReimb1.29.2020 $20.58 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 90220 1/29/2020
MedExpReimb1.29.2020 $1,999.99 Buy-Down Insurance Duerden, Donna P  Rexburg ID 90221 1/29/2020
MedExpReimb1.29.2020 $21.07 Buy-Down Insurance Norman, Wendy Ann Rigby ID 90222 1/29/2020
MedExpReimb1.29.2020 $14.20 Buy-Down Insurance Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 90223 1/29/2020
MedExpReimb1.29.2020 $10.38 Buy-Down Insurance Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 90224 1/29/2020
MedExpReimb1.29.2020 $557.93 Buy-Down Insurance Raber, Shane Rigby ID 90225 1/29/2020
MedExpReimb1.29.2020 $838.91 Buy-Down Insurance Shippen, Troy Menan ID 90226 1/29/2020
MedExpReimb1.29.2020 $1,182.89 Buy-Down Insurance Thompson, Lyle RIGBY ID 90227 1/29/2020
V514782 $41.33 Supplies and Materials Teacher Dues Jefferson Staff Rigby ID 2187 1/29/2020
1-29-2020 $250.00 Supplies & Materials Corgatelli, Alyson Rigby ID 1486399 1/29/2020
1-29-2020 $500.00 Supplies & Materials District 6 Festival-Dance Pocatello ID 1486400 1/29/2020
1-29-2020 $455.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1486401 1/29/2020
V181759 $20.00 Cash on Hand Midway Elementary Menan ID 3839 1/30/2020
1-30-2020 $500.00 Supplies & Materials LUCY'S PIZZA ROBERTS ID 1486404 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $990.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $10.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $140.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $45.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $8.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $16.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $262.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $31.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $19.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $48.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $330.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $1,542.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $119.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $128.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $63.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $38.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $22.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $150.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $96.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $1,161.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $424.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $75.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 -($424.97) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $20.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $6,048.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $31.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $15.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $25.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $127.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $22.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $28.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $45.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $18.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $24.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $60.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $53.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $20.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $46.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $240.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $36.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $20.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $17.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $39.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $42.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $104.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $36.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $90.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $3,114.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $43.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $348.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $42.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $6.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $385.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $217.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $103.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $440.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $15.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $372.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $480.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $1,347.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $767.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $72.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $90.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $48.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $212.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $196.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 ($23.43) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $183.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $56.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $12.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $230.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $363.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $993.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $42.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $949.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $818.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $200.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $115.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $1,149.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 -($66.96) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $5.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $114.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $33.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $74.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $115.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $436.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $19.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $26.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $4.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $28.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $57.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $142.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $317.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $680.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $46.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $48.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $17.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $118.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $35.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $8.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $49.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $327.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $283.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $17.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $82.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $234.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $127.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $80.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $11.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $12.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $116.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $50.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $370.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $285.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $2,253.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $2,939.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $85.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 -($34.99) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $48.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $79.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $7.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $21.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $2.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $23.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $5.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $19.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $25.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $47.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $17.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $29.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $43.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $7.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $5.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $63.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $102.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $193.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $87.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $58.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $20.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $179.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $297.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $80.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $2,513.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $6,851.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $160.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $139.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $77.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $219.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $33.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $366.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $44.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $249.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $131.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $318.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 65.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $75.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $103.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $411.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $190.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $31.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $420.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $273.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $1,064.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $500.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
Nov 30, 2019 $27.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486402 1/30/2020
P2272126184 $103.02 Supplies & Materials L&W Supply Idaho Falls ID 1486403 1/30/2020
P2272126184 $103.03 Supplies & Materials L&W Supply Idaho Falls ID 1486403 1/30/2020
30 $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 1/31/2020
DecMileageReimb $54.81 Mileage Reimb Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90232 1/31/2020
DecMileageReimb $5.54 In District Mileage Reimbursement Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90232 1/31/2020
Jan Early Payment $100,000.00 Accounts Receivable Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 1/31/2020
MedExpReimb1.30.2020 $2,844.67 Buy-Down Insurance McMinn, Alissa Rigby ID 90228 1/31/2020
Reim for dist. purch $32.97 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 90229 1/31/2020
Reimb for dist purch $1,750.00 Maintenance Supplies Chandler, Neil Rigby ID 90230 1/31/2020
TeachPayTeachReimb $12.88 Shayla Webb Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 90231 1/31/2020
26344601 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90235 2/3/2020
Aug-OctMileageReimb $106.65 Travel Expenses Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 90233 2/3/2020
Dec,JanMileageReimb $109.40 Travel Expenses Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 90233 2/3/2020
IASBOPerDiem2020 $90.00 Travel Expenses Bronson, Bryce Jerome Ammon ID 90245 2/3/2020
Jan2020MileageReimb $54.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 90240 2/3/2020
Jan2020MileageReimb $82.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 90241 2/3/2020
Jan2020MileageReimb $53.84 In District Mileage Reimbursement Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 90242 2/3/2020
Jan2020MileageReimb $53.75 Mileage Reimb Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90244 2/3/2020
Jan2020MileageReimb $1.30 In District Mileage Reimbursement Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90244 2/3/2020
Nov-JanMileageReimb $25.75 In District Mileage Reimbursement Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 90243 2/3/2020
Oct,NovMileageReimb $67.90 Travel Expenses Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 90233 2/3/2020
SPhillipsAltAuth $100.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support State Department of Education Boise ID 90234 2/3/2020
StemLeadPerDiem $75.00 District Prof Dev Travel Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 90236 2/3/2020
StemLeadPerDiem $75.00 District Prof Dev Travel Comstock, Gary Idaho Falls ID 90237 2/3/2020
StemLeadPerDiem $75.00 District Prof Dev Travel Lancaster, Kendell Idaho Falls ID 90238 2/3/2020
StemLeadPerDiem $75.00 District Prof Dev Travel Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90239 2/3/2020
V426671 $10.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1583 2/3/2020
26191806 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90246 2/4/2020
26377202 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90246 2/4/2020
MedExpReimb2.4.2020 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Daku, Scott Rigby ID 90247 2/4/2020
MedExpReimb2.4.2020 $1,999.99 Buy-Down Insurance Fenton, Tyrie Rigby ID 90248 2/4/2020
1-29-2020 $225.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho FFA State Association Boise ID 1486406 2/4/2020
2-4-2020 $349.06 Supplies & Materials DAKU, LORI RIGBY ID 1486405 2/4/2020
2-4-2020 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Uffens, Jeffrey Rigby ID 1486407 2/4/2020
012004 $150.00 Purchased Services The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166199 2/4/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Devan Berry Rexburg ID 57166195 2/4/2020
Official Boys Bball -($84.00) Purchased Services Devan Berry Rexburg ID 57166195 2/4/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Michael Olson Rexburg ID 57166196 2/4/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Nicholas Oster Rexburg ID 57166197 2/4/2020
Official Boys Bball -($84.00) Purchased Services Nicholas Oster Rexburg ID 57166197 2/4/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Paul Ward Idaho Falls ID 57166198 2/4/2020
V386985 $72.90 Supplies & Materials Idaho Falls Arts Council Idaho Falls ID 1582 2/4/2020
V582622 $1,854.81 Supplies & Materials Scholastic Book Fairs Jefferson City MO 1585 2/4/2020
V904949 $202.10 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1584 2/4/2020
ClassroomSuppReimb $45.44 Supplies & Materials Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 90252 2/5/2020
ClassroomSuppReimb $90.00 Supplies & Materials Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 90253 2/5/2020
MedExpReimb2.5.2020 $1,490.14 Buy-Down Insurance Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 90250 2/5/2020
Reimb $44.00 Maintenance Supplies Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 90251 2/5/2020
SuppReimb $31.79 Curriculum Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 90249 2/5/2020
SuppReimb2 $38.45 Curriculum Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 90249 2/5/2020
V672710 $16.40 Supplies & Materials Jill Killpack Rigby ID 1927 2/5/2020
V903096 $74.02 Supplies & Materials Anita Lindstrom Rigby ID 1926 2/5/2020
MileageReimbursement $26.56 LEP Travel Woodbury, Caleb Rexburg ID 90254 2/6/2020
V406684 $7.02 Supplies & Materials School District #251 Rigby ID 3002 2/6/2020
1-4-2020 $1,092.00 Supplies & Materials Hampton Inn Boise-Airport Boise ID 1486409 2/6/2020
12-11-19-2 $630.00 Supplies & Materials Magic Valley Forensics Association Twin Falls ID 1486410 2/6/2020
2-6-2020 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Treasure Valley Family YMCA-Boise Boise ID 1486412 2/6/2020
4527 $255.00 Supplies & Materials Xtreme Electric Rigby ID 1486414 2/6/2020
7 $300.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486408 2/6/2020
89781 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Western Recycling-Curbside Idaho Falls ID 1486413 2/6/2020
950832684 $3,307.45 Supplies & Materials RIDDELL/ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP. CHICAGO IL 1486411 2/6/2020
950895477 $110.30 Supplies & Materials RIDDELL/ALL AMERICAN SPORTS CORP. CHICAGO IL 1486411 2/6/2020
004116 $2,207.64 Non Program EF Supplies A&R Corporation Idaho Falls ID 90257 2/7/2020
004116 $4,963.40 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising A&R Corporation Idaho Falls ID 90257 2/7/2020
00869-10 $994,892.02 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90259 2/7/2020
00881-9 $237,253.88 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90259 2/7/2020
00882-8 $255,625.00 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90259 2/7/2020
01.31.2020 $10,000.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90277 2/7/2020
1.30.19 $90.00 Supplies and Materials Accents for All Seasons Rigby ID 90258 2/7/2020
10 2.5.2020 $6,000.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90279 2/7/2020
10 2.5.2020 HE $9,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90279 2/7/2020
1022819 $70.66 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 90262 2/7/2020
1037-F032267 $8,835.00 Professional Services 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 90256 2/7/2020
1091290 $3,009.54 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Steve Regan Co. Salt Lake City UT 90293 2/7/2020
11 $14,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90279 2/7/2020
11 $62.50 Vendor Services Smith, Kayla Rigby ID 90291 2/7/2020
1158 $5,850.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 90272 2/7/2020
12.20.19 CC-1 $2,530.40 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90286 2/7/2020
12.20.19 EW-1 $1,138.40 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90286 2/7/2020
12.20.19 SR-1 $2,858.63 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90286 2/7/2020
12051429 $414.35 District Office Services Jefferson Star RIGBY ID 90274 2/7/2020
170572 $385.80 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90276 2/7/2020
170573 $240.40 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90276 2/7/2020
171016 $2,391.90 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90276 2/7/2020
176532  176534 $1,400.00 District Office Services Post Register Idaho Falls ID 90282 2/7/2020
176532 Job week  $700.00 District Office Services Post Register Idaho Falls ID 90282 2/7/2020
20-1992 $399.00 Grounds Supplies Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 90284 2/7/2020
20-2549 $399.00 Grounds Supplies Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 90284 2/7/2020
2020 Assessment $138.00 Grounds Services Jefferson Elem Rigby Canal Company Rigby ID 90285 2/7/2020
202253 $399.00 Purchased Services Rhodehouse Construction, Inc. Rigby ID 90284 2/7/2020
20367340 $651.24 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90289 2/7/2020
20367341 $170.90 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90289 2/7/2020
20382962 $234.98 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90289 2/7/2020
20382963 $349.07 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90289 2/7/2020
20382964 $1,784.03 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90289 2/7/2020
20382965 $110.00 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90289 2/7/2020
21992 $572.30 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
21993 $158.91 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
21995 $172.50 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22055 $668.81 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22060 $970.25 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22062 $365.25 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22064 $103.50 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22070 $334.34 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22075 $138.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22076 $138.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22092 $138.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22110 $345.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22110 $529.75 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90294 2/7/2020
22990 $1,116.75 Auditor Fees Searle Hart & Associates PLLC Rexburg ID 90288 2/7/2020
25 $265.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 90295 2/7/2020
251172-1 $1,725.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 90269 2/7/2020
294 $7,433.80 General Supplies Elite Apparel LLC Rexburg ID 90265 2/7/2020
3067680 $1,134.64 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90289 2/7/2020
3070809 $2,741.28 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90289 2/7/2020
3082 $1,477.00 Professional Services GBS of Idaho Boise ID 90267 2/7/2020
400980705 $20,545.00 Purchased Services Xylem Dewatering Solutions Inc Chicago IL 90296 2/7/2020
5 $4,970.72 Medicaid Purchased Services Bright Futeres Service Coordination Shelley ID 90261 2/7/2020
5 $2,827.00 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90287 2/7/2020
5 $2,827.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90287 2/7/2020
5623 $1,200.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Lehi UT 90266 2/7/2020
64254 $68.00 Vendor Services MSBT Law Boise ID 90278 2/7/2020
64436 $544.00 Vendor Services MSBT Law Boise ID 90278 2/7/2020
7100491 $5,544.41 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90280 2/7/2020
7109155 $5,858.15 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90280 2/7/2020
7117461 $2,066.62 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90280 2/7/2020
7118 $1,000.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv EC Concrete Cutting Idaho Falls ID 90264 2/7/2020
7126016 $3,691.15 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90280 2/7/2020
75530 $1,667.50 Technology-Midway Sign Pro Idaho Falls ID 90290 2/7/2020
89415306363 $309.40 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90260 2/7/2020
89415306410 $204.30 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90260 2/7/2020
89415306433 $387.82 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90260 2/7/2020
9084 $6,141.30 Grounds Snow Removal Services Smitty's LLC Rigby ID 90292 2/7/2020
9176 $25,095.89 Grounds Snow Removal Services Smitty's LLC Rigby ID 90292 2/7/2020
CC-1 1.31.2020 $1,724.63 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90286 2/7/2020
CiscoConfPerDiem $697.00 Travel Expenses Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 90255 2/7/2020
Dec 19 - Jan 20 $5,044.23 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90270 2/7/2020
Dec 2019 $13,875.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 90283 2/7/2020
EW-1 1.31.2020 $742.09 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90286 2/7/2020
Feb 03, 2020 $125.00 Travel Expenses IASBO Jerome ID 90268 2/7/2020
Feb 03, 2020 $175.00 Dues, Memberships, Subscriptions IASBO Jerome ID 90268 2/7/2020
Jan 2020 1 $3,472.99 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 90271 2/7/2020
Jan 23 2020 $3,005.00 Grounds Supplies Larz Performance Rigby ID 90275 2/7/2020
Jan 23 2020 ($3,005.00) Grounds Supplies Larz Performance Rigby ID 90275 2/7/2020
Jan 8, 2020 $4,200.00 Elementary Purchased Services Jefferson County D.A.R.E Program Rigyb ID 90273 2/7/2020
MedExpReimb2.7.2020 $217.26 Buy-Down Insurance Lister, Kim RIGBY ID 90297 2/7/2020
MedExpReimb2.7.2020 $99.40 Buy-Down Insurance Norman, Wendy Ann Rigby ID 90298 2/7/2020
RHS 1.14.20 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90281 2/7/2020
RHS 1.21.20 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90281 2/7/2020
RHS 1.28.20 98.70 98.7 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90281 2/7/2020
RMS $211.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90281 2/7/2020
RMS 1.2/.20 197.40 $197.40 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90281 2/7/2020
RMS 1.21.20 155.10 $155.10 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90281 2/7/2020
S-2014-19767 $623.60 Water Sewer Gabage City of Menan MENAN ID 90263 2/7/2020
SR-1 1.31.2020 $2,756.25 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90286 2/7/2020
0174686730 $88.00 Supplies & Materials J.W. Pepper Exton PA 57166201 2/7/2020
89762 $60.00 Purchased Services Western Recycling Idaho Falls ID 57166205 2/7/2020
February Payroll  $706.34 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166203 2/7/2020
February Payroll  $216.24 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166203 2/7/2020
February Payroll  $360.39 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166203 2/7/2020
February Payroll  $3,724.03 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166203 2/7/2020
FFA Registration $425.00 Purchased Services Idaho FFA Association Boise ID 57166200 2/7/2020
INV0003 $900.00 Purchases Services Skyline High School Idaho Falls ID 57166204 2/7/2020
January Taxes $49.97 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $28.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $79.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $9.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $7.08 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $47.70 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $3.11 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $86.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $32.66 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $157.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $15.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $1.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $3.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $1.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
January Taxes $1.70 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166202 2/7/2020
00902-4 $32,047.15 RHS Parking Lot Expansion Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90299 2/10/2020
171183 $4,542.30 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90300 2/10/2020
SupplyReimb78.90 $33.72 Supplies & Materials Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 90301 2/10/2020
SupplyReimb78.90 $45.18 Taunya Campbell Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 90301 2/10/2020
V548850 $95.00 Purchased Services Zoo Idaho Pocatello ID 1928 2/10/2020
1-11-2020-400 $272.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166210 2/10/2020
1-21-20-001 $168.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166210 2/10/2020
1-23-20-001 $50.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166210 2/10/2020
1-23-20-001-2 $196.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166210 2/10/2020
1-28-20-002 $141.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166210 2/10/2020
Feb 20 Payroll- 2 $235.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166209 2/10/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Jared Kelly Rexburg ID 57166206 2/10/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Kevin Clark Rexburg  ID 57166208 2/10/2020
Reimb. 6th Science $108.04 Supplies & Materials Jordan Nuttall Rexburg ID 57166207 2/10/2020
1-24-20-002 $77.17 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
1-25-20-001 $188.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $16.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $7.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 0.71 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $0.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $1,719.54 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $56.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $2.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $73.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 -($10.80) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $1.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $71.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $20.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
1-31-2020 $43.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486419 2/11/2020
100-2-7-2020 $76.43 Supplies & Materials CHILD NUTRITION RIGBY ID 1486415 2/11/2020
2-10-20 $783.82 Supplies & Materials Davis, Erin Rigby ID 1486416 2/11/2020
2-11-20 $578.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Mountain River District (NFL) Pocatello ID 1486417 2/11/2020
2-11-20 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho Mountain River NSDA-District Idaho Falls ID 1486421 2/11/2020
2-3-20 $2,260.75 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1486420 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $78.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $168.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $162.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $86.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $313.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $373.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $339.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $162.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $130.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $161.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $218.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $925.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $329.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $230.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $282.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
January 2020 Trans $210.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486418 2/11/2020
V319779 $11.85 Supplies & Materials South Fork Elementary Lunch Rigby ID 1963 2/11/2020
V598443 $19.04 Supplies & Materials Kara Avery Rigby Id 1964 2/11/2020
V964994 $26.00 Purchased Services Culligan Idaho Falls ID 1965 2/11/2020
1/31/2020 1 $36,409.44 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 10 $17,287.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 100 $616.85 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1000 $15.35 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1001 $15.32 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1002 $15.24 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1003 $15.06 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1004 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1005 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1006 $14.98 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1007 $14.84 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1008 $14.75 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1009 $14.72 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 101 $614.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1010 $14.72 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1011 $14.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1012 $14.63 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1013 $14.49 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1014 $14.48 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1015 $14.36 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1016 $14.34 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1017 $14.31 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1018 $14.30 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1019 $14.30 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 102 $614.78 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1020 $14.28 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1021 $14.24 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1022 $14.20 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1023 $14.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1024 $13.95 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1025 $13.92 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1026 $13.78 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1027 $13.77 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1028 $13.77 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1029 $13.76 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 103 $608.20 AED replacements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1030 $13.73 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1031 $13.64 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1032 $13.52 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1033 $13.46 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1034 $13.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1035 $13.28 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1036 $13.25 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1037 $13.25 James, Brenda Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1038 $13.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1039 $13.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 104 $567.95 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1040 $13.23 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1041 $13.12 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1042 $13.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1043 $13.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1044 $12.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1045 $12.94 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1046 $12.92 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1047 $12.76 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1048 $12.71 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1049 $12.71 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 105 $560.85 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1050 $12.70 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1051 $12.57 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1052 $12.48 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1053 $12.23 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1054 $12.22 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1055 $12.07 Norman, Wendy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1056 $12.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1057 $11.94 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1058 $11.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1059 $11.70 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 106 $544.00 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1060 $11.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1061 $11.65 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1062 $11.45 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1063 $11.25 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1064 $11.18 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1065 $11.12 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1066 $11.12 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1067 $11.01 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1068 $11.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1069 $11.00 Day, Lisa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 107 $538.63 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1070 $10.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1071 $10.99 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1072 $10.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1073 $10.84 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1074 $10.83 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1075 $10.74 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1076 $10.68 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1077 $10.59 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1078 $10.49 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1079 $10.48 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 108 $534.54 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1080 $10.44 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1081 $10.36 Balmforth, Ronni Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1082 $10.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1083 $10.02 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1084 $10.00 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1085 $9.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1086 $9.99 Keller, Jeff Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1087 $9.99 Keller, Jeff Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1088 $9.99 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1089 $9.98 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 109 $531.40 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1090 $9.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1091 $9.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1092 $9.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1093 $9.91 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1094 $9.91 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1095 $9.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1096 $9.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1097 $9.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1098 $9.54 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1099 $9.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 11 $13,653.54 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 110 $528.00 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1100 $9.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1101 $9.42 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1102 $9.38 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1103 $9.31 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1104 $9.07 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1105 $8.89 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1106 $8.85 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1107 $8.81 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1108 $8.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1109 $8.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 111 $522.63 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1110 $8.49 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1111 $8.48 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1112 $8.47 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1113 $8.47 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1114 $8.46 7th Reading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1115 $8.25 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1116 $8.25 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1117 $8.18 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1118 $8.15 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1119 $7.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 112 $512.35 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1120 $7.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1121 $7.99 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1122 $7.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1123 $7.98 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1124 $7.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1125 $7.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1126 $7.76 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1127 $7.73 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1128 $7.46 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1129 $7.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 113 $511.61 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1130 $7.42 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1131 $7.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1132 $7.42 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1133 $7.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1134 $7.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1135 $7.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1136 $7.34 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1137 $7.29 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1138 $6.97 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1139 $6.95 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 114 $507.43 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1140 $6.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1141 $6.76 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1142 $6.75 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1143 $6.73 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1144 $6.58 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1145 $6.49 Johnson, MaryAnn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1146 $6.38 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1147 $6.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1148 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1149 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 115 $505.99 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1150 $6.35 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1151 $6.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1152 $6.33 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1153 $6.32 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1154 $6.12 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1155 $5.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1156 $5.80 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1157 $5.75 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1158 $5.72 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1159 $5.68 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 116 $504.76 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1160 $5.67 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1161 $5.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1162 $5.47 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1163 $5.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1164 $5.03 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1165 $4.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1166 $4.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1167 $4.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1168 $4.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1169 $4.80 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 117 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1170 $4.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1171 $4.59 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1172 $4.48 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1173 $4.31 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1174 $4.24 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1175 $4.24 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1176 $4.12 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1177 $4.08 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1178 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1179 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 118 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1180 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1181 $4.02 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1182 $3.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1183 $3.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1184 $3.98 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1185 $3.89 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1186 $3.88 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1187 $3.65 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1188 $3.58 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1189 $3.18 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 119 $499.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1190 $3.17 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1191 $3.05 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1192 $3.01 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1193 $2.92 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1194 $2.89 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1195 $2.52 Fund Raiser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1196 $2.12 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1197 $2.12 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1198 $1.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1199 $1.68 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 12 $12,895.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 120 $490.00 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1200 $1.50 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1201 $1.49 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1202 $1.31 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1203 $1.16 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1204 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1205 $0.87 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1206 -($3.25) ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1207 -($6.95) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1208 -($9.52) English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1209 -($11.52) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 121 $475.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1210 -($18.01) Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1211 -($23.00) Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1212 -($30.00) Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1213 -($31.78) Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1214 -($32.00) Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1215 -($32.98) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1216 -($33.10) Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1217 -($49.95) Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1218 -($66.96) Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1219 -($92.17) Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 122 $474.50 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1220 -($101.24) Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1221 -($134.00) Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1222 -($145.15) Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1223 -($145.15) Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1224 -($145.15) Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1225 -($157.89) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1226 -($310.00) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 1227 -($100,000.00) Accounts Receivable Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 123 $472.48 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 124 $468.47 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 125 $452.80 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 126 $450.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 127 $449.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 128 $447.44 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 129 $440.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 13 $12,721.92 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 130 $436.92 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 131 $436.62 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 132 $436.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 133 $432.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 134 $425.00 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 135 $419.18 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 136 $413.34 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 137 $410.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 138 $409.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 139 $405.61 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 14 $10,688.19 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 140 $405.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 141 $399.97 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 142 $390.17 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 143 $387.00 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 144 $386.26 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 145 $384.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 146 $379.90 Custodial Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 147 $373.75 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 148 $363.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 149 $358.48 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 15 $9,836.56 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 150 $358.00 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 151 $356.40 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 152 $355.10 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 153 $352.90 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 154 $352.90 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 155 $352.50 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 156 $351.26 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 157 $347.83 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 158 $347.73 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 159 $347.68 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 16 $9,541.44 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 160 $345.43 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 161 $340.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 162 $339.09 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 163 $331.55 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 164 $327.92 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 165 $327.54 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 166 $323.76 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 167 $323.10 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 168 $319.46 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 169 $316.82 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 17 $9,412.36 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 170 $315.11 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 171 $315.11 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 172 $315.11 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 173 $315.11 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 174 $311.62 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 175 $310.28 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 176 $309.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 177 $305.91 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 178 $300.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 179 $300.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 18 $6,900.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 180 $299.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 181 $298.00 Vendor Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 182 $296.76 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 183 $295.65 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 184 $294.15 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 185 $288.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 186 $286.00 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 187 $284.92 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 188 $278.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 189 $276.57 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 19 $6,222.64 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 190 $270.31 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 191 $269.55 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 192 $269.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 193 $269.29 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 194 $268.90 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 195 $265.30 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 196 $264.99 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 197 $264.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 198 $260.40 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 199 $260.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 2 $27,600.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 20 $4,918.28 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 200 $259.70 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 201 $258.52 Gaming Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 202 $257.13 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 203 $254.94 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 204 $250.00 Custodial Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 205 $247.50 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 206 $246.76 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 207 $246.54 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 208 $246.28 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 209 $243.93 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 21 $4,770.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 210 $241.00 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 211 $240.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 212 $240.80 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 213 $240.80 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 214 $233.95 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 215 $233.35 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 216 $232.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 217 $231.34 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 218 $230.90 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 219 $229.57 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 22 $4,770.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 220 $228.99 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 221 $226.84 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 222 $226.73 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 223 $225.98 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 224 $225.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 225 $224.59 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 226 $224.46 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 227 $224.18 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 228 $220.36 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 229 $220.00 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 23 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 230 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 231 $216.00 Fund Raiser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 232 $216.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 233 $212.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 234 $212.67 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 235 $210.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 236 $210.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 237 $207.90 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 238 $204.50 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 239 $203.52 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 24 $4,168.00 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 240 $201.65 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 241 $201.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 242 $201.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 243 $200.59 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 244 $198.27 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 245 $198.09 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 246 $197.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 247 $196.43 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 248 $195.76 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 249 $195.21 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 25 $3,219.95 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 250 $195.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 251 $195.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 252 $192.40 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 253 $190.58 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 254 $190.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 255 $189.95 Custodial Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 256 $189.95 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 257 $189.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 258 $187.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 259 $186.52 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 26 $3,108.00 Program Quality Grant-Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 260 $184.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 261 $183.56 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 262 $183.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 263 $182.39 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 264 $181.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 265 $180.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 266 $180.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 267 $180.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 268 $179.97 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 269 $179.75 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 27 $3,005.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 270 $179.60 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 271 $179.60 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 272 $179.60 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 273 $179.60 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 274 $179.60 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 275 $179.50 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 276 $179.35 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 277 $179.02 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 278 $177.73 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 279 $177.43 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 28 $2,995.27 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 280 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 281 176 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 282 $175.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 283 $173.67 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 284 $173.46 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 285 $172.67 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 286 $172.38 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 287 $172.28 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 288 $171.78 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 289 $171.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 29 $2,976.52 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 290 $169.77 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 291 $167.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 292 $167.04 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 293 $165.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 294 $164.85 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 295 $164.85 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 296 $164.78 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 297 $164.03 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 298 $163.98 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 299 $162.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 3 $27,600.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 30 $2,950.38 Building Construction-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 300 $161.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 301 $161.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 302 $159.85 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 303 $159.45 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 304 $158.50 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 305 $157.89 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 306 $155.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 307 $155.31 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 308 $154.90 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 309 $152.04 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 31 $2,899.19 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 310 $152.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 311 $152.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 312 $152.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 313 $152.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 314 $152.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 315 $152.00 Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 316 $151.73 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 317 $151.70 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 318 $150.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 319 $150.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 32 $2,650.10 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 320 $149.86 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 321 $148.38 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 322 $148.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 323 $147.16 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 324 $145.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 325 $145.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 326 $145.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 327 $145.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 328 $145.50 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 329 $144.47 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 33 $2,582.42 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 330 $144.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 331 $143.36 Custodial Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 332 $143.21 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 333 $143.12 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 334 $143.10 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 335 $143.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 336 $142.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 337 $142.57 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 338 $142.04 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 339 $141.89 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 34 $2,384.59 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 340 $140.82 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 341 $140.51 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 342 $139.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 343 $138.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 344 $137.30 Copier Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 345 $137.00 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 346 $137.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 347 $136.94 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 348 $136.89 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 349 $136.74 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 35 $2,320.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 350 $136.26 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 351 $136.20 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 352 $136.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 353 $136.00 Teacher Appreciation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 354 $135.60 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 355 $135.44 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 356 $135.28 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 357 $135.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 358 $133.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 359 $132.65 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 36 $2,165.41 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 360 $131.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 361 $131.34 Fund Raiser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 362 $128.75 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 363 $128.74 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 364 $127.38 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 365 $127.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 366 $125.52 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 367 $124.16 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 368 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 369 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 37 $2,160.00 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 370 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 371 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 372 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 373 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 374 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 375 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 376 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 377 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 378 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 379 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 38 $2,154.04 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 380 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 381 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 382 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 383 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 384 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 385 $124.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 386 $123.27 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 387 $122.70 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 388 $122.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 389 $120.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 39 $2,072.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 390 $120.00 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 391 $119.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 392 $119.68 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 393 $118.20 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 394 $117.17 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 395 $116.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 396 $116.56 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 397 $115.77 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 398 $115.14 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 399 $115.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 4 $27,600.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 40 $1,955.00 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 400 $114.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 401 $114.84 Fund Raiser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 402 $114.48 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 403 $114.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 404 $113.12 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 405 $110.82 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 406 $110.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 407 $109.88 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 408 $109.17 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 409 $108.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 41 $1,955.00 STEM Grant-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 410 $108.39 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 411 $108.16 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 412 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 413 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 414 $108.00 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 415 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 416 $106.75 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 417 $105.40 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 418 $104.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 419 $104.93 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 42 1911 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 420 $103.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 421 $103.16 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 422 $103.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 423 $102.43 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 424 $102.42 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 425 $100.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 426 $100.67 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 427 $100.60 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 428 $100.42 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 429 $100.00 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 43 $1,872.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 430 $100.00 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 431 $100.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 432 $100.00 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 433 $99.94 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 434 $99.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 435 $99.19 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 436 $99.00 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 437 $98.20 Industrial Arts Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 438 $97.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 439 $97.42 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 44 $1,867.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 440 $96.00 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 441 $95.60 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 442 $95.47 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 443 $95.29 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 444 $95.25 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 445 $95.18 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 446 $95.18 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 447 $95.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 448 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 449 $94.62 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 45 $1,865.80 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 450 $94.40 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 451 $94.25 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 452 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 453 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 454 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 455 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 456 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 457 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 458 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 459 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 46 $1,858.90 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 460 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 461 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 462 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 463 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 464 $94.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 465 $93.30 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 466 $92.82 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 467 $92.34 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 468 $92.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 469 $91.05 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 47 $1,834.98 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 470 $90.59 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 471 $90.21 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 472 $90.18 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 473 $90.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 474 $90.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 475 $89.94 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 476 $89.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 477 $89.11 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 478 $89.09 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 479 $89.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 48 $1,798.32 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 480 $88.81 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 481 $88.81 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 482 $88.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 483 $87.90 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 484 $86.79 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 485 $86.45 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 486 $86.18 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 487 $85.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 488 $85.75 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 489 $85.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 49 $1,798.32 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 490 $84.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 491 $84.50 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 492 $83.80 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 493 $83.61 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 494 $83.56 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 495 $83.54 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 496 $82.84 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 497 $82.82 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 498 $82.08 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 499 $82.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 5 $27,600.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 50 $1,734.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 500 $82.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 501 $81.91 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 502 $81.57 Gonzalez, Andy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 503 $81.41 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 504 $81.20 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 505 $81.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 506 $80.90 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 507 $80.48 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 508 $80.40 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 509 $80.18 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 51 $1,678.94 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 510 $79.99 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 511 $79.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 512 $79.96 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 513 $79.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 514 $79.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 515 $79.01 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 516 $78.82 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 517 $78.01 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 518 $78.01 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 519 $78.01 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 52 $1,666.66 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 520 $78.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 521 $77.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 522 $77.58 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 523 $77.16 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 524 $76.94 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 525 $76.74 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 526 $76.56 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 527 $76.01 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 528 $75.95 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 529 $75.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 53 $1,616.74 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 530 $75.13 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 531 $75.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 532 $75.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 533 $74.94 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 534 $74.73 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 535 $74.44 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 536 $74.14 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 537 $73.96 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 538 $73.38 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 539 $73.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 54 $1,499.50 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 540 $73.35 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 541 $73.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 542 $72.66 Fund Raiser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 543 $72.06 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 544 $72.00 Girls Soccer Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 545 $71.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 546 $71.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 547 $71.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 548 $71.42 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 549 $71.24 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 55 $1,493.62 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 550 $71.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 551 $70.86 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 552 $70.71 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 553 $70.33 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 554 $70.30 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 555 $70.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 556 $70.05 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 557 $70.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 558 $70.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 559 $69.98 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 56 $1,476.21 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 560 $69.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 561 $69.94 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 562 $69.90 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 563 $69.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 564 $69.31 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 565 $69.10 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 566 $68.88 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 567 $68.86 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 568 $68.67 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 569 $67.97 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 57 $1,471.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 570 $67.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 571 $67.80 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 572 $67.78 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 573 $66.97 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 574 $66.68 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 575 $65.94 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 576 $65.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 577 $65.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 578 $64.71 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 579 $64.62 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 58 $1,416.56 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 580 $64.56 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 581 $64.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 582 $64.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 583 $63.59 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 584 $63.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 585 $63.54 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 586 $63.30 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 587 $63.04 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 588 $62.54 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 589 $62.48 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 59 $1,350.00 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 590 $62.33 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 591 $61.99 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 592 $61.56 CTE Equipment Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 593 $61.42 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 594 $61.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 595 $61.02 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 596 $61.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 597 $61.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 598 $60.74 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 599 $60.45 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 6 $27,600.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 60 $1,299.35 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 600 $60.35 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 601 $60.18 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 602 $60.04 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 603 $60.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 604 $60.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 605 $59.95 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 606 $59.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 607 $59.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 608 $59.79 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 609 $59.76 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 61 $1,299.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 610 $59.36 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 611 $59.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 612 $59.29 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 613 $59.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 614 $58.74 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 615 $58.74 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 616 $58.73 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 617 $58.36 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 618 $57.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 619 $57.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 62 $1,285.68 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 620 $57.60 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 621 $57.48 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 622 $57.47 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 623 $57.43 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 624 $57.24 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 625 $57.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 626 $57.14 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 627 $56.73 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 628 $56.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 629 $56.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 63 $1,265.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 630 $55.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 631 $55.92 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 632 $55.91 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 633 $55.88 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 634 $55.82 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 635 $55.77 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 636 $55.76 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 637 $55.40 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 638 $55.24 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 639 $55.12 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 64 $1,229.57 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 640 $55.08 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 641 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 642 $54.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 643 $54.65 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 644 $54.45 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 645 $54.35 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 646 $54.18 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 647 $53.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 648 $52.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 649 $52.87 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 65 $1,223.96 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 650 $52.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 651 $52.64 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 652 $52.48 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 653 $51.84 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 654 $51.74 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 655 $51.50 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 656 $51.46 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 657 $51.33 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 658 $51.15 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 659 $51.10 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 66 $1,162.78 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 660 $51.10 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 661 $51.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 662 $50.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 663 $50.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 664 $50.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 665 $50.86 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 666 $50.63 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 667 $50.53 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 668 $50.47 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 669 $50.45 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 67 $1,159.76 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 670 $50.38 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 671 $50.00 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 672 $49.31 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 673 $48.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 674 $48.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 675 $48.64 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 676 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 677 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 678 $48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 679 $48.52 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 68 $1,159.42 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 680 $48.38 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 681 $48.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 682 $47.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 683 $47.66 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 684 $47.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 685 $47.46 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 686 $47.41 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 687 $46.87 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 688 $46.62 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 689 $46.49 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 69 $1,159.42 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 690 $46.44 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 691 $46.32 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 692 $46.15 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 693 $46.03 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 694 $46.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 695 $45.69 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 696 $45.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 697 $45.47 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 698 $45.36 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 699 $45.24 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 7 $27,600.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 70 $1,097.21 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 700 $45.17 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 701 $45.04 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 702 $45.04 Art Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 703 $45.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 704 $45.00 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 705 $44.82 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 706 $44.73 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 707 $44.73 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 708 $44.72 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 709 $44.55 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 71 $1,077.02 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 710 $44.50 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 711 $44.48 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 712 $44.27 Startalk Grant-Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 713 $44.26 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 714 $44.06 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 715 $44.01 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 716 $44.00 CPR Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 717 $43.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 718 $43.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 719 $43.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 72 $1,040.00 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 720 $43.81 Cheryl Barnes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 721 $43.46 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 722 $43.40 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 723 $43.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 724 $42.79 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 725 $42.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 726 $42.26 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 727 $42.25 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 728 $42.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 729 $41.91 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 73 $1,038.18 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 730 $41.86 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 731 $41.72 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 732 $41.31 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 733 $41.30 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 734 $41.16 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 735 $41.02 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 736 $40.97 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 737 $40.94 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 738 $40.27 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 739 $40.03 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 74 $1,009.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 740 $39.90 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 741 $39.88 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 742 $39.86 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 743 $39.85 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 744 $39.78 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 745 $39.56 P.E. Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 746 $39.21 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 747 $39.18 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 748 $38.46 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 749 $38.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 75 $1,000.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 750 $37.85 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 751 $37.79 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 752 $37.20 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 753 $37.00 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 754 $36.84 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 755 $36.29 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 756 $36.13 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 757 $36.04 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 758 $36.04 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 759 $36.03 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 76 $973.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 760 $35.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 761 $35.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 762 $35.75 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 763 $35.63 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 764 $35.48 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 765 $35.32 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 766 $35.32 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 767 $35.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 768 $35.04 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 769 $35.00 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 77 $946.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 770 $35.00 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 771 $34.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 772 $34.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 773 $34.86 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 774 $34.72 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 775 $34.67 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 776 $34.63 7th Reading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 777 $34.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 778 $34.25 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 779 $34.19 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 78 $899.82 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 780 $33.91 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 781 $33.84 Custodial Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 782 $33.78 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 783 $33.67 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 784 $33.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 785 $33.57 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 786 $33.50 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 787 $33.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 788 $33.36 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 789 $33.29 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 79 $874.19 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 790 $33.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 791 $32.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 792 $32.95 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 793 $32.87 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 794 $32.86 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 795 $32.86 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 796 $32.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 797 $32.52 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 798 $32.48 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 799 $32.21 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 8 $19,570.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 80 $874.02 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 800 $32.07 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 801 $31.99 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 802 $31.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 803 $31.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 804 $31.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 805 $31.78 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 806 $31.78 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 807 $31.29 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 808 $31.16 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 809 $31.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 81 $863.60 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 810 $30.74 Ricks, Elizabeth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 811 $30.73 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 812 $30.72 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 813 $30.56 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 814 $30.44 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 815 $30.43 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 816 $30.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 817 $30.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 818 $30.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 819 $30.16 Interact Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 82 $835.49 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 820 $30.01 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 821 $30.00 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 822 $29.99 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 823 $29.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 824 $29.98 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 825 $29.98 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 826 $29.98 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 827 $29.90 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 828 $29.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 829 $29.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 83 $810.28 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 830 $29.62 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 831 $29.50 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 832 $29.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 833 $29.19 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 834 $29.12 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 835 $29.00 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 836 $28.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 837 $28.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 838 $28.62 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 839 $28.37 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 84 $809.99 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 840 $28.29 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 841 $28.08 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 842 $28.02 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 843 $28.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 844 $27.80 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 845 $27.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 846 $27.42 Outdoor Skills - A Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 847 $27.40 Gonzalez, Andy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 848 $27.38 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 849 $27.34 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 85 $784.81 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 850 $27.22 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 851 $27.14 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 852 $27.10 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 853 $27.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 854 $27.00 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 855 $26.76 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 856 $26.60 Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 857 $26.58 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 858 $26.40 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 859 $25.98 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 86 $762.37 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 860 $25.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 861 $25.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 862 $25.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 863 $25.94 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 864 $25.68 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 865 $25.62 Heidi Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 866 $25.54 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 867 $25.43 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 868 $25.43 Shayla Webb Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 869 $25.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 87 $761.00 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 870 $25.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 871 $25.39 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 872 $25.39 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 873 $25.37 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 874 $25.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 875 $25.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 876 $25.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 877 $25.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 878 $25.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 879 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 88 $740.00 Grounds Services Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 880 $24.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 881 $24.89 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 882 $24.76 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 883 $24.75 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 884 $24.67 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 885 $24.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 886 $24.44 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 887 $24.41 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 888 $24.37 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 889 $24.27 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 89 $727.09 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 890 $24.05 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 891 $23.69 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 892 $23.61 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 893 $23.59 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 894 $23.18 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 895 $23.16 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 896 $23.07 Social Studies 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 897 $23.04 Heidi Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 898 $23.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 899 $23.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 9 $17,446.19 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 90 $700.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 900 $22.98 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 901 $22.95 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 902 $22.94 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 903 $22.70 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 904 $22.50 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 905 $22.49 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 906 $22.49 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 907 $22.48 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 908 $22.26 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 909 $22.26 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 91 $664.64 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 910 $22.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 911 $22.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 912 $22.22 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 913 $22.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 914 $22.12 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 915 $22.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 916 $21.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 917 $21.98 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 918 $21.92 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 919 $21.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 92 $664.12 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 920 $21.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 921 $21.57 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 922 $21.43 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 923 $21.29 Cotrina, Krystina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 924 $21.19 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 925 $21.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 926 $21.18 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 927 $21.15 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 928 $20.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 929 $20.94 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 93 $655.38 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 930 $20.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 931 $20.84 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 932 $20.74 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 933 $20.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 934 $20.56 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 935 $20.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 936 $20.09 CTE Equipment Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 937 $20.00 Choir Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 938 $19.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 939 $19.95 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 94 $654.00 Software Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 940 $19.89 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 941 $19.88 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 942 $19.84 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 943 $19.84 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 944 $19.78 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 945 $19.51 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 946 $19.49 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 947 $19.24 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 948 $19.06 Bishop, Kim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 949 $19.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 95 $640.37 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 950 $18.98 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 951 $18.96 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 952 $18.93 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 953 $18.91 Valerie Fowler Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 954 $18.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 955 $18.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 956 $18.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 957 $18.65 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 958 $18.42 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 959 $18.24 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 96 $635.92 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 960 $18.21 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 961 $18.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 962 $18.01 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 963 $17.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 964 $17.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 965 $17.95 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 966 $17.87 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 967 $17.87 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 968 $17.56 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 969 $17.46 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 97 $629.98 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 970 $17.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 971 $17.39 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 972 $17.26 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 973 $17.06 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 974 $16.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 975 $16.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 976 $16.96 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 977 $16.96 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 978 $16.95 Corbridge, Carla Dee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 979 $16.94 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 98 $620.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 980 $16.91 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 981 $16.89 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 982 $16.88 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 983 $16.84 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 984 $16.79 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 985 $16.61 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 986 $16.50 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 987 $16.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 988 $16.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 989 $15.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 99 $617.83 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 990 $15.88 STEM Pam Fox-Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 991 $15.88 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 992 $15.88 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 993 $15.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 994 $15.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 995 $15.85 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 996 $15.85 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 997 $15.57 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 998 $15.55 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
1/31/2020 999 $15.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 2/12/2020
86921601 $165.95 Supplies and Materials Deluxe Cincinnati OH 0 2/12/2020
V800899 $186.63 Supplies & Materials Sue Torres Menan ID 1929 2/12/2020
V992545 $16.90 Supplies & Materials Diane Jacobson Menan ID 1930 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $711.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $25.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $181.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $17.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $1,272.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $354.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $23.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $95.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $333.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $15.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $38.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $31.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $15.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $12.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $5.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $7.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $99.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $33.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $26.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $934.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $869.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $2.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $24.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $137.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $23.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $55.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $111.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $11.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $12.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $27.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $515.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $63.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $29.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $25.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $120.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $800.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $200.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $27.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $169.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $15.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $21.18 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $226.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $102.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $19.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $360.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $19.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $629.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $75.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $149.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $72.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $32.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $5.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $222.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $939.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $338.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $191.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $0.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $68.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $84.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $58.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $48.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $99.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $50.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $32.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $36.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $47.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $49.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $13.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $465.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $350.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $257.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $42.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $0.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $29.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $60.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $21.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $988.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $23.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $54.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $304.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $73.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $5.81 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $17.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $62.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $38.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $4,665.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $29.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $23.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $159.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $19.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $28.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $8.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $549.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $40.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $155.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $496.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $5.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $75.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $28.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $59.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $186.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $153.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $47.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $521.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $742.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 ($150.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $1,350.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $99.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $139.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 ($158.95) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $65.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $16.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 23.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 17.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 16.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 6.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 222.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 1142.4 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 153.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 66.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 292.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 7.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 51.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
12-31-2019 $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $56.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $60.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $129.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $72.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $34.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $69.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $105.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $66.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $42.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $67.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $75.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $81.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $18.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $18.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $18.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $18.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $18.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $64.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $48.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $24.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $60.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $60.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $60.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $48.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
2-10-2020 $96.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486422 2/12/2020
V60853 $32.00 Supplies & Materials Shannon Surerus Rigby ID 1966 2/12/2020
BPAConfPerDiem $153.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 90311 2/13/2020
BPAConfPerDiem $153.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Mecham, Lori Rigby ID 90312 2/13/2020
Dec-JanMileageReimb $67.20 In District Mileage Reimbursement Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 90316 2/13/2020
Feb 10 2020 $7,296.04 Purchased Services Margo Elaine Healy Boise ID 90302 2/13/2020
JanMileageReimb $135.60 Travel Expenses Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 90321 2/13/2020
MedExpReimb2.11.2020 $1,595.78 Buy-Down Insurance Martin, Chad Rigby ID 90304 2/13/2020
MedExpReimb2.11.2020 $99.40 Buy-Down Insurance Norman, Wendy Ann Rigby ID 90305 2/13/2020
MedExpReimb2.12.2020 $1,872.91 Buy-Down Insurance Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 90303 2/13/2020
MedExpReimb2.13.2020 $161.49 Buy-Down Insurance Hill, Carla Rexburg ID 90317 2/13/2020
MedExpReimb2.13.2020 $240.00 Buy-Down Insurance Johnson, Laron Rigby ID 90318 2/13/2020
MedExpReimb2.13.2020 $1,782.74 Buy-Down Insurance Lister, Kim RIGBY ID 90319 2/13/2020
MedExpReimb2.13.2020 $1,978.39 Buy-Down Insurance Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 90320 2/13/2020
Nov-Feb2 2020Mileage $150.55 Custodian Mileage Between Buildings Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 90315 2/13/2020
Nov-Feb2 2020Mileage $30.55 In District Mileage Reimbursement Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 90315 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD -($97.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Close, Robert RIGBY ID 90306 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD $97.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Close, Robert RIGBY ID 90306 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD -($97.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 90307 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD $97.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 90307 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD -($97.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Fryberger, Don Rigby ID 90308 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD $97.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Fryberger, Don Rigby ID 90308 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD -($97.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hanson, LaRae Ammon ID 90309 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD $97.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Hanson, LaRae Ammon ID 90309 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD -($97.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 90310 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD $97.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 90310 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD -($97.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Taylor, Melissa Idaho Falls ID 90314 2/13/2020
PreventionConfPD $97.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Taylor, Melissa Idaho Falls ID 90314 2/13/2020
SignLangExamPD $51.00 IDEA Professional Development Stotts, Grayson Taylor San Marcos CA 90313 2/13/2020
6081-000-2020 $10,307.30 Supplies & Materials Herff Jones Indianapolis IN 57166212 2/13/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Doug Drake Rexburg ID 57166211 2/13/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Jordan Creason Rexburg ID 57166215 2/13/2020
Reimb 7th Science $21.20 Supplies & Materials Janet Carter Idaho Falls ID 57166213 2/13/2020
Reimb 7th Science $63.17 Supplies & Materials Janet Carter Idaho Falls ID 57166213 2/13/2020
Reimb St Co $100.00 Supplies & Materials Jill Mugelston Rigby ID 57166214 2/13/2020
18-0157 Jan 2020 $424.96 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90323 2/14/2020
26408411 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90324 2/14/2020
26425416 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90324 2/14/2020
26425417 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90324 2/14/2020
26425418 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90324 2/14/2020
34886674 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 90322 2/14/2020
GO QSCB Series 2009 $38,711.61 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 2/14/2020
GO Series 2015 $39,302.49 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $68.62 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $1,854.96 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $32.33 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $3,883.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $9.05 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $9.05 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $615.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $1,027.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $4,142.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $9.04 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $9.04 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $1,686.88 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $213.84 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $369.36 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $2,201.94 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $16.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $7,370.89 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $6,759.04 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $27.12 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $3,647.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $869.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $11,699.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $1,150.53 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $361.40 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $2,954.32 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $221.93 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Jan 2020 1 $1,762.04 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/14/2020
Series 2010C QSCB $23,410.94 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 2/14/2020
SupplyReimb $36.47 Elem Curriculum Supplies Bowden, Karlene RIGBY ID 90326 2/14/2020
SupplyReimb $88.75 Megan Smith Ed Foundation McClellan, Jorelle Rigby ID 90325 2/14/2020
2-14-20 $15.87 Supplies & Materials Henry, Esther Rigby ID 1486424 2/14/2020
2-8-2020 -($1,319.82) Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486426 2/14/2020
2-8-2020 $3,319.97 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486426 2/14/2020
536303/540275 $20.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1486427 2/14/2020
9818/0640/1229/1729 $1,294.67 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1486425 2/14/2020
V504099 $511.60 Supplies & Materials COUNTRYSIDE GREENHOUSE MENAN ID 1486423 2/14/2020
26448895 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90327 2/18/2020
Feb2020MileageReimb $7.90 In District Mileage Reimbursement Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 90328 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 $1,160.73 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 $263.43 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 1567.15 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 928.54 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 1665.66 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 2415.13 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 $2,678.91 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 $3,118.21 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 $1,075.05 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 $7,826.49 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 $59.83 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 $803.10 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 2/18/2020
Jan 2020 2 $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 2/18/2020
Jan2020MileageReimb $39.65 In District Mileage Reimbursement Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 90329 2/18/2020
MileageReimbNovJan20 $76.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 90330 2/18/2020
MedExpReimb2.19.2020 $320.00 Buy-Down Insurance Arneson, Angela Marie Rigby ID 90333 2/19/2020
MedExpReimb2.19.2020 $273.05 Buy-Down Insurance Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 90334 2/19/2020
MedExpReimb2.19.2020 $675.93 Buy-Down Insurance Hunter, Keegan Idaho Falls ID 90335 2/19/2020
PostageReimb $26.35 Business Supplies Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 90332 2/19/2020
StGBBPerDiem $126.00 Bill To Athletics Lords, Bryan Douglas Rigby ID 90331 2/19/2020
19948 $1,058.31 Supplies & Materials VALLEY ATHLETICS PORTLAND OR 1486431 2/19/2020
19948 $1,058.31 Supplies & Materials VALLEY ATHLETICS PORTLAND OR 1486431 2/19/2020
2-23-20 $126.00 Supplies & Materials Abshire, Phil Ammon ID 1486428 2/19/2020
2-7-20 $259.60 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486432 2/19/2020
237149 $362.45 Supplies & Materials Malmark Bell Craftsmen Plumsteadville PA 1486430 2/19/2020
33182 $120.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486429 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $4,199.78 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $266.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $34.11 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $102.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $526.04 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $5.47 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $136.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $254.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $537.36 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $1,285.30 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $77.53 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $570.39 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $50.86 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $364.06 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $98.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $19.95 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $385.98 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $188.64 Flex Fund Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $212.13 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $22.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Jan 20 Visa Pmt $26.60 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166216 2/19/2020
Official Basketball $84.00 Purchased Services Michael Olson Rexburg ID 57166217 2/19/2020
Official Basketball $84.00 Purchased Services Skyler La Rochelle Rexburg ID 57166218 2/19/2020
26461637 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90336 2/20/2020
CINV-004815 $1,575.00 Math & Science Curriculum Discovery Education, Inc. Atlanta GA 90337 2/20/2020
EducationalServices $45.74 Business Services Poole, Jennette Rigby ID 90339 2/20/2020
V108117 $109,358.36 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V127464 $17.19 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V139960 $10.83 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V2244 $269,862.21 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90338 2/20/2020
V248150 $63.35 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 2/20/2020
V275107 $1,536.98 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V314793 $6,571.68 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V47068 $962.12 Blue Cross Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90338 2/20/2020
V492918 $11,323.20 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90338 2/20/2020
V593150 $2,849.70 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90338 2/20/2020
V614124 $3,631.40 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 2/20/2020
V614986 $157.12 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 2/20/2020
V63898 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 2/20/2020
V643117 $222,128.50 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 2/20/2020
V650536 $25,575.81 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V700843 $28.01 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V721386 $53.94 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 2/20/2020
V729848 $6.55 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V781551 $47.49 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V808692 $11.11 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V884833 $73.52 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
V968077 $351.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 2/20/2020
V977340 $3,036.13 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90338 2/20/2020
V98088 $46.30 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$667.56 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Anthony D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,426.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$752.84 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,141.67 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$439.25 GROSS PAYROLL Alfaro, Iris Haydee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,112.50 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,820.66 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$917.48 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$167.53 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Jamie Alene  Sugar City ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,025.31 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$718.52 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$602.54 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,754.40 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$663.38 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$251.25 GROSS PAYROLL Argyle, Talia Guymon  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$578.12 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,236.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$915.04 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$233.62 GROSS PAYROLL Baguley, Gayla   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$666.49 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,033.57 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,292.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,286.76 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,768.37 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$672.58 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,811.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,137.39 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,957.02 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$994.78 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,803.61 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Cal Roy  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,442.14 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,868.92 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$559.14 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,713.34 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$821.21 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,613.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$222.66 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Paul Andrew  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,066.29 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$834.41 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$802.13 GROSS PAYROLL Bingham, John Maurice  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$859.51 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,766.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$281.03 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,090.18 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,814.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,991.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,042.29 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$666.66 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Dale R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$74.55 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Theresa L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,421.37 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$313.48 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$957.87 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$882.43 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$677.55 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,062.75 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$809.80 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$764.27 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$106.39 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$363.04 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$983.53 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,496.67 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$234.79 GROSS PAYROLL Bruce, James E  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$661.44 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$877.36 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$507.39 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$525.61 GROSS PAYROLL Butikofer, Kristen Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$63.86 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Lynae Daniel  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$564.75 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$886.78 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$299.78 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$274.18 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,095.84 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,982.69 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,051.30 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,165.23 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$905.80 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$811.06 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$498.43 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$651.84 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$790.03 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$885.57 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$466.80 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$901.50 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,001.54 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,928.58 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$693.26 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$915.94 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,229.54 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,062.49 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,822.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 2/20/2020
$185.98 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Kylie R  Rupert ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,173.84 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,697.50 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$883.70 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$40.91 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,422.22 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,452.27 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$583.88 GROSS PAYROLL Clipp, Krysta Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$640.64 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 2/20/2020
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$680.97 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,867.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$6,281.73 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,183.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$980.53 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$464.58 GROSS PAYROLL Couch, Mandy Darline  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,873.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$6,449.83 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$156.97 GROSS PAYROLL Cramer, Debbie Jayne  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$612.13 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$728.36 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Colleen Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,198.33 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,484.01 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,125.72 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,398.64 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$306.83 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Mary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,156.54 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$746.59 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$805.91 GROSS PAYROLL Dillon, Tiffany Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$584.91 GROSS PAYROLL Disney, Morgan Jeanne  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,879.64 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$579.05 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$66.00 GROSS PAYROLL Duerden, Donna P  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$901.31 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$873.84 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$857.18 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Elaine R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$566.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$787.80 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,006.27 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,465.25 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 2/20/2020
$774.29 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$84.12 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Nathan E  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,094.44 GROSS PAYROLL Fellman, Karen Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,919.87 GROSS PAYROLL Ferguson, Kelly Ray  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,922.71 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$665.92 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,340.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$734.40 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,029.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$900.78 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,433.77 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,553.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,233.27 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,226.49 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$327.77 GROSS PAYROLL Gahn, Amy Lynn  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$389.87 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,021.65 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,357.29 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$179.25 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Whitney Anne  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,403.96 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$680.04 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$345.79 GROSS PAYROLL Golder, Barbara Boyd  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$830.07 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,339.00 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,230.58 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,748.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Ashlie   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$862.82 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,951.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,512.33 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$501.64 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,338.06 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$531.36 GROSS PAYROLL Grossman, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,096.53 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,444.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,298.81 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,274.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile H  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,976.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$669.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$801.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Lacey Madison  Saint Anthony ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,622.44 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$914.39 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$129.71 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Michelle R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$888.05 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,392.47 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$101.20 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$951.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$283.97 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Madison Dawn Gabriel  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,125.01 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$980.32 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,435.45 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,221.93 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,884.98 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,468.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,287.26 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,726.67 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$204.96 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$689.51 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,847.81 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 2/20/2020
$962.95 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Scarlett   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$577.71 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$817.25 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$678.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hess, Robyn J  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$643.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Garen Joseph  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,134.19 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 2/20/2020
$3,641.67 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 2/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$863.77 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,037.04 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$565.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,517.08 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,000.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,357.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$785.95 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$699.62 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$821.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$505.78 GROSS PAYROLL Householder, Emily Kayli  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,893.83 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$426.54 GROSS PAYROLL Huey, Barbara Yearke  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$428.96 GROSS PAYROLL Isaksen, Aubrey Lee  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,794.77 GROSS PAYROLL Isom, Brittany Marissa  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jackman, Hailee Jo  Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$733.57 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$758.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$860.82 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,052.88 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 2/20/2020
$851.12 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$690.22 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$801.04 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,484.85 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,231.14 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,280.40 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$201.90 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$400.21 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,111.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,992.93 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,267.19 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,470.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$119.22 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$521.28 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,364.13 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,979.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 2/20/2020
$958.06 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,021.81 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,785.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$62.43 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$190.58 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Michelle Edith  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$73.78 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Todd D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,424.74 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Vickie   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$458.90 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$571.44 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,138.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,005.75 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$853.31 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$329.63 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, Anna Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,805.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,404.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,055.15 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Hayley Drew  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,432.86 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$543.99 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$557.86 GROSS PAYROLL King, Michelle Lynne  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,637.22 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,360.81 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$132.36 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Genie Renae  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,950.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$407.19 GROSS PAYROLL Kraupp, Annie Jo  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$279.48 GROSS PAYROLL Kreimann, Alina Marie  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$876.99 GROSS PAYROLL Lam, Wai   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,994.41 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,288.20 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$76.53 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$666.66 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Caleb Matthew  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$690.40 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,062.14 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,786.80 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,401.97 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$643.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Lacee Ann  Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,919.10 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$123.88 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Bryce Jonathon  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$315.22 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,241.90 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$567.34 GROSS PAYROLL Loertscher, Janet Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$8,614.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$728.12 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$180.69 GROSS PAYROLL Lowry, Ciara Danielle  Prosper TX 0 2/20/2020
$74.26 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$855.71 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,111.11 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$703.35 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$861.75 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,044.18 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,098.93 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,321.32 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL McCarty, Preston Earl  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$219.95 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,891.17 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$166.99 GROSS PAYROLL McLean, Dallyn Wade  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$790.10 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$73.95 GROSS PAYROLL McQuivey, Cami Bernice  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$227.77 GROSS PAYROLL McRae, Tanya Lin  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$872.30 GROSS PAYROLL Melgaard, Janette   Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,779.26 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$363.60 GROSS PAYROLL Mertz, Kohl Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,785.42 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$947.21 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$441.46 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$6,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$547.08 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$821.86 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$652.83 GROSS PAYROLL Monson, Tiffany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$844.63 GROSS PAYROLL Montgomery, Kazley Shalese  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,780.60 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Cameron Chase  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$409.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,510.61 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Latresha Nikole  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,401.59 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$878.66 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,090.75 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$799.38 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$915.32 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$738.09 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Kristy Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,543.67 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Cassi Deann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,050.72 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,307.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$231.51 GROSS PAYROLL Nebeker, James Allan  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,084.89 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$634.42 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$450.40 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,246.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,887.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$933.34 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,513.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$773.21 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Joshua Robert  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$119.98 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Jason W  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,127.09 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,245.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,007.34 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$614.91 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,434.71 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,236.77 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,368.60 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,641.11 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$786.99 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$161.39 GROSS PAYROLL Ortega, Humberto Aron  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$787.32 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,290.79 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$728.82 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,989.16 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,766.42 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$379.16 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,022.05 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,708.31 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$592.56 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$767.24 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Stanley C II Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$314.91 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Erik Robert  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,206.89 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,255.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$771.79 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$165.66 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Kyris Lee  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,312.50 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,891.76 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,268.56 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$696.17 GROSS PAYROLL Quinn, Karin   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,399.96 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 2/20/2020
$246.60 GROSS PAYROLL Ragland, Wendy Worlton  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,065.91 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,154.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$342.08 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,497.94 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$748.15 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,494.28 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$102.51 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,026.50 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$308.19 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$611.74 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$187.10 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Stephanie Ila Jean  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$934.66 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$68.64 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Taylor Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,147.69 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,754.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,499.50 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$678.04 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,127.23 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$89.37 GROSS PAYROLL Ross, Gunnar Quinn  Green Bay WI 0 2/20/2020
$1,898.29 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$682.82 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Cody Grant  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,300.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$214.35 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Hilary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,260.26 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$240.84 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,097.16 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$717.69 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Sophia Christine  Las Vegas NV 0 2/20/2020
$3,795.94 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$850.70 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Bonnie   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$849.07 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$704.44 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,171.74 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$611.63 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$557.37 GROSS PAYROLL Selensky, Jeri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$996.92 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$490.14 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Kayla Lee  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,132.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,221.93 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$723.41 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$315.21 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,152.92 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$701.92 GROSS PAYROLL Short, Dacia Jo-D  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$627.64 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$676.13 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$701.71 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 0 2/20/2020
$1,170.47 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$670.89 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Claire Lauren  Hubbard OR 0 2/20/2020
$357.14 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jethro Jacob  Chubbuck ID 0 2/20/2020
$48.42 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Joshua Lange  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$936.50 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$670.77 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,479.47 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$790.65 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$946.79 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$228.19 GROSS PAYROLL Spear, Amanda Mangum  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$995.96 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,447.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$552.48 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,335.82 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$722.92 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,135.06 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 2/20/2020
$3,618.06 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,121.93 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$680.94 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$345.95 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$203.80 GROSS PAYROLL Stutz, Kathryn Ann  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$316.69 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$593.93 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Tori   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,834.10 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$302.86 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$378.91 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,048.15 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$415.17 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Matthew Paul  Rexburg, ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,073.71 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,931.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 2/20/2020
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$534.10 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$731.78 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,437.52 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$39.95 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Torrey J  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,020.84 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$867.98 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,078.63 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,629.81 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$565.86 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$732.03 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$652.61 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$628.34 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$545.96 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, JoHanna Marie  Lewisville ID 0 2/20/2020
$757.15 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 2/20/2020
$993.82 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,562.84 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$816.85 GROSS PAYROLL Vega, Cindy   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,265.95 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$353.25 GROSS PAYROLL Virgin, Crystal   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,401.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,163.08 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,191.31 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,538.36 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,642.57 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$852.11 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,966.80 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$743.98 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$690.41 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,351.59 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$864.41 GROSS PAYROLL West, Tayler Nicole  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,829.91 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$287.86 GROSS PAYROLL Whitmarsh, Cally Ann Christine  Saratoga Springs UT 0 2/20/2020
$705.69 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$266.23 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$641.79 GROSS PAYROLL Willford, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,379.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$972.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,150.09 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,878.45 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$435.85 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Emily Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$67.64 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Sue   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,134.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$897.05 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$810.75 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,037.87 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 0 2/20/2020
$4,811.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 2/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 2/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 2/20/2020
$2,878.45 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 2/20/2020
$733.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Todd C  Rigby ID 61285 2/20/2020
$17.32 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Shayla Dawn  Rigby ID 61286 2/20/2020
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Kurtis Blake  Lewisville ID 61287 2/20/2020
$450.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Kylee K  Menan ID 61288 2/20/2020
$216.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Jason S  Menan ID 61289 2/20/2020
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Geisler, Joshua Kirk  Rigby ID 61290 2/20/2020
$269.17 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 61291 2/20/2020
$708.88 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Marcie McBride  Rigby ID 61292 2/20/2020
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Christopher G  Rexburg ID 61293 2/20/2020
$208.35 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Andrea   Rigby ID 61294 2/20/2020
$101.81 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Samantha Joy  Rexburg ID 61295 2/20/2020
$115.27 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Sydney Felice  Rexburg ID 61296 2/20/2020
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moon, Tanner Ashley  Rigby ID 61297 2/20/2020
$222.60 GROSS PAYROLL Murdoch, Sophia Grace  Rexburg ID 61298 2/20/2020
$72.00 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kayley J'Lyse  Rigby ID 61299 2/20/2020
$338.41 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, BreAnne   Rigby ID 61300 2/20/2020
$300.39 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica   Rigby ID 61301 2/20/2020
$387.50 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 61302 2/20/2020
$350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Justin Robert  Rigby ID 61303 2/20/2020
$360.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Rayana Janet  Rigby ID 61304 2/20/2020
$529.29 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 61305 2/20/2020
$304.54 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton R  Rexburg ID 61306 2/20/2020
$544.99 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 61307 2/20/2020
$577.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 61308 2/20/2020
$73.51 GROSS PAYROLL Welker, Amber Marie  Rigby ID 61309 2/20/2020
$208.35 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Alyssa Michele  Rexburg ID 61310 2/20/2020
$634.71 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 61311 2/20/2020
$505.45 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 61312 2/20/2020
$635.11 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 61313 2/20/2020
$306.30 GROSS PAYROLL Wasemiller, Emily Joy  Rigby ID 61314 2/20/2020
$166.65 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Whitney Nakelle  Rigby ID 61315 2/20/2020
$31.20 GROSS PAYROLL Sager, Shirley M  Menan ID 61316 2/20/2020
$551.93 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 61317 2/20/2020
$60.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 61318 2/20/2020
$213.28 GROSS PAYROLL Hickman, Amanda K  Rigby ID 61319 2/20/2020
$498.79 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee V  Rigby ID 61320 2/20/2020
$136.25 GROSS PAYROLL Wahnschaffe, Sterling Drake  Rigby ID 61321 2/20/2020
$621.81 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 61322 2/20/2020
$721.85 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 61323 2/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 61324 2/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 61325 2/20/2020
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 61326 2/20/2020
$1,072.55 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 61327 2/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 61328 2/20/2020
$556.70 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 61329 2/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 61330 2/20/2020
$823.65 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 61331 2/20/2020
$2,338.79 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 61332 2/20/2020
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 61333 2/20/2020
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61334 2/20/2020
$1,294.81 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 61335 2/20/2020
$2,334.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 61336 2/20/2020
$737.79 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61337 2/20/2020
$1,457.65 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61338 2/20/2020
$568.04 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 61339 2/20/2020
$1,290.07 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 61340 2/20/2020
$1,967.91 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61341 2/20/2020
$1,558.29 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61342 2/20/2020
$330.53 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 61343 2/20/2020
$128.69 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 61344 2/20/2020
2020 Dues $580.00 Supt/Asst Supt Rigby Rotary Club RIGBY ID 90340 2/21/2020
Med Exp Reimb2.21.20 60.66 Buy-Down Insurance Hall, Shawn Rigby ID 90341 2/21/2020
PBISSuppliesReimb 151.08 Kindergarten PBIS Supplies Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 90342 2/21/2020
Cheer Refund $50.00 Supplies & Materials Jodi Bozung Rigby ID 57166219 2/21/2020
Feb 20 Payroll- 3 $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166221 2/21/2020
Reimb FFA $37.99 Supplies & Materials Trista Ricks Rigby ID 57166220 2/21/2020
V593541 $14.00 Fees & Charges Ashley Rodgers Rigby ID 1968 2/21/2020
V947649 $50.00 Purchased Services Pam Barker Rigby ID 1967 2/21/2020
MedExpReimb2.24.2020 ($3,010.80) Buy-Down Insurance Bourne, Cheri Rupert ID 90344 2/24/2020
MedExpReimb2.24.2020 $3,010.80 Buy-Down Insurance Bourne, Cheri Rupert ID 90344 2/24/2020
MedExpReimb2.24.2020 $3,010.80 Buy-Down Insurance Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 90345 2/24/2020
Supply Reimb $77.22 Supplies Pre-School Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 90343 2/24/2020
28 $133.00 2nd Grade Traditional Donation City of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls ID 2188 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $10.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $39.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $11.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $201.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $2,232.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $42.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $50.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $25.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 -($11.52) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $203.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $899.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $55.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $93.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $137.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $259.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $92.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $10.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $32.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $32.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $294.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $356.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $115.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $41.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $9.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $276.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $84.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $72.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $41.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $9.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $117.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $44.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $117.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $90.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $51.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $117.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $90.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $51.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $44.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $158.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $29.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $846.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $376.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $143.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $125.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $504.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $90.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $100.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $34.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $286.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $258.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $16.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $2,160.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $64.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $4.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $59.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $160.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $179.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $172.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $567.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $120.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $228.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $7.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $39.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $77.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $259.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $30.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $33.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $26.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $38.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $432.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $240.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $13.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $136.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $22.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $58.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $7.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $37.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $124.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $46.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $27.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $50.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $14.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $31.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $145.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $33.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $339.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $43.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $15.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $345.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $425.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $34.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $27.22 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $109.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $18.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $9.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $25.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $41.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $25.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $3.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $32.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $3.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $4.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 -($235.24) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $507.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $57.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $48.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $617.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 -($32.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $560.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $6.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $528.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $152.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $30.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $57.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $35.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $452.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $55.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 -($49.95) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $74.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $411.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $97.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $87.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $39.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $40.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $80.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $327.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $296.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $220.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $810.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $436.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $260.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $110.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $135.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $1,955.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $60.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $1,223.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $14.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $35.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $29.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $74.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $347.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $1,616.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $147.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $347.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $305.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $14.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $226.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $15.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $100.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
01-31-2020 $74.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486436 2/24/2020
2-24-20 $35.00 Supplies & Materials Beasley, Jarom Rigby ID 1486433 2/24/2020
33231 $790.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486435 2/24/2020
8 $420.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486434 2/24/2020
6963971 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 90346 2/25/2020
MileageReimbFeb2020 $53.84 In District Mileage Reimbursement Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 90348 2/25/2020
Postage Reimb $18.95 District Office Supplies Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 90347 2/25/2020
1-27-20 $200.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO STATE UNIVERSITY POCATELLO ID 1486437 2/25/2020
2-24-20 $105.00 Supplies & Materials Star Valley Middle School Afton WY 1486439 2/25/2020
2-25-20 $300.00 Supplies & Materials Lounsbury, Erin Rigby ID 1486438 2/25/2020
63625284 $85.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Wex Bank Carol Stream IL 0 2/26/2020
BoysStateBBPerDiem $446.00 Supt/Asst Supt Martin, Chad Rigby ID 90349 2/26/2020
1018 $375.00 Supplies & Materials Picmob Photo Booths Ogden UT 1486442 2/26/2020
2-26-20 $90.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho District 6 FCCLA Rigby ID 1486441 2/26/2020
2-26-20 $126.00 Supplies & Materials PARKES, BARRY Idaho Falls ID 1486443 2/26/2020
646 $500.00 Supplies & Materials A & B PRODUCTIONS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486440 2/26/2020
022002 $210.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166226 2/26/2020
022003 $190.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166226 2/26/2020
022004 $154.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166226 2/26/2020
Official Boys Bball $84.00 Purchased Services Cade Pearson Rexburg ID 57166222 2/26/2020
Ref Boys Basketball $84.00 Purchased Services Jeff Riggins Ammon ID 57166224 2/26/2020
Reimb Supplies $11.63 Supplies & Materials Life Skills Jennifer Jentzsch Rigby ID 57166225 2/26/2020
RMS Orchestra $50.00 Supplies & Materials District 251 Education Foundation Rigby ID 57166223 2/26/2020
FSNightReimb $42.03 Supplies & Materials Stewart, Karen RIGBY ID 90356 2/27/2020
MedExpReimb2.25.2020 $452.50 Buy-Down Insurance Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 90350 2/27/2020
MedExpReimb2.26.2020 $1,785.22 Buy-Down Insurance Baldwin, Stephanie Idaho Falls ID 90351 2/27/2020
MedExpReimb2.26.2020 $275.48 Buy-Down Insurance Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 90352 2/27/2020
MedExpReimb2.26.2020 $24.28 Buy-Down Insurance Harmon, Kathy Idaho Falls ID 90353 2/27/2020
MedExpReimb2.26.2020 $1,766.91 Buy-Down Insurance Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 90354 2/27/2020
MedExpReimb2.26.2020 $924.77 Buy-Down Insurance Ricks, Mary Ann Menan ID 90355 2/27/2020
V825329 $59.60 Supplies & Materials Mike Jacobson  Rigby ID 1969 2/27/2020
31 $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 2/28/2020
382042159A  130545 $90.00 Near Peer Supplies College Board Chicago IL 90357 2/28/2020
RefundBondSeries2019 217177.79 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 2/28/2020
SofId GO Series 2018 785438.93 Debt Service Interest Zions Bank Corporate Trust Boise ID 0 2/28/2020
2-28-20 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Curlee, Justin Blackfoot ID 1486444 2/28/2020
2-28-20 $75.00 Supplies & Materials Howell, Jacob Idaho Falls ID 1486445 2/28/2020
STEMSupplyReimb $59.68 STEM Grant Pam Fox Fox, Pamela Rigby ID 90358 3/2/2020
V811947 $5.60 General Supplies & Materials JSD #251 Rigby ID 2189 3/2/2020
26529138 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90359 3/3/2020
26529138 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90359 3/3/2020
26533837 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90359 3/3/2020
BoyStateBBPer Diem $126.00 Bill To Athletics Lords, Bryan Douglas Rigby ID 90360 3/3/2020
1277 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Clark, Jerry F. Idaho Falls ID 1486450 3/3/2020
2-27-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Gem State Strings Preston ID 1486451 3/3/2020
3-2-20 $442.00 Supplies & Materials HUNTER, KEEGAN Idaho Falls ID 1486452 3/3/2020
3-3-20 $272.95 Supplies & Materials Bishop, April Rigby ID 1486447 3/3/2020
3-3-20 $89.30 Supplies & Materials Brown, Melanie Rigby ID 1486448 3/3/2020
3-3-20 $60.00 Supplies & Materials Virgin, Crystal Rexburg ID 1486454 3/3/2020
3-8-20 $126.00 Supplies & Materials Abshire, Phil Ammon ID 1486446 3/3/2020
3-8-20 $126.00 Supplies & Materials PARKES, BARRY Idaho Falls ID 1486453 3/3/2020
S202615 $25.00 Supplies & Materials Business Professionals of Am. National  Westerville OH 1486449 3/3/2020
S203621 $20.00 Supplies & Materials Business Professionals of Am. National  Westerville OH 1486449 3/3/2020
S70995 $160.00 Supplies & Materials SkillsUSA Idaho SLSC Boise ID 1486455 3/3/2020
022005 $154.00 Supplies & Materials The Great Bambino Rigby ID 57166231 3/3/2020
109 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Landon Bagley Rigby ID 57166228 3/3/2020
252272 $63.00 Supplies & Materials Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 57166232 3/3/2020
347757 $779.23 Shakespeare Team Supplies Old Fashon Candy Company Evansville IN 57166229 3/3/2020
D157 $261.25 Shakespeare Team Supplies Delight Naturals Idaho Falls ID 57166227 3/3/2020
Feb 20 Payroll $929.76 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166230 3/3/2020
Feb 20 Payroll $180.20 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166230 3/3/2020
Feb 20 Payroll $360.39 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166230 3/3/2020
Feb 20 Payroll $600.65 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166230 3/3/2020
Feb 20 Payroll $343.22 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166230 3/3/2020
Feb 20 Payroll $343.22 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166230 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $163.70 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $27.82 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $3.37 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $50.32 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $13.10 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $0.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $122.79 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $237.91 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $6.78 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $3.06 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $1.42 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $0.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
Feb 2020 Salex Tax $0.57 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166233 3/3/2020
V25685 $27.20 Supplies & Materials Barnes & Noble Atlanta GA 1970 3/3/2020
2782 $1,675.00 Purchased Services Pro-Line Enterprises, LLC Idaho Falls ID 90361 3/4/2020
V280407 $515.70 Supplies & Materials Gumdrop Books Inc. BETHANY MO 1934 3/4/2020
V358008 $251.40 In & Out Money The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society Portland OR 1932 3/4/2020
V67815 $98.50 Supplies & Materials Sue Torres Menan ID 1933 3/4/2020
V90984 $77.50 Supplies & Materials Diane Jacobson Menan ID 1931 3/4/2020
V13546 $12.70 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1586 3/4/2020
V884482 $201.55 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1587 3/4/2020
26566645 105 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90362 3/5/2020
FarmerMerchantTicket $240.00 District Office Supplies Rigby Chamber of Commerce Rigby ID 90369 3/5/2020
Feb2020Mileage Reimb $67.20 In District Mileage Reimbursement Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 90364 3/5/2020
Feb2020MileageReimb $78.75 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 90363 3/5/2020
ISEE Train Per Diem $16.62 Travel Expenses Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 90370 3/5/2020
MedExpReimb3.5.2020 $227.88 Buy-Down Insurance Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 90365 3/5/2020
MedExpReimb3.5.2020 $397.36 Buy-Down Insurance Harmon, Kathy Idaho Falls ID 90366 3/5/2020
MedExpReimb3.5.2020 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Parrish, James Rexburg ID 90367 3/5/2020
MedExpReimb3.5.2020 $327.20 Buy-Down Insurance Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 90368 3/5/2020
V286491 $44.41 Supplies & Materials Diane Jacobson Menan ID 1936 3/5/2020
V659801 $54.40 Supplies & Materials Barnes & Noble Atlanta GA 1935 3/5/2020
11 $321.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486456 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $5.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $3.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $17.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $6.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $0.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $19.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $0.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $67.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $0.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $5.83 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $2,980.78 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $2.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $5.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $24.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $0.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $0.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $61.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $6.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $91.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $239.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
2-29-20 $33.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486458 3/5/2020
3-4-20 $10.00 Supplies & Materials GEM- STATE CHOIRS Rexburg ID 1486457 3/5/2020
3-5-20 $17.13 Supplies & Materials THOMPSON, LYLE RIGBY ID 1486459 3/5/2020
00869-11 $624,657.74 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90373 3/6/2020
00881-10 $223,992.57 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90373 3/6/2020
00882-9 $440,455.58 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90373 3/6/2020
01511901 $645.00 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 90385 3/6/2020
01515364 $897.00 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 90385 3/6/2020
036239 $147.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Bobs Kwik Service Rigby ID 90375 3/6/2020
1.27.20 $5,500.00 Business Services Victor Four Labor Relations Tacoma WA 90406 3/6/2020
1.30.20 $3.60 Supplies and Materials Accents for All Seasons Rigby ID 90372 3/6/2020
1037-F032710 $1,922.70 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School 3-D Fire Protection Chicago IL 90371 3/6/2020
11 2.28.20 HE $9,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90392 3/6/2020
11 2.28.20 ME $6,000.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90392 3/6/2020
1172 $3,850.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 90388 3/6/2020
12 2.27.20 CE $14,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90392 3/6/2020
171645 $4,061.90 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90389 3/6/2020
2.10.2020 $40.80 Supplies and Materials Accents for All Seasons Rigby ID 90372 3/6/2020
2.27.2020 $10,000.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90390 3/6/2020
20398838 $1,261.29 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90401 3/6/2020
20398839 $29.86 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90401 3/6/2020
20398840 $21.09 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90401 3/6/2020
20398841 $24.50 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90401 3/6/2020
20414272 $1,638.04 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90401 3/6/2020
20432105 $900.14 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90401 3/6/2020
20448072 $1,727.94 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90401 3/6/2020
20448073 $30.28 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90401 3/6/2020
20448074 $232.51 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90401 3/6/2020
209511 $14,778.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies PowerSchool Group LLC Folsom CA 90395 3/6/2020
209511 $14,778.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies PowerSchool Group LLC Folsom CA 90395 3/6/2020
22103 $172.50 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90404 3/6/2020
22104 $138.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90404 3/6/2020
22128 $1,084.79 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90404 3/6/2020
22129 $172.50 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90404 3/6/2020
22134 111.86 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90404 3/6/2020
22141 $138.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90404 3/6/2020
22144 $172.50 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90404 3/6/2020
22155 $688.06 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90404 3/6/2020
22161 $552.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90404 3/6/2020
231482 $621.19 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 90378 3/6/2020
231482 $8,755.51 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 90378 3/6/2020
231482 $3,895.00 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 90378 3/6/2020
231482 $5,170.00 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 90378 3/6/2020
231482 31214.9 Equipment BS&R Design & Supplies Idaho Falls ID 90378 3/6/2020
23160 2716.36 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Russ's Overhead Doors & Awning, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90399 3/6/2020
23764938 $107.19 Bill to School RHS EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 90381 3/6/2020
24027568 $151.50 Bill To Athletics EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 90381 3/6/2020
251177-1 $150.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 90386 3/6/2020
251178-1 $75.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 90386 3/6/2020
26 $350.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 90409 3/6/2020
3.4.20 $5,949.41 Medicaid Purchased Services Bright Futeres Service Coordination Shelley ID 90377 3/6/2020
30101 $848.70 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Wheeler Electric Idaho Falls ID 90408 3/6/2020
3093 $1,480.50 Professional Services GBS of Idaho Boise ID 90383 3/6/2020
400987973 $17,772.88 Purchased Services Xylem Dewatering Solutions Inc Chicago IL 90410 3/6/2020
477291083 $5,260.14 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 90384 3/6/2020
479136277 $3,117.94 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 90384 3/6/2020
596618 $152.00 Bill to School RHS The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
596619 $137.00 Bill to School RHS The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
596620 $152.00 Bill to School RHS The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
596621 $137.00 Bill to School RHS The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
596622 137 Bill to School RHS The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
596623 $137.00 Bill to School RHS The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
596624 $137.00 Bill to School RHS The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
596861 $129.00 Board Travel The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
596863 $129.00 Board Travel The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
596863 Parking $15.00 Board Travel The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
6 $2,554.75 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90400 3/6/2020
6 $2,554.75 Medicaid Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90400 3/6/2020
631159 $387.00 Board Travel The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
631160 $45.00 Supt/Asst Supt The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
644417 $145.77 Supt/Asst Supt The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
644418 $15.00 Board Travel The Grove Hotel Boise ID 90403 3/6/2020
646087 -($36,872.32) Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
646087 $45,681.21 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
646087 $995.02 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
646087 $77.13 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
646087 $412.67 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
646087 $37,910.20 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
646087 $3,162.40 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
646087 $4,195.98 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
646087 $29,479.84 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
646087 $924.80 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90407 3/6/2020
64610 $323.00 Vendor Services MSBT Law Boise ID 90391 3/6/2020
7134458 $3,405.78 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90393 3/6/2020
7142747 $3,832.75 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90393 3/6/2020
7147282 $1,727.76 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90393 3/6/2020
7160140 $3,746.23 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90393 3/6/2020
775647 $60.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 90379 3/6/2020
775648 $90.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 90379 3/6/2020
805990 $320.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 90379 3/6/2020
8403 $2,911.58 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90380 3/6/2020
8415 $2,046.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies UZBL Irvine CA 90405 3/6/2020
8435 $509.65 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90380 3/6/2020
8436 $626.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90380 3/6/2020
8438 $262.50 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90380 3/6/2020
8439 $176.25 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90380 3/6/2020
8440 $75.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90380 3/6/2020
8441 $585.11 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90380 3/6/2020
8442 373.5 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90380 3/6/2020
8443 240 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90380 3/6/2020
89415306388 $345.70 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90374 3/6/2020
89415306455 $88.20 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90374 3/6/2020
89415306477 $204.50 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90374 3/6/2020
89415306497 $226.60 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90374 3/6/2020
89415306517 $238.72 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90374 3/6/2020
9276 $7,674.35 Grounds Snow Removal Services Smitty's LLC Rigby ID 90402 3/6/2020
CC-1 2.29.20 $3,276.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90398 3/6/2020
EW-1 2.29.20 $1,472.81 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90398 3/6/2020
Feb 07, 2020 $800.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Bonneville School District #93 Idaho Falls ID 90376 3/6/2020
Feb 2020 $15,419.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 90396 3/6/2020
INVUS111531 $4,148.37 Software Support Frontline Technologies Philadelphia PA 90382 3/6/2020
Jan - Feb 2020 10773.81 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90387 3/6/2020
Jan 2020 $15,723.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 90396 3/6/2020
RHS 2.4.20 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90394 3/6/2020
RMS 2.4.20 155.10 $155.10 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90394 3/6/2020
SR-1 2.29.20 $3,402.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90398 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $49.04 General Supplies & Materials Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $34.44 Chinese Immersion Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $26.95 Chinese Immersion Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $70.88 Chinese Immersion Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $103.19 English 7th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $14.62 English 7th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $120.77 English 8th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $148.36 English 8th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $39.50 Math 6th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $20.88 Math 6th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $58.25 Math 8th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $27.41 Math 8th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $94.99 Math 8th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $81.02 Science 6th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $132.62 Science 7th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $10.00 Social Studies 6th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $5.29 Social Studies 6th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
SupplyReimb $37.84 Social Studies 8th Rigby Middle School Rigby ID 90397 3/6/2020
18-0157 Feb 2020 $431.96 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90411 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $71.45 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 1990.06 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $28.75 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $3,063.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $8.42 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $8.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $645.20 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $1,171.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $3,835.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $8.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $8.42 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $2,158.31 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $1,106.12 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $296.25 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $2,434.18 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $122.41 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $8,750.21 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $7,016.94 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $20.38 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $2,817.65 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $705.92 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $11,796.88 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $1,003.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $293.07 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $2,409.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $216.38 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
Feb 2020 $2,124.15 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/9/2020
MathSupplyReimb $53.75 Math 6th Erikson, Ryan Joseph Sugar City ID 90412 3/9/2020
SupplyReimb $19.73 Science 6th Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 90413 3/9/2020
2-14-20-002 $273.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486462 3/9/2020
2-15-20-002 $224.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486462 3/9/2020
2-18-20-001 $246.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486462 3/9/2020
2-20-20-003 $34.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486462 3/9/2020
2-20-20-004 $108.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486462 3/9/2020
2-20-20-005 $180.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486462 3/9/2020
2-28-20-001 $238.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486462 3/9/2020
2-8-20-002 $193.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486462 3/9/2020
3-4-20 $2,800.00 Supplies & Materials HUNTER, KEEGAN Idaho Falls ID 1486461 3/9/2020
3-4-20 $1,165.83 Supplies & Materials HUNTER, KEEGAN Idaho Falls ID 1486461 3/9/2020
3-9-20 $185.00 Supplies & Materials Bell, Brooklyn Rigby ID 1486460 3/9/2020
V747855 $159.00 Supplies & Materials Candace Taylor Roberts ID 1588 3/9/2020
V368644 $81.60 Supplies & Materials Barnes & Noble Atlanta GA 1971 3/9/2020
2.6-3.6.2020MileReim $99.95 Travel Expenses Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 90415 3/10/2020
2.6-3.6.2020MileReim $13.95 Title II Travel Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 90415 3/10/2020
26604489 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90416 3/10/2020
S-201-20048 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 90414 3/10/2020
V434704 -($17.09) General Fund Balance School District #251 Rigby ID 2985 3/10/2020
V434704 $17.09 General Fund Balance School District #251 Rigby ID 2985 3/10/2020
0220-RWP-F $44.00 Supplies & Materials Wes Deist Aquatic Center Idaho Falls ID 1486465 3/10/2020
0220-RWP-J $264.00 Supplies & Materials Wes Deist Aquatic Center Idaho Falls ID 1486465 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $364.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $324.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $99.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $1,436.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $308.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $122.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $138.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $126.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $193.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
2-29-20 $123.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486463 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $64.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $38.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $75.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $45.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $40.37 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $21.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $36.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $44.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $44.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $48.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $48.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $29.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $33.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $37.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $26.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $37.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $60.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $78.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $72.08 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $60.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $37.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $30.03 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $43.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $32.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $43.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $54.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $48.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $21.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $21.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $21.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
3-10-20 $86.49 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486464 3/10/2020
76040 50% Down $11,722.50 SPFF Non Student Occupied Sign Pro Idaho Falls ID 90426 3/11/2020
MedExpReimb3.11.20 2 $1,037.74 Buy-Down Insurance Stewart, Karen RIGBY ID 90424 3/11/2020
MedExpReimb3.11.2020 $3,213.61 Buy-Down Insurance Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 90417 3/11/2020
MedExpReimb3.11.2020 $343.04 Buy-Down Insurance Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 90418 3/11/2020
MedExpReimb3.11.2020 $404.22 Buy-Down Insurance Martin, Chad Rigby ID 90419 3/11/2020
MedExpReimb3.11.2020 $1,085.58 Buy-Down Insurance Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 90420 3/11/2020
MedExpReimb3.11.2020 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Nield, Roger Lewisville ID 90421 3/11/2020
MedExpReimb3.11.2020 $1,794.46 Buy-Down Insurance Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 90422 3/11/2020
MedExpReimb3.11.2020 $1,785.77 Buy-Down Insurance Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 90423 3/11/2020
MedExpReimb3.11.2020 $71.77 Buy-Down Insurance Stewart, Karen RIGBY ID 90424 3/11/2020
Reimb 3.6.2020 $9.25 Bill to School JES Close, Robert RIGBY ID 90425 3/11/2020
2-1-20-002 $273.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166238 3/11/2020
2-12-20-001 $126.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166238 3/11/2020
2-18-20-002 $129.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166238 3/11/2020
2-20-20-002 $102.83 Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166238 3/11/2020
2-20-20-002-2 $427.00 Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166238 3/11/2020
2-25-20-001 $77.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166238 3/11/2020
2-27-20-002 $273.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166238 3/11/2020
2-6-20-002 $278.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166238 3/11/2020
2-8-20-001 $258.00 Purchase Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166238 3/11/2020
BBall Official  $122.00 Purchased Services Sam Dalton Rexburg ID 57166236 3/11/2020
DUES $210.00 Purchased Services 6th District Board of Control Ririe  ID 57166234 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $63.54 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $269.16 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $11.64 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $201.06 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $350.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $1,013.04 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $104.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $389.90 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $360.54 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $931.24 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa 310.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa 31.88 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $25.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $79.09 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $2,624.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $45.18 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $78.29 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $233.19 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $89.02 Flex Fund Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $39.69 Shakespeare Team Supplies Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $308.68 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $53.94 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Feb 20 Visa $4.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166235 3/11/2020
Payroll Feb 20 $1,201.30 Shakespeare Team Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166237 3/11/2020
Payroll Feb 20 $18.02 Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166237 3/11/2020
12 $193.75 Vendor Services Smith, Kayla Rigby ID 90428 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1 ($642.60) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 10 ($28.00) Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 100 $6.02 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1000 185 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1001 185.5 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1002 185.64 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1003 185.64 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1004 185.78 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1005 $186.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1006 $188.00 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1007 $188.67 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1008 $188.69 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1009 189 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 101 6.18 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1010 $189.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1011 $189.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1012 $189.77 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1013 $190.55 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1014 $191.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1015 $194.68 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1016 $197.76 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1017 $199.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1018 $200.92 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1019 $201.64 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 102 $6.28 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1020 $201.67 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1021 $202.07 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1022 $202.48 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1023 $202.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1024 $205.01 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1025 $206.43 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1026 $208.10 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1027 $211.62 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1028 $212.18 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1029 $212.33 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 103 $6.30 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1030 $215.33 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1031 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1032 $219.26 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1033 $222.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1034 $225.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1035 $227.20 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1036 $229.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1037 $229.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1038 $229.89 Board Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1039 $230.50 Bill To Science Olympiad Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 104 $6.36 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1040 $230.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1041 $230.90 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1042 $231.87 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1043 $231.87 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1044 $231.87 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1045 $231.87 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1046 $233.19 Drama-Classroom Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1047 $238.01 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1048 $238.47 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1049 $239.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 105 $6.36 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1050 $240.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1051 $241.06 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1052 $242.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1053 $243.24 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1054 $244.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1055 $248.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1056 $250.47 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1057 $252.68 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1058 $254.30 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1059 $255.53 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 106 $6.36 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1060 $259.98 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1061 $262.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1062 $263.73 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1063 $264.68 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1064 $264.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1065 $265.00 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1066 $265.38 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1067 $265.48 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1068 $266.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1069 $267.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 107 $6.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1070 $268.17 Gaming Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1071 $269.19 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1072 $269.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1073 $269.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1074 $269.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1075 $273.84 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1076 $276.53 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1077 $276.85 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1078 $276.85 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1079 $278.67 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 108 $6.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1080 $287.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1081 $289.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1082 $295.29 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1083 $295.49 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1084 $299.16 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1085 $300.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1086 $300.85 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1087 $301.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1088 $301.16 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1089 $310.94 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 109 $6.48 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1090 $311.84 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1091 $314.77 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1092 $317.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1093 $317.95 STEM Grant Pam Fox Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1094 $321.28 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1095 $321.58 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1096 $324.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1097 $325.60 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1098 $326.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1099 $331.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 11 -($27.79) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 110 $6.78 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1100 $334.22 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1101 $337.09 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1102 $337.68 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1103 $339.16 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1104 $340.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1105 $345.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1106 $345.98 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1107 $347.39 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1108 $349.79 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1109 $349.80 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 111 $6.95 Postage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1110 $358.30 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1111 $360.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1112 $364.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1113 $376.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1114 $391.92 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1115 $394.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1116 $397.20 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1117 $400.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1118 $406.84 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1119 $409.91 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 112 $6.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1120 $410.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1121 $415.05 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1122 $423.12 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1123 $435.48 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1124 $436.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1125 $437.41 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1126 $439.40 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1127 $454.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1128 $460.61 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1129 $464.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 113 $6.99 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1130 $464.82 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1131 $480.95 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1132 $485.10 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1133 $486.42 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1134 $497.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1135 $499.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1136 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1137 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1138 $500.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1139 $508.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 114 $6.99 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1140 $514.20 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1141 $518.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1142 $518.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1143 $520.78 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1144 $524.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1145 $525.00 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1146 $540.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1147 $540.60 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1148 $556.45 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1149 $565.80 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 115 $7.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1150 $589.18 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1151 $592.11 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1152 $599.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1153 $600.59 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1154 $612.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1155 $621.82 FFA EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1156 $623.56 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1157 $624.62 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1158 $636.33 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1159 $650.19 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 116 $7.27 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1160 $662.73 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1161 $664.64 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1162 $666.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1163 $667.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1164 $695.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1165 $696.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1166 $696.83 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1167 $700.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1168 $705.00 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1169 $721.71 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 117 $7.27 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1170 $737.70 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1171 $741.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1172 $752.52 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1173 $771.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1174 $773.10 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1175 $780.17 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1176 $786.48 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1177 $792.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1178 $814.99 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1179 $815.28 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 118 $7.36 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1180 $824.59 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1181 $848.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1182 $884.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1183 $897.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1184 $914.98 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1185 $920.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1186 $930.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1187 $943.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1188 $949.98 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1189 $949.98 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 119 $7.38 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1190 $965.07 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1191 $973.62 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1192 $1,010.72 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1193 $1,013.04 Cheer Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1194 $1,030.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1195 $1,050.93 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1196 $1,081.08 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1197 $1,101.53 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1198 $1,159.76 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1199 $1,180.89 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 12 -($25.00) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 120 $7.40 7th Reading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1200 $1,202.54 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1201 $1,243.92 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1202 $1,254.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1203 $1,265.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1204 $1,308.00 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1205 $1,367.36 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1206 $1,386.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1207 $1,390.60 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1208 $1,416.56 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1209 $1,451.54 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 121 $7.41 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1210 $1,493.73 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1211 $1,495.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1212 $1,497.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1213 $1,498.97 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1214 $1,502.50 Maintenance Services Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1215 $1,565.03 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1216 $1,602.32 Custodial Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1217 $1,623.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1218 $1,638.42 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1219 $1,640.20 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 122 $7.41 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1220 $1,650.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1221 $1,687.02 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1222 $1,714.83 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1223 $1,749.87 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1224 $1,785.44 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1225 $1,925.00 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1226 $1,948.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1227 $2,048.89 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1228 $2,298.95 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1229 $2,349.41 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 123 $7.41 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1230 $2,409.73 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1231 $2,420.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1232 $2,462.59 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1233 $2,489.11 Track EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1234 $2,572.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1235 $2,580.68 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1236 $2,624.18 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1237 $2,700.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1238 $2,772.36 CTE Equipment Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1239 $2,798.40 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 124 $7.42 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1240 $2,856.00 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1241 $3,293.73 Emerg Levy Elem Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1242 $3,437.64 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1243 $3,546.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1244 $4,144.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1245 $4,144.00 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1246 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1247 $4,349.76 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1248 $4,714.20 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1249 $4,984.42 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 125 $7.42 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1250 $5,504.40 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1251 $5,824.27 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1252 $6,035.21 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1253 $6,222.64 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1254 $6,263.91 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1255 $6,891.04 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1256 $6,891.04 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1257 $7,880.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1258 $8,687.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1259 $8,900.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 126 $7.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1260 $9,541.44 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1261 $9,836.56 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1262 $11,820.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1263 $12,138.17 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1264 $12,721.92 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1265 $14,508.60 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1266 $30,968.16 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1267 $30,968.16 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 1268 $36,409.44 State Technology Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 127 $7.42 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 128 $7.50 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 129 $7.60 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 13 -($19.24) Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 130 $7.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 131 $7.76 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 132 $7.94 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 133 $7.98 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 134 $7.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 135 $7.99 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 136 $7.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 137 $8.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 138 $8.21 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 139 $8.22 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 14 -($19.00) Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 140 $8.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 141 $8.36 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 142 $8.39 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 143 $8.44 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 144 $8.46 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 145 $8.48 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 146 $8.48 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 147 $8.48 Dawson, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 148 $8.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 149 $8.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 15 -($13.51) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 150 $8.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 151 $8.64 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 152 $8.69 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 153 $8.69 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 154 $8.89 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 155 $8.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 156 $8.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 157 $9.31 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 158 $9.38 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 159 $9.48 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 16 -($10.00) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 160 $9.51 Science Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 161 $9.53 Near Peer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 162 $9.53 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 163 $9.54 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 164 $9.54 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 165 $9.58 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 166 $9.96 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 167 $9.99 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 168 $9.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 169 $10.00 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 17 -($9.79) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 170 $10.00 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 171 $10.00 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 172 $10.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 173 $10.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 174 $10.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 175 $10.26 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 176 $10.35 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 177 $10.46 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 178 $10.47 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 179 $10.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 18 -($9.79) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 180 $10.59 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 181 $10.59 RHS Ping Pong Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 182 $10.59 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 183 $10.60 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 184 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 185 $10.68 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 186 $10.72 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 187 $10.75 Kindergarten-Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 188 $10.79 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 189 $10.89 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 19 -($9.51) Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 190 $10.89 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 191 $10.93 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 192 $10.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 193 $10.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 194 $10.99 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 195 $11.08 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 196 $11.09 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 197 $11.38 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 198 $11.57 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 199 $11.59 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 2 -($301.02) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 20 -($9.29) ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 200 $11.64 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 201 $11.65 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 202 $11.66 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 203 $11.72 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 204 $11.78 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 205 $11.79 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 206 $11.83 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 207 $11.98 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 208 $11.98 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 209 $12.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 21 -($9.07) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 210 $12.07 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 211 $12.23 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 212 $12.39 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 213 $12.40 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 214 $12.53 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 215 $12.66 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 216 $12.70 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 217 $12.71 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 218 $12.72 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 219 $12.72 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 22 -($5.00) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 220 $12.72 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 221 $12.72 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 222 $12.82 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 223 $12.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 224 $13.23 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 225 $13.24 Social Studies 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 226 $13.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 227 $13.32 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 228 $13.47 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 229 $13.53 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 23 -($5.00) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 230 $13.56 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 231 $13.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 232 $13.75 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 233 $13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 234 $13.77 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 235 $13.77 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 236 $13.77 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 237 $13.78 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 238 $13.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 239 $14.03 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 24 -($5.00) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 240 $14.08 Decker, Elaine Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 241 $14.16 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 242 $14.18 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 243 $14.26 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 244 $14.31 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 245 $14.49 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 246 $14.52 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 247 $14.54 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 248 $14.68 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 249 $14.70 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 25 -($3.44) Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 250 $14.83 STEM Grant Pam Fox Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 251 $14.83 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 252 $14.84 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 253 $14.92 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 254 $14.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 255 $14.98 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 256 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 257 $14.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 258 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 259 $15.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 26 -($3.02) Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 260 $15.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 261 $15.01 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 262 $15.28 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 263 $15.30 Careylyn Nez Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 264 $15.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 265 $15.71 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 266 $15.77 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 267 $15.79 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 268 $15.86 Library Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 269 $15.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 27 -($2.48) Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 270 $15.90 Carla Zundel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 271 $15.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 272 $15.90 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 273 $15.90 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 274 $15.98 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 275 $15.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 276 $16.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 277 $16.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 278 $16.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 279 $16.06 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 28 $0.12 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 280 $16.06 6th Gr Social Studies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 281 $16.17 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 282 $16.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 283 $16.36 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 284 $16.47 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 285 $16.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 286 $16.94 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 287 $16.96 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 288 $16.97 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 289 $16.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 29 $0.30 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 290 $17.35 Hill, Carla Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 291 $17.62 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 292 $17.69 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 293 $17.76 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 294 $17.92 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 295 $17.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 296 $17.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 297 $17.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 298 $18.00 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 299 $18.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 3 -($193.04) Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 30 $0.50 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 300 $18.14 Perkins Travel Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 301 $18.51 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 302 $18.76 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 303 $18.82 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 304 $18.93 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 305 $18.94 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 306 $18.99 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 307 $18.99 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 308 $19.01 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 309 $19.01 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 31 $0.90 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 310 $19.08 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 311 $19.12 FACS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 312 $19.17 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 313 $19.19 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 314 $19.24 Social Studies 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 315 $19.24 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 316 $19.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 317 $19.42 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 318 $19.46 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 319 $19.68 Life Skills Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 32 $1.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 320 $19.80 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 321 $19.85 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 322 $19.96 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 323 $19.99 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 324 $20.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 325 $20.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 326 $20.09 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 327 $20.11 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 328 $20.12 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 329 $20.12 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 33 $1.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 330 $20.25 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 331 $20.31 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 332 $20.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 333 $20.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 334 $20.50 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 335 $20.54 Title I Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 336 $20.58 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 337 $20.60 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 338 $20.60 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 339 $20.62 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 34 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 340 $20.78 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 341 $20.85 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 342 $20.97 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 343 $20.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 344 $21.14 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 345 $21.15 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 346 $21.15 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 347 $21.18 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 348 $21.18 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 349 $21.18 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 35 $1.04 Hull, Mitzi Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 350 $21.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 351 $21.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 352 $21.19 Life Skills Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 353 $21.20 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 354 $21.48 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 355 $21.51 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 356 $21.58 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 357 $21.61 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 358 $21.74 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 359 $21.96 Bogard, Danielle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 36 $1.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 360 $22.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 361 $22.00 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 362 $22.01 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 363 $22.08 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 364 $22.15 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 365 $22.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 366 $22.28 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 367 $22.36 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 368 $22.36 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 369 $22.37 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 37 $1.24 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 370 $22.72 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 371 $22.89 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 372 $22.98 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 373 $23.00 Shayla Webb Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 374 $23.09 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 375 $23.13 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 376 $23.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 377 $23.55 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 378 $23.66 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 379 $23.82 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 38 $1.80 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 380 $23.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 381 $23.93 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 382 $23.99 Freshman Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 383 $23.99 Junior Class Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 384 $23.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 385 $24.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 386 $24.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 387 $24.10 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 388 $24.14 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 389 $24.25 STEM Grant-Hidee Beddes Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 39 $1.90 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 390 $24.33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 391 $24.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 392 $24.55 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 393 $24.58 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 394 $24.68 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 395 $24.71 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 396 $24.95 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 397 $24.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 398 $24.95 Karen Stewart Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 399 $24.96 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 4 -($180.00) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 40 $1.95 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 400 $25.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 401 $25.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 402 $25.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 403 $25.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 404 $25.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 405 $25.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 406 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 407 $25.10 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 408 $25.14 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 409 $25.41 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 41 $2.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 410 $25.42 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 411 $25.43 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 412 $25.43 6th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 413 $25.44 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 414 $25.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 415 $25.74 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 416 $25.91 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 417 $25.93 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 418 $25.94 Industrial Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 419 $25.94 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 42 $2.12 Jennifer Navarro Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 420 $25.97 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 421 $26.07 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 422 $26.18 4th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 423 $26.21 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 424 $26.22 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 425 $26.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 426 $26.24 Careylyn Nez Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 427 $26.24 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 428 $26.25 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 429 $26.29 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 43 $2.12 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 430 $26.48 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 431 $26.49 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 432 $26.49 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 433 $26.49 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 434 $26.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 435 $26.60 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 436 $26.64 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 437 $26.88 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 438 $26.99 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 439 $27.00 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 44 $2.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 440 $27.34 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 441 $27.37 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 442 $27.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 443 $27.79 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 444 $28.00 Secondary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 445 $28.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 446 $28.07 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 447 $28.14 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 448 $28.20 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 449 $28.52 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 45 $2.12 Ranzenberger, Tori Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 450 $28.55 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 451 $28.56 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 452 $28.57 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 453 $28.59 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 454 $28.68 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 455 $28.74 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 456 $28.77 STEM Grant Pam Fox Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 457 $28.81 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 458 $28.96 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 459 $29.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 46 $2.22 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 460 $29.06 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 461 $29.20 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 462 $29.60 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 463 $29.60 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 464 $29.63 GT Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 465 $29.67 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 466 $29.85 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 467 $29.94 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 468 $29.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 469 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 47 $2.48 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 470 $30.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 471 $30.00 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 472 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 473 $30.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 474 $30.00 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 475 $30.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 476 $30.10 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 477 $30.21 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 478 $30.26 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 479 $30.36 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 48 $3.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 480 $30.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 481 $30.43 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 482 $30.46 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 483 $30.76 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 484 $30.84 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 485 $31.00 Library Books & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 486 $31.45 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 487 $31.60 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 488 $31.63 Social Studies 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 489 $31.63 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 49 $3.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 490 $31.70 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 491 $31.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 492 $31.78 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 493 $31.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 494 $31.83 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 495 $31.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 496 $31.98 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 497 $32.06 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 498 $32.10 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 499 $32.14 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 5 -($145.99) Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 50 $3.12 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 500 $32.28 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 501 $32.40 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 502 $32.49 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 503 $32.93 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 504 $32.94 Social Studies 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 505 $32.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 506 $33.15 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 507 $33.16 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 508 $33.28 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 509 $33.41 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 51 $3.12 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 510 $33.50 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 511 $33.60 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 512 $33.91 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 513 $33.92 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 514 $33.94 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 515 $33.98 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 516 $33.98 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 517 $33.99 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 518 $34.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 519 $34.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 52 $3.18 Art Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 520 $34.35 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 521 $34.68 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 522 $34.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 523 $34.77 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 524 $34.95 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 525 $35.00 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 526 $35.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 527 $35.00 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 528 $35.10 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 529 $35.18 CTE Food Prod Other Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 53 $3.18 Taunya Campbell Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 530 $35.20 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 531 $35.36 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 532 $35.48 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 533 $35.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 534 $35.91 Fullmer, Krystal Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 535 $36.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 536 $36.00 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 537 $36.17 CTE Food Prod Other Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 538 $36.37 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 539 $36.52 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 54 $3.29 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 540 $36.59 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 541 $36.69 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 542 $36.72 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 543 $36.84 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 544 $37.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 545 $37.07 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 546 $37.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 547 $37.25 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 548 $37.35 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 549 $37.77 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 55 $3.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 550 $38.40 Kerry Thomas EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 551 $38.46 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 552 $38.46 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 553 $38.62 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 554 $38.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 555 $38.81 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 556 $38.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 557 $38.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 558 $38.88 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 559 $38.92 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 56 $3.49 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 560 $39.32 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 561 $39.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 562 $39.47 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 563 $39.61 Palmer, Linda Lee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 564 $39.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 565 $39.79 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 566 $39.84 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 567 $39.99 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 568 $40.15 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 569 $40.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 57 $3.65 Social Studies 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 570 $40.52 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 571 $40.69 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 572 $40.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 573 $40.83 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 574 $40.94 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 575 $41.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 576 $41.95 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 577 $42.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 578 $42.28 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 579 $42.30 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 58 $3.71 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 580 $42.30 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 581 $42.35 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 582 $42.38 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 583 $42.38 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 584 $42.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 585 $42.40 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 586 $42.50 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 587 $42.57 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 588 $42.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 589 $43.20 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 59 $3.76 Taulanga, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 590 $43.67 GT Training Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 591 $43.73 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 592 $44.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 593 $44.62 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 594 $44.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 595 $45.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 596 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 597 $45.12 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 598 $45.17 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 599 $45.18 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 6 -($130.89) General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 60 $3.78 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 600 $46.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 601 $46.34 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 602 $46.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 603 $46.43 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 604 $46.51 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 605 $46.62 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 606 $46.65 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 607 $46.80 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 608 $46.90 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 609 $46.98 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 61 $3.86 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 610 $47.09 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 611 $47.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 612 $47.77 GT Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 613 48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 614 $48.18 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 615 48.53 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 616 $48.68 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 617 $48.99 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 618 $49.17 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 619 $49.51 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 62 $3.96 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 620 $49.78 Gaming Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 621 $49.78 Gaming Club Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 622 $49.88 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 623 $50.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 624 $50.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 625 $50.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 626 $50.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 627 $50.09 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 628 $50.31 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 629 $50.50 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 63 $3.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 630 $50.82 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 631 $50.86 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 632 $51.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 633 $51.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 634 $51.39 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 635 51.46 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 636 $51.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 637 $51.86 STEM Grant Pam Fox Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 638 $51.94 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 639 $51.94 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 64 $4.01 Ranzenberger, Tori Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 640 $52.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 641 $52.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 642 $52.20 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 643 $52.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 644 $52.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 645 $52.89 STEM Grant Pam Fox Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 646 $52.97 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 647 $52.98 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 648 $53.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 649 $53.00 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 65 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 650 $53.01 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 651 $53.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 652 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 653 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 654 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 655 $53.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 656 $53.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 657 $53.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 658 $53.95 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 659 $54.06 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 66 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 660 $54.21 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 661 54.43 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 662 54.57 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 663 54.65 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 664 54.93 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 665 55 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 666 55 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 667 55 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 668 55.1 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 669 55.48 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 67 4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 670 55.5 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 671 56 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 672 56.6 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 673 56.64 6th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 674 56.71 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 675 56.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 676 $56.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 677 $57.00 STEM Grant Pam Fox Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 678 $57.22 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 679 $57.33 Perkins Travel Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 68 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 680 $57.80 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 681 $57.93 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 682 58.13 Dawson, Rebecca Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 683 58.18 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 684 58.32 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 685 $58.38 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 686 $58.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 687 $58.73 Utilities in Bus Garage WSG 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 688 $59.05 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 689 $59.08 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 69 $4.10 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 690 $59.44 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 691 $59.60 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 692 $59.75 Choir Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 693 $59.94 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 694 $59.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 695 $60.21 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 696 $60.29 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 697 $60.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 698 $60.45 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 699 $60.50 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 7 ($98.20) Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 70 4.11 Ward, Keri Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 700 61.2 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 701 61.38 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 702 $61.41 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 703 $61.45 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 704 $61.47 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 705 $61.87 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 706 $61.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 707 $62.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 708 $62.40 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 709 $62.56 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 71 $4.17 STEM-Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 710 $62.61 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 711 $62.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 712 $63.26 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 713 $63.38 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 714 $63.50 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 715 $63.54 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 716 $63.58 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 717 $63.59 Karen Stewart Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 718 $63.64 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 719 $64.28 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 72 $4.21 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 720 $64.56 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 721 $64.83 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 722 $65.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 723 65 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 724 65 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 725 $65.87 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 726 $66.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 727 $67.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 728 $68.32 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 729 $68.63 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 73 $4.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 730 $68.63 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 731 $68.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 732 $69.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 733 $69.64 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 734 $69.90 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 735 $70.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 736 $70.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 737 $70.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 738 $70.42 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 739 $70.64 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 74 $4.23 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 740 $71.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 741 $71.89 CTE Food Prod Other Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 742 72.23 CTE Food Prod Other Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 743 $72.29 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 744 $72.54 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 745 $73.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 746 $73.62 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 747 $74.18 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 748 $74.19 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 749 $74.25 Norman, Wendy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 75 $4.23 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 750 $74.87 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 751 $75.34 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 752 $75.38 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 753 $75.69 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 754 $75.89 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 755 $75.89 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 756 $76.19 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 757 $77.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 758 $77.82 STEM Grant Pam Fox Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 759 $77.92 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 76 $4.23 Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 760 $78.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 761 $78.36 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 762 $78.59 GENERAL SUPPLIES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 763 $78.87 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 764 $78.96 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 765 $79.52 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 766 79.78 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 767 $80.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 768 $80.31 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 769 $80.40 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 77 $4.24 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 770 $80.75 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 771 $81.68 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 772 $81.84 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 773 $82.29 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 774 $82.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 775 $82.75 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 776 $82.82 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 777 $83.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 778 $84.00 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 779 $84.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 78 $4.31 6th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 780 $84.92 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 781 $86.64 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 782 $86.86 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 783 $87.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 784 $87.12 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 785 $87.41 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 786 $87.64 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 787 $87.84 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 788 $87.88 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 789 $88.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 79 $4.44 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 790 $88.00 Larsen, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 791 $88.00 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 792 $88.09 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 793 $88.16 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 794 $88.38 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 795 $88.53 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 796 $89.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 797 $89.00 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 798 $89.73 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 799 $89.85 Keller, Jeff Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 8 ($90.00) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 80 $4.56 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 800 $90.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 801 $90.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 802 $90.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 803 $90.11 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 804 $90.13 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 805 $91.60 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 806 $91.72 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 807 $92.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 808 $92.00 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 809 $92.82 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 81 $4.60 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 810 $92.82 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 811 $92.82 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 812 $93.35 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 813 $93.49 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 814 $93.95 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 815 $94.90 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 816 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 817 $94.92 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 818 $94.95 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 819 $95.35 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 82 $4.77 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 820 $96.00 Johnson, MaryAnn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 821 $96.00 Andrus, Thayne Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 822 $97.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 823 $98.52 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 824 $98.71 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 825 $98.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 826 $99.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 827 $99.96 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 828 $100.00 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 829 $100.00 Homeless Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 83 $4.77 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 830 $100.15 CTE Food Prod Other Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 831 $100.31 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 832 $101.17 Math 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 833 $101.51 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 834 $101.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 835 $101.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 836 $102.18 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 837 $103.75 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 838 $104.00 Teacher Appreciation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 839 $104.48 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 84 $4.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 840 $105.80 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 841 $105.98 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 842 $106.31 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 843 $106.46 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 844 $106.62 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 845 $107.00 2nd Grade Spanish Immersion General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 846 $107.27 CTE Equipment Automotive Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 847 $107.28 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 848 $107.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 849 $107.64 Unassigned Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 85 $4.99 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 850 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 851 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 852 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 853 $108.00 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 854 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 855 $108.44 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 856 $108.70 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 857 $109.19 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 858 $109.34 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 859 $109.85 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 86 $5.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 860 $109.89 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 861 $110.00 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 862 $110.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 863 $110.24 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 864 $110.51 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 865 $111.05 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 866 $111.28 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 867 $111.53 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 868 $111.57 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 869 $112.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 87 $5.00 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 870 $112.10 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 871 $112.73 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 872 $112.89 Testing Supplies - Secondary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 873 $113.09 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 874 $113.25 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 875 $113.30 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 876 $114.12 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 877 $114.15 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 878 $114.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 879 $115.00 Water Polo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 88 $5.05 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 880 $116.30 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 881 $116.58 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 882 $116.75 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 883 $117.30 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 884 $118.04 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 885 $118.52 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 886 $118.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 887 $118.71 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 888 $119.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 889 $119.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 89 $5.13 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 890 $120.17 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 891 $120.39 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 892 $120.50 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 893 $121.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 894 $121.46 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 895 $122.33 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 896 $122.92 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 897 $123.20 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 898 $123.20 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 899 $123.20 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 9 ($38.46) English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 90 $5.27 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 900 $123.20 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 901 $123.20 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 902 $123.20 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 903 $123.58 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 904 $124.15 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 905 $124.66 Medical Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 906 $125.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 907 $125.23 Creativity Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 908 $125.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 909 $126.14 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 91 $5.29 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 910 $126.92 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 911 $127.65 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 912 $127.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 913 $127.78 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 914 $129.93 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 915 $129.98 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 916 $130.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 917 $131.20 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 918 $131.59 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 919 $131.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 92 $5.30 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 920 $132.00 Reyes, Lorena Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 921 $132.60 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 922 $133.29 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 923 $133.80 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 924 $134.03 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 925 $134.17 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 926 $134.32 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 927 $134.97 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 928 $135.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Mechanics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 929 $135.06 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 93 5.3 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 930 136.5 Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 931 $137.33 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 932 $137.89 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 933 $137.92 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 934 $138.29 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 935 $138.75 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 936 $140.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 937 $140.87 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 938 $142.13 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 939 $142.15 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 94 $5.48 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 940 $143.27 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 941 $144.61 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 942 $144.84 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 943 $144.93 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 944 $145.99 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 945 $146.24 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 946 $149.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 947 $149.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 948 $150.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 949 $150.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 95 $5.59 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 950 $150.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 951 $150.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 952 $152.54 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 953 $154.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 954 $154.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 955 $156.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 956 $156.65 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 957 $156.78 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 958 $159.68 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 959 $160.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 96 $5.59 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 960 $161.25 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 961 $162.77 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 962 $163.13 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 963 $164.11 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 964 $164.50 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 965 $166.20 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 966 $166.58 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 967 $166.72 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 968 $169.20 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 969 $170.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 97 $5.77 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 970 $170.31 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 971 $171.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 972 $171.89 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 973 $172.99 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 974 $173.56 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 975 $173.57 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 976 $174.90 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 977 $175.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 978 $175.53 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 979 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 98 $5.94 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 980 $177.57 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 981 $177.59 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 982 $178.26 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 983 $180.00 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 984 $180.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 985 $180.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 986 $180.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 987 $180.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 988 $180.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 989 $180.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 99 $5.98 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 990 $180.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 991 $180.20 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 992 $180.25 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 993 $180.27 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 994 $180.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 995 $180.76 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 996 $181.06 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 997 $181.09 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 998 $181.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
2/29/2020 999 $184.91 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 3/12/2020
March 6 2020 $5,634.17 Purchased Services Margo Elaine Healy Boise ID 90427 3/12/2020
March 6 2020 $1,500.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Margo Elaine Healy Boise ID 90427 3/12/2020
MileageReimbJan-3.11 $32.00 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Jaynes, Levi Rigby ID 90430 3/12/2020
PQI20-007 $482.00 Program Quality Grant-Business & Marketing Idaho Career and Technical Education Boise ID 90429 3/12/2020
V761832 $65.00 General Supplies & Materials Domino Pizza Rigby ID 2190 3/12/2020
#12 $48.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486466 3/12/2020
100.00 $100.00 Supplies & Materials IDAHO HIGH SCHOOL ACTIVITIES ASSOCIATION BOISE ID 1486467 3/12/2020
3-10-20 $281.88 Supplies & Materials Raymond, Cara Rigby ID 1486473 3/12/2020
3-10-20 $270.82 Supplies & Materials Williams, Brenda Rigby ID 1486476 3/12/2020
3-11-20 $2,180.00 Supplies & Materials JAMBA JUICE IDAHO FALLS ID 1486468 3/12/2020
3-12-20 $195.00 Supplies & Materials Jon Jund Twin Falls ID 1486469 3/12/2020
3-12-20 $125.60 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1486470 3/12/2020
3-12-20 $2,026.52 Supplies & Materials Thunder Ridge High School Idaho Falls ID 1486474 3/12/2020
3-2-20 $1,244.25 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1486471 3/12/2020
3-2-20 $1,125.13 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1486472 3/12/2020
38311000024 $197.50 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486466 3/12/2020
38311000025 $138.91 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486466 3/12/2020
46123/49694 $40.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1486475 3/12/2020
501 $220.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486466 3/12/2020
IF-158889 $164.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486466 3/12/2020
IF-163205 $251.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486466 3/12/2020
IF-163661 $43.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486466 3/12/2020
V233486 $10.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson County DUP Rigby ID 10 3/12/2020
Comm. Inland Marine -($26,462.00) Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Falls Insurance Center, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90431 3/16/2020
Comm. Inland Marine $26,462.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Falls Insurance Center, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90431 3/16/2020
Reimb4PersonalChrg $700.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 90432 3/16/2020
1-16-2020 $763.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486477 3/16/2020
2-19-20-001 $982.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486479 3/16/2020
2-29-20 $445.53 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE LUMBER, LLC RIGBY ID 1486484 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $144.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $39.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $90.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 -($90.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $23.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $40.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $29.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $42.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 -($642.60) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $8,687.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $185.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $33.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $26.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $144.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $14.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $24.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $105.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $25.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $22.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $127.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $20.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $211.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $88.38 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $705.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $399.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $184.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $423.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $116.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $110.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $28.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $20.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $20.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $14.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $12.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $174.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $28.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $74.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $35.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $112.07 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 -($69.67) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $37.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 -($14.79) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $31.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $9.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $185.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $185.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $110.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $1,308.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $23.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $23.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $61.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $36.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $24.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $13.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $75.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $1,623.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $5.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $1,243.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $259.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $268.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $99.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $189.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $39.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $10.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $33.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $69.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $33.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $9.31 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $126.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $39.79 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $59.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $20.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $10.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $345.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $172.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $2,856.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $54.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $86.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $10.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $241.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $738.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $242.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $90.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $667.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $87.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $435.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $101.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $15.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $36.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $77.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $202.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $93.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $773.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $30.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $814.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $10.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $276.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $150.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $53.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $229.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 -($28.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $140.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $10.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $80.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $9.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $14.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $18.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $191.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $269.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $341.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $436.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $80.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $49.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $86.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 -($9.51) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $188.67 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $138.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $3,437.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $50.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $11.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $57.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $73.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $150.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $500.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $230.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $19.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $103.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $3.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $26.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $45.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $33.91 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $206.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $108.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $11.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $30.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $19.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $20.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $33.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $4.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $7.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $30.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $16.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $364.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $8.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $14.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $21.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $34.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $19.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $2.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $8.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $88.09 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $25.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $19.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $15.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $360.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $55.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $25.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $67.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $18.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $130.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $254.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $63.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $52.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $83.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $68.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $145.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $111.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 -($25.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $62.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 -($145.99) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $88.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $118.71 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $1,493.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $238.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $56.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $28.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $265.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $12,138.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $30.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $21.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2-29-2020 $21.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486480 3/16/2020
2002-111811 $13.93 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE LUMBER, LLC RIGBY ID 1486484 3/16/2020
3-16-20 $133.39 Supplies & Materials Kite, Tyler Rigby ID 1486481 3/16/2020
3-16-20 $240.36 Supplies & Materials McIntosh, Jake Rigby ID 1486482 3/16/2020
3-16-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Miller, Sydney Rigby ID 1486483 3/16/2020
33254 $3,205.75 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486478 3/16/2020
26616517 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90434 3/17/2020
26616518 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90434 3/17/2020
26622115 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90434 3/17/2020
35082801 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 90433 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $1,298.40 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $316.44 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $1,661.08 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $1,009.15 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $1,740.28 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $2,237.99 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $1,268.07 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $3,453.29 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $1,299.83 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $7,648.64 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $63.93 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 $951.07 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 1 $2,421.07 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 3/17/2020
Mar2020MileageReimb $13.46 In District Mileage Reimbursement Johnson, Cathy Rigby ID 90436 3/17/2020
MileageReimbNov-Mar $253.56 LEP Travel Zollinger, Todd Idaho Falls ID 90435 3/17/2020
V139074 $80.30 School Uniforms & Sweatshirts Supplies Kettle Embroidery Rexburg ID 3006 3/17/2020
V151590 $205.00 School Uniforms & Sweatshirts Supplies Tenille Byington Rigby ID 3007 3/17/2020
V299245 $8.26 Supplies & Materials School District #251 Rigby ID 3003 3/17/2020
V429831 $26.00 Supplies & Materials Vinyl Visions Design Sugar City ID 3005 3/17/2020
V638286 $82.30 Supplies & Materials Floral Classics RIGBY ID 3004 3/17/2020
V154934 $78.57 Supplies & Materials Hollie Bailey Rigby ID 1938 3/17/2020
V210094 $151.04 Supplies & Materials Demco MADISON WI 1937 3/17/2020
3991 $11,500.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Infinity Tours & Events, LLC Springville UT 1486485 3/17/2020
V967159 $4.51 Supplies & Materials Mike Jacobson  Rigby ID 1972 3/17/2020
Feb 2020 1 $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 3/18/2020
Feb2020MileageReimb $39.90 In District Mileage Reimbursement Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 90438 3/18/2020
MileageReimbMar2020 $28.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 90437 3/18/2020
SupplyReimb $122.20 English 8th Christensen, Collen Mat Rigby ID 90439 3/18/2020
16816 $1,988.80 Supplies & Materials BSE Cheer London KY 1486489 3/18/2020
252273 $507.00 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE CLOTHING RIGBY ID 1486510 3/18/2020
3-17-20 $5.30 Supplies & Materials Andersen, Emma Rigby ID 1486486 3/18/2020
3-17-20 $110.00 Supplies & Materials Barber, Spencer Rigby ID 1486488 3/18/2020
3-17-20 $110.00 Supplies & Materials Dotson, Melia Idaho Falls ID 1486495 3/18/2020
3-17-20 $112.00 Supplies & Materials Lenz, Jina Rigby ID 1486502 3/18/2020
3-17-20 $46.08 Supplies & Materials Morgan, Ella Rigby ID 1486505 3/18/2020
3-17-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Short, Cumorah Rigby ID 1486506 3/18/2020
3-17-20 116 Supplies & Materials Smith, Joshua Rigby ID 1486507 3/18/2020
3-18-20 60 Supplies & Materials Cardenas, Abigail Rigby ID 1486490 3/18/2020
3-18-20 75 Supplies & Materials Chandler, Rose Rigby ID 1486491 3/18/2020
3-18-20 65 Supplies & Materials Chandler, Ruth Rigby ID 1486492 3/18/2020
3-18-20 70 Supplies & Materials Christensen, Alexia Rigby ID 1486493 3/18/2020
3-18-20 55 Supplies & Materials Covert, Ausha Rigby ID 1486494 3/18/2020
3-18-20 81 Supplies & Materials Gessel, Elizabeth Rigby ID 1486496 3/18/2020
3-18-20 86 Supplies & Materials Gessel, Savannah Rigby ID 1486497 3/18/2020
3-18-20 5 Supplies & Materials Hepworth, Chloe Rigby ID 1486498 3/18/2020
3-18-20 265.5 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486499 3/18/2020
3-18-20 760.5 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486499 3/18/2020
3-18-20 1618.5 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486499 3/18/2020
3-18-20 279 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486499 3/18/2020
3-18-20 1342.5 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486499 3/18/2020
3-18-20 75 Supplies & Materials Jensen, Emalyn Rigby ID 1486500 3/18/2020
3-18-20 $190.00 Supplies & Materials Kelly, Jesi Rigby ID 1486501 3/18/2020
3-18-20 $11,084.80 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1486503 3/18/2020
3-18-20 $75.00 Supplies & Materials Madsen, Reagan Rigby ID 1486504 3/18/2020
3-18-20 $25.00 Supplies & Materials Smith, Lydia Idaho Falls ID 1486508 3/18/2020
3-18-20 $75.00 Supplies & Materials Wickham, Kylie Rigby ID 1486509 3/18/2020
3-8-20 $49.01 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486511 3/18/2020
3-8-20 $49.01 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486511 3/18/2020
3-8-20 $2,272.47 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486511 3/18/2020
3-8-20 $270.64 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486511 3/18/2020
311 $30.00 Supplies & Materials Anderson, Marlene Des Moines WA 1486487 3/18/2020
2-5-20-001 $140.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166243 3/18/2020
2098 $149.52 Supplies & Materials Freeman's Forms & Supplies Inc Idaho Falls ID 57166241 3/18/2020
3-3-20-001 $80.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166243 3/18/2020
3-3-20-002 $78.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166243 3/18/2020
3-4-20-001 $78.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166243 3/18/2020
R3 Choreographer $200.00 Purchased Services Katherine Lee Idaho Falls ID 57166242 3/18/2020
Supplies Play $309.10 Supplies & Materials Erin Davis Rigby ID 57166240 3/18/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Cassie Bowen Rigby ID 57166239 3/18/2020
FCCLA Refund $240.00 RHS FCCLA Gordon, Emily Rigby ID 90442 3/19/2020
Mar 16 2020 $3,460.00 WLIP EF budget only Law Office of Janice Radler Olson PLLC Salt Lake City UT 90441 3/19/2020
SupplyReimb $1,450.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 90440 3/19/2020
SupplyReimb $80.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 90440 3/19/2020
SupplyReimb $80.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 90440 3/19/2020
26632439 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90443 3/20/2020
26646761 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90443 3/20/2020
V102210 $6.25 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 3/20/2020
V150385 $31.42 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90444 3/20/2020
V182140 91.46 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 3/20/2020
V20311 $269,857.44 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90444 3/20/2020
V219038 $11,360.25 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90444 3/20/2020
V230018 $2,048.95 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2020
V23319 $3,631.40 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 3/20/2020
V239422 $7,902.85 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2020
V263725 $581.30 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90444 3/20/2020
V317455 $23.88 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 3/20/2020
V376656 $26,102.30 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2020
V525462 $2,818.28 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90444 3/20/2020
V652043 $226,611.97 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 3/20/2020
V67860 $2.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2020
V722561 $355.10 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 3/20/2020
V725163 $8,790.22 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2020
V899483 $111,609.67 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2020
V900389 $351.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 3/20/2020
V917152 $12.40 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 3/20/2020
V948191 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 3/20/2020
V975384 $7.05 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90444 3/20/2020
V995406 $3,032.03 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90444 3/20/2020
Car Raffle $130.00 Purchases Services District 251 Education Foundation Rigby ID 57166244 3/20/2020
Feb 20 - 3 $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166245 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,426.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,000.01 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,141.67 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$666.94 GROSS PAYROLL Alfaro, Iris Haydee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$933.68 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,506.67 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$869.88 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$593.00 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Jamie Alene  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,181.92 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$720.08 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$672.07 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,551.40 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$742.04 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,013.37 GROSS PAYROLL Argyle, Talia Guymon  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$642.75 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$216.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Carlie J  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,236.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$854.58 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$199.89 GROSS PAYROLL Baguley, Gayla   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$709.26 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,021.40 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,171.50 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,364.95 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,813.06 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,231.78 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,811.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,130.80 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,121.66 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,214.29 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,053.98 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Cal Roy  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,442.14 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,868.92 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$624.92 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$84.24 GROSS PAYROLL Beazer, Ruth Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,667.90 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$910.98 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,613.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$705.01 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Paul Andrew  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,275.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,119.87 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$837.39 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,374.30 GROSS PAYROLL Bingham, John Maurice  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$947.75 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,766.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$673.58 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$174.01 GROSS PAYROLL Blanchard, Sharon A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,008.03 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,814.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 3/20/2020
$701.87 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$220.03 GROSS PAYROLL Boone, Theresa L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$770.27 GROSS PAYROLL Borjon, Jenna Dee  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,421.37 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,110.26 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$921.70 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$758.89 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$926.39 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,030.04 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,373.02 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$668.02 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$253.02 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$82.76 GROSS PAYROLL Brower, Brielle Jocelyn  Blackfoot ID 0 3/20/2020
$473.85 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,081.09 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,835.67 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$459.88 GROSS PAYROLL Bruce, James E  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$85.04 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky H  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$746.30 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$812.28 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$724.32 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$631.90 GROSS PAYROLL Butikofer, Kristen Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$550.91 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Lynae Daniel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$721.74 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,076.69 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$381.45 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$285.09 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,095.84 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,482.69 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,052.96 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,110.54 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,213.55 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$739.95 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$583.36 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$793.83 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$718.52 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,958.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,106.34 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,022.00 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$868.40 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$992.34 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,955.39 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$836.79 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$786.62 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,337.31 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,229.17 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,822.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2020
$446.23 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Kylie R  Rupert ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,937.73 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,697.50 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$826.04 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3.24 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,422.22 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,487.98 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$594.56 GROSS PAYROLL Clipp, Krysta Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$713.99 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$803.05 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,867.67 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,281.73 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,148.80 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$707.00 GROSS PAYROLL Couch, Mandy Darline  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,873.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,449.83 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$188.56 GROSS PAYROLL Cramer, Debbie Jayne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$654.40 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,279.75 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$700.71 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Colleen Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,195.78 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,292.65 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,241.63 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,218.28 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$557.88 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Mary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davids, Kim Russell  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Shaun David  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,477.22 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,052.21 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$576.07 GROSS PAYROLL Dillon, Tiffany Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$528.18 GROSS PAYROLL Disney, Morgan Jeanne  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,879.64 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$670.20 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,399.77 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,068.25 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,053.68 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Elaine R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$867.17 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$965.07 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,222.44 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,590.25 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2020
$714.69 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$86.33 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Nathan E  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$942.03 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,840.03 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$842.04 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,340.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$433.08 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,117.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,029.93 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,403.22 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$291.72 GROSS PAYROLL Frongner, Daniel R  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,553.13 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,238.77 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,164.36 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$353.53 GROSS PAYROLL Gahn, Amy Lynn  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$647.47 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,005.63 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$986.79 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$197.88 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Whitney Anne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.34 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$921.26 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$695.89 GROSS PAYROLL Golder, Barbara Boyd  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$768.01 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,449.15 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,296.57 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,765.76 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$827.99 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,215.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,512.33 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$773.52 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,339.24 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 3/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,206.43 GROSS PAYROLL Grossman, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,342.15 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,383.17 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$714.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$781.18 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,259.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$787.46 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$523.74 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Lacey Madison  Saint Anthony ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,445.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,074.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$324.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Michelle R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$955.35 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,203.92 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$154.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$877.78 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$226.88 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Madison Dawn Gabriel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,147.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,477.63 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,961.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,897.86 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,468.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,328.90 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,606.67 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$373.42 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$858.64 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,004.01 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 3/20/2020
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Cameron   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,022.60 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Scarlett   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$716.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$970.53 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$425.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hess, Robyn J  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$515.58 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Garen Joseph  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,134.19 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 3/20/2020
$3,641.67 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 3/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,062.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$994.72 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$895.98 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$169.96 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Zoey Lauren  Livonia MI 0 3/20/2020
$1,403.32 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,930.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,437.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,467.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$790.04 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$926.98 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,200.44 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$757.72 GROSS PAYROLL Householder, Emily Kayli  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$8,393.83 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,037.13 GROSS PAYROLL Huey, Barbara Yearke  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$313.94 GROSS PAYROLL Hunsaker, Riley Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$753.45 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$829.31 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,146.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,176.17 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 3/20/2020
$818.62 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$887.24 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$918.58 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,479.59 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,164.16 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,255.91 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$39.98 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$420.15 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,361.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,231.64 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,265.28 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,470.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$224.57 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$666.88 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,482.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,979.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,077.92 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$998.08 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,785.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$139.77 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$862.91 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Michelle Edith  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$747.58 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Todd D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,236.74 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Vickie   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,287.15 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,066.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Adriana   Iona ID 0 3/20/2020
$708.21 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,308.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,193.26 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,339.09 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$887.14 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$513.79 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, Anna Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$135.03 GROSS PAYROLL Kaze, Joseph Anthony  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,805.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,580.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,025.83 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Hayley Drew  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,692.94 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$881.08 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$907.22 GROSS PAYROLL King, Michelle Lynne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,746.79 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,995.81 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$452.44 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Genie Renae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$425.39 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Gericke Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$909.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kraupp, Annie Jo  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,133.23 GROSS PAYROLL Lam, Wai   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,994.41 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$98.49 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,225.56 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$76.53 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,201.52 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,195.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,265.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,786.80 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,483.56 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$821.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Lacee Ann  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,474.78 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$344.81 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Bryce Jonathon  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$382.70 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,174.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$759.80 GROSS PAYROLL Loertscher, Janet Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$8,614.17 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Dale L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$808.83 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$245.49 GROSS PAYROLL Lowry, Ciara Danielle  Prosper TX 0 3/20/2020
$210.70 GROSS PAYROLL Lundberg, Kaylyn   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$81.40 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$809.16 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,925.00 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$850.88 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$895.05 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$995.13 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,112.08 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,322.76 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$218.12 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Nathan Joseph  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,633.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$144.56 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,405.17 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$825.22 GROSS PAYROLL McLean, Dallyn Wade  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$873.69 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$210.40 GROSS PAYROLL McQuivey, Cami Bernice  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$126.27 GROSS PAYROLL McRae, Tanya Lin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,102.53 GROSS PAYROLL Melgaard, Janette   Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,779.26 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$622.35 GROSS PAYROLL Mertz, Kohl Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,785.42 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,152.07 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$535.18 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$800.94 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,332.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moffitt, Hillerie Hanks  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$752.93 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$797.98 GROSS PAYROLL Monson, Tiffany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$951.22 GROSS PAYROLL Montgomery, Kazley Shalese  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,113.93 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Cameron Chase  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$558.01 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,401.59 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,023.12 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,072.35 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$802.37 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,046.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$242.99 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Kristy Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,449.50 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,327.67 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$265.02 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$231.84 GROSS PAYROLL Murdoch, Sophia Grace  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,193.05 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,293.40 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$121.85 GROSS PAYROLL Nebeker, James Allan  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,339.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$674.58 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$743.69 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,246.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,887.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$882.64 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$204.57 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,513.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,205.54 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Joshua Robert  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$315.18 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Jason W  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,163.66 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,245.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,250.68 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$526.78 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,123.05 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$545.76 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,199.61 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,430.06 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$706.21 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$698.68 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,112.52 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$845.17 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$8,655.82 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,491.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,766.42 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$812.08 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$688.30 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$54.32 GROSS PAYROLL Pereyra, Angela Robbins  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,876.31 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,116.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$794.33 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$960.06 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Erik Robert  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,327.38 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Allyson   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,324.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$409.32 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$582.34 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Kyris Lee  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,194.50 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,764.78 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,251.90 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$791.51 GROSS PAYROLL Quinn, Karin   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,443.14 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 3/20/2020
$489.04 GROSS PAYROLL Ragland, Wendy Worlton  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,175.70 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,154.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$225.24 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,401.96 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,123.29 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,969.92 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$74.72 GROSS PAYROLL Rigoulot, Janet N  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$992.91 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,092.75 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$930.05 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$265.34 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Stephanie Ila Jean  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$933.86 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$71.54 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,168.28 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,754.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,457.03 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$792.34 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,468.27 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$81.25 GROSS PAYROLL Ross, Gunnar Quinn  Green Bay WI 0 3/20/2020
$2,157.84 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$851.68 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Cody Grant  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saathoff, Gordon Lee Jr Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,300.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$279.66 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Hilary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,635.59 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$240.84 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,330.27 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,469.72 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Sophia Christine  Las Vegas NV 0 3/20/2020
$3,479.94 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Andrew William  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,044.45 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Bonnie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$925.19 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$670.92 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$133.33 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Jared Stephen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,168.98 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$729.59 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$782.99 GROSS PAYROLL Selensky, Jeri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$83.81 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew S  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,115.71 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$300.02 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Kayla Lee  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,395.83 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,220.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,186.89 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$464.90 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$476.09 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$8,230.25 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,953.25 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,035.35 GROSS PAYROLL Short, Dacia Jo-D  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$644.13 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,069.31 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$933.95 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 0 3/20/2020
$1,027.70 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$534.61 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Claire Lauren  Hubbard OR 0 3/20/2020
$357.14 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jethro Jacob  Chubbuck ID 0 3/20/2020
$902.08 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,080.55 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$923.37 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$882.48 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,072.42 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,129.71 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$169.80 GROSS PAYROLL Spear, Amanda Mangum  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,131.32 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,447.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,125.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,082.90 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,226.01 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$868.07 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,418.29 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 3/20/2020
$3,494.46 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,067.19 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$604.84 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$409.23 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$685.36 GROSS PAYROLL Stutz, Kathryn Ann  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$697.28 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$983.76 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Tori   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,824.22 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$305.71 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$338.15 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$8,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$999.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$519.50 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Matthew Paul  Rexburg, ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,319.81 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,953.31 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,090.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2020
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$614.95 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$591.62 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,766.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,437.52 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$129.93 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Torrey J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,167.09 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$875.30 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,064.40 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,673.75 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$697.71 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$977.86 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$834.21 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,189.47 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$619.29 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, JoHanna Marie  Lewisville ID 0 3/20/2020
$565.08 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,095.99 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,586.46 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,183.59 GROSS PAYROLL Vega, Cindy   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,099.80 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$376.54 GROSS PAYROLL Virgin, Crystal   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,401.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,041.18 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,407.95 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,808.39 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,984.82 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$873.84 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,966.80 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$833.62 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$723.71 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,337.28 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,429.16 GROSS PAYROLL West, Tayler Nicole  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,221.00 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$489.40 GROSS PAYROLL Whitmarsh, Cally Ann Christine  Saratoga Springs UT 0 3/20/2020
$747.90 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$238.33 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$938.48 GROSS PAYROLL Willford, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$6,004.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,062.65 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,803.30 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,883.56 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$544.25 GROSS PAYROLL Withers, Emily Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$753.03 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$334.06 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$81.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wray, Sue   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$4,134.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$726.61 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$896.14 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,037.87 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,061.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 3/20/2020
$3,673.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 3/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2020
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 3/20/2020
$872.13 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 61345 3/20/2020
$986.23 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 61346 3/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 61347 3/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 61348 3/20/2020
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 61349 3/20/2020
$1,095.05 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 61350 3/20/2020
$3,408.48 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 61351 3/20/2020
$577.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 61352 3/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 61353 3/20/2020
$2,336.35 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 61354 3/20/2020
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 61355 3/20/2020
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61356 3/20/2020
$1,310.94 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 61357 3/20/2020
$2,334.52 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 61358 3/20/2020
$718.17 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61359 3/20/2020
$2,660.66 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61360 3/20/2020
$664.19 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 61361 3/20/2020
$1,471.96 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 61362 3/20/2020
$1,856.34 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61363 3/20/2020
$1,738.21 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61364 3/20/2020
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Rachel   Menan ID 61365 3/20/2020
$633.33 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, Samuel L  Iona ID 61366 3/20/2020
$400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Kurtis Blake  Lewisville ID 61367 3/20/2020
$1,200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Nathan Nebeker  Rigby ID 61368 3/20/2020
$671.70 GROSS PAYROLL Esplin, Natasha E  Rexburg ID 61369 3/20/2020
$36.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Jason S  Menan ID 61370 3/20/2020
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Geisler, Joshua Kirk  Rigby ID 61371 3/20/2020
$534.72 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 61372 3/20/2020
$871.54 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Marcie McBride  Rigby ID 61373 3/20/2020
$121.85 GROSS PAYROLL Horsch, Leona Dee  Rigby ID 61374 3/20/2020
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Christopher G  Rexburg ID 61375 3/20/2020
$27.15 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Samantha Joy  Rexburg ID 61376 3/20/2020
$87.93 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Jennifer Bartlett  Rexburg ID 61377 3/20/2020
$880.77 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Sydney Felice  Rexburg ID 61378 3/20/2020
$466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Munk, Suzanne B  Idaho Falls ID 61379 3/20/2020
$168.00 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kayley J'Lyse  Rigby ID 61380 3/20/2020
$953.24 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, BreAnne   Rigby ID 61381 3/20/2020
$330.30 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica   Rigby ID 61382 3/20/2020
$142.50 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Angela R  Rigby ID 61383 3/20/2020
$107.50 GROSS PAYROLL Tupper, Rayana Janet  Rigby ID 61384 3/20/2020
$953.43 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 61385 3/20/2020
$617.29 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton R  Rexburg ID 61386 3/20/2020
$709.84 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 61387 3/20/2020
$826.09 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 61388 3/20/2020
$123.16 GROSS PAYROLL Welker, Amber Marie  Rigby ID 61389 3/20/2020
$356.44 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Kaitlyn Anna  Rigby ID 61390 3/20/2020
$765.13 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 61391 3/20/2020
$686.17 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 61392 3/20/2020
$856.48 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 61393 3/20/2020
$597.79 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 61394 3/20/2020
$338.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 61395 3/20/2020
$31.82 GROSS PAYROLL Hickman, Amanda K  Rigby ID 61396 3/20/2020
$472.41 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Ronald J  Menan ID 61397 3/20/2020
$534.39 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee V  Rigby ID 61398 3/20/2020
7050217 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 90445 3/23/2020
CottonwoodBldCoverag $26,462.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Falls Insurance Center, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 0 3/23/2020
64145521 $112.68 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Wex Bank Carol Stream IL 0 3/26/2020
Erh Fang Hsu $1,900.00 WLIP EF budget only Law Office of Janice Radler Olson PLLC Salt Lake City UT 90447 3/30/2020
MarMileageReimb $64.80 In District Mileage Reimbursement Douglas, Nathan J Rigby ID 90446 3/30/2020
26713780 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90448 3/31/2020
26713780 89 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90448 3/31/2020
26713781 99 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90448 3/31/2020
32 $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 4/1/2020
PrePaidLunchRefund $86.00 Student Lunch Sales Bowen, Daniel Rigby ID 90449 4/1/2020
PrePaidLunchRefund $55.70 Student Lunch Sales Knibbs, Brad Lewisville ID 90450 4/1/2020
Feb-MarMileageReimb $84.64 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90451 4/2/2020
MedExpReimb4.2.2020 $54.95 Buy-Down Insurance Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 90452 4/2/2020
Supply Reimb $23.30 ECC Supplies Ringel, Britney Lyn Rigby ID 90454 4/2/2020
SupplyReimb $401.19 Science 7th Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 90453 4/2/2020
Payroll April 2020 $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166247 4/3/2020
Payroll April 2020 $36.04 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166247 4/3/2020
Payroll April 2020 $360.39 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166247 4/3/2020
Payroll April 2020 $343.22 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166247 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $22.53 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $0.38 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $10.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $3.37 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $6.23 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $64.87 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $52.67 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $1.30 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $110.06 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $3.40 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $0.34 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $1.92 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $19.53 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $189.82 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $0.85 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $2.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $1.13 Guitar-Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
Taxes March 2020 $8.49 Guitar-Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166246 4/3/2020
V562557 $14.00 Purchased Services Culligan Idaho Falls ID 1974 4/3/2020
V902379 $3.95 Supplies & Materials South Fork Elementary Lunch Rigby ID 1973 4/3/2020
00869-12 $1,243,697.09 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90458 4/6/2020
00881-11 $232,844.51 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90458 4/6/2020
03410 $150.00 Business Services Boam and Associates Idaho Falls ID 90460 4/6/2020
03420 $150.00 Business Services Boam and Associates Idaho Falls ID 90460 4/6/2020
104363 $177.00 Perkins Supplies Health Occupations Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 90473 4/6/2020
1187 $2,525.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 90472 4/6/2020
12 3.31.20 HE $9,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90478 4/6/2020
12 3.31.20 ME $6,000.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90478 4/6/2020
12b $68.75 Vendor Services Smith, Kayla Rigby ID 90490 4/6/2020
13 3.31.20 CE $14,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90478 4/6/2020
171929 $2,619.40 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90474 4/6/2020
171930 $157.90 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90474 4/6/2020
172354 $1,976.10 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90474 4/6/2020
18 $14,376.94 Grounds Supplies Turfco Power Equipment Shelley ID 90492 4/6/2020
2020-120-37 $120.00 Grounds Supplies Water District 120 Idaho Falls ID 90495 4/6/2020
20209172 $434.30 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90487 4/6/2020
20448072 - credit ($35.61) Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90489 4/6/2020
20464446 $2,002.59 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90489 4/6/2020
20481117 $3,476.98 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90489 4/6/2020
20497369 $1,356.39 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90489 4/6/2020
20497370 $3,747.25 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90489 4/6/2020
20513957 $2,913.52 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90489 4/6/2020
20513958 $713.46 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90489 4/6/2020
20513959 $416.10 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90489 4/6/2020
22152 $2,200.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90491 4/6/2020
22169 $192.79 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90491 4/6/2020
22180 $241.50 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90491 4/6/2020
22189 $730.72 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90491 4/6/2020
22190 $546.93 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90491 4/6/2020
22709 $66.04 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Hall's Fabricating Rigby ID 90468 4/6/2020
251181-1 $225.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 90469 4/6/2020
27 $455.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 90497 4/6/2020
2786 $2,875.00 Purchased Services Pro-Line Enterprises, LLC Idaho Falls ID 90483 4/6/2020
28145834 $7,785.77 Program Quality Grant-Ag Norco, LLC SLC UT 90480 4/6/2020
28237567 $11,544.00 Program Quality Grant-Ag Norco, LLC SLC UT 90480 4/6/2020
3.10.20 $106.24 Vendor Services Caitlin Clare Quiroz Ammon ID 90462 4/6/2020
3.30.20 $10,000.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90475 4/6/2020
308267 $218.00 Travel Expenses Riverside Hotel BOISE ID 90486 4/6/2020
481675231 $3,086.42 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 90467 4/6/2020
5570 $485.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 90493 4/6/2020
5876 $120.00 Software Purchases and Licensing NW Information Advantage LLC Medical Lake WA 90481 4/6/2020
5915 $1,200.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Lehi UT 90465 4/6/2020
5939 $130.00 Software Purchases and Licensing NW Information Advantage LLC Medical Lake WA 90481 4/6/2020
6 $1,579.64 Medicaid Purchased Services Bright Futeres Service Coordination Shelley ID 90461 4/6/2020
6017 $1,200.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Lehi UT 90465 4/6/2020
645949 $2,879.73 Technology-Cottonwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
645949 $2,879.73 Technology-Midway VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
645949 $2,879.73 Technology-Harwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
648077 $3,326.04 Technology-Cottonwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
648077 $739.12 Technology-Midway VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
648077 $739.12 Technology-Harwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
64911 $180.00 Vendor Services MSBT Law Boise ID 90477 4/6/2020
649278 $273.95 Technology-Cottonwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
649278 $273.95 Technology-Midway VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
649278 $273.95 Technology-Harwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
7 $1,916.75 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90488 4/6/2020
7 $1,916.75 Medicaid Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90488 4/6/2020
7168907 $4,265.90 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90479 4/6/2020
7177550 $2,537.63 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90479 4/6/2020
7177551 $741.40 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90479 4/6/2020
7177552 $1,594.71 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90479 4/6/2020
7185970 $4,361.42 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90479 4/6/2020
7185971 $474.48 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90479 4/6/2020
7185972 $73.05 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90479 4/6/2020
7189466 $5,200.08 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90479 4/6/2020
7196251 $1,402.44 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90479 4/6/2020
78850298 $2,909.79 Custodial Supplies Waxie Sanitary Supply Los Angeles CA 90496 4/6/2020
78866027 $124.63 Custodial Supplies Waxie Sanitary Supply Los Angeles CA 90496 4/6/2020
8437 $2,313.54 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90463 4/6/2020
8444 1430.95 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90463 4/6/2020
8445 $180.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90463 4/6/2020
8446 $225.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90463 4/6/2020
8447 $150.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90463 4/6/2020
8448 $112.50 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90463 4/6/2020
8449 $5,500.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90463 4/6/2020
869122 $38.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 90476 4/6/2020
882-10 $336,532.33 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90458 4/6/2020
89415306541 $233.60 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90459 4/6/2020
89415306568 $101.00 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90459 4/6/2020
89415306590 217.4 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90459 4/6/2020
89415306619 353.4 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90459 4/6/2020
951 $376.00 Supplies & Materials Designs By Syd Rigby ID 90456 4/6/2020
DriversEdReimb $170.00 General Supplies Hickam, Cassie Elizabeth  Rigby ID 90455 4/6/2020
Feb 20-Mar20 $7,948.28 Medicaid Purchased Services Innovative Health Care Concepts, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90471 4/6/2020
Feb 2020 $222,947.00 Fiber Direct Communications Rockland ID 90464 4/6/2020
Feb 2020 $55,787.00 Land Improvements-Fiber Direct Communications Rockland ID 90464 4/6/2020
L13876 $884.40 Business Services ETC Lite LLC San Antonio TX 90466 4/6/2020
Mar 2020 $13,250.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 90484 4/6/2020
OrchestraTour 300 Orchestra EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
PerkinsConstructSupp $931.92 Perkins Supplies Building Construction Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
PerkinsConstructSupp $974.85 Perkins Supplies Building Construction Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
PerkinsConstructSupp $593.23 Perkins Supplies Building Construction Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
RHS 3.10.20 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90482 4/6/2020
RHS 3.3.20 98.70 $98.70 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90482 4/6/2020
RHSConstructFishCTE $4,915.25 CTE Supplies Building Construction Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
RigbyAutoSkillsReimb $366.05 CTE Ag Travel Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
RigbyAutoSkillsReimb $83.69 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
RigbyAutoSkillsReimb $1,756.45 CTE Supplies Automotive Technology Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
RigbyAutoSkillsReimb $63.68 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
RigbyAutoSkillsReimb $745.02 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90485 4/6/2020
RMS 3.10.20 $211.50 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90482 4/6/2020
RMS 3.3.20 141.00 $141.00 Food Papa Kelsey RIGBY ID 90482 4/6/2020
State Sci Olympiad $1,500.00 STEM Grant Pam Fox Idaho STEM Action Center Boise ID 90470 4/6/2020
TestReimb $350.00 IDEA Professional Development Stotts, Grayson Taylor San Marcos CA 90457 4/6/2020
V697806 $396.20 Technology-Cottonwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
V834035 $49,539.24 Technology-Cottonwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
V834035 $11,008.72 Technology-Midway VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
V834035 $11,008.72 Technology-Harwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90494 4/6/2020
V399815 $5.91 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1591 4/6/2020
V477668 $469.53 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1590 4/6/2020
V750087 $165.00 Supplies & Materials U.S. Postal Service Menan ID 3840 4/7/2020
S-2014-20326 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 90498 4/9/2020
SupplyReimb2 $16.95 Dean, Sarah Ed Foundation Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90499 4/9/2020
SupplyReimb2.5.2020 $32.94 Dean, Sarah Ed Foundation Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90499 4/9/2020
SupplyReimb3 $10.59 Dean, Sarah Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90499 4/9/2020
SupplyReimb4 $14.26 Dean, Sarah Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90499 4/9/2020
SupplyReimb5 $14.83 Dean, Sarah Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90499 4/9/2020
March 2020 $75.47 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $1,884.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $30.54 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $3,883.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $8.48 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $8.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $716.25 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $1,116.38 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $2,396.57 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $8.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $8.49 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $2,435.02 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $805.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 -($12.99) Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $2,064.72 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 -($88.71) Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $4,591.13 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $6,603.96 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $20.12 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $3,196.84 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $713.44 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $12,275.28 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $1,212.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $354.56 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $2,788.53 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $207.40 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
March 2020 $1,861.11 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/10/2020
V722362 $131.40 School Uniforms & Sweatshirts Supplies Kettle Embroidery Rexburg ID 3008 4/10/2020
3/31/2020 1 $42.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 10 $5.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 100 $11.12 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 101 $664.64 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 102 $61.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 103 $119.68 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 104 $730.10 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 105 $926.66 Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 106 $117.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 107 $33.89 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 108 $23.69 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 109 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 11 $4,023.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 110 $300.29 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 111 $92.18 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 112 ($241.00) Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 113 $871.08 Business Equipment under 10k Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 114 $585.70 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 115 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 116 229.87 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 117 $1,702.18 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 118 $4,450.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 119 $33.97 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 12 $7,422.36 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 120 $11.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 121 $594.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 122 $631.44 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 123 $602.20 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 124 $1,742.64 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 125 $179.88 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 126 $461.91 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 127 $453.66 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 128 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 129 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 13 $5.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 130 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 131 $19.80 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 132 $16,033.70 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 133 $111.64 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 134 $19.45 CTE Supplies Building Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 135 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 136 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 137 $43.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 138 $42.73 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 139 $27.45 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 14 ($20.06) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 140 ($864.80) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 141 $7.29 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 142 $79.97 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 143 $21.80 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 144 ($743.20) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 145 $62.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 146 $15.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 147 $2.19 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 148 $424.93 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 149 $16.54 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 15 ($10.59) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 150 $21.16 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 151 $41.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 152 $10.62 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 153 $17.98 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 154 $322.07 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 155 $101.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 156 $4.29 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 157 $83.77 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 158 $40.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 159 $23.78 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 16 ($14.83) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 160 $2.22 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 161 $46.47 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 162 $6.41 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 163 $14,495.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 164 $60.00 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 165 $490.00 RHS Scoreboard/Advertising Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 166 $296.82 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 167 $12.83 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 168 $1,442.27 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 169 $35.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 17 $48.00 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 170 $43.99 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 171 $63.95 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 172 $372.80 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 173 $6,156.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 174 $101.30 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 175 $77.48 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 176 $2.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 177 $1.94 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 178 ($101.30) English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 179 $100.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 18 $120.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 180 $12.83 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 181 $69.86 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 182 $13.98 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 183 $148.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 184 $6,783.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 185 $49.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 186 $88.02 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 187 $122.46 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 188 $113.88 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 189 $29.96 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 19 ($1.05) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 190 $8.47 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 191 $225.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 192 $225.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 193 $140.77 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 194 $450.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 195 $369.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 196 $225.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 197 $309.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 198 $38.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 199 $144.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 2 $6.62 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 20 $23.30 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 200 $704.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 201 $39.75 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 202 $64.83 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 203 $375.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 204 $1,003.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 205 $1.60 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 206 $68.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 207 $120.00 Teacher Appreciation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 208 $1,624.27 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 209 $6.41 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 21 $143.92 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 210 $93.81 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 211 $52.95 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 212 $12.83 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 213 $44.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 214 $152.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 215 $1,416.56 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 216 $52.74 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 217 $345.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 218 $42.98 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 219 $48.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 22 $695.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 220 $10.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 221 $450.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 222 ($501.13) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 223 $7.42 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 224 $68.44 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 225 $4.24 Abarca, Allyson Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 226 $107.98 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 227 $75.17 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 228 $82.89 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 229 $64.72 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 23 $771.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 230 $425.50 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 231 $5,701.74 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 232 $330.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 233 ($106.00) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 234 $973.00 Maintenance Services Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 235 ($501.13) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 236 $6.36 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 237 $133.26 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 238 $1,086.03 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 239 $160.81 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 24 $599.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 240 $10.67 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 241 ($180.00) Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 242 $7.84 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 243 ($100.00) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 244 ($180.00) Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 245 $326.68 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 246 $0.74 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 247 $50.68 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 248 $40.96 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 249 $450.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 25 $451.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 250 $7.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 251 $689.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 252 $61.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 253 $1,887.24 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 254 $11.61 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 255 $237.30 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 256 $147.64 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 257 ($180.00) Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 258 $175.70 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 259 $85.78 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 26 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 260 $492.62 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 261 $924.11 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 262 $90.34 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 263 $47.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 264 $39.30 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 265 $63.07 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 266 ($180.00) Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 267 50 Homeless Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 268 0.87 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 269 77.76 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 27 53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 270 33.16 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 271 -180 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 272 545 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 273 1423.21 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 274 473.9 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 275 3.2 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 276 0.69 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 277 152.17 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 278 49.6 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 279 13 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 28 50 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 280 363.44 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 281 -123.2 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 282 9.83 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 283 29.94 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 284 -7.8 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 285 -123.2 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 286 52.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 287 231.46 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 288 71.91 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 289 240 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 29 75.5 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 290 67.8 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 291 89.94 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 292 72.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 293 9.85 Bill To Track Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 294 15.03 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 295 5.24 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 296 6499.91 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 297 24.35 Arneson, Angela Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 298 -123.2 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 299 24.95 Life Skills Supplies Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 3 30.74 Shayla Webb Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 30 1970.79 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 300 -123.2 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 301 95.94 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 302 -123.2 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 303 970 Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 304 104.79 COVID 19 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 305 140.44 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 306 486.39 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 307 $1,435.00 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 308 $75.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 309 $8.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 31 $150.25 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 310 ($315.11) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 311 $670.00 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 312 $11.26 Birch, Becky Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 313 ($315.11) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 314 $76.26 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 315 $40.25 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 316 ($315.11) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 317 ($315.11) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 318 $704.09 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 319 $52.97 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 32 $158.85 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 320 $384.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 321 $63.60 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 322 $76.32 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 323 $11.65 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 324 $263.63 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 325 ($555.98) General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 326 $52.02 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 327 ($333.74) IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 328 $65.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 329 $31.78 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 33 $992.15 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 330 $4,315.01 Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 331 $88.78 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 332 $39.20 7th Reading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 333 $77.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 334 $93.96 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 335 ($40.50) STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 336 ($621.00) General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 337 $85.00 Elementary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 338 $62.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 339 $509.22 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 34 $56.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 340 $5,220.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 341 $81.82 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 342 $47.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 343 ($214.25) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 344 $329.89 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 345 $899.94 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 346 $31.59 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 347 ($333.74) IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 348 $66.81 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 349 $55.74 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 35 $16.54 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 350 $1,669.36 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 351 $60.16 COVID 19 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 352 $10.44 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 353 $21.18 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 354 $42.14 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 355 $2,053.99 Testing Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 356 $36.45 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 357 ($333.74) IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 358 $55.09 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 359 $23.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 36 $164.84 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 360 $92.34 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 361 $2,399.06 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 362 ($528.00) Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 363 $21.99 Auditorium Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 364 92.34 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 365 $63.95 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 366 ($58.39) COVID 19 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 367 $30.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 368 $58.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 369 ($269.85) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 37 $133.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 370 $555.98 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 371 $211.65 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 372 $16.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 373 $20.14 COVID 19 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 374 $175.55 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 375 $185.64 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 376 $92.82 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 377 $505.12 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 378 $47.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 379 $25.16 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 38 $22.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 380 $87.49 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 381 $108.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 382 $111.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 383 $18.18 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 384 $111.23 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 385 $66.12 Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 386 $2,204.00 Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 387 $80.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 388 $27.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 389 $52.22 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 39 $29.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 390 $16.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 391 $97.50 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 392 $43.96 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 393 $249.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 394 $52.76 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 395 $62.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 396 $92.89 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 397 $15.46 Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 398 $55.70 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 399 $189.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 4 $4.09 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 40 $499.99 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 400 $35.78 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 401 $2.25 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 402 $261.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 403 $123.94 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 404 $15.01 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 405 $174.94 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 406 $1,615.00 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 407 $59.95 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 408 $55.13 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 409 $3.90 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 41 $99.71 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 410 $12.50 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 411 $22.14 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 412 $4,179.52 Building Construction-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 413 17.4 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 414 14.18 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 415 53.3 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 416 56.06 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 417 38.29 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 418 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 419 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 42 $13.59 Hegstrom, John Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 420 $309.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 421 $68.90 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 422 $40.50 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 423 $59.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 424 $4.26 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 425 $38.21 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 426 $198.38 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 427 $59.06 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 428 $14.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 429 $3.68 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 43 -10 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 430 87.85 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 431 $108.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 432 $51.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 433 $132.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 434 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 435 $42.38 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 436 $34.35 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 437 $688.19 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 438 $139.54 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 439 $35.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 44 $55.62 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 440 $110.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 441 $2,154.04 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 442 $186.40 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 443 $78.78 Musical Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 444 $59.39 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 445 $113.05 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 446 $64.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 447 $9.54 Michelle Bradshaw Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 448 $11.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 449 $16.52 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 45 $189.96 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 450 $27.88 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 451 $119.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 452 $27.47 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 453 $14.97 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 454 $125.46 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 455 $1,336.50 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 456 $20.77 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 457 $55.02 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 458 $49.00 Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 459 $480.00 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 46 -($10.00) Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 460 $856.06 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 461 $52.98 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 462 $159.99 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 463 $63.50 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 464 $56.02 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 465 $432.80 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 466 $22.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 467 $2,890.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 468 $272.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 469 $49.59 Burton, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 47 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 470 $465.23 Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 471 $572.38 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 472 $146.72 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 473 $42.39 CTE Supplies Technology Education Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 474 $36.96 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 475 $163.58 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 476 $8.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 477 $158.97 Track EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 478 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 479 $10.00 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 48 $53.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 480 $2,648.87 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 481 $22.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 482 $10.00 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 483 $20.50 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 484 $50.65 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 485 $17.97 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 486 $23.68 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 487 $167.78 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 488 $763.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 489 $12.67 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 49 $23.27 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 490 $68.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 491 $166.50 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 492 $35.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 493 $10.24 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 494 $21.18 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 495 $7,617.36 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 496 $17.72 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 497 $6.95 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 498 $15.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 499 $99.92 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 5 $1,066.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 50 $17.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 500 $487.50 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 501 $986.70 Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 502 $75.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 503 $142.83 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 504 $82.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 505 $2,550.90 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 506 $501.13 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 507 $1,644.72 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 508 $109.72 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 509 $188.31 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 51 -($10.00) Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 510 $99.99 Social Studies 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 511 $49.64 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 512 $296.16 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 513 $1,389.91 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 514 $2.59 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 515 $101.40 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 516 $8.05 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 517 $133.95 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 518 $299.08 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 519 $12.71 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 52 $248.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 520 $268.88 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 521 $166.22 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 522 $25.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 523 $176.80 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 524 $200.00 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 525 $200.00 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 526 $128.75 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 527 $60.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 528 $156.99 Track EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 529 $5.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 53 $31.04 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 530 $349.08 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 531 $281.08 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 532 $7.57 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 533 $192.10 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 534 $40.86 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 535 $47.98 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 536 $150.12 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 537 $48.72 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 538 $8.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 539 $37.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 54 -($939.75) Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 540 $17.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 541 $33.57 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 542 -($32.06) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 543 $18.96 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 544 $2.40 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 545 $27.56 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 546 $31.76 Corbridge, Carla Dee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 547 $11.69 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 548 $15.27 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 549 $150.12 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 55 ($10.00) Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 550 $26.97 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 551 $16.69 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 552 $113.34 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 553 $14.81 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 554 $18.33 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 555 $19.03 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 556 $377.67 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 557 $29.61 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 558 $1,345.66 Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 559 $67.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 56 $360.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 560 $154.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 561 $21.19 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 562 $478.50 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 563 $113.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 564 $34.48 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 565 $19.56 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 566 $25.14 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 567 $156.76 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 568 $47.92 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 569 $35.20 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 57 $1,014.72 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 570 $15.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 571 $185.27 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 572 $243.32 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 573 $14.93 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 574 $24.56 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 575 $41.01 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 576 $60.00 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 577 $44.50 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 578 $37.63 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 579 $119.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 58 $46.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 580 $38.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 581 $10.54 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 582 $45.47 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 583 $70.80 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 584 $12.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 585 $549.32 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 586 $88.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 587 $10.58 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 588 $990.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 589 $33.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 59 -($10.00) Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 590 $16.60 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 591 $18.94 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 592 $51.50 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 593 $503.50 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 594 $36.41 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 595 $26.38 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 596 -($6.00) Maintenance Supplies Ealry Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 597 12.86 PBIS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 598 $123.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 599 $2,244.32 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 6 $29.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 60 $105.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 600 $193.38 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 601 $106.69 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 602 $90.55 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 603 $10.59 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 604 $27.35 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 605 $24.42 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 606 $45.62 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 607 $99.98 Schmidt, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 608 $31.92 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 609 $30.88 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 61 $12,180.31 Licenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 610 -($50.87) Bill to School JES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 611 $30.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 612 $20.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 613 $532.00 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 614 $187.14 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 615 $61.61 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 616 $192.24 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 617 $67.96 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 618 -($52.97) Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 619 $27.44 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 62 $239.88 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 620 $25.41 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 621 $36.59 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 622 $71.34 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 623 $38.98 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 624 $14.29 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 625 $108.29 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 626 $99.58 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 627 $11.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 628 $33.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 629 $69.70 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 63 $1,883.11 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 630 $15.56 Science 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 631 $84.69 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 632 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 633 $617.41 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 634 $471.15 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 635 $83.28 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 636 $25.40 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 637 $94.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 638 $6.96 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 639 $52.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 64 $39.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 640 $18.51 STEM Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 641 $78.28 Bill to School RES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 642 $138.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 643 $1.40 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 644 $11.12 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 645 $14.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 646 $29.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 647 $131.24 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 648 $91.88 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 649 $18.92 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 65 $835.90 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 650 $181.85 CTE Supplies Building Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 651 $140.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 652 $18.76 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 653 208.8 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 654 20.08 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 655 317.97 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 656 175.71 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 657 347.48 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 658 269.85 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 659 10.6 CTE Supplies Building Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 66 67.81 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 660 $11.61 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 661 $12.72 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 662 $79.40 2nd Grade PBIS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 663 $41.62 Bill to School JES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 664 $1,374.60 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 665 $3.18 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 666 $124.94 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 667 $25.31 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 668 $22.26 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 669 $22.41 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 67 $16.77 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 670 $94.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 671 $27.56 Gonzalez, Renee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 672 $35.35 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 673 $3.18 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 674 $78.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 675 $17.64 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 676 $55.05 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 677 $7.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 678 $66.68 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 679 $49.65 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 68 $26.15 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 680 79.5 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 681 86.82 Lane, Shari Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 682 2.12 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 683 $33.38 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 684 $9.43 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 685 $39.69 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 686 $2,254.95 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 687 $77.05 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 688 $189.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 689 $145.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 69 $58.14 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 690 $25.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 691 $34.23 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 692 $18.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 693 $27.52 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 694 $45.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 695 $27.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 696 $8.47 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 697 $362.37 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 698 $125.82 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 699 $80.71 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 7 $10.81 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 70 $129.70 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 700 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 701 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 702 $13.77 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 703 $549.48 Title I Parent Involvement Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 704 $37.57 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 705 $479.92 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 706 $34.73 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 707 $130.17 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 708 $18.46 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 709 $64.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 71 $234.95 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 710 23.8 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 711 $3.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 712 $18.00 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 713 $5.84 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 714 $31.21 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 715 $46.38 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 716 $24.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 717 $37.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 718 $470.75 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 719 $134.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 72 174.24 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 720 16.29 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 721 217.08 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 722 $18.01 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 723 $80.00 Guitar Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 724 $151.14 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 725 $121.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 726 $93.07 Vendor Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 727 $97.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 728 $13.77 Coding Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 729 $29.60 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 73 $258.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 730 $79.73 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 731 $150.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 732 $158.52 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 733 $12.98 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 734 $23.94 Lane, Shari Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 735 $215.53 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 736 $13.74 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 737 $61.80 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 738 $19.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 739 $54.65 Hatch, Ambrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 74 $171.70 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 740 $51.53 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 741 $700.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 742 $16.96 Ranzenberger, Tori Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 743 $22.13 Corbridge, Carla Dee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 744 $51.76 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 745 $37.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 746 $26.34 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 747 $41.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 748 $5.75 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 749 $109.12 STEM Grant-Webster Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 75 $33.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 750 $6.28 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 751 $21.31 Vazquez, Vianey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 752 $40.12 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 753 $34.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 754 $675.40 Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 755 $38.44 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 756 $90.08 Social Studies 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 757 $79.96 III Materials & Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 758 $9.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 759 $99.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 76 $10.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 760 $11.60 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 761 $102.82 Bill To Troyplayers/Drama Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 762 $19.32 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 763 $150.00 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 764 $5.58 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 765 $123.39 Cook, Arica Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 766 $22.37 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 767 $8.16 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 768 $48.07 Johnson, MaryAnn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 769 $18.37 Calderon, Kendra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 77 $1.05 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 770 $31.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 771 $15.90 Trans Supplies for RSD Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 772 $4.24 Cowley, Megan Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 773 $59.16 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 774 $23.23 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 775 $315.58 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 776 $315.59 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 777 $295.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 778 $31.73 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 779 $33.88 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 78 $50.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 780 $190.84 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 781 $45.78 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 782 $109.89 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 783 $238.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 784 $159.55 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 785 $9.92 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 786 $20.82 5th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 787 $16.96 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 788 $6.35 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 789 $73.60 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 79 $20.06 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 790 $6.35 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 791 ($109.89) English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 792 $27.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 793 $24.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 794 $1,616.76 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 795 $5.97 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 796 $69.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 797 $138.16 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 798 $19.47 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 799 $7.95 4th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 8 $83.91 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 80 $42.33 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 800 $8.53 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 801 $75.47 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 802 $59.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 803 $36.08 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 804 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 805 $12.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 806 $254.68 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 807 $10.60 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 808 $74.58 Kindergarten PBIS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 809 $6,331.79 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 81 $14.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 810 $29.11 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 811 $9.49 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 812 ($67.13) Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 813 ($289.66) Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 814 $95.90 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 815 $271.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 816 $196.56 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 817 $51.24 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 818 $10,799.58 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 819 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 82 $103.06 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 820 $37.08 Holschuh, Dawn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 821 $12.43 Mystery Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 822 $101.30 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 823 $441.15 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 824 $222.15 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 825 $25.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 826 $44.93 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 827 $80.69 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 828 $37.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 829 $24.38 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 83 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 830 $86.25 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 831 $110.85 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 832 ($125.39) Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 833 $412.85 Science 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 834 $2,380.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 835 $188.45 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 836 $102.59 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 837 $119.35 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 838 $45.54 CTE Supplies Building Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 839 $75.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 84 $688.87 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 840 $13.74 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 841 $278.40 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 842 $623.16 Supt/Asst Supt Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 843 $18.41 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 844 $478.50 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 845 $29.32 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 846 $1.18 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 847 $112.40 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 848 $52.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 849 $27.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 85 $439.70 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 850 $60.76 Jessica Nukaya Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 851 $15.23 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 852 ($138.16) English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 853 ($101.30) English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 854 $74.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 855 $72.24 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 856 $33.45 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 857 $11.12 2nd Grade Spanish Immersion PBIS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 858 $71.86 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 859 $77.10 2nd Grade Spanish Immersion PBIS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 86 $137.50 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 860 $137.47 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 861 $60.62 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 862 $22.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 863 $65.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 864 $213.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 865 $100.00 Homeless Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 866 $103.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 867 $10.99 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 868 $277.84 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 869 $36.02 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 87 $58.73 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 870 $239.79 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 871 $44.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 872 $124.78 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 873 $1,199.92 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 874 $30.65 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 875 $939.75 Assessment Materials IDEA Grant Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 876 $189.00 Shakespear Team Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 877 $10.34 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 878 $4.77 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 879 $87.92 Wilson, Trina Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 88 $239.13 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 880 $59.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 881 $6.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 882 $21.54 Balmforth, Ronni Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 883 $11.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 884 $37.09 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 885 $19.28 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 886 $20.53 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 887 $466.71 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 888 $481.41 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 889 $16.67 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 89 $24.34 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 890 $237.71 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 891 $305.01 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 892 $16.96 Day, Lisa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 893 $82.45 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 894 $35.88 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 895 $32.46 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 896 $49.91 Bill to School MES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 897 $37.44 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 898 $59.26 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 899 $14.52 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 9 $103.77 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 90 $381.40 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 900 $239.92 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 901 $67.13 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 902 $58.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 903 $175.12 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 904 $715.18 CTE Supplies Building Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 905 $34.78 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 906 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 907 $30.00 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 908 $157.44 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 909 $185.64 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 91 $258.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 910 $28.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 911 $19.78 Boys Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 912 $29.60 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 913 $21.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 914 $67.13 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 915 $156.69 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 916 $48.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 917 $16.43 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 918 $92.82 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 919 $66.65 Cook, Arica Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 92 $189.03 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 920 $12.46 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 921 $21.74 Lane, Shari Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 922 $139.75 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 923 $226.33 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 924 $165.49 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 925 $22.23 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 93 $317.94 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 94 $52.53 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 95 $60.86 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 96 $313.20 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 97 $3.69 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 98 $221.14 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
3/31/2020 99 $2.50 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 4/13/2020
Supply Reimb 4.10.20 $60.48 ECC Supplies Ringel, Britney Lyn Rigby ID 90500 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $45.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $45.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $75.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
03-31-2020 $75.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
1013 $99.00 Supplies & Materials PRINT ON IT/STITCH ON IT RIGBY ID 1486521 4/13/2020
104363 $177.00 Supplies & Materials Kettle Embroidery LLC Rexburg ID 1486518 4/13/2020
154279 $282.47 Supplies & Materials Associated Theatrical Contractors Springfield MO 1486513 4/13/2020
2003-112608 $8.06 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE LUMBER, LLC RIGBY ID 1486524 4/13/2020
2003-113794 $17.17 Supplies & Materials YELLOWSTONE LUMBER, LLC RIGBY ID 1486524 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $42.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $12.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $4.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $0.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $7.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $10.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $7.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $1.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $13.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $1.22 FHLA Supplies JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $0.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $837.17 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $5.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $9.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $7.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $48.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $16.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $28.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $43.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
3-31-20 $40.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486517 4/13/2020
33168 $824.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486515 4/13/2020
33287 $42.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486515 4/13/2020
33379 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486515 4/13/2020
4-1-20 $45.50 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1486519 4/13/2020
552750 $24.00 Supplies & Materials TREASURE VALLEY COFFEE BOISE ID 1486522 4/13/2020
832600 $22.36 Supplies & Materials Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc. Irmo SC 1486516 4/13/2020
832606 $201.04 Supplies & Materials Jeffers Handbell Supply Inc. Irmo SC 1486516 4/13/2020
907409387 $372.29 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486514 4/13/2020
907858452 $1,009.00 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486514 4/13/2020
907907162 $3,079.14 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486514 4/13/2020
908225531 $1,252.35 Supplies & Materials BSN Sports-TX Dallas TX 1486514 4/13/2020
954937 $147.74 Supplies & Materials POWERS CANDY CO POCATELLO ID 1486520 4/13/2020
AR830894 $91.00 Supplies & Materials VALLEY OFFICE SYSTEMS IDAHO FALLS ID 1486523 4/13/2020
RX-167188 $1,128.62 Supplies & Materials Alphagraphics-Rexburg Rexburg ID 1486512 4/13/2020
V392186 $46.00 Purchased Services Culligan Idaho Falls ID 1976 4/13/2020
V691829 $83.96 Purchased Services Print On It/Stitch On It Rigby ID 1975 4/13/2020
V975109 $347.88 Supplies & Materials Gear Up Sports Idaho Falls ID 1978 4/13/2020
26760754 105 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90501 4/14/2020
26794960 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90501 4/14/2020
V197735 $28.00 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 1939 4/14/2020
V197735 $16.91 Supplies & Materials Karlene Bowden Rigby ID 1939 4/14/2020
V246940 $8.94 Supplies & Materials Jill Killpack Rigby ID 1940 4/14/2020
18-0157 Mar2020 $406.06 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90512 4/15/2020
18-0160 Mar 2020 $155.88 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90512 4/15/2020
26809638 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90510 4/15/2020
26809639 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90510 4/15/2020
26809640 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90510 4/15/2020
26828699 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90510 4/15/2020
Mar2020MileageReimb $49.65 In District Mileage Reimbursement Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 90513 4/15/2020
MedExp Reimb4.15.20 2000 Buy-Down Insurance Andrus, C. Thayne Iona ID 90511 4/15/2020
MedExpReimb4.14.2020 $1,740.79 Buy-Down Insurance Abrams, Jackie Lyn Rigby ID 90502 4/15/2020
MedExpReimb4.14.2020 $188.00 Buy-Down Insurance Harmon, Kathy Idaho Falls ID 90503 4/15/2020
MedExpReimb4.14.2020 $658.02 Buy-Down Insurance Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 90504 4/15/2020
MedExpReimb4.14.2020 $32.18 Buy-Down Insurance Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 90505 4/15/2020
MedExpReimb4.14.2020 $908.62 Buy-Down Insurance Seward, Monica Ann Rigby ID 90506 4/15/2020
MedExpReimb4.14.2020 $64.78 Buy-Down Insurance Stewart, Karen RIGBY ID 90507 4/15/2020
MedExpReimb4.14.2020 $75.75 Buy-Down Insurance Weekes, Nichole Michele Rigby ID 90508 4/15/2020
MedExpReimb4.14.2020 $79.35 Buy-Down Insurance Zundel Carla Sugar City ID 90509 4/15/2020
#13 RMS TRACK $228.00 Supplies & Materials Tenille Byington Rigby ID 57166250 4/15/2020
590 $1,377.70 Auditorium Supplies Gem Pro Audio Idaho Falls ID 57166249 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Aarin Smith Rigby ID 57166251 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Amber Anderson Rigby  ID 57166252 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Amber Moody Rigby ID 57166253 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Amy Woodhouse Rigby ID 57166254 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Becky Ball Rigby ID 57166255 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Christie Christiansen Rigby ID 57166256 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $74.50 Purchased Services Connie Hill Rigby ID 57166257 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Crystal Hulse Rigby  ID 57166258 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Dawn Green Rigby ID 57166259 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $74.50 Purchased Services Desiray Warner Rigby ID 57166260 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $50.00 Purchased Services Diane Jacobson Rigby ID 57166261 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Eliza C Law Rigby ID 57166262 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Heather Ashment Rigby  ID 57166263 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Holly Wood Rigby  ID 57166264 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Jeannette Denning Rigby ID 57166265 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Jessica Goldman Rigby ID 57166266 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Jorelle McClellan Rigby ID 57166267 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Justine Decker Rigby ID 57166268 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Kim Barney Rigby  ID 57166269 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Kimberly NewMyer Rigby ID 57166270 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Layne Kinghorn Rigby ID 57166271 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Lisa Baker Rigby  ID 57166272 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Liz McNeil Rigby  ID 57166273 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Lura Coyne Rigby ID 57166274 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Marc Baxter Rigby ID 57166275 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Melissa Maxfield Rigby  ID 57166276 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $50.00 Purchased Services Miriam Plass Rigby  ID 57166277 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Natilyn Varela Rigby ID 57166278 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Rebecca Squires Lewisville ID 57166279 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Robyn Fielding Rigby ID 57166280 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Rynele Cross Rigby ID 57166281 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Shauna Nebeker Rigby ID 57166282 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $115.00 Purchased Services Tiffany Hansen Rigby ID 57166283 4/15/2020
Lagoon Refund $20.00 Purchased Services Violet Bolen Rigby ID 57166284 4/15/2020
REFUND $850.00 Supplies & Materials Eastern Idaho Volleyball Association Idaho Falls  ID 57166248 4/15/2020
March 2020 1 $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 4/16/2020
Honor Choir Refund $185.00 Purchases Services Stacey Hansen Rigby ID 57166293 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchased Services Aletia Thornton Rigby ID 57166294 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchases Services Allyson Abarca Idaho Falls ID 57166285 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchases Services Amy Pluim Rigby ID 57166286 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Cassidy Brower Rigby  ID 57166295 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $70.00 Purchased Services Christy Stocking Rigby ID 57166296 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $40.00 Purchases Services Crystal Virgin Rexburg ID 57166303 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $73.50 Purchased Services Jennette Poole Rigby ID 57166297 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchased Services Jennette Poole Rigby ID 57166297 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchases Services Jennifer Whitaker Rigby ID 57166287 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchases Services Jessica Calderwood Rigby  ID 57166288 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchased Services Jo Joyce Hartwell Rigby ID 57166298 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchased Services Lorissa Pence Rigby ID 57166302 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchases Services Marie Heppler Rigby ID 57166289 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $40.00 Purchased Services Megan B Fisher Rigby  ID 57166300 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $130.00 Purchases Services Natalie Hunsaker Rigby  ID 57166290 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund  $130.00 Purchases Services Shaundel Scott Menan ID 57166292 4/16/2020
Lagoon Refund $45.00 Purchased Services Tami Scott Rigby ID 57166301 4/16/2020
Laroon Refund $130.00 Purchases Services Rebecca Madsen Rigby ID 57166291 4/16/2020
Refund Lagoon $130.00 Purchased Services Lura Coyne Rigby ID 57166299 4/16/2020
648214 $1,790.14 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90517 4/20/2020
648602  648711 $4,565.50 Technology-Cottonwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90517 4/20/2020
648602  648711 $4,566.00 Technology-Midway VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90517 4/20/2020
648602  648711 $4,566.00 Technology-Harwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90517 4/20/2020
ClassroomSuppReimb $82.82 Dana Alboucq Alboucq, Dana Rigby ID 90515 4/20/2020
March 2020 $939.24 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $227.61 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $1,250.77 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $688.93 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $1,409.10 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $1,662.30 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $839.81 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $2,487.32 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $990.28 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $6,623.81 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $48.52 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 $515.95 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
March 2020 1 $1,451.25 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 4/20/2020
MileageReimbFeb&Mar $74.25 In District Mileage Reimbursement Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 90518 4/20/2020
PrepaidLunchRefund $123.75 Student Lunch Sales Lewis, Shannon Rigby ID 90516 4/20/2020
V110634 $26,065.03 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V128443 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 4/20/2020
V136114 $8.57 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V188636 $10.53 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V24657 $271,020.04 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90514 4/20/2020
V280402 $4.91 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V304767 $3,660.47 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 4/20/2020
V360326 $351.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 4/20/2020
V462712 $2.46 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V477864 $2,881.12 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90514 4/20/2020
V491675 $17.23 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V501591 $6,971.26 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V546607 $36.66 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V566201 $3,046.13 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90514 4/20/2020
V600165 $20.76 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V633461 $111,450.52 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V661363 $624.91 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 4/20/2020
V671895 $4.86 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V680954 $1,623.60 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V684224 $226,300.69 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 4/20/2020
V749300 -($421.00) ISDC Insurance Refund Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90514 4/20/2020
V771683 $11,360.25 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90514 4/20/2020
V832265 $4.03 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
V929973 $21.00 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,426.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$974.11 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,141.67 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$690.30 GROSS PAYROLL Alfaro, Iris Haydee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$953.80 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,440.87 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$945.58 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$775.60 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Jamie Alene  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,263.12 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$888.93 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$773.32 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,551.40 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,055.39 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$576.84 GROSS PAYROLL Argyle, Talia Guymon  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$764.73 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$216.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Carlie J  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,236.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$881.66 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$91.94 GROSS PAYROLL Baguley, Gayla   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$850.53 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,076.09 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,319.84 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$729.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton R  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,323.91 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,888.54 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$462.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,811.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,249.61 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,096.44 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,087.85 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$836.10 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Kaitlyn Anna  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,238.45 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Cal Roy  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,442.14 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,868.92 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$673.64 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,598.77 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,081.14 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,613.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$120.38 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Paul Andrew  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,155.84 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,650.00 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$539.73 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$679.94 GROSS PAYROLL Bingham, John Maurice  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$953.50 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,766.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$244.25 GROSS PAYROLL Blaisdell, Tamara Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,075.58 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,814.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,043.12 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$955.20 GROSS PAYROLL Borjon, Jenna Dee  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,421.37 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,053.76 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$942.43 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,018.04 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$931.07 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,058.98 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$948.67 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$664.85 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,655.52 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$274.82 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$328.72 GROSS PAYROLL Brower, Brielle Jocelyn  Blackfoot ID 0 4/20/2020
$527.96 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,035.52 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$84.59 GROSS PAYROLL Buffat, Sky H  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$891.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$906.46 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$589.27 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$725.62 GROSS PAYROLL Butikofer, Kristen Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$183.90 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Lynae Daniel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$799.34 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,238.77 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$477.52 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$427.25 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,095.84 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,482.69 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,073.60 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,208.87 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,105.23 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$854.94 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$456.12 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$790.24 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$940.46 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,112.53 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$980.88 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,104.93 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,056.50 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,731.42 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$882.46 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$931.73 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,119.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2020
$0.20 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Kylie R  Rupert ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,188.05 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,697.50 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$944.06 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5.45 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,422.22 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,452.27 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$652.73 GROSS PAYROLL Clipp, Krysta Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$333.34 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$818.71 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$885.39 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,867.66 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,281.73 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,267.36 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$671.52 GROSS PAYROLL Couch, Mandy Darline  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,873.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,449.84 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$23.11 GROSS PAYROLL Cramer, Debbie Jayne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$793.26 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,994.04 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$278.65 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Colleen Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,241.40 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,337.98 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,271.10 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,421.52 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$343.19 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Mary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davids, Kim Russell  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Shaun David  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,518.17 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$955.15 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$837.29 GROSS PAYROLL Dillon, Tiffany Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$754.42 GROSS PAYROLL Disney, Morgan Jeanne  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,879.64 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$440.85 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$849.32 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,059.12 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$989.34 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,047.48 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Elaine R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$680.49 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$962.54 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,181.44 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,465.25 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2020
$911.90 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$171.74 GROSS PAYROLL Esplin, Natasha E  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$74.76 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Callie Lyn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$928.25 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$193.41 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Nathan E  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$910.74 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,073.26 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,792.15 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$931.79 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,340.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$934.71 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,058.73 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$487.93 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Lee V  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,155.46 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$178.56 GROSS PAYROLL Frongner, Daniel R  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,553.14 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,255.59 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,290.16 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$186.21 GROSS PAYROLL Gahn, Amy Lynn  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$396.39 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,327.50 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,143.31 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,045.30 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$53.07 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Whitney Anne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$830.32 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.34 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$880.59 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$255.49 GROSS PAYROLL Golder, Barbara Boyd  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$828.47 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$709.03 GROSS PAYROLL Graham, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,510.44 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,747.54 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$928.76 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,193.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,512.34 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$387.01 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, Susan M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,659.62 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$277.90 GROSS PAYROLL Grossman, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,205.59 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,413.36 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$549.57 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$529.18 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Nile H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$698.95 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$726.29 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Lacey Madison  Saint Anthony ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,551.40 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,033.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$179.41 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Michelle R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,080.40 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,123.29 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$148.94 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$928.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$199.89 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Madison Dawn Gabriel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$729.92 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$808.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,410.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,075.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,999.72 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,548.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$689.26 GROSS PAYROLL Hardy, Kathy L  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,046.77 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$275.15 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Cammy   Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$956.19 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,226.35 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 4/20/2020
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Cameron   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$826.26 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Marcie McBride  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$399.57 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Scarlett   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$248.35 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,026.37 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$733.03 GROSS PAYROLL Hess, Robyn J  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$30.71 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Cassie Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$281.66 GROSS PAYROLL Hickam, Garen Joseph  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,134.19 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 4/20/2020
$3,641.67 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 4/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,090.35 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$926.48 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$998.77 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,498.53 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,839.91 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,423.16 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,379.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$751.41 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$912.46 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$604.24 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$516.47 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$739.46 GROSS PAYROLL Householder, Emily Kayli  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$8,393.84 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$93.22 GROSS PAYROLL Hunsaker, Riley Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,344.29 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,013.98 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$860.82 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,187.43 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,309.77 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 4/20/2020
$872.28 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$874.83 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$958.61 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,475.05 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,196.69 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,263.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$183.88 GROSS PAYROLL James, David G  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$651.79 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,111.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,784.44 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,201.35 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,470.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$67.12 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Jacque Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$498.88 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,471.11 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,979.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,103.41 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,136.66 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,659.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$47.83 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$9,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$682.48 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$863.80 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Michelle Edith  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,555.45 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Vickie   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,231.98 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,066.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Adriana   Iona ID 0 4/20/2020
$801.79 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,308.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,272.12 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,401.52 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$978.09 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$913.24 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, Anna Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,805.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,100.31 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Hayley Drew  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,648.94 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$693.90 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,828.69 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,105.73 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,708.31 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$634.61 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$579.09 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Gericke Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$889.39 GROSS PAYROLL Kraupp, Annie Jo  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$931.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lam, Wai   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,087.45 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,320.60 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$368.28 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$419.27 GROSS PAYROLL Laux, Kristin J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,016.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,786.80 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,129.94 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$865.41 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Lacee Ann  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,982.19 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$370.05 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,221.10 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,551.66 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$742.28 GROSS PAYROLL Loertscher, Janet Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$8,614.16 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Dale L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$916.90 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$73.79 GROSS PAYROLL Lowry, Ciara Danielle  Prosper TX 0 4/20/2020
$439.32 GROSS PAYROLL Lundberg, Kaylyn   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$81.40 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$863.32 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,111.11 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$665.78 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$787.80 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,471.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,096.68 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,024.75 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,324.20 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,633.34 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$76.68 GROSS PAYROLL McCormack, Ashlee Larae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$556.76 GROSS PAYROLL McLean, Dallyn Wade  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$931.29 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$130.48 GROSS PAYROLL McQuivey, Cami Bernice  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,938.08 GROSS PAYROLL Melgaard, Janette   Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,779.26 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$824.18 GROSS PAYROLL Mertz, Kohl Thomas  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,785.41 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,132.85 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$564.61 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,657.03 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$208.32 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Sydney Felice  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$943.92 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,332.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moffitt, Hillerie Hanks  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$757.51 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$795.32 GROSS PAYROLL Monson, Tiffany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$895.71 GROSS PAYROLL Montgomery, Kazley Shalese  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,113.93 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Cameron Chase  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$633.64 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,401.59 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$988.29 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,086.64 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$806.67 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,072.36 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$196.90 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Kristy Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,012.42 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$52.69 GROSS PAYROLL Munns, Ashley Marie  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$489.94 GROSS PAYROLL Murdoch, Sophia Grace  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,083.67 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,442.27 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,434.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$858.88 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$777.27 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,246.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,887.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$899.34 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$440.97 GROSS PAYROLL Noel, Danielle Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,513.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$655.96 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Joshua Robert  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,163.66 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,245.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,253.30 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$317.86 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Jeri   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,081.35 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$475.44 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,363.48 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,470.02 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$916.59 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$66.22 GROSS PAYROLL Ortega, Humberto Aron  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$879.28 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,119.72 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$889.42 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$8,655.84 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,491.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,821.20 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$81.34 GROSS PAYROLL Peck, Angilee   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,254.56 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,719.89 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$653.39 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$994.10 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,474.91 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$555.68 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Erik Robert  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,756.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$433.34 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Allyson   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,099.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$789.20 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$682.66 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Kyris Lee  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$6,194.50 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,678.31 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,290.01 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$962.64 GROSS PAYROLL Quinn, Karin   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,080.99 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 4/20/2020
$800.68 GROSS PAYROLL Ragland, Wendy Worlton  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,266.30 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,154.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$190.25 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,319.51 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$991.96 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,033.28 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,035.02 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,357.42 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,521.99 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$177.43 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Stephanie Ila Jean  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$941.52 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$75.03 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$507.52 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,754.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,302.26 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$849.94 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,449.71 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,443.83 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$154.37 GROSS PAYROLL Ross, Gunnar Quinn  Green Bay WI 0 4/20/2020
$2,189.47 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$807.77 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Cody Grant  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saathoff, Gordon Lee Jr Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,300.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$216.46 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Hilary Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,467.59 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$9.06 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,253.23 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,053.98 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Bonnie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$770.07 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$726.38 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$133.34 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Jared Stephen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,194.66 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$755.46 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$485.58 GROSS PAYROLL Selensky, Jeri Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$708.81 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew S  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$715.15 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,092.54 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Kayla Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,395.83 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,210.45 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$830.97 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$374.93 GROSS PAYROLL Sheppard, Emily R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$8,230.25 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,656.26 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$72.70 GROSS PAYROLL Short, Dacia Jo-D  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$876.08 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$879.77 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$863.74 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 0 4/20/2020
$1,118.03 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$781.80 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Claire Lauren  Hubbard OR 0 4/20/2020
$357.14 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jethro Jacob  Chubbuck ID 0 4/20/2020
$976.41 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,462.63 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$849.15 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$889.35 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,021.91 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,173.42 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$34.81 GROSS PAYROLL Spear, Amanda Mangum  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,022.88 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,447.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$591.21 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Shelli   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,128.20 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$853.63 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$83.48 GROSS PAYROLL Stones, Sandra Lee  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,745.18 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 4/20/2020
$3,494.46 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,046.20 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$819.58 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$531.38 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$934.19 GROSS PAYROLL Stutz, Kathryn Ann  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$234.53 GROSS PAYROLL Summers, Elaine   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$888.28 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$991.15 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Tori   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,816.10 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$299.43 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$789.12 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$322.17 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,111.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$578.15 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Matthew Paul  Rexburg, ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,347.84 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,331.79 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2020
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$642.93 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$849.56 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,766.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,437.52 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,210.73 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$982.92 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,182.88 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,955.00 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$806.62 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$974.12 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$784.02 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,167.44 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$489.31 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, JoHanna Marie  Lewisville ID 0 4/20/2020
$770.73 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,167.05 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,807.27 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,104.13 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,222.42 GROSS PAYROLL Vega, Cindy   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,179.99 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$346.16 GROSS PAYROLL Virgin, Crystal   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,401.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,026.32 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$228.13 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,807.83 GROSS PAYROLL Walker, Laura Lyn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,070.38 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$956.83 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,966.80 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.08 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$848.95 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$850.84 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,464.85 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$617.55 GROSS PAYROLL West, Tayler Nicole  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,642.41 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$236.34 GROSS PAYROLL Whitmarsh, Cally Ann Christine  Saratoga Springs UT 0 4/20/2020
$776.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$376.55 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$545.61 GROSS PAYROLL Willford, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,379.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,400.91 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$346.80 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Shannon K  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,881.46 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,868.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$450.80 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Connie J  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$226.85 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Emily Ann  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,134.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$939.07 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$759.86 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,037.87 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 0 4/20/2020
$4,811.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 4/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 4/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2020
$2,878.62 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 4/20/2020
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Rachel   Menan ID 61399 4/20/2020
$633.34 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, Samuel L  Iona ID 61400 4/20/2020
$300.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bare, Jessica M  Idaho Falls ID 61401 4/20/2020
$267.06 GROSS PAYROLL Halversen, Makayla Leigh  Rigby ID 61402 4/20/2020
$123.66 GROSS PAYROLL Horsch, Leona Dee  Rigby ID 61403 4/20/2020
$15.50 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Samantha Joy  Rexburg ID 61404 4/20/2020
$466.67 GROSS PAYROLL Munk, Suzanne B  Idaho Falls ID 61405 4/20/2020
$376.22 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica   Rigby ID 61406 4/20/2020
$468.23 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 61407 4/20/2020
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61408 4/20/2020
$701.56 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61409 4/20/2020
$2,546.24 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61410 4/20/2020
$722.67 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 61411 4/20/2020
$1,871.19 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61412 4/20/2020
$1,704.29 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61413 4/20/2020
$111.91 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Sheena Lynn  Rigby ID 61414 4/20/2020
$9,900.31 GROSS PAYROLL Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 61415 4/20/2020
76693 $2,826.00 Emergency Levy-Moving Supplies USA Containers Salt Lake City UT 90522 4/21/2020
76694 $2,826.00 Emergency Levy-Moving Supplies USA Containers Salt Lake City UT 90522 4/21/2020
76695 $2,826.00 Emergency Levy-Moving Supplies USA Containers Salt Lake City UT 90522 4/21/2020
MedExpReimb4.2 $434.29 Buy-Down Insurance Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 90520 4/21/2020
MedExpReimb4.2.20 $1,341.98 Buy-Down Insurance Pauley, Monica D Idaho Falls ID 90521 4/21/2020
MedExpReimb4.2.2020 $1,926.27 Buy-Down Insurance Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 90519 4/21/2020
PrepaidLunchRefund $183.50 Student Lunch Sales Jay, Melissa Rigby ID 90523 4/21/2020
35287539 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 90524 4/22/2020
FebMileageReimb $38.81 Mileage Reimb Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90525 4/22/2020
FebMileageReimb $7.05 In District Mileage Reimbursement Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90525 4/22/2020
MarMileageReimb $15.90 Mileage Reimb Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90525 4/22/2020
MarMileageReimb $10.90 In District Mileage Reimbursement Trude, Yvonne Rigby ID 90525 4/22/2020
SupplyReimb $31.96 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 90526 4/22/2020
0600007 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Idaho FCCLA Boise Boise ID 1486525 4/22/2020
4-21-20 $80.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON EDUCATION FOUNDATION RIGBY ID 1486526 4/22/2020
4-21-20 $49.00 Supplies & Materials Johnson, Troy Rigby ID 1486527 4/22/2020
4-21-2020 $200.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON EDUCATION FOUNDATION RIGBY ID 1486526 4/22/2020
4-8-20 -($7.98) Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486528 4/22/2020
4-8-20 $114.52 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486528 4/22/2020
4-9-20 $40.42 Supplies & Materials Wells Fargo Bank RIGBY ID 1486529 4/22/2020
0480477 $41.00 Purchased Services Western Records Destruction, Inc. Boise  I 57166343 4/22/2020
252721 $61.99 Supplies & Materials J.W. Pepper Exton PA 57166322 4/22/2020
SI-2381 $707.40 Supplies & Materials Hansen Productions LLC Idaho Falls ID 57166321 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Alicia Willis Rigby ID 57166304 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Alisa Noel Rigby ID 57166305 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Amanda Williams Rigby ID 57166306 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Amber Anderson Rigby  ID 57166307 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Amber Moody Rigby ID 57166308 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Amy Gahn Menan ID 57166309 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Ashley Moore Rigby ID 57166310 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Ashlie Wells Rigby ID 57166311 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Bonny Shumway Menan ID 57166312 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Brittney Fielding Rigby ID 57166313 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Cassie J Robbins Rigby ID 57166315 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Celeste Richey Rigby  ID 57166316 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Chelsea Ivarra Rigby ID 57166317 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Connie Hill Rigby ID 57166318 4/22/2020
Track Refund  $125.00 Purchased Services Cristina Alvarez Rigby ID 57166319 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Diane Jacobson Rigby ID 57166320 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Jennifer Ball Lewisville ID 57166323 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Jennifer Broulim Rigby  ID 57166324 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Jessica Hollist Rigby  ID 57166325 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Joy Still Lewisville ID 57166326 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Karen M Jenkins Rigby ID 57166327 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Karie Nelson Menan ID 57166328 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Katie McGary Rigby ID 57166329 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Kerstin Marie Taylor Rigby  ID 57166330 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Laura Silva Roberts ID 57166331 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Lisa Coles Rigby ID 57166332 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Lotte Klingler Rigby ID 57166333 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Magda Villar Rigby ID 57166334 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Marianne Nelson Rigby ID 57166335 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Melynda Gessel Rigby ID 57166336 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Michelle Summers Roberts ID 57166337 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Misty Rhodes Rigby ID 57166338 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Natalie Kraus Rigby  ID 57166339 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Shannon Andersen Rigby  ID 57166340 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Tara Reilley Rigby ID 57166341 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Todd Johnson Rigby ID 57166342 4/22/2020
Track Refund $125.00 Purchased Services Yini Enriquez Rigby ID 57166344 4/22/2020
Track Refund 2020 $125.00 Purchased Services Bryan Lords Rigby ID 57166314 4/22/2020
532757 $6,759.00 Software Support Time Clock Plus San Antonio Tx 90528 4/23/2020
536705 $1,800.00 Software Support Time Clock Plus San Antonio Tx 90528 4/23/2020
BldgRentalRefund $450.00 Buidling Rental Revenue EIVA Idaho Falls ID 90531 4/23/2020
JanMileageReimb $12.22 Elementary Prof Dev Travel Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90530 4/23/2020
JanMileageReimb $16.80 Travel Expenses Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90530 4/23/2020
Mar-AprMileageReimb $80.35 Travel Expenses Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 90529 4/23/2020
PreSchoolRefund $75.00 ECC Blackham, Jared Rigby ID 90532 4/23/2020
PreSchoolRefund $42.86 ECC Christiaens, Christina Rigby ID 90533 4/23/2020
PreSchoolRefund $75.00 ECC Mobley, Lauren Rigby ID 90534 4/23/2020
PreSchoolRefund $203.57 ECC Park, Brittany Menan ID 90535 4/23/2020
PreSchoolRefund $128.57 ECC Plass, Miriam Rigby ID 90536 4/23/2020
PreSchoolRefund $125.57 ECC Portman, Blake & Megan Rigby ID 90537 4/23/2020
Refill Postage RHS $5,000.00 Postage Expenses Reserve Account Pittsburgh PA 90527 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Archibald, Aaron Rigby ID 1486530 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Blanchard, Bron Rigby ID 1486531 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $95.00 Supplies & Materials Boudrero, Jackson Rigby ID 1486532 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials DeMille, Kooper Rigby ID 1486533 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Gray, Brooklyn Rigby ID 1486538 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Hawkes, Lucas Rigby ID 1486534 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Hawkins, Caleb Rigby ID 1486535 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Lord, Connor Rigby ID 1486536 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $110.00 Supplies & Materials Simmons, Joel Rigby ID 1486537 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Stamper, Olivia Rigby ID 1486539 4/23/2020
4-23-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Wilkins, Abigail Rigby ID 1486540 4/23/2020
26836845 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90540 4/24/2020
64660048 $116.30 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Wex Bank Carol Stream IL 0 4/24/2020
AdOpsClassReimb $75.00 Advanced Opportunities Supplies Godfrey, Suzanna Rigby ID 90539 4/24/2020
ISUTrainingReimb $92.00 IDEA Professional Development Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 90538 4/24/2020
V824180 $46.52 Supplies & Materials Rachael Wilson Ririe ID 3009 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $112.53 Supplies & Materials Beckstead, Savannah Rigby ID 1486542 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Boyle, Kaylin Menan ID 1486543 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Jasper, Vanessa Menan ID 1486546 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Jensen, Emalyn Rigby ID 1486547 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $142.50 Supplies & Materials Jones, Sydney Rigby ID 1486548 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Marotz, Allison Rigby ID 1486549 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Peterson, Libby Rigby ID 1486551 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $138.53 Supplies & Materials Taylor, Dallin Lewisville ID 1486552 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Taylor, Shaylee Lewisville ID 1486553 4/24/2020
4-23-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Thueson, Emma Menan ID 1486554 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Archibald, Joshua Rigby ID 1486541 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Chandler, Allison Rigby ID 1486555 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Hall, Colton Rigby ID 1486544 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Hampton, Hayden Rigby ID 1486556 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $97.53 Supplies & Materials Hansen, Tyler Rigby ID 1486545 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Harding, Zoe Menan ID 1486557 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials McCarty, Ryan Rigby ID 1486558 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $87.53 Supplies & Materials Myers, Ross Rigby ID 1486550 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Stoddard, Riley Rigby ID 1486559 4/24/2020
4-24-20 $57.19 Supplies & Materials Weaver, Heidi Rigby ID 1486561 4/24/2020
7988 $2,650.00 Supplies & Materials Phoenix Learning Systems Springville UT 1486560 4/24/2020
MedExpReimb4.24.2020 $66.52 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 90541 4/27/2020
MedExpReimb4.24.2020 $809.17 Buy-Down Insurance Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 90542 4/27/2020
MedExpReimb4.24.2020 $214.04 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90543 4/27/2020
MedExpReimb4.24.2020 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 90544 4/27/2020
26908943 $275.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90545 4/28/2020
26908943 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90545 4/28/2020
Reimb4Supplies $386.20 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Stephens, Larry Rigby ID 90546 4/28/2020
7136229 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 90548 4/29/2020
PrePaidLunchRefund $41.40 Student Lunch Sales Linsenman, Kayli Rigby ID 90547 4/29/2020
Band Refund $50.00 Purchased Services Megan B Fisher Rigby  ID 57166345 4/29/2020
V588878 $22.53 General Purchased Services Countryside Green House Menan ID 2191 4/30/2020
4-30-20 $7.50 Supplies & Materials Corbett, Ethan Rigby ID 1486562 4/30/2020
4-30-20 $808.20 Supplies & Materials DAKU, LORI RIGBY ID 1486563 4/30/2020
4-30-20 $370.00 Supplies & Materials Dance Conservatory Rigby ID 1486564 4/30/2020
4-30-20 $62.47 Supplies & Materials Myers, Ross Rigby ID 1486565 4/30/2020
33  $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 5/1/2020
5-2-20 $62.50 Supplies & Materials Alvarez, Emma Rigby ID 1486566 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Bagley, Savannah Rigby ID 1486567 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Bird, Makenna Rigby ID 1486568 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Bohney, Brianna Rigby ID 1486569 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Butler, Hannah Rigby ID 1486570 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Clark, Emilie Rigby ID 1486571 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Clark, Tayla Rigby ID 1486572 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Clarke, Hannah Rigby ID 1486573 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $120.00 Supplies & Materials Cordingley, Karlie Rigby ID 1486574 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Davis, Briley Rigby ID 1486575 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Eastin, Emily Rigby ID 1486576 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Giles, Emily Rigby ID 1486577 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Hancock, Abby Menan ID 1486578 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $80.00 Supplies & Materials Hill, Eden Rigby ID 1486579 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Holman, Tobee Lewisville ID 1486580 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Ivie, Journey Idaho Falls ID 1486581 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Jenkins, Samantha Rigby ID 1486582 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Johnson, Allison Rigby ID 1486583 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Kenyon, Evelyn Rigby ID 1486584 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $34.50 Supplies & Materials Kinghorn, Jada Rigby ID 1486585 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Likes, Addison Rigby ID 1486586 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Marotz, Audrey Rigby ID 1486587 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Martinez, Amelia Rigby ID 1486588 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials McGee, Avery Rigby ID 1486589 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $92.00 Supplies & Materials Miller, Sydney Rigby ID 1486590 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Nuffer, Rhya Rigby ID 1486591 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Parr, Ashley Rigby ID 1486592 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Pendleton, AnnaLeah Rigby ID 1486593 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Prescott, Tru Rigby ID 1486594 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Taylor, Brooklyn Rigby ID 1486595 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $85.00 Supplies & Materials Thompson, Keyaira Rigby ID 1486596 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Warnberg, Ashlynn Idaho Falls ID 1486597 5/2/2020
5-2-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Woelfel, Lyndsay Rigby ID 1486598 5/2/2020
26913600 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90552 5/4/2020
Firework Application $70.00 General Supplies City of Idaho Falls Idaho Falls  ID 90550 5/4/2020
MedExpReimb5.1.2020 $1,088.82 Buy-Down Insurance Harmon, Kathy Idaho Falls ID 90551 5/4/2020
MileageReimbMar $19.00 In District Mileage Reimbursement Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 90549 5/4/2020
V446137 $800.00 Supplies & Materials Lon Hill St. Anthony ID 3010 5/4/2020
111806811 $6,524.75 COVID 19 Supplies RCN Technologies Knoxville TN 90554 5/5/2020
26935688 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90553 5/5/2020
V23266 $54.65 Supplies & Materials Shusu Liu Idaho Falls ID 1981 5/5/2020
V280462 $21.12 Supplies & Materials Jayme Jones Rigby ID 1980 5/5/2020
V333752 $48.23 Supplies & Materials Kara Avery Rigby Id 1984 5/5/2020
V400824 $64.46 Supplies & Materials Carol Schley Idaho ID 1985 5/5/2020
V692664 $165.76 Supplies & Materials Yuqiao Wang Rexburg ID 1982 5/5/2020
V852335 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Susan Lindsey Rigby ID 1983 5/5/2020
V959861 $77.50 Supplies & Materials South Fork PTO Rigby ID 1986 5/5/2020
April 2020 $53.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $1,451.38 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $26.61 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $2,462.35 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $8.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $8.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $384.68 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $884.08 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $2,660.82 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $8.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $8.51 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $2,117.32 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $1,321.34 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $253.21 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $1,515.80 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $16.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $3,732.58 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $4,967.48 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $28.75 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $2,007.99 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $487.02 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $7,905.50 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $662.02 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $204.24 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $1,965.55 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $165.48 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
April 2020 $1,092.46 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/6/2020
24508254 $2,766.57 Supplies & Materials Jostens Chicago  IL 1486600 5/6/2020
5-2-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON EDUCATION FOUNDATION RIGBY ID 1486599 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Bagley, Isaac Rigby ID 1486602 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Barnes, Tyler Rigby ID 1486603 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Beebe, Jacob Rigby ID 1486604 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $130.00 Supplies & Materials Behunin, Brendon Rigby ID 1486605 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Black, Matthew Rigby ID 1486606 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Burke, Tyler Ammon ID 1486607 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Burnett, Kaleb Menan ID 1486608 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Bybee, Cameron Rigby ID 1486609 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $116.00 Supplies & Materials Chandler, Mason Rigby ID 1486610 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Curtner, Joshua Rigby ID 1486611 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Eastin, Eric Rigby ID 1486612 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Gessel, Jaysen Rigby ID 1486613 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Gibson, Isaac Rigby ID 1486614 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Gravatt, Keean Rigby ID 1486615 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Heaps, Tanner Rigby ID 1486616 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Hulse, Mitchell Rigby ID 1486617 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Jacobson, Colton Rigby ID 1486618 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $1,290.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON EDUCATION FOUNDATION RIGBY ID 1486599 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $25.00 Supplies & Materials Jenkins, Jared Isaac Rigby ID 1486619 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $25.00 Supplies & Materials Johnson, Allison Rigby ID 1486620 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Kent, Payson Rigby ID 1486621 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Klingler, Brigham Rigby ID 1486622 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Manning, Phillip Menan ID 1486623 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Martinez, Dominique Rigby ID 1486624 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Nicholls, Corbin Rigby ID 1486625 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Nuffer, Toric Rigby ID 1486626 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $75.00 Supplies & Materials Nunez, Noah Rigby ID 1486627 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $145.00 Supplies & Materials Ogden, Ethan Rigby ID 1486628 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Parr, Nicholas Rigby ID 1486629 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Peterson, Isaac Rigby ID 1486630 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Pulham, Trey Rigby ID 1486631 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Reilley, Connor Rigby ID 1486632 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Rodriguez, Elias Rigby ID 1486633 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Sauer, Kyle Lewisville ID 1486634 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Slade, Tyson Rigby ID 1486635 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Stailey, Preston Rigby ID 1486636 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Tapp, Luke Rigby ID 1486637 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Taulanga, Tyler Rigby ID 1486638 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Taylor, Nathan Rigby ID 1486639 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Thomas, Colter Rigby ID 1486640 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Thompson, Gavin Rigby ID 1486641 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Thornton, Jacob Rigby ID 1486642 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Tolbert, Braxton Rigby ID 1486643 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Webster, Samuel Rigby ID 1486644 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Womack, Jacob Rigby ID 1486645 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Wood, Abraham Rigby ID 1486646 5/6/2020
5-6-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Zimmermann, Brigham Rigby ID 1486647 5/6/2020
EST 76098 $3,778.97 Supplies & Materials Sign Pro Idaho Falls ID 1486601 5/6/2020
EST 76098 $6,216.03 Class Gift Project Sign Pro Idaho Falls ID 1486601 5/6/2020
10-10-19-001 $107.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
10-2-19-001 $182.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
10-26-19-001 $237.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
10-29-19-001 $156.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
10-3-19-005 $274.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
10-30-19-001 $147.00 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
10-5-19-001 $286.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
10-9-19-003 $70.50 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
11-14-19-001 $242.75 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
11-16-19-001 $530.25 Purchased Services School District 251 Transportation Dept. Lewisville ID 57166349 5/6/2020
American Falls Refun $10.00 Purchased Services Shanda Ward Rigby ID 57166350 5/6/2020
April 20 Sales Tax $6.37 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166347 5/6/2020
April 20 Sales Tax $5.38 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166347 5/6/2020
April 20 Sales Tax $2.26 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166347 5/6/2020
April 20 Sales Tax $33.02 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166347 5/6/2020
April 20 Sales Tax $1.25 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166347 5/6/2020
April 20 Sales Tax $4.53 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166347 5/6/2020
April 20 Sales Tax $2.83 Shakespeare Team Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166347 5/6/2020
April 20 Sales Tax $2.83 Guitar-Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166347 5/6/2020
Bldg. Rental Refund $120.00 Purchased Services Annette Thompson Rigby ID 57166346 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $970.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $11.65 Purchase Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $61.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $120.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $445.80 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $93.07 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $24.82 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $21.99 Auditorium Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $926.66 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $169.28 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $1,311.25 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $361.06 Flex Fund Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $189.00 Shakespeare Team Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
March 20 - Visa $80.00 Guitar-Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166351 5/6/2020
May 20 - Payroll $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166348 5/6/2020
May 20 - Payroll $360.39 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166348 5/6/2020
May 20 - Payroll $343.22 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166348 5/6/2020
PEP Account $991.68 PEP Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166352 5/6/2020
ClassSupplyReimb $3.17 Social Studies 7th Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 90555 5/7/2020
00869-13 $1,083,265.53 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90557 5/11/2020
00881-12 $293,025.40 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90557 5/11/2020
01532233 $94.50 Food Grasmick Produce Boise ID 90570 5/11/2020
023510 $728.40 Supplies and Materials Howies Hockey Inc Kentwood MI 90572 5/11/2020
0320-2753 $13,679.55 SPFF Non Student Occupied Lucky Dog Recreation Ashton ID 90577 5/11/2020
032297 $3,205.20 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School American Pump Co. Ucon ID 90556 5/11/2020
032298 $842.40 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School American Pump Co. Ucon ID 90556 5/11/2020
042011763 $141.62 Business Services Jefferson Star RIGBY ID 90575 5/11/2020
0789875-IN $10,646.67 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Conrad Bischoff Idaho Falls ID 90563 5/11/2020
100 $184.00 COVID 19 Supplies Galbraith, Melissa Rigby ID 90567 5/11/2020
1024756 $1,857.38 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 90562 5/11/2020
1110837 $94.46 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Steve Regan Co. Salt Lake City UT 90593 5/11/2020
1111679 $93.50 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Steve Regan Co. Salt Lake City UT 90593 5/11/2020
1207 $2,350.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 90574 5/11/2020
13 $6,000.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90581 5/11/2020
13 HE $9,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90581 5/11/2020
14 $14,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90581 5/11/2020
146146A $56.48 General Supplies Philadelphia Security Products, Inc Essington PA 90584 5/11/2020
146146A $763.50 General Supplies Philadelphia Security Products, Inc Essington PA 90584 5/11/2020
172739 $1,177.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90578 5/11/2020
173121 $1,576.60 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90578 5/11/2020
173122 $232.90 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90578 5/11/2020
173448 $1,494.50 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90578 5/11/2020
173449 $681.20 Building Construction-Midway Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90578 5/11/2020
173451 $335.40 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90578 5/11/2020
2020161 $15.00 Grounds Services Harwood Elem Parks & Lewisville Irr. LEWISVILLE ID 90583 5/11/2020
20209234 $7,353.45 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90586 5/11/2020
20209237 $5,736.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90586 5/11/2020
20209238 $16,761.25 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90586 5/11/2020
20521714 $406.72 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90590 5/11/2020
20521715 $4,044.94 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90590 5/11/2020
20521716 $1,217.25 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90590 5/11/2020
20530055 $5,144.38 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90590 5/11/2020
20530056 $2,357.25 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90590 5/11/2020
20538650 $455.01 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90590 5/11/2020
20538651 $351.85 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90590 5/11/2020
20547503 $705.01 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90590 5/11/2020
20547504 $1,991.40 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90590 5/11/2020
22212 $138.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90594 5/11/2020
22217 $138.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90594 5/11/2020
22224 $1,200.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90594 5/11/2020
22225 $2,850.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90594 5/11/2020
22226 $2,850.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90594 5/11/2020
22243 $138.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90594 5/11/2020
22248 $728.88 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90594 5/11/2020
22769 $276.04 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Hall's Fabricating Rigby ID 90571 5/11/2020
251184-1 $300.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 90573 5/11/2020
251184-2 $150.00 General Supplies Idaho Digital Learning Academy Boise ID 90573 5/11/2020
28 $370.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 90597 5/11/2020
33308 $1,000.00 RHS Boys Basketball Country Cottons Rigby ID 90564 5/11/2020
352123 $1,925.00 Program Quality Grant-Ag Snake River Hydraulics, Inc Hayburn ID 90592 5/11/2020
4.30.20 $10,000.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90579 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 1 ($1,576.78) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 10 ($15.89) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 100 $12.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 101 $13.26 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 102 $13.29 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 103 $13.31 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 104 $13.60 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 105 $13.73 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 106 $13.77 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 107 $13.77 Coding Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 108 $14.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 109 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 11 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 110 $14.99 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 111 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 112 $15.01 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 113 $15.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 114 $15.70 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 115 $15.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 116 $15.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 117 $16.53 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 118 $16.90 Ground Supplies Early Childhood Center Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 119 $16.94 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 12 $1.05 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 120 $17.07 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 121 $17.38 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 122 $17.93 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 123 $18.00 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 124 $18.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 125 $18.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 126 $18.27 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 127 $18.68 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 128 $18.99 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 129 $19.07 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 13 $1.35 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 130 $19.11 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 131 $19.80 Morris, Clarissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 132 $19.99 Sarmiento, Eleanor Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 133 $19.99 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 134 $20.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 135 $20.35 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 136 $21.06 Life Skills Supplies RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 137 $21.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 138 $21.16 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 139 $21.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 14 $1.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 140 $21.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 141 $21.20 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 142 $21.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 143 $21.48 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 144 $21.58 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 145 $21.87 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 146 $21.93 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 147 $21.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 148 $21.99 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 149 $22.00 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 15 $2.20 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 150 $22.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 151 $22.26 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 152 $22.49 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 153 $22.50 Trina Wilson Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 154 $22.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 155 $22.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 156 $23.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 157 $23.30 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 158 $23.39 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 159 $23.47 Hegstrom, John Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 16 $2.34 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 160 $23.72 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 161 $24.00 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 162 $24.34 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 163 $24.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 164 $24.36 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 165 $24.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 166 $24.47 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 167 $24.47 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 168 $24.61 Hill, Carla Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 169 $24.63 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 17 $2.37 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 170 $24.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 171 $24.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 172 $24.95 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 173 $24.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 174 $25.00 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 175 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 176 $25.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 177 $25.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 178 $25.17 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 179 $25.29 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 18 $2.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 180 $25.89 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 181 $25.92 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 182 $26.00 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 183 $26.92 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 184 $27.23 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 185 $27.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 186 $27.65 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 187 $27.67 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 188 28.14 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 189 28.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 19 2.8 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 190 29 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 191 29.31 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 192 29.64 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 193 29.9 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 194 29.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 195 29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 196 30 Track EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 197 30.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 198 30.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 199 30.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 2 -589.18 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 20 3.1 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 200 30.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 201 30.99 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 202 31.28 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 203 31.77 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 204 31.8 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 205 32 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 206 32.03 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 207 32.55 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 208 32.55 Fund Raiser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 209 32.68 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 21 3.14 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 210 32.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 211 33 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 212 33.22 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 213 33.33 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 214 33.61 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 215 33.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 216 33.95 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 217 33.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 218 33.97 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 219 34 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 22 3.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 220 34.04 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 221 34.09 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 222 35 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 223 35 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 224 35.19 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 225 35.39 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 226 35.5 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 227 35.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 228 35.99 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 229 36 Hegstrom, John Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 23 3.17 Fund Raiser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 230 36.04 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 231 36.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 232 36.17 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 233 36.69 Quigley, Sara Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 234 36.72 Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 235 36.75 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 236 36.8 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 237 37.2 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 238 37.42 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 239 37.47 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 24 3.18 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 240 37.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 241 38.03 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 242 38.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 243 38.2 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 244 38.39 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 245 39.17 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 246 39.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 247 $39.67 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 248 $39.75 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 249 $39.76 Birch, Becky Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 25 $3.28 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 250 $39.95 4th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 251 $39.99 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 252 $40.10 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 253 $40.26 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 254 $41.21 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 255 $41.63 Custodial Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 256 $42.00 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 257 $42.01 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 258 $42.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 259 42.58 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 26 $3.34 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 260 $42.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 261 $43.30 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 262 $43.31 Fullmer, Krystal Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 263 $43.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 264 $43.74 Romney, Melissa Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 265 $43.98 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 266 $44.26 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 267 $45.06 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 268 $45.13 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 269 $45.48 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 27 $3.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 270 $46.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 271 $47.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 272 $47.76 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 273 $47.76 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 274 $47.91 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 275 $47.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 276 $47.96 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 277 $48.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 278 $48.00 Teacher Appreciation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 279 $48.00 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 28 $3.68 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 280 $48.20 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 281 $48.65 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 282 $48.74 Hegstrom, John Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 283 $48.76 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 284 $49.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 285 $49.16 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 286 $50.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 287 $50.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 288 $50.25 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 289 $50.31 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 29 $3.99 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 290 $50.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 291 $50.62 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 292 $51.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 293 $51.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 294 $52.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 295 $52.79 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 296 $52.99 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 297 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 298 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 299 $53.93 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 3 ($200.00) Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 30 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 300 $54.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 301 $54.21 Cook, Arica Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 302 $54.57 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 303 $54.96 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 304 $55.00 Bishop, Kim Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 305 $55.00 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 306 $55.00 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 307 $55.00 Quigley, Sara Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 308 $55.78 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 309 $55.95 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 31 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 310 $55.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 311 $56.20 Romney, Melissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 312 $56.69 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 313 $57.24 Barrett, Joanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 314 $58.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 315 $58.28 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 316 $58.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 317 $58.73 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 318 $59.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 319 $59.88 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 32 $4.24 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 320 $59.95 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 321 $59.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 322 $60.36 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 323 $60.39 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 324 $60.39 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 325 $60.71 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 326 $61.19 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 327 $61.80 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 328 $63.55 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 329 $63.60 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 33 $4.35 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 330 $64.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 331 $66.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 332 $66.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 333 $67.33 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 334 $67.59 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 335 $69.01 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 336 $69.86 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 337 $69.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 338 $69.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 339 $71.11 Norman, Wendy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 34 $4.51 4th Grade Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 340 $71.96 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 341 $73.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 342 $74.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 343 $74.19 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 344 $76.15 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 345 $76.27 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 346 $78.04 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 347 $78.58 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 348 $79.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 349 $79.00 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 35 $4.60 Dean, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 350 $79.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 351 $80.14 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 352 $80.50 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 353 $80.95 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 354 $81.56 Bill To Faculty Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 355 $82.44 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 356 $85.80 Kindergarten General Needs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 357 $87.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 358 $87.92 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 359 $88.27 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 36 $4.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 360 $89.00 Anita Lindstrom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 361 $89.17 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 362 $89.94 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 363 $90.13 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 364 $90.80 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 365 $91.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 366 $91.01 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 367 $91.60 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 368 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 369 $94.97 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 37 $5.01 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 370 $94.99 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 371 $95.07 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 372 $95.39 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 373 $95.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 374 95.89 Cook, Arica Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 375 96.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 376 97.36 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 377 97.74 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 378 99 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 379 100 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 38 5.3 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 380 $100.00 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 381 $100.28 Hill, Carla Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 382 $101.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 383 $101.78 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 384 $103.36 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 385 $103.54 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 386 $104.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 387 $105.38 Corbridge, Carla Dee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 388 $106.98 Emergency Levy-Moving Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 389 $107.00 CTE Ag Other Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 39 $5.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 390 $107.20 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 391 $110.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 392 $110.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 393 $111.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 394 113.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 395 114.31 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 396 114.5 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 397 118.31 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 398 119.96 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 399 $120.00 Chinese Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 4 ($150.00) Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 40 $5.49 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 400 $121.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 401 $122.48 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 402 $124.50 IDEA Professional Development Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 403 $125.00 Building Construction-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 404 $125.00 Building Construction-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 405 $125.00 Building Construction-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 406 $125.57 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 407 $127.10 Taylor, Helene Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 408 $127.64 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 409 $132.04 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 41 $5.63 Madsen, Aimee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 410 $135.93 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 411 $136.56 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 412 $137.79 Fund Raiser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 413 $138.93 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 414 $139.36 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 415 $139.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 416 $141.56 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 417 $144.00 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 418 $144.28 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 419 $144.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 42 $5.69 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 420 $145.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 421 $145.80 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 422 $147.72 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 423 $148.38 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 424 $149.42 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 425 $149.90 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 426 $149.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 427 $149.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 428 $150.00 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 429 $152.28 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 43 $5.98 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 430 $153.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 431 $157.42 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 432 $157.83 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 433 $157.98 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 434 $163.80 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 435 $169.16 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 436 $169.60 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 437 $169.80 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 438 $173.60 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 439 $175.49 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 44 $6.35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 440 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 441 $180.00 Physical Exam & Drug Screening Drivers Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 442 $180.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 443 $184.06 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 444 $185.06 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 445 $187.68 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 446 $205.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 447 $205.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 448 $205.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 449 $207.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 45 $6.36 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 450 $207.28 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 451 $209.82 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 452 $210.71 CTE Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 453 $215.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 454 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 455 $219.07 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 456 $220.45 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 457 $224.46 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 458 $226.24 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 459 $226.29 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 46 $6.65 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 460 $231.40 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 461 $235.80 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 462 $237.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 463 $239.88 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 464 $239.98 Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 465 $242.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 466 $246.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 467 $246.50 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 468 $246.97 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 469 $249.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 47 $6.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 470 $251.96 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 471 $254.42 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 472 $259.80 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 473 $263.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 474 $269.55 Postage Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 475 $271.92 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 476 $273.04 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 477 $275.54 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 478 $284.00 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 479 $288.75 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 48 $6.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 480 $290.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 481 $294.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 482 $298.79 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 483 $300.00 Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 484 $308.07 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 485 $312.00 CTE Travel Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 486 $314.36 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 487 $325.00 Non Program EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 488 $329.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 489 $329.72 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 49 $7.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 490 $330.86 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 491 $332.10 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 492 $351.20 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 493 $351.55 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 494 $353.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 495 $353.37 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 496 $358.38 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 497 $359.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 498 $377.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 499 $386.88 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 5 -($150.00) Band Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 50 $7.20 Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 500 $389.96 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 501 $392.36 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 502 $392.96 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 503 $410.88 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 504 $420.68 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 505 $424.60 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 506 $446.00 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 507 $458.70 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 508 $459.78 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 509 $480.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 51 $7.22 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 510 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 511 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 512 $525.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 513 $527.26 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 514 $527.88 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 515 $529.50 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 516 $532.00 Emergency Levy-Moving Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 517 $540.36 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 518 $563.34 Technology-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 519 $563.34 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 52 $7.25 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 520 $574.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 521 $576.30 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 522 $579.88 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 523 $585.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 524 $587.75 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 525 $590.72 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 526 $592.59 Perkins Supplies Auto Tech Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 527 $608.47 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 528 $609.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 529 $615.65 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 53 $7.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 530 $652.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 531 $659.00 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 532 $662.73 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 533 $664.64 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 534 $675.95 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 535 $745.20 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 536 $751.12 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 537 $765.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 538 $765.48 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 539 $780.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 54 $7.79 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 540 $797.86 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 541 $815.05 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 542 $815.28 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 543 $862.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 544 $864.00 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 545 $864.63 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 546 $883.69 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 547 $885.24 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 548 $899.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 549 $904.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 55 $7.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 550 $930.96 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 551 $999.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 552 $1,000.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 553 $1,022.48 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 554 $1,035.96 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 555 $1,035.96 LEP Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 556 $1,053.95 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 557 $1,058.54 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 558 $1,124.15 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 559 $1,125.00 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 56 $7.98 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 560 $1,130.75 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 561 $1,178.54 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 562 $1,199.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 563 $1,200.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 564 $1,200.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 565 $1,248.00 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 566 $1,271.26 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 567 $1,393.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 568 $1,416.56 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 569 $1,457.19 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 57 $7.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 570 $1,462.52 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 571 $1,478.11 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 572 $1,480.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 573 $1,570.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 574 $1,576.78 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 575 $1,647.00 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 576 $1,649.97 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 577 $1,667.22 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 578 $1,854.48 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 579 $2,047.92 Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 58 $8.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 580 $2,180.84 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 581 $2,228.57 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 582 $2,479.75 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 583 $2,620.52 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 584 $2,701.41 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 585 $3,306.52 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 586 $3,936.90 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 587 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 588 $4,491.09 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 589 $5,119.40 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 59 $8.58 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 590 $5,258.52 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 591 $5,408.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 592 $5,608.80 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 593 $5,968.64 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 594 $10,400.00 Furnishing/Equipment Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 595 $12,343.00 Perkins Supplies Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 596 $15,255.12 CTE Equipment Business Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 597 $16,760.44 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 598 $18,615.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 6 -($150.00) Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 60 $8.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 61 $8.87 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 62 $8.98 Birch, Becky Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 63 $8.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 64 $9.08 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 65 $9.18 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 66 $9.19 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 67 $9.30 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 68 $9.50 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 69 $9.51 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 7 -($39.00) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 70 $9.69 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 71 $9.90 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 72 $10.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 73 $10.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 74 $10.45 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 75 $10.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 76 $10.60 Fund Raiser Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 77 $10.68 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 78 $10.81 Pillow, Sarah Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 79 $10.98 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 8 -($36.00) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 80 $10.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 81 $10.99 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 82 $11.00 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 83 $11.19 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 84 $11.54 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 85 $11.55 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 86 $11.62 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 87 $11.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 88 $11.64 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 89 $11.66 Fife, Deja Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 9 -($33.44) Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 90 $11.86 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 91 $11.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 92 $12.02 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 93 $12.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 94 $12.54 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 95 $12.69 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 96 $12.87 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 97 $12.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 98 $12.99 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
4/30/2020 99 $12.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 5/11/2020
45760 $3,339.00 General Supplies X-treme Electric Rigby ID 90598 5/11/2020
486277031 $3,099.22 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 90569 5/11/2020
5.1.20 $525.00 Purchased Services Gary Noreen Rigby ID 90568 5/11/2020
5227257 $111.78 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Russ's Overhead Doors & Awning, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90588 5/11/2020
590455 $30.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 90560 5/11/2020
590455 $30.00 Maintenance Services Jefferson High Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 90560 5/11/2020
590456 $90.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 90560 5/11/2020
649897 $10,018.80 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90596 5/11/2020
650334 $8,196.80 Technology-Cottonwood VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90596 5/11/2020
65106 $170.00 Vendor Services MSBT Law Boise ID 90580 5/11/2020
651507 $21,867.00 Supplies and Materials VLCM Salt Lake City UT 90596 5/11/2020
7 $618.12 Medicaid Purchased Services Bright Futeres Service Coordination Shelley ID 90559 5/11/2020
7200856 $5,568.09 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90582 5/11/2020
7205381 $11,727.84 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90582 5/11/2020
7210109 $4,836.95 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90582 5/11/2020
7215097 $3,032.41 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90582 5/11/2020
7217646 $2,751.22 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90582 5/11/2020
7261 $21,026.80 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Carpet Direct & Flooring, LLC Rexburg ID 90561 5/11/2020
76040 $11,322.50 SPFF Non Student Occupied Sign Pro Idaho Falls ID 90591 5/11/2020
8 $2,057.00 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90589 5/11/2020
8 $2,057.00 Medicaid Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90589 5/11/2020
8491 $3,700.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Curtis Electric RIGBY ID 90565 5/11/2020
8593 $330.00 Supplies and Materials UZBL Irvine CA 90595 5/11/2020
882-11 $470,257.81 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90557 5/11/2020
89415306661 349 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90558 5/11/2020
89415306687 $259.00 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90558 5/11/2020
89415306703 $543.20 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90558 5/11/2020
89415306729 $498.40 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90558 5/11/2020
INV5160480-250463 $3,252.50 Supplies & Materials Renaissance Learning Inc. Wisconsin Rapids WI 90585 5/11/2020
INV5160480-250497 $4,708.42 Sec Curriculum Supplies Renaissance Learning Inc. Wisconsin Rapids WI 90585 5/11/2020
INV5160480-250507 $3,125.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Renaissance Learning Inc. Wisconsin Rapids WI 90585 5/11/2020
INV5160480-250517 $4,713.17 Sec Curriculum Supplies Renaissance Learning Inc. Wisconsin Rapids WI 90585 5/11/2020
INV5160480-947403 $4,708.42 Sec Curriculum Supplies Renaissance Learning Inc. Wisconsin Rapids WI 90585 5/11/2020
L34970 $10.00 WLIP EF budget only Language Testing International, Inc White Plains NY 90576 5/11/2020
Mar 2020 $4,170.51 Medicaid Purchased Services Royal Journey's LLC Idaho Falls ID 90587 5/11/2020
March 2020 -($1,500.00) Fiber Direct Communications Rockland ID 90566 5/11/2020
March 2020 $1,500.00 Fiber Direct Communications Rockland ID 90566 5/11/2020
Renewal 4.29.20 $70.00 District Office Services Jefferson Star RIGBY ID 90575 5/11/2020
SupplyReimb $12.36 Supplies & Materials Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 90599 5/11/2020
V103603 $40.00 Supplies & Materials Jerie Depsain Rexburg ID 1987 5/11/2020
18-0157 April 2020 $413.76 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90601 5/12/2020
18-0160 April 2020 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90601 5/12/2020
April 2020 $1,500.00 Purchased Services Direct Communications Rockland ID 90602 5/12/2020
S-2014-60603 $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 90600 5/12/2020
V655376 $166.40 Supplies & Materials Tenille Byington Rigby ID 3011 5/12/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Baca, Ella Rigby ID 1486650 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Baker, Jakob Rigby ID 1486651 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $50.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Baxter, Dawson Rigby ID 1486653 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $400.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Castaneda, Kaydreanna Lewisville ID 1486655 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Clements, Ally Rigby ID 1486656 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $800.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Crawford, Hailey Idaho Falls ID 1486659 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $800.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Crawford, Hailey Idaho Falls ID 1486659 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $50.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Cross, Olivia Rigby ID 1486660 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Danklefsen, Sarah Rigby ID 1486661 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $1,700.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Fish, Aleesa Rigby ID 1486662 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Godfrey, Kimball Rigby ID 1486665 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Harris, Nathan Rigby ID 1486669 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Klingler, Mason Rigby ID 1486672 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials McQuivey, Brooklyn Rigby ID 1486674 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Searle, Rachael Rigby ID 1486685 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Simmons, Joel Rigby ID 1486688 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Smith, Paige Rigby ID 1486690 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Wahnschaffe, Azure Rigby ID 1486693 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $600.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Wilde, Preston Rigby ID 1486694 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $800.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Wood, Jared Rigby ID 1486696 5/13/2020
5-12-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Wood, Nathan Rigby ID 1486697 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Allen, Breanna Rigby ID 1486648 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $250.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Allen, Tate Jackson WY 1486649 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $900.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Archibald, Joshua Rigby ID 1486698 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $50.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Banta, Brayden Rigby ID 1486652 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $700.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Behunin, Brendon Rigby ID 1486699 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Berrett, Waynelle Roberts ID 1486654 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Butterfield, Debbi Rigby ID 1486700 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $600.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Castaneda, Kaydreanna Lewisville ID 1486701 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $800.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Contreras, Jessica Rigby ID 1486657 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $800.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Cook Lisa Rigby ID 1486702 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $800.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Cook, Landon Rigby ID 1486703 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Cox, Aspyn Rigby ID 1486658 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Davis, Dylan Rigby ID 1486704 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Davis, Erin Rigby ID 1486705 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Davis, Taylor James Rigby ID 1486706 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $300.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Gebarowski, Jordyn Idaho Falls ID 1486663 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $300.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Gilmore, Gabriel Rigby ID 1486664 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $560.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Grover, Kiara Rigby ID 1486666 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Grover, Saige Rigby ID 1486667 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $50.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Hancock, Ryan Scott Rigby ID 1486668 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Henry, Kaylee Rigby ID 1486670 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $211.50 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials High, Gregory Rigby ID 1486707 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $211.50 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials High, Jackson Rigby ID 1486708 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $400.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Jacobson, Colton Rigby ID 1486709 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $600.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Jenkins, Samantha Rigby ID 1486710 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Jones, Claireese Rigby ID 1486711 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $320.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Kent, Payson Rigby ID 1486671 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Lam, Chun Kit Bruce Rigby ID 1486673 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Lovell, Kimberly Rigby ID 1486712 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Marotz, Audrey Rigby ID 1486713 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials McQuivey, Kailee Rigby ID 1486675 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Melanese, Taylor Rigby ID 1486676 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $300.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Moreno, Gittselle Rigby ID 1486677 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $300.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Nicholls, Corbin Rigby ID 1486678 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $234.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Paredes, Scarlet Rigby ID 1486679 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Pendleton, Hallee Rigby ID 1486680 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $800.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Petersen, Kaitlyn Rigby ID 1486681 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Petersen, Kelson Rigby ID 1486714 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $800.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Petersen, Mariah Rigby ID 1486715 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $50.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Ricks, Jesse Rigby ID 1486716 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Rindlisbaker, Alexis Rigby ID 1486682 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Rolfe, James Rigby ID 1486683 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Schaat, Sydney Rigby ID 1486684 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Service, Samantha Rigby ID 1486686 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Simmons, Hannah Rigby ID 1486687 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $550.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Simmons, Rachel Rigby ID 1486689 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $196.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Stanger, Kolby Rigby ID 1486717 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Stone, Jordan Rigby ID 1486718 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $1,000.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Thompson, Danee Rigby ID 1486719 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $100.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Twede, Kaelin Rigby ID 1486720 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $800.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Wageman, Allie Rigby ID 1486691 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $800.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Wageman, Carrie Rigby ID 1486692 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $850.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Webster, Michael Rigby ID 1486721 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $300.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Willford, Oren Rigby ID 1486722 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $250.00 Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials Womack, Jacob Rigby ID 1486695 5/13/2020
5-13-20 $875.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Young, Rose Rigby ID 1486723 5/13/2020
0484407 $41.00 Purchased Services Western Records Destruction, Inc. Boise  I 57166355 5/13/2020
0610005 $175.00 Purchased Services Idaho FCCLA Boise ID 57166353 5/13/2020
1505 $450.00 Purchased Services Pix & Flix Productions Rigby ID 57166354 5/13/2020
26982473 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90603 5/14/2020
26995382 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90603 5/14/2020
26995383 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90603 5/14/2020
27000973 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90603 5/14/2020
Lnch PrePdRefnd 5.14 $18.30 Student Lunch Sales Finn, Tasha Rigby Id 90604 5/14/2020
503599 $799.26 Purchased Services MidAmerica Books Mankato MN 57166356 5/14/2020
V683292 $34.49 Supplies & Materials Mike Jacobson  Rigby ID 1988 5/14/2020
35469037 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 90605 5/15/2020
April 2020 1 $19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 5/15/2020
ChineseImmSuppReimb $92.35 Chinese Immersion Yang, Xue   Rigby ID 90614 5/15/2020
MedExpReimb5.15.2020 $755.08 Buy-Down Insurance Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine Ammon ID 90606 5/15/2020
MedExpReimb5.15.2020 $408.09 Buy-Down Insurance Hill, Carla Rexburg ID 90607 5/15/2020
MedExpReimb5.15.2020 $166.82 Buy-Down Insurance Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 90608 5/15/2020
MedExpReimb5.15.2020 $1,997.49 Buy-Down Insurance Raber, Shane Rigby ID 90609 5/15/2020
MedExpReimb5.15.2020 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 90610 5/15/2020
MedExpReimb5.15.2020 $238.60 Buy-Down Insurance Stewart, Karen RIGBY ID 90611 5/15/2020
MedExpReimb5.15.2020 $541.70 Buy-Down Insurance Weekes, Nichole Michele Rigby ID 90612 5/15/2020
MedExpReimb5.15.2020 $40.44 Buy-Down Insurance Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 90613 5/15/2020
V924022 $157.00 Supplies & Materials MaKell Perez Rigby ID 1979 5/15/2020
April 2020 $674.77 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $79.60 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $940.30 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $426.29 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $923.08 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $959.42 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $932.16 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $1,406.86 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $675.20 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $4,687.97 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $36.72 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 $353.77 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
April 2020 1 $1,306.85 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 5/18/2020
10030 $2,285.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486725 5/18/2020
10036 $2,650.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486725 5/18/2020
10406 $2,600.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486725 5/18/2020
28991 $3,360.25 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486725 5/18/2020
29136 $3,032.25 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486725 5/18/2020
29221 $2,828.00 Supplies & Materials HOLIDAY MOTOR COACH IDAHO FALLS ID 1486725 5/18/2020
5-18-20 $500.00 Supplies & Materials Dance It Rexburg ID 1486724 5/18/2020
V648773 $78.78 Supplies & Materials Joni Sadovich Rigby ID 1989 5/18/2020
V816690 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Karla Capson Idaho Falls ID 1990 5/18/2020
27017673 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90617 5/19/2020
27025972 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90617 5/19/2020
Lnch PrePd Rfnd 5.19 $33.50 Student Lunch Sales Campbell, Ericka Rigby ID 90616 5/19/2020
Lnch PrePd Rfnd 5.19 $23.25 Student Lunch Sales Johnston, Jeri Idaho Falls ID 90618 5/19/2020
ReimbforFlowers $42.39 Supplies & Materials Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 90615 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $501.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 -($269.85) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 -($214.25) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 -($1,002.26) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $269.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $5,220.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $268.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $317.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $372.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $56.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $55.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $34.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $41.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $27.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $69.70 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $25.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $44.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $24.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $40.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 -($206.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $648.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 -($32.06) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 -($67.13) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $67.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $67.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $29.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $990.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $156.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $15.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $48.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $18.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $150.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $150.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $6,783.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $2,380.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $33.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $69.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $124.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $1,336.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $51.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $36.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $309.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $142.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $63.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $347.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $9.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $126.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $19.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $141.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $84.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $17.64 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $131.24 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $26.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $39.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $35.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $25.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $60.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $470.75 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $6.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $30.65 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $70.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $173.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $124.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $16.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $111.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $31.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $51.53 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $278.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $130.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $532.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $179.88 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $140.77 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $55.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $25.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $55.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $480.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $52.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $2.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $110.85 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $76.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $63.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $63.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $856.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $166.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $545.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $80.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $208.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 -($50.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $20.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $30.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $221.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $76.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $24.34 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $16.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $80.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $231.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 -($241.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $375.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $225.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $462.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $231.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $462.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $12.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $450.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $33.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $133.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $23.68 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $36.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $18.76 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $277.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $68.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $55.62 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $9.43 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $4.26 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $13.74 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $8.47 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $35.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $17.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $14.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $6.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $5.97 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $92.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $384.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $159.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $59.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 -($528.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $102.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $37.63 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $22.23 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $75.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $16.60 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $77.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $24.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $42.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $363.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $688.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $44.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $486.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $59.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $36.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $34.73 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $22.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $61.61 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $27.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
04-30-20 $187.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
4-30-20 -($0.71) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
4-30-20 $2.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
4-30-20 $1.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
4-30-20 $1.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
4-30-20 $3.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
4-30-20 $56.05 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486727 5/19/2020
5-14-20 $1,960.00 Supplies & Materials Larsen, Holly Rigby ID 1486728 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $286.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $148.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $255.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $135.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $222.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $148.50 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $251.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $169.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $146.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $995.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $155.25 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $404.75 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $244.33 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $395.67 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $711.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $81.67 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $205.00 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
5-19-20 $180.83 Supplies & Materials Jefferson Joint School Dist 251-Transpor Rigby  ID 1486726 5/19/2020
Mar 2020 $1,500.00 Fiber Direct Communications Rockland ID 90620 5/20/2020
V103902 $2,881.12 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90619 5/20/2020
V177410 30.48 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V183002 $3,641.72 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 5/20/2020
V186101 $1.91 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V258644 $26,037.56 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V268566 $20.27 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 5/20/2020
V294152 $351.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 5/20/2020
V39128 $0.12 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 5/20/2020
V448986 $0.06 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V50075 $15.76 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 5/20/2020
V610664 $7.13 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V614406 $47.76 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 5/20/2020
V62016 $5,289.04 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V648213 $226,174.80 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 5/20/2020
V655631 $8.18 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V668386 $2.60 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V696634 $11,423.95 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90619 5/20/2020
V767753 $0.01 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V784401 $111,332.82 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V789442 $3,060.23 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90619 5/20/2020
V795472 -($423.00) ISDC Insurance Refund Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90619 5/20/2020
V849479 $1,236.97 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
V893369 $272,406.98 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90619 5/20/2020
V944361 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 5/20/2020
V95191 $11.11 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 5/20/2020
5-19-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Hansen, Kendyl Idaho Falls ID 1486731 5/20/2020
5-19-20 $185.00 Supplies & Materials Henderson, Bethany Rigby ID 1486734 5/20/2020
5-19-20 $175.00 Supplies & Materials Rodriguez, Veronica Rigby ID 1486735 5/20/2020
5-19-20 $185.00 Supplies & Materials Stucki, Ashlyn Rigby ID 1486736 5/20/2020
5-19-20 $185.00 Supplies & Materials Warnberg, Kaycee Idaho Falls ID 1486737 5/20/2020
5-20-20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Corbett, Ethan Rigby ID 1486729 5/20/2020
5-20-20 $87.53 Supplies & Materials Dungan, Carson Rigby ID 1486730 5/20/2020
5-20-20 $87.53 Supplies & Materials Hanson, Porter Rigby ID 1486732 5/20/2020
5-20-20 $87.53 Supplies & Materials Hanson, Sophie Rigby ID 1486733 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,426.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,013.22 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,141.67 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$821.51 GROSS PAYROLL Alfaro, Iris Haydee  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,018.27 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$897.18 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$899.14 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,263.81 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$852.26 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$766.23 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,551.40 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,224.86 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$620.94 GROSS PAYROLL Argyle, Talia Guymon  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$609.90 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$216.66 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Carlie J  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,236.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$811.18 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$836.57 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,062.50 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,303.74 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$641.25 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton R  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,317.72 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,927.06 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,506.66 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,811.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,333.88 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,847.74 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,436.40 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Kaitlyn Anna  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,079.98 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Cal Roy  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,442.14 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,868.92 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,079.96 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,593.54 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,061.27 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benner, Karlee Chamae  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,613.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,400.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,089.19 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$833.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$909.72 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Darren Allen  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,766.20 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,062.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,814.57 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 5/20/2020
$972.27 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$932.18 GROSS PAYROLL Borjon, Jenna Dee  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,421.37 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,412.85 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$923.35 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$885.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$846.22 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,062.50 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$881.79 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$632.99 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,227.46 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$157.89 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$513.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,194.78 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,298.67 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$853.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$866.51 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$520.75 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$757.30 GROSS PAYROLL Butikofer, Kristen Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$804.27 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,231.10 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$276.93 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$418.76 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,095.84 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,482.69 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,076.53 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,215.22 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,315.54 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$811.06 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$679.63 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$888.81 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$953.77 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,076.42 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$819.28 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,123.96 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,094.26 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,627.83 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$853.63 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$816.43 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,306.21 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,895.82 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,822.16 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,959.53 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,697.50 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$930.03 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$594.91 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,422.22 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,452.27 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$726.75 GROSS PAYROLL Clipp, Krysta Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL Clyde, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 5/20/2020
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$824.52 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,867.66 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$6,281.73 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,260.06 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$932.18 GROSS PAYROLL Couch, Mandy Darline  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,873.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$6,449.84 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$740.13 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,994.04 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$415.14 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Colleen Elizabeth  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,186.65 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,222.57 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,307.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,125.72 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,374.34 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$200.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davids, Kim Russell  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Shaun David  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,512.35 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$865.83 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$918.97 GROSS PAYROLL Dillon, Tiffany Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$6,779.64 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$688.79 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$813.41 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$849.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,045.23 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$107.41 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Elaine R  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$619.02 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$940.33 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,078.13 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,465.25 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 5/20/2020
$882.32 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$986.71 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$881.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,739.54 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$925.48 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,340.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$911.14 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,007.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,013.62 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,440.82 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,553.14 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,124.69 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,188.51 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$361.10 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,318.14 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,007.34 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,034.28 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$813.04 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.34 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$947.74 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$791.23 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,323.71 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,748.50 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$906.94 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$6,061.67 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,512.34 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,338.74 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 5/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,035.01 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,393.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$865.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$940.25 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$994.02 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Lacey Madison  Saint Anthony ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,352.60 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$980.29 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$63.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Michelle R  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,027.69 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,177.29 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$191.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$921.05 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$912.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$804.73 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,102.95 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,468.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$962.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,862.45 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 5/20/2020
$166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Cameron   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$932.17 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Marcie McBride  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$804.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$990.05 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$678.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hess, Robyn J  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,134.19 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 5/20/2020
$3,641.67 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 5/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,013.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$941.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,012.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,483.58 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,791.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,442.43 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$850.54 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$905.15 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$592.80 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$8,393.84 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,334.11 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,027.69 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$849.31 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,215.46 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,381.85 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 5/20/2020
$863.59 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$908.01 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$947.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,476.71 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,159.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,253.17 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$688.16 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,111.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,609.47 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,144.95 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,470.67 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$912.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,452.04 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,979.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,029.52 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,143.17 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,659.73 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$637.83 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Michelle Edith  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,218.86 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,066.66 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Adriana   Iona ID 0 5/20/2020
$772.07 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,308.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,232.30 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,339.09 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$932.18 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$812.25 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, Anna Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,805.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,818.02 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Hayley Drew  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,442.07 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$753.38 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,918.69 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,708.31 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$592.80 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,045.40 GROSS PAYROLL Lam, Wai   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,187.50 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,317.72 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$231.27 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$994.40 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,786.80 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,367.89 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$846.22 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Lacee Ann  Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,949.41 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$318.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,175.65 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,551.66 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$839.33 GROSS PAYROLL Loertscher, Janet Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$8,614.16 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lounsbury, Dale L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$921.41 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$982.32 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$867.68 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,111.11 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$633.60 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,083.00 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,225.38 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,029.32 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$10,480.00 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$439.26 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Easton Randolph  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,317.72 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,633.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$333.33 GROSS PAYROLL McLean, Dallyn Wade  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$918.69 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,779.26 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,785.41 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,214.13 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$619.02 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$6,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,713.46 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$863.59 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,332.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moffitt, Hillerie Hanks  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$975.86 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$768.40 GROSS PAYROLL Monson, Tiffany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,437.50 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Montgomery, Kazley Shalese  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,113.94 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Cameron Chase  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$757.30 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,401.59 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$976.86 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,120.59 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$862.07 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,143.82 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,937.50 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$881.79 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,398.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,400.84 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,045.23 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$799.98 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,604.17 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,246.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,887.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$869.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,513.91 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,163.66 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,245.45 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,215.46 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$965.98 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$915.22 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,374.98 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,401.38 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$918.84 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$787.32 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,317.72 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$877.16 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$8,655.82 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$6,491.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,985.54 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,963.58 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,708.31 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$736.82 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,034.04 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.34 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.66 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,748.50 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,999.99 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$433.33 GROSS PAYROLL Potter, Allyson   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,069.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$732.08 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$443.30 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Kyris Lee  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,312.49 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,562.50 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,634.20 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,264.05 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,029.20 GROSS PAYROLL Quinn, Karin   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$325.51 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Calyse   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$290.25 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Carter   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,050.98 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 5/20/2020
$808.34 GROSS PAYROLL Ragland, Wendy Worlton  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,263.81 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,154.86 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$711.55 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,312.88 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$933.15 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,868.72 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$983.09 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,359.94 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$932.95 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,127.90 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,102.30 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,754.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$759.89 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez-Madin, Odilon S  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$833.63 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,874.99 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,372.41 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,444.82 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,220.00 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$881.79 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Cody Grant  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$166.66 GROSS PAYROLL Saathoff, Gordon Lee Jr Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,300.98 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,467.60 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$9.06 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,118.05 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,023.32 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Bonnie   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,417.42 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$912.45 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$697.13 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$133.33 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Jared Stephen  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,166.63 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$753.79 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,063.06 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew S  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$865.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,395.82 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,095.94 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$888.01 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$8,230.25 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,602.76 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,656.25 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$872.90 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$876.47 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$884.75 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 0 5/20/2020
$1,065.98 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$357.16 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Jethro Jacob  Chubbuck ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,338.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,334.11 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$717.06 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$863.98 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$838.24 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$9,269.92 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,183.78 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$881.79 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,447.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,109.29 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$816.50 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,888.04 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 5/20/2020
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$991.08 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$792.85 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$525.84 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$932.18 GROSS PAYROLL Stutz, Kathryn Ann  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$910.44 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Tori   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,673.69 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$282.07 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$799.98 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$597.56 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,133.60 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Matthew Paul  Rexburg, ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,264.29 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,271.56 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 5/20/2020
$7,681.08 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$707.68 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$904.96 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,766.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,437.52 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,181.30 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$948.44 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$982.68 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,893.45 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$923.29 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$926.95 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$897.18 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$753.40 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,046.07 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,581.43 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,152.39 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,259.31 GROSS PAYROLL Vega, Cindy   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,176.26 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$748.13 GROSS PAYROLL Virgin, Crystal   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,401.09 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,023.03 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,062.64 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$975.93 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,966.80 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,407.05 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,001.00 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$744.31 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$833.63 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,333.88 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$864.41 GROSS PAYROLL West, Tayler Nicole  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,290.98 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$757.30 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$485.45 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,379.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,421.44 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,134.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 5/20/2020
$958.81 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$650.11 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,037.87 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 0 5/20/2020
$4,811.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 5/20/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 5/20/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 5/20/2020
$2,877.95 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 5/20/2020
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Rachel   Menan ID 61416 5/20/2020
$633.33 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, Samuel L  Iona ID 61417 5/20/2020
$600.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bare, Jessica M  Idaho Falls ID 61418 5/20/2020
$412.72 GROSS PAYROLL Berrett, Britton Jeremie  Roberts ID 61419 5/20/2020
$401.95 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Kaden Dallas  Menan ID 61420 5/20/2020
$466.66 GROSS PAYROLL Munk, Suzanne B  Idaho Falls ID 61421 5/20/2020
$420.93 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica   Rigby ID 61422 5/20/2020
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61423 5/20/2020
$456.88 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61424 5/20/2020
$2,402.82 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61425 5/20/2020
$1,070.07 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 61426 5/20/2020
$1,601.29 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61427 5/20/2020
$1,476.21 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61428 5/20/2020
Personal Reimb 5.21 $196.50 STEM Grant-K Bowden Bowden, Karlene RIGBY ID 90621 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $675.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $10.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $61.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $24.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $2,047.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $864.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $4.35 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $9.51 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $69.01 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $1,248.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $81.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $59.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $25.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $1,462.52 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 -($150.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 -($150.00) Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $327.14 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $147.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $3.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $36.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $5.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $150.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $19.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $275.54 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $152.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $3.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $79.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $254.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $45.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $251.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $54.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $34.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
04-30-2020 $1,854.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486738 5/21/2020
93 199 $60.00 Purchased Services Western Recycling Idaho Falls ID 57166358 5/21/2020
April 20 - Visa  $48.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166357 5/21/2020
April 20 - Visa  $13.77 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166357 5/21/2020
April 20 - Visa  $184.11 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166357 5/21/2020
April 20 - Visa  $2,028.46 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166357 5/21/2020
April 20 - Visa  $150.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166357 5/21/2020
7218090 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 90624 5/26/2020
AprMileage Reimb $130.80 Travel Expenses Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 90625 5/26/2020
MarMileageReimb $65.50 In District Mileage Reimbursement Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 90625 5/26/2020
MedExpReimb5.22.2020 $429.51 Buy-Down Insurance Comstock, Gary Idaho Falls ID 90622 5/26/2020
MedExpReimb5.22.2020 $914.74 Buy-Down Insurance Lancaster, Kendell Idaho Falls ID 90623 5/26/2020
V648229 $1,050.00 Contributions and Donations Southfork Elementary Rigby ID 1 5/27/2020
471735 $33,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood Servpro of Idaho Falls/Rexburg/Rigby Idaho Falls ID 90626 5/28/2020
117 $185.00 Supplies & Materials Landon Bagley Productions Rigby ID 1486743 5/28/2020
5-28-20 $70.00 Supplies & Materials ASPA Contest/Review College Point NY 1486739 5/28/2020
5-28-20 $259.00 Supplies & Materials CSPA New York NY 1486740 5/28/2020
5-28-20 $170.00 Supplies & Materials Gebarowski, Jordyn Idaho Falls ID 1486741 5/28/2020
5-28-20 $50.00 Supplies & Materials Jenkins, Samantha Rigby ID 1486742 5/28/2020
93222 $45.00 Supplies & Materials Western Recycling-Curbside Idaho Falls ID 1486744 5/28/2020
34 $3,046.83 Vendor Services Yang, Nai-Jiin Pocatello ID 0 6/1/2020
V810203 $492.50 General Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 2192 6/1/2020
27097140 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90627 6/2/2020
27109978 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90627 6/2/2020
AsbestosTrainPerDiem $336.00 Travel Expenses Jensen, Eric Lewisville ID 90630 6/2/2020
FuelReimbforMoveVan $14.35 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 90631 6/2/2020
LnchPrePdRfnd 6.2.20 $65.45 Student Lunch Sales High, Kathryn Rigby ID 90628 6/2/2020
LnchPrePdRfnd 6.2.20 $50.75 Student Lunch Sales Spencer, Robin Rigby ID 90629 6/2/2020
MedExpReimb5.29.2020 $1,999.99 Buy-Down Insurance Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 90632 6/2/2020
MedExpReimb5.29.2020 $794.00 Buy-Down Insurance Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 90633 6/2/2020
MedExpReimb5.29.2020 $1,753.75 Buy-Down Insurance Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 90634 6/2/2020
MedExpReimb5.29.2020 $558.82 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90635 6/2/2020
MedExpReimb5.29.2020 $79.46 Buy-Down Insurance Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 90636 6/2/2020
V944591 $67.50 General Fund Balance Rachael Wilson Ririe ID 3012 6/2/2020
Sales Tax-May $11.22 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1592 6/2/2020
V509029 $22.97 Supplies & Materials Allison Thomason  Sugar City ID 1995 6/2/2020
V544990 $57.68 Supplies & Materials Jing Cheng Rigby ID 1994 6/2/2020
V712507 $128.98 Supplies & Materials Kara Avery Rigby Id 1991 6/2/2020
V85606 $39.10 Supplies & Materials Zhiyuan Zhang Pocatello ID 1996 6/2/2020
ClassroomSupplyReimb $22.63 Dana Alboucq Alboucq, Dana Rigby ID 90637 6/3/2020
English Supply Reimb $129.88 English 6th Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 90638 6/3/2020
Inv_6.3.20 $150.00 Supplies & Materials Grandview Publishing Jackson WY 1942 6/3/2020
SupReb6.3.20 $6.80 Supplies & Materials Diane Jacobson Menan ID 1941 6/3/2020
SupRem_6.3.20 $36.96 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1943 6/3/2020
SupRem_6.3.20 $82.32 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1943 6/3/2020
SupRem_6.3.20 $49.91 Supplies & Materials Jefferson School District 251 Rigby ID 1943 6/3/2020
674469 $32.26 Purchased Services Rocknaks Hardware IDAHO FALLS ID 57166361 6/3/2020
9001314881 $385.00 Purchase Services NASSAP Boston MA 57166360 6/3/2020
Payroll June 20 $240.26 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166362 6/3/2020
Payroll June 20 $360.39 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166362 6/3/2020
Payroll June 20 $343.22 Purchased Services School District 251 Rigby ID 57166362 6/3/2020
Sales Tax May 20 $2.94 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166359 6/3/2020
Sales Tax May 20 $5.38 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166359 6/3/2020
Sales Tax May 20 $48.92 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166359 6/3/2020
Sales Tax May 20 $2.48 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166359 6/3/2020
Sales Tax May 20 $8.49 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166359 6/3/2020
Sales Tax May 20 $1.42 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166359 6/3/2020
Sales Tax May 20 $0.84 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166359 6/3/2020
Sales Tax May 20 $1.42 Shakespeare Team Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166359 6/3/2020
Sales Tax May 20 $1.77 Purchase Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166359 6/3/2020
V328808 $31.75 Supplies & Materials Kara Avery Rigby Id 1997 6/4/2020
V728511 $1.44 General Supplies & Materials JSD #251 Rigby ID 2193 6/5/2020
00869-14 $1,527,025.77 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90653 6/8/2020
00881-13 $193,776.45 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90653 6/8/2020
024-38484560 $101.61 Supplies and Materials Veritiv Operating Company Los Angeles CA 90684 6/8/2020
032429 $407.40 Purchased Services American Pump Co. Ucon ID 90652 6/8/2020
032479 $1,847.51 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School American Pump Co. Ucon ID 90652 6/8/2020
045-301770 $7,455.00 Routing Software 50 Tyler Technologies, Inc. Dallas TX 90681 6/8/2020
1212 $6,650.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 90665 6/8/2020
13333 5.27.20 $419.18 Business Services Jefferson Star RIGBY ID 90667 6/8/2020
14 6.2.20 ME $6,000.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90672 6/8/2020
15 $14,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90672 6/8/2020
173898 $1,344.10 Building Construction-Harwood Materials Testing  & Inspection Boise ID 90669 6/8/2020
18-0157 May 2020 $413.76 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90650 6/8/2020
18-0160 May 2020 $190.56 Water Sewer Garbage City of Roberts ROBERTS ID 90650 6/8/2020
18-761 $4,369.02 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Cutting Edge Electric Idaho Falls ID 90657 6/8/2020
20579528 $1,050.35 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90678 6/8/2020
20579529 $519.82 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90678 6/8/2020
20579530 $469.50 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90678 6/8/2020
20590181 $3,615.04 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90678 6/8/2020
21719 $103.50 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90679 6/8/2020
21724 $138.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90679 6/8/2020
21731 $345.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90679 6/8/2020
21733 $207.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90679 6/8/2020
230575 $1,408.10 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Potandon Produce LLC Palatine IL 90674 6/8/2020
251-060120-0001 $521.37 Vendor Services Independence O&M Services, LLC Idaho Falls ID 90663 6/8/2020
270801036 $12,580.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Harris Mountain West Blackfoot ID 90662 6/8/2020
270801037 $6,730.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Harris Mountain West Blackfoot ID 90662 6/8/2020
29 $200.00 Medicaid Purchased Services William Scott Ulrich Idaho Falls ID 90686 6/8/2020
34011 $518.16 Grounds Supplies Landon Excavating, Inc. Ammon ID 90668 6/8/2020
4829 $8,500.00 RHS Parking Lot Expansion NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90672 6/8/2020
4845 $1,360.00 Emergency Levy-RHS Tennis Courts NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90672 6/8/2020
489156380 $3,077.93 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 90661 6/8/2020
4904 $722.00 Professional Services Jefferson Elementary Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 90682 6/8/2020
5.21.20 $55.60 Supplies and Materials Accents for All Seasons Rigby ID 90651 6/8/2020
5.29.20 $10,000.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90670 6/8/2020
5074 $488.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Valley Ready Mix Idaho Falls ID 90682 6/8/2020
539485 $445.50 Software Support Time Clock Plus San Antonio Tx 90680 6/8/2020
5639576 -($72.63) Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90678 6/8/2020
5699 $1,980.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 90683 6/8/2020
5701 $1,980.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 90683 6/8/2020
590462 $280.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Cardwell, Terry Rigby ID 90655 6/8/2020
6318 $300.00 Vendor Services eLuma, LLC Lehi UT 90660 6/8/2020
7100491 - credit -($503.99) Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90673 6/8/2020
7156004 $1,115.65 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90673 6/8/2020
7156004 - credit -($57.01) Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90673 6/8/2020
7220350 $2,296.80 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90673 6/8/2020
7223251 $4,846.54 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90673 6/8/2020
7226117 $1,821.08 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90673 6/8/2020
7231847 $5,537.02 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90673 6/8/2020
7234815 $173.30 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90673 6/8/2020
7243346 $1,739.82 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90673 6/8/2020
78 $10,174.60 Board Services ISBA Boise ID 90664 6/8/2020
869123 $32.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 90671 6/8/2020
869126 $4.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 90671 6/8/2020
882-12 $364,453.77 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90653 6/8/2020
89415306753 $618.40 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90654 6/8/2020
89415306775 $280.00 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90654 6/8/2020
89415306797 $252.00 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90654 6/8/2020
89415306840 $215.60 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90654 6/8/2020
9 $2,054.25 Vendor Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90677 6/8/2020
9 $2,054.25 Medicaid Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90677 6/8/2020
April 2020 $10,360.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 90675 6/8/2020
H002485-2020 $125.00 Maintenance Supplies Division of Building Safety Meridian ID 90659 6/8/2020
JEF RHS gbb riemb $5,000.00 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90676 6/8/2020
LnchPrePdRfnd 6.4.20 $27.92 Student Lunch Sales Watson, Dylan Rigby ID 90685 6/8/2020
May 2020 $176,124.41 Fiber Direct Communications Rockland ID 90658 6/8/2020
May 2020 $75,839.59 Land Improvements-Fiber Direct Communications Rockland ID 90658 6/8/2020
May 2020 $9,345.00 OT/PT Services Rehab Specialists of Idaho Rexburg ID 90675 6/8/2020
May 2020 $64.05 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $157.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $28.01 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $1,272.64 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $29.53 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $2,409.19 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $9.27 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $9.27 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $1.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $232.98 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $839.69 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $2,619.00 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $9.27 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $9.27 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $1,772.54 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $27.77 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $4.70 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $1,755.20 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $166.44 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $1.03 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $28.60 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $1,278.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $16.85 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $4,263.15 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $4,412.63 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $33.30 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $38.95 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $2,379.23 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $319.54 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $9,037.19 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 $762.15 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 193.75 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 1589.21 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 88.68 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
May 2020 513.06 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $1,460.21 Buy-Down Insurance Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 90640 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $348.00 Buy-Down Insurance Cowley, Kevin Rigby ID 90641 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $1,062.67 Buy-Down Insurance Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 90642 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $574.36 Buy-Down Insurance Lancaster, Kendell Idaho Falls ID 90643 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $35.28 Buy-Down Insurance Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 90644 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $40.82 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90645 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $2,000.00 Buy-Down Insurance Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 90646 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $1,118.62 Buy-Down Insurance Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 90647 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $129.19 Buy-Down Insurance Thompson, Lyle RIGBY ID 90648 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020 $140.00 Buy-Down Insurance Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 90649 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020A $374.79 Buy-Down Insurance Lancaster, Kendell Idaho Falls ID 90643 6/8/2020
MedExpReimb6.5.2020A $90.48 Buy-Down Insurance Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 90644 6/8/2020
MileageReimb5.2-6.4 $34.80 Travel Expenses Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 90639 6/8/2020
RHSArt SprChcAwd 6.1 $40.00 Supt/Asst Supt Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90676 6/8/2020
SRO2019-20 Contract $12,678.38 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 90666 6/8/2020
SRO2019-20 Contract $75,230.00 School Resource Officers Jefferson County Sheriff RIGBY ID 90666 6/8/2020
StudentCouncilShed $3,500.00 General Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90676 6/8/2020
Supply Reimb 6.4.20 $104.82 Corbridge, Carla Dee Corbridge, Carla Rigby ID 90656 6/8/2020
Supply Reimb 6.4.20 $104.81 Baldwin, Stephanie Corbridge, Carla Rigby ID 90656 6/8/2020
1001 $450.00 Supplies & Materials ACME Discount Fireworks Preston ID 1486745 6/8/2020
24639918 $44.72 Supplies & Materials Jostens Chicago  IL 1486750 6/8/2020
6-3-20 $160.99 Supplies & Materials DAKU, LORI RIGBY ID 1486748 6/8/2020
6-3-20 $55.00 Supplies & Materials Johnson, Jenni Rigby ID 1486749 6/8/2020
6-3-20 $200.00 Supplies & Materials Prestwich, Hannah Rigby ID 1486752 6/8/2020
6-4-20 $18.99 Supplies & Materials Ohman, Brittany Idaho Falls ID 1486751 6/8/2020
6-8-20 $15.00 Supplies & Materials Anderson, Jolette Rigby ID 1486746 6/8/2020
6-8-20 $15.00 Supplies & Materials Chandler, Ruth Rigby ID 1486747 6/8/2020
6-8-20 $750.00 Choir Tours Supplies & Materials Thomas, Samuel Rigby ID 1486753 6/8/2020
27134263 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90688 6/9/2020
GirlsBballTournament $1,150.00 Girls Basketball EF Supplies Sugar Salem School District #322 Sugar City ID 90687 6/9/2020
6-9-20 $275.00 Supplies & Materials Boone, Legrand Rigby ID 1486754 6/9/2020
6-9-20 $250.00 Supplies & Materials Mouser, Burke Rigby ID 1486755 6/9/2020
27171712 $256.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90689 6/10/2020
PersnlCardReimb6.10 $53.00 Maintenance Supplies Raber, Shane Rigby ID 90690 6/10/2020
27358630 $114.40 Supplies & Materials NORCO, INC. Salt Lake City UT 1486760 6/10/2020
33457 $131.00 Supplies & Materials Country Cottons Rigby ID 1486757 6/10/2020
4199179917 $105.00 Supplies & Materials PEPSI COLA Idaho Falls ID 1486761 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $5.66 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $24.84 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $0.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $24.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $3.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $17.94 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $1.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $0.57 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $2.55 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $689.72 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $2.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $32.89 Sales Tax Payable JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $9.96 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $2.83 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $1.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $3.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $1.41 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $27.32 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $3.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
5-31-20 $139.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486758 6/10/2020
867-6082004 $2,439.10 Supplies & Materials Jostens-Travis Belcher Helena MT 1486759 6/10/2020
RX-163384 $83.12 Supplies & Materials Alphagraphics-Rexburg Rexburg ID 1486756 6/10/2020
5-31-2020 $258.12 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $341.92 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $345.80 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $999.90 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $1,200.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $796.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $13.69 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $24.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $43.46 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $615.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $39.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $20.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $50.86 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $54.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $1,400.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $144.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $1,475.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $16.39 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $13.95 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $10.59 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $229.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $195.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $186.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $159.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $208.20 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $45.21 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $80.44 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $119.40 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $115.93 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $140.45 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $150.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $74.10 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $169.36 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $59.17 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $1,051.25 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $300.16 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $156.02 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $250.89 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $2.29 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $83.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $24.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $21.19 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $28.06 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $15.78 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $79.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $246.87 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $385.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $83.11 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $28.15 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $63.58 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $186.56 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $525.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $2,182.50 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $19.99 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $74.13 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $81.04 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $1.33 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $25.82 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $44.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $163.98 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $109.48 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $550.28 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $232.42 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $89.27 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 $280.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
5-31-2020 -($500.00) Orchestra Tours Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
6-11-20 $16,443.00 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 1486762 6/11/2020
CHS20-015 $500.00 Purchased Services Columbia High School Nampa ID 57166363 6/11/2020
May 20 - Visa $223.50 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166364 6/11/2020
May 20 - Visa $96.55 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166364 6/11/2020
May 20 - Visa $250.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166364 6/11/2020
May 20 - Visa $14.99 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166364 6/11/2020
May 20 - Visa $139.00 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166364 6/11/2020
May 20 - Visa $507.28 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166364 6/11/2020
May 20 - Visa $42.31 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166364 6/11/2020
May 20 - Visa $254.95 Purchase Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166364 6/11/2020
5/31/2020 1 $19.88 Arneson, Angela Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 10 $7.30 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 100 $137.10 Copier Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 101 $39.06 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 102 $176.77 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 103 $14.91 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 104 $19.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 105 $7.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 106 $17.50 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 107 $25.18 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 108 $56.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 109 $11.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 11 $28.06 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 110 $139.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 111 $9.48 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 112 $54.98 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 113 $237.00 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 114 $14.50 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 115 $1,051.25 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 116 $1,928.62 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 117 $44.00 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 118 $71.67 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 119 $198.24 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 12 $13.55 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 120 $16.24 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 121 $29.48 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 122 $10.58 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 123 $18.91 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 124 $240.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 125 $57.93 Fuel in Yellow buses only 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 126 $8.75 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 127 $26.72 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 128 $35.72 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 129 $26.25 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 13 $59.99 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 130 $18.87 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 131 $48.00 CTE Supplies Early Childhood Professions Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 132 $31,520.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 133 $28.70 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 134 $280.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 135 $14.50 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 136 $8.23 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 137 $10.59 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 138 $35.20 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 139 $28.44 Close, Robert Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 14 $178.43 Grounds Supplies South Fork Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 140 $86.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 141 $1,877.20 Business Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 142 $49.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 143 $53.52 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 144 $31.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 145 $200.76 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 146 $19,746.18 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 147 $835.00 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 148 $42.31 Engineering Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 149 $47.06 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 15 $30.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 150 $13.98 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 151 $65.72 6th Grade English Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 152 $92.45 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 153 $16.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 154 $258.12 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 155 $16.39 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 156 $27.37 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 157 $17.01 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 158 $45.57 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 159 $798.00 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 16 $32.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 160 $40.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 161 $158.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 162 $30.00 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 163 $18.99 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 164 $63.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 165 $87.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 166 $168.44 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 167 $2.67 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 168 $80.40 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 169 $2.41 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 17 $16.18 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 170 $88.86 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 171 $15.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 172 $173.48 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 173 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 174 $59.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 175 $163.17 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 176 $185.46 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 177 $1,200.00 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 178 $31.79 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 179 $13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 18 $250.89 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 180 $12.04 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 181 $24.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 182 $3,400.67 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 183 $539.33 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 184 $62.98 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 185 $8.79 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 186 $62.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 187 $41.05 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 188 $126.14 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 189 $60.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 19 $139.50 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 190 $7,880.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 191 $26.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 192 $72.82 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 193 $47.51 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 194 $550.28 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 195 $36.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 196 $139.99 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 197 $63.52 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 198 $20.99 Counseling Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 199 $16.96 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 2 $16.76 Arneson, Angela Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 20 $20.14 Elementary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 200 $15.98 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 201 $232.42 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 202 $127.36 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 203 $52.82 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 204 $9.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 205 $30.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 206 $999.90 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 207 $3,985.91 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 208 $23.78 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 209 $10.58 STEM Grant-K Bowden Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 21 $28.15 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 210 $140.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 211 $22.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 212 $42.39 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 213 $55.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 214 $593.43 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 215 $496.34 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 216 $31,520.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 217 $283.84 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 218 $165.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 219 $94.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 22 $20.07 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 220 $46.08 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 221 $345.80 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 222 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 223 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 224 $582.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 225 $55.00 FCCLA Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 226 $159.06 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 227 $500.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 228 $517.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 229 $37.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 23 $10,459.68 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 230 $13.99 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 231 $43.84 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 232 $120.00 CTE Ag Other Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 233 $159.97 Grounds Supplies Midway Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 234 $2.64 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 235 $20.99 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 236 $46.91 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 237 $34.23 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 238 $289.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 239 $2.29 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 24 $3,351.10 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 240 $3.18 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 241 $26.65 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 242 $47.33 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 243 $40.50 Quigley, Sara Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 244 $68.00 McLain, Kathryn Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 245 $67.50 Fullmer, Krystal Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 246 $89.32 Tonks, Melissa Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 247 $43.50 Ward, Keri Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 248 $43.50 Smith, Megan Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 249 $41.57 Hegstrom, John Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 25 $26.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 250 $41.56 Ricks, Elizabeth Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 251 $43.50 Hill, Carla Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 252 $500.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 253 $37.19 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 254 $4,580.80 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 255 $39.00 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 256 $4.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 257 $98.30 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 258 $144.20 Bill To Student Council Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 259 $413.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 26 $8.16 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 260 $172.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 261 $615.00 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 262 $8.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 263 $50.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 264 $501.44 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 265 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 266 $95.39 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 267 $331.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 268 $258.00 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 269 $738.50 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 27 $18.94 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 270 $21.83 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 271 $461.48 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 272 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 273 $135.87 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 274 $10.19 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 275 $81.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 276 $100.00 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 277 $140.62 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 278 $11.51 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 279 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 28 $144.67 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 280 $89.97 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 281 $30.27 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 282 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 283 $102.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 284 $257.96 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 285 $30.42 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 286 $34.95 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 287 $12.79 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 288 $11.97 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 289 $15.99 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 29 $21.19 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 290 $10.97 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 291 $563.85 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 292 $58.73 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 293 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 294 $216.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 295 $664.64 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 296 $50.01 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 297 $184.65 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 298 $2,946.04 Furnishing/Equipment Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 299 $61.83 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 3 $21.48 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 30 $39.95 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 300 $2,449.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 301 $14.93 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 302 $8.99 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 303 $135.88 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 304 $3.39 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 305 $54.73 STEM Grant-K Bowden Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 306 $2,728.97 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 307 $10.89 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 308 $1,332.88 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 309 $353.84 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 31 $157.98 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 310 $82.57 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 311 $24.90 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 312 $24.02 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 313 $1,416.56 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 314 $5.94 Maintenance Supplies Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 315 $80.44 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 316 $8.48 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 317 $48.95 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 318 $46.12 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 319 $4.14 Nestman, Eileen Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 32 $83.11 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 320 $32.98 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 321 $1,271.50 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 322 $39.64 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 323 $9.12 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 324 $41.94 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 325 $6,462.12 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 326 $5.29 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 327 $74.13 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 328 $13.96 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 329 $85.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 33 $19.48 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 330 -($50.64) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 331 $95.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 332 $6.42 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 333 $27,669.23 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 334 $45.21 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 335 $39.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 336 $9.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 337 $74.25 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 338 $56.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 339 $89.48 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 34 $29.79 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 340 $289.52 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 341 -($74.00) Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 342 $22.55 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 343 $260.00 Maintenance Services Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 344 $13.75 James, Brenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 345 $1.40 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 346 $178.71 CTE Supplies Building Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 347 $53.41 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 348 $4.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 349 $1.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 35 $8.16 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 350 -($489.94) Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 351 $115.93 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 352 $7.99 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 353 $139.00 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 354 $89.27 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 355 $75.66 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 356 $9.39 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 357 $100.28 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 358 $61.00 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 359 $116.91 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 36 $2.12 Spanish Immersion Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 360 $13.99 Office Supplies 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 361 $59.84 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 362 $299.12 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 363 $15.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 364 $1,216.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 365 $400.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 366 $212.74 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 367 $9.30 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 368 $590.82 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 369 $2,447.34 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 37 $3.29 Close, Robert Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 370 $1,100.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 371 $796.30 Girls Basketball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 372 $2,449.00 Secondary Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 373 $1,716.78 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 374 $300.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 375 $6.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 376 $14.97 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 377 $44.97 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 378 $130.12 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 379 $141.99 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 38 $83.29 Close, Robert Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 380 $140.45 Bill To Orchestra Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 381 $9.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 382 $62.26 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 383 $158.40 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 384 $26.79 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 385 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 386 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 387 $67.11 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 388 $128.59 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 389 $33.99 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 39 $91.36 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 390 $300.16 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 391 $90.10 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 392 $219.24 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 393 $14.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 394 $13.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 395 $159.98 Licenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 396 $79.96 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 397 $23.82 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 398 -($500.00) Orchestra Tour Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 399 $9.37 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 4 $47.52 Supplies Pre-School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 40 $100.96 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 400 $1,009.85 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 401 $378.50 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 402 $26.49 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 403 $59.17 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 404 $200.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 405 $50.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 406 $76.27 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 407 $48.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 408 -($65.50) Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 409 $329.90 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 41 $150.80 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 410 $145.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 411 $195.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 412 $200.00 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 413 $38.78 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 414 $55.56 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 415 $47.94 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 416 $45.23 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 417 $39.25 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 418 $77.80 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 419 $265.00 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 42 $85.10 Arneson, Angela Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 420 $35.86 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 421 $773.37 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 422 $43.94 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 423 $1,628.39 CTE Supplies Building Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 424 $185.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 425 $1,340.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 426 $70.75 Grounds Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 427 $48.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 428 $24.39 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 429 $212.94 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 43 $18.00 Vendor Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 430 $189.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 431 $5.74 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 432 $1,400.00 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 433 $466.35 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 434 $157.95 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 435 $1.33 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 436 $47.46 CTE Supplies Building Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 437 $755.17 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 438 $166.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 439 $1,053.40 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 44 $11.98 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 440 $13.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 441 $1,960.32 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 442 $323.71 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 443 $44.22 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 444 $37.09 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 445 $119.40 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 446 $44.42 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 447 $398.54 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 448 $154.48 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 449 $97.82 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 45 $34.10 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 450 $117.28 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 451 $8.07 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 452 $122.94 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 453 $70.00 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 454 $24.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 455 $32.89 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 456 $161.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 457 $97.52 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 458 $14.18 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 459 $163.98 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 46 $18.19 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 460 $16.90 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 461 $58.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 462 $27.94 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 463 $32.24 Kindergarten Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 464 $40.07 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 465 $13.32 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 466 $500.00 Routing Software 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 467 $1,529.27 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 468 $65.67 Board Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 469 $133.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 47 $17.10 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 470 $42.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 471 $52.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 472 $192.16 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 473 $82.26 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 474 $220.96 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 475 $2,970.12 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 476 $565.95 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 477 $1.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 478 $31.97 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 479 $80.26 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 48 $6.77 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 480 $19.51 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 481 $157.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 482 $96.65 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 483 $28.02 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 484 $54.13 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 485 $149.97 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 486 $8.48 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 487 $101.17 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 488 $81.04 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 489 $54.58 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 49 $87.23 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 490 $50.86 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 491 $65.21 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 492 $25.75 Oberhansley, Susanna Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 493 $13.15 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 494 $21.73 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 495 $9.37 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 496 $725.90 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 497 $232.10 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 498 $239.96 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 499 $300.40 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 5 $177.48 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 50 $186.20 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 500 $181.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 501 $76.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 502 -($21.15) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 503 $21.78 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 504 $26.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 505 $3.64 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 506 $20.48 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 507 $1,100.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 508 $1,073.00 Bill to School JES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 509 $64.60 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 51 $284.36 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 510 $1.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 511 $815.28 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 512 $7.94 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 513 $137.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 514 $39.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 515 $11.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 516 $20.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 517 $38.12 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 518 $400.00 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 519 $32.47 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 52 $43.46 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 520 $29.99 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 521 $187.96 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 522 $4,272.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 523 $141.89 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 524 $56.98 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 525 $55.82 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 526 $126.14 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 527 $22.15 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 528 $167.71 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 529 $79.50 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 53 $109.48 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 530 $68.11 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 531 $66.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 532 $49.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 533 $69.86 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 534 $140.56 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 535 $23.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 536 $40.26 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 537 $79.66 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 538 $200.00 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 539 $929.00 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 54 $13.52 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 540 $80.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 541 $733.10 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 542 $32.79 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 543 $4,308.08 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 544 $294.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 545 $70.92 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 546 $3,698.50 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 547 $512.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 548 $8.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 549 $21.26 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 55 $17.50 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 550 $186.56 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 551 $162.50 Bill To Ag Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 552 $21.44 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 553 $8.83 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 554 $47,280.00 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 555 $37.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 556 $831.41 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 557 $7.04 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 558 $1,961.11 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 559 $104.49 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 56 $4.02 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 560 $72.98 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 561 $192.54 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 562 $49.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 563 $13.69 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 564 $56.42 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 565 $24.95 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 566 $25.10 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 567 $24.87 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 568 $219.97 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 569 $6.29 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 57 $2,027.80 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 570 $203.01 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 571 $216.06 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 572 $208.20 National Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 573 $131.27 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 574 $13.77 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 575 $52.37 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 576 $7.68 Corbridge, Carla Dee Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 577 $73.34 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 578 $61.08 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 579 $39.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 58 $1,475.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 580 $58.58 Fife, Deja Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 581 $42.88 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 582 $12.95 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 583 $1,520.75 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 584 $34.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 585 $94.80 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 586 $239.75 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 587 $78.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 588 $103.00 CTE Ag Other Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 589 $120.97 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 59 $25.26 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 590 $63.02 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 591 $8.47 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 592 $9.54 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 593 $161.18 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 594 $35.64 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 595 $219.94 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 596 -($201.00) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 597 $308.11 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 598 $41.47 Schmidt, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 599 $212.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 6 $8.16 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 60 $1,499.95 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 600 $1,173.06 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 601 $127.20 RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 602 $68.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 603 $759.60 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 604 $13.77 Coding Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 605 $169.99 Furnishing/Equipment Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 606 $49.79 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 607 $1,202.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 608 $200.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 609 $489.94 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 61 $8.75 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 610 $5.25 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 611 $670.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 612 $199.99 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 613 $91.05 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 614 $56.46 Ricks, Elizabeth Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 615 $19,181.98 Emergency Levy-Farnsworth Shop Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 616 $3.75 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 617 $19.98 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 618 $39.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 619 $194.16 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 62 $1,950.00 Literacy Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 620 $19.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 621 $24.37 Heidi Webster EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 622 $44.89 Romney, Melissa Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 623 $285.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 624 $66.99 6th Grade Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 625 $156.02 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 626 $50.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 627 $80.00 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 628 $84.68 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 629 $568.45 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 63 $6.77 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 630 $16.94 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 631 $223.83 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 632 $446.95 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 633 $8.82 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 634 $50.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 635 $43.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 636 $5.76 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 637 $28,416.07 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 638 $28.06 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 639 $70.72 Schmidt, Cindy Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 64 $28.27 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 640 $5.60 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 641 $87.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 642 $1,400.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 643 $599.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 644 $229.00 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 645 $11.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 646 $1,202.00 Maintenance Services South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 647 $144.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 648 $113.96 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 649 $113.96 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 65 $239.43 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 650 $13.95 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 651 $44.93 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 652 $10.28 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 653 $37.00 Sarmiento, Eleanor Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 654 -($157.50) RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 655 $10.59 Bill To FCCLA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 656 $417.58 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 657 $81.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 658 $130.37 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 659 $43.27 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 66 64.68 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 660 14.26 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 661 $26.14 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 662 $965.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 663 $9.53 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 664 $44.07 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 665 ($717.50) RHS Boys Baseball Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 666 $64.78 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 667 $26.16 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 668 $15.78 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 669 $2,182.50 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 67 $6.77 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 670 $100.65 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 671 $13.78 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 672 ($85.29) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 673 $23.94 CTE Family Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 674 $29.97 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 675 $24.37 Perkins Supplies Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 676 $9.59 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 677 $523.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 678 $33.91 Taulanga, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 679 $159.00 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 68 $69.10 Close, Robert Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 680 $12.69 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 681 $156.19 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 682 $162.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 683 $14.99 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 684 $34.43 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 685 $1,254.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 686 $4,187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 687 $17,076.13 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 688 $50.42 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 689 $97.42 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 69 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 690 $267.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 691 $156.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 692 $897.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 693 $2,700.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 694 $117.30 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 695 ($26.85) Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 696 $97.51 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 697 $10.79 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 698 $99.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 699 $28.80 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 7 $1.60 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 70 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 700 $741.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 701 $666.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 702 $131.52 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 703 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 704 $31.74 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 705 $118.03 Hill, Carla Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 706 $612.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 707 $792.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 708 $7.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 709 $55.55 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 71 $81.00 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 710 $1,638.42 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 711 $56.18 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 712 $94.79 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 713 $5.99 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 714 $18.61 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 715 $22.20 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 716 $79.68 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 717 $696.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 718 $18.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 719 $19.99 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 72 $6.99 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 720 $532.00 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 721 $474.33 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 722 $17,325.95 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 723 $18.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 724 $525.00 Bill To Student Improvements Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 725 $6.99 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 726 $48.09 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 727 $68.90 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 728 $24.38 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 729 $17.58 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 73 $33.27 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 730 $28.27 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 731 $111.58 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 732 $55.11 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 733 $18.99 ECC Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 734 $1,500.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 735 $285.07 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 736 $84.68 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 737 $225.40 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 738 $1,277.35 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 739 $2,293.20 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 74 $16.90 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 740 $29.51 CTE Ag Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 741 $385.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 742 $5.99 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 743 $4,161.52 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 744 $33.83 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 745 $74.10 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 746 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 747 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 748 $31.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 749 $40.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 75 $65.63 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 750 $30.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 751 $10.52 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 752 $3,782.55 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 753 $135.04 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 754 $1,500.00 Maintenance Services Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 755 $456.81 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 756 $105.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 757 $92.62 Perk FCS Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 76 $17.50 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 77 30.02 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 78 634.48 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 79 246.87 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 8 52.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 80 77.26 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 81 16.14 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 82 630 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 83 31.92 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 84 35 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 85 48.64 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 86 113.26 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 87 711.04 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 88 1668 Furnishing/Equipment Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 89 150 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 9 $83.11 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 90 $385.79 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 91 $25.18 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 92 1001.69 Maintenance Supplies South Fork Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 93 $16.95 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 94 $23.15 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 95 $11.65 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 96 $45.36 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 97 $16.09 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 98 $9.62 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
5/31/2020 99 67.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 6/12/2020
27184906 $129.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90693 6/15/2020
27184907 $215.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90693 6/15/2020
27184908 $214.00 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90693 6/15/2020
June MileageReimb $68.80 Travel Expenses Southwick, Clyde Rexburg ID 90691 6/15/2020
S-2014-20881  $623.60 Water Sewer Garbage City of Menan MENAN ID 90692 6/15/2020
27198697 $620.10 In Service Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90695 6/16/2020
27213006 $175.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90695 6/16/2020
35664236 $169.00 Professional Development CIT Bank N.A. Pasadena CA 90694 6/16/2020
Mar-MayMileageReimb $108.80 Vendor Services Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 90696 6/16/2020
May 2020 $250.82 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $10.85 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $216.57 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $103.47 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $97.58 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $366.39 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $667.20 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $597.79 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $335.63 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $2,993.90 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $24.90 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 $113.66 Utilities in Bus Garage 50 Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 1 1370.87 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/16/2020
May 2020 1 19.43 Electricity Rocky Mountain Power Portland OR 0 6/16/2020
Edstrom Cons 4350.00 $4,350.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary City of Rigby RIGBY ID 90697 6/17/2020
Apr-Jun2020MileReimb $69.85 Title II Travel Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 90698 6/18/2020
TempGasHookup $4.43 Natural Gas Intermountain Gas Co. Bismarck ND 0 6/18/2020
V107525 ($421.00) ISDC Insurance Refund Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90705 6/18/2020
V118150 $271,132.21 Medical ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90705 6/18/2020
V147922 $3,629.22 Life ER Clearing LifeMap Portland OR 0 6/18/2020
V188533 $2,181.28 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 6/18/2020
V241124 $2,881.12 Dental Wm ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90705 6/18/2020
V321629 1175.47 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
V377614 $59.70 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 6/18/2020
V409507 $274.91 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
V468636 $31,055.43 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
V498877 $1,334.27 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
V564356 $59.90 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing American Fidelity Assurance Oklahoma City OK 0 6/18/2020
V571590 $9.24 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
V599254 $31.00 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
V621958 $39.49 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
V624327 $351.00 District Office Services American Fidelity Assurance - Flex Oklahoma City OK 0 6/18/2020
V651168 $3,046.13 Vision ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90705 6/18/2020
V711287 $11,360.25 Dental BC ER Clearing Blue Cross of Idaho BOISE ID 90705 6/18/2020
V731701 $394.43 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 6/18/2020
V75398 $267,430.80 PERSI ER Clearing Public Employee Rtmt. S. BOISE ID 0 6/18/2020
V906606 $5,705.06 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
V912162 $7.25 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
V951317 $132,788.81 FICA/Medicare ER Clearing Internal Revenue Service Boise ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Abarca Serrano, Allyson Catherine  Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,430.43 GROSS PAYROLL Abrams, Jackie Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,426.75 GROSS PAYROLL Abshire, Phillip J  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,013.22 GROSS PAYROLL Aeschbacher, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,141.67 GROSS PAYROLL Alboucq, Dana Rae  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$746.19 GROSS PAYROLL Alfaro, Iris Haydee  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,018.27 GROSS PAYROLL Allen, Valerie J  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$897.18 GROSS PAYROLL Andersen, Albert Brian  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$899.14 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Amber Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,263.81 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Lana J  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$852.26 GROSS PAYROLL Anderson, Selina Darlene  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$766.23 GROSS PAYROLL Andrews, Tera Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Andrus, C. Thayne  Iona ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,278.54 GROSS PAYROLL Anyanwu, Jade Ashley  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,551.40 GROSS PAYROLL Arave, Krista   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,224.86 GROSS PAYROLL Archibald, Erica   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$294.12 GROSS PAYROLL Argyle, Talia Guymon  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$609.90 GROSS PAYROLL Armstrong, Becky   Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Arneson, Angela Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,286.95 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Ashlee B  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,236.12 GROSS PAYROLL Arnold, Jesse Edward  Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,004.37 GROSS PAYROLL Avery, Kara Dee  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,745.28 GROSS PAYROLL Avila, Louis John  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$9,470.04 GROSS PAYROLL Azbill, Kimberly Diane  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,160.06 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Brittany Naomi  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,160.06 GROSS PAYROLL Bailey, Hollie Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,824.47 GROSS PAYROLL Baisch, Sonya D  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$717.06 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Rozalee   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,062.50 GROSS PAYROLL Baker, Vikie L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,326.73 GROSS PAYROLL Baldwin, Stephanie A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,740.10 GROSS PAYROLL Balmforth, Ronni Leann  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,303.74 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Alexandra   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$641.25 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Ashton R  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,317.72 GROSS PAYROLL Barber, Tena M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,134.15 GROSS PAYROLL Barker, J. Ryalene   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,558.26 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Cheryl Lynne  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Barnes, Jennifer Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,682.91 GROSS PAYROLL Barney, Faylynn Bleak  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,506.66 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Cassandra Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,811.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Deryk Joel  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Gregory   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,076.73 GROSS PAYROLL Barrett, Joanna Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,346.34 GROSS PAYROLL Barrientos, Ma F  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,699.37 GROSS PAYROLL Barrus, Catherine Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,847.74 GROSS PAYROLL Barry, Clinton Lee Sr Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,436.40 GROSS PAYROLL Bate, John A  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Kaitlyn Anna  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,214.12 GROSS PAYROLL Bates, Katrina H  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,079.98 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Cal Roy  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,442.14 GROSS PAYROLL Bauer, Joni Noel  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,868.92 GROSS PAYROLL Baxter, Marc Edwin  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,079.96 GROSS PAYROLL Bean, Dane Arnold  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,669.23 GROSS PAYROLL Beck, Jonathan Thomas  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,783.19 GROSS PAYROLL Beddes, Hidee   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,587.93 GROSS PAYROLL Belnap, Hailey Gene  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Beltran Tamayo, Isabel Maria  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,061.27 GROSS PAYROLL Benedict, Tiffany Marit  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Benitez, Vianey Noemi  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,614.02 GROSS PAYROLL Bennett, Elizabeth Ione  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,675.81 GROSS PAYROLL Berry, Teya Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,958.26 GROSS PAYROLL Bice, Shanelle   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,089.19 GROSS PAYROLL Bielby, Sally   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,943.53 GROSS PAYROLL Billeter, Sara Jane  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$745.88 GROSS PAYROLL Bills, Nancy   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,240.10 GROSS PAYROLL Birch, Becky Sue  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Kim B  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,743.58 GROSS PAYROLL Bishop, Mekayla Daun  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,062.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bloom, Vicki L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,849.02 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Alane   Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,119.34 GROSS PAYROLL Bloxham, Christy   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,719.27 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Bryce C  St. Anthony ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,224.93 GROSS PAYROLL Bodily, Ileah Hope  St Anthony ID 0 6/18/2020
$972.27 GROSS PAYROLL Boelter, Kathy A  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,911.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bogard, Danielle Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$932.18 GROSS PAYROLL Borjon, Jenna Dee  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Bosh, Rachelle   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,543.86 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Andrea Kim  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$746.19 GROSS PAYROLL Boudrero, Michael Peyton  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,353.60 GROSS PAYROLL Bowcutt, Esmeralda   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,862.75 GROSS PAYROLL Bowden, Karlene   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$923.35 GROSS PAYROLL Bowen, Valerie   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$885.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bowman, Melanie Lerene  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$846.22 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Laurel Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,062.50 GROSS PAYROLL Boyce, Lisa   Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$881.79 GROSS PAYROLL Boyd, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$632.99 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michele J  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,786.95 GROSS PAYROLL Bradshaw, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,227.46 GROSS PAYROLL Brandley, Megan Elizabeth  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,983.50 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Bryce Jerome  Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$157.89 GROSS PAYROLL Bronson, Mikelle Lords  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$513.00 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Alyson   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,194.78 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Angela Wilalma  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,967.62 GROSS PAYROLL Brown, Richard L  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$853.63 GROSS PAYROLL Bullard, Jeannie M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$866.51 GROSS PAYROLL Burgie, Kasha Fay  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$520.75 GROSS PAYROLL Burt, Traci Ora  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Burton, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$757.30 GROSS PAYROLL Butikofer, Kristen Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,057.97 GROSS PAYROLL Butler, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,231.10 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Joann G  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$636.93 GROSS PAYROLL Buyers, Natalie Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$418.76 GROSS PAYROLL Calder, Billie J  Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,595.84 GROSS PAYROLL Calderon, Kendra Victoria  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Calkins, Elicia Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,593.55 GROSS PAYROLL Call, Kayla Rae  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,076.53 GROSS PAYROLL Calvin, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$184.56 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Chayce Greg  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,215.22 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Dawn M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,315.54 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Greg Steven  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$811.06 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Sariah Elaine  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,803.17 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Taunya Elaine  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$679.63 GROSS PAYROLL Cangas, Linda Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$888.81 GROSS PAYROLL Cannon, Corinne   Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$953.77 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Jennifer   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Joseph Carl  St. Anthony ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,217.48 GROSS PAYROLL Capson, Karla P  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,245.28 GROSS PAYROLL Carpenter, Melissa E  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,076.42 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Carol   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$819.28 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Clayton Frank  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,615.58 GROSS PAYROLL Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,123.96 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jasmine Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,094.26 GROSS PAYROLL Case, Jonathan Ryan Addison  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,694.07 GROSS PAYROLL Caudill, Mark Robert  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$853.63 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Donna M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$903.43 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Nannette   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,214.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chandler, Neil L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Cheng, Jing   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Chun-Man   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,911.95 GROSS PAYROLL Chiu, Spencer H  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,303.07 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Collen Mat  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,892.33 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Danny Lyn  Sugar City ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,959.57 GROSS PAYROLL Christensen, Mallari Claire  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,734.45 GROSS PAYROLL Christiansen, Jennifer L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,786.95 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Brandon Charles  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$930.03 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Diana Lynne  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$905.15 GROSS PAYROLL Clark, Levi Justin  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,459.17 GROSS PAYROLL Clayson, Emery Eugene  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Clayton, Sheri C  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,952.27 GROSS PAYROLL Clements, Tamara   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$726.75 GROSS PAYROLL Clipp, Krysta Lynn  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,891.67 GROSS PAYROLL Close, Robert E  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Coates, Melissa Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,933.33 GROSS PAYROLL Coblentz, William David  Iona ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,743.25 GROSS PAYROLL Codling, Teresa Elaine  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$824.52 GROSS PAYROLL Cole, Julie Kaye  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,867.65 GROSS PAYROLL Comstock, Gary R  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,245.28 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Arica Brooke  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,781.73 GROSS PAYROLL Cook, Stefani S  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Cooley, Diana L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,968.32 GROSS PAYROLL Corbridge, Carla Dee  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,260.06 GROSS PAYROLL Cordingley, Robert G  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cordon, Karen   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$932.18 GROSS PAYROLL Couch, Mandy Darline  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,738.49 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Kevin Donlyn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,541.67 GROSS PAYROLL Cowley, Megan Denise  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,328.62 GROSS PAYROLL Cox, Robert M  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,449.85 GROSS PAYROLL Coxson, Thomas Michael  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$740.13 GROSS PAYROLL Crane, Jennifer   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,030.99 GROSS PAYROLL Crasper, David A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,186.57 GROSS PAYROLL Croft, Roger Lee  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,127.67 GROSS PAYROLL Crook, Chase Terry  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,222.57 GROSS PAYROLL Crowder, Amy Lynn  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,307.63 GROSS PAYROLL Cureton, Camille   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,575.72 GROSS PAYROLL Curnutt, Sherry Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,761.41 GROSS PAYROLL Cutler, Amy   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,698.44 GROSS PAYROLL Dahl, Shannon J  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,433.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dahlstrom, Amanda K  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,958.54 GROSS PAYROLL Daku, Lori   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Dansie, Misty D  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,516.59 GROSS PAYROLL Davie, Lisa C  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,683.26 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Katie Allred  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Davis, Rebecca M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,512.35 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Jacob Andrew  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Dawson, Rebecca   Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Day, Lisa A  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,618.40 GROSS PAYROLL Decker, Elaine G  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$865.83 GROSS PAYROLL Decoria, Galyn Dale  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Despain, Jerie Meagan  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,840.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dial, Jan M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$918.97 GROSS PAYROLL Dillon, Tiffany Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Dorman, Shauna Renee  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Doten, Timothy S  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,916.59 GROSS PAYROLL Douglas, Nathan Jay  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$669.66 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Kristy Linn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$997.08 GROSS PAYROLL Drake, Lori   Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,683.26 GROSS PAYROLL Droegemueller, Sarah Beth  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,088.80 GROSS PAYROLL Drowns, Melinda J  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$849.87 GROSS PAYROLL Dupuis, Carol Brady  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,045.23 GROSS PAYROLL Edmonds, Michelle Renee  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$619.02 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Rita Turpin  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ellis, Roger LeGrand  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,932.32 GROSS PAYROLL Erhardt, Jessica   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$940.33 GROSS PAYROLL Erickson, Christine Lee  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,078.13 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Kathleen   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$9,576.11 GROSS PAYROLL Erikson, Ryan Joseph  Sugar City ID 0 6/18/2020
$882.32 GROSS PAYROLL Escobar, Brandy L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$986.71 GROSS PAYROLL Evans, Carl D  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,020.83 GROSS PAYROLL Feik, Michael S  Ririe ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,741.59 GROSS PAYROLL Felix Ibarrola, Ofelia Lucero  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$881.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Kaycie Dawn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,010.83 GROSS PAYROLL Fenton, Tyrie LaDawn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fife, Deja Charese  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,926.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Ellen T  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,921.84 GROSS PAYROLL Fillmore, Michelle Rae  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$925.48 GROSS PAYROLL Finn, Tammy Sue  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,828.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Deon Louise  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,840.28 GROSS PAYROLL Fisher, Gary Jack  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Flowers, Aaron John  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,411.14 GROSS PAYROLL Fonnesbeck, Shelly W  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,775.00 GROSS PAYROLL Forbush, Kitty M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,013.62 GROSS PAYROLL Foster, Debbie Larene  Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fowler, Valerie Edith  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,505.27 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Darlyn Rose  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Fox, Pamela   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$11,818.37 GROSS PAYROLL Fryberger, Don Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,404.17 GROSS PAYROLL Fuchs, Stefanie Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,110.55 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,585.29 GROSS PAYROLL Fuell, Frank Jay III Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,432.32 GROSS PAYROLL Fulcher, Sonya Irene  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,578.62 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Annette Layton  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,208.33 GROSS PAYROLL Fullmer, Krystal Kelly  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$361.10 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Rachel A  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,318.14 GROSS PAYROLL Galbraith, Sandy L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,954.32 GROSS PAYROLL Gallegos, Victor Miguel  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,034.28 GROSS PAYROLL Gardner, Judy L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Garrido, Krystina Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$813.04 GROSS PAYROLL Gasser, Sheree Kay  Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.60 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Krystal Lund  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,041.66 GROSS PAYROLL Germer, Nicholas Derek  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Giles, Hannah K  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,259.99 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Julie L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,745.28 GROSS PAYROLL Gneiting, Krista Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Godding, Charlene Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,047.22 GROSS PAYROLL Godfrey, Lex Charles  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$947.74 GROSS PAYROLL Godwin, Ruth S  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Andy Javier  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Armando Gregory  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Gonzalez, Renee Teresa  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$791.23 GROSS PAYROLL Goody, Sheila Dawn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Graf, Emily Melissa  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,323.71 GROSS PAYROLL Grant, Silvina   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,760.15 GROSS PAYROLL Gray, Elaine O  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$906.94 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Dawn Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,337.40 GROSS PAYROLL Green, Jeremy B  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,344.27 GROSS PAYROLL Greenfield, Alexander R II Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,512.35 GROSS PAYROLL Greenhalgh, LaRell J  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,338.74 GROSS PAYROLL Greenwood, Benjamin Ray  Maple Valley WA 0 6/18/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Greno Perez, Olga   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,035.01 GROSS PAYROLL Gunderson, Lauren   Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Gundry, Autumn J  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,218.79 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Robert A  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,393.37 GROSS PAYROLL Hale, Roxana   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$865.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Adam B  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,890.65 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Madison Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,240.83 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, Shawn R  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$940.25 GROSS PAYROLL Hall, William D  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,352.65 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Steven A  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$980.29 GROSS PAYROLL Hamilton, Wenette   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$63.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hammer, Michelle R  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,027.69 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, AnnMarie   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,123.80 GROSS PAYROLL Hammon, Keith Edwin  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$191.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Bridgett Dot  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$921.05 GROSS PAYROLL Hampton, Jennifer D  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,469.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Dallin Dean  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$912.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Joy Diane  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$804.73 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,681.50 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Matthew I  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hancock, Ryan James  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,412.53 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Janette   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,102.95 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Trena G  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,300.75 GROSS PAYROLL Hansen, Viola Ann  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,880.36 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Aldon D  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,505.01 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, LaRae   Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,578.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hanson, Shelley Diane  Sugar City ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,469.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hardman, Michael Kay  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Harmon, Kathy A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Harris, Oaklie Rian  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$962.56 GROSS PAYROLL Hartman, Allison Michelle  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,263.76 GROSS PAYROLL Hatch, Ambrey Denise  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,862.45 GROSS PAYROLL Hayes, Kristine M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,198.44 GROSS PAYROLL Hegstrom, John Carl  Ririe ID 0 6/18/2020
$932.17 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Marcie McBride  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$500.00 GROSS PAYROLL Heiner, Scarlett   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hennefer, Elizabeth Anne  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,308.26 GROSS PAYROLL Henry, Esther K  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$804.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hepworth, Lindsey Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$990.05 GROSS PAYROLL Herndon, Bonita A  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,903.47 GROSS PAYROLL Herrick, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$678.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hess, Robyn J  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,134.19 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Kelly Piano  Henderson NV 0 6/18/2020
$4,678.62 GROSS PAYROLL Higgins, Thomas Mitchell  Henderson NV 0 6/18/2020
$3,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Carla Ann  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,013.62 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elisha   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$941.68 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Elizabeth Foster  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,012.10 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Jessica Lila  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,308.33 GROSS PAYROLL Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,483.58 GROSS PAYROLL Hinckley, Michelle Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,845.03 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Geryk D  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,424.38 GROSS PAYROLL Hively, Heather Ann  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,469.27 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Michael James  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$850.54 GROSS PAYROLL Hodges, Somer M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,807.00 GROSS PAYROLL Hollis, Jeanette Michelle  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$974.73 GROSS PAYROLL Holmes, Kathryn Julia  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,350.00 GROSS PAYROLL Holschuh, Dawn Hunter  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$592.80 GROSS PAYROLL Hook, Diane Jean  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,797.14 GROSS PAYROLL Hovis, Janessa Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Haley N  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,893.85 GROSS PAYROLL Howard, Richard C  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,641.59 GROSS PAYROLL Hsu, Erh-Fang   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,160.06 GROSS PAYROLL Hull, Mitzi Bingham  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Huml, Tiffany K  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,334.15 GROSS PAYROLL Hunt, Elizabeth Jean  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,222.23 GROSS PAYROLL Hunter, Keegan Floyd  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,531.30 GROSS PAYROLL Hurley, Megan   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,675.81 GROSS PAYROLL Hutchins, Stacey   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,027.69 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Brandi Lynn  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$849.31 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Julie Ann  Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,215.46 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Sandra   Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,381.83 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobsen, Lauren Suzanne  Ladera Ranch CA 0 6/18/2020
$863.59 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, April Jeannie Johnson  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$908.01 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Diane H  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$947.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Meranda   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,478.60 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Michael Reid  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,160.07 GROSS PAYROLL Jacobson, Randall T  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,253.18 GROSS PAYROLL Jagielski, David Brian  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,631.70 GROSS PAYROLL James, Brenda K  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$688.16 GROSS PAYROLL James, Judy   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,736.92 GROSS PAYROLL Jaynes, Levi Warren  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,609.47 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Paul J  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Rosemary   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,288.37 GROSS PAYROLL Jenkins, Tiffiny Sue  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,470.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Eric A  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$912.00 GROSS PAYROLL Jensen, Margaret Laurel  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,745.28 GROSS PAYROLL Jentzsch, Jennifer K  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,452.02 GROSS PAYROLL Jephson, Gary   Idahofalls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,979.63 GROSS PAYROLL Jeppesen, Amy Angeline  Sugar City ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,029.52 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Blaine   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,120.28 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Cathy I  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,143.17 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Darcy Kay  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$10,966.67 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Devvin Kolby  Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,740.58 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Laron R  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$637.83 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Livina Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,975.00 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Maryann Janet  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Michelle Edith  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,240.58 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Paula E  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,218.86 GROSS PAYROLL Johnson, Willard Craig  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$772.07 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Erica Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,542.33 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Jayme   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,232.30 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Melanie   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Natasha J  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,339.13 GROSS PAYROLL Jones, Terrell Justin  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$932.18 GROSS PAYROLL Juarez, Brenda   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$812.25 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, Anna Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,836.17 GROSS PAYROLL Juenke, MartyAnn   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,486.12 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Jeffrey   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,805.44 GROSS PAYROLL Keller, Kimberly T  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,786.95 GROSS PAYROLL Kelley, Casey John  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Kellmer, Amber R  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Killian, McKell Mylie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,442.07 GROSS PAYROLL Killpack, Jill   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$753.38 GROSS PAYROLL Kimber, Cheryl Turner  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,609.07 GROSS PAYROLL Kinghorn, Lannon Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,328.62 GROSS PAYROLL Kissner, Brady Joseph  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,064.04 GROSS PAYROLL Kite, Tyler Robert  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Klassen, Alisa K  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,708.31 GROSS PAYROLL Klein, Letitia   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$592.80 GROSS PAYROLL Klingler, Carolyn Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,250.00 GROSS PAYROLL Kohn, Justine Lynnette  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$932.18 GROSS PAYROLL Lam, Wai   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,828.15 GROSS PAYROLL Lancaster, Kendell   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Land, Amber Aidan  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,201.73 GROSS PAYROLL Lane, Sharianne   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,317.72 GROSS PAYROLL Lang, Elnora   Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,839.12 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Denise C Bowcutt  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Larsen, Robert M  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,958.33 GROSS PAYROLL Larson, Scott David  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$599.47 GROSS PAYROLL Later, Trudy L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,670.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lattin, Aleah Coanell  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$997.94 GROSS PAYROLL Lazalde, Monica   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,350.00 GROSS PAYROLL LeCheminant, Merinda Gentry  Declo ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,786.80 GROSS PAYROLL Lee, Cheryl J  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,367.84 GROSS PAYROLL Lemire, Katie Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$846.22 GROSS PAYROLL Lerwill, Lacee Ann  Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,949.41 GROSS PAYROLL Lewis, Branden Rees  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$318.92 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Brenda Yvonne  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Elmer D  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Lilly, Ryan Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,134.15 GROSS PAYROLL Lindsey, Susan R  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Lindstrom, Anita Ware  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,163.69 GROSS PAYROLL Lister, Kim R  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,551.66 GROSS PAYROLL Liu, Shusu   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,016.03 GROSS PAYROLL Loertscher, Janet Diane  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,923.25 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Amber C  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,614.15 GROSS PAYROLL Lords, Bryan Douglas  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$921.41 GROSS PAYROLL Lowe, Audra Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$982.32 GROSS PAYROLL Lundquist, Bonnie M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$867.68 GROSS PAYROLL Lusk, Heidi Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL MacPherson, Amber Louise  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,181.32 GROSS PAYROLL Madsen, Aimee Leigh Veronica  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,895.83 GROSS PAYROLL Malloy, Nicole Andrea  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$633.60 GROSS PAYROLL Manning, Peggy   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,083.00 GROSS PAYROLL Maples, Gary F  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Isaac D  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,278.54 GROSS PAYROLL Marble, Krystia Ryanne  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,225.38 GROSS PAYROLL Markham, Stephenie Rachel  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,307.32 GROSS PAYROLL Marley, Catrina   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,029.32 GROSS PAYROLL Marlow, Kathryn Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$17,201.17 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Chad Stuart  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$684.54 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Easton Randolph  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,317.72 GROSS PAYROLL Martin, Lori M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Mathusek, Taylor Alexandria  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL McKenna, Alvin C  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,240.10 GROSS PAYROLL McLain, Kathryn F  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,814.61 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Alissa   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$918.69 GROSS PAYROLL McMinn, Sydney Louise  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,725.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mecham, Lori Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,812.52 GROSS PAYROLL Mendoza, Hilda Lizzeth  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,785.40 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, David Daniel  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,214.13 GROSS PAYROLL Meyer, Michelle   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$619.02 GROSS PAYROLL Mickels, Carol Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,099.93 GROSS PAYROLL Mickelsen, Holly A  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,653.87 GROSS PAYROLL Miller, Rene Marie  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,388.89 GROSS PAYROLL Milner, Jay T  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$863.59 GROSS PAYROLL Misner, Kelly Louise  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Mitchell, Irene Aiwah  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,332.00 GROSS PAYROLL Moffitt, Hillerie Hanks  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$975.86 GROSS PAYROLL Monk, Angela D  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$768.40 GROSS PAYROLL Monson, Tiffany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,657.71 GROSS PAYROLL Montague, Kristen Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$993.88 GROSS PAYROLL Montgomery, Kazley Shalese  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,750.81 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Cameron Chase  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$757.30 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Jennifer Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,401.59 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Rachel Bailey  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,676.86 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Sunny Lin  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,084.75 GROSS PAYROLL Moore, Treena   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,791.67 GROSS PAYROLL Moreno, Laura Carmina  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,259.99 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Clarissa   Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$862.07 GROSS PAYROLL Morris, Lorina Fay  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,143.82 GROSS PAYROLL Mortensen, Floyd B  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,034.70 GROSS PAYROLL Mouser, Burke Lacey  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Mugleston, Martha Jill  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$10,407.73 GROSS PAYROLL Muir, Cindy   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$881.79 GROSS PAYROLL Murdock, Dale Sterling  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,398.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nassar, Katryna L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,391.67 GROSS PAYROLL Navarro, Jennifer Maria  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,400.84 GROSS PAYROLL Nef, Karla   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,045.23 GROSS PAYROLL Neitzel, Alicia   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,432.32 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Dylan James  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$799.98 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Ellie Ann  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,120.28 GROSS PAYROLL Nelson, Tina Michele  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,637.43 GROSS PAYROLL Nestman, Eileen Deborah  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,697.02 GROSS PAYROLL Nez, Careylyn   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,387.32 GROSS PAYROLL Nield, Roger O  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,887.50 GROSS PAYROLL Nielsen, Jodie Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$869.67 GROSS PAYROLL Nielson, Margaret A Aikins  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,691.51 GROSS PAYROLL Nordstrom, Nichole Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,666.67 GROSS PAYROLL Norman, Wendy Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,224.54 GROSS PAYROLL Nukaya, Jessica Dawn  Iona ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Nuttall, Jordan Michael  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,663.66 GROSS PAYROLL Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,489.79 GROSS PAYROLL Ohman, Brittany Michelle  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,215.46 GROSS PAYROLL Olaveson, Debbie S  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$965.98 GROSS PAYROLL Oler, Nicole Merideth  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$915.22 GROSS PAYROLL Oliverson, Spencer Davis  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,374.98 GROSS PAYROLL Olson, Jodi Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,401.42 GROSS PAYROLL Oram, Steven C  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$918.84 GROSS PAYROLL Orchard, Marit E  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$787.32 GROSS PAYROLL Padigimus, Elise Andrea  Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,317.72 GROSS PAYROLL Page, Connie S  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,132.16 GROSS PAYROLL Palmer, Linda Lee  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$877.16 GROSS PAYROLL Papke, Chelsea Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$9,170.56 GROSS PAYROLL Pappas, Jaeda Lynn  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,875.00 GROSS PAYROLL Parker, April Kenna  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,989.14 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Barry   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,033.19 GROSS PAYROLL Parkes, Shauna   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Parrish, James   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,985.50 GROSS PAYROLL Pauley, Monica D  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,963.53 GROSS PAYROLL Peebler, Debbie L  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,708.31 GROSS PAYROLL Perez, Kami J'lene  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,953.62 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Benjamin Tyler  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,203.62 GROSS PAYROLL Perry, Michael A  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,090.03 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Emily   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,328.62 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Katrina Pearl  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$736.82 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Kristin Belnap  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,034.04 GROSS PAYROLL Peterson, Travis Don  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,920.16 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Karey Brooke  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Phillips, Samuel Bland  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,511.87 GROSS PAYROLL Pillow, Sarah Maria  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Poehler, Michelle   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,683.26 GROSS PAYROLL Ponce Vera, Omar Alonso  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,754.47 GROSS PAYROLL Poole, Teresa G  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,278.54 GROSS PAYROLL Porter, Jason Mel  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,083.33 GROSS PAYROLL Post, Tyrell Carl  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,069.27 GROSS PAYROLL Poulter, Zina Kay  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$732.08 GROSS PAYROLL Powell, Judith Cynthia  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,467.44 GROSS PAYROLL Praeder, Lourene   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,599.45 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Barbara Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Cameron Dallas  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,653.27 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,877.34 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,264.05 GROSS PAYROLL Price, Vicki E.  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Pulsipher, Rebekah Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Quigley, Sara Nichole  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,029.20 GROSS PAYROLL Quinn, Karin   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,275.78 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Calyse   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,239.57 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Carter   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,283.06 GROSS PAYROLL Raber, Shane   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Radford, Angela   Rockland ID 0 6/18/2020
$808.34 GROSS PAYROLL Ragland, Wendy Worlton  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,263.81 GROSS PAYROLL Raines, Lynn   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,088.12 GROSS PAYROLL Ranzenberger, Tori   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,798.60 GROSS PAYROLL Rasmussen, Corbin Garret  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$711.55 GROSS PAYROLL Rawlins, Robin R  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Raymond, Barbara Ann  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,428.62 GROSS PAYROLL Rayner, Linda Nichole  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,841.67 GROSS PAYROLL Reyes, Lorena Elvira  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,870.28 GROSS PAYROLL Richardson, Jason Darwin  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Elizabeth M  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,312.88 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Mary Ann  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$933.15 GROSS PAYROLL Ricks, Trista Dawn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,901.98 GROSS PAYROLL Ridley, Bronwyn G  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$983.09 GROSS PAYROLL Rindlisbaker, Lindsey N  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,745.28 GROSS PAYROLL Ringel, Britney Lyn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,359.94 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Darwin Boyd  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Dorie M  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$60.42 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Stephanie Ila Jean  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$932.95 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Sara C  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,128.01 GROSS PAYROLL Robison, Tannis Katherine  Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,713.80 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez Madin, Maria Teresa  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,102.30 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Teresa Swiggard  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,754.16 GROSS PAYROLL Rodriguez, Veronica   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$833.63 GROSS PAYROLL Romero Lopez, Nahomi Cindel  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,458.33 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Hayden Frost  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,641.59 GROSS PAYROLL Romney, Melissa   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,372.41 GROSS PAYROLL Rooke, Angela K  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,444.76 GROSS PAYROLL Rose, Audrey Leeann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,220.00 GROSS PAYROLL Russell, Mariah Lee  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$881.79 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Cody Grant  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,675.81 GROSS PAYROLL Sadovich, Hallie Joeina  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,301.01 GROSS PAYROLL Sanders, Casey Elaine  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,348.82 GROSS PAYROLL Sargent, Stephanie   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,625.00 GROSS PAYROLL Sarmiento, Eleanor Jodie  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Saurey, Teresa Dianne  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,183.26 GROSS PAYROLL Sayer, Amanda Jo  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$9.06 GROSS PAYROLL Schaefer, Alan W  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,118.05 GROSS PAYROLL Schell, Alice H  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Schmidt, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,023.32 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Bonnie   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,417.38 GROSS PAYROLL Scholes, Keith   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$912.45 GROSS PAYROLL Scollon, Sherri Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$697.13 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Ashley Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,166.63 GROSS PAYROLL Scott, Karen Kaleen  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$753.79 GROSS PAYROLL Sears, Susan   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,206.31 GROSS PAYROLL Self, Matthew S  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$865.83 GROSS PAYROLL Sessions, Dave Reese  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,729.16 GROSS PAYROLL Seward, Monica Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,807.17 GROSS PAYROLL Sewell, Richard Whittaker  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,095.94 GROSS PAYROLL Sharp, Jennifer B  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$888.01 GROSS PAYROLL Shelton, Marjorie Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Sherrod, Kimberly G  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,230.25 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Kaly Gillette  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,639.71 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Sherrie Lynn  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$9,620.92 GROSS PAYROLL Shippen, Troy   Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$872.90 GROSS PAYROLL Sievers, Leisha Mae  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,765.25 GROSS PAYROLL Simmons, Sherry L  Ririe ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Eric Thompson  Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$876.47 GROSS PAYROLL Skidmore, Rhonda L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$884.75 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Aarin   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Carsen Marae  Cheyenne WY 0 6/18/2020
$1,065.98 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Cindy L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,338.00 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kara   Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,134.15 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Kimberli D  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Marilynn   Ucon ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,239.34 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Megan Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,283.60 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Prudence Joy  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$717.06 GROSS PAYROLL Smith, Teri L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$863.98 GROSS PAYROLL Solis-Rodriguez, Celeste   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Sondrup, Brock James  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$838.24 GROSS PAYROLL Soria, Karla Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,725.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Anne Southwick  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,734.00 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, Clyde R  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$9,269.88 GROSS PAYROLL Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,183.78 GROSS PAYROLL Spain, Tiffany L  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,241.59 GROSS PAYROLL Staker, Robin Judy  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$881.79 GROSS PAYROLL Statham, Max G  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,616.14 GROSS PAYROLL Stewart, Karen   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,925.74 GROSS PAYROLL Stirling, Cheri   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,983.95 GROSS PAYROLL Stock, Kylie Lue  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,558.26 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Andrea Taylor  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,141.59 GROSS PAYROLL Stoddard, Brenda K  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,109.29 GROSS PAYROLL Stokes, Kimberly Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$816.50 GROSS PAYROLL Stone, Jennifer Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,888.04 GROSS PAYROLL Stotts, Grayson Taylor  San Marcos CA 0 6/18/2020
$3,741.66 GROSS PAYROLL Straatman, Jennifer R  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,278.54 GROSS PAYROLL Stradling, Bridget Jane  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$991.08 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Christie M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$792.85 GROSS PAYROLL Stringham, Jenny Sue  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$525.84 GROSS PAYROLL Stucki, Andrea Joyce  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$932.18 GROSS PAYROLL Stutz, Kathryn Ann  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,578.62 GROSS PAYROLL Surerus, Shannon Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Sykes, Edna Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$929.61 GROSS PAYROLL Talbot, Tori   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,573.44 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sarah Ann  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,673.69 GROSS PAYROLL Taulanga, Sione T  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Tavoian, Shantel   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,615.58 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Audrey Iris  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$282.07 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Candace M  Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$799.98 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Cassy Jo  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$597.55 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Debbie   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$9,416.67 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Gail   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,583.33 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Helene Rose  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,133.60 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Kathryn Jill  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Matthew Paul  Rexburg, ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Taylor, Melissa   Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,264.29 GROSS PAYROLL Tea, Denice H  Lewisville ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,591.67 GROSS PAYROLL Theobald, Julie Ann  Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,271.56 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Diana Lynne  Sugar City ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,341.93 GROSS PAYROLL Thomas, Kerry J.  Ririe ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,433.26 GROSS PAYROLL Thomason, Allison K  Sugar City ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,681.12 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Jozlyn   Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$707.68 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Kaley   Ammon ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,970.21 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lindsey A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$904.96 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lori Anne  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,166.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Lyle J  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Thompson, Shea-Alison R  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,796.95 GROSS PAYROLL Thomson, Laurie Ann  Ucon ID 0 6/18/2020
$10,943.78 GROSS PAYROLL Thornton, Dawn Exeter  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,601.57 GROSS PAYROLL Thueson, Nichole K  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,593.50 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Debra   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,323.44 GROSS PAYROLL Tonks, Melissa A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,181.30 GROSS PAYROLL Torres, Susan   Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,191.67 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Lori A  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,036.95 GROSS PAYROLL Troyer, Richard Alan  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,692.42 GROSS PAYROLL Trude, Yvonne Michele  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$948.44 GROSS PAYROLL Tuckett, Hillary Ellen  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$982.68 GROSS PAYROLL Tuft, Neville M  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,893.45 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Brenda L  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$821.03 GROSS PAYROLL Turner, Rayna May  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,661.95 GROSS PAYROLL Tyler, Shalaina   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$923.29 GROSS PAYROLL Valdez, Luis Benito  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$926.95 GROSS PAYROLL Valentine, Carlee Rose  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$897.18 GROSS PAYROLL Vance, JoLyn Goodwin  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$753.40 GROSS PAYROLL VanLeuven, Krystal   Roberts ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,046.07 GROSS PAYROLL Vargas Duarte, Ana C  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,582.27 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Iran   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,143.05 GROSS PAYROLL Vazquez, Jose   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,259.31 GROSS PAYROLL Vega, Cindy   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,176.26 GROSS PAYROLL Villegas, Sandra Azucena  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$748.13 GROSS PAYROLL Virgin, Crystal   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wade, Melanie Baxter  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,475.00 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Angel S  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,043.76 GROSS PAYROLL Wadsworth, Zackery Dean  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,916.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wahlen, Jessica B  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,062.64 GROSS PAYROLL Wallace, Kathy A  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$975.93 GROSS PAYROLL Walton, Nichole   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,033.26 GROSS PAYROLL Wang, Yuqiao   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Ward, Keri Ray  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,782.24 GROSS PAYROLL Warner, Kaye Lynn  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,328.62 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Courtney Michele  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,966.80 GROSS PAYROLL Weaver, Heidi   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,485.93 GROSS PAYROLL Webb, Shayla Suzanne  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,000.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Heidi C  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,375.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Jessica H  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,407.00 GROSS PAYROLL Webster, Justin Brent  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,533.26 GROSS PAYROLL Weekes, Nichole Michele  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$744.31 GROSS PAYROLL Weeks, Marjorie Louise  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$833.63 GROSS PAYROLL Weight, Kassie Lynne  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,347.63 GROSS PAYROLL Wellwood, Scott Anthony  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,174.85 GROSS PAYROLL West, Charles J  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$864.41 GROSS PAYROLL West, Tayler Nicole  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,224.93 GROSS PAYROLL Whitcomb-Paulson, Samuel C  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,290.98 GROSS PAYROLL White, David Raymond Jr Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,708.33 GROSS PAYROLL White, Glenda K  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$757.30 GROSS PAYROLL Wigginton, Kristina Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,925.81 GROSS PAYROLL Wilde, Marianne   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$485.45 GROSS PAYROLL Willey, Shontay Loraine  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,750.00 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Brittany Anne  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$7,254.87 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Daniel R  Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,421.44 GROSS PAYROLL Williams, Dylan Amos  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,879.19 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, James L  Menan ID 0 6/18/2020
$8,895.28 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Rachael C  Ririe ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,198.44 GROSS PAYROLL Wilson, Trina   St Anthony ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,370.21 GROSS PAYROLL Winters, Sara C  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,291.67 GROSS PAYROLL Wolfe, Cinde H  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,833.33 GROSS PAYROLL Wood, Cindy   Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,653.56 GROSS PAYROLL Woods, Suzanne P  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,726.64 GROSS PAYROLL Wright, Kathi Louise  Ashton ID 0 6/18/2020
$958.81 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jamie Marie  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,765.75 GROSS PAYROLL Young, Jodie Noel  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$650.11 GROSS PAYROLL Zagula, Kelley S  Rigby ID 0 6/18/2020
$3,037.87 GROSS PAYROLL Zhang, Zhiyuan   Pocatello ID 0 6/18/2020
$5,311.73 GROSS PAYROLL Zollinger, Todd Jacob  Idaho Falls ID 0 6/18/2020
$4,041.67 GROSS PAYROLL Zou, Lingpei   Rexburg ID 0 6/18/2020
$6,182.88 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, Carla W  Sugar City ID 0 6/18/2020
$2,877.94 GROSS PAYROLL Zundel, L Scott  Sugar City ID 0 6/18/2020
$1,478.40 GROSS PAYROLL Berrett, Britton Jeremie  Roberts ID 61429 6/18/2020
$1,220.60 GROSS PAYROLL Campbell, Kaden Dallas  Menan ID 61430 6/18/2020
$420.93 GROSS PAYROLL Timm, Erica   Rigby ID 61431 6/18/2020
$144.85 GROSS PAYROLL Devine, Marilyn R  Rigby ID 61432 6/18/2020
$4,791.66 GROSS PAYROLL Owens, Leann M  Idaho Falls ID 61433 6/18/2020
$456.88 GROSS PAYROLL Packer, Elaine G  Rigby ID 61434 6/18/2020
$2,402.74 GROSS PAYROLL Jackson, Margo   Roberts ID 61435 6/18/2020
$738.93 GROSS PAYROLL Robertson, Chasta Lyn  Rigby ID 61436 6/18/2020
$1,601.29 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, Aaron Edward  Menan ID 61437 6/18/2020
$1,476.21 GROSS PAYROLL Ryan, ShaRae L  Menan ID 61438 6/18/2020
MedExpReimb6.18.2020 $1,617.12 Buy-Down Insurance Bowden, Karlene RIGBY ID 90699 6/22/2020
MedExpReimb6.18.2020 $161.83 Buy-Down Insurance Christensen, Danny Sugar City ID 90700 6/22/2020
MedExpReimb6.18.2020 $1,112.45 Buy-Down Insurance Hill, Krista Kay  Rigby ID 90701 6/22/2020
MedExpReimb6.18.2020 $545.90 Buy-Down Insurance Price, Sabrina Gardner  Rigby ID 90702 6/22/2020
MedExpReimb6.18.2020 $25.66 Buy-Down Insurance Southwick, M Michele  Rexburg ID 90703 6/22/2020
MedExpReimb6.18.2020 $151.44 Buy-Down Insurance Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 90704 6/22/2020
23-2020 $795.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486764 6/22/2020
25-2020 $30.00 Supplies & Materials BYINGTON, TENILLE RIGBY ID 1486764 6/22/2020
369180 $520.71 Supplies & Materials RYDIN DECAL ELK GROVE VILLAGE IL 1486766 6/22/2020
5-22-20 $2,500.00 Supplies & Materials EPIC Productions Heber City UT 1486765 6/22/2020
6-22-20 $192.00 Supplies & Materials APPLE ATHLETIC IDAHO FALLS ID 1486763 6/22/2020
6-22-20 $378.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486768 6/22/2020
6-8-20 $31.96 Supplies & Materials Sams Club Atlanta GA 1486767 6/22/2020
7299167 $81.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges TIAA Bank Denver CO 90709 6/23/2020
FCCLA Travel -($261.00) CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Tavoian, Shantel Idaho Falls ID 90707 6/23/2020
FCCLA Travel $261.00 CTE Travel Family & Consumer Sciences Tavoian, Shantel Idaho Falls ID 90707 6/23/2020
FCCLA Travel -($261.00) CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Wahlen, Jessica Rigby ID 90708 6/23/2020
FCCLA Travel $261.00 CTE Travel Food Production, Mgmt, Service Wahlen, Jessica Rigby ID 90708 6/23/2020
SupplyReimb $834.01 General Supplies & Materials Carter, Janet Lee  Idaho Falls ID 90706 6/23/2020
6-23-20 $300.00 Supplies & Materials MADISON HIGH SCHOOL REXBURG ID 1486770 6/23/2020
6-23-20 $750.00 Supplies & Materials RIRIE HIGH SCHOOL RIRIE ID 1486769 6/23/2020
6-23-20 $420.00 Supplies & Materials SKYLINE HIGH SCHOOL IDAHO FALLS ID 1486771 6/23/2020
MedExpReimb6.26.2020 $1,933.48 Buy-Down Insurance Fuell, Frank J Jr Idaho Falls ID 90711 6/29/2020
MedExpReimb6.26.2020 $151.61 Buy-Down Insurance Oberhansley, Susanna Grace  Rexburg ID 90712 6/29/2020
MedExpReimb6.26.2020 $1,062.99 Buy-Down Insurance Perez, Olga Greno Rigby ID 90713 6/29/2020
MedExpReimb6.26.2020 $1,619.22 Buy-Down Insurance Ricks, Lori Lovina  Rigby ID 90714 6/29/2020
MedExpReimb6.26.2020 $807.59 Buy-Down Insurance Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 90715 6/29/2020
MedExpReimb6.26.2020 $89.36 Buy-Down Insurance Zundel, Carla Sugar City ID 90716 6/29/2020
MileageReimbFeb-Jun $27.75 In District Mileage Reimbursement Thompson, Jozlyn Ammon ID 90710 6/29/2020
00869-15 $1,105,583.30 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90727 6/30/2020
00881-14 $399,470.32 Building Construction-Midway Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90727 6/30/2020
0620-1412 $19,800.00 SPFF Non Student Occupied Picture Perfect Playgrounds Ashton ID 90751 6/30/2020
10 $478.50 Purchased Services Sarah Dean Rigby ID 90757 6/30/2020
1025903 $54,063.36 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 90731 6/30/2020
1026098 $98.76 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Caxton Printers Ltd. CALDWELL ID 90731 6/30/2020
11849978 $1,789.49 Supplies and Materials Central Restaurant Products Indianapolis IN 90732 6/30/2020
1231 $5,525.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary JC Holdings LLC Idaho Falls ID 90739 6/30/2020
14 9000.00 $9,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90748 6/30/2020
1404 $6,764.00 SPFF Non Student Occupied Picture Perfect Playgrounds Ashton ID 90751 6/30/2020
1405 $445.00 SPFF Non Student Occupied Picture Perfect Playgrounds Ashton ID 90751 6/30/2020
15 July 6 $6,000.00 Building Construction-Midway NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90748 6/30/2020
15 July 6 HE $9,000.00 Building Construction-Harwood NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90748 6/30/2020
16 $14,500.00 Building Construction-Cottonwood Elementary NBW Architects P.A. IDAHO FALLS ID 90748 6/30/2020
200093 $23,912.00 Supplies & Materials Recreation Today of Idaho, LLC Nampa ID 90752 6/30/2020
200093 $250.00 Playground EF Supplies Recreation Today of Idaho, LLC Nampa ID 90752 6/30/2020
200093 $400.00 Specific Needs Campaign Ed Foundation Recreation Today of Idaho, LLC Nampa ID 90752 6/30/2020
2001445 $19,561.50 Emerg Levy Secondary Textbooks CPM Educational Program Elk Grove CA 90733 6/30/2020
20209291 $5,604.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Rocky Mountain Boiler, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90755 6/30/2020
2038 $375.00 Non Reim Transportation Supplies RSL Compliance Testing Services L.L.C. Rigby ID 90756 6/30/2020
20601963 $280.82 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90759 6/30/2020
20627538 $1,700.30 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90759 6/30/2020
20641598 $881.65 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90759 6/30/2020
20641599 $22.85 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90759 6/30/2020
20641600 $137.15 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90759 6/30/2020
20641601 $472.62 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90759 6/30/2020
20655019 $1,195.88 Food Shamrock Foods Company Seattle WA 90759 6/30/2020
21714 $312.38 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90761 6/30/2020
21771 6.19.2020 $267.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90761 6/30/2020
21794 $160.00 Purchased Services Thurgood Mechanical Service, Inc. Rigby ID 90761 6/30/2020
236529 $17,038.58 Emergency Levy-Farnsworth Music Piano Gallery Idaho Falls ID 90750 6/30/2020
24658558 $233.79 Travel Expenses EAN Services, LLC Atlanta GA 90736 6/30/2020
252276 $72.00 Custodial Supplies Yellowstone Clothing Rigby ID 90764 6/30/2020
27325710 $105.00 ECC Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90738 6/30/2020
297448 $3,172.00 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Mountain West, LLC MIssoula MT 90746 6/30/2020
492061169 $3,180.32 Telephone Granite Telecommunication Boston MA 90737 6/30/2020
5399803 31808.28 Licenses Softchoice Chicago IL 90760 6/30/2020
5405559 3339.6 Licenses Softchoice Chicago IL 90760 6/30/2020
5597 $985.00 Maintenance Services Rigby Middle School Valley Rooter Drain Service Rigby ID 90763 6/30/2020
65506 $255.00 Vendor Services MSBT Law Boise ID 90747 6/30/2020
65512 $200.00 Vendor Services MSBT Law Boise ID 90747 6/30/2020
701 $300.00 Technology-Cottonwood Kenn West Spanish Fork UT 90740 6/30/2020
701 $300.00 Technology-Midway Kenn West Spanish Fork UT 90740 6/30/2020
701 $300.00 Technology-Harwood Kenn West Spanish Fork UT 90740 6/30/2020
702 $783.33 Technology-Cottonwood Kenn West Spanish Fork UT 90740 6/30/2020
702 $783.33 Technology-Midway Kenn West Spanish Fork UT 90740 6/30/2020
702 $783.34 Technology-Harwood Kenn West Spanish Fork UT 90740 6/30/2020
7249494 $2,252.14 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90749 6/30/2020
7255668 $3,006.01 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90749 6/30/2020
7261953 $1,441.28 Food Nicholas & Co. Inc. SALT LAKE CITY UT 90749 6/30/2020
869130 $27.00 District Office Supplies Memories Custom Engraving Rigby ID 90744 6/30/2020
882-13 $264,159.96 Building Construction-Harwood Bateman-Hall, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90727 6/30/2020
89415306850 $110.60 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90728 6/30/2020
89415306854 $42.00 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90728 6/30/2020
89415306862 $135.36 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90728 6/30/2020
89415306874 $99.40 Food Bimbo Bakeries USA Bosgon MA 90728 6/30/2020
900054295 $502.50 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Carrier Corporation Chicago IL 90730 6/30/2020
AR858029 $4,200.00 Supplies & Materials Valley Office Systems IDAHO FALLS ID 90762 6/30/2020
DecodedReadables $544.96 Literacy Supplies Midway Elementary MENAN ID 90745 6/30/2020
H002486-2020 $125.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Division of Building Safety Meridian ID 90735 6/30/2020
ID0620-2769 $27,627.55 SPFF Non Student Occupied Lucky Dog Recreation Ashton ID 90742 6/30/2020
InvChrg/CreditClear $3.47 Maintenance Supplies Scotty's True Value Rigby ID 90758 6/30/2020
JEFtoRHSChoir $14,205.55 Choir EF Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90753 6/30/2020
June 2020 $191,971.81 Fiber Direct Communications Rockland ID 90734 6/30/2020
June 2020 $82,663.52 Land Improvements-Fiber Direct Communications Rockland ID 90734 6/30/2020
June 2020 $10,000.00 Business Services McKinsey Management Services, Inc. Idaho Falls ID 90743 6/30/2020
L37202 $30.00 WLIP EF budget only Language Testing International, Inc White Plains NY 90741 6/30/2020
M000663-2020 $100.00 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Division of Building Safety Meridian ID 90735 6/30/2020
PineBasin Rental 200 District Prof Dev Supplies Bonneville School District #93 Idaho Falls ID 90729 6/30/2020
RHS Gaming Reimb $764.04 Video Game Club Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90753 6/30/2020
RHSFootball $13,157.87 General Supplies Rigby High School RIGBY ID 90753 6/30/2020
SS200601 $18,263.00 Software Support Right Reponse LLC Rochester Hills MI 90754 6/30/2020
27279118 $89.00 Copier Leases Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90725 7/6/2020
27279119 $99.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Great America Financial Services Dallas TX 90725 7/6/2020
Tool Reimb 2019-2020 ($600.00) Mechanic Tools 85 Jephson Gary Roberts ID 90721 7/6/2020
Tool Reimb 2019-2020 $600.00 Mechanic Tools 85 Jephson, Gary Roberts ID 90721 7/6/2020
691071 $361.86 Purchased Services Rocknaks Hardware IDAHO FALLS ID 57166368 7/6/2020
INV0002 $570.00 Purchased Services Jessica Gallup Pocatello ID 57166366 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $16.13 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $27.74 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $101.58 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $27.76 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $1.51 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $10.75 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $5.66 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $3.96 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $0.57 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $1.42 Purchased Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
June 20 - Sales Tax $4.81 Purchases Services Jefferson School District 251 Rigby  ID 57166365 7/6/2020
Overpayment Refund $10.00 Purchased Services Mark Heppler Rigby ID 57166367 7/6/2020
6/30/2020 1 $54.95 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 10 $38.11 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 100 $102.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 101 $31.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 102 $132.50 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 103 $76.32 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 104 $27.27 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 105 $27.27 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 106 $28.49 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 107 $18.02 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 108 $63.60 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 109 $163.56 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 11 $26.86 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 110 $89.04 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 111 $53.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 112 $777.08 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 113 $379.43 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 114 $245.00 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 115 $55.56 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 116 $53.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 117 $465.03 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 118 $51.98 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 119 $749.07 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 12 $10.58 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 120 $455.32 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 121 $285.82 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 122 $66.80 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 123 $123.98 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 124 $20.38 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 125 $18.33 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 126 $3,499.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 127 $220.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 128 $1,295.17 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 129 $2,541.80 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 13 $1,224.00 Furnishing/Equipment Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 130 $238.67 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 131 $53.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 132 $3.79 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 133 $20.14 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 134 $126.38 Equipment Rental Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 135 $469.58 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 136 $2.35 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 137 $0.39 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 138 $72.85 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 139 $74.73 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 14 $10.09 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 140 $268.40 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 141 $570.64 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 142 $2.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 143 $0.48 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 144 $83.46 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 145 $91.25 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 146 $330.92 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 147 $144.14 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 148 $38.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 149 $18.02 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 15 $45.08 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 150 $79.50 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 151 $156.95 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 152 $0.39 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 153 $14.54 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 154 $1.91 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 155 $3.59 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 156 $25.07 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 157 $48.66 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 158 $169.42 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 159 $1,165.95 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 16 $26.50 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 160 $815.28 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 161 $58.73 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 162 $94.92 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 163 $35.12 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 164 $13.77 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 165 $16.81 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 166 $901.60 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 167 $474.00 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 168 $691.25 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 169 $52.97 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 17 $3.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 170 $660.05 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 171 $20.99 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 172 $53.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 173 $177.36 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 174 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 175 $27.69 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 176 $4.14 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 177 $86.14 Girls Softball EF Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 178 $42.38 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 179 $183.31 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 18 $53.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 180 $11.78 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 181 $19.38 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 182 $59.44 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 183 $28.94 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 184 $664.64 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 185 $216.29 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 186 $985.49 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 187 $480.64 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 188 $499.27 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 189 $200.00 IQPS CTE Supplies Godfrey Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 19 $118.82 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 190 ($88.82) Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 191 $897.57 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 192 $11.28 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 193 $46.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 194 $88.82 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 195 $310.50 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 196 $541.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 197 $84.85 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 198 $18,117.50 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 199 $125.55 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 2 $79.23 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 20 $299.95 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 200 $55.65 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 201 $18,463.65 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 202 $6,154.55 Sec Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 203 ($88.82) Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 204 $1,656.00 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 205 $22.26 Tennis Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 206 $1,030.40 Water Sewer Garbage Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 207 $1,392.13 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 208 $4.28 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 209 $55.98 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 21 $116.04 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 210 $395.73 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 211 $450.80 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 212 $7.38 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 213 $426.80 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 214 $928.00 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 215 $367.00 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 216 ($4,176.48) Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 217 $19.51 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 218 $13.00 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 219 $17.50 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 22 $71.88 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 220 $1,865.39 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 221 $15.79 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 222 $152.95 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 223 ($189.84) Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 224 ($19.74) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 225 $22.17 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 226 $17.91 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 227 $1,189.73 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 228 $212.82 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 229 $160.00 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 23 $25.49 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 230 $12.74 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 231 $932.76 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 232 $179.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 233 $179.96 Technology-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 234 $89.98 Technology-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 235 $45.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 236 $4,746.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 237 $25.43 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 238 $15.98 New Weightroom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 239 ($189.84) Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 24 $143.99 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 240 $17.94 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 241 ($179.60) Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 242 $32.57 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 243 $53.04 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 244 $57.25 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 245 $54.68 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 246 $13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 247 $81.60 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 248 $32.03 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 249 $243.80 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 25 $932.78 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 250 $511.18 Band Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 251 $250.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 252 ($179.60) Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 253 ($179.60) Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 254 $1,115.98 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 255 $96.92 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 256 $48.89 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 257 $4.29 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 258 $56.98 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 259 $78.95 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 26 $11.83 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 260 $21.58 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 261 $25.24 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 262 $35.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 263 $137.08 English 7th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 264 $8,364.30 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 265 $140.72 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 266 $22.25 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 267 ($240.80) Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 268 $16.33 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 269 ($240.80) Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 27 $15.81 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 270 ($91.68) CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 271 $7.16 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 272 $149.35 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 273 ($179.60) Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 274 $44.00 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 275 $28.51 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 276 $22.95 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 277 $19.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 278 ($179.60) Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 279 $411.97 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 28 $17.48 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 280 $139.34 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 281 $1,416.60 Professional Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 282 $91.68 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 283 $237.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 284 $301.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 285 $11.38 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 286 $64.86 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 287 $871.73 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 288 $130.48 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 289 $37.66 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 29 $26.50 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 290 $674.03 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 291 $22.14 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 292 $103.50 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 293 $6,374.59 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 294 $298.18 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 295 $18.20 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 296 $451.77 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 297 $113.74 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 298 $66.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 299 $14,924.00 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 3 $5.47 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 30 $19.00 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 300 $124.84 Computer Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 301 $48.92 Coding Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 302 $457.25 Grounds Supplies Farnsworth Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 303 $27.05 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 304 $243.37 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 305 $40.22 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 306 $1,480.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 307 $153.85 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 308 $78.84 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 309 $14.93 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 31 $131.44 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 310 $338.02 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 311 $25.05 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 312 $45.50 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 313 -($273.54) Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 314 $10.49 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 315 $107.01 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 316 $26.17 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 317 $3.64 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 318 $85.38 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 319 $450.00 District Office Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 32 $91.33 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 320 -($50.28) Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 321 $80.42 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 322 $452.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 323 $90.84 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 324 $4.23 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 325 $100.74 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 326 $6.95 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 327 $62.55 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 328 $747.24 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 329 $249.08 WLIP EF budget only Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 33 $383.20 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 330 $39.50 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 331 $255.12 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 332 $71.72 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 333 $30.32 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 334 $193.49 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 335 $37.90 Grounds Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 336 $15.18 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 337 $68.65 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 338 $190.84 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 339 $96.07 Bill To Debate Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 34 $199.85 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 340 394.86 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 341 59.61 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 342 $28.80 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 343 $43.44 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 344 $9.53 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 345 $3.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 346 $133.38 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 347 $31.72 Cross Country Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 348 $331.67 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 349 $99.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 35 $6.34 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 350 $1,225.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 351 $1,034.42 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 352 $64.00 Teacher Appreciation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 353 $14.03 CTE Supplies Food Production, Mgmt, Service Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 354 $33.28 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 355 $22.66 Maintenance Supplies Harwood Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 356 $27.97 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 357 $100.00 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 358 $11.98 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 359 $100.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 36 $36.65 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 360 $6.49 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 361 $10.49 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 362 $11.97 White, Glenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 363 $661.88 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 364 $340.22 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 365 $28.46 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 366 $86.48 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 367 $32.99 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 368 $48.67 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 369 $11.32 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 37 $26.50 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 370 $28.71 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 371 $50.87 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 372 $45.55 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 373 $14.60 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 374 $1.37 Bill To Auto Tech/Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 375 $120.59 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 376 $330.57 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 377 $806.72 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 378 $142.13 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 379 $157.96 Copier Leases Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 38 $250.31 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 380 $235.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 381 $266.30 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 382 $36.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 383 $104.99 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 384 $255.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 385 $61.05 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 386 ($239.98) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 387 $107.28 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 388 $197.76 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 389 $8.67 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 39 $30.43 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 390 $1,532.55 Telephone Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 391 $159.20 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 392 $78.33 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 393 $39.20 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 394 $166.88 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 395 $144.15 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 396 $58.02 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 397 $59.22 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 398 $529.80 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 399 $2.44 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 4 $63.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 40 $18.24 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 400 $0.41 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 401 $26.39 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 402 $277.34 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 403 $75.28 Copier/Lease Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 404 $100.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 405 $73.00 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 406 $0.34 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 407 $61.04 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 408 $33.31 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 409 $8.87 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 41 $7.42 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 410 $802.98 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 411 $404.72 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 412 $261.33 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 413 $59.43 Transportation Copier Costs Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 414 $4.28 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 415 $55.98 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 416 109.96 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 417 0.97 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 418 4.17 Facility Supply/Maintenance Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 419 $15.13 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 42 $5.30 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 420 $249.60 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 421 $71.07 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 422 $4.10 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 423 $31.27 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 424 $1.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 425 $22.87 Copier Lease/Copier charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 426 -($48.95) Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 427 $32.85 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 428 $3.99 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 429 $71.24 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 43 $2,240.37 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 430 $10.48 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 431 -($1,267.85) Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 432 $66.40 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 433 $88.53 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 434 $10.25 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 435 $3.64 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 436 $27.73 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 437 $15.60 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 438 $1,503.13 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 439 $6.31 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 44 -($2,445.00) Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 440 $285.76 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 441 $63.54 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 442 $95.73 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 443 $8.36 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 444 $183.00 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 445 $70.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 446 $52.96 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 447 $6.02 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 448 $15.85 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 449 $30.66 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 45 $539.94 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 450 -($222.75) Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 451 $27.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 452 $29.99 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 453 $127.17 Football Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 454 $93.32 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 455 $601.32 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 456 $44.71 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 457 $20.18 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 458 $207.43 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 459 $15.67 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 46 $179.98 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 460 $78.33 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 461 -($25.98) Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 462 $370.31 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 463 $2,431.20 Furnishing/Equipment-Harwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 464 $261.75 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 465 $12.96 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 466 $5.29 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 467 $52.21 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 468 $35.91 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 469 $20.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 47 $359.96 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 470 $10.12 CTE Supplies Family & Consumer Sciences Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 471 $82.00 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 472 $11.94 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 473 $63.36 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 474 $96.09 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 475 $10.49 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 476 $70.66 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 477 $67.36 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 478 $225.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 479 $67.02 District Prof Dev Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 48 $29.53 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 480 $95.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 481 $75.53 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 482 $23.90 Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 483 $29.66 White, Glenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 484 $22.33 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 485 $35.64 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 486 $146.20 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 487 $50.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 488 $81.35 Math Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 489 $46.87 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 49 $53.49 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 490 $278.33 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 491 $39.97 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 492 $120.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 493 $22.21 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 494 $248.00 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 495 $59.39 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 496 $27.54 White, Glenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 497 $187.31 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 498 $130.06 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 499 $20,000.00 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 5 $53.86 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 50 $228.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 500 $9,864.00 Title I Supplies (no food) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 501 $42.99 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 502 $58.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 503 $31.58 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 504 $321.49 Copier Lease/Copy Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 505 $29.12 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 506 $380.00 HQT, Praxis, Literacy Support Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 507 $118.00 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 508 $50.28 Professional Development Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 509 $22.83 Cheerleading Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 51 $34.90 Space Camp-Jeremy Green Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 510 $397.49 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 511 $29.67 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 512 $400.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 513 $61.84 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 514 $61.02 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 515 $15.89 White, Glenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 516 $10.77 Maintenance Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 517 $9.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 518 $518.27 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 519 $10.84 White, Glenda Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 52 $284.95 COVID 19 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 520 $764.34 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 521 $12.72 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 522 -($549.00) Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 523 -($1.00) Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 524 $7.79 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 525 $12.47 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 526 $317.94 Chinese Immersion (Hanban Savings) Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 527 $18.18 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 528 $16.29 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 529 $315.51 Outdoor Skills Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 53 $1,267.76 IQPS CTE Supplies Hale Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 530 $740.98 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 531 $4.76 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 532 $48.75 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 533 $2,189.03 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 534 $75.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 535 $113.45 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 536 $54.04 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 537 $6.88 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 538 $28.22 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 539 $13.77 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 54 $98.67 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 540 $39.26 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 541 $0.41 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 542 $13.95 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 543 $35.85 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 544 $5.98 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 545 $1.00 Auditorium Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 546 $47.65 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 547 $42.77 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 548 $100.64 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 549 -($26.50) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 55 $154.23 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 550 $99.30 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 551 $9.04 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 552 $277.40 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 553 $549.00 Auditorium Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 554 $3,395.10 Maintenance Services Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 555 $36.71 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 556 $33.45 Peterson, Emily Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 557 $13.75 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 558 $3,461.45 Non Student Occ Bldgs Maint Serv Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 559 $11.07 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 56 $393.16 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 560 $13.77 Family & Consumer Science Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 561 $1,280.65 Drama-Afterschool Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 562 $26.96 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 563 $104.23 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 564 $1,579.00 General Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 565 $1,579.00 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 566 $21.73 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 567 $744.75 Perkins Supplies Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 568 $18.85 Office & Training Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 569 $70.60 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 57 $21.18 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 570 $76.43 Bill to School JES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 571 $300.00 Jefferson Trust Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 572 $952.00 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 573 $500.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 574 $381.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 575 $14.99 Pillow, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 576 $122.89 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 577 $506.40 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 578 $71.00 CNA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 579 $53.98 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 58 $196.36 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 580 $86.00 Bill To Vo Agriculture Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 581 $42.38 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 582 $335.00 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 583 $32.85 Custodial Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 584 $24.16 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 585 -($12.24) Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 586 $4.07 Non Reim Transportation Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 587 $53.43 Contracted Repairs/Maint 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 588 $9.84 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 589 $5,527.72 Furnishing/Equipment Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 59 $9.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 590 $16.47 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 591 $13.43 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 592 $167.08 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 593 $12.93 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 594 $82.90 AG Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 595 $46.00 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 596 $291.25 Pillow, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 597 $110.56 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 598 $3.08 Maintenance Supplies Farnsworth Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 599 $19.41 Furnishing/Equipment Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 6 $11.67 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 60 $33.39 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 600 $239.70 Curriculum Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 601 $22.02 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 602 $49.95 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 603 $420.91 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 604 $37.75 Bill To Band Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 605 -($216.06) Holschuh, Dawn Ed Foundation Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 606 $136.74 Library Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 607 $208.76 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 608 $268.27 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 609 $8,690.20 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 61 $742.50 Elem Curriculum Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 610 $160.00 Coding Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 611 $111.92 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 612 $114.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 613 $137.64 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 614 $1,567.45 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 615 $34.92 Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 616 $73.78 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 617 $39.98 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 618 $550.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 619 -($157.41) Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 62 $247.50 WLIP EF budget only Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 620 $72.00 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 621 $1,100.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 622 $67.81 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 623 $7.70 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 624 $57.96 English 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 625 $9,864.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 626 $22.00 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 627 $96.29 Math 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 628 $9.48 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 629 $83.55 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 63 $65.42 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 630 $31.17 Grounds Supplies Harwood Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 631 $29.28 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 632 $35.92 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 633 $9.78 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 634 $10.60 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 635 $33.26 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 636 $59.55 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 637 $83.90 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 638 $8.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 639 $149.00 Bill To FFA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 64 $52.82 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 640 $160.00 Coding Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 641 $26.48 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 642 $131.10 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 643 $158.98 Robotics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 644 $77.34 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 645 $117.71 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 646 $6.40 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 647 $66.39 Classroom Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 648 $82.97 Bill To Biology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 649 $45.17 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 65 $42.74 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 650 $87.37 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 651 $16.45 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 652 $375.56 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 653 $204.72 Grounds Supplies Rigby High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 654 $94.63 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 655 $28.11 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 656 $349.59 Paper/Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 657 $52.00 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 658 $216.99 Bill to School RMS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 659 $110.96 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 66 $1,952.16 Technology-Cottonwood Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 660 $5.99 Pillow, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 661 $113.97 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 662 $73.44 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 663 200.13 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 664 92.22 District Prof Dev Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 665 10.79 Pillow, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 666 198.2 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 667 28.61 Math 6th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 668 4187.63 Purchased Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 669 1.94 Bill To Art/Ceramics/Photo Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 67 1537.5 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 670 7.51 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 671 91.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 672 14.3 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 673 93.11 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 674 6.33 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 675 265.95 Custodial Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 676 112.49 Custodial Supplies Roberts Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 677 112.49 Custodial Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 678 55 Postage Charges Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 679 42.69 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 68 16.58 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 680 $25.00 Security Monitoring Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 681 $19.66 Grounds Supplies Jefferson Elem Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 682 $228.45 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 683 $311.36 Bill To House/Construction Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 684 $12,451.80 Bill To Yearbook Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 685 $155.99 Furnishing/Equipment-Midway Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 686 $683.30 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 687 $12,500.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 688 $3,100.00 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 689 40.93 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 69 $28.87 Maintenance Supplies Rigby High School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 690 $9.52 Bill To Vending/Machines Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 691 $500.00 Secondary Prof Dev Services Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 692 $55.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 693 $24.95 Life Skills Supplies RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 694 $19.99 Bill To Choir Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 695 $79.12 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 696 $21.17 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 697 $150.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 698 $52.96 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 699 $29.84 Pillow, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 7 $30.25 Travel Expenses Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 70 $33.62 General Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 700 $20.04 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 701 $45.46 Staff Meeting Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 702 $18.02 Pillow, Sarah Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 703 $10.00 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 704 $41.00 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 705 $9.61 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 706 $1,200.00 LEP Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 707 $572.45 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 708 $17.50 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 709 $900.00 Perkins Travel Ag Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 71 $57.14 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 710 $25.99 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 711 $56.32 BPA Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 712 $220.37 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 713 $10.72 Maintenance Supplies Jefferson High Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 714 $2,090.20 Bill to School JES Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 715 $42.28 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 716 $80.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 717 $54.75 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 718 $1.59 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 719 $35.41 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 72 $25.98 New Weightroom Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 720 $13.48 Maintenance Supplies Rigby Middle School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 721 $305.48 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 722 $120.04 Flex Fund Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 723 $14.99 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 724 $15.89 Honor Society Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 725 $39.92 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 726 $538.48 English 8th Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 727 $72.87 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 728 $28.39 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 729 $13.77 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 73 $2,085.05 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 730 $150.00 Bill To Student Activities Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 731 $1,547.55 Furniture/Equipment Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 732 $59.99 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 733 $1,431.71 Sec Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 734 $50.00 Maintenance Services Midway Elementary Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 74 $21.98 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 75 $149.97 Grounds Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 76 $52.96 CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 77 $345.93 Grounds Supplies Rigby Middle Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 78 $14.99 General Bill To School Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 79 $1,926.54 Elem Curriculum Textbooks Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 8 $485.00 Emergency Levy-Building Start Up Budget Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 80 $28.67 Travel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 81 $30.74 Family Liaison Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 82 -($912.00) Travel Expenses-SWIP Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 83 $2,995.00 Emerg Levy Technology Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 84 $45.19 Shop Materials and Parts 50 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 85 -($13.75) CTE RMS Family & Consumer Science Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 86 $34.49 Supplies and Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 87 $57.50 Maintenance Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 88 $13,760.10 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 89 $18.00 Driver Education Fuel Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 9 $43.25 Business Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 90 $28.00 Bill to School RHS Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 91 $66.28 Teacher Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 92 $53.00 Dance Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 93 $2.64 Supplies & Materials Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 94 $1,387.93 Food Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 95 $10.00 District Office Supplies Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 96 $73.68 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 97 $310.00 Contracted Repairs/Maint 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 98 $1,800.00 Bill To Athletics Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6/30/2020 99 $28.24 Shop Materials and Parts 85 Zions Bank Credit Card Salt Lake City UT 0 7/12/2020
6-30-20 $576.30 Supplies & Materials JEFFERSON JOINT SCHOOL DIST. 251 RIGBY ID 0
Sound and Lights $30.00 Purchased Services Jo Joyce Hartwell Rigby ID 0
Sound and Lights $60.00 Purchased Services Jo Joyce Hartwell Rigby ID 0
Sound and Lights $30.00 Purchased Services Jo Joyce Hartwell Rigby ID 0